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"7, 10* , \\ilr-. M-tims1 n'Mde next of kin,
</.v;vr// tij.itfffjttui AViYAVfV///,
, alho«f' v/«///< w/s lorj, n. ; dismheri-
son, sin »ulil it In* free. to the holder of
property ? iun ; licfpietst to religions and
other objeris liniiti'd by stnte law, uo,

Tlll.uc KA< V, 407-500 •, HUM of, 407, 408 ;
JcAvihh^o-ViMo; udmitsoi various forms
of government, 500.

TllteoUY, political, zitttfy of, over un age
or nation, z'/i.

THKOUU-^ of list- state examined. That
it h-> founded on rt.mtMet, 100-105;
looks at part of nun': nnrur^rmly, 190;
is unreal, 191 ; f.fd . to explain state
rights, 192-10". The divine origin of
the btrik*, i«/i, 107; jii-.rims mt particu-
lar siait! nr form, ii>M* State rights
no! ri^ht- mnvndercd by individuals,
192; M.itii'. havi* rit'*!iti-» not derived
from indiudutds, 1^5.

TitoMAsn;;-,, Prof, m Halle, author of tlu;
distinction betweeit tht: moral and jurul

K*nts of ri;^ht, 19, 127,
KVU.I.K, Ali'Ms de, on centralism
in administration ntid ^itvurnmunt, ii.
3^8-371 ; on honor In dnnocrucies, 523,
524 ; liis opinion <*xain!nod, ibid*

TKANSMISSION of property in early times,

r>EM:Niit"i4'; on rights, 136 ; on a

pnrtimlar ra-*- of linlus, 31.
TKIAI^ at Athens ii. 133, 133.
TRIM \I- synifin in early tini'"-, 45.s»-.lfit.
TkiiUfNr.s at Kuiue, ii. ^3; runtinuml the

political (iunlitin, 114 ; th«ir vftii-iuncy,

1*5 ;  a guud exuinplo i*f the, develop-

ment of institutions, 356,
TUN<«USKS, KljVerniiH'nt aiuon;*, ,j,p.
Tvi-oR, ritlvtiit. on progrebhiou ;u»l tie-

gradati*m in enUurc, 435.
TYRANNY in city-states, 510; first era of

Greek tyranny, 511, 5^2; second era,

513;   Aristotle   00,513-513;   Italian,

especially at Milan, 515-518.

UNITED   States   of America,   ii.   236-

258. Their polity determined hy their
colonial history, 236; led to union, as
English colonies, 236, 237. Differences
among them, 238 ; early attempts at
union of some colonies, as in 1643,238;
in 175.), ^10; the old confederation,
241 ; its delects, 245; new constitution
and reason* for it, 24.8 ; formation, 248,
240 ; it ere.iien a state, not a mere con-
federacy, 2.W-B5I; but the states still
exist, 231, 252 ; the Supreme Court its
only interpreter in the last resort, 252,
253; claims of two presidents to
tin; interpreting pmver, 253; examined,
/Vv</. / Mr. Calhoun on the court, 254.
Kxeeutive ehief of the United States,
hi; vnst powers, 25.1,255; dangers of
consolidation and of disintegration ex-
amined, 255-237.
Vr.Nini, constitution of, ii. 43-58, Comp.
Ai'istor.raey ;'ly Venice, 44-47 ;
dt^e, 48^-0 ; ^n-ut council, 50-55 ;
";;" oftheeouned, 52-55; doge's
council and the pre^adi. 53 ; the qua-
raiitia, 5^; the ten, 50-50 ; the three,
ViLiAffK cnmmunities and house com-
munities, 3»), n,*,
V«»N HAI.I.KU denies state rights propcr-
lv s<^ call»vl, »&».
VOTINCJ, *>uj;ht a ijnalifuitl citixun to be
ubligetl to vote? 388,
WAIT/, Prnf. <»*»<»., his history of the
(Jerman eon-rtitution often cited, as
SS7. S*>*«
WAUMCUTON,  W.,  Hishop, on church
antl state, ii, 481-487. See Ktsligion and
the State,
Wur.WKW. on rights, i^a; on theirends,
Wnir.s, th*»ir doctrine of revolution, 415.
WoK.sit!!*, right of,  115, no, 279»
limitations on, 115.
XACHAKI.-T:, K. ,S.» on rights, 133.