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CONFEDERATIONS.                                 185
the non-Achaean states, was very inconvenient, and that the
presence of the members at various places was regarded as
tending to combine the parts together and to lessen any
jealousy that might be felt towards the original Achaean
The assemblies were dissolved at the end of the third day's
session. The subjects which came before them were all those
for which the league was founded, " peace, war, treaties with
foreign states, legislative ordinances, elections of federal offi-
cers, courts in relation to offences against the union.*'
Whether also controversies between states belonging to the
league were brought before the assemblies, or a special court
was organized for this purpose, we are unable to decide.*
3. There was a standing senate which seems always to have
been in session when the general ''assemblies
Senate.                         11111
were held, and to have met from time to time
as their business required. On matters of less importance
they could decide of themselves ; things of greater moment
were required to be brought before the assemblies. Of how
many the senate consisted we are not informed. That they
received pay for their services, like the senators at Athens and
elsewhere, is not improbable in itself, but it is by no means
established by Schomann's citation ; in fact, Mr. Freeman,
from the same place of Polybius, argues just the contrary.
(Polyb., xxiii., 7.) In that passage ambassadors of Eumenes
are spoken of as offering on his part " one hundred and twenty
talents to be put on interest by the league for the purpose of
paying the senators on account of the public meetings." This
might be to relieve the states from the burden of contributing
to their support, or it might be a new plan altogether. When
it was made known to the assembly (rot? TroXXofc) a person
.from Sicyon arose and said that, " while the gift was worthy
of him who offered it, it was, when viewed in regard to the
design of the offerer, base and lawless. For whereas the laws
forbade any one, private person or magistrate, to take gifts
* Schom. u. s. u.  no.