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CONFEDERATIONS,                                 2O5
(Deutsches ReicK). For the declaration of war in the name
of the kingdom, and for treaties with foreign states which in-
.volve matters belonging to the legislation of the kingdom, the
consent of the federal council (bundesratli) is necessary. The
parliament (reichstag} is still chosen by universal direct suf-
frages and by secret ballots. The number of votes in the
federal council are increased to fifty-eight, Bavaria having six,
Wiirtemburg four, Baden three, Hesse three. The number of
members of the reichstag at the first, and until a change should
be made by law, were to be three hundred and eighty two, of
which forty-eight belonged to Bavaria, seventeen to Wurtem-
burg, fourteen to Baden, six to Hesse south of the Main.
The two legislative bodies must meet annually, and the coun-
cil must meet at other times when this is demanded by the
votes of two-thirds of the members ; but the parliament or
reichstag can never meet without the council. The proposi-
tions made according to resolutions of the federal council are
presented to the reichstag in the name of the emperor, and
are there supported or represented by members of that body,
or by commissaries nominated for that purpose. The reichs-
tag's term of service is three years, and a dissolution at an
earlier time can take place only by resolution of the federal
council and consent of the emperor. If it be dissolved, a new
election must be held within sixty days, and a new house
must assemble within ninety; nor can this branch of the le-
gislature be adjourned more than thirty days without its con-
sent, nor an adjournment be repeated. The reichstag judges
on the validity of its members, makes its own rules of order,
chooses its president, vice-president, and secretary, carries a
question " by absolute majority of votes," and has a quorum
when a majority of the legal members are present. Its sittings
are public, and reports of its proceedings, intended to be
true (wahrheitstreue) are irresponsible* The members of the
body are representatives of the collective people, and bound
by no commissions or instructions. They are free from ex-
amination and arrest on criminal charge or for debt during the
period of session. The subject-matters of legislation are