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5-3.S24J   vast power of the nobility,1     ^quality and the opposite, 529 ; from the

tint/*                                                             peopir'h   habit   of obedience  to the

POLICE, origin and mcunin;* of the term,       laws, tM, ;  the desire and extension of

235 ;   witlr and narrow SHIM'S 2$*', An * ,     i-d ULMS i« ^n> 530-532; the sway of public

glicim sense, tfiid,; fujfntsof public or- '     opmion, 532, 533; the kind feelingbe-

dt-r in different states, 23^, 23-3; e,\teiu       ft wren da^as. 533, 534;   the love of

of duties, ii. 304 ; mode ot appuintmrm,       chspl.iy,  534;   patriotism  and public

395 ; responsibility for amv-ts, 3^1; dr. '     .spirit, 534. $3$ ; freedom of associating

teciive police not essentially dM:nrt       for v.u'iuu-* ubjtvt.s, 53.3;, 536. Character

from   preventive, iM. / abuses in       ot   (!»•  l.iw.t  in different politics, 537.
flain^ of pri\ate pur.unii \vjth  r^jjui'-*
thr«>u{th<h'tt!ctivt*s, //»/»/.

J'DLtTff.vXi. chan^i'ft, cauifCN *»f th<*in, sf&»

575» won i.l.tteb tluMno;-.( <:,v*lu:-iv<' ex-   I

of politics to the useful and
T .iris 538, 539 ;   to the learned pro-

liiuMl changes and their

M>d to them. $6?5; rn.iy br iMlvnt. nr cyrlo, 406, 40; ; imtorins nf polity, 468;
open and nuuiifrst, ,v"«>; known tt,* un- on mixed furni^, 471 ; on the constitu-
ciont writers on jrolitk* >, //';»/.; but not in , tion t»i' {'arthaijt', ii, 40,41*; on the union
tht* formof spiritual cats; t% f^/V, !)»vri of l'i'U.p»>nm-siiN under the Achman

.is^tr, it* iyj; on the Achaean league,

trine itf human rijjhts ami rrpiality, 570,   PULV*;AMV, contrary to the idea of mur-

57$ ; und MH4ia!tstn, 57t ; I'han;^1. fmm       vi;ij;*'t y$ ; nu»r;tl evils of, 96; equality

opinion rroatmj; mnv pr»\vers in Micirty, ^    <»* M'^fN points to mom>^amyt97 ; great

o.'<peeially rt'ii^ion, 572; or <hr;*y uf R"  j    .Npn-ad <;t' polygamy, tp,

li;*iotis fatth, 573 ; chan;*rs by ;u'rttnm-   I',   »;-Sand>,   oi'(   their  govern-

lations nf capital, $73- 574 ; iltti^t ration '    HUMMS, ,|5a

from the* towns  in k-tttlal liinr^, 575;   l*OMKKov, <in nmstitutionnl law, cited

feudal peasantry unable tu ca%ue po»      ti. ajj,| ; on Matus in the United States

litical cr)anf*ivis, 575.                                 :    invalicl.itin^ contracts, 171.

.iTlt'Ai.  crimes,   (reatmcnf of,   37??;   I*O*IK .uid sick, ttitl to, by the State. See

punishment milder than f**rm* rly, 371 j.      rubli^ Charity,

[ii.n-if.M, ri^ht.s of iinlivi.iiuK   Mqu.d   l'*'Wi KS or fornvs of states: police,335-

jnstirt', arto;  ju«.fi«r nf banKr??pt  law,      s'4»*;   t;tsati<m,  240, 341;  war power,

ruid statutes of limitation ron'.idt'i't'd,       «4*» *4*«

368-570; iii-.tice of takini; l.itul fi»r pub-   l*KAt TH AI, politich, st*nsc of the expres-

lic uses, ^70; ri^ht nf petition, x?t* ^>v ; .    MW«, 431 i usi's of this tlt'partment of
f»f sprrch and pn* ,s, t7a-a7,| ;      thr Mibji-rtwf politic.s, 433 ; limits to the
LXiititm,   275;   rvil  of special      t^t's, ?>/</. / relations to history, 433-
;il««cs and vxrmplion;,, ayo, libnty *    Sr<?   Politics,   Ouvcnunontb,   States,


ot UMSwiution, 1*77,
l*tti,rru,s, Afihtocl«'s work, so-rnll*'d, 4;^. ; t'ittvn.r.<;rs, spwial unjust, 076,
Early politics, dilluMiUy of tktt-rinimn^   I**U»»KKTV, rij»ht of, dfJmilion of, 41, 42 J
what ih«?y \u-rt', 434,                                j    tjualifii'd property, 43, 43 I ™ there a
I'oi,nptt',s or forms of wiwrnmfnt, iitflu-' i'i«ht of property? $ «4 I ^ow does
t?nc*« t>i, UT', it rtsporls ilteir spirw, it, 530- ; property Iw^in ? } as I ^jor an(1 occu"
533; I'.spmully an it w?«.j«*ci», ilu? prim-i-, patiou* 45, 46; occupation what, 46*
pl<* »*f honor•sas-.v.jfi, <>th«*r int1iu*nvos. ; 47 ; possession m Roman law, 47; gains
Diftst'tilty in M'pumtmjj ili« infiuvnr**' on orcupution, 48 ; the lower race? afr-
oMIuf i'oltty from other mtitu'ncfs, 546; j kuowhrdgc a right of property, 49?
inUurnt'trs (rum i\w «?iis«* t»f ristnj; in prupiM'ty in h&nti, $ 3^| limitations on
hoch'ty, 597, s»0; from i\w ^pirit of ; ri|*ht ut pruprrty,50,51; common prop-