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Full text of "Political Science Of The State"

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410                               POLITICAL SCIENCE.
and no always well manned ; but it must be remembered
that there had been little demand for the highest education
in this country ; that the principal places of learning are
ahead of the demand ; that the probabilities that a number of
these will expand into institutions teaching the whole circle
of the sciences is great, if we may judge from the past;
and that endowments are full as likely to come to them from
private munificence, as that state institutions will have per-
manence and success. Above all, at such places only can it
be in the teacher's power to cultivate the moral and religious
sentiments of the scholars,—there alone the fatal divorce of
religion from learning and science can find no place.
3.   The state may, however, without any especial difficulties
set up schools of technology, and of all branches of special
education outside of the learned professions.    Is there any
obstacle in the way of its establishing schools of the fine arts
also ?    None that I can see, if the great outlays for museums
and libraries are within its reach.    Yet it may be doubted
whether the teachers themselves ought not to have ample
freedom, a freedom which would be scarcely compatible with
state control.
4.   We now return to the common school system in order
to discuss some questions of organization, management, and
instruction in which the relations of the state and the town
or district are involved.    If there is to be a school system it
must proceed from and be supervised by the state, and yet
there ought to be powers given to the towns to enlarge and
improve its schools without asking leave of the legislature.
In such a case it ought to be required that the town should
contribute by tax an  amount equal to all  improvements,
whether they consist of buildings, apparatus, or new studies.
As for the management of the schools, men of the highest
qualifications ought to be appointed, with the duty of exam-
ining as well the schools as the proceedings of towns and
school committees, and with certain   discretionary powers.
Districts, for instance, may well be forced to provide better
school-buildings than those that deface some country towns