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Cladothrix, 39                        »

Closet, hot-air, 107
Clostridium, 34
Clothing, disinfection of, 120
Cocci, 36

morphology of, 36
Cohn's  classification  of the bac-
teria, 41, 42
Comma    bacillus,    discovery   of,


Cotton, sterile, value of, in bacte-
riological work, 107
Cover-glass forceps, 93
preparations for general exam-
ination, 91
Gram's  method for staining,

method of fixing material for

examination, 92
Cover-glasses, cleaning of, 92
Crystal-formation by bacillus pyo-

cyaneus, 199

Cultivation of bacteria, 124
Culture-media, 124
agar-agar, 129
alkaline blood-serum, 133
blood agar-agar, 131
blood-serum, 131
bouillon, 124
free from dextrose, 137
Deycke's alkali-albuminate, 133
Eisner's, 371
Dunham's solution, 136
gelatin, 127
glycerin agar-agar, 131
hemoglobin agar-agar, 131
liquid, best means  of keeping,

development  of bacteria   in,


litmus milk, 135
Loffler's   blood-serum   mixture,


milk, 135

peptone solution, 136
Petruschky's whey, 136
potato, 134
potato-juice, 135
sterilization of, 108

Cultures, anaerobic, various meth-
ods for making, 153-157
by animal-inoculation, 148
plate-, 140
puncture-, 147
in gelatin, various appearances

of, 149
"pure," 139

method of making, 146
solid or semi-solid, examination

of bacteria in, 89
stroke-, 147
study of, 139
Culture-tubes,  method   of  filling,

126, 127

method of inoculating, 141
Cumol  for sterilization of catgut,

Czenzynke's staining-fluid, 447

DAVAINE'S   classification   of   the

bacteria, 41

Death-point, thermal, 176
Dejecta, sterilization of, 119
Deycke's alkali-albuminate, 133
Digestive tract, entrance of bac-
teria into, 58
Diphtheria,    antitoxic    serum    in

treatment of, 302-305
determination   of   strength

of, 303

preparation of, 302
preservation of, 302
antitoxin, 297

preparation of, 298
bacillus of, 284, 288, 289
discovery of, 29
relation of, to diphtheria, 292
susceptibility of different ani-
mals to, 293

toxin elaborated by, 297
bacteriologic diagnosis of, 287
in  man  and  in   animals,  293,


pseudo-, bacillus of, 294
Diplococci, 36, 37
Diplococcus of mumps, 205
cultures of, 206
morphology of, 206