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Page 3 


Vo Inme ig 

Number i? * July is, 2003 

Academy Fellow 

Her interdisciplinary work 
in physics, chemistry and 
physical science means that dis- 
tinguished physics professor, 
Ellen D.Williams, w^ears a lot of 
hats. Most recently, being named 
a fellow of the American Acade- 
my of Arts and Sciences has 
added a new dimension to her 

•1* -^1- *.-».»-_ »■ -,- 


Ellen Williams 

The academy emphasizes cre- 
ative approaches to research in 
international security, social pol- 
icy, education and the humani- 
ties. Williams wilJ join the ranks 
of such esteemed individuals as 
imtversity presidents, Nobel 
Prize wiimcrs and ]*ulitzer Prize 

See WILLIAMS, page 2 

Meeting Campus 
Supply Needs 

Editor's note. This is the first of 
a two-part series on Procure- 
ment and Supply 's General 
Stores and Terrapin Trader. 

With more than 
126,000 items from 
which to choose, it 
seems that the university's Phys- 
ical Distribution Center gives 
real meaning to the phrase "one- 
stop shopping." 

Contracts with Boise Cascade 
and Grainger mean that this 
unit within the Department of 
Procurement and Supply divi- 
sion can provide just about 
every office supply and hard- 
ware store product the campus 
commimity needs. Larry Walton, 
assistant director, says that it is 
less costly to purchase needed 
supplies through General Stores 
because the contracts competi- 
tively bid and the prices are 
"extremely attractive." Cus- 
tomers also have the conven- 

Set SUPPLY, page 3 

Smith School Teams with MPT on Business Show 


RKu Agarwal, Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Information Systems at the Smith School, is interviewed by Jeff 
Satkin during the June t7 Smith Business Close-Up segment. Agarwat spoke about offshore IT outsourcing. 

The Robert H. Smith 
School of Business at 
the University of 
Mainland has teamed 
up with Maryland Public Tele- 
vision (MPT) to produce a 
regular television segment 
focusii^ on today's best busi- 
ness practices and other busi- 
ness management issues. The 
segment, called "Smith Busi- 
ness Close-Up," will air as part 
of the weekly Business Con- 
nection program that is broad- 
cast Thursday evenings at 7:30 
p.m. on MPT. The segment 

will feature interviews with 
Smith School faculty members 
and other business manage- 
ment experts, and will ori^- 
nate from the business school. 
"As one of the world's lead- 
ing insttnnWMS*jr manage- 
ment research and education 
for the digital economy, the 
Smith School of Business can 
deliver invaluable insight to 
viewers of Maryland Public 
Television,'' said Howard 
Frank, dean of the Smith 
School. "Our relationship 
with MPT is a great opportu- 

nity for business leaders, 
entrepreneurs, and other 
members of the region's busi- 
ness commtinity to benefit 
finm the Smith School's 
expertise and research into 
best business practices." 

The first "Smith Business 
Close-Up" segment featured 
an interview with Lirry Gor- 
don, Ernst & Young Alumni 
Professor of Managerial 
Accoimting at the Smith 
School. The interview cen- 

See TELEVISION, page 4 

Staffer Serves Campus, Community Extraordinarily 

Monica Herrera is for- 
mally an account 
associate for the 
School of Languages, Litera- 
tures and Cultures, but is 
known campuswide as a 
notary public, Spanish transla- 
tor, instructor and tutor, coim- 
selorand consultant, who 
often offers her services at a 
moment's notice and free of 

"In reality, Monica's various 
activities on campus have 
touched the lives of many 
members of our community," 
wrote Sandra Gyp ess, chair of 
the Spanish and Portuguese 
department, in a February let- 
ter nominating Herrera for the 
Board of Regent's University 
System of Maryland Staff 
Award for "Extraordinary Pub- 
lic Service to the University or 
Greater Community." Just 
before press time, Outlook 
learned that Herrara received 
the Board of Regents award. 
"Her performance indeed 
illustrates a record of exem- 
plary accomplishments and is 
marked by distinctive contri- 

butions to the efficient and 
effective operation of adminis- 
trative, academic, research and 
service unit on campus," 
wrote Cypress. 

Giving, for Herrera, is a two- 
way street. "1 know that 1 give 
a lot of things, my time and 
energy, but 1 get gratitude and 
I feel comfortable doing it." 

As a Spanish translator she 
communicates the concerns 
of Latino employees to Facili- 
ties Management and Dining 
Services' employers. 

Herrara, a grandmother and 
single mother of four has 
come a long way, Cypess said, 
since she beginning education 
studies at the imiversity in 
1994, the same year Cypess 
was hired to teach Latin litera- 

"She has become disci- 
plined," she said. "She was a 
very observant person and 
she became better and better 
at studying literature and 
especially using her own life 

Herrera said her professor, 
co-worker and friend tau^t 

her a lot about herself and her 
heritage that keeps her going. 
"Dr. Cypess taught me to be a 
better mother and a better 
person and to love myself," 
she said. 

Herrera woiics seven days a 
week. On the weekends she 
tutors Georgetown Day High 
School students in their 
homes. Georgetown Spanish 
teacher Maribel Prieto said 
Herrera has tutored her stu- 
dents often for free for six 
years. "For several years she 
has been helpii^ them obtain 
study skills and organizational 

Pieto, an alunma and former 
teaching assistant, met Her- 
rera while earning her gradu- 
ate and doctoral degrees. "She 
was in.strumental," Prieto said 
of her friend of almost 16 
years. "She helped graduate 
students get dieir papers in 
on time, keeping track of all 
the deadlines and papers they 
needed to submit and also to 
get jobs." 

See HERRERA, page 3 

Professor Brings 
Creativity, Energy 
to Economics 

His imagination, enthusi- 
asm and ability to bring 
people together as a 
team were among the top char- 
acteristics that attracted the 
tiepartment to bring aboard 
professor John List two years 
ago, said Dean of the College of 
Agriculture and Natural 
Resources Thomas A. Fretz. 

"He's a relatively young per- 
son who's done a lot of really 
creative and analytically sound 
work," said Bruce Gardner, chair 
of the Department of Agricultur- 
al and Resource Economics. 
List's work has earned recogni- 
tion from economists all over 
the country; Gardner said. 

After taking leave from Mary- 
land last year to serve on the 
President's Council of Econom- 
ic Advisors (CEA), a group of 
economists who advise the 
President of the United States 
on all economic matters, the 
department remains just as 
impressed with List's approach 
to studying how people make 
economic decisions. 

This spring, List will begin 
teaching a new experimental 
economics course for doctoral 
candidates that will highlight 
this relatively new field of eco- 
nomics. List said experimental 
economics has grown in promi- 
nence recentiy, due in part to 
the topic winning the Nobel 
Prize in economics in 2002, He 
described this gerue of econom- 
ics as taking the lab to the field 
to ejcamine how agents respond 
to rcal-world changes. List's 
method of experimental eco- 
nomics examines existing mar- 
ket situations to predict wrhat 
influences people's economic 

The model for his ideal field 
experiment consists of "going to 
a natural environment, control- 
ling some aspect of the market 
via treatments,' and learning 
something interesting," List said. 

In a recent field experiment, 
Ust tested two theories on char- 
itable fundtaising in capital 
campaigns. The examination 
was based on two premises 
from other studies; the first sug- 
gested publicly announced seed 
contributions can increase th,e 
total amoimt of charitable ^y- 
ing in a capital campaign. The 
second premise suggested 
another method for increasing 
fundraising is by promising to 
refund donors' contributions in 
case the campaign threshold is 
not reached. Data from direct 
mail solicitations sent to 3,000 
central Floridian residents con- 
firmed the premises of both 

See LIST, page 4 

JULY 15, 2003 



Weave Those Dreams 

Monday, July 28 St Tuesday. Joly 29, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Leam 
DrsamWaavar MX-Fast and Easy! in 0231 Lefrak Hall. 
Learn to create and manage Web sites without HTML. 
DreamWeaver makes it easy and this two-day class makes it possi- 
ble. The software is an integrated development environment that 
provides visual layout toots for creating professional Web sites and 
applications. The course (session DW0307) is sponsored by the Col- 
lege of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Price for students, staff, fec- 
ulty and alumni. $89; general public, $129, For more information, 
contact LearnlT Staff at 6-1670 or, or visit 

July 16 

(Geographic Information Sys- 
tems) software. The workshop 
is free, but advance registration 
required at 
GOV/gisworkshophtml. Seat- 
ing is limited to 18 people. For 
more information, contact Gov- 
ernment Documents and Maps 
at 5-9165 orgis@umail.uind. 
edu, or visit 
GOV/gisworkshop . html . 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. Management 
Skills for Adnilnistralive 
Professionals IIOIU Chesa- 
peake Building The Depart- 
ment of University Human 
Resources is offering a seminar 
on how to strengthen your 
ability to manage cooperative 
efforts and multitasking in a 
busy office.The cost is $ 1 00. *k** 

For more information, contact JlBy Z3 
Natalie Torres at 5-565 1 , or 
traindev®, or 
go to 

9 a.m. -4 p.m., Web Design- 
er and Developer 101 4404 

Computer & Space Science. 
This Office of Information 
Technology 4-day 0uly 16, 17, 
23 and 24) training program 
provides skills training and 
mentored workshops in the 
design, development and main- 
tenance of Web sites to faculty, 
staff and students. Individuals 
with basic HTML skiUs will 
learn to construct usable and 
accessible web sites using 
advanced HTML, cascading 
stylesheets and Dreamweaver 
Registration is required at 
www. oil, u md , ed u/webde ve I- 
oper. Class fees (staff $200; fac- 
ulty/students $160; USM associ- 
ates $260) arc not assessed 
until the end of the 4-day pro- 
gram for those paying with uni- 
versity funds. For more infor- 
mation, contact Deborah 
Mateik at 5-2945 or oit-train- or visit www. 
oit. iraid ed u/webd eveloper 

9:30-1 1 a.m. Laboratory 
safety orientation session 

3104 Chesapeake BIdg. Offered 
by the Department of Environ- 
mental Safety, this training is 
offered to assure regulatory 
compliance. Space is limited. 
Contact Jeanette Cartron at 5- 
2131 or j cartron ©accmail. to reserve a seat. 

July 24 


10 a.m.>2 p.m.. Introduc- 
tion to ArcView Workshtps 
(UM Libraries) 2109 McK 

eidin Library. A hands-on work- 
shop that teaches the basic 
operations of the ArcView GIS 

8:45 a.m.-3 p.m. Tlie Under- 
side of Service Learning — 
and How to Avoid it 0121 

Dorchester Hall. An interactive 
workshop invites participants 
to explore the intersection of 
service-learning and multicuJ- 
turalism. Susan Jones of The 
Ohio State University su^ests 
some of the dangers that can 
result from .service that is not 
grounded in an understanding 
of divereity. The workshop 
includes a presentation of 
Jones' research (8:45 a.m.- 
noon), group discussion and 
experiential activities that can 
be used with students. Free, 
but p re-registration required. 
Presented by the Office of the 
Vice President of Student 
Affairs and Commuter Affairs 
and Community Service. For 
more information, contact 
Cheri M. Love at 4-5387, or 
clove 1 

10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.. Spatial 
Analysis with ArcView 3.2 

2109 McKeldin Ubrary. A 
hands-on workshop exploring 
the analytical operations of 
ArcView 32. The workshop is 
ft«e, but advanced registration 
is required at www.libumd. 
Seating is limited to 18 people. 
For more information, contact 
Govenmient Docimients and 
Maps at 5-9165 or, or visit 
www. 11 b . umd . ed u/GOV/ 

12:30-4:30 p.m. Multicut- 
turalism in Practice 0120 
Anne Arundel. An interactive 
workshop that invites partici- 
pants to apply the lessons from 
research about service-learning 
in multicultural settings to the 
cross-cultural and diversity of 
our woik. Using results from 
her recent study of students' 
experiences of working with 
the those with HIV/AIDS, 
Susan Jones of The Ohio State 
University will explore how 
service-learning can expand 
Acuity's and staffs imderstand- 
ing of students' knowledge, 
experiences and appreciation 
of diversity. Lunch will be 
served. Free, but prc-rcgistra- 
tion required. For more infor- 
mation, contact Cheri M. Love 
at 4-5387,or 

Vi I U U f '^ ti t- t 


7 p.m. Jazz bassist Rufus 
Reid Gildenhorn Recital Halt. 
The George Vance Summer - 
Bass Workshop at Maryland 
presents one of the world's - 
premier jazz bassists. Program 
to be announced. Frank Proto, 
(301) 405-ARTS. f 

jiffy 31 

8 p.m. Fran9ois Rabbath, - 
double bass; Elizabeth 
Azcona-Hartmark, piano • 

Gildenhorn Recital Hall. Pro- 
gram to be announced. Pre- 
sented by the George Vance 
Summer Bass Workshop, Tick- 
ets; $15, Call (301) 405-ARTS. 

M utiiiinnoM 6 vent Ifst 
ifiy&, m\\ UWf, tjiitit- 

calendar guide 

Calendar pfione numbers listed as 4->uooc or S-xxxx stand for the (weflu 314 or 405. Calendar Information for Outlook Is compiled 
from a combination of inforM's master celendar and submissions to the Outlook offtce. Submissions are due two weeks prior 
to the ciate of publlcatloii. To reacfi the calendar editor, call 405-7615 or send e^nail to 

WilliamSE Versatile Scientist 

Continued from page i 

recipients who comprise the 
academy's membership. 
Among those invited to the 
academy this year are United 
Nations Secretary General 
Kofi Annan and journalist Wal- 
ter Cronkite. 

Williams is looking forward 
to taking an active role in the 
organization after her formal 
induction to the academy this 
October.'Like any other 
organization, you get out of it 
what you put in to it," said 
Williams, who cited public 
outreach initiatives, academy 
studies and working to influ- 
ence legislation as chief ways 
she plans to become involved. 

As she has done for the last 
10 years, Williams is spending 
the simimer in Southef-n Cali- 
fornia working for a govern- 
ment organization known as 
JASON (which is not an acro- 
nym), conducting power and 
energy studies for the Army. 

In the last four to five years, 
Williams has fVxrused her 
research at Maryland in the 
nanotechnology field, specifi- 
cally studying the surfaces of 
individual atoms and mole- 
cules, searching for ways to 
put materials together to cre- 
ate new properties. 

Williams explained that 
each information system 
innovation that increases 
computer speed and power 
has come from advance- 
ments in making computer 
components smaller and 
more compact. Williams' 
research examines materials 
of small structiires and seeks 
to find out how smaL these 
vital components can be 
made. Williams said her 
research has implications for 
biology and national 

Funded by the National 
Science Foundation, she the 
directs the surface dynamics 
and morphology group of 
the Materials Research Sci- 
ence and Engineering Center 
(MRSEC),at Maryland.The 
group's mission is to find 
practical capabilities for _ 
characterizing and predict- 
ing the evolution of materi- 
als structures on very small 
scales.The MRSEC includes 
about 20 faculty members, 
20 graduate students and 10 
post-doctoral students. 

One of the aspects of 
MRSEC Williams is most pas- 
sionate about is the center's 
active educational outreach 
program at local public K-12 
schools. University graduate 
students work closely with 
science teachers to lead les- 
sons that correlate with the 
classroom's curriculum, with 
the goal of engaging young 
students in science before 
their interest has strayed 
from the subject. Williams 
said the program has had 
great response with teachers 
at Bcrwyn Heights Elemen- 
tary and Northwestern High 
School. In classrooms g^adt^ 

ate students have built 
demonstrations of the 
scaiuied probe microscope, 
which allows the user to look 
at the surface of individual 
atoms and molecules, sensing 
textiue in a mehtod similar to 
reading Braille. 

Since 1990, Williams has 
worked with the university's 
Institute for Physical Science 
and Technology, an interdisci- 
plinary research and educa- 
tional outreach institute. Her 
research there is in 
nanoscience applicatidns. 

Originally from the Detroit 
suburbs, Williams completed 
her undergraduate work in 
chemistry at Michigan State 
before earning her doctorate 
in chemistry- at California 
Institute of Technology. 

Besides her research, pub- 
lishing and teaching obliga- 
tions, Williams' family is a top 
priority. She and her husband, 
Neil Gehrcis, an astrophysicist 
at NASA Goddaid in Green- 
belt, have two children, ^ 
Tommy, 15, and Emily, 12.' 

— Stacy Kaper, 
g;raduate journalism student 


I rt the June 10 issue of Out- 
look, in the story "Young 
Adults Not Sure of Adult- 
hood," Jeffrey Arnett was 
mis identified as a visiting 
professor. Arnett is a 
research associate with the 
Oepartmeot of Human Devel- 
opment in the College of 


OutliKik is the weekly ficulry-stafT 
new5paper serving ihc Uniwrsityijf 
Maryland campus community. 

Brodie Remington 'Vice 
l^residcni tbr tjtiiveisity Bufilariotis 

Teresa Flannery • Executive 
Director. Uiiivetsity 
Comtautlicationi and Mat^cering'- 

George CatiicSTt • Execudve ^ 
Editor .^ 

Monette Austin Bailey •Editor 

Cynthia Mitchel • Art Dittctor 

Lctien t() the editor, nory sugges- 
tions and campus information ate 
welcome. Please submit all imterial 
two weeks bel'oa- the Tuesday of 

■Send material to Editor, Oullofik. 
2101 Tunier HaU, College Park, 
MD 20742 

Telepiione ■ (.101) 405-462') 
Fax • (301) 314-9344 
E-rjijii ' outlookff^ 
http://i)udook. collepep ublisli 

July 1(1- 25, .2<>0.> 

The 25th Annlvmary 

ruirxc C^yyyvpet^ciyrv y '^e^ttwtl 

^^^^^^^V his year marks the 25th anniversary of the William Kapell International Piano Com- 
[ \M petition and Festival taking place in its new home, the Clarice Smith Performing Arts 

M Center at Maryland. Forty-two of the world's finest young pianists will gather at the 

Xte=s««^ Center to compete for First Prize and the international recognition that accompa- 

nies the title. But the competition is oniy part of the excitement. . , A celebratory festival will also take 
place concurrently with competition rounds, featuring a free community open house, jazz concerts, classi- 
cal recitals, masterclasses, workshops, lecture/demonstrations, panel discussions, and much more! Inside, 
you'll find a complete listing of events, be introduced to some of the contestants, learn about how the 
competition works, and maybe even discover some new things about the piano. 

A Grand 

Piano Party 

Sundav, July 20—1-3:30 p.m. FREE 

Where else can you try out a harp- 
sichord, enjoy a lively boogie-woo- 
gie concert or piano recital, play 
name that tune, learn where the 
^vord "bravo" comes from, receive 
your very own part from a piano's 
"innards," and stuff your face with 
a piece of cake — all in the span 
of a couple of hours? This 
unique educational and 
entertaining open house 
celebrates the 25th 
anniversary of the 
competition and 
festival, and 
serves as a 
great event 
for the whole 
family! See 
page 3 for 

Multiple Grammy-winner McCoy lyner 

Tuesday, July 22 • 8:30 p.m. 

Pianist McCoy Tyner has made an 
indelible mark on modem jazz. His 
identifiable blues-based piano style, 
replete with sophisticated chords and 
harmonic contributions, has influ- 
enced generations of contemporary 
jazz pianists. 

A native Philadelphian, McCoy 
lyner discovered a love of blues and 
bebop at an early age, organizing a 7- 
piece R & B band and leading jam 
sessions in his mother's beaut)- shop. 
At age 17, he began a career-changing 
relationship with local hero Miles 
Davis's sideman John Coltrane, who 
later recruited lyncr for what would 
become one of the most celebrated 
groups in modem jazz. 

Today, Tyner has released over 75 
albums under his name, earning four 
Grammys and the distinction of Jazz 
Master from the National Endowment for the Arts. He has collaborated 
and recorded with a veritable Who's Who of Modem Jazz — Art Blake y, 
Joe Henderson, Freddie Hubbard, Stanley Turrcntine and many others. 
As his remarkable career continues to unfold, the 64 year-old Tyner 
seems more determined than ever to defy any one genre, style, or set- 
ting. He performs and tours throughout the United States, Europe, and 
Japan, and just released his latest CD, "Land of Giants", on June 26. Tyiier 
will perform with his trio onT\iesday,July 22 at 8:30 p.m. in the Ina & 
Jack Kay Theatre. Tickets are $25. CaU 301.405.ARTS. 

"For ma, all music is a 
journey of the soul into 
new, uncharted territo- 
ry." — McCoy Tyner 

Clarice Smith 


Centerat MARyiAND 

JULY 16-25, 2003 

A Biginnif's Guidi to the KapgU Compttition §^ Fistlvil 


Et>ert if you don't "tickle the ivories" yourself, you 
can talk like the pros. Here are some useful 
tertttsfrom the competition and festival that 
may be frequently used. . . 

Sonata (from It. suonare.'to sound'): an instrumental 
composition in several contrasting movements, usually 
for a solo instrument or small chamber ensemble 

Cottcerto [con-CHAIR-toe] (Fr, concert, Gcr Konzerf): 
an extended composition for a solo instrument (or 

instruments) and orchestra; the standard form includes 
a fast movement, followed by a slow movement, fol- 
lowed by another fost movement 
See finalists' Concerto Round with the Baltimore Sym- 
phony Orchestra, page 5. 

Cadenza: An elaborate and virtuostic passage played 
by the soloist alone during a concerto; generally rhap- 
sodic and out of tempo, giving the performer a great 
deal of improvisatory freedom 

Klavier: A term for the keyboard of a piano, harpsi- 
chord, oi^n, etc. 

See Leo LaSota's The V^U-Regulated Klavier, A Grand 
Piano Party event, page J. 

Piano trio; Not a piece for three pianos, but rather a 
composition for piano and two other instruments, usu- 
ally violin and cello. 

See Rita Sloan and Music from Aspen 's chamber 
music recital on Monday, fuly 21 on page 5. 

Soundboard: The thin sheet of wood in a piano, harp- 
sichord, clavichord, or the like, that serves to amplify 
the sound of the strings and helps to form the charac- 
teristic tone quality of the instrument 

Action: In keyboard instrutnetits, the mechanlsni set in 

motion by the fingers 

See Leo La Sola's Grand Piano Party event, page 3- 

Touch; ^(Wi reference to keyboard instruments, a term 
used to describe either the amount of force required to 
depress a key ('touch weight') or the distance that a 
key may be depressed ('touch depth' or 'key dip'). Thus 
a keyboard may be said to have a heavy or a light 
touch, as well as a deep or a shallow touch. 

Compiled from 

tmvw. grovemufic. CQm and Baker's Dictionary of 

Music by Nicholas Slonimsky. 

Random Piano Pacta 

• There are more than 10 million 
pianos in American homes, busi- 
nesses and institutions. 

• There are currently more than 
50 brand names of pianos. 

• The name piano is an abbre- 
viation of the name originally 
selected for the instrument: 
piano et forte (soft and loud). 
Bartolomeo Cristofori, who built 
the first piano in 1700, chose 
this name because of the instru- 
ment's capability of being played 
softly and loudly, something that 
previous keyboards were not 
able to do. 

• It takes a year and more than 
200 people to make a Steinway 

• The term "tickle the ivories" 
refers to playing the ivory keys 
of the piano. However, ivory 
has not been used to 
make piano keys 
since about the - - 

1950s, They are 
plastic, some- 

times referred to as "ivorine." 

• The average medium-size piano 
has approximately 230 strings. 

• Since hammers strike the 
strings, the piano is considered a 
percussion instrument. 

• The piano is comprised of 
more than 12,000 parts, over 
7,000 of which are moving 

facts.hlm — — ' " 

• Yamaha Disklavier pianos are 
capable of recording any per- 
formance played on them note 
for note, as well as reflecting the 
nuances of interpretation. To 
accomplish this task, Disklaviers 
are fitted with a computer and 

Celebrating 25 Years 

optic sensors that record a hand- 
played performance on floppy 
disk. On playback from the disk, 
the Disklavier's keys move up 
and down like the old player 

From www, keyboardwizards. 
com/order/diskla v2,htm 

• In a study done with a group 
of college students, each student 
listened to 10 minutes of a 
Mozart piano sonata before tak- 
ing an IQ test. After listening to 
the music, the vStudents' scores 
improved by nine points. 

From www.people. Westminster- 
college, edu/studen ts/ckbO W8/ 

• A study done at Michigan State 
University showed that elderly 
people who took piano lessons 
had decreased anxiety, depres- 
sion, and loneliness. 

From www.people. 
westm instercolleg e. 





A walk through the Exhibition Gallery of the Michelle Smith Performing 

Arts Library in the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center reveals a treasure trove 

of pianist artifacts in glass display cases: Franz Liszt's scrawling autograph, a letter 

from Josef Hofmann, an extremely rare 1903 record of Edward Grieg performing his 

"Norwegian Bridal Procession" In Paris, William Kapell's diary detailing his whirlwind 

schedule of practicing, performing and traveling. 

These items are all part of the collections of the International Piano Archives at Maryland, 
which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. IPAM possesses 96 percent of all commercial 

piano recordings ever issued, as well as books, scores, programs, letters, reviews, photo- 
graphs, diaries and other related items — all of which help to illuminate the history of piano 


And what is IPAM Curator Donald Manildl's favorite thing about working to collect and pre- 
serve all these rare and valuable items? "Helping the accomplishments of great pianists to 
be made known," Manildi said. He recognizes the valuable service the archives provide to 
students and faculty, and also to the international community of scholars and music 
k lovers. Individuals can make an appointment with the archives (to ensure that visitors f 
receive ample individual attention) utilize the resources. Manildi recalls one individ- 
ual who chose to take advarvtage of the archives' extensive collection of record- 
ings, listening to 103 performances of the same Chopin etude for compara- 
tive analysis. 

IPAM will celebrate its anniversary with a special multimedia 

event on Thursday, July 24 at 4:30 p.m., "Remembering 

Kapell: An IPAM Anniversary Retrospective," in 

the Gildenhorn Recital Hall. 

•A'^ ^m-r 

"There is nothing to it. You only heve 
to hit the right note at the right time, 
and the instrument plays itself." 


"If I play a wrong note, then I play 
the next one twice as beautifully." 


"I love to play the piano, but I hate 
being a pianist." 


"A recorded performance has the 
possibility of being perfect; a live 
performanfw has the possibility of 
being live." 

— mviNG kolooin 

"I am not fitted to give concerts. The 
audience intimidates me, I feel 
choked by its breath, paralyzed by its 
curious glances, struck dumb by all 
those strange faces." 


"The notes I handle no better than 
many pianists. But the pauses 
between the notes — ah, that is 
where the art residesl" 


"H I don't practice for one day, I 
know it. If I don't practice for two 
days, the critics know it. If I don't 
practice for three days, the audience 
knows it." 




Ongoing Events 

1:30-3:00 p.m. 

A Keyboard Petting Zoo 

Laboratory Theatre 

Keyboards from the Renaissance to 
the 21st Century will be on dis- 
play, including many that audi- 
ence members will be encour- 
aged to try for themselves. 
Several historic keyboards 

from the Museum of the American 
Piano in Manhattan will be dis- 
played, and computerized digital 
keyboards from Kawai America 
and Jordan Kitt's Music will give 
us a hint of what the future will 
bring. Hands-on fun for all ages. 

Mark Jaster, 
"The Maestro" 

Grand Pavilion 

It's musical mayhem in the Center 

when this mime also known as 
"The Maestro" wanders through- 
out the pavilion, providing laughs 
with his antics as an eccentric, 
mute conductor. Jester trained 
with master teachers Marcel 
Marceau and Etienne Decroux, 
and has been dubbed by The 
Was/t/rtgfori Post a "clown extraor- 
dinaire and one of the most grace- 
ful performers you will ever see 
on a stage." 

Mark Jester 

1:00 p.m. 

Gild en horn Recital Hsil 
Universitv of Maryland School of 
Music, Student Recitals 

Some of the School of Music's 

finest piano students perform 

some of the world's best-loved 

piano music in this 45-minute 


Yi-Tang Chuang 

(student of Cleveland Page) 

Chopin - Variations Srillante on a 

(heme by Hal^vy 

Yong Sook Park 

(student o1 Bradford Gowen) 

Banok - Suiie, Op. M 

Gina Kim 

(student of Larissa Dedova) 

Wagner/Moszkowski - Tsoiden Tod 

1:00 & 2:15 p.m. 

Michael Kaeshammer Trio 

Jazz, stride and boogie-woogie 
Kay Theatre 

25-year-old keyboard wizard 
Michael Kaeshammer (pronounced 
case-hammer} is one of Canada's 
most exciting young stars. With his 
versatile trio, he plays stride, boo- 
gie-woogie and jazz piano with a 

Bruce Adolphe 

Michael Kaeshammer 

technique and fire that is irre- 
sistible. Kaeshammer is a walking, 
rocking history of jazz, playing 
tunes that range from the stride 
masters of the 1 920's to the mod- 
ern jazz giants of today. 

1:15 p.m. 

Bruce Adolphe, "Piano 

Puzzlers Live!" 

Dekelboum Concert Hall 

Ever played "name that tune"? For 
NPR's Performance Today, compos- 
er/author/pianist Bruce Adolphe 
came up with a quiz that adds a 
twist, hie plays popular melodies in 
the style of classical composers 
and challenges listeners to name 
the tone and the composer Bruce 
will be playing those melodies live 
and selecting volunteers from the 
audience to help puzzle them out. 

1:30 p.m. 

Kevin Gift, "The 
Recital Experi- 
ence" for chil- 
dren ages 4-12. 

Kogod Theater 

The Recital Experience 
introduces young peo- 
ple to the exciting 
world of classical con- 
certs. Sometimes listening to a 
concert can be a little confusing! 
This program explains things like 
why people clap at the end of 
some pieces and not at the end of 
others, and where words like 
"bravo" and "encore" come from. 
Kevin Gift began his studies in 
Caracas, Venezuela at the age of 
four and has performed recitals in 
Atlanta, Chicago, and Washington, 

1:45 p.m. 

Leo LaSota, "The Weil- 
Regulated Klavier: How 
Pianos Work" 

Lecture Hall, Room 2200 

This fascinating presentation 
explains the amazing machinery of 
the modern piano action and how 

it is regulated to provide the 
pianist with the most responsive 
touch. Attendees get what is liter- 
ally an inside look at the star of our 
Grand Piano Party, and every audi- 
ence member will receive compli- 
mentary action parts. Dr LaSota 
has been a concert piano techni- 
cian in the Washington, DC area 
for fifteen years. 

2:00 p.m. 
Student Recitals 

Gildenhorn Recital Hall 
Universtty of Maryland School of 
Music, Student Recitals 

Some of the Ut^^ School of Music's 

finest piano students perform 

some of the world's best-loved 

piano music in this 45-minute 


Young-ji Kim 

(student of Bradford Gowen) 

Beethoven - Sonata, Op. 31, No. 2 

Anastasia VoKchok 

(student of Santiago Rodriguez! 

Schubert/Liszt- Song Transcriptions 

Liszt - Mephisto Waltz 

Naoko Takao 

(student of Santiago Rodriquez) 

Chopin - Piano Sonata No. 3 in 8 

minor. Op. 56 

2:30 p.m. 

Kevin Gift, "The Recital 
Experience" for children 
ages 4-12. 

Kogod Theater 

Do I have to Practice? is a familiar 
question to parents and teachers 
alike. Most kids would rather play 
soccer or basketball than practice 
an instrument. So how did a typi- 
cal boy like Kevin Gift grow up to 
be a concert pianist? Kevin shares 
the different ways he made practic- 
ing fun as a child. Playing selec- 
tions from his jazz and classical 
repertoire, he demonstrates just 
how far practicing can take you, 
encouraging would-be musicians 
to keep at it. 

3:00 p.m. 

Keyboard Raffle Drawing 

and Cutting of the Cake 

Grand Pavilion 

The winner of the fantastic Roland 
keyboard (valued at $2,999) donat- 
ed by Jordan Kitt's Music is drawn. 
Enjoy a delicious piece of Grand 
Piano Cake created by Creative 

"A Grand Piano Party" is sponsored 
by Kawai America Corporation, 

Irish pianist John 
O'Conor has 
earned interna- 
tional praise for 
his impeccable 
technique, elo- 
quent phrasing, 
and mastery of 
keyboard color. He 
has helped to raise awareness of the works 
of his fellow countryman, 19th-eentury com- 
poser John Field, the "fether" of the nocturne. 
His recording of Field's nocturnes was fiea- 
tured on Billboard's classical charts for many 
weeks. O'Conor 's more than 20 recordings 
also include a CD of the complete Beethoven 
Bagatelles, cited by the The Neiv York Times 
as the best recording of these works. You '11 
have the opportunity to hear O'Conor's 
beautiful in[erpretation of Field's Nocturnes, 
Beethoven's Bagatelles, and more at his July 
19 recital at 8:30 pm.The program includes: 

Field — Three Nocturnes: No. 5 in B-f fat; 

No. 6 in F; No. ISin E ("Le Midi") 

Scriabin — Prelude and Nocturne for the Left 

Hand Alone. Op. 9 

Beethoven — Six Bagatelles. Op. 1 26 

Barber — Nocturne - Hommage k John Field 

Schubert — Impromptus D. 899 

Tickets are $25.CaU 301.405ARTS. 

Rha Sloan, a 

member of tlie 
piano Eaculty at 
the University of 
Maryland School 
of Music, also 
directs the Col- 
laboraiive Artist 
Prograni. She is a 
piano foculty men^r at the Mpen Musk- 
Festival and is founder and coordinattir of 
its Collaborative Artist and Piano Chamber 
Music Programs. David Halen, concert- 
ma.ster of the St. Louis Symphony, has 
served as concertmaster at the Aspen 
Masic Festival for two years. Thomas 
Grossenbacher is a cello Acuity mem- 
ber at tiie A.spcii Music Festival, and serves 
as principal cellist of the Zurich Tonhalle 
Otchcstra.The program for their Monday. 
July 21 recital at 8:^0 p.m. includes: 

Ravel — Sonata for VioHn and Piano 
Shostakovich — Sonata tof Cello and Piaho 
Dvorak — "Dumky" Trio f 

Tickets for this redtal are $25. Yoii can 
ali«> sec this trio in action as they lead an 
"fnformance," a combination open 
rehearsal and lecture/demonstration at 
10 a.m. tnformance tickets are $10. CaU 
30 1. -405 .ARTS. 

Hailed by Tbe 
Washington Post 
as "one of the most 
impressive young 
pianists on die 
horizon today," 
Tayiaristhe 1990 
First Prize winner 
at the Kapell competition, and also won the 
Bronze Medal in the 1993 Van Qibum Inter- 
national Piano Competition. He has appeared 
with the New York and Los Angeles Philhar- 
monics; the Detroit, St. Lou is, Atlanta, and 
Houston Symphonies; and the Boston Pops. 
Taylor graduated suixinu cum laude in mathe- 
matics from Harvard University, and is cur- 
rently Assistant Professor of Piano I¥rfor- 
mance at the University of Wisconsin in Madi- 
son. He and fellow Kapell laureate Angela 
Cheng will also lead a woricshop on "Prepar- 
ii^ for Piano Competitions" on Friday, July 25 
at 10 a.m.Taylor's program for his Thursday, 
July 24 recital at 8:30 p.m. includes: 

Beethoven — Sonata in D, Op. 10, No. 3 
George Perle — 6 New Etudes (1984) 
George Perle — 6 Etudes 11973-6) 
Leonard Bernstein — Touches 
Franz Uszt — From 12 Transcendental Etudes 

Tickets ate $25. Call 301 .40 5. ARTS. 

romanticism and 
virtuosity of 
Larissa Dado- 
va's performanc- 
es have earned 
her Imemational 
acclaim, including 
kudos from Tbe 
Wfisbington ftjis/ for her ability to go 
'straight to the heart of the muac."An<:iatc professor of music at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, this Russian-bom 
pianist holds a Doctor of Musical Arts 
degree in piano performance from the 
Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservator 
For over 20 years, she has performed as i 
soloist and in duo with pianist husband 
Mikhail Volctiok. Her recital pro-am for 
Wedne.sday.July 23 at 8:30 p.m. include 

Mozart — Sonata (n A Major, K. 331 
Chopin — Grand Valse Brilliante in E-flat 
Major, Op.18; Valse Brifliante tn A minor, 
Op.34, No.2; Valse Brilliante in F Major, 
Op.34, No.3; Nocturne in F Major. Op.15, 
No.l; Nocturne m F-sharp Major, Op.15. 
No.2; Scherzo No.3, Op. 39 
Debussy — Six Preludes from Book 2: 
Prokofiev — Sonata No.2, Op 14 

fcTickets arc $25. CaU 301 .405jyiTS. 



DCH=Elsie and Marvin 
Dekelboum Concert Hall 

GRH=Joseph and Alma 
Gildentiorn Recital Hall 

LAB=Laboratorv Theatre 

KAY=lna and Jack Ki 

KGD=Rot>ert and Arlene 
Kogod Theatre 

JULY 16-25, 2 


Wednesday, July 16 

9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. 

Competition Preliminary Round (DCH) 

42 contestants compete for a chance to move on to the semifinal round. 

2:30 - 5:30 p.m. 

Competition Preliminaty Round (DCH) 

7:30- 10:30 p.m. 

Competition Preliminary Round (DCH) 


Thursday, July 17 

9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 

Competition Preliminary Round (DCH) 

2:30 - 5:30 p.m. 

Competition Preliminary Round (DCH) 

7:30 -10:30 p.m. 

Competition Preliminary Round (DCH) 



Friday, July 18 

9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. 

Competition Preliminary Round (DCH) 


4 p.m. 

Semi-finalists posted outside Competition Office 

Saturday, July 19 


1:30 p.m. 

Welcome and Introduction: 
Christopher Kendall 


Stewart Gordon, "Music 

Competitions: Boon or Baggage?" 


The 25th William Kapell Piano Competition and Festi- 
val kicks olT with a lecture by cornpetitlon founder 
Stewart Gordon. He will address criticisms of music 
competitions as well as reasons why competitions 
can be meaningful for musicians. 

3 - 6:30 p.m. 

Competition Semi-final Round (DCH) 

The 12 semi-finalists vie to move on to the finals. $15 

8:30 p.m. 


John O'Conor (GRH) 

Renowned Irish pianist John O'Conor performs works 
of Beethoven, Field, Barber, Scriabin and Schubert. 
$25. See page 3 for details. 

Stuart Gordon 

ttohn O'Conor 

Tuesday, July 22 

..Wednesday, July 23 


10:00 am 

Masterclass with Jason Moran (GRH) 

1 p.m. 

Lecture-Demonstration with Jason 

Moran (GRH) 

Jason Moren is in the process of redefining what jaM 
is. Building on early training in classical music and 
intense study with modern jazz giant Andrew Hill, 
Moran blends and blurs genres, freely combining ele- 
ments as divei^e as hip-hop, tin pan alley and Bartok 
in seemingly effortless improvisations, l-te has per- 
formed as sideman with such artists as Cassandra 
Wilson, Joe Lovano, Ravi Coltrane, and Stefon Harris. 
His CD, "Modernistic" was named the #2 "Jazz 
Recording of 2002" by The New York Times. $10 

^ - ■ 

3 - 6:30 p.m. 

Competition Semi-final Round (DCH) 


8 p.m. 

Announcement of Finalists (GRH) 

8:30 p.m. 

Jazz Concert: 

McCoy Tyner Trio (KAY) 

Qrammy Award-winning jazz legend McCoy Tyner 
and his trio. Pre-concert discussion on the past, pres- 
ent and future of ]%u piano and how it increasingly 
intersects the worldof "classical" piano, featuring a 
distinguished panel of performers, scholars and crit- 
ics. See page 1 for details. $25 

Jason Moran 



'■lO a.m. 

'Master Class with Angela Cheng 


4:30 p.m. 

Awards Ceremony and Reception 


Exclusive invitation for Kepell Competition and Festi- 
val Passport holders (see page 8). 

8:30 p.m. 

Recital: Larissa Oedova 


See page 3 for details. $25 

Angela Cheng 

McCoy Tyner 




Piano Cot^ipetitfoiyand Festival 

Sunday, July 20 

1 -3:30 p.m. 

A Grand Piano Party 

Ffee open house. Celebrate the competition and festival's 25th anniversary! 
See page 3 for details. 


Keyboard Petting Zoo (LAB) 

"The Maestro" (Grand Pavilion) 

1:00 pm 

Student Recitals (GRH) 

1:00 pm 

Michael Kaeshammer Trio: ja^, stride, and boogie-woogie (KAY) 

1:15 pm 

Bruce Adolphe: "Piano Puzzlers Live!" (DCH) 

1:30 pm 

Kevin Gift: "TTts Recital Experience" (KGD) for children ages 4-12 

1:45 pm 

Leo LaSota: "The Weil-Regulated Klavier" (MLH) 

lecture/demo on how pianos work 

2:00 pm 

Student Recitals (GRH) 

2.30 pm 

Kevin Gift: "Do I Have to Practice?" for children ages 4-12 (KGD) 

3:00 pm 

Keyboard Raffle Drawing and Cutting of Calte (Grand Pavilion) 

4-7:30 pm 

Competition Semi-final Round (DCH) $15 

Monday, July 21 


10 a.m. 

Informance: "TTie Collaborative World of the Chamber Musi- 
cian " Rita Sloan and Music from Aspen (GRH) 

Three of the world's finest chamber musicians invite you into the complex and intriguing 
world of collaborative music in an event that combines elements of a workshop, open 
rehearsal, and lecture/demonstration. After guiding us through the process of preparing 
a piece for performance, the trio will take questions from the audience. With pianist Rita 
Sloan, violinist David Halen and cellist Thomas Grossenbacher. $10. See page 3 for 

1 p.m. 

Informance: Steven Blier and singers 
from the Wolf Trap Opera Company — 
"Tfie Piano is the Heartlteat of the 
Song" (GRH) 

Steven Blier, co-founder of the New York Festival of 
Song, will give a performance workshop with singers 
from the Wolf Trap Opera Company. Jncludes song per- 
formances, Blier's famous stories and anecdotes, and 
insight into the world of the vocal accompanist that will 
be of interest to pianists, singers and anyone who 
enjoys music of the voice. $10 

3 - 6:30 p.m. 

Competition Semifinal Round (DCH) 


8:30 pm 

Recital: Rita Sloan and Music from 


Rita Sloan, piano 

David Halen, violin 

Thomas Grossenbacher, violoncello 

$25. See page 3 for details. 

Steven Blier 

Thursday, July 24 


10 a.m. 

Master Class with Ruth Laredo (GRH) 

Known as "America's First Lady of the Piano" Ruth Lare- 
do is a three-time Grammy Award nominee. She leads 
this masterclass with School of Music piano students, 

2 p.m. 

Recital: Lambert Orkis, "Keys to the 


Panel Discussion: "The Future of Piano 

Performance" (KGD) 

IVIulti-Grammy award nominee Lambert Orkis presents a 
new program combining the powers of the acoustic 
piano and the Kurzwcil synthesizer that demonstrates the 
breadth of artistic keyboard expression — past, present, 
and future. Featured is "Sonata-Fantasia" (20011, a work 
composed for him by James Primosch who will join 
Orkis and a panel of distinguished composers and per- 
formers for 3 discussion of "The Future of Piano Perfor- 
mance" immediately following the performance. $10 

4:30 p.m. 

Multimedia Presentation: 
"Remembering Kapeli: an IPAM 
Anniversary Retrospective" (GRH) 

The International Piano Archives at Maryland celebrates 
25 years with a multimedia tribute. See page 6 for details, 

8:30 p.m. 

Recital: Christopher Taylor 

Kapell Laureate called by The Washington Post "one of 
the most impressive young pianists on the horizon 
today." See page 3 for details. $25 

Ruth Laredo 

Lambert Orkis 

Christopher Taylor 

Friday, July 25 


10 a.m. 

Worksliop with Christopher Taylor and Angela Cheng: 

"Preparing for Competitions" (GRH) 

Kapell Laureates Christopher Taylor and Angela Cheng join the University of Maryland's 
Lartssa Dedova for a discussion and workshop full of invaluable information to per- 
formers and teachers preparing for the challenge of music competitions. 

2 p.m. 

"Music Competitions in the 2fst Century" (GRH) 

They're more popular now then ever before, but the world of international music 
competitions is changing, rapidly and irrevocably. Join Kapell Competition founder 
Stewart Gordon, Competition Coordinator Christopher Fatton and a panel of perform- 
ers and pedagogues for a discussion of the chal- 
lenges and opportunities facing music competitions 
today. The esteemed panel includes Paul Pollei, 
founder and artistic director of the Gina Bachauer 
International Piano Competition; Alann Bedford 
Sampson, Chairman of the Board of the Van Cliburn 
Foundation; and Gustav Alink, co-founder of the 
Alink-Argerich Foundation Piano Competition; with 
pianist Martha Argerich. 

8 p.m. 

Competition Final Round with the 

Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (DCH) 

Yuri Temtrkanov, music director 

David Lockington, conductor 

$45, $35, $20.This spectacular finale will be followed 

by the awards ceremony. First, second, third and 

semi-finalist prizes will be awarded. 


David Lockington 

JULY 16-25, 2003 

Getting Ih 

/^~\ o how will the winner of the 2003 
I William Kapell International Piano 
V^_^X Competition be chosen? Bradford 

Gow^en, Maryland School of Music associate 
professor of piano, and chair of the Selection Jury- 
that chose 42 pianists from the 205 initial applicants, 
sheds some light on the proceedings. 

Repertoire List 

All 205 applicants submitted a 
list of works written for soio 
piano totaling 110-120 minutes. 
Their list had to represent a 
sufficient variety of styles to 
meet the demands of a career 
and include one concerto by 
Mozart or Beethoven and 
another concerto of the com- 
petitor's choosing. 


Each applicant also submitted a 
30-minute recording including a 

each of the 42 competitors. 
Each competitor will be trying 
to show off their musical and 
technical strengths while pre- 
senting a varied program, all 
within the 20-minute time slot. 

The International Jury renders 
a decision, narrowing the pool 
of 42 competitors to 12 semi- 

Beginning July 19, the twelve 
semifine lists perform a 60- 
minute program (40 minutes of 
solo piano literature from their 

representative sampling of the 
repertoire list submitted for the 
competition. Their recordings 
included at least three contrast- 
ing works or movements, and 
demonstrated both virtuoso 
and lyrical capabilities, as well 
as contrasting style periods. 

Applicants were required to 

1. One or two movements of a 
sonata by Haydn, Mozart, 
Beethoven, or Schubert. 

2. One major 19th century 
romantic work such as a bal- 
lade or scherzo, or a significant 
portion of a multi-movement 

3. One or two additional works 
or movements of their choice. 

The Selection Jury made their 
collective choice of 42 competi- 
tors from the applicant record- 

Starting July 16, the jury will 
hear a 20-minute program from 

own repertoire lists, plus 20 
minutes of excerpts which the 
jury selects from the competi- 
tors' two concertos). 

The International Jury then nar- 
rows the field from 12 semifi- 
nalists to three finalists. 

The jury chooses for each final- 
ist one concerto from the two 
listed on his or her original 
repertoire list, to be performed 
with the Baltimore Symphony 
Orchestra on July 25. After the 
concert, the jury deliberates, 
the winner of the competition is 
announced, and prizes are 

First Prize $20,000 

Second Prize $10,000 
Third Prize $5,000 

Nine Semifinalist Prizes $1,000 

All 12 semifinalists also receive 
a CD box set of William Kapell's 
recordings, provided by BMG 

Gowen points out that the 
competition's International 
jury will not be se:irching for 
"the best" pianist. "This is 
not a race, something black 
and white that can be deter- 
mined with a photo finish," 
he ex plained. "It's difficult to 
measure. With these artists 
performing at such a high 
level, and with human unpre- 
dictability factoring in, things 
might be different next 
round." He explains the ambi- 
guity^ with an athletic analo- 
gy: "Sports has more clarity. 
You made the free throw or 
you didn't. You crossed the 
finish line first or you didn't. 
Arts are not so objective." 

In a piano competition, for 
instance, a variety of scenar- 
ios could occur. Gowen 
offers some examples: "You 
might have one player who 
is extremely polished techni- 
cally, plays fine interpretive!y. 
But he or she may not appeal 
as much as a performer who 
is less refined technically, but 
is more cotnmunicative with 
the audience You may also 
have an artist who performs 
a piece stylistically way out 
of line for a particular com- 
poser, but shows tremendous 
creative imagination. Another 
judge might dismiss all of the 
above for someone with 
immaculate control. 

"You try to choose judges 
who have objective experi- 
ence and subjective wisdom. 
These are judges with deeply 
formed opinions. You must 
trust their instincts. The audi- 

ence may be wildly enthusi- 
asdc about certain partici- 
pants who may not advance. 
That doesn't mean that the 
audience member was 
wrong to have that opinion, 
or that the judge was wrong 
to dismiss that participant. 
It's all open to discussion." 

Gowen, having served on 
numerous competition juries 
himself including the presti- 
gious Gin a Bachauer Compe- 
tition, points out that despite 
the subjectivity of the 
process, every effort is made 
at competitions to establish 
objective rules and regula- 
tions and to follow them 
scrupulously, to rule out con- 
troversy. And in general, all 
judges will be looking for 
some combination of the fol- 
lowing (in no particular 

• Technical Control: abili- 
ty to execute the music pre- 
cisely and accurately 

• Stylistic Understanding: 

an understanding of an indi- 
vidual composers' style/lan- 

• Communicative SklUs: 

an easy to recognize yet hard 
to define abibty to communi- 
cate with the audience 
through performance 

• Ittterpiretlve Inclination: 

a vivid personal response to 
the music 

To simi up, the jury members 
arc looking for an artist who 

demonstrates technical 
prowess and shows a deep 
personal involvement with 
the music In tandem with 
the composer's intent.The 
distinguished members of 
this International Jury 
include Stewart Gordon 
CUS A), chair; Angela Cheng 
(Canada); Larissa Dedova 
(USA); Ruth Laredo (USA); 
Cecile Gusset (France); Peter 
Rose! (Germany); and John 
C Conor (Ireland). 

Judges reconcile their 
respective opinions to select 
semifinalists, finalists, and 
ultimately prizewinners by 
identifying technical, musi- 
cal, or conceptual strengths 
or deficiencies; taking copi- 
ous notes during contest- 
ants' performances; and 
assigning numerical scores to 
be submitted to a separate 
scoring committee. And 
while only certain individu- 
als will walk away itova the 
event as prizewinners, 
Gowen looks at the big pic- 
ture, crediting all of the con- 
testants for their lifelong 
conrmiitment to the piano, 
which has led up to brief 
moments on stage. 

"This is performing certain 
pieces at a certain time in a 
certain place. It's the intense 
culmination of the same 
sorts of things they've 
already been doing for years. 
The activity of preparing for 
a competition is really just a 
focused continuation of the 
work they began long ago." 

Kapell's Legacy Lives On... 

I Tp^oundcd in 1971 by Stewart Gordon, piano division chair at the Unii>ersity of Maryland's Department of Music, the William Kapell 

■ J[^ Iniernatiotial Piano Ciimpetition and Festival wm net always known by that name. 

Originally established as the University of Maryland International Piano Competition and Festival, the name ofWilliatn Kapell 
was added in 1986 at the suggestion of then Artistic Director Eugene btomin, to honor the memory of one of America's most revered 
American-born artists. "This is Hot paying homage to some obsane pianist," Bradford Gowen, chair of the 2003 selection jury, points out. 
Rather, Kapell burst onto the musical scene as a brilliant talent whose genius, combined with trcmettdous hard ivcrk, made for a dazzling 
life and career that was cut short at the height of his playing. Tltis year^ marks the 50th anniversary of Kapell's death, caused by a plane 
crash while returning home from a tour cif Australia. "Had he lived, it's conceivable that right now he would still be playing," said Bmce 
Wilson, head of the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library. "He is one of the greatest pianists to this day. " 

"Namii^ the competition afta William Kapell is a tribute not only to his memory, but also to the inspiration it provides young 
pianists," Gowen said. Like Kapell, the 42 contestants in this year's competition are young, talented and driven, and they can be galvanized 
by his example, knotving tliat they, too, can achieve great things, 


Compititors from the University of Maryland 

j>^ J our University of Maryland doctorate of musical arts candidates 
K_yJ^ wiU panicipate in this year's Kapell competition — the lai^est 
f^_>^ Maryland representation ever. Selected from 205 applicants, they 

share some similarities, like ample performance experience, world travel and 
rigorous practice schedules (typically four to six hoiu^ a day), Yet each has si dif- 
ferent story and philosophy that has brought them to this place in their musical 
career — from Byoungho Han watching the stars and Liszt's Sonata in B minor; 
to Hyun-Jung Kim finding inspiration in nature's sounds and colors; to Robert 
Henry, bringing humor to music; to Hea Kyimg Mo, always striving to imbue 
familiar pieces with new life.You can hear them perform in Dekelboum Concert 
Hall during the preliminary roirads July 16-18, and you can meet them now. . , 



'opiaygmat mosfe you must keop your 
eyas on s distant star. 

— Yehudi Meiiuhin. 19S 



Byoungho Han 

oniBtown: Seayl, Korea 

:urreiit teacher: Santiago Rodrlguaz 

When you decided to become a mti: 

Music was a hobby until high school. As a 
teenager, I preferred to play sports. 

favorite periormer: 

Krystfan Zimerman's fBCording of Usifs 
Sonata in b mirvor, a monumental piece. 
Many pianists listen and wonder if they 
sn play that, t want to play that aomaday 

Bvorite thing about periormlng: 

[havethisvisionthailcao perfomi althiaj 
vei (holds hand up high]; I want to do 
hat, rather than compete with people. I 
|o be the translator between composer 
ind audience, 

[loia competitions have ptayed in 
3ur career 

smpetitions played only a liMe role in i 

areer until I came to the U.S. A big chal- 

Bnge (or me will be to handle my nerves 

I this big competition. Since H offers otha 
rograms like lectures and masterclasses ' 

t wonderful musicians, 1 will learn a Igt. 

kn influential parsor) In your life: 

fe[orean philosopher/musician Vong Oak , 
|Elm: ah expert on Taoism. He says the 
ii^ord cannot represent the true meaning"] 
|)i whatever you want to explain. If you 
tend a fantasbc piano recital and try 16 
Bescrlbe it to someone, it's not the sam4 
fs the performance rtseif. We depend or 
^e things we read and hear rather than '^ 
Actually experiencing them. 

That helps my playing because the 
printed music is only the reflection of the^ 
amposer's idea. For example, the com- 
Dser put down the musical sign i mearnlj 
ng fane (play toudly), but you don't Icnc 
how loud and what kind of loudness— 
Itam the-door loud, thunderstorm loud. 

I I weren't a musician, I'd be... 
\n astronomer. I have a small telescope.1 
l^m fascinated with the things we see, bii 

an not possibly reach. 

tfl have caused just one parson to wipe away 
a tear of laughter, that's my reward. 

— Victor Borge 

Laughter is the music of life, 

—Sir William Osier 

Robert Henry 

Hometown; Marietta, Ga. 

Current teacher. Lartssa Dedova 

When you decided to become a musician: 

Decided when 1 was 6, started playing when I 
was 8. 1 knew when my parents and I went to a 
performance, and "Rhapsody in Blue" hap- 
pened to be on the program. 

Favorite types of non-classical music: 

Everything except contemporary country. I 
love old country, rap, classic rock — anything 
that's not formulaic. I like anyone in any 
genre who has talent. I'm not one of these 
prudes who thinks classical music is the only 
good music. Some rap is really complex. 

Your favorite thing about performing: 

Presenting something to the audience they 
haven't heard, whether in a new way or a new 
piece. My duty is to bring a little humor. Some 
people don't see humor in music; I'm crusad- 
ing against them [laughs!. Beethoven's Piano 
Sonata no. 10, Opus 14, no. 2 In G Major, for 
example, is full of surprises. One time at a 
performance of it, an audience member 
laughed out loud at the end of the piece. 

A way in which you would like to influence 
your students: 

I'd like them to know there's no substitute for 
hard work. But you can temper your hard 
work with some humor. 

SomthJng that motivates you: 

I'm self- motivated, constantly striving to get 
better. Finding out something new every day 
in the practice room. 

Most memorable performance: 

In Louisiana, right after my Carnegie Hall 
recital, which had not gone as 1 had hoped. 
The next week I brought the house down in 
New Orleans, 

tf I weren't a musician, I'd be... 
If I had the physique, I'd be a Navy Seal. I 
love the military — the camaraderie and com- 
mitment they have to each other. 


There Is nothing mora musical than a 

-Claude Debussy ()862-19l| 

Hyun Jung Kim 

Hometown: Tae-Ku, Korea 
Currertt teachers; Larissa Dedova, 
'AndrS Watts 

When you decided to become a musi- 

My father is a composer. My mother is 
■violinist. My younger sister and brother; 
are violinists. My brother will be here 1 
Marylaridl in the fall to study music. I 
started violin lessons with my mom at 
age three, and began piano at age seven 

Favorite performerls); 

Mikhail Pletnev. He fs perfect — very 
risky, but clean. Martha Argerich. She 
takes rials, technically and emotionally, 
would not like to be identified in one 
way, but dilferently for each piece, 

Whether it's Mozart, Beethoven, or 
Prokofiev,,. I also love Lartssa Oedova's 
Chopirt and Debussy because of her sen- 

^sitlve touch and patience. People on 
stage are usually not patient, But her 
speed and sound are absolutely con- 

^ Favorite types of non-ctasslcal music: 
•■Jan. I like Pat Metheny. I love Ella 
* Fitzgerald, iau is something I can relax 
■ to. I would like to be a jazz pianist if I 
r wasn't classical, I also like R&S ant) hl|0 j 
p hop, I like Big Mama, an R&B group fro 
I Korea. 



In your spare time: 
I watch movies. In one we^k, I watched'l 
100 movies. "Gone with the Wind" is a 
favorite. It is a dream of mine to bacor 
an actress. 

Inspiring musical exfwriencA: 
In Seoul, I won a competition and in ca 
bration performed the first movement i 
Rachmaninoff's second concerto with tM 
New Seoul Orchestra In the Seoul Artsc 
Center, the biggest hall in Korea. 

Role competitions have played In your , 

/Well, competftion makes me tanse, but' 
need EL Tension and stre$3 are good 
for concentration. 

Influences tn yeur life: 

Thanks to God. God gives me the taien 
He gives so many things. It Is esserrtiel j 
humans to feel nature's colors and 
sounds. Color in nature affects tone coti 
in music, Scriabin uses colors )n his 
sonatas, giving colors to movements. 

Also my family, my parents influenc 
mo — their grwst love makes me what i] 
.am now. 

[K I werenH a mustdan, I'd tM, .. 

[ An actness. I can have so many experi- 

i ences vyith the many characters. 

Music is in a continual state of becoming. 

— Aaron Copland 

In my music, I'm trying to play the truth of 
what I am. The reason It's difficult is because 
I'm ct)anginfi_atl U^e time. —Charles Mingus 

Hea Kyung Mo 

Hometown: Seoul, Korea 
Current teacher: Larissa Dedova 

Favorite performers: 

Horowitz and Richter. Both have passed 
away, but their music is alive and touches the 
audience. Even if their technique is not per- 
fection — and it is brilliant — the musical 
aspects are unbelievable. There is always 
some message in their music. I also want the 
audience to feel, to cry, to be moved. I want 
to give some message. 

Favorite composer: 

Schumann. When I was very young, I was 
introduced to his music, it is very deep and 
comfortable to me — all the voices are beau- 
tiful. Chopin's music is very much like a 
woman — beautiful, lyrical and powerful. 

Favorite artiste: 

I like Monet, Manet, Renoir, In Pans, I went to 
museums and loved Monet's series of the 
same cathedral [18 frontal views of the 
Rouen Cathedral] from different angles and 
at different times. Music could be the same. 
Many pianists make recordings of the same 
piece in different periods of their lives. An 
early recording is one way, and as they get 
older, circumstances make them think differ- 
ently. Sometimes there's war, sometimes 
there is peace. These things affect your inter- 

A piece that you keep revisiting; 

Schumann's "Symphonic Etudes." I first 
learned it when I was young. Also. Prokofiev's 
"Sonata No, 7," the war sonata. It was writ- 
ten during World War 11. When I chose it, 
there was peace. Now there is war, so I can 
put imagination into the musical situation. 

Inspiring musical experience: 

I performed in a masterclass with a man who 
was very old and very serious. He was diffi- 
cult to approach, looking very serious. But 
whenever he talked about the piano or 
played, he changed. The music affected him 
— if the piece was ironical or funny, his play- 
ing could be childish. A musician Is like an 
actor. When playing something, they should 
show a lot of personality. Each piece has a 
different character — a fighter, a child — even 
if what we are is not that character, we need 
to be able to change. 

Favorite place you've Raveled: 
Florence, Italy. Their landscape is just like a 
picture, just like art. I can see why there are 
so many artists from Italy; they have their art 
right there in the landscape. 

If I weren't a musician, I'd be... 

A high school mathematics teacher. In mathe- 
matics, I can find a solution. There is always 
some route to find the answer. 

rit'itct iiit«»i iiisiiiikii 

Competition Tickets 


Cr4»ilf St4.-I IBss 


11 events in the Elsie & Marvin 
Dekelboum Concert Hall. 

Preliminary Rounds 

'Hear all 40 contestants ptay for the 
chance to compete in the semi-final 

Wednesday, July 16 - Friday, July 18: 
9:30 a.m.-l 2:30p.m., 2:30-5:30 p.m., 
7:30- 10:30p.m. 

Friday, July 18:9:30 a.ra.-12:30 p.m. 


Semifinal Rounds 

The top 12 pianists vie to move into the 

Satuiday,July 19 - Ttiesday July 22: 
3-6:30 p.m. 

Sunday.July 20: 4-7:30 p.m. 


Concerto Round with the 
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 

Three finalists perform with the BSO. 
Yuri Temirkanov, music director 
David Lockington, conductor 

Friday,July 25 at 8 p.m. 
$45, $35, $20 

Festival Tickets 

Recitals/Concerts: $25 
Informanccs and 
Lectufe/Demonstrations: $10 

Student Tickets 

are $5 (limit two with I.D.) 

Our Kapell Competition and Festival 
Passport gives you access to virtually 
every aspect of the event from beginning 
to end. You'll see every performance, every 
masterclass, every lecture and you'll attend 
great receptions! In feet, by purchasing a 
passport for just $250, you receive: 

• More than 1 5 percent off the sin- 
gle ticket prices 

• Priority keyboard-side seating 
(firsKome, first-served basis) 

• Complimentary invitation to the 
July 23 Aw^ards Ceremony and 

• Complimentary invitation to the 
champagne and dessert reception 
following the competition finals. 

• Priority parking, for an additional 
$45, you receive unlimited parking 
in the Stadium Drive parking garage 
adjacent to the Center for the dura- 
tion of the competition. 

Reserve your Passport today by calling 
(301) 405-AJiTS. Quantities and seating 
are limited. 

Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts 

Centerat maryiand 

For tickets or information about the 
William Kapell International Piano 
Competition, visit the ticket office in the 
lobby of the Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center on Stadium Drive, open daily from 
1 1 a.m. to 9 p.m., or call (301) 405-ARTS, 
Visit www.claricesmithcenter. umd.cdu for 
the latest compedtion and festival updates. 

The Clarice Smith PerformingArts Cen- 
ter is at the intersection of Route 193 
(University Boulevard) and Stadium Drive 
in College Park, 

(t01» 401-MITt 


An exclusive invitation for Paiiport holders... 

Passport holders are invited to the special July 23 awards ceremony 
and reception at 4:30 p.m. for the competition semi-finalists. Tim 
Page, Washington l\>st classical music critic, and Anna Lou Dchavenon, 
William Kapell's widow, will discuss Kapell's life and music. 

"IwlSkf^ ^iw?^/WJifW?Sri^ A^*^ CoTMi^^^bfv y f^^w^ Sp 


KAWAI iSfe music 


BMG Classics is a division 
of the Bertelsmann Music 
Group, one of the world's 
leading music distributors. 
The BMG Classics' roster 
includes the Boston Pops 
Orchestra, Aaron Copland, 
Piacido Domingo, James 
Galway, Yo-Yo Ma and 
William Kapell. 

(Kawai America Corporation and 
Shigeru Kawai Piano Company) 
The world's second largest 
musical instrument manufacturer, 
Kawai specializes in grand, 
upright and digital pianos, which 
are sold worldwide. 

The East Coast's largest 
purveyor of pianos and 
electronic keyboards, 
Jordan Kitt's was founded 
in 1912, The company also 
provides musical instruction 
for all levels and all ages. 

Maryland Stateylrts Council 

The mission of the Maryland State Arts Council 

(MSAC) is to encourage and invest in the advancement 
of the arts for the people of Maryland. The goals of the 
Council are to support artists and arts organizations in 
their pursuit of artistic excellence, to ensure the accessi- 
bility of the arts to all citizens, and to promote statewide 
awareness of arts resources and opportunities. 


How business gets done.' 

Based in Reston, Va., Nextei 
Communications is a leading 
provider of fully integrated, 

wireless communications 
services on the largest guaran- 
teed, all-digital, wireless network 
in the country, and currently 
serves 198 of the top 200 U.S. 

Leavy & Frank, LLC 

The Bethesda, Md. law office of 
Leavy & Frank, with more than 30 
years of experience, offers its domestic 
and international clientele a broad 
range of professional services on 
immigration and related matters. 


Celebrating its 150th anniversary, 
Steinway & Sons is one of the oldest 

piano manufacturers in the world. Its 
pianos are sold by more than 200 
authorized dealers worldwide. 


^ WGMS Classical 103.5, 

j4|-jO. ^ "Washington's Good Music Station," 

1 jy ~y began broadcasting in 1946 and is 

H '^ the most-listened-to classical station 

Oftssicul AiMsit KaJio in the nation wtth adults 25-54. 

The world's largest manufacturer of 
musical instruments, Yamaha makes 
both conventional and electronic 
instruments, including pianos, 
synthesizers and wind, string and 
percussion instruments. Yamaha also 
runs music schools worldwide. 


More News on 
Outlook Online 

The university's 
new online 
IWIaster of Life 
Sciences Program 
handed out its first 
five degrees May 17 
to students from as 
far away as Alaska 
and Mississippi. Only 
one iias ever set foot 
on campus. 

Russia's agricul- 
tural policy reforms 
have had limited suc- 
cess. A study under- 
way at the Center for 
Institutional Reform 
and the Informal 
Sector (IRIS) casts 
doubt on the idea 
that an excess of 
labor is to blama. 

A process that can 
safely clean up an- 
sites and fiber optic 
technology that can 
be developed Into a 
vibration sensor for 
nical systems are 
just two of the win- 
ners of the universi- 
ty's 2002 Invention of 
the Year competition. 

Herrera: Touching Lives 

Contirtuedjrom page 1 

my language, but if i can make 
people's lives better, even a little 
bit, it makes me happy." 

The former social worker, -with 
diplomas in business management 
and social sciences from Mexico, 
left her 7- and 9-year-old twins 
with family to attain U.S. citizen- 
ship and permanent residency in 
Maryland in 1984. Herrara, who 
lives in Kensington, said Maryland 
just felt like the right place. 

"! had to make more money and 
I had to send money to Mexico," 
she said. "I never got married 
again so I had to pay all my bills 
and they were very high." Hcirera 
called and wrote her twins fre- 
quently"! really missed [ray chil- 
dren] on Mother's Day and birth- 
days," she said."! never went to 
places with a lot of children cause 
I felt really bad." 

Now, her youngest twins are 
enrolled in community college, 
while the other two are both 
majoring in Spanish and business 
at Maryland. Jorge, 23, the oldest 
by two minutes, is set to graduate 
in December. He and his twin, Car- 
los, are also Spanish instructors at 
PGCC. "I'ni so proud of them," ^e 
said. "They iive with me. They 
don't want to leave me because 
I'm a single mother." , -T'. - 

— Desair Brown, 
gradi^ate jourtifttistn student 


Monica Herrera 

Herrera had been working as a 
cashier, cook, waitress and an assis- 
tant restaurant manager in Mont- 
gomery County when she was 
hired as a secretary and office 
supervisor at the Department of 
Spanish and Portuguese in 1991. 
She continued to moonlight as a 
waitress, until she began teaching 
at Prince George's Community 
College three years later, 

Herrera said she loves teachir^ 
citizenship classes and Spanish at 
all levels at PGCC. "Being a teacher 
is very fascinating," she said, "1 
help them and it's a satisfaction, a 
reward for me. I know this is not 
my country and I know this is not 


Supply! Good Prices on Almost Everything 

Continued fiom page i 

ience of shopping from their 
desks and receiveing deliveries 
at their desk. Invoicing is com- 
pletely electronic. So why do 
people still run out to Home 
Depot or Staples? 

"Basically, it's an education 
thing,"says Walton."We're here 
to satisfy common needs and 
we need to get the word out, 
that all things considered we 
arc the best buy in town. If 
you can't get what you need 
from us, then it's pretty 

General Stores began its days 
as did most university store 
operations, most if not all uni- 
versity supplies were pur- 
chased and housed in ware- 
houses. There are still a few 
items housed in the facility, 
such as the official university' 
exam booklets, environmental 
spill kits and "toilet tissue for 
the residence halls," says Wal- 
ton. However, because many 
supplies can be ordered and 
arrive within 24 hours, there 
isn't a need to stock as much 
merchandise. So, much of the 
warehouse is used by the the 
Terrapin Trader, which sells 
reusable surplus property from 
the University System of Mary- 
land (see stor>' in the next 

Other system institutions 
that purchase their needed 
supplies through General 
Stores are the University 
Biotechnology Institute; the 
Maryland Cooperative Exten- 

F or more information 
on store services, 
contact Kim Lofgren 
at (301) 405-7337, Donata 
Robinson at (301) 405- 
5854, or Candy Thornton 
at (301) 405-5853. You 
may also send e-mail to 

sion Service offices; University 
of Maryland, Eastern; University 
of Maryland University College 
and the system office. General 
Stores Manager Candy Tliorn- 
ton manages a small staff of 
customer service representa- 
dves dedicated to assuring all 
phases of the purchase process 
are handled correctly The idea, 
says Walton, is to make the 
shopping experience as hassle 
free as possible. 

"Because we buy in such 
large amounts, the university 
receives excellent pricing," 
says Walton,Thornton deter- 
mines the most commonly 
purchased 400 items that are 
classified as "fast movers " and 
the university receives an 
even greater discount for 
them. "Forty-three to 45 per- 
cent of what we buy is on that 
list," says Walton, And with fis- 
cal year 2002 purchases total- 
ing more than $3 million dol- 
lars, the savings is substantial. 

Thornton adds that deliver- 

ies arrive at the center as 
early as 5:30 in the morning 
for same-day service. Another 
convenience is the ability to 
complete the entire purchas- 
ing process electronically. 
Vendors generate electronic 
invoices that are loaded to 
the university's financial sys- 
tem. Prices are checked at 
General Stores for accuracy 
and the invoice amount is 
passed along to the depart- 
ment on their FRS account. 
Thornton says training courses 
are offered in the Patapsco 
Building to help staff learn 
how to order online. 

The center is also doing 
their part to meet President 
Dan Mote's 35 percent recy- 
cling directive for solid wast by 
recycling toner cartridges (on 
which the universit)' spends 
$800,000 a year). Also, many 
recycled goods ate offered 
through the contracts. A $2 
rebate per toner cartridge is 
given back to General Stores 
by the vendor and that rebate 
is returned to the department 
that supplied the empty car- 

Walton realizes that there 
may be items campus commu- 
nity members may still need to 
get from elsewhere, but he 
hopes that more people will 
consider looking at the stores 
first. "The premise we work on 
is that if you can't get what 
you need in 24 hours, then 
something's wrong." 

(^ X r ?■ J c' // /' r / c u I cj : 

Communicating with Words, Music 

Christine Moritz never stops 
commimicating . 
Moritz, a commtmications 
officer at the Office of Interna- 
tional Programs, writes and 
edits for Maryland International, 
the OIP newsletter. But she also 
speaks through her turntables. 
She has deejayed at local venues 
such as Nation and Black Cat 
since September 200 1 . 

for the takeover She called the 
offer "flattering." 

Moritz then became a fixture 
at Black Cat, She now deejays at 
the Eighteenth Street Lounge, 
with occasional performances 
at places such as the 9:30 Club 
and past performances at places 
such as Bossa and Gazuza. 

She said her parents are "tol- 
erant of my interests." Her 


Christine f^oritz spins at Eighteenth Street Lounge in Dupont Circle. 

She said she likes "getting to 
share music that 1 really love" 
and is happy to "bring it to a 
wider audience." 

Moritz 's said her deejay spe- 
cialties include "down tempo" 
and "fimky breakbeat ."Accord- 
ing to her Web site, www, vari- 
ety, downtempo 
is "mellow, relaxed, and some- 
times hypnotic in feeling. Funky 
breakbeat., .is characterized by 
its... 'broken 'beats... and its use 
of funky samples," the site said. 

Moritz, who is from Chapel 
Hill, N.Ccame to college radio 
first as a listener in Iiigh school. 
She had her own radio program 
for two years while a student at 
Emory University She did not 
think about deejaying in clubs 
imtil she entered graduate 
school at Maryland, where she 
resumed college radio with a 

In April 2000, she deejayed at 
her first house part>'. She said 
she was able to do other house 
parties durir^ the spring and 
simimerof 2001. 

In June 2001, the new party 
deejay received a great opportu- 
nity. The University of Maryland 
Electronic Dance Music Club 
was preparing for a September 
"patio takeover spot" at Nation, 
she said. Moritz said she went, 
not to audiUon, but to try for a 
chance to deejay at a house 
party. After her performance, 
she was offered a deejay spot 

fether, who was familiar with 
the radio environment, would 
time in to her show occasional- 
ly. "It was excellent, except for 
the music,' he would say." 

Though she senses her 
daughter's love for deejaying, 
understanding the concept has 
been a slow process for Moritz's 
motlier One time her mother 
noticed her daughter's turnta- 
bles. "So why do you have two 
of them?" she asked. 

Moritz has also participated 
in First Ladies DJ Collective, a 
group of approximately 1 5 
women deejays. Moritz, who 
played at four of the collective's 
monthly "Girl Friday" events at 
the Black Cat in Washington, 
D.C, said it is "interesting" to 
work with a number of deejays, 

"The logistics are kind of dif- 
ferent when you're working 
with other people," she said. 
Moritz says the if she deejays in 
the middle of a performance, 
rather than at that the begin- 
ning, she has "more time to 
become nervous." 

Moritz said she will pedbnn 
as a deejay "as long as I've got 
that passion for music." But she 
enjoys being able to write for 
the Office of International Pro- 
grams and says with a smile that 
she appreicates the security and 
health insurance that her 
employment provides, 

— Jamie "Wellington, 
graduate journalism student 

staff mgffefttmmti^MlmtimAmmn Bamfyat (30$jf4O9-*&9f>rt 

JULY 15, 2003 




Humanities Grants 

The National Endowmeot for the 
Humanities has opened its compcti' 
tion for $5,(KX) NEH summer 
stipends for feculty research in the 
humanities or in fields with himian- 
istic content or methodology. Each 
institution can nominate one junior 
faculty member (assistant profes- 
sor) and one senior faculty member 
(associate or full professor). 

Information about the applica- 
tion process is available at www. 
neh . go v/gran ts/gui delines/stipends. 
html. The first step in the applica- 
tion process is to submit materials 
by Sept. 1 2 to Ellin K. Scholnick, 
associate provost for faculty aflairs, 
1 1 19 Main Administration Building. 
Once the institutions' nominees are 
chosen, they will be asked to sub- 
mit them electronically to NEH, 

For more information, contact 
Scholnick at (301) 405-4252 or 

Temperature Change 

In an effort to reduce the campus' 
significant fiscal deficit in its energy 
budget. Vice President John Porcari 
directed an immediate change of 
indoor space temperature settings 
to 78 degrees during the summer. 
This change will affect all state and 
auxiliary campus buildings with the 
exception of designated research & 
library facilities. Questions and 
inquiries should be directed to Jack 
Baker, director. Operations and 
Maintenance, at (301) 405-3204. 

Becoming a Better Advlsf>r 

This years Advising Conference will 
be held on Tiiesday, August 19 in the 
Art/Sociology building. Any ideas 
on topics, presenters, or items to be 
addressed are welcome. Contact 
conference chairs Erin Rooney, 
Daubney, adaubney@deans.umd. 
edu. For more information on the 

Not Just Moving On, But Up 


Hampton sKares a laugh with Elaine Buggs (left) and Delrdre Francis, both 
with the Office of Continuing and Extended Education, 

He was praised, hugged, showered with gifts and roasted. 
Associate Provost for Acadeiiiic Affairs and Dean for 
Undei^raduate Studies Robert Hampton, who is leaving 
die imiversity to become president ofYork College in the Bronx ■ 
(part of the City University of New York system), was the guest 
of a heartfelt jarewell ceremony sponsored by the Black Faculty & 
Staff Association last week. Several people spoke of liiui being 
instriunental in many successM camptis initiatives, such as the 
establishment of the Asian American Studies program, die 
Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender certificiate program; die 
increasingly popular Winter Term and the Barmeker-Key 
Scholarship program, Hampton spent 10 years with the university. 

conference or to receive a registra- 
tion form, contact Tawanna Gaines 
(301) 405-9355 or 

library Database Changes 

A number of changes have been 
made to the electronic resources 
licensed by the Libraries. In order to 
realize some savings in the cost of 
these subscriptions, the Libraries 
have switched some databases to 
new vendors or reduced the num- 
ber of users. All databases were 
reviewed as part of the serials 
review process this year and deci- 
sions have been made to cancel 

some of the least used and lowest 
priority databases. Details may be 
foimd at www, lib, 
BUDGETCUTS/tnfo.htmi. If you 
have questions, please contact Betty 
Day at or (301) 405- 
9072, or Karla Hahn at 

Volunteer Service Leaders 

Legacy Leadership Maryland is a 
program that bridges the needs of 
local communities and government 
in the state with the expertise of 
Maryland residents ages 50 and 
over through internships and volun- 

teer service. 

Beginning Sept. 23, volunteers 
meet Tuesday and Thursday for 
eight weeks for instructional ses- 
sions taught by government offi- 
cials and educators. Start your 90- 
day internship with the 2004 Mary- 
land General Assembly on Jan, 14, 
2004. For more information and an 
application, contact the Center on 
Aging at (301) 405-2469. 

JlrcVleiw 3.2 Workshop 

Workshop 3 will teach participants 
the basics of converting textual 
data to spatial data and the methods 
to display the mapped phenomena. 
The ftee workshop is offered in Mc- 
Keldin Library, room 2109, on: 

Tuesday, July 15, 5:3(>« p.m. or 
Thursday, July 31, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 

Advance registration is required at 
www. lib . umd . edu/GOV/gi swork- 
sliop.html. For more information, 
contact Government Documents 
and Maps at (301) 405-9165 or, or visit www. 
li b . umd . edu/GOV/gisworkshop. html , 

Retire Well 

The Employee Benefits Office is 
offering a pre-retirement seminar 
on Friday,July 18 in room 1520 Van 
Munching Hall for employees in the 
State Pension and Retirement Sys- 
tem. Topics covered will include eli- 
gibility requirements, steps neces- 
sary to retire and receive benefits, 
asset allocation and estate planning, 
and information on Social Security 
and Medicare benefits. 

Certified investment counselors 
and a Social Security representative 
will give presentations and answer 
questions. To register online go to 
www. pe rsonnel . umd . edu/EB O/reg- 
istration.html, or call the Employee 
Benefits Office. Seating is limited. 
For more information, or to register, 
contact David Rieger at (301) 405- 
5655 or 


Contittued from page 1 

Smith Debut 

lered on information security and 
provided insight into how flrms 
should prioritize and best allocate 
spending on information security. 
Professor Gordon has conducted 
extensive research in this area and 
presented his findings at an aca- 
demic sjTnposium last May in Col- 
lege Park, Md. The second guest on 
Smith Business Close-Up was Ritu 
Agarwal, Ralph J. Tyser Professor of 
Information Systems at the Smith 
School, He discussed the benefits 
and risks of offshore outsourcing 
of information technology (IT) 
work. Paul Tesluk, assistant profes- 
sor of management and organiza- 
tion and associate director of the 
Smith School sCenter for Human 
Capital, Innovation, and Technology 
appeared on the July 3rd Smith 
Business Close-Up segment. Tesluk 
explained how businesses and 
other organizations can use teams 
to gain competitive advantage. 

"We arc very excited to be work- 
ing with the Smith School to pro- 
duce what promises to be a highly 
informative segment, of particular 

interest to business professionals 
throughout Maryland and the 
Washington, D.C. region," said 
MPT's Eric F,ggleton, senior vice 
president and chief content officer 
"By teaming up with the school to 
produce 'Smith Business Close-Up,' 
MPT can deliver practical know- 
how that will help our viewers 
gain competitive advantage in busi- 

Business Connection is pro- 
duced in association with the Balti- 
more and Washington Business 
Journals and is broadcast each 
Thursday at 7:30 p.m., with a 
repeat broadcast the following Sim- 
day at 1 1 a.m.The show can be 
seen on Maryland Public Television 
channels throughout Maryland and 
in the Washington, D.C. metropoli- 
tan area, including: WMPB-TV (Ch. 
67),WMPT-TV (Ch. 22),WCPB-TV 
(Ch. 28),WFPT-TV (Ch. 62), WWPB- 
TV (Ch. 31), and WGPT-TV (Ch. 36). 
Information on Business Connec- 
tion and the full line-up of MPT's 
locally produced programs can be 
foimd at 

List: Bringing Economic Solutions 

Continued from page 1 

theories. The results includ- 
ed a change in seed money 
from 10 percent to 67 per- 
cent of the campaign goal, 
which resulted in a nearly 
sixfold increase in contribu- 
tions, while imposing a 
refund increased contribu- 
tions by 20 percent. 

Gardner said List's work in 
experimental economics has 
major implications for 
improving the ability to pre- 
dict market situations — an 
area where other research 
methods can fall short. Statis- 
tics and survey data have 
shortcomings such as infor- 
mation that is too generic 
and does not allow for sce- 
nario manipulation which 
can alter what the results are 
likely to be. 

During his stint as an eco- 
nomic adviser in the Bush 
administration, List worked 
on various environmental 
economic policy issues. One 
of List's main passions is 

"using economics to solve 
real world problems. That 
w^as one of the main reasons 
1 took the CEA job, as 1 really 
wanted to give something 
back in terms of helping out 
society," he said. 

An issue List has wo deed 
to influence is the Clear 
Skies initiative, currently 
being discussed on Capitol 
Hill. "If enacted, Clear Skies 
would reduce power plant 
emissions on sulfur dioxide, 
nitrogen oxides and mercury 
by approximately 70 percent 
from today's levels," List said. 
The initiative uses an aggres- 
sive cap-and-trade approach 
to emissions reductions that 
is designed to give power 
plants an incentive to start 
reducing emissions as soon 
as the legislation is passed. 

Though List believes envi- 
ronmental policies such as 
Clear Skies are important, he 
has not considered leaving 
the worid of academia for 

the public policy' arena. 

"I think I like teaching and 
research too much," said List. 
"Besides, I am satiated with 
the lobbyists, etcetera, that 
constantly wanted to talk to 
me about the administra- 
tion's policies." 

Maintaining his character- 
istically full schedule, in the 
next few months List will 
finish working on some pro- 
jects at the CEA, teach a 
week-long environmental 
economics course in Venice 
in September, spend a month 
at MIT/Harvard as a visiting 
scholar and work with doc- 
toral students on their disser- 

list's other chief passion 
is teaching economics. He 
sums up this philosophy 
with a quote by Benjamin 
FrankIin,"Tell me and 1 for- 
get. Teach me and 1 remem- 
ber. Involve me and I learn." 
— Stacy Kaper, 

graduate journalism student