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PCWI Chair 
Honored as 


Page 3 



2 ooj 

NeAv Parking 
Fee Structure 

In an effort to distribute park- 
ing fees in a more equitable 
fashion, the Department of 
Transportation Services will use a 
median salary figure to determine 
the cost of fijture parking permits. 

Significant increases in the cost 
of building and maintaining park- 
ing structures forced an examina- 
tion of fee distribution. A blue rib- 
bon panel, assembled by Vice Pres- 
ident for Student Affairs Linda Cle- 
ment, found itself as split on the 
issue as is the campus community. 
After much consideration, the cam- 
pus administration decided to base 
faculty/staff parking fees on salary. 

"Those who make above the me- 
dian salary would pay one rate and 
those whose income was below 
would pay less," explains Pat Mielke, 
assistant vice president of student 
affairs. The median is estimated to 
be $46,022. Those above it wUl 
pay $428 starting next November 
and those below will pay $286, 
Parking fees paid by individuals in 
the bargaining units will remain at 
current levels until the bargaining 
process is completed. 

"We've been on a flat model and 
watched rates go from $220 in 
2002 to... what would have been 
$356 in 2004. That would have 
been a 65 percent raise over two 
years," says Clement, The dramatic 
rise and its impact on those in the 
lower income brackets spurred the 
committee to find a better way to 
distribute the increase, especially 
since administrators say the $356 
should be higher. 

"In order to lessen the shock, 
we're going to borrow money from 
the department's plant [mainte- 
nance] fund to spread the increase 
over a few years," says David Allen, 
director of transportation services. 
"It's risky because it is difficult to 
predict future maintenance needs, 
especially considering the com- 
bined age of two of otir garages is 
over 40 years. Regents Drive garage, 
which is about 1 2 years old, will 
be paid off soon. We will use that 
money to pay the plant fund back." 

Another significant change rec- 
ommended by the panel, and adop- 
ted by transportation services, is a 
new fee for the all-campus and ad- 
ministrative parking permits. Upon 
renewal, departments that want 
administrative permits must pay 
$428 for each one. Individuals with 
all-campus permits must also pay 
the standard faculty/staff parking 
fee depending on their income. 

On April 1 5, transporation servic- 
es will be announcing new alterna- 
tives to parking on campus. These 
options will allow many employ- 
ees to forego paying any parking 
fee. For more information about 
the new parking fee structure, go 

Beauty is Sometimes SIcin Deep 

Spring breakers who 
picked up a tattoo or 
piercing during last 
week's revelry might 
have benefited from the col- 
lective wisdom of a panel 
discussion held on campus 
before they left.Tattooed and 
pierced folks helped explain 
the culture of "body modifi- 
cation" during an informal 
lunchtime discussion on Feb. 
19 in Marie Mount Hall 
called "Tattoo and Body 
Piercing — Who's to Say What 
to Do!" 

"The choices I've made 
regarding my appearance are 
part of what my being is," 
said audience member Josh 
Burdette, a Maryland alum- 
nus with piercings and tat- 


Maryland alum Josh Burdette, in photo at left, 
and Sean Philips, above, had much to share about 
their desire to modrfy their bodies with tattoos, 
piercings and more (Philips has a metal implant 
under the skin of his right hand). One participant, 
who had covered most of her skin with tattoo art, 
said for her each tattoo holds a special signifi- 
cance, be rt spirKual belief or personal experience. 

toos that would have put June Cleaver into 
therapy. "I do these things to be true to 

Burdette stretched his earlobes with steel 
rings about the diameter of a coffee mug, 
elaborately pierced his nose and ears, and tat- 
tooed his arms and back. He said the univer- 
sity helped his "evolution" by providing free 
Internet access. "I got online and fbimd peo- 
ple who were doing and talking about the 
things tliat I was talking and thinking about." 

See TATTOOS, page 4 

Prolific Inventor to Speak on Campus 

Take a complicated 
medical problem, try sev- 
eral ways to solve it, get 
frustrated. Then give the 
whole thing to Robert Fis- 
chell and watch the pieces 
fall into place. 

As the holder of more 
than 200 patents and the 
father of modern medical 
stents, Fischell gives the 
term "medical device 
inventor" special meaning. 
His latest inventions have 
the ambitious goals of end- 
ing epLeptic seizures and 
detecting and stopping 
migraine headaches. He is 
also working on technolo- 
gy that will tell a person 
they're having a heart 
attack, will send an elec- 
trocardiogram to a computer 
for a cardiologist's analysis 
and send an ambulance to 
the individual. 

"Within 30 seconds, all of 
your medical history appears 
and is then reviewed by a 


Robert Fischell 

cardiologist," says Fischell, 
adding that 400,000 Ameri- 
cans die every year from 
heart attacks that could have 
been prevented or better 
detected. "Most people deny 
the symptoms." 

It is his work with the 
treatment of epilepsy, 
heart attacks and mig- 
raines that Fischell will 
discuss diuing the eighth 
Fischell Lecture on April 
9. Named in his honor, the 
series aims to create con- 
nections between the im^ 
versity and industry. Fis- 
chell is an alumnus of the 
physics department (mas- 
ter's) and a member of the 
university' board of 
trustees. He is also a newly 
named professor of prac- 
tice of mechanical engi- 
neering. His talk next 
Wednesday will look at 
^°'-' how three companies he 
started, NcuroPacc Inc., 
Angel Medical Systems 
Inc. and Neuralieve Inc., are 
creating devices that will 
step in where dmgs have 

"Medications for epilepsy 

See FISCHELL, page 3 

Activist Receives 
Gliner Award 

Bureaucracy, Jim Boren 
knows, is all about dyna- 
mic inaction, fuzzUica- 
tion and mumbling. 

"Remember, bureaucracy is 
the epoxy that greases the 
wheels of progress," Boren told 
the audience Wednesday at his 
humor talk titled "Bureaucratic 
Strategies for Backside Survival." 

Boren 's talk was sponsored 
by the Art Gliner Center for 
Humor Studies, which present- 
ed him with their annual award 
for contributions to society 
through humor. Boren has a 
background in government, pol- 
itics, business and education, 
and uses that experience to 
cause social change through 
humor. He is the author of sev- 
eral books, including "How to 
be a Sincere Phony," and is the 
president of INATAPROBU, the 
International Association of Pro- 
fessional Bureaucrats. 

When he was worldng for 
the government, Boren said he 
"became frustrated with the 
bureaucracy and the waste of 
human talent," so he founded 
INATAPROBU, and in 1968 
announced the association's 
motto:"When in charge, ponder. 
When in trouble, delegate. When 
in doubt, mumble." 

"With those three rules you 
can siurivc any bureaucratic 
crisis," Boren said. He then 
explained dynamic inaction, a 
concept he says is central for 

"You project an image of per- 
formance rather than having 
done anything," he said. "Then 
you don't nm the risk of mak- 
ing a mistake." 

Throughout his talk, Ektren 
demonstrated the art of mum- 
bling, often mumbling through 
the ends and middles of his sen- 
tences, though still sounding 
coherent. "Linear mumbling in- 
volvcs the transposition of tonal 
patterns," he said, explaining 
that he once mumbled through 
an entire reception without 
ever saying a word and no one 

He said language used by the 
Pentagon is an example of verti- 
cal mumbling. "They called bul- 
lets 'kinetic energy penetrators' 
and peace permanent prehostil- 
ity," " he .said. "They use such beau- 
tiful language {at the Pentagon]." 

Fuzzification is another im- 
portant aspect of bureaucracy, 
according to Boren. "If you 
fuzzify what you're saying, it 
guarantees flexibility of inter- 
pretation," he said. 

Boren has caused social 
change in a number of ways. 

See BOREN, page 4 

APRIL 1, 2003 




april 1 

8:46 a.m.-4 p.m., GIT Short- 
course Training: Introduc- 
tion to Flash 4404 Computer 
& Space Science, Introduces 
basic and intennetliate features 
of Macromedia Flash MX. Parti- 
cipants will learn to import 
bitmaps and files, m:mage sym- 
bols "tween" effects preload 
loops, create movie clips and 
buttons, add sotmds, and more. 
Prerequisite: fomiliarity with 
Windows, a Web browser and 
basic HTML. The class fee is 
$80. For more information or 
to register, contact Jane S, 
Wieboldt at 5-0443 or oit-train- 
ing®umai!., or visit 
www.oit.umd. edu/sc. 

12:30 p.m.. Voices and 
Strings Gildenhom Recital 
Hall, Faculty artists of the 
School of Music will perform. 
For more information, contact 
Amy Harbison at 5-8169 or 
harb ison® warn . timd . edu . 

4 p.m.. Scientific Computa- 
tion Physics Lecture Hall. With 
EitonTadmor of the Center for 
Scientific Computation and 
Mathematical Modeling and 
Charles Levemore of the 
Applied Mathematics and Sci- 
entific Computation ^aduate 
program. Refreshments will be 
served prior to the colloquium 
at 3:30 p.m. for a small fee. For 
more information, call 5-340 1 
or visit 


april 2 

8:45 a.m.-4 p.m,, OIT Short- 
course Training: Microsoft 
Word Level 3 4404 Computer 

6 Space Science, ^rticipants 
will work with styles, form 
templates, graphics, features 
that simplify woridng with 
large documents, and more. 
Prerequisite: MS Word Level 2 
or equivalent knowledge. The 
fee is $90. For more informa- 
tion and to register, visit, or con- 
tact Jane S. Wieboldt at 5-0443 

7 p.m.. Writers Here and 

Now 61 37 McKcldin Library. 
With Jonathan Rosen. For more 
information, contact Don Berg- 
er at db 1 

7:30 p.m.. University of 
IMaryland Jazz Ensemble 

and Alumni Reunion Big 
Band Dekelboum Concert 
Hall. The Alumni Reunion Big 
Band's debut. For more infor- 
mation, contact Amy Harbison 
at 5-8169 or 
harbison® warn. umd .edu. 

8 p.m.. Eternal Wisdom in 
an Age of Illusion: Reflec- 
tions Upon A Pathway 

Auditorium, Inn and Confer- 
ence Center. David Cadman, 
former chairman of the Prince 
of Wales' Foundation, will deliv- 
er the Bahai' Chair for World 
Peace Lecture. Free. For more 
information, contact Beth 
Geubtner at 5-5722 or visit 


april 3 

8:45 a.m.^ p.m., OIT Short- 
course Training: Introduc- 
tion to MS Excel 4404 Com- 
puter & Space Science, Partici- 
pants will learn the advantages 
of electronic spreadsheets over 
paper spreadsheets by explor- 
ing both types; as well as to 
create basic worksheets and 
formulas, to change the appear- 
ance of worksheet data by 
using a variety of formatting 
techniques, and more. For 
more information, visit www. class fee is 
$90. For more information, con- 
tact Jane S. Wieboldt at 5-0443 
or visit 

8 p.m., Ei Invitado Kogod 
Theatre, Clarice Smith Perform- 
ing Arts Center. With Teatro de 
la Luna, a Washington, D.C.- 
area hispanic theater group. 
Tickets are $25 and $5 for full- 
time studenLs with ID. For more 
information and tickets, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 
daricesmithcenter. umd .edu. 


8 p.m.. Study for a Resur- 
rection Ina and Jack Kay The- 
atre, Clarice Smith Performing 
Arts Center Performed by 
Creach and Company's all-male apFll 9 
company of six dancers. Tick- 
ets are $25 and $5 for full-time 
students with ID. For more 
information and tickets, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 
daricesmithcenter. umd .edu. 

nology Conference 6137 
McKeldin Library. This confer- 
ence celebrates the acompHsh- 
ments of College Rirk faculty 
who are using technology to 
transform the educational 
experience. An additional high- 
light will be a keynote presen- 
tation by Christopher Dede, a 
national!)' renowned expert on 
learning technologies. Free for 
fticulty and teaching assistants. 
For USM students, the fee is 
$50; for K-1 2 Teachers, $25. 
Seating is limited and registra- 
tion is required at www.oit. 

Noon, Exploitation of Honey 
Bee Colonies by the Small 
Hive Beetle Aethina Turn Ida 

1130 Plant Sdences. With Jeff 
Pettis of the USDA Bee Re- 
search Laboratory in Beltsville. 
For more iniformation, visit 

Noon, School-to-Work Tran- 
sition for High School Stu- 
dents and Its Relationship 
to Crime 11 01 Art/Sociology 
Building. With associate profes- 
sor of criminology Shawn Bush- 
way. For more information, go 
to www.popcenten 

2:30-6 p.m., Gemstane Pro- 
gram Senior Team Thesis 
Conference 1 1 30 and 1 140 
Plant Sciences. Multidiscipli- 
nary research teams of under- 
graduate students will present 
and defend three years of 
research on a topic related to 
science, technology and socie- 
ty. For a detailed schedule of 
presentation topics, visit 

8 p.m.. El Invitado Kogod 
Theatre, Clarice Smith Perform- 
ing Arts Center See April 3- 

8 p.m.. Study for a Resur- 
rection Kay Theatre, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. 
See April 3- 

april 4 

8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., 1 0th 
Annual Teaching With Tech- 

8 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday of 
Service Off -campus service 
locations. Weekends at Mary- 
land and Community Service 
are sponsoring a Saturday of 
Service. Students, feculty and 
staff will join together to serve 
the community and local 
youth. Volunteers will partici- 
pate at various off-campus 
service locations, from Camp 
Friendship, which benefits 

New Distance 

Courses Offer 

Topical Information | 

^^^ he College of Informa- 

ROM. The deadline for regis* 

1 tion Studies (CLIS) has 

(ration is April 7. 

1 arinounced a series of 

A Reference Workshop 1,0 

distance education offerings 

course will answer questions 

for spring and summer. These 

about software and online 

are the college's first Web- 

patrons. It will be offered April 

besed courses. 

28-IVIay 23 by Eileen Abies, 

Two are offered as non-cred- 

Margaret Turqman and Melissa 

it professional development 

Buffer of CLIS and Steve Coff- 

courses. The classes are 

man, Lina Arret and Ken Hen- 

expected to be followed by 

shall of Library Systems and 

others. One focuses on legal 

Services Inc. The interactive 

information issues and home- 

workshop offers a high degree 

land security and two others 

of individual attention and 

focus on reference skills. 

hands-on practice using LSSI 

"We've been asked to do 

Virtural Reference Toolkit soft- 

this over and over again," says 


Marietta Plank, assistant to the 

The third course, E-Refer- 

dean for special projects. 

ence {LBSC 708S), is a for-cred- 

"We're trying to build an array 

it course running June 2-Julv 

of courses." 

11 and taught by Abies. It is 

The first, Today's Legal and 

part of CLIS' master's in library 

Policy Issues for Information 

science program. Students will 

Professionals, runs April 2] 

get an overview of innovations 

through Aug. 15 and is divided 

in digital reference service with 

into five modules. Professor 

a focus on virtual reference. 

Lee Strickland is the instructor. 

For more information, 

Part of the course is taught 

including how to register, visit 

online and the rest via CD- 

cliildren with cancer, to the 
local MS Walk, Breakfast and 
limch are provided. Registra- 
tion forms can be picked up at 
the Office of Campus Pro- 
grams, 2194 Stamp Student 
Union. To have a registration 
form sent to you, e-mail 
kfox@imion.umd. edu. For 
more information, contact 
Kirsten Fox, 4-71 68, or Megan 
Cooperman, 5-074 1 , or visit 
www, union . umd , edu/week- 
ends/satservice . htm , 

9 a.m.-f :45 p.m., Gemstone 
Program Senior Team The- 
sis Conference 1 100 and 
1 205 Cambridge Community 
Center. Multidisciplinary 
research teams of imdergradu- 
ate students will present and 
defend three years of research 
on a topic related to science, 
technology and society. For a 
detailed schedule of presenta- 
tion topics, visit www.gem- 

Equality Lessons from Hall- 
gion. Disability, Sexual Ori- 
entation and "Transgender" 

21 54 Tawes.With Chai R. Feld- 
blum of the Georgetown Uni- 
versity Law Center. For more 
information, call 5-LGBT or 

or additional event list- 
ings, visit www. college 

april 6 

3 p.m.. Voice of a People: 
The Jewish Soul Kay The- 
atre, Clarice Smith Performing 
Arts Center A program of 
music by Daniel Heifetz, the 
Classical Band and Carmen 
Balthrop celebrating Jewish 
culture in America. Tickets are 
$20 and $5 for students. For 
tickets and information, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 


april 7 

4 p.m.. Rectifying the Tilt: 

calendar guide 

Calendar phone numbers listed as 4-xxxx or 5-xxxx stand for the prefix 314 or 405. Calendar information for Outlook is compiled from a combination of InfofM's 
master calendar and submissions to the Outlook office. Submissions are due two weeks prior to the date of publication. To reach the calendar editor, call 
405-7615 or send e-mail to 


(Jiiifoiii: is the weekly factilty-staff 
jn^wspaper iierving the University of 
.MjryliiKl campus cotiuminity. 

Brodie Remington 'Vice 
Prcsiden: for Uiiiwrsity Rebtions 

Teresa Flanncry * Executive 
Director, University 
Coinniimic3d»n« md Marketinj; 

George Cathcart • E>!ecutive 

Monette Austin Bailey ' Editor 

Cynthia Mitchel • Art Director 

Robert K. Gardner • Graduate 

LeOsn to the editor, story sugges- 
tions and cimpus infbrnution are 
welcome. Please submit ill miitcrial 
two weeb before the Tuesday of 

Send materid to Editor, Oittlook, 
210) Turner Hill.CoUege Raric, 
tAD 20742 

Telephone • (.lO!) 405-4629 


E-rtiail • 

WW llegep ubiisher.coni/outlook 



Commission Recognizes a Decade of Leadership 

Being the first at something means 
people expect standards to be set 
and positive examples to be creat- 
ed. Being the first also means an 
opportunity to define something, to carve 
out its place. For Claire Moses, it means all 
of this and much more. 

As first chair of the Department of 
Women's Studies, Moses helped bring femi- 
nist studies to the forefront of the campus' 
academic offerings, and raised the national 
profile of women's studies in the process. 
She took what began as a program in the 
College of Arts and Humanities and sought 
out like-minded faculty to help shape what 
is now one of the largest women's studies 
departments in the country. 

To recognize her leadership and scholar- 
ship, the President's Commission for 
Women's Issues (F^CWI) recognized Moses 
with its Outstanding Woman of the Year 
Award at a reception yesterday afternoon. 
The award has been given since 1977, the 
same year Moses came to campus. The 
honor comes as she ends her 10-year term 
as chair. 

"Two years ago I first placed in nomina- 
tion the name of Claire G. Moses for woman 
of the year As strongly as I felt in 200 1 
about Claire's qualifications for this singular 
honor, I feel much more strongly now," 
wrote James Harris, dean of the college, in 
his nomination letter "For a generation and 
more Claire Moses has been a leader in and 
for her own Department, for Women's Stud- 
ies on campus, and more broadly for 
women and all minorities," 

Harris' words are echoed in letter after 
letter The climate in which she created the 
10 year-old department is also noted, and it 
speaks to Moses' skills in developing rela- 
tionships and respect, Moses wants it 
understood, though, that her leadership is, 
and was, a group effort. She also considers 
herself lucky to have a supportive adminis- 
tration behind her. 

"If there's something I'm most proud of, 
it's being able to get a lot of people to work 
together well," says Moses. "The faculty and 
staff in this department are so wonderful. 
When I first became chair, a number of 


Claire Moses 

friends sent me notes of condolence about 
what it is like to be chair of a department. I 
am happy to say that none of that applied 
to this department." 

Because women's studies grew along 
with Moses' career, she has always felt espe- 
cially tied to the department's progress. Her 
research focuses on the history of feminist 
theory and activism, particularly the history 
of French women. "I always felt my career 
and passion for women's studies on campus 
have been linked. The respect for my schol- 
arship has reflected onto the program and 
the respect for women's studies has gained 
me some respect." 

Moses edits and manages Feminist Stud- 
ies, a leading jounal in the field, and has 
served on the Organizing Committee of the 
Worldwide Organization of Women's Stud- 
ies. She also spent two years as U.S repre- 
sentative to the Internationa! Federation for 
Research in Women's History; as well as 
held other notable posts. 

Her work furthering the importance of 
women and their place in history seemed 

to lend itself to her appointment as co-chair 
of the President's Diversity Panel, which 
plays a laige part of the university's nation- 
wide recognition for its diversity efforts. 
She shares the chairmanship with Mathe- 
matics Professor Ray Johnson. 

When asked what she would do if her 
PCWl honor came with magical powers, 
Moses answers that she would make sure 
that there would be more faculty members 
from underrcp resented groups. "So that 
they could serve a role on this campus that 
is so important in terms of the kind of scho- 
larly research that they bring. I don't think 
the university has met the goal of my magi- 
cal powers, but we do have quite a good 
record compared with other imiversities." 

For her last display of magic, Moses 
thinks big."l wish there was a way to 
ensure that every student on campus could 
be aware of the history and current day 
experiences of women and racialized 
minorites. I'm not at all certain how that 
would happen, though. It makes me very 
unhappy that young people know so little 
about history or contemporary matters." 

She believes that in order to live in an 
increasingly multicultural world, knowledge 
must be involved that connects the numeri- 
cal presence of a group to its place in socie- 
ty and history. 

As she comes to the end of her term, 
Moses would like to see the university 
remain a leader in women's studies, but 
cautions against being too comfortable 
within the department's walls. "We have to 
think about how to reach beyond our com- 
fort zone." 

She speaks of herself, as well. "I believe in 
1 0-year term limits. 1 believe in new ideas. 
Power corrupts and absolute power cor- 
rupts absolutely. I look forward to the next 
chair and her agenda." 

Moses will shift her focus back to her 
own research while trying to disentangle 
herself from the chair's position. "1 want to 
be .somewhat involved in the flourishing of 
women's studies and what it represents in 
terms of knowledge making. How 1 do that 
will be what I start thinking about. And I'm 
looking forward to joining a health club." 

Fischells Always Thinking, Working, Inventing a Better Way 

Continued from page i 

decrease IQ, especially in young 
people. They make you a veg- 

So his solution? A small 
implant into one's cranial bone 
connected by eight electrodes 
to the brain. The device, which 
could cost approximately 
$20,0(K), knows the wearer's 
seizure pattern and sends an 
electric current to stop it before 
it starts. Fischell, who worked 
on the computerized apparatus 
with his son David, caUs it "cos- 
metically perfect" because no 
one knows it's there. "It's all in 
your head," quips Fischell. 

The approach sounds simple 
and when asked why hadn't it 
been done before, he says that 
there are two stages of inven- 
tion: "The first is 'It'll never 
work,' and the second is 'It was 
obvious all along.' " 

Another seemingly simple Fis- 
chell innovation with powerful 
potential is the coated stent. 
Stents are small plastic or metal 
tubes placed in arteries or ves- 
sels to keep them open. A com- 
mon use is in arteries to pre- 
vent coronary heart disease, Fis- 

chell expects Federal Drug 
Administration approval within 
the week on stents coated with 
Sirolimus, a compound that pre- 
vents the formation of scar tis- 
sue, which can hinder stent 

"And you could apply it to 
other things where scar tissue is 
a problem, such as widi breast 
implants. In heart bypass sur- 
gery, coated sutures will not 
cause scaring," 

Because he is busy thinking 
up and working out the details 
of these and many other ideas, 
Fischell leaves the running of 
his companies up to others. Still 
pulling 10-hour days at age 74, 
he said he finally had to prom- 
ise "long-suffering wife" Marian 
that he wouldn't start any more 
new companies. He retains 
chairmanship, though, and says 
being a successful inventor 
means wearing other hats. 

"You're first an inventor, and 1 
think that's the easy part, then 
you're a salesman and you're 
also a businessman. Some of our 
best inventions, I've had to pres- 
ent them to 10 different cus- 

tomers, even with my truck 
record," he says. The U.S. Patent 
Office named FischeD Inventor 
of the Year in 1 983 and .several 
devices being used in the med- 
ical community bear his name. 
An entire wall in his comfort- 
able home-office showcases 
honorary degrees, patents and 
awards recognizing his creativi- 
ty. Even a firamcd dedication page 
to him from one of his son's 
thesis papers gets some space. 

"To look at when I get dis- 
couraged," says Fischell, later 
adding that "sheer force and 
omeriness" get him a long way. 

To foster this kind of creativi- 
ty on campus, he recently 
endowed the Fischell Fellow- 
ship in Biomedical Engineering 
to support graduate students 
with irmovative ideas and "out 
of the box" thinking. Their mis- 
sion: to create a medical device 
or system that will improve 
human health. 

This drive to improve the 
human condition is part of 
what keeps Fischell tinkering, 
though he's been reworking 
things since he was 1 5, when 

he installed a then-novel three- 
gear shift on his bicycle In his 
early 20s, he earned brownie 
points from his new bride for 
inventing a hearing device that 
allowed his live-in fether-in-law 
to better hear the television 
without blasting it through the 
house. To keep sharp, every year 
he gets together with other in- 
ventors for an innovation retreat. 

"We meet at some nice place 
and think about what the world 
could use." 

The secret to success, says 
Fischell, is to do what you know 
and enjoy. "We're pretty good at 
inventing, so we do that." 

The Eighth Fischell 
Lecture, delivered 
this year by its 
namesake Robert Fischell, 
will take place at 4 p.m. on 
April 9 in room 1115, Com- 
puter Science Instructional 
Center. For more informa- 
tion, contact Brian Dicker- 
son at (301) 405-4906 or 

Conference to 
Be Held at 

Environmental experts 
itom aioimd the coun- 
try will converge on 
campus for the "Beyond 
Compliance: Campus Green- 
ing Through Stewardship" 
conference April 1 1-1 3- Spon- 
sored by the university and 
the National Wildlife Federa- 
tion, the conference will fea- 
,ture presentations and wotk- 
shops at the School of Archi- 
tecture. The keynote speaker 
will be David Orr, director of 
the environmental studies 
program at Oberlin College. 
Other speakers include pro- 
fessional practitioners direct- 
ly involved in campus master 
planning, green building des- 
ign, environmentally prefera- 
ble building materials, energy 
use and conservation, campus 
mass transit and other areas, 

"Designing an environmen- 
tally friend I)' campus is really 
a new area for many schools, 
and we hope this conference 
will help colleges in their 
move to environmental stew- 
ardship," says Scott Lupin, 
a.ssociate director of environ- 
mental safety at the tmiversi- 
ty and conference organizer. 

The conference is open to 
faculty, staff, administrators 
and other members of the 
campus commtmity. Through 
presentatioins and work- 
shops, the conference will 
provide a forum for partici- 
pants to share tools for and 
experience in the design of 
campus spaces that minimize 
environmental impact while 
enhancing natural habitat. 

"College campuses, espe- 
cially those the size of the 
University of Maryland, have 
all the environmental con- 
cerns of any community 
where people live, work, 
drive and park their cars," 
says Lupin, 

The conference will begin 
with the rain garden dedica- 
tion ceremony. The rain gar- 
den, located in a comer of 
lot lib, represents the latest 
technology iised to filter out 
oil, metal and other contami- 
nants from parking lot rim- 
off. Also during the ceremo- 
ny the university will be pre- 
sented awards ftt)m the 
National Wildlift: Federation 
for its commitment to sus- 
tainability in the new Master 
Plan, and the U.S, Environ- 
mental Protection Agency for 
the new Combined Heat and 
Power project. 

For more information abotit 
the conference, visit www. 
inform. umd.cdu/DES/general/ 

Otganizations interested in 
exhibiting at the cotiference 
or in sponsorship should 
contact Scott Lupin at (301) 
405-3698 or e-mail slupin@ 

APRIL I, 2003 



Recognizing Student 

National Student Employment 
Week is April 6-12. Faculty, staff and 
students are encouraged to partici- 
pate in the following: 

■ April 7: Student Employment 
Supervisor Training, 9 a.m.- 1 p.m.. 
Career Center 

• April 8: Student Employee 
Appreciation Day 

• April 9: Student Employee 
Workshop, 1-3 p.m., Career Center 

• April 10: Recognition Ceremo- 
ny and Reception, 2-3:30 p.m., 
Stamp Union Grand Ballroom 

For more information, visit 

EWS Tssts Schediried 

Beginning at 11:55 a.m. on April 2, 
the siren/Early Warning System 
(EWS) will be tested on the first 
Wednesday of every month at 
1 1:55 a.m. The test wUl be a full 30 
second audible test. In addition, 
each Wednesday at 5 p.m. there 
will be a short test (5-10 seconds) 
that will be audible only to those 
very close to one of the sirens. 

The university has implemented 
EWS, a series of sirens, to alert the 
community to life-threatetung 
emergencies. When the sirens 
sound, people should seek shelter 
in the nearest building and seek 
out information at one of the fol- 
lowing information resources: 


• WMUC 88.1 FM 
> 1640 AM 

- (501) 405-SNOW (405-7669) 

• Resltletitial Campus Cable 
Channel 76 

■ Academic Campus Cable 
Chanoel 40 

The resources will inform you of 

the nature of the emergency and of 
what actions should be taken in 
response to the emergency. 

For more information, visit, where 
one can view a short video about 
EWS. Brochures and magnets can 
be obtained at the Department of 
Public Safety or by calling 5-7033. 

Women and Minoritv 
Lecture Series 

The Art Department's Women and 
Minority Lecture Scries presents a 
slide presentation by international- 
ly recognized African- American 
painter and University of Texas pro- 
fessor Michael Ray Charles on 
Thursday,April 3 at 1 2:30 p,m, in 
the West Gallery of the Art and 
Sociolgy Building. 

Serwice Award Nominations 

The following are opportunities to 
honor students and student organi- 
^tions involved in service; 

• Outstanding Community 
Service Project or Program 
Two awards will be presented: one 
to a group whose main mission is 
community service, another to a 
gniup who does community serv- 
ice as one of many functions. 
Awards go to the group whose 
project or program best exempli- 
fies the principles of quality serv- 
ice initiatives. Programs should 
demonstrate thoughtful prepara- 
tion, meaningful action, critical 
reflection and post-project evalua- 
tion; they should be designed to 
meet a need articulated by the 
commimit)' and demonstrate prin- 
ciples of reciprocity and commit- 
ment to sustainable change. 

• Student Community Service 
Organization of the Year 

For the student group whose 
efforts demonstrate ongoing com- 

Creativity in Evidence at Review Day 

Electrial and 
(ECE) undei^jaduate 
student Divya Jhalani, 
right, answers Institute 
for Systems Research 
student Patrick Sudai's 
questions about 
Michelangelo, a 
sculpting tool. Jhalani 
began working on the 
project earlier this 
semester with five 
other students and 
professor R.D. Gomez 
of the ECE depart- 
ment, Michelangelo 
scans image files and 
produces relief maps 
of them in hard foam using a machine with a trio of tiny drill 
bits. Possible applications include precision machining and 
cosmetic dentistry. The project was part of Research Review 
Day, which showcased the Department of Computer Science, 
the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, the Institute for 
Systems Research and the Departaient of Electrical and 
Computer Engineering. The event was held March 21 firom 8 
a.m. to 3 p.m. in Stamp Student Union, 


mitment to quality community 
service projects and programs, 
issue advocacy and activism and 
meaningful student involvement in 
service. Criteria include both quan- 
tity and qua! it)' of community .serv- 
ice efforts, collaborative organiza- 
tional leadership, and partnerships 
with on- and off-campus entities. 

• Outstanding Campus/Com- 
munity Partnership 
Presented to a campus and com- 
munity partnership that embodies 
the spirit of reciprocity, collabora- 
tion and common purpose. Nomi- 
nated projects should demonstrate 
a sustained partnership to meet an 
indentified community need. 

• Service-Learning Advocate 

This award goes to a faculty or staff 
member who has shown excep- 
tional commitment to advocating 
for service-learning on campus. It 
may take the form of exceptional 
teaching in a service-learning class, 
development of commimity-based 
partnerships, or advising student 
commimity service organizations. 

Award applications can be 
picked up in 1 1 50 Stamp Union. 
For more information or to request 
an electronic application, e-mail Applica- 
tions for the student organization 
awards are due April 1 1 . 

Tattoos: Above All, Do It Safely 

Continued jrom page 1 

The panel was organized as part of 
Women's History Month and included 
the Rev. Diana White, an administrative 
assistant in the journalism department; 
Oemetria "Sugar" Stallings, a senior pre- 
law major Health Center coordinator 
TaraTorchia; and Nyumburu Center 
Assistant Director Clayton Walton. Bart 
Hippie, convenience shops manager 
with Dining Services, moderated the 
discussion and Dottie Bass, assistant 
director of the Office of Multiethnic 
Student Education, was the chair 

"If you have a tattoo or pierced ears 
it's not going to stop you from going to 
heaven,"' White said. Worries about pain 
kept her from having her ears pierced 
for many years, but when she decided 
to pierce her daughter's ears, she had 
her own pierced as well. 

Not all piercings or tattoos are pure- 
ly decorative. Sugar Stallings, a Muslim 
Ethiopian-Trinidadian, has tribal pierc- 
ings that she received as part of a com- 
ing of age ceremony."! think they 
make a person very unique," said Stall- 
ings, whose nose, fact and more inti- 
mate areas are piereced. "Who's to say 
how much is too much? At the end of 
the day, you only have to answer to 

All the panel members stressed safe- 
ty. Torchia said the Health Center sees 
many students who have encoimtered 
problems with new tattoos or piercings. 
Anyone seeking such work should go 
to a reputable shop that uses proper 
sterilization procedures and doesn't 
reuse ink or needles, she said. 

"Belly piercing is one of the ones 
that takes the longest to heal, and 
often is one of the more commonly 
infected piercings, because it's an area 
that brushes up against clothing and is 
often not kept very clean," Torchia 

She added that exposure to sunlight 
can cause new piercings to become 
irritated. "We encourage people to 
keep a piercing covered for six 
months to a year." 

Sean Philips, a member of the body 
modification community who works at 
Beyond Body Piercing in Arlington, Va., 
spoke about a number of issues includ- 
ing pain. "Pain is just a sensation simi- 
lar to pleasure. Some people enjoy the 
pain," he said. "We tend to tell people, 
what's a moment of pain for a lifetime 
of beauty?" 

— Stephen E. Mather, 
joumalisni graduate student 

Program to Honor Graative 
Uses of Multimadia 

A unique journalism awards program 
at the university will honor those 
who use technology in innovative 
ways to engage people in important issues. 

The Batten Awards for Innovations in 
Journalism will honor novel approaches to 
journalism that can make a difference end 
have an impact on a community. Entries 
might consist of such things as online news 
experiences, news games, fresh ways to 
use video conferencing, Web cams, comput- 
er kiosks and other advances in interactivity. 

The awards and a planned educational 
symposium are funded with a $230,300 
grant from the John S. and James L Knight 
Foundation in honor of the late James K. 
Batten, the former CEO of Kntght Bidder 
who was a leader in looking at ways jour- 
nalism could better connect with communis 
ties. There will be a S1 0,000 grand-prize 
winner and two $2,500 runners-up. They 
will be honored at a fall symposium in 
Washington. D.C. 

"Jim Batten was a thoroughly modern 
journalist, and I think he would have been 
thrilled by the opportun'rties made possible 
by today's technology," said Tom Kunkel, 
dean of Maryland's Philip Merrill College of 
Journalism. "These awards will highlight 
some of the most creative thinking out 

Boren: Humor 

Continued from page t 

one being INATAPROBU's Order of 
the Bird Award, presented to "recog- 
nize sustained bureaucratic excel- 
lence." He once presented the award 
to a U.S. Postmaster General after 
Boren, riding on horseback, beat mail 
from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C. 
Ronald Reagan w^as awarded the Bird 
for studying acid tain for nine years 
and not reaching any conclusions. 

'I do use the Birds as a tool to get 
things done," said Boren. "WTien no 
one accepts the Bird we keep publicly 
showing it until someone accepts it." 

After speaking, Boren revealed a 
sculpture he created that represents 
the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C, 
The wire sculpture included bells, 
"the dingalings," said Boren; a pirate 
flag representing "the corporate 
pirates who own Congress; " and lead 
weights, "the official metal of bureau- 
cracy and politics." 

When turned on, pans of the sculp- 
ture moved, bells rang and Lights 

"It's food for thought," Boren said. 
"It does show movement, but it has 
no output, really." 

— Angle Mason, 
journalism graduate student