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Solution, Ehrlich's, for staining bac-
teria in tissue, 97
Solutions, disinfecting, useless ness

of, in the sick-room, 118
staining-, 92
Sozins, 78
Spirilla, 39

morphology of, 39

of Philadelphia waters, 344

resembling the cholera spirillum,


Spirillum aquatilis, 341
Berolinensis, 335
Bonhoffi, 339
cholera Asiatica, 313-319
characteristics of, 319
cultures of, 315-318
differentiation of, in cultures,

323. 324

distribution of, 319
in drinking-water, means of

detecting, 323
inoculation forms of, 314
production of indol by, 319
resistant powers of, 322
staining of, 315
toxic products of the metab-
olism of, 319
Danubicus, 337
Denecke, 330

cultures of, 330
Dunbar, 337
Finkler and Prior, 326
cultures of, 327, 328
staining of, 329
Gamaleia, 332

cultures of, 333, 334
of Gamaleia,  differentiation of,
from spirillum of  cholera,


pathogenesis of, 335
Metschnikoff, 332
Milleri, 341

of Asiatic cholera, 313—319
terrigenus, 342
Weibeli, 340

I.  of Wernicke, 338

II.  of Wernicke, 338
Spirochaeta, 39

Spirpchasta febris recurrentis, 431

Spiromonas, 40

Spirulina, 40

Spleen, influence of, on the vital

resistance to disease, 68 •
Splenic fever, 356
Spores, 34
and bacteria, difference between,


destruction   of,   by  intermittent

sterilization, 109
in the atmosphere, 183
presence of, in atmospheric dust,


resistant power of, 35
staining of, 35, 100

Fiocca's method, 101
Sporulation, 33, 34

diagram illustrating, 34
Sputum, tubercle bacilli in, 210

demonstration of, 210, 211
Sputum-cup, sanitary, 120
Staining bacteria in  sections   of

tissue, 94—97
Lofner's method, 95
Pfeiffer's method, 96
cover-glass preparations, Gram's

method for, 99
flagella, method of, 101
Pitfield's method, 103
fluid, Czenzynke's, 447
of tubercle bacilli in sections of

tissue, 216
solutions, stock, 92
spores, 100

Fiocca's method, 101
Stapbylococci, 37
Staphylococcus epidermidis albus,


" golden," 184
pyogenes albus,-184

distribution   of,   in   nature,


growth of, 186, 187
staining of, 186
aureus, 185
citreus, 189

Steam, sterilization of culture-media
by, 108