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Gifts of Time 

Page 3 


Volume 20 

Number 9 'June 1 5 , 2004 

For, and With, 

Researchers gathered from 
around the world at a 
recent university-hosted 
event to share ideas on what the 
future holds for computer design 
and children during the Interna- 
tional Interactive Design and Chil- 
dren Conference (IDC). 

Over three packed days, posters, 
panels and paper sessions offered 
a glimpse into how people are 
designing technologies to enhance 
the learning experience, formally 
and informally. 

Those attending the morning 
session on day two didn't seem to 
mind that it ran an hour over time. 
A few even hovered around Alan 
Keys afterward. 

Conference organizer Allison 
Druin, though trying to herd peo- 
ple back inside for the next session, 
understood. "Alan's one of the sem- 
inal people in this field," she said. 
Keys is president of Viewpoints 
Research Institute inc. and senior 
fellow at Hewlett Packard Labs. He 
spoke as part of a panel in a ses- 
sion on play in which researchers 
from the United States and London 
discussed game concepts and chil- 
dren's narrative development. 

A faculty member of the Institute 
for Advanced Human Studies, the 
Human-Computer Interaction Lib 
and an assistant professor with the 
College of Information Studies, 
Druin works with an intergenera- 
tional, interdisciplinary design and 
research team most recently known 
for its creation of the International 

See CHILDREN, page 3 

Rewarded for Service to Others 

The President's Commission on 
Ethnic Minority Issues 
(PCEMI) recently recognized 
faculty and staff members who have 
worked on behalf of underrepresented 
communities on campus. 

Front row, from left: Undergraduate 
Student Award winner and Asian 
American Student Union President 
Amy Wang; Exempt Staff Award winner 
Joelle Carter, College of Computer, 
Mathematical and Physical Sciences; 
Non-exempt Staff winner and 
Administrative Assistant II Diana White, 
Department of Sociology. 

Back row, from left: Graduate 
Student Award winner Hugo Najera, 


College of Education; Instructional 
Unit Award winner Sally Koblinsky, 
chair of the Department of Family 
Studies; Faculty Award winner and 
Associate Professor Scot Reese, 
Department of Theatre; Non-instruc- 
tional Unit Award winners Johnetta 
Davis and Chontrese DosweD, Office of 
Graduate Recruitment, Retention and 
Diversity; second Exempt Staff Award 
winner and Assistant Director Mark 
Brimhall Vargas, Office of Human 
Relations Programs. Carter also won a 
non-instructional unit award for the 
Science and Technology: Addressing the 
Need for Diversity (STAND) program, 
of which she is the director. 

Bike to Work Initiative Launched 

The Office of the Vice 
President for Admin- 
istrative Affairs 
announces a Bike to Work 
Initiative. In conjunction 
with the Departments of 
Campus Recreation and 
Health and Human 
Performance (HHP), 
the university 
offers its 
shower and 
free of 
charge for 
use by facul- 
ty and staff 
who elect to bike 
to work. 

You may obtain a 
Bike to Work Pass at the 
Campus Recreation Center. 
Present the pass, along with 
university ID, to Campus 
Recreation or HHP staff.You 

may use the showers, 
changing rooms, and lock- 
ers (bring your own lock, 
towels, etc.). Ritchie Colise- 
um will also be available for 
this program. Standard facil- 
ity policies and charges 
are in effect for all-day 
or monthly locker 
rental, if avail- 

This ini- 
tiative is 
for a 
out summer 
2004. For the 
hours of opera- 
tion during the sum- 
mer, please check with 
each facility. For more 
information about the initia- 
tive, contact Dan Hayes at 
(301) 405-0250 or via e-mail 

Congressman Visits Campus 

Rep, Steny Hoyer attended 
a briefing on the universi- 
ty's Alternative Uses of Tobac- 

Angle, associate dean with AGNR, shows tobacco 
plants to Hoyer (center) and President Mote. 

co research project recently. 
Hoyer has supported the proj- 
ect, which involves faculty in 
the College of Agriculture and 
Natural Resources (AGNR), the 
A. james Clark School of Engi- 
neering and outside experts 
and has received federal fund- 

ing for the past three years. 
The goal of the project is to 
develop economically attrac- 
tive alternative 
uses for tobac- 
co while con- 
labor and pro- 
duction costs. 
Promising pos- 
include using 
the plant's sug- 
ars, starches 
and proteins 
to produce 
cals and food 
products for human and ani- 
mal consumption. 

After the briefing, Hoyer 
toured the university's new 
greenhouse research complex 
with AGNR Associate Dean 
Scott Angle and University 
President Dan Mote. 

Dance Department 
Chair Takes a Break 

Talk about baptism by fire. Short- 
ly after Department of Dance 
Chair Alcine Wiltz came to work at 
Maryland in 1983! his department's 
home suffered two fires within 
two years. With a regional dance 
conference imminent and a lack of 
viable venues, Wiltz quickly strate- 
gized and successfully pulled off 
the event by utilizing rented 
spaces on and around campus. He 
became affectionately known as 
"Smokey the Chair." 

After 21 years of putting out 
proverbial fires and building up 
the dance department, Wiltz will 
step down from his position on 
June 30 and will rejoin the faculty 
in the fall semester of 2005 after a 


Alcine Wiltz 

year of leave. Charles Rutherford, 
associate dean for the College of 
Arts and Humanities, will serve as 
acting chair of the department for 
the 2004-2005 academic year. 

One of Wiltz's greatest accom- 
plishments during his tenure was 
helping move his department into 
the Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center at Maryland in 2000. 
Department of Dance Professor 
and Director of Undergraduate 
Studies Anne Warren notes that the 
move was a huge undertaking. "Ft 
was an incredible amount of work 
to transition us from the tempo- 
rary buildings or army barracks' 
behind the south dining hall. 

"We were the first department 
to move in, [the School of Music 
and Department of Theatre moved 
in subsequently] and that present- 
ed lots of challenges. He was deter- 
mined to develop relationships 
with the other departments and 
center management. . . It was a 
major accomplishment.'' 

Susie Farr, executive director of 
the Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center, agrees that his commit- 

5m WILTZ, page 3 

JUNE 15, 2004 



June 15 

9 a.m. -noon, PRD: The Key 
to Performance and Produc- 
tivity 1 1 01 U Chesapeake 
Building. Offered by University 
Human Resources, this seminar 
is for employees and managers/ 
supervisors who want to learn 
about the University of Mary- 
land Performance Review and 
Development (PRD) process, ft 
is a prerequisite for PRD Train- 
ing for Supervisors. Free. To 
register, go to www.uhr.umd. 
edu and click on "Training Pro- 
grams." For more information, 
call 5-5651. 

10-1 1:30 a.m.. Easy Online 
Quiz Creation with Respon- 

dus 4404 Computer & Space 
Science. Respondus is a simple 
tool for creating and managing 
exams, quizzes and surveys. 
This free workshop is open to 
faculty, teaching assistants and 
instructional support staff. Reg- 
istration is required at www. 
oit . umd .edu/ii t/current. html. 
For more information, contact 
Deborah Mateik at 5-2945 or 

Noon-1 p.m., PRD Training 
for Supervisors: Managing 
and Conducting the PRD 
Process 1 101 U Chesapeake 
Building. Offered by University 
Human Resources, this seminar 
teaches supervisors how to 
manage the PRD process and 
evaluate performance effec- 
tively. This course is required 
for all supervisors/managers 
who are responsible for super- 
vising a non-faculty employee. 
PRD: The Key to Performance 
and Productivity is a prerequi- 
site for this course. Free. To reg- 
ister, go to 
and click on "Training Pro- 
grams ." For more information, 
call 5-5651. 


June 17 

9 a.m.-noon, Making Every 
Minute Count: Learn How 
to Be More Productive and 
Less Stressed 1101U Chesa- 
peake Building. Participants 
will learn practical time man- 
agement tools, skills and strate- 
gies to be more productive 
and less stressed. The cost is 
$50. To register, go to www. and click on 
"Training Programs." For more 
information, call 5-5651. 

9 a.m. 4 p.m., Cyberethics, 

Cybersecurity and Cyber- 
safety: Implications for K- 
12 & Higher Education Ben- 
jamin Building. Hosted by Col- 
lege of Education and Educa- 
tion Technology Outreach 
through June 18. Topics 
include: property and copy- 
right, plagiarism, effective secu- 
rity practices and accessibility 
issues. See full program at 
www.edtechoutreach. umd. edu/ 
cy berethicsseminar2004 . html . 
Reduced fee for faculty, staff 
and students. For more infor- 
mation, contact Davina Pruitt- 
Mende at 4-8202 or 
dp 1 5 1 ® umail . umd .edu . 

June 18 

8:45 a.m. -4 p.m. Introduc- 
tory Microsoft Access 
Training (OIT) 4404 Comput- 
er & Space Science. Students 
will learn how to create and 
use database objects, including 
tables, queries, forms and 
reports. Registration is 
required at least three days 
prior to the class date at The 
fee is $90. For more informa- 
tion, contact Jane 5. Wieboldt 
at 5-0443 or oit-training® 

9a.m. -4p.m., Managing 
Emotions: Optimizing Per- 
formance and Achieving 
Flow 1 101U Chesapeake 
Building. This workshop is 
designed to enhance partici- 
pants' skills in actively manag- 
ing emotional states so that 
their working performance is 
maximized. The cost is $100. 
To register, go to www.uhr. and click on "Training 
Programs." For more informa- 
tion call 5-5651. 


June 23 

2-4 p.m. Women of Color 
Awards Ceremony Multipur- 
pose Room, Nyumburu Cul- 
tural Center. For more informa- 
tion, contact Dianne Sullivan at 


june 24 

9a .m .-noon. Managing Stu- 
dent Staff 1 101U Chesapeake 
Building. Learn how to moti- 
vate students who may not feel 

their assignment is a "real job." 
Learn strategies to handle 
requests for flexible schedules, 
communicate clear expecta- 
tions of the job and handle 
motivational, performance and 
attendance issues. The cost is 
$50. To register, go to www. and cUck on 
"Training Programs." For more 
information call 5-5651. 

june 25 

9a.m. -noon. The Right 
"Weigh" to Managing Your 
Weight for a Lifetime 1 in U' 
Chesapeake Building. This 
workshop offers a non-diet 
approach to managing weight. 
Weight management involves 
adopting a lifestyle that 
includes a healthful eating 
plan, a positive attitude, per- 
sonal control and regular phys- 
ical activity. Instructor: Jane 
Jakubczak, nutritionist, Univer- 
sity Health Center. Free. To reg- 
ister, go to 
and click on "Training Pro- 
grams." For more information 
call 5-5651. 

june 29 

9a.m. -4 p.m.. How to Han- 
dle Difficult People in the 
Workplace 1101U Chesa- 
peake Building. Research 
shows that certain individuals 
have learned to behave in a 
dysfunctional manner to keep 
others off-balance. Workshop 
participants will discover how 
to recognize the characteris- 
tics of common difficult behav- 
iors, understand why certain 
behaviors persist and how to 
neutralize them in a positive 
and constructive manner. The 
cost is $100. To register, go to and click 
on "Training Programs." For 
more information call 5-5651. 

July 4 

There's More 


This summer the universi- 
ty Golf Course is extend- 
ing its teaching program. 
Come online to read more 
about what is being offered. 

Not only did university 
students graduate this 
fall, but so did a group of 
high school students nur- 
tured by some of the univer- 
sity's pre-college programs. 

Members of the Black 
Faculty and Staff Asso- 
ciation invited colleagues 
from other universities to the 
campus for a conference on 
African Americans' achieve- 
ments in higher education. 


July 12 

9a.m. -4p.m., New Employ- 
ee Orientetion 1 1 01 U Chesa- 
peake Building. This program 
is designed to give employees 
an understanding of what the 
University of Maryland is all 
about: our institutional mis- 
sion, our students and our serv- 
ices. Lunch is provided. Free. 
To register, go to www.uhr. and click on "Training 
Programs." For more informa- 
tion, call 5-565 1 . 

July 13 

7 p.m.. Independence Day 
Celebration Lot l.nearTawes 
Theatre. Bring the family, pic- 
nic fare, Frisbees and friends to 
enjoy a live band and fireworks 
(which begin around 9 p.m.). 
Limited refreshments available 
on site. Co-sponsored by the 
city of College Park. For more 
information, call the city office 
at (301) 864-5586. 

Noon-1 p.m., PRD Training 
for Supervisors: Managing 
and Conducting the PRD 
Process 1 10 1U Chesapeake 
Building. This seminar teaches 
supervisors how to manage 
the PRD process and evaluate 
performance effectively. The 
course is required for those 
who supervise a non-faculty 
employee. PRD: The Key to 
Performance and Productivity- 
is a prerequisite for this 
course. Free. To register, go to 
www.uhr.umd. edu and click 
on "Training Programs." For 
more information, call 5-5651. 


9 a.m. -4 p.m.. Getting 
Through: Techniques for 
Powerful Communication 

1 101 U Chesapeake Building. In 
this interactive workshop, par- 

calendar guide 

Calendar phone numbers listed as 4-xxxx or 5-xxxx stand for the prefix 314 or 405. Calendar information for Outlook is compiled from a combination 
of inforM's master calendar and submissions to the Outlook office. Submissions are due two weeks prior to the date of publication. To reach the 

calendar editor, call (301) 405-7468 or send e-mail to 

1 kip. nits will learn how to get 
their messages across, how to 
plan for difficult encounters 
and how to motivate and influ- 
ence others. The cost is $100. 
To register, go to www.uhr. and click on "Training 
Programs." For more informa- 
tion, call 5-5651. 

july 16 

10a.m. -noon, Re-Examining 
the Rules of Investing 

1 101U Chesapeake Building. 
This seminar will help alleviate 
participants' concerns about 
the recent market downturn. 
The focus will be on strategies 
to stay on track, including: 
reexamining investment strate- 
gy, comparing expenses, saving 
more and speaking with TIAA- 
CREF about specific concerns. 
Free. To register, go to and click 
on "Training Programs." For 
more information, call 5-565 1 . 


July 21 

10a.m.-1 1:30a.m., 
Preparing for Your 
Retirement: Your 
Supplemental Retirement 
Plan 1101U Chesapeake 
Building. This seminar covers 
the three supplemental retire- 
ment plans and is intended for 
employees who are seven 
years or less from retirement. 
Participants are encouraged to 
bring their most recent state- 
ment to the : seminar. Free: To 
register, go to www.uhr.umd. 
edu and click on "Training 
Programs * For more informa- 
tion, call 5-5651. 


Outlook is the monthly faculty-staff 
newspaper serving the University 
of Maryland campus community. 
Online editions of Outlook are 
published weekly at http: //outlook. . 

Brodie Remington •Vice 
President, University Relations 

Teresa Flannery ■ Executive 
Director. University 
Communications and Marketing 

Dianne Burch * Executive Editor 

Monettc Austin Bailey ' Editor 

Cynthia Mitch el ■ Art Director 

Desatr Brown • Graduate Assistant 

Letters to the editor, story sugges- 
tions and campus information are 
welcome. Please submit all material 
two weeks before the Tuesday of 


Send material to Editor, Outlook. 
2501 Turner Hall, College Park, 

ML> 20742 

Telephone • (301) 405-4629 
Fax* (301) 314-9344 
E-mail * 
http : / /on dook. coliegcp ublishe 



Catherine E. Carr, biology 
professor, has been elected 
the receipt of a Humboldt 
Research Award. The honor 
recognizes lifetime achieve- 
ments in science. In addition, 
the awardee is invited to 
carry out research projects 
of her own choice in cooper- 
ation with specialist col- 
leagues in Germany. 

Jordan Goodman, professor 
and chair of the Department 
of Physics, received the 2004 
Kirwan Award for Undergrad- 
uate Education, which recog- 
nizes faculty or staff who 
have made exceptional con- 
tributions to the quality of 
undergraduate education at 
the university. 

The Robert H. Smith School 
of Business named Scott 
Koerwer as acting executive 
director of the school's Ding- 
man Center for Entrepre- 
neurship and Asher Epstein 
as managing director of the 
Dingman Center. Koerwer 
will continue to serve as 
associate dean for executive 
education and marketing 
comm unications. 

The, school also named 
Charlie Heller, chairman, of , 
the Dingman Center's adviso- 
ry board and former director 
of the center, as a Dingman 
Center entrepreneur-in-resi- 
dence; and has reappointed 
John LaPides. president of 
Snow Valley Inc., as an entre- 
preneur-in-residence. Mark 
Grovic, currently deputy 
director of the Dingman Cen- 
ter, will become the Smith 
School's first venture capital- 
ist-in-residence and maintain 
his positions as adjunct facul- 
ty member and managing 
director of the New Markets 
Growth Fund. 

James Lesher, professor of 
philosophy, received a 
National Humanities Center 

fellowship for next academic 
year to study "Knowledge 
and the Gods: Religious 
Aspects of Early Greek Theo- 
ries of Knowledge." 

President and professor of 
mechanical engineering Dan 
Mote, Distinguished Universi- 
ty Professor Ira Berlin and 
Stern Professor of Civic En- 
gagement and director of the 
Institute for Philosophy and 
Public Policy William Gatston 
were elected as fellows to 
the American Academy of 
Arts and Sciences (AAAS). 
The university now has 38 
members of the academy 

Dave Cottle, head coach of 
the men's lacrosse team, was 
named ACC men's lacrosse 
coach of the year. 

The College of Computer, 
Mathematical and Physical 
Sciences Dean's Awards were 
distributed as follows: 

Dean! Award for 

Excellence in Teaching 

M. Coleman Miller, astronomy 

Outstanding instructor 

John W. Merck Jr., geology 

Outstanding Teaching Assistant 
Kevin M. Conroy, computer 

Tbehna M. Williams 

Advisor of the Year 

Grace Deming, astronomy 

Exempt Employee Award 
Kari W. Aldridge, physics 
Jordan E. Landes, computer 

Non-exempt Employee Award 
Anita l. Dahms. mathematics 
Janice L, Sc noon over. Insti- 
tute for Research in Electron- 
ics and Applied Physics 

— Prepared with assistance from 
Pam Stone, University Relations 

Children: Interacting 

Continued from page 1 

Children's Digital Library 

Presenters at a panel on 
multimodal experiences 
demonstrated ways they 
would like to help children 
create a stimulating setting 
for learning. Joanne McEtlig- 
ott, with the University of 
Sunderland in Great Britain, 
discussed work she's done 
designing toys and computer 
games for blind and visually 
impaired children. 

"So that they can commu- 
nicate their inner world of 
sound," express their creativi- 
ty and "join in the youth cul- 

ture," she said. 

Wouter Sluis, a develop- 
mental psychologist, and Ivo 
Weevers, a computer scien- 
tist, both from University of 
Eindhoven in the Nether- 
lands, showcased a reading 
tool that asked kids to match 
picture cards and word 
spellings. Janet Read with the 
University of Central Lan- 
cashire, also in Britain, talked 
less about specific applica- 
tions than she did about her 
work to determine what was 
needed in order to make 

See CHZLDJEHN, page 4 

Volunteers Recognised 

President Dan Mote and his wife Patsy hosted the 
RetiredVolunteer Service Corps annual spring 
reception recently. Ninety-eight individuals 
strong, the group averages six hours per person per 
week. Jed Collard, coordinator for the program, estimates 
that the combined 19,000 hours they've given over 27 
years of service equals $325,000 worth of work. 

Awards were given to volunteers to mark five-year 
service anniversaries: 


Members and friend of the Retired Volunteer Service Corps attended 
the annual spring reception recognizing their work at President Dan 
and Patsy Mote's home. 

William Mullinix, English editing for 

international graduate students, five years 

Russell Miller, Gudelsky Veterinary Medical 
Center, 10 years 

Joseph Goodman, Gudelsky Center, 1 years 

John Luttrell, Engineering Learning Center, 
20 years 

Those recognized who didn't make the ceremony 
were: Rev. Jerry Buckner, five years, chaplain, Dept. of 
Public Safety; Ralph Vendemia Jr., Health Clinic, five 
years;Valerie Kaplan, Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center and other locations, 10 years: Peter Kriegsmann, 
Maryland English Institute, 15 years. 

Wiltz: Time to Reconnect 

Continued from page 1 

ment to collaboration has 
been a valuable resource. 
"Alcine will be missed," said 
Farr. "He is someone who truly 
believes in the collaborative 
process and has helped realize 
many of our goals in our first 
years in this building. He regu- 
larly attends the performances 
of the other academic units to 
show his support for their 
work. He encourages his stu- 
dents to participate fully in 
the life of the center through 
work with the other academic 
units and work with visiting 

Also during Wiltz's tenure, a 
master's in fine arts program 
and the Lilian certificate pro- 
gram were created, helping to 
earn the department focal and 
national recognition. Laban 
,Movement Analysis is a system- 
atic observation and analysis 
of movement, often utilized by 
dancers, athletes, physical and 
occupational therapists and 
others. In addition, Wiltz taught 
beginning and advanced level 
technique courses and fos- 
tered the guest and visiting 
artist programs that allow stu- 

dents to work closely with 
professional dancers. 

Fellow faculty and students 
alike praise Wiltz's passion for 
dance and his ability to com- 
municate."He cares so much 
and wants students to move 
from a surface understanding 
of dance to have a much deep- 
er connection to the field — to 
find a sense of place for them- 
selves in it," says Warren. Jen- 
nifer Hart, a 2003 graduate of 
the department, said of his 
style, "He's always looking for 
a new way for students to 
understand a concept and get 
it into their bodies. . . In his 
class, my technique and body 
awareness improved. Things 
started to click and connect 
because of the vivid visual 
imagery he used." 

Wiltz says that during his 
year of leave, he wants "to 
explore, through travel and 
study, ways to reconnect with 
my creative voice. I have had 
little time to devote to this 
area in recent years." Upon his 
return, he looks forward to 
spending more time working 
directly with students. 

In Memoriam 

Remembered jot Sharing 
Wltat He Loved 

William C. "Butch" Reinke's 
legacy is the impact he had 
on the lives of others. Whether on 
the professional or the personal 
level, he treated everyone with 
respect and kindness. Reinke, exec- 
utive director of OIT project man- 
agement, passed away on May 27. 

Without intruding, he offered 
help or encouragement when he 
saw one's need for either. He valued 
the role of all employees as critical 
to the success of the organization. 

Bom in 1945, he grew up in the 
little south Texas oil town of Refu- 
gio. He earned a degree in math 
and government from Texas Luth- 
em College in 1967 and a master's 
in computer science from Texas 
A&Min 1972. His professional life 
started in education: from 1967 to 
1973 he taught two years of high 
school math and four years of elec- 
tronic data processing at Odessa 
College in West Texas. 

He worked for the Data Process- 
ing Center at Texas A&M University 
from 1974 to 1984, first as a pro- 
grammer and then from 1 977 as 
assistant director for administrative 
applications. In 1984 Reinke was 
hired as director of the Administra- 
tive Computer Center at Maryland. 

With the creation of the Office 
of Information Technology, he 
served first as executive director, 
operations and enterprise applica- 
tions. Milestones during his tenure 
were the implementation of main- 
frame computing for the ACC and 
fielding major new software appli- 
cations that modernized personnel 
services and fiscal operations. 

Reinke enjoyed playing bridge, 
cooking his favorite dinners for 
others, playing handball, or sharing 
music he loved. He was an avid 
sports fan. Listening to music and 
reading Larry McMurtry were his 
favorite solitary hobbies. 

He is survived by Vicky, his wife 
of 37 years, and their son Brett. 

The family requests that any 
donations be made to the follow- 
ing charities: 

• The Chuck and Judy Sturtz 
Scholarship Fund 

• The College of Inj^rmation 
Studies Alumni Fund yt 

• The William Burlingame contri- 
bution to History Scholarship Fund 

Donations can be sent via cam- 
pus mail to Terry Miller, Carlton 
Building, Suite 217, Campus 3375; 
or postal service to Terry Miller, 
7309 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 217, 
College Park, MD 20740. (Please 
indicate fund and honoree.) 

JUNE 15, 2004 





Looking for Good Hosts 

The Hubert Humphrey Interna- 
tional Journalism Fellowship Pro- 
gram is looking for hosts for a 
group of international journalists 
and communication professionals 
who will spend the 2004-2005 
academic year at Maryland as part 
of a U.S. State Department -funded 
exchange program. Hosts are 
expected to pick up the fellows 
from the airport on Saturday, Aug, 
7 and host them until late after- 
noon on Sunday, Aug. 8. This year's 
group is made up of six women 
and seven men. 

Those interested in hosting an 
international journalist should con- 
tact Kalyani Chadha at kchadha® or (301) 405-2513- 

Art and Learning 

The summer schedule for classes 
at the Art and Learning Center is 
now available online and can be 
requested by mail. Classes are 
offered on ballroom dance, night- 
club dance, belly dance, painting, 
drawing, knitting, yoga and tai chi. 
The darkroom will be available for 
a semesterly rate. Special discounts 
are given to faculty, staff, alumni 
and students. 

For more information, call (301) 
314-ARTSorgo to www.union. 

Construction Hours 

The Engineering and Physical Sci- 
ences Library (EPSL) will be under- 
going much-needed repairs for 
leaks through June. The construc- 
tion will affect the current periodi- 
cals and individual study areas of 
the first floor. Current periodicals 
will be temporarily relocated to 
the ground floor. On June 15,EPSL 
will open at noon so that electrical 
work can be done in the lobby. All 
other days the library will follow 
the scheduled hours. For more 
information, call the Information 
Desk at (301) 405-9157. 

GoHing for Good 

The 16th annual Student Affairs 
Scholarship Golf Tournament will 
be held on Monday, June 21 at 7:30 
a.m. at the University of Maryland 
Golf Course. This fun-filled, annual 
event is for golfers of all skill lev- 
els. The cost is $50 for golf, lunch 
and scholarship fund donation. 
For more information and to 
download the registration form, 
or contact Michael Glowacki at 
(301) 317-7612 or 
mglowack@umd . ed u . 



The Council of University System 
Staff (CUSS) consists of staff repre- 
sentatives from each of the system 
institutions. It advises the chancel- 
lor and the Board of Regents. CUSS 
members serve a two-year term. 

Two seats are open: 

(1) Fxempt representative for all 
regular and contingent II employ- 
ees not in a bargaining unit. To 

nominate, be nominated or vote 
for this position, you must be 
either an exempt employee not in 
a bargaining unit or a contingent 1 ( 

(2) At-Iarge representative for all 
regular employees not in a bargain- 
ing unit. To nominate someone, be 
nominated or vote for this position, 
you must be an exempt or non- 
exempt regular employee not in a 
bargaining unit. 

For more information, contact 
Mary Graham-Fisher at (301) 405- 
3214 or; or 
Carol Prier at (301) 405-3869 or 

Summer Libraries Reminder 

To avoid fines, those who are 
going to be on vacation or other- 
wise absent for more than two 
weeks this summer may wish to 
make arrangements to have their 
mail checked for recall notices by 
someone with access to their 
library books or materials. 

For more information, contact 
David Wilt, engineering and physi- 
cal sciences libraby, at (301) 405- 
9140, or 

Allies Training Offered 

The Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexu- 
al andTransgender(LGBT) Equity 
offers free training for individuals 
interested in becoming better allies 
to the LGBT community. Upon 
completion of the [raining, partici- 
pants may become part of a grow- 
ing network of dedicated allies. 

Training dates are offered in 
June, July and August, 

For more information and to 
register, contact Tricia Slusser at 
(301) 405-8720 or SIusserT@aol. 
com, or go to www.inform.umd. 
edu/lgbt/rain bow. html. 

A Head Start for Students 

High school juniors and seniors 
can get a running start on study 
skills this summer. The Learning 
Assistance Service offers individu- 
alized programs and group work- 
shops in reading, listening and 
note-taking, time management and 
other skills needed to succeed in 
college. The program will be held 
Monday through Thursday, June 28 
to July 29. Cost: $280 plus parking 
(half price for children of faculty 
and staff). For more information, 
call Shirley Browner at (301) 314- 
7702 or, or 
go to 

Customer Service and 


This is a two-day (July 20 and 21) 
workshop focused on how to bet- 
ter meet the needs of internal and 
external customers. 

Day One; Learn to build rap- 
port, determine customer needs 
and avoid misunderstandings. 

Day Two: Learn practical meth- 
ods to solve customer service 

Location: 1 101U Chesapeake 
Building. Fee: $200. To register, go 
to and click on 
"Training Programs." For more 
information, call (301) 405-5651. 

Tools for Empowerment 


Peter Sage, yoga monk and instructor with the university, offered work- 
shop participants techniques for meditation. 

Meditation, mastering personal communication and 
career assessment were some of the topics addressed 
during the recent 22nd Annual Professional 
Concepts Exchange Conference. 

During the luncheon, Provost William Desder reaffirmed 
the important work of administrative staff, adding to what was 
already a day of positive messages for about 200 people. 

"You represent the best that the university has to offer," 
he said, adding that it was his assistants over the years that 
helped him learn to become an administrator. Also during 
lunch, Outstanding Professional Staff Support awards were 
given to Gaynor Sale, administrative assistant II with the 
Counseling Center, and Bobbi Donley, executive administra- 
tive assistant I with the College of Life Sciences. 

Children: Designing Media 

Continued from page 3 

handwriting recognition software 
more responsive to children's 
need "to write their stories in a 
more natural way than with a 
keypad" on a computer. 

Robert Martin, head of the 
Institute of Museum and Library 
Studies, summed up the confer- 
ence's theme during IDC's clos- 
ing panel." [We] need to know all 
we can about how people use 
resources for learning," he said, 
beginning with children of a 
"wired world." 

Moderated by NPR's David 
Kestenbaum, the panel attempted 
to address the question, "What 
can media teach us about interac- 
tion design and children?" With 
panelists' expertise in research- 
based acquisitions of pre-school 
programming, the effects of 
media and child psychology, the 
challenge was well engaged. 

"Children are starting to watch 
pre-school programming as 
young as one," said Alice Cahnof 
Cartoon Network. With that in 
mind, producers must look close- 
ly at what connects and holds 
their formative minds, while 
remembering their parents. 

"We really concentrate on mak- 
ing an amazing show. We think 
about what parents think about. 
When we do good work, parents 
appreciate it," said Alice Wilder, 
with the television show "Blue's 
Clues," but "we make it for our 
audience," the 2- to 5-year-olds. 

"Blue's Clues began with a mis- 
sion statement. We want to build 
the self esteem of pre-schoolers 

while making them laugh," she 

"Kids get out what writers and 
creators put in. Be aware of what 
your intention is " warned Wilder. 
Henry Jenkins of MIT countered, 
"Kids get more than what you 
put in." 

He used video games as an 
example. "Video games, as a medi- 
um, have trivialized human expe- 
rience ."Jenkins admits, "but even 
bad media can be consumed in 
very good ways. It requires that 
you take emerging media more 

Jenkins spoke of studies on the 
benefits of video games, from 
increased vocabulary to an under- 
lying sense of history. "The game 
is the catalyst to another realm of 
learning experience to be built 
upon and talked about," he said. 
He implored educators to keep 
an open mind. 

"If children bring in video 
knowledge, the teacher shoots 
him down. They shut the door on 
new knowledge," he said. 

Panel members look toward 
the future for new developments 
in media appreciation and 
increasing technology. 

As for the future of technology, 
the panelists had different expla- 
nations for the lack of progress 
and future possibilities. They 
could only agree on one aspect: 
There exists "a history of accom- 
plishments as well as a ton of 
potential," Jenkins said. 

— KaJrtna Altersitz, 
graduate journalism student