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40                              POLITICAL
called   Thus, with the army of Mnjjo, cnmm.irulrr ;tt New
Carthage (n, C. 2oyn there were two inrmhn* <>f tin- farmer
and fifteen of the latter/ Liken pris*mrrv    * !'*'!> b , x , »H^
Again, Livy, in mentioning a dcpuUlino *.f ihmy princi-
pal   3cnhrcs was   sent  tn  the  Unman-*  l>« MM-  |Mj   pr.u^
says,  "id  crat   .sanctius   ajnid    il!t»N   C"ti»ihnm,    iiM\ima*
quo ad  ipsum  senaium   rq;rmlum vi*'"  *vv\,   \** ,     Here
a board is describe**! which rmiM ^cntl t*» K«»tu«\ in citU-r to
sue for peace, thirty <»f it^ prinrip.ii inrmhrt^ Mn^int.i sriii*
orum prtncipus), and which a>ntn«Ih:il thr srtj.itr itsrlf,    It
is called a ttw$ittHW% s«i that cithrr llu* \vlu»Ur thirty rum-
posed the council, or it was a deputation fmm •> r«»nm'il
ing from the senate itself,    Mummscn think^ ilu-sr ^r
to be the gcrtisia, composed of twrnty-ct^ht *!y rlr
members and the two kin^s.    It i.mi«>uliit'ul, hr viyn, uhrther
along with this small council there c'xKU'd a lar^;< r unc, at
any rate it was not of much importance.    iH*M»k »u,, ch. i.)
Such different results do modern* reach, uhcn they
fill out the scanty reports of the ancients,
We have then either two or three onindN or hn.mN, one
created for a particular purpose and cnn^tirtj* «»f a hundred
members, originally a detachment *»f a *cnatc ; that ncnatv
itself, and an inner, more private bmly, whine roncluMonsi
generally governed those of the senate itself. The institution
of the "jttftitts" and of the gentsta may have been «ub«c*
quent to the existence of the senate, and shews the desire to
control affairs by some authority on which the aristocracy
could more rely, The judges were created to call the mili-
tary officers, with perhaps the other magistrate* and public
servants, to account, and had criminal jurisdiction over them,
The gerusia had the origination of drafts of laws, it is proba-
ble, and the principal voice in all administrative measures.
As we have seen, when the senate and the chief magistrates
were agreed in their policy, the people decided without
debate. t