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state or the prince, 40",$, 465 ; church
and state in several Knglish colonies,
tbid.;   Kirk of Scotland,   its attitude
towards the state, 466, 467.   Opinion cm
the  relation of religion  to  the state,
Plato's, 469, 470;  Cicero's, 471;  that
of the church under the Christian em-
perors, 473 onw, ;   the Donatists lurid
force wroii.t; in matters of religion, 473,
474;   Catholic   church   claimed   inde-
pendence, 474 ;  Trotestants  nude the
prince   the   head   of  the   state,   ///*./.
Hooker's theory, 475-481 ; church pol-
ity may bo modified—no one form tin-
alterably settled in Scripture, 475 ; m
things indifferent the whole church may
legislate, 476; yet  the church Mibse-
quontiy may take away what i» hurtful,
477;   of the, relations of church and
state, ho held that they are in Christian
lands the same community, with differ-
ent officers uwk-r the   same supremo
head, 477; the rij'ht to this princedom
is by contract between prince and peo-
ple, 477, 478; his explanation of the
relation whore the Christian church is
in heathen lands, 478 ; and of the Cath-
olic Christendom, 479; objections to
Hooker's view, 480, Wat-burton's the-
ory, 491-488; Hooker and the I'urii.itK
both in error—church and state were
two societies,  481 ;   but,  by  alliance,
one, 482; their ends different, i/>nf. ;
religion hn*; no convive power, ,j8j;
terms of the alliance, 483, 484;   tin:
Christian church  and the fsttibli'ihwl
church of Kn^land most fit for this alli-
ance, 484; the Mate chose the largest,
most powerful church tor its ally* tfiiJ. ,*
find may disestablish it if it  .should
grow weak, 485;  pow^r given to tin?
church by the state—test-laws fortify
the church, 485;  and are not unjust*
485,486,  Low view of an establishment
held by Warburtan, 486.  A church, nut
established,not an imfwutin in imperil*,
tfa'tt,   Arnold's view of the connection
of church and state, 487-493 (see Ar-
nold) ; Gladstone's view, 494-497 {see
Gladstone),    Conclusions, 497-504 ; a
state may establish a religion, if it al-

lows frocMom of opinion and worship,
497, 498 ; difference of religious opin-
ions grows out of the nature of Chris-
tianity, 490 ; practical evils of union of
church and state, 500, 501 ; establish-
ments have failed of their end, 502;
the voluntary system has been a bless-
ing to the United States, 503. Attitude
ofProtcstauts towards Rome, 504; no
new principle involved in the Pope's
exercise of spiritual power, 504, 505.
Protection of religious worship is like
any other protection, Mitt. ; points in
which the state may control the church
in secular matter?, 506; as amount of
property hrld, ibiti / or exempted from
taxation, etc. » 506-503. Crimes against
religion, 508-513 ; rccoynixod in many
st.Ut':;, especially in the Brahminical
rdif'ion, 508, 509; by Knglish laws,
/y>/V, / laws against blasphemy reason-
able, 510, 511. Most, if not all, other
t:riwc.s nut punished as being directly
Against religion, as perjury, 511 ; viola-
tion of sepulchres, 511, 512; sacrilege,
witchcraft, religious imposture, 512;
Sunday laws, //»/</.

'HLsfcNTATioN, principle or rule of,
sa'i; unknown to the ancients, 294;
importance of, «W. / representation of
interests, 207 ; of minorities, 298, ii.
293-293 ; several plans mentioned, 294,

Rr.J'KKSKNTATivK, relation to his consti-
tuents and duty of, 295, 296,
Rr.wn'ATioN, right of, in; two rights
included in it, Mi ; can collide with
ri^ht of frtie speech, 112 ; trials for libel
and slander, 1x3, 114*
!U,siSTANrR of the individual to law,
can it l»e «ver ri^nt ? 402,
RKsroNsiniMTV of rohitives, in some
ancient states, 439.
RKSPONSIHJMTY of ministers for sover-
t'i^ny, 581 ; kinjys should be subject to
complaint in civil matters, 583 ; in some
politics could be deposed for misgov-
crnment, 583 i ought they to be amena-
b!ti for private crimes ? 584, 585,
RKTKUIUTION, an end in punishment,