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present edition has been carefully revised, and a number of additions and modifi-
cations have been introduced to bring the book to date. It is well illustrated, well
arranged; in short, a modern manual."—The Chicago Medical Recorder.

" This popular manual now appears in the sixth edition. Published originally
in 1882, and designed particularly for the students attending the author's lectures
on obstetrics, the work maintains much of its peculiar character. It cannot be
regarded as more than it professes to be—a manual for students and junior prac-
titioners. There is no straining after abstruse problems, no elaborate arguments,
nor portentous bibliographies. But, so far as it goes, it is an excellent and
reliable guide to the junior student of midwifery. The language employed is
clear and simple, and there is a healthy dogmatism about the methods of practice
recommended which suggests the sort of teacher a student loves to listen to.
Chapter vi., 011 Fecundation, is a most valuable one. We do not know of any
work of similar size which treats of the early physiology of pregnancy with equal
lucidity. Young practitioners will derive much help from chapter viii. on the
Diseases of Pregnancy. Palpation of the abdomen for diagnosis of the position of
the foetus is clearly described at page 193. It would be well if more attention
were given to this mode of examination. It is now taught as an important clinical
method in America and on the Continent, but we know that our English students
are less conversant with it than is desirable. The mechanism of lahour is well de-
scribed in accordance with generally accepted beliefs. The chapter on Symphy-
siotomy will be welcomed by practitioners desirous of knowing the most recent
.ideas from America regarding this reviving procedure. Chapter xxii. on Pelvic
Deformities is terse, but clear and practical. We notice that Dr. King adopts the
now favoured treatment of puerperal eclampsia in America by hypodermic injec-
tions of veratrum viride. There is a useful chapter on the Jurisprudence of Mid-
wifery, containing many valuable points of information. We welcome this new

ITS PREDECESSORS."—British Gynaecological Journal.

LOCKWOOD.—-Manual  of the Practice of  Medicine.   By

GEORGE ROE LOCKWOOD, M.D., Professor of Practice in the Woman's Medical
College and in the New York Infirmary ; attending Physician to the Coloured
Hospital/ and to the City (late Charity) Hospital; Pathologist to the French
Hospital, etc. 985 pages, with 75 illustrations in text, and 22 coloured and
half-tone plates. Price, 12s net.

This manual presents the essential facts and Principles of the Practice of
Medicine in a concise and available form.

LONG.—A Syllabus of Gynaecology, arranged in conformity with
the American Text-Book of Gynecology. By J, W. LONG, M.D., Professor of
Diseases of Women and Children, Medical College of Virginia, etc. Cloth
(interleaved). Price 4s net.

" Based upon the teaching and methods laid down in the larger work, this will
not only be useful as a supplementary volume, but to those who do not already
possess the text-book it will also have an independent value as an aid to the
practitioner in gynecological work, and to the student as a guide in the lecture-
room, as the subject is presented in a manner at once systematic, clear, succinct,
and practical."

McFARLAND.— Text-Book upon the Pathogenic Bac-
teria. For Students of Medicine and Physicians. By JOSEPH
McPAKLA^D, M.D. Demonstrator of Pathological Histology and Lecturer on
Bacteriology in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania ;
Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia ; Pathologist to the Hush

r**     Hospital for Consumption and Allied Diseases.    New edition in preparation.