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Volume One 


Executive Orders 

Compiled by W.P.A. 

Volume One 




A Division of 



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THE Presidential Executive Order in the last fifty years has become a 
governmental instrument of broad and increasing importance, a fact made 
particularly obvious since 1933. In use from the earliest days of the 
Republic, the Executive Order was at first employed mainly for the dis- 
position of the public domain, for the withdrawal of lands for Indian, 
military, naval, and lighthouse reservations or other similar public pur- 
poses. Later it was much used for the creation, alteration, or disposition 
of forest, oil, gas and coal reserves, and for the withdrawal of public lands 
from sale or entry for purposes of accurate classification. It was also used 
to establish, transfer, and abolish land offices and land districts, supple- 
menting acts of Congress. It became an essential instrument in the evolu- 
tion of the civil service, blanketing into the classified service additional 
positions as authorized by law, promulgating rules for the service, and 
making plentiful individual exceptions and exemptions from those rules, 
both with and without the approval of the Civil Service Commission. It 
was used to effect various regulations applying to governmental employees 
outside as well as inside the growing classified service. It established days 
of mourning for the death of famous citizens. It extended Indian trust 
period allotments. It was employed to give public notice of changes of 
general interest in the regulations governing the consular and diplomatic 
services. Actual allocations of government funds were made, beginning 
with the blanket allotments for expenditures in the possessions newly 
acquired from Spain at the beginning of the century. Customs districts 
and offices were set up or altered by Executive Order. Regulations for the 
early government of the Canal Zone were established. Army regulations 
on punishments, both in peace and war, and on allowances for subsistence 
and housing, were set forth by the President through this vehicle. 

During World War I, the use of the Executive Order was widened as 
executive authority and power increased and its scope was again greatly 
broadened. Important agencies such as the Food Administration, the 
Grain Corporation, the War Trade Board, and the Committee on Public 
Information were set up by Executive Order. Presidential powers, vastly 
increased in wartime, were specifically delegated to subordinate officers by 
Presidential Order. Defense appropriations were allocated. Defensive 
sea areas were established. Censorship of the foreign language press was 
delegated to the Postmaster-General. Rules were established governing 
the behavior of enemy aliens. The interned ships of enemy powers were 
assigned for use. Sale of property in the hands of the Alien Property 
Custodian was regulated. Rules for wartime radio broadcasting were estab- 
lished. Bullion exports were regulated, and the non-combatant duties of 
conscientious objectors to military service were detailed. 

During the New Deal, the Executive Order was to see even wider and 
more vital usage, both in the administration of the recovery and reform 
programs and in the evolution of the defense and war projects. Agen- 
cies such as the National Labor Board and the War Labor Board were 
created by Executive Order. The reorganization of the Executive depart- 
ments and independent offices under the act of March 3, 1933, 1 was effected 
147 8tat. L. 1517. 


by Order. Relief funds were allocated to specific agencies, NRA codes 
were approved, and part of the machinery for farm loans and the estab- 
lishment of the AAA were set up by Presidential Order. The export of 
bullion was embargoed. The bank holiday was ended, the Civil Service 
greatly extended, and the conservation program expanded by Executive 

Different Types of Presidential Orders 

The President may issue orders in any one of three roles : as the civil 
Executive carrying out specific authorizations of the Congress; as the 
administrative head of the Executive branch of the government; or, as 
Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy. These different types of 
Presidential Orders today are known as "Executive," " Administrative/ ' 
and "Military" Orders, respectively. However, prior to the Roosevelt 
administrations no distinction was made between the first two, and many 
"Executive" orders of earlier date have been of an administrative nature. 
He may also issue "Presidential Regulations." These are Executive Or- 
ders, but were not so headed through the inadvertence of the person who 
drafted the Order, or of the Bureau of the Budget and the Department of 
Justice which today must pass on every Order prior to its submittal to 
the President. The List and Index do not include Military Orders, 
which are issued under a different authority and for very different pur- 
poses, or the Orders which have never been officially numbered, or the recent 
categories of Administrative Orders or Presidential Regulations. All are 
listed in the supplementary List and Index of Presidential Executive 
Orders: Unnumbered Series published by the Survey in New Jersey. 

The President may also order one of his Cabinet to issue an Order in 
his name, or upon his direction. Such Orders, signed by officials other 
than the President, are included in this list only where they have received 
numbers. They are footnoted with the exact signature of the signer and 
his title as given on the Order. 

The President also very frequently sends letters or memoranda to his 
subordinates, directing them to do some particular thing, or clothing them 
with some particular power. These technically may be called "Presiden- 
tial Letters" and as such are omitted from this compilation, except for a 
very few early letters which have the applicability and general interest 
of later Orders, and which have been included by Government officials 
in the numbered series. 

Varieties of the Executive Order 

As anyone who is acquainted with the earlier Executive Orders knows, 
no uniformity of form or style was established prior to 1873, when, in the 
second administration of President Grant, the present form of the Order 
became relatively well stabilized. 

This variety of form creates the problem, particularly acute in the 
earlier years, of just what is and what is not to be classified correctly as 
an Executive Order. Where today the President would issue a formal and 
detailed Order based on a draft prepared for his signature by a Cabinet 
officer, many of his predecessors merely inscribed the word "Approved" 
at the bottom of a Cabinet member's recommendation. At other times, the 
President would write "Let it be done," or "I approve the accompanying 


recommendation, and order that it be effected." Such Orders are indi- 
cated by an abstract of the recommendation on which the President acts, 
enclosed in brackets, and followed by the word " approved.' ' 

Some orders were signed at the President's direction by his secre- 
tary, such orders being incorporated in the numbered series as late as 
1899. 2 Some were signed, also at the direction of the President, or in the 
absence of the President, by the Secretary of State. 8 In fact seven of the 
first thirty-three Orders of the numbered series (E. O.s 1 to 28-1 inclusive) 
were signed by the latter official. Recently the Federal Register has at 
least momentarily reverted to earlier practice and thereby has revived 
problems thought dead for fifty years, by publishing in the numbered 
series occasional Orders of the departmental heads * which have the same 
effect in the same fields as earlier Presidential Orders. 

Availability op the Executive Orders 

Some compilations of Orders have been published on such special sub- 
jects as Indian Reservations, the Panama Canal, the PWA, Veterans' 
Regulations, etc. Many Civil Service Orders appear both in the Annual 

Report of the Civil Service Commission (Washington, 1883- ), and 

in the compilation known as Civil Service Acts, Rules, Regulations, etc. 
(Washington, 1883-1937), though in both compilations many Orders are 
given only by abstracts of the original. Other Orders appear in the 
United States Code (Washington, 1935, with supps.), the Canal Record* 
(Mount Hope, C. Z., 1907-1928), the Handbook of N.R.A. (Washington 
and New York, 1934), the Codes of Fair Competition (Washington, 1933- 
1935), the Report of the Alien Property Custodian (Washington, 1918), 
Emergency Legislation Passed Prior to December 1917 (Washington, 
1919) and Immigration Laws and Regulations (Washington, 1939, with 
annual supplements since). Still other sources are listed below pp. 6-8. 

The recent Code of Federal Regulations of the United States contains 
a listing of all Orders cited anywhere in the Code, arranged both by Code 
title, i.e. subject, and by number. But since the Code contains only Or- 
ders of current applicability and general interest, obviously a great many 
Orders are not there listed. Since its inception in 1895 under the General 
Printing Act of that year, 5 the Documentary Catalog has listed every Exec- 
utive Order printed in slip form by the Government Printing Office, 
whether included in the numbered series or not. From 1925 to 1936, these 
slip copies of Orders were made available in a small number of depository 
libraries throughout the country. 

The Federal Register Act of June 26, 1935,* provided for the trans- 
mission to a new Division of the Federal Register in the National Archives 
of three copies of certain types of public documents, including Executive 
Orders, prior to Presidential signature. This Division was charged with 
keeping the original when signed, and with transmitting one copy to the 
Government Printing Office for publication in the new Federal Register, 
the first copy of which appeared March 14, 1936. 

According to this act, there were to be printed in the Federal Register 

*E. 0.8 112 and 113. 

s As E. O. 2. 

*As E. 0.8 7757, 7758, et aL 

' 28 Stat. L. 610. 

• 49 Stat. L. 500. 


"(1) all Presidential proclamations and Executive Orders, except such 
as have no general applicability and legal effect or are effective only against 
Federal agencies or persons in their capacity as officers, agents or em- 
ployees thereof; (2) such documents or classes of documents as the Presi- 
dent shall determine from time to time have general applicability and 
legal effect, and (3) such documents or classes of documents as may be 
required so as to be published by Act of Congress." 4 This naturally 
greatly increased the availability of many of the Orders for the period 
since 1936, but the restrictions as to "general applicability and legal 
effect' ' substantially limits the number of Orders appearing in the Reg- 
ister. A large number of Orders still are published only in slip form, 
though every Order must today pass through the Division of the Federal 
Register, where it receives a number, whether subsequently published in 
the Register or not. 

A full file of the Orders of the numbered series is maintained in the 
State Department Records, National Archives, while current Orders are 
filed in the Division of the Federal Register. There is also a complete file 
of those Orders in the Law Library of Columbia University. 

As will immediately be seen, all the above sources represent only par- 
tial approaches to the total mass and subject matter of the Executive 
Orders. Of the great bulk of the material in these Orders there is today 
no other full list, no other detailed index. 

The Numbered and the Unnumbered Order 

No distinction can be made between the numbered and the unnum- 
bered Order on the basis of subject matter, general applicability, public 
interest, or legal effect. The sole difference is an arbitrary one based 
entirely on whether the given Order does or does not bear a number. 

This numbering was begun by the Department of State in 1907, at 
which time all of the relatively few Orders then on file in that Depart- 
ment were arranged chronologically and given a number, as was every 
Order subsequently filed. These numbers are recorded in the Documentary 
Catalog from 1907 on (60th Congress ff). Back Orders later added to 
this file were given " in-between' * numbers. 1 

But still many Orders did not make their way into the files of the 
State Department, and so did not receive numbers. President Hoover 
made a fairly successful attempt to end this situation and to regularize 
the preparation and handling of these documents by Executive Order 
5220* of November 8, 1929, in which he outlined a procedure by which 
drafts of both proclamations and Orders were to be sent in triplicate to 
the White House via the State Department, each draft bearing a suitable 
title, and conforming both to the latest decisions of the United States 
Geographic Board on the spelling of geographical terms, and to the Style 
Manual of the Government Printing Office on orthography and punctua- 
tion. The State Department was to keep one copy of the draft Order and 

t Distinguished by the "-A," "%," "-1," etc., following the number. 

• President Harding had made an earlier attempt to achieve conformity by Execu- 
tive Order 3577 in which he fixed the form of the recital immediately preceding the 
President's signature on proclamations, commissions and other formal documents, and 
authorized the Secretary of State to supplement it with suggestions for general uni- 
formity in Proclamations and Executive Orders. 

[ viii ] 

the signed original. This Order (5220) was slightly modified by Execu- 
tive Orders 5658 of June 24, 1931, and 6427 of August 10, 1933. Orders 
approving NRA codes of fair competition were specifically excepted from 
this procedure by Executive Order 6497 of December 15, 1933. Present 
procedure is regulated by Executive Order 7298 of February 18, 1936. 9 

The volume of unnumbered Orders was substantially reduced by the 
numbering system inaugurated in 1907. The procedural Orders since 
November 8, 1929, have practically eliminated the unnumbered Order. 

Some eighty-six hundred Executive Orders found a place in the num- 
bered series up to January 1, 1939. The importance of the data embodied, 
and the actions taken in these Orders has made this volume seem an addi- 
tion worth making to the existing tools for the study of American history, 
law and government. To this material the List is the calendar or chrono- 
logical key, the Index the topical key. 

The thanks of the editors are extended to Columbia University, which, 
through its Department of History and its library staff, particularly Dr. 
C. C. Williamson, Miles O. Price and Dorothy M. Peake, has contributed so 
much to the present volume. The staff of the National Archives has gen- 
erously aided the editors in answering many of the questions of incorrect 
dating and other problem entries which occur in the available printed 
Orders. To Dr. Philip Hamer is due our special thanks. To him goes 
credit for eliminating a considerable number of possible errors. To us 
belongs the blame for any which may remain. 

The editors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. Luther H. Evans 
and Sargent B. Child, former national directors of the Survey, to J. L. 
Ginniff, Audrey MacMahon, and Dr. George C. Groce of the New York 
City WPA, for their personal interest and attention which were of appre- 
ciable aid to the production of this volume; and to Helen Calhoun, Eva 
Flint, Elizabeth Hollos, Sally Cathrell, Ethel Pitney, and Virgil Regal- 
buto, members of the compiling staff, without whose understanding help 
the task would have been much greater than it proved to be. 

Clifford L. Lord. 
Cooperstown, N. Y. 
December 1, 1942. 

• 1 Fed. Beg. 2284. 



A CAREFUL check was made of the files of Executive Orders in the 
Division of the Federal Register in the fall of 1938, and every Order at 
that time included in the numbered series has been here listed. The List 
is based upon this source. The full text of each Order has been used as 
the basis of each abstract. 

The effect or extent of amendments in the various series of regulations 
is given in the entries in the List where stated in the Order, or where obvi- 
ous from the text, except for occasional Civil Service Orders, or Orders 
amending the Consular Regulations or the Instruction to Diplomatic Offi- 
cers which are so long and so involved as to make it impossible to detail 
the full extent of the changes made. In such cases the entry merely notes 
that the rules have been " amended' ' or " revised.' ' The reader may know 
from this that the changes have been too extensive to list or that their 
effect is obscure. 

A knowledge of certain special word usages in the List will help its 
user get fuller information from the entries than would otherwise be the 
case. The word described appearing in land orders indicates that the 
lands are described in detail in that Order. In other land orders, reserva- 
tions are spoken of as enlarged or diminished if only additions or subtrac- 
tions are effected by the Order. If some lands are added and others 
' removed from the reservation by the same Order, the word modified is 
used to describe the action taken. 

Similarly specified or designated, as applied to people, positions, etc., 
indicate that the text of the Order actually names the people or positions 

The names of customs collection districts are entered (in parentheses) 
after the number of the district only where the name of the district differs 
from the name of the State mentioned earlier in the entry. 

Many Orders bear the footnote Has form of a proclamation. This 
means that the Order is drawn either with a series of " whereas" clauses, 
or with the conclusion "Done at the City of Washington," both of which 
are typical of the formal proclamation, or that it is drawn to contain both. 
All NRA code Orders have the form of a proclamation in this sense. Excep- 
tions to this rule are noted in the entries. 

The words Miss or Mrs. are used only before those women's names 
which without such designation might be confused with men's. 

The words United States are omitted from the titles of official bodies 
except where their omission might create ambiguity. When used as a 
noun, United States is spelled out ; when used as an adjective, it is abbrevi- 

All Orders are listed in their chronological order. This means that 
occasionally the numerical sequence is disrupted. In such cases a see entry 
refers the reader from the place he might expect to find that entry in its 
numerical order to the date under which it appears. Chronological order 
rather than numerical order was used because of the occasional violations 
of logical sequence which strict adherence to numerical order would have 

All List entries use a contracted form of Department, Departmental 
head, bureau and office names. These briefed forms are designed to con- 


serve space without detracting from the clarity of the entry's meaning. 

Abbreviations in the text of the entries include State names appearing 
after other geographical place names within those States, months in dates, 
designations of length or area, and the titles of military officers preceding 
the name. The following abbreviations are also used: 
Dept. Department 

E. O. Executive Order 

Proc. Proclamation 

Sec'y Secretary 

In citations, the abbreviations given below with their meanings, appear 
in italics: 

APC Report of the Alien Property Custodian (G.P.O., 

Washington, D. C, 1919). 
Code Code of Laws of the United States of America 

of a General and Permanent Character in Force 
January 3, 1935 (G. P. 0., Washington, D. C, 
Code Supp. Cumulative supplement I-V, January 3, 1935 to 

November 4, 1939, to the code of the laws of the 
United States of America (G. P. 0., Washington, 
D. C, 1935-1939). 
CRC Compilation of certain departmental circulars 

relating to citizenship registration of American 
Citizens, issuance of passports, etc. (G. P. 0., 
Washington, D. C, 1916, 1925). 
CSA U. S. Civil Service Commission, Civil Service 

Act and Rules, Executive Orders and Regula- 
tions (title varies slightly) (G. P. O., Washing- 
ton, D. C, 1883—). 
CSR • Annual report of the United States Civil Serv- 

ice Commission (G. P. 0., Washington, D. C, 
D. Fed. RegA Federal Register (daily edition, National Ar- 

chives, Washington, D. C, 1936—). 
EL Emergency legislation passed prior to Decern- 

ber, 1917, J. Reuben Clark, Jr., comp. (G. P. 0., 
Washington, D. C, 1918). 
Fed. Reg A Federal Register (National Archives, Washing- 

ton, D. C, 1936— ). 
IR Executive Orders Relating to Indian Reserva- 

tions (G.P.O., Washington, D. C, 1912, 1922). 
K Kappler, Charles J., Indian Affairs, Laws and 

Treaties (G. P. 0., Washington, D. C, v. I, II, 
1903 [S. Doc. 452, 57th Cong., 1st Sess., ser. 
* Citations are to the reports of the Civil Service Commission as printed in the 
Congressional set of documents, not to the Commission edition, in which the material 
is sometimes slightly different. After Sept. 15, 1926, these reports in general do not 
contain the text of Orders affecting only individuals and lacking general applicability. 
There are a few exceptions. 

t Citations to volumes I through III refer to the consolidated edition of the Federal 
Register, which was thereafter discontinued. Beferences to volumes IV and V are to 
the daily edition, indicated by the citation D. Fed. Reg. 



NBA Codes 

NBA Hand 2 Ed. 
NBA Hand Supp. 

4253-4], v. Ill, 1913 [S. Doc. 719, 62nd Cong., 
2nd Sess., ser. 6166], v. IV, 1929 [S. Doc. 53, 
70th Cong. 1st Sess., ser. 8849]. 
McGuigan, J. J., Executive Orders Relating to 
the Panama Canal (Mount Hope, C. Z.. 1922- 

Codes of fair competition as approved . . . %oit h 
supplemental codes, amendments, executive and 
administrative orders (G. P. 0., Washington. 
D. C, 1933-1935). 

A Handbook of NBA (2nd edit., Lewis Mayer, 
New York, 1934). 

NBA Beporter, a supplement to a handbook of 
NBA (New York, 1933-35). 
Annual Beport of the Isthmian Canal Commis- 
sion (Q. P. 0., Washington, D. C, 1905-1913) ; 
Annual Beport of the Isthmian Canal Commis- 
sion (G. P. 0., Washington, D. C, 1914); An- 
nual Beport of the Governor of the Panama 
Canal (G. P. 0., Washington, D. C, 1915—). 
The Canal Becord (published weekly, Isthmian 
Canal Commission, Mount Hope, C. Z., Sept. 4 
1907-Aug. 1, 1928). ' 

Principal Acts and Executive Orders Pertain- 
ing to Public Works Administration, Minnie 
Wiener, comp. (G.P. 0., Washington, D. C, 

Richardson, James D., Messages and Papers of 
the President (10 vols., G. P. 0., Washington, 
D. C, 1898-1905; v. XI, Bureau of National 
Literature and Art, New York, 1909). 
Laws and Executive Orders Relating to Com- 
pensation, Pension, Emergency Officers' Retire- 
ment, Insurance and Medical, Hospital or 
Domiciliary Care by Beason of Service in the 
Military or Naval Forces of the United States 
(G. P.O., Washington, D. C, 1937). 
Veterans Administration — Public No. 2, 73d 
Congress, and Executive Orders Issued Pursu- 
ant Thereto Governing the Chanting of Benefits 
to Veterans of the Armed Forces of the United 
States and Their Dependents (G. P. 0., Wash- 
ington, D. C, 1933). 
All Roman numerals before any of the above refer to the volume 

All Arabic numerals refer to the date of the volume, as in the Annual 
Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 

Citations to the Acts and Bides, etc. (CSA) often consist of two dates 
joined by a hyphen. Such a citation indicates that the text of that Order 
appears in every issue of this publication between and including the two 
dates given. 









1 : Oct. 20 Provisional Court established to function during the military 
occupation of Louisiana ; Charles A. Peabody appointed judge and com- 
pensation of officers specified. VI R 122. 


1 : Mar. 10 * Deserters from the armed forces ordered to return to duty ; 
clemency promised; faithful citizens urged to oppose treasonable crimes 
committed by disloyal persons who enticed soldiers to desert, thereby 
weakening the army and prolonging the war, and to support the proper 
authorities in prosecuting and punishing such persons. 

* This order appears m No. 1 in 12 Stat. L. 731, although it does not appear in 
the official Numbered Series. 


2 : Apr. 4 * Reward offered for capture and conviction of certain alien 
felons and their abettors. 

* Signed by William H. Seward, Secretary of State. 

3: Apr. 29 Restrictions upon commercial intercourse in those parts of 
the South within the lines of [union] military occupation discontinued, 
except those imposed by act of Congress, and except trade in articles of 
contraband. VI R 333. 

4: May 9 Acts of the Confederacy and the pretended state government 
in Virginia voided, reestablishment of United States authority, laws and 
offices in Virginia ordered. VI R 337. 


5: Apr. 18* Public offices ordered closed on Apr. 14, 1866, the first 
anniversary of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 

* Signed by William H. Seward, Department of State. 


6: July 20 * Ratification of the 14th Amendment certified as valid, pro- 
vided the consent of Ohio and New Jersey be deemed as remaining in 
force despite subsequent withdrawal. 

* 8igned by William H. 8eward, Secretary of State. Has form of a proclamation. 



7: July 28* 14th Amendment certified as in effect and ordered pub- 

* Signed by William H. Seward, Secretary of State. 


8: Apr. 16 Civil Service Rules of Dec. 19, 1871, amended, and recom- 
mendations made by the Advisory Committee on the Civil Service for 
carrying said rules into effect, approved and published. VII R 180. 


8-1: Mar. 14 Civil Service Rules 2, 3, and 4 amended in so far as they 
apply to vacancies in consulates or clerkships in the State Dept. VII R 

9: Jan. 17* Holding of State, Territorial, county, or municipal posi- 
tions by Federal employees prohibited except where exemptions are 
deemed necessary by the proper officials. 

* Signed by Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State. Nov. 1906 CSA 25-June 1939 
CSA 152; VII B 218. 

9-2: Jan. 28* E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting State, Territorial, 
county, or municipal office holding by Federal employees, clarified. 

* Signed by Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State. May 1910 CSA 20-June 1937 
CSA 163; VII B 219. 

10 : June 24 Consular Regulations of 1870, Paragraph 331, pertaining 
to the receiving and delivering of ships' papers, amended in regard to 
fees for such services. 

11 : Aug. 5 Further Civil Service Rules prescribed. VII R 230. 


12: Jan. 2 Tariff of Consular Pees of 1870, amended to prescribe a 
single 25-cent fee for sealing cars entering from countries adjacent to the 
United States. 

13: Mar. 9 Mourning formalities for ex-President Millard Fillmore or- 
dered. VII R 282. 

14: Mar. 20 Consuls in Italy and Turkey made subordinate to the Con- 
suls General at Rome and Constantinople, respectively ; Consular Regula- 
tions, Paragraph 377, amended to require a showing and yearly report 
of the values of exports declared at each consulate and to discontinue 
the requirement for a quarterly report of navigation and commerce. 



15: Apr. 28 Regulations governing classification of the Civil Service, 
prescribed Apr. 16, 1872, amended by including in Group A under the 
office of the General Appraiser, officers and clerks at $1,200 or more but 
less than $3,000 per annum. 

16: May 29 Civil Service Rules for the Lighthouse Service prescribed. 
VII R 284. 

17: Aug. 31 Civil Service Rides extended to Federal offices in the city 
and in the customs district of Boston. VII R 284. 


18 : July 31 Mourning formalities for ex-President Andrew Johnson or- 
dered. VII R 329. 

19 : Nov. 22 Mourning formalities for Vice-President Henry Wilson or- 
dered. VII R 331. 


20 : Aug. 21 Mourning formalities for Michael C. Kerr, Speaker of the 
House of Representatives, ordered. VII R 398. 


21 * : Sept. 22 Mourning formalities for President James A. Garfield or- 
dered. VIII R 34. 

* Although numbered as an Executive Order, thia document is in the form of a 
proclamation and is included in the numbered series of proclamations as Procla- 
mation 1. 


22 : Apr. 9 Composition and duties of an interdepartmental board to 
represent the Executive Departments at the World's Industrial and Cot- 
ton Centennial Exhibition, New Orleans, La., prescribed. VIII R 228. 

23: May 13 Personnel of the interdepartmental board for the World's 
Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exhibition, ordered to organize and 
proceed to discharge their duties as prescribed by E. O. [22] of Apr. 9, 
1884; W. A. De Caindry designated secretary of the board. VIII R 231. 


23-1 : Apr. 25 Ma j. Qeorge M. Sternberg appointed delegate to the 
International Sanitary Conference, Rome, Italy. VIII R 313. 



24: Nov. 25 Mourning formalities for Vice-President Thomas A. Hen- 
dricks ordered. VIII R 319. 

25: [E. 0. 25 is Proc. 278% of Nov. 18, 1886, announcing the death of 
former President Chester A. Arthur and ordering appropriate mourning 


26: Aug. 25 Free entry allowed for personal property of foreign militia 
and soldiers invited to participate in the International Military Encamp- 
ment commemorating the 50th anniversary of the settlement of Chicago. 
VIII R 579. 

27: Oct. 24* Mourning formalities for Elihu B. Washburne, former 
State Sec'y, ordered. 

* Signed by T. F. Bayard, Secretary of State. VIII B 580. 

27-1 : Oct. 24 Same, addressed to the diplomatic and consular officers. 


28: Sept. 4 Board on Geographic Names established, and composition, 
duties, and authority prescribed. 


28-1 : Jan. 80 * Mourning formalities for William Windom, Treasury 
Sec'y* ordered. 

* Signed by James G. Blaine, Secretary of State. IX B 164. 


28- A: Jan. 22 Casa Grande Ruin, Ariz, [later designated a national 
monument], reserved. 


29: Jan 18 Mourning formalities for ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes 
ordered. IX R 383. 

30: Apr. 12 Civil Service Rules, Departmental Rule VII [pertaining to 
appointments], amended to add Section 8, making certain substitutes 
eligible for regular positions by re-instatement. 1901 CSR 240 ; IX R 399. 



30-1: June 16 Functions of preparing and recording of pardons and 
commutations of sentences transferred from the State Dept. to the Jus- 
tice Dept. 

31 : Aug. 19 Civil Service Rules, Departmental Rule VIII [pertaining 
to transfers], Clause 2, amended. 1901 CSR 241 ; IX R 434. 


32 : Mar. 20 Civil Service Rules, Special Departmental Rule I, pertain- 
ing to positions excepted from examination, Clause 6, amended to exclude 
the position of appointment clerk in the Agriculture Dept. 1901 CSR 
243 ; IX R 515. 

33: June 21 Civil Service Rules, Special Customs Rule I [pertaining to 
positions excepted from examination], amended to except superintendent 
of warehouses in Boston, Mass., and five division chiefs in Philadelphia, 
Pa. 1901 CSR 245 ; IX R 518. 

34: June 21 Civil Service Rules, Special Indian Rule I [pertaining to 
positions excepted from examination], amended to except up to 20 kin- 
dergarten teachers. 1901 CSR 245; IX R 518. 

35: Nov. 2 Civil Service Rides, Special Departmental Rule I, pertain- 
ing to positions excepted from examination, amended to except an expert 
in mechanical design in the Statistics Bureau, Treasury Dept. 1901 CSR 
246; IX R 519. 

36, 37: Nov. 2* Civil Service Rules, Departmental Ride II [pertaining 
to examinations], Clause 3(f), amended to make the chief of the Division 
of Pomology, Agriculture Dept., subject to examination, and Special De- 
partmental Rule I, pertaining to positions excepted from examination, 
amended to exclude the assistant chief of the Division of Pomology. 
IX R 519. 

* In this and similar succeeding Orders, numbers have been assigned to each of 
the two or more sections of the Order. Thus a single document bears two or more 
£. O. numbers. 

38, 39: Nov. 2* Civil Service Rules, Indian Rule IV [pertaining to ap- 
pointment], Section 6, amended to make certificates of normal classes of 
Indian schools acceptable as certification for assistant teachers, and Spe- 
cial Indian Rule I [pertaining to positions excepted from examination], 
amended to except one normal school teacher at Salem, Oreg., and one 
at the Haskell Institute, Kans. 1901 CSR 248 ; IX R 519. 

* Bee note on £. O. 36. 

40-42: Nov. 2 Civil Service Rules, Customs Rule I [pertaining to posi- 
tions excepted from examination], Section 2, amended to require a mini- 



mum number of 20 employees in a customs district before they may be 
classified; Customs Rule II [pertaining to examination], Section 6, 
amended to prohibit transfer of excepted employee to a non-excepted 
position; Customs Ride VIII [pertaining to reports of nominating offi- 
cers], Clause (a), amended to require reports of appointments under 
exception under any customs rule. 1901 CSR 248; IX R 522. # 

* See note on £. O. 36. 

43-46: Nov. 2* Civil Service Rules, General Rule III [pertaining to 
examination], Section 2, amended by deletion of Clause (6) and reletter- 
ing of other clauses accordingly ; Departmental Rule II [pertaining to ex- 
amination and positions excepted from examination], Section 4, amended 
as to transfers from excepted positions; Departmental Rule XI [per- 
taining to reports of appointing officers], amended as to reports of ap- 
pointments under exceptions; Railway Mail Rule II [pertaining to 
examinations], Section 6, amended as to transfers from excepted to non- 
excepted positions. 1901 CSR 247 ; IX R 522. 

* See note on £. O. 36. 

47-48: Nov. 2* Civil Service Rules, Postal Rule II [pertaining to ex- 
amination], Section 5, amended as to excepted positions; Postal Rule IV 
[pertaining to vacancies], Section 1, amended to prescribe method of 
selecting superintendents of mail; Postal Rule VIII [pertaining to post- 
master's reports of appointments made under exceptions to the board of 
examiners], Clause (a), amended to require reports of exceptions made 
under any Postal Rule. 1901 CSR 247 ; IX R 520. 

* See note on E. O. 36. 

60: Nov. 2 Civil Service Rules, Departmental Rule VII [pertaining to 
certification], Clause 1, amended to allow temporary appointments for 
not more than 30 days to certain vacancies pending regular appoint- 
ments. 1901 CSR 246; IX R 521. 

51-63: Nov. 17* Civil Service Rules, Departmental Rule VII [pertain- 
ing to certification], Section 1, Paragraph 1, amended as to appointment 
and transfer of sea post clerks in the Post Office Dept. ; Railway Mail 
Rule II [pertaining to examination], Section 5, amended to exclude 
Clauses (e) and (f) excepting steamboat clerks and transfer clerks; Rail- 
way Mail Rule IV [pertaining to procedures for filling vacancies], Sec- 
tion 2, Clause (b), amended to provide for the appointment of part time 
clerks at transfer stations and on steamboats. 1901 CSR 249 ; IX R 522. 

* See note on E. O. 36. 

64: Nov. 2 * Civil Service Rules amended to classify the positions of mes- 
sengers, assistant messengers, and watchmen in the State Dept. 

* Signed by W. Q. Gresham [Sec'y of State]. 



55: Dec. 4 Civil Service Rules, Special Departmental Rule I [pertain- 
ing to positions excepted from examination]. Section 3, amended by re- 
listing of excepted positions in the Geological Survey, Interior Dept. 
1901 CSR 249; IX R 598. 

56: Dec. 15 Civil Service Rules, Departmental Rule VII [pertaining to 
certification], amended to add Section 9, prescribing procedure for trans- 
fer and reappointment to non-excepted positions from excepted posi- 
tions. 1901 CSR 249; IX R 598. 


57: Jan. 3 Civil Service Rules, Postal Rule II [pertaining to examina- 
tions], Clause 5, amended to eliminate certain positions from the list of 
excepted positions. 1901 CSR 250 ; IX R 599. 

58: Feb. 12 Civil Service Rules, Departmental Rule VII and Postal 
Rule IV [pertaining to certification], Clauses 8 and 4, respectively, 
amended to allow filling of vacancies, for which no eligible is immedi- 
ately available, by temporary appointment without regard to the Rules. 
1901 CSR 250; IX R 599. 

59: Mar. 2 Civil Service Rules extensively amended. 1901 CSR 251; 
IX R 600. 

60: Mar. 18 Civil Service Rules, Indian Rule IV [pertaining to ap- 
pointment], amended to allow appointment without examination of grad- 
uates of Indian normal schools or classes as teachers in Indian schools. 
1901 CSR 252; IX R 601. 

61: Apr. 15 E. Os. 41, 44, 46 and 47, of Nov. 2, 1894, amended so as not 
to be retroactive in effect. 1901 CSR 253 ; IX R 608. 

62: May 7 Civil Service Rules for the Internal Revenue Service pre- 
scribed. 1901 CSR 253; IX R 608. 

63 : May 18 Civil Service Rules, Customs Rule IV [pertaining to cer- 
tification], amended to allow filling of vacancies for which no eligible is 
immediately available by temporary appointment without regard to the 
Rules. 1901 CSR 256; IX R 611. 

64: May 24 Civil Service Rules, Special Departmental Rule I [pertain- 
ing to positions excepted from examination], Section 6, amended to 
revise list of excepted positions in the Agriculture Dept. and to permit 
six months' employment of scientific or professional experts outside of 
Washington. 1901 CSR 258; IX R 613. 

64-1 : May 24 * Civil Service Rules, Special Departmental Rule I, per- 
taining to positions excepted from examination, amended to except the 
chief of the Dairy Division, Agriculture Dept. 1901 CSR 257; IX R 612. 
* Approval date. Letterhead date is May 16. 



66: May 24 Civil Service Rules, Departmental Rule II [pertaining to 
examinations], Section 3, Clauses (b), (c), (e), and (f), amended to 
specify additional positions not excepted from examination. 1901 CSR 
258; IX R 613. 

66 : May 24 Civil Service Rides, Special Departmental Ride I, pertain- 
ing to positions excepted from examination, Clause 3, amended to except 
an Interior Dept. specialist in foreign educational systems and a special- 
ist in education, as a preventive of pauperism and crime. 1901 CSR 258 ; 
IX R 613. 

67: June IS Civil Service Rules for the Government Printing Office 
prescribed. 1901 CSR 258 ; IX R 614. 

68: July 11 Civil Service Rules, Customs Rule V [pertaining to promo- 
tion], amended to establish temporary procedure for promotions in 
classified customs districts. 1901 CSR 262 ; IX R 618. 

69: July 15. Civil Service Rules amended to classify the position of 
fireman in all Departments. IX R 621. 

70: July 15 Civil Service Rules amended to classify employees of the 
pension agencies of the Interior Dept. IX R 619. 

71: July 15 Civil Service Rules, Departmental Rule II [pertaining to 
examinations], Section 3, amended to except one clerk, designated to 
sign official checks in each pension agency, from examination; Section 
4, amended to permit certain transfers from excepted positions to non- 
excepted positions. 1901 CSR 262; IX R 620. 

72 : July 15 Civil Service Rules, Departmental Rule VII, pertaining to 
certifications, Sections 2, 3 and 6 amended as to appointments at pension 
agencies. 1901 CSR 263 ; IX R 620. 

73: July 15 Civil Service Rules, Departmental Rule VIII [pertaining 
to transfers], Section I, Clause (a), amended as to transfers from pen- 
sion agencies of the Interior Dept. 1901 CSR 264; IX R 619. 

74: July 15 Civil Service Rules, Special Departmental Rule I [pertain- 
ing to positions excepted from examination], Section 3, amended as to 
professional experts and special agents in the Geological Survey. 1901 
CSR 264; IX R 620. 

75: July 15 Civil Service Rules, amended to include the editor and 
photographer of the Geological Survey, Interior Dept., among the posi- 
tions to be filled by noncompetitive examination. 1901 CSR 264 ; IX R 

76: July 30 Civil Service Rules, Special Departmental Rule I, pertain- 
ing to positions excepted from examination, amended to except one 



statistician and stenographer, with power to act as immigrant inspector, 
in the Immigration Bureau, Treasury Dept. 1901 CSR 264; IX R 622. 

77: Aug. 5 Civil Service Rules, Departmental Rule IX [pertaining to 
promotion], Section I, Paragraph 2, amended as to promotion and trans- 
fers between specified subordinate positions. 1901 CSR 265 ; IX R 622. 

78: Aug. 22 Civil Service Rules, Government Printing Office Rule II 
[pertaining to examinations], Section 2, amended to remove upper age 
limits for examination. 1901 CSR 265; IX R 623. 

79: Sept. 5 Civil Service Rules, Special Departmental Rule I, pertain- 
ing to positions excepted from examination, amended to exclude book 
binders in all departments from such exception. 1901 CSR 265; IX R 

80: Sept. 16 Civil Service Rules, Special Departmental Rule I, pertain- 
ing to positions excepted from examination, amended to except 43 com- 
positors and eight pressmen temporarily employed in the Engraving and 
Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept. 1901 CSR 266 ; IX R 623. 

81 : Sept. 20 Rules governing appointment of consuls and commercial 
agents prescribed. IX R 624. 

82: Nov. 6 Civil Service Rules, Postal Rule I [pertaining to classifica- 
tion], Section 2, amended to clarify status of classifications in any post 
office consolidated with a pre-delivery office. 1901 CSR 266; IX R 625. 

83: Dec. 2 Civil Service Rules amended to exclude special agents in the 
Labor Dept. from appointment by noncompetitive examination. 1901 
CSR 267; IX R 699. 

84: Dec. 2 Civil Service Rules, Special Departmental Rule I, pertaining 
to positions excepted from examinations, Clause 8, amended to exclude 
statistical and temporary experts in the Labor Dept. from such excep- 
tion. 1901 CSR 266; IX R 699. 


85: Jan. 18 Civil Service Rules, Customs Rule II [pertaining to exam- 
inations], Section 5, amended to except from examination certain part- 
time positions. 1901 CSR 267; IX R 700. 

86: Jan. 18 Civil Service Rules, Internal Revenue Rule IV [pertaining 
to certification], Section 5, amended to permit temporary appointments 
without regard to the rules to any position in any internal revenue dis- 
trict during an emergency. 1901 CSR 267; IX R 699. 



87: Mar. 28 Civil Service Rules, Special Departmental Rule I, pertain- 
ing to positions excepted from examination, Clause 3, amended to ex- 
clude assistant attorneys and law clerks in the Interior Dept. from 
excepted list. 1901 CSR 268 ; IX R 701. 

88: Mar. 28 Civil Service Rules amended to make members of the Pen- 
sion Appeals Board, Interior Dept., subject to competitive examination. 
1901 CSR 268; IX R 701. 

89: May 6 Civil Service Rules revised and codified. 1901 CSR 269; IX 
R 701. 

90: May 18 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to classification of the 
service], Clause 2, Paragraphs (a) and (b), amended to include the Life- 
Saving Service in the Departmental Service. 1901 CSR 279 ; IX R 712. 

91 : Nov. 2 Modification of the rules governing employment of laborers 
at navy yards prohibited without approval of the Civil Service Commis- 
sion. 1896 CSR 64-1902 CSR 74; IX R 714. 

92-92-3: Nov. 2 Civil Service Rule I [pertaining to definitions], Rule III 
[pertaining to classification of the service], Rule IV [pertaining to ex- 
amination], Rule VI [pertaining to exception from examination], Rule 

VIII [on certification], Rule IX [pertaining to filling of vacancies by 
reinstatement], and Rule XI [pertaining to promotion], amended. 1901 
CSR 279; IX R 712. 

93: Dec. 23 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to classification of the 
service], Clause 2 (b), amended to include in the Departmental Service 
officers and employees in the Penitentiary Service who are subject to 
classification. 1901 CSR 281 ; IX R 798. 


94: Jan. 2 Civil Service Rule V, pertaining to qualifications, Section 4, 
pertaining to age limitations, amended to fix new limits. 1901 CSR 281 ; 

IX R 799. 

95: Jan. 2 Civil Service Rule VIII [pertaining to certification], 
amended to allow temporary appointments without examination or cer- 
tification to fill vacancies when there are no eligibles on the register. 
1901 CSR 282; IX R 798. 

96: Jan. 27 Civil Service Rule VI, pertaining to positions excepted from 
examination, amended to except assistant secretary of the Smithsonian 
Institution, in charge of the National Museum. 1901 CSR 282 ; IX R 801. 

97: Apr. 24 Civil Service Rules amended by promulgation of Special 
Rule I, excepting the successor to the Assistant Attorney Qeneral for the 
Post Office Dept. from examination. 1897 CSR 132. 



98: May 24 Civil Service Rules amended by promulgation of Special 
Rule II, excepting the successor to the law clerk for the Post Office Dept. 
from examination. 

99 : July 15 Consular Regulations amended to waive the requirement of 
personal appearance of shippers at consulates for the invoice declaration, 
and to permit the printing of invoices in the countries in which the con- 
sulates are located. State Sec'y authorized to make future routine 

100: July 27 Tariff of Consular Pees extensively revised. 

101: July 27 Civil Service Rule II [pertaining to causes for removal], 
amended by addition of Paragraph 8 to provide for hearing on written 
charges for competitive employees before removal. 1901 CSR 282. 

102: July 27 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to classification of the 
Service], Section 3, amended to include in the Departmental Service 
customs house employees in customs districts having fewer than five em- 
ployees. 1901 CSR 283. 

103: July 27 Civil Service Rule VI [pertaining to positions excepted 
from examination], amended. 1901 CSR 283. 


104: May 13 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to eligibility], Para- 
graph 4, amended to suspend the time limit on eligibility for eligibles 
mustered into military service. 1901 CSR 284. 

105: June 15* Civil Service Rule VIII [pertaining to certification], 
amended by addition of Section 8 making certain positions in the Gov- 
ernment Printing Office subject to apportionment. 1901 CSR 285. 

* Addressed "To the People of the United States." 

106: July 6 Nation requested to give thanks for war victories, 

106-1 : Aug. 6 Marking of graves of U. S. soldiers at Santiago, Cuba, 
ordered, and Sec'y of War charged with responsibility therefor. 

106% : Aug. 26 Consular agents permitted to retain as compensation 
for services to U. S. seamen and vessels and for other official acts, one- 
half of the fees collected for such services, provided such compensation 
does not exceed $1,000 per annum. 

107: Sept. 7 Government employees, relatives of soldiers of the 1st Dis- 
trict of Columbia Regiment of Volunteers, excused from duty, Sept. 9, 
1898, the date of the return of said regiment to Washington. 



108: Oct. 10 Consular Regulations, paragraph 576, pertaining to con- 
sular agents' accounts, amended. 

108- A: Dec. 28 Island of Guam placed under control of the Navy Dept. ; 
Sec'y of the Navy ordered to take necessary steps for the protection and 
government of said island. 

109: Dec. 29 * Executive Depts. ordered closed for one-half day for the 
funeral of the late Senator Morrill of Vermont. 

* Signed by J. A. Porter, Secretary to the President. 

110: Dec. 31 * Contract between the Republic of Hawaii and the Pacific 
Cable Co., of New York, voided. 

* Signed by John Hay [Secretary of State]. Has form of a proclamation. 


111 : Jan. 20 Permanent appointment of certain Navy Dept. personnel 
temporarily appointed before Sept. 15, 1898, under Rule VIII, Clause 
12, of the Civil Service Rules, permitted. 

112: Feb. 8* Consideration ordered for requests of government em- 
ployees belonging to the Grand Army of the Republic for half -holiday, 
in connection with the removal of the remains of John A. Rawlins to 
Arlington National Cemetery. 

* 8igned by J. A. Porter, Secretary [to the President]. 

113 : Feb. 8 * Half-masting of flag during removal of the remains of 
John A. Rawlins to Arlington National Cemetery, ordered. 

* Signed by J. A. Porter, Secretary to the President. 

114: Apr. 3 Tribute paid to Spanish American War dead; appropriate 
exercises ordered for those to be interred Apr. 6, 1899, in Arlington Na- 
tional Cemetery. 

115: Apr. 18 Civil Service Rule VI, pertaining to positions excepted 
from examination, amended to except one foreman of job division in the 
Government Printing Service. 

116: May 13 General election provided for in the Constitution of the 
Republic of Hawaii cancelled; elective officers to continue in office at 
pleasure of the President, pending Congressional action. 

117: May 23 Government employees excused from duty at noon, May 
24, 1899, for participation in Peace Jubilee. 

118: May 27 Terminal facilities on the Atlantic coast for a cable from 
Borkum-Emden, Germany, to New York, N. Y., granted to the Deutsch- 



Atlantische Telegraphen Gesellschaft, and conditions attaching to such 
grant prescribed. 

119: May 29 Civil Service Rule II [pertaining to causes for removal], 
Rule III [pertaining to classification of the service], Rule IV [pertain- 
ing to examinations], Rule VI [pertaining to exceptions from examina- 
tion], Rule VII [pertaining to eligibility], Rule VIII [pertaining to 
certification], Rule IX [pertaining to reinstatement], and Rule X [per- 
taining to transfer], amended; new Rule XIII [pertaining to salary 
classifications], establishing classes A-E and 1-6, added. 1901 ,CSR 286. 

120: June 6 Civil Service Rule VI [pertaining to positions excepted 
from examination], amended by inserting a new Clause 34 to except 
one assistant postmaster or the chief assistant to the postmaster of 
whatever designation, at each post office. 1901 CSR 293. 

121 : Sept. 11 Proceedings taken or pending for the sale or disposition 
of public lands in the territory of Hawaii ordered discontinued, and all 
agreements for sales made since adoption of the Resolution of Annexa- 
tion voided. 

122: Sept. 18 Issuance by the Government of Hawaii of registers to 
vessels, entitling such vessels to the rights and privileges of Hawaiian 
vessels, ordered discontinued. 


123: Jan. 15 Civil Service Rule IX [pertaining to reinstatement], 
amended to include among those eligible for reinstatement without re- 
gard to length of separation, employees who were separated as a result 
of the discontinuance of the free delivery service at any post office. 1901 
CSR 293. 

124: Jan. 22 Civil Service Rule VI [pertaining to positions excepted 
from examination], amended to add Section 58, excepting one clerk to 
act as private secretary to the superintendent of the Government Hos- 
pital for the Insane. 1901 CSR 293. 

125: Jan. 29 Civil Service Rule XI [pertaining to promotion], Section 
4, amended to clarify regulations governing the promotion of honorably 
discharged Civil and Spanish-American War veterans reinstated in the 
service at a lower grade than that from which they were separated. 1901 
CSR 293. 

126: Mar. 16 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 5, 
amended to provide for retransfer of certain people from unclassified 
to classified positions. 1901 CSR 294. 



127: Mar. 16 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 4, 
amended to provide for transfer of certain people from excepted to 
non-excepted positions. 1901 CSR 294. 

128: Mar. 29 Civil Service Rule V [pertaining to age limitations], Sec- 
tion 4, amended. 1901 CSR 294. 

129: Apr. 17 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 4, 
clarified as to transfers from excepted to non-excepted positions. 1901 
CSR 296. 

ISO : May 24 Civil Service Rules amended by special rule to permit 
transfer and appointment without examination of enlisted yeomen in 
the Navigation and Medical Bureaus, Navy Dept., as civilian employees 
at grades no higher than copyist. 1900 CSR 81, 1901 CSR 296. 

130-A * (no date) Franchise granted by the Republic of Hawaii to the 
First American Bank of Hawaii approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation, as have E. O.B 130-B through 130-D. 

130-B: June 22 Franchise granted by the Republic of Hawaii to the 
Hilo Railroad Co. approved. 

130-O: (no date) Franchise granted by the Republic of Hawaii to the 
Kohala and Hilo Railroad Co. approved. 

130-D: (no date) Franchise granted by the Republic of Hawaii to the 
Honolulu Rapid Transit and Land Co. approved. 

131: June 29 Civil Service Rule VI [pertaining to positions excepted 
from examination], Section 27, amended to except all pavmasters* clerks. 
1900 CSR 296. 

132: July 13 Consular court fees and fines made official, and conflicting 
portions of the E. O. of July 29, 1897,* and of the Consular Regulations, 
amended to accord therewith. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

133: Nov. 20 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to positions excepted 
from examination], Section 8, Clause (m), amended to except certain 
draftsmen under the Navy Dept. and to make such positions subject 
only to a fitness test. 1901 CSR 296. 

134: Nov. 80 Civil Service Commission directed to assist the Philippine 
Civil Service Board in the establishment and maintenance of an efficient 
civil service for the Philippines. June 1918 CSA 6 : 1899 CSR 80 ; 1901 
CSR 57, 134, 297. 



136: Jan. 31 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1897 and Consular 
Regulations of 1896, Paragraphs 153 and 154, repealed and consolidated 
into Paragraph 152 on expiration of passports. 

136: Feb. 26 Civil Service Rule V ( [pertaining to qualification], Section 
4, on age limitations, amended as to limitations for the Lighthouse Serv- 
ice. 1901 CSR 297. 

137: Mar. 2 Civil Service Rule VI, pertaining to positions excepted 
from examination, Paragraph 12, amended to except all interpreters of 
Chinese in the Treasury Dept. 1901 CSR 297. 

138: Mar. 25 Tariff of Consular fees amended to provide that fees be 
collected for bills of health and supplemental bills of health issued for- 
eign war vessels. 

139: Apr. 6 Half holiday granted to Civil War and Spanish- American 
War veterans in the Government service for unveiling, Apr. 9, of statue 
of John A. Logan. 

140: July 31 Civil Service Rule V [pertaining to qualification], Section 
4, on age limitations, amended to prescribe limits of 18 to 45 years for 
all Post Office Service positions. 1901 CSR 297. 

141 : Oct. 31 Civil Service Rules amended by promulgation of special 
rule to permit the appointment without examination of a clerk to sign 
checks at the Philadelphia, Pa., pension agency. 1900 CSR 79. 

142 : Nov. 1 Civil Service Rules amended by promulgation of special 
rule to permit appointment of White House steward without examina- 
tion. 1900 CSR 83, 142. 

143: Nov. 6 Civil Service Rules amended by special rule to permit ap- 
pointment of a laborer with duties of coachman in the office of the Assist- 
ant Secretary of the Navy without examination. 1900 CSR 79, 83. 

144: Nov. 18 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to classification of the 
Service], Section 8, amended to delete Clauses (g), (h), (i), and (j), and 
to reletter the succeeding clauses accordingly. 1901 CSR 298. 

146: Nov. 26 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to classification of the 
service], amended to add Section 9 permitting the Secretary of the In- 
terior to class superintendents of Indian training schools as classified 
employees if duties of Indian agent devolve upon them. 1901 CSR 298. 

146: Nov. 26 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Clause 2, 
amended as to waiver of the apportionment provisions. 1901 CSR 298. 

147: Nov. 27 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to classification of the 
service], Section 4, defining Postal Service personnel, amended. 1901 
CSR 299. 



148: Dec. 11 Civil Service Rule VIII [pertaining to certification], 
[Section] 16, amended to prescribe procedure for dismissal of persons 
found by the Civil Service Commission to be holding positions in viola- 
tion of the Civil Service Act or Rules. 1901 CSR 299. 

149: Dec. .11 Civil Service Rule II [pertaining to causes of removal], 
amended by addition of [Section] 9, to provide that public officers coop- 
erate with the Civil Service Commission in its investigations of em- 
ployees. 1901 CSR 299. 

160: Dec. 11 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 2, 
amended to prohibit transfer of persons who have not served six months 
in a classified position in the office in which they became classified. 1901 
CSR 300. 

151: Dec. 11 Civil Service Rule VllI [pertaining to certification], Sec- 
tion 13, amended to provide for appointments from incomplete registers 
in certain cases. 1901 CSR 300. 

162: Dec. 23 Civil Service Rule V [pertaining to qualifications], Section 
4 [on age limitations], amended to prescribe limits for appointments in 
the Postal Service. 1901 CSR 301. 

163: Dec. 27 Civil Service Rule V [pertaining to age qualification], 
Section 4 [on age limitations], amended to exempt Civil War and 
Spanish-American War veterans from age limits for appointments as 
rural letter carrier. 1901 CSR 301. 


164: Jan. 18 Civil Service Rules amended by promulgation of special 
rule to permit appointment of assistant immigration commissioner at 
New York, N. Y., without examination. 

166: Jan. 20 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to classification of the 
service], Section 8, Clause (i), amended to specify its applicability to the 
Navy Department only. 1901 CSR 302. 

166: Jan. 21 Civil Service Rule V [pertaining to qualifications on age 
limitations], Section 4, amended as to age requirements for certain spe- 
cified positions in the Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1901 CSR 303. 

167: Jan. 23 Civil Service Rule VI [pertaining to positions excepted 
from examination], Section 43, amended to except four special inspectors 
in the Interior Dept. 1901 CSR 304. 

168: Jan. 23 Civil Service Rule IX [pertaining to reinstatement], 
amended to eliminate proviso permitting the reinstatement, without re- 
gard to length of separation from the Service, of persons separated 
because of false charges. 1901 CSR 304. 



169: Jan. 23 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 2, 
amended to prohibit transfers except to positions requiring the same 
class of work. 1901 CSR 304. 

160: Jan. 23 Civil Service Rule XII [pertaining to reports of appoint- 
ing officers], amended by adding [Sections] 3 and 4 to provide that a list 
of all employees considered below classification be submitted by every 
nominating and appointing officer to the Civil Service Commission. 1901 
CSR 305. 

161 : Jan. 24 Civil Service Rule VIII, pertaining to certification, 
amended by addition of new Sections 13-16 to prescribe new regulations 
for temporary appointments. 1901 CSR 305. 

162: Jan. 24 Reception committee for Prince Henry of Prussia desig- 
nated. June 1908 CSA 61. 

163 : Jan. 31 Solicitation of pay increases or attempts to influence Con- 
gress in any other legislation, by employees under any Executive Depart- 
ment in or out of Washington forbidden. Nov. 1906 CSA 65; 1901 CSR 
57-1903 CSR 65. 

164: Feb. 4 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], amended by 
addition of Section 10 to permit transfer of certain personnel of the 
Engraving and Printing Bureau without examination. 1901 CSR 306. 

165: Feb. 7 John P. Green, excepted postage stamp agent, classified 
without examination or certification. 

166: Feb. 8 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to classification of the 
service], Section 8 [on positions excepted from the Rules], Clause (f) 
amended as to excepted Marine Hospital Service personnel. 1901 CSR 

167: Mar. 10 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 692, pertaining 
to currency certificates, amended. 

168: Mar. 13 Civil Service Rule II [pertaining to politics and religion, 
causes for removal, and rights of employees under the Civil Service Act], 
Section 7, amended to prescribe examination for persons transferring 
from positions they occupied when the positions were included in the 
classified service. 1901 CSR 307. 

169: Mar. 13 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], amended 
by addition of Section 11 to bar transfer after reinstatement prior to six 
months' service. 1901 CSR 307. 

170: Mar. 24 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 451, pertaining 
to presents and testimonials from foreign powers, amended to prohibit 
a consular officer from accepting appointment by any foreign state in 
any fiduciary capacity without previous approval of the Sec'y of State. 



171 : Apr. 25 Criticisms of or charges against Diplomatic and Consular 
Service officers by any other officer in either Service forbidden, except 
in confidential communications to the State Dept. 

172: Apr. 30 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to classification of the 
Service, [Section] 8, Clause (i), amended as to permanent and temporary 
appointment, and transfer of excepted Navy Dept. personnel. 1901 CSR 
57, 1901 CSR 75. 

173: Hay 29 Civil Service Rule II [pertaining to politics and religion, 
causes for dismissal, and rights of employees under the Civil Service Act], 
Section 8 clarified as to meaning of term "removal for just causes." 
1901 CSR 58, 1902 CSR 76. 

174: June 2 Civil Service Rules amended by special' rule to permit ap- 
pointment of assistant immigration commissioner at New York, N. Y., 
without examination. 

175: June 21 Alexander C. Caine made eligible for transfer from ex- 
cepted position of examiner to [classified] position of disbursing clerk 
in the Justice Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

176: June 28 Civil Service Rule Y [pertaining to qualifications], Sec- 
tion 1, amended to admit aliens who have declared their intention to 
become citizens to examination for the position of copperplate map 
engraver. 1901 CSR 309. 

177: July 3 Civil Service Rule XI, pertaining to promotion, amended 
by addition of Section 5 to provide that recommendations for promotion 
be considered only when made by supervisor of recommended employee. 
1901 CSR 309. 

178: July 3 Appointment of unclassified laborers in Executive Depart- 
ments and independent offices to be made in accordance with rules pre- 
scribed by heads thereof and the Civil Service Commission. 1901 CSR 
58-1904 CSR 76. 

179: July 3 Civil Service Rules amended by promulgation of special 
rule to permit certain employees in the Military Government in Cuba to 
be retained in the classified Service. 1901 CSR 58, 1903 CSR 67. 

180: July 19 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers and Consular Regula- 
tions of 1896 amended to permit issuance of passports to residents of the 
insular possessions of the U. S. 

181: July 19 Rules governing the granting and issuance of passports 
in the United States prescribed. 

182: July 19 Rules governing the granting and issuance of passports 
in the insular possessions prescribed. 



183: July 21 Civil Service Rule VI [pertaining to positions excepted 
from examination], Section 18 [pertaining to Treasury Dept. positions], 
amended to except one confidential clerk in the Immigration Office at 
New York, N. Y. 1901 CSR 310. 

184: July 21 Civil Service Rule VI [pertaining to positions excepted 
from examination], Section 19 [pertaining to Treasury Dept. positions], 
amended to except one immigrant inspector and law clerk in the Immi- 
gration Office at New York, N. Y. 1901 CSR 310. 

186: July 80 Civil Service Rules amended by promulgation of special 
rule to permit appointment, without examination, of a clerk in the War 
Dept., to be detailed for duty at the White House. 

186: Aug. 2 Civil Service Rule VI [pertaining to positions excepted 
from examination], Section 14 [pertaining to Treasury Dept. positions], 
amended to except one solicitor to the collector of the Port of New York, 
if authorized by the Sec'y of the Treasury. 1901 CSR 311. 

187: Aug. 16 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to classification of the 
service], Section 8 [pertaining to excepted positions], Clause (b), 
amended to except temporary personnel on duty in the United States or 
elsewhere in preventing the spread of contagious diseases. 1901 CSR 

188: Sept. 4 Raplie M. Cheshire ordered recertified for appointment, 
he having previously declined through error. 1903 CSR 73. 

189 : Sept. 4 David Lynch made eligible for appointment as cable en- 
gineer in the Signal Service at Manila, P. I., without examination. 1903 
CSR 73. 

190: Sept. 10 Executive Depts. in Washington, D. C, ordered closed 
for Grand Army of the Republic parade, Oct. 8, 1902. 

191 : Oct. 4 Civil Service Rules amended by promulgation of special 
rule to permit retention of force working on construction of Government 
Printing Office Building for duration of the work on the War College 
and Washington Barracks. 1903 CSR 194. 

192: Oct. 14 Civil Service Rule VIII [pertaining to certification], 
amended to strike out Section 6, on apportionment; remaining Sections 
not renumbered. 1903 CSR 194. 

193: Oct. 18 Provisions of law governing solicitation by Government 
officers and employees of contributions from Government officers and em- 
ployees for political purposes, ordered obeyed and enforced. 

194: Nov. 6 Consular regulations of 1896, Paragraph 660, amended to 
except gold and silver bullion entering the United States as money or 
medium of exchange. 



194-A:Dec. 8 Duties of sec'y to the President defined. 

195: Dec. 23 F. L. Templeton made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the classified service of the Post Office Dept., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1903 CSE 73. 

196: Dec. 27 Dr. Charles W. Newton made eligible for permanent ap- 
pointment as physician at the Western Navajo Indian Agency, Arizona, 
without competitive examination. 1903 CSR 74. 


197: Jan. 7 Stanislaus M. Hamilton, former 3d class clerk, made eligible 
for reinstatement as 2d class clerk in the State Dept. 1903 CSR 74. 

198: Jan. 10 Temporary employment of eight clerks employed in the 
counting and destruction of stamps returned for redemption in the Office 
of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, extended for 60 days. 1903 
CSR 74. 

199: Jan. 19 Civil Service Rule XIII [pertaining to certification], 
amended to require certification by Civil Service Commission for laborers 
performing, in addition to their usual duties, work of a grade performed 
by classified Civil Service employees. 1903 CSR 195. 

199- A: Jan. 20 Public lands in the Midway Islands placed under the 
jurisdiction of the Navy Dept. 

200: Jan. 21 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], amended by 
addition of new Section 1 to provide that no transfer to competitive posi- 
tion above lowest grade be made, unless position cannot be filled by 
promotion. Remaining sections renumbered accordingly. 1903 CSR 195. 

201 : Jan. 30 F. A. Collins made eligible for appointment as private 
sec'y to the Public Printer without examination. 1903 CSR 75. 

202: Peb. 6 Oscar Wenderoth made eligible for reinstatement as senior 
architectural draftsman in the Office of the Supervising Architect of the 
Treasury without regard to length of separation from the service. 1903 
CSR 75. 

203 : Feb. 11 Certain temporary clerks employed in naval stations in 
insular possessions, except in San Juan, P. R., and Honolulu, T. H., made 
eligible for permanent appointment. 1903 CSR 196. 

204: Feb. 19 Civil Service Rule V [pertaining to qualifications], Sec- 
tion 1, amended to eliminate the proviso [permitting aliens who have 
declared their intentions to become citizens to be examined for the posi- 
tion of copperplate printer], 1903 CSR 196. 



205: Mar. 7 Position of clerk qualified as translator of English, Spanish, 
and Tagalog in the Insular Affairs Bureau, War Dept., excepted from 
examination. 1903 CSR 75. 

206: Mar. 9 Revolutionary Archives transferred from the State Dept. 
to the Library of Congress. 

207: Mar. 9 Horatio C. Pollock made eligible for appointment as clerk 
at the Military Headquarters in the Philippines without examination. 
1903 CSR 75. 

208: Mar. 12 William J. Lee made eligible for appointment as teleg- 
rapher in the Commerce and Labor Dept, without examination. 1903 
CSR 75. 

209: Mar. 20 New series of Civil Service Rules prescribed effective Apr. 
15, 1903, in lieu of the amended Rules of May 6, 1896. 

210: Mar. 26 Regulations governing employment of laborers in Wash- 
ington, D. C, ordered extended to such other cities as may be agreed 
upon. 1903 CSR 66. 

211: Mar. 26 James A. Dumont made eligible for appointment as in- 
spector of hulls of steam vessels in the District of New York. 1903 CSR 

212: Mar. 30 Exum L. Holland, clerk in Railway Mail Service, made 
eligible for transfer to the position of night inspector in the Customs 
Service, New Orleans, La. 1903 CSR 76. 

213: Mar. 31 Civil Service Rules prescribed [by E. O. 209 of] Mar. 20, 
1903, not to be construed as giving right of permanent appointment to 
persons serving under temporary or emergency appointment under Rule 
VHI, Sections 13-16 of the Rules of 1896. 

214: Mar. 31 Executive Department heads ordered to furnish informa- 
tion for preparation of the Official Register to the Interior Sec'y. 1903 
CSR 197. 

215: Apr. 29 Albert U. Wyman made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Office of the Treasurer without examination. 1903 CSR 76. 

216: Apr. 29 Lucas Blanco made eligible for permanent appointment as 
messenger in the Customs Service, San Juan, P. R., without examination. 
1903 CSR 76. 

217: June 6 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 463, on issuance 
of circulars, amended. 

218: June 29 Certain property at Ponce, Mayaguez, and San Juan, 
P. R., reserved for use of courts, district attorney, and marshal. 



219 : June 30 Right to amend or modify Proc. of June 26, 1903, reserv- 
ing certain lands in Puerto Rico for naval purposes, expressly reserved, 
and submission of memoranda concerning the use of said lands as agreed 
on by the Navy Sec'y and the Governor of Puerto Rico permitted. 

220: June 30 Lands and building known as the Presidio or Penitentiary 
at San Juan, P. R., eliminated from operation of Proc. of June 26, 1903, 
reserving lands in Puerto Rico for naval purposes. 

221 : July 3 Charles B. Terry, former clerk in the Post Office Dept., 
made eligible for reinstatement without examination. 1904 CSR 82. 

222 : July 8 Employment of Civil War veterans in unskilled labor posi- 
tions permitted without regard to age. 1903 CSR 66. 

223: July 13 Ten specified persons made eligible for appointment to 
specified positions in the Commerce and Labor Dept. without examina- 

224: July 25 Sarah McLanaham made eligible for reinstatement as 
sewer in the Government Printing Office without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1904* CSR 83. 

225: July 29 [Extension of 28 specified and other temporary employ- 
ment of certain persons] approved. 

226: July 29 Annie M. West and Sadie B. Yates made eligible for rein- 
statement as sewer and telephone operator, respectively, in the Govern- 
ment Printing Office without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1904 CSR 83. 

227: July 30 Luther N. Walter made eligible for appointment as law 
clerk in the Interstate Commerce Commission upon noncompetitive ex- 
amination. 1904 CSR 83. 

228 : Aug. 1 Time limit for completion of work of the Spanish Treaty 
Claims Commission extended six months. 

229: Aug. 9 Julia W. Wellborn made eligible for permanent appoint- 
ment as clerk in the Geological Survey without examination. 1904 CSR 


230 : Aug. 10 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VI, amended by deleting Clause 
3, thus revoking the exception of one clerk at each pension agency to act 
for the agent during his absence or disability. 1903 CSR 197. 

231: Aug. 17 Allen Hazen, temporary employee, made eligible for re- 
tention for not exceeding two years as expert and consulting engineer in 
connection with the construction of the Washington Filtration Plant. 
1904 CSR 84. 



232: Aug. 20 Dr. William A. White made eligible for appointment as 
superintendent of the Government Hospital for the Insane without ex- 
amination. 1904CSR84. 

233: Aug. 26 W. E. Lackland made eligible for transfer from the Treas- 
ury Dept. to the Prescott, Ariz., post office, without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1904 CSR 85. 

234: Aug. 27* Emma J. Rawlings made eligible for reinstatement as 
clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1904 
CSR 85. 

* Letter from the Secretary to The President, regarded by the Civil Service Com- 
mission as an Executive Order. 

236: Sept. 12 Rules governing the granting and issuance of passports 
in the United States prescribed. 

236: Oct. 9 Clarence A. Cook made eligible for appointment as special 
agent in the Bureau of Corporations, Commerce and Labor Dept., with- 
out examination. 1904 CSR 85. 

237: Oct. 23 Lillian B. Kellogg made eligible for reinstatement as piece 
sewer in the Government Printing Office without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1904 CSR 85. 

238: Nov. 2 Mrs. Roy L. Quackenbush, temporary employee, made eli- 
gible for permanent appointment as clerk in the Post Office Dept. without 
examination. 1904 CSR 86. 

239: Dec. 4 Mrs. Francis L. Hawes made eligible for appointment as 
special agent in the Bureau of Corporations without examination. 1904 
CSR 86. 

240: Dec. 5 Use of official letterheads and signatures indicating official 
position by consular officers in private correspondence prohibited. 

241 : Dec. 9 All lands on certain Alaska islands, including Eiska Island, 
Little Kiska Island, and adjacent islets, reserved for naval purposes. 

242 : Dec. 28 Mrs. Frank L. Harrigan made eligible for reinstatement 
as ruling machine feeder in the Government Printing Office without re- 
gard to length of separation from the service. 1904 CSR 86. 


243: Jan. 4 Evelyn M. Ford made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the War Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1904 CSR 86. 



244: Jan. 7 Mrs. G. W. Shipman made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Office of the First Assistant Postmaster General without examina- 
tion. 1904CSR87. 

245: Jan. 9 Elizabeth C. Peters made eligible for reinstatement as sewer 
in the Government Printing Office without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1904 CSR 87. 

246: Jan. 12 Time limit for completion of work of the Spanish Treaty 
Claims Commission extended until Sept. 2, 1904. 

247: Jan. 27 E. W. Libbey, appointed as telegraph and telephone oper- 
ator in the Commerce and Labor Dept. on July 13, 1903, permitted to 
continue without examination. 1904 CSR 87. 

248: Feb. 1 Kate L. Croggan made eligible for reinstatement as sewer 
in the Government Printing Office without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1904 CSR 88. 

249 : Feb. 5 James M. Cooper and Ralston Williams made eligible for 
employment by the Medical Board to investigate sources of typhoid fever 
in military camps until completion of Board 's report. 1904 CSR 88. 

260: Feb. 5 Special Civil Service Rule of July 3, 1902, pertaining to 
persons formerly employed in the Military Government of Cuba, revoked. 
1904 CSR 79. 

251 : Feb. 8 Matthew J. McCarthy made eligible for transfer from ex- 
cepted position of special deputy surveyor at the customs port of Syra- 
cuse, N. Y., to non-excepted position of deputy surveyor and inspector 
at the same port, without examination. 

252 : Feb. 17 Marie L. Baldwin made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Indian Affairs Office without regard to standing on register of 
eligibles. 1904 CSR 88. 

253: Feb. 17 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], amended to except all national military 
parks commissioners in the War Dept. 1904 CSR 80. 

254: Feb. 18 Federal offices in Ohio ordered closed Feb. 19, 1904, for 
funeral services of Marcus A. Hanna. 

255 : Feb. 25 Francis Walker made eligible for appointment as special 
agent in the Bureau of Corporations, Commerce and Labor Dept. without 
examination. 1904 CSR 64. 

256 : Mar. 1 War Dept. Civil positions in the Philippines classified ; 
labor positions or Presidential appointees excepted. 1904 CSR 77. 



267: Mar. 4 Merrit O. Chance made eligible for transfer from clerk to 
the War Sec'y to superintendent of supplies in the Post Office Dept. 
without examination. 1904 CSR 89. 

268: Mar. 10 Government officials, "Civil, military, and jiaval," di- 
rected to observe neutrality in Russo-Japanese War and to abstain from 
action or speech which might cause irritation to either side. 

269: Mar. 26 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision 6, Paragraph 10, amended to 
apply to physicians employed in the Indian Service, rather than to 
physicians at the Indian schools. 1904 CSR 81. 

260: May 18 Katherine C. Masterson made eligible for reinstatement 
in the Government Printing Office without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1904 CSR 89. 

261: May 26 I. B. Conklin made eligible for appointment as special 
laborer (clerk) in the paymaster's office, Washington Navy Yard, with- 
out examination. 1904 CSR 89. 

262: June IS [Civil Service Rules amended to permit] promotion of 
persons reinstated in the classified service to grades from which separated 
without examination. 1904 CSR 81. 

263: June 17 Samuel D. Amen made eligible for appointment as internal 
revenue agent without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1904 CSR 90. 

264: June 23 Dr. William L. Ralph made eligible for appointment as 
curator of the birds' eggs section of the National Museum without ex- 
amination. 1904 CSR 90. 

265: June 24 Clarence Reeder made eligible for appointment as private 
sec'y to the Geological Survey director, Interior Dept., without examina- 
tion. 1904 CSR 91. 

266: June 29 Edna E. Hoyt, temporary State Dept. clerk, made eligible 
for permanent appointment at special request of Secretary Hay. 1904 
CSR 91. 

267: July 30 Time limit for completion of work of the Spanish Treaty 
Claims Commission extended until Feb. 2, 1904. 

268: Aug. 6 James E. S. Kinsela appointed minor-under-inst'ruction in 
the Washington Navy Yard without regard to provisions of Navy Yard 
Order 13. 1905 CSR 82. 

269: Aug. 9 Ludwick C. Young, laborer in the Census Office, made eli- 
gible for promotion to clerk without examination. 1905 CSR 82. 



270: Aug. 19 Dr. William Conyngton made eligible for permanent ap- 
pointment as physician at the Grand River Indian School, N. Dak., with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1905 CSR 82. 

271 : Oct. 5 Mourning formalities for Henry Clay Payne, Postmaster 
General, ordered. 

272 : Nov. 9 Luther Conant Jr. made eligible for appointment as special 
examiner in the Bureau of Corporations without examination. 1905 
CSR 82. 

273: Nov. 15 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], amended by addition of Subdivision VIII, 
pertaining to Isthmian Canal Commission personnel. 1904 CSR 77, 1905 
CSR 79. 

274: Nov. 15 Isthmian Canal Commission personnel classified and the 
Civil Service Act and Rides made applicable thereto. M 28. 

275 : Nov. 15 Regulations governing employment of unskilled laborers 
prescribed. 1905 CSR 95. 

278: Nov. 21 Clare A. Cooper made eligible for permanent appointment 
as matron in the Immigration Service without examination. 1905 CSR 


277: Nov. 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision II, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
amended by deleting Paragraphs 1 and 3 and part of Paragraph 2, and 
renumbering the remaining paragraphs accordingly. 1905 CSR 82. 

278: Nov. 29 Substitute watchmen in the Government Printing Office 
classified. 1904 CSR 78, 1905 CSR 79. 

279: Nov. 29 Appointment of any person in any Executive Dept. for 
the performance of duties of a character performed by classified employ- 
ees prohibited except under Civil Service Rules ; procedure for resolving 
cases in which there is doubt as to applicability of the rules, prescribed. 
Mar. 1906 CSA 39-June 1935 CSA 15; 1904 CSR 78, 1905 CSR 97, 1906 
CSR 84. 

280 : Nov. 30 James Rankin Young made eligible for appointment as 
superintendent of the Dead Letter Office, Post Office Dept., without ex- 
amination. 1905 CSR 83. 

281 : Nov. 30 Marcus Braun made eligible for permanent appointment 
as inspector in the Immigration Service, without examination. 1905 
CSR 83. 



282: Nov. SO Captain Joseph Watkinson made eligible for permanent 
appointment as assistant inspector of hulls in the Steamboat Inspection 
Service without examination. 1905 CSR 83. 

283: Dec. 8 Citizenship requirements waived for positions on the Isth- 
mus of Panama under such regulations as the Civil Service Commission 
may prescribe. Mar. 1906 CSA 16-June 1939 CSA 32; 1905 CSR 69; 

284: Dec 12 Mrs. William H. Taberreh made eligible for permanent 
appointment as keeper at the Cumberland Head Light Station, N. Y., 
without examination. 1905 CSR 83. 

286: Dec. 12 Regulations governing employment of unskilled laborers 
in certain Federal offices outside of Washington, D. C, approved for cer- 
tain cities and ordered extended to other cities when expedient. 1905 
CSR 97. 

286: Dec. 17 Persons employed in the General Land Office, Interior 
Dept., in the protection of forestry reserves classified. 1905 CSR 79. 

287: Dec 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, amended to except a consulting architect 
on work of reconstructing the West Point Military Academy. 1905 
CSR 72. 

288: Dec. 24 Thirteen specified temporary clerks employed in the 
Census Bureau in connection with the census of the Philippine Islands, 
made eligible for permanent appointment. 1905 CSR 84. 

288%: Dec. 81 Notaries public in the Government Service forbidden to 
receive fees for any notarial act performed for any employee of the Gov- 
ernment acting in official capacity, or for any notarial act performed 
during the hours of such notaries' service to the Government. Nov. 1906 
CSA 25, June 1908 CSA 27. 


289: Jan. 5 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VIII, on positions on the Isth- 
mus of Panama, amended by the addition of many judicial, municipal 
and other offices. 1905 CSR 72; M 33. 

290: Jan. 12 Certain laborers in Washington, D. C, classified. 1905 
CSR 80. 

291: Jan. 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivisions I and II, amended as to Cus- 
toms Service positions in Alaska. 1905 CSR 81. 



292: Jan. 31 Time for completion of the work of the Spanish Treaty 
Claims Commission extended until Sept. 2, 1905. 

293: Feb. 6 W. Stephen Puller, messenger boy in the Library of Con- 
gress, made eligible for transfer to messenger in the Manufactures Bu- 
reau, Commerce and Labor Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1905 CSR 84. 

294: Feb. 15 Citizenship requirements waived for applicants for exam- 
ination for officers of ships of the Coast and Geodetic Survey on duty in 
the Philippines. Mar. 1906 CSA 16-June 1939 CSR 32; 1905 CSR 69. 

295: Feb. 15 George F. Otis made eligible for reinstatement as clerk in 
the Quartermaster's Dept. at Large without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1905 CSR 85. 

296: Mar. 1 Formation of a commission to investigate and report on 
the naturalization of aliens under existing laws and to report not later 
than Nov. 15, ordered. 

296-A:Mar. 9 Stump Lake Reservation, N. D., created as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds. 

297: Mar. 2 John Nolan made eligible for reinstatement as a carrier, 
Postal Service, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1905 CSR 85. 

298: Mar. 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VI, on Interior Dept. positions, 
amended to exclude from exception special agents for public land pro- 
tection and inspectors of surveyors-general and district land offices. 
1905 CSR 73. 

299: Mar. 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VI, on Interior Dept. positions, 
amended by the addition of Paragraph 11 to except five special agents in 
the General Land Office to investigate fraudulent entries and other mat- 
ters of a criminal nature. 

300: Mar. 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VI, on Interior Dept. positions, 
amended to delete Paragraph 10, covering certain Indian Service physi- 
cians. 1905 CSR 73. 

301: Mar. 3 Civil Service Rules [Rule II, on classification of the Serv- 
ice], Section 9, amended to permit the appointment of a retired Army 
officer as superintendent of an Indian school without competitive exam- 
ination. 1905 CSR 69. 

302: Mar. 10 Donald G. Mitchell, Jr., made eligible for retention as 
supervisor of buildings and grounds of the Government Hospital for the 
Insane. 1905 CSR 85. 



302-A : Blar. 10 Navajo Indian Reservation, Utah, enlarged. IR 18 ; III 

303: Mar. 10 Catherine M. Gallagher, nee Catherine M. Kilbourne, made 
eligible for reinstatement in the classified service in any Executive De- 
partment without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1905 CSR 85. 

304: Mar. 11 Salary increase for laborers classified as clerk prohibited 
without examination and certification under regulations governing pro- 
motion from subclerical to clerical grade. 1905 CSR 70. 

305: Mar. 14 Dr. Cyrus Adler made eligible for appointment as assist- 
ant secretary in charge of the library and exchanges in the Smithsonian 
Institution without examination. 1905 CSR 85. 

306: Mar. 14 Consultative Board of Architects created, and all officials 
in the District of Columbia with powers to approve plans for and loca- 
tion of Government buildings ordered to consult with said Board before 
approving such plans or locations. 

307: Mar. 15 Sydnie Kennedy made eligible for appointment as chief 
of division, clerk and stenographer, in the Isthmian Canal Service with- 
out examination. 1905 CSR 86. 

308: Mar. 15 W. G. Tucker made eligible for appointment as clerk under 
the Isthmian Canal Commission without examination. 1905 CSR 86. 

309: Mar. 18 Mrs. M. G. Lauxmann made eligible for permanent ap- 
pointment as writer in the Coast and Geodetic Survey without examina- 
tion. 1905 CSR 86. 

310: Mar. 18 £. O. [306] of Mar. 14, 1906, creating a consultative board 
of architects, amended to prescribe compensation for members of said 

310-A [Blank number in the official file of Numbered Orders]. 

310-B:Mar. 21 Land office at Oregon City, Oregon, transferred to 

310-0: Mar. 22 [War Sec'y's undated recommendation that certain 
Minnesota lands be reserved for flowage purposes in connection with 
construction and maintenance of reservoir at headwaters of the Missis- 
sippi River] approved. 

310-D:Mar. 29 Certain lands of Lakeview Land District, Oregon, to- 
gether with business and archives pertaining thereto, transferred to 
Burns Land District. 

311: Mar. 27 E. O. [310] of Mar. 18, 1905, prescribing compensation 
for members of the Consultative Board of Architects, revoked. 



312: Mar. 28 George W. Pitts, skilled laborer in the Commerce and 
Labor Dept., made eligible for appointment as messenger in the Post 
Office Dept., without regard to requirement of six months service before 
transfer. 1905 CSR 86. 

313: Mar. 30 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision V, on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to delete Clauses 7-12, and to provide that no cashier or 
finance clerk appointed under such exceptions shall acquire any rights 
or privileges of competitive employees except on recommendation of the 
Postmaster General. 

313-A:Mar. 31 E. 0. of Feb. 9, 1905,* transferring duties and records 
relating to the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads from the Interior 
Sec'y to the Commerce and Labor Dept., revoked. 

• Not a Numbered Order. 

314: Mar. 30 Certain laborers previously assigned to classified work 
classified and any further assignment of laborers to classified work for- 
bidden. 1904 CSR 80. 

315: Mar. 30 E. O. [278] of Nov. 29, 1904, classifying 40 substitute 
watchmen in the Government Printing Office, amended to include five 
others appointed prior to the issuance of said Executive order. 1905 
CSR 79. 

316: Mar. 30 Civil Service Rides, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VI, on Interior Dept. positions, 
amended to except consulting engineers of the Reclamation Service, and 
one confidential clerk and one record clerk at the Government Hospital 
for the Insane. 1905 CSR 74. 

317: Mar. 30 S. F. Scott, Jr., made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Post Office Service without regard to length of separation from the serv- 
ice. 1905 CSR 86. 

317- A: Apr. 1 Isthmian Canal Commission reorganized. M 35; 1904 
PCR 107. 

318: Mar. 31 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision I, on the entire classified serv- 
ice], Clause 7, amended to prohibit exception of persons employed in 
territory contiguous to the U. S. by the Immigration Bureau. 1905 CSR 

319: Mar. 31 E. O. [288%] of Dec. 31, 1904, pertaining to fees for 
notarial services performed by notaries public in the Government Service, 



320: Apr. 26 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision III, on War Dept. positions, 
amended by addition of Clause 6, to except all firemen employed on 
torpedo planters. 1905 CSB 75. 

320-A: Apr. 26 E. 0. of Aug. 13, 1902, # modified to authorize discharge 
from the Navy men of the Messmen branch who enlist for service on the 
summer practice cruises of the Naval Academy. 
* Not a Numbered Order. 

321 : Hay 1 Edward H. Haref ord made eligible for transfer to position 
of forest assistant, Agriculture Dept. 1905 CSB 87. 

321-A:May 1 Ironton Land District, Mo., abolished and lands, busi- 
ness, and archives transferred to Springfield Land District. 

321-B:May 1 [War Sec'y's undated recommendation that certain 
lands around Subic Bay, Province of Zambales, Island of Luzon, P. I., be 
reserved for military purposes] approved. 

321-0 : May 1 Marysville Land District, Calif., abolished and lands, busi- 
ness, and archives transferred to Sacramento Land District. 

321-D:May 1 Boonville Land District, Mo., abolished and lands, busi- 
ness and archives transferred to Springfield Land District. 

321-E : Kay 1 Wasatch, Uintah, and Carbon Counties, Utah, established 
as Uintah Land District, with office at Vernal. 

S21-F: May 6 Akron Land District, Colo., abolished and lands, business, 
and archives transferred to Sterling Land District. 

322: May 12 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision III, on War Dept. positions 
amended to add Paragraph 6, excepting one law officer in the Insular 
Affairs Bureau. 1905 CSR 75. 

323: May 12 Appointment without examination of a laborer in the 
Engraving and Printing Bureau, to serve as carriage driver to the Treas- 
ury Sec 'y, authorized. 1905 CSR 87. 

323-A:Mayl3 Administration of Navigation aids for Guam placed 
under the Commerce and Labor Dept. 

324: May 15 John Ball Osborne made eligible for appointment as chief 
of the Bureau of Trade Relations, State Dept., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1905 CSR 87. 

324-A:May 15 E. O. [302-A] of Mar. 10, 1905, reserving certain lands 
as an addition to the Navajo Indian Reservation, Utah, revoked, and 
certain other lands added to said reservation. IR 19 ; III K 690. 



324-B:May 17 E. 0. [310-C] of Mar. 22, 1905, reserving certain Min- 
nesota lands at the headwaters of the Mississippi River for flowage pur- 
poses, amended to eliminate lands comprising homestead entry of Louis 
Zeph, erroneously included, and to reserve certain other lands in lieu 

324-C:May 17 [Wat Sec'y's undated recommendation that seven de- 
scribed tracts of land in the Philippine Islands be reserved for military 
purposes] approved. 

324-D: May 17 [War Sec'y's recommendation that nine described tracts 
of land at Jolo, P. I., be reserved as an addition to the military reserva- 
tion established by E. 0. of Nov. 21, 1904 •] approved. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

324-E:May 17 [War Sec'y's recommendation of May 15 that E. 0. of 
June 20, 1904, # be modified to change the borders of the military reserva- 
tion at Zamboanga, Mindanao, P. I.] approved. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

325 : May 18 Chauncey 0. Howard made eligible for transfer from ex- 
cepted position of special examiner in the Pensions Bureau to a similar 
non-excepted position without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1905 CSR 


325- A: May 18 Convict labor forbidden on Government contracts, unless 
otherwise provided by law. 

326 : May 18 Appointment to certain positions connected with the oper- 
ation of the Washington [D. C] Filtration Plant, authorized without 
examination, in view of the probable transfer of the Plant to the control 
of the District of Columbia. 1905 CSR 75. 

327: May 20 Eleanor Relyea made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Departmental Service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1905 CSR 


328 : May 22 William J. Humphreys made eligible for appointment as 
professor of meteorological physics in the Agriculture Dept. without 
examination. 1905 CSR 88. 

328-A:May 23* Boundaries of Uintah Land District, Utah, modified 
by inclusion of that part of the Uintah Indian Reservation lying within 
Utah County and by exclusion and transfer of lands in Carbon County 
to the Utah Land District. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

328-B:May 24 [Acting War Secy's recommendation of May 24 that 
13 described tracts of land in Alaska be reserved for the Army Signal 



Corps in connection with the operation and maintenance of* the military 
telegraph lines] approved. 

328-0 : June 2 Compensation for enlisted men of the Navy detailed as 
ship's tailors prescribed. 

329: June 3 Albert C. Muhse made eligible for appointment as special 
agent in the Bureau of Corporations, Commerce and Labor Dept., with- 
out examination. 1905 CSR 88. 

330: June 8 Silas W. Lupton, Fred R. Parke, E. S. Rockwell, William 
K. West, and Paul C. Norris made eligible for transfer to certain Isthmian 
Canal Commission administrative positions in the U. S. without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1905 CSR 88; M 43. 

330- A: June 12 [War Sec'y's recommendation that Grass Island, Gray's 
Harbor, Wash., be reserved as a military reservation] approved. 

330-B: June 12 E. O. of Mar. 26, 1901, # establishing limits of punish- 
ment for Army enlisted men, amended. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

331: June 13 C. H. Chapman, Civil War veteran, made eligible for ap- 
pointment as a copyist in the General Land Office. 1905 CSR 89. 

332: June 13 Civil Service Rule XI [pertaining to promotion], Section 
2, amended to permit the promotion of any employee of the classified 
Indian Service to the position of Indian school superintendent without 
examination. 1905 CSR 70. 

333: June 13 Civil Service Rules and Navy Yard Regulations waived 
for employment of all Naval hospital laborers. 1905 CSR 70. 

334: June 13 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision I [on positions in the entire 
classified service], amended by addition of Paragraph 12 to except cer- 
tain construction workers, mechanics, and skilled laborers on construc- 
tion or repair work in the field services. 1905 CSR 76. 

336: June 24 Mary T. Waggaman made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Labor Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1905 CSR 89. 

335-A: June 24 Board of Consulting Engineers designated and directed 
to convene at Washington, Sept. 1, 1905, to consider various plans for 
the construction of a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. M 43. 

336: June 30 James W. Plake, an Indian, made eligible for permanent 
appointment as copyist in the Indian Affairs Office. 1905 CSR 89. 



337: July 3 Charles W. Bell made eligible for appointment as finance 
clerk at the Lowell, Mass., post office. 1905 CSR 89. 

337- A: July 3 Administration of navigation aids for Tutuila and other 
Samoan islands placed under Commerce and Labor Dept. 

337-B: July 3 [Acting War Sec'y's recommendation of June 30 that 
certain described lands at Seward, Alaska, be reserved for use of Army 
Signal Corps as a site of a cable house and station] approved. 

337-0: July 7 All appointments, transfers, promotions, etc., of officers 
of the Army and Navy ordered to be based solely upon the official rec- 
ords of the War and Navy Depts., and any use of outside influence by 
such officers in such matters, forbidden. 

338: July 10 Abram B. Frisbie made eligible for permanent appoint- 
ment as watchman in the Interior Dept. without examination. 1905 
CSR 90. 

339: July 12 Regulations governing the employment of unskilled labor- 
ers in Federal offices outside Washington, D. C, amended. Mar. 1906 
CSA 40. 

340: July 13 Frank B. McCown made eligible for reinstatement as 
clerk in the Quartermaster's Dept. at Large, War Dept. 1905 CSR 90. 

341 : July 13 Allen Hazen, temporary consulting engineer, employed on 
the Washington [D. C] Filtration Plant, made eligible for retention for 
up to seven months. 1905 CSR 90. 

341- A: July 15 [Acting War Sec'y's recommendation that the Fort 
Bayard Military Reservation, N. Mex., diminished by exclusion of certain 
lands, totalling approximately twenty-eight acres, erroneously included 
in the reservation and previously patented to Minnie A. Paeske] ap- 

341-B: July 15 Joseph E. Bristow, special Panama railroad commissioner 
allowed until Aug. 15, 1905, to complete details in connection with his 
report and additional compensation prescribed. M 44. 

341-0: July 19 Fort Gibbon Military Reservation, Alaska modified. 

341-D : July 19 Land Office of the Gila Land District at Tucson, Ariz., 
transferred to Phoenix. 

342 : July 20 Henry Summers made eligible for appointment as clerk, 
in the New York Pension Agency, without examination. 1905 CSR 90. 

342- A: July 20 Land Office at Prescott, Ariz., Arizona land District, 
abolished and business and archives transferred to Phoenix. 



342-B : July 20 [Acting Interior Sec'y's recommendation of July 18 
that certain Utah Lands be reserved as part of the Uintah Indian Res- 
ervation despite a prior application in the Engineer's office for the State 
of Utah for water rights from Rock Creek] approved. 

343: July 21 Gertrude Weaver, temporary clerk, made eligible for per- 
manent appointment as clerk in the Signal Service at Large without ex- 
amination. 1905 CSR 90. 

343-A: July 21 [Acting Interior Sec'y's recommendation of July 20 
that additional lands within the Uintah Indian Reservation, Utah, be 
reserved to protect the water rights of the Indians] approved. 

343-B: July 22 [Acting War Sec'y's recommendation of July 21 that 
Port Shaw Military Reservation, Mont., abolished and lands, except por- 
tion reserved for Indian school purposes, placed under Interior Sec'y 
for disposal] approved. Ill K 680. 

343-0 : July 26 Certain described lands on Revillagigedo Island, Alaska, 
reserved for use as a site for a lighthouse depot. 

344: July 27 Charles W. Spicer made eligible for employment in the 
Census Bureau without examination, to experiment in developing tabu- 
lating machinery. 1905 CSR 91. 

344- A: July 29 [Acting War Sec'y's recommendation of July 28, 1905, 
that certain described lands of Port Madison Indian Reservation, Wash., 
be declared a military reservation] approved. 

344-B : July 29 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for 
Santa Clara Pueblo Indians. 1R 127 ; III K 687. 

344-0 : July 31 Ashland and Eau Claire Land Districts, Wis., abolished 
and lands and business transferred to Wausau Land District. 

345: Aug. 3 Time limit for completion of the work of the Spanish 
Treaty Claims Commission extended until Mar. 2, 1906. 

346: Aug. 3 Ferdinand Schwarz made eligible for permanent appoint- 
ment as unclassified laborer in the Government Printing Office. 

347: Aug. 16 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision V [on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 2, amended to except one private sec'y or confidential 
clerk to the purchasing agent of the Post Office Dept. 1905 CSR 76. 

347- A: Aug. 19 E. O. of Dec. 9, 1852, # reserving certain Michigan lands 
for lighthouse purposes, revoked in so far as it applies to certain de- 
scribed lands. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 



347-B:Aug. 25 Santa Barbara Island, Calif., reserved for lighthouse 

848: Aug. 25 May R. Proctor made eligible for appointment to a posi- 
tion in the Government Printing Office without examination. 1905 CSR 

348-A: Aug. 29 * Boundaries of proposed military reservation on newly 
reclaimed harbor land at Manila, P. I., defined. 
• 8igned bj Wm. H. Taft, War Sec'j. 

348-B : Aug. 31 Washington Navy Yard employees excused from work 
on Labor Day, Sept. 4, 1905. 

348-0 : Aug. 31 Compensation for members of the Advisory Board of 
Engineers for the Panama Canal prescribed. M 44. 

349: Sept. 2 Thomas Harper made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Quartermaster's Dept. at Large without examination. 

350: Sept. 5 Philip Cowen made eligible for appointment as inspector 
in the Immigration Service without examination. 1905 CSR 83. 

351: Sept. 8 Procedure for removal of officers and employees serving 
on the Isthmus of Panama prescribed. 1905 CSR 101 ; M 44. 

351- A: Sept. 16 Certain described lands on Oravina and False Islands, 
Alaska, reserved as a site for a lighthouse depot. 

351-B: Sept. 18 [Acting War Secy's recommendation of Sept. 15, 1905, 
that the boundaries of Port San Pedro, Iloilo, Panay, P. I., be redefined] 

352: Sept. 19 John B. Goff and D. P. Wells made eligible for appoint- 
ment as assistant forest rangers without examination. 1905 CSR 91. 

352-A: Sept. 20 Regulations governing presentation of the Congres- 
sional Medal of Honor prescribed. 

352-B: Sept. 21 [Acting War Sec'y's recommendation of Sept. 18, 1905, 
that certain described lands at Safety Harbor and Old Woman, Alaska, 
be reserved for use of the Army Signal Corps in the operation of military 
telegraph Lines] approved. 

353: Sept. 22 Mary E. Enright made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Bureau of Engraving and Printing without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1905 CSR 91. 

354: 8ept. 26 W. E. Hall made eligible for transfer from the Isthmian 
Canal Service to the Treasury Dept. without regard to length of service 
before transfer. 1905 CSR 91. 



366: Oct. 6 Marjorie H. Young made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Pittsburgh, Pa., pension agency without examination. 1905 CSR 91. 

366: Oct. 7 Mrs. M. C. Miller made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the classified service without examination. 1905 CSR 92. 

367: Oct. 10 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions ex- 
cepted from examination, Subdivision IV, on Interior Dept. positions, 
amended to add Clause 14 excepting one private sec'y to the director of 
the Geological Survey. 1905 CSR 76. 

357- A: Oct. 10 Western Land District, Okla., with office at Kingfisher, 
abolished and lands and business transferred to Eastern Land District, 
with office at Guthrie. 

357-B : Oct. 10 Passage Key Reservation, at the mouth of Tampa Bay, 
established as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

367-0 : Oct. 10 Siskiwit Islands Reservation, Lake Superior, Mich., es- 
tablished as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

367-D : Oct. 10 Huron Islands Reservation, Lake Superior, Mich., estab- 
lished as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

368: Oct. 11 Dessie M. Bowers made eligible for reinstatement in the 
classified service in any executive department. 1905 CSR 92. 

369: Oct. 13 Government officers and employees forbidden to assist per- 
sons in preparation for Civil Service examinations. Mar. 1906 CSA 37- 
Jan. 1918 CSA 70; 1905 CSR 101; 1906 CSR 83. 

360: Oct. 16 Dollie A. Slayton, temporary employee, made eligible for 
permanent appointment as clerk in the Census Bureau. 1905 CSR 92. 

361: Oct. 16 Julia P. Madeira made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Census Bureau and transfer to the Office of the Assayer of the Mint, 
Denver, Colo., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1905 CSR 92. 

362: Oct. 17 Removal of Government employees for inefficiency or in- 
capability without trial, and summary dismissal for misconduct in the 
presence of the President or department heads, authorized. 1905 CSR 71. 

363: Oct. 24 Charles Denby made eligible for appointment as chief 
clerk of the State Dept. without examination. 1905 CSR 92. 

364: Oct. 31 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IX, on Commerce and Labor 
Dept. positions, Clause 1, amended lo except all persons temporarily con- 
nected with the field operations of the Fisheries Bureau. 1905 CSR 76. 



366 : Oct. 31 Competitive examinations for clerical positions in the 
Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Washington, D. C, ordered, restricted 
to bona fide residents of the District of Columbia and the Civil Service 
Commission directed to assist the Recorder in the establishment and 
maintenance of a system of such examinations. Mar. 1906 CSA 37-June 
1908 CSA 6; 1905 CSR 101. 

365- A: Oct. 31 Grand Fork Land District, N. D., abolished and lands 
and business transferred to Devils Lake Land District. 

365-B: Oct. 31 * Black Hills Forest Reserve, S. D., diminished. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

366 : Nov. 1 Edward McCauley made eligible for appointment as chief 
of Redemption Division, Post Office Dept., without examination. 1905 
CSR 93. 

366-A:Nov. 3 Certain described California lands, reserved in connec- 
tion with the Point Sal Lighthouse Reservation. 

366-B : Nov. 8 Additional pay for enlisted men of the Navy serving 
with submarine torpedo boats authorized. 

367: Nov. 10 E. O. [81] of Sept. 20, 1895, pertaining to examinations 
for Consular officers, amended to include all consulates general, con- 
sulates, commercial agencies, and consular agencies, the annual compen- 
sation of which is not less than $1,000. 1905 CSR 102. 

368: Nov. 10 Vacancies in the position of sec'y of embassy or legation 
ordered filled by transfer or promotion from some branch of the Foreign 
Service, or by appointment of some person found qualified by examina- 

369: Nov. 11 Appointments to positions in Indian warehouses ordered 
made in accordance with the Civil Service Rules or the Labor Regula- 
tions ; encumbents, except unskilled laborers, granted competitive rights. 
1905 CSR 81. 

369-A:Nov. 11 Breton Island Reservation, La., established by reserva- 
tion of Freemason Islands, Old Harbor Islands, and Breton Island as a 
preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

369-B:Nov. 14 [Acting War Sec'y's recommendation of Nov. 13, 1905, 
that certain described lands near Zamboanga, Mindanao, P. I., be re- 
served as an Army target range] approved. 

370: Nov. 15 Temporary appointments to positions on the Isthmus of 
Panama authorized when there are no eligibles having the necessary 
qualifications, and the Civil Service Commission authorized to make such 
appointments permanent on certification that such action is required for 
the good of the service. 1905 CSR 103 ; M 49. 



371 : Nov. 17 Civil Service Rule XII, pertaining to removal, amended. 
1905 CSR 71. 

372: Nov. 18 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision II, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
amended to add Clause 12 excepting one examiner of tobacco and one 
examiner of tea in the Customs Service at the Port of Chicago. 1905 
CSR 77. 

372-A:Nov. 18 Bent Land District, Colo., with office at Lamar, abol- 
ished, and lands and business transferred to Valley Land District, with 
office at Pueblo. 

372-B:Nov. 20 [Acting War Sec'y's recommendation of Nov. 20, 1905, 
that Fort St. Michael Military Reservation. Alaska, be diminished and 
excluded lands placed under control of the Interior Sec'y for disposition] 

373: Nov. 23 S. H. Alexander, classified laborer in the Post Office Dept. 
made eligible for a clerical appointment in said Dept. 1905 CSR 93. 

373-A:Nov. 25 E. O. [348-C] of Aug. 31, 1905, prescribing compensa- 
tion for members of the Advisory Board of Engineers for the Panama 
Canal, amended. M 50. 

374: Nov. 27 Marie L. Eastwood made eligible for appointment to a 
permanent position in the Census Bureau. 1905 CSR 93. 

375: Nov. 27 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision I [on the entire classified 
service], amended by addition of Paragraph 13 to except cooks. 1905 
CSR 78. 

375- A: Nov. 27 Certain described lands in California reserved for light- 
house purposes. 

375-B:Nov. 27 [War Sec'y's recommendation of Nov. 25, 1905, that 
certain described lands on Chilkat Inlet, Alaska, be reserved for water- 
supply for Port William H. Seward] approved. 

376: Dec. 6 Edna M. Peltz made eligible for permanent appointment as 
clerk in the Pension Office without examination. 1905 CSR 93. 

376-A:Dec. 6 Sidney Land District, Neb., abolished, and lands and 
business transferred to Western Land District, with office at North 

377: Dec. 9 Emily L. Genella made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1905 CSR 93. 



&W/ 2 : Dec. 7 Surgeons General Robert M. O'Reilly, U. S. Army, P. M. 
Rixey, U. S. Navy, and Walter Wyman, Public Health Service, desig- 
nated a committee to formulate plana to carry out the intent of the 
resolution by the National Association for the Study and Prevention of 
Tuberculosis, recommending a study of sanitary conditions in Govern- 
ment offices and workshops. 

377- A: Dec. 7 [War Sec'y's recommendation of Dec. 6, 1905, that cer- 
tain described lands at Keystone, Alaska, be reserved for military tele- 
graph purposes] approved. 

377-B : Dec. 7 Isthmian Canal Commission authorized to hold the quar- 
terly session scheduled for Jan 1, 1906, in Washington, D. C, instead of 
on the Isthmus of Panama. M 50. 

378: Dec. 7 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision II [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 8, amended to eliminate one assistant assayer. 1905 
CSR 78. 

379: Dec. 11 Howard H. Belden made eligible for appointment in any 
executive department upon passing a noncompetitive examination. 1905 
CSR 93. 

380 : Dec. 11 Mary E. Owings made eligible for appointment in the Gov- 
ernment Printing Office without examination. 1905 CSR 94. 

381: Dec. 14 Thirteen special agents in the Census Bureau made eli- 
gible for transfer to competitive positions in said Bureau or elsewhere. 
1905 CSR 94. 

382: Dec. 14 Katherine S. Todd made eligible for transfer from the 
Engraving and Printing Bureau to a clerkship in the Office of the Com- 
missioner of Internal Revenue without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1905 CSR 94. 

383: Dec. 18 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VII [on Agriculture Dept. 
positions], amended by addition of Paragraph 3 to except certain per- 
sonnel employed temporarily during the season of danger from fires or 
when required by other special work. 1905 CSR 78. 

384: Dec. 18 Anna P. McCormick, temporary employee, made eligible 
for permanent appointment to a position in the office of the Isthmian 
Canal Commission. 1905 CSR 94; M 50. 

385 : Dec. 18 Richard H. Williams made eligible for reinstatement as 
inspector of hulls of steam vessels without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1905 CSR 94. 



886: Dec. 19 Nevil Monroe Hopkins made eligible for appointment as 
an electrical engineer in the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Dept., 
subject to noncompetitive examination. 1905 CSR 95. 

887: Dec. 19 Civil Service Rule VII from the list of positions excepted 
from the apportionment requirement [pertaining to certification], Sec- 
tion 2, on apportionment, amended to delete pages, and to include car- 
penters, cabinet-makers, painters, plumbers and plumbers' helpers, elec- 
tric wiremen, electric linemen and electricians' helpers. 1905 CSR 71. 

888: Dee. 23 Hattie R. McMullin made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Interior Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1905 CSR 95. 

889: Dec. 23 Mary E. Griffin made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1906 CSR 96. 


389- A: Jan. 3 Stockton Land District, Calif., abolished, and lands and 
business transferred to Sacramento Land District. 

389% : Jan. 5 Jamestown Tercentennial Commission created to carry 
out the purposes of the act providing for an International naval, marine, 
and military celebration of the birth of the American nation and the 
first permanent settlement of English-speaking people in the Western 

390 : Jan. 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision II, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
Clause] 4 amended to except stich-counters in the New York Customs 
District. 1906 CSR 91. 

391 : Jan. 8 Ralph Whitman, temporary employee, made eligible for 
permanent appointment as engineer draftsman in the Office of the Isth- 
mian Canal Commission. 1906 CSR 96 ; M 50. 

392: Jan. 10 E. M. LeBoiteaux made eligible for employment in the 
Census Bureau to experiment in developing tabulating machinery, sub- 
ject to noncompetitive examination. 

393: Jan. 12 E. O. [370] of Nov. 15, 1905, pertaining to appointments 
to positions in the Isthmian Canal Service, revoked. 1905 CSR 103; 

394: Jan. 12 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VIII, on Isthmian Canal Serv- 
ice positions, amended. 1906 CSR 91 ; M 51. 



394- A: Jan 13 Certain described lands in Minnesota reserved for the 
War Dept. in connection with the operation and maintenance of a res- 
ervoir system at the headwaters of the Mississippi River. 

395: Jan. 16 Walter R. Brickenhoff made eligible for appointment as 
chief or director of hospital station and laboratory for leprosy investiga- 
tion in Hawaii, subject to noncompetitive examination. 1906 CSR 96. 

395- A: Jan. 18 Certain described lands at Diamond Head, Eupikipikio 
Point and Punch-Bowl Hill, T. H., withdrawn pending surveys for a 
permanent military reservation. 

396 * : (no date) Jeannette L. Cavanagh made eligible for reinstate- 
ment as classified laborer in the Agriculture Dept. 

* Endorsement on letter from Senator Nelson to the President. Undated. 

397: Jan. 20 Each executive dept. head directed to appoint an advisory 
committee on printing and publication to oversee the printing require- 
ments and the publications of each Dept. 

398 : Jan. 22 William A. Barr made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Post Office Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1906 CSR 97. 

399 : Jan. 23 Functions of determining, fixing, and changing of place 
names in the United States and insular possessions placed under the 
Board on Geographic names. 

400: * (no date) Mrs. Charles Broady made eligible for temporary ap- 
pointment in the Government Printing Office without examination. 

* Endorsement addressed to Mr. Stillings [the Public Printer]. Undated. 

401 : * (no date) Howard H. Belden, Spanish War veteran and former 
employee on the Isthmus of Panama, made eligible for appointment in 
any executive department, subject to noncompetitive examination. 

* Endorsement on Treasury Dept 's statement of Mr. Belden 's services. 

402: Jan. 25 E. O. [163] of Jan. 31, 1902, forbidding officers or em- 
ployees of any executive department to attempt to influence any legisla- 
tion, amended to make said order applicable to independent agencies. 
Mar. 1906 CSA 37-Feb. 1912 CSA 47. 

403: Jan. 25 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision II, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
amended to add Clause 13 excepting mounted inspectors in the Customs 
Service on the Mexican border. 1906 CSR 91. 

404: Jan. 26 Charles S. Brown made eligible for appointment as in- 
spector in the Government Printing Office, subject to noncompetitive 
examination. 1906 CSR 97. 




404- A: Jan. 27 Certain described lands, together with the archives, rec- 
ords, and business pertaining thereto, transferred from Bismarck Land 
District, N. Dak., to the Fargo Land District. 

404-B:Jan. 31 Boundaries of Fort Washakie Military Reservation, 
Wyo., redefined. I R 223 ; III K 691. 

406: Feb. 1 Mary R. Donnelly made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in office of the Chief of Ordnance, War Dept., without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1906 CSR 97. 

405- A: Feb. 1 Malagi (Malahi) Island Military Reservation, Laguna de 
Bay, Luzon, P. I., abolished and lands restored to Government of the 
Philippines to be administered for the benefit of the inhabitants thereof. 

405-B : Feb. 1 Waters and certain described adjacent lands of Yes Lake, 
Yes Bay, and Back Bay, Alaska, reserved for a salmon hatchery. 

406: Feb. 3 Charles H. Ingram, formerly in the Treasury Dept., made 
eligible for appointment to a clerical position in the War Dept. without 
examination. 1906 CSR 97. 

407: Feb. 5 Time limit for completion of work of the Spanish Treaty 
Claims Commission extended until Sept. 2, 1906. 

407-A:Feb. 5 Certain described lands at Randlett, Utah, reserved for 
the Protestant Episcopal Church for missionary and cemetery purposes 
for the benefit of the Ute Indians. I R 170; III K 690. 

408: Feb. 9 Clayton G. Coleman made eligible for reinstatement as spe- 
cial agent in the Oeneral Land Office without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1906 CSR 97. 

409: Feb. 10 Indian Key Reservation, Tampa Bay, Fla., established as 
a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

410: Feb. 13 William M. Oeddes, special disbursing agent, made eligible 
for appointment as clerk in the Treasury Dept., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1906 CSR 98. 

411 : Feb. 13 Joseph Fought made eligible for promotion from classified 
laborer to clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1906 CSR 98. 

411% : Feb. 17 John H. Smith made eligible for appointment as laborer 
in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1906 CSR 98. 

412: Feb. 19 E. O. [348-C] of Aug. 31, 1905, prescribing compensation 
for the members of the Board of Consulting Engineers for the Panama 
Canal, amended. M 51. 



413 : Feb. 19 Boundaries of Bismarck and Fargo Land Districts, N. 
Dak., redefined; certain lands, with archives, records, and business per- 
taining thereto, transferred from the Bismarck Land District to the 
Fargo Land District. 

414: Feb. 22 Mangum Land District, Okla., abolished and lands, busi- 
ness, and archives transferred to the Lawton Land District. 

415: Feb. 24 William B. Bainbridge, George H. Moritz, George E. 
Foulkes, Edwin E. Wakefield, Taliesin Evans, Lawrence B. Kemp, Charles 
E. Lewis, William F. Bunn, and James 0. Brzezinski, at present em- 
ployees of the Treasury Dept., made eligible for appointment as special 
agents in said dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1906 CSR 98. 

416 : Feb. 24 Procedure for appointment of laborers whose duties in- 
clude work of a classified nature, and for classification of laborers whose 
principal duties are of a classified nature, prescribed. Mar. 1906 CSA 
42, Nov. 1906 CSA 66; 1906 CSR 92. 

417: Feb. 24 Certain described lands at Unalaklik, Alaska, reserved for 
the Army Signal Corps for use in the operation of military telegraph 

418: Feb. 26 Compensation for members of the Isthmian Canal Commis- 
sion fixed. M 51. 

419: Feb. 27 Katherine Moynihan made eligible for appointment in the 
Post Office Dept., without examination. 1906 CSR 99. 

420 : Feb. 27 James T. Peterson and Clarence W. Allen made eligible 
for reinstatement in the classified service without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1906 CSR 99. 

421 : Feb. 28 Rules for the elimination and prevention of tuberculosis 
among employees in the public service prescribed. 

422 : Mar. 1 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 678, pertaining 
to invoices of merchandise purchased for export to the United States, 

423 : Mar. 1 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 680, pertaining 
to verification of invoices and declarations, amended. 

424 : Mar. 1 Robert Lee Gray made eligible for appointment as assist- 
ant messenger in the Justice Dept., without examination. 1906 CSR 99. 

425 : Mar. 1 Coila B. Ashby made eligible for reinstatement as clerk in 
the Interior Dept. without regard to length of separation from the serv- 
ice. 1906 CSR 99. 



426: Mar. 3 Fort Egbert Military Reservation, Alaska, modified; cer- 
tain lands added and excluded lands placed under control of the Interior 
Sec'y for disposition. 

427: Mar. 9 J. F. Moreno, a British subject, stenographer in the War 
Dept. and former clerk in the Foreign Service, made eligible for exam- 
ination for a classified appointment without regard to citizenship re- 
quirements. 1906 CSR 99. 

428: Mar. 10 Certain described lands in Bata[a]n and Cacraray Islands, 
P. I., reserved for military purposes. 

429: Mar. 22 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved as an agricul- 
tural experiment station. 

430: Mar. 26 E. 0. [418] of Feb. 26, 1906, fixing the compensation of 
members of the Isthmian Canal Commission, clarified and interpreted. 
M 52. 

431 : Mar. 27 Middle Islands at Rock Harbor, Mich., reserved for light- 
house purposes. 

432: Mar. 28 Grass Island Military Reservation, Grays Harbor, Wash., 
abolished and lands placed under control of the Interior Sec'y for dis- 

433 : Mar. 28 Boundaries of Billings Land District, Mont., redefined. 

434: Mar. 28 Pyeng E. Toon, a Korean, made eligible for appointment 
as clerk in the Honolulu, T. H., post office without regard to citizenship 
requirements. 1906 CSR 100. 

436: Mar. 31 Charles P. Galpin made eligible for appointment as classi- 
fied laborer in the Pensions Bureau without examination. 1906 CSR 100. 

436: Apr. 4 Joseph F. Laporte made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Post Office Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1906 CSR 100. 

437: Apr. 5 Jacob S. McClure made eligible for reemployment in a 
classified position. 

438: Apr. 9 Benjamin B. Cox made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Mobile, Ala., post office without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1906 CSR 100. 

439: Apr. 12 Certain described lands in Mississippi reserved as a target 
range for the Revenue Cutter Service. 



440: Apr. 14 itarry H. Brewster made eligible for transfer from the 
unclassified position of money order and stamp clerk, South St. Joseph, 
Mo., post office, to finance clerk, St. Joseph, Mo., Post Office. 1906 CSR 

441 : Apr. 28 Mary A. McDonald made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Interior Dept. without examination. 1906 CSR 101. 

442: Apr. 27 Office of the Surveyor General for Florida abolished. 

443: Apr. 28 Land office at San Francisco, Calif., ordered temporarily 
removed to Oakland, the building in which it was housed having been 

444: Hay 1 George M. Shafer made eligible for appointment as watch- 
man in the Interior Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1906 
CSR 101. 

446: Hay 10 Certain described lands in Juneau, Alaska, reserved for 
educational purposes. 

446: May 16 E. O. [372-A] of Nov. 18, 1905, abolishing Bent Land Dis- 
trict, Colo., with office at Lamar, revoked. 

447: May 18 Maj. Gen. F. C. Ainsworth, Military Sec'y, and Brig. Gen. 
J. Franklin Bell, designated to act, in the order named, as War Sec'y 
during the absence of the Sec'y and Assistant Sec'y- 

443: May 21 Harry E. Burns made eligible for appointment as fireman 
in any department at Washington, D. C. 1906 CSR 101. 

449 : May 28 Certain specified historical archives in the State Dept. 
transferred to Library of Congress. 

460: May 24 O. Louis Cleven made eligible for appointment in the 
Census Bureau to experiment in developing tabulating machinery, sub- 
ject to noncompetitive examination. 1906 CSR 101. 

461: May 29 Mrs. M. C. Kratz made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Treasury Dept., it appearing that she was removed through inadvertance. 
1906 CSR 101. 

462: May 31 Appointments to clerical positions on the Isthmus of 
Panama paying less than $75. per month in gold permitted without ex- 
amination, and provisions governing transfers and promotions on the 
Isthmus prescribed. Nov. 1906 CSA 67; 1906 CSR 92; M 52. 

463: June 6 — Jesse F. Gates made eligible for reinstatement as a classi- 
fied laborer in the Treasury Dept. 1906 CSR 102. 



464: June 6 Certain described lands in Oklahoma known as the "Gov- 
ernment Acre" transferred from the Interior Dept. to the Treasury Dept. 
for post office and other government purposes. 

455: Jane 6 Certain described lands within the Salt Lake Forest Re- 
serve, Utah, reserved as a nursery site. 

456: June 8 E. 0. [372-B] of Nov. 20, 1905, diminishing Fort St. 
Michael Military Reservation, Alaska, amended. 

457: June 13 Officer in charge of Public Buildings and Grounds author- 
ized to employ a copyist for up to three months in connection with the 
inventory and return of property belonging to the White House. 

458: June 13 Civil Service Commission authorized to certify non citi- 
zens for appointment when there is lack of citizen eligibles, and whenever 
an examination has been held and no eligible secured, to certify, in its 
discretion, the person or persons having the highest mark in such exam- 
ination. Nov. 1906 CSA 40, 67-June 1939 CSA 42; 1906 CSR 92. 

459: June 14 E. O. [442] of Apr. 27, 1906, abolishing the office of Sur- 
veyor General for Florida, amended to make the effective date of such 
abolition June 30, 1907, instead of June 30, 1906. 

460: June 16 Dr. Cressy L. Wilbur made eligible for transfer from 
expert special agent to chief statistician for vital statistics in the Census 
Bureau. 1906 CSR 102. 

461: June 16 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VII [on Agriculture Dept. 
positions], Paragraph 3, amended to remove the six months' limit for 
the temporary employment of forest guards. 1906 CSR 93. 

462: June 18 Four-hour workday on Saturdays during July, August, 
and September ordered for skilled mechanics, laborers, and classified em- 
ployees of the Washington Navy Yard, provided that time and one-half 
be paid for time worked in excess of four hours. 

463: June 19 Certain land within the Belle Fourche Irrigation Project, 
S. Dak., reserved for agricultural experimental work. 

464: June 21 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision II [on Treasury Dept. positions], 
amended to remove from the excepted list the deputy collectors of in- 
ternal revenue, and certain storekeepers and gangers in the Fifth 
Internal Revenue District of North Carolina. 1906 CSR 93. 

465: June 22 All unappropriated public lands in Wisconsin north of 
Township 33, withdrawn from entry, settlement or other appropriation 
for 90 days. 



466: June 28 Four-hour workday on Saturdays during July, August, 
and September ordered for skilled mechanics, laborers, and classified 
employees of the Government Printing Office, provided that time and 
one-half be paid for time worked in excess of four hours. 

467: June 23 Everett J. Dallas, made eligible for transfer from ex- 
cepted position of "additional" member of the Board of Pension Ap- 
peals, Interior Dept., to competitive position of regular member. 1906 
CSR 102. 

467- A: June 28 Col. O. H. Ernst ordered to continue as member of the 
International Water Ways Commission, after retirement on June 27, 
1906, with rank of brigadier general, and to receive same compensation 
as other members of said Commission, plus certain travel allowances. 

468: June 25 Four-hour workday on Saturdays during July, August, 
and September ordered for skilled mechanics and laborers, and classified 
employees of all navy yards and stations, provided that time and one- 
half be paid for time worked in excess of four hours. • 

469: June 27 Regulations governing the selection of consuls and con- 
sul-generals prescribed. 

470: June 29 Four-hour workday on Saturdays during July, August, 
and September, ordered for mechanics, laborers, and other Civil Service 
employees, at War Dept. manufacturing and supply arsenals and depots, 
and at other Army division and department headquarters. 

471 : June 29 Appointment of one special pension examiner without re- 
gard to Civil Service Rules authorized for a period of six months, in 
addition to the five previously excepted. 1906 CSR 93. 

472: June 29 Emma King, n6e Anderson, made eligible for reinstate- 
ment in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1906 CSR 102. 

472%: June 29 James K. Dawes made eligible for appointment as a 
clerk in the Philadelphia, Pa., post office without regard to Civil Service 

473: June 80 Charles N. Twadell made eligible for transfer from ex- 
cepted position of special examiner in the Pensions Bureau to a similar 
non-excepted position without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1906 CSR 

474: June 30 Compensation for members of the Isthmian Canal Com- 
mission fixed. M 52. 

475: July 5 Civil Service Commission directed, in certifying persons 
for appointment to the positions of firemen, chief engineer, engineer, and 



watchmen in the State, War and Navy Dept. Bldg., to give preference to 
honorably discharged ex-service men of certain grades. 1906 CSR 93. 

476: July 9 Ralph Modjeski made eligible for appointment as consult- 
ing engineer in the Ordnance Dept. at Large during Rock Island bridge 
and viaduct construction, subject to noncompetitive examination. 1906 
CSR 103. 

477: July 14 Fort Bayard Military Reservation, N. Mex., modified, cer- 
tain described lands added, and excluded lands placed under control of 
the Interior Sec'y for disposition. 

478: July 14 William E. DeRiemer made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Smithsonian Institution or its bureaus. 1906 CSR 103. 

479: July 14 Leonard C. Gunnell, Rose A. Palmer, Alice K. Coyle, and 
Josephine A. McDevitt, engaged in preparing a classified index catalogue 
for inclusion in the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, 
classified with their positions. 

480: July 17 Certain laborers in the field service of the Fisheries Bu- 
reau classified. 1906 CSR 94. 

481 : July 17 Clerical appointments on Isthmus of Panama, paying up 
to $75 monthly in gold, authorized without examination, and certain 
temporary employees made eligible for permanent appointment. 1906 
CSR 94; M 53. 

482: July 20 Michael J. Holland, an enlisted Marine, made eligible for 
appointment as a clerk at the Marine Corps headquarters. 1906 CSR 103. 

483: July 21 Malabang Military Reservation, Mindanao, P. I., dimin- 
ished by exclusion of certain described lands for the municipality of 

484: July 24 Four-hour workday on Saturdays during July, August, 
and September ordered for mechanics, laborers, and other employees of 
the Engineer Dept. at Large, War Dept. 

485: July 24 Four-hour workday on Saturdays during July, August, 
and September, ordered for employees of the Office of Public Buildings 
and Parks, except park police, and special provisions prescribed for pay 
of temporary employees. . 

486: July 26 Elizabeth Stack made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Pension Office without examination. 1906 CSR 104. 

487: July 28 Certain described lands in California, previously reserved 
for military purposes, reserved for naval purposes. 



488: July 30 Tony Verrosso made eligible for appointment as unclassi- 
fied laborer without regard to order of certification prescribed by the 
labor regulations. 

489 : July 30 Florence E. Broady made eligible for permanent appoint- 
ment in the Government Printing Office without examination. 1906 CSB 

490: Aug. 2 Certain described lands in the El Reno Land District, 
Okla., together with the business and archives pertaining thereto, trans- 
ferred to Lawton Land District. 

491 : Aug. 6 Julia Lynah McCoy made eligible for appointment in the 
Treasury Dept. without examination. 1906 CSR 104. 

492: Aug. 8 Time limit for completion of work of the Spanish Treaty 
Claims Commission extended until Jan. 1, 1907. 

493 : Aug. 10 Official title of the United States Board on Geographic 
Names changed to " United States Geographic Board", and said Board 
given certain advisory powers in connection with the preparation of 
maps by Government agencies. 

494: Aug. 13 Headquarters of Coeur d'Alene Indian Agency, Desmet, 
Idaho, ordered removed to Tekoa. 

495: Aug. 13 Consular Regulations of 1896 amended. 

496: Aug. 13 Tariff of Consular Pees prescribed, effective Nov. 1, 1906. 

497: Aug. 14 W. M. Johnson made eligible for appointment in the Im- 
migration Service without examination. 1906 CSB 104. 

498: Aug. 14 E. J. Mooklar made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
to the commander of the Naval Station, Tutuila, Samoa, without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 1906 CSR 104. 

499 : Aug. 17 Everett Spring made eligible for appointment to a classi- 
fied position in the Census Bureau without examination. 1906 CSR 104. 

600: Aug. 29 Washington Navy Yard employees excused from work on 
Labor Day, Sept. 3, 1906. 

501 : Sept. 7 Alice A. Masters made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Census Bureau without examination. 1906 CSR 105. 

502 : Sept. 14 Fort Robinson Military Reservation, Neb., diminished and 
excluded lands placed under control of the Interior Sec'y for disposition. 

503: Sept. 18 Extra compensation for enlisted men of the Marine Corps 
regularly detailed as messmen authorized. 



504: 8ept. 19 Reports of all cases where mechanics or laborers on Gov- 
ernment construction have been permitted or required to work more 
than eight hours in one day, ordered submitted to the Justice Dept. for 
appropriate action, and legal officers of all Government Depts. having 
supervision of public works being constructed by contract directed to 
submit to the President a list of statutes and Executive orders bearing on 
contracts for construction of public works. 

505: Sept. 20 Julius H. Hammond, depositary acting for the commis- 
sioner as receiver of public moneys and as confidential clerk in the 
General Land Office, classified with his position. 1906 CSR 105. 

506: Sept. 20 Isthmian Canal Commission authorized to hold its next 
quarterly session on Nov. 15, 1906, in stead of Oct. 1, 1906. M 54. 

507: Sept. 26 Joseph Tyssowski made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Interior Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1906 CSR 105. 

508: Sept. 29 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision II, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 2, amended to except one private sec'y in the Office of the 
Naval Officer of Customs, Port of New York. 1906 CSR 94. 

509: Oct. 1 Prizes for excellence in gunnery and target practice pre- 
scribed for enlisted men of the Marine Corps in the same amounts and 
under the same conditions as to enlisted men of the Navy. 

510: Oct. 2 Office of Surveyor General of Alaska ordered removed from 
Sitka to Juneau. 

511 : Oct. 3 Members of the United Spanish War Veterans employed in 
executive depts. at Washington excused from duty for parade, Oct. 9, 

512 : Oct. 3 Port San Pedro Military Reservation, near Iloilo, Panay, 
P. I., diminished by exclusion of certain lighthouse lands erroneously 
included therein. 

513: Oct. 5 Joe Osscar made eligible for retention as engineer at the 
Leach Lake Indian Agency, Minn., without examination. 1906 CSR 105. 

514: Oct. 5 Members of the Grand Army of the Republic employed in 
executive depts. at Washington, excused from duty for Spanish War 
Veterans' parade, Oct. 9, 1906. 

515: Oct. 6 Portion of Fort Grant Military Reservation, Ariz., included 
in Mt. Graham Forest Reserve. 

516: Oct. 6 Time limit for completion of work of the Spanish Treaty 
Claims Commission extended until Mar. 2, 1907. 



517: Oct. 19 Regulations governing the presentation of the Medal of 
Honor to Navy enlisted men and officers prescribed. 

518: Oct. 28 Temporary administration of the government of Cuba to 
be conducted at Havana by the provisional governor under the supervi- 
sion of the Sec'y of War, and all business in the U. S. in relation thereto, 
to be transacted in the Insuar Affairs Bureau, War Dept. 

519: Oct. 25 Portion of New Port Lyon (abandoned) Military Reserva- 
tion, Bent County, Colo., with the buildings thereon, reserved for the 
Navy Dept. for sanitarium purposes. 

I: Oct. 26 Certain lands near Valdez, Alaska, reserved as a target 
range for Port Liscum. 

521: Oct. 30 Paul A. Hines, clerk in the office of the Agriculture Sec'y, 
made eligible for promotion without examination. 1906 CSR 105. 

522: Nov. 5 Marshall Land District, Minn., with office at St. Cloud, 
abolished, and lands and business transferred to Duluth Land District. 

523: Nov. 5 Albert M. West made eligible for reinstatement as sci- 
entific assistant in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1906 CSR 105. 

524: Nov. 7 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision II, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
amended to revoke the exception of deputy internal revenue collectors. 
1906 CSR 94. 

525: Nov. 27 Portion of Cape Hinchinbrook, Hinchinbrook Island, 
Alaska, reserved for lighthouse purposes. 

526: Dec. 6 Theodore C. M. Schindler made eligible for appointment as 
special agent in the Bureau of Corporations without examination. 1906 
CSR 106. 

527: Nov. 17 E. O. [317-A] of Apr. 1, 1905, pertaining to the organiza- 
tion and duties of the Isthmian Canal Commission amended. M 55 ; 1905 
PCR 151. 

528: Dec. 8 William W. Gillespie made eligible for appointment as 
deputy collector in the Customs Service at Stamford, Conn., without 
examination. 1906 CSR 106. 

529: Dec. 10 Island known as "Rock of Ages" in Lake Superior, Mich., 
reserved for lighthouse purposes. 

530 : Dec. 12 Regulations governing appointment and promotion in the 
Consular Service, as prescribed by E. O. [469] of June 27, 1906, amended 
as to student interpreters. 



631: Dec. 14 Philip M. Earle, Isaac Pearson, and George F. Miller, tem- 
porary watchmen in the Interior Dept., made eligible for permanent 
appointment without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1906 CSR 106. 

532: Dec. 14 Kate S. Jones made eligible for transfer from classified 
laborer with clerical duties in the Patent Office to clerk in the Knoxville, 
Tenn., pension agency without examination. 1906 CSR 106. 

533: Nov. 27 Pay increase for Navy Men serving more than one enlist- 
ment, for certain ratings assigned to instruct apprentice seamen, ordered. 

534: Nov. 30 Rules governing peacetime purchase of discharge from 
the Navy prescribed. 

535: Dec. 17 Certain lands in Presidio County, Tex., acquired in 1883 
from Daniel Murphy and wife for the Port Davis Military Reservation, 
placed under the control of the Interior Sec'y for disposition. 

536: Dec. 11 Alfred W. Brown, made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Customs Service at Boston, Mass., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1906 CSR 106. 

537: Dec. 19 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for the 
use and benefit of the Indians of the Nemez Pueblo. IR 124 ; III K 686. 

538: Dec. 21 Tariff of Consular Fees amended to exempt from fee 
affidavits of temporary stay of owners of sealskin garments entering the 
United States from Canada. 

539: Dec. 24 William A. Woodruff, hospital attendant in the Public 
Health and Marine Hospital Service at Ellis Island, N. Y., made eligible 
for transfer to a clerkship in the Treasury Dept. at Washington without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1906 CSR 106. 

640: Dec. 31 W. B. Johnson, compositor in the Government Printing 
Office made eligible for transfer to clerk in the Land Service, Interior 
Dept., without examination. 1906 CSR 106. 

541 : Dec. 31 Joseph J. Harvey, messenger in the Spanish Treaty Claims 
Commission, made eligible for transfer to any other subclerical position 
in the executive Civil Service. 

542: Dec. 31 Henry C. Balkam made eligible for transfer from skilled 
laborer to clerk in the Census Bureau. 1906 CSR 107. 


543: Jan. 4 Camp Hartshorne Military Reservation, Island of Laguan, 
Samar, P. I., abolished and lands restored to the control of the Govern- 
ment of the Philippines. 



544: Jan. 12 Marshall M. Pool made eligible for promotion to a clerical 
position in the Army Purchasing Commissary at Kansas City, Mo., with- 
out examination. 1906 CSR 107. 

545: Jan. 12 David Robinson made eligible for reinstatement as an im- 
migrant inspector. 1906 CSR 107. 

546: Jan. 15 Governor of Tutuila authorized to issue certificates of pro- 
tection to vessels owned by U. S. citizens residing in Tutuila or Manua 
and by persons residing in said islands who have taken the oath of 
allegiance to the United States. 

547: Jan. 11 Elza Eugene Phelps made eligible for appointment as cus- 
toms inspector in connection with the transfer of merchandise across the 
Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1906 CSR 107. 

548: Jan. 15 [Identical with E. O. 546 of Jan. 15, 1907, supra, authoriz- 
ing the Governor of Tutuila to issue vessel protection certificates.] 

549 : Jan. 8 Official manner of designating vessels of the Navy pre- 
scribed as the name of such vessels preceded by United States Ship or 
U. S. S. 

550: Jan. 16 Building at Sitka, Alaska, formerly used by the Governor 
of Alaska as a residence and executive offices, together with its grounds 
reserved as a naval hospital. 

551: Jan. 17 Fort Lincoln Military Reservation, Burleigh County, N. 
Dak., enlarged. 

552: Jan. 19 Regulations for the government of the Army and Navy 
General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., amended as to rations and sub- 

553: Jan. 23 Camp John Hay Military Reservation, Luzon, P. I., en- 

554: Jan. 25 Members of the Grand Army of the Republic employed in 
executive depts. at Washington excused from duty at noon, Jan. 26, 1907, 
for the funeral of Russell A. Alger. 

554%: Jan. 29 Frank P. Nantz made eligible for appointment as deputy 
collector of internal revenue at San Juan, P. R., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

555 : Jan. 30 James Campbell, assistant appraiser of merchandise at 
Baltimore, Md., made eligible for appointment as deputy surveyor of 
customs at that port without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1906 CSR 107. 



666: Jan. 31 Isthmian Canal Commission authorized to hold the quar- 
terly session scheduled. for the first week in February, 1907, in Washing- 
ton, D. C, instead of on the Isthmus of Panama. 

667: Feb. 2 Time limit for completion of work of the Spanish Treaty 
Claims Commission extended until Sept. 2, 1907. 

668: Feb. 4 Rules governing peacetime purchase of discharge from the 
Marine Corps prescribed. 

669: Feb. 6 Norman Oswell Cully made eligible for appointment as 
messenger to the superintendent of the Naval Academy without exami- 
nation. 1907 CSR 114. 

660: Feb. 8 Elizabeth M. Leech made eligible for appointment to a 
classified clerical position without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 
CSR 114. 

661 : Feb. 12 Viti Rocks, or Islands, in Bellingham Bay, Wash., reserved 
for lighthouse purposes. 

662: Feb. 13 Mrs. George H. Hildreth made eligible for appointment to 
a clerical position in the Pensions Bureau without examination. 1907 
CSR 115. 

663: Feb. 16 Mazie R. Pountaine, former clerk in the Smithsonian Insti- 
tution, made eligible for reinstatement as clerk in the Treasury Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 114. 

664: Feb. 16 Mrs. George H. Hildreth made eligible for appointment to 
a classified clerical position without examination and E. O. [562] of Feb. 
13, 1907, authorizing her appointment in the Pensions Bureau, revoked. 
1907 CSR 115. 

666: Feb. 19 W. H. Teepe, tabulator in the Post Office Dept., made 
eligible for permanent appointment to a clerical position in said Dept. 
1907 CSR 115. 

666: Feb. 19 Robert L. Slagle, assistant messenger in the Post Office 
Dept., made eligible for permanent appointment as clerk in said Dept. 
1907 CSR 115. 

667: Feb. 20 James H. Adams, formerly in the Treasury Dept., made 
eligible for reinstatement in the classified service without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1907 CSR 116. 

668: Feb. 20 Oilman B. Howe made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Census Bureau, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 116. 



669: Feb. 20 Watertown Land District, S. Dak., abolished, and lands, 
business, and archives transferred to the Aberdeen Land District. 

570: Feb. 21 Certain described lands at Haines, Alaska, reserved for 
educational purposes. 

571: Feb. 21 John E. Eidwell, accountant in the Isthmian [Canal] Serv- 
ice, made eligible for transfer to a classified clerical position in the United 
States. 1907CSR116;M57. 

572: Feb. 21 Frank O'Neill made eligible for reinstatement as stock 
examiner in the Agriculture Dept., without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1907 CSR 116. 

573: Feb. 26 Certain described lands at Cape Fanshaw, Alaska, reserved 
for a military cable station. 

574: Mar. 1 Regulations for the government of the Army and Navy 
General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., amended as to rations and subsist- 

575: Mar. 2 Certain described lands at Cape Spencer, Alaska, reserved 
for lighthouse purposes. 

576: Mar. 2 Coal land withdrawals included by proclamations within 
the limits of forest reserves, not to be excluded from the operation of 
such proclamations. 

577: Mar. 4 Lillie L. Wright, former clerk in the Patent Office, made 
eligible for reinstatement without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1907 CSR 116. 

577%: Mar. 4 John F. Stevens and Lt. Col. George W. Goethals ap- 
pointed chairman and member of Isthmian Canal Commission, respec- 
tively, and compensation specified. M 58. 

578: Mar. 5 George W. Pitts made eligible for appointment as a clerk 
in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 

579 : Mar. 5 Publication or other announcement of law opinions given 
by any subordinate officer of the Justice Dept. forbidden unless approved 
by. the Attorney General. 

580: Mar. 5 James G. Massey made eligible for appointment as a clerk 
in the Interior Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 

581: Mar. 7 John C. Eversman, Sr., special examiner in the Pension 
Office, made eligible for appointment to competitive position in said office. 
1907 CSR 117. 



682: Mar. 8 P. J. Hughes made eligible for reinstatement in the Isthmian 
Canal Service and for transfer as a clerk to the War Dept. 1907 CSR 

583: Mar. 8 C. F. House made eligible for appointment as clerk in the 
Great Lakes Naval Training Station, Chicago, 111., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1907 CSR 117. 

684: Mar. 11 Maj. Gen. F. C. Ainsworth, Adjutant General, and Maj. 
Gen. J. Franklin Bell, Chief of Staff, designated, in the order named, to 
act as War Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y and the Assistant Sec'y* 

686: Mar. 14 Civil Service Rule H [pertaining to classification of the 
service], Subdivision VH, amended to provide that upon the establish- 
ment of the free delivery system in any post office, the employees of such 
office be treated as classified in the same manner as those of existing free 
delivery offices. 1906 CSR 95, 1907 CSR 111. 

686: Mar. 13 Canal Zone ordered divided into four administrative dis- 
tricts and appointment of administrative and judicial officers in each 
district authorized; certain rules for collection of taxes, public works, 
and accounts for each district prescribed. M 60. 

687: Mar. 13 Canal Zone Penal Code amended as to assault, battery, 
wife or child desertion, grand larceny, and embezzlement ; Code of Crim- 
inal Procedure amended as to jurisdiction in misdemeanor cases. M 62. 

688: Mar. 13 Ministers of the Gospel, judges of any court of record, and 
municipal or district judges in the Canal Zone authorized to perform 
marriage ceremonies. M 60 

688: Mar. 14 Japanese and Korean laborers, holding passports to go to 
Hawaii, Mexico, or Canada ordered excluded from entry into the conti- 
nental United States. M 63. 

690: Mar. 16 R. H. Mitchell made eligible for appointment as watch- 
man in the Interior Dept. without examination. 1907 CSR 118. 

691 : Mar. 16 Dr. A. Brown made eligible for appointment in the Agri- 
culture Dept. without examination. 1907 CSR 118. 

692: Mar. 16 Certain described lands in the Great Falls Land District, 
Mont., together with business and archives pertaining thereto, transferred 
to the Glasgow Land District. 

693: Mar. 16 Maj. William L. Sibert, U. S. Army, Maj. David DuB. 
Gaillard, U. S. Army, and Civil Engineer Harry H. Rousseau, U. S. Navy, 
appointed members of the Isthmian Canal Commission and compensation 
prescribed. M 63. 



594: Max. 18 Charles P. Galpin, messenger in the Pension Office, made 
eligible for appointment as clerk in said Office without examination. 
1907 CSR 118. 

595: Mar. 18 E. 0. [577%] of Mar. 4, 1907, making appointments to the 
Isthmian Canal Commission, amended to allow Col. George W. Goethals 
the use of a furnished dwelling on the Isthmus and to provide that he be 
paid expenses while away from the Isthmus on official business. M 64. 

596: Mar. 19 Frederick M. Kerby made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Interior Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 
CSR 118. 

597: Mar. 19 Harlan Updegraff made eligible for appointment as Alas- 
kan assistant in the Education Bureau without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1907 CSR 119. 

598: Mar. 23 Mahlon Pursel made eligible for reinstatement as clerk in 
the War Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1907 CSR 119. 

599 : Mar. 25 F. T. Quinlan made eligible for reinstatement as fur in- 
spector in the Quartermaster's Dept., Philadelphia, Pa. 1907 CSR 119. 

600 : Mar. 26 W. P. Armstrong, law clerk in the Isthmian Canal Com- 
mission, made eligible for transfer without regard to transfer rules. 
1907 CSR 119; M 64. 

601 : Mar. 26 Theresa S. Aubright made eligible for appointment to a 
classified clerical position without examination. 1907 CSR 119. 

602 : Mar. 28 * Philippine Commission directed to call a general election 
in Philippines for selection of delegates to a popular assembly to be 
known as the Philippine Assembly. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

60S: Mar. 29 Appointment of one clerk or examiner as private sec'y to 
the commissioner of the General Land Office authorized without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 120. 

604: Mar. 30 James Bronson Reynolds made eligible for appointment 
as inspector of Chinese in the Immigration Service without examination. 
1907 CSR 120. 

605: Mar. 30 Grande Island Military Reservation, Island of Luzon, P. I., 

606: Apr. 1 Lt. Col. George W. Goethals appointed to succeed John P. 
Stevens as Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission. M 64. 



607: Apr. 1 Joseph C. S. Blackburn appointed member of the Isthmian 
Canal Commission and compensation specified. M 64. 

608: Apr. 3 Jake T. Patrick, storekeeper-gauger in the Internal Revenue 
Service, 8th Internal Revenue Collection District of Kentucky, made 
eligible for transfer to a competitive position in said District. 1907 CSR 

609 : Apr. 4 Four-hour workday on Saturdays during July, August and 
September ordered for certain War Dept. employees. 

610 : Apr. 6 Consular Regulations of 1896 and Instructions to Diplo- 
matic Officers of 1897, amended as to provisions pertaining to citizenship 
and the issuance of passports. 

611: Apr. 8 Consular Regulations, Paragraph 172, pertaining to regis- 
tration of American citizens, amended. 

612: Apr. 9 Boundaries of Camp Downes Military Reservation, Ormoc, 
Leyte, P. I., redefined. 

613: Apr. 11 Spanish War veterans employed in executive depts. in the 
District of Columbia excused from duty Apr. 12, 1907, at 3 p. m., for 
unveiling of Rough Riders' monument at Arlington. 

614: Apr. 12 John H. McTeer, laborer in the Treasury Dept., made 
eligible for promotion to clerk grade without regard to the requirement 
of two years' service in a subclerical grade. 1907 CSR 120. 

615: Apr. 15 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 8, 
Clause (a), on limitations on transfer, amended. M 65. 

616: Apr. 16 Gunnison Land District, Colo., abolished and lands, busi- 
ness, and archives transferred to the Montrose Land District. 

617: Apr. 20 Regulations governing appointment and promotion in the 
Consular Service, Section 2 (a), amended as to student interpreters and 

618: Apr. 20 Charles L. Murphy made eligible for permanent appoint- 
ment as skilled laborer in the Fisheries Bureau. 

619: Apr. 25 Members of certain specified societies of Civil War vet- 
erans, employed in the executive depts. and independent establishments 
in the District of Columbia, excused from duty, May 2, 1907, for corps 
meetings and unveiling of statue of Maj. Qen. George Brinton McClellan. 

620: Apr. 25 Frederick L. Dunlap made eligible for appointment as 
associate chemist and member of the Food and Drug Inspection Board, 
Agriculture Dept., without examination and certification. 1907 CSR 121. 



620%: Apr. 25 Huntington Wilson, 3d Assistant State Sec'y, designated 
to act as State Sec'y during absence of the Sec'y, the Assistant Sec'y, 
and the 2d Assistant Sec'y. 

621: Apr. 29 Harrison L. Dean, temporary watchman in the Interior 
Dept., made eligible for permanent appointment without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1907 CSR 121. 

622: Apr. 30 James D. Rowan, Jr., and Charles L. Gooch, student as- 
sistants in the Plant Industry Bureau, made eligible for appointment as 
gardeners in the Agriculture Dept., and William Grant, student assistant 
in the Public Roads Office, made eligible for appointment as laboratory 
helper in said Dept., subject to noncompetitive examinations. 1907 CSR 

623: Apr. 30 Elsie E. Lower, student assistant in the Agriculture Dept., 
made eligible for appointment as clerk and artist in said Dept. without 
examination. 1907 CSR 121. 

624: Apr. 30 Nathaniel C. Murray, special field agent in the Statistics 
Bureau, Agriculture Dept., made eligible for appointment as assistant 
statistician in said Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 
CSR 121. 

625: Hay 4 Abolition of Surveyor General's Office for Florida post- 
poned to June 30, 1908. 

626: Hay 4 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for educational 
purposes pending survey and segregation by the General Land Office. 

627: May 6 Claude I. Parker made eligible for appointment as librarian 
for the law library or as a clerk in the General Land Office. 1907 CSR 

628: May 7 Certain described lands in Washington, formerly embraced 
in allotments to the Indians Snain-Chucks and Paul, restored to public 
domain. IR 193. 

629: May 7 James Powers made eligible for employment in the Census 
Bureau without examination, to experiment in tabulating machine de- 
velopment. 1907 CSR 122. 

630: May 7 Salaries and expense allowances of Jeremiah W. Jenks, 
William R. Wheeler, and Charles P. Neill, as Irrigation Commission mem- 
bers, prescribed. 

631: May 10 Thirty-three laborers in the Customs Service at Boston, 
Mass., classified in view of impossibility of arranging their work so that 
they would be employed wholly in classified or unclassified duties, and 
similar action authorized in all cases in the civil service where similar 
conditions exist. 1907 CSR 111. 



632: May 10 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination]. Subdivision HI [on War Dept. positions], 
[Paragraph] 7, amended to except only all navigating positions on tor- 
pedo boats and mine planters of the Quartermaster's Dept. at Large. 
1907 CSR 106. 

632%: May 10 Navy Sec'y directed to transfer vessel Zafiro to the War 
Sec'y for use as cable-store ship in the Quartermaster's Dept. 

633: May 11 Official communications from and to executive officers of 
the territories and possessions of the U. S. ordered transmitted through 
the Interior Sec'y. 

633% : May 11 Interstate Commerce Commission authorized to appoint, 
prior to July 1, 1907, up to 15 persons to be employed as special agents 
or examiners ; said appointees to be classified upon noncompetitive exami- 
nation after six months' probationary period, and appointments after 
July 1, 1907, to be in accordance with Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 103. 

634: May 13 John D. Torrey, temporary topographic draftsman in the 
Coast and Geodetic Survey, made eligible for permanent appointment 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 123. 

636: May 14 Boundaries of the Nome and the Fairbanks Land Districts, 
Alaska, redefined and all parts of Alaska not included in the aforemen- 
tioned districts, to remain in and constitute the Juneau Land District. 

636: May 16 E. O. [372-B] of Nov. 20, 1905, transferring a portion of 
the Port St. Michael Military Reservation to the Interior Sec'y for dis- 
position, as amended by E. O. [456] of June 8, 1906, revoked and said 
lands continued as part of said military reservation. 

637: May 23 Certain described lands within the Gila National Forest, 
N. Mex., further reserved to protect the water supply of Fort Bayard. 

638: May 24 Maude Ward Rockwood made eligible for appointment as 
a clerk in the War Dept. without examination. 1907 CSR 123. 

: May 28 Clifford Rose made eligible for appointment as private 
sec'y to the Public Printer without examination. 1907 CSR 123. 

640: May 28 William Phillips and Percival S. Heintzleman made eligible 
for appointment as clerks in the State Dept. without examination. 1907 
CSR 123. 

641: June 1 Consular Regulations of 1896 amended as to invoices of 
merchandise purchased for export to the United States. 

642: June 3 Civil Service Rule I [pertaining to politics and religion] 
amended to prohibit active participation in political management or 
campaigns by employees of the classified service. 



643 : June 5 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer] , Section 8, 
Clause (a), on limitations on transfer privilege, amended. M 66. 

644: June 5 Terence V. Powderly made eligible for appointment as chief 
of the Information Division of Immigration and Naturalization Bureau 
without examination. 1907 CSR 124. 

646: June 7 Mariveles Military Reservation, Bataan, Luzon, P. I., dimin- 
ished by exclusion of certain lands claimed by Manila Navigation Co. 

646: June 8 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, partaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision V, on Post Office Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 7 excepting clerks in charge of contract sta- 
tions and Paragraph 8 excepting clerks in charge of stations whose salary 
does not exceed $500 per annum. 1907 CSR 103. 

647: Hay 31 All marriages performed in the Canal Zone by ministers of 
any religious society or denomination, authorized by forms and usages of 
his society or denomination to perform marriages, or by any judicial 
officer of the Canal Zone, declared valid; certain regulations governing 
the performance of marriages by such ministers and judicial officers and 
fee for marriage licenses prescribed. M 65. 

648: June 11 Samuel H. Cunningham, temporary clerk in the Animal 
Industry Bureau, made eligible for permanent appointment without 
regard to standing on eligible register. 1907 CSR 124. 

648: June 11 George S. Fox, bookkeeper in the Isthmian [Canal] Serv- 
ice, made eligible for transfer to classified clerical position in the United 
States. 1907 CSR 124; M 66. 

660: June 11 George W. Woodruff, Assistant Attorney General, desig- 
nated to act as Interior Sec'y during absence of the Sec'y and 1st As- 
sistant Sec'y- 

651 : June 11 Committee on Grades and Salaries in the Executive Depts. 
ordered established. 

652: June 11 Mattie R. Tyler made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Norfolk, Va., post office without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 
CSR 124. 

653 : June 13 * Forest Service and Biological Survey officers and em- 
ployees permitted to accept State and Territorial appointments, and State 
and Territorial foresters and trained assistants allowed to serve as col- 
laborators in the Federal Forest Service. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

654: June 13 Rules Governing the Granting and Issuing of Passports in 
the United States prescribed. 



656: June 15 Civil Service Rule I [pertaining to politics and religion], 
Section 1 [prohibiting the use of influence or position, or active partici- 
pation in political management or campaigns by persons in the Executive 
Civil Service], amended to consolidate the two paragraphs of E. 0. [642] 
of June 3, 1907, without changing the wording. 1907 CSR 104. 

656: June 18 Mary A. Greenstreet, temporary employee in the War 
Dept., made eligible for permanent appointment. 1907 CSR 125. 

657: June 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision II, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 9, amended to except certain personnel of the Public Health 
and Marine Hospital Service. 1907 CSR 107. 

658 : June 24 John S. Drukker, former temporary employee in the En- 
graving and Printing Bureau, made eligible for reinstatement as press- 
man without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 125. 

659: June 20 E. O. [469] of June 27, 1906, prescribing regulations gov- 
erning appointment and promotion in the Consular Service, amended to 
substitute the Chief Clerk, State Dept., for the Chief of the Consular 
Bureau on the Board of Examiners provided for therein. 

660: June 26 All civil positions in the Quartermaster's Dept. at Hono- 
lulu, T. H., except those filled by skilled or unskilled laborers and Presi- 
dential appointees, classified, and specified incumbents made eligible for 
retention. 1907 CSR 113. 

661: June 26 Further officers and employees of the Agriculture Dept. 
permitted to hold positions under State and Territorial Governments, 
and State and Territorial employees permitted to hold Federal positions 
under said Dept. 

662: July 4 Horace W. Mitchell made eligible for transfer from an 
excepted position as clerk in the Pay Dept., Marine Corps, in the Philip- 
pines, to a non-excepted position in the said Corps at Berkeley, Calif., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 125. 

668: July 1 Purchase of material and supplies for the Isthmian Canal 
Commission placed under supervision of the Army Chief of Engineers. 
M 67. 

664: Aug. 15 Acounting and disbursing offices and procedure for the 
Isthmian Canal Commission reorganized. M 68. 

666: Aug. 16 Offices for the execution of the business of the Isthmian 
Canal Commission in the United States ordered established in Washing- 
ton, D. C. M 67. 

666: July 16 Malate Barracks Military Reservation (Cuartel Malate), 
Manila, P. I., enlarged. 



667: July 16 Aksel Hansen made eligible for employment in the Census 
Bureau without examination, to experiment in tabulating machine de- 
velopment, without examination. 1907 CSR 126. 

668: July 25 Margaret F. Sterne made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 

669: July 25 Alice V. Fought made eligible for appointment as a clerk 
in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 

669% : July 25 General regulations governing the Dominican customs 
receivership prescribed. 

670: July 26 William S. Harris made eligible for reinstatement as ex- 
aminer in the Office of the Appraiser of Merchandise at New York, N. Y., 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 1907 CSR 126. 

671: July 29 Harry T. Paterson, former employee in the Reclamation 
Service, made eligible for appointment as junior civil engineer in the 
Engineer Dept. at Large without regard to reinstatement and transfer 
limitations. 1907 CSR 127. 

672: Aug. 1 Boundaries of the military reservation at Old Woman, 
Alaska, as established by E. O. [352-B] of Sept. 21, 1905, redefined. 

673: Aug. 3 E. O. [649] of June 11, 1907, authorizing the transfer of 
Oeorge S. Fox from the Isthmian Canal Service to the Federal classified 
service, revoked. 1907 CSR 127; M 67. 

674: Aug. 6 Time limit for completion of work of the Spanish Treaty 
Claims Commission extended until Mar. 2, 1908. 

675: Aug. 8 Tern Islands Reservation, near the mouth of the Mississippi 
River, La., established as a preserve and breeding ground for native 

676: Aug. 9 Frank Huntington made eligible for appointment to a suit* 
able [editorial] position in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules, to handle technical or scientific articles. 1907 CSR 127. 

677: Aug. 10 Federal per diem employees and other day laborers in 
the Federal service excused from work on Labor Day. 

678: Aug. 12 Certain described lands within the Lower Brule Indian 
Reservation, S. Dak., together with the business and archives pertaining 
thereto, transferred from the Chamberlain Land District to the Pierre 
Land District. 



679: Aug. 12 A. J. Robinson made eligible for classification as train- 
master in the Quartermaster's Dept. at Large without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1907 CSR 127. 

680: Aug. 12 Appointment to position of chemist in the Bureau of 
Standards authorized without examination and certification. 1907 CSR 

680% : Aug. 12 Salaries of Isthmian Canal Commissioners, Lt. Col. W. C. 
Oorgas and Jackson Smith, fixed. M 67. 

681: Aug. 14 W. Dawson Johnston, Library of Congress employee, made 
eligible for transfer to collector and compiler of statistics in the Educa- 
tion Bureau, Interior Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 
CSR 128. 

682: Aug. 17 Shell Keys Reservation in the Gulf of Mexico, south of 
Marsh Island, La., established as a preserve and breeding ground for 
native birds. 

683: Aug. 19 E. O. [666] of July 15, 1907, enlarging Malate Barracks 
Military Reservation, Manila, P. I., revoked. 

634: Aug. 28 E. O. [416] of Feb. 24, 1906, classifying certain laborers 
in the Federal service, amended. June 1908 CSA 60-May 1922 CSA 72 ; 
1907 CSR 109. 

685: Aug. 29 Fort Sill Military Reservation, Okla., enlarged. 

686: Sept. 2 Etta A. Giers, Lyda M. Stansell, Ella Laing and Emma 
Washburn made eligible for appointment as clerks in the War Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 128. 

687: Sept. 7 [This order was issued to amend the Civil Service Rule on 
transfers, but designated the rule erroneously. It was revoked and cor- 
rected by E. O. 689 of Sept. 23, 1907, infra.] 

688: Sept. 19 Felix Neumann made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Bureau of International Exchanges, Smithsonian Institution, with- 
out examination. 1907 CSR 128. 

689: Sept. 23 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 8, 
Clause (a), on limitations on transfer, amended, and E. O. [687] of Sept. 
7, 1907, revoked. 1907 CSR 104. 

690: Sept. 23 Rachel F. Sullivan made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Boston, Mass., post office without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1907 CSR 129. , 



691: Sept. 23 R. D. Scarlett and John M. Newton, clothing examiners 
in the Quartermaster's Dept. at Large, Philadelphia, Pa,, classified. 1907 
CSR 129. 

692: Sept. 26 Certain described lands in Alabama reserved for the War 
Dept. in connection with the improvement of the Black Warrior River. 

693 : Sept. 26 Boundaries of Camp Keithley Military Reservation, Min- 
danao, P. I., redefined. 

694: Sept. 27 Civil Service Commission directed to render assistance 
to the Puerto Rican Civil Service Commission in connection with exam- 
inations and other work, and transfers from Puerto Rican to Federal 
Civil Service authorized. June 1908 CSA 6-Dec. 1926 CSA 4; 1907 CSR 

695: Sept. 28 Charles M. Irelan made eligible for transfer from the 
Patent Office to a clerical position in the War Dept. without regard to 
transfer limitations. 1907 CSR 129. 

696 : Sept. 28 Charles E. Knight, bank examiner in the Federal service, 
made eligible for transfer to shipping commissioner, San Francisco, 
Calif., without examination. 1907 CSR 130. 

697: Oct. 5 William Stimpel made eligible for appointment as Indian 
school disciplinarian, subject to noncompetitive examination. 1907 CSR 

698: Oct. 14 Tariff of Consular Fees amended to change the fee for 
issuing passports to $1.00. 

699: Oct. 14 Three Arch Rocks Reservation in the Pacific Ocean off the 
coast of Oregon, established as a preserve and breeding ground for native 

700: Oct. 21 John V. Davis made eligible for retention as automatic 
scale mechanician until completion of work without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1907 CSR 130. 

701: Oct. 21 E. O. of Apr. 4, 1853,* reserving certain lands at Rock 
Harbor, Isle Royale, Lake Superior, Mich., for lighthouse purposes, and 
General Land Office Commissioner's temporary withdrawal of April 28, 
1853, revoked as to certain parts of said lands. 
* Not a Numbered Order. 

702 : Oct. 23 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the Army 
Signal Corps in connection with the operation and maintenance of mili- 
tary telegraph lines, and certain other described lands in Alaska reserved 
for the same uses by E. O. [328-B] of May 24, 1905, placed under the 
control of the Interior Sec'y for disposition. 



70S: Oct. 23 Flattery Bocks Reservation, in the Pacific Ocean off the 
coast of Washington, established as a preserve and breeding ground for 
native birds and animals. 

704: Oct. 23 Copalis Bock Reservation, in the Pacific Ocean off the 
coast of Washington, established as a preserve and breeding ground for 
native birds and animals. 

706: Oct. 23 Quillaynte Needles Beservation, in the Pacific Ocean off 
the coast of Washington, established as a preserve and breeding ground 
for native birds and animals. 

706: Oct. 30 Charles H. McLellan, serving in a temporary capacity su- 
perintending construction of life saving apparatus, made eligible for 
retention for such period as his services may be required without regard 
to Civil Service Bules. 1907 CSB 131. 

707: Oct. 30 John P. Scruggs made eligible for reappointment in the 
Internal Bevenue Service in South Carolina without regard to Civil 
Service Bules, in view of unjust dismissal therefrom. 1907 CSB 130. 

708: Nov. 2 Certain described lands in New Mexico, reserved for the 
War Dept. as a post cemetery for Fort Sumner by E. O. of May 22, 
1871,* placed under the Interior Sec'y for disposition. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

700: Nov. 9 Navajo Indian Beservation, Ariz., and N. Mex., enlarged 
IB19 ; niK669. 

710: Nov. 9 Joseph B. Dalton made eligible for appointment as a skilled 
laborer in the Census Bureau without examination. 1907 CSB 131. 

711: Nov. 11 Jicarilla Indian Beservation, N. Mex., enlarged. IB 123; 
III K 681. 

712: Nov. 16 Enlisted men of the Marine Corps detailed as signalmen 
authorized to receive the same compensation, in addition to their monthly 
pay, as allowed enlisted men of the Navy under like circumstances. 

713: Nov. 20 Civil Service Bules and labor regulations suspended for 
appointment of one carriage driver each to the President, the head of 
any Executive Dept. the sec'y to the President, and such others as may 
be authorized. 1907 CSB 107. 

714: Nov. 22 Regulations governing employment of unskilled laborers 
outside of Washington, D. C, amended to authorize the Civil Service 
Commission to certify, in any civil service district, the three highest 
eligibles with the requisite qualifications for the position to be filled. 
1907 CSB 109. 



715: Nov. 22 Civil Service Commission authorized to waive examina- 
tion requirements and substitute tests of fitness in transfers and promo- 
tions. June 1908 CSA 58-June 1939 CSA 67 ; 1907 CSR 110. 

716: Nov. 28 Extra pay allowance to gun pointers in accordance with 
E. 0. of July 25, 1903,* to be paid to gun pointers, who qualify subse- 
quent to the date of this order, for so long as they remain qualified. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

717: Deo. 7 Certain employees of the Technologic Branch of the Geo- 
logical Survey granted all rights of classified personnel except transfer. 
1907 CSR 112. 

718: Deo. 7 East Timbalier Island Reservation, in the Gulf of Mexico 
off the coast of Louisiana, established as a preserve and breeding ground 
for native birds. 

719: Deo. 18 William McCambridge made eligible for transfer from an 
excepted to non-excepted position in the Interstate Commerce Commis- 
sion without examination. 1907 CSR 131. 

720: Dec. 13 Charles Earl, Commerce and Labor Dept. solicitor, desig- 
nated to act as Interior Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y, the Assist- 
ant Sec'y, and the Commissioner of Corporations. 

721: Deo. 14 Agents of the Historical Research Dept. of the Carnegie 
Institution given access to historical papers in the custody of officers of 
executive departments. 

722: Dec. 17 Emily G. Stickney made eligible for retention as tem- 
porary clerk examiner in the Chemistry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., until 
an appointment from the eligible register can be made. 1907 CSR 132. 

723: Deo. 17 Civil Service Commission directed to aid in testing ap- 
plicants for appointment in the Military or Naval Academies upon request 
of any member of Congress, if additional expenses are not entailed 
thereby. May 1910 CSA 6-Dec. 1926 CSA 4; 1907 CSR 110. 


724: Jan. 3 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1897, Paragraph 42, 
and Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 441, amended to define 
relative rank of certain diplomatic and consular officers. 

726: Jan. 6 E. O. [927] of Nov. 17, 1906, pertaining to the organization 
and functions of the Isthmian Canal Commission, amended. M 72; I 
PCRec 161. 



726: Jan. 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions ex- 
cepted from examination, Subdivision IX, on Commerce and Labor Dept. 
positions, amended to add Paragraph 2 excepting shipping commission- 
ers at the ports of New York, N. Y., San Francisco, Calif., Philadelphia, 
Pa., Port Townsehd, Wash., Honolulu, T. H., New Orleans, La., Boston, 
Mass., Baltimore, Md., and Bath and Portland, Me. 

727: Jan. 8 Fifteen temporary Indian Service employees, working under 
irrigation engineers as irregular employees outside of the classified 
service, made eligible for retention as temporary employees. 1907 CSR 

728: Jan. 8 One hundred and twenty six Union Agency employees des- 
ignated as irregular employees outside of the classified service made 
eligible for retention without examination as a temporary expedient. 
1907 CSR 113. 

729: Jan. 9 Canal Zone Penal Code amended as to certain misdemeanors 
and punishment thereof. M 74; I PCRec 171. 

730: Jan. 9 Canal Zone regulations governing unclaimed property in 
the possession of common carriers prescribed. M 74; I PCRec 171. 

731 : Jan. 9 Canal Zone Laws, Act I, Section 22, amended as to the 
composition of the judicial circuits. M 75; I PCRec 171. 

732: Jan. 9 Law No. 6 of the Republic of Panama, pertaining to the 
exclusion of certain aliens, ap construed by Executive Decree of Apr. 15, 
1904, made applicable to the Canal Zone. M 75 ; I PCRec 171. 

733: Jan. 13 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IX, on Commerce and Labor 
Dept. positions, Paragraph 2, amended to add Paragraph 2 excepting 
shipping commissioners whose compensation was $2500 or more for the 
fiscal year 1907, and E. O. [726] of Jan. 6, 1908, revoked. 1907 CSR 107. 

734: Jan. 16 Ernest Coldwell, former internal revenue collector, made 
eligible for appointment as agent in the Internal Revenue Service with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 132. 

735: Jan. 17 Huron Land District, S. Dak., abolished and lands, busi- 
ness, and archives transferred to the Pierre Land District. 

736: Jan. 17 Certain described lands in New Mexico in the Colfax 
Land District, with office at Clayton, together with business and archives 
pertaining thereto, transferred to the Lincoln Land District, with office 
at Roswefl. 

737: Jan. 18 Certain described lands at Minto, Alaska, reserved for the 
Army Signal Corps for use in connection with the operation of military 
telegraph lines. 



738 : Jan. 20 James S. Wickham made eligible for employment in the 
Census Bureau without examination, upon experimental work in develop- 
ment of tabulating machinery. 1907 CSR 132. 

739: Jan. 24 Appointment of Indians as messengers in the Indian Af- 
fairs Office authorized, subject to noncompetitive examination. 

740: Jan. 27 Civil Service Rule VII, pertaining to certification, Section 
1, Clauses (a) and (b), amended as to manner of selection by appoint- 
ing officer from eligibles certified for appointment to a vacancy. 

741 : Jan. 27 Civil Service Rule VIII, pertaining to temporary appoint- 
ment, amended. M 75. 

742: Jan. 28 Navy mess attendants' classification and monthly pay spe- 
cified, and additional pay allowances prescribed for cooks and stewards. 

743 : Jan. 28 Boundaries of lands added to the Jicarilla Indian Res- 
ervation, N. Mex., by E. 0. [711] of Nov. 11, 1907, redefined. IR 123; 
III K 682, IV K 1030. 

744: Jan. 28 Boundaries of lands added to Navajo Indian Reservation, 
Ariz, and N. Mex., by E. O. [709] of Nov. 9, 1907, redefined. IR 20; III 
K 669. 

745 : Jan. 30 Certain described lands in Alabama reserved for use of 
the War Dept. for improvement of the Black Warrior, Warrior, and 
Tombigbee Rivers. 

746: Feb. 4 Woodward Land District, Okla., abolished, and lands, busi- 
ness, and archives transferred to the Alva Land District. 

747: Feb. 4 Isabel E. McKinley made eligible for reinstatement in the 
War Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1907 CSR 132. 

748: Feb. 4 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision II, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
Paragraphs 6 and 7, amended as to certain excepted positions in mint 
or assay offices. 1907 CSR 108. 

749: Feb. 5 Time for completion of work of the Spanish Treaty Claims 
Commission extended until Sept. 2, 1908. 

760: Feb. 6 Canal Zone regulations on right of trial by jury in criminal 
prosecutions prescribed. M 76 ; I PCRec 203 ; 1912 PCR 631. 

751 : Feb. 7 S. Baillio made eligible for reinstatement in the Norfolk 
Navy Yard without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1907 CSR 133. 



762: Feb. 7 Douglas B. Thompson made eligible for reinstatement in 
the service on the Isthmus of Panama and for transfer to the Depart- 
mental Service. 1907 CSR 105, M 78. 

7S3: Feb. 10 Certain described lands in Washington reserved for light- 
house purposes. 

764: Feb. 16 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to examinations]. Sec- 
tion 2 [pertaining to positions subject to noncompetitive examinations], 
amended to include Indians appointed in the Indian Affairs Office in the 
messenger service, and E. 0. [739] of Jan. 24, 1908, pertaining to the 
same subject, revoked. 

766: Feb. 16 Certain described lands in Montana in the Yellowstone 
Land District, together with the business and archives pertaining thereto, 
transferred to the Glasgow Land District. 

766: Feb. 17 Certain described lands in Nebraska in the North Platte 
Land District, together with business and archives pertaining thereto, 
transferred to the Alliance Land District. 

767: Feb. 17 E. O. [746] of Feb. 4, 1909, consolidating the Woodward 
Land District with the Alva Lahd District, amended to locate the land 
office at Woodward, Okla. 

768: Feb. 20 Procedure to be followed by officers and employees of the 
Executive Civil Service in submitting recommendations affecting the 
method of appointment to the classified service prescribed. June 1908 
CSA34; 1907 CSR 110. 

768: Feb. 21 E. O. [755] of Feb. 15, 1908, transferring certain Montana 
lands from the Yellowstone Land District to the Glasgow Land District, 
amended to transfer additional lands. 

760: Feb. 21 Certain described lands at Lowell Point, Resurrection Bay, 
Alaska, reserved for the Navy Dept. as a coaling depot. 

761 : Feb. 21 Edwyn N. Purvis, formerly in the Isthmian Canal Service, 
made eligible for appointment to a clerkship in the classified service in 
the United States without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 133 ; 

762 : Feb. 22 Edward J. Tapper made eligible for appointment as dep- 
uty collector and inspector of customs at Stamford, Conn., without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 134. 

763: Feb. 24 Mosquito Inlet Reservation, near the mouths of the Hali- 
fax and Hillsboro Rivers, Fla., established as a preserve and breeding 
ground for native birds. 



763)4 • Mb. 25 Construction of fortifications on the Island of Corregi- 
dor, Manilla Bay, P. I., ordered started immediately upon obtaining the 
written consent of the owners of the land involved. 

764: Feb. 28 Mississippi transferred from the Internal Revenue Col- 
lection District of Louisiana to the Internal Revenue Collection District 
of Alabama. 

766: Mar. 3 Certain described lands at Hogan, Alaska, reserved for the 
Army Signal Corps for use in connection with the operation of military 
telegraph lines. 

766: Mar. 4 Charles L. Babcock made eligible for appointment as an 
immigrant inspector in the Immigration Service, Commerce and Labor 
Dept., without examination. 1907 CSR 134. 

767: Mar. 5 E. O. of Mar. 26, 1901, # prescribing the Army ration, re- 
voked, and a new ration prescribed. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

768: Mar. 6 Philip W. Reinhard, Jr., confidential clerk to the Customs 
Collector, New York, N. Y., made eligible for transfer from the excepted 
to the competitive class. 1907 CSR 134. 

769: Mar. 13 Certain described lands in the vicinity of Chena and Fair- 
banks, Alaska, reserved for the Army Signal Corps, for use in the oper- 
ation and maintenance of military telegraph lines, and lands reserved 
for the same purposes by E. 0. [328-B] of May 24, 1905, placed under 
control of the Interior Sec'y for disposition. 

770: Mar. 17 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
exempted from examination, Subdivision III [on War Dept. positions], 
amended to add Paragraph 10 excepting caretakers of abandoned mili- 
tary reservations or unoccupied military posts, when the positions are 
filled by retired non-commissioned officers or enlisted men. 1907 CSR 

771 : Mar. 18 Portion of Hawkins Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska, 
reserved for use of the Navy as a coaling station. 

772 : Mar. 21 Wilhelm Lutz, assistant chief of police of Puerto Rico, 
made eligible for appointment in the Immigration Bureau. 1907 CSR 

773: Mar. 23 Boundaries of lands on Resurrection Bay, Kenai Penin- 
sula, Alaska, defined and reserved by E. O. [760] of Feb. 21, 1908, for 
use of the Navy as a coaling depot, redefined and said Order revoked. 

774: Mar. 31 Canal Zone regulations on right of trial by jury in crim- 
inal prosecutions amended. M 79. 



775: Apr. 1 E. 0. of May 9, 1898, # reserving certain Washington lands, 
revoked and the Sec'y of the Interior authorized to restore a portion of 
said lands to settlement and entry under the general provisions of the 
public land laws. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

776: Apr. 4 E. O. [707] of Oct. 30, 1907, authorizing reinstatement of 
John P. Scruggs in the Internal Revenue Service, confirmed. 

777: Apr. 4 Four-hour workday on Saturdays during specified months 
ordered for skilled mechanics, laborers, and classified employees of naval 
stations at Cavite and Olongapo, P. I., Quam, Tutuila, Honolulu, T. H., 
Ouantanamo, Cuba, and San Juan, P. R., provided that time and one-half 
is paid for time worked in excess of four hours. 

778 : Apr. 4 Certain described lands at Sitka, Alaska, reserved for the 
Navy Dept. by E. O. of June 21, 1890, # transferred to the Army Signal 
Corps for use as a site for a cable house. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

779: Apr. 6 Tortugas Keys Reservation, Dry Tortugas, Fla., established 
as preserve and breeding ground for native birds, subject to use by the 
War Dept. under E. O. of Sept. 17, 1845. # 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

780: Apr. 13 Harry A. Strohm, 3d class postmaster, made eligible for 
appointment as a special agent in the Classification Division, Office of 
the 3d Assistant Postmaster General, without examination. 1907 CSR 

781 : Apr. 15 Henry C. Towers, an expert in the Forestry Bureau, Agri- 
culture Dept., made eligible for appointment to the competitive position 
of expert and chief of the section of purchases in the same service with- 
out examination. 1907 CSR 137. 

782: Apr. 16 Certain described lands at Fairbanks, Alaska, reserved 
for the Army Signal Corps for a wireless telegraph station. 

783: Apr. 17 William S. Murphy made eligible for appointment as 
inspector of Chinese in the Immigration Service without examination. 
1907 CSR 137. 

784: Apr. 20 Alpheus H. Mahone made eligible for reinstatement as a 
fish culturist in the Fisheries Bureau without regard to length of sep- 
aration from the service. 1907 CSR 138. 

785: Apr. 21 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], amended by adding a new Subdivision X, 
to except up to twenty special agents in the Prosecution Division of the 
Interstate Commerce Commission. 1907 CSR 108. 



786: Apr. 23 John Krey made eligible for reinstatement as assistant 
engineer in the Army Engineer Dept. at the discretion of the War Sec 'v. 
1907 CSR 138. 

787: Apr. 24 San Juan National Forest, Colo., diminished and excluded 
lands restored to the public domain and opened to entry and settlement 
under the general provisions of the homestead laws on such date as the 
Sec'y of the Interior may prescribe. 

788: Apr. 24 Canal Zone Laws amended as to punishment for the de- 
facement or removal of boundary or survey monuments. M 79 ; I PCRec 

789: Apr. 30 Government employees at San Francisco, Oakland, Berk- 
eley, Alameda, and other points on San Francisco Bay, Calif., excused 
from duty on May 6, 1908, to participate in the reception of the battle- 
ship fleet in San Francisco Bay. 

790: Apr. 30 Camp Stotsenburg Military Reservation, near Angeles, 
Pampanga, Luzon, P. I., enlarged. 

791: May 1 Katherine J. Fenton made eligible for appointment as clerk 
copyist draftsman or copyist topographic draftsman at Washington with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 CSR 138. 

792: May 4 Fourteen described tracts of land is reserved for the Army 
Signal Corps for use in connection with the operation of military tele- 
graph lines. 

793: May 5 Certain described lands in California eliminated from the 
lighthouse reserve established by E. O. of Jan. 26, 1867,* and restored 
to the public domain for disposition under the general land laws. 
* Not a Numbered Order. 

794: May 12 Adolph Marix, Charles Earl, Eugene T. Chamberlain, 
George Uhler, and William Strother Smith designated as members of a 
commission to examine the laws for security of passengers and crews on 
United States vessels, and to recommend revisions thereof. 

795: May 13 Heads of executive departments and independent estab- 
lishments ordered to arrange salaries in said departments and establish- 
ments to conform to the principles underlying the report of the Commit- 
tee on Grades and Salaries established by E. O. [651] of June 11, 1907. 

796: May 13 Certain described lands on the Island of Biliran, P. I., 
reserved for military purposes. 

797: May 16 Certain described lands at Chena, Alaska, reserved for the 
Army Signal Corps for use in connection with the operation of military 
telegraph lines. 



798: May 23 Richard H. Taylor made eligible for retention as an in- 
spector in the Immigration Service, Commerce and Labor Dept. 1908 
CSR 131. 

799: May 23 Civil and Spanish War Veterans and members of certain 
patriotic societies employed in the Government Service in the District 
of Columbia excused from duty on May 27, 1908, for participation in 
the parade in connection with the removal of the body of Vice President 

800: May 26 John M. Jones made eligible for employment as a tariff 
and traffic expert in the Interstate Commerce Commission without ex- 
amination. 1908 CSR 131. 

801: May 26 Pocatello National Forest, Idaho and Utah, enlarged by 
addition of the Port Neuf National Forest and a portion of the Bear 
River National Forest, and the remaining portion of the Bear River 
National Forest constituted a part of the Cache National Forest, Idaho 
and Utah. 

802: May 26 Bear River National Forest, Idaho and Utah, abolished 
and a portion constituted the Cache National Forest, Idaho and Utah, and 
the remaining portion constituted a part of the Pocatello National Forest. 

803: May 28 Fort Keough Military Reservation, Mont., abolished and 
placed under the control of the Interior Sec'y for disposition. 

804: May 29 B. O. [795] of May 13, 1908, directing the heads of execu- 
tive departments and independent establishments to arrange salaries in 
said departments and establishments to conform to the principles under- 
lying the report of the Committee on Grades and Salaries, extended to 
include clerks and draftsmen at all arsenals and navy yards. 

806: June 2 Charles Lutz made eligible for employment in charge of 
statistics and accounts in the Interstate Commerce Commission without 
examination. 1908 CSR 132. 

806: June 5 Disposition of the building formerly used as a railroad 
station and train shed in Washington by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- 
pany authorized. 

807: June 5 Four-hour workday on Saturdays during July, August, 
and September ordered for skilled mechanics and laborers, and classified 
employees at all navy yards and naval stations, provided that time and 
one-half be paid for time worked in excess of four hours. 

808: June 8 Certain described portions of Man Key and Woman Key 
in Key West Harbor, Fla., reserved for the use of the Navy Dept. 



809: June 8 Heads of executive departments, bureaus, and other gov- 
ernment establishments instructed to compile and furnish to the Na- 
tional Conservation Commission information and data relevant to the 
work of said Commission. 

810: June 8 Boundaries of Lemmon Land District, N. Dak. and S. Dak., 

810y 2 : June 8 E. 0& [447 and 584] of May 18, 1906, and Mar. 11, 1907, 
respectively, designating certain officers to act as Sec'y and Assistant 
Sec'y of War, rescinded. 

811: June 9 William J. Dow made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Government Printing Office and appointment as private sec'y to the 
Public Printer without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1908 CSR 132. 

812: June 10 Salary of William R. Wheeler as member of the Immigra- 
tion Commission and Assistant Sec'y of the Commerce and Labor Dept. 
fixed at $7500 per annum including expenses. 

813: June 13 Whitman National Forest, Oreg., created from a portion 
of the Blue Mountains National Forest. 

814: June 13 Malheur National Forest, Oreg., created from a portion 
of the Blue Mountains National Forest. 

815: June 13 Umatilla National Forest, Oreg., created from the Hep- 
pner National Forest and a portion of Blue Mountains National Forest. 

816: June 13 Deschutes National Forest, Oreg., created from portions 
of the Blue Mountains, Cascade, and Fremont National Forest. 

817: June 13 Fremont National Forest, Oreg., modified by addition of 
the Goose Lake National Forest and by exclusion of certain lands con- 
stituted portions of the Deschutes and Umppqua National Forests. 

818: June 15 Treasury Sec'y authorized to appoint temporary person- 
nel to carry into effect the National Banking Act of 1908 without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 

819: June 15 Andrew Christensen, former classified employee, made eli- 
gible for appointment as a special agent of the General Land Office with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1908 CSR 132. 

819%: June 18 John McCarthy, retired Army commissary sergeant, 
made eligible for appointment as laborer in charge of warehouse in the 
Subsistence Dept. at Large, New York, N. Y., without examination. 1908 
CSR 132. 



I: June 18 Columbia National Forest, Wash., created from a portion 
of the Rainier National Forest. 

821: June 18 Rainier National Forest, Wash., modified by addition of 
a portion of the Washington National Forest and by exclusion of certain 
lands now constituted the Columbia National Forest. 

822: June 18 Washington National Forest, Wash., diminished and the 
excluded portions constituted the Chelan, Snoqualmie, and Wenatchee 
National Forests, and part of Rainier National Forest. 

t: June 18 Chelan National Forest, Wash., created from a portion of 
the Washington National Forest. 

824: June 18 Snoqualmie National Forest, Wash., created from a por- 
tion of the Washington National Forest. 

825: June 18 Wenatchee National Forest, Wash., created from a por- 
tion of the Washington National Forest. 

826: June 18 Fillmore National Forest, Utah, modified by addition of 
the Beaver National Forest, Utah, and by exclusion of certain lands con- 
stituted a part of the Nebo National Forest. 

827: June 18 Nebo National Forest, Utah, created from the Vernon 
and Payson National Forests and a portion of the Fillmore National 

828: June 19 Frank £. Elder made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Government Printing Office without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1908 CSR 133. 

829: June 20 Offices of assistant Japanese and assistant Chinese sec'ys 
in the Embassy at Tokio and the Legation at Peking to be filled in rota- 
tion by different qualified interpreters and student interpreters. 

830: June 24 Basil Miles made eligible for appointment at superin- 
tendent of the Foreign Mails Division, Post Office Dept., without exam- 
ination. 1908 CSR 133. 

831 : June 25 Yachts of the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club authorized to 
visit the U. S. without entry, clearance, or payment of charges. 

832: June 25 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
exempted from examination, Subdivision II [on Treasury Dept. positions] , 
Paragraph 4, amended to except an additional paymaster in the New 
York customs district. 

833: June 25 Lewis and Clark National Forest, Mont., diminished and 
excluded lands constituted the Flathead and Blackfeet National Forests 
and portions of the Kootenai and Missoula National Forests. 



884: June 25 Blackfeet National Forest, Mont., created from a portion 
of Lewis and Clark National Forest and other portions of Lewis and 
Clark National Forest constituted the Flatjhead National Forest and 
portions of Kootenai and Missoula National Forest. 

835: June 25 Flathead National Forest, Mont., created from a portion 
of Lewis and Clark National Forests and other portions of Lewis and 
Clark National Forest constituted the Blackfeet National Forest and 
portions of Kootenai and Missoula National Forests. 

836: June 25 Kootenai National Forest, Mont, and Idaho, modified by 
addition of portions of the Lewis and Clark and Cabinet National For- 
ests and by the exclusion of certain other lands; a portion of the ex- 
cluded lands constituted a part of the Pend Oreille National Forest and 
the remaining portion opened to settlement under the homestead laws 
on date to be prescribed by the Interior Sec'y, and to entry, filing, selec- 
tion, or other forms of appropriation 30 days after the date so fixed. 

837: June 25 Routt National Forest, Colo., created from portion of the 
Park Range National Forest and the remaining portion of the Park 
Range National Forest constituted a part of the Hayden National Forest. 

838: June 25 Cabinet National Forest, Mont, and Idaho, diminished and 
the excluded lands constituted portions of the Kootenai and Pend 
Oreille National Forests. 

839: June 25 Hayden National Forest, Colo., created from the Sierra 
Madre National Forest and a portion of the Park Range National Forest, 
and the remaining portion of the Park Range National Forest constituted 
the Routt National Forest. 

840: June 26 Challis National Forest, Idaho, created from portions of 
the Salmon River and Sawtooth National Forests. 

841 : June 26 Salmon National Forest, Idaho, created from portions of 
the Salmon River, Bitter Root, and Lemhi National Forests, and the re- 
maining portion of the former Salmon River National Forest constituted 
a portion of the Challis National Forest. 

842: June 26 Clearwater National Forest, Idaho, created from portions 
of the Coeur d'Alene and Bitter Root National Forests. 

843: June 26 Coeur d'Alene National Forest, Idaho and Mont., modified 
by addition of the Palouse National Forest and by the exclusion of cer- 
tain other lands now constituted parts of the Pend Oreille and Clear- 
water National Forests. 

844: June 26 Pend Oreille. National Forest, Idaho, created from por- 
tions of the Priest River, Kootenai, Cabinet and Coeur d'Alene National 



846: June 26 Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho, created from a portion 
of the Priest River National Forest, and the remaining portion of Priest 
River National Forest constituted a portion of the Pend Oreille National 

846: June 26 Angeles National Forest, Calif., created from the San 
Bernardino National Forest and portions of the San Gabriel and Santa 
Barbara National Forests, and the remaining portions of the San Gabriel 
National Forest constituted a portion of the Santa Barbara National 

847: June 26 San Luis National Forest, Calif., created from a portion 
of the San Luis Obispo National Forest, and the remaining portion of 
the San Luis Obispo National Forest constituted a portion of the Santa 
Barbara National Forest. 

848: June 26 Carson National Forest, N. Mex., created from the Taos 
National Forest and a portion of the Jemez National Forest. 

848: June 26 Jemez National Forest, N. Mex., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands constituted a portion of the Carson National Forest. 

850: June 26 Sundance National Forest, Wyo., created from the Bear 
Lodge National Forest and a portion of the Black Hills National Forest. 

861: June 26 Black Hills National Forest, S. Dak., diminished and the 
excluded lands constituted a portion of the Sundance National Forest. 

862: June 26 Santa Barbara National Forest, Calif., modified by the 
addition of portions of the San Gabriel and San Luis Obispo National 
Forests and by the exclusion of certain lands constituted a portion of 
the Angeles National Forest. 

863 : June 26 Weiser National Forest, Idaho, diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands constituted a portion of the Nezperce and Payette National 

864: June 26 Nezperce National Forest, Mont., created from portions 
of the Bitter Root and Weiser National Forests. 

866: June 26 Idaho National Forest, Idaho, created from a portion of 
the Payette National Forest. 

866: June 26 Payette National Forest, Idaho, modified by the addition 
of portions of the Weiser and Sawtooth National Forests and by the ex- 
clusion of certain lands constituted the Idaho National Forest. 

867: June 26 Boise National Forest, Tdaho, created from a portion of 
the Sawtooth National Forest. 



868: June 26 Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho, diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands constituted portions of the Boise, Challis, Lemhi, and Pay- 
ette National Forests. 

859: June 26 Lemhi National Forests, Idaho, modified by the addition 
of a portion of the Sawtooth National Forest and by the exclusion of 
certain lands constituted a portion of the Salmon National Forest. 

860: June SO Siuslaw National Forest, Oreg., created from portions 
of the Tillamook and Umpqua National Forests; remaining portion of 
Tillamook National Forest and another portion of the Umpqua National 
Forest restored to public domain and opened to settlement under the 
homestead laws on date to be fixed by the Interior Sec'y* and to entry, 
filing, selection, and other form of appropriation 30 days after date so 

861: June 80 Cheyenne National Forest, Wyo., created from the Crow 
Creek National Forest and a portion of the Medicine Bow National For- 
est; certain other portions of the Medicine Bow National Forest consti- 
tuted portions of the Arapaho and Pike National Forests. 

862: June 80 Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyo. and Colo., dimin- 
ished and the excluded lands constituted portions of the Cheyenne, 
Arapaho, and Pike National Forests. 

863: June 80 Cascade National Forest, Oreg., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands constituted portions of the Oregon, Umpqua, and Crater 
National Forests. 

864: June 80 Oregon National Forest, Oreg., created from the Bull 
Bun and a portion of the Cascade National Forests; certain other por- 
tions of the Cascade National Forest constituted portions of the Umpqua 
and Crater National Forests. 

865: June 80 Umpqua National Forest, Oreg., modified by the addition 
of portions of the Cascade and Fremont National Forests and by the 
exclusion of certain lands ; a portion of the excluded lands constituted a 
part of the Siuslaw National Forest, and the remaining portion opened 
to settlement under the homestead laws on a date to be fixed by the 
Interior Sec'y> and to entry, filing, selection, or other form of appropri- 
ation thirty days after the day so fixed. 

866: June 30 Siskiyou National Forest, Oreg. and Calif., modified by 
the addition of the Coquille and a portion of Klamath National Forests 
and by the exclusion of certain lands constituted a portion of the Crater 
National Forest. 

867: June 80 Crater National Forest, Oreg. and Calif., created from the 
Ashland National Forest and portions of the Cascade, Siskiyou, and 
Klamath National Forests. 



868: July 1 Sitgreaves National Forest, Ariz., created from portions 
of the Black Mesa and Tonto National Forests, and the remaining por- 
tions of the Black Mesa National Forest constituted the Apache and 
portions of the Coconino and Tonto National Forests. 

889: July 1 Tonto National Forest, Ariz., modified by the addition of a 
portion of the Black Mesa National Forest and by the exclusion of cer- 
tain lands constituted parts of the Crook, Sitgreaves, and Coconino Na- 
tional Forests. 

870: July 1 Holy Cross National Forest, Colo., modified by the addition 
of portions of the Leadville, Gunnison, and Battlement Mesa National 
Forests and by the exclusion of certain lands constituted a part of the 
Leadville National Forest. 

871 : July 1 Targhee National Forest, Idaho and Wyo., created from the 
Henry's Lake and a portion of the Yellowstone National Forest, and the 
remaining portions of the Yellowstone National Forest constituted the 
Shoshone, Teton, Bonneville, and Wyoming National Forests and parts of 
the Absaroka and Beartooth National Forests. 

872: July 1 Teton National Forest, Wyo., created from a portion of the 
Yellowstone National Forest, and the remaining portions of the Yellow- 
stone National Forest constituted the Shoshone, Bonneville, and Wyoming 
National Forests and parts of the Absaroka, Beartooth, and Targhee Na- 
tional Forests. 

873: July 1 Wyoming National Forest, Wyo., created from a portion 
of the Yellowstone National Forest, and the remaining portions of Yel- 
lowstone National Forest constituted the Shoshone, Teton, and Bonne- 
ville National Forests and parts of the Absaroka, Beartooth, and 
Targhee National Forests. 

874: July 1 Bonneville National Forest, created from a portion of the 
Yellowstone National Forest, and the remaining portions of the Yellow- 
stone National Forest constituted the Shoshone, Teton, and Wyoming 
National Forests and parts of the Absaroka, Beartooth, and Targhee 
National Forests. 

875: July 1 Absaroka National Forest, Mont., created from the Crazy 
Mountains National Forest and a portion of the Yellowstone National 
Forest, and the remaining portions of the Yellowstone National Forest 
constituted the Shoshone, Teton, Bonneville, and Wyoming National 
Forests and parts of the Beartooth and Targhee National Forests. 

876: July 1 Apache National Forest, Ariz., created from a portion of 
the Black Mesa National Forest, and the remaining portion of the Black 
Mesa National Forest constituted the Sitgreaves National Forest and 
parts of the Coconino and Tonto National Forests. 



877: July 1 Beaverhead National Forest, Mont., created from portions 
of the Big Hole, Hell Gate, and Bitter Root National Forests, and the 
remaining portions of Big Hole National Forest constituted parts of the 
Deerlodge and Bitterroot National Forests. 

878 : July 1 Madison National Forest, Mont., modified by the inter- 
change of lands with the Gallatin National Forest. 

879: July 1 Gallatin National Forest, Mont., modified by the addition 
of a portion of Big Belt National Forest and by the interchange of lands 
with the Madison National Forest. 

880: July 1 Deerlodge National Forest, Mont., created from portions 
of the Helena, Hell Gate, and Big Hole National Forests, and other por- 
tions of the Helena National Forest opened to settlement under the 
homestead laws on a date to be fixed by the Interior Sec'y* and to entry, 
filing, selection, or other forms of appropriation 30 days after the date 
so prescribed. 

881: July 1 Helena National Forest, Mont., modified by the addition 
of the Elkhorn National Forest and a portion of the Big Belt National 
Forest, and by the exclusion of certain lands restored to public domain 
and opened to settlement under the homestead laws on a date to be fixed 
by the Interior Sec'y> and to entry, filing, selection, or other forms of 
appropriation, 30 days after the date so prescribed. 

882 : July 1 Missoula National Forest, Mont., enlarged by the addition 
of portions of the Lewis and Clark and Hell Gate National Forests; the 
remaining portions of the Hell Gate National Forest constituted parts 
of the Bitterroot, Deerlodge, and Beaverhead National Forests, and other 
portions of the Lewis and Clark National Forest constituted parts of the 
Blackfeet, Flathead, and Kootenai National Forests. 

883: July 1 Bitterroot National Forest, Mont., enlarged by the addi- 
tion of portions of the Hell Gate, and Big Hole National Forests, and 
other portions of the old Bitter Root National Forest constituted parts 
of Clearwater, Nezperce, Salmon, and Beaverhead National Forests. 

884: July 1 Uinta National Forest, Utah, modified by exclusion of cer- 
tain lands constituted the Ashley National Forest and the addition of 
certain lands not heretofore reserved. 

885: July 1 Uncompahgre National Forest, Colo., enlarged by the addi- 
tion of the Fruita National Forest and portions of the Ouray and Monte- 
zuma National Forests, and the remaining portion of Ouray National 
Forest constituted a part of the Montezuma National Forest. 

886: July 1 San Juan National Forest, Colo., modified by the addition 
of a portion of the Montezuma National Forest and by the exclusion of 
certain lands constituted a part of the Rio Grande National Forest. 



887: July 1 Rio Grande National Forest, Colo., created from portions 
of the San Juan and Cochetopah National Forests. 

888: July 1 Pike National Forest, Colo., created from portions of the 
Pikes Peak and Medicine Bow National Forests, and the remaining por- 
tions of the Pikes Peak National Forest constituted parts of the Arapaho 
and Leadville National Forests. 

889: July 1 Montezuma National Forest, Colo., modified by the addi- 
tion of a portion of the Ouray National Forest and by the exclusion of 
certain lands, a portion of which are constituted parts of the San Juan 
and Uncompahgre National Forests and the remaining portion of which 
is opened to settlement under the homestead laws on a date to be fixed 
by the Interior Sec'y* and to entry, filing, selection, or other forms of 
appropriation, 30 days after the date so prescribed. 

890: July 1 Leadville National Forest, Colo., modified by the addition 
of portions of the Pikes Peak, Gunnison, Cochetopah, and Holy Cross 
National Forests, and by the exclusion of certain lands constituted parts 
of the Arapaho, Cochetopah, Gunnison, and Holy Cross National Forests. 

891 : July 1 Gunnison National Forest, Colo., modified by the addition 
of portions of the Leadville and Cochetopah National Forests and by the 
exclusion of certain lands constituted parts of the Holy Cross and Lead- 
ville National Forests. 

892: July 1 Cochetopah National Forest, Colo., modified by the addi- 
tion of a portion of Leadville National Forest and by the exclusion of 
certain lands constituted parts of the Rio Grande, Gunnison, and Lead- 
ville National Forests. 

893: July 1 Arapaho National Forest, Colo., created from portions of 
the Medicine Bow, Pikes Peak, and Leadville National Forests. 

894: July 1 Battlement National Forest, Colo., created from a portion 
of Battlement Mesa National Forest, and the remaining portion of Bat- 
tlement Mesa National Forest constituted a part of the Holy Cross Na- 
tional Forest. 

895: July 1 Shoshone National Forest, Wyo., created from a portion of 
the Yellowstone National Forest, and the remaining portions of the Yel- 
lowstone National Forest constituted the Teton, Bonneville, and Wyoming 
National Forests and parts of the Absaroka, Beartooth, and Targhee 
National Forests. 

896: June 30 Beartooth National Forest, Mont., created from the Pry or 
Mountains National Forest and a portion of the Yellowstone National 
Forest, and the remaining portions of the Yellowstone National Forest 
constituted the Shoshone, Teton, Bonneville, and Wyoming National 
Forests and parts of the Absaroka and Targhee National Forests. 



897: July 2 Tahoe National Forest, Calif, and Nev., modified by the 
addition of portions of the Stanislaus and Plumas National Forests and 
by the exclusion of certain lands constituted parts of the Mono and 
Plumas National Forests. 

898: July 2 Mono National Forest, Calif, and Nev., created from por- 
tions of the Stanislaus, Sierra, Tahoe, and Inyo National Forests. 

899: July 2 Inyo National Forest, Calif, and Nev., modified by the 
addition of a portion of the Sierra National Forest and by the exclusion 
of certain lands constituted a part of the Mono National Forest. 

900: July 2 Trinity National Forest, Calif., modified by the addition 
of portions of the Shasta, Stony Creek, and Klamath National Forests 
and by the exclusion of certain lands constituted parts of the Klamath 
and California National Forests. 

901 : July 2 Stanislaus National Forest, Calif., modified by the addition 
of a portion of Sierra National Forest and by the exclusion of certain 
lands constituted parts of the Tahoe and Mono National Forests. 

902: July 2 Sierra National Forest, Calif., diminished by the exclusion 
of certain lands constituted the Sequoia National Forest and parts of the 
Stanislaus, Inyo, and Mono National Forests. 

90S: July 2 Shasta National Forest, Calif., modified by the addition of 
a portion of the Klamath National Forest and by the exclusion of certain 
lands constituted parts of the Klamath, Trinity, and Lassen National 

904: July 2 Sequoia National Forest, Calif., created from a portion of 
the Sierra National Forest, and other portions of the Sierra National 
Forest constituted parts of the Stanislaus, Inyo, and Mono National 

905: July 2 Plumas National Forest, Calif., modified by the addition, 
of portions of the Diamond Mountain and Tahoe National Forests and 
by the exclusion of certain lands constituted parts of the Lassen and 
Tahoe National Forests ; the remaining portion of the Diamond Mountain 
National Forest constituted a part of the Lassen National Forest. 

906: July 2 Lassen National Forest, Calif., created from the Lassen 
Peak National Forest and portions of the Diamond Mountain, Plumas, 
and Shasta National Forests. 

907: July 2 California National Forest, Calif., created from portions of 
the Stony Creek and Trinity National Forests, and the remaining portion 
of the Stony Creek National Forest constituted a part of the Trinity Na- 
tional Forest. 



908: July 2 Fifty-five specified national forests in designated States and 
Territories consolidated and/or renamed. 

900: July 2 Kaibab. National Forest, Ariz., created from a portion of the 
Grand Canyon National Forest and the remaining portion of the Grand 
Canyon National Forest constituted a part of the Coconino National 

910: July 2 Joe M. Johnson made eligible for reinstatement in the Gov- 
ernment Printing Office without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1907 CSR 134. 

911 : July 3 George Uhler, supervising inspector general, Steamboat In- 
spection Service, designated to act as supervising inspector of steam 
vessels in the 7th District, Cincinnati, Ohio, pending a regular appoint- 
ment to the position. 

912: July 14 Boundaries of Deschutes National Forest, Oreg., redefined. 

913: July 14 Boundaries of Fremont National Forest, Oreg., redefined. 

914: July 16 W. S. Lowe, Grosvenor A. Porter, T. B. Brentz, and E. E. 
Kinnett made eligible for appointment as experts to suppress liquor 
traffic among the Indians without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1907 
CSR 134. 

915: July 16 Herman Gluck made eligible for reinstatement as deputy 
collector of internal revenue at New York, N. Y., without regard to 
length of separation from Service. 1907 CSR 134. 

916: July 16 George Terwilliger made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Government Printing Office without regard to length of separation from 
the Service. 1908 CSR 134. 

917: July 18 William E. Shields made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Government Printing Office without regard to length of separation from 
the Service. 1907 CSR 135. 

918: July 21 E. O. [503] of Sept. 18, 1906, authorizing extra compensa- 
tion for enlisted men of the Marine Corps detailed as messmen, amended 
to provide that such men must be so detailed for at least one month to be 
entitled to the extra compensation. 

919: July 23 Certain lands within the Gila National Forest, N. Mex., 
further reserved to protect the water supply of the Fort Bayard Military 

020: July 25 Certain lands at Tanana, in Alaska, adjoining the Fort 
Gibbon Military Reservation, reserved for use of the Army Signal Corps 
in operation of military telegraph lines. 



921 : Aug. 3 Time limit for completion of work of the Spanish Treaty 
Claims Commission extended until Mar. 2, 1909. 

922: Aug. 3 Regulations governing employment of unskilled laborers 
outside of Washington, D. C. amended to authorize the extension of 
eligible registers. 1908 CSB 128. 

923: Aug. 8 Key West Reservation, comprising all keys and islands of 
the Florida Keys, established as a preserve and breeding ground for 
native birds. 

924: Aug. 8 Klamath Lake Reservation, in Lower Klamath Lake, Oreg. 
and Calif., established as a preserve and breeding ground for native 

925: Aug. 10 George W. Woodruff, Assistant Attorney General, desig- 
nated to act as the Interior Sec'y during absence of the Interior Sec'y 
and the First Assistant Sec'y- 

926: Aug. 10 Per diem employees and day laborers in the Federal serv- 
ice excused from work on Labor Day. 

927: Aug. 14 Military reservations on Bata[a]n Island, Luzon Province, 
and Cacraray Island, Albay Province, P. I., enlarged. 

928: Aug. 14 Canal Zone Penal Code amended as to penalty for grand 
larceny. M 81 ; II PCRec 11. 

929: Aug. 18 Lake Malheur Reservation, on Lakes Malheur and Harney, 
Oreg., established as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

930: Aug. 21 Advances of money to Capt. Albert Mertz for transferring 
vessels of the Lighthouse Establishment to their respective stations on 
the Pacific coast authorized. 

931 : Aug. 27 Harry H. Waddle made eligible for appointment as inspec- 
tor in charge in the Immigration Service, San Diego, Calif., without 
examination. 1907 CSR 135. 

\: Aug. 28 Chase Lake Reservation, N. Dak., established as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds. 

933: Sept. 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Section 3, on War Dept. positions, amended 
to except civilian professors, instructors, and teachers in the United 
States Military and Naval Academies. 1908 CSR 124. 

934: Sept. 7 Certain described lands in South Dakota within the limits 
of Belle Fourche Irrigation Project further reserved for experimental 
work in agriculture. 



985: Sept. Prank Dingman, C. W. G. Brett, Raymond Bartlett, and 
Charles F. Young made eligible for appointment in the Census Bureau 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1908 CSR 135. 

936: Sept 10 Certain described lands in California reserved for light- 
houses purposes. 

937: Sept. 10 Interdepartmental Statistical Committee created under 
jurisdiction of the Commerce and Labor Sec'y> to promote uniformity of 
statistical methods and results. M 82. 

938: Sept. 15 Drs. Hopkins and Cunningham made eligible for appoint- 
ment as physicians to teach microscopic work at the Ancon Hospital, 
C. Z., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1908 CSR 136; M 82. 

939: Sept. 15 Pine Island Reservation, Pine Island Sound, Fla., estab- 
lished as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

940: Sept. 25 Albert W. Pontius made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the State Dept. without examination. 1908 CSR 136. 

941: Sept. 26 Charles H. Cameron, mounted deputy collector and in- 
spector in the Customs Service, made eligible for transfer to the position 
of inspector of Chinese in the Immigration Service, Commerce and Labor 
Dept., without examination. 1908 CSR 136. 

942: Sept. 26 Palma Sola Reservation, Palma Sola Bay, Fla., established 
as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

943: Sept. 26 Matlacha Pass Reservation, Fla., established as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds. 

944: Sept. 30 George Shaffer, Olof Ekedahl, and Willoughby Culbertson 
made eligible for retention on clerical duties in the Isthmian Canal Serv- 
ice without examination. 1908 CSR 137; M 83. 

945: Sept. 30 Certain described lands at Circle, Alaska, reserved for use 
of the Army Signal Corps as a wireless telegraph station. 

946: Oct. 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions ex- 
cepted from examination], Subdivision VIII, on Isthmian Canal Commis- 
sion positions, amended to add Paragraph 2, excepting one inspecting 
engineer and inspectors in the purchasing department. 1908 CSR 124; 
M 84. 

947: Oct. 3 Eight persons employed jointly by the Isthmian Canal Com- 
mission and Panama Railroad Company, made eligible for retention in 
the classified force of said Commission upon separation of the work of 
the two offices. 1908 CSR 127; M 83. 



948: Oct. 2 Melvin W. Sheppard made eligible for appointment as night 
inspector in the Customs Service at Philadelphia, Pa., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1908 CSR 123, 137. 

949: Oct. 7 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 3, 
pertaining to retransfer to a position formerly held, amended to include 
retransfer from the Judicial Service and to make such transfers subject 
to the limitations of absolute appointment and prior service in the classi- 
fied service. 1908 CSR 123. 

960: Oct. 9 Pilling of vacancies in the Executive Civil Service except in 
accordance with Civil Service Rules prohibited, and persons occupying 
places with duties similar to those of competitive positions, whose names 
are reported to the Civil Service Commission, made eligible for classifica- 
tion upon approval of said Commission. June 1913 CSA 37-Dec. 1936 
CSA 37; 1908 CSR 128. 

951 : Oct. 12 Capt. William Norman made eligible for appointment as 
assistant inspector of hulls in the Steamboat Inspection Service at New 
Orleans, La., without examination. 1908 CSR 137. 

952: Oct. 17 John A. Flickinger made eligible for appointment as watch- 
man in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1908 
CSR 137. 

953: Oct. 21 Regulations governing the employment of unskilled labor- 
ers outside of Washington, D. C, amended by adding Regulation VI on 
demotions, transfers, and extension of temporary service, and by adding 
to Regulation IV, a provision making extension of temporary employ- 
ment subject to Regulation VI. 1908 CSR 129; M 84. 

954: Oct. 21 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision II, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
amended to except civilian instructors in the Revenue Cutter Service. 
1908 CSR 125. 

955: Oct. 21 Regulations governing the employment of unskilled labor- 
ers in Washington, D. C, amended to add Regulation XI, on demotions 
and extension of temporary service, and to add in Regulation VII, a 
provision making extension of temporary employment subject to Regula- 
tion XI. 1908 CSR 130. 

956: Oct. 21 Frederick Koch made eligible for appointment as discipli- 
narian at the Carlisle, Pa., Indian School, subject to a noncompetitive 
examination. 1908 CSR 138. 

957: Oct. 23 Conrad Henzman, retired 1st sergeant, made eligible for 
appointment as a messenger in the military headquarters at New York, 
N. Y., without examination. 1908 CSR 138. 



968: Oct. 23 Island Bay Reservation off the coast of Florida established 
as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. . 

959: Oct. 26 Mary A. Eldridge, formerly in a clerical position in the 
Patent Office, made eligible for reinstatement in a clerical position in the 
Office of the Auditor for the War Dept. 1908 CSR 138. 

960: Oct. 26 Northern part of Montague Point, Montague Island, Prince 
William Sound, Alaska, reserved for use of the Army Signal Corps in the 
operation of military telegraph lines. 

961 : Oct. 26 Lock-Katrine Reservation, in the Oregon Basin, Wyo., es- 
tablished as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

962: Oct. 27 Certain lands at Makanalua, Molokai Island, T. H., reserved 
for lighthouse purposes. 

963: Oct. 28 Charles W. Edwards made eligible for promotion from un- 
classified to classified laborer in the Treasury Dept. without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1908 CSR 138. 

964: Nov. 2 Boundaries of Malate Barracks Military Reservation, Ma- 
nila, P. I., modified. 

965: Nov. 4 Certain lands at Susitna and Tyonic, Alaska, reserved for 
educational purposes. 

966: Nov. 7 Canal Zone regulations governing appeals from judgment 
of the District Court prescribed ; Canal Zone Code of Criminal Procedure 
amended to repeal Sections 44, 45, and 46. M 85; I PCRec 101. 

967: Nov. 9 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VIII [on Isthmian Canal Com- 
mission positions], amended to make the stipulation prohibiting transfer 
of a noncompetitive employee to a competitive position not applicable to 
a person classified by E. O. [274] of Nov. 15, 1904, in a position which was 
then in the competitive service. M 85. 

968: Nov. 11 Hilworth T. B. Jones made eligible for appointment as 
translator at $1400 per annum in the Office of Naval Intelligence, Navy 
Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1908 CSR 139. 

969: Nov. 12 Duties of the United States Marine Corps defined. 

970: Nov. 13 Certain described lands within the Gila National Forest, 
N. Mex., further reserved for the protection of the water supply of the 
Port Bayard Military Reservation. 

971: Nov. 13 D. L. Howard, John Thompson, and William Lafaire, un- 
skilled laborers in the Quartermaster's Dept. at San Francisco, Calif., 
made eligible for retention with the same status as laborers selected from 
the labor registers. 1908 CSR 130. 



972: Nov. 13 George F. Cooke made eligible for reinstatement to a 
clerkship of up to $1000 at any post office without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1908 CSR 139. 

973: Nov. 17 Government employees who served in the military or naval 
service during the Civil War and members of the Women's Relief Corps 
and Sons of Veterans excused from duty on Nov. 25, 1908, at 1 p. m., to 
attend the unveiling of the statue of Gen. Philip Henry Sheridan. 

974: Nov. 21 Dardanelle Land District, Ark., abolished and lands, busi- 
ness, and archives transferred to the Little Rock Land District. 

975: Nov. 23 Certain described Chehalis Indian lands in Washington 
restored to the public domain, and the Interior Sec'y directed to allot said 
lands to Ada McKay. IV K 1050. 

976: Nov. 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VI [on Interior Dept. positions], 
Paragraph 2, amended to reduce from five to three the number of ex- 
cepted special agents in the General Land Office. 1908 CSR 126. 

977: Nov. 24 Notaries public who are Government employees forbidden 
to charge any fee for any notorial act performed for any employee of the 
Government acting in his official capacity, or for any person during the 
hours of such notaries ' service to the Government. 

978: Nov. 24 Certain described lands on Oahu Island, T. H., reserved 
for observation stations and rights-of-way in connection with defensive 

979: Nov. 24 Certain described lands on the north side of Culkana 
River, Alaska, reserved for use of the Army Signal Corps in the operation 
and maintenance of military telegraph lines. 

980: Nov. 26 E. O. [330-B] of June 12, 1905, establishing limits of pun- 
ishment for Army enlisted men, amended to prescribe limits of punish- 
ment for time of peace. 

981 : Nov. 25 Stephen C. Stuntz made eligible for appointment as soil 
bibliographer in the Soils Bureau, Agriculture Dept., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1909 CSR 122. 

982 : Nov. 30 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision V [on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 4, amended as to star route employees and 4th class 
postmasters in certain states. 1908 CSR 126. 

983: Nov. 30 Post Office Dept. authorized to appoint 4th class postmas- 
ters without examination, pending examination for the position. 



984: Deo. 1 Admission of deaf mutes to examinations for all classified 
civil service posts for which they are qualified authorized. 1908 CSR 123. 

986: Deo. 1 Camp Overton Military Reservation, Nonucan, Mindanao, 
P. I., enlarged by inclusion of certain described lands for a target range. 

986: Deo. 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision III [on War Dept. positions], 
Paragraph 4, amended to reduce the number of excepted positions under 
the Army Transport Service ; provisions governing transfer of personnel 
brought into the competitive service by this amendment prescribed. 1908 
CSR 126. 

987: Deo. 3 Dell A. Baker made eligible for appointment as deputy cus- 
toms collector at the port of New York, N. Y. 1909 CSR 122. 

Deo. 7 Colby Land District, Kan., abolished and lands, business, 
and archives transferred to the Topeka Land District. 

989: Deo. 9 Regulations pertaining to physical examinations for Marine 
Corps officers prescribed. 

990: Dec 10 E. O. [772] of Mar. 21, 1908, permitting appointment of 
Wilhelm Lutz to a position in the Immigration Bureau, amended to per- 
mit his appointment in the Customs Service. 1909 CSR 122. 

991 : Deo. 9 Georgia M. Sargent made eligible for appointment to a 
classified position without examination. 1909 CSR 123. 

992: Deo. 11 Walter R. Gallaher made eligible for transfer from a cleri- 
cal position in the Isthmian [Canal] Service to a classified clerical posi- 
tion in the United States without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1909 
CSR 124. 

993: Deo. 18 Hermann W. Kuchmeister, assistant weigher in the Cus- 
toms 8ervice at Boston, Mass., made eligible for promotion to day inspec- 
tor without examination. 1909 CSR 124. 

994: Deo. 22 Clare Kiggins made eligible for appointment to a classified 
position, subject to noncompetitive examination. 1909 CSR 124. 

995: Deo. 23 Temporary employees in classified positions under the pro- 
visional administration of Cuba made eligible for transfer to the Federal 
Classified Service within one year from date of termination of the pro- 
visional government, subject to specified limitations. 1909 CSR 116. 

996: Deo. 23 H. A. Gudger appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme 
Court of the Canal Zone at $6,500 per annum. M 86; II PCRec 155. 

997: Deo. 23 Wesley M. Owen appointed Associate Justice of the Su- 
preme Court of the Canal Zone at $6,000 per annum. M 86; II PCRec 



998: Dec. 28 W. W. Adams made eligible for transfer from the Postal 
Service to the position of deputy collector in the Internal Revenue Service 
without regard to prior service limitation on transfer but subject to 
examination. 1909 CSR 124. 

999: Dec. 28 Remission of a portion of the Chinese indemnity for losses 
and expenses incurred during the Boxer Rebellion authorized and plan 
for future amortization by China set forth. 

1000: Dec. 30 Certain described lands in New Mexico, being a portion 
of the lands reserved as an addition to the Navajo Indian Reservation by 
[E. Os.] 709 and 744 of Nov. 9, 1907 and Jan. 28, 1908, respectively, re- 
stored to public domain. IR 21 ; III K 685. 


1001: Jan. 1 C. M. Huntington made eligible for admission to examina- 
tion, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1909 CSR 125. 

1002: Jan. 6 Railway Safety Appliance Act extended to the Canal Zone 
and certain regulations prescribed in connection therewith. M 86; II 
PCRec 173. 

1003: Jan. 7 Regulations governing the assignment of duties to enlisted 
men of the Army while traveling on Navy transports and to enlisted men 
of the Marine Corps or Navy while traveling on Army transports, pre- 

1004: Jan. 9 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], amended to 
add Paragraph 11, permitting the transfer to the competitive classified 
service of persons with two years' service in the President's office, sub- 
ject to tests of fitness. 1909 CSR 109. 

1005: Jan. 11 Grace W. Nettleton made eligible for appointment to a 
clerkship in the Treasury Dept. 1909 CSR 125. 

1006: Jan. 11 Fannie C. Chase made eligible for reinstatement as a 
skilled laborer in the Government Printing- Office without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1909 CSR 125. 

1007: Jan. 12 E. O. [632%] of May 10, 1907, directing the transfer of 
the vessel Zafiro from the Navy to the War Sec'y, revoked and the War 
Sec'y directed to retransfer the vessel to the Navy Sec'y. 

1003: Jan. 15 Certain described portion of the Eaakaukukui Reef Naval 
Reservation, Honolulu, T. H., placed under control of the War Sec'y for 
the establishment of submarine mine defenses. 

1009: Jan. 18 Land Office at Mitchell, S. Dak., transferred to Gregory; 
certain described lands of the Chamberlain Land District transferred to 



the Mitchell Land District and the business and archives pertaining 
thereto transferred to the Land Office at Gregory. 

1010: Jan. 19 Certain persons designated as members of a Council of 
Fine Arts ; the Supervising Architect of the Treasury designated execu- 
tive officer, and heads of Executive Departments, Bureaus, and Commis- 
sions directed to submit plans for buildings, statues, etc., to said Council 
for advice. 

1011: Jan. 22 E. 0. 803 of May 28, 1908, placing Fort Keogh Military 
Reservation, Mont., under the control of the Interior Sec'y, revoked and 
said Reservation restored to the control of the War Dept. for military 

1012 : Jan. 23 William H. Baldwin made eligible for retention as a 
special examiner in the Bureau of Corporations, Commerce and Labor 
Dept. 1908 CSR 126. 

1013: Jan. 23 Certain described lands in Minnesota reserved for light- 
house purposes. 

1014: Jan. 26 Pelican Island Reservation, Fla., a bird preserve, en- 

1015: Jan. 27 Edwin W. Hutcheson made eligible for reinstatement in 
the classified service, subject to an appropriate examination. 1909 CSR 

1016: Jan. 28 Edward C. Baker made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the State Dept. 1909 CSR 126. 

1017: Jan. 30 Daniel F. Dolan made eligible for reinstatement as post 
office inspector and ordered suspended for 60 days from date of reinstate- 
ment. 1909 CSR 126. 

1018: Feb. 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision II, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 3, excepting national bank examiners and 
receivers under the Comptroller of the Currency. 1909 CSR 113. 

1019: Feb. 3 Hawaiian Islands Reservation, in the Pacific Ocean near 
the western extension of the Hawaiian Archipelago, established as a pre- 
serve and breeding ground for native birds. 

1020: Feb. 4 Certain described Minnesota lands reserved for lighthouse 

1021: Feb. 4 Certain described lands on Michigan Island, Wis., reserved 
for lighthouse purposes. 



1022: Feb. 5 Time limit for completion of work of the Spanish Treaty 
Claims Commission extended until Sept. 2, 1909. 

1023: Feb. 6 Certain described lands' near Rampart, Alaska, reserved 
for the Agriculture Dept. as a site for an experiment station. 

1024: Feb. 10 Charles B. Brewer made eligible for reinstatement as a 
ship draftsman in the Construction and Repair Bureau, Navy Dept., with- 
out regard to length of separation from the service. 1909 CSR 127. 

1025: Feb. 10 James J. Smith made eligible for promotion from night 
to day inspector in the Customs Service at the port of New York, N. Y. 
1909 CSR 127. 

1026: Feb. IS Naval reservation on Subic Bay, Olongapo, P. I., enlarged. 

1027: Feb. 16 Certain California counties detached from the 1st Internal 
Revenue District of California and designated as the 6th Internal Rev- 
enue District of California. 

1023: Feb. 17 R. Barnard Talcott made eligible for reinstatement as 
assistant chief mechanical and electrical engineer in the Office of the 
Supervising Architect, Treasury Dept., without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1909 CSR 128. 

1029: Feb. 17 John Hunter, Peter J. Kaster, and Joseph Stangle made 
eligible for promotion from classified laborers to assistant weighers in 
the Customs Service at the port of New York, N. Y., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1909 CSR 127. 

1030: Feb. 24 Certain described lands on the Copper and Klutina Rivers, 
Alaska reserved for the joint use of the Interior and Agriculture Depts. 
for educational and agricultural experimental purposes. 

1031: Feb. 25 F. N. Clark jnade eligible for appointment as clerk in the 
Interstate Commerce Commission without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1909 CSR 128. 

1032 : Feb. 25 The following reservoir sites established as preserves and 
breeding grounds for native birds : Salt River, Ariz. ; East Park, Calif. ; 
Deer Flat and Minidoka, Idaho ; Willow Creek, Mont. ; Carlsbad and Rio 
Grande, N. Mex. ; Cold Springs, Oreg.; Belle Fourche, S. Dak.; Straw- 
berry Valley, Utah ; Keechelus Lake, Kachess Lake, Clealum Lake, Bump- 
ing Lake, and Conconully, Wash. ; and Shoshone and Pathfinder, Wyo. 

1033 : Feb. 26 Ten employees of the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission 
made eligible for transfer to competitive classified positions, subject to 
noncompetitive examination. 1909 CSR 116. 

1034: Feb. 27 Five employees of the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission 
in the Assistant Attorney General's office made eligible for transfer to 



competitive classified positions, subject to noncompetitive examination. 
1909 CSR 117. 

1035: Feb. 27 Roger H. Adams, clerk in the Isthmian [Canal] Service, 
made eligible for transfer to a competitive position in the United States, 
subject to examination. 1909 CSR 128. 

1036: Feb. 27 Certain described lands at Nome, Alaska, reserved for use 
of the Army Signal Corps as a wireless telegraph station. 

1037: Feb. 27 Bering Sea Reservation, comprising Saint Matthew Island, 
Hall Island, and Pinnacle Islet in the Bering Sea, established as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds. 

1038: Feb. 27 Fire Island, near the head of Cook Inlet off the coast of 
Alaska, established as a preserve and breeding ground for moose. 

1039: Feb. 27 Tuxedmi Reservation, comprising Chisick and Egg Is- 
lands, Alaska, established as a preserve and breeding ground for native 

1040: Feb. 27 Saint Lazaria Island, at the entrance of Sitka Sound, 
Alaska, established as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

1041 : Feb. 27 Yukon Delta Reservation, Alaska, established as a pre- 
serve and breeding ground for native birds. 

1042: Feb. 27 Culebra Reservation, comprising the Culebra Islands off 
the coast of Puerto Rico, established as a preserve and breeding ground 
for native birds. 

1043: Feb. 27 Farallon Reservation, comprising the Middle and North 
Farallon and other nearby islands off the coast of California, established 
as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

1044: Feb. 27 Pribilof Reservation, comprising Walrus and Otter Is- 
lands, Alaska, established as a preserve and breeding ground for native 

1046: Mar. 2 James Mullenbach made eligible for appointment as in- 
spector in charge of information and distribution work in the Immigra- 
tion Service at Chicago, 111., without examination. 1909 CSR 129. 

1046: Mar. 2 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision IV, on Justice Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 4, amended to except field deputies and process servers in the 
offices of U. S. marshals. 1909 CSR 113. 

1047: Mar. 2 John M. Longan made eligible for appointment to a cleri- 
cal position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1909 CSR 128. 



1048: Mar. 2 Federal per diem employees and other laborers in the Dis- 
trict of Columbia excused from work on Inauguration Day, Mar. 4, 1909. 

1049: Mar. 2 Bogoslof Reservation, in the Aleutian Archipelago, Alaska, 
established as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

1050: Mar. 3 Two employees under the Justice Dept. appropriations for 
the enforcement of antitrust laws and four under the appropriations for 
the Five Civilized Tribes made eligible for transfer to the classified serv- 
ice, subject to noncompetitive examination. 1909 CSR 117. 

1051: Mar. 16 La Salle National Forest, Utah and Colo., renamed La 
Sal National Forest. 

1052: Mar. 23 Civil Service Rule X, pertaining to transfer, Paragraph 8, 
Clause (e), on limitations on transfer, amended. 1909 CSR 109; M 87. 

1053: Mar. 24 F. B. Simons made eligible for reinstatement as a clerk 
in the Internal Revenue Bureau without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1909 CSR 129. 

1054: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in Minnesota, formerly reserved 
in connection with the improvement of the headwaters of the Mississippi 
River, restored to the public domain. 

1055: Mar. 30 Parang Military Reservation, Mindanao, P. I., enlarged. 

1056: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in Arkansas reserved for use in 
connection with maintenance and operation of Lock and Dam No. 3, 
Upper White River, Ark. 

1057: Apr. 2 Certain islets, shoals, sand bars and spits in the Halifax 
River, Fla., reserved as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

1058: Apr. 6 Leonard J. Garver made eligible for reinstatement in a 
classified position. 1909 CSR 129. 

1059: Apr. 7 Nannie M. Wayland made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1909 CSR 130. 

1060: Apr. 7 E. O. 984 of Dec. 1, 1908, pertaining to admission of deaf 
mutes to civil service examinations, amended. Feb. 1912 CSA 31 -June 
1939 CSA 33; 1909 CSR 110. 

1061 : Apr. 8 Solicitor General directed to take testimony and to report 
to the President his opinion as to the meaning of the term " whisky* ' in 
connection with the complaints of certain distillers and importers of 
spirits and whisky regarding the branding requirements of the order 
issued by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue under the Food and 
Drugs Act. 



1062: Apr. 14 Department heads directed to comply with resolutions of 
Congress requesting information, except when deemed not in the public 
interest to do so, and in such case to refer the matter to the President. 

1063 : Apr. 16 Archibald S. Pinkett made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the State Dept. without examination. 1909 CSR 130. 

1064: Apr. 16 Frances M. Marsh made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the State Dept. without examination. 

1065: Apr. 21 E. O. [314] of Mar. 30, 1905, governing the work assign- 
ments of unclassified laborers, reissued. Feb. 1912 CSA 27-June 1937 
CSA 17; 1909 CSR 118. 

1066: Apr. 23 San Miguel Island, off the coast of California, reserved 
for lighthouse purposes. 

1067: Apr. 23 Boundaries of Fort William H. Seward, Alaska, redefined. 

1068: Apr. 26 Holy Cross National Forest, Colo., diminished and ex- 
cluded lands constituted the Sopris National Forest. 

1069: Apr. 26 Sopris National Forest, Colo., created from portion of the 
Holy Cross National Forest. 

1070: Hay 12 Shaw Island Military Reservation, San Juan County, 
Wash., diminished by exclusion of certain lands erroneously included in 
patents to private parties. 

1071 : May 13 General Supply Committee created to systematize the 
purchase of supplies needed in common by two or more Departments or 
Establishments, and its duties prescribed. 

1072 : Hay 14 Participation in local elections materially affecting their 
local welfare by employees of navy yards or stations authorized. July 
1919 CSA 34, Dec. 1916 CSA 35; 1909 CSR 110. 

1073 : May 17 Nina L. Carrington, former temporary employee, made 
eligible for appointment as clerk without examination. 1909 CSR 130. 

1074: May 21 E. O. [1010] of Jan. 19, 1909, creating the Council of Fine 
Arts, revoked. 

1075 : May 21 Certain described lands near Sparta, Wis., reserved for a 
military target range. 

1076: May 22 Government employees excused from work on Mondays 
following holidays falling on Sunday. M 88. 

1077: May 25 Directions for transmittal of official communications from 
and to executive officers Of Territories and Possessions prescribed. 


1078: May 25 F. B. Simons made eligible for reinstatement as analytical 
chemist in the Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation 
from the service, and E. 0. 1053 of Mar. 24, 1909, authorizing his rein- 
statement in the Internal Revenue Bureau, revoked. 1909 CSR 129. 

1079: May 28 Carl O. Barth made eligible for appointment as shop 
management expert in the Watertown Arsenal, Massachusetts. 1909 
CSR 130. 

1080: May 28 * E. O. of Oct. 9, 1903, transferring certain lands within 
the Crow Creek Forest Reserve to the War Dept. for use as a military 
reservation, amended to diminish the lands so transferred. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

1081: June 2 E. O. [1077] of May 25, 1909, pertaining to the transmittal 
of official communications to and from the executive officers of Territories 
and Possessions, amended. 

1082: June 3 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for the Coast 
and Geodetic Survey as a site for a magnetic observatory. 

1083: June 7 Tariff of Consular Fees amended. 

1084: June 8 Four-hour workday on Saturdays during July, August, 
and September ordered for all Government employees and all Executive 
Orders in conflict therewith revoked, except as to the naval stations 
named in E. O. [777] of Apr. 4, 1908. M 88. 

1086: June 11 E. O. 1002 of Jan. 6, 1909, extending the Railway Safety 
Appliance Act to the Canal Zone, amended. M 89 ; II PCBec 347. 

1086: June 16 Certain described lands at Rampart, Alaska, reserved for 
use in connection with the operation and maintenance of military tele- 
graph lines. 

1087: June 15 Hattie M. Miller made eligible for reinstatement as classi- 
fied laborer in the Patent Office without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1909 CSR 131. 

1083: June 16 E. O. 1071 of May 13, 1909, creating the General Supply 
Committee and prescribing regulations for the systemization of the pur- 
chase of government supplies, amended to exclude the Government of the 
District of Columbia from the provisions thereof. 

1089: June 17 Former employees of the Interior Dept. on building re- 
pair work, made eligible for reemployment upon compliance with the 
examinations or registration requirements of the Civil Service Commis- 
sion, without regard to apportionment or position on eligible register and 
without privilege of transfer to a statutory position. 1909 CSR 110. 



1090: June 17 Certain described lands in Arizona, being a part of the 
lands reserved by Executive Order of Dec. 12, 1882,* for the use of the 
Papago Indians, restored to public domain. IB 14 ; III K 668. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

1091 : June 19 George M. Wrattan made eligible for reinstatement as 
interpreter for the Apache Indians without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1909 CSR 131. 

1092: June 19 Assistant Attorney General for the Interior Dept. desig- 
nated to act as Interior Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y and the 
First Assistant Sec'y« 

1093: June 21 Hattie M. Miller made eligible for reinstatement as 
skilled laborer in the Patent Office without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1909 CSR 131. 

1094: June 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision III, on War Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 2, amended to except all cable engineers and cable electricians. 
1909 CSR 113. 

1095: June 26 Arthur P. Statter made eligible for appointment as spe- 
cial employee in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1909 CSR 131. 

1096: June 26 E. O. [1084] of June 8, 1909, authorizing a four-hour 
workday on Saturday during July, August and September for all Govern- 
ment employees amended to add a provision making said Order inap- 
plicable to Government employees who are specially excepted by dept. 
heads or when inconsistent with existing law. M 89. 

1097: June 26 E. O. [1070] of May 12, 1909 diminishing Shaw Island 
Military Reservation, Wash., amended to correct description of excluded 

1098: June 28 LeClaire Hoover made eligible for appointment as special 
agent in the Corporations Bureau without examination. 1909 CSR 132. 

1099: June 28 James M. Alexander made eligible for appointment as 
cashier in the 6th Internal Revenue District of California. 1909 CSR 132. 

1100 : June 28 Certain temporary unclassified laborers in the Customs 
Service at New York, N. Y., made eligible for retention as permanent 
unclassified laborers. 1909 CSR 119. 

1101: June 29 John R. Bowie made eligible for appointment as publicity 
agent in the Bureau of Soils, Agriculture Department, without examina- 
tion, subject to limitations of the civil service rules as to transfer and 
promotion. 1909 CSR 132. 



1102: June 29 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision II, on Treasury Department 
positions, amended as to local physicians employed for temporary duty in 
the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. 1909 CSR 114. 

1108: June 29 Certain unclassified laborers in the Customs Service at 
New York, N. Y., made eligible for classification as watchmen. 1909 CSR 

1104: June 29 Edward S. Hoskins made eligible for appointment as 
indexer in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1909 CSR 132. 

1105: July 1 Military reservations on Bata[a]n Island, Luzon, and on 
the Island of Cacraray, Albay Province, P. I., enlarged. 

1106: July 1 Portion of Fort Ruger Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., 
transferred to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii for a reservoir 

1107: July 3 Surgeon Oeneral of the Public Health and Marine Hospi- 
tal Service directed to designate medical officers to inspect sanitary con- 
ditions in Government buildings in the District of Columbia, excepting 
those under control of the War and Navy Depts., and to make recom- 
mendations to improve the sanitary conditions in said buildings. 

1108: July 3 Regulations governing employment of unskilled laborers 
outside of Washington, D. C, prescribed. 1909 CSR 119. 

1109: July 9 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III, on War Department posi- 
tions, amended to add Paragraph 12 excepting the superintendent of con- 
struction, Quartermaster's Department at Large, Corregidor, P. I. 1909 
CSR 114. 

1110: July 16 All reports from the Governor or members of the execu- 
tive council of Puerto Rico to any official in the United States ordered 
made to the War Dept., and all matters of the War Dept. pertaining to 
the civil government of Puerto Rico assigned to the Bureau of Insular 

1111: July 16 E. Os. 1084 of June 8, 1909, and 1096 of June 25, 1909, 
authorizing a four-hour workday on Saturday during July, August, and 
September for all Government employees made not applicable to em- 
ployees on the Isthmus of Panama. M 89. 

1112: July 19 C. O. Kerr made eligible for permanent appointment as 
confidential clerk to the Land Defense Board at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. 
1909 CSR 133. 



HIS: July 20 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraphs 114, 115, 120 
and 129, pertaining to dispatches and communications, amended. 

1114: July 28 Certain oilers in the Quartermaster's Dept. at Large, to- 
gether with their positions, classified. 1909 CSR 118. 

1115: July 30 Canal Zone Penal Code, Section 149, pertaining to penal- 
ties for murder, amended. 1909 PCR 397 ; II PCRec 414. 

1116: July 30 Regulations concerning the diminution of prison sentences 
in the Canal Zone prescribed. M 90; 1909 PCR 398; II PCRec 414. 

1117: July 30 Members of the Grand Army of the Republic in the Gov- 
ernment service granted up to 14 days leave to attend the National En- 
campment at Salt Lake City, Utah, from Aug. 9 to Aug. 14, 1909. 

1118: Aug. 4 E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding any State, Territorial, county or municipal Government 
position waived to permit certain State and county officials to accept 
appointments as special agents for the collection of statistics on cotton 
for the Bureau of the Census. 

1119: Aug. 5 Certain unclassified laborers in the Customs Service at 
New York, N. Y., made eligible for classification. 1909 CSR 118. 

1120: Aug. 6 Time limit for completion of the work of the Spanish 
Treaty Claims Commission extended until Mar. 2, 1910. 

1121 : Aug. 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VI, on Interior Dept. positions, 
amended to increase the number of excepted special agents in the General 
Land Office from three to six. 

1122: Aug. 27 Per-diem employees and other day laborers in the Gov- 
ernment service excused from work on Labor Day. 

1123: Aug. 27 Certain described lands in Minnesota, reserved by Proc. 
957 of Aug. 27, 1892, in connection with the improvement of the head- 
waters of the Mississippi River, restored to the public domain, subject to 
overflow rights. 

1124: Aug. 27 Target range for Port D. A. Russell, Wyo., enlarged. 

1125: Aug. 27 Crook National Forest, Ariz., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to settlement under the homestead laws on such date 
as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, and to entry, filing, 
selection, or other form of application 30 days from the date so fixed. 

1126: Sept. 8 Canal Zone Penal Code, Section 454, pertaining to hunt- 
ing, amended. M 91 ; 1909 PCR 398 ; III PCRec 37. 



1127: Sept. 18 Civil Service Rule VII [on certification], amended as to 
appointment of messengers without charge to apportionment, and Rule 
XI [on promotion] amended to add Section 6 exclude messengers. 1909 
CSR 110. 

1128: Sept. 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision II, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 14 excepting all persons in the Public Health 
and Marine Hospital Service employed at the Leprosy Investigation Sta- 
tion at Molokai, T. H. 1909 CSR 115. 

1129: Sept. 27 Hot Spring Military Reservation, Alaska, diminished, 
and the excluded lands placed under the Interior Sec'y for disposition. 

1130: Oct. 2 Canal Zone Penal Code amended as to cruelty to children 
and cruelty to animals. M 92 ; 1909 PCR 399 ; III PCRec 67. 

1131 : Oct. 2 Board of Local Inspectors established to examine applicants 
for licenses as master, mate, engineer, or pilot on steam vessels in Canal 
Zone waters; issuance of licenses to persons not citizens of the United 
States permitted. M 92; 1909 PCR 398; H PCRec 67. 

1132: Oct. 3 Expenses of the Tariff Board ordered paid from the appro- 
priation for the administration of the custom laws as provided for in the 
Urgent Deficiency Act of Aug. 5, 1909, on vouchers approved by the 
chairman of said board. 

1133: Oct. 19 Biorka Island, Sitka Sound, Alaska, reserved for a naval 
wireless telegraph station. 

1134: Oct. 19 Sangley Point Military Reservation, Island of Luzon, P. I., 
transferred from War to Navy Dept. 

1135: Nov. 11 Certain described lands in Washington, formerly reserved 
for the use and occupancy of the Chehalis Indians, restored to the public 
domain and the Interior Sec'y directed to allot said lands to Perry Yuk- 
ton, member of the Chehalis Tribe. Ill K 691. 

1136: Nov. 13 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved as a rifle 
range for the use of the Organized Militia of the Territory of Arizona. 

1137: Nov. 15 Boundaries of the Schofield Barracks Military Reserva- 
tion near Honolulu, T. H., redefined. 

1138: Nov. 22 Fred V. Murphy made eligible for reinstatement as archi- 
tectural draftsman in the Office of the Supervising Architect of the 
Treasury without regard to length of separation from the service. 1909 
CSR 133. 



1189: Nov. 22 Camp Jossman Military Reservation, Island of Guimaras, 
P. I., enlarged. 

1140: Nov. 28 Regulations governing the hours of work of employees of 
the Panama Railroad who by the use of telephone or telegraph dispatch 
reports, transmit, receive, or deliver orders pertaining to train move- 
ments, prescribed. M 93; IIIPCRec 115. 

1141 : Nov. 23 Recruiting of employees of the Panama Railroad Co. or 
the Isthmian Canal Commission for the purpose of working elsewhere 
prohibited. M 94; 1909 PCR 400; III PCRec 115. 

1142: Nov. 26 Application of Federal officers and employees for Con- 
gressional action, and responses to requests for information from Con- 
gress, to be made only with the consent of the department head. Feb. 
1912 CSA 47; 1909 CSR 119; M 94; III PCRec 131. 

1148: Nov. 26 Regulations governing appointments and promotions in 
the Diplomatic Service and for the improvement of the personnel of the 
State Dept. prescribed. 1909 CSR 120. 

1144: Deo. 6 James B. Davies, former clerk in the American Embassy 
at Tokyo, Japan, made eligible for appointment as clerk in the Division 
of Far Eastern Affairs in the State Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1909 CSR 133. 

1146: Dec. 8 Regulations governing appointment and promotions in the 
Consular Service amended as to the composition of the Board of Exam- 
iners provided for therein. 

1146: Dec 10 Civil Service Rules [Schedule A], pertaining to classified 
positions excepted from examination, amended to except the position of 
chief law officer in the Reclamation Service, Interior Dept. 1909 CSR 

1147: Dec. 15 Certain described lands within the Witchita National 
Forest, Okla., further reserved to protect the water supply of the Fort 
Sill Military Reservation. 

1148: Dec. 21 Fred. Glavin and Fred. Liese, temporary unclassified 
laborers in the Customs Service at New York, N. Y., made eligible for 
classification. 1909 CSR 119. 

1148: Dec. 29 Commerce and Labor Sec'y authorized to make temporary 
appointments to positions in the machine shop of the Census Bureau 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1909 CSR 112. 

1150: Dec. 29 Certain persons on the rolls of the Immigration Commis- 
sion made eligible for temporary employment in the Census Bureau, Dept. 
of Commerce and Labor, upon passing examination prescribed by Direc- 
tor of the Census. 1909 CSR 111. 



1151: Jan. 4 Civil Service Rule [Schedule A], pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, amended to except the position of chief post 
office inspector in the Post Office Dept. 1909 CSR 115. 

1168: Jan. 7 Hattie M. Hodes made eligible for reinstatement as printer- 
operator in the Government Printing Office. 1909 CSR 133. 

1153: Jan. 12 Regulations concerning procedure in submitting recom- 
mendations affecting the method of appointment in the classified service 
amended. June 1913 CSA 38-June 1937 CSA 15; 1909 CSR 122; M 95; 
HI PCRec 187. 

1154: Jan. IS Military reservations at Bacon, Province of Sorsogon, 
Island of Luzon ; at Nueva Caceres, Province of Camarines Sur, Island of 
Luzon, and near Solomague, Province of Ilocos Sur, Island of Luzon, 
P. I., restored to the Government of the Philippines. 

1155: Jan. IS Henry S. Graves made eligible for reinstatement as chief 
of the Forest Service, Agriculture Dept., without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1909 CSR 133. 

1156: Jan. 20 Lillie Pratt made eligible for reinstatement in the Govern- 
ment Printing Office without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1910 CSR 111. 

1157: Jan. 27 John N. Parsons made eligible for reinstatement as letter 
carrier in the Postal Service without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1910 CSR 112. 

1158: Jan. 26 Isthmian Canal Commission authorized to make street, 
road, trail, water, and sewer improvements in the Canal Zone. M 96; 
1909 PCR 401; III PCRec 195. 

1159: Jan. 27 Nannie M. Wayland made eligible for reinstatement as 
clerk in any department without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1910 CSR 112. 

1160: Jan. 31 J. F. Boepple made eligible for appointment as shell ex- 
pert at the Biological Station Fisheries Bureau, Fairport, Iowa, without 
examination. 1910 CSR 112. 

1161 : Feb. 3 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 35, pertaining to 
penalty bonds, amended. 

1162: Feb. 4 John H. Dickinson, former inspector in the Quartermas- 
ter's Dept. of the Army, made eligible for reinstatement without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 1910 CSR 112. 

1163: Feb. 8 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. positions, 



amended to except all commissioners and statutory places of sec'y for 
the national military parks. 1909 CSR 116. 

1164: Feb. 8 Certain described lands in South Dakota within the Stand- 
ing Rock Indian Reservation, together with the business and archives 
pertaining thereto, transferred to the Lemmon Land District. 

1165: Feb. 8 Certain described lands in South Dakota within the Stand- 
ing Rock and Cheyenne Indian Reservations, together with the business 
and archives pertaining thereto, transferred to the Aberdeen Land Dis- 

1166: Feb. 8 Certain described lands in North Dakota within the Stand- 
ing Rock Indian Reservation, together with the business and archives 
pertaining thereto, transferred from the Bismarck Land District to the 
Lemmon Land District. 

1167: Feb. 9 Time limit for completion of the work of the Spanish 
Treaty Claims Commission extended until May 2, 1910. 

1168: Feb. 15 John G. Curran made eligible for reappointment as as- 
sistant custodian in the post office at Cleveland, Ohio. 1909 CSR 112. 

1169: Feb. 15 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved as a rifle 
range for the use of the National Guard of Arizona. 

1170: Feb. 21 Certain described lands in the Bismarck Land District, 
N. Dak., together with the business and archives pertaining thereto, 
transferred to the Fargo Land District. 

1171: Feb. 25 Certain described lands in the Missoula Land District, 
Mont., together with the business and archives pertaining thereto, trans- 
ferred to the Ealispell Land District. 

1172: Mar. 1 Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation, N. Mex., diminished 
and the excluded lands restored to the public domain. IR 119 ; III E 685. 

1173: Mar. 3 E. O. [980] of Nov. 25, 1908, establishing limits of punish- 
ment for enlisted men of the Army, amended as to escapes from any 
Army prison. 

1174: Mar. 7 Henry Bartalot, former marine engineer in the Quarter- 
master's Department at Large, made eligible for reinstatement without 
regard to length of separation from the service. 1910 CSR 112. 

1175: Mar. 12 Eaakuakukui Reef Military Reservation, Honolulu, T. H., 
enlarged by transfer of land from an adjoining naval reservation. 

1176: Mar. 12 Civil Service Rule III [on examination], Section 2 [per- 
taining to noncompetitive examinations], amended as to appointment of 
the wife of a competitive employee of an Indian school to any competitive 
position at that school. 1909 CSR 112. 



1177: Mar. 16 James A. Compton, William E. Dulin, and George P. 
Meyer made eligible for reinstatement in the Pension Office without 
regard to length of separation from the service. 1910 CSR 113. 

1178: Mar. 23 Certain described lands in Oregon, formerly reserved for 
the War Dept. in connection with the improvement of Coos Bay and har- 
bor, restored to the public domain. 

1179 : Mar. 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VII, on Interior Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 23 excepting one histopathologist temporarily 
engaged in research work at the Government Hospital for the Insane. 
1910 CSR 107. 

1180: Mar. 23 Civil Service Rule III [pertaining to examinations], 
amended as to noncompetitive examinations for positions named in new 
Schedule B of classified positions subject to noncompetitive examination, 
now prescribed. 1910 CSR 105. 

1181 : Mar. 25 Naval reservation at Punchbowl Slope, Honolulu, T. H., 
transferred to the Agriculture Dept. 

1182: Mar. 25 E. O. [1170] of Feb. 21, 1910, transferring certain North 
Dakota lands from the Bismarck Land District to the Fargo Land Dis- 
trict, revoked. 

1182y 2 : Mar. 25 Authority given by E. O. of Feb. 2, 1904,* to the Com- 
merce and Labor Sec'y to lease certain islands in Alaska for the propaga- 
tion of foxes, extended to authorize the lease of said islands for the 
propagation of other fur-bearing animals as well. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

1183 : Mar. 30 El Reno Land Office, Okla., abolished, and business and 
archives pertaining thereto transferred to the Guthrie Land Office. 

1184: Apr. 2 E. O. [586] of Mar. 13, 1907, prescribing the duties of the 
district tax collectors of the Canal Zone, amended so as not to require of 
them collection of the liquor license tax. M 96 ; 1909 PCR 401 ; III PCRec 

1185: Apr. 4 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
amended to except one private sec'y or confidential clerk to the superin- 
tendent of each mine, one cashier in each mint, and one cashier in the 
Assay Office at New York, N. Y. 

1186: Apr. 8 Certain described lands and islands in Alaska reserved for 
use of the War Dept. for defense purposes. 



1187: Apr. 9 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for use as 
target range by the National Guard of Arizona. 

1188: Apr. 12 Maurice H. Thatcher appointed member of the Isthmian 
Canal Commission at $14,000 per annum. M 96 ; III PCRec 275. 

1189: Apr. 18 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision IV [on War Dept. position], 
Paragraph 5, amended to except one assistant sec'y to the Chickamauga 
and Chattanooga National Military Park Commission. 1910 CSR 107. 

1190: Apr. 16 Canal Zone Regulations governing the duties of the coun- 
sel and chief attorney for the Isthmian Canal Commission in the issuance 
and return of subpoenas and processes in civil and criminal cases, and in 
the filing of informations in criminal cases, prescribed. M 97 ; 1909 PCR 

1191 : Apr. 18 Collinson Lewis Warwick made eligible for appointment 
as nautical expert in the Coast and Geodetic Survey without examina- 
tion. 1910 CSR 113. 

1192: Apr. 19 Crow Creek Forest Reserve, Wyo., abolished and the 
lands reserved as a military reservation for target and maneuver pur- 

1193: Apr. 26 Certain described lands at Beaver Dam, Alaska, reserved 
for use of the Army Signal Corps in the operation and maintenance of 
military telegraph lines. 

1194: Apr. 26 Six described tracts of land in Alaska reserved for educa- 
tional purposes. 

1195: Apr. 28 Filling of twenty-five clerical positions in the Office of 
the Auditor for the Post Office Dept. by promotion of employees hereto- 
fore transferred from the Engraving and Printing Bureau with seven 
years' service, subject to noncompetitive examination, authorized. June 
1913 CSA 55-July 1921 CSA 68; 1910 CSR 110. 

1196: Apr. 28 Civil Service Rule XII [pertaining to certifications], 
amended. 1910 CSR 106. 

1197: Apr. 28 Certain described lands in the municipality of Cotabato, 
Moro Province, P. I., reserved for military purposes. 

1198: Apr. 30 Charles B. Elliott, Lt. Col. George P. Scriven, and Com- 
mander Chester M. Knepper appointed a board to study and make rec- 
ommendations relating to the construction and operation of a system of 
wireless telegraphy for the Philippines. 



1199: May 5 Lester M. Spier, executive sec'y of the Tariff Board, au- 
thorized to pass upon and approve vouchers concerning payments from 
funds appropriated for the support of said Board, in the absence of the 
Chairman or Acting Chairman. 

1200: May 5 Tariff Board members, travelling on official business, 
allowed $15 per diem as part compensation and in lieu of all other 
travelling expenses except transportation. 

1201: May 5 Henry C. Emery, James B. Reynolds, and Alvin H. San- 
ders appointed Tariff Board special disbursing agents. 

1202: May 6 Engineers detailed by France to observe public works in 
the United States made eligible for appointment as junior engineers in 
the Engineer Dept. at Large without examination. 1910 CSR 110. 

1203: May 11 Helen M. Bullis made eligible for appointment as special 
inspectress in the Immigration Service, Commerce and Labor Dept., with- 
out examination. 1910 CSR 113. 

1204: May 12 Henry Suberkrup made eligible for appointment as guard 
to act as musical instructor at the Leavenworth Penitentiary, without 
examination. 1910 CSR 113. 

1206: May 13 E. O. [1193] of Apr. 26, 1910 reserving certain lands at 
Beaver Dam, Alaska, for use of the Army Signal Corps amended to cor- 
rect description of the tract. 

1206: May 27 Boundaries of the military reservations at Gasparilla 
Island, and at Cayo Costa or Boca Grande Island, Fla., redefined. 

1207: May 27 Certain described islands in the Columbia River, Wash., 
reserved for the use of the War Dept. in connection with improvement 
of the river. 

1208: June 7 All branches of the Government service directed to fur- 
nish data to and aid investigations of the Tariff Board. 

1209: June 8 Santa Barbara National Forest, Calif., enlarged by addi- 
tion of all lands of the San Luis National Forest. 

1210: June 13 E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county or municipal 
Government, waived to permit certain State and county officials to accept 
temporary appointment as special agents for the collection of statistical 
data for the Census Bureau. 

1211: June 13 All lands of the Yakima Indian Reservation, Wash., situ- 
ated within the Walla Walla and Vancouver Land Districts, transferred, 
together with the business and archives pertaining thereto, to the North 
Yakima Land District. 



1212: June 22 Unsurveyed island in the Columbia River, Oreg., re- 
served for use of the War Dept. as a site for marine ways in connection 
with improvement of the Upper Columbia River and its tributaries. 

1213: June 22 Certain described lands in New Mexico within the Gila 
National Forest further reserved for protection of the water supply of 
Port Bayard. 

1214: June 22 Louise M. Foster made eligible for reinstatement as an 
unclassified laborer in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1910 CSR 113. 

1215: June 17 Naval reservation at Cebu, P. I., with exception of the 
wharf and a site for a coal depot, and reservations at Isabela de Basilan 
and Polloc, Mindanao, P. I., transferred to control of the War Sec'y for 
use for military purposes. 

1216: June 23 Certain described lands in Montana reserved for military 
purposes for use in protection of the Big Hole Battlefield Monument. 

1217: July 1 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 684, pertaining 
to samples of merchandise to be imported, amended. 

1218: July 1 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision] VII, on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to add Paragraph 24 excepting one specialist in higher 
education in the Education Bureau. 1910 CSR 108. 

1219: July 1 Filling of position of editor in the Education Bureau by 
appointment without examination authorized. 

1220: July 1 Duck Valley Indian Reservation, Idaho, enlarged. IR 110; 
III K 679. 

1221: July 1 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for use 
and occupation of the Pueblo Indians of the Pueblo Laguna. IX R 125 ; 
III K 687. 

1222: July 1 Agricultural experiment station in Arizona enlarged to 
enable completion of experiments. 

1228: July 2 Capt. J. W. Powell made eligible for reinstatement as 
clerk in the Government Printing Office without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1910 CSR 113. 

1224: July 7 E. O. of Aug. 25, 1877,* reserving certain lands in Cali- 
fornia for Indian purposes, revoked insofar as it affects certain described 
lands. IX R 52; III K 676. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

[ 109 ] 


1225: July 12 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision] III, on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to add Paragraph 16 excepting laborers at $480 per 
annum in the Customs Service, District of Hawaii, who perform the duties 
of opener and packer. 1910 CSR 108. 

1226: July 12 Certain district and assistant district agents in Okla- 
homa, employed within the preceding year, made eligible for retention 
without classification, and all vacancies in said positions ordered filled by 
transfer of persons properly serving in the Indian Service under the 
Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes or in the Union Agency. 1910 
CSR 110. 

1227: July 12 Certain described lands in Minnesota, withdrawn for 
flowage purposes by E. O. [310-C] of Mar. 22, 1905, in connection with 
the improvement of the headwaters of the Mississippi River, restored to 
the public domain, subject to overflow rights. 

1228: July IS All public lands within the Siletz Indian Reservation, 
Oreg., temporarily withdrawn for classification and pending legislation 
for the proper disposal of said lands. 

1229: July 15 E. O. 1186 of Apr. 8, 1910, reserving certain lands at 
Cordova Bay, Alaska, for the War Dept., modified to exclude certain 
lands for use of the Navy Dept. as a coaling station. 

1280: July 25 Isthmian Canal Commission empowered to establish rules 
and regulations to facilitate and protect construction of the Panama 
Canal; punishment for violation of said rules prescribed. M 98; 1910 
PCR455; ffl PCRec 395. 

1231: July 28 Canal Zone Regulations on certain civil court actions or 
special proceedings prescribed. M 98 ; 1910 PCR 455 ; III PCRec 403. 

1232: July 28 Certain described lands in withdrawn pending legislation 
to grant the tract to the City of Tillamock for waterway purposes. 

1233: July 28 Charles W. Fowle made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the State Dept. without examination. 1910 CSR 113. 

1234: Aug. 4 Boundaries of Lincoln Land District, N. Mex., redefined. 

1235: Aug. 8 Robert T. Frazier made eligible for reinstatement in the 
examining corps of the Patent Office without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1910 CSR 113. 

1236: Aug. 8 John J. Scully, laborer in the Customs Service at New 
York, N. Y., made eligible for classification. 1910 CSR 114. 

1237: Aug. 16 Certain described lands on Cordova Point, Prince Wil- 
liam Sound, Alaska, reserved for naval purposes. 



1288: Aug. 20 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for use as 
rifle range by the National Guard of Arizona. 

1280: Aug. 20 Canal Zone Regulations governing the execution of doc- 
uments affecting real estate that is the separate property of married 
women, prescribed. M 99 ; 1910 PCB 455 ; IV PCRec 414. 

1240: Aug. 20 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
amended to delete Paragraph 1 excepting the solicitor to the collector 
of customs at the port of New York, N. Y., and to renumber remaining 
paragraphs accordingly. 1910 CSR 108. 

1241 : Aug. 23 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 
legislation to grant said tract to the National Lincoln Douglas Sana- 
torium and Consumptives' Hospital Association. 

1242: Aug. 23 Schofield Barracks, Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., 

1243: Aug. 24 Per-diem employees and other day laborers in the Gov- 
ernment service excused from work on Labor Day. 

1244: Sept. 2 E. O. [1234] of Aug. 4, 1910, reestablishing the boundaries 
of the Lincoln Land District, N. Mex., revoked, and new boundaries es- 

1245: Sept. 14 Twenty-nine specified laborers in the Customs Service 
at New York, N. Y., made eligible for classification. 1910 CSR 114. 

1246: Sept. 16 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 8, 
Clause (a), amended as to transfer from the Isthmus of Panama. 1910 
CSR 106; M 100; IV PCRec 45. 

1247: Sept. 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision] VIII, on Agriculture Dept. 
positions, amended to except field assistants for reconnaissance parties. 
1910 CSR 108. 

1248: Sept. 26 Hawkins Island Naval Coaling Station, Prince William 
Sound, Alaska, transferred to the War Dept. for coast defense purposes. 

1248: Sept. 30 Assistant postmaster positions in post offices of the first 
and second class, and all clerks in first and second class post offices not 
previously included in the classified service, classified, and Civil Service 
Rules, Schedule A [Subdivision VI], amended accordingly. 1910 CSR 

1250: Oct. 4 Office of district tax collector in the Canal Zone abolished; 
duties transferred to the collector of revenues, and regulations govern- 



ing the seizure and sale of property for unpaid taxes prescribed. M 101 ; 
1910 PCR 457; IV PCRec 58. 

1251 : Oct. 4 Certain described lands in North Dakota, together with 
the business and archives pertaining thereto, transferred from the Lem- 
mon Land District, S. Dak., to the Bismarck Land District, N. Dak. 

1252: Oct. 4 Certain described lands in North Dakota, together with 
the business and archives pertaining thereto, transferred from the Lem- 
mon Land District, S. Dak., to the Dickinson Land District, N. Dak. 

1253: Oct. 7 Canal Zone Regulations governing the leasing of public 
lands in the Canal Zone prescribed. M 102 ; 1910 PCR 458 ; IV PCRec 37. 

1254: Oct. 10 Certain described lands at Bagnio, Benguet, Luzon, P. I., 
reserved for a naval hospital and other naval purposes. 

1255: Oct. 13 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for use of 
the National Guard of Arizona. 

1256: Oct. 20 Salt River Indian Reservation, Ariz., enlarged. IX R 
29; in K670. 

1257: Oct. 22 Certain described lands in New Mexico within the Gila 
National Forest further reserved for protection of the water supply of 
Port Bayard. 

1258: Oct. 25 W. E. S. Griswold made eligible for appointment as sec'y 
of the commission to investigate questions pertaining to the issuance of 
stocks and bonds by railroad corporations. 1910 CSR 114. 

1259: Oct. 25 All plans for Government Buildings to be erected in the 
District of Columbia ordered submitted to the Commission of Fine Arts 
for its comment and advice. 

1260: Oct. 28 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished by some 
12,800 acres, and the excluded lands restored to the public domain. 

1261: Oct. 31 Portion of Fort Ruger Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., 
transferred to the Commerce and Labor Dept. for lighthouse purposes. 

1262 : Nov. 2 Certain described lands in New Mexico further reserved 
for use as rifle range by the National Guard of New Mexico. 

1263: Nov. 4 William J. Meyers made eligible for a permanent appoint- 
ment as statistician in the Interstate Commerce Commission without ex- 
amination. 1910 CSR 114. 

1264: Nov. 7 Mary A. Wells made eligible for reinstatement as a clerk 
in the Census Bureau without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1910 CSR 114. 



1265: Nov. 26 Certain described lands transferred from the Mono Na- 
tional Forest, Nev., to the Toiyabe National Forest. 

1265% : Nov. 25 Oklahoma detached from the Internal Revenue Dis- 
trict of Kansas and constituted the District of Oklahoma. 

1266: Dec. 1 Civil Service Commission authorized to except certain 
positions of unusual character from competitive examination. Feb. 1912 
CSA 26-Sept. 1914 CSA 39; 1910 CSR 111. 

1267: Dec. 1 Fort Mojave Indian Reservation, Ariz., enlarged. IX R 
13 ; III K 667. 

1268: Dec. 2 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, amended to add a new Subdivision V, Para- 
graphs 1 and 2, excepting paymasters' clerks acting as principal clerks 
to general storekeepers at navy yards and stations, and civilian instruc- 
tors, etc., in the Naval Academy; and all subsequent Subdivisions re- 
numbered accordingly. 1910 CSR 109. 

1269: Dec. 6 Members of certain organizations, employed by the Gov- 
ernment in the District of Columbia, excused from duty Dec. 7, 1910, 
in connection with the unveiling of the statue of Baron Frederick von 

1270: Dec. 12 Charles M. Irelan made eligible for reinstatement as 
clerk in the Office of the Chief of Engineers, War Dept., without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 

1271: Dec. 13 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved as an addition 
to the Indian school and agency site on the Coeur d'Alene Indian Res- 
ervation. IR73;IIIK679. 

1272: Dec. 12 Thomas W. Brahany, executive sec'y of the Tariff Board, 
authorized to approve fund requisitions and to pass on all vouchers for 
said Board in the absence of the chairman or acting chairman of said 

1273: Dec. 16 Edward E. Eetchum made eligible for reinstatement as 
letter carrier in the Philadelphia, Pa., post office without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1910 CSR 115. 

1274: Dec. 20 Official reports and communications from the Island of 
Guam in the Ladrones, the Island of Tutuila of the Samoan Group, and 
other islands, ordered transmitted through the Navy Sec'y> and E. O. 
[633] of May 11, 1907, and E. O. [1077] of May 25, 1909, amended 

1275: Dec. 20 Civil Service Rule X, pertaining to transfer, Paragraph 
8, Clause (c) waived to permit the transfer of such furloughed Light- 



house Service employees as may be requested by Executive Department 
heads. 1910 CSR 111. 

1276: Dec. 23 Certain described lands in New Mexico, Idaho, and Col- 
orado, formerly reserved as administrative sites for the Lincoln, Poca- 
tello, Las Animas, and San Isabel National Forests, restored to settlement 
and to entry. 

1277: Dec. 23 Government employees forbidden to instruct persons pre- 
paring for examinations for the Diplomatic and Consular Services, and 
any employee found so doing to be removed from the service. Feb. 1912 
CSA 49-June 1939 CSA 24; 1910 CSR 111. 


1278: Jan. 4 Florence G. Miller .made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the classified service. 1910 CSR 115. 

1279: Jan. 4 Fort Ringgold Military Reservation, Tex., placed under 
control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

1280: Jan. 6 New Orleans, La., Land Office transferred to Baton Rouge. 

1281 : Jan. 6 Natchitoches Land District, La., abolished and lands, busi- 
ness and archives pertaining thereto, transferred to Baton Rouge Land 

1282: Jan. 10 Certain lands on Biliran Island, P. I., formerly reserved 
for military purposes, restored to control of the Government of the 

1283: Jan. 11 New schedule of Army rations prescribed. 

1284: Jan. 16 Navajo Indian Reservation, N. Mex., diminished and ex- 
cluded lands restored to the public domain. IR 22 ; III E 686. 

1286: Jan. 16 Isthmian Canal Commission authorized to use six meter 
French dump cars until July 1, 1911, in obtaining gravel from the 
Chagres River, without equipping such cars with the safety appliances 
required by E. O. 1002 of Jan 6, 1909. M 103; IV PCRec 179. 

1286: Jan. 19 Land office for the Panama Canal Zone created and reg- 
ulations for its administration prescribed. M 103 ; PCR 459 ; IV PCRec 

1287: Jan 24 Certain described lands in Minnesota, withdrawn by Proc. 
957 of Aug. 27, 1892, for use in the operation and maintenance of res- 
ervoirs at the headwaters of the Mississippi River, restored to the public 
domain, subject to overflow rights. 



1288: Jan. 26 George T. Weitzel and Willing Spencer made eligible for 
appointment as clerks in the State Dept. without examination. 1910 
CSB 115. 

1288: Jan. 26 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision V, on Navy Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 3 to except all positions on the Island of 
Guam. 1910 CSR 109. 

1290: Jan. 30 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision I, on Interior Dept. 
positions, amended to add Paragraph 7 to include miners employed in 
rescue, first aid, or experimental work. 1910 CSR 107. 

1291: Jan. 80 Certain described lands in Minnesota reserved pending 
legislation in connection with proposed improvement of Zippel Bay. 

1292 : Jan. 30 Richardson Rock, unsurveyed island in the Pacific Ocean 
off the coast of California, reserved for lighthouse purposes. 

1293: Jan. 80 Archibald Edmonstone made eligible for reinstatement 
as assistant weigher in the Customs Service at New York, N. Y. 1910 
CSR 116. 

1294: Jan. 30 Edith F. Spofford, Library of Congress employee, made 
eligible for appointment as librarian in the Bureau of Mines. 1910 CSR 

1295: Feb. 2 Method of executing and recording deeds in the Panama 
Canal Zone prescribed. M 104; 1910 PCR 459; IV PCRec 212. 

1296: Feb. 2 E. O. 1267 of Dec. 1, 1910, adding certain lands to the 
Port Mojave Indian Reservation, Ariz., revoked, and certain other lands 
added to said Reservation. IR 13 ; I K 667. 

1297: Feb. 13 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for protection 
of the water supply of Boise Barracks, Port Boise, Idaho. 

1298: Feb. 13 Certain described lands in Manila, P. I., reserved for 
military purposes as new, or modifications of existing, reservations : five 
further reservations returned to the control of the Philippine Govern- 
ment, and old fort of San Antonio Abad retained as an historic monu- 
ment by said Government. 

1299: Feb. 16 Lands ceded by the treaty of Aug. 21, 1847, with the 
Pillager Band of the Chippewa Indians ordered no longer held as Indian 
lands. IV K 1023. 

1300: Feb. 16 Provisions of Article VII of the treaty of Oct. 2, 1863, 
[with the Red Lake and Pembina Bands of Chippewa Indians, prohibit- 
ing the introduction and sale of spirituous liquors in territories ceded 



to the United States by said treaty], held no longer in force except as 
to a portion of said territory. IV K 1023. 

1301: Feb. 16 Provisions of Article VII of the treaty of Sept. 30, 1854, 
[with the Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior and the Mississippi, pro- 
hibiting the manufacture, sale, or use of spirituous liquors on lands set 
apart for the residence of Indians and the territory ceded to the United 
States by said treaty], held no longer in force except as to a certain por- 
tion of said territory. IV K 1022. 

1302: Feb. 16 Provisions of Article V of the treaty of July 23, 1851, 
[with the See-see-toan and Wah-pay-toan bands of Dakota or Sioux 
Indians, prohibiting the introduction and sale of spirituous liquors in 
the Indian country], held no longer in force as to the Minnesota terri- 
tory ceded to the United States by said treaty, except as to a certain 
portion of said territory. IV K 1024. 

1303 : Feb. 16 Commander Richard H. Jackson appointed member of 
the Commission to study the Philippines wireless system in place of Com- 
mander Chester W. Knepper. 

1304: Feb. 18 Certain described lands in Florida, formerly reserved for 
lighthouse purposes, restored to the public domain. 

1305: Feb. 18 Land office for the Amerdeen Land District, S. Dak., 
transferred from Aberdeen to Timber Lake. 

1306: Feb. 20 Certain described lands of the Waterville Land District, 
Wash., together with the business and archives pertaining thereto, trans- 
ferred to the North Yakima Land District. 

1307: Feb. 21 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision V, on Navy Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 3, amended to except all positions on the Island of Samoa. 
1910 CSR 109. 

1308: Feb. 21 Fox Administrative Site, Ariz., established for use in the 
administration of the Ozark National Forest. 

1309: Feb. 25 William E. Lewis made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Government Printing Office without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1910 CSR 116. 

1310: Feb. 27 Nathan C. Grover made eligible for reinstatement as 
chief engineer of the Land Classification Board of the Geological Survey 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 1910 CSR 116. 

1311 : Mar. 1 Certain described lands in Florida, formerly reserved for 
lighthouse purposes, restored to public domain, and E. O. 1304 of Feb. 
18, 1911, restoring much the same lands, superseded. 



1312: Mar. 4 Tariff Board created and its duties prescribed; Henry C. 
Emery appointed chairman and the following named members thereof: 
Alvin H. Sanders, James B. Reynolds, William M. Howard, and Thomas 
W. Page. 

1313: Mar. 4 Martin A. Knapp designated chairman of the Interstate 
Commerce Commission. 

1314: Mar. 8 Humboldt National Forest, Nev., diminished and excluded 
lands restored to the public domain. 

1315: Mar. 14 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved as a target 
range for the use of the National Guard. 

1316: Mar. 14 Certain described lands in Juneau, Alaska, reserved as 
building site for a territorial mansion and museum building. 

1317: Mar. 14 Land office for the San Francisco Land District, Calif., 
transferred from Oakland to San Francisco. 

1318: Mar. 14 Certain described lands in Minnesota, formerly reserved 
for flowage purposes in connection with the construction of reservoirs 
at the headwaters of the Mississippi River, restored to the public domain, 
subject to overflow rights. 

1319: Mar. 16 Walter W. Warwick appointed associate justice of the 
Canal Zone Supreme Court at a salary of $6,000 per annum. M 107 ; IV 
PCRec 251. 

1320: Mar. 16 Thomas E. Brown, Jr., appointed associate justice of the 
Canal Zone Supreme Court at a salary of $6,000 per annum. M 107 ; IV 
PCRec 251. 

1321: Mar. 20 Francis E. Huck, Jr., Reuben B. Luker, Edmund Sale, 
Peter Stuart, and Carl M. Williams, temporary employees under the 
Isthmian Canal Commission made eligible for retention and classifica- 
tion. 1911 CSR 110; M 107. 

1322: Mar. 22 E. O. of June 14, 1879, # creating a reservation for the 
use of the Pima and Maricopa Indians, amended to make said reserva- 
tion available for use of such other Indians as the Interior Sec'y may 
see fit to settle thereon. IR 29; III E 671. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

1323: Mar. 24 Big Pine Administrative Site, Calif., created for use in 
the administration of the Inyo National Forest. 

1324: Mar. 24 Long Pine Administrative Site, Calif., created for use in 
the administration of the Kern National Forest. 



1324% : Mar. 28 All Alaska public lands containing hot springs re- 
served for public purposes. 

1325: Mar. 29 Stony Ford Administrative Site, Calif., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the California National 

1326: Mar. 29 Hornbrook Administrative Site, Calif., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Klamath National Forest. 

1327: Apr. 3 Apex Administrative Site, Calif., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Lassen National Forest. 

1328: Apr. 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision V, on Navy Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 4 excepting one clerk on duty with each as- 
sistant paymaster of the Marine Corps. 1911 CSR 109. 

1329: Apr. 4 W. E. Shields made eligible for reinstatement in the Gov- 
ernment Printing Office without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1911 CSR 110. 

1330: Apr. 10 Powder House Lot Military Reservation, St. Augustine, 
Fla., placed under control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

1331 : Apr. 11 Certain described lands at Juneau, Alaska, reserved as 
a site for a Territorial executive mansion and museum building; E. Os. 
[445] of May 10, 1906, and [1316] of Mar. 14, 1911, modified. 

1332: Apr. 11 Clear Lake Reservation, Calif., established as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds. 

1333 : Apr. 14 Army Punishment Regulations amended to prescribe pun- 
ishment for loaning money at usurious rates of interest. 

1334: Apr. 15 Mary E. Gunion made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Government Printing Office without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1911 CSR 110. 

1335 : Apr. 17 Six specified temporary internal revenue agents made 
eligible for classified appointment in the Internal Revenue Service with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1911 CSR 111. 

1336: Apr. 19 Mokelumne (E) Administrative Site, Calif., created for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Stanislaus National 

1337: Apr. 19 Round Valley Administrative Site, Ariz., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Apache National Forest. 



1338: Apr. 20 Certain described lands in the municipality of Cotabato, 
Moro Province, P. I., reserved for military purposes. 

1339: Apr. 21 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Paragraph 
3, amended as to retransfers to positions formerly held. 1911 CSR 108. 

1340: Apr. 21 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VIII, on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to except the assistant to the sec'y in the office of the 
Interior Sec'y. 1911 CSR 110. 

1341: Apr. 24 Certain described lands in N. Mex. within the Gila Na- 
tional Forest further reserved for protection of the water supply of 
Port Bayard. 

1342: Apr. 24 Ralph R. Mulcare made eligible for reinstatement as 
letter carrier in the Brooklyn, N. Y., post office without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1911 CSR 111. 

1343: Apr. 28 Bloomfield Administrative Site, Calif., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of Tahoe National Forest. 

1344: Apr. 29 Leroy T. Steward made eligible for reinstatement as su- 
perintendent of city delivery in the Chicago, 111., post office without re- 
gard to length of separation from the service. 1911 CSR 111. 

1345: May 2 Return of persons to the Canal Zone after having been 
deported following conviction and imprisonment, to be deemed a felony ; 
punishment prescribed. M 107 ; 1910 PCR 462 ; IV PCRec 301. 

1346: Kay 2 Certain described lands in Montana, formerly part of the 
Fort Shaw Indian School, together with the buildings thereon, reserved 
for use of the Reclamation Service. 

1347: May 6 Certain described lands at Valdez, Alaska, reserved in con- 
nection with the operation of military telegraph lines. 

1348: May 6 Canal Zone Regulations pertaining to the arrest and dis- 
charge of deserting seamen prescribed. M 188 ; 1910 PCR 462 ; IV PCRec 

1349: May 8 E. O. of Nov. 15, 1883,* establishing a reservation for use 
of the Pima and Maricopa Indians, amended to make said Reservation 
available for the use of such other Indians as the Interior Sec'y may 
settle thereon. IR 27 ; III K 668. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

1350: May 10 John Roche and Patrick McKeefrey made eligible for 
appointment as customs watchmen at the Port of New York without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1911 CSR 111. 



1351 : Hay 10 Canal Zone Regulations for the governing of the Insane 
Asylum at Ancon prescribed. M 109 ; 1910 PCR 463 ; IV PCRec 323. 

1362 : Hay 11 Canal Zone Regulations, making the illegal boarding of a 
train for any purpose a misdemeanor, prescribed. M 112; 1910 PCR 466; 
PCRec 315. 

1363: Hay 13 Canal Zone Regulations governing the collection of a dis- 
tillation tax prescribed. M 112; 1910 PCR 466; IV PCRec 315. 

1364: Hay 16 Baker Administrative Site, Nev., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Nevada National Forest. 

1366: Hay 16 Box Springs Administrative Site, Calif., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Angeles National Forest. 

1366: Hay 16 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved as a rifle range 
for the use of the National Guard. 

1367: Hay 22 Mokelumne (W) Administrative Site, Calif., created for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Stanislaus National 

1368: Hay 22 John £. Wilkie made eligible for transfer from chief of 
the Secret Service to supervising agent, Treasury Dept., without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1911 CSR 111. 

1360: Hay 24 Certain described lands in N. Mex., previously restored to 
the public domain by E. O. [1284] of Jan. 16, 1911, reserved for Indian 
purposes. IR 22 ; III K 686. 

1360: Hay 26 Mary £. Gunion made eligible for appointment in a cleri- 
cal grade in any department without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1911 
CSR 112. 

1361 : Hay 26 Portion of Cable Reservation No. 2, Valdez, Alaska, placed 
under the control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal, with a view to in- 
corporating same in the street system of Valdez. 

1362: Hay 26 Fort Armstrong Military Reservation, Eaakaukukui Reef, 
Honolulu, T. H., enlarged. 

1363: Hay 26 Civil Service Rule II [pertaining to classification], Sec- 
tions 6 and 7, and Schedule A [pertaining to positions excepted from 
examination], Subdivision VII, on Post Office Dept. positions, Paragraphs 
4, 5, and 8, amended ; Rule II, Section 8, revoked. 1911 CSR 108. 

1364: Hay 29 Torrey Barracks Military Reservation, Malabang, Minda- 
nao, P. I., enlarged. 



1365: Hay 29 James B. Horigan made eligible for retention in an ex- 
cepted position in the Forest Service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules, and payment of his salary from the statutory position of law clerk 
directed. 1911 CSR 112. 

1366: Hay 31 Mrs. George £. Pickett made eligible for appointment to 
a clerkship in the War Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1911 
CSR 112. 

1367: Hay 31 Port Wingate Military Reservation, N. Mex., made part 
of the Zuni National Forest, to be administered as forest land, but to 
remain subject to use by the War Dept. for military purposes. 

1368: June 2 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for the use of 
the Walapai Indians. Ill K 672. 

1369: June 2 Silver Creek Administrative Site, S. Dak., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Black Hills National 

1370: June 9 I. C. Faulk made eligible for reinstatement as storekeeper- 
gauger in the Internal Revenue Service, 23d District of Pennsylvania, 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 1911 CSR 112. 

1371: June 12 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision III, on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions, Paragraph 3, amended to exclude from exception two paymasters 
in the New York customs district. 1911 CSR 110. 

1372: June 12 E. 0. [1353] of May 13, 1911, prescribing for collection 
of a distillation tax in the Canal Zone, amended as to effective date. M 
113; 1910 PCR 467; IV PCRec 347. 

1373: June 16 Mad River Administrative Site, Calif., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Trinity National Forest. 

1374: June 16 Certain described lands in Pima County, Ariz., reserved 
for the Papago Indians for school, agency, and other uses. IR 23 ; III K 

1375: June 26 Indian Administrative Site, Utah, created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Fillmore National Forest. 

1376: June 26 Five specified officers made eligible for transfer from the 
abolished Presidential position of deputy [departmental] auditor to 
classified positions in the Treasury Dept. or elsewhere without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1911 CSR 112. 

1377: June 26 Certain described lands in Hawaii reserved for military 
purposes ; Fort Ruger Military Reservation, Diamond Head, Oahu, dimin- 

[ 121 ] 


ished and the excluded lands restored to the Government of the Territory 
of Hawaii for road purposes. 

1378: June 28 Bennett Administrative Site, Calif., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the California National Forest. 

1379 : June 28 Certain described lands in Florida reserved for the use 
of the Seminole Indians. IR 69 ; III K 678. 

1380: June 28 Chairman and Chief Engineer of the Isthmian Canal 
Commission authorized to issue revocable licenses for Canal Zone town- 
site lots. M 113; 1910 PCR 467; IV PCRec 371. 

1381: June 28 William T. Thompson, solicitor of the Treasury, author- 
ized to act in the place of Fletcher Maddox, solicitor of internal revenue, 
in the latter *s absence. 

1382: July 7 State Dept. officers and employees forbidden to furnish 
information or produce papers relating to moneys expended and ac- 
counted for in pursuance of Section 291 of the Revised Statutes, except 
to State Dept. officials entitled thereto, unless otherwise directed in writ- 
ing by the President. 

1383 : July 7 Henry M. Camp made eligible for reinstatement in the 
classified service without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1912 CSR 140. 

1384: July 10 Austin Administrative Site, Nev., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Toiyabe National Forest. 

1385: July 14 Charles L. Dooley made eligible for reinstatement as an 
inspector in the Immigration Service without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1912 CSR 140. 

1386: July 21 Canal Zone Regulations governing the inspection of steam 
vessels prescribed. M 113 ; 1911 PCR 605 ; IV PCRec 405. 

1387: July 31 Gila River Indian Reservation, Ariz., enlarged. IR 28; 
III K 668. 

1388: July 31 Thomas Richardson made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service at Washington, D. C, without examination. 1912 CSR 

1389 : Aug. 1 Fort Niobrara Military Reservation, Nebr., abolished ; a 
portion of the lands reserved for experimental farm purposes and the 
remaining portion placed under control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

1390: Aug. 2 E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, or municipal Govern- 



ment, waived to permit Sylvester P. Bartlett, field superintendent in the 
Fisheries Bureau, to hold the position of secretary to the Illinois State 
Game Commission. 1912 CSR 141. 

1391: Aug. 2 Charles B. Bateman made eligible for transfer from the 
Navy Yard Service to any classified mechanical position for which he is 
qualified by experience, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

1392 : Aug. 4 Canal Zone Regulation prohibiting the promotion of fights 
between bulls, dogs, cocks, or other birds or animals, prescribed. M 116 ; 
1911 PCR 608; IV PCRec 411. 

1393: Aug. 4 Lincoln Rock, Clarence Strait, Alaska, reserved for light- 
house purposes. 

1394: Aug. 9 Position of sec'y of the Interstate Commerce Commission 
placed outside the classified service. 1912 CSR 141. 

1395: Aug. 9 Lilly Dent Rogers made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the National Bank Redemption Agency, Treasurer's Office, Treasury 
"Dept., without regard to length of separation from the service. 1912 
CSR 141. 

1396: Aug. 9 Randolph Fortune made eligible for reinstatement to a 
messenger position in the War Dept. without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1912 CSR 141. 

1397: Aug. 10 Fort Grant Military Reservation placed under control of 
the Interior Sec'y for disposal, except the portion included in the Mount 
Graham Forest Reserve by E. 0. [515] of Oct. 6, 1906. 

1398: Aug. 15 Nogales Administrative Site, Ariz., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Coranado National Forest. 

1399: Aug. 17 Lawton Land District, Okla., abolished and lands, busi- 
ness, and archives pertaining thereto transferred to the Guthrie Land 

1400: Aug. 17 HoleJn-The-Rock Administrative Site, Utah, created for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Ashley National 

1401 : Aug. 18 Emma Administrative Site, Colo., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Sopris National Forest. 

1402: Aug. 21 Norris R. Welsh, skilled laborer in the Government Print- 
ing Office, made eligible for transfer to a position in the Publications 
Division, Agriculture Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 
CSR 141. 



1403: Aug. 22 Edwin L. Williams made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the Post Office Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1912 CSR 142. 

1404: Aug. 25 Federal per diem employees and other day laborers ex- 
cused from work on Labor Day. 

1405: Aug. 25 Sapinero Administrative Site, Colo., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Gunnison National Forest. 

1406: Sept. 1 £. 0. [537] of Dec. 19, 1906, reserving certain described 
lands hr New Mexico for the use of the Indians of the Jemez Pueblo, 
amended to redefine said lands. IR 125 ; III K 686. 

1407: Sept. 1 £. O. [574] of Mar. 1, 1907, amending the Rules and Regu- 
lations prescribed for the government of the Army and Navy General 
Hot Springs, Ark., amended. 

1408: Sept. 4 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision XI [on Interstate Commerce 
Commission positions], amended to add Paragraph 3 excepting commer- 
cial agents to investigate trade conditions abroad and in the United 
States, including the insular possessions. 1912 CSR 133. 

1400: Sept. 8 Canal Zone postal-savings system established. M 117; 
1911 PCR 609; V PCRec 35. 

1410: Sept. 8 Canal Zone Regulation making unlawful the posting of 
bills or other advertising devices on United States or Panama Railroad 
Company property prescribed. M 118 ; 1911 PCR 608; V PCRec 35. 

1411: Sept. 13 Pasay Barracks Military Reservation, Rizal Province, 
Luzon, P. I., abolished, and the lands transferred to the control of the 
Government of the Philippines. 

1412: Sept. 14 Canal Zone Regulation making the removal of packing 
or waste from the journal boxes of railroad locomotives or other cars a 
misdemeanor prescribed. M 118 ; V PCRec 43. 

1418: Sept. 21 William H. Jackson appointed associate justice of the 
Canal Zone Supreme Court, at $6,000 per annum. M 119 ; V PCRec 54. 

1414: Sept. 26 Canal Zone Code of Civil Procedure amended in Sec- 
tions 51 on pleadings, 62 on dockets, and 526 on court costs and Sections 
63 and 529 repealed. M 19 ; 1911 PCR 610; V PCRec 59. 

1415: Sept. 26 Certain described lands in South Dakota reserved for the 
use of the Agriculture Dept. for dry land agriculture experiments. 



1416: Sept. 28 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for use of 
the Pima, Maricopa, and such other Indians as the Interior Sec'y may 
settle thereon. IR 29 ; III K 671. 

1417: Oct. 2 B. 0. 1337 of Apr. 19, 1911, creating the Round Valley 
Administrative Site for use as a ranger station in the administration of 
the Apache National Forest, Ariz., revoked, and certain other described 
lands reserved for said purpose. 

1418: Oct. 2 Edwin M. Hamilton made eligible for appointment as a 
lumberman in the Indian Service at Large, Interior Dept, without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 1912 CSR 142. 

1419 : Oct. 14 Canal Zone Sanitary Code, Act No. 9, Section 10, amended 
as to contagious diseases required to be reported. M 120 ; 1911 PCR 610 ; 
V PCRec 83. 

1420: Oct. 14 Canal Zone Regulations prohibiting the unlicensed prac- 
tice of medicine, surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, and midwifery, pre- 
scribed. M 120; 1911 PCR 611 ; V PCRec 83. 

1421: Oct. 14 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision I [on the classified service], 
Paragraph 6 amended as to part time employees earning not more than 
$300 per annum. 1912 CSR 134. 

1422: Oct. 14 Port Brown Military Reservation, Tex., placed under the 
control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

1423: Oct. 24 Military reservation at Nulato, Alaska, enlarged. 

1424: Oct. 24 Burk Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Bitterroot National Forest. 

1425: Oct. 24 Weeping Child Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Bitterroot National 

1426: Oct. 23 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for use of the 
Pima, Maricopa and such other Indians as the Interior Sec'y may settle 
thereon. IR 30 ; III K 668. 

1427: Oct. 28 Edwin H. Peery made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Office of the Judge Advocate General, War Dept., without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 1912 CSR 142. 

1428: Nov. 1 Ear Mountain Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Lewis and Clark National 



1429: Nov. 3 Santa Rosa National Forest, Nev., diminished and excluded 
lands withdrawn for classification pending restoration to settlement and 

1430: Nov. 6 Certain engineers designated by Mexico to observe U. S. 
public works, made eligible for employment in the Federal service with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 CSR 136 ; M 121 ; V PCRec 114. 

1431 : Nov. 13 Apache Administrative Site, Ariz., reserved for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Chiricahua National Forest. 

1432: Nov. 13 Valley Administrative Site, S. Dak., reserved for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Sioux National Forest. 

1433: Nov. 15 Canal Zone Regulations to prevent unauthorized pur- 
chases of supplies and equipment from persons in the Army and Navy 
prescribed. M 121; 1911 PCR 612; V PCRec 114. 

1434: Nov. 17 Richard W. Barkley made eligible for reinstatement as 
examiner in the Patent Office without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1912 CSR 142. 

1435: Nov. 18 Canal Zone Laws, Act No. 2, pertaining to notaries pub- 
lic, Sections 1 and 2, amended. M 122; 1911 PCR 612. 

1436: Nov. 20 Fort Assinniboine Military Reservation, Mont., placed 
under the control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

1437: Nov. 23 Certain described lands near the Albay Province, Luzon, 
P. I., Regan Barracks Military Reservation, reserved as a target range 
for said Reservation and for other military purposes. 

1438: Nov. 23 Portion of the military telegraph right-of-way between 
Hot Springs and Fort Gibbon, Alaska, placed under the control of the 
Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

1439: Nov. 25 Cold Springs Bird Refuge, Oreg., enlarged. 

1440 : Dec. 4 Salaries of the American Section of the International Joint 
Commission on United States-Canada boundary waters prescribed. 

1441 : Dec. 4 Bell Mountain Administrative Site, Idaho, reserved for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Lemhi National Forest. 

1442 : Dec. 5 Charles W. Carson made eligible for classification and 
transfer from the Philippines to the United States without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1912 CSR 142. 

1443: Dec. 9 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to certification], Sec- 
tion 1, [Clause] (c), amended as to the probationary period. 



1444: Dec, 9 Civil Service Rule XII, pertaining to removals and reduc- 
tions, amended. 

1446: Deo. 14 Thomas Dawson made eligible for appointment as watch- 
man in the Lighthouse Service, Commerce and Labor Dept., without re- 
gard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 CSR 143. 

1446: Deo. 16 Certain lands of the Salt Lake City Land District, Utah, 
together with the business and archives pertaining thereto, transferred to 
the Vernal Land District. 

1447: Dec. 16 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for classifica- 
tion. IR28;HIK669. 

1448: Dec. 16 E. 0. [1420] of Oct 14, 1911, prohibiting the unlicensed 
practic of medicine, surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, and midwifery, in the 
Canal Zone, amended. M 123 ; 1911 PCR 613 ; V PCRec 154. 

1448: Dec. 29 Compensation for members of the commission to investi- 
gate questions pertaining to the issuance of stocks and bonds by railroad 
corporations prescribed. 

1460: Dec. 29 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for a 
target range for the Fort Bliss Military Reservation, Tex. 

1461: Dec. 30 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to certification], Sec- 
tion 1, Clauses (a) and (b), amended as to the certification and appoint- 
ment of rural mail carriers. Feb. 1912 CSA 33-June 1937 CSA 31 ; 1912 
CSR 137. 


1462: Jan. 2 Drew Administrative Site, S. Dak., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Harney National Forest. 

1463 : Jan. 4 Diamond Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Helena National Forest. 

1464: Jan. 6 Qeyser Springs Administrative Site, Wyo., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Bonneville National 

1466: Jan. 6 Riverview Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Nezperce (sic) National 

1466: Jan. 6 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the use of 
the Navy Dept. as a wireless telegraph station. 

[127 ] 


1467: Jan. 9 Jaul Brosig made eligible for reinstatement as a classified 
draftsman in the Fortification Division of the Isthmian Canal Commis- 
sion without regard to Civil Service Rules. M 1912 CSR 143 ; M 123. 

1458: Jan. 11 Forrester Island Reservation, within the boundaries of 
the Tongass National Forest, Alaska, established as a preserve and breed- 
ing ground for native birds. 

1469: Jan. 11 Hazy Islands Reservation, within the boundaries of the 
Tongass National Forest, Alaska, established as a preserve and breeding 
ground for native birds. 

1460: Jan. 11 Charles S. Heinline made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Government Printing Office and transfer to clerk in the Indian Field 
Service at Spokane, Wash., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 
CSR 143. 

1461 : Jan. 11 Niobrara Reservation, Nebr., established as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds. 

1462: Jan. 12 Florence £. Mole made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Office of the Collector of Internal Revenue at Baltimore, Md., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 CSR 143. 

1463: Jan. 12 Canal Zone Regulations governing a census to be taken 
by the Civil Administration Dept. of the Isthmian Canal Commission pre- 
scribed. M 124; 1911 PCR 613; V PCRec 185. 

1464: Jan. 13 Clear Lake Reservation Bird Refuge, Calif., diminished. 

1466: Jan. 17 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for the use and 
benefit of the Indians on the public domain in said State. IR 169; III 

1466: Jan. 24 Pembrook B. Banton made eligible for reinstatement as 
clerk with the Isthmian Canal Commission without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1912 CSR 143; M 125. 

1467: Feb. 1 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfers], amended 
to renumber Section 11 as Section 4, and to revoke former Section 4 per- 
taining to pension-examining surgeons. 1912 CSR 132. 

1463: Feb. 6 Canal Zone Regulations to provide an inexpensive method 
for the administration of estates of deceased and insane employees of the 
Canal Zone Government or the Panama Railroad Co. prescribed ; Act No. 
24 of Canal Zone Laws and E. Os. of June 22, 1907,* and of July 21, 
1909,* amending said Act, revoked. M 126; 1911 PCR 615; 1912 PCR 
617; V PCRec 209. 

* Not Numbered Orders. 


1469: Feb. 7 John La Pon, Jr., made eligible for reinstatement as lum- 
berman in the Forest Service, Agriculture Dept., without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1912 CSR 143. 

1470: Feb. 8 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to certification], Section 
1, [Clause] (c), amended as to regulations governing employees during 
the probationary period. 

1471: Feb. 8 Civil Service Rule XII, pertaining to removals and reduc- 
tions, amended. 1912 CSR 132. 

1472: Feb. 14 Executive Civil Service employees residing in certain in- 
corporated specified municipalities in Maryland and Virginia permitted 
to hold municipal office in such localities. 1912 CSR 138. 

1473: Feb. 16 John Lewis Donovan made eligible for appointment in 
the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 CSR 144. 

1474: Feb. 16 Malachite Administrative Site, Colo., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the San Isabel National Forest. 

1475: Feb. 17 Apache National Forest, Ariz., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to the White Mountain Apache Indian Reservation. 

1476: Feb. 17 Carson National Forest, N. Mex., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. IR 
124; HI K 684. 

1477: Feb. 17 Crook National Forest, Ariz., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to the White Mountain Apache Indian Reservation. 
IR37 ; mK672. 

1478: Feb. 17 Sequoia National Forest, Calif., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to the Tule River Indian Reservation. IR 63 ; III 

1479: Feb. 17 Sitgreaves National Forest, Ariz., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to the White Mountain Apache Indian Reserva- 
tion. IR37;IHK672. 

1430: Feb. 17 Trinity National Forest, Calif., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation. IR 39; 
IH K 674. 

1481: Feb. 17 Alamo National Forest, Calif., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands .restored to the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation. IR 
120; IH K 685. 

[ 129] 


1482: Feb. 17 Zuni National Forest, Ariz, and N. Mex., diminished, and 
the excluded lands restored to the Navajo and Zuni Indian Reservations. 
IR22; IIIK 686. 

1488: Feb. 17 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
the operation of E. 0. [1284] of Jan. 16, 1911, and restored to the Navajo 
Indian Reservation to admit consummation of an exchange of lands. IR 

1484: Feb. 19 Embree E. Hoss, Jr., made eligible for appointment as 
post office inspector without examination. 1912 CSR 144. 

1485: Feb. 20 E. Os. of Aug. 25, 1877, # Mar. 9, 1881,* and Dec. 29, 1891, # 
reserving certain described lands in California for Indian purposes, 
amended to restore portions of said lands to the public domain for pur- 
poses of settlement and entry. IR 53 ; III E 676. 

* Not Numbered Orders. 

I486: Feb. 21 Minidoka Reservation Bird Refuge, Idaho, enlarged. 

1487: Feb. 21 Green Bay Reservation, on Hog Island at the entrance to 
Qreen Bay, Wis., established as a preserve and breeding ground for 
native birds. 

1488: Feb. 23 Edward W. Cady made eligible for reinstatement as ex- 
aminer in the Patent Office without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1912 CSR 144. 

1489: Feb. 28 Canal Zone Traffic Regulations prescribed and E. 0. of 
Feb. 27, 1908 establishing speed limitations for vehicles in the Canal 
Zone, repealed. M 128; 1911 PCR 617; V PCRec 239. 

1480: Feb. 29 William Langley, special agent in the Census Bureau, 
made eligible for appointment as clerk in the classified service of said 
Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 CSR 144. 

1491: Mar. 1 Portion of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, S. Dak., 
transferred from the Black Hills Land District to the Chamberlain Land 
District, and the business and archives pertaining thereto transferred 
from the Rapid City Land Office to the Chamberlain Land Office. 

1492: Mar, 1 Compensation for Associate Justice Charles E. Hughes, 
Dr. A. Lawrence Lowell, and Harry A. Wheeler, as members of the Com- 
mission to investigate second-class mail costs prescribed. 

1493: Mar. 1 Compensation for Daniel L. Cease as a member of the 
Commission to investigate employers' liability and workmen's compen- 
sation prescribed. 



1404: Mar. 11 Compensation for certain members of the commission to 
investigate second-class mail costs prescribed ; £. 0. 1492 of Mar. 1* 1912, 
amended at the insistence of Mr. Hughes. 

1405: Mar. 11 Hunter's Bock, off the coast of California, reserved for 
the use of the Smith River Indians and for other purposes authorized 
by the Interior Sec'y. IR 61; III K 676. 

1406: Mar. 11 Certain described lands in California reserved for allot- 
ment to the Indians located thereon. IR 53; III E 677. 

1407: Mar. 15 Government employees in the District of Columbia 
granted half holiday, March 23, to attend the U.S.S. Maine memorial 

1408: Mar. 15 Surgeon General of the Public Health Bureau and Marine 
Hospital Service directed to instigate an inspection of sanitary condi- 
tions in all buildings used by the Executive Departments in the District 
of Columbia, except those of the Navy and War Depts., and to report 

1400: Mar. 16 Lists of papers to be disposed of by the several Execu- 
tive Depts. ordered submitted to the Librarian of Congress for his in- 
spection and advice as to papers of historical interest worth preserving. 

1500: Mar. 20 Rock Creek Administrative Site, Mont., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Cabinet National Forest. 

1501 : Mar. 23 Charles W. Rider made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Post Office Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service 
or other reinstatement provisions. 1912 CSR 144. 

1602: Mar. 23 Alder Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Jefferson National Forest. 

1503: Mar. 23 Carney Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Madison National Forest. 

1504: Mar. 25 Weeping Child Administrative Site, Mont., reestablished 
for use as a ranger station in the administration of the Bitterroot Na- 
tional Forest. 

1505: Mar. 26 Portion of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, N. 
Dak., situated within the Bismarck, Dickinson, and Williston Land Dis- 
tricts, transferred, together with the business and archives pertaining 
thereto, to the Minot Land District. 

1506: Mar. 26 J. C. Wilson made eligible for reinstatement as store- 
keeper-ganger in the Internal Revenue Service without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1912 CSR 145. 



1507: Mar. 27 Portion of the Barracks Lot Military Reservation, Island 
of Oahu, Honolulu, T. H., restored to the Qovernment of the Territory 
of Hawaii for use as an armory site for the organized militia. 

1608: Mar. 30 Y. Tsenshan Wang made eligible for appointment as a 
field assistant in the Geological Survey without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1912 CSR 145. 

1509 : Mar. 30 Andrew M. Latham made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1912 CSR 145. 

1510: Apr. 1 Lincoln National Forest, N. Mex., diminished and the 
excluded lands reserved for military purposes. 

1511 : Apr. 1 Katka Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Pend Oreille National Forest. 

1512: Apr. 1 Certain lands on Near Island, off the northeastern shore 
of Kodiak Island, Alaska, reserved for the use of the Agriculture Dept. 
as a temporary pasture and animal quarantine station. 

1513: Apr. 1 Certain described lands on Kodiak Island, Alaska, front- 
ing on Kalsin Bay, reserved for the use of the Agriculture Dept. as an 
experiment station. 

1514: Apr. 8 Communications by civil service employees to Congress 
regarding public business ordered transmitted through department heads ; 
E. Os. [163] of Jan. 31, 1902, [402] of Jan. 25, 1906, and [1142] of Nov. 
26, 1909, superseded. Sept. 1914 CSA 61-June 1927 CSA 41; 1912 CSR 
139; VPCRec320. 

1515: Apr. 9 Margaret C. Leonard made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the War Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 
CSR 145. 

1516: Apr. 10 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VIII, on Interior Dept. positions, 
amended as to confidential inspectors in the Office of the Sec'y. 1912 
CSR 134. 

1517: Apr. 13 Certain described lands in California reserved for Indian 
use. Ill K 677. 

1518: Apr. 13 Part of the Flathead Indian Reservation, Mont., reserved 
for examination and classification. IR 53; III K 680. 

1519: Apr. 17 Canal Zone Regulations governing trespassing upon 
Canal Zone or Panama R. R. Co. property prescribed. M 129; 1911 PCR 
617; V PCRec 295. 



1620: Apr. 20 Certain described tract of land near Ketchikan, on 
Tongass Narrows, Revillagigedo Island, Alaska, reserved for lighthouse 

1521 : Apr. 22 Charles H. Qnackenbnsh made eligible for reinstatement 
in the Railway Mail Service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 
CSR 146. 

1622 : Apr. 24 Certain described lands in California reserved for Indian 
use. IR53; III K 675. 

1628: Apr. 29 Harney National Forest, S. Dak., diminished by the ex- 
clusion of certain school sections. 

1624: Apr. 30 Commander Homer C. Poundstone, U. S. Navy, retired, 
made eligible for employment on the rolls of the Civil Service Commis- 
sion without examination. 1912 CSR 146. 

1626: Apr. SO Portland cement purchased by the Government required 
to conform to the specifications set by the departmental conference on 
Feb. 13, 1912. 

1626: Hay 3 Certain described* lands in New Mexico reserved for the 
use of the Agriculture Dept. as an experiment station for improvement 
of native pastures and the breeding of horses for military purposes. 

1627: Hay 3 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to certification], Para- 
graph 1, Clause (c), amended as to the duration probationary period. 
1911 CSR 133. 

1628: May 9 Grey Bull Administrative Site, Wyo., reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Shoshone National Forest. 

1629: Hay 9 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 
investigation of their suitability for allotment to homeless Paiute or other 
Indians living on or adjacent to said lands. IR 54 ; III K 677. 

1630: May 10 Louise Lester made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the classified civil service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 
CSR 146. 

1631: May 11 Portion of the Punchbowl Hill Military Reservation, 
Oahu, T. H., restored to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii for 
park purposes. 

1632: May 21 E. O. [1353] of May 13, 1911, providing for the collec- 
tion of a distillation tax in the Canal Zone, further amended. M 130; 
1911 PCR 618; V PCRec 327. 



1633: Hay 27 Walter L. Barnum made eligible for reinstatement to a 
clerical position in the classified service without regard to length of sep- 
aration from the service. 1912 CSR 146. 

1534: May 28 Wesley M. Featherly made eligible for reinstatement 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 1912 CSR 146. 

1635: Hay 28 Coldspring Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Targhee National Forest. 

1536: Hay 28 Taylor Creek Administrative Site, Oreg., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Siskiyou National Forest. 

1537: Hay 28 Roosevelt Annex Administrative Site, Ariz., created for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Coronado National 

1533: Hay 28 Certain described lands in Pinal County, Ariz., reserved 
for use of the Papago and other Indians. IR 24 ; IV K 1005. 

1539: Hay 29 Certain described lands in Tooele County, Utah, reserved 
for use of the Indians on the public domain in said State. IR 168. 

1540: Hay 29 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for use of 
the Walapai Indians. IR 15. 

1541: Hay 29 Civil and Spanish-American War veterans given special 
preference in Decoration Day holiday granted Government employees. 

1542: June 5 Arthur S. Blum made eligible for reinstatement as pho- 
tographer in the Forest Service without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1912 CSR 146. 

1543: June 6 Margaret A. Hampton, temporary clerk, made eligible for 
appointment as clerk in the classified service without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1912 CSR 146. 

1544: June 11 May Stanley made eligible for appointment to a position 
in the classified service without examination. 1912 CSR 147. 

1545: June 12 Certain lands in Brownsville, Tex., reserved for the use 
of the Agriculture Dept. as a plant introduction garden and for experi- 
ments in the feeding of cactus to cattle. 

1546: June 15 Oscar Wenderoth made eligible for reinstatement in the 
classified service as supervising architect without regard to length of 
separation from service. 1912 CSR 147. 

1547: June 19 Eight-hour day suspended as to contracts for construc- 
tion of the Isthmian Canal. M 130 ; V PCRec 367. 



1548: June 19 John G. Lerch made eligible for appointment as private 
sec'y to Eugene G. Hay, member of the General Appraisers Board, with- 
out examination. 1912 CSR 147. 

1549: June 19 M. M. Dodge made eligible for transfer from the posi- 
tion of clerk in the War Dept. to naturalization examiner at Pittsburgh, 
Pa. 1912 CSR 147. 

1550: June 19 Sevier National Forest, Utah, diminished. 

1551 : June 19 Divide Administrative Site, Mont., created for use in the 
proposed sale of timber from the Deerlodge National Forest. 

1552: June 19 Whitetail Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Deerlodge National Forest. 

1553: June 19 Rebel Creek Administrative Site, Nev., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Santa Rosa National 

1554: June 19 Charles W. Cobb, Assistant Attorney General, desig- 
nated to act as Interior Sec'y during the absence of said Sec'y. 

1555: June 19 Certain lands in the Tongass National Forest, surround- 
ing Hydaburg village, Alaska, reserved for the use of the Hydah Indians 
and other natives of indigenous Alaskan race. 

1556: June 24 Specifications for National Flags and Union Jacks for 
Government Departments prescribed. 

1557: July 3 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for military 

1558: July 6 Certain described lands in Tripp County, S. Dak., re- 
served for Indian school and administrative purposes. Ill K 689. 

1559: July 6 Fort Armstrong Military Reservation, Kaakaukukui Reef, 
Honolulu, T. H., enlarged. 

1560: July. 10 Rico Sarco Administrative Site, N. Mex., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Pecos National Forest. 

1561 : July 10 Leroy A. McGee made eligible for reinstatement as post 
office inspector without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1912 CSR 147. 

1562: July 12 Fourteen specified Tariff Board employees made eligible 
for transfer or appointment to the classified service. 1912 CSR 148. 

1563: July 18 Redding Land Office, Calif, abolished and its business 
and archives transferred to the Sacramento Land Office. 



1664: July 19 Nine Mile Administrative Site, Mont., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Lolo National Forest. 

1566: July 19 Butterfly Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Bitterroot National Forest. 

1666: July 19 Dorsey E. Phillips made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1912 CSB 148. 

1667: July 19 Heads of Executive Depts. ordered to obtain certain in- 
formation on the archives of the offices under their jurisdiction and to 
transmit said information to the Librarian of Congress. 

1668: July 23 Baker Administrative Site, Utah, enlarged by the reser- 
vation of certain lands as an addition to the Baker Ranger Station for 
use in the administration of the La Sal National Forest. 

1669: July 23 Isaac D. Laferty, made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Pensions Bureau, Interior Dept., without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1912 CSR 148. 

1670: July 26 James D. Goldsby, former superintendent of the West- 
port Station in the Kansas City, Mo., post office made eligible for rein- 
statement without regard to length of separation from the service. 1912 
CSR 148. 

1671: July 27 Richard T. Underwood made eligible for promotion from 
assistant messenger to clerk in the Post Office Dept. without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1912 CSR 148. 

1672: July 30 Three Forks Administrative Site, Colo., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Rio Grande National 

1673: July 31 Mingo Sanders made eligible for appointment as mes- 
senger in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1912 CSR 149. 

1574: Aug. 1 Federal per diem employees and other day laborers ex- 
cused from work on Labor Day. 

1676: Aug. 10 George H. Getz made eligible for reinstatement to a 
position in the Pension Office without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1912 CSR 149. 

1676: Aug. 13 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation for their proper disposal. 

1677; Aug. 13 Aliso Administrative Site, Calif., created for use in the 
administration of the Cleveland National Forest.: 



1678 : Aug. 13 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved pending leg- 
islation for the inclusion of said lands within a national forest. 

1579: Aug. 19 Portion of Fort Duchesne Military Reservation, Utah, 
placed under the control of the Interior Dept. for disposal. Ill K 691. 

1680: Aug. 21 Commerce and Labor Sec '7 authorized to employ ma- 
chinists, tool-makers, electricians, and apprentices needed to meet emer- 
gencies in the Machine Shop of the Census Bureau without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1912 CSR 139. 

1681 : Aug. 23 Sadie A. Wright made eligible for appointment as char- 
woman in any Executive Department without regard to the Labor Regu- 
lations. 1912 CSR 149. 

1682: Aug. 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision II, on State Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 2 amended to except assistant solicitors, 14 persons employed 
under the Act of Aug. 5, 1909, for the advancement of commercial in- 
terests, made eligible for appointment in said Dept. without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1912 CSR 134. 

1683: Aug. 24 E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, County, or municipal 
Government, waived as to such temporary offices as townmeeting mod- 
erators. 1912 CSR 139. 

1684: Aug. 24 E. O. of Dec. 5, 1911,* creating Alaskan Withdrawal No. 
1, modified pending classification and legislation affecting said lands. 
* Not a Numbered Order. 

1686: Aug. 24 View Administrative Site, Ariz., reserved for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Crook National Forest. 

1686: Aug. 24 Commissioner of Pensions directed to employ as clerks 
the 30 persons named in a letter of the Treasury Sec'y> and heretofore 
employed in the Office of the Auditor for the Post Office Dept., said per- 
sons to be eligible for reinstatement in the Treasury Dept. 1912 CSR 

1687: Aug. 24 D. K. Tuttle, Joseph W. Milsom, and £. R. Leach made 
eligible for appointment as superintendents of the melting and refining 
depts. of the Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco Mints, respec- 
tively, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 CSR 149. 

1688: Aug. 24 Position of special employee in the Internal Revenue 
Service classified. 1912 CSR 140. 

}689: Aug. 24 Rainy Creek Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Palisade National Forest. 



1590: Aug. 24 Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, Chief of Staff, designated to 
act as Sec'y of War during the absence of the Sec'y and Assistant Sec'y 
of War. 

1691 : Aug. 26 William W. Dyar, excepted employee in the Forest Serv- 
ice, Agriculture Dept., made eligible for retention and directed to be 
paid from the appropriation for law clerk. 1912 CSR 149. 

1592 : Aug. 26 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision I [on positions in the entire 
classified service], amended to add Paragraph 15, excepting positions of 
unusual character as to duties or compensation : Subdivision IX [on Agri- 
culture Dept. positions], amended as to field, local, and part-time agents 
and experts. 

1593: Aug. 26 One-hundred and fifteen excepted agents and experts 
in the Agriculture Dept., especially recommended by the Agriculture by 
the Agriculture Sec'y> made eligible for transfer to competitive positions 
in said Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 CSR 134. 

1594: Aug. 31 Lillian £. Clark made eligible for reinstatement to a 
clerical position in the Office of Indian Affairs without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1912 CSR 149. 

1595: Aug. 31 Camp Overton Military Reservation, Province of Moro, 
Mindanao, P. I., enlarged. 

1596: Sept. 2 G. M. Davison made eligible for reinstatement as store- 
keeper-gauger in the Internal Revenue Service without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1912 CSR 150. 

1597: Sept 2 Fitzhugh Springs Addition Administrative Site, Calif., 
created for use as a ranger station in the administration of the Modoc 
National Forest, 

1598: Sept 2 £. O. 1538 of May 28, 1912, reserving certain described 
lands in Pinal County, Ariz., for the Papago and other Indians, amended 
to exclude therefrom certain lands reserved for the Maricopa Band of 
the Papago Indians. Ill K 672. 

1599: Sept 7 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved pending leg- 
islation [to grant to Denver, Colo., for park purposes]. 

1600: Sept 7 Trail Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Caribou National Forest. 

l55l:Sept. 7 James B. Brunemer made eligible for appointment as 
watchman in the Government Printing Office; 1912 CSR 150. 



1602: Sept. 7 Mabel Hiatt made eligible for appointment to a clerical 
position in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1911 CSB 150. 

1603: Sept. 7 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 
determination of their suitability for allotment to the Paiute or other 
Indians living on or adjacent thereto. Ill E 678. 

1604: Sept. 12 George E. Long made eligible for promotion from mes- 
senger to a minor clerical position in the Insular Affairs Bureau, War 
Dept., without examination. 1912 CSR 150. 

1605: Sept 12 Canal Zone Regulations consolidating the Administra- 
tive District of Oorgona and the district court thereof with that of Em- 
pire ; governing the designation of active judges of district courts during 
the absence of the regular judges; and enlarging the Cristobal Admin- 
istrative District, prescribed. M 130; 1912 PCR 614; IV PCRec 47. 

1606: Sept 16 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for allot- 
ment to Indians. Ill E 682. 

1607: Sept 16 Internal Revenue Collection District of South Carolina 
consolidated with the 4th District of North Carolina; Wheeler Martin 
designated collector. 

1608: Sept. 17 Fourth Internal Revenue Collection District of Calif- 
ornia consolidated with the 1st District; August E. Muenter designated 

1600: Sept 17 George S. Livingston made eligible for reinstatement in 
the Pension Office without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1912 CSR 150. 

1610: Sept 17 Camp John Hay Military Reservation, Baguio, Moun- 
tain Province, Luzon, P. I., modified by the addition of certain lands and 
by the exclusion of certain other lands restored to the Government of 
the Philippines. 

1611: Sept. 19 Liberty Administrative Site, Wash., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Wenatchee National Forest. 

1612: Sept. 21 R. A. Kirk made eligible for appointment as deputy col- 
lector of internal revenue without examination. 1912 CSR 150. 

1613 : Sept 23 Foreign vessels prohibited from entering certain speci- 
fied [naval base] harbors outside the continent and United States except 
by special authority of the Navy Dept. 

1614: Sept. 23 Additional pay for enlisted men of the Marine Corps 
detailed as gun captains prescribed. 



1615: Sept. 23 Fourth Internal Revenue Collection District of Texas 
consolidated with the 3rd District; Webster Flanagan designated col- 

1616: Sept. 80 George E. Long made eligible for promotion from mes- 
senger to a clerkship of the lowest class in the Insular Affairs Bureau, 
War Dept., without examination. 1912 CSR 150. 

1617: Sept. 30 Military reservations of Camp Jossman, Island of Gui- 
maris, and Camp Wilhelm, Lucena, Tayabas Province, Luzon, P. I., abol- 
ished and the lands restored to the Government of the Philippines. 

1618: Sept. 80 Twelfth Internal Revenue Collection District of Penn- 
sylvania consolidated with the 9th District ; Henry L. Hershey designated 

1619: Oct. 2 Sublunary Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Pend Oreille National For- 

1620: Oct. 4 John K. Robinson made eligible for reinstatement as a 
printer in the Weather Bureau without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1912 CSR 151. 

1621: Oct 8 E. O. 1538 of May 28, 1912, reserving certain described 
lands in Pinal County, Ariz., for the use of the Papago Indians, amended 
to exclude a certain portion of said lands ; £. O. 1598 of Sept. 2, 1912, 
amending said order to exclude certain lands reserved for the use of the 
Maricopa Indians, revoked. Ill K 673. 

1622: Oct. 11 Oregon National Forest, Oreg., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands reserved for classification and eventual restoration to set- 

1623 : Oct. 11 Dome Mountain Administrative Site, Mont., created for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Absaroka National 

1624: Oct. 15 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VII [on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 4 amended to except "all employees on star routes 
and in post offices of the third and fourth classes, other than postmasters 
of the fourth class except those in Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Porto Rico, 
and Samoa." 

1625: Oct. 17 Charles A. Bronson made eligible for reinstatement as 
assistant postmaster at Albion, N. Y., without regard to length of sep- 
aration from the service. 1913 CSR 116. 

1626: Oct. 17 Boundaries of the Station B Administrative Site, Palisade 
National Forest, Idaho, modified. 



1627: Oct. 18 Ulysses S. Price made eligible for appointment to the 
position of deputy shipping commissioner without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1913 CSR 117. 

1628: Oct 19 Fort Pikit and Fort Reina Regente Military Reservations, 
Cotabato, Moro Province, Mindanao, P. I., created. 

1629: Oct. 19 Siassi Military Reservation, Moro Province, P. I., en- 

1630: Oct. 28 Louis R. Krumm made eligible for appointment as chief 
inspector of the Radio Division of the Navigation Bureau, Commerce and 
Labor Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 117. 

1681: Oct. 28 DeLorma A. Morrow made eligible for appointment as 
special agent in the Corporations Bureau without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1912 CSR 117. 

1632: Oct. 28 Moapa River Indian Reservation, Nev., enlarged. Ill 

1633: Oct. 28 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved as a rifle 
range for the use of the National Guard. 

1634: Oct. 28 Sawyer Administrative Site, Utah, created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Dixie National Forest. 

1635: Oct. 28 Guy Emerson made eligible for appointment as special 
agent in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 
CSR 117. 

1636: Oct. 29 £. 0. Merchant made eligible for appointment as special 
agent in the Corporations Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1913 CSR 117. 

1637: Oct. 29 Specifications for National Flags and Union Jacks, as 
prescribed by E. O. [15561 °f June 24, 1912, revoked, and new specifica- 
tions prescribed. 

1638: Nov. 1 Mrs. Robert L. Bowman made eligible for appointment as 
matron in the Indian Service without examination. 1913 CSR 117. 

1639: Nov. 8 Penal sum of the bond of the receiver of public moneys 
at Great Falls, Mont., fixed at $30,000. 

1640: Nov. 8 Deep Creek Administrative Site, Mont., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Helena National Forest. 

1641 : Nov. 8 Deer Lick Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Payette National Forest. 



1642: Nov. 14 Niobrara Reservation, Neb., reestablished as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds. 

1643: Nov. 14 American Fork Administrative Site, Mont., created for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Absaroka National 

1644: Nov. 19 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VIII, on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to except all employees of the Neopit Lumber Mills, on 
the Menominee Indian Reservation, "Wis. 1913 CSR 112. 

1646: Nov. 22 County of Miami transferred from the 10th Internal 
Revenue Collection District of Ohio to the 1st District. 

1646: Nov. 23 Little Walnut Administrative Site, Ariz., created for use 
in the administration of the Tonto National Forest. 

1647: Nov. 23 Ashland Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Custer National Forest. 

1648: Nov. 23 Vernal Land Office,' Utah, abolished and business and 
archives pertaining thereto transferred to the Salt Lake City Land 

1649: Nov. 26 Moapa River Indian Reservation, Nev., modified. HI K 

1650: Nov. 27 William R. Carpenter made eligible for appointment to 
a clerical position in the Post Office Dept. without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1913 CSR 118. 

1661 : Nov. 27 George W. Baptist . made eligible for transfer from la- 
borer to a classified position of the subclerical grade in the Custom House 
at New York, N. Y., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 

1662: Nov. 29 George H. Hamilton made eligible for appointment as 
assistant postmaster at Newark, Ohio, without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1913 CSR 118. 

1663: Dec. 3 W. B. Johnson made eligible for reinstatement to a posi- 
tion in the General Land Office without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1913 CSR 118. 

1664: Dec. 3 Louis H. Eberlein made eligible for reinstatement to a 
classified position in the Customs Service at New York, N. Y., without 
regard to length of separation from the service. 1913 CSR 118. 



1665: Dec. 5 Certain described lands in Arizona, reserved by E. O. 
1374 of June 16, 1911, for the use of the Papago Indians, restored to the 
public domain, and certain other lands reserved for said purpose. HI 

1666: Dee. 6 Isthmian Canal Commission authorized to take title to all 
lands and lands under water in the Canal Zone necessary for the con- 
struction and maintenance of the Panama Canal. M 132 ; 1912 PCR 614 ; 
VI PCRec 135. 

1667: Dec. 7 Dorsey £. Phillips made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position or as immigrant inspector in the classified service with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 118. 

1668: Dec. 7 Chemisso Island Reservation, Alaska, created as a pre- 
serve and breeding ground for native birds. 

1659: Dec. 7 Positions of artisan and supervisory artisan in the Navy 
Dept. placed in the classified service. Sept. 1914 CSA 67-June 1937 CSA 
63; 1913 CSR 115. 

1660: Dec. 10 Alta Administrative Site, Mont., as created by Interior 
Sec'y's order of Dec. 16, 1908, for use as a ranger station in the admin- 
istration of the Bitterroot National Forest, enlarged. 

1661 : Dec. 12 Certain described lands in Port Angeles, Wash., reserved 
for a Federal building site to be under the control of the Treasury Dept., 
and certain other lands reserved for the use of the Weather Bureau 
and Forest Service of the Agriculture Dept. 

1662: Dec. 14 Alice Engle made eligible for appointment to a clerical 
position in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1913 CSR 119. 

1668: Dec. 16 Guy Emerson made eligible for appointment to a class- 
fied position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

1664: Dec. 17 Pishkun Reservation, Mont., created as a preserve and 
breeding ground for native birds. 

1666: Dec. 17 Charles R. Pickard, temporary special agent in the Cen- 
sus Bureau, made eligible for a classified appointment without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 119. 

1666: Dec. 19 William C. Boutelle made eligible for reinstatement to 
a classified position in the Post Office Dept. without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1913 CSR 119. 

1667: Dec. 19 Thomas E. Price made eligible for promotion from mes- 
senger to clerk in the Post Office Dept. without examination. 1913 CSR 



1668: Dec. 19 Horace P. DeHart made eligible for transfer from the 
excepted position of confidential clerk to the Assistant Interior Sec'y to 
a competitive position in the Interior Dept. without examination. 1913 
CSR 120. 

1669: Dec. 19 Desecheo Island Reservation in Mono Passage, P. R., 
reserved as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds, subject to 
continued use for naval and lighthouse purposes. 

1670: Dec. 80 Samuel £. Fouts made eligible for reinstatement as as- 
sistant examiner in the Patent Office, Interior Dept., without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1913 CSR 120. 

1671 : Dec. 81 W. D. Lundy made eligible for appointment to a clerical 
position without regard to length of separation from the service. 1913 
CSR 120. 

1672: Dec. 81 Petersburg Administrative Site, Alaska, created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Tongass National Forest. 

1673: Dec. 31 Comanche Administrative Site, Utah, created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Dixie National Forest. 

, 1913 

1674: Jan. 1 Dr. Ralph D. Converse made eligible for reinstatement as 
immigrant inspector in the Commerce and Labor Dept. without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 1913 CSR 120. 

1675: Jan. 3 James E. Taylor, former deputy collector of internal rev- 
enue, made eligible for reinstatement in the Internal Revenue Service 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 1913 CSR 121. 

1676: Jan. 8 William B. Kilpatrick made eligible for reinstatement in 
the classified service without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1913 CSR 121. 

1677: Jan. 8 Gallinas Administrative Site, N. Mex., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Lincoln National Forest. 

1678: Jan. 9 Gravel Island Reservation, Lake Michigan, created as a 
preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

1679: Jan. 9 John J. Donahue made eligible for transfer from the ex- 
cepted position of special examiner to a non-excepted position in the 
Pensions Bureau. 1913 CSR 121. 

1680: Jan. 13 Canal Zone regulations governing the inspection of steam 
vessels amended as to issuance of inspection certificates and as to life 
saving equipment. M 132; 1912 PCR 615; VI PCRec 183. 



1681: Jan. 14 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for use of 
the Paiute, Shoshone, and other Indians. Ill K 684. 

1682: Jan. 14 Certain Montana lands reserved for administrative pur- 
poses in connection with the affairs of the Flathead Indians. Ill K 681, 
IV K 1026. 

1683: Jan. 16 Dog Canyon Administrative Site, N. Mex., created for 
use as a stock watering place in the administration of the Lincoln Na- 
tional Forest. 

1684: Jan. 17 Ollie M. Croghan made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Justice Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSB 

1685: Jan. 21 Monico Lopez made eligible for appointment as mes- 
senger in the Office of the Chief of the Army Quartermaster Corps with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSB 121. 

1686: Jan. 21 Regulations governing the kind and quantity of the com- 
ponent articles of the Army ration amended as to the garrison ration, to 
add lard compound as a substitutive article for lard, and as to food for 
troops traveling on Army transports. 

1687: Jan. 24 George J. Bunce made eligible for reinstatement in a 
subclerical position in the Mint and Assay Service without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1913 CSR 122. 

1688: Jan. 24 John Moynihan made eligible for reinstatement as un- 
classified laborer in the Kansas City, Mo., post office without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1913 CSR 122. 

1689: Jan. 24 John Garcin, clerk in the Customs Service at New Or- 
leans, La., made eligible for transfer to clerk in the Forest Service at 
Flagstaff, Ariz. 1913 CSR 122. 

1690: Jan. 24 Mrs. C. E. Jones made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 

1691: Jan. 24 Gertrude Printz made eligible for promotion from sub- 
clerical grade to clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1913 CSR 122. 

1692: Jan. 27 Mabel P. LeRoy, clerk to sign the President's name to 
land patents in the Interior Dept. classified with her position. 

1693: Jan. 27 Laura A. Thompson made eligible for appointment as 
clerk (librarian-translator) in the Children's Bureau, Commerce and 
Labor Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 123. 



1694: Jan. 27 Sum of the penal bond of receiver of public moneys at 
Guthrie, Okla., fixed at $15,000. 

1695: Jan. 29 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 35, amended as 
to bonding of interpreters promoted from the student interpreter corps. 

1696: Feb. 3 Will S. Cox made eligible for reinstatement as railway 
mail clerk in the Post Office Dept. without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1913 CSR 123. 

1697: Feb. 4 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision Y, on Navy Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 5 excepting artisan and supervisory artisan 
positions at the Cavite, Olongapo, and Guantanamo Naval Stations. 1912 
CSR 135. 

1698: Feb. 7 Cyrus F. Adams made eligible for appointment to a com- 
petitive position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1913 CSR 123. 

1699 : Feb* 10 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for use of 
the Navajo Indians. Ill K 673. 

1700: Feb. 10 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for use 
of the Navajo Indians. Ill E 688. 

1701 : Feb. 10 Kansas National Forest, Kan., enlarged. 

1702 : Feb. 12 Certain (Government employees granted leave to attend 
the U.S.S. Maine memorial services, Feb. 15, 1913. 

1703: Feb. 14 Augur Barracks Military Reservation, Jolo, Moro Prov- 
ince, P. I., enlarged. 

1704: Feb. 18 Las Sabanas, C. Z., excepted from provisions of E. O. 
1656 of Dec. 5, 1912, directing the chairman of the Isthmian Canal Com- 
mission to take possession of all privately owned lands in the Canal 
Zone. M133; 1912 PCR 616; VI PCBec 227. 

1705: Feb. 18 All citizens of the United States, employed by the Isth- 
mian Canal Commission, as artisans, having rendered one year's satis- 
factory service on the Isthmus of Panama, made eligible for transfer to 
corresponding positions in the classified service in the United States 
within three years after date of discharge. M 133; 1912 PCR 616; VI 
PCRec 227. 

1706: Feb. 20 E. O. [1648] of Nov. 23, 1912, abolishing the Vernal 
Land Office, Utah, revoked. 



1707: Feb. 20 John Fitzgerald made eligible for promotion from opener 
and packer to merchandise sampler in the Office of the Appraiser of 
Merchandise at New York, N. Y., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1913 CSR 123. 

1708: Feb. 20 Martin J, Murphy made eligible for promotion from sugar 
sampler in the Office of the Appraiser of Merchandise at New York, 
N. Y., to clerk without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 123. 

1709: Feb. 20 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision III, on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to exclude from exception one cashier in each mint, and 
one cashier in the assay office at New York, N. Y. 1912 CSR 135. 

1710: Feb. 20 Dr. David C. Hanawalt made eligible for reinstatement 
as veterinary inspector in the Animal Industry Bureau, Agriculture 
Dept., without regard to length of separation from the service. 1913 
CSR 124. 

1711 : Feb. 21 John S. Beach made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Pension Office, without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1913 CSR 124. 

1712: Feb. 24 Entry into the continental United States of alien laborers 
bearing passports enabling them to go to countries or places other than 
the continental United States, forbidden. M 134; VI PCRec 235. 

1713: Feb. 24 Five specified islands in West Sound, Wash., reserved for 
public purposes. 

1714: Feb. 25 Twenty-one specified employees of the Post Office Serv- 
ice made eligible for retention without classification; Civil Service 
Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions excepted from examination], 
Subdivision VII [on Post Office Dept. positions], amended to eliminate 
Paragraph 3, excepting one private sec'y or confidential clerk to the 
Postmaster at certain post offices. 1912 CSR 136. 

1715: Feb. 25 John J. Farrell made eligible for appointment as letter 
carrier in the Brooklyn, N. Y., post office without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1913 CSR 124. 

1716: Feb. 25 * Findings, conclusions, and acts of commissioners Francis 
M. Corkrell and Sam R. Scott, with respect to the establishment and 
demarcation of the boundary line between New Mexico and Texas, ap- 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

1717: Feb. 26 Chamberlain Land District, S. Dak., abolished, and lands 
and business and archives pertaining thereto, transferred to the Greg- 
ory Land District. 



1718: Feb. 26 Office for the Gregory Land District, S. Dak., removed 
from Gregory to Carter. 

1719: Feb. 26 Certain described lands transferred from the Chamber- 
lain Land District, S. Dak., to the Pierre Land District. 

1720: Feb. 26 Ralph Hoagland made eligible for reinstatement as lab- 
oratory inspector in the Animal Industry Bureau, Dept. of Agriculture, 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 1913 CSR 124. 

1721 : Feb. 26 Matthew A. Henson made eligible for appointment to 
any appropriate position in the classified service without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1913 CSR 124. 

1722: Feb. 26 Charles A. Gibson made eligible for appointment to any 
appropriate position in the Plant Industry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 124. 

1722% : Feb. 26 Canal Zone Regulations governing compensation to in- 
jured employees engaged in sanitation, maintenance, operation, or con- 
struction work on the Canal or the Panama Railroad, prescribed. M 134 ; 
1912 PCR 620; VI PCRec 250. 

1723: Feb. 27 Frank P. Caviezel made eligible for reinstatement as 
special employee in the Internal Revenue Service without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1913 CSR 125. 

1724: Feb. 27 Seward Charles made eligible for appointment as struc- 
tural engineer draftsman in the. office of the Supervising Architect, 
Treasury Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 125. 

1726: Feb. 28 Alexander J. Stormont, clerk to the War Sec'y, made 
eligible for transfer to a clerkship in the competitive classified service 
without examination. 1913 CSR 125. 

1726: Feb. 28 Aaron Burnett, laborer in the Treasury Dept., made eli- 
gible for transfer to any subclerical classified position in said Dept. 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 125. 

1727: Feb. 28 William F. Smith, unclassified assistant chief messenger 
in the Treasury Sec'y's Office, made eligible for transfer to the classified 
service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 125. 

1728: Feb. 23 Federal per diem employee and other day laborers in 
the District of Columbia excused from work on Inauguration Day, Mar. 
4, 1913. 

1729: Mar. 3 Louise F. Bradley made eligible for appointment as char- 
woman in the State, War, and Navy Dept. Building without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 125. 



1730: Mar. 3 Col. Heber M. Creel made eligible for appointment as su- 
pervisor of Indian schools without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 
CSB 126. 

1731: liar. 8 Katherine T. Gerald, temporary employee in the Pen- 
sions Bureau, made eligible for appointment to classified position in said 
Bureau without examination. 1913 CSB 126. 

1732: liar. 8 Alice E. Gibbs made eligible for appointment to a position 
in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 

1733: Mar. 3 Aleutian Islands Reservation, Alaska, created for the 
propagation of reindeer and fur-bearing animals and the development 
of fisheries. 

1734: Mar. 8 Jesse L. Suter, confidential clerk in the Office of the First 
Assistant Postmaster General, made eligible for appointment to a clerical 
position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1913 CSR 127. 

1735: Mar. 3 Thomas Butler, messenger in the Office of the Postmaster 
General, made eligible for appointment as laborer in the classified serv- 
ice without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 126. 

1736: Mar. 8 Joab P. Foster made eligible for reinstatement as veter- 
inary inspector in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1913 CSR 126. 

1737: Mar. 3 Fred Roege, former post office inspector, made eligible 
for reinstatement as assistant postmaster at Pensacola, Fla., without re- 
gard to length of separation from the service. 1913 CSR 127. 

1738: Mar. 8 Charles H. Shaw made eligible for appointment to a class- 
ified position in the Customs Service at New York, N. Y., without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 127. 

1739: Mar. 8 H. Norman Fleming, former copyist, made eligible for 
reinstatement as clerk in the Pension Office without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1913 CSR 126. 

1740: Mar. 3 Catherine Branan made eligible for appointment as char- 
woman in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1913 CSR 125. 

1741 : Mar. 3 Edward Hawkins made eligible for appointment as laborer 
in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 
CSR 126. 

1742: Mar. 3 Cottonwood Administration Site, Utah, created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the La Sal National Forest. 



1743: Mar. 3 Nebo National Forest, Utah, diminished and the excluded 
lands withdrawn for classification and eventual restoration to settlement 
and entry. 

1744: Mar. 10 Mabel P. Leroy, clerk in the Interior Dept., again des- 
ignated to sign the President's name to land patents. 1913 CSR 127. 

1745: Mar. 11 Charles Earl, Solicitor of the Commerce Dept. designated 
to act as Labor Sec'y during the absence of the Labor Sec'y and the 
Assistant Sec'y. 

1746: Mar. 14 E. O. [1438] of Nov. 23, 1911, placing certain lands be- 
tween Hot Springs and Fort Gibbon, Alaska, under the control of the 
Interior Sec'y revoked; and said lands reserved for the use of the Signal 

1747: Mar. 17 Pine Mountain Administrative Site, Oreg., created as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Deschutes National Forest. 

1748: Mar. 18 Edward H. Hayden made eligible for appointment to 
position in the classified service in the Treasury Dept. without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 127. 

1749: Mar. 19 Canal Zone Regulations pertaining to bird protection 
prescribed. M 140; 1912 PCR 616; VI PCRec 271, VII PCRec 5. 

1760: Mar. 19 E. O. 1002 of Jan. 6, 1900, pertaining to the enforcement 
of the Railway Safety Appliance Act, amended to authorize the com- 
mandants of Navy Yards, subject to the approval of the Chief of the 
Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Dept., to determine the extent of the 
application of said Act to equipment and rolling stock at Navy yards. 
M 141; VI PCRec 270. 

1751: Mar. 20 Canal Zone Regulations governing the administration of 
the estates of deceased and insane employees of the Isthmian Canal 
Commission, the Canal Zone, or the Panama Railroad Company, amended. 
M 141; VI PCRec 271. 

1752: Mar. 20 Canal Zone Regulations on foreign corporations pre- 
scribed. M 142; 1912 PCR 619; VI PCRec 271. 

1752%: Mar. 21 E. O. [1718] changing Gregory Land Office to Carter, 
S. Dak., revoked. 

1753: Mar. 22 Martin A. Enapp, presiding judge of the Commerce 
Court designated to exercise for two years the powers conferred upon 
the chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission by "An act con- 
cerning carriers engaged in interstate commerce and their employees.' ' 

1754: Mar. 22 Mary K. Oulick designated land patent signer in the 
Interior Dept. during the absence of the regularly designated clerk. 



1755: Mar. 24 Regulations governing payment of compensation to Isth- 
mian Canal Commission and Panama Railroad Company employees for 
injury or death, as prescribed by E. O. [1722%] of Feb. 26, 1913, sus- 
pended for lack of appropriation, and prior provisions for said purpose 
continued. M 142; 1912 PCR 625; VI PCRec 270. 

1756: Mar. 24 E. 0. [1719] of Feb. 26, 1913, transferring certain lands 
from the Chamberlain Land District, S. Dak., to the Pierre Land District, 
amended to diminish the lands so transferred. 

1757: Mar. 26 Penal bonds of the receivers of public moneys for speci- 
fied places prescribed. 

1758: Mar. 31 Charles P. Neill, Commissioner of Labor Statistics, des- 
ignated to act as Labor Sec'y during the absence of the Labor Sec'y and 
the Assistant Sec'y- 

1750: Apr. 15 Certain described lands in North Dakota, with the busi- 
ness and archives pertaining thereto, transferred from the Fargo Land 
District to the Devils Lake Land District. 

1760: Apr. 15 Fargo Land District, N. Dak., consolidated with the Bis- 
marck Land District. 

1761 : Apr. 15 Maritime quarantine regulations for the Canal Zone and 
the harbors of the cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama, pre- 
scribed. M 143; 1912 PCR 625; VII PCRec 57. 

1762: Apr. 18 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
legislation [to grant them to the State for park purposes]. 

1763: Apr. 21 Walker Lake Reservation, Ark., established as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds. 

1764: Apr. 21 Certain described lands near Kluckwan, Alaska, reserved 
for use of natives of the indegenous Alaskan race. 

1765: Apr. 21 E. 0. 1661 of Dec. 12 1912, reserving certain lands at 
Port Angeles, Wash., for the Treasury Dept., the Forest Service, and the 
Weather Bureau, modified. 

1766: Apr. 21 Theodore T. Kirk made eligible for appointment as me- 
chanical draftsman in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1913 CSR 127. 

1767: Apr. 28 Fort Ruger Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., enlarged. 

1768: Apr. 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination [Subdivision] II, on Interstate 
Commerce Commission positions, amended to add Paragraph 3 to include 



five assistant engineers to be employed under the act of March 1, 1913, 
for valuation purposes. 1913 CSR 115. 

1769: Apr. 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, amended to add Subdivision XII, on Inter- 
state Commerce Commission positions, including three experts to be 
members of an advisory hoard and five members of a board of engineers 
to be employed under the act of March 1, 1913. 1913 CSR 113. 

1770: May 1 Mary E. Netherland made eligible for transfer from clerk 
to sign tribal deeds to a regular clerkship in the Interior Dept. without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 128. 

1771 : May 5 Swend A. Swendsen made eligible for appointment to an 
appropriate position in the competitive classified service without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 128. 

1772: May 6 Certain described lands in California reserved for use of 
the Nevada or Colony Indians. Ill K 678 ; IV K 1013. 

1773: May 6 Certain described lands in Montana transferred, with the 
business and archives pertaining thereto, from the Helena Land District, 
to the Kalispell Land District. 

1774: May 6 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for use 
of the Navajo Indians. Ill E 688. 

1775: May 6 Petit Bois Island Reservation, Gulf of Mexico, established 
as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

1776: May 7 E. Ojj [983 and 1624] of Nov. 30, 1908 and Oct. 15, 1912, 
respectively, governing the appointment of 4th class postmasters, 
amended. 1913 CSR 113. 

1777: May 7 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VII, on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to omit the position of chief post office inspector. 

1778: May 7 Regulations governing the appointment of 4th class post- 
masters, Sections 1, 2, and 7, amended as to offices having an annual com- 
pensation of $180 or less, and to prohibit the appointment of a 4th class 
postmaster where the annual compensation is $500, after he has reached 
his sixty-fifth birthday. 1913 CSR 115. 

1779: May 7 John E. Hollingsworth made eligible for reinstatement as 
post office inspector without regard to length of separation from the serv- 
ice. 1913 CSR 128. 

1780: May 7 Romus F. Stuart made eligible for reinstatement as post 
office inspector without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1913 CSR 128. 



1781 : May 27 Albert Lee Thurman, Solicitor of the Commerce Dept., 
designated to act as Commerce Sec'y daring the absence of the Commerce 
Sec'y and the Assistant Sec'y. 

1782: June 2 Gila River Indian Reservation, Ariz., enlarged. Ill E 673, 
IV K 1002. 

1783: June 5 John B. Densmore, Solicitor of the Labor Dept., designated 
to act as Labor Sec'y during the absence of the Labor Sec'y and the As- 
sistant Sec'y. 

1784: June 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision I [on entire classified service], 
amended to delete the phrase "and confirmed by the Senate" from Para- 
graph 2. 1913 CSR 113. 

1786: June 9 Dr. Park Howell made eligible for a one year appointment 
as acting assistant surgeon in the Public Health Service, Treasury Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 128. 

1786: June 11 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 
classification and legislation for their disposal. Ill K 674, IV K 1003. 

1787: June. 17 T. Tsenshan Wang made eligible for appointment for 
three months as geologic aid by the Geological Survey without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 128. 

1788: June 17 James H. Shirley made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Post Office Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1913 CSR 128. 

1789: June 23 Devils Lake Land District, N. Dak., abolished, and lands, 
business, and archives pertaining thereto transferred to Minot Land Dis- 

1790: June 27 Thomas R. Stewart, messenger boy, made eligible for 
promotion to assistant messenger in the apportioned service in the Office 
of the Commerce Sec'y without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 

1791: June 27 Samuel Myer made eligible for reinstatement in the Gov- 
ernment Printing Office without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1913 CSR 129. 

1792: June SO Canal Zone Regulations providing for jury trials, Para- 
graph 1, amended. M 149; VIPCRec 395. 

1793: July 3 Boulder Creek Administrative Site, Mont., created for use 
as a nursery site in the administration of the Helena National Forest. 

[ 153 ] 


1794: July 3 Certain described lands in Alabama withdrawn pending 
classification and designation as a nucleus for a forest purchase area. 

1795: July 3 James D. Calhoun made eligible for appointment as deputy 
customs collector at Tampa, Fla., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1913 CSR 129. 

1796: July 14 Limestone Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as 
a sheep corral in the administration of the Beartooth National Forest. 

1797: July 15 Regulation governing the kind and quantity of the com- 
ponent articles of the Army ration amended as to substitutive articles for 
lard in the garrison ration. 

1798: July 18 E. 0. 1540 of May 29, 1912, reserving certain lands in 
Arizona for the Walapai Indians, revoked. Ill K 674, IV K 1011. 

1799: July 18 Canyon Creek Administrative Site, Wyo., created as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Shoshone National Forest. 

1800: July 21 Military reservation at the Rapids, Yukon Rim, Alaska, 
placed under control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

1801 : July 21 Fourth Internal Revenue Collection District of Iowa con- 
solidated with the 3d District and designated the District of Iowa ; Louis 
Murphy designated collector. 

1802: July 21 South Carolina detached from the 4th Internal Revenue 
Collection District of North Carolina and constituted the District of South 

1803 : July 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision I [on the entire classified serv- 
ice], amended to except one private secretary or confidential clerk to the 
Public Printer. 1913 CSR 113. 

1804: July 24 Internal Revenue Collection District of Iowa, as desig- 
nated by E. 0. 1801 of July 21, 1913, renamed 3d Internal Revenue Collec- 
tion District of Iowa. 

1805: July 26 William J. Harris, Census Director, designated to act as 
Commerce Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y, the Assistant Sec'y> and 
the Solicitor of the Dept. 

1806: July 26 Camp Downes Military Reservation, Ormoc, Leyte Prov- 
ince, P. I., modified by addition of certain lands and by exclusion of 
certain lands restored to the government of the Philippines. 

1807: July 30 Frank E. Anderson made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Pensions Bureau, Interior Dept., without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1913 CSR 129. 



1808: Aug. 2 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 14, amended to except persons designated as special temporary 
employees for detective work in the Internal Revenue Service. 1913 CSR 

1809: Aug. 6 Thomas H. Vanderford, former deputy collector of internal 
revenue, made eligible for reinstatement in the Internal Revenue Service 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 1913 CSR 130. 

1810: Aug. 7 Canal Zone Regulations governing the use of flying ma- 
chines prescribed. M 150; 1913 PCR560; VI PCRec 440. 

1811: Aug. 9 Sarah A. Prender, skilled laborer in the Post Office Dept., 
made eligible for appointment as clerk in said Dept. without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 130. 

1812: Aug. 9 Richard Lee Metcalfe appointed member of the Isthmian 
Canal Commission. M 150; 1913 PCR 560; VII PCRec 5. 

1813: Aug. 20 Charles M. McCabe made eligible for reinstatement as 
clerk in the Post Office Dept. without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1913 CSR 130. 

1814: Aug. 25 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn for selec- 
tion by the Agriculture Dept. for an elk refuge. 

1815: Aug. 25 Edmond Pawellik made eligible for appointment as gen- 
eral helper in the Navy Yard at Norfolk, Va., without regard to Regula- 
tions Governing Appointments to the Navy Yard Service. 

1816: Aug. 25 Pedro Abrain made eligible for appointment as general 
helper in the Navy Yard at Mare Island, Calif., without regard to Regu- 
lations Governing Appointments to the Navy Yard Service. 

1817: Aug. 29 Canal Zone Regulations pertaining to bail bonds and 
money deposits in lieu thereof prescribed ; Canal Zone Code of Criminal 
Procedure, Section 310, amended. M 151 ; 1913 PCR 561 ; VII PCRec 30. 

1818: Aug. 29 Rio Grande National Forest, Colo., diminished and ex- 
cluded lands withdrawn for classification. 

1819: Sept. 4 Anaho Island Reservation, Pyramid Lake, Nev., estab- 
lished as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. Ill K 684. 

1820: Sept. 4 Nebo National Forest, Utah, diminished by transfer of 
certain lands to the Fillmore National Forest, Utah. 

1821: Sept. 4 Pat O'Keefe made eligible for appointment as deputy col- 
lector of internal revenue without examination. 1913 CSR 130. 



1822: Sept 11 James D. Scott, former clerk, made eligible for reinstate- 
ment in the Railway Mail Service without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1913 CSR 131. 

1828: Sept. 17 Annie S. Renick made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the State Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1912 CSR 131. 

1824: Sept 17 Regulations governing appointment and promotion in 
the Diplomatic and Consular Service amended. 

1825: Sept 17 State Dept. employees in dispatch agencies at New York, 
N. Y., San Francisco, Calif., and New Orleans, La., authorized to accept 
fees for certain specified notarial services. 

1826: Sept 17 Emily W. Matter, temporary clerk, made eligible for ap- 
pointment as clerk in the Coast and Geodetic Survey without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1913 CSR 131. 

1827: Sept 18 David A. Robbins made eligible for reinstatement as let- 
ter carrier without regard to length of separation from the service. 1913 
CSR 131. 

1828: Sept. 18 William B. Oreen made eligible for reinstatement as com- 
positor in the Weather Bureau without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1913 CSR 131. 

1829: Sept 22 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision IX [on Agriculture Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 3 amended to except certain guards and field assistants 
employed during the season of danger from forest fires. 1913 CSR 114. 

1830: Sept 24 Lake Bryant Administrative Site, Fla., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Florida National Forest. 

1881 : Sept 25 Certain lands in Alaska, formerly reserved for military 
telegraph purposes between Fort Oibbon and Hot Springs, placed under 
control of Interior Sec'y for disposal, and certain other lands reserved in 
lieu thereof. 

1882: Sept 25 Canal Zone Regulations pertaining to punishment for 
returning deportees prescribed. M 151 ; 1913 PCR 561 ; VII PCRec 67. 

1883: Sept 29 Certain described lands within the Nebraska National 
Forest, Neb., reserved for disposal as a seat of justice for Arthur County. 

1833%: Sept 30 Use of roller towels and other towels for use of more 
than one person in federal buildings discontinued. 

1834: Oct 1 Mary D. Hanna made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the classified service subject to test of fitness. 1913 CSR 131. 



1835: Oct. 1 Leroy E. Reed, confidential clerk to the Attorney General, 
made eligible for appointment in the classified service in the Justice Dept. 
1913 CSE 132. 

1836: Oct. 1 Boundaries of the Hailey Land District, Idaho, redefined. 

1837: Oct. 14 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision I, on Interior Dept. 
[entire classified service] positions, Paragraph 2 amended to include 
junior clerk, messenger, assistant messenger, and messenger boy in the 
Office of Indian Affairs when filled by Indians. 1913 CSR 115. 

1838: Oct. 16 Sam W. Smiley made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Railway Mail Service without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1913 CSR 132. 

1839: Oct. 17 Mary J. Hooff made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Commerce Dept. without examination. 1913 CSR 132. 

1840: Oct. 17 William J. Levy made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1913 CSR 132. 

1841 : Oct. 21 Emily C. P. Shepperd made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1913 
CSR 132. 

1842: Oct. 21 Monte C. Price, former inspector, made eligible for rein- 
statement in the Postal Service without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1913 CSR 132. 

1843: Oct. 22 Henry J. Cokayne made eligible for reinstatement as mail 
carrier in the Postal Service without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1913 CSR 133. 

1844: Oct. 22 Edward W. Cronin made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Railway Mail Service without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1913 CSR 132. 

1846: Oct. 22 Mary R. Oeddings made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service without examination. 1913 CSR 133. 

1846: Oct. 24 Solon J. Boughton made eligible for reinstatement as as- 
sistant examiner in the Patent Office, Interior Dept., without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1913 CSR 133. 

1847: Oct. 29 John H. Jenkins made eligible for reinstatement as in- 
spector in the Immigration Service without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1913 CSR 133. 



1848: Oct 29 William A. Ryan, formerly with the Interstate Commerce 
Commission, made eligible for appointment as comptroller in the Reclama- 
tion Service. 1913 CSR 133. 

1849: Oct. 29 Spring Valley Administrative Site, Nev., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Nevada National Forest. 

1860: Oct. 29 Three specified North Carolina counties transferred from 
the 4th Internal Revenue Collection District to the 5th District. 

1851: Oct. 29 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision XII, on Interstate Commerce 
Commission positions, Paragraph 1 amended to except five expert mem- 
bers of an advisory board and five members of a board of engineers, and 
to add Paragraphs 3-5 excepting one director, one supervisor of land 
appraisals, and one chief accountant. 1913 CSR 114. 

1862 : Oct. 80 J. Leo Skelly made eligible for appointment as automobile 
expert in the Post Office Dept. without examination. 1913 CSR 134. 

1863 : Oct. 80 Charles J. Brown made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1913 CSR 133. 

1864: Not. 1 Florence Kugler, former temporary employee, made eli- 
gible for appointment as clerk in the Pensions Bureau, Interior Dept., 
without examination. 1914 CSR 120. 

1866: Nov. 3 Camp John Hay Military Reservation, Baguio, Mountain 
Province, Luzon, P. I., enlarged. 

1866: Nov. 6 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 
legislation [to grant them to the city of Denver for a park]. 

1867: Nov. 7 Canal Zone Regulations governing the carrying of arms 
and punishment for violations prescribed. M 152; 1913 PCR 562; VII 
PCRec 123. 

1868: Nov. 8 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 
legislation [authorizing their sale to the city of Montrose for public park 
purposes] . 

1860: Nov. 8 Neil Senter, temporary clerk in the Quartermaster Corps 
at Port Bayard, N. Mex., made eligible for retention without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 121. 

1860: Nov. 11 Canal Zone Regulat ions governing interest rates on loans 
prescribed. M 153; 1913 PCR 563; VII PCRec 123. 



1861 : Nov. 18 George U. Hani, Jr., former assistant observer in the 
Weather Bureau, made eligible for reinstatement in the classified service 
in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1914 CSE 121. 

1862: Nov. 28 Plans for new Federal buildings in the District of Co- 
lumbia which affect the appearance of the City, and cases where any 
question of Art in the Federal Government is concerned, ordered sub- 
mitted to the Commissioners of Fine Arts for their advice and comment. 

1863: Dec. 1 Richard Cullen made eligible for reinstatement in the War 
Dept. and for transfer thereafter without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1914 CSR 121. 

1864: Dec. 1 New Mexico Coal Land Withdrawal No. 1, diminished; 
certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for the San Juan Navajo 
Indian boarding school. IV E 1030. 

1865: Dec. 5 Herbert L. Solyom made eligible for reinstatement as as- 
sistant examiner in the Patent Office without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1914 CSR 122. 

1866: Dec. 5. Eva L. Moran made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the War Dept. without examination. 1914 CSR 121. 

1867: Dec. 10 George P. Herndon, former clerk, made eligible for ap- 
pointment as clerk in the Census Bureau, Commerce Dept., without ex- 
amination. 1914 CSR 122. 

1868: Dec. 15 Sureshot (No. 13) Administrative Site, Mont., created for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Madison National 

1869: Dec. 15 Pagosa Administrative Site, Colo., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the San Juan National Forest. 

1870: Dec. 15 Bongao Military Reservation, Bongao, P. I., abolished, 
and the lands restored to the Government of the Philippines. 

1871 : Dec. 18 Alfred Freeman made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Postal Service without examination. 1914 CSR 122. 

1872: Dec. 22 Mary Hill Dunn made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 122. 

1873: Dec. 22 Herbert L. Halter, former clerk, Navy Dept., made eligible 
for appointment as rural carrier at Hershey, Neb., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1914 CSR 122. 



1874: Dec. 22 Albert E. Brown, classified laborer in the Commerce Dept., 
made eligible for promotion to clerk without examination. 1914 CSR 122. 

1875: Dec. 22 Anita H. Stephens, former assistant librarian in the Sci- 
ence Bureau at Manila, P. I., made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Commerce Dept. without examination. 1914 CSR 123. 


1876: Jan. 14 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for classifica- 
tion and pending legislation for their proper disposal. 

1877: Jan. 14 Allen Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Bitterroot National Forest. 

1878: Jan. 16 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved pending 
legislation to permit their sale to the city of Black Hawk for water supply 

1879 : Jan. 19 Edith P. Johnson made eligible for retention as chief 
operator of a billing machine in the office of the Appraiser of Merchan- 
dise, Port of New York, N. Y., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1914 CSR 123. 

1880: Jan. 21 Canal Zone Regulations pertaining to corrupt influencing 
of agents, employees, or servants, prescribed. M 154 ; 1913 PCR 581 ; VII 
PCRec 229. 

1881: Jan. 24 Francis H. Duehay made eligible for appointment as 
superintendent of prisons in the Justice Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1914 CSR 123. 

1882 : Jan. 24 Eliza Ryon made eligible for reinstatement in the Engrav- 
ing and Printing Bureau without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1914 CSR 123. 

1883: Jan. 24 E. O. [1324%] of Mar. 28, 1911, reserving all public lands 
in Alaska containing medicinal springs, revoked in so far as it applies to 
such lands within national forests. 

1884: Jan. 27 Canal Zone Regulations prohibiting fire hunting at night 
and hunting by means of spring or trap prescribed; E. 0. [1126] of Sept. 
8, 1909, amending Section 454 of the Canal Zone Penal Code, revoked. 
M 155; 1913 PCR 581; VII PCRec 236. 

1885 : Jan. 27 Permanent organization for the completion, maintenance, 
operation, government, and sanitation of the Panama Canal and the gov- 
ernment of the Canal Zone, established. M 155; 1913 PCR 582; VII 
PCRec 235, 

[ 160 ] 


1886: Jan. 30 Musselshell Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Jefferson National Forest. 

1887: Jan. 31 Certain described lands in California [in the Yosemite 
National Park and the Stanislaus National Forest] reserved [as rights- 
of-way in connection with the water supply of the city of San Francisco]. , 

1883: Feb. 2 Regulations governing conditions of employment for the 
permanent force of the Panama Canal prescribed. M 158; 1913 PCR 
584; VIIPCRec228. 

1889: Feb. 3 George D. DeShields made eligible for reinstatement as 
clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1914 CSR 123. 

1890: Feb. 5 Howard L. Strawn, former inspector of paper and ma- 
terial, made eligible for reinstatement in the Government Printing Office. 
1914 CSR 123. 

1891 : Feb. 5 Amount of penal bonds of receivers of public moneys at 30 
designated places fixed. 

1892: Feb. 6 Rose Tyler made eligible for appointment as charwoman 
without regard to standing on the eligible list. 1914 CSR 124. 

1893: Feb. 10 Otis A. Glazebrook made eligible for appointment in the 
Consular Service without regard to the regulations governing appoint- 
ment and promotion in said service. 

1894: Feb. 10 George Tumlin made eligible for appointment as superin- 
tendent of transportation and the farm at the Atlanta Penitentiary with- 
out examination. 1914 CSR 124. 

1895: Feb. 17 Bear Valley Administrative Site, Calif., established for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the California National 

1896: Feb. 24 Fort Yukon Reservation, Alaska, established for the use 
of the Bureau of Education and the natives of Alaska of indigenous race 
residing at Port Yukon village or within said Reservation. 

1897: Mar. 2 Washington [D. C] office of the Panama Canal estab- 
lished, and regulations to provide temporarily for the organization, offi- 
cers and employees, and to continue in force the rules, regulations, and 
Executive Orders made for the Isthmian Canal Commission prescribed. 
M 162 ; 1913 PCR 587 ; VII PCRec 285. 

1898: Mar. 12 Canal Zone judiciary and administrative districts estab- 
lished and regulations governing the operation and jurisdiction of the 
courts prescribed; town limits of Balboa and Cristobal defined. M 163; 
1913 PCR 589; VII PCRec 305. 



1899: Mar. 12 Paulina National Forest, Oreg., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws, from 
9 a.m., May 9, through June 7, 1914, and thereafter to entry and disposal 
under any applicable land law. 

1900: Mar. 12 Deschutes National Forest, Oreg., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws, from 
9 a.m., May 9, through June 7, 1914, and thereafter to entry and disposal 
under any applicable land law. 

1901: Mar. 19 Violet Bacon Foster made eligible for reinstatement in 
the Civil Service Commission and transfer as $lerk to the Foreign and 
Domestic Commerce Bureau without regard to the requirement of six 
months' service preceding transfer. 1914 CSR 124. 

1902: Mar. 20 Canal Zone Regulations governing compensation for in- 
jury or death in line of duty for employees of the Canal or of the Panama 
Railroad prescribed. M 165 ; 1913 PCR 590; VII PCRec 300. 

1903: Mar. 23 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for the Ooshute 
and other Indians. IV E 1048. 

1904: Mar. 23 Kalispel Indian Reservation, Wash., established. IV K 

1905: Mar. 23 Paul F. Myers made eligible for appointment in the office 
of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue without examination. 1914 
CSR 124. 

1906: Mar. 28 Wilbur J. Eeblinger made eligible for appointment in the 
Consular Service without regard to the regulations governing appoint- 
ment and promotion in said Service. 

1907: Mar. 28 Certain described lands of the Seattle Land District, 
Wash., together with the business and archives pertaining thereto, trans- 
ferred to the North Takima Land District. 

1908: Mar. 28 Rainier National Forest, Wash., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws from 
9 a.m., May 9, through June 7, 1914, and thereafter to entry and disposi- 
tion under any applicable land law. 

1909: Mar. SO James L. Murphy, former deputy marshal in the Com- 
merce Court, made eligible for retransf er to the classified service without 
regard to the requirement of six months' service preceding transfer. 1914 
CSR 124. 

1910: Apr. 2 Maud B. Crawford, nee Baggett, draftsman in the Geologi- 
cal Survey, Interior Dept., made eligible for transfer to copyist in tie 
Supplies and Accounts Bureau, Navy Dept., without regard to the re- 
quirement of six months' service preceding transfer. 1914 CSR 124. 



1911: Apr. 7 Certain described lands in California [in the Yosemite 
National Park and the Stanislaus National Forest] reserved [as rights- 
of-way in connection with the water supply of the city of San Francisco]. 

1912: Apr. 13 W. R. P. Thompson, former acting asst. surgeon in 
Mexico, made eligible for appointment in the Public Health Service in the 
United States without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 125. 

1913: Apr. 13 George R. Bennett made eligible for appointment and 
transfer from the excepted position of clerk in the office of the Purchas- 
ing Agent to the non-excepted position of clerk in the Post Office Dept. 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 125. 

1914: Apr. 13 Cleveland National Forest, Calif., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands transferred to the Los Coyotes Mission Indian Reservation. 
IV K 1014. 

1915: Apr. 14 Ada M. Nolan made eligible for reinstatement in a classi- 
fied subclerical grade in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1914 CSR 125. 

1916: Apr. 16 Trust period on allotments of the Sisseton and Wahpeton 
Band of Sioux Indians of the Jjake Traverse Reservation, N. Dak. and 
S. Dak., extended for 10 years. IV K 1046. 

1917: Apr. 16 Canal Zone Regulations pertaining to payment of tolls 
and bills for materials, supplies, repairs, harbor pilotage, and other serv- 
ices furnished to vessels by the Panama Canal, prescribed. M 172 ; 1913 
PCR597; VII PCRec 350. 

1918: Apr. 21 John M. Savage, former vice consul and consul, made 
eligible for appointment in the Consular Service without regard to the 
regulations governing appointment and promotion in said Service. 

1919: Apr. 21 Arkansas National Forest, Ark., diminished and excluded 
lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws, for 28 days 
from the 56th day after the date of this Order, and thereafter, to disposi- 
tion under any applicable land law. 

1919%: Apr. 21 Certain Alaska lands reserved for townsite purposes 
as Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 1. 

1920: Apr. 21 Klawak Reservation, Tongass Forest, Alaska, established 
for the use of the Bureau of Education and the natives of Alaska of 
indigenous race. 

1920%: Apr. 21 Point MacKensie, Point Campbell, Point Possession, 
and Fire Island Military Reservations, Alaska, established. 

[ 163 ] 


1921: Apr. 22 James W. Cole made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Railway Mail Service without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1914 CSE 125. 

1922: Apr. 24 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for the use of 
the Utah National Guard as a target range and as permanent maneuver 

1923: Apr. 25 Virginia Winslow made eligible for appointment as char- 
woman in the War Dept. without regard to the regulations governing the 
employment of laborers in Washington, D. C. 

1924: Apr. 27 Lands excluded from the Oregon National Forest, Oreg., 
by E. 0. 1622 of Oct. 11, 1912, opened to entry and selection only for 20 
days, from 9 a.m., May 8, 1914, and thereafter to disposal under any 
applicable land law. 

1925: Apr. 28 Charlotte County, Va., transferred from the 2d to the 6th 
Internal Revenue Collection District. 

1926: Apr. SO Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraphs 492 and 561, 
pertaining to compensation of salaried officers and salary accounts, 

1927: May 2 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for the 
use of the War Dept. for construction of a military road from the railroad 
station at Bayard to Central. 

1923: May 4 Toiyabe National Forest, Nev., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws, for 
28 days from the 56th day after the date of this Order and thereafter to 
entry and disposition under any applicable land law. 

1929: May 4 Bonita Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as a 
ranger station in connection with the administration of the Missouri 
National Forest. 

1930: May 5 E. 0. [1472] of Feb. 14, 1912, permitting certain Federal 
employees residing in certain Virginia and Maryland municipalities to 
hold local office, amended to include Federal employees residing in Somer- 
set, Md. 

1981 : May 5 Federal employees in the District of Columbia, belonging 
to organizations participating in the ceremonies in memory of Commodore 
John Barry, excused from duty at noon on the date of said ceremonies, 
May 16. 

1932: May 6 Raymand Augusterfer made eligible for promotion from 
electrician to chief engineer in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 126. 



1933 : Hay 6 James D. Troy made eligible for promotion from assistant 
engineer to assistant chief engineer in the Agriculture Dept. without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 126. 

1934: May 9 Spring Valley Administrative Site, Nev., created for use as 
a ranger station in connection with the administration of the Nevada 
National Forest; E. 0. 1849 of Oct. 29, 1913, reserving adjacent lands, 

1935: Hay 12 Paul V. Sauls made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the classified service without examination. 1914 CSR 126. 

1936: Hay 12 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision I, on Interior Dept. 
positions, Paragraph 5 amended to include positions of six inspectors for 
the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 1914 CSR 120. 

1937: Hay 13 Regulations governing the kind and component quantities 
of the Army Ration revoked and new regulations prescribed. 

1938: May 13 Governor of the Panama Canal authorized to grant par- 
dons and reprieves, remit fines and forfeitures, establish a parole system 
for prisoners, and establish regulations governing employment and wel- 
fare for prisoners in penal institutions of the Canal Zone. M 174; 1913 
PCR599; VII PCRec 399. 

1939: Hay 15 E. 0. 1856 of Nov. 5, 1913, reserving certain described 
lands in Colorado pending legislation, revoked. 

1940: May 15 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved pending 
legislation to enlarge the Pike National Forest. 

1941 : Hay 15 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved pending 
legislation [to grant them to the city of Denver for park purposes]. 

1942: Hay 16 Willard H. Wheeler made eligible for promotion from 
laborer to watchman in the State, War, and Navy Dept. Building without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 126. 

1943: May Shake Creek Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Sawtooth National Forest. 

1944: May 20 Committee created for the official opening of the Panama 
Canal ; members designated, and payment of salaries and expenses under 
the direction of the governor of the Panama Canal authorized. M 175; 
1913 PCR 600; VII PCRec 399. 

1945: May 20 Amount of penal bond of receiver of public moneys at 
Great Falls, Mont., fixed at $10,000. 



1946: May 21 Challis National Forest, Idaho, diminished and the ex* 
eluded lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws for 28 
days from the 56th day from the date of this Order, and thereafter to 
entry and disposal under any applicable land law. 

1947: May 26 E. 0. 1472 of Feb. 14, 1912. permitting certain Federal 
employees residing in certain Virginia and Maryland municipalities to 
hold local office, amended to include Federal employees residing in North 
Beach, Md. Dec. 1916 CSA 35, Jan. 1918 CSA 38. 

1948: May 26 Balboa Naval Radio Station, C. Z., created. M 175; 1913 
PCR600; VIIPCRec412. 

1949: May 28 Wallace J. Young, asst. chief of the Appointments 
Bureau, State Dept., made eligible for appointment in the Consular Serv- 
ive without regard to the regulations governing appointments and promo- 
tions in said service. 

1960: May 28 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraphs 663-671, 686, 
687, and 692, pertaining to invoices, amended. 

1951 : May 29 Lamance Administrative Site, Nev., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Santa Rosa National Forest. 

1951% : June 1 Prior orders fixing royalty rates for oil produced in the 
Osage Indian Reservation, Ark., modified. IV E 1037. 

1952: June 2 S. W. Stratton, Director of the Standards Bureau, desig- 
nated to act as Commerce Sec'y during the absence of said Sec'y- 

1958 : June 3 Anthony Bonaud, former customs inspector, made eligible 
for reinstatement as watchman in the Customs House and Post Office 
Bldg., New Orleans, La., without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1914 CSR 126. 

1964: June 6 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for the 
use of the War Dept. for the construction of a military road from the 
Bayard railroad station to Central. 

1966: June 6 E. 0. 1946 of May 21, 1914, excluding certain lands from 
the Challis National Forest, Idaho, amended to redefine the excluded 

1966: June 6 Brooks Meadows Administrative Site, Oreg., created for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Oregon National 

1967: June 6 Divide Administrative Site, Oreg., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Oregon National Forest. 



1968: June 6 Certain described lands at Eureka, Copper Center, Kok- 
rines, and Circle Alaska, reserved for the use of the Army Signal Corps 
for the operation of military telegraph lines. 

1969: June 6 Smith Island Reservation, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Wash., 
established as a bird refuge, subject to use for lighthouse purposes. 

1960: June 9 Jurisdiction over the export of arms and munitions to 
Mexico by sea placed in the Commerce Dept., and by land in the Treasury 

1961 : June 9 Bartley F. Lynch made eligible for reinstatement as as- 
sistant custodian in the Treasury Dept., and for appointment as watch- 
man in the New York Post Office Building without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1914 CSR 127. 

1962: June 9 Four-hour workday on Saturday from June 15 to Sept. 15 
prescribed for Federal employees ; all conflicting orders, with the excep- 
tion of E. 0. [777] of Apr. 4, 1908, pertaining to certain naval stations, 
revoked. Jan. 1918 CSA 12-Sept. 1924 CSA 12; M 176. 

1968: June 16 Rules governing the employment of unskilled labor in 
Federal offices outside of Washington, D. C, Section 1 amended to reduce 
the maximum age limit for admission to examination from 60 to 50 years. 

1912 CSR 116. 

1964: June 16 Civil service Rule X [pertaining to transfers], Section 10 
amended, and Sections 11, 12, and 13, as to transfers from Puerto Rico, 
the Canal Zone, and the Philippine Islands, added. 1913 CSR 112 ; M 176 ; 

1913 PCR 601; VII PCRec 526. 

1966: June 16 Valley Creek Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Challis National Forest. 

1966: June 18 Catherine T. Moran made eligible for appointment as 
clerk-typist in the office of the Chief of Ordnance, War Dept., without 
examination. 1914 CSR 127. 

1967: June 19 Ellen H. Painter made eligible for appointment in. the 
Agriculture Dept. without examination. 1914 CSR 127. 

1967- A: June 2$ Certain described lands in Alaska reserved as Alaska 
Townsite and Railroad Withdrawal No. 2, for purposes of railroad and 
other construction. 

1968: June 27 Louis W. Nelson made eligible for reinstatement as spe- 
cial clerk in the San Francisco, Calif., post office without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1914 CSR 128. 



1969: June 80 Portions of the Gregory and Timberlake Land Districts, 
S. Dak., together with the business and archives pertaining thereto, trans- 
ferred to the Pierre Land District. 

1970: July 2 Civil Service Rides, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision XI [ positions], 

Paragraph 3 amended as to commercial and special agents investigating 
foreign trade conditions. 1914 CSR 119. 

1971: July 2 Dr. Park Howell made eligible for retention as acting as- 
sistant surgeon in the Public Health Service for a period not to exceed 
one year without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 128. 

1972: July 2 Toll Mountain Administrative Site, Mont, created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Deerlodge National 

1973: July 2 E. 0. 1818 of Aug. 29, 1913, excluding certain lands from 
the Rio Grande National Forest, Colo., amended to open the said excluded 
lands to entry only for 28 days from the 56th day after the date of this 
Order and thereafter to disposal under any applicable land law. 

1974: July 2 Certain described lands in Fort Yukon and Tanana, 
Alaska, reserved for the use of the Bureau of Education. 

1975: July 3 Canal Zone Regulations governing the duties of the clerk 
and assistant clerk of the District Court, the registration of property, and 
the issuance and recording of marriage licenses, prescribed ; previous acts 
of said clerk and his assistant pertaining to these matters ratified. M 
177; 1914 PCR 520; VII PCRec 475. 

1976: July 3 John R. Silliman, vice and deputy consul at Saltillo, Mex- 
ico, made eligible for promotion without regard to regulations governing 
appointments and promotions in the consular Service. 

1977: July 6 Capt. James Lee Cochran, an officer of the Philippine Con- 
stabulary, made eligible for appointment as field agent in the Agriculture 
Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 128. 

1978: July 6 Zera A. Eullman made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in a subclerical grade in the Treasury Dept. without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1914 CSR 129. 

1979: July 6 Hans Peter Guttormsen, formerly in the Engineer Dept. at 
Large, made eligible for appointment as laborer in the Rock Island 
Arsenal, 111., without examination. 1914 CSR 129. 

1980: July 6 William N. Fisher, Jr., made eligible for promotion from 
messenger in the Patent Office to classified laborer without regard to 

Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 128. 



1981 : July 6 Delia A. Garvey made eligible for reinstatement as opera- 
tive in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1914 CSR 128. 

1982: July 6 Paul E. Jamieson, messenger, made eligible for appoint- 
ment as stenographer and typist in the Agriculture Dept. without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 129. 

1933: July 6 Ella Riley Oliphant made eligible for appointment in the 
Government Printing Office without examination. 1914 CSR 129. 

1984: July 7 Certain described lands of the Missoula Land District, 
Mont., together with the business and archives pertaining thereto, trans- 
ferred to the Ealispell Land District. 

1985: July 8 Mary L. Brown made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the War Dept. without examination. 1914 CSR 129. 

1986: July 9 Umpqua National Forest, Oreg., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws for 28 
days from the 56th day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to 
entry and disposal under any applicable land law. 

1987: July 9 Gravina, Fish Bay, and Long Bay Reserves, Alaska, estab- 
lished for the use of the Bureau of Education and natives of indigenous 
Alaskan race under the care of said Bureau. 

1988: July 9 Canal Zone Regulations governing radio equipment on 
ocean-going vessels prescribed. M 178; 1914 PCR 520; IV PCRec 487. 

1989: July 9 Canal Zone Regulations authorizing the Board of Admeas- 
urement to administer oaths to witnesses appearing before the said board 
and to compel their attendance prescribed. M 194 ; 1914 PCR 521 ; VII 
PCRec 487. 

1990: July 9 Panama Canal Regulations governing the operation and 
navigation of the Canal, applicable to all vessels, masters of vessels or 
their agents, desiring to use the Canal and terminal ports or waters under 
its jurisdiction, prescribed. M 178; 1914 PCR 521 ; VII PCRec 497. 

1991: July 9 E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county or municipal 
Government, waived to permit employees of the Reclamation and Na- 
tional Park Service to serve as deputy State fish and game wardens. 
1914 CSR 120. 

1992: July 15 Anna B. Frost made eligible for appointment as copyist 
in the Construction and Repair Bureau, Navy Dept., without examination. 
1914 CSR 130. 



1993: July 17 Blackbeard Island Reservation, Ga., created as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds, subject to Treasury Dept. use of 
the Island for quarantine purposes. 

1994: July 22* Motorboat Capo d'Ano, forfeited to the United States 
for violation of the immigration laws, assigned to the Immigration 

# Has form of a proclamation. 

1995: July 23 Navajo Indian Reservation, Ariz., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands reserved as a rifle range for temporary use of the state 
militia. IV K 1003. 

1996: July 25 Civil Service Rule II [pertaining to classification of the 
service], amended to add Section 10 permitting a vacant position requir- 
ing specialized qualifications to be filled without competitive examina- 
tion ; E. 0. 1266 of Dec. 1, 1910, and Schedule A, Subdivision I, Paragraph 
15 revoked. 1914 CSR 118. 

1997: July 25 Civil Service Rule V [pertaining to qualifications of ap- 
plicants], amended by adding a proviso to Section I ,to permit non- 
citizens to be examined for a vacant position where there is a lack of 
eligible citizens. 1914 CSR 118. 

1998: July 25 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to certification], Sec- 
tion I, Clause (c) amended to permit a probationer separated from the 
service to be restored to the register of eligibles if in good standing. 1914 
CSR 118. 

1999: July 28 Corporation income tax returns opened to inspection 
under rules prescribed by the Treasury Sec'y. 

2000: July 28 Civil Service Rule XII [pertaining to removal and reduc- 
tion], extensively amended. 1914 CSR 119. 

2001 : July 28 Fred Fox, Jr., made eligible for reinstatement as store- 
keeper-gauger in the Internal Revenue Service in the District of Ten- 
nessee without regard to length of separation from the service. 1914 
CSR 130. 

2002: July 28 J. N. Gilbert made eligible for reinstatement as store- 
keeper-gauger in the Internal Revenue Service in the District of Ten- 
nessee without regard to length of separation from the service. 1914 
CSR 130. 

2008: July 28 Commercial attaches under the Commerce Dept., formerly 
in the Diplomatic or Consular Service, made eligible for reinstatement in 
latter Services without examination. 



2004: July 20 Certain described lands, excluded from Sioux National 
Forest, Mont, and S. Dak., by Proc. [1156] of June 30, 1911, opened to 
settlement only under the homestead laws for 28 days from the 56th day 
after the date of this Order, and thereafter to entry and disposition 
under any applicable land law. 

2005: July 20 B. F. Edwards made eligible for reinstatement as clerk in 
the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 130. 

2006: July 30 Darien Naval Radio Station, C. Z., established. M 194; 
1914 PCR — ; VII PCRec 523. 

2007: Aug. 3 Canal Zone Regulations declaring constables of the magis- 
trates' courts to be peace officers and defining their powers and duties 
prescribed. 1914 PCR 537 ; VII PCRec 523. 

2008: Aug. 3 Crandall Right of Way, Wyo., reserved for use in the 
administration of the Shoshone National Forest. 

2009: Aug. 3 Richard Qreen made eligible for promotion from mes- 
senger to clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil- Service 
Rules. 1913 CSR 130. 

2010: Aug. 3 Fred T. Karr made eligible for reinstatement as railway 
postal clerk without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1914 CSR 130. 

2011 : Aug. 5 * Un-neutral services by radio stations prohibited. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

2012: Aug. 5 State, Treasury, War, and Navy Sec'ys directed to co- 
ordinate the activities of their respective Departments pertaining to the 
relief, protection, and transportation of American citizens abroad. 

2013: Aug. 6 E. O. [2012] of Aug. 5, 1914, pertaining to the relief, 
protection, and transportation of American citizens abroad, amended to 
provide that the State, War, Treasury, and Navy Sec'ys constitute a 
Board of Relief, with the Treasury Sec'y as chairman. 

2014: Aug. 6 Board of Health of the Panama Canal Zone reorganized, 
and Sections 13-16 of Act 8 of the Isthmian Canal Commission repealed. 
M 195; 1914 PCR 537; VII PCRec 523. 

2015: Aug. 7 Maj. Gen. W. W. Wotherspoon, Army Chief of Staff, desig- 
nated to act as Sec'y of War during the absence of said Sec'y. 

2016: Aug. 8 Canal Zone Regulations governing the customs require- 
ments for vessels arriving in the Canal Zone ; authorizing customs officers 
to administer oaths and certify invoices covering shipments of merchan- 


dise from the Canal Zone to the United States and fixing punishment for 
customs violations, prescribed. M 195; 1914 PCR 537; VII PCRec 3. 

2017: Aug. 8 Issuance by the Treasury Dept. of instructions to customs 
officers for enforcement of the neutrality laws ordered. 

2018: Aug. 14 Postal Laws and Regulations of the U. S. extended to the 
Panama Canal Zone. M 196; 1914 PCR 538; VII PCRec 35. 

2019 : Aug. 14 Canal Zone Regulations governing security for costs in 
civil cases prescribed. M 196; 1914 PCR 538; VIII PCRec 35. 

2020: Aug. 14 Canal Zone maritime quarantine regulations amended. 
M 197; 1914 PCR 539; VII PCRec 11. 

2021 : Aug. 14 Rules governing the granting and issuing of passports 
amended to permit discretionary issuance of passports to citizens abroad 
on application by relatives or legal representatives in this country. 

2022 : Aug. 14 Consular Regulations, Paragraphs 159 and 160 on fees 
and visas, and Tariff of Consular Fees, Sections 8, 9, and 32, amended. 
1916 CRC 49, 1925 CRC 47. 

2023: Aug. 14 Certain described lands in California reserved for Indian 
use. IV K 1013. 

2024: Aug. 17 Twin Sisters Administrative Site, Colo., created for use 
as a lookout station in the administration of the Colorado National 

2025: Aug. 22 Charles E. Stewart made eligible for appointment as chief 
clerk and superintendent of buildings in the Justice Dept. without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 131. 

I: Aug. 22 Canal Zone Regulations pertaining to the operation of 
street railway cars at crossings prescribed. M 199 ; 1914 PCR 541 ; VIII 
PCRec 35. 

2027: Aug. 24 Certain lands excluded from the Challis, Lemhi, Salmon 
and Sawtooth National Forests, Utah, by Procs. [1240-43] of May 19, 
1913, opened to settlement only under the homestead laws for 28 days 
from the 56th day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to entry 
and disposal under any applicable land law. 

2028: Aug. 24 Certain lands excluded from the Fishlake and Manti 
National Forests, Utah, by Procs. [1247 and 1248] of June 27, 1913, 
opened to settlement only under the homestead laws for a period of 28 
days from the 56th day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to 
entry and disposal under any applicable land law. 

[ 172 ] 


2029: Aug. 26 Certain described portion of the Deadmans Island Mili- 
tary Reservation, Calif., transferred to Treasury Dept. for the use of the 
Public Health Service. 

2030: Aug. 27 Gila River Indian Reservation, Ariz., diminished. IV K 

2031 : Aug. 27 All Customs Collection Districts ordered designated by 

2032: Aug. 27 William J. Sammond, former electrician in the State, 
War, and Navy Dept. Building made eligible for appointment as elec- 
trician in the Government Printing Office without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1914 CSR 131. 

2033: Sept. 2 Maurice B. Landers made eligible for reinstatement as 
assistant examiner in the Patent Office, Interior Dept., without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1914 CSR 132. 

2034: Sept. 2 Paul A. Stegall made eligible for reinstatement as railway 
mail clerk without regard to length of separation from the service. 1914 
CSR 131. 

2035: Sept. 2 Nora C. Gleason made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1914 CSR 131. 

2036: Sept. 2 Mary E. Danks made eligible for reinstatement in the 
classified service without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1914 CSR 131. 

2037: Sept. 3 Regulations governing the operation and navigation of 
the Panama Canal amended as to penalties. M 199 ; 1914 PCR 541 ; VIII 
PCRec 45. 

2038: Sept. 3 [War Sec'y's recommendation that certain described lands 
in Coos County, Oreg., formerly reserved for military purposes, be re- 
stored to the public domain for disposal] approved. 

2039: Sept. 4 Provisions of law requiring that watch officers of foreign- 
built ships admitted to U. S. registry, and officers inspecting such vessels 
be U. S. citizens, suspended. 

2040: Sept. 5 E. O. [1409] of Sept. 8, 1911, establishing the Canal Zone 
postal savings system, revoked. M 199 ; 1914 PCR 541 ; VIII PCRec 85. 

2041 : Sept. 5 Pinnacle Rock Lighthouse Reservation, Cape Saint Elias, 
Alaska, established. 

[ "3 ] 


2042: Sept. 5 Navy Sec'y authorized to take over one or more radio 
stations for the purpose of communication with land stations in Europe. 

2043: Sept. 5 Regulations governing limits of punishment for enlisted 
men of the Army prescribed. 

2044: Sept. 10 William C. Delanoy and J. Brooks B. Parker made 
eligible for appointment as director and asst. director, respectively, in 
the War Risk Insurance Bureau, Treasury Dept., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1914 CSR 132. 

2046: Sept. 10 Zuni National Forest, Ariz, and N. Mex., merged with 
the Manzano National Forest, with the latter name retained. 

2046: Sept. 15 Clear Creek Administrative Site, Ariz., reserved for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Coconino National Forest. 

2047: Sept. 15 E. O. 1814 of Aug. 25, 1913, creating Wyoming Elk 
Refuge, revoked in so far as it applies to certain described lands. 

2048: Sept. 15 Divide Administrative Site, Oregon National Forest, 
Oreg., abolished. 

2049: Sept. 17 Bessie H. Burwell made eligible for promotion from 
classified laborer to clerk in the Commerce Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1914 CSR 132. 

2050: Sept. 18 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 3 (Nenana Townsite), 

2051 : Sept. 18 Canal Zone Regulations pertaining to gambling amended. 
M 200; 1914 PCR 542; VIII PCRec 64. 

: Sept. 19 Regulations governing compensation to injured or de- 
ceased employees of the Panama Canal and Panama Railroad Company 
amended as to compensation for parents partially or wholly dependent 
on deceased employees. M 200 ; 1914 PCR 542 ; VIII PCRec 64. 

2058 : Sept. 19 Las Palomas, Hot Springs, N. Mex., reserved pending 
legislation [to preserve springs for the use of the public]. 

2054: Sept. 28 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to non-competitive examination, Subdivision III, on Commerce 
Dept. positions, Paragraph 1 added to include clerks to commercial 
attaches, in the Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau. 1914 CSR 120. 

2055: Sept. 28 Jefferson National Forest, Mont., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws for 28 
days from the 56th day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to 
entry and disposal under any applicable land law. 



2066: Sept. 30 Maurice Lyons made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 132. 

2057: Oct. 1 Fannie L. Hopkins made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the State Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1914 CSR 132. 

2068: Oct. 2 Cedar Creek Administrative Site, Wyo., reserved for use as 
a sheep driveway in the administration of the Medicine Bow National 

2069: Oct. 6 Edward A. Savoy made eligible for promotion from chief 
messenger to clerk in the State Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1914 CSR 116. 

2060: Oct 8 Alaskan Townsite Withdrawal No. 4 established. 

2061 : Oct. 10 Dr. J. C. Monaghan, former consul and chief of the Con- 
sular Reports Division in the Commerce and Labor Dept., made eligible 
for appointment in the Consular Service without regard to regulations 
governing appointment and promotion in said, service. 

2062: Oct. 13 Canal Zone Regulations providing for license taxes and 
fees, prescribed. M 201 ; 1914 PCR 543 ; VTH PCRec 115. 

2068 : Oct. 19 Adele R. Redick made eligible for appointment to classi- 
fied position in the Census Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1915 CSR 116. 

2064: Oct. 23 Mary H. McTwiggan made eligible for promotion from 
charwoman in the Engraving and Printing Bureau to a position in the 
classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 117. 

2066: Oct. 27 Margaret A. Hampton, clerk in the Census Bureau, Com- 
merce Dept., made eligible for transfer as clerk to the Children's Bu- 
reau, Labor Dept. 1915 CSR 117. 

2066: Oct. 27 Trust period on allotments of the Papago and other In- 
dians on the Papago Indian Reservation, Ariz., extended for 10 years. 
IV K 1005. 

2067: Oct. 28 Gray's Lake Administrative Site, Idaho, reserved for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Caribou National Forest. 

2068: Oct 28 Addie Spofford Hess made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the War Risk Insurance Bureau, Treasury Dept., without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 117. 

2069: Oct. 28 Certain lands excluded from the Jemez National Forest, 
N. Mex., by Proclamation [1250] of Sept. 17, 1913, opened to settlement 
only under the homestead laws for 28 days from the 56th day after the 



date of this Order, and thereafter to entry and disposal under any ap- 
plicable land law. 

2069% : Oct. 28 Certain specified counties transferred from the 9th to 
the 12th Internal Revenue District of Pennsylvania. 

2070: Oct 29 Edward A. Qisburne, made eligible for appointment to 
a classified position without reference to his physical condition subject 
to noncompetitive examination. 1915 CSR 117. 

2071: Oct. 21 E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county or municipal Gov- 
ernment, and Civil Service Rule I, Section 1, waived to permit Federal 
employees to be appointed by the Governor of Puerto Rico as election 
officers. 1915 CSR 115. 

2072: Oct. 31 David A. Gates made eligible for reinstatement as agent 
in the Internal Revenue Service without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1915 CSR 117. 

2073: Nov. 4 Regulations governing the operation and navigation of 
the Panama Canal, Paragraph 49, amended as to tolls on radiograms 
transmitted by ships on Canal business. M 203; 1914 PCR 545; VIII 
PCRec 123. 

2074: Nov. 9 William W. Lemmond made eligible for reinstatement in 
the Justice Dept. and transfer to the position of law clerk in the Office 
of the Judge Advocate General, War Dept., without regard* to the re- 
quirement of six months' service preceding transfer. 1915 CSR 117. 

2075: Nov. 9 Certain described lands in Eeaahala, Eanoehe, and Koola- 
upoko, Oahu, T. H., reserved for military purposes. 

2076: Nov. 10 Edwin B. Smith, former Interstate Commerce Commis- 
sion clerk, made eligible for reinstatement in the Post Office Dept. with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 118. 

2077: Nov. 10 W. T. Bateman made eligible for appointment as navy 
yard watchman without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 117. 

2078: Nov. 10 Sierra National Forest, Calif., diminished and the ex- 
cluded certain lands reserved for the use of the Cold Springs Band of 
Indians. IV K 1013. 

2079: Nov. 11 Alice B. Smith and Eunice B. Neff made eligible for ap- 
pointment as clerks in the Post Office Dept. without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1915 CSR 118. 

2080: Nov. 11 Ellen McCabe Bain made eligible for reinstatement as 
operative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1915 CSR 118. 

r 176] 


2081: Nov. 11 Minnie D. Middelton, former clerk in the War Dept., 
made eligible for reinstatement in the classified service and appointment 
as clerk in the State Dept. without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1915 CSR 119. 

2082: Nov. 11 Annie Day made eligible for appointment in the Govern- 
ment Printing Office without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 

2083: Nov. 11 Horatio Whitted, laborer in the General Land Office, 
made eligible for appointment in the classified service without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 119. 

2084: Nov. 13 Amounts of the penal bonds of receivers of public moneys 
at eight designated places prescribed. 

2085 : Nov. 17 William P. Fix, former plate printer, made eligible for 
appointment as skilled helper in the Engraving and Printing Bureau 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 119/ 

2086: Nov. 17 Plumas National Forest, Calif., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to entry only for 28 days, from the 56th day from 
the date of this Order, and thereafter to disposal under any applicable 
land law. 

2087: Nov. 17 Mrs. C. H. Brice made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rides. 1915 CSR 

2088: Nov. 21 Two sons of Julian Uribe, First Vice President of the 
Colombian House of Representatives, made eligible for employment on 
irrigation projects without regard to Civil Service Rules, for the pur- 
chase of acquiring knowledge of the theory and practice of irrigation 
for introduction into the Colombian Republic. 1915 CSR 119. 

2089: Nov. 21 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the use 
of the Education Bureau and Alaskan natives of indigenous race. 

2090: Nov. 21 Customs Collection Districts Nos. 2 and 3, in Vermont, 
abolished and new District No. 2 embracing all of the State, created with 
headquarters at St. Albans, ports of entry designated and salary of the 
collector prescribed. 

2091 : Nov. 21 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved pending 
legislation for grant to the city of Grand Junction for water-supply pro- 

2092.: Nov. 23 Big Elk Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Absaroka National Forest. 



2098: Nov. 23 East Rosebud Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Beartooth National 

2094: Nov. 23 Jackson Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Beaverhead National Forest. 

2095: Nov. 23 Crooked Creek Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Beartooth National 

2096: Nov. 23 Diamond Administrative Site, Helena National Forest, 
Mont., abolished. 

2097: Nov. 28 Olympia Land Office, Wash., abolished, and lands, busi- 
ness and archives pertaining thereto transferred to the Seattle Land 

2098: Nov. 28 Laura £. Scott made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the State Dept. without examination. 1915 CSR 119. 

2099: Deo. 1 Mrs. Onie Cummings made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1915 CSR 120. 

2100: Dec. 2 Tariff of Consular Fees amended to provide that no fee 
be charged for execution of income tax returns. 

2101 : Deo. 3 Bloody Dick Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Beaverhead National 

2102: Dec. 7 Louisa W. Happersett made eligible for appointment in 
the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rides. 1915 CSR 

2103: Deo. 7 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 5 established. 

2104: Deo. 9 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 6 established. 

2105: Deo. 11 Sallie Q. Jones made eligible for promotion in the Indian 
Affairs Bureau, Interior Dept., without examination. 1915 CSR 120. 

2106: Dec. 15 Duck Creek Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Helena National Forest. 

2107: Deo. 18 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examinations, Subdivision I, on Interior Dept. 
positions, amended to add Paragraph 1 to include one superintendent of 
irrigation in the Indian Service. 1915 CSR 115. 



2108: Dec. 19 Mrs. John L. Evans made eligible for appointment as 
charwoman in the State, War, and Navy Dept. Building, without regard 
to the regulations governing appointment of laborers in Washington, 
D. C. 1915 CSR 120. 

2109: Dec. 23 Trust period on allotments to the Chief Moses Band of 
Indians in Washington, extended 10 years. IV E 1050. 

2110: Dec. 28 Unsurveyed island in Padilla Bay, Wash., temporarily 
reserved for lighthouse purposes. 

2111: Dec. 28 Civil Service Ride XI [pertaining to promotion, Section 
2], amended to add Clause (d) prohibit promotion of employees during 
probation except as approved by the Civil Service Commission. 1915 
CSR 112. 

2112: Dec. 28 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, amended to add Subdivision IV, 
on War Dept. positions, Paragraph 1 to include aeronautical engineers, 
aeronautical mechanical engineers, instructors in flying and aviation 
mechanicians of the Signal Corps. 1914 CSR 115. 

2113: Dec. 30 Calvin Satterfield made eligible for appointment as chief 
of the Accounts Division, Justice Dept., without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1915 CSR 120. 


2114: Jan. 5 Fred W. Carrington made eligible for promotion from as- 
sistant messenger in the Pensions Bureau to the clerical grade without 
examination. 1915 CSR 121. 

2115: Jan. 7 Inez M. Clark and Emily I. Kramer made eligible for ap- 
pointment as clerks in the War Risk Insurance Bureau, Treasury Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 121. 

2116: Jan. 7 George P. Kinsman made eligible to take the clerk-carrier 
examination in the Postal Service without regard to physical disability. 
1915 CSR 121. 

2117: Jan. 9 Charles A. Lyerly, Jr., made eligible to take the examina- 
tion for 2d lieutenant in the Army Engineer Corps. 1915 CSR 121. 

2118: Jan. 11 Canal Zone Regulations pertaining to maritime quaran- 
tine, Sections 1 and 2 amended. M 206; 1914 PCR 548; VIII PCRec 225. 

2119: Jan. 12 E. O. [1776] of May 7, 1913, providing for competitive 
examinations for postmasters appointed otherwise than under the regu- 
lations of Nov. 25, 1912, or Jan. 20, 1909, amended. 1915 CSR 115. 

[ 179 ] 


2119- A: Jan. 12 Regulations governing the granting and issuance of 
passports in the United States prescribed. 1916 CRC 52, 1925 CRC 200. 

2120: Jan. 15 Canal Zone Regulations governing charges for rent, fuel 
and electric current furnished to employees of the Panama Canal and 
the Panama Railroad Company prescribed. M 207 ; 1914 PCR 548 ; VIII 
PCRec 225. 

2121: Jan. 19 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 2 
amended to prohibit the transfer of a person appointed through non- 
competitive examination under Schedule B; and Section 12 amended to 
make Panama Canal employees with two years satisfactory service in 
excepted positions eligible for transfer. 1915 CSR 112 ; M 207 ; 1914 PCR 
549; VIII PCRec 225. 

2122: Jan. 20 Newton C. Llewellyn, former substitute carrier, made 
eligible for reinstatement as a carrier in the Knoxville, Tenn., post office 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 1915 CSR 121. 

2123: Jan. 20 Dungeness Spit Reservation, on the Strait of Juan de 
Fuca, Wash., established as a preserve and breeding ground for native 

2124: Jan. 20 Ediz Hook Reservation, on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, 
Wash., established as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

2125: Jan. 21 James Hands made eligible for promotion from unclassi- 
fied to classified laborer in the office of the Superintendent of the State, 
War, and Navy Dept. Building without regard to Civil Service Rides. 
1915 CSR 121. 

2126: Jan. 21 Harold J. Wagner made eligible for reinstatement to a 
clerkship in the Justice Dept. without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1915 CSR 121. 

2127: Jan. 25 Taylor Creek Administrative Site, Siskiyou National For- 
est, Oreg., abolished. 

2123: Jan. 25 Clear Creek Administrative Site, Coconino National For- 
est, Ariz., enlarged. 

2129: Jan. 26 Work of the Alaskan Engineering Commission in com- 
pleting a survey of railroad routes placed under the supervision of the 
Interior Dept. 

2130: Jan. 26 Certain West Virginia corporations' income tax returns 
for 1913 ordered opened to inspection by officials of said State. 

2131 : Jan. 30 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for use as 
a rifle range by the Arizona National Guard. 



2132: Feb. 1 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision I [on positions in the entire 
classified service], Paragraph 5, amended to include interpreters of 
Hindu. 1915 CSR 113. 

2133: Feb. 3 Trust period of any patent issued to any Indian for lands 
on the public domain expiring in 1915 extended for one year. IV K 1053. 

2134: Feb. 4 Ralph Izard, former inspector of Chinese, made eligible 
for reinstatement as immigrant inspector in the Immigration Service, 
Labor Dept., without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1915 CSR 122. 

2135: Feb. 4 Regulations governing the accounting and reporting of 
receipts of the Panama Canal prescribed. M 208; 1914 PCR 550; VIII 
PCRec 257. 

2136: Feb. 10 Certain described lands at Monungan, Moro Province, 
Mindanao, P. I., reserved for military purposes. 

2137: Feb. 19 Sadie A. Killeen made eligible for appointment as a clerk 
in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 

2138: Feb. 19 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for the use 
of the National Guard as a rifle range, and certain other lands, formerly 
reserved for said purpose, restored to the Navajo Indian Reservation. 
IV K 1003. 

2139: Feb. 25 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1897, Paragraph 
294, and Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 478, establishing max- 
imum transit periods for officers traveling to and from their posts of 
duty, cancelled because of wartime delays, and the transit period con- 
strued to be the time actually and necessarily occupied in making direct 
transit between the officer's place of residence and his post of duty. 

2140: Feb. 27 Charles J. O'Neill made eligible for promotion from mes- 
senger to clerk in the Pension Office without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1915 CSR 122. 

2141 : Feb. 27 Certain described lands at Granite Point and Cook Inlet, 
Alaska, reserved for the use of the Education Bureau. 

2142: Mar. 1 Canal Zone Regulations governing the production, im- 
portation, compounding, dealing in, dispensing, selling, or distributing, 
of opium or coca leaves, etc., prescribed. M 210; 1914 PCR 552; VIII 
PCRec 282. 

2143: Mar. 3 E. O. 1169 of Feb. 15, 1910, reserving certain lands in 
Arizona for use by the National Guard as a rifle range, revoked. 



2144: Mar. 4 Certain described lands in Aitkin County, Minn., reserved 
for the use and occupancy of the Chippewa and other Indians. IV K 

2145 : Mar. 4 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved, pending 
legislation to permit sale to the city of Black Hawk for the protection 
of its water supply. 

2146: Mar. 10 Mokelumne (E) Administrative Site, Stanislaus National 
Forest, Calif., abolished. 

2147: Mar. 16 Certain described lands in Montana reserved for town- 
site purposes. 

2148 : Mar. 18 Pioneer Administrative Site, Mont, created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Deerlodge National Forest. 

2140 : Mar. 18 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for the pro- 
posed San Carolos dam and irrigation project. IV K 1002. 

2150: Mar. 18 Certain described lands transferred from Lemmon Land 
District, S. Dak., to the Timber Lake Land District. 

2151 : Mar. 23 Edward D. White made eligible for reinstatement as 
letter carrier at Oakland, Calif., without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 

2152 : Mar. 23 Dr. Edward P. Beverley made eligible for reinstatement 
as physician in the Panama Canal Service without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1915 CSR 122 ; M 211 ; 1914 PCR 553 ; VIII 
PCRec 307. 

2153 : Mar. 24 Manti National Forest, Utah, enlarged by the addition 
of all lands of the Nebo National Forest. 

2154: Mar. 25 E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territory, County or municipal 
government, waived to permit Mark Eisner, Internal Revenue Collector 
for the 3d District of New York to act as delegate to the New York 
State Constitutional Convention. 1915 CSR 116. 

2155: Mar. 30 Edward E. Pratt, Chief of the Foreign and Domestic 
Commerce Bureau, designated to act as Commerce Sec'y during the ab- 
sence of the Sec'y> Assistant Sec'y, and Solicitor of the Dept. 

2156: Mar. 30 E. O. [579] of Mar. 5, 1907 [prohibiting the publication 
of the opinions of departmental law officers without approval of the 
Attorney General], waived to permit republication of the opinions of 
the Solicitor of the former Commerce and Labor Dept. and the Solicitor 
of the Labor Dept. in reference to compensation for certain injured Gov- 
ernment employees. 



2157: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in South Dakota reserved pend- 
ing legislation to grant to the city of Lemmon for water supply purposes. 

2158: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn for 
classification and possible inclusion in the Alamo National Forest. 

2150: Apr. 6 John D. Campbell made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Railway Mail Service without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1915 CSR 123. 

2160: Apr. 6 Santa Pe National Forest, N. Mex., enlarged by the addi- 
tion of all lands of the Jemez and Pecos National Forests. 

2161: Apr. 6 Black Hills National Forest, S. Dak., enlarged by the addi- 
tion of all lands of the Sundance National Forest, Wyo. 

2162: Apr. 6 Toiyabe National Forest, Nev., enlarged by the addition 
of all lands of the Moapa National Forest. 

2163: Apr. 6 Michigan National Forest, Mich., enlarged by the addition 
of all lands of the Marquette National Forest. 

2164: Apr. 7 Collector of Customs in the Philippines, the Captains of 
the Ports of Cristobal and Balboa, C. Z., and the Governor of Guam, des- 
ignated to issue provisional certificates of registry to vessels purchased 
abroad, by United States citizens. M 212; 1914 PCR 553; VIII PCRec 

2165: Apr. 13 Eleanor S. Ramsay made eligible for transfer from the 
position of office helper in the Government Printing Office to a clerical 
position in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1915 
CSR 123. 

2166: Apr. 13 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, amended to add Subdivision XIII, on Labor 
Dept. positions, Paragraph 1, excepting commissioners of conciliation in 
labor disputes. 1915 CSR 113. 

2167: Apr. 13 Certain described lands in Utah, formerly reserved for 
the National Guard as a target range, restored to the public domain. 

2168: Apr. 13 Stanislaus National Forest, Calif., diminished and the 
excluded lands withdrawn pending the determination of the advisabil- 
ity of reserving them for military purposes. 

2169: Apr. 13 Sequoia National Forest, Calif., enlarged by the addition 
of all lands of the Kern National Forest. 

2170: Apr. 13 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VIII [on Interior Dept. posi- 

r 183 ] 


tions], amended to rescind Paragraph 10, excepting five special pension 
examiners; incumbents of said positions made eligible for transfer to 
classified clerkships in the Pensions Bureau, subject to noncompetitive 
examination. 1915 CSB 113. 

2171 : Apr. 18 Executive offices ordered closed and the flag displayed at 
half-mast on Apr. 15, 1915, in observance of the 50th anniversary of the 
death of Abraham Lincoln. 

2172: Apr. 17 Samuel Z. C. Westerfield, messenger with the British 
Arbitration Claims Commission, made eligible for appointment as assist- 
ant messenger in the State Dept. without examination. 1915 CSR 123. 

217S: Apr. 21 Regulations governing appointment and promotion in the 
Diplomatic Service and for improvement of State Dept. personnel, Sec- 
tion 9, Paragraph 2, Clause 1 amended. 

2174: Apr. 21 Arthur S. Kellom, former letter carrier, made eligible 
for reinstatement in the Postal Service without regard to length of sep- 
aration from the service. 1915 CSR 123. 

2175: Apr. 21 Sand Springs Administrative Site, Oreg., created for use 
as ranger station in the administration of the Deschutes National Forest. 

2176: Apr. 21 Cache National Forest, Idaho and Utah, diminished and 
the excluded lands opened only to settlement under the homestead laws 
for 28 days from the 63d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter 
to entry and disposition under any applicable land law. 

2177: Apr. 21 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved as an Elk 

2178: Apr. 21 Deer Flat Reservation, Bird Refuge, Idaho, diminished. 

2179: Apr. 21 Cache National Forest, Idaho and Utah, enlarged by the 
addition of all lands of the Pocatello National Forest. 

2180: Apr. 23 Fred Gilmore and Robert Taylor, unclassified laborers 
in the Post Office Dept., made eligible for classification without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 124. 

2181 : Apr. 27 Lucy Jones Harris made eligible for appointment to a 
position in the Immigration Service, Labor Dept., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

2182: Apr. 27 Charles W. G. Brett made eligible for transfer from me- 
chanician to a clerkship in the Census Bureau, Commerce Dept., without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 124. 



2183: Apr. 27 Lillian B. S. Grant made eligible for reinstatement to 
a classified position in the Post Office Dept. without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1915 CSR 124. 

2184: Apr. 27 Alaska Townsfte Withdrawal No. 7 established in con- 
nection with the construction and operation of railroad lines. 

2185: Apr. 27 Culebra Cut of the Panama Canal renamed Oaillard Cut 
in honor of Lt. Col. D. D. Gaillard. M 212; 1914 PCR 554; VHI PCEec 

2186: Apr. 30 E. 0. [2155] of Mar. 30, 1915, designating the Chief of 
the Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau to act as Commerce Sec'y 
in the absence of the Sec'y* Assistant Sec'y, and the Solicitor of the 
Dept., amended to designate Samuel W. Stratton, Director of the Stand- 
ards Bureau, as alternating Acting Sec'y. 

2187: Apr. 30 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision IV [on War Dept. positions], 
amended to add Paragraph 14 excepting watchmen on fortifications 
under construction, when the positions are filled by men who served at 
least two enlistments in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps. 1915 CSR 

2188: Hay 4 William Leroy Fairbanks made eligible for transfer from 
chief clerk of the American Embassy at London, England, to a clerkship 
in the Commerce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. ' 1915 CSR 

2189: Hay 4 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV [on War Dept. positions], 
Paragraph 6 amended as to navigating and operating positions on cable 
boats of the Quartermaster Corps of the Army. 1915 CSR 114. 

2190: May 11 Laura F. Richmond made eligible for reinstatement as 
an operative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1915 CSR 125. 

2191: Hay 11 Enna Wilson Noel made eligible for reinstatement to a 
classified position in the War Dept. without regard to length of separa- 
tion from service. 1915 CSR 125. 

2192: May 11 Agnes Deery made eligible for appointment as a nurse 
in the Indian Service without examination. 1915 CSR 124. 

2193: May 12 Tariff of Consular Fees amended as to fee for license for 
the practice of pharmacy and the sale of poisons in the U. S. consular 
districts in China. 



2194: May IS Michael L. Eidsness, Jr., minor clerk in the Post Office 
Dept., made eligible for promotion to clerk without examination. 1915 
CSR 125. 

2195: May 14 James J. Harley, former clerk, made eligible for rein- 
statement in the Philadelphia, Pa., post office, without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1915 CSR 125. 

2196: May 14 Carrol W. Dunning, former statistician in forest prod- 
ucts, made eligible for reinstatement in the office of Markets and Rural 
Organization, Agriculture Dept., without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1915 CSR 126. 

2197: May 14 Bernard R. Jett made eligible for transfer from per diem 
wire man to electrician in the office of the Interior Sec'y without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 125. 

2198: May 14 Spencer Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Targhee National Forest. 

2199: May 14 Mille Lacs Reservation, Minn., established as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds. 

2200: May 14 Klamath Lake Reservation, Bird Refuge, Calif, and 
Oreg., diminished. 

2201: May 25 Albert J. Phillips made eligible for reinstatement as 
associate chemist in the Standards Bureau, Commerce Dept., without 
regard to length of separation from the service. 1915 CSR 126. 

2202: May 25 Certain described lands in Oregon, formerly reserved 
for the use of the War Dept. in connection with the improvement of 
Coos Bay and harbor, restored to the public domain. 

2203: May 25 E. O. [1993] of July 17, 1914, reserving Blackbeard 
Island, 6a., as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds, revoked 
and said island restored to its former status under the Treasury Dept. 
Protection of birds, eggs and animals continued in force. 

2204: May 25 E. O. [2120] of Jan. 15, 1915, pertaining to charges for 
rent, fuel, and electric current furnished Panama Canal and Panama 
Railroad Company employees, amended to suspend from operation so 
much as relates to rent, fuel and light during the period of actual con- 
struction of the Canal, but not later than June 30, 1916. M 213; 1914 
PCR 554; VIII PCRec 378. 

2205: May 27 Mrs. Burr J. Ramage made eligible for appointment as 
a classified clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1915 CSR 126. 



2206: June 1 Mrs. F. Pierard made eligible for appointment as a seam- 
stress or flagmaker at the Mare Island Navy Yard, Calif., without re- 
gard to Civil Service Rules or Navy Yard Regulations. 1915 CSR 126. 

2207: June 8 Treasury Sec'y authorized to retire Coast Guard officers 
and enlisted men with 30 years' service, upon suitable application. 

2208: June 8 Canal Zone Regulations governing the design dimen- 
sions, and use of an official flag for the Governor of The Panama Canal 
prescribed. M 213; 1914 PCR 555; VIII PCRec 384. 

2209 : June 10 Emma L. Guckert made eligible for reinstatement as an 
operative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1915 CSR 126. 

2210: June 15 William R. Houston made eligible for reinstatement as 
a clerk in the Railway Mail Service without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1915 CSR 126. 

2211: June 15 Regulations governing the employment of unskilled la- 
borers outside of Washington, D. C, Regulation VII, Section 1, and Reg- 
ulation VIII amended. 1915 CSR 116. 

2212: June 15 White River National Forest, Colo., diminished and the 
excluded lands opened only to settlement under the homestead laws for 
28 days from the 63d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to 
entry and disposition under any applicable land law. 

2213: June 18 Mabel P. Walker made eligible for appointment as a 
classified clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1915 CSR 127. 

2214: June 19 Regulations governing the withdrawal, location, and dis- 
position of townsites along the Alaskan Railroad prescribed. 

2215: June 21 Lillian Peyton King made eligible for appointment as 
a classified clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1915 CSR 127. 

2216: June 22 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the 
excluded lands reserved for townsite and other purposes in connection 
with the construction and operation of railroad lines. 

2217: June 22 Alaskan Timber Reserve No. 1, reserving timber on vari- 
ous tracts of land for use in connection with the construction and oper- 
ation of Government railroads, established. 

2218: June 22 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VIII, on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions, Paragraph 16, amended to except special officers to assist in the 
suppression of liquor traffic among the natives of Alaska. 1915 CSR 114. 



2219: June 26 Edward E. Carter, assistant professor of forestry, Har- 
vard University, made eligible for reinstatement as forest inspector in 
the Forest Service without regard to length of separation from the serv- 
ice. 1915 CSR 127. 

2220: July 19 Certain described lands in Arkansas reserved pending 
legislation to permit their use as an approach to Sugar Loaf Mountain. 

2221 : July 19 Warm Springs Administrative Site, Idaho, created for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of Lemhi National Forest. 

2222: July 19 Gila River Indian Reservation, Ariz., modified. IV K 

2223: July 19 E. 0. 1228 of July 13, 1910, withdrawing certain lands 
within the Siletz Indian Reservation, Oreg., pending legislation, amended 
to exclude certain lands within the Siuslaw National Forest from said 
withdrawal. IV K 1045. 

2224: July 19 Certain described lands at Resurrection Bay, Alaska, re- 
served for townsite and other purposes in connection with the construc- 
tion and operation of railroad lines. 

2225: July 22 Certain described lands in Mono County, Calif., reserved 
for the use of a small band of Paiute Indians as a cemetery and camping 
ground. IV K 1016. 

2226: July 31 Alaskan Timber Reserve No. 1, enlarged. 

2227: Aug. 2 Certain described lands on the Chilkat River near Kluk- 
wan, Alaska, reserved for the use of the Education Bureau and natives 
of indigenous Alaskan race. 

2228: Aug. 2 Certain described lands on the Chilkat River near Haines, 
Alaska, reserved for the use of the Education Bureau and natives of in- 
digenous Alaskan race. 

2229: Aug. 2 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for the use and 
occupancy of the Paiute and other Indians. IV E 1048. 

2230: Aug. 2 Big Lake Reservation, Ark., established as a preserve and 
breeding ground for native birds. 

2230% : Aug. 5 Norma H. Spencer made eligible for appointment as a 
classified clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1915 CSR 127. 

2231: Aug. 6 Francis J. Reinhard made eligible for appointment as 
law clerk in the office of the Solicitor of the Treasury without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 127. 



2232: Aug. 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision III, on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions, Paragraph 7 amended to except attendants earning up to $50 per 
month, and temporary scientific assistants in the Public Health Service. 
1915 CSR 114. 

I: Aug. 6 Certain described lands on the south side of the entrance 
to Coos Bay, Oreg., reserved for military purposes. 

2234: Aug. 13 Corral, Pettit Barracks Military Reservation, Zambo- 
anga Province, Mindanao, P. I., established. 

2235: Aug. 16 Edna M. Ricketts made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 128. 

2236: Aug. 17 Alaska Townsite and Railroad Withdrawal No. 2 dimin- 

2237: Aug. 17 Civil War veterans in the Government service granted 
leave with pay to attend encampment of the Grand Army of the republic 
at Washington, D. C, Sept. 26 to Oct. 3, 1915. XI PCRec 20. 

2238: Aug. 19 William Feldman made eligible to take examination for 
the classified service without regard to citizenship requirements. 1915 
CSR 128. 

2239: Aug. 25 C. Virgil Hinkle made eligible for appointment to a class- 
ified position in the Postal Service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1915 CSR 128. 

2240: Aug. 25 Robert W. F. Ogilvie made eligible for appointment in 
the Naturalization Division, Labor Dept., without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1915 CSR 128. 

2241: Aug. 26 Green A. Stephens, former carrier, made eligible for 
reinstatement in the Postal Service without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1915 CSR 128. 

2242: Aug. 31 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands reserved for townsite and other purposes in connection with 
the construction and operation of Government railroads. 

2243: Sept. 2 Bertha Goldberg, made eligible for appointment to clerkship 
in the Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau, Commerce Dept., with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1915 CSR 128. 

2244: Sept. 8 Clifford B. Potter, former carrier, made eligible for re- 
instatement in the Postal Service without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1915 CSR 129. 



2246 : Sept. 14 James 0. Brockenshire made eligible for appointment 
as inspector of musical instruments in the Army Quartermaster Corps 
without examination. 1915 CSR 129. 

2245% • Sept. 14 Civil Service Rules waived to permit appointment of 
discharged noncommissioned officers with at least two enlistments in the 
Army, Navy or Marine Corps, to the position of watchmen in the State, 
War, and Navy Dept. Building. 

2245- A: Sept. 14 Woodward Land District, Okla., abolished and lands 
and business, and archives pertaining thereto transferred to the Guthrie 
Land District. 

2245-B : Sept. 14 Reservoir Hill Administrative Site, Neb., created for 
use as a reservoir site in the administration of the Nebraska National 

2246: Sept. 17 Certain described lands in Alabama, bordering on the 
Tennessee River, temporarily withdrawn for use by the War Dept. for 
improvement of the navigation of said River. 

2247: Sept. 20 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 1 diminished and the 
excluded lands reserved as an agricultural experiment station. 

2247% : Sept. 22 Edith Gilbert Leadly made eligible for appointment 
to a clerical position in the Commerce Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1916 CSR 108. 

2248: Sept. 23 Shelly Inch made eligible for appointment as a clerk 
in the Placerville, Calif., post office, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1916 CSR 109. 

2249 : Sept. 27 Federal employees in the District of Columbia excused 
from duty on Sept. 29, 1915, for the parade of the Grand Army of the 

2260: Oct. 4 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for use 
and benefit of the Indians of the Jemez Pueblo. IV K 1029. 

2251 : Oct. 6 J. William Sheetz made eligible for appointment to a 
clerkship in the classified service of the Treasury Dept. without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 109. 

2252: Oct. 6 E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
Government, waived for parttime laborers in charge of lights in the 
Lighthouse Service. 1916 CSR 107. 

2253: Oct. 6 Punchbowl Hill Military Reservation, Honolulu, Oahu, 
T. H., diminished and the excluded lands restored to the Government of 
the Territory of Hawaii. 



2264: Oct. 14 Samuel B. Brame, deputy collector of internal revenue in 
the 6th Internal Bevenue District of Virginia, made eligible for appoint- 
ment in the field service of the Internal Bevenue Bureau without regard 
to Civil Service Bules. 1915 CSB 109. 

2255: Oct. 14 S. Louise Wilkerson made eligible for appointment to a 
classified position without regard to Civil Service Bules. 1915 CSB 109. 

2256: Oct. 14 Maude H. Bundy made eligible for appointment to a posi- 
tion in the Government Printing Office without regard to Civil Service 
Bules. 1916 CSB 109. 

2257: Oct. 14 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for the 
protection of the water supply of Port D. A. Russell and the City of 

2258: Oct. 14 William H. H. Bowen made eligible for reinstatement in 
the field service of the Internal Bevenue Service, without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1916 CSB 109. 

2259: Oct. 14 Alaskan Timber Beserve No. 2 created for use in the con- 
struction, operation, and maintenance of the Valdez-Fairbanks Military 

2260: Oct. 18 Civil Service Bules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision III [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 7 amended as to persons temporarily employed in the 
prevention or suppression of threatened or actual epidemic of any dis- 
ease for which the appropriation for the prevention of epidemics is avail- 
able. 1916 CSB 107. 

2261 : Oct. 21 Alexander C. Downey made eligible for appointment as 
a classified clerk in the Treasury Dept., without regard to Civil Service 
Bules. 1916 CSB 110. 

2262 : Oct. 21 Consular Regulations of 1896 extensively amended as to 
shipment of seamen. 

2263 : Oct. 26 Twenty specified former employees of the Industrial Re- 
lations Commission made eligible for appointment to classified positions 
without regard to Civil Service Bules. 1916 CSB 110. 

2264: Oct. 28 Certain described lands in California reserved for the 
Camp or Port Independence Indians entitled to allotments thereon. IV 
K 1012. 

2265: Oct. 28 Mrs. Frederick Gillman made eligible for appointment as 
a seamstress or flagmaker at the Mare Island Navy Yard, Calif., with- 
out regard to Civil Service Bules or Navy Yard Regulations. 1916 CSB 



2266: Oct. 30 Eatka Administrative Site, Pend Oreille National Forest, 
Idaho, abolished. 

2267: Oct. SO Fox Administrative Site, Ozark National Forest, Ark., 

2268: Nov. 2 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for the use of 
the Agriculture Dept. as a sheep-breeding and grazing experimental 

2269: Nov. 2 Provisions of Section 4488 of the Revised Statutes, as 
amended, by the Act of Mar. 4, 1915, relating to the welfare of American 
seamen in the U. S. merchant marine and to the promotion of safety at 
sea, suspended until Sept. 3, 1916. 

2270: Nov. 10 Maj. Oen. Hugh L. Scott, Army Chief of Staff, desig- 
nated to act as War Sec'y in the absence of the Sec'y and the Assistant 

2271: Nov. 12 Ute Indian Reservation, Colo., enlarged. IV K 1017. 

2272: Nov. 16 Charles Harding made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Post Office Dept. without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1916 CSR 110. 

2273: Nov. 22 Boundaries of Colorado River Indian Reservation, Ariz., 
redefined. IV K 1001. 

2274: Nov. 30 Somers Point, N. J., abolished as a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 11 (Philadelphia). 

2275: Nov. 30 Certain described lands in North Dakota reserved for 
the organized militia as a target range. 

2276: Dec. 1 Nebraska National Forest, Neb., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to entry only under the provisions of the home- 
stead laws for 28 days from the 63d day after the date of this Order, 
and thereafter to disposition under any applicable land law. 

2277: Dec. 1 Amount of penal bond of Receivers of Public Moneys at 
Boise, Idaho ; Minot, N. Dak. ; Seattle and Vancouver, Wash., and Doug- 
las, Wyo., fixed at $10,000. 

2278: Dec. 1 Lawrence A. Baker made eligible for appointment as a 
clerk of the competitive class in the Post Office Dept. without examina- 
tion. 1916 CSR 110. 

2279: Dec. 1 Myra Magee made eligible for appointment as a clerk 
in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 



2280: Dec. 1 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved as an ad- 
dition to the target range for the post of Port Bliss, Tex., and for other 
military purposes. 

2281: Dec. 6 Certain described lands in Alabama reserved for mili- 
tary purposes. 

2282: Dec. 14 Margaretta G. H. Neale, special agent in the Census Bu- 
reau, made eligible for transfer to a clerical position in the Commerce 
Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 111. 

2233: Dec. 14 Emma I. Windridge made eligible for appointment to a 
clerkship in the War Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 
CSR 111. 

2284: Dec. 14 E. 0. 2263 of Oct. 26, 1915, making 20 former employees 
of the Industrial Relations Commission eligible for appointment to class- 
ified positions without regard to Civil Service Rules, amended by the ad- 
dition of four other specified employees. 1916 CSR 111. 

2285: Dec. 15 Regulations requiring all persons leaving the United 
States to be provided with passports of the Governments of which they 
are citizens, and for the examination and stamping of such passports, 

2286: Dec. 16 Arabella N. McDonald made eligible for reinstatement as 
an operative in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 1916 CSR 111. 

2236-A:Dec. 16 Regulations governing the granting and issuing of 
passports in the U. S. prescribed. 1925 CRC 202. 

2287: Dec. 18 Coconino National Forest, Ariz., diminished. 

2288: Dec. 18 William S. Phelps made eligible for reinstatement as 
examiner of merchandise in the Customs Service at the port of New 
York without regard to length of separation from the service. 1916 
CSR 112. 

2289: Dec. 18 Virginia Campbell made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1916 CSR 112. 

2290: Dec. 18 Harriet M. Sweet made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1916 CSR 112. 

2291 : Dec. 27 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for the 
protection of the water supply of Port D. A. Russell and the city of 



2292: Dec. 29 Marian K. Ferguson made eligible for appointment to a 
clerkship in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Boles. 1916 
CSR 112. 

2293: Dec. 29 Elizabeth B. Pettns made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1916 CSR 112. 

2294: Dec. 29 Certain described lands in Oklahoma reserved for agency 
and educational purposes in connection with the administration of the 
Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian Agency. IV K 1034. 


2295: Jan. 1 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved as a rifle 
range for the Tucson and University of Arizona Rifle Clubs. 

2296: Jan. 6 Thomas C. Barber made eligible for appointment as en- 
tomological assistant in the Entomology Bureau, Agriculture Dept., with- 
out regard to Civil Service Bules. 1916 CSB 113. 

2297: Jan. 11 Alaska Townsite and Railroad Withdrawal No. 2 dimin- 

2298: Jan. 11 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 
legislation to authorize their sale to the city of Salida for park purposes. 

2299: Jan. 14 Certain described military lands on Batton Island, Fla., 
placed under the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

2300: Jan. 14 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for the 
Papago Indians. IV K 1008. 

2301: Jan. 14 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1897, Section 332, 
pertaining to newspapers, amended. 

2802: Jan. 24 Minidoka National Forest, Idaho and Utah, diminished 
and the excluded lands opened to settlement only under the homestead 
laws on the 63d day after the date of this Order, and to entry and other 
disposition under any land law applicable thereto on the 91st day after 
the date of this Order. 

2303: Jan. 28 Charlotte, N. Y., abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District 8 (Bochester). 

2304: Jan. 28 Portion of Government Eeservation at Sturgeon Bay, 
Door County, Wis., transferred to the Interior Sec'y for disposal in order 
to permit the town of Nasewaupee to extend a public road. 



2306: Jan. 28 Pike National Forest, Colo., diminished and the excluded 
lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws on the 63d 
day after the date of this Order, and to entry and other disposition under 
any land law applicable thereto on the 91st day after the date of this 

2306: Feb. 7 Margaret S. Neate made eligible for appointment as 
printer's assistant in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 113. 

2307: Feb. 7 Customs Collection District No. 30 (Washington) dimin- 
ished and the excluded portion placed under jurisdiction of Customs Col- 
lection District No. 29 (Oregon). 

2308: Feb. 8 Frederick H. Signor made eligible for promotion from 
unclassified laborer to sub clerk in the office of Commerce Sec'y without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 113. 

2300: Feb. Edward H. Dyer made eligible for appointment in the 
Division of Efficiency of the Civil Service Commission without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 113. 

2310: Feb. 10 Joseph W. Harris made eligible for reinstatement as 4th 
assistant examiner in the Patent Office without regard to length of sep- 
aration from the service. 1916 CSR 114. 

2311 : Feb. 10 Ethel Robards made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Navy Dept. without examination. 1916 CSR 113. 

2312: Feb. 11 Helen Wrenn, temporary appointee, made eligible for 
permanent appointment in the Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau, 
Commerce Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 114. 

2313: Feb. 11 Maj. Gen. Hugh L. Scott, Army Chief of Staff, designated 
to act as War Sec'y during the absence of said Sec'y. IX PCRec 240. 

2314: Feb. 11 Annie E. Hudson, temporary employee in the Municipal 
service of the District of Columbia, made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 114. 

2315: Feb. 11 Monroe Ryles made eligible for appointment as mes- 
senger in the Federal Trade Commission without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1916 CSR 114. 

2316: Feb. 14 Camp Eldridge Military Reservation, Los Banos, Laguna 
Province, Luzon, P. I., enlarged. 

2317: Feb. IB Trust period on 44 allotments to Eastern Shawnee In- 
dians, Okla., extended for 10 years. IV K 1035. 



2318 : Feb. 16 Interdepartmental Board on Coast Communications es- 

2310: Feb. 16 Alaska Railroad and Townsite Withdrawal No. 9 estab- 
lished for townsite and other purposes in connection with the construc- 
tion and operation of railroad lines. 

2320: Feb. 21 San Pedro, Calif., abolished as a port of entry in Cus- 
' toms Collection District No. 27. 

2321: Feb. 21 £. 0. 2263 of Oct. 26, 1915, authorizing the appointment 
of certain former employees of the Commission on Industrial Relations 
to positions in the classified service, further amended to add two more 
names. 1916 CSR 114. 

2322 : Feb. 21 Certain described lands near Aibonito, Puerto Rico, for- 
merly reserved for army barracks, transferred to the Navy Dept. for a 
naval radio station and other purposes. 

2323 : Feb. 21 Certain described lands in Honolulu, T. H., transferred 
from the Navy Dept. to War Dept. 

2324: Feb. 22 E. O. 2306 of Feb. 7, 1916, making Margaret S. Neate 
eligible for appointment as printer's assistant in the Engraving and 
Printing Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules, amended to 
make her also eligible for appointment as a skilled laborer in the Gov- 
ernment Printing Office. 

2325: Feb. 23 E. 0. of Feb. 14, 1912, permitting certain Federal em- 
ployees residing in certain Virginia and Maryland municipalities to hold 
local office, further amended to include Capitol Heights, Md. 1916 CSR 

2326: Feb. 23 Trust or other period of restriction against alienation in 
any patent issued to any Indian for a homestead on the public domain, 
expiring in 1916, extended for one year ; five exceptions specified. IV K 

2327: Feb. 23 Edward Rappholt made eligible for reinstatement as a 
letter carrier at New York, N. Y., without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1916 CSR 115. 

2328: Feb. 25 Portion of the naval reservation at Point Loma, San 
Diego, Calif., retransf erred to the War Dept. for military purposes ; and 
portion of the military reservation at said place transferred to the Navy 
Dept. for naval purposes. 

2320 : Feb. 28 Five specified persons made eligible for reinstatement in 
the San Francisco, Calif., post office, without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1916 CSR 115. 



2330: Feb. 28 J. D. Yoakley, former Post Office Dept. employee, made 
eligible for reinstatement in the classified service without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1916 CSR 115. 

2331 : Feb. 28 Annie K. Campbell made eligible for appointment as 
private sec'y to the Census Director without examination. 1916 CSR 115. 

2332: Feb. 29 E. 0. 1228 of July 13, 1910, withdrawing certain lands 
within the former Siletz Indian Reservation, Oreg., pending legislation, 
revoked and said lands restored to entry. IV K 1045. 

2333: Mar. 6 Elizabeth L. Blackistone, former temporary employee, 
made eligible for appointment in the classified service without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 115. 

2334: Mar. 6 Carl G. Lines made eligible for appointment as electrician 
in the Census Bureau, Commerce Dept., without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1916 CSR 116. 

2336: Mar. 6 Esplanade Lots and Emmes Wharf Site Military Reserva- 
tions, Honolulu, T. H., restored to the Government of the Territory of 
Hawaii, and the Territorial Immigration Station, at said place, reserved 
for military purposes. 

2336: Mar. 8 Maud Fickling Hollis made eligible for reinstatement as a 
clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1916 CSR 116. 

2337: Mar. 8 Certain described lands at Sitka, Alaska, formerly reserved 
for the Treasury Dept., transferred to the Coast and Geodetic Survey, 
for a magnetic observatory and administrative purposes. 

2338: Mar. 8 Wenaha National Forest, Oreg. and Wash., diminished and 
excluded lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws on the 
63d day after the date of this Order, and to entry and other disposition 
under any land law applicable thereto on the 91st day after the date of 
this Order. 

2330 : Mar. 10 Eatherine F. Rogers made eligible for reinstatement in 
the Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation from the serv- 
ice. 1916 CSR 116. 

2340: Mar. 10 John V. Shea made eligible for transfer from bookbinder 
to clerk in the classified service of the Treasury Dept. without examina- 
tion. 1916 CSR 116. 

2341: Mar. 13 Treasury Sec'y authorized to direct customs officers to 
take up passports of returning American citizens. IX PCRec 281. 



2342: Mar. 14 E. 0. 2331 of Feb. 28, 1916, making Annie K. Campbell 
eligible for appointment as private sec'y to the Director of the Census, 
interpreted. 1916 CSR 116. 

2343: Mar. 20 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
legislation [to enlarge the Santiam National Forest]. 

2344: Mar. 20 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for the War 
Dept. in connection with future harbor improvements at the mouth of the 
Umpqua River. 

2345: Mar. 21 Enlisted strength of the regular Army brought up to the 
statutory maximum. 

2346: Mar. 21 May C. Walker, formerly with the Federal Reserve Bank 
Organization Committee, made eligible for appointment as a clerk in the 
classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 117. 

2347: Mar. 22 Certain described lands in Alaska on the Matanuska River 
reserved for use of the natives for fishing purposes. 

2343: Mar. 22 Certain described lands in Idaho withdrawn pending 
legislation [to establish Sawtooth National Park]. 

2340: Mar. 27 Ashland Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use by 
the Forest Service in the administration of Custer National Forest. 

2360: Mar. 20 Charles H. Slack made eligible for reinstatement as a 
compositor in the Government Printing Office without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1916 CSR 117. 

2361 : Mar. 30 Herbert D. Dean made eligible for reinstatement as a fish 
culturist in the Fisheries Bureau, Commerce Dept., without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1916 CSR 117. 

2362 : Apr. 3 Pedro D. Mora, an elevator conductor in the State, War, 
and Navy Building, permitted to take examination for postal service 
clerk without regard to minimum height requirements. 1916 CSR 117. 

2363: Apr. 3 Certain described islands in the Matanzas River, on the 
east coast of Florida, which were reserved for military purposes in 1849 
and declared a national monument in 1915, again reserved for military 

2364: Apr. 6 Executive Orders establishing Alaska Townsite Withdraw- 
als Nos. 1-9, amended to permit use and disposition of timber embraced 
in said withdrawals. 

2366: Apr. 11 Mary A. Perry made eligible for reinstatement as 
printer 's assistant in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 1916 CSR 117. 



2366: Apr. 11 William L. Buchanan made eligible for reinstatement to 
an appropriate position in the Immigration Service without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1916 CSR 117. 

2367: Apr. 11 Civil Service Rule V [pertaining to qualifications of appli- 
cants], Section 3, revoked to allow enlisted men admittance to examina- 
tion without written consent of their departmental head. Dec. 1916 CSA 
43, June 1917 CSA 26; 1916 CSR 106. 

2367-A: Apr. 11 Assistant State Sec'y designated chairman of board to 
examine prospective embassy and legation secretaries. 

2368: Apr. 12 Jennie Snodgrass Adams made eligible for appointment 
in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 

2360: Apr. 12 Mary E. Cline made eligible for reinstatement as opera- 
tive in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1916 CSR 118. 

2360: Apr. 13 G. Howard Ritter, temporary Census Bureau employee, 
made eligible for appointment in the classified service without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 118. 

2361 : Apr. 13 Dora M. Overby, former employee of the Federal Reserve 
Organization Committee and Federal Reserve Board, made eligible for 
appointment in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1916 CSR 118. 

2362: Apr. 17 Certain described lands of the Helena Land District, 
Mont., together with the business and archives pertaining thereto trans- 
ferred to the Missoula Land District. 

2362- A: Apr. 17 Rules governing the granting and issuing of passports 
amended. 1925 CRC 205. 

2363: Apr. 20 Trust period on allotments to Indians on the Yankton 
Sioux Reservation, S. Dak., expiring during 1916 and 1919, extended for 
10 years ; 162 exceptions specified. IV K 1046. 

2364: Apr. 21 Certain described lands in Washington County, Utah, 
reserved for the Shebit or Shivwitz tribe and other Indians. IV K 1048. 

2366: Apr. 21 Targhee National Forest, Idaho and Wyo., diminished 
and the excluded lands opened to settlement only under the homestead 
laws on the 63d day after the date of this Order and to entry and other 
dosposition under any other public land law applicable thereto on the 
91st day after the date of this Order. 

[ 199 ] 


2866: Apr. 24 Winston-Salem, N. G, created a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 15. 

2367: Apr. 24 Cleveland National Forest, Calif., diminished and the 
excluded lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws on 
the 63d day after the date of this Order, and to entry and other disposal 
under any land law applicable thereto on the 91st day after the date of 
this Order. 

2868: Apr. 24 Boundaries of the agricultural experiment station in New 
Mexico established by E. 0. 1526 of May 3, 1912, modified. 

2860: Apr. 26 Mrs. D. C. McCann made eligible for appointment in the 
Employment Service, Labor Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1916 CSB 118. 

2370: Apr. 26 Orace Porter Hopkins made eligible for appointment in 
the Employment Service, Labor Dept., without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1916 CSR 118. 

2371: Apr. 28 Ella Lee made eligible for appointment as clerk in the 
Postal Service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 119. 

2372: Apr. 28 Virginia Key and Key Biscayne Military Reservations, 
Fla., placed under the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

2373: Apr. 20 Emma B. Shreve and Clara M. Tremper, temporary em- 
ployees, made eligible for appointment as clerks in the Customs Service 
at New York, N. Y., without examination. 1916 CSR 119. 

2374: Apr. 20 Trust period on allotments to the Ponca Indians in 
Nebraska extended for 10 years ; 14 exceptions specified. IV K 1026. 

2375: Apr. 20 Camp or Fort Independence Indian Reservation, Calif., 
enlarged. IV K 1013. 

2376: Apr. 20 Trust period on allotments to the Grande Ronde Indians 
in Oregon extended for 10 years ; 66 exceptions specified. IV K 1044. 

2377: May 2 E. O. 1422 of Oct. 14, 1911, placing Port Brown Military 
Reservation, Tex., under the Interior Sec'y for disposal, revoked and said 
lands placed under the War Dept., excepting a portion reserved for the 
Weather Bureau and the Bureau of Entomology, Agriculture Dept. 

2378: Hay 2 Regulations governing peacetime operations of the Coast 
Ouard with the Navy prescribed. 

2370: May 2 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 10 established. 



2380: May 10 Toiyabe National Forest, Nev., diminished by transfer of 
the Moapa Division to the Dixie National Forest. 

2381: May 11 Naval Wharf No. 3 and one-half of Naval Slip No. 2, 
Honolulu, T. H., transferred from the Navy Dept. to the Commerce Dept. 

2382 : May 17 Governor of the Panama Canal charged with protection 
of the Canal until an officer of the Army is appointed to have entire con- 
trol during time of war or threatened war. M 214; 1915 PCR 631; IX 
PCRec 361. 

2383: May 18 State Sec'y authorized to appoint temporary employees 
in the State Dept. who have attained a competent rating to permanent 
positions in the non-clerical and clerical grades, up to and including 
class I, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 108. 

2384: May 22 Five specified postmasters appointed in 1914, having com- 
plied with the Civil Service requirements of E. 0. 1776 of May 7, 1913, 
placed in classified service. 

2386: May 22 Certain described lands in North Dakota reserved as a 
target range for the State militia. 

2386: May 22 Certain described lands in Arkansas reserved for the War 
Dept. for the operation and maintenance of Lock No. 2, Upper White 
River Improvement. 

2367: May 25 Neil McCee made eligible for appointment in the Employ- 
ment Service, Labor Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1915 
CSR 119. 

2388: May 25 Yendistucky Reserve, on the Chilkat River, near Haines, 
Alaska, reserved for the use of the Education Bureau and natives of 
indigenous Alaskan race. 

2389: May 29 Marian K. Ferguson made eligible for appointment as a 
clerk in any Executive Department, and E. 0. [2292] of Dec. 29, 1915, 
authorizing her appointment in the Navy Dept., amended accordingly. 
1916 CSR 119. 

2390: May 29 E. 0. [1637] of Oct. 29, 1912, prescribing specifications 
for National Flags and Union Jacks, revoked and new specifications 
prescribed. IX PCRec 408, X PCRec 149. 

2391 : May 31 Ada E. B. Snyder made eligible for appointment as opera- 
tive in the Printing and Engraving Bureau without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1916 CSR 120. 

2392: May 31 Maud N. Jackson made eligible for reinstatement in the 
classified service, Treasury Dept., without regard to length of separation 
from service. 1916 CSR 120. 



2303: June 5 Certain described lands in New Mexico formerly reserved 
for use of the War Dept. in connection with the construction of a military 
road from Bayard to Central, placed under the Interior Sec'y for dis- 

2394: June 5 Government employees on official duty provided free trans- 
portation on Government railways in Alaska. 

2395: June 6 Government employees in the District of Columbia excused 
from duty on June 14, 1916, in order to participate in the Preparedness 

2396: June 6 Boundaries of North Takima and Seattle Land Districts, 
Wash., redefined and the business and archives pertaining to the lands 
affected transferred to the respective Land Offices of said Districts. 

2397: June 6 Boundaries of North Yakima and Vancouver Land Dis- 
tricts, Wash., redefined and the business and archives pertaining to the 
lands affected transferred to the respective Land Offices of said Districts. 

2398: June 7 E. 0. 2321 of Feb. 21, 1916, authorizing the appointment 
of certain former employees of the Industrial Relations Commission to 
the classified service, amended to include two additional persons. 1916 
CSR 120. 

2399: June 8 William M. Scott, former plant pathologist, made eligible 
for reinstatement in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1916 CSR 120. 

2400: June 8 Nellie L. Yeatman made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Efficiency Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 
CSR 121. 

2401: June 8 Eilen C. Watkins made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Government Printing Office without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1916 CSR 120. 

2402: June 8 Katie O'Leary Jackson made eligible for reinstatement as 
operative in the Printing and Engraving Bureau without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1916 CSR 120. 

2403: June 19 Civil Service Rule X, pertaining to transfer, Section 7, 
on Engraving and Printing Bureau positions, amended to delete the posi- 
tion of money order assorter in the office of the auditor for the Post Office 
Dept. 1916 CSR 106. 

2404: June 19 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to certification], Sec- 
tion 2, amended to exempt operators of labor-saving devices for the audit 
of accounts and vouchers in the Post Office Dept. from the apportionment 
requirements. 1916 CSR 106. 



2405: June 10 Certain described lands at Momungan, Lanao Province, 
P. I., reserved for military purposes ; E. O. 2136 of Feb. 10, 1915, reserv- 
ing certain other lands at said place for said purposes, revoked. 

2405- A: June 19 Operation of E. 0. 2245y 2 of Sept. 14, 1915, permitting 
appointment of certain classes of veterans to positions of watchmen in 
the State, War, and Navy Dept. Building without regard to Civil Service 
Rules, extended through the fiscal year 1917. 

2406: June 23 Gifts to President by citizens of foreign countries to be 
presented through diplomatic representative of donor's government at 

2407: June 26 Lillian Rogenmoser, temporary State Dept. employee, 
made eligible for appointment to a permanent non-clerical position with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 121. 

2408: June 28 Rachael C. McKeown made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Animal Industry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 121. 

2409: June 29 Fannie Taylor Colmesnil, former employee of the Reserve 
Bank Organization Committee and the Federal Reserve Board, made 
eligible for appointment in the classified service without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1916 CSR 121. 

2410: June 80 Warren J. Brown, Henry C. Mansfield, and Florence E. 
Cleveland made eligible for appointment as clerks in the classified service 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 122; M 215; 1915 PCR 

2411 : June 30 Mud Lake Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use 
as a lookout station in the administration of the Kootenai National 

2412: June 30 Juneau Administrative Site, Alaska, reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Tongass National Forest. 

2413: June 30 Cedric R. Landon made eligible for appointment as an 
inspector of predatory animals, Biological Survey Bureau, Agriculture 
Dept., without regard to citizenship requirements. 1916 CSR 121. 

2414: June 30 Regulations for hospital service in connection with the 
construction and operation of Alaska railway prescribed. 

2415: July 3 Datil National Forest, N. Mex., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands placed under the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

2416: July 8 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to non-competitive examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. 



positions, Paragraph 1 amended to include position of inspector of aero- 
planes and aeroplane motors in the Signal Service at Large. 1916 CSR 

2417: July 8 Elk Refuge in Wyoming, established by E. 0. 2177 of Apr. 
21, 1915, enlarged. 

2418: July 11 Regulations for sale of the Federal and Cliff additions to 
Seward Townsite, Alaska, prescribed. 

2410: July 14 Mr. Marion T. Edwards made eligible for appointment as 
assistant messenger qualified in the operation and repair of automobiles, 
in the Bureau of Standards, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 
CSR 122. 

2420: July 14 Olivia Blanchard made eligible for appointment to a 
classified position in the Labor Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1916 CSR 122. 

2421: July 14 Ruth L. O'Donnell made eligible for appointment in the 
Efficiency Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 122. 

2422: July 14 Certain described lands at Richardson, Alaska, reserved 
for military telegraph purposes, and certain other lands formerly re- 
served for said purpose, placed under the control of the Interior Sec'y 
for disposal. 

2423: July 17 Civil War veterans in the Government service granted 
leave with pay to attend the Grand Army of the Republic Encampment 
at Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 26 to Sept. 3, 1916. IX PCRec 424. 

2424: July 18 Jacob P. Smith made eligible for appointment as store- 
keeper-gauger in the Internal Revenue Service without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1916 CSR 122. 

2425: July 10 Arthur E. Wilson, temporary clerk, made eligible for a 
permanent appointment as clerk in the office of the Surgeon General, 
Public Health Service, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 

2426: July 10 Certain described lands of the Buffalo Land District, 
Wyo., together with business and archives pertaining thereto, transferred 
to the Lander Land District. 

2427: July 24 Little Whitetail Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Deerlodge National 

2428: July 25 Canal Zone Regulations governing the allowance for 
quarters, fuel, and electric current to Panama Canal and Panama R. R. 
Co. employees prescribed. M 215 ; 1915 PCR 632 ; IX PCRec 444. 



2429: July 26 Payette National Forest, Idaho, diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

2430: July 28 Olga S. Moncure made eligible for reinstatement as topo- 
graphic draftsman in the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Commerce Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 123. 

2431 : Aug. 1 Albert W. Smith made eligible for promotion from un- 
classified laborer to subclerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1916 CSR 123. 

2432: Aug. 1 Trust period on allotments to the Iowa and the Sac and 
Fox Indians of Oklahoma, expiring during 1916, extended for 10 years ; 
55 exceptions specified. IV K 1041. 

2433: Aug. 1 Mrs. Alexander Walters made eligible for appointment in 
the Immigration Service at Ellis Island, N. Y., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1916 CSR 123. 

2434: Aug. 2 Ernest Szemelenyi, former translator, made eligible for 
reinstatement as clerk in the Patent Office without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1916 CSR 123. 

2435: Aug. 4 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
made subject to non-competitive examination!, amended by addition of 
Subdivision V, on Justice Department positions, Paragraph 1 covering 
positions employing paroled prisoners in penitentiaries. 1916 CSR 107. 

2436: Aug. 8 Arthur S. Hull made eligible for reinstatement as 4th 
assistant examiner in the Patent Office without regard to length of sepa- 
ration from the service. 1916 CSR 123. 

2437: Aug. 8 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands added to the Alaska Railroad Terminal Reserve. 

2438: Aug. San Francisco Bay Reservation, Calif., established as a 
preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

2430: Aug. 10 Myrtle M. Davis made eligible for appointment in the 
Postal Service without examination. 1916 CSR 124. 

2440: Aug. 10 Regulations governing the allowance of quarters, fuel, 
and electric current to employees of the Panama Canal and the Panama 
Railroad Company, amended to exclude alien silver employees from the 
provisions thereof. M 216; 1916 PCR 632. 

2441: Aug. 11 Regulations governing the operation of the Army and 
Navy Oeneral Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., amended as to commutation 
of the ration for enlisted men under treatment and female nurses on 



2442: Aug. 11 E. 0. 1773 of Mar. 3, 1913, reserving islands of the Aleu- 
tian Chain, Alaska, as bird, game, and fish preserves, modified to author- 
ize the issuance of patents to the* Pacific Sea Products Company for 38.13 
acres on Akutan Island. 

2443 : Aug. 11 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending legis- 
lation [to include them within the Cache National Forest]. 

2444: Aug. 21 Alaska Railroad and Townsite Withdrawal No. 11 estab- 

2446: Aug. 21 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending legis- 
lation [to include them within the Cache National Forest]. 

2446 : Aug. 21 North Platte Reservation, Neb., established as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds. 

2447: Aug. 31 Henry Braxton made eligible for promotion from mes- 
senger to clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1916 CSR 124. 

2448 : Sept. 1 Watch officers on foreign-built ships admitted to U. S. 
registry permitted to serve until expiration of time within which they are 
eligible for citizenship; laws requiring survey, inspection, and measure- 
ment of such ships and certification of seaworthiness, suspended for one 

2440 : Sept. 5 Monterey National Forest, Calif., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws on the 
63d day after the date of this Order, and to entry and other disposal 
under any land law applicable thereto, on the 91st day after the date of 
this Order. 

2460 : Sept. 5 Certain lands at Hogan, Alaska, reserved for use of the 
Army Signal Corps and certain other lands in said locality, formerly 
withdrawn for the same purpose, placed under the Interior Sec'y for 

2461 : Sept. 6 Canal Zone Regulations governing the licensing and opera- 
tion of motor vehicles prescribed. M 216 ; 1915 PCR 633 ; X PCRec 62. 

2462: Sept. 7 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 12 established. 

2463 : Sept. 14 Trust period on allotments to the Modec Indians in Okla- 
homa, expiring during 1916, extended for ten years ; 12 exceptions speci- 
fied. IV K 1037. 

2464: Sept. 16 Rugged Island in Resurrection Bay, Alaska, reserved for 
military purposes. 

[ 206 ] 


2455 : Sept. 15 Administration of the Employees Compensation Act of 

1916 transferred to the Governor of the Panama Canal insofar as Canal 
Zone employees are concerned. M 217; 1915 PCR 634; X PCRec 91. 

2456: Sept. 19 All matters pertaining to the Government of the Philip- 
pine Islands placed under the jurisdiction of the Insular Affairs Bureau, 
War Dept. 

2457: Sept. 20 E. 0. 2060 of Oct. 8, 1914, creating Alaska Townsite 
Withdrawal No. 4, revoked. 

2458: Sept. 20 Inter-Departmental Board on ice observation, ice patrol, 
and ocean derelict destruction created and duties prescribed. 

2459: Sept. 22 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for 
townsite purposes. 

2460: Sept. 28 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision XI, on Commerce Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to delete Paragraph 3, covering commercial agents, ex- 
perts, and special agents to investigate trade conditions; Schedule B. 
pertaining to positions subject to non-competitive examination, Subdivi- 
sion III, on Commerce Dept. positions, amended to add Paragraph 2 
including said positions. 1917 CSR 116. 

2461 : Sept. 28 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 172, pertaining 
to registration of American citizens, amended. 1925 CRC 68. 

2462: Sept. 28 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 692, pertaining 
to currency certificates, amended. 

2463 : Sept. 29 Chairman of the Alaskan Engineering Commission or- 
dered to administer the Employees Compensation Act of 1916 for em- 
ployees thereof. 

2464: Sept. 29 Certain described lands at Honolulu, T. H., formerly re- 
served for use of the War Dept. by E. O. 2323 of Feb. 21, 1916, restored 
to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii. 

2466: Sept. 30 Lillian M. Watkins made eligible for transfer from the 
nonapportioned to the apportioned service of the Treasury Dept. and 
promotion to the position of clerk without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

1917 CSR 121. 

2465- A: Sept. 30 Certain described lands in Arizona near the Prescott 
National Forest reserved as stock driveways. 

2466: Oct. 2 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 
classification and possible inclusion in the Colorado and Pike National 



2467: Oct. 9* Gasoline boat Blanche 17., previously forfeited to the 
United States for violation of the immigration laws, ordered turned over 
to Labor Dept. for use of the immigration officials at Seattle, Wash. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

2468: Oct 10 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IX, on Agriculture Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to add Paragraph 4 excepting special meteorological 
observers at stations in Alaska, the West Indies, and portions of foreign 
territory bordering on the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. 1917 
CSR 113. 

2469: Oct. 10 Vera A. Hardie made eligible for reinstatement as 
printer's assistant in the Printing and Engraving Bureau without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 1917 CSR 121. 

2470: Oct 14 E. 0. 2449 of Sept. 5, 1916, excluding certain lands from 
the Monterey National Forest, Calif., and restoring said lands to settle- 
ment and entry, amended to change the date of the opening to settlement 
to Nov. 14, 1916, and the date of the opening to entry and other disposal 
to Dec. 12, 1916. 

2471 : Oct. 17 Mrs. George S. Ferrow made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Navigation Bureau, Commerce Dept., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1917 CSR 121. 

2472: Oct 17 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for townsite 

2473: Oct. 17 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
classification and possible inclusion in the Wyoming National Forest. 

2474: Oct. 17 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
classification and possible inclusion in the Whitman National Forest. 

2475 : Oct. 17 Regulations governing the commutations in cash of 
accrued leave of employees of the Panama Canal, the Canal Zone, and the 
Panama Railroad prescribed. M 218; 1915 PCR 634; X PCRec 149. 

2476: Oct. 22 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 1 diminished. 

2477: Oct 22 Certain described lands in Ketchikan Townsite, Alaska, 
reserved for use of the Forest Service as a ranger station. 

2478 : Oct 22 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 
legislation [to enlarge the Rocky Mountain National Park, Colo]. 

2479: Oct. 22 Canal Zone Regulations governing the payment of interest 
on deposit money orders prescribed. M 218; 1915 PCR 635; X PCRec 



2480: Oct. 25 Ear Mountain Administrative Site, Mont., enlarged by the 
addition of certain described lands for use in the administration of the 
Lewis and Clark National Forest. 

2481 : Oct. 31 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision IV [on War Dept. 
positions], amended to add Paragraph 2 to include the position of mili- 
tary storekeeper in the Signal Service at Large when filled by retired 
non-commissioned officers of the Signal Corps. 1917 CSB 112. 

2482: Oct. 31 Civil Service Rule VI [pertaining to eligibility], Section 
3, amended to provide that the term of eligibility may be suspended in 
case of an eligible who is mustered into military or naval service, and 
restored at the end of such service for a period of time equivalent to the 
time of suspension. X PCRec 187. 

2483: Nov. 5 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1897, Paragraph 42, 
and Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 441, amended as to relative 
rank of Diplomatic and Consular officers. 

2484: Nov. 5 Lee P. Hawley, former chemist in forest products, made 
eligible for reinstatement in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1917 CSR 121. 

2485: Nov. 5 Rainy Creek Administrative Site, Palisade National Forest, 
Idaho, abolished. 

2486: Nov. 5 Certain described lands in Oregon temporarily reserved 
for classification pending exchange [for privately owned lands within 
the Whitman National Forest] . 

2487: Nov. 5 Box Springs Administrative Site, Angeles National Forest, 
Calif., abolished. 

2483: Nov. 21 Gladstone, Mich., abolished as port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 38. 

2480: Nov. 21 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for mili- 
tary purposes. 

2490: Nov. 21 Whitetail Administrative Site, Deerlodge National Forest, 
Mont., abolished. 

2401 : Nov. 21 Sheep breeding experiment station, Idaho, modified, and 
the excluded lands restored to public domain. 

2402: Nov. 21 Routt National Forest, Colo., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to settlement only under the homestead laws on the 
63d day after the date of this Order, and to entry and other disposal 
under any land law applicable thereto on the 91st day after the date of 
this Order. 



2493: Nov. 24 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 486, pertaining 
to records of notarial and other services, amended. 

2494: Nov. 24 Trust period on allotments to Absentee Shawnee and the 
Citizen Pottawatomie Indians in Oklahoma, expiring during 1917, ex- 
tended for 10 years ; 92 exceptions specified. IV K 1032. 

2495: Nov. 24 Potts Administrative Site, Nev., reserved for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of Toiyabe National Forest. 

2496: Deo. 7 Coronado National Forest, Ariz., diminished. 

2497: Dec. 7 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for the pro- 
tection of the water supply of Fort D. A. Russell and the city of 

2498: Dec. 16 Army punishment regulations for time of peace pre- 

2499: Dec. 20 William C. Rader made eligible for appointment as as- 
sistant to the director of the Insurance War Risk Bureau, Treasury Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 122. 

2500: Dec. 20 Hattie M. Miller copyist at $720 per annum made eligible 
for promotion to copyist at $900 per annum in the Patent Office, Interior 
Dept., without examination. 1917 CSR 121. 

2501: Dec. 20 E. Os. 2224 of July 19, 1915, and 2418 of July 11, 1916, 
establishing Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 8, modified to allow the 

homestead entry of Clarence E. Burr. 


2502: Dec. 28 Anne M. Roden, temporary War Dept. employee, made 
eligible for permanent appointment in the Treasury Dept. without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 122. 


2503: Jan. 3 Dolley Farrior made eligible for appointment as messenger 
or to any other suitable position in the War Dept. without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 122. 

2504: Jan. 3 Ludington, Mich., abolished as port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 38. 

2505: Jan. 3 Trust or other period of restriction against alienation in 
patents issued to any Indian for land on the public domain, expiring in 
1917, extended for one year ; three exceptions specified. IV K 1054. 



2506: Jan. 3 Reese Administrative Site, Nev., established for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Toiyabe National Forest. 

2507: Jan. 3 Sierra National Forest, Calif., diminished and the excluded 
lands opened to settlement only under the homestead laws for 28 days 
from the 63d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to disposal 
under any applicable land law. 

2508: Jan. 3 Norton Bay Reservation, Alaska, established for use of the 
Bureau of Education and natives of indigenous Alaskan races. 

2509 : Jan. 5 Frank Kearney made eligible for promotion from mes- 
senger to clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1917 CSR 122. 

2510 : Jan. 9 Petroleum Reserve No. 30, California No. 15, diminished 
by exclusion of certain lands patented in 1876 under the grant in aid of 
the construction of the Southern Pacific Railroad. 

2511 : Jan. 11 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn for 
classification and possible inclusion within the Gran Quivira National 

2512: Jan. 15 Trust period on allotments to five Citizen Pottawatomie 
and one absentee Shawnee Indian in Oklahoma, expiring in 1917, ex- 
tended for 10 years. IV K 1033. 

2513: Jan. 15 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for use 
and occupancy of the Navajo and such other Indians as the Interior Sec'y 
may settle thereon. IV K 1030. 

2514: Jan. 15 Regulations governing the conditions of employment in 
the Panama Canal Service amended as to annual, travel and cumulative 
leave. M 218 ; 1916 PCR 405 ; X PCRec 319. 

2515: Jan. 15 Interdepartmental Board on Location of Nitrate Plants 
created ; duties prescribed. 

2516: Jan. 17 Mourning formalities for Admiral George Dewey ordered. 

2517: Jan. 18 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for mili- 
tary purposes. 

2518: Jan. 19 Austin F. Hawes, former forest assistant, made eligible 
for reinstatement as extension specialist in forestry in the States Rela- 
tions Service, Agriculture Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1917 CSR 122. 

2519: Jan. 23 Corry, Pa., abolished as a port of entry in Customs Collec- 
tion District No. 41. 



2519- A: Jan. 24 Rules governing the granting and issuing of passports 
in the United States prescribed. 1925 CRC 209. 

2520: Jan. 25 Michael Flaherty, unclassified laborer, made eligible for 
appointment as subclerk or wireman in the Treasury Dept. without re- 
gard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 122. 

2521: Jan. 26 Kahauiki (Fort Shatter) Military Reservation, Oahu, T. 
H., diminished. 

2522 : Jan. 30 Drew Administrative Site, S. Dak., created for use as an 
addition to a ranger station in the administration of the Harney National 

2523: Jan. 30 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for protec- 
tion of the water supply of Fort D. A. Russell and the city of Cheyenne. 

2524: Feb. 1 E. Os. [1374] of June 16, 1911, [1655] of Dec. 5, 1912, and 
[2300] of Jan. 14, 1916, reserving certain lands in Arizona for the Papago 
Indians, and that part of E. O. [1538] of May 28, 1912, which reserved 
certain lands for the same purpose, revoked and certain other described 
lands in Arizona reserved for said Indians. IV K 1005. 

2525: Feb. 6 Boundaries of Norton Bay Reservation, Alaska, as estab- 
lished for the use of the Bureau of Education and natives of indigenous 
Alaskan race, redefined. 

2526: Feb. 6 Canal Zone Regulations governing the entry of Chinese 
prescribed. M 222 ; 1916 PCR 408 ; X PCRec 367. 

2527: Feb. 6 Canal Zone Regulations governing the exclusion of un- 
desirables prescribed. M 220 ; 416 PCR 407 ; X PCRec 373. 

2528: Feb. 14 Island or rock in the Pacific Ocean, opposite Point Vin- 
cente, Calif., reserved for lighthouse purposes. 

2529: Feb. 14 Nora A. Pennell, former printer's assistant, made eligible 
for reinstatement as an operative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 1917 CSR 123. 

2530: Feb. 14 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved pending 
legislation [to enlarge the Wyoming National Forest]. 

2531 : Feb. 16 Postmaster General directed to apportion appointments 
to the position of Post Office inspector by States and between the political 
parties. 1917 CSR 118. 

2532: Feb. 17 Mary R. Livingston Stephenson made eligible for appoint- 
ment as skilled laborer in the Government Printing Office without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 123. 



25S3: Feb. 20 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for use as a 
Naval radio station. 

2634: Feb. 20 Port William McKinley Military Reservation, Province of 
Rizal, P. I., diminished by exclusion of certain described lands restored 
to the Government of the Philippines. 

2635: Feb. 21 John E. Amis made eligible for appointment to a clerical 
position in any Executive Dept. or Independent Establishment without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 123. 

2636: Feb. 21 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III, on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to revoke Paragraph 4, providing for the exception of 
certain storekeepers and gaugers. 1917 CSR 114. 

2637: Feb. 21 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for use as a 
distant control receiving station in conjunction with the Naval radio 
station at Mile 31%, near Cordova. 

2638: Feb. 26 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 13 established. 

2639: Feb. 26 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 14 established. 

2640: Feb. 27 Federal per diem employees and other day laborers in 
the District of Columbia excused from work on Inauguration Day, Mar. 
5, 1917. 

2641 : Feb. 27 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision V, on Navy Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 2 amended to except additional Navy Academy positions. 
1917 CSR 114. 

2642: Feb. 28 Arapaho National Forest, Colo., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to entry under the homestead laws for 20 days from 
the 43d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to settlement and 
other disposition under any applicable land law. 

2642-A:Mar. 4 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending 
legislation [to consolidate certain lands within the Cache National Forest 
and to add certain lands thereto]. 

2543: Mar. 13 Isaac Bassett, Thomas Harkness, and William H. Wise, 
guides at the Washington Navy Yard, made eligible for appointment as 
watchmen at said Navy Yard without examination. 1917 CSR 123. 

2644: Mar. 16 J. R. McArdle made eligible for appointment in the Post 
Office Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 123. 



2646: Mar. 17 Twenty-eight deputy collectors of internal revenue made 
eligible for transfer to the classified position of field deputy collector 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 123. 

2646: Mar. 21 William J. Martin made eligible for appointment to a 
competitive position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1917 CSR 124. 

2647: Mar. 21 Civil Service Commission authorized in transfers or re- 
instatements to disregard the period during which the employee involved 
was in the military service under the President's calls of June 18, 1916. 
Jan. 1918 CSA 59; 1917 CSR 118; X PCRec 35. 

2648: Mar. 21 All matters pertaining to the Government of Puerto Rico 
placed under the War Dept., and the business of said Dept. in that re- 
spect assigned to the Insular Affairs Bureau. 

2640: Mar. 21 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for the 
use and occupancy of the Indians of the Laguna Pueblo and such other 
Pueblo Indians as the Interior Sec'y may settle thereon. IV K 1029. 

2560: Mar. 21 Two described islands in Lake Superior reserved for use 
and occupancy of the Indians of the Orand Portage Indian Reservation, 
Minn. IV K 1023. 

2661: Mar. 21 E. 0. 1794 of July 3, 1913, reserving certain lands in 
Alabama for classification, modified to permit the homestead entry of 
Samuel L. Kay to remain intact. 

2562 : Mar. 21 Spike Island, in Orca Inlet, near Cordova, Alaska, re- 
served for lighthouse purposes. 

2653: Mar. 21 Certain described lands on Woody Island, near Kodiak, 
Alaska, reserved for use of the Navy in connection with the wireless tele- 
graph service. 

2554: Mar. 22 Eight-hour day suspended for persons working on con- 
tracts for the Navy Dept. in Navy Yards and private establishments. 

2565: Mar. 22 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision II, on Navy Dept. positions, 
amended to eliminate the restriction on the number of " officers to aid in 
important drafting work" permitted to be appointed. 1917 CSR 114. 

2656: Mar. 22 Otto Lewis Evans made eligible for appointment as law 
clerk in the State Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 

2567: Mar. 23 Charles P. Geyer and Frank B. Oehring made eligible for 
appointment as lithographic draftsmen in the Coast and Geodetic Survey, 
Commerce Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 124. 



2568: Mar. 23 Thomas Ferris made eligible for appointment to a classi- 
fied position in the Indian Service without examination. 1917 CSR 124. 

2669: Mar. 24 Authorized enlisted strength of the Navy increased to 
87,000 men. 

2559- A: Mar. 24 Eight-hour day suspended for persons working on con- 
tracts for military supplies and equipment, construction of buildings at 
the arsenals, and fortification work. 

2560: Mar. 26 Civil Service Commission authorized to fill vacancies for 
which there is no suitable eligible by the appointment of persons shown 
to be qualified by noncompetitive examination. Jan. 1918 CSA 44, July 
1919 CSA 40 ; 1917 CSR 118 ; X PCRec 35. 

2561: Mar. 26 Authorized enlisted strength of the Marine Corps in- 
creased to 17,400 men. 

2662: Mar. 27 Matthew E. Hanna made eligible for examination for a 
secretaryship in the Diplomatic Service without regard to age limitations. 

2663: Mar. 27 E. O. [1779] of Jan. 4, 1911, placing Port Ringgold Mili- 
tary Reservation, Tex., under the Interior Sec'y for disposal, revoked 
and said Reservation restored to the control of the War Dept. 

2664: Mar. 28 Certain described lands at Nanakuli, District of Waianae, 
Oahu, T. H., reserved for military purposes. 

2566: Mar. 28 Certain described lands at Waimanalo, District of Eoolau- 
poko, Oahu, T. H., reserved for military purposes. 

2566: Mar. 28 Certain described lands at Aiea, District of Ewa, Oahu, 
T. H., reserved for military purposes. 

2567: Mar. 29 Claude T. Worford made eligible for appointment as 
draftsman in the Naval Intelligence Office without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1917 CSR 124. 

2668: Mar. 29 Sum of $100,000 allocated to Rear Admiral James H. 
Oliver, Virgin Islands Governor, to be expended for necessary expenses 
in the taking over and occupancy of said Islands. 

2669: Mar. 81 Lorraine J. Markwardt made eligible for reinstatement 
as engineer in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1917 CSR 125. 

2569- A: Mar. 81 Regulations governing appointment of 1st, 2d, or 3d 
class postmasters prescribed. 1917 CSR 119. 



2570: Apr. 2 Restrictions on job transfers of Federal employees during 
War emergency prescribed. Jan. 1918 CSA 49; 1917 CSR 119; X PCRec 

2571: Apr. 3 Public Health Service constituted part of the military 
forces during times of threatened or actual warfare. XX PCRec 441. 

2572: Apr. 3 Eight-hour day suspended for persons at work on the dis- 
tribution of seeds for the Agriculture Dept. 

2573: Apr. 3 Gilbert J. Murray made eligible for appointment as as- 
sistant to the director of the War Risk Insurance Bureau, Treasury Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 125. 

2574: Apr. 4 Ellie D. Bouldin designated to sign [the President's name 
to] land patents during the absence of the regular clerk. 

2575: Apr. 4 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for a 
target range. 

2576: Apr. 4 Cotton Flat Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Lolo National Forest. 

2577: Apr. 4 Certain described lands in Alaska, formerly reserved for 
townsite purposes, restored to entry. 

2578: Apr. 4 Certain described lands in Alaska along the Susitna River 
reserved for purposes in connection with the construction and operation 
of railroad lines. 

2579: Apr. 4 Regulations governing the withdrawal, location and dis- 
position of Alaska railroad townsites, amended to prohibit the selling, 
leasing, mortgaging, etc., of any lot containing two or more acres, other 
than in its entirety, for five years after the date of acquisition from the 

2580: Apr. 4 Trust period on allotment to the Cheyenne and Arapaho 
Indians in Oklahoma, expiring in 1917, extended 10 years ; 157 exceptions 
specified. IV K 1034. 

2581: Apr. 4 Certain described lands at Honolulu, T. H., known as Tract 
No. 1, and formerly reserved for naval and military purposes, restored to 
the Government of Hawaii. 

2582: Apr. 5 Agnes O. Tansill and Marjorie A. Weaver, calculating ma- 
chine operators, made eligible for transfer to the apportioned service of 
the Treasury Dept. and promotion to clerk without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1916 CSR 125. 



2683: Apr. 5 Ten specified temporary expert calculating machine opera- 
tors in the Treasury Dept. made eligible for permanent appointment. 
1917 CSR 125. 

2684: Apr. 6 Twenty-nine defensive sea areas established and regula- 
tions governing persons and vessels within the limits of said areas pre- 

2686: Apr. 6* Control of all radio stations placed under the Navy 
Sec'y ; seizure of those necessary for naval communication, and closing of 
all others, authorized. X PCRec 442. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

2686: Apr. 6 Spring Administrative Site, Mont., established for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Beaverhead National Forest. 

2687: Apr. 7 Operation of the Coast Guard as part of the Navy ordered. 

2683: Apr. 11 Certain vessels, equipment, stations and personnel of the 
Lighthouse Service transferred to the War Dept. 

2689: Apr. 11 Alaskan Timber Reserve No. 1 enlarged. 

2690: Apr. 11 Certain described lands in Alabama withdrawn for 
classification and in connection with a proposed forest purchase area. 

2691 : Apr. 11 Trust period on allotments to the Ottawa, Seneca, and 
Wyandotte Indians in Oklahoma, expiring in 1917, extended 10 years; 
265 exceptions specified. IV K 1038. 

2692: Apr. 11 Henry J. Cantey, unclassified laborer in the Labor Statis- 
tics Bureau, Labor Dept., made eligible for promotion to assistant mes- 
senger without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 125. 

2693: Apr. 18 Certain described lands in the St. Francis River Basin, 
Ark., withdrawn pending survey with a view to ascertaining the prac- 
ticability of improving the St. Francis River. 

2694: Apr. IS Committee on Public Information created and George 
Creel appointed civilian chairman. 

2696: Apr. 14 Katherine M. Herring made eligible for appointment in 
the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 

2696: Apr. 14 E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
Government, waived to permit employees of the Treasury Dept. to serve 
on any State, county or municipal defense committee for the purposes of 
mobilizing and conserving the resources of the country. 1917 CSR 119. 



2507: Apr. 14 Month of the York River, in Chesapeake Bay, established 
as a defensive sea area in addition to those established by E. 0. [2584] 
of Apr. 5, 1917. 

2598: Apr. 16 Henry Fox made eligible for reinstatement as asst. engi- 
neer in the Engineer Dept. at Large at Little Rock, Ark., without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 1917 CSR 126. 

2599: Apr. 16 Certain described lands in Montana withdrawn pending 
legislation to secure the use of said lands as a game preserve. 

2600: Apr. 17 Council of National Defense authorized to employ persons 
best adapted to its work for the period of the war without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1917 CSR 119. 

2601: Apr. 18 D. Brockman Winfrey, private sec'y to the director of the 
Mint, made eligible for appointment as a clerk in the classified service of 
the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 126. 

2602: Apr. 18 Civil Service Commission authorized to certify and ap- 
point to Federal positions eligibles on any satisfactory State, county, or 
municipal civil service register. 1917 CSR 120. 

2603: Apr. 19 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
legislation to secure the use of said lands as a public park. 

2604: Apr. 28 Censorship of submarine cables, telegraph, and telephone 
lines, established; Navy Dept. given supervisory control of submarine 
cables and War Dept. of telegraph and telephone lines. 

2605: Apr. 28 Eight-hour day suspended with respect to persons en- 
gaged upon work covered by contracts made by the War Dept. 

2605-A: Apr. 80* Control of all radio stations placed under the Navy 
Sec'y; seizure of those necessary for naval communication, and closing 
of others authorized. X PCRec 509. 

* Has form of a proclamation. Wording varies slightly from that of E. O. 2585. 

2606: May 4 Sale or disposition of Alaskan Railroad townsite lots or- 
dered governed either by E. O. 2214 of June 19, 1915, as amended by 
E. O. 2579 of Apr. 4, 1917, or by E. O. 2418 of July 11, 1916. 

2607: May 4 Trust period on allotments to the Sac and Fox of the 
Missouri Indians in Kansas and Nebraska, expiring during 1917, ex- 
tended for 10 years ; four exceptions specified. IV K 1021. 

2608: May 4 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands reserved for townsite and other purposes in connection with 
the construction and operation of railroad lines. 



2609: May 7 James C. McNally made eligible for appointment as consul 
general or consul without regard to E. 0. [469] of June 27, 1906. 

2610: May 7 Annie Eopolucci made eligible for appointment as seam- 
stress in the Washington Navy Yard without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1917 CSR 126. 

2611 : May 7 Edgar Mabie made eligible for appointment as superin- 
tendent of the War Risk Insurance Bureau, Treasury Dept., without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 126. 

2612: May 7 Certain described lands in Arizona between the Little Colo- 
rado River and the Tusayan National Forest temporarily withdrawn 
pending allotments to the Navajo Indians living thereon. IV K 1004. 

2612-A:May 8 William A. West made eligible for appointment as 
skilled laborer in the Equipment Shops of the Post Office Dept. without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 126. 

2613: May 9 Horace M. Albright, asst. attorney in the Interior Dept. 
made eligible for appointment as assistant director of the National Park 
Service. 1917 CSR 126. 

2614: May 9 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination], Subdivision IV [on War Dept. 
positions], Paragraph 2 amended to include military storekeepers in the 
Medical Dept. at Large and the Quartermaster Corps of the Army, when 
filled by retired noncommissioned officers of those branches of the serv- 
ice. 1917 CSR 117. 

2615: May 9 Henry S. Grogan made eligible for reinstatement as a post 
office inspector without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1917 CSR 127. 

2616: May 9* Executive Departments ordered to furnish lists of in- 
terned enemy aliens to the American Red Cross so that they may be 
forwarded to the International Red Cross at Oeneva. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

2617: May 11 Civil Service Commission authorized to permit appoint- 
ment of civilians attached to military organizations sent abroad without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 120. 

2618: May 11 Avon Administrative Site, Holy Cross National Forest, 
Colo., enlarged. 

2619: May 11 Consular Regulations of 1896 amended as to verification 
of American passports, visaing of foreign passports, and forms to be 
used for such services ; Tariff of Consular Fees amended as to fees to be 
collected for said services and for issuing or extending a passport. 1925 
CRC 72. 



2619-A:May 14 Seizure of the German vessels Odenwald and Presi- 
dent at San Juan, P. R., by the Navy Sec'y for use by the United States 
Navy ordered. EL 169. 

2620: Hay 15 Administration of the customs laws in the Virgin Islands 
placed under the direction and control of the Treasury Sec'y* and said 
Sec'y authorized to appoint a collector of customs for said Islands. 

2621 : May 16 Oerman vessel Atlas ordered transferred from the Treas- 
ury Dept. to commandant of the 12th Naval District for use in harbor 
patrol work. EL 169. 

2622: Hay 17 That part of E. O. 2377 of May 2, 1916, reserving certain 
lands in Texas, formerly part of Port Brown Military Reservation, for 
the Agriculture Dept., revoked and said lands again placed under con- 
trol of the War Dept. for military purposes. 

2628: May 19 Trust periods on allotments to the Oneida Indians in 
Wisconsin, expiring during 1917, extended for one year; 23 exceptions 
specified. IV K 1052. 

2624: May 22 Seizure of Oerman vessels the Kronprinz WUhelm and the 
Prim Eitel Friedrich at Philadelphia, Pa., the Liebenfels at Charleston, 
S. C. and the Oeir and the Locksen at Honolulu, T. H., by the Navy Sec'y 
for use by the United States Navy authorized. 

2625: May 22 Oerman vessels Hohenfelde, Frieda Leonhardt, Nicaria, 
Kiel, Rudolf Blumberg, Vogesen, Breslau, and Saxonia ordered trans- 
ferred from the Treasury Dept. to the Navy Dept. for use as colliers and 
cargo carriers. El 170. 

2626: May 22 Civil Service Rule IX [pertaining to reinstatement], 
amended to add Paragraph 2 providing that a person resigning a scientific, 
professional, or technical position to enter the public service of a State, 
county, municipality, or foreign government in a similar capacity, may 
upon completion of such service be reinstated in the department in 
which he formerly served, within three years from the date of his sep- 
aration from service. 1917 CSR 112. 

2627: May 27 Bayside (Point Comfort) Military Reservation, Middle- 
ton, N. J., placed under the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

2628: June 4 War Dept. authorized to employ without regard to Civil 
Service Rules during the period of the war the inspection staffs of Allied 
governments in munitions factories. 1917 CSR 120. 

2629: June 6 Lubec, Maine, abolished as a port of entry in the Customs 
Collection District No. 1 and consolidated with port of entry of East- 
port, Maine. 



2630: June 6 Coronado National Forest, Ariz., and N. Mex., enlarged 
by the addition of all lands of the Chiricahna National Forest. 

2631: June 6 Humboldt National Forest, Nev., enlarged by the addi- 
tion of all lands of the Ruby and Santa Rosa National Forests. 

2632: June 6 Targhee National Forest, Idaho and Wyo., enlarged by 
the addition of all lands of the Palisade National Forest. 

2633: June 6 Lincoln National Forest, N. Mex., enlarged by the addi- 
tion of all lands of the Alamo National Forest. 

2634: June 8 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision IV [on War Dept. 
positions], Paragraph 1, amended to include student instructors in flying 
and as to the designation of inspectors of airplanes and airplane engines. 
1917 CSR 117; EL 169. 

2635: June 12 Seizure of the German vessel Staatssekretar Solf at 
Tutuila, Samoa, by the Navy Sec'y for use of the Navy ordered. EL 170. 

2636: June 12 E. Anna Draper and Katherine Gaines made eligible for 
appointment as clerks in the War Risk Insurance Bureau, Treasury 
Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 127. 

2637: June 12 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision XI [on Commerce Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to add Paragraph 4 excepting student assistants in 
Standards Bureau earning up to $300 per annum, provided they are bona 
fide students and appointed for a period of not longer than six months 
in any one year. 1917 CSR 115. 

2638: June 12 Little Lime Island, in the Straits of St. Mary off the 
coast of Michigan, reserved for lighthouse purposes. 

2639: June 18 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for use of 
certain Shoshone Indians residing near Winnemucca and Battle Moun- 
tain, Nev. IV K 1028. 

2640: June 18 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved pending leg- 
islation [to permit the exchange for lands of equal value owned by States 
or private individuals within the boundaries of national forests]. 

2641 : June 18 Regulations governing the sale and disposition of Alaska 
railroad townsites amended to eliminate all provisions for forfeiture of 
lots as a penalty for using the same for manufacturing, selling, or other- 
wise disposing of intoxicating liquors, or for gambling, prostitution, or 
other unlawful purpose. 

mi ] 


2642: June 20 Red Butte Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Custer National Forest. 

2648: June 20 Charles H. Eessler made eligible for reinstatement as 
assistant examiner in the Patent Office, Interior Dept., without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 1917 CSR 127. 

2644: June 20 John J. Crowley made eligible for appointment as as- 
sistant to the director of the War Risk Insurance Bureau, Treasury 
Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 127. 

2646: June 22 Secretary of Commerce vested w ith the executive ad- 
ministration of all instructions issued under Title Vll of the Espionage 
Act of 1917 and the proclamations thereunder; Exports Council, com 
posed of the Sec'ys. of State, Agriculture, and Commerce, and Pood 
Administrator, established to formulate policies and to make sugges- 
tions to carry out the purposes of said Act. EL 170. 

2646: June 27 Ediz Hook Spit Lighthouse Reservation, Port Angeles 
Harbor, Wash., diminished, and the excluded lands transferred to the 
Navy Dept. 

2647: June 28 Eureka Military Reservation, Alaska, formerly reserved 
for the use of the Army Signal Corps, placed under the Interior Sec'y 
for disposal. 

2648: June 28 H. H. Chapman made eligible for reinstatement as as- 
sistant district forester in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1917 CSR 127. 

2649: June 28 Cauit Island, Cebu, P. I., designated, confirmed, and 
reserved as a quarantine station under the Treasury Dept. 

2660: June 20 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision IV [on War Dept. positions], 
Paragraph 14 amended to include watchmen at warehouses, depots, 
wharves, and piers belonging to or controlled by the War Dept. 1917 
CSR 115. 

2661: June 80 Seizure of 87 German vessels by the Shipping Board au- 
thorized and said Board directed to repair, equip and man, operate, 
lease, or charter the same in any service of the United States. EL 171 ; 

2662: June 8 Provisions of law requiring that watch officers of U. 
S. vessels registered for foreign trade be citizens of the United States, 
suspended for the duration of the war for citizens of allied or neutral 
nations. X PCRec 586. 



2653: July 3 Seizure of the German vessel Prinz Eitel Friedrich at 
Hoboken, N. J., by the Shipping Board for use in the service of the 
United States ordered. EL 172. 

2664: July 5 J. M. Shaffer made eligible for appointment to a classified 
position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1917 CSR 128. 

2666: July 6 Mary C. Ritenour, former printer's assistant in the En- 
graving and Printing Bureau, made eligible for appointment to a classi- 
fied clerical position without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 

2666: July 6 Eight-hour day suspended for persons engaged on the 
construction of the Post Office Dept. Equipment Shops Building, Wash- 
ington, D. C. 

2656-A: July 6 E. 0.s [2245%] of Sept. 14, 1915, and [2405-A] of June 
19, 1916, permitting appointment of certain class of veterans to the 
position of 'watchmen in the State, War and Navy Dept. Building, ex- 
tended through the fiscal year 1918. 

2667: July 10 George B. Taylor made eligible for reinstatement as 
chief of division in the office of the War Sec'y without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1917 CSR 128. 

2668 : July 10 Certain described lands in the Mantanuska Valley, 
Alaska, eliminated from Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 1 and reserved 
for the States Relations Service of the Agriculture Dept., for use in 
agricultural experiments. 

2669: July 10 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV [on War Dept. positions], 
Paragraph 3 amended to except for the duration of the war subclerical 
and nonclerical employees of the operating forces of the piers at 
Hoboken, N. J., and at other seaports serving under the Army Transport 
Service. 1917 CSR 115. 

2660: July 11 Benajah D. Dyas made eligible for appointment as stock- 
keeper in the Government Printing Office without examination. 1917 
CSR 129. 

2661: July 11 George Simmons made eligible for appointment as mes- 
senger boy in the office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Navy Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 129. 

2662: July 11 Mary C. Bryan made eligible for appointment to a class- 
ified position in the Labor Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules, 
in connection with the detention and deportation of alien women. 1917 
CSR 128. 



2663: July 11 Eight-hour day suspended with respect to workers on 
contract No. 43 of the Alaskan Engineering Commission with the Seattle 
Car and Foundry Company. 

2664: July 11 Certain powers relative to the construction, purchase, 
requisitioning, seizure, operation, and management of vessels delegated 
to the Shipping Board and the Emergency Fleet Corporation. EL 173. 

2666: July 17 Certain described lands in New Mexico temporarily with- 
drawn pending determination of title. 

2666: July 17 E. C. Teats made eligible for reinstatement as postal 
clerk without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 129. 

2667: July 17 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for the use 
of the Eaibab and other Indians residing thereon for such other Indians 
as the Interior Sec'y may locate thereon, IV K 1003. 

2668: July 17 Walter W. Orose made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Quartermaster Corps of the Army without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1917 CSR 129. 

2669: July 19 Civil War veterans in the Government service granted 
leave of absence with pay to attend the Grand Army of the Republic 
Encampment from Aug. 20-27, 1917, at Boston, Mass. 

2670: July 20* Secretary of Commerce charged with administration 
of the lighthouse service of the Virgin Islands. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

2671: July 23 E. O. 2472 of Oct. 17, 1916, reserving certain lands in 
Arizona for townsite purposes, revoked. 

2672: July 23 Alaska Townsite and Railroad Withdrawal [No. 9] di- 
minished and the excluded lands restored to entry and settlement. 

2673: July 28 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the 
excluded lands reserved as Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 15. 

2673-A: July 28 Department officials cautioned to exercise care in issu- 
ing affidavits of necessity for the purpose of authorizing the discharge of 
persons by local draft boards. XI PCRec 6. 

2674: July 30 Silver Creek Administrative Site, Black Hills National 
Forest, S. Dak., abolished. 

2675: July 30 Benjamin Orady made eligible for appointment as ex- 
pert with inventive ability in the Census Bureau, Commerce Dept., with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 129. 



2676: July 31 Harry C. Daniels, clerk in the Solicitor's Office, Agricul- 
ture Dept., made eligible for transfer to the Navy Dept. without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 129. 

2676-A:Aug. 1 Possession of North Island, San Diego Harbor, Calif., 
ordered taken on behalf of the United States for use for national de- 
fense and as sites for aviation stations and for aviation school purposes. 

2677: Aug. 3 Vessels Andromeda and Staatssekkretar Solf ordered trans- 
ferred from the Shipping Board to Navy Dept. 

2678: Aug. 3 Eight-hour day suspended for workers of purchase orders 
placed with the Seattle Car and Foundry Co. by the Alaskan Engineering 

2679: Aug. 3 Fort Bidwell Indian School Reservation, Calif., enlarged. 
IV K 1014. 

2679-A: Aug. 10* Food Administration created; functions defined, and 
Herbert Hoover appointed administrator. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

2680: Aug. 13 Robert Gaines made eligible for appointment as mes- 
senger in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1917 
CSR 130. 

2681: Aug. 14 Food Administration Grain Corporation created to facili- 
tate food and fuel conservation and distribution. EL 174. 

2682: Aug. 16 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IX, on Agriculture Dept. posi- 
tions, Paragraph 1 amended to add Clause (g) emergency demonstra- 
tion agents. 1917 CSR 116. 

2683: Aug. 16 Pauline Munford made eligible for appointment to a 
classified position in the Labor Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1917 CSR 130. 

2684: Aug. 16 Trust period on allotments to the Potrero (La Piche or 
La Jolla) and Rincon bands or villages of Indians in California, expiring 
during 1917, extended for 10 years. IV K 1016. 

2686: Aug. 16 Certain described lands in Oklahoma withdrawn pend- 
ing determination of the advisibility of reserving them for military pur- 

2686: Aug. 21 E. O. [2186] of Apr. 30, 1915, designating certain offi- 
cials to act as Commerce Sec'y during the absence of that officer, amended 
to provide that Samuel L. Rogers, Director of the Census, or Samuel 



W. Stratton, Director of the Standards Bureau, act as Sec'y daring such 
absence, the choice to be made by the Sec'y. 

2686-A:Aug. 21 Provisional scale of prices for bituminous coal pre- 

2687: Aug. 21 Certain powers relative to the emergency construction 
of Navy vessels and the purchase of Navy war materials, vested in the 
Navy Secy EL 176. 

2688: Aug. 23 Appointment to certain classified positions under the 
Navy Dept. in Government owned aircraft factories upon noncompeti- 
tive examination authorized. 1917 CSR 118. 

2689 : Aug. 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision IV [on War Dept. 
positions], amended to include aeronautical mechanical draftsmen. 1917 
CSR 117. 

2690: Aug. 23 Harry A. Garfield designated Fuel Administrator; duties 
and functions defined. EL 177. 

2690-A:Aug. 23 Regulations governing intrastate, interstate, and for- 
eign commerce in coal prescribed; maximum prices and jobbers' margins 

2691 : Aug. 24 Regulations governing repeals, alterations, and amend- 
ments of local laws of the Virgin Islands; and use of taxes and duties 
collected in said Islands prescribed. 

2692: Aug. 27 Defensive sea areas for the terminal ports of the Panama 
Canal established. M 227 ; 1916 PCR 412 ; XI PCRec 43. 

2692- A: Aug. 29 Former German vessels Leviathan, Mount Vernon, An- 
dromeds, Oeorge Washington, America, Powhatan, Aeolus, Madawaska, 
Antigone, Susquehanna, Pocahontas, President Chant, Agememnon, Presi- 
dent Lincoln, Huron, and Mercury transferred from the Shipping Board 
to the Navy Dept. to be commissioned as transports. 

2693: Aug. 30 Governor of the Virgin Islands authorized to issue reg- 
istration certificates to vessels purchased abroad by United States citizens 
or corporations. 

2694: Aug. 30 Boundaries of the Schofield Barracks Military Reserva- 
tion, Cahu, T. H., redefined. 

2694- A: Sept. 2 Treasury Dept. charged with control of the production 
of distilled spirits. EL 177. 



2695: Sept. 6 Eulalie A. Chase made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the competitive class in the Postal Service without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1917 CSB 130. 

2696: Sept. 7 Provisions of law requiring survey and inspection of for- 
eign-built ships admitted to U. S. registry suspended for two years. 

2697: Sept. 7 Regulations governing the export of coin, bullion, and 
currency prescribed. EL 178. 

2698: Sept. 7 Certain described lands in Montana reserved for adminis- 
trative purposes in connection with tribal grazing leases on the Crow 
Indian Reservation. IV K 1025. 

2699: Sept. 7 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for the use of 
certain Skull Valley Indians residing thereon and such other Indians as 
may be settled thereon by the Interior Sec'y. IV K 1049. 

2700: Sept. 7 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, amended to add Subdivision XIV, on Effi- 
ciency Bureau positions, Paragraph 1 excepting one private sec'y to the 
chief of said Bureau. 1917 CSR 116. 

2701: Sept. 7 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to certification], Par- 
agraph 2, amended to include the position of telephone operator in 
positions excepted from the apportionment. 1917 CSR 113. 

2702: Sept. 12 Boundaries of customs districts in Texas and New Mex- 
ico readjusted as follows: Districts Nos. 23 and 25 abolished and new 
District No. 23 (San Antonio) created; District No. 22 (Qalveston) modi- 
fied; District No. 24 (El Paso) enlarged. 

2703: 8ept. 12 Grace Matthews Trescot, formerly in the Chemistry Bu- 
reau, Agriculture Dept., made eligible for reinstatement as a clerk in 
the Government service without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1917 CSR 130. 

2704: Sept. 17 Term "military camps," as employed in War Dept. Bul- 
letin No. 45 of July 23, 1917, construed to include any Navy Yard, Naval 
Station, Naval or Marine camp or barracks where military forces are 
under training, in addition to the cantonments and camps specified in 
War Dept. Bulletin No. 48 of Aug. 22, 1917. 

2705: Sept. 20 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on all contracts 
for the construction of an emergency laboratory for the Standards Bu- 
reau, Commerce Dept. 

2706: Sept. 22 Mabel Money Kitchin made eligible for appointment as 
assistant in the library of the Army Medical Museum without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1917 CSR 130. 



2707: Sept. 24 Vessels Surveyor ', Iris, and Bache, with equipment and 
personnel, transferred from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to the Navy 
Dept., and certain other survey personnel transferred to the War Dept. 

2708: Sept. 25 Picture, Film, and Publication Divisions created under 
the jurisdiction of the Committee on Public Information, and State, War, 
and Navy Sec'y's authorized to assign personnel to said Committee. 

2709: Sept. 27 Seizure of German vessel Hermes at Honolulu, T. H., by 
the Navy Dept. for Navy service ordered. EL 179. 

2710: Sept. 27 E. 0. 2459 of Sept. 22, 1916, reserving certain lands in 
New Mexico for townsite purposes, revoked. 

2711: Sept. 27 Certain described lands in Arizona near the Colorado 
River reserved for the use and occupancy of the Cocopah Indians. IV E 

2712: Sept. 27 E. O. 1794 of July 3, 1913 and E. O. of Apr. 28, 1917,* 
withdrawing certain lands in Alabama for a proposed nitrate plant, 
amended to permit the reinstatement of homestead entries of James E. 
Kitchens and Van Hayes. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

2718: Sept. 27 Divide Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Beaverhead and the Deer- 
lodge National Forests. 

2714: Sept. 27 Nathan Comstock made eligible for reinstatement as an 
examiner in the Patent Office without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1917 CSR 130. 

2715: Sept. 27 Commerce Sec'y authorized to appoint to the classified 
competitive service without regard to Civil Service Rules a selected staff 
of 28 expert employees engaged upon work of a military nature to be 
carried on in the future under the Standards Bureau. 1917 CSR 120. 

2716: Sept. 27 Appointment without examination of one executive sec'y 
and one private sec'y to each State Pood Administrator, and of persons 
employed in work financed jointly by the Food Administration and co- 
operating agencies outside the Federal service, authorized. 1917 CSR 

2717: Sept. 27* Quarantine regulations made effective in the Virgin 
Islands ; quarantine reservations, buildings, and equipment of the former 
Government taken over; and the Treasury Sec'y through the Surgeon 
General of the Public Health Service charged with all administrative 
duties thereof. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



2718: Sept. 27 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on contracts for 
construction of the Immigration Station at Baltimore, Md. 

2719: Sept. 28 Frank H. Schloer made eligible for reinstatement as an 
instrument maker in the Office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering, 
Agriculture Dept., without regard to length of separation from the serv- 
ice. 1917 CSR 131. 

2720: Sept. 29 Army Chief of Staff designated to act as War Sec'y in 
the absence of the Sec'y and the Assistant Sec'y. 

2721 : Oct. 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions ex- 
cepted from examination, amended to add Subdivision XV, on Exports 
Administrative Board positions, to except one private sec'y or confiden- 
tial clerk to each member of said Board. 1918 CSR 123. 

2722: Oct. 6 Lillian Schmidt, temporary employee, made eligible for 
permanent appointment under the Employees Compensation Committee 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1918 CSR 131. 

2723: Oct. 8 Harry C. Bradley made eligible for appointment to a posi- 
tion in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1918 
CSR 131. 

2724: Oct. 6 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for use 
as a rifle range by Company "B" of the 1st New Mexico Infantry. 

2725: Oct. 6 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 
legislation to grant said lands to the town of Olathe for protection of 
its water supply. 

2726: Oct. 6 E. 0. [2466] of Oct. 2, 1916, withdrawing certain lands in 
Colorado for classification, revoked insofar as it applies to certain speci- 
fied lands, and the excluded lands opened to entry only under the home- 
stead laws requiring residence on the 23d day after the date of this 
Order, and to settlement, and other disposition under any applicable 
land law on the 29th day after the date of this Order. 

2727: Oct. 8 Alaska Townsite and Railroad Withdrawal No. 16 estab- 

2728: Oct. 8 Alaska Townsite and Railroad Withdrawal No. 17 estab- 

2729: Oct. 9 Mabel E. Albertson made eligible for appointment to a 
position in the Government Printing Office without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1918 CSR 131. 

2729- A: Oct. 12 War Trade Board, War Trade Council, and Censorship 
Board established and the Treasury, State, and Commerce Sec'y's, the 



Postmaster General, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Alien Prop- 
erty Custodian vested with certain powers under the Trading with the 
Enemy Act of 1917 and/or the Espionage Act of 1917. APC 499; XI 
PCRec 135. 

2730: Oct. IS Certification and authentication of documents, by Con- 
sular officers ordered rendered free of charge for the period of war for 
persons in the military or naval service. 

2731 : Oct. 13 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending leg- 
islation [for relief of Thomas Levy]. 

2732: Oct. 13 Honolulu Buoy Depot, Oahu, T. H., transferred from the 
War Dept. to the Commerce Dept. 

2733: Oct. 13 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 15 excepting persons employed at the experi- 
mental factory of the Equipment Division of the Signal Corps at McCook 
Field, Dayton, Ohio. 1918 CSR 123. 

2734: Oct. 15 Civilian employees of the Commissions on Training Camp 
Activities made eligible for appointment without regard to Civil Service 
Rules; the staffs of said Commissions hereafter to be paid by the War 
and Navy Depts. from Government appropriations. 1918 CSR 126. 

2735: Oct. 18 Huckleberry Island, Padilla Bay, Wash., reserved for 
lighthouse purposes. 

2736: Oct. 23* Herbert Hoover, Pood Administrator, directed to re- 
quisition foods, feeds, and storage facilities for same for any public use 
connected with the common defense, other than the support of the Army 
or Navy. EL 180. 

* Has form of a proclamation, 

2737: Oct. 24 E. 0. 2692 of Aug. 27, 1917, establishing Panama Canal 
defensive sea areas, amended to correct typographical errors. M 229; 
1916 PCR 414; XI PCRec 155. 

2738: Oct. 24 Reef and Yellow Islands, Straits of Juan de Fuca, Wash., 
reserved for possible use for lighthouse purposes. 

2739: Oct. 24 Humboldt National Forest, Nev., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened for entry only under the homestead laws requiring 
residence on the 92d day after the date of this Order, and to settlement 
and other disposition under any applicable land law on the 99th day 
after the date of this Order. 

2740: Oct. 25 Appointment without examination of one executive sec'y 
and one private sec'y to each State Fuel Administrator, and of persons 



employed in work financed jointly by the Fuel Administration and co- 
operating persons or organizations outside the Federal service, author- 
ized. 1918 CSR 126. 

2741 : Oct. 25 Newspaper readers and translators selected by the Post- 
master General for certain confidential positions made eligible for ap- 
pointment, for the period of the war, without examination. 1918 CSR 

2742: Oct. 27 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. 
positions, amended to include production experts in the Signal Service 
at Large. 1918 CSR 125. 

2748: Oct. 27 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision IV [on War Dept. positions], 
Paragraph 3 amended to except employees on transport ships under the 
Army Transport Service. 1918 CSR 124. 

2743- A: Oct. 27 Scale of prices for bituminous coal at the mine modified. 

2744: Oct. 29 Alien Property Custodian delegated certain powers under 
the Trading with the Enemy Act of Oct. 6, 1917, in addition to those 
delegated by B. 0. 2729-A of Oct. 12, 1917; salary of said Custodian 
fixed. APC504;EL187. 

2746: Nov. 1 Virginia M. Spinks, temporary employee, made eligible 
for a permanent appointment in the Employment Service, Labor Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1918 CSR 131. 

2746: Nov. 2 William P. Henshaw made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Panama Canal Service and transfer to a classified position 
in the Federal service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1918 CSR 

2747: Nov. 2 Trust period on allotments of the Prairie Band of Pot- 
awatomi Indians, expiring during 1917, extended for 10 years; 11 ex- 
ceptions specified. IV K 1020. 

2748: Nov. 2 * Seizure of German vessel Pollux by the Shipping Board 
for use in any service of the United States ordered. EL 189. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

2749: Nov. 5 Certain described lands in Florida reserved for lighthouse 

2760: Nov. 5 Moro Bock, Redding Bock, and Prince Island, in the 
Pacific Ocean off the coast of California, reserved for lighthouse pur- 



2751 : Nov. 7 John E. Peters, Coast and Geodetic Survey officer trans- 
ferred to the Navy Dept. instead of the War Dept. as ordered by E. O. 
2707 of Sept. 24, 1917. 

2752: Nov. 9 Former printers' assistants and operatives of the Engrav- 
ing and Printing Bureau made eligible for reinstatement without regard 
to length of separation from the service, for the period of the war. 1918 
CSB 122. 

2753: Nov. 10 Civil Service Rule X, pertaining to transfer, Section 8 
[pertaining to limitations on transfer], Clause (a) amended as to prior 
service requirements for employees proposed for transfer. 1918 CSR 
122; M 231; 1917 PCR 382; XI PCRec 192. 

2754: Nov. 10 Food and Fuel Administrations authorized to employ 
qualified persons for the duration of war without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1918 CSR 127. 

2755: Nov. 14 Blakely Rock, Puget Sound, Wash., reserved for light- 
house purposes. 

2755-A:Nov. 22 E. O. 2245- A of Sept. 14, 1915, permitting appointment 
of certain classes of retired ex-service men as watchmen in the State, 
War, and Navy Dept. Building without examination, extended to permit 
such appointments for the deration of the war. 

2756: Nov. 22 Appointment of one private sec'y to each State explo- 
sives inspector under the Administration of Explosives Inspection with- 
out examination authorized. 1918 CSR 127. 

2757: Nov. 22 Akiak, Mountain Village, and Tatitlek Reserves, Alaska 
established for use of the Education Bureau and of natives of indigen- 
ous Alaskan race. 

2758: Nov. 22 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to certification], Sec- 
tion 2, amended to include messenger girls in the nonapportioned service ; 
Rule XI [pertaining to promotion], Section 6 amended to make non- 
apportioned messenger girls ineligible for promotion or transfer to ap- 
portioned positions. 1918 CSR 122. 

2759: Nov. 22 Sister Islands, Green Bay, Wis., reserved for lighthouse 

2760: Nov. 23 Transfer of William V. Hagar from the Coast and Geo- 
detic Survey to the Navy Dept., as ordered by E. 0. [2707] of Sept. 24, 
1917, revoked. 

2761: Nov. 23 Interior Sec'y authorized to appoint persons in the Mines 
Bureau to conduct gas, chemical, and explosives investigations for the 
War and Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rides. 1918 CSR 



2762: Nov. 24 Interdepartmental transfer of Government employees 
without written consent of Department head from which transfer is 
proposed prohibited for the duration of the war. Jan. 1918 CSA 49; 
1918 CSR 130; XI PCRec 204. 

2763: Nov. 24 Filling of the position of aeronautic draftsman in the 
Navy Dept. by noncompetitive examination authorized for the duration 
of the war. 1918 CSR 125. 

2764: Nov. 26 Harney National Forest, S. Dak., diminished. 

2765: Nov. 27 Food Administrator authorized to prescribe regulations 
to prevent profiteering in foods, feeds, and by-products. EL 190. 

2766-A:Nov. SO Employment of supervising investigators, investiga- 
tors, and special inspectors in the Military Intelligence Section of the 
Office of the Chief of Ordnance without regard to Civil Service Rules 

2766: Dec. 1 Postmaster General authorized to appoint as temporary 
carriers on rural routes kin of regular carriers on military duty without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1918 CSR 127. 

2767: Dec. 5 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision I, on Interior Dept. 
positions, amended to add Paragraph 7 to include disciplinarians in 
Indian schools. 1918 CSR 126. 

2768: Dec. 5 Appointment of Ordnance Dept. employees in Canada in 
positions below the grade of inspector without regard to Civil Service 
Rules authorized. 1918 CSR 128. 

2769: Dec. 6 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on contracts for 
certain Treasury Dept. construction in Washington, D. C. 

2770: Dec. 7 Powers relative to licensing of foreign insurance com- 
panies doing business in the United States delegated to the Treasury 
Sec'y. APC 505; EL 190. 

2771 : Dec. 8 Transfer of Aaron L. Shalowitz from the Commerce Dept. 
to the War Dept., as ordered by E. O. 2707 of Sept. 24, 1917, revoked. 

2772: Dec. 12 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for mil- 
itary purposes. 

2773: Dec. 12 Alaskan Townsite and Railroad Withdrawals Nos. 1 and 
2, as established by E. 0.s [1919% and 1967-A] of Apr. 21, 1914, and 
June 23, 1914, respectively, diminished. 

2774: Dec. 17 O. C. Husting made eligible for appointment to a position 
in the classified service without examination. 1918 CSR 131. 



2774-A:Dec. 17 Foreign Picture Division established under the juris- 
diction of the Committee on Public Information. 

2775: Dec. 19 John T. Watkins transferred from the Coast and Qeodetic 
to the Navy Dept. instead of the War Dept. as ordered by E. O. 2707 of 
Sept. 24, 1917. 

2776 : Dec. 26 Frederick S. Taylor made eligible for appointment to a 
subclerical position in the classified service of the Treasury Dept. with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1918 CSB 132. 

2777: Dec. 26 Regulations governing the repeal, alteration, and amend- 
ment of local laws of the Virgin Islands, and to use of the duties and 
taxes collected therein, amended. 

2778: Dec. 31 Trust period of allotments to Indians, expiring during 
1918, extended for one year ; exceptions specified. IV K 1054. 


2779: Jan. 1 Regulations for the government of the Army and Navy 
General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., amended with respect to rations 
for enlisted men of the Army. 

2780: Jan. 7 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision XI, on Commerce Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to revoke Paragraph 2, excepting shipping commission- 
ers whose compensation in 1907 was $2,500 or more. 1918 CSR 124. 

2781 : Jan. 8 Charles W. Olvey made eligible for transfer from skilled 
laborer to clerk in the office of the Commerce Sec'y without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1918 CSR 132. 

2782: Jan. 9 Six specified persons transferred to the War Dept. by E. O. 
[2707] of Sept. 24, 1917, returned to their former status in the Coast and 
Geodetic Survey, Commerce Dept. 

2783 : Jan. 10 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision I [on the entire classified serv- 
ice], Paragraph 8 amended to limit the exception to certain positions of 
a quasi-military or quasi-naval character. 1918 CSR 124. 

2784: Jan. 10 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 16 excepting persons employed by the Quar- 
termaster Corps of the Army in connection with construction work. 
1918 CSR 124. 



2785: Jan. 15 E. 0. [2784] of Jan. 10, 1918, amending Schedule A of 
the Civil Service Rules to except from examination persons employed 
by the Quartermaster Corps of the Army on construction work, revoked. 
1918 CSR 124. 

2786: Jan. 15 Treasury Sec'y authorized to appoint personnel in the 
Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules 
as an emergency measure. 1918 CSR 128. 

2787: Jan. 18 E. 0. 1324 of Mar. 24, 1911, reserving the Long Pine 
Administrative Site, Calif., for use as a ranger station in the administra- 
tion of the Kern, National Forest, revoked. 

2788: Jan. 18 Eleanor B. Bowker made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service upon a noncompetitive examination. 1918 CSR 132. 

2789: Jan. 19 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved pending allot- 
ments in severalty to Navajo Indians living thereon. IV K 1004. 

2790: Jan. 22 Allotment of funds from the appropriation made by the 
Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 made as follows : War Trade Board 
$155,000; Alien Property Custodian $80,000; Treasury Sec'y $10,000; 
Federal Trade Commission $5000. APC 506. 

2791 : Jan. 22 Roscoe Perrin Strough transferred from the Coast and 
Geodetic Survey to the Navy Dept. 

2792: Jan. 24 Appointments of personnel for the care of sick and 
wounded soldiers under the provisions of the Army appropriation for the 
fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, without regard to Civil Service Rules 
authorized. 1918 CSR 132. 

2793: Jan. 24 Cornelia H. Campbell made eligible for appointment as 
skilled laborer in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1918 CSR 132. 

2794: Jan. 26 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
subject to competitive examination], amended Subdivision IV, on War 
Dept. positions, to add Paragraph 4 to include up to ten clerical posi- 
tions, in the War College Division, for confidential service only during 
the war emergency. 1918 CSR 126. 

2795: Jan. 26 Trust period on allotments to 14 specified bands of Mis- 
sion Indians in California extended for 10 years. IV K 1014. 

2796: Jan. 26* Rules and regulations pertaining to the export of coin, 
bullion, and currency prescribed. APC 506 ; EL 191. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

2797: Jan. 28 Oregon National Forest, Oreg., diminished. 



2798: Jan. SI Lighthouse tender Palmetto, with equipment and person- 
nel, transferred from the Commerce Dept. to the Navy Dept. 

2799: Feb. 2 Certain described lands in Alaska, previously reserved by 
E. O. 1919% of Apr. 21, 1914, for townsite purposes, restored to entry 
and settlement. 

2800: Feb. 4 Boundaries of Schofield Barracks Military Reservation, 
Oahu, T. H., redefined. 

2801: Feb. 5 E. 0. [2729-A] of Oct. 12, 1917, creating certain agencies 
and delegating powers under the Trading with the Enemy and Espionage 
Acts, amended as to Sections XXX and XXXI, relative to the Alien 
Property Custodian. APC 513; XI PCRec 318. 

2802: Feb. 8 Alaskan Withdrawal No. 1 modified to permit patenting 
of certain homestead entries. 

2803: Feb. 8 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for the use 
of certain band of Shoshone Indians. IV E 1029. 

2804: Feb. 11 Trust period on allotments on the Devils Lake Indian 
Reservation, N. Dak., extended for 10 years. IV K 1032. 

2805: Feb. 12 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on contracts for 
Fisheries Bureau construction at the Marine Biological Station, Key 
West, Pla. 

2806: Feb. IS Eight-hour day suspended for workers on contracts for 
Engraving and Printing Bureau construction in Washington, D. C. 

2807: Feb. 14 Certain described lands in Idaho temporarily reserved 
pending legislation [to add them to the Minidoka National Forest]. 

2808: Feb. 14 Gas Defense Service appointments to be made by War 
Sec'y for duration of war, without regard to Civil Services Rules, except 
positions in the Washington office. 1918 CSR 128. 

2809: Feb. 15 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for the use of 
certain Skull Valley and other Indians. IV K 1049. 

2810: Feb. 16 Alaskan Timber Reserve No. 1, reserved by E. O. 2217 
of June 22, 1915, diminished. 

2811 : Feb. 16 John W. Abercrombie, Solicitor of the Labor Dept. des- 
ignated Acting Labor Sec'y during absence of Sec'y and Asst. Labor 

2812: Feb. 23 E. O. of May 1, 1897, governing admissions to Army and 
Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., amended to allow admission 
of honorably discharged soldiers and sailors. 



2813: Feb. 26 Alien Property Custodian's powers, authority, and duties 
prescribed. APC 513. 

2814: Feb. 2 Eight-hour day for construction workers on Treasury 
Annex Building, Washington, D. C, suspended. 

2815: Mar. 2 Regulations governing the sale and distribution of al- 
coholic beverages to members of the military forces stationed at Oahu, 
T. H., prescribed. 

2816: liar. 2 Trust period on allotments to the Pawnee Indians of Okla- 
homa extended for 10 years. IV K 1040. 

2817: Mar. 5 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction 
of a building on the Assay office property, New York, N. Y., for the 
Treasury Dept. 

2818: Mar. 7 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to certification], Sec- 
tion 2 [on positions not subject to apportionment], amended to eliminate 
the positions of electricians ' and plumbers' helper and to include the 
position of office helper. 1918 CSR 123. 

2819: Mar. 9 E. 0. [1572] of Feb. 14, 1912, permitting certain Federal 
employees residing in certain Virginia and Maryland municipalities to 
hold local office, amended to include Federal employees residing in 
Laurel, Md. July 1921 CSA 40, May 1922 CSA 37. 

2820: Mar. 15 Walker River Indian Reservation, Nev., enlarged by ad- 
dition of a grazing reserve. IV K 1027. 

2820-A:Mar. 18 Trustees of the Postal Savings Bank empowered to 
invest up to $100,000,000 funds in United States bonds and securities. 

2821: Mar. 19 Appointments in the Explosive Plants unit of the War 
Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules authorized for the duration 
of the war. 1918 CSR 128. 

2822: Mar. 19 All employees of the plants operating under the 
Ordnance Dept. of the Army excepted from Civil . Service Rules. 1917 
CSR 128. 

2822-A:Mar. 19 Central Service Bureau of the Committee on Public 
Information established. 

2828: Mar. 20 Regulations governing the assignment of conscientious 
objectors to noncombatant service prescribed. XI PCRec 369. 

2823-A:Mar. 21 E. O. of July 31, 1916, reserving certain lands in 
Oregon and California [formerly included in certain railroad grants], 

[ 237 ] 


title to which was resumed by the United States, modified to authorize 
the Interior Sec'y to proceed with the restoration of said lands on sale 
of the timber thereon.* 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

2824: Mar. 23 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for the use 
of certain Shoshone, Paiuto, and other Indians. IV. K 1028. 

2825: Mar. 25* Certain described lands granted to the United States 
by the Republic of Panama in the Treaty of Feb. 26, 1904, reserved for 
military purposes. M 237; 1917 PCR 387; XI PCRec 394. 

* Has form of a proclamation, 

2825-A:Mar. 28 Navy Sec'y authorized to take possession of equip- 
ment on vessels of Netherlands registry taken over by the United States 
under Proc. [1436] of Mar. 20, 1918, and the Shipping Board directed 
to compensate the owners thereof. 

2826: Mar. 20 Certain consular services ordered to be performed with- 
out charge for persons in the military or naval service during the war. 
XI PCRec 388. 

2827: Mar. 29 Margaret Prazier made eligible for appointment as 
primer worker in the Naval Torpedo Station at Newport, R. I., without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1918 CSR 132. 

2828: Mar. 29 Appointments in the Employment Service without regard 
to Civil Service Rules authorized for the duration of the war. 1918 CSR 

2829: Mar. 80 Promotion of male and female messengers to apportioned 
subclerical positions without regard to Civil Service Rules authorized 
for the duration of the war with certain restrictions. July 1919 CSA 68, 
Dec. 1919 CSA 65; 1918 CSR 123. 

2830: Apr. 1 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction 
of the Arlington Building in Washington, D. C, for the Treasury Dept. 

2831: Apr. 1 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on remodeling of 
the Qraham Building in Washington, D. C, for the Treasury Dept. 

2882: Apr. 2 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain types of miscellaneous property in lots not exceeding $10,000 
in value. APC 518. 

2833: Apr. 4 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision IV, [on War Dept. 
positions], amended to add Paragraph 5 to include 20 clerical positions 
in the Military Intelligence Branch, Executive Division of the General 
Staff, for the duration of the war. 1918 CSR 126. 



2834: Apr. 5 Civil Service Boles, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision I, on the entire classified serv- 
ice, amended to add Paragraph 15 excepting certain Federal employees 
on Isthmus of Panama; provisions for employees of the Isthmian Canal 
Commission under Subdivision X, Paragraph 1, revoked. 1918 CSR 125 ; 
M 238: 1917 PCR 388; XI PCRec 389. 

2835: Apr. 10 Addie Braxton made eligible for appointment as skilled 
laborer in the Government Printing Office without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1918 CSR 132. 

2836: Apr. 10 Disposition of certain lands designated as a "Cemetery 
Reserve," in Anchorage Townsite, Alaska, authorized; up to one-half 
to be sold to religious or fraternal organizations and the remainder to 
be used as free public burial ground. 

2837: Apr. 11 Powers relative to patents, trademarks and copyrights 
sought by enemy nationals or in enemy countries previously delegated 
to the Treasury Sec'y and the Federal Trade Commission by E. 0. 
[2729-A] of Oct. 12, 1917, revoked. APC 518. 

2836: Apr. 11 E. 0. [1298] of Feb. 13, 1911, creating military reserva- 
tion at Manila, P. I., modified by enlarging the Port Reservation and re- 
storing the Army Morgue and Storehouse, San Antonio Abad, and the 
Pasig River dry docks and shops to the Government of the Philippines. 

2839: Apr. 12 Maurice Eli Levy transferred from the Coast and Geo- 
detic Survey to the Navy Dept. 

2840: Apr. 16 Certain described portion of Skagway Military Reserva- 
tion, Alaska, placed under control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

2841 : Apr. 18 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
quarantine stations at Cape Charles, Va., Savannah, Ga., and Ready 
Island, Del. 

2842: Apr. 20 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
certain water mains in the District of Columbia. 

2843: Apr. 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell 50 hogsheads 
of tobacco, property of Schilling and Bruning of Bremen, Germany. APC 

2844: Apr. 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell 105 hogs- 
heads of tobacco, property of Ad. Hagens and Company of Bremen, Ger- 
many. APC 5a. 

2846: Apr. 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell 20 hogsheads 
of tobacco, property of W. F. Fallenstein of Bremen, Germany. APC 520. 



2846: Apr. 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell 30 hogsheads 
of tobacco, property of Waraeken and Sohn of Bremen, Germany. APC 

2847: Apr, 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell about 200 
bales of cotton, property of Paul Schmitz of Bremen, Germany. APC 

2848: Apr. 24 Spring Gulch Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Beaverhead National 

2849: Apr. 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 3 amended as to employees operating at Hoboken, N. J., and 
other seaports. 1918 CSR 125. 

2860: Apr. 26 E. O. 2319 of Feb. 16, 1916, reserving certain lands in 
Alaska for townsite and railroad purposes, amended to restore a portion 
of said lands to entry and settlement. 

2851 : Apr. 27 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
the quarantine station at Boston, Mass. 

2852: Apr. 80 Appointment of temporary postal censorship employees 
without examination authorized. 1918 CSR 129. 

2853 : Apr. 80 Ernest L. Harris made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Consular Service as consul general without regard to the regulations 
governing appointment and promotion in said service. 

2854: May 2 Certain lands near Lituya Bay, Alaska, reserved for the 
purpose of supplying timber for aeroplane construction. 

2855: May 4 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on reconstruction 
of Vault No. 17 of the Treasury Dept. 

2856: May 4 Trust period on 35 specified allotments to Indians on the 
Oneida Reservation, Wis., extended for nine years. IV K 1052. 

2857: May 7 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell about 100 
hogsheads of tobacco, property of Schilling and Bruning of Bremen, 
Germany. APC 522. 

2858 : May 7 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain nickel, 
property of Hammar and Co. of Hamburg, Germany; Hammar and Co., 
Ltd., of Stockholm, Sweden, and others unknown. APC 523. 

2859: May 11 National Academy of Sciences requested to perpetuate 
the National Research Council, and duties of said Council prescribed. 



2859-A:May 11* Shipping Board directed to take over the Austria- 
Hungarian vessel Martha Washington. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

2860: May 14 Joseph H. Mills, unskilled laborer, made eligible for pro- 
motion to messenger in the Post Office Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1918 CSR 133. 

2861: May 16 Vessels Explorer and Batterson, including equipment and 
noncommissioned personnel, transferred from the Coast and Geodetic 
Survey to the Navy Dept. 

2862: May 20 Functions of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army per- 
taining to military aeronautics redistributed, appointment of director of 
military aeronautics authorized and the Bureau of Aircraft Production 

2863: May 20 Edwin Herbert Pagenhart, hydrographic and geodetic en- 
gineer of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, transferred to the War Dept. 
as captain in the Engineer Officers' Reserve Corps. 

2863- A: May 21 Duties and powers of Maj. Gen. George A. Squier, chief 
signal officer of the Army, as member of the Aircraft Board, transferred 
to Maj. Gen. William L. Kenly, director of military aeronautics. 

2864: May 24 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on contracts for 
the Reclamation Service, Interior Dept. 

2865: May 24 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
buildings for the Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D. C. 

2866: May 24 Trust period on 27 specified allotments to Indians on the 
Oakland Reservation, Okla., extended for 10 years. IV K 1042. 

2867: May 28 * Governor of the Panama Canal delegated certain powers 
under the Espionage Act of 1917. M 239; 1917 PCR 389; XI PCRec 461. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

2868: May 28 War Industries Board created. 

2869: May 28 Certain described lands at Balboa, C. Z., previously placed 
under the Navy Dept. by E. O. 1948 of May 26, 1914, transferred to the 
War Dept. for military purposes, subject to use by the Navy Dept. in 
connection with the Balboa Naval Radio Station. M 239; 1917 PCR 389; 
XI PCRec 461. 

2870: May 29 Appointment of personnel employed in Canada by the 
Ordnance Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules authorized. 1918 
CSR 129. 



2871 : May 31 Certain described lands in Nebraska eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 1833 of Sept. 29, 1913, and restored to entry and 

2872: May 31 Big Lake Reservation Bird Refuge, Ark., diminished. 

2873: May 31 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
the Marine Hospital at New York, N. Y. 

2874: May 31 Certain powers under Sections 2 and 7 of Title VI of the 
Espionage Act of 1917 delegated to the Attorney General. XI PCRec 

2875: May 31 War Industries Board authorized to employ suitable per- 
sonnel for the duration of the war without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
July 1919 CSA 51; 1918 CSR 129. 

2876: May 31 Appointment of women as elevator conductors authorized 
for the duration of the war without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

2877: May 31 All Government law officers placed under the Justice 
Dept. APC524. 

2878: June 1 Bar Harbor, Maine, created a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District 1, with headquarters at Portland. 

2879: June 6 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for mili- 
tary purposes for use as an artillery range. 

2880: June 12 Laura E. Langley and Elizabeth M. Bowling made eligible 
for appointment as telephone operators in the State Dept. without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1918 CSR 133. 

2881 : June 12 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
the quarantine station at Reedy Island, Del. 

2882: June 13 Spanish-American War veterans employed by the Gov- 
ernment granted leave of absence with pay to attend the 20th Annual 
Encampment of said veterans at Baltimore, Md. XII PCRec 1. 

2882- A: June 13 Income and excess profits tax returns of corporations, 
joint-stock companies, and insurance companies, opened to inspection. 

2883: June 14 Eight-hour day suspended for construction workers of 
the Lighthouse Bureau. 

2884: June 21 Food Administration Grain Corporation directed to buy, 
store, sell, etc., wheat and to buy it at fixed prices at primary markets; 
capitalization and borrowing sources fixed. 



2886: June 15 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain prop- 
erty of Orenstein and Koppel-Arthur Eoppel Actiengesellschaft of Ger- 
many. APC 524. 

2886: June 17 Amount of the penal bond of the receiver of public 
moneys at Los Angeles, Calif., fixed at $15,000. 

2887: June 17 E. O. 2530 of Feb. 14, 1917, reserving certain lands in 
Wyoming pending legislation, revoked and a portion of said lands, to- 
gether with certain other described lands, temporarily reserved pending 
legislation for their inclusion within the Wyoming National Forest; the 
remainder opened to entry only under the homestead laws from July 30, 
1918, to Aug. 6, 1918, and thereafter to settlement and other disposition 
under any applicable land law. 

2886: June 18 Certain powers under the act of Apr. 22, 1918, amending 
emergency shipping legislation, delegated to the Shipping Board Emer- 
gency Fleet Corporation. 

2889: June 18 Certain powers pertaining to housing for war needs dele- 
gated to the Labor Sec'y. 

2890: June 21 Civil War veterans employed by the Government granted 
leave of absence with pay to attend the 52d National Encampment of the 
Grand Army of the Republic at Portland, Oreg. XII PCRec 1. 

2891 : June 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision V, on Navy Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 3 amended to except all positions in the Virgin Islands. 1918 
CSR 125. 

2892: June 24 Public Printer authorized to appoint skilled laborers for 
the duration of the war without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

2898: June 25* War Sec'y authorized to advance funds for extraor- 
dinary expenses to military attaches and their assistants employed at 
distant stations. 

* Has f onn of a proclamation. 

2894: June 25 Experiment Station at the American University for gas 
investigations for the Army transferred from the supervision of the Mines 
Bureau, Interior Dept., to the War Dept., to operate under the Director 
of Gas Service of the Army. 1918 CSR 130. 

2895: June 26 Bloody Dick Administrative Site, Mont., enlarged by the 
addition of certain lands reserved for use as a ranger station in the ad- 
ministration of the Beaverhead National Forest. 

2896: June 26 E. O. 2542- A of Mar. 4, 1917, withdrawing certain lands 
in Utah pending legislation to enlarge the Cache National Forest, 



amended to continue a portion of said lands in reservation for said pur- 
poses until Mar. 5, 1919. 

2897: June 29 Sum of $6,000,000 allocated from national defense funds 
appropriated Apr. 17, 1917, for part payment for 2,000,000 tons of Swed- 
ish iron ore purchased under the agreement of May 29, 1918, between 
Great Britain, France, Italy, and Sweden. 

2898: June 29 Defensive sea areas at Chesapeake Entrance and Hamp- 
ton Roads abolished and defensive sea area of the Lower Chesapeake 

2899: July 1 * Public health activities of all war agencies placed under 
the Treasury Sec'y- 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

2900: July 2 Four described tracts on Oahu, T. H., reserved for military 

2901 : July 2 Certain described lands in Eaakaukukui, T. H., reserved 
for military purposes. 

2902: July 3 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
building for the Coast and Geodetic Survey. 

2903: July 3* Powers, records, and personnel of the Federal Trade 
Commission relative to the coal industry transferred to the Fuel Ad- 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

2904: July 5 Samuel Myer made eligible for reinstatement in the Gov- 
ernment Printing Office without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1918 CSR 133. 

2905: July 8 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
legislation [for their inclusion in the Yellowstone National Park] . 

2906: July 8 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 
legislation [for their inclusion in the Sequoia National Park] . 

2907: July 9 * Governor of the Panama Canal delegated certain powers 
under the Espionage Act of 1917. M 240; 1918 PCR 356; XI PCRec 501. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

2907- A: July 9 Edgar Rickard designated acting Food Administrator 
during the absence of Herbert Hoover. 

2908: July 10 Eight-hour day suspended for Alaskan Railroad construc- 
tion workers. 



2909: July 12 Certain described lands at Craig, Prince of Wales Island, 
Alaska, reserved for use of the Army Signal Corps. 

2910: July 12 Sheep Creek Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Beaverhead National 

2911 : July IS National flags of France ordered displayed on public 
buildings and vessels on Bastille Day, July 14, 1918. 

2912: July 15 Labor Sec 'y authorized to use certain specified premises 
in the District of Columbia in connection with housing for war needs. 

2913: July 15 Labor Sec'y authorized to use certain specified District 
of Columbia premises to provide housing for war needs. 

2914: July 15 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell real property 
in lots not exceeding $10,000 in value. APC 529. 

2915: July 16 Certain described coal lands in Colorado reserved for re- 

2916: July 16 Additional regulations governing the powers, duties, and 
functions of the Alien Property Custodian prescribed. APC 529. 

2917: July 18 Honorably discharged world war veterans made eligible 
for reinstatement in the classified service within five years without re- 
gard to Civil Service Rules. 19l8 CSR 123 ; XII PCRec 1. 

2918 : July 18 Eight-hour day suspended for construction and other 
workers in connection with housing for war needs. 

2919: July 19 War Sec'y authorized to employ for the duration of the 
war qualified persons in the Research Division of the Chemical War Serv- 
ice, at the American University, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1918 CSR 130. 

2920: July 19 Kelly Creek Administrative Site, Nev., reserved for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Toiyabe National Forest. 

2921 : July 22 Appointment of personnel in the War Labor Administra- 
tion Services without regard to Civil Service Rules authorized for the 
duration of the war. 1918 CSR 130. 

2922: July 23 David J. Lewis, commissioner of the Tariff Commission, 
detailed to the Post Office Dept. for duties in connection with control of 
the telephone and telegraph services. 

2928: July 25 Sum of $200,000 allocated to Adm. James H. Oliver, 
Virgin Islands Governor, for expenditure in connection with the occupa- 
tion of said Islands. 



2924: July 25 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction 
of certain sidewalks in the District of Columbia. 

2925: July 26 Angeles National Forest, Calif., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to entry only under the homestead laws from Sept. 
25, to Oct. 2, 1918, and thereafter to settlement and other disposition 
under any applicable land law. 

2926: July 26 Rules and Regulations for the Operation and Navigation 
of the Panama Canal amended with respect to responsibility for safe 
handling and claims for damage to vessels or cargoes. M 240 ; 1917 PCR 

2927: July SO Trust period on the allotments of the Prairie Band of 
Pottawatomi Indians in Kansas, expiring during 1918, extended 10 years; 
six exceptions specified. IV K 1021. 

2928: July 80 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
Government fuel storage and distribution yards at Washington, D. C. 

2929: July 80* Function, power and duty of preparing and adopting 
all Government petroleum supply specifications transferred to the Fuel 
Administrator, to be exercised through a Committee on Standardization 
of Petroleum Specifications. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

2930 : Aug. 6 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
legislation [for their inclusion in the Minam National Forest]. 

2931 : Aug. 6 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
the annex to the Butler Building, Washington, D. C. 

2932 : Aug. 8 Regulations governing entry into and departure from the 
United States prescribed. M 242 ; 1918 PCR 347 ; XII PCRec 43. 

2933 : Aug. 12 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on certain con- 
struction in Washington, D. C, for Loans and Currency Division of the 
Treasury Dept. 

2934: Aug. 13 Siassi, Isabella de Basilau, and Polloc Military Reserva- 
tions, Moro Province, Mindanao and Sulu Dept., P. I., restored to the 
Government of the Philippines. 

2934-A:Aug. IS Income tax returns of corporations, joint-stock com- 
panies, and insurance companies opened to inspection. 

2935: Aug. 14 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction 
of a temporary building in the court of the National Museum, Washing- 
ton, D. C. 



2936: Aug. 14 Charles D. Tenny made eligible for appointment as a 
sec'y in the Diplomatic Service at the American Legation in China with- 
out regard to the regulations governing appointment and promotion in 
said service. 

2987: Aug. 14 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
legislation for inclusion in the Wyoming National Forest. 

2988: Aug. 16 Timber reservations near Lituya Bay, Alaska, enlarged. 

2989: Aug. 20 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
legislation [for their inclusion in the Oregon National Forest]. 

2940: Aug. 20 Representative of the War Industries Board added to the 
War Trade Board. APC 534. 

2941: Aug. 21 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. 
positions, Paragraph 1 amended to include aeronautical chemists. 1918 
CSR 126. 

2942: Aug. 22 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on reconstruction 
of the Court House in the District of Columbia. 

2943: Aug. 23 Trust period on allotments of the Klamath River Indians 
on the Hoopa Valley Reservation, Calif., expiring in 1918, extended for 
one year. IV K 1015. 

2944: Aug. 23 Abandoned Virginia Key Military Reservation, Fla., re- 
served for naval purposes. 

2945: Aug. 23 E. 0. 2168 of Apr. 13, 1915, temporarily reserving for 
military purposes certain lands excluded from the Stanislaus National 
Forest, Calif., revoked, and the said lands opened to entry only under the 
homestead laws from Sept. 23 to Sept. 30, 1918, and to settlement and 
other disposition under any applicable land law. 

2946: Aug. 27 Emma M. Whitehead made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1918 
CSR 133. 

2947: Aug. 27 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction 
of buildings for the immigrant station at Boston, Mass. 

2948: Aug. 29 Price stipulations of Act of July 8, 1918, on Government 
purchases from private manufacturers waived for duration of war. 

2949: Aug. 29 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale any seats upon or memberships in any stock, cotton, grain, produce, 
or other exchanges. APC 535. 



2950: Aug. 31 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
marine hospitals at Boston, Mass., Baltimore, Md.^ Detroit, Mich., New 
Orleans, La., San Francisco, Calif., and Savannah, 6a. 

2951 : Sept. 4 Wilmot H. MacDonald, former clerk-typist, made eligible 
for reinstatement in the classified service without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1918 CSR 134. 

2952: Sept. 6 E. O. [2913] of July 15, 1918, authorizing the Labor Sec'y 
to use certain premises in the District of Columbia in connection with 
housing for war needs, revoked and the use of said premises transferred 
to the War Industries Board. 

2953: Sept. 12 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate, the property of Lilly Busch. APC 536. 

2954: Sept. 13 Alien Property Custodian directed to reject all bids re- 
ceived for the Froehlich and Kuttner property at the sale at Manila, 
P. I., and said sale declared to be void. APC 540. 

2955: Sept. 13 Alien Property Custodian directed to reject all bids re- 
ceived for property of the Engineering Dept. of Germann and Company, 
Ltd., at the sale at Manila, P. I., and said sale declared to be void. APC 

2956: Sept. 13 Alien Property Custodian directed to reject all bids re- 
ceived for "El Siglo," part of A. Richter and Company, at the sale at 
Manila, P. I., and said sale declared to be void. APC 539. 

2957: Sept. 13 Alien Property Custodian directed to reject all bids re- 
ceived for "La Sombreria," part of A. Richter and Company, at the sale 
at Manila, P. I., and said sale declared to be void. APC 541. 

2958 : Sept. 13 Alien Property Custodian directed to reject all bids re- 
ceived for " Helios' ' cigar factory, part of Germann and Co., Ltd., at the 
sale at Manila, P. I., and said sale declared to be void. APC 538. 

2959: Sept. 13 Managing Director of Alien Property Custodian in the 
Philippines vested with powers of the Alien Property Custodian for the 
Philippines. APC 537. 

2960: Sept. 14 E. 0. [325-A] of May 18, 1905, prohibiting convict labor 
on Government contracts, suspended for the duration of the war, and 
Government purchasing agents authorized to purchase products of State, 
county, or municipal penal institutions. 

2961 : Sept. 16 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on paving access 
streets to Government buildings in the District of Columbia. 

[ 248 ] • 


2062: Sept. 16 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for townsite 

2963 : Sept. 16 Certain described lands in Washington reserved pending 
legislation to reserve said lands for park purposes. 

2964: Sept. 16 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 
determination of advisability of inclusion in adjoining national forests. 

2964-A:Sept. 19 Civil Service Commission authorized to appoint secret 
service agents without examination for the duration of the war. 

2965: Sept. 20 Trust period on allotments to the Indians on Winnebago 
Reservation, Neb., expiring in 1918, extended for 10 years. IV K 1027. 

2966: Sept. 23 Trust period on allotments to the Iowa Indians in Kansas 
and Nebraska extended for 10 years ; 9 exceptions specified. IV K 1020. 

2967: Sept. 26 E. O. 2604 of Apr. 28, 1917, pertaining to censorship of 
submarine cables and telegraph and telephone lines, amended. 

2968 : Sept. 30 Alien Property Custodian directed to reject all bids re- 
ceived for property of A. W. Paber at Newark, N. J., and to resell said 
property at public sale. APC 542. 

2968-A:Oct. 3 Sum of $120,000 allocated to the War Sec'y for mail 
censorship in the Panama Canal Zone. M 246 ; 1918 PCR 390. 

2969: Oct. 7* Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction 
of the Benning Road viaduct in the District of Columbia. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

2970: Oct. 8 Sum of $10,000 allocated from the national defense appro- 
priation of July 1, 1918, to the Postmaster General for telephone and 
telegraph control. 

2971 : Oct. 9 Canal Zone Regulations governing licensing of automobile 
chauffeurs prescribed. M 247 ; 1917 PCR 390 ; XII PCRec 131, 

2972: Oct. 10 O'Neil Land District, Neb., abolished and the lands, busi- 
ness, and archives, pertaining thereto, transferred to the Lincoln Land 

2973: Oct. 11 Thomas H. O'Neil made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Customs Service, Treasury Dept., without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1919 CSR 107. 

2974: Oct. 11 North Platte and Valentine Land Districts, Neb., abol- 
ished and the lands, business, and archives pertaining thereto, transferred 
to the Broken Bow Land District. 



2975: Oct. 11 Appointments to positions in the Passport Permit Service 
without regard to Civil Service Rules authorized for the duration of the 
war. 1919 CSR 103. 

2876: Oct. 16 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
the vessel Pilot for the Coast and Geodetic Survey. 

2977: Oct. 19 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on certain wharf 
construction in the District of Columbia. 

2978: Oct. 21 Certain described lands on Oahu Island, T. H., adjoining 
Port De Russy Military Reservation, withdrawn for military purposes. 

2979: Oct. 22 E. O. 1786 of June 11, 1913, withdrawing certain lands in . 
Arizona pending legislation for their proper disposal, revoked and said 
lands restored to settlement. 

2979- A: Oct. 22 W. P. Sloan transferred from the Aircraft Production 
Bureau to the Post Office Dept. in connection with the control and opera- 
tion of the telephone and telegraph services. 

2980: Oct. 24 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
wire drag launches for the Coast and Geodetic Survey. 

2981: Oct. 25 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for cable line 
for the Army Signal Corps. 

2982: Oct. 25 Regulations governing sale and disposition of Alaska rail- 
road townsites amended to extend for one year payments on lots in 
Anchorage, Matanuska, Nenana, and WassiUa falling due during or 
subsequent to August 1, 1918. 

2983: Oct. 25 Anna L. Bennett made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1919 CSR 

2984: Oct. 25 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
legislation [for their possible addition to a national park]. 

2984- A: Oct. 25 Liquor control zone adjacent to Johnson Shipyards 
Corporation, Mariner Harbor, Staten Island, N. Y., established. 

2985: Oct. 28 Rules limiting employment in the Civil Service to two 
members of any one family suspended during influenza epidemic, for pro^ 
bationary or permanent appointments at Washington, D. C. 1919 CSR 

2985-A:Oct. 29 Creation of U. S. Housing Corporation by the Labor 
Sec'y approved. 

[ 250 ] 


2986: Nov. 1 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
additions to a building on the Arlington Experimental Farm, Arlington, 
Va., for use by the Bureau of Chemistry for color investigation. 

2987: Not. 4 Ouarapo Island Naval Air Station, C. Z., established. M 
248; 1917 PCR 392; XII PCRec 185. 

2988: Nov, 7 Eight-hour day suspended for workers on construction of 
a fishery products laboratory in Washington, D. C, for the Fisheries 
Bureau, Commerce Dept. 

2989: Nov. 11 Weiser National Forest, Idaho, diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to entry only under the homestead laws requiring 
residence, from Jan. 15, 1919, and to settlement and other disposition 
under any applicable land law from Jan. 22, 1919. 

2990: Nov. 11 Interior Sec'y granted powers pertaining to the produc- 
tion, conservation and distribution of certain ores, metals, and minerals, 
except powers relating to import duties, under the Act of Oct. 5, 1918. 

2991 : Nov. 12 Additional regulations governing the powers and duties 
of the Alien Property Custodian prescribed. APC 543. 

2992: Nov. 13 Postmaster General authorized to requisition for storage 
space the premises in Washington, D. C. owned by Lt. Arthur Hellen and 
occupied by C. G. Sloan and Company, and to pay a just compensation 

2993: Nov. 14 Alien employees of the Panama Canal and the Panama 
R. R. Co. allowed sick leave. M 249 ; 1918 PCR 362 ; XII PCRec 243. 

2994: Nov. 16 Bend Ranger Station, Mont., reserved for use of the 
Forest Service as a ranger station in the administration of the Cabinet 
National Forest. 

2995: Nov. 16 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IX, on Agriculture Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to add Paragraph 5 excepting carpenters, messengers, 
mechanics, skilled laborers, laboratory aids, engineers, and other tempo- 
rary employees at the Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis., for 
the duration of the war. 1919 CSR 101. 

2996: Nov. 16 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision I [on the entire classified serv- 
ice], Paragraph 15 amended to except clerical positions on the Isthmus 
of Panama paying not more than $106 a month until six months after the 
end of the war. 1919 CSR 101 ; M 249 ; 1919 PCR 362 ; XII PCRec 191. 

2997: Nov. 16 Edgar Rickard designated to act as Food Administrator 
in the absence of Herbert Hoover. 



2998: Nov, 16 Sweetwater Administrative Site reserved for use by the 
Forest Service as a ranger station in the administration of the Bridger 
National Forest. 

2999: Nov. 18 Eight-hour day suspended in respect to contracts for 
changes at the Barge Office, New York, N. Y., to accommodate the Cus- 
toms Intelligence Bureau. 

3000: Nov. 18 Liquor control zone established within Borough of Ber- 
wick, Columbia County, Pa., and within all adjacent territory five miles 
from said borough limits. 

3001: Nov. 19 $500,000 allocated to the Postmaster General for purchase 
of penalty envelopes. 

3002: Nov. 19 Tariff of Consular Fees, Fee No. 34, pertaining to ad- 
ministering of pension oaths, amended. 

3003: Nov. 21 Certain described lands in California reserved for town- 
site purposes. 

3004: Nov. 21 Alaska Withdrawal No. 1 modified to allow homestead 
claim of Louise Manthey. 

3005: Nov. 22 Regulations governing departure from and entry into the 
United States, Section 12, prohibiting departure of persons subject to 
registry or enrollment for military service without previous consent of 
the War Sec'y* revoked. 

3006: Nov. 26 Liquor control zone established within Davidson County, 

3007: Nov. 26 Clara £. Werres made eligible for appointment as minor 
clerk in the Government Printing Office without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1919 CSE 107. 

3008: Nov. 26 Exemption of persons certified as loyal by the Attorney 
General from classification as enemy aliens authorized for naturalization 

3009: Nov. 27 Sevier National Forest, Utah, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to entry only under the homestead laws requiring 
residence, from Jan. 15, 1919, and to settlement and other disposition 
under any applicable land law from Jan. 22, 1922. 

3010: Nov. 27 Battlement National Forest, Colo., diminished, and the 
excluded lands opened to entry only under the homestead laws requiring 
residence, from Jan. 22, 1919, and to settlement and other disposition 
under any applicable land law from Jan. 29, 1919. 



3010-A:Nov. 27 E. 0. [2897] of June 29, 1918, allocating $6,000,000 
for the purchase of Swedish iron ore, amended to provide that moneys 
accruing from sale or resale of said ore be held subject to the order of 
the President and disposed of in such manner as he directs. 1918 PCR 

3011 : Nov. 29 Persons in the classified service with unrestricted status 
less than three years, and separated from the service through reduction 
of force, made eligible for placement on appropriate eligible registers for 
one year, if recommended for efficiency. 1919 CSR 104; XII PCRec 243. 

3012: Nov. 29 Treasury Sec'y authorized to dispose of obsolete wartime 
materials, supplies and equipment. 

3013: Nov. 30 Certain described lands at Circle, Alaska, reserved for 
. use of the Army Signal Corps in the operation of the military telegraph 

3014: Nov. 30 E. O. [2985] of Oct. 28, 1918, permitting the employment 
in the Civil Service of two or more members of any family during the 
influenza epidemic, revoked. 1919 CSR 104. 

3015: Dec. 2 Eight-hour day suspended for workers covered under con- 
tracts for the repair of vessels owned, chartered, or operated by or for 
account of the Shipping Board. 

3016: Dec. 3 Certain powers delegated to the Alien Property Custodian 
and to Frank L. Polk under the Trading with the Enemy Act, and certain 
powers previously delegated to the Federal Trade Commission, clarified. 
APC 546. 

3016-A:Dec. 3 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for 2000 shares of the capital stock of International Insurance Co. of New 

3016-B: See Jan. 11 9 1919. 

3016-0: See Feb. 26, 1919. 




3016-O : See Mar. 14, 1919. 

3016-H : See Mar. 15, 1919. 

[ 253 ] 


8016-1: See Mar. 24, 1919. 

8016-J: See Mar. 24, 1919. 


3016-L: See Apr. 5, 1919. 


3016-N: See Apr. 18, 1919. 


S016-P:SeeMay28, 1919. 

3016-Q: See May 28, 1919. 

3016-R: See May 28, 1919. 

301643: See June 10, 1919. 

8016-T: See June 18, 1919. 

S016-U: See June 18, 1919. 

3016-V: See June 24, 1919. 


3016-X:SeeJuly8, 1919. 

3017: Dee. 3* Shipping Board delegated certain powers relative to 
ocean freight rates and terminal charges. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

3018: Deo. 3 Shipping Board and the Shipping Board Emergency Fleet 
Corporation granted additional powers relative to the Emergency Ship- 
ping Fund. 

3019: Dec. 3 Officer materials, supplies, and equipment not required by 
the Executive Departments or Independent Establishments transferred 
to the Treasury Sec'y, to be handled through the General Supply Com- 
mittee for the benefit of the Municipal Government and the governmental 
service in the District of Columbia. 

3019-A:Dee. 31 Dissolution of War Industries Board and all divisions, 
sections, committees, and subordinate bodies thereof, directed; certain 
activities excepted. 



3019-B:Deo. 80 $75,000 allocated for maintaining and operating the 
Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics and activities of said board ex- 
panded to include securing and making available economic statistics and 
data required by the American delegates to the Peace Conference. 


3020: Jan. 1 Erroneously allowed entry in former Fort Peck Indian 
Reservation, Mont., ordered confirmed in accordance with Proc. [1361] 
of Mar. 21, 1917. 

3021: Jan. 7 Navy Sec'y authorized to designate a board to appraise 
the value of certain domestic auxiliary naval vessels purchased or com- 
mandeered for war purposes, for resale to the former owners or to the 
general public ; sale of such equipment of said vessels as cannot be advan- 
tageously used authorized. 

3016-B:Jan. 11 Alien Property Custodian authorized to transfer to 
Henry Schniewind, Jr., of New York, N. T., all rights in Susquehanna 
Silk Mills, the property of H. E. Schniewind, Heinrich Schniewind, Sr., 
Willy Schniewind, and Hans Schniewind of Elberfield, Germany. 

3022: Jan. 11 Otter Creek Administrative Site, Mont., created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Custer National Forest. 

3023: Jan. 11 Cedar Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Absaroka National Forest. 

3024: Jan. 11 Trust period on allotments to Indians, expiring during 
1919, extended for one year ; 5 exceptions specified. IV E 1055. 

8024- A: Jan. 17 George O. May appointed member of War Trade Board. 

3024-B: Jan. 21 E. O. [3019-B] of Dec. 30, 1918, allocating funds to the 
Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics, amended as to source of funds. 

3024-0: Jan. 16 Theodore F, Whitmarsh designated acting Food Ad- 
ministrator in the absence of Herbert Hoover and Edgar Bickard. 

3025: Jan. 25 Elk Flat Administrative Site, Targhee National Forest, 
Idaho, reserved by E. O. 1626 of Oct. 17, 1912, abolished. 

3026: Jan. 25 Laguna Mountain Administrative Site, Calif., reserved 
for use as a ranger station in the administration of the Cleveland Na- 
tional Forest. 

3027: Jan. 25 All Executive Orders establishing defensive Sea Areas 
revoked. M 251 ; XII PCBec 335. 



8028: Jan. 25 Lt. Harry T. Kelsh, Jr., retransf erred from the War Dept* 
to the Coast and Geodetic Survey. 

3029: Jan. 25 Harold W. Pease, Isaiah M. Dailey, Rowland E. Bennett, 
and John W. Cox, lieutenants in the Coast Artillery, retransf erred from 
the War Dept. to the Coast and Geodetic Survey. 

3030: Jan. 25 E. O. [2967] of Sept. 26, 1918, establishing censorship of 
submarine cables and telegraph and telephone lines, revoked with respect 
to telegraph and telephone lines. 

3031: Jan. 25 Employees of the Panama Canal or Panama Railroad Co. 
who resigned to enter military or naval service granted leave credit upon 
return to duty. 1918 CSR 105 ; M 250 ; 1918 PCR 364 ; XII PCRec 359. 

3032: Jan. 25 E. O. of Apr. 9, 1917, # placing the Panama Canal and the 
Canal Zone under Army control, revoked. M 251; 1918 PCR 364; XII 
PCRec 315. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

3033: Feb. 5 Portions [of Alaskan Timber Reserve No. 1 and Alaskan 
Railroad and Townsite Withdrawal No. 9], reserved by E. Os. 2217 of 
June 22, 1915 and 2319 of Feb. 16, 1916, respectively, restored to entry. 

3034: Feb. 5 Certain described lands in Michigan withdrawn pending 
legislation [authorizing the Interior Sec'y to patent them to Huron 
County for public park purposes]. 

3085: Feb. 7 Civil Service Rule IX,* [pertaining to reinstatement], 
Section 1 amended as to reinstatement procedure. XII PCRec 380. 

• Through error, the rale ia numbered XI in the printed copy of the original order. 

3035-A: Feb. 14 Sum of $150,000 allocated to American Commission to 
Negotiate Peace and placed at disposal of Bernard M. Baruch. 

3035-B:Feb. 24 Herbert Hoover appointed Director General of the 
American Relief Administration and duties prescribed. 

3036: Feb. 25 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision XI [on Commerce Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to add Paragraph 5 excepting part-time laborers in 
charge of light stations, minor lights, or buoys. 1919 CSR 101. 

3037: Feb. 25 E. 0. 2465-A of Sept. 30, 1916, reserving certain lands 
near the Prescott National Forest, Ariz., for stock driveway purposes, 

3038: Feb. 25 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
legislation [to enlarge the Shoshone National Forest]. 



8039: Feb. 25 E. 0. 3010 of Nov. 27, 1918, diminishing the Battlement 
National Forest, Colo., and restoring the excluded lands to homestead 
entry in advance of settlement or other forms of disposition, amended to 
change the effective dates for entry. 

3040: Feb. 25 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for protec- 
tion of the water supply of Port D. A. Russell and the city of Cheyenne. 

3041 : Feb. 25 Challis National Forest, Idaho, diminished, and portion 
of excluded lands, some of which are also excluded from Poun Site Re- 
serve No. 587, reserved for townsite purposes and remainder opened to 
entry only under the homestead laws requiring residence for seven days 
from the 63d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to settlement 
and other disposal under any applicable land law. 

3042: Feb. 25 Ozark National Forest, Ark., diminished, and excluded 
lands opened to entry only under homestead laws requiring residence, for 
seven days from the 63d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter 
to settlement and other disposition under any applicable land law. 

3016-0 : Feb. 26 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
trademark and patent rights of enemy alien firms to the Chemical Foun- 
dation, Inc., of Delaware. 

3043: Feb. 26 Cabinet National Forest, Mont., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

3044: Feb. 26 Return of certain vessels, equipment, and personnel from 
the War and Navy Depts. to the Coast and Geodetic Survey, ordered. 

3045: Feb. 26 Clara Bell Suit, temporary employee, made eligible for a 
permanent appointment as topographic draftsman in the Coast and Geo- 
detic Survey without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1919 CSR 107. 

3046: Feb. 26 Industrial Board in the Commerce Dept. authorized to 
employ qualified personnel without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1919 
CSR 103. 

3047: Feb. 27 Trust period on allotments to the Mexican-Kickapoo In- 
dians in Oklahoma, expiring during 1919, extended five years. IV E 

3048: Feb. 27 Trust period on allotments to the Capitan Grande Band 
or Village of Mission Indians in California, expiring during 1919, ex- 
tended for five years. IV K 1014. 

3049: Feb. 27 E. O. [2903] of July 3, 1918, transferring records, files, 
reports, and business of the Federal Trade Commission pertaining to the 
coal industry to the Fuel Administration, amended to provide for return 
to the Federal Trade Commission of such materials no longer needed by 
the Fuel Administration. 



3050 : Feb. 27 Robert L. Stancill, special agent in the Commerce Dept., 
made eligible for appointment as assistant to the Director of the Stand- 
ards Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1919 CSR 107. 

3061: Feb. 27 Miss Bert M. Williams made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Coast and Geodetic Survey without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1919 CSR 107. 

3052: Feb. 28 [E. Os. 3000 and 3006 of Nov. 18 and Nov. 26, 1918, re- 
spectively, establishing] liquor control zones at Duluth, Minn., Davidson 
County, Tenn., and the Borough of Berwick, Pa., revoked. 

3053: Feb. 28 Certain described' lands in Montana temporarily with- 
drawn pending legislation to secure the use of said lands for a game 

3053- A: Feb. 28 Foreign Trade Committee consisting of one member 
from each of 15 departments and administrative boards, established to 
consider and make suggestions on foreign trade and commerce. 

3054: Mar. 2 E. O. [2570] of Apr. 2, 1917, requiring departmental 
head's assent to employee's examination or certification, revoked. 1919 

3055: Mar. 3 Withdrawal of certain lands in Idaho by Proc. 1397 of Oct. 
9, 1917, pending legislation [to provide lands for park purposes and 
water-supply protection for the Pocatello National Forest], extended. 

3056: Mar. 3 Fort Pikit, Fort Reina Regente, and one other reservation, 
all in Cotabato, and Torrey Barracks, Malabang, Dept. of Mindanao and 
Sulu, P. I., restored to the Government of the Philippines. 

3057: Mar. 3 Charles Arthur Richards appointed member of the War 
Trade Board as additional representative of the Food Administrator. 

3058: Mar. 3 Regulations governing departure from and entry into the 
United States amended. 

3069: Mar. 3 Chairman of the War Trade Board ordered to transfer 
records and functions of said Board to the State Dept. 

3060: Mar. 3 Regulations for sale of lots within Girdwood Townsite, 
Alaska, prescribed. 

3060-A:Mar. 3 David J. Lewis retransf erred to the Tariff Commission 
from the Post Office Dept. 

3016-D:Mar. 4 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for specified capital stock and property of the Golde Patent Manufactur- 
ing Company. 



3016-E:Mar. 4 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for specified common capital stock of the New Brunswick Chemical Com- 
pany, a New Jersey Corporation. 

8061 : Mar. 4 Laguna Mountain Administrative Site, Calif., created for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Cleveland National 

3062: Mar. 4 Form of Panama Canal tonnage certificates amended. M 
251 ; 1918 PCR 364; XII PCRec 379. 

3063: Mar. 13 Certain powers of the Shipping Board Emergency Fleet 
Corporation pertaining to the Emergency Shipping Fund withdrawn and 
delegated to the War Sec'y. 

3064: Mar. 12 Certain powers of the Shipping Board pertaining t6 the 
Emergency Shipping Fund withdrawn and delegated to the War Sec'y. 

3016-F:Mar. 13 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for specified capital stock and certain other property of Gerhard and 
Hey, Inc. 

3016-G:Mar. 14 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for specified stock of the Heyden Chemical Works, all rights granted to 
the Chemische Fabrik von Heyden A. G., Badebeul, Germany, by the said 
chemical works, and for certain patents and trademarks held by Chem- 
ische Fabrik von Heyden A. G. and Fr. von Heyden Nachfolger, Bade- 
beul, Germany. 

3016-H:Mar. 15 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for certain property of the International Textile Co., Inc. 

3065: Mar. 15 Regulations governing appointments and promotions in 
the diplomatic service amended. 

3066: Mar. 19 Aircraft Board abolished. 

3016-1: Mar. 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to transfer to the 
American Badio Company all rights and property of Budolph Gold- 
schmidt and of the Hochfrequenz-Maschienen Aktiongesellschaft for 
Drahtlose Telegraphic 

3016-J : Mar. 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale all rights and patents of the Schmidt-sche Heissdampf Gesellschaft, 
of Germany, to the Locomotive Superheater Co. 

3067: Mar. 25 E. O. 2978 of Oct. 21, 1918, withdrawing certain lands 
adjacent to Fort De Busey, Ealia, Oahu, T. H., revoked and certain other 
lands adjacent to said Fort reserved for military purposes. 



3068 : Mar. 25 Certain lands in Alabama withdrawn for classification by 
E. Os. [1794] of July 3, 1913, and [2590] of Apr. 11, 1917, opened to 
entry only under the homestead laws requiring residence, from the 63d 
day after the date of this Order, and to settlement and other disposition 
under any applicable land law from the 70th day after the date of this 

3069 : Mar. 25 Edward John Norton, vice consul, made eligible for re- 
instatement in the Consular Service without reexamination. 

3016-K:Apr. 5 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain patents and trademark rights of enemy aliens to the Chemi- 
cal Foundation, Inc. 

3016-L:Apr. 5 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for specified shares of capital stock of K. & E. Neumond, Inc., New 
Orleans, La. 

3016-H: Apr. 8 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for specified capital stock of the Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen System 
Co. and certain trademarks. 

3070: Apr. 8 Certain described lands in the District of Waianae, Oahu, 
T. H., reserved for military purposes by E. O. 2900 of July 2, 1918, re- 
stored to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii. 

3071 : Apr. 8 Certain described lands in the Broken Bow Land District, 
Neb., together with the business and archives pertaining thereto, trans- 
ferred to the Alliance Land District. 

3072 : Apr. 8 Regulations for sale of lots within Talkeetna Townsite, 
Alaska, prescribed. 

3073 : Apr. 14 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. 
positions, Paragraph 1 amended to delete instructors in flying, student 
instructors in flying, aviation mechanics, and inspectors of airplanes and 
airplane engines in the aviation section of the Signal Corps. 1919 CSR 

3074: Apr. 16 Civil Service Rule V [pertaining to certification], Section 
4, Clause b, amended as to provide exemption from the physical require- 
ments for disabled and honorably discharged veterans rehabilitated by 
the Board for Vocational Education. 1919 CSR 101 ; XII PCRec 499. 

3075: Apr. 16 Civil Service Rule IX [pertaining to reinstatement], Sec- 
tion 1, amended as to veterans, veterans' widows and army nurses. 1919 
CSR 100; XII PCRec 499. 



8076: Apr. 16 Squaw Island and Pipe Island, Twins, in the Straits of 
St. Mary, Mich., reserved for lighthouse purposes. 

3077: Apr. 16 Certain described lands near Wrangell, Alaska, reserved 
for the Treasury Dept. 

3016-N:Apr. 18 Alien Property Custodian authorized to transfer to 
Ludwig Vogelstein all rights to 50,000 shares of capital stock of L. Vogel- 
stein & Co., acquired by Aron Hirsch & Sohn of Halberstadt, Germany. 

3078 : Apr. 22 Certain described lands in New Mexico, previously re- 
served for military purposes by E. O. 2879 of June 6, 1918, placed under 
Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

3079: Apr. 22 Certain described lands in Louisiana reserved for light- 
house purposes. 

3080 : Apr. 30 Certain described lands in Hawaii Arsenal Reservation, 
Oahu, T. H., included in the Kahauiki Military Reservation by E. O. 2521 
of Jan. 26, 1917, restored to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii. 

3081 : Apr. 30 Dog Canyon Administrative Site, Lincoln National 
Forest, N. Mex., abolished. 

3082: Apr. 30 Certain described lands within the Protestant Episcopal 
Mission Reserve at Fort Yukon, Alaska, withdrawn from said Reserve 
and made subject to disposal under land laws applicable to Alaska. 

3083: Apr. 30 E. O. [3011] of Nov. 29, 1918, establishing Civil Service 
reemployment registers for all persons thereafter separated from the 
service by reason of reduction of personnel, amended to include all per- 
sons so separated prior to date of said Order. Dec. 1919 CSA 43-Dec 1926 

3084: May 4 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III [Treasury Dept., positions], 
Paragraph 7, amended to except certain Public Health Service employees. 
1919 CSR 101. 

3085: May 4 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 
classification and possible inclusion within the Modoc National Forest. 

3016-O : May 7 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for certain voting certificates of capital stock of the American Metal Co. 

3086: May 11 Regan Barracks Military Reservation, Albay Province, 
Luzon, P. I., restored to the Government of the Philippines. 

3086- A: May 12 Chairman or vice-chairman of the War Trade Board 
authorized to transfer personnel, duties, powers, and functions of said 
Board to the State Dept. 



3086-B:May 12 War Trade Board authorized to disburse unexpended 
funds for deficit of its cafeteria. 

3087: May 14 Julius H. Barnes designated Wheat Director and duties 
prescribed; utilization of the Food Administration Grain Corporation to 
carry out price guarantees to wheat producers, liquidation of said Pood 
Administration Grain Corporation, the changing of its name to the U. S. 
Grain Corporation, and continuance of its functions authorized. 

3087-A:May 14 War Trade Board duties, etc., transferred to State 

3088: May 17 E. O. [359] of Oct. 13, 1905, prohibiting Federal employees 
from aiding in any way the preparation of persons for Civil Service ex- 
amination amended to allow the use of the facilities and employees of 
the Board of Vocational Education in the training and testing of disabled 
veterans. July 1919 CSA 69 ; 1919 CSR 105. 

3089: May 24 Certain described lands in Haines Townsite, Alaska, re- 
served for the Education Bureau as an addition to the native school 

3090: May 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision XI [on Commerce Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to add a paragraph excepting the assistant to the sec'y 
in the Commerce Sec'y's office. 1919 CSR 102. 

3091: May 24 Navy Sec'y authorized to transfer to any Executive De- 
partment certain vessels built, purchased, or commandeered for war pur- 
poses subsequent to war declaration of Apr. 6, 1917. 1919 PCR 369. 

3016-P:May28 Alien Property Custodian authorized to transfer to 
Adolf Leve et al., certain specified stocks, bonds, and securities acquired 
by W. Wolf Soehne of Stuttgart, Germany. 

3016-Q:May 28 Alien Property Custodian authorized to dispose of all 
rights accruing to the Munich Reinsurance Co., Germany, under retroces- 
sion agreement with First Reinsurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. 

3016-R : May 28 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for specified shares of capital stock of Ernest Gideon Bek, Inc., and for 
certain rights under contract. 

3092 : May 31 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision I [on positions in the entire 
classified service], Paragraph 7 amended to except certain personnel em- 
ployed in foreign countries. 1919 CSR 103. 

3093 : May 31 Frank H. Wang made eligible for reinstatement as postal 
clerk in the Panama Canal Service without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1919 CSR 108; M 252; 1918 PCR 365; XII PCRec 600. 



3094: May 31 Dodge City Land District, Kans., abolished, and lands, 
business, and archives pertaining thereto transferred to the Topeka Land 

3094- A: June 5 Funds of War Trade Board of the United States Rus- 
sian Bureau, Inc., allocated to the State Sec'y to be expended for pur- 
poses connected with the maintenance of the Trans-Siberian and Chinese 
Eastern Railways, after liquidation of said Board. 

3094-B: June 7 E. O. of Nov. 27, 1918, # transferring to the War Trade 
Board from the U. S. Russian Bureau, Inc., certain funds previously 
allocated for purchase in Russia of commodities which might otherwise 
fall into the hands of the enemy, revoked in view of the dissolution of 
said War Trade Board. 

• Not a Numbered Order. 

3095: June 8 Maud D. Rogers and Lillian A. O'Neill, temporary em- 
ployees in the Executive Office, made eligible for appointment to positions 
in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1919 CSR 

3016-8: June 10 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for specified shares of capital stock of the Associated Operating Co. 

3096: June 12 Richard R. McMahon made eligible for appointment as 
law clerk in the office of Comptroller of the Treasury without examina- 
tion. 1918 CSR 108. 

3097: June 17 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 230, pertain- 
ing to payment at ports of wages of seamen, amended. XII PCRec 622. 

3016-T: June 18 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sales specified shares of stock of the La Salle Portland Cement Co. at 
not less than $286 per share. 

3016-U: June 18 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for specified shares of capital stock of the Associated Operating Co. 

3098: June 19 E. O. 2964 of Sept. 16, 1918, withdrawing certain lands in 
Arizona pending inclusion in adjoining national forests, amended to ex- 
clude certain described lands from the operation of said Order. 

3099: June 23 E. O. [3086-A] of May 12, 1919, transferring the duties, 
functions, etc., of the War Trade Board to the State Dept., amended. 

3016- V: June 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale any stocks, interest in stocks, voting trust certificates, bonds, and 
rights of insurance companies administered by him, in lots not exceeding 
$50,000 in value. 



3099- A: June 24 Unexpended balance of funds allocated to the State 
Dept. on Sept. 19, 1918, for the purpose of providing relief to the Arch- 
angel District of Russia, and transferred to the War Trade Board of 
the U. S. Russian Bureau on Nov. 27, 1918, transferred to the State 
Sec'y> in view of the dissolution of said War Trade Board. 

3100 : June 25 Wheat price guarantee increased and Food Administra- 
tion Grain Corporation authorized to purchase wheat at such prices. 

3101 : June 27 E. 0. of Sept. 10, 1913,* creating Power Site Reserve 
No. 397, Mont., modified to authorize right-of-way for Sanders County 
public highway. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

3102 : June 27 Willow Creek Administrative Site, Colo., reserved as a 
ranger station in the administration of the White River National Forest. 

3103 : June 27 Aldo Leopold made eligible for reinstatement as assist- 
ant district forester in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1919 CSR 108. 

3104: June 27 Specified internal revenue collection districts consoli- 
dated and ten new districts created. 

3105: June 30 Certain described lands in Florida withdrawn pending 
legislation [to authorize the Interior Sec'y to adjust disputes arising 
from faulty surveys]. 

3106: June 30 German vessel Pommern (now U.S.S. Rappahannock) 
transferred from the Shipping Board to the Navy Dept. 

3107: June 30 Josephine Glascott, temporary employee, made eligible 
for appointment to a classified position in the Treasury Dept. without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1919 CSR 108. 

3108 : June 30 Procedure prescribed for correction of assignments of 
persons appointed to the Government Service from the registers for 
stenographer, typewriter, or stenographer and typewriter, but assigned 
to duties outside such classification. July 1919 CSA 47-June 1937 CSA 
29; 1919 CSR 105; XIII PCRec 13. 

3016-W: July 8 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for specified shares of capital stock of the Vigilant Mills. 

3016-X : July 8 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for specified shares of capital stock of the Pass-Kremer Hatband Manu- 
facturing Co. 

3109: July 10 Bloody Dick Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Beaverhead National 



3110: July 10 Trust period on allotments of the Indians of the Siletz 
Reservation, Oreg., expiring in 1919, extended for 10 years. IV K 1045. 

3111 : July 10 Trust period on allotments of the Indians of the Omaha 
Reservation, Nebr., expiring in 1919, extended for 10 years; 37 excep- 
tions specified. IV K 1026. 

3111- A: July 11 C. M. Bryan made eligible for appointment as clerk, 
in the office of the Auditor for the State and other Departments without 
examination. 1919 CSR 108. 

3112: July 12 Civil War veterans in the Government service granted 
leave with pay to attend 53d National Encampment of the Grand Army 
of the Republic. XIII PCRec 13. 

3113: July 15 Certain powers vested in the President under Section 9 
of the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, delegated to Attorney Gen- 

3114: July 16 William E. Brough made eligible for reinstatement as 
assistant inspector of ordnance material in the Ordnance Dept. at Large 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 1919 CSR 109. 

3115: July 16 Tariff of Consular Fees amended by addition of a new 
section relating to bills of exchange. 

3116: July 18* Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for 237 shares of Capital stock of the Emil Gebel Co., of New York, and 
to resell same at public sale. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

3117: July 18* Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for 8,376 shares of capital stock of the Markt and Hammacher Co., and 
to resell same at public sale. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3118: July 18* Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for 676 shares of the capital stock of Markt and Schaefer Co. of New 
Jersey, and to resell same at public sale. 

# Has form of a proclamation. 

3119: July 18* Special Committee for assistance to Czech oslovakian 
forces in Siberia directed to turn over accounts to State Sec'y; said 
Sec'y authorized to countersign checks in connection therewith. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

3120: July 19 Samuel D. Slentz made eligible for retention in the Em- 
ployees' Compensation Commission without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1919 CSR 109. 



3121: July 19 James E. Dethlefsen made eligible for appointment to 
a subclerical position without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1919 CSR 

3122: July 19 E. 0. [3104] of June 27, 1919, consolidating certain in- 
ternal revenue collection districts, amended. 

3123: July 19 Certain described lands in Mississippi and Poinsett 
Counties, Ark., reserved to adjust claims of patentees arising from in- 
complete or erroneous surveys. 

3124: July 19 * Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for 100 shares of the capital stock of the Chicago Carbonic Gas Co. of 
Illinois, and to resell same at public sale. 

• Has f orm of a proclamation. 

3126: July 22 Fuel Administration records, files, and property trans- 
ferred to the Interior Sec'y. 

3126: July 22 War Industries Board records and files transferred to 
the Council of National Defense. 

3127: July 24 Offices of register and receiver of the land office at 
Juneau, Alaska, consolidated and all powers delegated to the former. 

3128: July 24* Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for 230 shares of the capital stock of Regnier and Shoup Mercantile Co., 
of Missouri, and to resell same at public sale. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

3129: July 24* Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for 549 shares of the capital stock of C. P. Goerz American Optical Co. of 
New York, and to resell same at public sale. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

3130: July 25 Fort Amador and Fort Grant Military Reservation, C. Z., 
established. M 252; 1918 PCR 365; XIII PCRec 14. 

3131: July 29 Fifth Internal Revenue Collection District of Kentucky 
designated the Internal Revenue Collection District of Kentucky; Elm- 
wood Hamilton designated collector. 

3132: July 30 Censorship Board abolished. 

3133: July 31 Sum of $200,000 allocated to Rear Admiral Joseph W. 
Oman, Governor of the Virgin Islands, for expenses incident to occu- 
pation of said Islands. 



3134: Aug. 1 James W. Grady and Andrew E. Carey made eligible for 
reinstatement as night inspectors in the Customs Service at New Orleans, 
La., without regard to length of separation from the service. 1919 CSR 

3135: Aug. 1* Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for 539 shares of the capital stock of H. R. Heinicke Co., Inc., of New 
York, and Globe Clay Co., Inc., of Ohio, and to resell same at public sale. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

3136: Aug. 1 * Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain des- 
ignated property of the American Tungsten Consolidated Corporation, 
and of Schilmann and Bene, at Spokane, Wash. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

3137: Aug. 1 * Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell 37% shares 
of the common stock of the Richard Meyer Co., of New Orleans, La., at 
public auction. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

3138: Aug. 2 Abbie B. McKenna made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Census Bureau, Commerce Dept., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1919 CSR 109. 

3139: Aug. 6 Mrs. A. D. Miller made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Commerce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1919 CSR 

3140: Aug. 6 Boundaries of Deadman's Island Military Reservation, 
Los Angeles Harbor, Calif., modified. 

3141 : Aug. 6 Certain described lands in Idaho, previously reserved as 
sheep breeding and grazing experimental station by E. O. 2268 of Oct. 
30, 1915, and E. O. 2491 of Nov. 21, 1916, opened to entry under the 
homestead laws requiring residence, from Aug. 27, 1919, and to settle- 
ment and other disposition from Sept. 3, 1919. 

3142: Aug. 8 Provisions of the Vessel Registry Act of 1914 requiring 
inspection and measurement of foreign-built ships admitted to United 
States registry, suspended for 18 months from Sept. 1, 1919. M 254; 
1919 PCR 359; XIII PCRec 48. 

3143: Aug. 8 Food Administrator ordered to transfer records, func- 
tions, and powers to the Wheat Director. 

3144: Aug. 9 Katherine E. Bollinger, n6e Schwartz, made eligible for 
reinstatement in the classified service without regard to length of sep- 
aration from the service. 1919 CSR 110. 



3145: Aug. 11 Disposition of materials and plants by Shipping Board 
Emergency Fleet Corporation ordered. 

3146: Aug. 12 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for the Muller Property at New Orleans, La., and to resell same at public 

3147: Aug. 12 Ira F. Hoyt made eligible for appointment as passport 
agent ii\ the State Dept. at New York, N. Y., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1919 CSR 110. 

3148 : Aug. 15 Capt. J. J. Doyle made eligible for examination for in- 
spector of hulls in the Steamboat Inspection Service without regard to 
age limitations. 1919 CSR 110. 

3149: Aug. 16 Certain described lands at Seward, Alaska, reserved for 
the Navy Dept. for the erection of wharves, coal storage yards, and other 

3150 : Aug. 16 * Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain property at Washington, D. C, formerly owned by Franz 
A. R. Jung and Sophie A. Nordhoff Jung of Munich, Germany. 
• Has form of a proclamation. 

3151: Aug. 16 Certain described lands at Passage Canal (Portage Bay), 
Alaska, formerly reserved for townsite purposes by E. O. [1919^] of 
Apr. 21, 1914, reserved for Navy Dept. for the erection of wharves, coal 
storage yards, or other naval purposes. 

3152: Aug. 18 Civil Service Rule V [on qualification], Section 5, and 
Rule VI [on eligibility], Section 2, amended as to veterans' preference 
to make effective the provisions of the Urgent Deficiency Act of 1919. 
1919 CSR 101. 

3153 : Aug. 18 Monterey National Forest, Calif., merged with Santa 
Barbara National Forest with latter name retained. 

3154: Aug. 21 Committee on Public Information abolished and records, 
files, papers, property, and assets, transferred to the Council of National 

3155 : Aug. 22 Flathead National Forest, Mont., diminished and Procla- 
mation 1500 of Nov. 27, 1918, amended to add certain described lands 
to the lands designated therein for selection by the State of Montana 
in partial satisfaction of its common school grant. 

3156: Aug. 26 Regulations governing appointment and promotion in 
the consular service amended. 

3157: Aug. 26 Consular Regulations of 1896, extensively amended. 



3168: Aug. 27 E. 0. [1072] of May 14, 1909, permitting employees of 
navy yards or stations to participate in local elections, amended to in- 
clude arsenals and other military establishments. May 1922 CSA 37- 
Dec. 1926 CSA 35; 1919 CSR 106. 

3159: Aug. 27 General Supply Committee of the Treasury Dept. or- 
dered to maintain records of surplus materials, supplies, and equipment 
reported by departmental heads, and to facilitate purchase of such ma- 
terial by Government agencies. 

3160: Aug. 28 Coast Guard placed under the Treasury Dept. 

3161 : Aug. 28 Council of National Defense authorized to disburse un- 
expended funds from allocations heretofore made for the War Industries 
Board upon certification of Bernard M. Baruch or his representative. 

3162: Aug. 30 Pearson Chapman made eligible for reinstatement as 
topographer in the Geological Survey, Interior Dept., without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1919 CSR 110. 

3163: Aug. SO* Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for certain stock and property of the Atlantic Welding Corp., of New 
York, and to resell same at public sale. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3164: Sept. 3 Clara E. Graves made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Commerce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1919 CSR 

3166: Sept. 3 Sheep breeding experiment station* Idaho, enlarged. 

3166: Sept. 15 U.S.S. Hermes, formerly German vessel Hermes, trans- 
ferred from Navy Dept. to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii 
for use as tender to the leper colony. 

3167: Sept. 15 Procter's Landing Military Reservation (Fort Beaure- 
gard), St. Bernard Parish, La., placed under the Interior Sec'y for dis- 

3168: Sept. 21 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain de- 
scribed real estate in Wilkes-Barre Township, Luzerne County, Pa., prop- 
erty of Johann Krannichf eldt and Nicolas Schmitt. 

3169: Sept. 29 Navy Sec'y authorized to sell U.S.S. Arabia and equip- 

3170 : Sept. 29 Regulations governing appointment of unskilled labor- 
ers in Washington, D. C, Regulation III, Section 2, and Regulation IV 
amended. 1919 CSR 106. 



3171: Sept. 29 E. 0. 2521 of Jan. 26, 1917, diminishing Kahauiki (Fort 
Shafter) Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., amended to include in said 
Order portion of right of way known as Slaughter House Road. 

3172: Oct. SO* Certain rules, regulations, etc., relative to the fixing 
of prices of coal and control of the commissions of middleman dealers in 
coal restored to force ; the Fuel Administrator delegated certain powers 
relative to such rules. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3178: Nov. 5* Fuel Administrator delegated certain powers relative 
to rules, regulations, etc., fixing prices or regulating production, sale, 
shipment, storage, or distribution of coal or coke. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3174: Nov. 13 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 682, pertaining 
to currency certificates, amended. 

3175: Nov. 22 R. Stone Jackson made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Federal Board for Vocational Education without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1920 CSR 98. 

3176: Nov. 24* Possession and title of all enemy vessels seized and 
operated during the war ordered taken in accordance with the joint 
resolution of May 12, 1917. M 255; 1919 PCR 359; XIII PCRec 285. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3177: Nov. 25 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, amended to add Subdivision 
VI, Paragraph 1 covering 15 persons in the Interdepartmental Social 
Hygiene Board for confidential work. 1920 CSR 95. 

3178: Nov. 25 Special homestead of George W. Nutter within ceded the 
portion of the Crow Indian Reservation, Mont., validated, subject to 
coal lands restrictions. 

3179: Nov. 25 Certain described lands, buildings, and improvements of 
the Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation in Prince William 
County, at or near Quantico, Va., transferred to the Navy Dept. 

3180: Nov. 25 E. 0. [2837] of Apr. 11, 1918, revoking certain powers 
relative to enemy alien trademarks and copyrights vested in the Treas- 
ury Sec'y under the Trading with the Enemy Act, rescinded and said 
powers revested in said Sec'y- 

3181 : Nov. 25 Certain specified counties in the 6th Internal Revenue 
Collection District of Virginia and in the Internal Revenue Collection 
District of Maryland transferred to the 2d District of Virginia, and cer- 
tain counties in the 2d District transferred to the 6th District. 



3182: Nov. 25 Regulations governing conditions of employment for 
the permanent force of the Panama Canal amended. M 255; 1919 PCR 
360; XIII PCRec 271. 

3183: Nov. 25* Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for 4505 shares of capital stock of the First Reinsurance Co. of Hartford, 
Conn., and to resell same at public auction. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3184: Nov. 28 Civil Service Rule IX [pertaining to reinstatement], 
Paragraph 1, Clauses (b), (c), and (d), amended. 1920 CSR 95; XIII 
PCRec 351. 

3185: Dec. 1 Katherine Peters made eligible for appointment to a class- 
ified position without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1920 CSR 98. 

3186: Dec. 2 Corona Administrative Site, N. Mex., reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Lincoln National Forest. 

3187: Dec. 2 E. 0. 924 of Aug. 8, 1908, establishing Gorr Island Bird 
Refuge, Klamath River, Oreg., revoked in part and said Island restored 
to public domain. 

3188: Dec. 2 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
legislation [for their inclusion within Ochoco National Forest]. 

3189: Dec. 2 E. O. 2593 of Apr. 13, 1917, withdrawing certain lands in 
the St. Francis Run basin, Ark., pending survey for reclamation pur- 
poses, modified to restore a specified portion of said lands to public 

3190: Dec. 2 Sawyer Administrative Site, Dixie National Forest, Utah, 

3191: Dec. 2 Indian Administrative Site, Fillmore National Forest, 
Utah, abolished and the said lands opened to entry only under the home- 
stead laws requiring residence from Nov. 19, 1919, and to settlement 
and other disposition under any applicable land law from Nov. 26, 1919. 

3192 : Dec. 2 Certain described lands in Oregon, formerly reserved for 
the improvement of the Columbia River by E. O. of Nov. 4, 1885, # restored 
to public domain and opened to entry only under the homestead laws re- 
quiring residence, from the 63d day from the date of this Order, and 
to settlement or other disposition under any applicable public land law 
from the 70th day from the date of this Order. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

3193: Dec. 2 Certain described lands at Honolulu, Cahu, T. H., for- 
merly reserved for military purposes by E. O. 2581, of Apr. 4, 1917, 
restored to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii. 



3194: Dec. 4 Emma Administrative Site, Sopris National Forest, Colo., 

3195: Dec. 5 Madison National Forest, Mont., diminished and portion 
of the excluded lands reserved as the Yellowstone Administrative Site 
in said forest, and a portion reserved for sale under the act of Feb. 25, 
1919, and a portion reserved for townsite purposes. 

3196: Dec. 16 Office for the Crook Land District, Wyo., transferred 
from Sundance to Newcastle. 

3197: Dec. 16 Certain described portion of Cochinos Point at entrance 
to Manila Bay, Luzon Island, P. I., reserved for military purposes. 

3198: Dec. 16 Three described tracts of land at McOrath, Iditarod, 
and Brooks, Alaska, reserved for military purposes. 

3199: Dec. 19 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain real 
estate in New York, N. Y., property of Amanda Van Graberg. 

3200: Dec. 19 City and county of Alexandria in the 6th Virginia In- 
ternal Revenue Collection District transferred to the 2d District. 

3201 : Dec. 22 Edward W. Oyster, Civil War veteran, made eligible for 
reinstatement as supervising clerk in the Federal Board for Vocational 
Education without regard to length of separation from the service. 1920 
CSR 98. 

3202: Dec. 22 Quarry Heights Military Reservation, C. Z., established. 
M 256; 1919 PCR 360; XIII PCRec 324. 

3203: Dec. 22 Fort William D. Davis, C. Z., reestablished. M 256; 
1919 PCR 361 ; XIII PCRec 364. 

3204: Dec. 23 Trust or other period of restrictions against alienation 
contained in any potent issued to any Indian for any public lands, ex- 
piring in 1920, extended for one year. IV K 1053. 

3205: Dec. 23 Four-hour work-day on Dec. 24 and 31, 1919, declared 
for all per diem employees of the Federal Government and the District 
of Columbia. 

3206: Dec. 30 Board of Surveys and Maps established and duties pre- 

3207: Dec. 30 Certain described lands in the Canal Zone, including Fort 
Clayton, Panama Arsenal, Engineer Depot, and the Post of Corozal, 
reserved for military purposes, subject to the civil control and jurisdic- 
tion of the Governor of the Panama Canal. M 258; 1919 PCR 363; XIII 
PCRec 357. 



3208 : Jan. 2 Certain described lands in Idaho withdrawn pending leg- 
islation [for disposal to Downey and Bannock Counties for water supply 
purposes] . 

3209: Jan. 3 Certain described lands in Minnesota withdrawn pending 
establishment of the international boundary line through the Lake of 
the Woods, between the United States and Canada. 

3210: Jan. 7 Canal Zone Regulations governing sale, possession, and 
disposition of liquors for sacramental, scientific, industrial, pharmaceu- 
tical, and medical purposes prescribed. M 261; 1919 PCR 366; XIII 
PCR«c 365. 

3211: Jan. 8 Government agencies directed to furnish data requested 
by the commission appointed to consider labor conditions in bituminous 
coal fields. 

3212: Jan. 8 Income, Tax returns ordered opened to inspection under 
regulations prescribed by Treasury Sec'y. 

3213: Jan. 9 Canal Zone Regulations on costs a^ security for costs 
in the District Court and the Magistrates' Courts prescribed. M 263; 

1919 PCR 368; XIII PCRec 367. 

3214: Jan. 10 Third Internal Revenue Collection District of New York, 
consolidated with the 2d District. 

3215: Jan. 13 E. O. [359] of Oct. 13, 1905, prohibiting Government 
employees to aid persons in preparing for Civil Service examinations, 
amended to allow use of Government employees and facilities in the 
testing of disabled veterans. July 1921 CSA 77-June 1936 CSA 55; 

1920 CSR 97 ; XIII PCRec 382. 

3216: Jan. 13 Sioux National Forest, Mont, and S. Dak., merged with 
Custer National Forest with latter name retained. 

3217: Jan. 16 Mabel E. Bane made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Mines Bureau, Interior Dept., without examination. 1920 CSR 98. 

3218: Jan. 29 James Hagerman, Jr., made eligible for appointment as 
deputy commissioner of internal revenue without examination. 1920 
CSR 98. 

3219: Jan. 29 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale 100 shares of preferred stock, of the Pan-American Petroleum and 
Transport Co., property of Miss E. Calm. 

3220: Feb. 2 Customs Collection District No. 27 Southern California, 
abolished and new Districts No. 27 Los Angeles and No. 25 San Diego 



3221 : Jan. 20 * Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for stock of Victor Balata Textile Belting Co. and to resell same at public 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3222: Feb. 3 E. O. 3091 of May 24, 1919, authorizing Navy Sec'y to 
transfer vessels to any Executive Department, amended to permit such 
transfers to the Government of the Panama Canal. M 265; 1919 PCR 

3223: Feb. 5 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Round Valley 
Reservation, Calif., expiring during 1920, extended for three years. IV 
K 1016. 

3224: Feb. 7 Aliens holding provisional licenses issued by the United 
States, and having declared intention of becoming citizens, permitted to 
serve on vessels of U. S. registry in foreign trade for three years and 
three months after date of such declarations ; all E. 0.s suspending citi- 
zenship requirements for such watch officers, revoked. 

3225 : Feb. 7 Nevada detached from the 1st Internal Revenue Collection 
District of California, and designated District of Nevada. 

3226: Feb. 11 Canal Zone Regulations relative to change for service of 
the Quarantine Division prescribed and the ordinance of the Isthmian 
Canal Commission on night inspection of vessels at Colon repealed. M 
266; 1919 PCR 370; XIII PCRec 423. 

3227: Feb. 13* Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell to the 
Chemical Foundation Inc. certain choses in action, rights, interests and 
benefits seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3223: Feb. 13 Radio stations taken over by the Government by E. 0.8 
[2585 and 2605-A] of Apr. 6, 1917 and Apr. 30, 1917, returned to their 
respective owners. 

3229: Feb. 13 Alien Property Custodian directed to transfer to C. 
Walker Jones certain stock in connection with the liquidation of his in- 
debtedness to Ernst Beckert, Ltd., of Chemnitz, Germany, and/or the 
Beckert Needle and Supply Co. 

3230: Feb. 17 Third Internal Revenue Collection District of Iowa desig- 
nated the District of Iowa ; 3d District of Massachusetts designated Dis- 
trict of Massachusetts; and 3d District of Texas designated District of 

3231 : Feb. 20 Regulations governing departure from and entry into the 
United States amended to authorize the departure of alien enemies for 
European ports without permits. 



3232: Feb. 20 Regulations governing conditions of employment for the 
permanent force of the Panama Canal amended to establish maximum 
rate of pay for alien employees of the Canal and the Panama Railroad 
Co. M 266; 1919 PCR 370; HIPCRec 465. 

3233: Feb. 25 Order of the Fuel Administrator of Nov. 6, 1917, relative 
to the tidewater transshipment of coal and employment of the Tidewater 
Coal Exchange as a common agency to facilitate such transshipment, 
which was suspended on Feb. 20, 1919, reinstated ; commissioners of said 
exchange designated to exercise certain powers of the Fuel Adminis- 

3234: Feb. 27 County of Alexandria, Va. f transferred from Customs 
Collection District No. 13 of Maryland to District No. 14 of Virginia. 

3235: Feb. 28 * Director General of Railroads authorized to continue to 
exercise after Mar. 1, 1920, the powers over the delivery, use, and dis- 
tribution of coal conferred upon him by the Fuel Administrator. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3236 : Feb. 29 Marian Kearns made eligible for transfer from position 
of clerk to sign tribal deeds, to a regular clerkship in the Interior Dept. 
1920 CSR 98. 

3237: Mar. 1 Certain described lands in the Canal Zone, formerly part 
of the Punta Mala Lighthouse Reservation, reserved for the Navy Dept. 
for use as a radio station. M 266 ; 1919 PCR 371 ; XIII PCRec 485. 

3238: Mar. 3* Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for certain stock of the Strobel and Wilken Co. of Ohio. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3239: Mar. 5 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids for 
certain stock, property, and patents of the J. M. Voith Co., Inc., of New 
York, N. Y. 

3240: Mar. 5 Director General of Railroads authorized to divert coal in 
possession of railroads to fill emergency needs. 

3241: Mar. 6 Cedar Keys, Fla., abolished as port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 24. 

3242: Mar. 6 Fort Rock Administrative Site, Oreg., reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Deschutes National Forest. 

3243: Mar. 6 Canal Zone regulations governing the carrying and keep- 
ing of arms prescribed. M 267; 1919 PCR 371 ; XIII PCRec 495. 



3244: Mar. 11 Sixth Internal Revenue Collection District of Virginia 
abolished; certain counties transferred to the 2d District and said 2d 
District designated the District of Virginia. 

3246: Mar. 11 Internal Revenue Collection District of Texas divided 
and constituted the 1st and 2d Districts of Texas. 

3246: Mar. 17 Composition of the Board of Surveys and Maps enlarged 
by addition of the Military Intelligence Division as the principal repre- 
sentative of the Army. 

3247: Mar. 19 All E. Os. and all regulation of the Fuel Administration 
as to prices and other matters relating to bituminous coal suspended in 
order to restore status existing prior to E. 0. [3172] of Oct. 30, 1919. 

3248: Mar. 20 E. O. 2593 of Apr. 13, 1917, reserving certain lands in the 
St. Francis River basin, Ark., for survey and reclamation purposes, 
amended to eliminate certain lands from the operation thereof. 

3248-A:Mar. 20 Interior Sec'y authorized to adjust and pay claims 
against the Fuel Administration from available appropriations. 

3249: Mar. 24 Bituminous Coal Commission abolished upon signing of 
agreement between miners and operators; records and property trans- 
ferred to the Council of National Defense, all files and records ultimately 
to be transferred to the Interior Dept. 

3260: Mar. 24 Trust period on allotments to Indians on the Nez Perce 
Reservation, Idaho, expiring during 1920, extended for 10 years ; 268 ex- 
ceptions specified. IV K 1017. 

3251 : Mar. 26 Camden Land District, Ark., abolished and the lands, 
business, archives thereof transferred to the Little Rock Land District. 

3252: Mar. 27* Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for stock and other property of the Chillingworth Mfg. Co. of New 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3253: Mar. 27 Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject bids for 
stock and certain patents of the C. P. Goerz American Optical Co. of New 

3254: Mar. 30 Reinstatement in the classified service of persons who 
resigned to accept overseas war positions authorized without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1920 CSR 96. 

3255 : Mar. 31 Maritime quarantine regulations for the Canal Zone and 
harbors of the cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama, pre- 
scribed. M 268; 1919 PCR 372. 



3256: Mar. 31 Niobrara Bird Reservation, Neb., enlarged. 

3267: Apr. 9 Fort Randolph Reservation and the France Field Reserva- 
tion, C. Z., placed under the War Sec'y> and the Coco Solo Reservation 
placed under the Navy Sec'y. M 272 ; 1919 PCR 376 ; XIII PCRec 583. 

3268: Apr. 13 Veterans given preference L~ the selection of persons for 
appointment as 1st, 2d, or 3d class postmaster. 1920 CSR 97. 

3269: Apr. 16 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell 4505 shares 
of capital stock of the First Reinsurance Company of Hartford, Conn., to 
the Security Trust Company of said place. 

3260: Apr. 16 K of P, gasoline launch, forfeited to the United States 
for violation of the Chinese Exclusion Law, ordered turned over to 
Immigration Service of the Labor Dept. 

3261: Apr. 23 E. O. 3166 of Sept. 15, 1919, transferring the schooner 
Hermes to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii, revoked. 

3262: Apr. 27 Cache National Forest, Idaho, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened only to homestead and desert land entry by ex- 
servicemen of the World War, for 63 days from after the 62d day after the 
date of this Order, and thereafter to settlement, entry, selection and 
location by the general public under any applicable land law. 

3263: Apr. 28 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
selection of portion thereof as landing field for aeroplanes in connection 
with national forest fire patrol. 

3264: Apr. 29 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 18 established. 

3266: Apr. 29 * E. 0. 3259 of Apr. 16, 1920, authorizing the Alien Prop- 
erty Custodian to sell certain stock of the First Reinsurance Company of 
Hartford, Conn., amended to correct certain errors therein. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3266: Apr. 29* Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for stock of the R. and H. Simon Co. of New Jersey. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3287: Apr. 29* Alien Property Custodian authorized to reject all bids 
for 557 shares of the stock of the Flexitype Co. of Ohio. 

•Has form of a proclamation. 

3268: Hay 5 War Labor Board records transferred to the Council of 
National Defense. 



3269 '.Hay 5 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
legislation [for enlargement of the Oregon National Forest]. 

3270: May 10 Andrew E. Armstrong made eligible for reinstatement as 
chief of the Section of Box Tests at the Forest Products Laboratory, 
Madison, Wis., without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1920 CSR 98. 

3271 : Hay 11 Certain described lands in Box Elder County, Utah, with- 
drawn to permit adjustment of claims arising from incomplete or erro- 
neous surveys. 

3272: Hay 12 Certain described lands on Vashons Island in Puget 
Sound, Wash., previously reserved for military purposes by E. O. of June 
9, 1868, # placed under control of Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

3273: Hay 13 H. Leroy Atwood made eligible for appointment as rural 
free delivery mail carrier at Carter, S. Dak., without examination. 1920 
CSR 99. 

3274: Hay 13 South Dakota detached from the Internal Revenue Col- 
lection District of North and South Dakota and designated the District 
of South Dakota. 

3275: Hay 13 Sixth Internal Revenue Collection District of Indiana 
designated the District of Indiana; the 4th District of North Carolina 
designated the District of North Carolina; and the 2d District of Wis- 
consin designated the District of Wisconsin. 

3276: Hay 21 Margaret H. Bowen made eligible for appointment in the 
Postal Service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1920 CSR 99. 

3277: Hay 21* Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain New York City property of the Hamburg-Amerikanische 
Packetfahrt Actien Cesellschaft (Hamburg-American Line). 

* Has t orm of a proclamation. 

3278: May 28 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
legislation to provide for their use by the public for park purposes. 

3279: June 3 Executive Departments and other Government agencies 
directed to furnish information requested by the Anthracite Coal Com- 

3280: June 10 Executive Departments and Independent Establishments 
directed to furnish information requested by the Civil Service Commis- 
sion in connection with the Retirement Act of 1920, and for statistical 
purposes. 1920 CSR 96. 



3281: June 11 Attorney General delegated certain powers granted to 
the President under Section 9 of the Trading with the Enemy Act. 

8282: June 12 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
classification and legislation for disposal. 

8288: June 16 E. O. [3249] of Mar. 24, 1920, modified to suspend trans- 
fer of Bituminous Coal Commission records, etc., to Interior Dept., until 
conclusion of work of Anthracite Coal Commission. 

3284: June 18 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
classification and legislation [to add them to the Whitman National 

8286: June 19 John E. Lamiell made eligible for reinstatement as post 
office inspector without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1920 CSR 99. 

3286: June 20 Whitman National Forest, Oreg., enlarged by the inclu- 
sion of all lands of the Minam National Forest. 

8287: June 23 Fourteen persons made eligible for appointment in the 
District Intelligence Office of the Navy Dept. at New York, N. Y., without 
examination. 1920 CSR 99. 

3288: June 23 Richard C. L. Moncure, collector of the 2d Internal Rev- 
enue Collection District of Virginia, designated collector of the District 
of Virginia. 

3289: June 23 Rowland B. Mahaney, Labor Dept. Solicitor, designated 
to act as Labor Sec'y in the absence of the Sec'y and Assistant Sec'y. 

3290: June 24 Offices of register and receiver at the Broken Bow Land 
Office, Neb., consolidated. 

3291: June 26 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 
classification and for possible inclusion in the Sitgreaves National Forest. 

3292: June 26 Grain Corporation capital stock reduced to $150,000,000. 

3293: June 26 Island of Limbones, Cavite Province, Luzon, P. I., re- 
served for military purposes. 

3294: June 27 Regulations governing departure from or entry into the 
United States amended to authorize departure of enemy aliens without 
permits, no passport required of persons travelling between the United 
States and Newfoundland, St. Pierre, and Miquelon. 

3295: June 28 Livermore Administrative Site, Colo., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Colorado National Forest. 



3296: June 29 * Authority over certain buildings at the Naval Proving 
Ground, Indian Head, Md., the Naval Ordnance Plant at South Charles- 
ton, W. Va., and the hotel at Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Wash., 
transferred from the Labor Sec'y and the U. S. Housing Corporation to 
the Navy Sec'y. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3297: June 30 Certain described lands in South Dakota withdrawn 
pending survey and determination of suitability for reservation to pre- 
serve mesozoic deposits of cycads therein as a national monument. 

3298: July 1 Selden O. Hopkins designated to act as Interior Sec'y in 
absence of the Sec'y and 1st Asst. Interior Sec'y. 

3299: July 1 Caloosahatchee Reservation, Fla., created as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds. 

3300: July 2 Mayaguez Hospital Military Reservation, Mayaguez, P. R., 
transferred from War Dept. to the Government of Puerto Rico for school 

3301 : July 3 Trust period on allotments to the Eickapoo Indians on the 
Kickapoo Reservation, Kans., expiring during 1920, extended one year. 
IV K 1020. 

3302: July 7 Trust period on allotments to the Cabazon and Twenty- 
nine Palms Bands of Mission Indians in California, expiring during 1920, 
extended five years. IV K 1014. 

3303 : July 9 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision V, on Navy Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 6 excepting certain skilled and unskilled 
laborers at naval hospitals. 1920 CSR 95. 

3304: July 10 Trust period on allotments to the Klamath River Indians 
on the Hoopa Valley Reservation, Calif., expiring during 1920, extended 
10 years. IV K 1016, 

3305: July 10 Ketchikan Dock Site created for use in connection with 
the administration of Tongass National Forest. 

3306: July 10 Sum of $343,440 allocated to Rear Admiral Joseph W. 
Oman, Governor of the Virgin Islands, for expenditure in the occupation 
of said Islands. 

3307 : July 13 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending legis- 
lation [to add them to the Paiute Indian Reservation]. 

3308 : July 14 Certain described lands in South Dakota reserved for the 
protection of the water-supply of the Wind Cave National Park and the 
National bison range therein. 



3309: July 17 Certain described lands in Idaho withdrawn pending 
classification and possible inclusion within the Caribou National Forest. 

3310: July 17 * Certain described lands near Aibonito, P. R., previously 
reserved for military purposes by E. O. of June 30, 1903, t transferred to 
Puerto Rico. 

* Has form of a proclamation, 
t Not in Numbered series. 

3311 : July 17 Rules and regulations for the government of the Army 
and Navy General Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark., amended. 

3312: July 21 Trust period on allotments to the Prairie Band of Potta- 
watomi Indians in Kansas, expiring during 1920, extended 10 years. IV 
K 1021. 

3313: July 21 Consular Regulation of 1896 amended as to payments of 
wages of seamen. XIV PCRec 6. 

3313- A: July 24 Island of Limbones, Province of Cavite, P. I., reserved 
for military purposes, and E. O. [3293] of June 26, 1920, on the same 
subject, revoked. 

3314: July 26 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 
classification and possible inclusion within the Tumacacori National 

3315: Aug. 3 Civil Service Retirement Act of 1920 made applicable to 
Executive Office employees, except President's Sec'y. 1920 CSR 96. 

3316: Aug. 4 National Zoological Park keepers classified. 1920 CSR 96. 

3317: Aug. 7 Holy Cross National Forest, Colo., enlarged by the addi- 
tion of all lands of the Sopris National Forest. 

3318: Aug. 16 Washington National Forest, Wash., diminished. 

3319: Aug. 18 Julius H. Barnes, Wheat Director, directed to reduce the 
stock of the Grain Corporation to $50,000,000. 

3320: Aug. 21* Office of Wheat Director and the Food Administration 
abolished; Grain Corporation ordered to discharge obligations and dis- 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

3321 : Sept. 1 Sulzer, Alaska, abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District 31, and a new port of entry established at Craig, in 
the same District. 



3822: Sept. 1 Paitilla Point Military Reservation, C. Z., created. M 
274; 1919 PCR 379; XIV PCRec 90. 

3323 : Sept 4 W. Y. Hardie made eligible for appointment as traffic direc- 
tor in the Interstate Commerce Commission without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1920 CSR 99. 

3324: Sept. 11 Santa Barbara National Forest, Calif., diminished. 

3325: Sept. 11 Idaho National Forest, Idaho, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

3326: Sept. 17 Regulations governing entry into and departure from 
the United States amended to remove certain restrictions on travel be- 
tween the United States and the Bahamas. 

3327: Sept. 19 Trust period on allotments to the Ponca Indians in Okla- 
homa, expiring during 1920, extended one year. IV E 1040. 

3328: Sept. 23 Rexford Administrative Site created for use as a ranger 
station in the administration of the Kootenai National Forest. 

3329: Sept. 24 Employees of the Alaskan Engineering Commission ex- 
cluded from the provisions of Civil Service Retirement Act of 1920. 1920 
CSR 97. 

3330: Oct. 1 Mary Alice Spragg, clerk in the Interior Dept., to sign 
tribal deeds for the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians, classified with her 
position. 1920 CSR 99. 

8331: Oct 1 E. O. 3085 of May 4, 1919, reserving certain lands in 
California for classification, revoked, and a described portion of said 
lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land laws by 
qualified ex-servicemen of the World War for 63 days from the 62d day 
after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law ; remaining lands included 
in Modoc National Forest, by Proc. of even date. 

3332: Oct. 2* War Dept. authorized to retain certain Hoboken piers 
and adjacent property under its control for two years. M 275 ; 1919 PCR 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3333: Oct. 3 Sitka Dock Site, Alaska, created for use in the administra- 
tion of the Tongass National Forest. 

3384: Oct. 5 Samuel Olucksman made eligible for appointment as gen- 
eral helper at the Norfolk Navy Yard, Va., without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1920 CSR 99. 



3386: Oct 7 Cordova Administrative Site, Alaska, reserved for use as 
a dock site in the administration of the Chugach National Forest. 

3336: Oct. 8 Half-mast flag display ordered during memorial services 
on Nov. 14, 1920, for the American dead of the World War. 

3837: Oct. 8 Arnold E. Graham, temporary employee, made eligible for 
appointment as clerk in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to stand- 
ing on the eligible register. 1920 CSR 99. 

3338: Oct. 8 Regulations governing the appointment of 1st, 2d, and 3d 
class postmasters, amended. 1920 CSR 97. 

3339: Oct. 12 F. C. Roberts, former compositor in the Government 
Printing Office, made eligible for reinstatement without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1921 CSR 124. 

3340: Oct. 13 Mille Lacs Bird Reservation, Minn., enlarged. 

3341: Oct. 18 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV [on War Dept. positions], 
Paragraph 1 amended to except cable foremen. 1921 CSR 115. 

3342: Oct. 20 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to except employees engaged in certain rural sanitation 

3343: Oct. 20 James J. Haney made eligible for promotion from chief 
messenger to clerk in the Justice Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1921 CSR 124. 

3344: Oct. 20 Port Military Reservation, P. I., modified, and excluded 
lands restored to the Government of the Philippines. 

3346: Oct. 23 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 
examination of the prehistoric ruins and hieroglyphics therein for pos- 
sible reservation as a national monument. 

3346: Oct. 26 E. O. 3271 of May 11, 1920, reserving certain lands in 
Elder County, Utah, to permit adjustment of claims of patentees, 
amended to include certain other lands. 

3347: Oct. 30 Canal Zone regulations governing the licensing of chauf- 
feurs revised. M276; XIVPCRec 203. 

3348: Nov. 5 Trust period on homesteads of 14 specified Indians on the 
Santee Reservation, Neb., expiring Dec. 18, 1920, extended 10 years. IV 
K 1027. 

[ 283 ] 


3349: Nov. 5 Umatilla National Forest, Oreg. and Wash., enlarged by 
addition of all lands of the Wenaha National Forest. 

3350: Nov. 5 * E. 0. 3332 of Oct. 2, 1920, authorizing the War Dept. to 
retain certain Hoboken piers under its control, revoked and certain other 
piers designated in lieu thereof. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3351 : Nov. 6 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 
legislation [to set them aside for the benefit of the Indians of the Zia 
Pueblo Tribe]. IV K 1031. 

3352: Nov. 6 Fort Sherman Military Reservation, C. Z., enlarged. M 

3353: Nov. 13 Civil Service Rule IX [pertaining to reinstatement], 
amended as to reinstatement upon certificate of the commission and as to 
the eligibility of veterans. 1921 CSR 114. 

3354: Nov. 16 Consular Regulations of 1896 amended as to classification 
and functions of consular officers, appointments and promotion, and 
supervisory powers of consuls-general. 

3355: Nov. 19 Cordova Dock Site, Alaska, reserved for use in the ad- 
ministration of the Chugach National Forest. 

3356: Nov. 20 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision IV [on War Dept. 
positions], amended to delete aeronautical mechanical draftsmen. 1921 
CSR 118. 

3357: Nov. 21 San Juan National Forest, Colo., enlarged by addition of 
all lands of the Durango National Forest. 

3358: Nov. 24 Certain described lands on Sand and Quarantine Islands, 
Oahu, T. H., reserved for military purposes. 

3359: Nov. 25 E. O. [1472] of Feb. 14, 1912, permitting certain Federal 
employees residing in Virginia and Maryland municipalities to hold local 
office, amended to include Riverdale, Md. 1921 CSR 119. 

3360: Nov. 28 Design and dimensions of the official flag for the State 
Sec'y prescribed. 

3361 : Nov. 30 Constance Kerschner, temporary Army War College em- 
ployee, made eligible for appointment in the classified service without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1921 CSR 124. 



8382: Nov. 30 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Crow Creek 
Reservation, S. Dak., expiring in 1920 and 1921, extended for 25 years. 
IV K 1045. 

3363: Dec. 1 Trust period on the allotments of the Ponca Indians in 
Oklahoma extended 25 years. IV E 1040. 

3364: Dec. 1* Port McPherson Military Reservation, Neb., diminished. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

3365: Dec. 7 Trust or other period of restriction against alienation 
contained in any patent issued to any Indian for lands on the public 
domain, extended 25 years from date of expiration. IV E 1055. 

3366: Dec. 8 Alaska Townsite and Railroad Withdrawal [No. 2] dimin- 
ished and the excluded lands restored to entry. 

3367: Dec. 10 Maximum limits of punishments for soldiers prescribed. 

3368: Dec. 11 Natalie Summers made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the classified service without examination. 1921 CSR 124. 

3369: Dec. 15 Regulations governing the granting and issuing of pass- 
ports amended as to issuance in Puerto Rico. 

3370: Dec. 16 Four-hour workday for Federal employees in the District 
of Columbia and for all District of Columbia employees on Dec. 24 and 
Dec. 31, 1920, authorized. 

3371: Dec. 17 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV [on War Dept. positions], 
amended to except the superintendent and asst. superintendent of the 
Lincoln Farm Commission. 1921 CSR 115. 

3372: Dec. 21 £. O. [3370] of Dec. 16, 1920, authorizing a four-hour 
workday for Federal employees on Dec. 24 and 31, 1920, modified to pro- 
vide that the employees of certain Treasury Dept. bureaus and offices 
shall have a full holiday Dec. 24 and shall work all day Dec. 31. 

3373: Dec. 22 Confidence Administrative Site, Calif., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Stanislaus National Forest. 

3374: Dec. 22 Certain powers relative to the coal and coke business, 
previously transferred from the Federal Trade Commission to the Fuel 
Administrator by E. O. [2903] of July 3, 1918, restored to said Trade 

3375: Dec. 24 Provisions of the Retirement Act of May 22, 1920, ex- 
tended to include employees appointed to positions named in Civil Serv- 
ice Rules, Schedules A and B. 



3376: Dec. 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 7 amended to except rural sanitation employees jointly 
financed at least one-half by a State, county, or municipality. 1921 CSR 

3377: Dee. 24 Certain described lands on Yellow and Reef Islands, San 
Juan Channel, Wash., reserved for lighthouse purposes and the balance 
of the lands on said Islands, temporarily reserved for said purposes by 
E. 0. 2738 of Oct. 24, 1917, restored to the public domain. 

3378: Dec. 26 Ernest D. Pickell made eligible for appointment as rural 
free delivery mail carrier at Huron, S. Dak., without examination. 1921 
CSR 125. 

3379: Dec. 31 Chelan National Forest, Wash., diminished by transfer 
of certain described lands to the Wenatchee National Forest. 

3380: Dec. 31 Chelan and Wenatchee National Forests, Wash., modified 
by intertransfer of lands. 


3381: Jan. 4 Vancouver or Columbia River Land District, Wash., abol- 
ished and lands, business, and archives thereof transferred to the Olympia 
Land District. 

3382: Jan. 5 E. O. [1917] of Apr. 16, 1914, prescribing regulations gov- 
erning the payment of tolls and bills for materials and services to vessels 
by the Panama Canal, amended to include mints and assay offices and 
Federal reserve banks to which the duties of asst. treasurers of the 
United States are transferred by the Treasury Sec'y. M 277; XIV 
PCRec 389. 

3383: Jan. 7 Trust period on allotments made to Indians on the Pala 
and Sycuan Mission Reservations, Calif., expiring during 1921, extended 
for 25 years. IV K 1015. 

3384: Jan. 12 Agricultural experiment stations near Cook Inlet, adjoin- 
ing Kenai, Alaska, diminished and excluded lands restored to the public 

3386: Jan. 12 Santa Barbara National Forest, Calif., diminished. 

3386: Jan. 21 Quarry Heights Military Reservation, C. Z., enlarged. 

3387: Jan. 22 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
classification and legislation [for inclusion in the Santiam National 



3388: Jan. 22 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation to grant said lands to the city of Phoenix 
for municipal purposes. 

3389: Jan. 24 Records of the Medical and Relief Dept. and of the Auto- 
matic Train Control Committee transferred to the Public Health Service, 
Treasury Dept. and the Interstate Commerce Commission, respectively, 
from the custody of the Director General of Railroads. 

3390: Jan. 24 Portland, Oreg., abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 29, and new port of entry with limits redescribed 
established thereat. 

3391: Jan. 27 £. O. 3206 of Dec. 30, 1919, creating the Board of Surveys 
and Maps, amended to include representatives of the Federal Power 
Commission, the Army Air Service, and Naval Aviation in the member- 
ship of said Board. 

3392: Jan. 28 Emma V. Morgan made eligible for appointment to a 
position in the classified service in the Labor Dept. without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1921 CSR 125. 

3393: Jan. 28 Certain described lands in Idaho withdrawn for classifica- 
tion and pending legislation [for the creation of the Sawtooth National 

3394: Jan. 28 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
classification and legislation to extend the boundaries of the Yellowstone 
National Park. 

3395: Jan. 28 Certain California lands within Sequoia and Sierra Na- 
tional Forests, withdrawn for classification and pending legislation [for 
their inclusion in Sequoia National Park]. 

3396: Jan. 29 Records, files, and rulings leading to the negotiations be- 
tween the Director General of Railroads and the Federated Shop Crafts 
of the Railway Employees Dept. of the American Federation of Labor 
ordered transferred from the custody of said Director to the Railroad 
Labor Board at Chicago, HI. 

3397: Jan. 31 Shasta National Forest, Calif., enlarged by inclusion of a 
certain described portion of Lassen National Forest. 

3398: Feb. 2 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 9 amended to delete one tea examiner at Chicago, 111.; 
incumbent not to acquire competitive classified status thereby. 1921 CSR 



8899: Feb. 2 Morris A. Parris made eligible for appointment as clerk to 
act as confidential sec'y to the director of the Standards Bureau without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1921 CSR 125. 

3400: Feb. 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 7 amended as to attendants in the Public Health Serv- 
ive. 1921 CSR 116. 

3401 : Feb. 10 Arthur Byrd made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1921 CSR 125. 

8402: Feb. 11 Certain described lands in New Mexico, reserved for 
military purposes by E. 0.s 2772 and 2879 of Dec. 12, 1917, and June 6, 
1918, respectively, placed under the control of the Interior Sec'y for 

8403: Feb. 12 Federal per diem employees and day laborers in the Dis- 
trict of Columbia excused from work on Inauguration Day, Mar. 4, 1921. 

3404: Feb. 12 May G. Pollock made eligible for appointment to a posi- 
tion in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1921 
CSR 125. 

3405: Feb. 12 Sheep Administrative Site, Ariz., reserved for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of Prescott National Forest. 

3406: Feb. 13 One hundred and sixty-eight described parcels of lands in 
Alaska reserved for lighthouse purposes. 

3407: Feb. 15 Passports or other similar documents declared not neces- 
sary for American citizens making certain round-trip cruises from U. S. 
ports, or cruises from one U. S. port to another, on vessels of U. S. 

8403: Feb. 16 Creation of the U. S. Housing Corporation of Pennsyl- 
vania on Sept. 24, 1918, by the Labor Sec'y, approved. 

8409: Feb. 18 Margaret Reardon and Joseph F. Murphy, Executive 
Office employees, made eligible for appointment to positions in the classi- 
fied service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1921 CSR 125. 

8410: Feb. 22 Certain described lands in Wyoming, previously with- 
drawn for powersite purposes, further reserved for classification and 
pending legislation [for their inclusion in the Shoshone National Forest] . 

3411 : Feb. 22 Certain described lands in Idaho withdrawn for classifica- 
tion and pending legislation [for their inclusion in the Minidoka National 

[ 288 ] 


8412: Feb. 25 Hayden Mountain Administrative Site, Calif., reserved 
for use as a ranger station in the administration of Modoe National 

3413: Feb. 27 Shasta National Forest, Calif., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened only to homestead and desert-land entry by qualified 
ex-servicemen of the World War for 63 days from the 62d day after the 
date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

8414: Mar. 1 Reclamation Service non-educational and educational em- 
ployees, intermittently and irregularly employed, excluded from the op- 
eration of the Retirement Act of May 22, 1910. 1921 CSR 118. 

3415: Mar. 3 Half-mast flag display ordered on Mar. 5, 1921, at Wash- 
ington, D. C, and Mar. 7, 1921, at Bowling Green, Mo., for services for 
the late Champ Clark, former Speaker of the House of Representatives. 

3416: Mar. 4 Miller W. Gieseking, Executive Office employee, made 
eligible for appointment to a clerical position in the classified service 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1921 CSR 125. 

3417: Mar. 5 Mabel P. Leroy, clerk in the General Land Office, desig- 
nated to sign the President's name to land patents. 1921 CSR 125. 

3418: Mar. 8 Military reservation at Nulato, Alaska, and certain other 
lands between Nulato and St. Michael placed under the control of the 
Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

3419: Mar. 19 Mary T. K. McBlair made eligible for appointment to a 
position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1921 CSR 125. 

3420: Mar. 24 Certain powers under the Trading with the Enemy Act 
of 1917, and amendments thereto, delegated to the Attorney General. 

3421: Mar. 26 E. 0. 1038 of Feb. 27, 1909, reserving Fire Island, Alaska, 
as a preserve and breeding ground for moose, revoked. 

3422: Mar. 28 Klamath Lake Reservation Bird Refuge, Oreg., dimin- 

3423: Mar. 30 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VI, on Justice Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 1 amended to include superintendents and asst. superin- 
tendents of prisons. 1921 CSR 116. 

3424: Apr. 1 Ada Braddock designated to sign the President's name to 
land patents in the absence of the regularly designated clerk. 



3425: Apr. 1 E. 0. [3398] of Feb. 2, 1921, placing the position of tea 
examiner at Chicago, HI., in the competitive classified service (sic), 
amended to classify Henry P. Brown, the incumbent. 1921 CSR 126. 

3426: Apr. 4 Papers of the Railroad Boards of Adjustment in the cus- 
tody of the Director General of Railroads transferred to the Railroad 
Labor Board at Chicago, 111. 

3427: Apr. 7 Regulations governing entry into and departure from the 
United States amended as to entry of aliens into the Panama Canal Zone 
and entry into the U. S. from said zone. M 282. 

3428: Apr. 8 Boundaries of Quarry Heights Military Reservation, Canal 
Zone, redefined. M 283 ; XIV PCRec 618. 

3429: Apr. 9 Ethelbert Stewart, commissioner of labor statistics, desig- 
nated to act as Labor Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y and Asst. 

3430: Apr. 13 Battlement National Forest, Colo., enlarged by the addi- 
tion of the Fruita Division of the Uncomprahgre National Forest. 

3431 : Apr. 13 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 541, requiring 
accounts of consular officers to be stated currency of the United States, 

3432 : Apr. 14 Hugh C. Mitchell made eligible for reinstatement as com- 
puter in the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Commerce Dept., without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 1921 CSR 126. 

3433 : Apr. 14 Martha Rich Smith made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Marine Corps Headquarters, Washington, D. C, without re- 
gard to Civil Service Rules. 1921 CSR 126. 

3434: Apr. 14 Canal Zone Regulations on licensing of vehicles, road 
rules, use of vehicle lights, tags, signals, and speed regulations prescribed. 
M 283; XIV PCRec 605. 

3435: Apr. 15 Crook National Forest, Ariz., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert-land 
laws by qualified ex-servicemen of the World War for 63 days from the 
62d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

3436: Apr. 18 Hayden National Forest, Wyo., diminished. 

3437: Apr. 18 Sequoia National Forest, Calif., diminished. 

3438: Apr. 18 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1897, Paragraph 
342, requiring accounts of diplomatic officers to be stated in currency of 
the United States, amended. 



8439: Apr. 21 Records of the Council of National Defense, the War 
Industries Board, the Committee on Public Information, and the War 
Labor Board transferred to the War Dept. 1921 CSR 119. 

3440: Apr. 23 Bata[a]n Military Reservation, Albay Province, P. I., 
restored to the Government of the Philippines. 

3441: Apr. 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, amended to add Subdivision XVI, on Alien 
Property Custodian positions, Paragraph 1 excepting one private sec'y 
or confidential clerk. 1921 CSR 116. 

3442: Apr. 23* Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain right and interest in certain letters patent formerly owned 
by E. Merck of Darmstadt, Germany. 
• Has form of a proclamation. 

3443: Apr. 29 Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyo., diminished and the 
excluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-servicemen of the World War for 63 days from the 
62d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

3444: Apr. 20 Harney National Forest, S. Dak., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-servicemen of the World War for 63 days from the 
62d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

3445: Apr. 30 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Fond du Lac 
Reservation, Minn., expiring during 1921, extended for 10 years. IV K 

3446: Apr. 30 Trust period on allotments to Agua Caliente Band of 
Mission Indians in California, expiring during 1921, extended for 10 
years. IV K 1015. 

3447: May 2 Trust period on allotments to Kickapoo Indians on the 
Kickapoo Reservation, Kans., expiring during 1921, extended for 10 
years. IV K 1020. 

3448: May 2 William S. Newman made eligible for reinstatement as 
veterinary inspector in the Animal Industry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 1921 CSR 126. 

3448: May 3 Emily W. Cochrane made eligible for appointment to a 
position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1921 CSR 126. 



3450: May 3 Certain described grazing lands in New Mexico withdrawn 
for classification and possible reservation as a National Monument. 

3461 : May 3 Certain described lands in Utah reserved pending legisla- 
tion [to reserve lands for the Paiute Indians]. IV K 1048. 

3462: May 3 Certain described lands in California, previously reserved 
for Indian use by £. O. 2023 of Aug. 14, 1914, restored to former status. 
IV K 1013. 

3463: May 3 Certain described lands in the St. Francis River Basin, 
Ark., previously withdrawn pending examination and survey by E. O. 
2593 of Apr. 13, 1917, restored to the public domain, and the surveyed 
portion of said lands opened to homestead entry by qualified ex-service- 
men of the World War for 63 days after such date as may be hereafter 
announced, and to homestead entry only for seven days after such period 
of preference by any qualified entryman, and thereafter to appropriation 
under any applicable land law. 

3464: May 6 Theodore G. Risley, Solicitor of the Labor Dept., desig- 
nated to act as Labor Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y and Assistant 

3466: May 10 Regulations governing the appointment of 1st, 2d, and 3d 
class postmasters amended. 1921 CSR 118. 

3466: May 11* Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale the wharf property on New York Bay, Brooklyn, N. Y., of the 
Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt Actien Gesellschaft (Hamburg- 
American Line), a German corporation. 
• Has f orm of a proclamation. 

3467: May 12 Regulations governing entry into or departure from the 
U. S. amended to permit stop-overs of aliens at U. S. ports without the 
requirement of visaed passports. M 287 ; XVI PCRec 725. 

3468: May 16 Matthew W. McCullough made eligible for retention as a 
rural mail carrier in the Post Office Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1921 CSR 127. 

3469: May 16 Albert A. Hamilton made eligible for reinstatement as a 
railway mail clerk in the Post Office Dept. without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1921 CSR 127. 

3460: May 16 Alonzo P. Owen made eligible for reinstatement as a post 
office inspector in the Post Office Dept. without regard to length of sepa- 
ration from the service. 1921 CSR 126. 

3461: May 16 Forty-five Executive Orders suspending and amending 
the Civil Service Rules during the period of World War I revoked; and 



employees appointed under said revoked orders made eligible for reten- 
tion in their excepted status if serving in positions which are permanent 
under peace conditions. 1921 CSB 120 ; M 288. 

8462: May 17 Records of the War Labor Board ordered retained in the 
Labor Dept. 

3463: May 17 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, amended to add Subdivision XVII, on Rail- 
road Labor Board positions, Paragraph 1 excepting one private sec'y or 
confidential clerk to each member of said Board. 1921 CSR 117. 

3464: May 17 Certain described lands within the Port Duchesne Mili- 
tary Reservation, Utah, placed under the control of the Interior Sec'y, 
for disposal. IV K 1049* 

3465: May 19 Gravina Island Administrative Site, Alaska, reserved for 
use as a boat repair station in the administration of Tongass National 

3466: May 19 Mourning formalities for Chief Justice Edward Douglas 
White ordered. 

3467: May 20 James W. Wells made eligible for reinstatement as as- 
sistant outside superintendent of the Hull Division at the Navy Yard, 
New York, N. Y., without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1921 CSR 127. 

3468: May 20 E. 0. 1032 of Feb. 25, 1909, reserving certain reservoir 
sites as preserves and breeding grounds for native birds, revoked insofar 
as it reserves such sites at East Park, Calif.; and Eeechelus, Each ess, 
Clealum, and Bumping Lake, Wash. 

3469: May 20 San Francisco Bay Reservation, a preserve and breeding 
ground for native birds on Goat Island, Calif., abolished. 

3470: May 20 Loch Katrine Reservation, Oregon Basin, Wyo., a pre- 
serve and breeding ground for native birds, abolished. 

3471 : May 21 Civil Service Commission authorized to extend certain 
temporary appointments of persons engaged in activities growing out of 
the war. Sept. 1923 CSA 58 ; 1921 CSR 12. 

3472 : May 21 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 1 diminished, and ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry. 

3473: May 25 Certain described lands in Alaska, previously placed 
under the control of the Interior Sec'y by E. O. 3418 of Mar. 8, 1921, 
reserved for the Army Signal Corps for use in connection with the main- 
tenance of telegraph communication. 



3474: May 31 [Elk Hills, Buena Vista and Teapot Dome] Naval Pe- 
troleum Reserves in California and Wyoming, and Naval Shale Reserves 
in Colorado and Utah, placed under the control of the Interior Sec'y> 
subject to the supervision of the President. 

3475: May 31 Regulations governing appointment and promotion in the 
Diplomatic Service amended as to the membership of the board to deter- 
mine candidates fitted for possible appointment as sec'ys of Embassy or 
Legation. 1921 CSR 124. 

3476: May 31 Regulations governing appointment and promotion in the 
Consular Service amended as to the membership of the board to deter- 
mine candidates fitted for possible appointment to said service. 

3477: May 31 Time served by former competitive classified employees 
with organizations doing distinctive war service not to count against 
their period of eligibility for reinstatement and transfer under Civil 
Service Rules IX *nd X, respectively. July 21 CSA 62-Mar. 1932 CSA 
41; 1921 CSR 123. 

3478: May 31 Leroy C. A. Kaschub made eligible for reinstatement as a 
city letter carrier in the classified service without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1921 CSR 127. 

3479: June 7 William G. Kimberlin made eligible for reinstatement as a 
rural carrier in the Post Office Dept. without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1921 CSR 127. 

3480: June 10 Certain described lands in Florida reserved for townsite 

3481: June 10 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 1 diminished and ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry and settlement. 

3482: June 10 Certain described lands in Alaska, reserved by E. O. 
1919% of Apr. 21, 1914, for the townsite of Talkeetna, restored to entry. 

3483: June 10 Boundaries of Leadville National Forest, Colo., modified. 

3484: June 10 E. O. of May 25, 1915, # reserving certain lands in con- 
nection with the Palouse Project, Wash, and Idaho, revoked in so far as 
it applies to certain lands. 

• Not a Numbered Order. 

3485: June 10 Montezuma National Forest, Colo., diminished, and the 
excluded lands opened only to homestead and desert land entry by 
qualified ex-servicemen of the World War for 63 days from the 62d day 
after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 



3486: June 10 £. 0. 3309 of July 17, 1920, reserving certain lands in 
Idaho fqr classification, revoked and the lands not included in the Cari- 
bou National Forest opened only to homestead and desert land entry by 
qualified ex-servicemen of the World War for 63 days from the 62d day 
after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

3487: June 10 Missoula National Forest, Mont., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened only to homestead and desert land entry by qualified 
ex-servicemen of the World War for 63 days from the 62d day after the 
date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

3488: June 10 Custer National Forest, Mont., diminished. 

3489: June 10 Regulations governing the withdrawal, location, and dis- 
position of Alaskan Railroad townsites prescribed. 

3490: June 13 Edward M. Morgan made eligible for reinstatement in 
the classified service at the post office at New York, N. Y., without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 1921 CSR 128. 

3491: June 13 Offices of Register and Receiver at the Alliance Land 
Office, Neb., and the Seattle and Vancouver Land Offices, Wash., con- 

3492: June 14 Boundaries of the 1st and 2d Internal Revenue Collection 
Districts of Texas modified. 

3493: June 14 California National Forest, Calif., diminished. 

3404: June 14 White River National Forest, Colo., diminished. 

3495: June 14 William R. Dalby made eligible for reinstatement' as a 
rural carrier in the Post Office Dept. without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1921 CSR 128. 

3496: June 14 Bartlett S. Taylor made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Postal Service at Sharon, Pa., without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1921 CSR 128. 

3497: June 15 Certain described lands in New Mexico, previously re- 
served for military purposes by E. O. 2517 of Jan. 18, 1917, placed under 
the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

3498: June 16 William H. Styles made eligible for reinstatement as 
postal clerk in the Post Office Dept. without regard to length of sepa- 
ration from the service. 1921 CSR 128. 



3499: June 16 Percy A. Blair made eligible for examination for a 
secretaryship in the Diplomatic Service without regard to age require- 
ments. 1920 CSB 124. 

3600: June 20 Port Military Reservation, Manila, P. I., enlarged. 

3601: June 25 Civil Service Rule IX [pertaining to reinstatement], 
Section 1, Clause (a) amended as to waiver of one-year limit on reinstate- 
ment. 1921 CSR 114. 

3602: June 26 Indian Key Reservation Bird Refuge, Fla., enlarged. 

3603 : June 26 Nine-Pipe Reservation, Mont., a reservoir site within the 
Flathead Irrigation Project, established as a refuge and breeding ground 
for native birds. 

3604: June 26 Pablo Reservation, Mont., a reservoir site within the 
Flathead Irrigation Project, established as a refuge and breeding ground 
for native birds. 

3606: June 26 Regulations governing entry into and departure from the 
United States amended. M 289 ; XV PCRec 4. 

3606: June 28 Katharine M. Caeser, temporary employee, made eligible 
for permanent appointment as a clerk in the Loans and Currency Divi- 
sion, Treasury Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules, but ineligible 
for assignment to other duty or to promotion beyond $900 per year with- 
out a qualifying examination. 1921 CSR 129. 

3607: June 28 Bernice Blacksten made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1921 CSR 128. 

3608: June 30 Vessel Madawaska transferred from the Shipping Board 
to the War Dept. 

3609: July 6 Certain described lands in Florida withdrawn pending 
examination and survey. 

3610: July 6 Thomas E. Wall and William C. Ela made eligible for 
reinstatement as post office inspectors without regard to length of sepa- 
ration from the service. 1921 CSR 129. 

3611 : July 6 Margaret I. Paulsen, former skilled laborer in the Govern- 
ment Printing Office, made eligible for reinstatement without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1921 CSR 129. 

3612: July 9 LaClare Chamberlin made eligible for reinstatement as a 
city letter carrier at Santa Barbara, Calif., without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1921 CSR 129. 



3513: July 9 State Sec'y designated to receive applications for licenses 
to land (sic) and operate submarine cables. M 290. 

3514: July 14 Certain described lands in Arizona, previously reserved 
by E. 0. 1136 of Nov. 13, 1909, for military purposes, placed under the 
control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

3515: July 18 Certain described townsite lands in Alaska eliminated 
from the operation of specified Executive Orders and Proclamation and 
restored to settlement and entry on such date as may be fixed by the 
Interior Sec'y« 

3516: July 18 Harry B. Hall made eligible for reinstatement as a post 
office inspector without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1921 CSR 129. 

3517: July 21 Maximum age limit in the examination for postmaster at 
Everett, Wash., waived. 1921 CSR 123. 

3518: July 21 Milton S. Wolfenden made eligible for appointment as a 
skilled laborer in the Mail Equipment Shops, Post Office Dept., without 
examination. 1921 CSR 130. 

3519: July 22 War Sec'y directed to transfer the Army transport Or eat 
Northern to the Navy Dept. 

3520: July 25 Sum of $343,440 allocated to Capt. Sumner E. W. Kittelle, 
Governor of the Virgin Islands, for expenses incident to the occupation 
of the said Islands and other purposes. 

3521: July 27 E. O. [3455] of May 10, 1921, pertaining to examinations 
for the appointment of Presidential postmasters, amended. 1921 CSR 

3522: July 27 Regulations governing the operation and navigation of 
the Panama Canal amended as to vessel's report of arrival, excessive 
smoke or sparks, and registration of privately owned boats. M 290; 
XV PCRec 46. 

3523: July 27 E. O. [1692] of Jan. 27, 1913, placing the position of 
clerk designated to sign land patents in the competitive classified serv- 
ice, revoked. 1921 CSR 123. 

3524: July 28 Matters relating to the design of medals, insignias, coins, 
and plans for parks and buildings in the District of Columbia to be 
submitted to the Pine Arts Commission before final approval. 

3525: July 29 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VIII [on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to add Paragraph 27 excepting a clerk to sign approval 
of all tribal deeds. 1921 CSR 117. 



3526: Aug. 9 Custer National Forest, Mont., diminished to exclude the 
lands covered by homestead entry of Dewitt Hoag. 

3527: Aug. 9 Cleveland National Forest, Calif., diminished. 

3528: Aug. 9 Gig Harbor Military Reservation, Wash., diminished and 
excluded lands placed under the control of the Commerce Dept. for 
lighthouse purposes. 

3529: Aug. 9 Regulations governing the withdrawal, location, and dis- 
position of Alaska townsites amended as to the collection of assessments 
for certain improvements in the Townsite of Nenana. 

3530: Aug. 9 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV [on War Dept. positions], 
Paragraph 2 amended to raise the maximum salary limitation of ex- 
cepted cable seamen from $60 per month to $1,020 per annum. 1921 
CSR 117. 

3531 : Aug. 9 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision I [on positions in the entire 
classified service], Paragraph 7 amended to except any person employed 
in Guam, Samoa, or the Virgin Islands; Subdivision V, on Navy Dept. 
positions, amended to delete Paragraph 3 excluding specific Navy Dept. 
positions in Guam, Samoa, or the Virgin Islands. 1921 CSR 117. 

3532: Aug. 10 Georgianna Rittman Butts made eligible for appoint- 
ment as a clerk in the Interior Dept. without examination. 1921 CSR 

3533: Aug. 11 Nellie J. Latta made eligible for reinstatement as a clerk 
in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1921 CSR 

3534: Aug. 16 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, amended to add Subdivision VII, 
on District of Columbia positions, Paragraph 1 to include surgeons of 
the Police and Fire Depts. 1921 CSR 118. 

3535: Aug. 16 State Sec'y authorized to extend passports issued prior 
to June 4, 1920, to be valid for not more than two years from date of 
issuance. XV PCRec 90. 

3636: Aug. 17 Mason Bragg made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Postal Service at Beckley, W. Va., without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1921 CSR 130. 

3537: Aug. 17 Lamance Administrative Site, Nev., reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Humboldt National Forest. 
1921 CSR 130. 



3638: Aug. 20 Viola B. Pugh designated to sign the President's name 
to land patents, and all acts and signatures affixed by her subsequent 
to her appointment ratified and confirmed. 

3539: Aug. 23 Edith L. F. Richter made eligible for appointment to a 
classified position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1921 CSR 130. 

3540 -.Aug. 26 North Platte Bird Reservation, Neb., diminished. 

3541 : Aug. 29 Flora E. Finch made eligible for appointment to a cler- 
ical position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1921 CSR 130. 

3542: Aug. 31 E. 0. 3450 of May 3, 1921, withdrawing certain lands in 
New Mexico for classification, etc., revoked. 

3543: Aug. 31 Navy Sec'y directed to transfer the naval hospital and 
reservation at Fort Lyon, Colo., to the Veterans' Bureau for hospital or 
sanatoria or other uses for sick and disabled soldiers, sailors, and 

3544: Sept. 6 Tariff of Consular Fees amended as to fee for presenting 
a bill of exchange and for noting and certifying to protest of a bill of 

3545: Sept. 8 Certain described lands in Alaska lands eliminated from 
the operation of E. 0.s 1967-A and 2226 of June 23, 1914, and July 31, 
1915, respectively, and restored to entry. 

3546: Sept. 10 Navy Sec'y directed to transfer the Camp Ross Naval 
Hospital at Qreat Lakes, 111., to the Veterans' Bureau for hospital or 
sanatoria or other uses for sick and disabled soldiers, sailors, and 

3547: Sept. 19 U.S.S. Alabama transferred from the Navy to the War 

3548: Sept. 19 Artemus A. Rowe made eligible for reinstatement as a 
post office inspector without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1921 CSR 131. 

3549 : Sept. 19 War Dept. directed to transfer Hoboken Piers 5 and 6 
to the Shipping Board. 

3550: Sept. 21 Regulations governing the preparation and submission 
of the Budget and the conduct of the Budget Bureau prescribed. 

3551 : Sept. 23 LeRoy A. Mullen made eligible for appointment as spe- 
cial agent in the Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Dept., without re- 
gard to Civil Service Rules. 1921 CSR 131. 

. [299] 


3652: Sept. 23 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending leg- 
islation for the protection of the watershed of the water supply system 
of the town of Kaysville. 

3653: Sept. 26 Vessel Dellwood transferred from the Shipping Board 
to the War Dept. 

3554: Sept. 20 Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the 
United States transferred from the State Dept. to the Library of Con- 

3555: Sept. 29 Regulations governing entry into and departure from 
the United States amended as to endorsements of passports of aliens for 
entry into the U. S. who are in transit to a foreign destination and as 
to the fee therefor; Tariff of Consular Fees amended accordingly. 

3566: Sept. 30 Labor Sec'y authorized to make appointments to vari- 
ous positions in the Employment Service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1921 CSR 123. 

3556-A:8ept. 30 Alice Hinton Monk made eligible for appointment as 
girl messenger in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1922 CSR 127. 

3557: Oct. 6 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to certification], Sec- 
tion 2 amended to eliminate the positions of operative. and printer's as- 
sistant in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, from the nonapportioned 
service. 1921 CSR 115. 

3568: Oct. 11 Camp Sherman Military Reservation, Ohio, assigned to 
the Veterans' Bureau. 

3559: Oct 12 U.S.S. Auk and Osprey transferred from the Navy to 
Commerce Dept. for use by the Coast and Geodetic Survey for surveying 

3560-A:Oct. 12 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale the one-fifth interest in certain described real estate at Cleveland, 
Ohio, the property of Carl and Elfried Bock. 

3560: Oct. 14 Civil Service Commission directed to add five points to 
tl^e rating of examination papers of candidates for postmasterships who 
served in the World War. Sept. 1929 CSA 92; 1922 CSR 123. 

3661: Oct. 18 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved, pending 
legislation [to grant said lands to Canon City for park purposes]. 

3662: Oct. 18 Regulations governing entry into and departure from the 
United States amended as to the requirements for entry into the Canal 
Zone; E. 0. [3427] of Apr. 7, 1921, on the same subject, revoked. M 



3563: Oct. 22 George E. Taylor made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Postal Service at Richmond, Va., without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1922 CSR 127. 

3564: Oct. 21 Cargo steamer Lake Theba, and tugs Bartolome, Bay side, 
Phlos, Vattowia, and Baldridge, transferred from the Shipping Board 
Emergency Fleet Corporation to the Coast Guard. 

3565: Oct. 21 Vessel Immigrant transferred from the Labor Dept. to the 
Coast Guard and the Coast Guard directed to make any of its vessels 
available to the Immigration Service for transportation of deported 
aliens from Ellis Island to outgoing vessels. 

3566: Oct. 22 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 8 
[pertaining to limitations on transfer], Clause (b) amended to permit 
waiver of age limitation. 1922 CSR 122. 

3567: Oct. 24 Regulations governing the establishment of a uniform 
system of rating the efficiency of classified Federal employees in the 
District of Columbia prescribed. June 1935 CSA 125-June 1939 CSA 
138; 1922 CSR 126. 

3568: Oct. 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to use income from 
trusts under his custody for payment of counsel and other expenses 
incurred in the administration of such trusts. 

3569: Oct. 28 Bridger National Forest, Wyo., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-servicemen of the World War for 63 days from the 
62d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

3570: Oct. 29 Chairman of the Shipping Board authorized to transfer 
to the Navy Dept. 12 specified tankers, 3 specified refrigerating ships, 
and 12 specified commercial vessels. 

3571: Nov. 1 Certain described lands in Oregon near Cape Lookout 
reserved for light house purposes. 

3572: Nov. 1 Tariff of fees to be collected by officers of the United 
States Court for China amended. 

3573: Nov. 2* Certain piers, ships, bulkheads, and officers at Hoboken, 
N. J., transferred to the Shipping Board, subject to use of berthing 
space at Pier 1 by the Panama Railroad Steamship Line. M 291. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

3574: Nov. 4 Port Davis Military Reservation, at the mouth of the 
Nome River, Alaska, placed under the control of the Interior Sec'y for 



3575: Nov. 5 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain specified real estate at Philadelphia, Pa., the property of 
Anna I. Merke. 

3576: Nov. 5 Certain described lands in Louisiana, formerly reserved 
for military purposes, placed under the control of the Interior Sec'y for 

3577: Nov. 8 Manner of dating proclamations, commissions, and sim- 
ilar Executive documents prescribed. 

3578: Nov. 8 Regulations governing the preparation and submission of 
the Budget and the conduct of the Budget Bureau prescribed. 

3579: Nov. 10 William S. McGinniss made eligible for reinstatement in 
the classified service without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1922 CSR 128. 

3580: Nov. 12 War Sec'y authorized to transfer the Army Transport 
Northern Pacific to the Shipping Board. 

3581: Nov. 26 Panama Canal Regulations governing toll exemptions 
prescribed. M 292 ; XV PCRec 247. 

3582: Nov. 26 Ada B. Nafew made eligible for reappointment as post- 
master at Eatonton, N. J., without regard to E. 0. [3455] of May 10, 
1921, prescribing examinations for Presidential postmasterships. 1922 
CSR 124. 

3583: Nov. 29 E. O. [3251] of Mar. 26, 1920, abolishing the Camden 
Land District, Ark., revoked. 

3584: Dec. 1 Teton National Forest, Wyo., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-servicemen of the World War, for 63 days from 
the 62d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropria- 
tion by the general public under any applicable land law. 

3585: Dec. 3 Regulations providing for charges for rent, fuel, electric 
current, and miscellaneous services furnished to employees of the Panama 
Canal and the Panama Railroad Company prescribed. M 292; XX 
PCRec 257. 

3586: Dec. 7 Trust period on allotments to the Indians of the Warm 
Springs Reservation, Oreg., expiring during 1921, extended for 10 years. 
IX K 1045. 

3587: Dec. 12 Clarence Bryant made eligible for reinstatement in the 
classified service in the post office at Le Roy, N. Y., without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1922 CSR 128. 



8688: Dec. 14 E. 0. [626] of May 4, 1907, withdrawing certain lands in 
Alaska pending survey and for educational purposes, revoked insofar 
as it applies to certain described lands. 

3689: Dec. 14 Four-hour work day ordered for Federal employees in 
the District of Columbia on Dec. 24, 1921. 

3690: Dee. 16 Rosa H. Battle made eligible for appointment to a cler- 
ical position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1922 CSR 128. 

8691: Dec. 19 Samuel W. Baker made eligible for appointment to a 
position in the office of the Collector of Customs at Des Moines, Iowa, 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1922 CSR 128. 

3692: Dee. 19 Bertha Ryan made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
classified service of the Post Office Dept. subject to certain tests. 1922 
CSR 128. 

3693: Dee. 19 Offices of Register and Receiver at Walla Walla Land 
Office, Wash., consolidated. 

3694: Dec. 19 Certain historical papers transferred from the State Dept. 
to the Library of Congress. 

3595: Dec. 21 Tax returns of Moramura Bros, and Haviland Bros, of 
New York, N. Y., opened to inspection to Joseph W. Fordney, chairman 
of the Ways and Means Committee, House of Representatives. 

3596: Dee. 22 Montana National Bison Range, Mont., Sullys Hills Na- 
tional Park Game Preserve, N. Dak., and Elk Refuge, Wyo., established 
as preserves and breeding grounds for native birds. 

3597: Dee. 24 E. 0. 1472 of Feb. 14, 1912, permitting Government em- 
ployees who are permanent residents of certain municipalities in Vir- 
ginia and Maryland to hold local office amended to include such residents 
of Potomac, Va. 1922 CSR 125. 

3698: Dec. 24 Anthony J. Carson, machinist, and Joseph F. Scott, ship- 
fitter, made eligible for retention in the Boston, Mass., Navy yard. 1922 
CSR 128. 

3599: Dec. 24 Crook National Forest, Ariz., diminished, the excluded 
lands to be sold and disposed of under the townsite laws. 

3600: Dee. 24 Provisions for temporary operation of the Naba- Yap- 
Guam cables under agreement with Japan, for Washington-Tokyo com- 
munication, prescribed. 

3601: Dee. 24 Purchasing Commission for Russian Relief created and 
members appointed the U. S. Grain Corporation authorized to act as 
fiscal agency. 



3602: Dec. 29 Rating of examination papers of John N. Williamson for 
the postmastership at Prineville, Oreg., authorized without regard to 
age limits prescribed in £. 0. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1922 CSR 124. 

3603: Dec. 30 Rules for practice and procedure of the District Court 
of the Canal Zone prescribed. M 294; XV PCRec 341. 

3604: Dec 31 Mary M. Quill made eligible for appointment to a cler- 
ical position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1922 CSR 218. 

3604-A:Dec. 31 Rules governing the granting and issuing of passports 
amended as to applications in the Philippine and Virgin Islands. 1925 
CRC 221. 


3605: Jan. 3 Certain described portion of the Holy Cross National For- 
est transferred to the White River National Forest, Colo. 

3606: Jan. 5 George B. Hamlet made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1922 CSR 128. 

3607: Jan. 7 Shipping Board Chairman authorized to transfer the 
steamship West Leward to the War Dept. 

3608: Jan. 9 Certain described portion of the Jefferson Barracks Mil- 
itary Reservation, St. Louis, Mo., transferred to the Veterans' Bureau. 

3609: Jan. 9 Certain customs ports of entry abolished and certain 
others established. 

3610: Jan. 9 Offices of Register and Receiver of the Gregory Land 
Office, S. Dak., consolidated. 

3611: Jan. 9 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted examination, Subdivision III, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 16, excepting five deputy commissioners of 
internal revenue. 1922 CSR 122. 

3612: Jan. 12 Paul Bazaar made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Veterans' Bureau at Rochester, N. Y., without examination. 1922 
CSR 129. 

3613: Jan. 12 Trust period on allotments to the Indians of the Grand 
Portage Reservation, Minn., expiring during 1922, extended for 10 years. 
IV K 1024. 



3614: Jan. 12 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Winnibi- 
goshish Reservation, Minn., expiring during 1922, extended for 10 years. 
IV K 1024. 

3615: Jan. 12 Offices of Register and Receiver of the Williston Land 
Office, N. Dak., consolidated. 

3616: Jan. 12 Sequoia National Forest, Calif., diminished by exclusion 
of lands covered by the homestead entry of Pemberton Beaty. 

3617: Jan. 13 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for use in the 
administration of the Mount McKinley National Park and to protect a 
right-of-way for a proposed road into the Park. 

3618: Jan. 17 Offices of Register and Receiver of the Camden Land 
Office, Ark., consolidated. 

3619: Jan. 17 Offices of Register and Receiver of the Topeka Land 
Office, Eans., consolidated. 

3620: Jan. 17 E. 0. 2770 of Dec. 7, 1917, pertaining to the licensing of 
foreign insurance companies, revoked. 

3621 : Jan. 23 Offices of Register and Receiver of the Kalispell Land 
Office, Mont., consolidated. 

3622: Jan. 23 French Crow made eligible for appointment to the posi- 
tion of postmaster at Marion, Ohio, without examination. 1922 CSR 124. 

3623: Jan. 24 American Relief Administration designated to receive 
surplus supplies of the War, Navy, and Treasury Depts., and the Ship- 
ping Board for use in Russian Relief work. 

3624: Jan. 24 Certain tax returns opened to inspection. 

3625: Jan. 25 Ernest W. Camp made eligible for appointment as chief 
of the Customs Division, Treasury Dept., without examination. 1922 
CSR 129. 

3626: Jan. 25 O'Connor Administrative Site, Colo., reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Routt National Forest. 

3627: Jan. 27 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at Brooklyn, N. Y., property of Marie 
Brockmoller of Germany. 

3628: Jan. 28 Shipping Board authorized to transfer the vessel Briar- 
cliff to Navy Dept. 



3fi29: Feb. 1 Regulations governing entry into and departure from the 
United States amended. XV PCRec 404. 

3630: Feb. 3 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Yakima Res- 
ervation, Wash., expiring during 1922, extended for 10 years. IV K 

3631 : Feb. 3 Certain described lands in Minnesota which were errone • 
ously omitted from survey, reserved for classification and pending leg- 
islation for relief of persons who patented lands bordering on certain 

3632: Feb. 6 Offices of Register and Receiver of the Bismarck Land 
Office, N. Dak., consolidated. 

3633: Feb. 7 Certain described portion of the Camp Sherman Military 
Reservation, Ohio, previously assigned to the Veterans' Bureau, returned 
to the War Dept. 

3634: Feb. 13 Offices of Register and Receiver of the Wausau Land 
Office, Wis., consolidated. 

3635: Feb. 14 Sevier National Forest, Utah, diminished by transfer 
of certain lands to the Powell National Forest. 

3636: Feb. 14 Sevier National Forest, Utah, diminished by transfer of 
certain lands to the Dixie National Forest. 

3637: Feb. 16 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 
legislation [setting aside lands for the benefit of the Zia Pueblo Indians] . 
IV K 1032. 

3638: Feb. 17 William E. Lamb designated to act as Commerce Sec'y 
in the absence of the Sec'y and Assistant Sec'y. 

3639: Feb. 21 Offices of Register and Receiver of the Minot Land Office, 
N. Dak., consolidated. 

3639-A:Feb. 21 Alien Property Custodian authorized to execute per- 
petual real estate lease in Franklin County, Ohio, on the property of 
Jane Georgianna Margaret Sophie Mandrup de Lynar and others. 

3640: Feb. 23 Navy Sec'y authorized to transfer the U.S.S. Columbia, 
formerly the Great Northern, to the Shipping Board. 

3641 : Feb. 24 Jefferson National Forest, Mont., diminished. 

3642: Feb. 27 Yukon Delta Reservation, Alaska, as established by E. O. 
1041 of Feb. 27, 1909, as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds, 



3643: Feb. 27 Navy Sec'y directed to transfer certain lands and build- 
ings of the Camp Lawrence Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, 111., to 
the Treasury Dept. for the use of the Public Health Service. 

3644: Feb. 28 Certain described lands in Montana withdrawn pending 
legislation [enabling Fred Sumpter of Delpine, Mont., to acquire own- 

3645: Feb. 28 Lassen and Plumas National Forest diminished, and the 
excluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert 
land laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War, for 91 days 
from the 62d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropri- 
ation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

3646: Mar. 6 Arthur W. Mueller made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Post Office Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1922 CSR 

3647: Mar. 6 Mary Asquith Hughes made eligible for appointment to 
clerical position in th£ classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1922 CSR 129. 

3648: Mar. 8 Pillar Rock, in the Columbia River, Wash., reserved for 
lighthouse purposes. 

3649: Mar. 20 Certain described lands in Louisiana withdrawn pend- 
ing legislation [permitting their sale to Ed. E. Richardson Co., Inc., of 

3660: Mar. 20 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey of the Chaco Canyon National Monument. 

3651 : Mar. 22 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 
legislation [for disposal to Lassen County for county purposes], 

3662: Mar. 23 Thomas B. McEaig made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service, Treasury Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1922 CSR 129. 

3663: Mar. 25 U.S.S. Flamingo transferred from the Navy to the Com- 
merce Dept., for use by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. 

3653-A: Mar. 27 Consular Regulation of 1896, Article XXVIII, amended 
as to the protection and promotion of American trade. 

3654: Mar. 28 Seven Mile Administrative Site, Medicine Bow National 
Forest, Wyo., abolished. 

3655: Mar. 29 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation [to grant said lands to the State 
of Wyoming for park purposes]. 



3656: Mar. 29 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale the property of Mulhens and Kropff, of New York, N. Y., formerly 
belonging to Ferdinand Mulhens of Germany and William Kropff of 
New York, N. Y. 

3657: Mar. 31 Provisions for the reorganization of the Engraving and 
Printing Bureau prescribed. 1922 CSR 127. 

3658: Apr. 4 Certain specified islands in the Isle Royale Group, Mich., 
withdrawn pending legislation [to permit use of said lands as a bird 
refuge or national park]. 

3659: Apr. 5 Cargo steamer Lake Treba removed from operation of 
E. 0. 3564 of Oct. 21, 1921, transferring certain vessels from the Ship- 
ping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation to the Coast Guard. 

3660: Apr. 5 Army mine planter General Samuel M. Mills transferred 
from the War Dept. to the Coast Guard. 

3661: Apr. 13 Herman Administrative Site, Idaho, reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Caribou National Forest. 

3662: Apr. 22 Frank H. Bogardus made eligible for appointment as 
investigator in the General Accounting Office without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1922 CSR 129. 

3663: Apr. 22 John M. Masten made eligible for appointment as inves- 
tigator in the General Accounting Office without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1922 CSR 129. 

3664: Apr. 25 Eliza Rock, in Bellingham Bay, Wash., reserved for 
lighthouse purposes. 

3665: Apr. 25 Four-hour work day ordered for Federal employees on 
Apr. 27, 1922, in connection with centennial of the birth of Ulysses S. 

3666: Apr. 26 Minot Land District, N. Dak., abolished, and its lands, 
business, and archives transferred to the Bismarck Land District. 

3667: Apr. 28 Sims Ely made eligible for appointment as chief clerk 
and administrative assistant in the Justice Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1922 CSR 130. 

3668: Apr. 29 E. 0. 1472 of Feb. 14, 1912, permitting Government em- 
ployees residing in certain municipalities in Virginia and Maryland to 
hold local office, further amended to include Bladensburg, Md. 1922 CSR 



3669: Apr. 29* Certain specified hospitals transferred from the Public 
Health Service to the Veterans' Bureau. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3670: May 6 Commerce Sec'y directed to detail 10 employees to the 
Federal Trade Commission from the Commerce Dept. for work pertain^ 
ing to the coal industry. 

3671: May 8 Certain described lands in Florida reserved for light- 
house purposes. 

3672: May 8 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 1 enlarged. 

3673: May 15 Boundaries of the reservation at Klukwan, Alaska, for 
natives indigenous of Alaskan race redefined. 

3674: May 17 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for the use 
and occupancy of the DuBois Rifle Club. 

3675: May 19 Public Water Reserve No. 9, Arizona No. 2, redefined. 

3676: May 19 Federal employees granted pay for the holiday granted 
by E. 0. of Nov. 4, 1921,* in connection with the burial of the Unknown 

• Not a Numbered Order. 

3677: May 20 John E. Pitts made eligible for reinstatement to a posi- 
tion in the Railway Mail Service without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1922 CSR 130. 

3678: May 20 Agricultural experiment station at Eodiak Island, Alaska, 

3678- A: May 20 Tariff of Consular Fees amended as to fee for the ad- 
ministering of oaths. 

3679: May 24 E. O. 3043 of Feb. 26, 1919, reserving certain lands in 
Montana for townsite purposes, revoked. 

3680: May 24 Mrs. John E. Stephens made eligible for appointment to 
a clerical position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1922 CSR 130. 

3681: May 24 William A. Boyd, Martha Jones, Malvina Lee, Anna M. 
Over, John A. Simms, Lillie B. Sinclair, and Susan Wills, unclassified 
employees in the office of the superintendent of the State, War, and 
Navy Dept. Building, made eligible for transfer to a classified status 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1922 CSR 130. 



3682: May 24 John Miller, unclassified laborer in the Public Buildings 
and Grounds Office, made eligible for transfer to a classified status with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 1922 CSB 130. 

3683: May 24 Offices of Register and Receiver at the Marquette Land 
Office, Mich., consolidated. 

3684: May 25 Certain islands in the Snake River, Idaho, reserved as a 
rifle range for the National Guard. 

3685: May 27 Certain described lands in the Everglades, Fla., with- 
drawn pending legislation [to grant to said State certain unsurveyed 
school lands within the area patented to the State Apr. 23, 1903]. 

3685-A:May 27 Consular officers directed to perform services under 
Items 31, 33, 38-43, inclusive, of the Tariff of Consular Pees, free of 
charge for persons in the collection of claims for compensation, pen- 
sions, back pay, bounty, bonus, or property lost in military service. 

3686: May 31 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VII, on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions, Paragraph 4 amended to except one bookkeeper at New York City. 
1922 CSR 122. 

3687: June 2 Gertrude W. Eidd made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1922 CSR 130. 

3638: June 3 Maximum age limit for postmastership examination at 
Ashley, 111., waived. 1922 CSR 124. 

3689 : June 3 Regulations governing entry into and departure from the 
United States, amended. 

3600: June 5 Regulations governing the granting and securing pass- 
ports amended to permit acceptance of old passports, containing a pho- 
tograph and signature of the person to whom issued, in lieu of an 
identifying witness. 1925 CRC 222. 

3691: June 7 Provisions of the Retirement Act of May 22, 1920, ex- 
tended to include certain unclassified laborers in the executive civil serv- 
ice; E. O. [3681] of May 24, 1922, transferring eight employees from the 
unclassified to the classified service, revoked. 1922 CSR 123. 

3692: June 15 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in Cook County, 111., property of the 
heirs of Edward Schmitt, of Germany. 

3693: June 16 Beulah T. Davis made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the classified service without examination. 1922 CSR 



3604: June 19 Allowances for quarters and subsistence for enlisted men 
of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Coast and Geodetic 
Survey, and Public Health Service, prescribed. 

3695: June 20 Gordon Paddock, consul of Class VI made eligible for 
retransfer to the Diplomatic Service for appointment as sec'y of an 
embassy or legation of Class II without regard to E. 0. [1143] of Nov. 
26, 1909, governing appointment and promotion in the Diplomatic 

3696: June 22 Additional compensation for Navy enlisted personnel for 
proficiency in use of arms prescribed. 

3697: June 23 Charges of W. S. Fleming against the judge of the 
United States Court for China dismissed, and said judge directed to re- 
turn to his post. 

3698: June 27 U.S.S. Pompey transferred from the Navy to the War 

3699: June 27 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Temecula 
Band in California, expiring in 1922, extended for 10 years. IV K 1015. 

3700: June 27 Edward M. Flesh designated to act as president, director 
and treasurer of the U. S. Grain Corporation; resignation of Edwin P. 
Shattuck, accepted. 

3701: June 29 Grace S. Prentiss made eligible for the Fairfax, Okla., 
postmastership examination without regard to the two-year residence 
requirement of E. O. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1922 CSR 124. 

3702: June 30 E. O. of Aug. 2, 1875,* reserving certain lands in Florida 
for lif esaving purposes, amended to authorize the Coast Guard to permit 
the construction of an inlet to connect the Atlantic Ocean and New 
River Sound. 

•Not a Numbered Order. 

3703: July 1 Army transports Dix and Burnside transferred from the 
War Dept. to the Shipping Board. 

3704: July 1 Army transports Marne, Aisne, Ourcq, Tours, and Can- 
tigny, transferred from the War Dept. to the Shipping Board. 

3705: July 1 E. O. 2658 of Aug. 16, 1917, reserving certain described 
lands in Oklahoma for possible military use, revoked and said lands 
placed under the Interior Dept. for disposal. 

3705- A: July 1 Additional compensation for enlisted men of the Marine 
Corps for proficiency in use of arms prescribed. 



3705-B: July 1 Regulations governing increased pay for duty involv- 
ing flying for the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard pre- 

3706: July 10 Offices of Register and Receiver at the Del Norte and 
Sterling Land Offices, Colo., consolidated. 

3707: July 11 Sum of $343,400 allocated to Rear Admiral Summer 
E. W. Killelle, Governor of the Virgin Islands, for expenditures for nec- 
essary expenses incident to the occupation of said Islands. 

3708: July 14 Elsie M. Robertson made eligible for promotion from 
messenger girl to clerk in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1922 CSR 131. 

3700: July 17 Regulations governing the charges for rent, fuel, electric 
current and miscellaneous services furnished for living quarters of 
Panama Canal and Panama Railroad employees, amended. M 383. 

3710: July 19 Offices of Register and Receiver at the Dickinson Land 
Office, N. Dak., consolidated. 

3711 : July 26 Certain described portion of the Port Keogh Military 
Reservation, Mont., placed under the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

3712: July 26 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 13 amended to except all persons in the Public Health 
Service actually employed in leprosy investigation stations. M 334. 

3713 : July 31 Louis Vallone made eligible for reinstatement as an 
opener and packer in the Customs Service without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1922 CSR 131. 

3714: Aug. 1 E. O. [3560] of Oct. 14, 1921, amended to extend to Span- 
ish-American War veterans the preference granted World War veterans 
in connection with Presidential postmaster examinations. 192$ CSR 124. 

3715: Aug. 2 Junior engineers and deck officers of the Coast and Geo- 
detic Survey excluded from the operation of the Civil Service Retirement 
Act of May 22, 1910. 1922 CSR 123. 

3716: Aug. 2 Jefferson National Forest, Mont., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to settlement and entry. 

3717: Aug. 3 Rating of Benjamin B. Gorman's examination papers for 
the Coldwater, Mich., postmastership authorized without regard to the 
age limits prescribed in E. O. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1922 CSR 125. 
3718: Aug. 3 Regulations governing entry into and departure from the 

United States amended. 



3719: Aug. 4 Missoula National Forest, Mont., diminished, and the ex- 
eluded lands restored to the public domain. 

3720: Aug* 7 William M. Steuart, Census Director, designated to act 
as Commerce Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y and Assist. Sec'y. 

3721 : Aug. 9 * Interdepartmental Patents Board created in connection 
with inventions of Government employees. 
* Haa form of a proclamation. 

3722: Aug. 12 Trust periods remaining on any parts of certain allot- 
ments pnd homesteads of seven specified Santee Indians, Nebr., expiring 
during 1922, 1923, and 1924, extended for 10 years. 

3722-A; Aug. 12 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain stock in the Porstmann and Huffmann Co., of New Jersey, 
property of seven specified persons. 

3723: Aug. 14 Regulations for the government of Army and Navy Gen- 
eral Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., amended. 

3724: Aug. 17 Additional compensation for Coast Quard enlisted per- 
sonnel for arms proficiency prescribed. 

3725: Aug. 18 Shoshone and Pathfinder Reservations, Wyo., established 
as preserves and breeding grounds for native birds, abolished. 

3726: Aug. 25 War, Navy, Treasury, and Commerce Sec'ys authorized 
to pay certain travel costs of dependents of officers and enlisted men of 
the uniformed services. 

3727: Aug. 28 William M. Josephi made eligible for reinstatement in 
the Postal Service at San Francisco, Calif., without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1922 CSR 131. 

3728: Aug. 28 Corona Ranger Station, Lincoln National Forest, N. 
Mex., abolished and the lands restored to entry. 

3729: Aug. 31 Certain described lands in Louisiana withdrawn pending 
legislation [to permit sale of said lands to the Peoples Investment Co., 
Ltd., of Louisiana]. 

3730: Sept. 5 Rating of examination papers of Edwin Mattson for the 
postmastership at Breckenridge, Minn., authorized without regard to 
the age limitations of E. 0. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1922 CSR 125. 

3731 : Sept. 5 Consular Regulations of 1896 extensively amended. 

3732: Sept 6 George E. Fisher made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Railway Mail Service without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1922 CSR 131. 



3733: Sept. 8 Arthur J. Hannan made eligible for appointment as in- 
spector of safety appliances in the Interstate Commerce Commission 
without examination. 1922 CSR 131. 

3734: Sept. 14 Shipping Board authorized to transfer the wooden 
steamer Newton to the Navy Dept. 

3735: Sept. 14 Rating of the examination papers of Frank W. Hallock 
for the Millbrook, N. Y., postmastership authorized without regard to 
the age limitations of E. 0. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1922 CSR 125. 

3736: Sept. 19 Offices of Register and Receiver of the Belief ourche 
Land Office, S. Dak., consolidated. 

3737: Sept. 23 Certain described lands in Florida erroneously omitted 
from survey in 1847, reserved pending survey and adjustment of possible 
equitable rights. 

3738: Sept. 26 Jefferson National Forest, Mont., diminished, and the 
excluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert 
land laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from 
the 62d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

3739: Sept. 26 Leadville National Forest, Colo., diminished, and the 
excluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert 
land laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days 
from the 62d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropri- 
ation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

3740: Sept. 28 E. 0. 2148 of Mar. 18, 1915, reserving the Pioneer Ranger 
Station, Deerlodge National Forest, Mont., revoked, and said lands 
opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land laws by quali- 
fied ex-service men of the World War, for 91 days from the 62d day after 
the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general 
public under any applicable land law. 

3741: Sept. 29 Flat Creek Reservation, Wyo., reserved as a preserve 
and breeding ground for native birds. 

3742: Sept. 30 Carabelle, Fla., abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 18. 

3743 : Sept. 30 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn for exam- 
ination of the hieroglyphics therein for possible reservation as a National 

3744: Oct. 4 Fort Apache Military Reservation, Navajo County, Ariz., 
placed under the control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. IV K 1002. 



3746: Oct. 7 Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Staff, and the Adjutant 
General of the Army, designated to perform, in the order given, the 
duties of the War Sec'y during his absence. 

3746: Oct. 7 Bequests or petitions for action or relief under the Tariff 
Act of 1922 to be filed with the Tariff Commission. 

3747: Oct. 16 Certain described lands in Washington reserved for use 
by the Fisheries Bureau for fish-cultural purposes. 

3748: Oct. 23 Certain described lands in South Dakota withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation [for the proposed Bad Lands Na- 
tional Monument]. 

3748: Oct. 30 E. 0. [2686] of Aug. 21, 1917, designating certain officials 
to act as Commerce Sec'y during his absence, amended. 

3760: Oct. 30 Regulations governing increased pay for duty involving 
flying for the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard amended. 

3761 : Nov. 3 Seward, Alaska, created a port of entry in Customs Col- 
lection District No. 31. 

3762: Nov. 3* Southwestern Alaska Fisheries Reservation, established. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

3763: Nov. 14 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain gold notes, property of Bank fur Handel und Industrie, 
Berlin, Germany. 

3764: Nov. 14 Canal Zone Regulations governing the holding of boxing 
exhibitions prescribed. M 334; XVI PCRec 219. 

3766: Nov. 17 Certain described lands in Utah and Colorado withdrawn 
for possible reservation as a National Monument. 

3756: Nov. 17 Limitations on punishment for officers and enlisted men 
of the Navy and Marine Corps in peace time prescribed. 

3767: Nov. 18 Prank C. Staley made eligible for transfer from the Vet- 
erans' Bureau to Post Office Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1923 CSR 155. 

3768: Nov. 20 Big Elk Administrative Site Absaroka National Forest, 
Mont., abolished and the lands opened only to entry under the home- 
stead and desert land laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War, 
for 91 days from the 27th day after the date of this Order, and thereafter 
to appropriation by the general public under any applicable land law. 


3709: Dec. 1 Navajo Indian Reservation, Ariz., diminished. IV K 1004. 

8760: Dec. 2 Harry R. Kemmerer made eligible for appointment as 
postmaster at Carrolton, Ohio, without regard to the provisions of E. O. 
[3455] of May 10, 1921. 1923 CSR 150. 

3761 : Dec. 6 Canal Zone Regulations governing interest payments on 
deposit money orders amended. M 335; XVI PCRec 268. 

3762: Dec. 9 Rating of Prentiee O 'Rear's examination papers for the 
postmastership at Columbus, Miss., authorized without regard to the 
provisions of B. O. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1923 CSR 151. 

3763: Dec. 9 Preemont Administrative Site, Wyo., reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Bridger National Forest. 

3764: Dec. 11 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain stock of the Busch-Sulzer Brothers-Diesel Engine Co. of 
Missouri, property of Rudolph Diesel, Jr., of Munich, Germany. 

3766: Dec. 14 Four-hour work day for all Government employees in the 
District of Columbia on Dec. 23, 1922, authorized. 

3766: Dec. 19 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation [on behalf of the city of Redlands 
for water conservation]. 

3767: Dec. 19 Certain described lands in Montana reserved for use by 
the Agriculture Dept. for experimental sheep grazing. 

3768: Dec. 22* The Hall property, Aspinwall, OUara Township, Alle- 
gheny County, Pa., transferred from the Public Health Service to the 
Veterans' Bureau. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3769: Dec. 28 Papago Saguarao National Monument, Maricopa County, 
Ariz., diminished. 

3770: Dec. 30 Anna M. Curran made eligible for appointment as printer's 
assistant in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept., without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1923 CSR 155. 

3770-A:Dec. 30 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain real estate in San Francisco, Calif., the property of Maria 
Hau, n£e Browning, of Sievern, Kreis Lehe, Germany. 


3771: Jan. 2 E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding any State, Territorial, county, or municipal Government 



office amended to permit appointment as special agents in the Labor 
Dept. any person holding State, Territorial, county, or municipal posi- 
tions, when the Labor Sec'y deems it necessary in order to secure a more 
efficient administration of the said Labor Dept. 1923 CSR 152. 

3772: Jan. 8 Mrs. Frank L. Scott made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the classified service, War Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1923 CSR 155. 

3773: Jan. 12 Federal Council of Citizenship Training established and 
duties prescribed. 

3774: Jan. 12 Harbor tug No. 68 transferred from the Navy Dept. to the 
Shipping Board. 

3775: Jan. 12 Certain islands in Cross Lake, La., withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [to grant them to the city of Shreveport 
to increase the water supply thereof] . 

3776: Jan. 22 Rating of examination papers of James J. Dickerson for 
the postmastership at Paris, Tex., authorized without regard to age limita- 
tions prescribed by E. 0. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1923 CSR 151. 

3777: Jan. 22 Harney National Forest, S. Dak., diminished, and ex- 
cluded lands to be subject to preference attachment of State of South 
Dakota for 60 days. 

3778: Jan. 24 E. 0. 3644 of Feb. 28, 1922, withdrawing certain described 
lands within the Jefferson National Forest pending legislation, revoked. 

3779: Jan. 26 Customs Collection District No. 25 (San Diego) abolished 
and consolidated with Customs Collection District No. 27 (Los Angeles). 

3780: Jan. 30 Rating of examination papers of Cornelius V. Collins for 
the postmastership at Troy, N. Y., authorized without regard to age 
limitations of E. 0. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1923 CSR 151. 

3781 : Jan. 31 Certain described lands in California reserved for use by 
the Bureau of Mines as a camp site in connection with the work of super- 
vising operations on Government lands. 

3782: Feb. 7 Treasury Sec'y authorized to appoint boards of examining 
officers for the Coast Guard in connection with promotion tests of per- 
sonnel thereof. 

3783: Feb. 8 Philipsburg Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Missoula National Forest. 

3784: Feb. 9 Rating of the examination papers of Clarence E. Snively, 
for the postmastership at Canton, 111., authorized without regard to the 
age limitations of E. 0. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1923 CSR 151. 



3786: Feb. 13 U. S. S. Peacock, Warbler, and WiUett transferred from 
the Navy Dept. to the Shipping Board, subject to return on 30 days' 

3786: Feb. 14 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in Cook County, 111., property of Mar- 
garetha Schubert of Dohna, Saxony, Germany, 

3787: Feb. 14 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at Fort Worth, Tex., property of Herman 
Prerichs of Germany. 

3788: Feb. 14 Seventeen specified former employees of the Bureau of 
Engraving and Printing made eligible to reenter the classified service; 
six others denied such eligibility because of retirement. 1923 CSR 152. 

3789: Feb. 16 Rating of the examinations papers of William H. Crafts 
for the postmastership at Mantua, Ohio, authorized without regard to the 
limitations of E. 0. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1923 CSR 151. 

3789-A:Feb. 16 Powers vested in the President by the Act of July 1, 
1922, to discontinue, cancel or modify certain contracts for naval con- 
struction under the Washington Naval Treaties, delegated to the Navy 

3790: Feb. 17 Rating of the examination papers of Edwin P. Bouton for 
the postmastership at Trumansburg, N. Y., authorized without regard to 
the age limitations of E. 0. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1922 CSR 151. 

3791: Feb. 20 Mildred L. Jennings made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the General Accounting Office without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1923 CSR 155. 

3792: Feb. 20 Rating of the examination papers of Frank H. Miller for 
the postmastership at Mt. Gilead, Ohio, authorized without regard to the 
age limitations of E. O. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1923 CSR 151. 

3793: Feb. 20 Certain described lands in the basin of Rattlesnake and 
Little Rattlesnake Creeks, Rainier National Forest, Wash., reserved for 
protection of the water supply of the city of Yakima. 

3794: Feb. 26 Thomas S. Shelly, serving in the War Dept. with excepted 
status, made eligible for reinstatement with classified status. 1923 CSR 

3795: Feb. 26 George H. Woodson made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Treasury Dept. without examination. 1923 CSR 156. 

3796: Feb. 26 Capt. William M. Hanson made eligible for appointment 
as immigrant inspector in the Labor Dept. without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1923 CSR 156. 



8797: Feb. 26 [Regulations governing the employment of unskilled lab- 
orers outside Washington, D. C] Regulation VUi on reinstatement, 
amended. 1923 CSR 154. 

8797- A: Feb. 27 Certain described petroleum seepage lands along the 
Arctic coast of Alaska reserved as a naval petroleum reserve. 

3798: Feb. 28 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands, heretofore used for fish cannery purposes, restored to entry 
under applicable land laws. 

8799: Mar. 2 Certain described lands in Mississippi withdrawn pending 
legislation [for the relief of Herbert A. Wilson]. 

8800: Mar. 2 Administrative site for the Mount McEinley National 
Park enlarged. 

3801 : Mar. 8 Civil Service Rule V [pertaining to qualification of appli- 
cants], Section 4; Rule VI [pertaining to ratings and eligibility], Sections 
1-3; Rule VII [pertaining to certification], Sections 1-2; and Rule XII 

[pertaining to ], Section 5, amended to grant certain 

preferences to veterans, their wives or their widows. 1923 CSR 148. 

3802: Mar. 5 Helen Carrick made eligible for reinstatement as clerk in 
the Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation from the serv- 
ice. 1923 CSR 156. 

3803: Mar. 5 Certain territory detached from the 2nd Internal Revenue 
Collection District of New York and designated as the 3d District. 

3804: Mar. 5 Alien Property Custodian delegated certain additional 
powers under the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917. 

3805: Mar. 5 Trust period on allotments to the Indians of the Round 
Valley Reservation, Calif., expiring in 1923, extended for 10 years. 

3806: Mar. 5* Magazine Hill, Cayey, P. R., transferred from the Navy 
Dept. to the Government of Puerto Rico, on condition that said Govern- 
ment will relocate the road on said transferred land. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

8807: Mar. 15 Position of shipping commissioner exempted from Civil 
Service regulation and Naval Reserve officers granted priority in future 
selection for said positions. 1923 CSR 153. 

3808: Mar. 28 Hyder, Alaska, established as port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 31. 

8800: Mar. 28 Sum of $100,000 allocated to the Agriculture Dept. for 
rubber plant survey and experimentation. 



8810: Apr. 9 Maude Morrison made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1923 CSR 156. 

8811: Apr. 9 Nancy Taylor made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the War Dept. without examination. 1923 CSR 156. 

8812: Apr. 9 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending legis- 
lation [to reserve them for the Paiute Indians]. IV E 1049. 

8813: Apr. 9 Quartz Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Lolo National Forest. 

8814: Apr. 9 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for the Fish- 
eries Bureau for fish-cultural purposes. 

3815: Apr. 9 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for the Post 
Office Dept. for use as landing field in connection with transcontinental 
air mail service. 

8816: Apr. 9 Certain patrol boats of the Fisheries Bureau directed to 
patrol waters frequented by seals and sea otters, and their masters 
authorized to search United States vessels suspected of violating pro- 
visions of seal-protection convention of 1911. 

8817: Apr. 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private sale 
certain stock of the Latouche Copper Mining Co., of New York, N. Y., 
property of Paul Niedieck. 

8818: Apr. 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private sale 
certain described real estate in Ventor City, N. J., property of F. C. M. 
Kunz and Jeanette Kunz of Austria. 

8819: Apr. 9 Certain described lands in Washington withdrawn for 

3820: Apr. 9 Certain described lands in the Unaka National Forest, 
N. C. and Tenn., transferred to Pisgah National Forest. 

8821 : Apr. 9 Green A. Stephens made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Post Office Service on condition that he waive his claim to annuity upon 
retirement. 1923 CSR 156. 

3822 : Apr. 12 Rating of the examination papers of William V. Jacobs 
for the postmastership at Glencoe, 111., authorized without regard to the 
age limitations of E. 0. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1923 CSR 151. 

8828: Apr. 13 Rating of the examination papers of James Hill Ramsey 
for the postmastership at Salisbury, N. C;, authorized without regard to 
the age limitations of E. O. [3455] of May. 10, 1921. 11)23 CSR 151* 



3824; Apr. 14 Alice Robertson made eligible for appointment as welfare 
worker in the Veterans' Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1923 CSR 157. 

3826: Apr. 14 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. [19 f] established. 

3826: Apr. 17 Additional compensation for Army enlisted personnel for 
proficiency in the use of arms, prescribed. 

3827: May 3 Camden Land District, Ark., abolished and the lands, busi- 
ness and archives thereof transferred to the Little Rock Land District. 

3828: May 3 Portion of the naval reserve at Seward, Alaska, established 
by E. O. 3149 of Aug. 16, 1919, transferred to the Alaskan Engineering 
Commission for railroad purposes. 

3829: May 3 Angeles National Forest, Calif., diminished. 

3830: May 4 Yuma, Ariz., abolished as port of entry in Customs Collec- 
tion District No. 26. 

3831: May 4 Wheeling, W. Va., abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 12 (Pittsburgh). 

3832: May 4 Dillon Administrative Site, Mont., created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Beaverhead National Forest. 

3833: May 5 Henry T. Ellington made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Railway Mail Service without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 1923 CSR 157. 

3834: May 7 Qeorge M. Jones made eligible for reappointment as post- 
master at Falmouth, Mass., without examination. 1923 CSR 152. 

3835: May 7 Rating of the examination papers of Qeorge A. Smith for 
the postmastership at Clinton, Iowa, authorized without regard to the age 
limitations of E. 0. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1923 CSR 151. 

3836: May 7 Henry M. Stowe made eligible for appointment as post- 
master at Bedford, Va., without examination. 1923 CSR 152. 

3837: May 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private sale 
certain stock of the Acme Cement Plaster Co., of Missouri, property of 
Charles N. Regnier of Heidelberg, Germany. 

3838: May 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private sale 
certain stock of the Shulte Bread Co*, of New York, property of Emelia 
Allmers and Edward Hildebrarid of Sanstett, Germany. 


3839: May 10 Certain described portion of Camp Custer, Mich., trans- 
ferred to the Veterans' Bureau for hospital purposes. 

3840: May 11 Rating of the examination papers of Isaac I. Bargen for 
the postmastership at Mountain Lake, Minn., authorized without regard 
to the age limitations of E. 0. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1923 CSR 152. 

3841: May 14 Sum of $324,000 allocated the Governor of the Virgin 
Islands for necessary expenses in the occupation of said Islands. 

3842: May 14 Wyoming National Forest, Wyo., enlarged by the addi- 
tion of all lands of the Bridger National Forest. 

3843: May 16 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell property of 
any nature at private sale, in lots not exceeding $50,000 market value. 

3844: May 16 Alien Property Custodian delegated certain powers under 
the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, in payment of claims not ex- 
ceeding $10,000. 

3845: May 16 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain stock of American Vanadium Co., of New Jersey, property of 
Adelayda Heintschel of Vienna, Austria. 

3846: May 16 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain stock of the American Refractories Co., of West Virginia, 
property of Marie Briede, Hugo Wilisch, and Hugo von Qahlen. 

3847: May 16 Port of Boston, headquarters of Customs Collection Dis- 
trict No. 4 (Massachusetts), reorganized.'* 

3843: May 16 Certain described lands in the Canal Zone, adjoining the 
Balboa Naval Radio Station, reserved for naval purposes. M 336; XVI 
PCRec 626. 

3849: May 17 Land office for the Juneau Land District, Alaska, trans- 
ferred from Juneau to Anchorage. 

3850: May 18 Rating of the examination papers of W. W. Copeland for 
the postmastership at Burlington, Iowa, authorized without regard to the 
age limitations of E. O. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1923 CSR 152. 

3851 : May 21 Non-educational employees of the Lighthouse Service, in- 
termittently or irregularly employed, excluded from the provisions of the 
Retirement Act of 1920. 1923 CSR 150. 

3852: May 21 Powell National Forest, Utah, diminished; certain de- 
scribed portions of the excluded lands reserved as a ranger station and 
for townsite purposes, and the remainder opened to entry under the 

f 322 ) 


homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex-servicemen for 91 days 
from the 63d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appro- 
priation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

8863: May 22 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Devil Lake 
Reservation, N. Dak., expiring in 1923, extended for 10 years. 

8864: May 22 Daniel B. Edwards made eligible for appointment as con- 
tact representative in the Veterans' Bureau without examination. 1923 
CSR 157. 

8866: May 28 Rating of examination papers of George W. Sisler for the 
postmastership at Stanwood, Iowa, authorized without regard to age 
limitations. 1923 CSR 152. 

8866: May 28 Qeorge L. Williams made eligible for appointment as 
laborer in the Post Office Service without examination. 1923 CSR 157. 

8867: May 81 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

8863: June 1 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

8869: June 2 Appointment of guards in the Office of the superintendent 
of the State, War, and Navy Dept. Building without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules authorized. 1923 CSR 153. 

3880: June 7 E. 0. [1472] of Feb. 14, 1912, permitting certain Federal 
employees residing in certain municipalities in Virginia and Maryland to 
hold local office, amended to include Brentwood, Md. Sept. 1923 CSA 38 ; 

1923 CSR 153. 

3861 : June 8 Operation of Government railroads in Alaska placed under 
the Interior Sec'y- 

8862: June 11 Certain described lands in California eliminated from 
Naval Petroleum Reserve No, 2 and reserved for townsite purposes, ex- 
cept as to the oil and gas deposits therein. 

3868: June 11* Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 13 diminished; cer- 
tain described lands excluded to permit patenting. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

8864: June 11 Regulations prescribing maximum limits of punishments 
for soldiers amended. 

8866: June IS Officers' rental and subsistence allowances for fiscal year 

1924 prescribed. 



3866: June 14 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

3867: June 16 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

3868: June 18 Surgeon General of the Public Health Service directed to 
make such physical examination of Civil Service applicants and employees 
as may be requested by the Civil Service Commission. 1923 CSE 153. 

3869: June 18 Amelia V. Briscoe, temporary employee in the Pensions 
Bureau, made eligible for appointment as a clerk in the classified service 
without examination. 1923 CSR 157. 

3870: June 19 War Sec'y authorized to approve or disapprove and to 
act for and in the name of the President on actions of the Final Classifica- 
tion Board and findings of the Honest and Faithful Board. 

3871: June 19 Administration of the National Prohibition Act in the 
Virgin Islands transferred from Treasury Sec'y to Navy Sec'y. 

3872: June 19 Routt National Forest, Colo., diminished and the excluded 
lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land laws by 
qualified ex-servicemen for 91 days from the 63d day after the date of 
this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. , 

3872- A: June 19 Qeorge E. Strong made eligible for appointment as 
chief clerk and administrative assistant in the Justice Dept. without re- 
gard to Civil Service Rules. 1923 CSR 157. 

3873: June 20 Philip R. Peelor made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Postal Service at New York, N. Y., without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1923 CSR 158. 

3874: June 20 Interdepartmental Social Hygiene Board abolished and 
records transferred to the Public Health Service. 1923 CSR 154.: 

3875: June 20 Katie A. Guiton, temporary employee in the Bureau of 
Pensions, made eligible for appointment as clerk in the classified service 
without examination. 1923 CSR 158. 

3876: June 20 Nellye C. Fortune made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Dept., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1923 CSR 158. 

3877: June 20 Lottie M. Ballard made eligible for appointment as 
printer's assistant in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1923 CSR 158. 



8878: July 27 Trust period on allotment of late William Banks, Sac and 
Pox Indian allotter, Richardson County, Neb., expiring in 1923, extended 
for one year. 

3879: July 27 Arkansas transferred from Customs Collection District 
No. 45 (St. Louis) to District No. 43 (Tennessee). 

3880: July 27 Certain island in Bud Lake, Mich., withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [to sell it to the State of Michigan or to 
the city of Harrison for park purposes]. 

3881 : July 27 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

3882 : July 27 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 

3883: July 27 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

3884: July 27 * Certain described portion of Jefferson Barracks Military 
Reservation, St. Louis County, Mo., previously assigned to the Veterans' 
Bureau, restored to the War Dept. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3885: July 27 Certain right-of-way and three tracts of lands on Eeaau 
Ridge, Kaena Point, and Puu-O-Hulu, Oahu, T. H., reserved for military 

3885-A *: Aug. 4 Closing of Executive Departments [in connection with 
the death of Warren G. Harding] approved. 

♦Signed by Charles E. Hughes [Sec'y of State]. 

3885-B*:Aug. 4 Executive departments ordered closed from 1 p.m. 
Aug. 7 through Aug. 10 [in connection with the death of Warren G. 
Harding] . 

* Signed by Charles £. Hughes [Sec'y of State]. 

3885-C*:Aug. 4 Period of mourning [for Warren G. Harding] pre- 

* Signed by Charles £. Hughes [Sec'y of State]. 

3886-D *: Aug. 6 E. 0. 3885-B of Aug. 4, 1923, closing all executive de- 
partments [in connection with the death of Warren G. Harding] made 
applicable to all executive establishments. 

* Signed by Charles E. Hughes [Sec'y of State]. 

f 325 ] 


3886: Aug. 4 Viola B. Pugh designated to sign the President's name to 
land patents. 1923 CSB 154. 

3887: Aug. 4 Ada Braddock designated to sign the President's name to 
land patents in the absence of the regularly designated clerk. 1923 CSB 

3838: Aug. 13 Cambridge, Md., established as a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 13. 

3889: Aug. 13 Administrative site reserved for use as a ranger station 
in the administration of the Manzano National Forest, N. Mex. 

3890: Aug. 13 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for 
classification pending legislation [to add them to Plumas and Lassen Na- 
tional Forests] . 

3891: Aug. 13 Certain described lands in California reserved for use by 
the Forest Service in connection with road construction in the Cleveland 
National Forest. 

3892: Aug. 13 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending re- 

3893: Aug. 13 Twenty-five military reservations in Washington and 
California placed under control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

3893-A: Aug. 17 David W. Davis made eligible for appointment as com- 
missioner in the Reclamation Service without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1924 CSR 108. 

8894: Aug. 21 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

3895: Aug. 23 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending legis- 
lation [to reserve as a school site for the Ute Indians] . IV K 1050. 

3896: Aug. 31 Dell Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Beaverhead National Forest. 

3897: Sept. 5 Eatmai National Monument, Alaska, diminished by elimi- 
nation of certain coal lands, to the end that a coal mining permit may be 
granted to John J. Folstad. 

3898: Sept. 6 Certain described, lands in Idaho withdrawn pending 
legislation [to permit the city of Boise to acquire them for park purposes 
or to add them to the Boise National Forest]. 

3899: Sept. 6 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraphs 77-93 amended. 



8900: Sept. 11 Consular Regulations of 1896 extensively amended. 

3901 : Sept. 13 Records and property of the Coal Commission transferred 
to the Interior Dept. 1923 CSR 164. 

3902: Sept. 13 Consular Regulations of 1896 amended. 

3903: Sept. 13 Canal Zone Regulations governing the exclusion and de- 
portation of undesirable persons amended. M 337 ; XVII PCRec 148. 

3904: Sept. 13 Deer Flat Bird Reservation, Idaho, diminished. 

3905: Sept. 15 Records and property of the Federal Fuel Distributor 
transferred to Commerce Dept. 1923 CSR 154. 

3906: Sept. 19 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., property of Ernst 
Haertel of Leipzig, Germany. 

3907: Sept. 22 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., property of Anton 
Birkle of Germany. 

3908: Sept. 24 Fillmore National Forest merged with Fishlake National 
Forest, Utah, with latter name retained. 

3908-A:Sept. 28 Civil Service Rule IX, pertaining to reinstatement, 
[Section] 1, amended to add new Clause (e) to provide for reinstatement 
of persons retired for disability upon their recovery and termination of 
their disability; former Clause (e) relettered (f). 

3909: Sept. 29 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

3910: Oct. 3 * Commerce Sec'y authorized to deposit in the Treasury all 
moneys accruing from sale or resale of certain Swedish iron ore, and to 
pay from this fund all expenses in connection with liquidation of this 
account, the balance to be transferred to the general fund of the 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3911 : Oct. 4 Certain described lands in the Miles City Land District, 
Mont., reserved as a driveway and watering place for stock grazed on the 
Custer National Forest. 

3912: Oct. 5 Civil Service Rule IX, pertaining to reinstatement, Section 
1, Clause (a amended to give the Commission power to allow reinstate- 
ment in any part of the classified service and not only to that from which 
a person was separated. 1923 CSR 150. 


3913: Oct. 5 Proc. 1198 of June 4, 1912, amended to permit Idaho to 
select certain lands in consummation of the exchange authorized thereby. 

3914: Oct. 5 Certain described lands, in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

3915: Oct. 12 La Sal National Forest, Utah and Colo., diminished and 
the excluded lands restored to the public domain. 

3916: Oct. 15 Harney National Forest, S. Dak., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

3917: Oct. 16 Buildings Nos. 1107, 1113, 1409, and 1411 at Cristobal, 
C. Z., transferred from the Panama Canal to the War Dept. M 339; 
XVII PCRec 206. 

3917- A: Oct. 23 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain stock of the Botany Worsted Mills of New Jersey. 

3918: Oct. 29 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

3919: Nov. 1 Port of entry at St. Andrews, Fla., in Customs Collection 
District No. 18 (Florida) abolished and Panama City created as port of 
entry in said District. 

3920: Nov. 3 Certain described portion of the Charleston Quartermaster 
Intermediate Depot, S. C, transferred from the War Dept. to the Ship- 
ping Board. 

3921 : Nov. 3 Lyne Pepper Smith made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the War Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1924 CSR 108. 

3922: Nov. 6 Certain described lands within the Mt. Nebo Division of 
the Manti National Forest, Utah, transferred to the Uinta National Forest. 

3923: Nov. 7 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private sale 
certain stock of Stoehr and Sons, Inc.; B. O. [3917-A] of Oct. 23, 1923, 

3924: Nov. 9 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved as an agricultu- 
ral experiment station. 

3925: Nov. 13 Ports of entry at St. Albans, Swanton, and Highgate in 
Customs Collection District No. 2 (Vermont), abolished and new head- 
quarters port of St. Albans, comprising above townships and Franklin, 

3926: Nov. 17 Blanche N. Bailey made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. .1924 CSB 
109. '•: •. ' .... 

[ 328 ] 


3927: Nov. 22 Port of entry at Chopaka in Customs Collection District 
No. 30 (Washington) abolished and Nighthawk established as port of 
entry in said District. 

3928: Nov. 22 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain stock of the Roessler and Hasslacher Chemical Co., of New 
York, and of the Niagara Electro Chemical Co. and the Perth Amboy 
Chemical Works, subsidiaries of the former concern. 

3929: Nov. 22 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain stock of National Liberty Insurance Co. of New York. 

3930: Nov. 22 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., property of Anna 
Nink, Jean Nink, Katharina Nink and Oswald Nink of Germany. 

3931 : Nov. 22 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in New York, N. Y., property of Jenny 
Faber of Austria. 

3932: Nov. 22 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in New York, N. Y., property of Walde- 
mar Conrad Von Zedtwitz of Germany. 

3933: Nov. 23 Geyser Springs Administrative Site, Washakie National 
Forest, Wyo., abolished and the lands opened only to entry under the 
homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days 
beginning with the 28th day after the date of this Order, and thereafter 
to appropriation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

3934: Dec. 12 Federal employees granted four-hour work day Dec. 24, 

3935: Dec. 17 E. 0. [3934] of Dec. 12, 1923, authorizing a four-hour 
work day on Dec. 24, 1923, for certain Federal employees amended. 

3936: Dec. 19 Plate printers in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 
separated because of abolition of positions, made eligible for transfer to 
other positions in the classified service subject to appropriate examina- 
tion. 1924 CSR 105. 

3937: Dec. 19 Frank B. McMillin made eligible for reinstatement as post 
office inspector. 1924 CSR 109. 

3938: Dec. 20 Panama Canal transit and harbor regulations prescribed. 
M 339. 

3939: Dec. 21 Charles H. Townsend made eligible for reinstatement in 
the Railway Mail Service without regard to length of separation from 
the service, 1924 CSR 109. 



3940: Dec. 24 James L. Wilmeth and James E. Chamberlin, separated 
formerly in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, made eligible to reenter 
the classified service for five years on certificate. 1924 CSR 105. 


3941: Jan. 11 E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county or municipal Gov- 
ernment, waived to permit C. C. Crabbe, Attorney General of Ohio, to 
hold position of special assistant to the Attorney General of the United 
States. 1924 CSR 106. 

3941- A: Jan. 15 Harvey Entriken made eligible for appointment as pri- 
vate sec'y in the office of the Board of General Appraisers of New York 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1924 CSR 109. 

3942: Jan. 19 James R. Stringfellow permitted to take examination for 
secret service operative without regard to age provisions. 1924 CSR 109. 

3943: Jan. 21 Washington National Forest, Wash., renamed Mount 
Baker National Forest. 

3944: Jan. 21 Oregon National Forest, Oreg., renamed Mount Hood Na- 
tional Forest. 

3946: Jan. 21 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

3946: Jan. 21 Mt. McKinley National Park Reserve, Alaska, diminished 
and the excluded lands together with certain adjoining lands, reserved 
for railroad purposes. 

3947: Jan. 24 Myrtle Shaughnessy made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1924 
CSR 109. 

3948: Jan. 25 Roberts Administrative Site, Mont., reserved for use as a 
lookout station in the administration of the Blackf eet National Forest. 

3949: Jan. 28 Certain described lands in the Nee-ah Harbor and Waa- 
dah Island abandoned Military Reservations, Wash., reserved for the 
Treasury Dept. for Coast Guard purposes. IV K 1051. 

3960: Jan. 29 Margaret Murphy made eligible for appointment as money 
counter or similar position without examination. 1924 CSR 109. 

3951 : Jan. 30 Asst. inspectors of hulls and boilers, Steamboat Inspection 
Service of the Commerce Dept., separated from the service in the interest 



of economy, made eligible for reinstatement without regard to length of 
sparation from the service. Mar. 1932 CSA 39-June 1939 CSA 59; 1924 
CSR 106. 

3952: Feb. 2 # Fort Eeogh Military Reservation, Mont., placed under 
the control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

3963: Feb. 5 Edward E. Eraemer made eligible for reinstatement as 
rural mail carrier at Elmer, N. J., without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1924 GSR 110. 

3954: Feb. 6 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 
township resurvey. 

3955: Feb. 9 Santa Barbara National Forest, Calif., diminished and the 
excluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-servicemen for 91 days beginning with the 63d day 
after the date of this order, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. 

3956: Feb. 15 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IX [on Agriculture Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 3 amended to include foremen engaged upon road or 
trail construction, and telephone operators temporarily employed during 
forest fire season in the Forest Service. 1924 CSR 104. 

3957: Feb. 15 Blackbeard Island Reservation, Ga., created by E. 0. 
[1993] of July 17, 1914, for the protection of native birds, and abolished 
by E. 0. [2203] of May 25, 1915, recreated subject to the original con- 

3958: Feb. 15 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 

3959: Feb. 16 Louis Marcks made eligible for reinstatement as a clerk 
or carrier in the Post Office Service without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1924 CSR 110. 

3960: Feb. 18 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
township resurvey. 

3961 : Feb. 19 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain preferred stock of Stern Brothers, a New York corporation, 
formerly the property of A. Schaaffhausenscher Bankverein A. G., of 
Cologne, Germany. 

3962: Feb. 19 Additional compensation for Army enlisted men for pro- 
ficiency in the use of arms prescribed. 



3963: Feb. 20 Olive Crook Henderson made eligible for appointment as 
a clerk in the classified service. 1924 CSR 110. 

3964: Feb. 23 Boundaries of Big Lake Bird Reservation, Ark., redefined. 

3965: Feb. 26 E. 0. [1898] of Mar. 12, 1914, amended as to the descrip- 
tion of the territory add ed to the Balboa Division of the District Court of 
the Canal Zone. M 359 ; XVII PCRec 479. 

3966: Feb. 28 De Warren B. Barnett and Charles F. Cortelyou made 
eligible for appointment in the Special Agency Service of the Customs 
Service of the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1924 
CSR 110. 

3967: Mar. 5 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
township resurvey. 

3968: Mar. 5 Powers relative to pardons, paroles, remission of fines and 
forfeitures, etc., in the Can al Zone, delegated to the Governor of the 
Panama Canal. M 360 ; XVII PCRec 489. 

3969: Mar. 5 Certain regulations relative to costs and the collection of 
costs in the District and Magistrate Courts of the Canal Zone, and n otices 
in probate and guardianship proceedings, prescribed. M 361; XVII 
PCRec 506. 

3970: Mar. 11 Battlement National Forest, Colo., renamed Grand Mesa 
National Forest. 

3971 : Mar. 12 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending ex- 
amination and resurvey. 

3971-A:Mar. 15 Certain tax returns ordered open to inspection. 

3972: Mar. 18 Eaibab National Forest, Ariz., enlarged by the addition 
of all lands of the Mt. Trumbull Division of the Dixie National Forest. 

3973: Mar. 19 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 506%, pertain- 
ing to additional compensation of Vice-Consuls, amended. 

3974: Mar. 21 Offices of Register and Receiver of the Spokane, Wash., 
Land Office consolidated. 

3975: Mar. 21 Elk City Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Nezperce National Forest. 

3976: Mar. 22 Certain described lands in Island Royale, Mich., with- 
drawn for possible inclusion in a national monument. 

[ 332 ] 


3977: Mar. 25 Charles G. Reiser made eligible for reinstatement as post 
office clerk at Indianapolis, Ind., without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1924 CSR 110. 

3978: Mar. 26 Minnie Richards made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Navy Dept. without examination. 1924 CSR 110. 

3979: Mar. 26 Florence R. Dowling made eligible for appointment as 
clerk or stenographer in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1924 CSR 111. 

3980: Mar. 26 Trust period on allotments to Indians on the Klamath 
River and Hoopa Valley Reservations, Calif., expiring during 1924, ex- 
tended for 15 years ; 101 exceptions specified. 

3981: Mar. 29 Certain described lands in Colorado temporarily with- 
drawn pending legislation [to authorize sale to the city of Golden to 
secure an adequate water supply for domestic and municipal purposes] . 

3982: Apr. 1 E. 0. of July 9, 1910,* reserving certain lands in the Miles 
City Land District, Mont., for classification, modified to permit the In- 
terior Sec'y to reinstate the stock- watering reservoir declaratory state- 
ment filed by Ivory Brackett. 
* Not a Numbered Order. 

3983: Apr. 1 Certain described lands in Alaska temporarily withdrawn 
for possible inclusion in a national monument. 

3984: Apr. 2 Certain described lands in New Mexico temporarily with- 
drawn for possible reservation as a national park or monument. 

3986: Apr. 3 Major Lucius Meriwether Smith designated to act as spe- 
cial judge for the Canal Zone during the absence of Judge John D. Wal- 
lingford. M 363. 

3986: Apr. 3 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private sale 
certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the property 
of John Eropp of Germany. 

3987: Apr. 4 Regulations for the guidance of representatives in foreign 
countries, to give unified direction to their activity in the promotion and 
protection of the commercial and other interests of the United States, 

3988: Apr. 11 Six specified patrol boats of the Fisheries Bureau ordered 
to patrol the waters frequented by seals and sea otters, and the masters 
of said vessels and certain other personnel authorized to search vessels 
suspected of violating the provisions of the convention of 1911 between 
the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, Japan and Russia, 
for the preservation and protection of fur seals and sea otters. 



3989: Apr. 14 Maj. John D. Cutter made eligible for appointment to a 
classified position in the Veterans' Bureau without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 

3990: Apr. 17 • Records and filing equipment of the Cereal Enforcement 
Division of the Pood Administration, in the custody of the Comptroller 
General, ordered transferred to the Grain Corporation. 1924 CSR 106. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

3991: Apr. 17 Pagosa Administrative Site, San Juan National Forest, 
Colo., abolished. 

3992: Apr. 17 Certain described lands in the Chelan National Forest, 
Wash., made eligible for selection by the State of Washington under 
Proc. 1684 of Jan. 16, 1924. 

3993 : Apr. 17 Certain lands and buildings, previously reserved by Proc. 
1493 of Nov. 4, 1918, as an addition to the Naval Training Station, Great 
Lakes, 111., transferred from the Navy Dept. to the Veterans' Bureau. 

3994: Apr. 19 Trust period on all allotments to the Sisseton and Wah- 
peton Band of Sioux Indians of the Lake Taverse Reservation, N. and S. 
Dak., extended for 15 years. 

3995: Apr. 19 Trust period on the allotments to the Indians on the 
Round Valley Reservation, Calif., extended for 10 years. 

3996: Apr. 21 Rates for rental and subsistence allowances prescribed in 
the Act of June 10, 1922, made effective for the fiscal year 1925 for the 
officers of the various services entitled thereto. 

3997: Apr. 23 Treasury Sec'y authorized to prescribe examinations and 
regulations governing temporary appointment of Coast Guard personnel. 

3993: Apr. 23 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 
legislation authorizing sale to the city of Phoenix for park purposes. 

3999: Apr. 25 Certain described lands in Arizona [within the Tusayan 
National Forest] withdrawn for classification and pending legislation [to 
reserve them for the National Park Service for administrative purposes] . 

3999-A:Apr. 28 Theodore G. Risley, Labor Dept. Solicitor, designated 
to act as Labor Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y* the Asst. and 
Second Assistant Sec'ys. 

4000: Apr. 30 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

4001: Apr. 30 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain real estate at Milwaukee, Wis., formerly the property of 
Helmuth and Reinhard Heyl of Germany. 



4002: Apr. 30 Agnes E. Mahoney made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Agriculture Dept. without regard to length of separation from the serv- 
ice. 1924 CSR 111. 

4003: Hay 2 John J. Hopkins, parole officer at the McNeil Island Peni- 
tentiary, Wash., given classified status. 1924 CSR 111. 

4004: May 2 Civil Service Rule X, pertaining to transfer, Section 3 
amended to allow retransfer of persons who left the classified service for 
other positions in a State, comity, municipal or foreign government. 1924 
CSR 103. 

4005: May 7 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], amended to transfer the position of chaplain 
from Subdivision VI, Paragraph 1, to Subdivision I, Paragraph 16. 1924 
CSR 104. 

4006: May 7 Judge James W. Blackburn designated special judge of 
the Canal Zone, and E. O. 3985 of Apr. 3, 1924, designating Major Lucius 
Meriwether Smith, revoked. M 363. 

4007: May 8 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain capital 
stock of the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, formerly the property of 
Louise Braesecke, Wilhelm A. and Erwin C. Riedemann, and Carl, Oustav, 
and Meta Schutte. 

4008: May 9 Scotts Bluff National Monument, Neb., diminished. 

4009: May 10 August F. Laufer, former printer and proofreader in the 
Government Printing Office, made eligible for reinstatement in any other 
department. 1924 CSR 111. 

4010: May 13 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at Los Angeles, Calif., formerly the 
property of Klara Eombst, Gertrude Luckhardt, and Ilka Wiohmann of 

4011: May 14 Rating of the examination papers of Harrison V. Teller 
for the postmastership at Windsor, Colo., permitted without regard to 
age requirements. 1924 CSR 105. 

4012: May 15 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at Milwaukee, Wis., formerly the prop- 
erty of Helmuth and Reinhard Heyl of Germany. 

4013: May 19 E. O. [1472] of Feb. 14, 1912, permitting certain Federal 
employees residing in certain municipalities in Maryland and Virginia 
to hold local office, amended to include Berwyn Heights, Md. 1924 CSR 



4014: May 22 Certain described lands in Florida withdrawn pending 
legislation [to authorize sale to citizens claiming title as riparian owners] . 

4015: May 31 E..O. of July 9, 1910,* withdrawing certain lands in the 
Miles City Land District, Mont., for classification, modified to permit the 
Interior Sec'y to reinstate the stock watering reservoir declaratory state- 
ment filed by Ivory Brackett; E. 0. 3982 of Apr. 1, 1924, revoked. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

4016: June 3 Julius G. Lay made eligible for reinstatement as consul 
general, Class 2, without examination. 1924 CSR 116. 

4017: June 3 William J. Deboe made eligible for appointment as post- 
master at Marion, Ky., without examination. 1924 CSR 105. 

4018: June 4 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision VIII, on Treasury 
Dept. positions, Paragraph 1 amended to include classified positions in 
the Custodian Service when filled by the promotion of unclassified labor- 
ers. 1924 CSR 104. 

4019: June 5* Certain described property in the Republic of Panama 
designated a part of the Canal Zone for purposes connected with the 
opera tion, maintenance, and sanitation of the Panama Canal. M 365; 
XVII PCRec 691. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

4020: June 7 • Alaska Peninsula Fisheries Reservation abolished. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

4021 : June 7 • Southwestern Alaska Fisheries Reservation abolished. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

4022: June 7 # Regulations for administering the Foreign Service pre- 
scribed. 1924 CSR 113. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

4023: June 7 # Director of the Veterans' Bureau authorized to employ 
commissioned personnel of the Public Health Service without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1924 CSR 107. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

4024: June 10 Trust period on allotments to Indians on the Umatilla 
Reservation, Oreg., expiring during 1924, extended for 10 years; 27 ex- 
ceptions specified. 



4025: June 12 • E. 0. of June 21, 1890, reserving certain lands in Alaska 
for use as a military and naval cemetery, revoked, and the Sitka National 
Cemetery established. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

4026: June 13 Pour-hour work day on Saturdays during the summer 
months ordered for Federal employees ; all conflicting orders except E. 0. 
777 of Apr. 4, 1908, relating to certain naval stations, revoked. Nov. 
1925 CSA 14, Dec. 1926 CSA 14; 1924 CSR 107; M 367. 

4027: June 14 Regulations governing documents required of aliens en- 
tering the United States prescribed. 

4028: June 17 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
legislation [to add them to the Shoshone National Forest] . 

4020: June 19 Trust period on allotments made to the Mexican-Kicka- 
poo Indians in Oklahoma, expiring during 1924, extended for 10 years. 

4030: June 19 Civil Service Rules amended to revoke provisions requir- 
ing three-year service in an executive department or independent estab- 
lishment before transfer, in accordance with the Classification Act of 
1923; employees permitted to remain in positions to which allocated by 
said Act, but promotion or transfer to be governed by status acquired 
prior to allocation. Nov. 1925 CSA 66, Dec. 1926 CSA 66; 1924 CSR 103. 

4031: June 19 Civil Service Rule IX, pertaining to reinstatement, Clause 
(b) amended, and Clauses (c) and (d) revoked. 1924 CSR 103. 

4032: June 21 Candidates for appointment to the Consular Service, 
designated for examination beginning June 23, 1924, made eligible for 
such examination and certification without regard to the maximum age 
limitations of E. O. [4022] of June 7, 1924. 1924 CSR 116. 

4033: June 23 Carlos Franco Soto designated acting judge of the Dis- 
trict Court for Puerto Rico during the absence of Judge Arthur F. Odlin. 

4033- A: June 24 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn for 
classification and possible inclusion within the San Carlos irrigation 

4034: June 25 Grand Mesa National Forest, Colo., diminished and the 
excluded lands restored to entry. 

4035: June 25 Sum of $270,150, and such additional sum as may become 
available, allocated to the Governor of the Virgin Islands for necessary 
expenses in the occupation of said Islands and other purposes. 

[ 337 ] 


4086: June 26 Keaahala Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., diminished 
and the excluded lands reserved for use by the Government of the Terri- 
tory for an insane asylum. 

4037: June 27 Bess Vivian Dietrich made eligible for employment as 
messenger in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1924 CSR 112. 

4038: June 27* Quartermaster Intermediate Depot, Norfolk, Va., and 
certain equipment and supplies transferred from the War Dept. to the 
Shipping Board. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

4039: June 27 Jerry Sullivan, Leavenworth Penitentiary guard, made 
eligible for classification. 1924 CSA 112. 

4040: June 27 Belle Barrick Scheibla made eligible for employment as 
file clerk in the Veterans' Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1924 CSR 111. 

4041 : June 27 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for use and 
benefit of the Indians of the Walker River Reservation. IV E 1028. 

4042: July 2 Certain described lands in Nevada withdrawn pending re- 

4043: July 3 John G. Foster, commissioned Foreign Service officer, re- 
tained on active duty for one year from July 1, 1924. 

4044: July 3 Certain described lands on the north shore of Prince Wil- 
liam Sound, Alaska, reserved by E. 0. 1987 of July 9, 1914, for use of the 
Bureau of Education and natives of indigenous Alaskan race, restored to 
the public domain. 

4046: July 3 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private sale 
certain described real estate at Milwaukee, Wis., formerly the property 
of Helmuth and Reinhard Heyl of Germany; E. O. 4001 of Apr. 30, 1924, 

4046: July 8 Adolf Q. Wolf designated acting judge of the District 
Court for Puerto Rico during the absence of Judge Arthur F. Odlin. 

4047: July 8 Certain described lands in the Canal Zone reserved for 
naval purposes; E. Os. [1948, 2869, 3130, and 3848] of May 26, 1918, May 
28, 1918, July 25, 1919 and May 16, 1923, respectively, relating to th* 
Balboa Naval Radio Station Reservation revoked. M 367 ; XVII PCRec 

[ 338 ] 


4048: July 12 E. 0. [1472] of Feb. 14, 1912, permitting certain Federal 
employees residing in certain municipalities in Virginia and Maryland to 
hold local office, amended to include Cottage City, Md. Nov. 1925 CSA 
35, Dec. 1926 CSA 35; 1924 CSR 107. 

4048: July 14 Regulations governing documents required of aliens en- 
tering the United States by air prescribed. 

4060: July 17 Frederick J. Crocker made eligible for reinstatement as 
chief of the Stamp Gumming Division, Engraving and Printing Bureau. 
1924 CSR 112. 

4051: July 18 Signal Corps radio station at Craig, Alaska, placed under 
the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

4062: July 21 Waimanlao Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., diminished 
and the excluded lands restored to the Government of the Territory of 

4063: July 23 Livermore Ranger Station, Colorado National Forest, 
Colo., abolished and said lands opened only to entry under the homestead 
and desert land laws by qualified ex-servicemen of the World War for 
91 days from the 27th day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to 
appropriation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4064: July 24 Certain described lands in Washington withdrawn pend- 
ing legislation to authorize the use of said lands for park purposes. 

4066: July 30 E. O. 4044 of July 3, 1924, restoring certain lands on the 
north shore of Prince William Sound, Alaska, to the public domain, re- 
voked as to such of said lands as lie within the Chugach National Forest. 

4066: Aug. 1 Certain described lands in Alabama withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and possible inclusion within the Alabama National Forest. 

4067: Aug. 6 Army transports Argonne and Chaumont transferred to the 
Navy Dept. 

4068: Aug. 6 Cora M. Goldsworthy made eligible for appointment in the 
Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1924 CSR 112. 

4069: Aug. 6 E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873 [prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding any State, Territorial, county or municipal office], amended 
to permit certain part time medical officers of the Veterans' Bureau to 
hold State and local medical positions, and other part-time employees to 
accept appointments as deputy sheriffs. Sept. 1924 CSA 37-Dec. 1926 
CSA 35; 1924 CSR 108. 

4060: Aug. 11 Islands, keys, harbors, and shoals in vicinity of Key West, 
Fla., reserved for use of the Navy Dept. 

[ 339 ] 


4061 : Aug. 12 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

4062: Aug. 11 Certain described lands in the Virginia Key Abandoned 
Military Reservation, Fla., previously reserved for naval purposes by 
E. 0. 2944 of Aug. 23, 1918, restored to control of the Interior Dept. 

4063: Aug. 13 Regulations governing assignment of quarters to com- 
missioned personnel of various services, prescribed. 

4064: Aug. 29 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn for classi- 
cation and pending legislation [to add them to the Ochoco National 
Forest] . 

4065 : Aug. 29 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. 
positions, amended to delete Paragraph 1, covering aeronautical engi- 
neers, aeronautical mechanical engineers, and aeronautical chemists. 1924 
CSR 105. 

4066: Aug. 29 Helen C. Hunt, temporary employee, made eligible for 
permanent appointment as clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1924 CSR 113. 

4067 : Aug. 29 Lillie May Green made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the classified service without examination. 1924 CSR 113. 

4068 : Aug. 29 Bertha E. Barrick made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1924 CSR 

4069: Aug. 29 William Anderson permitted to take examination for 
rural carrier at Bemidji, Minn., without regard to physical requirements. 
1924 CSR 112. 

4070: Sept. 4 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending leg- 
islation to protect the water supply of Bountiful and Centerville. 

4071: Sept. 4 Department heads directed to have such physical exam- 
inations made as may be requested by the Civil Service Commission to 
promote the health and efficiency of Government employees. Nov. 1925 
CSA 44-June 1939 CSA 33; 1924 CSR 108. 

4071-A:Sept. 5 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the property of John 
Otterstedt of Germany. 

4071-B : Sept. 8 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified shares of stock of the Botany Worsted Mills, held in trust for 
George Hirsch. 



4072: Sept. 9 F. M. Goodwin, Asst. Interior Sec'y> designated to act 
as Interior Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y and the First Asst. 

4073: Sept. 9 Harrie G. Thomas made eligible for appointment as in- 
vestigator in the General Accounting Office without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1924 CSR 113. 

4073- A: Sept. 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
described real estate in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Levy and Cook Counties, 
Fla., formerly the property of Carl and Friedrich Magnus of Germany. 

4074: Sept. 17 Four-hour workday for certain Federal employees on 
Sept. 20, 1924, ordered, said employees having failed to obtain the full 
benefits of E. O. 4026 of June 13, 1924, ordering a four-hour workday 
for Federal employees on Saturdays during the summer months. 

4075: Sept. 17 Trust period on the allotment of Sarah Jones on the 
Santee Indian Reservation, Nebr., expiring Sept. 20, 1924, extended for 
10 years. 

4076: Sept. 20 E. 0. 1733 of Mar. 3, 1913, reserving the Aleutian Islands 
for fisheries and game and bird preserves revoked as to a portion of 
Unimak Island, and the excluded lands restored to entry. 

4077: Sept. 23 Augur Barracks Military Reservation, Jolo, P. I., dimin- 
ished and the excluded lands restored to the Government of the Philip- 

4078: Sept. 27 Certain tax returns opened to inspection under rules 
prescribed by the Treasury Sec'y. 

4079: Sept. 29 Michael B. Ellis made eligible for appointment as clerk 
or carrier in the Postal Service at St. Louis, Mo., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1924 CSR 113. 

4080: Oct. 1 S. Virginia Page, temporary employee in the Distribution 
Unit, Treasury Dept., made eligible for appointment as clerk without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 1924 CSR 113. 

4081 : Oct. 3 Certain described lands of the Fort Benning Military Res- 
ervation, Ga., established as the Benning National Forest, subject to 
continued use of the War Dept. 

4032: Oct. 6 Proposal Rock, Oreg., an unsurveyed island in the Pacific 
Ocean, withdrawn for classification and pending legislation for its dis- 

4083 : Oct. 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VIII [on Interior Dept. posi- 



tions], Paragraph 8, amended to increase the salary limit of the physi- 
cians in the Indian Service covered by said Paragraph to $1,000 per 
annum. 1925 CSR 111. 

4084: Oct. 10 Certain described lands in Florida previously reserved 
for lighthouse purposes, reserved for the Coast Guard Service. 

4086: Oct. 11 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examinations], Subdivision IV, on War Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 3, amended to include numerous further positions on transport 
ships in the Army Transport Service. 1925 CSR 111. 

4086: Oct. 14 Candidates for appointment to the Diplomatic or Con- 
sular Service who had already taken part of the examination prior to 
E. O. [4022] of June 7, 1924, permitted to take the rest of the examina- 
tion without regard to the age limit provisions prescribed by said Ex- 
ecutive Order. 1925 CSR 121. 

4087: Oct. 17 James W. Blackburn designated special judge of the 
Canal Zone until Jan. 1, 1926, during the absence or disqualification of 
the district judge. M 369; XVIH PCRec 203. 

4088: Oct. 18 Teton National Forest, Wyo., diminished and the excluded 
lands opened only to surface entry under the homestead laws by quali- 
fied ex-servicemen of the World War for 91 days from the 62d day after 
the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general 
public under any applicable land law. 

4089: Oct. 20 William W. Wilson, general counsel and assistant to the 
Alien Property Custodian, and Sewall W. Abbott, managing director, 
designated to perform jointly the duties of the Alien Property Custodian 
during his absence. 

4090 : Oct. 21 Emma J. Smith, temporary employee, made eligible for 
appointment as clerk, in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1925 CSR 116. 

4091 : Oct. 23 John H. Edwards, Solicitor of the Interior Dept. desig- 
nated to act as Interior Sec'y during absence of the Sec'y, the First 
Asst. and Asst. Sec'ys- 

4092: Oct. 24* E. O. 3105 of June 30, 1919, reserving certain lands in 
Florida pending readjustment claims, revoked, and said lands opened to 
entry under the homestead laws by qualified ex-servicemen of the World 
War for 91 days from the 62d day after the date of this Order, and there- 
after to appropriation by the general public under any applicable land 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



4098: Oct. 24 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing legislation [to permit Indian settlement] . IV K 1031. 

4094: Oct. 28 Empire, Oreg., abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 29, and Marchfield created a port of entry in said 

4095: Oct. 29 Civil Service Boles, Schedule A, pertainin g to p ositions 
excepted from examination, amended to add Subdivision XVIII, Para- 
graphs 1-8, excepting certain specified professional, technical, and execu- 
tive positions in the Veterans' Bureau. 

4096: Oct. 29 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
determination of suitability for forest reservation purposes. 

4097: Nov. 1 Certain described lands in Nevada containing hot springs, 
withdrawn for classification and pending legislation to preserve for 
benefit of the general public. 

4098: Nov. 3 Provision for enforcement of the act for the protection 
of the northern Pacific halibut fishery prescribed; patrol by naval and 
other public vessels ordered, and powers of search and seizure delegated 
to certain officials. 

4099: Nov. 3 Brothers, Sisters, and Molate Islands, Calif., reserved for 
lighthouse purposes. 

4100: Nov. 7 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing township resurvey. 

4101 : Nov. 7 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished and by exclu- 
sion of certain described lands on Admiralty Island, and said lands re- 
stored to entry under applicable land laws. 

4102: Nov. 10 Rules governing the granting and issuing of passports 
amended as to affidavits. 

4102-A : Nov. 13 Alien Property Custodian authorized to ratify acts 
done by his subordinates which were judicial in character and which 
pertain to deposits, transfer, and payment of moneys. 

4102-B:Nov. 13 Certain Presidential powers under the Trading with 
the Enemy Act delegated to the Alien Property Custodian. 

4103: Nov. 20 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn for class- 
ification and possible inclusion in a national monument or recreational 

4104: Nov. 20 New Dungeness Harbor and San Juan Island Abandoned 
Military Reservations, Wash., diminished and excluded lands reserved 
for the Navy Dept. as naval radio compass station sites, to be returned to 
the Interior Dept. for disposal when no longer needed. 



4105: Nov. 22 Certain desc ribed lands in the Canal Zone lands reserved 
for the Navy Dept. M 369 ; XVHI PCRec 294. 

4106: Nov. 24 Certain described lands in Alaska near Kanatak, Portage 
Bay, Alaska, reserved for the use of the Alaska Road Commission. 

4106-A:Nov. 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
described real estate at San Francisco, Calif., formerly the property of 
Adolph, Friedrich, Ernst, Elizabeth, and Clara Nussbaum of Germany. 

4107: Nov. 26 Alaskan Timber Reserve No. 1 diminished. 

4108: Dec. 3 Myrtle L. Davis made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the classified service without examination. 1925 CSR 117. 

4109: Dec. 8 All islands situated in the waters off the coast of Florida, 
owned by the United States withdrawn pending classification and legis- 
lation [for their disposal] . 

4110: Dec. 9 Four-hour workday ordered for all Federal employees in 
the District of Columbia on Dec. 24, 1924. 

4111: Dec. 9 Rules of procedure for Army court martials amended. 

4112: Dec. 16 Mariveles Military Reservation, Bataan Province, Luzon, 
P. I., enlarged. 

4113: Dec. 22 * Certain described lands on Punchbowl Slope, Honolulu, 
T. H., transferred from Agriculture Dept. to the Government of the 
Territory of Hawaii for school sites. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

4114: Dec. 22 Portion of the Camp McClellan Military Reservation, 
Ala., established as the McClellan National Forest, subject to continued 
use of the War Dept. 

4115: Dec. 22 Portion of the Camp Jackson Military Reservation, S. C, 
established as the Jackson National Forest, subject to continued use of 
the War Dept. 

4116: Dec. 22 Certain described lands in Washington withdrawn pend- 
ing legislation authorizing their use for park purposes. 

4117: Dec. 22 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation [for national recreational areas] . 

4118: Dec. 23 Edward J. Drake made eligible for reinstatement as 
junior veterinarian in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to the length 
of separation from the service. 1925 CSR 117. 



4119: Dec. 24 Effie A. Deane made eligible for appointment in the 
Government service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1925 CSR 


4120: Jan. 8 A. H. Bergthold made eligible for appointment as post- 
master at Weatherford, Okla., without examination. 1925 CSR 114. 

4121 : Jan. 9 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending leg- 
islation authorizing their use as a fish hatchery. 

4122: Jan. 10 Charles C. Kellogg made eligible for admission to the 
Detroit, Mich., postmastership examination without regard to his age. 
1925 CSR 114. 

4123: Jan. 12 Violet Hawkesworth, temporary employee, made eligible 
for appointment as clerk in the Veterans' Bureau without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 1925 CSR 117. 

4124: Jan. 12 Regulations governing appointment of 4th class post- 
masters amended. 1925 CSR 114. 

4125: Jan. 12 Regulations governing documents required of aliens en- 
tering the United States prescribed. M 372. 

4126: Jan. 13* Proclamation of June 10, 1901, of the Acting Governor 
of Hawaii, T. H., reserving certain lands in the District of Kona, Oahu, 
as an agricultural experiment station, modified to permit the patenting 
of certain lands in exchange for certain privately owned lands within 
the boundaries of said station. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

4127: Jan. 14 Certain described lands in Florida withdrawn for classi- 
fication and pending legislation for national recreational areas. 

4128: Jan. 17 E. 0. 3949 of Jan. 28, 1924, reserving certain lands in 
Washington for the Treasury Dept. for Coast Guard purposes, revoked 
as to certain lands within the Nee- Ah Harbor Abandoned Military Res- 
ervation, and said lands placed under the control of the Interior Sec'y. 
IV K 1052. 

4129: Jan. 21 Eva H. Esterbrook made eligible for appointment as a 
clerk in the Special Agency Service of Customs in the Treasury Dept. 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1925 CSR 117. 

4130: Jan. 22 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved pending leg- 
islation for use as a fish hatchery. 



4lSl : Jan. 22 Twelve specified military reservations in Alaska, and 24 
Signal Corps stations and rights-of-way, placed under the Interior See'y 
for disposal; other reservations returned to forest or moose preserve 

4132: Jan. 24 Petersburg, Alaska, created a port of entry in Customs 
Collection No. 31. 

4188: Jan. 26 Little Walnut Ranger Station, Tonto National Forest, 
Ariz., abolished. 

4184: Jan. 27 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the prop- 
erty of Franz Fisher and Mrs. Herman Hendrick of Germany. 

4186: Jan. 27 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the prop- 
erty of Adolph H. G. Linck of Germany. 

4186: Jan. 27 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., property of the 
Pringle and Buck families of Germany. 

4137: Jan. 27 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., property of Max 
L. Hirschhorn and Blanka Lehman of Germany. 

4188: Jan. 27 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the prop- 
erty of Franz Fisher and Mrs. Herman Hendrick of Germany. 

4139: Jan. 27 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the property of 
Franz Fisher and Mrs. Herman Hendrick of Germany. 

4140: Jan. 27 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the prop- 
erty of Ottilie Countess von Faber-Castell of Germany. 

4141: Jan. 27 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the prop- 
erty of Julius or Jules von Linden of Germany. 

4142: Jan. 28 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to certification], Sec. 
2 [pertaining to the nonapportioned service], amended to place the posi- 
tions of messenger boy and messenger girl in the apportioned service, 
and Rule XI [pertaining to promotion], Section 6 amended to make the 
incumbents of such messenger positions eligible for promotion. 1925 
CSR 111. 



4143: Jan. 88 Keaahala Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., diminished 
and the excluded lands restored to the Government of the Territory of 
Hawaii only as a right-of-way for a roadway. 

4144: Jan. 88 Certain described lands in California reserved for town- 
site purposes. 

4146: Jan. 28 Trust period on allotments to the Indians of the Omaha 
Reservation, Neb., expiring during 1925, extended for 10 years, one ex- 
ception specified. 

4146: Feb. 2 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for the 
use of the War Dept. for an airplane landing field. 

4147: Feb. 6 Vernal Land District, Utah, abolished, and its lands, busi- 
ness, and archives transferred to the Salt Lake City Land District. 

4148: Feb. 6 Dickinson Land District, N. Dak., abolished, and its lands, 
business, and archives transferred to the Bismarck Land District. 

4149: Feb. 6 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved as a rifle range 
for the National Guard. 

4160: Feb. 7 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the prop- 
erty of Mary M. Bergener of Germany. 

4151 : Feb. 7 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private sale 
certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the property 
of J. Dietrich Luehrs and the Proper Authority at and the poor people 
of Altwisted, Hanover, Germany. 

4152: Feb. 7 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the prop- 
erty of Max L. Hirschhorn and Blanka Lehman of Germany. 

4153: Feb. 7 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private sale 
certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the property 
of Max L. Hirschhorn and Blanka Lehman of Germany. 

4154: Feb. 10 Trust period on the allotments to Indians of the Deer 
Creek Reservation, Minn., expiring during 1925, extended for 10 years; 
one exception specified. 

4155: Feb. 14 May B. Bowman and Elizabeth H. Sullivan made eligible 
for reinstatement as operatives in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 1925 CSR 117. 

4156: Feb. 14 Monticello and Houlton abolished as ports of entry in 
Customs Collection District No. 1 (Maine and New Hampshire), and new 
port of Houlton created in said District. 



4157: Feb. 17 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Colville Res- 
ervation, Wash., expiring during 1925, extended for 10 years. 

4158: Feb. 19 E. 0. [4147] of Feb. 6, 1925, abolishing the Vernal Land 
District, Utah, revoked. 

4159: Feb. 19 Trust period on the allotments to the Cabazon and the 
Twenty-nine Palms Bands of Mission Indians of California, expiring dur- 
ing 1925, extended for 10 years. 

4160: Feb. 19 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the prop- 
erty of Johann S. Oansz and Margaretha Wilch of Germany. 

4161 : Feb. 20 Port of entry at San Francisco in Customs Collection 
District No. 28 (California), extended to include the Alameda side of the 
San Antonio estuary. 

4162: Feb. 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain stock 
of the New Orleans,. Texas and Mexico Railway Co., formerly the prop- 
erty of Lazard Speyer-Ellissen. 

4163: Feb. 27 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for use as a 
camp ground for the Indian School at Phoenix. IV K 1011. 

4164: Mar. 6 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the prop- 
erty of Max L. Hirgchhorn and Blanka Lehman of Germany. 

4165: Mar. 9 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination amended to add Subdivision XIX to provide 
for the exception of certain guards in the Office of Public Buildings and 
Parks of the National Capital. 1925 CSR 111. 

4165-A: Mar. 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain spe- 
cified stock of the F. W. Woolworth Co., formerly the property of Albert 
Hartwig, Fritz Dressel, and the Deutsche Bank of Berlin. 

4165-B: Mar. 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain spe- 
cified stock of the United Fruit Co., formerly the property of E. O. 
Weyerhausen, the Deutsche Bank of Berlin, and Knauth, Nachod and 

4165-0 : Mar. 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain spe- 
cified stock of the May Department Store Co., formerly the property of 
Straus and Co. of Karlsruhe, Germany. 

4165-D:Mar. 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stock of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., the property of Ernst 
F. Gutschow. 

[ 348 ] 


4165-E: Mar. 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain spe- 
cified stock of the American Locomotive Co., formerly the property of 
Wiener Bankverein, Bernhard and Julius Elkan, Bebrens and Herman, 
Knautb, Nachod and Kuhne, and Ludwig Rosauer. 

4166: Mar. 10 Olive B. Robinson, temporary employee, made eligible 
for appointment as clerk in the War Dept. without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1925 CSR 118. 

4167: Mar. 10 Catherine Griffin made eligible for reinstatement as op- 
erative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1925 CSR 118. 

4168: Mar. 11 Trust period on allotments made to the Indians of the 
Yakima Reservation, Wash., extended for 10 years. 

4169: Mar. 12 Certain described lands in Washington lands reserved 
for classification and pending legislation [for use as a national recrea- 
tional area]. 

4170: Mar. 12 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for townsite 

4170-A:Mar. 12 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stock of the Southern Railway Co., formerly the property of the 
Deutsche Bank of Berlin, Hugo Stinnes, et al., Hardy and Co., the 
Dresdner Bank of Berlin, and others. 

4171: Mar. 13 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in Passaic County, N. J., formerly the 
property of Charles 0. H. Fritzsche of Germany. 

4172: Mar. 13 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination Subdivision HI [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 1 amended to delete collectors of certain districts, 
appraisers at Boston, New York and Philadelphia and one private sec'y 
to the naval officer at New York, N. Y. ; Paragraph 15, excepting certain 
customs laborers in Hawaii, revoked. 1925 CSR 112. 

4173: Mar. 14 Virginia R. Guilfoyle, former yeoman (F) in the Naval 
Reserve Force, made eligible for appointment as clerk in the Navy Dept. 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1925 CSR 118. 

4174: Mar. 16 Albert B. Nichols made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service. 
1925 CSR 118. 

4175: Mar. 17 Patent Office, with all records, appropriations, and pub- 
lic property pertaining thereto, transferred from the Interior to the Com- 
merce Dept. 1925 CSR 114. 



4176: Mar. 17 Twenty-eight designated Land Districts and Offices abol- 
ished and consolidated with others. 

4177: Mar. 18 Certain described lands in Nevada temporarily reserved 
for use and benefit of the Indians of the Walker River Reservation. IV 
K 1028. 

4178: Mar. 19 Marshall Lake Administrative Site, Idaho, reserved for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Idaho National 

4179: Mar. 20 Louise M. Linthicum, temporary employee, made eligible 
for appointment in the classified service without regard to her standing 
on the eligible register. 1925 CSR 118. 

4179- A: Mar. 20 Sugar Loaf or Eakea Military Reservation, Oahu, T. EL, 
diminished, and the excluded lands restored to the Government of 
the Territory of Hawaii. 

4179-B:Mar. 20 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stock of the Corn Products Refining Co., formerly the property 
of Wiener Levy. 

4179-0: Mar. 20 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stock of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad Co., formerly 
the property of the Dresdner Bank of London. 

4179-D:Mar. 20 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stock of the Kansas City Southern Railway Co., formerly the 
property of the Deutsche Bank of Berlin. 

4179-E:Mar. 20 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stock of the Banco Mexicano de Comercio e Industrfa, of the 
City of Mexico, formerly property of the Deutsche Bank of Berlin, 

4180: Mar. 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision XI, on Commerce Dept. posi- 
tions, Paragraph 6 amended to except three additional assistants to the 
Commerce Sec'y. 1925 CSR 113. 

4181 : Mar. 24 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn for classifica- 
tion and pending legislation [for inclusion in the Zion National Park]. 

4182: Mar. 24 Powers of the Chairman of the Alaskan Engineering 
Commission in connection with the Employees Compensation Act, in so 
far as said powers relate to the employees of the Alaska Railroad, trans- 
ferred to the general manager of said railroad. 



4183: Mar. 26 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VII [on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to except village carriers in the continental United 
States who were regular employees of 1st or 2d class post offices upon 
relegation of such offices to a class below the 2d class. 1925 CSR 113. 

4184: Mar. 27 Island in Bud Lake, Mich., reserved for classification and 
pending legislation [for its purchase for park purposes by the State of 
Michigan or the town of Harrison]. 

4186: Mar. 81 Regulations governing documents required of aliens en- 
tering the Philippines, Guam, and American Samoa prescribed. 

4186: Mar. 31 Mrs. C. W. Salter made eligible for appointment as keeper 
of the Turkey Point Light Station, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1925 CSR 118. 

4187: Apr. 1 Fifty-one posts designated unhealthful posts for the pur- 
poses of retirement of personnel under the regulations for the Foreign 

4188: Apr. 2 Sums of $270,150 allocated to the Governor of Virgin 
Islands for expenses in connection with the occupation and government 
of said Islands; and $125,000 allocated for the construction of a water 
supply system for the towns of St. Thomas, Christiansted, and Frederik- 

4189: Apr. 8 Anna T. Gibson made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the New York, N. Y., post office without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1925 CSR 119. 

4190: Apr. 8 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

4191: Apr. 6 Roy A. Finney made eligible for appointment in the classi- 
fied service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1925 CSR 119. 

4192: Apr. 10 Provisions of the Retirement Act of 1920, extended to 
include such employees of the Alaskan Engineering Commission as have 
competitive classified status. 1925 CSR 113. 

4193: Apr. 10 Pine Plains National Forest, N. Y., created from certain 
portions of the Pine Plains Military Reservation, subject to continued 
use by the War Dept. 

4194: Apr. 10 Tobyhanna National Forest, Pa., created from certain 
portions of the Tobyhanna Military Reservation, subject to continued use 
by the War Dept. < 



4195: Apr. 10 Upton National Forest, N. Y., created from certain por^ 
tions of the Camp Upton Military Reservation, subject to continued use 
by the War Dept. 

4196: Apr. 10 Lee National Forest, Va., created from certain portions 
of the Camp Lee Military Reservation, subject to continued use by the 
War Dept. 

4197: Apr. 10 Eustis National Forest, Va., created from certain por- 
tions of the Fort Eustis Military Reservation, subject to continued use 
by the War Dept. 

4198: Apr. 10 Humphreys National Forest, Va., created from certain 
portions of the Fort Humphreys Military Reservation, subject to contin- 
ued use by the War Dept. 

4199: Apr. 10 Dix National Forest, N. J., created from certain portions 
of the Camp Dix Military Reservation, subject to continued use by the 
War Dept. 

4200: Apr. 10 Meade National Forest, Md., created from certain por- 
tions of the Camp Meade Military Reservation, subject to continued use 
by the War Dept. 

4201 : Apr. 14 Certain described lands in Florida reserved for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [for use as a national recreational area]. 

4202: Apr. 14 Certain described lands in California reserved for classi- 
fication and legislation [for use as a national recreational area]. 

4203: Apr. 14 Certain described lands in California and Nevada re- 
served for classification and possible inclusion in the Plumas, Eldorado, 
Stanislaus, Shasta, and Tahoe National Forests. 

4204: Apr. 15 E. O. 1237 of Aug. 15, 1910, reserving certain lands in 
Alaska for naval purposes, revoked, and said lands restored to the 
Chugach National Forest. 

4205: Apr. 15 Limits of the port of entry of New York in Customs Collec- 
tion District No. 10, extended under the New York-New Jersey interstate 
compact of Aug. 23, 1921. 

4206: Apr. 18 Certain described lands in Washington lands within 
abandoned military reservations, previously placed under the Interior 
Sec'y by E. O. 3893 of Aug. 13, 1923, reserved for the use of the Com- 
merce Dept. for lighthouse purposes. 

4207: Apr. 18 Certain. described lands in Utah withdrawn for classifica- 
tion and pending legislation [for use as a national recreational areaj. • 



4203: Apr. 20 Zuni District of Manzano National Forest created from 
certain excluded portion of the Fort Wingate Military Reservation, 
N. Mex., subject to continued use by the War Dept. 

4200: Apr. 22 Steliko Administrative Site, Wash., reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Wenatchee National Forest. 

4210: Apr. 23 Sec'y of State authorized to issue diplomatic visas to 
diplomatic and consular officers of foreign countries for reentry into the 
United States. 

4211 : Apr. 23 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain stock of the Banco Mexicano de Comercio e Industria of 
Mexico, formerly the property of the Deutsche Bank of Berlin, Germany. 

4212: Apr. 25 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 

4213: Apr. 25 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

4214: Apr. 28 Carlos Franco Soto, of the Puerto Rico Supreme Court, 
designated acting judge of the District Court for Puerto Rico during the 
trial of Dorothy OoodhiU v. the San Juan Ginnery, Vice Judge Arthur F. 
Odlin, disqualified. 

4215: Apr. 30 Leadville Land District, Colo., abolished, and its lands, 
business, and archives transferred to the Denver Land Listrict. 

4216: Apr. 30 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands restored to entry under any applicable land law. 

4217: May 2 Bessie L. Dudley made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service of the Treasury Dept. without regard to her standing 
on the eligible register. 1925 CSR 119. 

4218: May 8 Certain described lands in Florida reserved for classifica- 
tion and pending legislation [for use as a national recreational area] . 

4219: May 8 Certain described lands in Wyoming lands withdrawn 
pending resurvey. 

4220: May 8 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn in aid of 
classification for possible inclusion in national forests. 

4221: May 11 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision III, on Commerce 
Dept. positions, amended to add Paragraph 3, including speeial agents 
for collecting cotton statistics. 1925 CSR 113- 



4222: May 11 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

4223: May 11 Bugged Islands in Resurrection Bay, Alaska, and a spe- 
cified portion of the abandoned Point Spencer Military Reservation 
reserved for lighthouse purposes. 

4224: May 14 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in New York, N. Y., formerly the 
property of Anna Schnitger Rothe, Louise Lueckhoff, Adelheid Knocke, 
and Auguste Mosler. 

4224-A:May 14 £. 0. 4073-A of Sept. 9, 1924, authorizing the Alien 
Property Custodian to sell certain real estate, the property of Carl and 
Freiderich Magnus of Germany, amended to include certain described 
property in Cook County, 111. 

4224%: May 15 State Sec'y authorized to enter into reciprocal agree- 
ments with foreign countries in regard to the reduction or waiving of 
fees of passport visas for non immigrants. 

4225: May 16 Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2, Calif., diminished and 
the excluded lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

4226: May 16 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for classifica- 
tion and pending legislation [for use as a national recreational area]. 

4227: May 16 Port Davis Cemetery, Alaska, established. 

4228: May 18 Rental and subsistence allowances for officers of the vari- 
ous services for the fiscal year 1926, prescribed. 

4229: May 19 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

4230: May 25 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn for classi- 
fication and pending legislation for use as a national recreation area. 

4231 : May 25 Certain described lands in California reserved for classi- 
fication and pending legislation [for use as a national recreation area]. 

4232: May 25 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

4233: May 26 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Bois Port 
Reservation, Minn., extended for 10 years; 14 exceptions specified. 

4234: May 27 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for classifica- 
tion and pending legislation [to cede said lands to State for a bird refuge 
and public shooting ground]. 



4235: May 27 Emilio del Toro y Cuebas, chief justice of the Puerto 
Rico Supreme Court, designated acting judge of the District Court for 
Puerto Rico during the absence of Judge Ira E. Wells. 

4236: June 1 Customs station at Westhope, N. Dak., designated a port 
of entry in Customs Collection District No. 34 (Dakota). 

4237: June 1* Sitka National Cemetery, Alaska, reestablished; E. 0. 
[4025] of June 12, 1924, superseded. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

4238 : June 1 John G. Foster, commissioned Foreign Service officer, 
class I, retained on active duty for one year from July 1, 1925. 1925 CSR 

4239: June 4 Mines Bureau and the Mineral Resources Division of the 
Oeological Survey, together with all records and personnel, except cer- 
tain specified employees transferred from the Interior to the Commerce 
Dept. 1925 CSR 114. 

4240: June 4 Regulations governing selection of employees for demo- 
tion or separation from the departmental service on account of reduction 
of force prescribed. July 1933 CSA 142-June 1937 CSA 152; 1925 CSR 

4241 : June 4 Jacob B. DeHart made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1925 CSR 

4242 .June 4 Adolf G. Wolf designated acting judge of the District 
Court for Puerto Rico, pending arrival of Judge Ira K. Wells. 

4243: June 5 Brady District of the Michigan National Forest, Mich., 
created from certain portions of the Fort Brady Target Range Military 
Reservation, subject to continued use by the War Dept. 

4244: June 5 Meade District of the Black Hill National Forest, S. Dak., 
created from the Fort Meade Wood and Timber Military Reservation, 
subject to continued use by the War Dept. 

4245: June 5 Pole Mountain District of the Medicine Bow National For- 
est, Wyo., created from certain portions of the Fort D. A. Russell Target 
and Maneuver Reservation, subject to continued use by the War Dept. 

4246: June 5 Huachuca District of the Coronado National Forest, Ariz., 
created from certain portions of the Fort Huachuca Military Reservation, 
subject to continued use by the War Dept. 

4247: June 5 Savanna National Forest, 111., created from certain por- 
tion of the Savanna Proving Ground Military Reservation, subject to 
continued use by the War Dept. 



4248: June 5 Knox National Forest, Ky., created from certain portions 
of the Camp Knox Military Reservation, subject to continued use by 
the War Dept. 

4249 : June 6 Celia J. Quill made eligible for reinstatement as clerk at 
the Chicago, 111., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1925 CSR 119. 

4260: June 10 Joseph H. McOrath, janitor in the Federal Building and 
member of the License Commission of Lowell, Mass., excepted from the 
provisions of E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
Government. 192S CSR 116. 

4251 : June 10 Aleutian Islands Reservation, Alaska, diminished by re- 
storing certain Unimak Island lands heretofor occupied for fish cannery 
purposes, to entry under any applicable land law. 

4252: June 11 John H. Edwards, Asst. Interior Sec'y> designated to act 
as Interior Sec'y during absence of the Sec'y and the First Assistant 

4263: June 12 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved pending re- 

4254: June 12* Executive Order of Oct. 22, 1854, t reserving certain 
Florida lands for lighthouse purposes, amended to redefine the boun- 
daries of said lands. 

* Has form of a proclamation, 
t Not a Numbered Order. 

4255: June 18 Consular Regulations of 1896, Articles I, II, and XXV. 

4256: June 22 Helen A. Clark made eligible for appointment as typist 
in the classified service without examination. 1925 CSR 119. 

4267: June 27 Fifty-three described tracts of land in Alaska reserved 
for lighthouse purposes. 

4258: July 1 Certain described lands in Anchorage townsite, Alaska, 
reserved for the Alaska Road Commission for the construction and main- 
tenance of military routes. 

4269: July 1 Angelo L. Manghise exempted from the height require- 
ments for the Post Office Service and for position of guard in the Im- 
migration Service. 1925 CSR 120. 

4260: July 2 Certain described lands in Utah restored to the public 



4261 : July 3 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved as an addi- 
tion to an agricultural range experiment station. 

4202: July 3 Certain described lands in Alabama and Florida reserved 
for townsite purposes; all public lands in Alabama, Florida, and Missis- 
sippi within three miles of the coast, and all the islands off the coast of 
said States, reserved for classification and pending legislation [for dis- 
posal at better advantage for townsite and winter home purposes]. 

4263: July 6 Sophie A. Benton made eligible for appointment as 
printer's assistant in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1925 CSR 120, 

4264: July 6 Missoula National Forest, Mont., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to entry only under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War, for 91 days from the 
63d day from after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4266: July 8 Little Rock Customs Station, Ark., established as a port 
of entry in Customs Collection District No. 43 (Tennessee). 

4266: July 10 Certain described lands in New Mexico added to the 
agricultural experiment station established by E. 0.8 1526 and 2368 of 
May 3, 1912, and Apr. 24, 1916, and certain other described lands elimi- 
nated therefrom and opened to entry only under the homestead and 
desert land laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 
days from the 63d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to 
appropriation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4261: July 16 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 

4268: July 16 Treasury Sec'y authorized to remit all payments of the 
annual installments of the Boxer indemnity made subsequent to Oct. 1, 
1917, to the Board of Trustees of the Chinese Foundation for the Pro- 
motion of Education and Culture. 

4269: July 18 E. 0. of Oct. 10, 1900,* reserving certain Arizona lands 
as an agricultural experiment station, revoked and said lands opened to 
entry only under the homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex- 
service men of the World War for 91 days beginning with the 63d day 
after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

4270: July 20 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for class- 
ification and pending legislation [for use as a recreational area]. 

1 357 ] 


4271 : July 20 Joseph Antenone made eligible for reinstatement as la- 
borer in Custodian Service at Portland, Oreg., without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1925 CSR 120. 

4272: July 21 E. 0. 1147 of Dec. 15, 1909, reserving certain lands in 
Oklahoma for protection of the water supply of the Port Sill Military Res- 
ervation, revoked. 

4273: July 23 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [for use as a State park]. 

4274: July 25 Schofield Barracks Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., 
diminished, and the excluded land restored to the Government of Hawaii 
for use as a school site. 

4274- A: July 27 Half-mast flag display ordered for funeral of William 
Jennings Bryan. 

4275: July 28 Emilio del Toro y Cuebas, # chief justice of the Supreme 
Court of Puerto Rico, designated acting judge of the District Court for 
Puerto Rico for certain trials, vice Judge Ira K. Wells, disqualified. 

* Given as ' ' Amilio Del Toro Vuevas ' ' in the Order. 

4276: July 28 Rules of practice and procedure for the District Court 
of the Canal Zone prescribed. M 375 ; XIX PCRec 63. 

4276- A: July 29 .Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stock of the Southern Railway Co., formerly the property of 
Dr. A. Wietfeldt, the Anglo-Austrian Bank, and the Dresdner Bank of 

4277: July 30 Aida G. Thayer made eligible for appointment to a posi- 
tion in the Veterans' Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1925 CSR 120. 

4278 : July 31 * Boundaries of Huachuca District of the Coronado Na- 
tional Forest, Ariz., redefined. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

4270: Aug. 6 E. O. 2593 of Apr. 13, 1917, as amended, reserving cer- 
tain lands within the St. Francis River Basin, Ark., pending examina- 
tion and resurvey, revoked, and the said lands opened to homestead 
entry by qualified ex-service men of the World War for a period of 91 
days from a date to be announced, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

4279- A: Aug. 6 Thomas Sammons, Foreign Service officer, Class I or- 
dered retired on annuity, due to disability. 



4280: Aug. 7 Certain islands in the Mississippi River between Bock 
Island, 111., and Wabasha, Minn., reserved for the use of the Agriculture 

4281: Aug. 11 Trust period on allotments to the Indians of the Otoe 
Reservation, Okla., extended 10 years; one exception specified. 

4282: Aug. 11 Fort Snelling Military Reservation, Minn, diminished and 
the excluded lands transferred to the Veterans' Bureau for hospital 

4288: Aug. 14 Certain described portions of Camp Sherman, Ohio, part 
of which was previously assigned to the Veterans' Bureau by E. O. 3558 
of Oct. 11, 1921, retransferred to the War Dept. for licensing to the 
Justice Dept. for use for jail or penitentiary purposes. 

4284: Aug. 17 Customs Collection District No. 33, with headquarters at 
Great Falls, Mont., abolished and consolidated with Districts No. 30, 
with headquarters at Seattle, Wash., with No. 34, with headquarters at 
Portal, N. Dak. 

4235: Aug. 22 Benjamin F. Chase, Foreign Service officer, Class VI, 
ordered retired on annuity, due to disability. 

4280: Aug. 22 Undisposed of lots in St. Marks Townsite, Fla., with- 
drawn pending classification and legislation for reappraisal. 

4287: Aug. 22 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation for use as a national park area. 

4288: Aug. 22 Berthe T. R. Gilchrist made eligible for reinstatement 
in the classified service without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1924 CSR 120. 

4289: Aug. 22 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for the War 
Dept. for use as a landing field for the Army Air Service. 

4290: Aug. 22 Employees in the classified service, appointed without 
examination under War emergency orders, granted classified status, and 
unskilled laborers so appointed granted status under the labor regula- 
tions, except employees on the Isthmus of Panama or those employed on 
a consulting basis. 1925 CSR 116. 

4291: Aug. 22 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished by exclu- 
sion of certain described lands on Chichagof Island heretofore occupied 
for fish cannery purposes, and said lands opened to entry under any 
applicable land law. 

4292: Aug. 25 North Tonawanda, N. Y., including Tonawanda, abol- 
ished as a port of entry in Customs Collection District No. 9 (Buffalo). 



4293: Aug. 25 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Fort 
Berthold Reservation, N. Dak., expiring in 1925, extended for 10 years. 

4294: Aug. 25 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for ose as 
a boathouse site in the administration of the Chagach National Forest. 

4295: Aug. 26 Minneapolis, Minn., made headquarters port for Customs 
Collection District No. 35 (Minnesota), and Minneapolis and St. Paul 
designated separate ports of entry. 

4296: Aug. 26 Jonesport created and Machias abolished as ports of 
entry in Customs Collection District No. 1 (Maine and New Hampshire), 
and the limits of the port of Eastport in said District extended to include 

4297: Aug. 25 Certain described lands in California temporarily re- 
served for the use of the Indians of the Mesa Grande Indian Reservation 
under the Mission Indian Agency, until Mar. 5, 1927, and thereafter, if 
not permanently reserved or otherwise disposed of, said land to be 
opened to disposition under any applicable land law. IV K 1016. 

4298: Aug. 29 Trust period on allotments to the Indians of Leech Lake, 
Cass Lake, and White Oak Point Reservations, Minn., extended for 10 
years ; 25 exceptions specified. 

4299: Sept. 5 E. 0. [4284] of Aug. 17, 1925, consolidating Customs Col- 
lection District No. 33 (Montana), with Districts Nos. 30 and 34 sus- 
pended indefinitely. 

4300: Sept. 11 John H. Quill designated acting farm loan commissioner 
of the Federal Farm Loan Board for a period of 10 days. 

4301: Sept. 14 Regulations governing increases of pay for the officers 
and enlisted men of the National Guard for aerial flight duty prescribed. 

4302: Sept. 14 Regulations governing the kind and component quanti- 
ties of Army ration prescribed. 

4303: Sept. 17 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [for inclusion in an aviation field at 
Tucson, Ariz.]. 

4304: Sept. 18 Ida Diamond made eligible for appointment as guide in 
the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1926 CSR 119. 

4305: Sept. 19 Hilda V. Purcell made eligible for appointment as opera- 
tive in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 1926 CSR lid. 

[360 j 


4306: Sept. 19 Regulations governing the enforcement of the smuggling 
convention with Canada of June 6, 1924, proclaimed July 17, 1925, pre- 

4307: Sept. 23 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands, heretofore occupied for fish cannery purposes, restored to 
entry under any applicable land law. 

4308: Sept. 23 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for classifi- 
cation, pending examination by the Smithsonian Institution of certain 
Indian ruins thereon. 

4309: Sept. 24 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

4310 : Sept. 24 Certain described lands in the Province of Zambales, 
Luzon, P. I., containing chromite deposits, reserved. 

4311 : Sept. 25 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

4312: Sept. 25 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the use of 
the Education Bureau and natives of indigenous Alaskan race. 

4313: Sept. 25 E. O. 1291 of Jan. 30, 1911, reserving certain lands in 
Minnesota pending legislation for the proposed Zippel Bay improvement, 
revoked, and said lands opened to homestead entry by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War for 91 days from date to be announced, and there- 
after to appropriation by the general public entry under any applicable 
land law. 

4314: Sept. 25 Panama Canal Regulations governing navigation of the 
Canal and adjacent waters, exclusion of undesirable persons, and mari- 
time quarantine prescribed. M 382. 

4315: Sept. 29 Belle M. Kerr made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Postal Service at Washington, D. C, without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1926 CSR 120. 

4316: Oct. 2 Certain described lands in California reserved for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [permitting the erection by private inter- 
ests of bathhouses and hotels for the public]. 

4317: Oct. 2 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for the use 
of the War Dept. as an airplane landing field. 

4318: Oct. 3 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for classification 
and pending legislation [for the protection of the water of city of 



4319: Oct. 8 Mahukona, T. H., abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 32. 

4320: Oct. 8 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination]. Subdivision I, on positions in the entire 
classified service, Paragraph 6 ; Subdivision IV, on War Department posi- 
tions, Paragraph 2 ; Subdivision IX, on Agriculture Dept. positions, Para- 
graph 1 (f ) ; and Subdivision XI, on Commerce Dept. positions, Paragraph 
4, amended as to salary limit of part-time employees affected. 

4321: Oct. 13 E. 0. 4262 of July 3, 1925, withdrawing shore lands in 
Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi for classification and pending legisla- 
tion, revoked insofar as it applies to lands within national forests. 

4322: Oct. 15 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved pending 

4323: Oct. 15 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 

4324: Oct. 15 West Palm Beach, Fla., created a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 18. 

4325: Oct. 19 Montrose Land District, Colo., abolished and its lands, 
business, and archives transferred to the Glenwood Springs Land Dis- 

4326: Oct. 20 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 

4327: Oct. 21 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved pending 

4328: Oct. 21 Brevard Reservation, Fla., established as a preserve and 
breeding ground for native birds. 

4329: Oct. 21 Civil Service Rule IX, pertaining to reinstatements, Para- 
graph 1, Clause (b) amended to apply to wives of totally disabled vet- 
erans. 1926 CSR 115. 

4330: Oct. 23 Durango Land District, Colo., abolished and its lands, 
business, and archives transferred to the Pueblo Land District. 

4331 : Oct. 28 Certain described lands in California reserved for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [for use as a national recreational area]. 

4332: Nov. 3 Stella Davis Mudd made eligible for reinstatement as an 
operative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1926 CSR 120. 



4333: Nov. 5 Certain lot in Anchorage, Alaska, reserved for the use of 
the Alaskan Railroad. 

4334: Nov. 6 Margaret L. Pow Ernst made eligible for reinstatement in 
the classified service without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1926 CSB 120. 

4335: Nov. 6 Canal Zone Regulations governing vehicle licensing and 
operation amended. M 402 ; XIX PCRec 243. 

4336: Nov. 7 Belle Barrick Scheibla made eligible for appointment to 
any clerical position in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1926 CSR 120. 

4337: Nov. 10 Coos County, N. H., made a part of Customs Collection 
District No. 1 (Maine and New Hampshire). 

4333: Nov. 10 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved pending 
determination of suitability for use as a federal game refuge. 

4339: Nov. 9 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for classification 
and pending legislation [for use as a national recreational area] . 

4340: Nov. 11 Mars Hill and Bridgewater abolished as ports of entry in 
Customs Collection District No. 1 (Maine and New Hampshire), and a 
new port of Mars Hill established in said District. 

4341 : Nov. 11 Apache National Forest, N. Mex., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

4342: Nov. 12 Certain described lands in Alaska adjoining the Signal 
Corps Reservation at Fort Egbert, townsite of Eagle, Alaska, reserved 
for the use of the Alaska Road Commission for the construction and 
maintenance of military and post roads. 

4343: Nov. 16 Port limits of Los Angeles, Calif., headquarters port of 
Customs Collection District No. 27, extended to include Long Beach. 

4344: Nov. 20 Regulations governing the appointment of unclassified 
laborers, Regulation II, Section I, amended to permit the temporary em- 
ployment of aliens, if citizen eligibles are not available. 1926 CSR 118. 

4346: Nov. 23 Certain described lands in California reserved for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [for use as national recreational area]. 

4346: Nov. 23 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 

4347: Nov. 23 Myrtle L. Clayton made eligible for appointment as 
printer's assistant in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1926 CSR 120. 



4348 : Nov. 28 Certain described unsurveyed island in Booth Lake, Wis,, 
reserved for classification and pending legislation [requested by Troy, 

4349: Nov. 30 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands, heretofore occupied as a fish cannery, restored to entry 
under any applicable land law. 

4350: Dec. 1 William A. Rogers made eligible for reinstatement as a 
guard in the Penitentiary Service without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1926 CSR 121. 

4351: Deo. 2 E. 0. 4274 of July 25, 1925, restoring to the Government of 
the Territory of Hawaii a portion of the Schofield Barracks Military 
Reservation for use as a public school site, amended to redefine the 
boundaries of the restored lands. 

4352 : Deo. 5 Regulations governing the confinement of members and 
personnel of the Coast Guard sentenced to imprisonment, or pending final 
disciplinary action, prescribed. 

4353: Deo. 5 Regulations governing the Dominican customs receivership 
prescribed under the Convention of Dec. 27, 1924, with the Dominican 

4353-A:Deo. 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stock of the American Light and Traction Co., formerly the 
property of Carl R. Hieronymus, deceased, of Germany. 

4353-B : Deo. 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stock of the Intercontinental Rubber Co., formerly the property 
of the William Rosenheim Co. of Germany. 

4353-C : Dec, 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at San Francisco, Calif., formerly the 
property of Adolph, Friedrich, Ernst, and Clara Nussbaum of Germany. 

4353-D : Dec. 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stock of the United Drug Co., formerly the property of Julius 

4353-E : Deo. 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stocks, formerly the property of Marie Donner, deceased. 

4354: Dec. 11 Federal offices in the District of Columbia ordered closed 
on Dec. 26, 1925, and employees excused from duty. 

4354-A:Dec. 12 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stocks, formerly the property of Oscar Donner, deceased. 



4354-B:Dec. 12 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stocks for the account of Bernard Elkan. 

4355: Dec. 12 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 
legislation to permit sale to the City of Stockton, Calif, [for flood control 

4366: Deo. 15 Boothbay, Maine, abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 1 (Maine and New Hampshire), and the port limits 
of Bath extended to include Boothbay and Wiscasset. 

4357: Deo. 15 Margaret C. Gates made eligible for reinstatement as a 
minor clerk in the classified service without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1926 CSE 121. 

4358: Dec. 16 Certain described lands at Nenana, Alaska, reserved for 
the use of the Alaskan Railroad. 

4359: Deo. 19 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the prop- 
erty of David Herrmann et al. of Germany. 

4359- A: Deo. 19 Consular Regulations of 1896 amended by the cancella- 
tion of, and substitution of new regulations for, Article X pertaining to 
Citizenship, Protection, Passports, and Registration. 

4360: Dec. 21 Certain described lands at Nenana, Alaska, reserved for 
the use of the Alaskan Railroad. 

4361 : Deo. 23 Certain described lands in Florida reserved for classifica- 
tion and pending legislation [to protect nominal and possessory rights]. 

4361-A:Deo. 23 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stocks of the Seaboard Airline Co., formerly the property of 
Wiener Bank Verein. 

4361% : Deo. 23 Henry H. Morgan, commissioned Foreign Service offi- 
cer, Class I, retained on active duty for one year. 

4362: Deo. 28 Mrs. James E. Maynard made eligible for appointment as 
skilled laborer in the Government Printing Office without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1926 CSR 121. 

4363: Dec. 29 Malheur National Forest, Oreg., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry only for adjustment of a claim thereto. 

4363-A:Deo. 31 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
specified stocks of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., formerly the 
property of the Anglo-Austrian Bank. 



4364: Jan. 7 Certain specified islands and rocks in the Pacific Ocean off 
the Oregon coast reserved pending legislation for use of said islands for 
recreational purposes or as breeding grounds for water-fowl and other 
native birds. 

4365: Jan. 12 Anna M. Walsh made eligible for appointment to a clerk- 
ship at the Boston, Mass., post office without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1926 CSR 121. 

4366: Jan. 14 Certain described island and shore lands in Florida along 
meandered lakes, erroneously or fraudulently omitted from prior sur- 
veys, withdrawn for classification and in aid of legislation. 

4367: Jan. 19 Miss Theo Hall made eligible for appointment as post- 
master at Medical Lake, Wash., without regard to E. 0. [3455] of May 
10, 1921 [governing the appointment of 1st, 2d or 3d class postmasters]. 
1926 CSR 119. 

4368 : Jan. 19 Lydia F. Carroll made eligible for appointment to a classi- 
fied position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1926 CSR 121. 

4369: Jan. 19 Isabel L. Towner made eligible for reinstatement as as- 
sistant librarian of the National Museum without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1926 CSR 121. 

4370 : Jan. 20 James W. Blackburn designated special judge to act dur- 
ing the absence or illness of the District Judge of the Canal Zone, and in 
all cases where said district judge may be disqualified. M 403; XIX 
PCRec 403. 

4371 : Jan. 21 All public lands in Colorado and Utah containing asphalt, 
gilsonite, elaterite, or like substances withdrawn pending legislation. 

4372: Jan. 23 E. O. 4109 of Dec. 8, 1924, withdrawing all public islands 
off the coast of Florida, revoked insofar as it applies to the abandoned 
military reservations on Batton Island and at Key Biscayne, Ma. 

4373 ; Jan. 26 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VII [on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 3 amended to remove from exception all village de- 
livery carriers. 1926 CSR 116. 

4373-A: Jan. 26 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at public 
sale stock in the Crex Carpet Co., formerly the property of Oscar Donner, 

4374: Jan. 28 Certain described lands in Nenana Townsite, Alaska, re- 
served for use of the Alaska Railroad. 



4375: Jan. 80 Certain described lands in Alabama withdrawn pending 
legislation [to release and quit claim to the equitable owners]. 

4376: Feb. 1 Aaron J. Stanton made eligible for reinstatement as a 
stockman, technical stores (lumber), in the Supply Dept., Navy Yard, 
Pearl Harbor, T. H., without regard to length of separation from the 
service. 1926 CSR 122. 

4S77: Feb. 2 Hugh S. Hanna made eligible for reinstatement as editor- 
in-chief in the Labor Statistics Bureau, Labor Dept., without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1926 CSR 122. 

4378: Feb. 2 Certain described lands in Michigan withdrawn pending 
legislation [to grant said lands to said State for park purposes]. 

4379: Feb. 4 Mabel A. Murphy made eligible for reinstatement as an 
operative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 1926 CSR 122. 

4380: Feb. 5 Stella Davis Mudd made eligible for reinstatement as tele- 
phone switchboard operator in the Naval Powder Factory at Indian Head, 
Md., without regard to length of separation from the service. 1925 CSR 

4381 : Feb. 8 John C. Fagan made eligible for appointment as messenger 
in the Justice Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1926 CSR 122. 

4382: Feb. 10 Trust period on allotments to the Chief Moses Band of 
Indians in Washington, expiring during 1926, extended for 10 years ; one 
exception specified. 

4382- A: Feb. 12 Rules governing the granting and issuing of passports 

4383: Feb. 19 Certain described lands in Alabama withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [to grant said lands to the State for recrea- 
tional purposes]. 

4334: Feb. 20 Trust period on allotments to 23 Eastern Shawnee In- 
dians in Oklahoma, expiring in 1926, extended for 10 years. 

4385: Feb. 25 Eoloa, Island of Kauai, T. H., abolished as a port of entry 
in Customs Collection District No. 32, and the customs station of Port 
Allen in said District established as a port of entry. 

4386: Feb. 26 • Certain described lands in Puerto Rico known as San 
Juan Bastion transferred to the Government of Puerto Rico in exchange 
for certain lands known as Las Animas Bastion hereby reserved for 
lighthouse purposes. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 



4887: Mar. 5 Certain described lands in Nevada withdrawn pending 
legislation to grant said lands to said State for recreation grounds and 
game refuges in exchange for an equal area of State owned lands. 

4888: Mar, 6 Certain described lands in Florida withdrawn pending 
legislation authorizing the Interior Sec'y to adjust claims arising from 
incomplete and faulty surveys. 

4889: Mar. 6 Harriet P. Lemly made eligible for appointment as a clerk 
in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1926 CSR 122. 

4890: Mar. 10 Maud S. Pherson made eligible for reinstatement in the 
classified service as a stenographer or clerk without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 1926 CSR 123. 

4391: Mar. 11 Strawberry Valley Bird Refuge, Utah, enlarged. 

4892: Mar. 12 Hampton Willis made eligible for transfer from the office 
of the Sec'y to the position of messenger in the Construction and Repair 
Bureau, Navy Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1926 CSR 

4393: Mar. 15 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for the 
use of the National Guard as a target range. 

4394: Mar. 15 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 18 diminished, and ex- 
cluded lands reserved for cemetery purposes. 

4395: Mar. 15 Dorothy Potter Benedict made eligible for appointment 
to a clerical position in the classified service without examination. 1926 
CSR 123. 

4896: Mar. 16 Evalyn B. Memminger made eligible for appointment to 
a position in the Customs Service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1926 CSR 123. 

4397: Mar. 17 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for use as a 
lookout station in the administration of the Mt. Hood National Forest. 

4398: Mar. 18 Trust period on allotments made to Indians of the Kiowa, 
Comanche, Apache, and Wichita Reservations, Okla., expiring during 
1926, extended for 10 years ; 50 exceptions specified. 

4899: Mar. 22 Temporary Post Office substitute employees at summer 
and winter resorts excluded from the operation of thp Retirement Act of 
May 22, 1920. 1926 CSR 118. 

4400: Mar. 23 Darien, Ga., abolished as a port of entry in Customs Col- 
lection District No. 17. 



4401 : Mar. 24 List of items for embassies, legations, and consular offices 
for which expenditure may be made from appropriations for contingent 
expenses promulgated. 

4402: Mar. 25 Holy Cross National Forest, Colo., diminished, and the 
excluded lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

4403: Mar. 25 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in Tacoma, Wash., formerly the prop- 
erty of Carl A. Schneider of Germany. 

4404: Mar. 27 All public lots in Beatty Townsite, Nev., withdrawn pend- 
ing investigation of press reports as to the prices therefor and possible 

4405: Mar. 29 Thomas Howard Bailey made eligible for appointment as 
watchman in the office of the Director of Public Buildings and Parks of 
the National Capital without regard to Civil Service Rules. 1926. CSR 

4406: Mar. 30 Trust period on allotments of Indians of the Yankton 
Sioux Reservation, S. Dak., expiring during 1926, extended for 10 years. 

4407: Mar. 30 Trust period on allotments of the Ponca Indians in 
Nebraska, expiring in 1926, extended for 10 years. 

4408: Mar. 30 Trust period on specified allotments to 21 Grande Ronde 
Indians in Oregon, expiring during 1926, extended for 10 years. 

4409: Mar. 31 E. O. 4220 of May 8, 1925, reserving certain Oregon lands 
for possible inclusion in a national forest, revoked insofar as it applies to 
all lands not included in the Wallowa National Forest by Act of Mar. 4, 
1925, and the excluded lands opened to entry only under the homestead 
and desert land laws by qualified ex-servicemen of the World War for 91 
days from the 62d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to 
appropriation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4410: Apr. 1 Certain described lands at Tree Point and Wrangell Nar- 
rows, Alaska, reserved for the use of the Commerce Dept. for lighthouse 

4411 : Apr. 1 Certain described lands in Montana withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [for inclusion in the Missoula and Helena 
National Forests] . 

4412: Apr. 7 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

4413: Apr. 8 E. O. [4302] of Sept. 14, 1925, prescribing the Army ration, 
amended to permit additional increase in special cases to small detach- 



4414: Apr. 8 Rates of rental and subsistence allowance for officers of 
the various services made effective for the fiscal year 1927. 

4415: Apr. 10 Ketchum Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Sawtooth National Forest. 

4416: Apr. 13 Certain tax returns ordered opened to inspection under 
regulations prescribed by the Treasury Sec'y. 

4417: Apr. 14 Trust period on allotments of the Rosebud Indians in 
South Dakota, expiring during 1926, extended 10 years ; seven exceptions 

4418: Apr. 14 Certain expenditures authorized in connection with par- 
ticipation in the Geneva Preparatory Commission on Arms Limitation. 

4419: Apr. 17 E. 0. 2984 of Oct. 25, 1918, reserving certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending legislation revoked, and said lands opened 
only to entry under the homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex- 
servicemen of the World War for 91 days beginning with the 63d day 
after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. 

4420: Apr. 17 Capt. William T. Rigby, last surviving commissioner for 
the Vicksburg National Military Park, excluded from the provisions of 
the Retirement Act and retained in the War Dept. 1926 CSR 124. 

4421: Apr. 17 E. Os. 1555 and 1920 of June 19, 1912, and Apr. 21, 1914, 
respectively, reserving certain lands within the Tongass National Forest, 
Alaska, for use of the natives of indigenous Alaskan races, revoked 
except for tracts lying within the Hydaburg School Reservations Nos. 1 
and 2 and Bayview School Reservation, partly revoked, and excluded 
lands restored to their former national forest status. 

4422: Apr. 19 Customs station of Baudette, Minn., created a port of 
entry in Customs Collection District No. 36 (Duluth and Superior). 

4423 : Apr. 19 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

4424: Apr. 19 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

4425: Apr. 19 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending re- 

4426: Apr. 19 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending re- 



4427 : Apr. 20 E. 0. 3509 of July 5, 1921, reserving certain lands in 
Florida pending examination and survey, etc., revoked, and said lands 
opened to settlement, entry, or other form of disposition on a date to be 
set by the Interior Sec'y- 

4428: Apr. 20 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in Lancaster, N. Y., formerly the prop- 
erty of Ernst Eoepps of Germany. 

4429: Apr. 23 Joseph Roith made eligible for retention as ordnanceman 
in the naval gun factory at the Washington Navy Yard without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 1926 CSR 124. 

4430: Apr. 23 All public lands in Michigan and Wisconsin, within or 
on the shores of Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Superior, and other mean- 
dered lakes, withdrawn for classification and pending legislation [to 
permit the sale of said lands for summer homes]. 

4431 : Apr. 23 Martha Fleeson made eligible for appointment as laborer 
at the Boston, Mass., post office without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1926 CSR 124. 

4432: Apr. 24 Eugene Tyler Chamberlain, special agent in the Commerce 
Dept., classified with his . 1926 CSR 124. 

4433: Apr. 24 Certain described lands in Utah near Kanab withdrawn 
for classification and pending legislation for development as a State 
recreational area. 

4434: Apr. 26 Harry E. Randolph made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service of the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. 1926 CSR 124. 

4435: Apr. 29 Trust period on allotments of the Iowa and the Sac and 
Fox Indians in Oklahoma, expiring during 1926, extended 10 years. 

4436: Apr. 29 Arkansas National Forest, Ark., renamed the Ouachita 
National Forest. 

4437: May 1 Michael A. McNamara made eligible for reinstatement in 
the Post Office Service at Bethlehem, Pa., without regard to length of 
separation from the service or age limits. 1926 CSR 125. 

4438: May 8 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
Paragraphs 6, 7, and 13 amended as to certain personnel of the Public 
Health Service including local part-time physicians, hospital and quaran- 
tine station attendants, and persons employed at Rocky Mount ain sp otted 
fev$r and yellow fever investigation stations; Subdivision XVIII, on 
Veterans' Bureau positions, amended to add Paragraph 9 excepting 
attendants at hospitals and similar establishments. 1926 CSR 116. 



4480: May 8 E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting the holding of State, 
Territorial, county, or municipal office by Federal employees, amended to 
permit the appointment of any State, county, or municipal officer as a 
prohibition officer in the Treasury Dept., for the enforcement of the Na- 
tional Prohibition Act. Dec. 1926 CSA 36; 1926 CSR 118. 

4440: May 11 Certain small islands in the Menomonee River in Wiscon- 
sin and Michigan withdrawn pending classification and legislation [to 
grant same to the Northern Paper Mills]. 

4441: May IS William A. Hock made eligible for reinstatement as a 
clerk in the Newark, N. J., post office without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1926 CSR 125. 

4442: May 17 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision XI [on Commerce Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 5 amended to cover crews on vessels, light attendants, 
and lamplighters in the Lighthouse Service. 1926 CSR 117. 

4443: May 18 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in San Francisco, Calif., the property of 
Waldemar Leopold von Breadow of Germany. 

4444: May 19 E. 0. of Aug. 26, 1880,* reserving a right-of-way at Haul- 
over Canal, Pla., revoked. 

# Not a Numbered Order. 

4446: May 19 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VlU [on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to revoke Paragraph 22 covering scouts, buffalo keepers, 
asst. buffalo keepers, and park rangers in the National Parks. 1926 CSR 

4446: May 21 E. 0. 4430 of Apr. 23, 1926, withdrawing all public lake- 
shore lands and islands in Michigan and Wisconsin pending classification 
and legislation, revoked insofar as it applies to such lands in Wisconsin. 

4447: May 21 • United States Sugar Equalization Board, Inc., directed 
to pay $1,500,000 to the P. DeRonde and Company, Inc., in settlement of 
losses sustained in the purchase of sugar in Argentina, a transaction 
entered into and carried on at and under the direction of the Justice 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

4443 : May 27 Certain described lands at Sitka, Alaska, eliminated from 
a reserve for a public common and reserved for school purposes. 

4448: May 29 Portion of the Fort Davis Military Reservation, Alaska, 
previously transferred to the Interior Dept. by E. O. 3574 of Nov. 4, 1921, 
reserved for use of the Alaska Road Commission in the construction and 
maintenance of military and post roads. 



4460: June 1 George H. McCrea made eligible for appointment as 
deputy collector and inspector in the Customs Service, Treasury Dept., 
without examination. 1926 CSB 125. 

4451 : June 2 Seven specified Indian boarding schools in the Five Civil- 
ized Tribes, Oklahoma, and employees thereof, placed within the classified 
service. 1926 CSB 118; 

4462: June 4 John O. Foster, commissioned Foreign Service officer, Class 
1, made eligible for retention on active duty for one year from July 1, 

4463: June 6 Emilio del Toro y Cuebas, chief justice of the Supreme 
Court of Puerto Rico Court, designated as acting judge of the District 
Court for Puerto Rico in the absence of Judge Ira K. Wells. 

4464: June 6 Certain expenditures authorized in connection with Amer- 
ican participation in an international conference on oil pollution of 
navigable waters, to convene at Washington, D. C, June 8, 1926. 

4466: June 6 Certain described portion of the Hawaii Arsenal Military 
Reservation, previously included in Kahauiki (Fort Shafter) Military 
Reservation by E. 0. 2521 of Jan. 26, 1917, restored to the Government of 
the Territory of Hawaii, for widening of a public street in Honolulu. 

4466: June 7 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for use as a 
fire warden camp. 

4466- A: June 8 Reservoir Site Reserve No. 17, Calif., established. 

4467: June 11 Sum of $280,000 allocated to the Governor of the Virgin 
Islands for necessary expenses incident to the occupation and govern- 
ment of said Islands. 

4468: June 16 Savanna National Forest, 111., renamed the Bellevue- 
Savanna National Forest. 

4469: June 17 Regulations governing the conditions of employment for 
the permanent force of the Panama Canal amended to authorize payment 
to certain hourly and per diem employees for emergency work in excess 
of eight hours on Sundays and holidays on the same basis as authorized 
for employees of naval establishments. M 403 ; XIX PCRec 648. 

4460: June 18 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

4461 : June 21 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination] , Subdivision XI, on Commerce Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to add Paragraph 7 excepting clerks to commercial 



attaches and trade commissioners for service in foreign countries ; Sched- 
ule B, pertaining to positions subject to noncompetitive examinations, 
Subdivision III, Paragraph 1 amended to exclude said positions. 1926 
CSR 117. 

4462: June 25 Ursula B. Lees made eligible for reinstatement to a cleri- 
cal position in the Justice Dept. without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 1926 CSR 125. 

4463: June 26 Consular Regulations of 1896, Article XXIX, amended as 
to record books and archives required to be kept at consular offices. 

4464: June 28 Trust period on allotments of the Papago and other 
Indians of the Papago Reservation, Ariz., expiring during 1926 or 1927, 
extended 10 years. IV K 1011. 

4465: June 28 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraphs 518, 520-524, 
526-533, amended as to fees for official services, and a new tariff of such 
fees prescribed. 

4466: June 29 Heads of executive departments and establishments di- 
rected to fix travel and subsistence allowances at rates authorized in the 
Subsistence Expense Act of June 3, 1926, until standard regulations are 

4467 : June 29 Johnston Island Reservation, consisting of Johnston and 
Sand Islands in the Pacific Ocean, created for use of the Agriculture Dept. 
as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

4468: June 30 Certain described lands in Nevada withdrawn pending 

4469: June 80 E. O. [4404] of Mar. 27, 1926, reserving certain lots in 
Beatty Townsite, Nev., pending possible reappraisal, revoked and sale of 
said lots authorized. 

4470: July 1 Trust period on allotments to six specified Modoc Indians 
of Oklahoma, expiring during 1926, extended 10 years. IV K 1042. 

4471 : July 3 Julia H. Hutchinson made eligible for reinstatement as an 
operative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 1926 CSR 125. 

4472: July 3 Fees collected for official services by secretaries in the 
Diplomatic Service ordered collected in accordance with the rates stipu- 
lated in the Tariff of Consular Pees. 

4472- A: July 3 William W. Russell, envoy extraordinary and minister 
plenipotentiary to Siam, made eligible for retention on active duty until 
Dec. 31, 1926. 



4473: July 8 Regulations governing quarters and subsistence allowances 
for enlisted men of the various services, amended as to men absent from 
their ships on temporary duty not involving travel. 

4474: July 10 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for use in con- 
nection with the Fort Hall Indian Irrigation Project. 

4475: July 10 • All acts and final accounting of the funds of 1 the United 
States Sugar Equalization Board, Inc., approved, and payment of the 
balance on hand into the Treasury, prior to July 14, 1926, ordered. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

4476: July 12 Regulations governing documents required of aliens en- 
tering the United States prescribed; E. Os. [4125 and 4185] of Jan. 12, 
1925, Mar. 31, 1925, superseded. M 404. 

4477: July 14 Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Staff, and Adjutant Gen- 
eral of the Army designated to act as War Sec'y, in the order named, 
during the absence of the Sec'y and Assistant Sec'y. 

4477- A: July 14 Retirement of Henry H. Morgan, Foreign Service offi- 
cer, Class 1, ordered effective July 31, 1926. 

4478: July 15 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

4470: July 15 Oliver C. Hubbard made eligible for appointment as com- 
positor in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to his 
relative standing on the eligible register. 1926 CSR 126. 

4480: July 17 Mary Graham Byrd made eligible for reinstatement in 
the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length of separa- 
tion from the service. 1926 CSR 126. 

4481 : July 10 Victor Shepherd made eligible for transfer from the ex- 
cepted position of foreman to the non-excepted position of clerk in the 
Chief Quartermaster's office in the Canal Zone without examination. 
1926 CSR 126; M 406. 

4482: July 10 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

4483: July 20 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in Los Angeles, Calif., property of Elara 
Kombst, Gertrude Luckhardt, and Ilka Wichmann of Germany. 

4484: July 24 Certain described lands in Nebraska eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 1833 of Sept. 29, 1913, reserving certain lands for dis- 
posal as a seat of justice for Arthur County. 



4485: July 24 Certain described lands on Amelia Island, Fla., eliminated 
from the operation of E. 0. 4109 of Dec. 8, 1924, reserving all public 
islands situated in the coastal waters of said State, and said lands restored 
to settlement and entry under applicable land laws. 

4486: July 29 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved pending 
legislation [to incorporate them into the Shoshone National Forest]. 

4487: July 31 Consular Regulations of 1896, Article XXVII, on accounts 
and returns of consular officers, amended. 

4488: Aug. 3 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraphs 150-151, 154- 
155, 160 and 168, as to passports, amended. 

4489: Aug. 3 Certain described lands in Alabama eliminated from opera- 
tion of E. 0. 4262 of July 3, 1925, withdrawing certain lands pending 
classification, and the released lands opened to settlement and entry under 
applicable land laws. 

4490: Aug. 3 E. O. 1763 of Apr. 21, 1913, reserving certain Arkansas 
lands as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds, revoked, and 
said lands opened only to entry under the homestead laws by qualified 
ex-servicemen of the World War, for 91 days beginning with the 63d day 
after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. ' 

4491 : Aug. 3 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [to include said lands in the Hay den Na- 
tional Forest]. 

4492: Aug. 10 Certain described lands at Susitna Valley, Alaska, elimi- 
nated from the operation of E. O. 2452 of Sept. 7, 1916, reserving lands 
for townsite purposes, and opened to entry under the homestead laws 
applicable to Alaska on a date to be fixed hereafter. 

4493: Aug. 11 Regulations governing the allowance and payment of 
actual expenses of civilian officials and employees of the Government 
while traveling on official business prescribed. 

4494: Aug. 12 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

4495: Aug. 12 Civil Service Rule II [pertaining to classification], Sec- 
tion 4 amended as to the assignment of an excepted employee to work of 
the nature of a competitive position; Rule IX, pertaining to reinstate- 
ment, Section 1, Clause (a) amended as to waiver of the one-year limit 
on reinstatement; Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 8, Clause (a) 
amended to cover only absolute appointees. 1926 CSR 115. 



4486 : Aug. 12 Limits of the port of entry of Wilmington, Del., in Customs 
Collection District No. 11 (Philadelphia), extended to include certain 
specified towns in Delaware and New Jersey. 

4487: Aug. 13 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision III, on Commerce 
Dept. positions, amended to add Paragraph 4 to include aeronautical 
engineers, pilots, mechanicians, inspectors, observers, and experts re- 
quired in the administration of the Air Commerce Act of 1926. 1926 CSR 

4488: Aug. 13 William P. McCracken, Jr., Asst. Sec'y of Commerce, 
and Stephen B. Davis, Solicitor of the Commerce Dept., designated to act 
in the order named as Sec'y of Commerce, during the absence of the Sec'y 
and the Asst. Sec'y. 

4488: Aug. 14 Elizabeth Sheehan made eligible for appointment as an 
operative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 1926 CSR 126. 

4600: Aug. 18 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation [for development as a public beach 
at Galeta Beach]. 

4601: Aug. 28 Columbia River Bird Refuge, Wash., established by 
reservation of two small islands in the Columbia River as a preserve and 
breeding ground for native birds. 

4602: Sept. 1 Orange and Beaumont, Tex., established as ports of entry 
in Customs Collection District No. 21 (Sabine). 

4603: Sept. 2 Fort Missoula District of the Missoula National Forest, 
Mont., created from a portion of the Fort Missoula Wood and Timber 
Reservation, subject to continued use by the War Dept. 

4604: Sept. 4* Nanakuli Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., diminished 
and the excluded lands restored to the Territory of Hawaii for road pur- 
poses, and the boundaries of said Reservation, as described in E. O. 2564 
of Mar. 28, 1917, redefined to correct an error in said description. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

4606: Sept. Edith F. Schaffer, an employee of the General Accounting 
Office, made eligible for reinstatement in her former classified status. 
1926 CSR 126. 

4606: Sept. 11 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

[ 377 ] 


4607: Sept. IS Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. positions, 
amended to except the position of librarian in the Military Academy at 
West Point, N. Y., when filled by a graduate of said Academy. 1926 CSR 

4508: Sept. 14 Certain described portion of the Three Tree Point Mili- 
tary Reservation, Wash., transferred to the Commerce Dept. for light- 
house purposes. 

4609: Sept. 16 Ernest H. Hubbard, chief deputy marshal, restored to his 
former classified status. 1926 CSR 127. 

4610: Sept. 16 Certain described portion of the Fort Pike Military 
Reservation, La., transferred to Commerce Dept. for lighthouse purposes. 

4611 : Sept. 20 Thomas Rogers made eligible for appointment to a cleri- 
cal position in the Postal Service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 
1926 CSR 127. 

4612: Sept. 20 Blackbears Island, at the entrance to Sapelo Sound, Ga., 
transferred from the Navy Dept. to the Agriculture Dept. for use as a 
bird refuge and an experiment station for the acclimatization of certain 
foreign game-birds. 

4613: Sept. 20 Certain specified lot at Yokohama, Japan, on which a 
superficies for 999 years is held by the United States, transferred from 
the Navy Dept. to the State Dept. for use in housing the staff of the 
American Consulate. 

4614: Sept. 20 Certain described portion of the Long Point Military 
Reservation, Provincetown, Mass., transferred to the Commerce Dept. for 
lighthouse purposes. 

4616: Sept. 23 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn for classifi* 
cation and pending legislation [for use as a park site]. 

4616 : Sept. 28 Certain described lands in California reserved for town- 
site purposes. 

4617: Oct. 2 Sitka, Alaska, created a port of entry in Customs Collec- 
tion District No. 31 (Alaska). 

4618: Oct. 2 Port of entry of Tia Juana, Calif., in Customs Collection 
District No. 27 (Los Angeles), renamed San Ysidro. 

4619 : Oct. 2 Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge en- 



4620: Oct. 5 T. R. Egbert made eligible for employment as clerk or 
typewriter at the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.> without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

4621 : Oct. 11 Barbara Glascock made eligible for appointment as ste- 
nographer and typewriter in the 11th Naval District, San Diego, Calif., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4622: Oct. 14 Certain described lands in Minnesota withdrawn for 
classification and pending determination of the advisability of inclusion 
in the Superior National Forest. 

4628: Oct. 18 E. O. [4030] of June 19, 1924 [bringing the transfer 
regulations of Civil Service Rules into conformity with the Classification 
Act of 1923], amended as to rights of employees occupying positions on 
July 1, 1924. June 1927 CSA 38-June 1939 CSA 66; 1927 CSR 58. 

4624: Oct. 18 E. O. 4220 of May 8, 1925, reserving certain lands in 
Oregon for classification, revoked as to such of said lands as have not 
been included in the Whitman National Forest ; all of such lands opened 
to entry only under the homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex- 
service men of the World War for 91 days beginning with the 63d day 
after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. 

4626: Oct. 21 Portion of Saint Joseph's Bay Military Reservation, Fla., 
transferred to the Commerce Dept. for lighthouse purposes. 

4626: Oct. 21 Certain described lands in Alpena, Mich., transferred from 
the Navy to the Commerce Dept. for use by the Fisheries Bureau as a 
hatchery site for the propagation of white fish, lake trout, and other 
native species, subject to the rights of the city of Alpena in any improve- 
ments thereon. 

4627: Oct. 22 Employees of the Alaska Railroad residing in municipali- 
ties on the railroad line permitted to hold local office. 1927 CSR 60. 

4628: Oct. 23 Susan T. Waite made eligible for reinstatement to a clerk- 
ship in the Labor Statistics Bureau, Labor Dept., without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 

4629: Oct. 26 Goose Island, Wash., eliminated from the Naval Reserve 
established by E. O. 4104 of Nov. 20, 1924, and placed under the Interior 
Sec'y for disposal. 

4630: Oct. 26 Consular Regulations of 1896, Article XXIII on the per- 
sonal estates of citizens dying outside of the United States, amended. 

4681: Oct. 27 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for use of the 
Navy as an ammunition depot. 



4532: Oct. 29 Certain described lands in Nevada withdrawn pending 
archaeological examination by the Smithsonian Institution. 

4633: Oct. 29 Apache Administrative Site, Coronado National Forest, 
Ariz., abolished, and the lands opened to entry only under the homestead 
or desert-land laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 
days beginning with the 63d day after the date of this Order, and there- 
after to appropriation by the general public under any applicable land 

4534: Oct 29 Otter Creek Administrative Site, Custer National Forest, 
Mont., abolished, and the lands opened to entry only under the home- 
stead or desert-land laws by qualified ex-servicemen of the World War 
for 91 days beginning with the 63d day after the date of this Order, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 

4535: Oct. 29 • Boundaries of the Kuwaache Military Reservation, Oahu, 
T. H., redefined. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

4536: Nov. 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision XI, on Commerce Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to add Paragraph 8 excepting caretakers and light at- 
tendants employed in connection with emergency landing fields and other 
air navigation facilities under the Air Commerce Act of 1926. 1927 CSR 

4537: Nov. 4 Certain described portion of Blythe Island Naval Reserva- 
tion, Oa., transferred to the Commerce Dept. for lighthouse purposes. 

4538: Nov. 5 Regulations governing the appointment of postmasters of 
the 1st, 2d, or 3rd class prescribed. 1927 CSR 61. 

4539: Nov. 6 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending re- 

4540: Nov. 13 Oeorgianna Webb made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the Customs Field Service, Treasury Dept., without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4541: Nov. 13 Laura V. Rooney made eligible for reinstatement as an 
operative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 

4542: Nov. 13 Alaskan Timber Reserve No. 1 diminished. 

4543 : Nov. 13 Boundaries of Customs Collection Districts Nos. 27 (Los 
Angeles) and 28 (San Francisco), Calif., modified. 



4544: Nov. 13 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in New York, N. Y., formerly the prop- 
erty of the three sisters of the late Edward Stamm of Germany. 

4646: Nov. 19 Port Shafter Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., enlarged. 

4646: Nov. 29 • Alaska Road Commission Reserve at Fort Davis, Alaska, 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

4647: Nov. 29 Composition of the Board of Surveys and Maps amended 
to include the Aeronautics Branch and the Bureau of Foreign and Domes- 
tic Commerce of the Commerce Dept., the Geographic Section of the State 
Dept., and the Division of Maps and Charts of the Library of Congress. 

4648: Dec. 4 Trust period on allotments of the Omaha and Winnebago 
Tribes of Indians in Nebraska, expiring during 1927, extended 10 years. 
IV K 1027. 

4649: Deo. 6 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for use in con- 
nection with the San Carlos Indian Irrigation Project. IV K 1011. 

4660: Dec. 8 Ports of entry at Holeb and Jackman in Customs Collec- 
tion District No. 1 (Maine and New Hampshire) consolidated into one 
port of entry to be known as Holeb-Jackman. 

4661 : Deo. 8 Irregularly employed noneducational employees and educa- 
tional per diem employees of the Indian Irrigation Service excluded from 
the provisions of the Retirement Act of 1920. 1927 CSB 58. 

4662: Dec 11 Consular Regulations of 1896, Article XXVII, Paragraph 
534 on general accounts and preparation of inventories, amended. 

4668: Dec 14 Half holiday ordered for Federal clerks and employees in 
the District of Columbia on Dec. 24, 1926. 

4664: Dec. 17 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing legislation [to grant said lands to the State for use of the New Mex- 
ico College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts]. 

4566: Dec. 18 Jeannette Warren made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Naval Establishment without regard to Civil Service Rides. 

4666: Deo. 18 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

4657: Deo. 23 Trust period on allotments of Absentee Shawnee and 
Citizen Potawatomi Indians in Oklahoma, expiring during 1927, ex- 
tended for 10 years ; 23 exceptions specified. IV E 1042. 



4668: Dec. 28 Civil Service Rule X [pertaining to transfer], Section 3, 
Clause 2 amended as to retransfer from the legislative service. 1927 CSB 

4660: Deo. 30 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing legislation [for use as a power site and for irrigation purposes]. 


4660: Jan. 6 Certain described lands at Cauayan, Isabela Province, 
Luzon, P. I., reserved for military purposes. 

4661: Jan. 7 Mrs. Louie E. Hough made eligible for reinstatement as 
clerk in the Patent Office without regard to length of separation from the 

4662: Jan. 10 Catherine E. Greenwald made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4663: Jan. 12 Bessie G. Thatcher made eligible for reinstatement in 
Post Office Service without regard to length of separation from the 

4664: Jan. 12 Arlene E. Mix made eligible for employment as clerk in 
the Marine Corps Headquarters, Washington, D. C, without regard to 
Civil Service Rides. 

4666: Jan. 12 First and 4th Internal Revenue Collection Districts of 
Michigan consolidated and designated the Internal Revenue Collection 
District of Michigan ; Fred L. Woodworth named collector. 

4666: Jan. 14 Prescott National Forest, Ariz., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War from Mar. 18 through 
June 16, 1927, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

4667: Jan. 16 James W. Blackburn designated special judge for the 
Canal Zone until Jan. 1, 1928, in the absence of the District judge. M 

4668: Jan. 10 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VIII [on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions]. Paragraph 8 amended to increase maximum salaries of Indian 
Service physicians covered by said paragraph. 1927 CSR 56. 

4660: Jan. 22 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation [to secure an adequate supply of 
water for the city of Golden]. 

[ 382 ] 


4670: Jan. 24 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the Fish- 
eries Bureau in connection with the salmon fishery laws and investiga- 
tional work. 

4671: Jan. 24 Trust period on allotment of the Sac and Fox Tribes of 
Missouri Indians in Kansas and Nebraska, expiring in 1927, extended for 
10 years ; two exceptions specified. IV K 1022. 

4672: Jan. 27 Ellsworth, Bar Harbor, and South West Harbor abolished 
as ports of entry in Customs Collection District No. 1 (Maine and New 
Hampshire), and a new port of Bar Harbor established. 

4672- A: Jan. 27 Certain Presidential powers pertaining to deposit and 
payment of moneys and release and delivery of property held under the 
Trading with the Enemy Act, vested in the Alien Property Custodian. 

4678: Jan. 28 Whaler Island, in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of 
California, withdrawn for classification and pending legislation [to grant 
them to the county of Del Norte for harbor improvements]. 

4674: Jan. 28 E. 0. 4262 of July 3, 1925, withdrawing certain coastal 
lands in Florida, Alabama and Mississippi for classification and pending 
legislation, revoked insofar as it applies to certain described lands in 
Mississippi and said lands restored to entry under applicable land laws 
by persons claiming equity or under color of title. 

4676: Jan. 28 Certain described portion of Fort Jackson Military Res- 
ervation, La., transferred to the Commerce Dept. for lighthouse purposes. 

4676: Jan. 28 Regulations pertaining to the award of the Distinguished 
Flying Cross prescribed. 

4677: Jan. 28 Procedure for reemployment in the Government service 
of persons separated by reason of reduction of force, prescribed. 1927 
CSR 59. 

4678: Jan. 29 Certain described lands in the Lakeview Land District, 
Oreg., reserved for use as a lookout station in the administration of the 
Fremont National Forest. 

4679: Jan. 29 Ralph W. Osier made eligible for appointment as special 
agent in the Internal Revenue Service without regard to Civil Service 

4680: Feb. 3 Regulations governing the kinds and quantity of the com- 
ponent articles of the Army ration revoked and new regulations pre- 

4681 : Feb. 6 Ports of entry of Kenosha and Kewaunee, Wis., in Customs 
Collection District No. 37, abolished. 



4581-A:Feb. 10 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
shares of Western Maryland Railway Co. stock, formerly the property 
of Deutsche Bank of Berlin. 

4682: Feb. 12 Whaler Island, off the coast of California, withdrawn 
pending legislation to grant to the county of Del Norte for improvement 
of the harbor at Crescent City. 

4683: Feb. 12 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn for classi- 
fication and pending legislation [authorizing sale to the town of Flor- 
ence for municipal and recreational purposes]. 

4684: Feb. 16 Certain described portion of Ship Island Military Res- 
ervation, Miss., transferred to the Commerce Dept. for lighthouse pur- 

4686: Feb. 16 Certain described portion of Ship Island Military Res- 
ervation, Miss., transferred to the Treasury Dept. for use as a quarantine 

4686: Feb. 16 Certain described lands in California reserved for the 
Navy as an ammunition depot. 

4637: Feb. 17 Trust period on allotments of the Cheyenne and Arapaho 
Indians, in Oklahoma, expiring in 1927, extended for 10 years; 14 ex- 
ceptions specified. IV K 1043. 

4683: Feb. 17 Trust period on allotments of Ottawa, Seneca, and Wyan- 
dotte Indians in Oklahoma, expiring in 1927, extended for 10 years; 
27 exceptions specified. IV K 1043. 

4689: Feb. 18 E. O. [4587] of Jan. 28, 1927, establishing procedure for 
reemployment in the Government service of persons dropped for reason 
of reduction of force, amended. June 1927 CSA 22-Mar. 1932 CSA 25; 
1927 CSR 59. 

4600: Feb. 18 Certain described lands in California reserved for town- 
site purposes. 

4601: Feb. 21 Public Water Reserve No. 13, California No. 1, dimin- 
ished and the excluded lands restored to entry. 

4602 : Feb. 21 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved as a preserve 
and breeding ground for muskrat and beaver. 

4603 : Feb. 23 Ruth M. Cranf ord made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Post Office Service without regard to length of separation from the 



4694: Feb. 23 Certain described portion of the Fort Andrew Military 
Reservation, Mass., transfered to the Commerce Dept. for use as a light- 
house reservation and a portion to the Treasury Dept. for use as a coast 
guard station. 

4594- A: Feb. 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
stock of the Wabash Railway Co., formerly the property of the Deutsche 
Bank of Berlin. 

4595: Feb. 25 Rating of the examination papers of R. M. C. Hosford 
for the postmastership at Winona, Miss., authorized without regard to 
the age provisions of E. 0. [3455] of May 10, 1921. 1927 CSR 61. 

4596: Feb. 25 Lizzie A. Haley made eligible for reinstatement as op- 
erative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 

4597: Feb. 25 Akron, Ohio, created a port of entry in Customs Collec- 
tion District No. 41. 

4598: Feb. 26 E. 0. 2008 of Aug., 3, 1914, reserving certain Wyoming 
lands as the Crandal Right-of-Way for use in the administration of the 
Shoshone National Forest, revoked. 

4599: Mar. 1 Coyote Plaza Administrative Site, N. Mex., reserved for 
use as a ranger station in the administration of the Santa Fe National 

4600: Mar. 1 Trust period on 21 specified allotments of the Oneida 
Indians in Wisconsin, expiring 1927, extended 10 years. IV E 1056. 

4601 : Mar. 1 Regulations pertaining to the award of the Distinguished 
Flying Cross prescribed. 

4602: Mar. 2 Agricultural Range Experiment Station, Ariz., enlarged. 

4603: Mar. 5 Clotilde Woods Holderby made eligible for employment 
as clerk in the Marine Corps Headquarters, Washington, D. C, without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4604: Mar. 7 Certain described lands in Mississippi and Louisiana lands 
withdrawn for classification and pending legislation [authorizing the 
Interior Sec'y to sell such lands as have accreted to privately owned 
lands by action of the Mississippi river], 

4605: Mar. 8 Certain described lands at Cape Fanshaw and Tolovana, 
Alaska, fofmerlj^ reserved for military purposes, transferred to the In- 
terior Sec'y toi disposal. "' : - 



4605-A:Mar. 8 Instmctions to Diplomatic Officers prescribed in lieu 
of the Instructions of 1897. 

4606: Mar. Interior Sec'y granted full authority for inauguration and 
maintenance of a conference on education, rehabilitation, reclamation, 
and recreation at Honolulu, T. H. 

4607: Mar. 10 Certain described lands in Washington eliminated from 
the naval radio compass stations established by E. 0. 4104 of Nov. 20, 
4104 of Nov. 20, 1924, and transferred to Interior Dept. for disposal in 
accordance with E. O. [3893] of Aug. 13, # 1923. 

• Given at Aug. 23 in the Order. 

4608: Mar. 10 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

4609: Mar. 10 Joseph T. O 'Regan made eligible for appointment to a 
classified position in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 

4610: Mar. 10 Regulations governing increased pay for personnel of 
the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and National Ouard, for 
duties involving aerial flights prescribed. 

4611 : Mar. 12 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination [Subdivision I], on the entire classified serv- 
ice, Paragraph 4 amended to excluce attorneys in the Veterans' Bureau; 
Schedule B, pertaining to positions subject to noncompetitive examina- 
tion, Section 9, on Veterans' Bureau positions, Paragraph 1 amended to 
include attorneys of all grades. 1927 CSR 56. 

4612 : Mar. 12 Thirteen designated land districts and offices abolished 
and consolidated with other designated land districts and offices. 

4613: Mar. 14 Mahogany Administrative Site, Idaho, reserved for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Lemhi National Forest. " 

4614: Mar. 17 E. O. 3474 of May 31, 1921, placing under the Interior 
Sec'y the administration of certain naval petroleum reserves, revoked. 

4615: Mar. 17 Tariff of Consular Fees amended as to certification of 
invoices and certificates of disinfection. 

4616: Mar. 18 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pend- 
ing legislation [authorizing the Interior Sec'y to sell said lands to the 
Cabazon Water Co. for benefit of the water supply of the town of 

4617: Mar. 19 Alice E. McCracken made eligible for employment as 
clerk in the Navy t)ept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



4618: Mar. 10 General manager of the Alaska Railroad authorized to 
contract with surgeons for services under the hospital regulations. 

4619: Mar. 21 E. 0. [4612] of Mar. 12, 1927, consolidating certain land 
districts and offices amended to eliminate the consolidation of the Lander 
District, Wyo., with the Evanston District, and to substitute the con- 
solidation of the Lander District with the Cheyenne District. 

4620: Mar. 23 Rental and subsistence allowances for officers of the 
various services made effective for the fiscal year 1928. 

4621: Mar. 24 E. 0.s 2348 and 3391 of Mar. 22, 1916, and Jan. 28, 1921, 
withdrawing certain lands in Idaho for classification, revoked in so far 
as they apply to certain lands and said lands opened only to entry under 
the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service men of the 
World War for 91 days beginning with the 63d day after the date of 
this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

4622: Mar. 29 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VIII [on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 12 amended to apply to consulting engineers and 
economists on agricultural reclamation work. 1927 CSR 57. 

4623: Mar. 31 Bessie H. Smith made eligible for reinstatement as oper- 
ative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 

4624: Apr. 1 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

4625: Apr. 1 Certain described lots in the Federal Addition to Seward 
Townsite, Alaska, reserved for use of the Forest Service. 

4626: Apr. 6 Savannah River Bird Refuge, S. C, established by reser- 
vation of certain lands bordering upon or near the Savannah River, as 
a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. 

4627: Apr. 7 E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial county, or municipal 
Government, waived to permit the employment of Frank C. Emerson, 
Governor of Wyoming, as special advisor in connection with the Colorado 
River development. 19fc7 CSR 60. 

4627-A:Apr. 8 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain 
stock of the Western Maryland Railway Co., formerly the property of 
the Deutsche Bank of Berlin. 

[ 387 ] 


4628: Apr. 13 Boundaries of the Indian reservation, Utah, established 
by E. O. of May 17, 1884, # defined for jurisdictional purposes. IV K 

•Not a Numbered Order. 

4629: Apr. 13 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the Bio- 
logical Survey of the Agriculture Dept. 

4630: Apr. 13 Regulations governing allowances for quarters find sub- 
sistence for enlisted men of the various services prescribed. 

4631: Apr. 15 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
classification and possible reservation as an elk refuge. 

4632: Apr. 15* Regulations governing the manner in which narcotic 
drugs may be obtained by dealers and practitioners in the Virgin Islands 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

4633: Apr. 18 Castle, Tourist, and Elephant Rocks, in the Pacific Ocean 
opposite the town of Seal Rocks, Oreg., withdrawn for classification and 
pending legislation [to preserve said islands]. 

4634: Apr. 21 Carlos Franco Soto, associate justice of the Puerto Rico 
Supreme Court, designated acting judge of the District Court for Puerto 
Rico during the absence of Judge Ira K. Wells. 

4635: Apr. 21 Certain described lands at Wailua, on the Island of 
Kauai and at Ka Lae on the Island of Hawaii, T. H., reserved for military 

4636: Apr. 23 Canal Zone Regulations governing the licensing and op- 
eration of motor vehicles amended as to temporary licenses for tourists. 

4637: Apr. 25 E. 0.s 2905 and 3394 of July 8, 1918 of Jan. 28, 1921, 
withdrawing certain lands in Wyoming pending legislation to extend the 
boundaries of the Yellowstone National Park, revoked and said lands 
restored to entry. 

4638: Apr. 26 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

4630: Apr. 26 Lewis J. Pettijohn designated acting Farm Loan Com- 
missioner of the Federal Farm Loan Board for 10 days. 

4640: Apr. 30 Certain described lands in Hawaii previously reserved 
for military purposes restored to the Government of the Territory of 



4641 : Hay 2 Certain described lands in California reserved for town- 
site purposes. 

4642 : May 5 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the White Earth 
Reservation, Minn., expiring during 1927, extended for 10 years; 83 
exceptions specified. IV K 1024. 

4643: Hay 5 E. 0. 4309 of Sept. 24, 1925, withdrawing certain lands in 
New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead and desert-land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War, for 91 days beginning with the date of the official 
filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

4644: May 9 Four-hour workday for Federal employees on Saturdays 
during June, July, August, and September, ordered, and all conflicting 
Orders, excepting E. 0. 777 of Apr. 4, 1908, revoked. Mar. 1928 CSA 
84-Dec. 1930 CSA 87; 1927 CSR 60; M 407. 

4646: May Ada F. Jones made eligible for appointment as a minor 
clerk in the Commerce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4646: May 10 Eugene Meyer designated Farm Loan Commissioner of 
the Federal Farm Loan Board. 

4647: May 11 E. O. 4612 of Mar. 12, 1927, abolishing and consolidating 
certain land offices, amended to eliminate the consolidation of the Lake- 
view and Roseburg, Oreg., Districts, and to consolidate the Visalia Dis- 
trict with the Sacramento, instead of the Los Angeles, District. 

4648: May 13 Regulations governing the entry of alien seamen as pas- 
sengers prescribed. XX PCRec 571. 

4640: May 13 Florence J. Howell made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Customs Court without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4660: May 13 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
the operation of E. 0.s 4554 and 4559 of Dec. 17, 1926 and Dec. 30, 1926, 
reserving lands pending legislation, and opened to entry only under 
the homestead and desert-land laws by qualified ex-service men of the 
World War for 91 days beginning with the 63d day after date of this 
Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any 
applicable land law. 

4661 : May 18 Edna Bosier made eligible for appointment as telephone 
operator in the post office, at Dayton, Ohio, without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

4662: May 18 Certain described lands in California and Nevada re- 
served for the Commerce Dept. as air mail beacon sites and landing fields. 

f 389 ] 


4668: May 20 Certain described lands in Colorado eliminated -from the 
operation of E. 0. 3867 of June 16, 1923 withdrawing lands for resurvey, 
and opened only to entry under the homestead and desert-land laws by 
qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days beginning with 
the date of the official filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to 
appropriation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4664: May 28 Two small unsurveyed islands in Washington, near De- 
ception Pass State Park, withdrawn for classification and pending leg- 
islation [to permit the State to acquire said islands for park purposes] . 

4666: May 24 Portion of Fort Morgan Military Reservation, Ala., trans- 
ferred to the Commerce Dept. for lighthouse purposes. 

4666: May 26 E. 0. 4424 of Apr. 19, 1926, withdrawing certain lands 
in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only 
to entry under the homestead and desert-land laws by qualified ex-serv- 
ice men of the World War for 91 days beginning with the date of the 
official filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

4667: June 6 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 

4668: June 6 John T. Marchand, senior examiner in the Interstate Com- 
merce Commission, made eligible for reinstatement to his former classi- 
fied status without regard to length of separation from the service. 

4669: June 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision III, on Commerce 
Dept. positions, Paragraph 2 amended to apply to certain commercial 
and asst. commercial attache^ trade and asst. trade commissioners, district 
and asst. district managers, experts, commercial agents, and special 
agents earning $24 or more per annum. 1927 CSB 58. 

4660: June 7 Certain Government employees employed on work inci- 
dent to the execution of provisions of the Adjusted Compensation Act 
of 1924, permitted transfer or reinstatement to positions in the classified 
service upon approval of the Civil Service Commission. 1927 CSB 60. 

4661 : June 7 Four-hour workday on Saturdays ordered for employees 
at certain listed naval stations during specified months. 

4662: June 7 McKay Creek Bird Befuge, Oreg., created as a refuge and 
^breeding ground for native birds. 

4663: June 8 E. 0. 4412 of Apr. 7, 1926, withdrawing certain lands in 
Colorado pending resurvey, revoked, and lander continued as part of the 
Arapaho National Forest. ;••»..- 



4664: June 9 Aircraft flights over a certain described portion of the 
District of Columbia forbidden during certain hours on June 11 and 12, 
1927, due to the visit of Col. Charles Lindbergh. 

4665: June 10 E. 0. 3858 of June 1, 1923, reserving certain lands in 
California pending resurvey, revoked, and lands continued in the Sequoia 
National Forest and/or the Tule Indian Reservation. 

4666: June 13 Governor of the Virgin Islands allotted $280,000 for ex- 
penses incident to the occupation and government of said Islands. 

4667: June 13 Certain described portion of the right-of-way to the 
Sugar Loaf or Eakea Military Reservation, Honolulu, T. H., restored to 
the use of the Territory of Hawaii, and certain other lands reserved as 
a right-of-way from Round Top Drive to the present right-of-way. 

4668: June 17 Alma M. Key made eligible for appointment as operative 
in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to Civil Service 

4669: June 18 E. O. 4213 of April 25, 1925, withdrawing certain lands 
in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead and desert-land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War for 91 days beginning with the date of the official 
filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. 

4670: June 18 E. O. 4229 of May 19, 1925, withdrawing certain lands 
in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only 
to entry under the homestead and desert-land laws by qualified ex- 
service men of the World War for 91 days beginning with the date of 
the official filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4671 : June 20 Certain described lands at the Norfolk Supply Base of 
the Army, Hampton Roads, Va., transferred to the Navy Dept. for coal 
storage and other naval purposes. 

4672 : June 20 Certain described lands in Puerto Rico transferred from 
the Navy Dept. to the War Dept. 

4673: June 22 E. O. 4326 of Oct. 20, 1925, withdrawing certain lands in 
California pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead and desert-land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War for 91 days beginning with the date of the official 
filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. 

4674: June 24 E. O. 4103 of Nov. 20, 1924, withdrawing certain lands 
in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 



entry under the homestead and desert-land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War for 91 days beginning with the 63d day after 
the date of the Order and thereafter to appropriation by the general 
public under any applicable land law. 

4675: June 29 E. 0. 4267 of July 16, 1925, withdrawing certain lands 
in Arizona pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands continued in the 
Black Mesa (Apache) National Forest. 

4676: June 29 E. 0. 4195 of Apr. 10, 1925, establishing the Upton Na- 
tional Forest, N. Y., revoked. 

4677: June 29 Certain described lands in California reserved for use of 
the Commerce Dept. as an air mail beacon site or landing field. 

4678: June 29* Proc. 1259 of Dec. 20, 1913, reserving certain lands in 
Wyoming for protection of the water supply, of Fort D. A. Russell, re- 
voked insofar as it applies to a certain described portion of said lands. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

4679: June 29 Certain described lands in Oahu, T. H., acquired from 
private owners, reserved as an addition to the Fort Buger Military Res- 
ervation and certain other lands, similarly acquired, reserved as the 
Pupukea, Waialua, Kasaawa, and Kawaihapai Military Reservations. 

4680: June 30 Boundaries of the Juneau, Fairbanks and Nome Land 
Districts, Alaska, redefined. 

4681: July 2 E. 0. 4401 of Mar. 24, 1926, authorizing expenditure for 
contingent expenses of embassies, legations, and consular offices clari- 
fied as to insurance. 

4682: July 4 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved as a National 
Guard rifle range. 

4683: July 4 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for townsite 

4684: July 4 Certain described lands at Wailua, Puna, Island of Kauai, 
T. H., previously reserved for military purposes by E. 0. 4635 of Apr. 21, 
1927, restored to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii. 

4685: July 7 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
legislation for inclusion in the Federal Elk Refuge. 

4686: July 11* Certain described portion of Fort Ruger Military Res- 
ervation, Oahu, T. H., transferred to the Commerce Dept. for lighthouse 

•Has form of a proclamation. 



4687: July 11 Trust period on allotments of the Potrero (La Piche or 
La Jolla) and Bincon Bands of Indians in California, expiring in 1927, 
extended for 10 years. IV K 1017. 

4688: July 11 Trust period on allotments of the Prairie Band of Pot- 
tawatomi Indians in Kansas, expiring in 1927, extended for 10 years; 
six exceptions specified. IV E 1022. 

4689 : July 11 Certain described portion of the Fort Buger Military Res- 
ervation, Oahu, T. H., restored to the Government of the Territory of 
Hawaii for road purposes. 

4690: July 11 Consular regulations of 1896, old Article XXII can- 
celled ; new Article XXII on immigration and quarantine promulgated. 

4691 : July 15 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision X, on Panama Canal positions, 
amended to revoke Paragraph 2 excepting inspectors in the purchasing 
department in the Washington office of the Panama Canal. 1927 CSR 
57; M 409. 

4692: July 15 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 4486 of July 29, 1926, reserving lands pending legisla- 
tion, and opened only to entry under the homestead and desert-land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days beginning 
with the 63d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropri- 
ation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4693: July 18 Certain described lands in Michigan withdrawn pending 
legislation [to grant said lands to the Dept. of Conservation of the said 
State, for use as a lookout tower site for forest fire prevention]. 

4694: July 22 Trust period on allotments to the Nez Perce Indians, in 
Idaho, expiring in 1927, extended for 10 years. IV K 1018. 

4695: July 25 Certain described lands in Utah reserved pending re- 

4696: July 25 Regulations governing the operation of the Foreign Serv- 
ice Retirement and Disability System prescribed. 

4697: July 28 E. O. 4352 of Dec. 5, 1925, pertaining to the use of naval 
stations for imprisonment of Coast Guard prisoners, amended. 

4698: July 30* E. O. of May 21, 1926, designating L. M. Parker cus- 
todian of the records of the Railroad Labor Board, amended as to his 
annual compensation. 

• Not a Numbered Order. 



4689: Aug. 1 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 

4700: Aug. 5 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved as a fire look- 
out station for the Siuslaw National Forest and other timber lands. 

4701 : Aug. 8 Consular Regulations of 1896, amended to cancel Para- 
graph 121, on acknowledgment of instructions, Paragraph 221, on re- 
porting of seamen, and Section 5 of Paragraph 604, on records required 
to be kept at inland consulates. Tariff of Fees amended as to services 
rendered outside the consulate for private individuals. 

4702: Aug. 10 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for the Com- 
merce Dept. as an air mail beacon site. 

4703: Aug. 10* Administrative control of Government Island, Calif., 
transferred from the Agriculture to the War Dept. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

4704: Aug. 10 Certain described portion of Fort Matanzas Military 
Reservation, Fla., transferred to the Agriculture Dept. for use as a bird 

4705: Aug. 10 Rules of precedence as between officers of the Foreign 
Service, officers of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and foreign commerce 

4706: Aug. 13 E. O. 4423 of Apr. 19, 1926, withdrawing certain lands 
in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat 
of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

4707: Aug. 13 E. O. 3954 of Feb. 6, 1924, withdrawing certain Colorado 
lands pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to entry 
under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service men of 
the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of 
resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

4708 : Aug. 15 San Bernardino National Forest, Calif., diminished, and 
the excluded lands restored to the public domain. 

4709: Aug. 19 E. O. [4337] of Nov. 10, 1925, attaching Coos County, 
N. H., to Customs Collection District No. 1 (Maine and New Hampshire), 
revoked, and said county attached to Customs Collection District No. 2 



4710: Aug. 29 Certain described lands in Alaska withdrawn pending 

4711 : Ang. 29 Canal Zone Regulations governing the granting of leaves 
of absence to judge of the District Court, district attorney, and marshal, 
prescribed. M 409. 

4712: Aug. 30 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands, lying in and surrounding seven specified native villages, 
reserved for townsite purposes. 

4713: Aug. 31 Helen M. Tullis made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Denver, Colo., post office without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4714: Sept. 6 Julius Klein, director of the Foreign and Domestic Com- 
merce Bureau, designated to act as Commerce Sec'y during the absence 
of the Sec'y and Asst. Sec'y- 

4715: Sept. 8 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

4716: Sept. 12 Certain described lands at the Norfolk Supply Base of 
the Army, Hampton Roads, Va., transferred to the Navy Dept. 

4717: Sept. 12 Maysie Lawrence Reeves made eligible for reinstatement 
as operative in the Printing and Engraving Bureau without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 

4718: Sept. 12 Certain described lands at the Upolo Airplane Landing 
Field, Island of Hawaii, T. H., reserved for military purposes. 

4719: Sept. 12 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the Bio- 
logical Survey Bureau, Agriculture Dept., for use in connection with an 
experiment station. 

4720: Sept. 12 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. positions, 
amended to revoke Paragraph 1 covering cable engineers, cable elec- 
trians, and cable foremen, and to delete from Paragraph 2 the exception 
for certain cable seamen. 1927 CSR 57. 

4721: Sept. 14 Governor of the Panama Canal authorized to increase 
the pay of not more than 100 alien employees of the Panama Canal and 
the Panama Railroad Co., beyond the limit of $960 per annum. 1928 CSR 

4722: Sept. 16 Sitgreaves National Forest, Ariz., diminished, and the 
excluded lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

4723: Sept. 22 Lancaster, Minn., created a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 34 (Dakota). 



4724: Sept. 23 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands, lying on Prince of Wales Island, heretofore used for 
fish cannery purposes, restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

4725: Sept. 27 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

4726: Sept. 27 Certain described lands in Washington withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

4727: Sept. 27 Colville National Forest, Wash., diminished by exclusion 
of certain described lands not in public ownership. 

4728: Sept. 29 Regulations governing allowances for quarters and sub- 
sistance of enlisted men of the various services, prescribed. 

4729: Sept. 29 Canal Zone Regulations relating to the speed limits of 
vehicles amended. M 410; XXI PCRec 130. 

4780: Sept. 80 Twelve specified ports of entry in Customs Collection 
District No. 38 (Michigan), abolished. 

4731 : Sept. 30 Positions of laborer in 1st and 2d class post offices, except 
cleaners and charworkers, included in the classified service with in- 
cumbents. 1928 CSR 77. 

4732: Sept. 30 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending leg- 
islation [for protection of the water supply of the town of Bountiful]. 

4738: Sept. 30 E. O. 4494 of Aug. 12, 1926, withdrawing certain lands 
in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead or desert-land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of the 
plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

4734: Oct. 1 E. O. 3882 of July 27, 1923, withdrawing certain lands in 
Arizona pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to entry 
under the homestead or desert-land laws by qualified ex-service men of 
the World War for 91 days from .the date of the filing of the plat of 
resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

4735: Oct. 3 E. O. of June 13, 1895, # reserving Maple Island in the Mis- 
sissippi River, 111., for use in the improvement of the navigation of said 
river, revoked, and said island opened only to entry under the homestead 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War, for 91 days begin- 
ning with the 63d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to 
appropriation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

• Not a Numbered Order. 



4786: Oct. 4 Alice R Ball made eligible for reinstatement in a sub- 
clerical position in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 

4736- A: Oct. 5 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain stock 
of the Schutte and Koerting Co., formerly the property of Ernst Koert- 
ing, deceased. 

4737: Oct. 5 E. 0. 4605 of Mar. 8, 1927, placing certain military lands 
in Alaska under the control of the Interior SecV, for disposal, revoked, 
and said lands continued as part of the Tongass National Forest. 

4738: Oct. 5 E. 0. 4042 of July 2, 1924, withdrawing certain lands in 
Nevada pending resurvey, revoked. 

4739: Oct. 5 Certain described portion of Port Barrancas Military Res- 
ervation, Pla., transferred to the Commerce Dept. for lighthouse purposes. 

4740: Oct. 8 Oklahoma City, Okla., created as a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 45 (St. Louis). 

4741 : Oct. 10 Certain described lands in Alaska eliminated from the 
townsite reserve established by E. 0. 1967-A of June 23, 1914, and re- 
stored to the public domain. 

4742 : Oct. 12 W. S. FitzSimons made eligible for reinstatement as asso- 
ciate engineer in the Engineer Dept. at Large, War Dept., without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 

4743: Oct 14 Samuel Hunter Griffin made eligible for reinstatement 
as clerk in the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Dept., without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 

4744: Oct. 20 Tananarive, Madagascar, added to places named in E. 0. 
4187 of Apr. 1, 1925, as unhealthful foreign service posts. 

4745: Oct. 21 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending town- 
ship resurvey. 

4746: Oct. 21 E. 0. 4000 of Apr. 30, 1924, withdrawing certain lands 
in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War, for 91 days from the date of the filing of the 
plat of resurvey and thereafter to appropriation, by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

4747: Oct. 24 Certain described lands in Alaska withdrawn for townsite 



4748: Oct 26 Civil Service Rule II [pertaining to classification], Sec- 
tion 6 amended as to rights of a person holding a position when it be- 
comes classified. 1928 CSR 75. 

4749: Oct 28 E. 0.s 4033-A and 4583 of June 24, 1924 and Feb. 12, 
1927, withdrawing certain lands in Arizona pending classification and 
legislation, revoked insofar as they apply to a certain described portion 
of said lands, and said portion restored to entry. 

4750: Oct. 31 Columbia National Forest, Wash., diminished, and the 
excluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War, for 91 days begin- 
ning with the 63d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to 
appropriation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4751: Oct. 31 E. 0. 4230 of May 25, 1925, withdrawing certain lands in 
Arizona pending legislation, revoked. 

4752: Nov. 4 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands, heretofore used for fish cannery purposes, restored to entry 
under applicable land laws. 

4753: Nov. 4 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved as a rifle range 
for the National Guard. 

4754: Nov. 5 Civil Service Rule, Schedule A, pertaining to positions ex- 
cepted from examination, Subdivision IV [on War Dept. positions], 
amended to add Paragraph 16 covering many specified positions at Army 
hospitals and to provide classification to other classes of Army hospital 
employees; E. 0. [2792] of Jan. 24, 1918, revoked. 1928 CSR 75. 

4755: Nov. 9 Montague Island Military Reservation, Alaska, placed 
under the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

4756: Nov. 10 Florida National Forest, Fla., renamed Choctawhatchee 
National Forest. 

4757: Nov. 14 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, enlarged. 

4758: Nov. 14 Certain described lands in the counties of Lake of the 
Woods and Roseau, withdrawn to carry into effect the provisions of the 
Act of May 22, 1926, relative to the treaty with Canada for the regula- 
tion of the level of the Lake of the Woods. 

4759 : Nov. 15 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 4608 of Mar. 10, 1927, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
lflws by qualified ex-service men of the World War, for 91 days from the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 



4760: Nov. 15 Certain described lands near Puolo Point, Kauai Island, 
T. H., reserved for military purposes. 

4761 : Nov. 16 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
the operation of E. 0. 4100 of Nov. 7, 1924, reserving lands pending 
resurvey, and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War, for 91 days from the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4762: Nov. 19 Certain described lands and buildings of the Fort St. 
Michael Military Reservation, Alaska, reserved for use of the Alaska 
Road Commission. 

4763: Nov. 21 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

4764: Nov. 21 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

4765: Nov. 23 Trust period on allotments of 14 specified bands or vil- 
lages of the Mission Indians in California, expiring during 1928, extended 
for 10 years. IV K 1017. 

4766: Nov. 25 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

4767: Nov. 25 James W. Blackburn designated special judge of the 
Canal Zone until Jan. 1, 1929, in the absence or disqualification of the 
district judge. M 411 ; XXI PCRec 247. 

4768: Nov. 26 C. P. Brodie made eligible for appointment as custodian 
of the Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3, Natrona County, Wyo. 

4769: Nov. 26 Lillian Capron made eligible for appointment as welfare 
worker in the War Dept. without examination. 

4770: Nov. 28 Mary Hazard Teele made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Agriculture Dept. without examination. 

4771: Nov. 28 Helen V. McLoed designated to sign the President's 
name to land patents during absence of the regularly designated clerk. 

4772: Nov. 28 Lagos, Nigeria, designated an unheal thful diplomatic 

4773 : Nov. 29 Army Manual for Courts-Martial prescribed. 

4774: Nov. 29 All unreserved rocks and pinnacles in the Pacific Ocean 
off the coast of Oregon withdrawn for classification and pending legis- 
lation [for their retention as public lands because of scenic interest]. 



4775: Nov. 30 Trust period on allotments of the Devils Lake Indian 
Reservation, N. Dak., expiring during 1928, extended for 10 years. IV 
K 1032. 

4776: Dec. 2 E. 0. 4081 of Oct. 3, 1924, creating the Benning National 
Forest, Ga. ; E. O. 419a of Apr. 10, 1925, creating the Pine Plains National 
Forest, N. Y. ; E. O. 4197 of Apr. 10, 1925, creating the Eustis National 
Forest, Va. ; and E. O. 4200 of Apr. 10, 1925, creating the Meade National 
Forest, Md.; revoked, and the lands restored to previous military res- 
ervation status. 

4777: Dec. 5 Alexander Scruton, temporary employee, made eligible for 
permanent appointment as a deputy collector and inspector of customs in 
the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4778: Dec. 5 Certain described lands at Eklutna and Cordova, Alaska, 
reserved for the Bureau of Education. 

4779: Dec. 10 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from 
operation of E. O. 4219 of May 8, 1925, reserving lands pending resurvey, 
and opened to entry only under the homestead or desert land laws by 
qualified ex-service men of the World War, for 91 days from the date 
of the filing of the plat of resurvey and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

4780: Dec. 13 Thompsons Point, N. J., Morgan City, La., and Fortymile, 
Alaska, abolished as ports of entry in Customs Collection Districts Nos. 
11, 20, and 31 respectively, customs stations of Andrade and Tecate, 
Calif., established a port of entry in District No. 27 (Los Angeles , 
customs station of Olympia Wash., established a part of entry in District 
No. 30 (Washington). 

4781: Dec. 14 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [to add said lands to the Utah National 

4782: Dec. 16 Certain executive departments and independent estab- 
lishments in the District of Columbia ordered closed and all Federal 
clerks and employees in said District excused from duty on Saturday, 
Dec. 24, 1927. 1928 CSB 78. 

4788: Dec. 16 Abraham Krotoshinsky made eligible for civil service 
appointment without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4784: Dec. 17 Ephraim F. Morgen, Solicitor of the Commerce Dept., 
designated to act as Commerce Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y and 
Asst. Sec'y. 

4785: Dec. 17 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 
legislation [for sale to the Cabazon Water Co., for benefit of the water 
supply of Cabazon]. 



4786: Dec. 17 Certain deseribed lands in Arizona reserved as a rifle 
range of the National Guard. 

4787: Dee. 19 Certain described portion of the former Regan Barracks 
Military Reservation; Albay Province, Luzon, P; I., and certain other de- 
scribed lands in Manila reserved for military purposes. 

4788: Dee. 28 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 4219 of May 8, 1925, reserving lands pending resurvey, 
and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by 
qualified ex-service men of the World War, for 91 days from the date 
of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

4789: Dee. 29 Jeremiah Regan, Fred Eugene Potter, and Patrick Red- 
dington, chauffeurs employed at the Marine Corps Oarage, Washington, 
D. C., included in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 

4790: Dec. 30 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in Long Island City, N. Y., formerly 
the property of Louis F. Kloz et al. 

4791 : Dec. 31 * Edward M. Flesh, treasurer and liquidating trustee of 
the Grain Corporation, directed to pay $115,419.98 into the Treasury in 
final settlement and liquidation of said Corporation, and the records, 
books of accounts, and files of the Food Administrator and the Wheat 
Director, heretofore held in custody of said Corporation, ordered trans- 
ferred to Commerce Dept. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 


4792: Jan. 3 Canal Zone District Court rules pertaining to court clerks, 
the bonds to be given by them, and the handling and deposit of money 
in the registry of the court prescribed. M 411. 

4793: Jan. 13 Thomas Baine made eligible for reinstatement in the 
classified service without regard to length of separation from the service. 

4794: Jan. 13 Anna Polk Boush made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation from the 

4795: Jan. 19 George W. Stokes made eligible for appointment to a 
position in the Cotton Division of the Agriculture Economics Bureau, 
Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



4796: Jan. 19 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for the use of 
the Commerce Dept. for maintenance of air navigation facilities. 

4797: Jan. 21 Dorothy Thelma Bishop made eligible for appointment 
to a position in the Veterans* Bureau without examination. 

4798: Jan. 23 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 

4799: Jan. 25 Iva C. D. Tupper made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Commerce Dept. without regard to length of separation from the 

4800: Jan. 31 Rules governing the granting and issuing of passports 

4801 : Feb. 2 Canal Zone Regulations requiring the licensing of pri- 
vately-owned bicycles revoked. M 412 ; XXI PCRec 414. 

4802: Feb. 2* Boundaries of the military reservation at Waimanalo, 
District of Koolaupolo, Oahu, T. H., redefined. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

4803 : Feb. 3 Reberta Estell Jacobs made eligible for appointment to 
a position in the Government Printing Office without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

4804: Feb. 10 Rose Pauly made eligible for appointment to a position 
in the classified service of the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

4805: Feb. 10 Garment makers in the Naval Clothing Factory at the 
Naval Supply Depot, Brooklyn, N. Y., excluded from the operation of the 
Civil Service Retirement Act of July 3, 1926, 1928 CSR 77. 

4806: Feb. 11 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for use by the 
Commerce Dept. in the maintenance of air navigation facilities. 

4807: Feb. 13 Albert S. Roberts made eligible for the examination for 
the Dallas, Oreg. postmastership without regard to the maximum age 
limitations. 1928 CSR 79. 

4808: Feb. 13 Grace S. E. McComb made eligible for employment as a 
clerk in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4809: Feb. 13 Emma S. Rea made eligible for appointment to a clerk- 
ship in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4810: Feb. 14 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
legislation [authorizing their lease to the town of Parco for public avia- 
tion purposes], 



4811 : Feb. 16 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
the operation of E. 0. 4061 of Aug. 12, 1924, reserving lands for re- 
survey, and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4812: Feb. 21 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the use 
of the Agriculture Dept. for agricultural experiment purposes. 

4813: Feb. 21 Regulations governing documents required of aliens en- 
tering the United States prescribed. M 412. 

4814: Feb. 24* Boundaries of the lands transferred from the Army 
Supply Base at Norfolk, Va., to the Navy by E. 0. 4671 of June 20, 1927, 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

4815: Feb. 25 Regulations governing the administration of the Foreign 
Service amended. 

4816: Feb. 25 Trust period on 22 specified allotments to Indians on the 
Oakland Reservation, Okla., expiring June 5, 1928, extended for 10 years. 

4817: Feb. 28 Constance Ely made eligible for appointment in the Com- 
merce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

4818: Feb. 29 Ten designated islands along the southern coast of Alaska 
transferred from the Agriculture Dept. to the Interior Dept. 

4819: Feb. 29 Certain described lands in Arkansas withdrawn pending 
classification and legislation [authorizing their sale to the Young Men's 
Christian Association for camp use]. 

4820: Mar. 2 Marian H. Boothe made eligible for reinstatement as a 
stenographer in the Navy Dept. without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 

4821 : Mar. 2 Mary E. Donnelly made eligible for appointment to a 
clerkship in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4822: Mar. 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 16 excepting messenger boys employed by 
the Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System. 1928 
CSR 76. 



4823: Mar. 5 Fairport, Lorain, and Put-in-Bay abolished as ports of 
entry in Customs Collection District No. 41 (Ohio). 

4824: Mar. 7 Mary P. Towle made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Boston, Mass., post office without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4825: Mar. 10 Plattsburg, N. Y., abolished as a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 7 (St. Lawrence). 

4826: Mar. 12 Berenice B. Shelton made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the Veterans' Bureau without regard to Civil Service 

4827: Mar. 12 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

4828: Mar. 12 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 

4829: Mar. 13 Dr. Howard M. Batchelder made eligible for reinstate- 
ment to a position in the Animal Industry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4830: Mar. 14 Customs station of Roma, Tex., created a port of entry 
in Customs Collection District No. 23 (San Antonio). 

4831 : Mar. 15 Jacinto Texidor, associate justice of the Puerto Rico 
Supreme Court, designated acting judge of the District Court for Puerto 
Rico during the absence of the Judge Ira E. Wells. 

4832: Mar. 17 E. 0.s 763 of Feb. 24, 1908, and 1057 of Apr. 2, 1909, 
reserving certain inlets, shoals, and sand pits in Mosquito Inlet, Fla., as 
a preserve and breeding ground for native birds, revoked. 

4833: Mar. 19 National Guard Flying Regulations, governing additional 
pay for personnel of the National Guard for duties involving aerial 
flights amended to place said regulations on the same basis as those for 
the Army, Navy and Coast Guard. 

4834: Mar. 19 Alice C. Murphy made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service. 

4835: Mar. 20 Dawn J. Sutton made eligible for appointment to a posi- 
tion in the Post Office Pept., or the field service thereof, without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 

4836: Mar. 20 Jessie H. Collier made eligible for appointment to a posi- 
tion in Post Office Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



4837: Mar. 21 E. O. 4323 of Oct. 15, 1925, withdrawing certain lands in 
the Cleveland National Forest, Calif., pending resurvey, revoked, and 
said lands continued in said Forest. 

4838: Mar. 21 E. 0. 4346 of Nov. 23, 1925, reserving certain lands in 
California pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of the 
plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

4839: Mar. 21 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
the operation of E. O. 4100 of Nov. 7, 1924, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from 
the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropria- 
tion by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4840: Mar. 21 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 3857 of May 31, 1923, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4841 : Mar. 21 Certain described lands in Colorado eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 4482 of July 19, 1926, reserving lands pending re- 
survey; and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4842 : Mar. 22 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands, lying on Baranof Island, reserved for townsite purposes. 

4843: Mar. 23 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

4844: Mar. 23 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

4846: Mar. 26 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Siskiyou National Forest. 

4840: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending leg- 
islation [to secure land for a landing field to be known as Wendover 

4846-A : Mar. 30 * Frequencies assigned to Government radio stations. 

* Text of this Order is registered by the Government as confidential. 



4847: Apr. 2 Rates of rental and subsistence allowances for officers of 
the various services for the fiscal year 1929 prescribed. 

4848: Apr. 2 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for the use 
of the said State as a lookout station. 

4849: Apr. 2 Mrs. Earl W. Boone made eligible for appointment as a 
telephone operator in the Naval establishment without examination. 

4860: Apr. 3 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
the operation of E. 0. 4100 of Nov. 7, 1924, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4851: Apr. 3 Upper Klamath Wildlife Refuge, Oreg., established as a 
refuge and breeding ground for birds and wild animals. 

4852: Apr. 6 E. 0.s 4199 of Apr. 10, 1925, and 4248 of June 5, 1925, 
creating national forests within the Camp Dix, N. J., and Camp Knox, 
Ky., Military Reservations, revoked, and said lands restored to their 
former status as parts of said military reservations. 

4853 : Apr. 6 Salary of Judge Edwin B. Parker as war claims arbiter 
fixed at $7,500 per annum. 

4854: Apr. 10 Anne H. Pinney made eligible for appointment to a posi- 
tion in the classified service without examination. 

4855: Apr. 11 E. O. 4345 of Nov. 23, 1925, reserving certain lands in 
California pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War, for 91 days from the 62d day after the date of 
this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

4856: Apr. 14 Theodore A. Bradford made eligible for appointment to 
a clerical position in the General Accounting Office without examination. 

4857: Apr. 16 E. O. 4685 of July 7, 1927, withdrawing certain lands in 
Wyoming in aid of pending legislation, modified by addition of certain 
lands and by exclusion of certain other lands ; the excluded lands opened 
only to entry under the homestead and desert land laws by qualified 
ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the 62d day after 
the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general 
public under any applicable land law. 

4858: Apr. 16 Trust period on allotments of the Prairie Band of Pot- 
tawatomi Indians in Kansas, expiring in 1928, extended for ten years; 
seven exceptions specified. 



4869: Apr. 17 Mrs. Boy E. Jones made eligible for appointment to a 
position in the Navy Dept. without examination. 

4860: Apr. 19 Pathfinder Bird Refuge, Wyo., previously abolished by 
E. 0. 3725 of Aug. 18, 1922, reestablished. 

4861: Apr. 23 E. 0. 4253 of June 12, 1925, withdrawing certain lands 
in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of the 
plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

4862 : Apr. 23 Alien Property Custodian vested with certain powers 
under the Trading with the Enemy Act supplemental to the powers vested 
in said Custodian by E. 0. 2729-A of Oct. 12, 1917, as amended. 

4863: Apr. 24 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 3914, of Oct. 5, 1923, reserving lands pending resurvey, 
and opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land laws by 
qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the date of 
the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

4864: Apr. 26 Nine designated employees of the Customs Service in 
foreign countries made eligible for transfer to classified clerical positions 
in said service. 

4865: Apr. 27 Alaskan Timber Beserve No. 1 diminished. 

4866: Apr. 27 Harney National Forest, S. Dak., diminished. 

4867: Apr. 28 E. 0. 4758 of Nov. 14, 1927, withdrawing certain lands in 
Minnesota in connection with the regulation of the level of the Lake of 
the Woods, revoked and certain other described lands in Minnesota with- 
drawn for said purpose. 

4868 : Apr. 28 Charlotte Steele Gardner made eligible for appointment 
to a clerical position in the Employees' Compensation Commission with- 
out examination. 

4869: May 1 Pabens, Tex., created a port of entry in Customs Collec- 
tion District No. 24 (El Paso). 

4870: May 3 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn for 
classification and possible reservation for national park or monument 

4871 : May 3 John Q. Dudley made eligible for reinstatement as statis- 
tical and research agent and legal advisor in the Commerce Dept. without 
regard to length of separation from the service. 



4872 : Hay 3 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for use by the 
Commerce Dept. in the maintenance of air navigation facilities. 

4873: May 3 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for use by the 
Commerce Dept. in the maintenance of air navigation facilities. 

4874: May 3 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 4460 of June 18, 1926, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropria- 
tion by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4875: May 3 £. 0. 4327 of Oct. 21, 1925, withdrawing certain lands in 
Colorado pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to entry 
under the homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex-service men 
of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of 
resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

4876: May 3 Durham, N. C, created a port of entry in Customs Collec- 
tion District No. 15 (North Carolina). 

4877: May 4 E. 0. 4114 of Dec. 22, 1924, creating the McClellan Na- 
tional Forest, Ala., revoked. 

4878: May 8 Certain described lands in Alaska eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 1967-A of June 23, 1914, reserving lands for townsite 
purposes, and restored to entry under the homestead laws applicable 
to Alaska on a date to be fixed by the commissioner of the General Land 

4879: May 8 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, amended to add 
Chapter IV-9 covering the selection, training, and promotion of Foreign 
Service officers for language assignments in the Near East, Eastern 
Europe, and North Africa. 

4880: May 9 Manti National Forest, Utah, enlarged. 

4881 : May 9 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain described real estate in Jefferson County, Ky., formerly the 
property of Waldemar Conrad von Zedtwitz of Germany. 

4882: May 16 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

4883 : May 16 Anna E. Sill made eligible for appointment to a position 
in the classified or unclassified service without examination. 



4884: May 17 £. 0. 4115 of Dec. 22, 1924, creating the Jackson National 
Forest, S. Car., from lands within the Camp Jackson Military Reservation, 

4886 : May 21 Certain described lands in Idaho withdrawn pending 
classification and legislation [to permit acquisition of said lands by the 
city of Buhl, Idaho, for public aviation purposes], 

4886: May 22 Certain employees of the Coast Guard Depot at Curtis 
Bay, Md., included in the classified service, and certain former employees 
made eligible for reinstatement with a classified status. 1928 CSR 77. 

4887: May 23 Rita C. Regan made eligible for appointment to a clerk- 
ship in the Boston, Mass., post office without regard to Civil Service 

4838 : May 25 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and possible inclusion in the Zion National Park. 

4889: May 26 Certain described lands in Minnesota withdrawn for class- 
ification and pending legislation [for the inclusion of said lands in the 
Superior National Forest]. 

4890: May 26 Harry W. Walker made eligible for appointment as post- 
master at Simsbury, Conn., without examination. 1928 CSR 79. 

4891: May 26 Positions of skilled laborer and tide observer in the 
Coast and Geodetic Survey, Commerce Dept., included with their in- 
cumbents in the classified service. 

4892: May 26 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter IV-8, 
on regulations governing Foreign Service officers assigned for language 
study in China and Japan, amended. 

4893: May 26 Consular Regulations of 1896, Article X, Paragraph 173 
on the registration of American citizens abroad, amended. 

4894: May 26 Certain unclassified laborers in the rag laundry of the 
Engraving and Printing Bureau made eligible for transfer to subclerical 
positions without change in civil service status. 1928 CSR 77. 

4895: May 26 E. 0. 4212 of Apr. 25, 1925, withdrawing certain lands in 
Arizona pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to entry 
under the homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex-service men 
of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of 
resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

4896: May 28 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for use of the 
Commerce Dept. in the maintenance of air navigation facilities. 



4897: Hay 28 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 3967 of Mar. 5, 1924, reserving lands pending resurvey, 
and opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land laws by 
qualified ex-service men of the World War, for 91 days from the date 
of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

4898: May 29 Trust period on allotments of the Pawnee Indians of 
Oklahoma, expiring in 1928, extended 10 years; seven exceptions speci- 

4899: May 29 Charlotte, N. C, created a port of entry in Customs Col- 
lection District No. 15 (North Carolina). 

4900: June 2 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

4901: June 4 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation [to afford protection to claimants 
of said lands]. 

4902: June 4* E. O. [4846-A] of Mar. 30, 1928, assigning frequencies 
to Government radio stations, amended as to certain frequencies assigned 
to the Army. 

* Text of this Order is not regarded as confidential. 

4903: June 5 Sum of $260,000 allocated to the Governor of the Virgin 
Islands for expenses incident to the occupation and government of said 

4904: June 6 Deer Flat Bird Refuge, Idaho, diminished. 

4905: June 6 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain real estate in Hanover Township, Pa., formerly the property 
of the von Bohlen Halbach family and others, of Germany. 

4906: June 6 Kate McLaughlin made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Government Printing Office without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 

4907: June 8 Victoria A. Hulbert made eligible for employment as a 
clerk at the Marine Corps Headquarters, Washington, D. C, without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4908: June 8 Time limitations waived to prolong the eligibility of John 
Charles Steinberg for reinstatement in the Government service. 

4909: June 9 Advisory Committee appointed to study, analyze, and 
report on the Civil Service Rules relating to veterans' preference. 1928 
CSR 78. 



4810: June 12 £. 0. 1868 of Dec. 15, 1913, reserving certain lands in 
Montana for use as a ranger station in the administration of the Madison 
National Forest, revoked. 

4911: June 18 Ten designated Filipinos made eligible for classified sta- 
tus in the positions they hold with the Quartermaster Service, War Dept., 
Fort Mills, P. I. 

4912: June 18 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VIII, on Interior Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 12 amended to except consulting geologists. 1928 CSR 76. 

4918: June 22 Minnesota National Forest, Minn., renamed Chippewa 
National Forest. 

4914: June 23 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

4915: June 23 Penelope L. Matthews made eligible for appointment to 
a clerical position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 

4916: June 23 E. O. 4196 of Apr. 10, 1925, creating the Lee National 
Forest, Va., from certain lands of the Camp Lee Military Reservation, 

4917: June 23 Canal Zone Code of Civil Procedure, Section 813 as to 
f ees for process-serving, amended. M 415 ; XXI PCRec 696. 

4918: June 23 * E. 0. 4703 of Aug. 10, 1927, placing Government Island, 
Calif., under the control of the War Dept., revoked and said island 
restored to the control of the Agriculture Dept. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

4919: June 22 Regulations governing the appointment of postmasters 
of the 1st, 2d, and 3d class amended. 1928 CSR 79. 

4919- A: June 24 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn for 
classification and possible inclusion in the San Carlos Irrigation Project. 

4920: June 26 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for use by the 
Commerce Dept. in the maintenance of air navigation facilities. 

4921 : June 29 Certain described lands in Michigan withdrawn pending 

4922: June 29 Mrs. R. L. Riter made eligible for reinstatement as a 
clerk in the Postal Service without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 

[ 411 ] 


4923: June 3 Consular Regulations of 1896, Article XXXI on entry of 
merchandise into the United States, amended. 

4924: July 3 Letitia E. Stewart made eligible for reinstatement to a 
clerical position in the classified service without regard to length of sep- 
aration from the service. 

4925 : July 3 Bessie L. Dudley made eligible for reinstatement as junior 
clerk in the classified service without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 

4926 : July 6 Harry M. Vogel made eligible for appointment to a sub- 
clerical or unclassified position in the office of the Director of Public 
Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capitol without regard to 
Civil Service Rules or labor regulations. 

4927: July 6 Charles E. Margerum made eligible for reinstatement as 
a material engineer in the Naval Gun Factory at the Washington Navy 
Yard without regard to length of separation from the service. 

4928: July 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision I [on positions in the entire 
classified service], Paragraph 15 amended to increase the salary limita- 
tion on excepted clerical positions on the Isthmus of Panama from $80 
to $100 monthly. M 416 ; 1928 CSR 76. 

4929: July 7 Certain described lands within the Carson National Forest, 
N. Mex., reserved for the protection of the watershed used by the Indians 
of the Taos Pueblo. 

4930: July 12 Tonto National Forest, Ariz., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

4930-A: July 12 E. 0. [4033-A] of June 24, 1924, reserving certain 
lands within the proposed San Carlos Project, Ariz., revoked, and said 
lands restored to entry. 

4931 : July 13 Certain described lands in Idaho eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0.s 2348 and 3393 of Mar. 22, 1916, and Jan. 28, 1921, 
respectively, withdrawing lands for classification and legislation and 
the excluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead or desert 
land laws by qualified ex-servicemen of the World War for 91 days from 
the 62d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

4932: July 13 E. O. 4515 of Sept. 23, 1926, reserving certain lands in 
Oregon in aid of legislation, revoked. 

4933: July 13 Teresa C. Suit made eligible for appointment to a posi- 
tion in the Government Printing Office without examination. 



4934: July 16 Theraesa L. Irwin made eligible for appointment to a 
clerkship in the Boston, Mass., post office, without regard to Civil Serv- 
ice Rules. 

4935: July 16 Madge Herron made eligible for appointment to a posi- 
tion in the Commerce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4936: July 16 E. 0. [4586] of Feb. 16, 1927, reserving certain lands in 
California for the use of the Navy as an ammunition depot, revoked, and 
said lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert lands 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the 
62d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

4937: July 23 E. 0. 4117 of Dec. 22, 1924, withdrawing certain lands 
in California for classification, revoked, and said lands opened to entry 
under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service men of 
the World War for 91 days from the 62d day after the date of this 
Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any 
applicable land law. 

4938: July 23 E. 0. 4232 of May 25, 1925, withdrawing certain lands 
in the Santa Pe National Forest, N, Mex. pending resurvey, revoked, 
and said lands restored to their former status. 

4939 : July 23 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for selection 
by the Agriculture Dept. for establishment of the Bear River Migratory 
Bird Refuge. 

4940: July 23 Certain income tax returns opened to inspection in ac- 
cordance with regulations prescribed by the Treasury Sec'y< 

4941 : July 27 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for use by 
Douglas County as a primary lookout station. 

4942: July 30 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend-. 
ing resurvey. 

4943: Aug. 2 Consular Regulations of 1896 extensively amended. 

4944: Aug. 3 Certain described lands in South Dakota eliminated from 
the operation of E. 0. 3748 of Oct. 23, 1922, withdrawing lands for classi- 
fication, to permit acceptance of final proof on a certain homestead entry. 

4946: Aug. 9 Rowena M. Busbey made eligible for employment as clerk 
at Marine Corps Headquarters, Washington, D. C, without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

4946: Aug. 11 Humphreys National Forest, Va., on the Fort Humphreys 
Military Reservation abolished, and lands restored to their former status. 



4047: Aug. 11 Bruja Point Military Reservation, C. Z., established. M 

4948: Aug. 14 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VIII, on Interior Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 5 amended as to certain positions in the Indian Service, Par- 
agraphs 18 and 19 revoked; Schedule B [pertaining to positions subject 
to noncompetitive examinations, Section ] 1, [on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to revoke Paragraph 1, covering certain positions in the 
Indian Service. Sept. 1929 CSA 23-June 1939 CSA 59 ; 1928 CSR 76. 

4949: Aug. 14 Alaska Townsite Withdrawal No. 1 diminished; a de- 
scribed portion of the excluded lands reserved for use in railroad or other 
construction work and the remainder restored to entry. 

4960: Aug. 14 Civil Service Rule VII [pertaining to certification J, Sec- 
tion 2 amended to delete Paragraph 5 making the position a certain 
operative in the General Accounting Office subject to the apportionment ; 
Rule XI, pertaining to promotion, Section 6 revoked, removing restric- 
tions on transfers and promotions of said operatives. 1928 CSR 75. 

4951: Aug. 17 Snake River Administrative Site, Idaho, created for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of the Caribou National Forest. 

4952: Aug. 20 Gladys Evert made eligible for appointment in the classi- 
fied service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4953: Aug. 20 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for use as 
a ranger station in the administration of the Shoshone National Forest. 

4954: Aug. 26 William A. Marshall made eligible for reinstatement in 
the General Accounting Office without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 

4955: Aug. 30 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the 
excluded lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

4956: Aug. 31 Longview, Wash., created a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 29 (Oregon). 

4957: Sept. 3 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

4958: Sept. 7 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

4959: Sept. 8 Certain described lands in Nevada eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 4873 of May 3, 1928, reserving lands for the use of the 
Commerce Dept. in the maintenance of air navigation facilities. 



4960: Sept. 12 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

4961: Sept. 12 Mary C. Duff made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the Philadelphia, Pa., post office, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4962: Sept. 17 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved as a rifle 
range for the National Guard. 

4963: Sept. 17 Certain described lands in Michigan withdrawn for class- 
ification and possible inclusion in a national forest. • 

4964: Sept. 17 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

4965: Sept. 22 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 4608 of Mar. 10, 1927, withdrawing lands pending 
resurvey, and excluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead 
or desert land laws by qualified ex-servicemen of the World War for 91 
days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter 
to appropriation by the general public under any applicable land laws. 

4966: Sept. 22 Toiyabe National Forest, Nev., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the 
62d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

4967: Sept. 22 Ruth McElroy Hill made eligible for reinstatement to 
a position in the Post Office Dept. without regard to length of separation 
from the service. 

4963: Sept. 26 E. O. 4764 of Nov. 21, 1927, withdrawing certain lands 
in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only 
to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service- 
men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of the 
plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

4969: Sept. 28 Lillian Cecile Keys made eligible for employment as a 
clerk in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4970: Sept. 28 Tulsa, Okla. created a port of entry in the Customs Col- 
lection District No. 45 (St. Louis). 

4971: Sept. 28 State Sec'y designated to receive and pass upon appli- 
cations governing the operation of commercial aircraft between the Canal 
Zone and foreign countries and to prescribed rules governing such oper- 
ation. M 417 ; XXTT PCRec 157. 



4972: Sept. 28 Chugaoh National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

4973: Sept. 28 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded l&nds restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

4974: Oct. 4 Certain described lands in Alaska eliminated from the 
reserve established by E. 0. 1967-A of June 23, 1914, for townsite pur- 
poses in connection with railroad and other construction work. 

4975: Oct. 4 Tule Lake Bird Refuge, Calif., established. 

4976: Oct. 10 Tobyhanna National Forest, Pai, established on portion 
of the Tobyhanna Military Reservation, abolished. 

4977: Oct. 12 Dorothy Bennett made eligible for appointment to the 
position of private secretary in the Customs Court at New York, N. Y., 
without regard to length of separation from the service. 

4978: Oct. 16 Grace G. Baldwin made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the Commerce Dept. without regard to length of 
separation from the service. 

4979: Oct. 16 Trust period on allotments of the Indians of the Win- 
nebago Reservation, Neb., expiring in 1928, extended 10 years; four 
exceptions specified. 

4980: Oct. 20 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

4981 : Oct. 20 Trust period on allotments of the Indians of the Lower 
Brule Reservation, S. Dak., expiring in 1928, extended 10 years; one 
exception specified. 

4982: Oct. 22 E. O. 4948 of Aug. 14, 1928, classifying certain positions 
in the Indian Field Service, Interior Dept., amended to make the effective 
date Apr. 1, 1929. 1929 CSR 78. 

4983: Oct. 25 Maintenance of a patrol in certain designated waters for 
enforcement of the Northern Pacific Halibut Fishery Act ordered by 
public vessels on service in said waters, including 13 designated Fisheries 
Bureau vessels, and certain officials authorized to exercise the powers of 
search and seizure conferred by said act. 

4984: Oct. 25 Chelan National Forest, Wash., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days begin- 
ning with, the 62d day after the date of this. Order, and thereafter .-. to 
appropriation by the general public under any applicable laud Ikw. \ 



4986: Nov. 2 Josephine Robbins made eligible for employment in a 
clerical capacity in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4986 : Nov. 2 Certain described lands in Osborn Townsite, in the Huntley 
Project Irrigation District, Mont., reserved for the use of the Agriculture 
Dept. as an agricultural field station. 

4987: Nov. 2 * Certain described lands at Rockaway Point, Long Island, 
N. Y., reserved for the use of War Dept. in connection with the Fort 
Tilden Military Reservation. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

4988: Nov. 2 Canal Zone Regulations governing the administration of 
the Corozal Hospital prescribed. M 417, XXII PCRec 251. 

4989: Nov. 8 E. 0. of Apr. 19, 1912, # creating Public Water Reserve 
No. 3, Wyo., modified to authorize the Interior Sec'y to approve an appli- 
cation of the Union Pacific Railroad Company for a water pipe-line 
right-of-way across said reserve. 

• Not a Numbered Order. 

4990: Nov. 3 Certain described lands in Utah eliminated from opera- 
tion of E. 0. 3892 of Aug. 13, 1923, reserving lands pending resurvey, and 
opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by quali- 
fied ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the 
filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

4991 : Nov. 7 Mary 6. Overn made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Boston, Mass., post office without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4992: Nov. 7 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision II on State Dept. positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 3 excepting all employees of international 
commissions, congresses, conferences, and boards. 1929 CSR 76. 

4993: Nov. 10 Edith M. White made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Boston, Mass., post office without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

4994: Nov. 14 Trust period on four specified allotments to Indians of 
the Winnebago Reservation, Nebr., expiring in 1928, extended 10 years. 

4995: Nov. 16 St. Vincent, Minn., abolished as port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 34 (Dakota). 

4996: Nov. 17 Certain described lands in the Inyo National Porest ? 
Calif., withdrawn for the protection of the hot springs thereon, pending 
their future development. 

- f417] 


4897: Nov. 19 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

4998: Nov. 21 Certain described lands in Washington eliminated from 
the operation of E. 0. of Sept. 13, 1859, # reserving land for public 
purposes and the Interior Sec'y authorized to take action to restore the 
excluded lands to entry. 
• Not a Numbered Order. 

4999: Nov. 21 Genevieve Q. Meehan made eligible for appointment to 
a clerical position in the classified service with the Federal Trade Com- 
mission without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6000: Nov. 23 Certain designated islands of the Aleutian group, Alaska, 
eliminated from the operation of E. 0. 1733 of Mar. 3, 1913, reserving 
said island as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds, and the 
excluded lands opened only to entry under applicable homestead laws 
requiring residence by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 
91 days beginning with the 63d day from the date of this Order, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 

6001: Nov. 23 Regulations governing the payment of additional com- 
pensation to personnel of the various services for duties involving aerial 
flights, amended. 

6002: Nov. 24 E. O. 1551 of June 19, 1912, reserving certain lands in 
Montana lands for use in the proposed sale of timber from the Deerlodge 
National Forest, revoked, and said lands opened only to entry under 
the homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex-service men of the 
World War for 91 days beginning with the 63d day after the date of 
this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

5011-A:Dec. 3 Stephen H. Hastings made eligible for reinstatement as 
senior agronomist in the Plant Industry Bureau, Agriculture Dept. with- 
out regard to length of separation from the service. 

6011-B: Deo. 3 E. O. 4262 of July 3, 1925, withdrawing certain coastal 
lands in Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi pending classification and 
legislation, revoked as to a certain described portion of said lands and 
the excluded lands restored to entry under appropriate public land laws. 

6003: Dec. 3 Certain described lands in Koochiching and Lake of the 
Woods Counties, Minn., withdrawn to effectuate the convention of Feb. 
24, 1925, with Great Britain for the regulation of the level of the Lake 
of the Woods. 

6004: Deo. 3 Certain described lands in Montana withdrawn for classi- 
fication and pending legislation [authorizing the leasing of said lands 
to stockmen and the issuance of regulations governing such leases]. 



6005: Dec. 5 Certain described lands in Louisiana withdrawn in aid of 
legislation and for use in connection with control of the flood waters of 
the Mississippi River. 

6006: Deo. 7 Martha A. Davis made eligible for appointment to a posi- 
tion in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5007: Dee. 8 E. O. 3471 of May 21, 1921, extending the employment of 
persons engaged on temporary activities resulting from the World War, 
revoked, and said persons covered into the classified service. 1929 CSR 

6008: Dec. 14 Executive departments and independent establishments 
in the District of Columbia, including the Government Printing Office 
and the Navy Yard and stations, ordered closed on Dec. 24, 1928. 1929 
CSR 80. 

5000: Dec. 15 Certain described lands in Illinois withdrawn from all 
forms of appropriation except under the Isolated Tract Law (Section 
2455, Revised Statutes). 

5010: Dec. 15 John W. Addison, attorney and examiner in the Fed- 
eral Trade Commission, made eligible for reinstatement to his former 
classified status without regard to length of separation from the service. 

5011 : Dec. 15 Oakland, Calif., created a port of entry in Customs Col- 
lection District No. 28 (San Francisco) Calif. 

5011-A: See Dec. 3, 1928. 

5011-B: See Dec. 3, 1928. 

5012 : Dec. 18 Flora Wilson made eligible for appointment to a position 
in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5013: Dec. 18 Arthur J. Leek, Census Bureau excepted employee, made 
eligible for classification as supervising special agent without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

5014: Dec. 19 Regulations governing the payment of actual travel ex- 
penses and per diem allowances for civilian officers and employees pre- 

5015: Dec. 20 Bessie B. McCracken made eligible for appointment to 
a position in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5016: Dec. 21 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter XX- 
52 on the drawing of drafts, amended. 

5017: Dec. 21 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 572 on the 
drawing of drafts, amended. 



6018: Dec. 21 Treasury Sec'y authorized to retain in the Prohibition 
Service certain temporary personnel entitled to military preference until 
completion of rating of examination for the position of prohibition agent, 
and to reinstate any of said preference employees dropped from said 
service without charges subsequent to Aug. 16, 1929. 1928 CSR 79. 


5019: Jan. 2 Mildred Brown Mcintosh made eligible for appointment 
as typist at the Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Pla., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

5020: Jan. 2 James M. E. Brown made eligible for reinstatement as 
guard in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5021 : Jan. 5 Dr. Edward V. Sheely made eligible for nomination as 
postmaster at Memphis, Tenn., without examination. 1929 CSR 80. 

5022: Jan. 5 Regulations governing allowances for quarters and sub- 
sistence for enlisted men of the various services amended. 

5023 : Jan. 10 Trust period on allotments of the Iowa Indians in Kansas 
and Nebraska, expiring during 1929, extended for 10 years ; three excep- 
tions specified. 

5024: Jan. 14 Carrie C. Anderson made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the General Accounting Office without regard to Civil Service 

5025: Jan. 14 Certain described lands in the counties of Roseau and 
Lake of the Woods, Minn., reserved in connection with the regulation 
of the level of the Lake of the Woods in accordance with the convention 
with Great Britain of Feb. 24, 1925. 

5026: Jan. 14 Specified patrol boats of the Bureau of Fisheries ordered 
to patrol the waters frequented by seal herds and sea otters, and the 
masters of said vessels and certain other officials given power of search 
and seizure to carry into effect the provisions of the sealing convention 
of 1911 between the United States, Great Britain, Japan, and Russia. 

5027: Jan. 15 Ward M. Parker made eligible for nomination as post- 
master at Venice, Fla., without examination. 1929 CSR 80. 

5028: Jan. 16 Trust period on allotments of the Rosebud Indians in 
South Dakota, expiring during 1929, extended for 10 years. 

5029: Jan. 18 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 



6030 : Jan. 18 Certain described lands in Florida withdrawn pending 

5031 : Jan. 18 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

6032: Jan. 18 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter XII, 
pertaining to passports and visas, amended. 

5033: Jan. 19 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved as a lookout 
station for the use of said State. 

5034: Jan. 19 Arthur J. Dahn made eligible for reinstatement as clerk 
in the Railway Mail Service without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 

5035 : Jan. 23 French ville, Maine, abolished as a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 1 (Maine and New Hampshire). 

5036: Jan. 24 Certain described lands on Oravina Island, Alaska, re- 
served for the Agriculture Dept. to protect the water supply of a marine 

5037: Jan. 28 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and possible inclusion in the Zion National Park. 

5038: Feb. 2 Certain described lands in California reserved for classi- 
fication and possible inclusion in the Pinnacles National Monument. 

5039: Peb. 4 Dam No. 3, proposed in the report to Congress (H. Doc), 
1262, 64th Cong., 1st sess., named General Joe Wheeler Dam. 

5040: Feb. 4 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for elk 
refuge purposes. 

6041 : Peb. 9 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn for possible 
use in connection with the establishment of the Bear River Migratory 
Bird Refuge. 

5042 :Feb. 15 Position of press helper in the Engraving and Printing 
Bureau, Treasury Dept., together with incumbents, covered into the 
competitive classified service. 1929 CSR 79. 

5043 : Peb. 15 Marion Hayes McCarthy made eligible for appointment 
as telephone operator in the War Dept. without regard to Civil Service 

5044: Feb. 16* B. O. 4987 of Nov. 2, 1928, reserving certain lands at 
Rockaway Point, N. Y., in connection with the Port TUden Military Res- 
ervation, amended to correct the description of said lands. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 



5045: Feb. 16 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraphs 604-605 as to 
record books required to be kept at inland consulates, amended. 

5046: Feb. 16 E. 0. [4331] of Oct. 28, 1925, reserving certain lands in 
California for classification and pending legislation, modified to author- 
ize the Interior Sec'y to approve the application of the Little River Red- 
wood Company for right of way for a tramway crossing across certain of 
the said lands. 

5047: Feb. 18 Panama Canal Zone, including the "three mile limit", 
declared a military airspace reservation, and regulations governing pri- 
vate aircraft navigation in said reservation, prescribed. M 420; XXII 
PCRec 465. 

5048: Feb. 18 E. O. 4889 of May 26, 1928, withdrawing certain lands in 
Minnesota for classification and pending legislation, revoked, in so far 
as it affects certain lands embraced in a prior homestead entry. 

5049: Feb. 19 Anna M. Stack made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5050: Feb. 21 Samuel H. Thompson made eligible for appointment to a 
position in the Indian Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5051 : Feb. 21 Loretta V. Mann, formerly in the Bureau of Engraving 
and Printing and the Government Printing Office, made eligible for ap- 
pointment to an appropriate position without regard to Civil Service 

5052 : Feb. 21 Mrs. James E. Golladay made eligible for appointment to 
an appropriate clerical position without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5053: Feb. 22 Anna M. Archibald made eligible for appointment in the 
Federal service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5054: Feb. 23 Mary E. Kelly made eligible for reinstatement in the 
clasified service without regard to length of separation from the service. 

5055: Feb. 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IX [on Agriculture Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 3 amended to except scalers in the Forest Service in 
temporary appointments. 1929 CSR 76. 

5056: Feb. 23 Mary Scott Mills made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5057: Feb. 26 Gertrude L. George made eligible for appointment in the 
Customs Service, Treasury Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5058: Feb. 26 Julia Behneke made eligible for appointment in the Labor 
Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



5059: Feb. 26 Oliver H. Clarke made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Office of the Supervising Architect, Treasury Dept., without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 

5060: Feb. 26 Barbara Davis made eligible for appointment in the Com- 
merce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5061 : Feb. 27 Clifford C. Marsh made eligible for reinstatement as as- 
sistant postmaster at Yellowstone Park, Wyo., without regard to length 
of separation from the service. 

5062 : Feb. 28 Airspace over the District of Columbia designated a pro- 
hibited area from midnight, Mar. 2 to midnight, Mar. 6, 1929, for public 
safety purposes. 

5063 : Feb. 28 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn for classi- 
fication and pending legislation [to add them to the Crater National 

5064: Feb. 28 Elizabeth Oibson made eligible for employment as clerk 
or typist in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5065: Feb. 28 Regulations governing navigation of the Panama Canal 
and adjacent waters amended as to exclusion of undesirables. M 422; 
XXn PCRec 507. 

5066: liar. 1 E. O. 3857 of May 31, 1923, withdrawing certain lands in 
Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked as to certain described lands and 
the excluded lands opened to entry only under the homestead or desert 
land laws by qualified ex-servicemen of the World War for 91 days be- 
ginning with the date of filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to 
appropriation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

5067: liar. 2* E. O. 4846-A of Mar. 30, 1928, assigning frequencies to 
Government radio stations amended to include assignment of frequencies 
for the Navy station at Arlington, Va., for the broadcast of programs 
arranged by the Pan American Union. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

5068: mar. 2 Civil Service Rule VI [pertaining to ratings and eligibil- 
ity], Paragraphs 1 and 2 amended to give greater preference to disabled 
veterans, then wives and the widows of honorably discharged or injured 
veterans; Rule XII [pertaining to removal and reduction], Paragraph 5 
amended as to the discharge or reduction of persons entitled to military 
preference. 1929 CSR 75. 

5069: mar. 2 Jeannette J. Donahue made eligible for reinstatement in 
the Labor Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



6070 : liar. 2 James W. Girard made eligible for reinstatement as logging 
engineer in the Forest Service, Agriculture Dept., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

5071 : liar. 2 Robert 0. Hopkins made eligible for reinstatement in the 
classified service without regard to length of separation from the service. 

6072: mar. 2 Virginia Ladd made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6073: liar. 2 Mrs. Lee H. Garby made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6074: mar. 2 Raymond P. Mulherin, formerly in the Post Office Dept., 
made eligible for reinstatement in the classified service without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 

6076 '.mar. 4 Mrs. William M. Stuart, nee Sarah V. Kenner, made 
eligible for reinstatement as clerk in the Federal service without regard 
to length of separation from the service. 

6076: mar. 7 Helen V. McLeod, clerk in the General Land Office, In- 
terior Dept., designated to sign the President's name to land patents dur- 
ing the absence of the regular clerk. 

6077: mar. 7 Viola B. Pugh, clerk in the Interior Dept., designated to 
sign the President's name to land patents. 

6078 : mar. 12 Lincoln, Neb., established as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 46 (Omaha). 

6079 : Blar. 14 Decisions of the Internal Revenue Commissioner granting 
tax refunds in excess of $20,000 ordered opened to inspection. 

6080: Blar. 19 Certain described lands transferred from the Missoula 
National Forest, Mont., to the Helena National Forest. 

6081 : liar. 22 Roche Harbor abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 30 (Washington). 

6082 : Blar. 22 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [for forest reservation purposes]. 

6083 : Blar. 23 Emma E. Kennedy made eligible for reinstatement as 
operative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept., without 
regard to length of separation from the service. 

6084: liar. 28 Lessie L. Schaefer made eligible to take a general clerical 
examination in the 11th Civil Service District without regard to the age 



6085: liar. 28 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

6086: Mar. SO E. 0. 4715 of Sept. 8, 1927, withdrawing certain lands in 
New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked as to certain lands, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

6087: Apr. 1 Trust period on allotments to the Indians on the Siletz 
Reservation, Oreg., expiring during 1929, extended 10 years; 11 excep- 
tions specified. , 

6088: Apr. 8 Sum of $314,000 allocated to the Governor of the Virgin 
Islands for expenses incident to the occupation and government of said 
Islands; $49,000 of said sum to be available for public works projects 
damaged or deferred by the hurricane of Sept. 1928. 

6089 : Apr. 9 Certain prescribed lands in Colorado withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation [to add such lands to the Avapalve 
National Forest] . 

6090: Apr. 9 E. O. 4608 of Mar. 10, 1927, reserving certain lands in 
Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked as to certain lands, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days beginning 
with the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appro- 
priation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

6091 : Apr. 9 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

6092: Apr. 9 Crook National Forest, Ariz., diminished, and the excluded 
lands reserved for to wnsite purposes. 

6093 : Apr. 9 Ida Strong made eligible for appointment in the Agricul- 
ture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6094: Apr. 12 William A. Kennedy made eligible for appointment as 
associate construction engineer in the Office of the Supervising Architect, 
Treasury Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6096: Apr. 16 Nunivak Island, off the Alaska coast west of Etolin Strait, 
reserved for the use of the Agriculture Dept. for experimental purposes 
and as a game and bird preserve. 

6096: Apr. 19 Port limits of Boston, headquarters port of Customs Col- 
lection District No. 4. (Massachusetts), extended to include Braintree. 
Weymouth, and Hingham, and the waters adjacent thereto. 



5097: Apr. 20 Interior Sec'y authorized to lease lands in Alaska light- 
house reserves for fur farming purposes on approval of the Commerce 

6098: Apr. 28 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

6099: Apr. 26 Rates of rental and subsistence allowance for officers of 
the various services made effective for the fiscal year 1930. 

6100: Apr. 27 Jean N. Edington, temporary employee in the Agricul- 
ture Dept., made eligible for appointment in the classified service without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6101: Apr. 29 Mary Elizabeth Porterfield made eligible for appointment 
as operative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6102: Apr. 80 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

6103: May 1 Lottie C. Meyer made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the office of the Director of Public Buildings and Parks of the National 
Capitol without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6104: May 1 Regulations governing the appointment of postmasters of 
the 1st, 2d and 3d class prescribed. Dec. 1930 CSA 95, Mar. 1932 CSA 
114; 1929CSR80. 

6106: May 3 Certain described lands in Nevada, including Fortguile 
Canyon Pueblo, withdrawn for possible inclusion in a national monument. 

6106: May 4 Alaska excluded from the operation of E. O. of April 27, 
1926, # establishing Public Water Reserve No. 107. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

6107: May 8 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, amended to add Subdivision XX, on Em- 
ployees' Compensation Commission positions, Paragraph 1 excepting one 
private secretary or confidential clerk to each member of the Commission. 
1929 CSR 77. 

6108: May 10 Certain described lands in Washington reserved as a 
lookout station. 

6109: May 13 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 



5110: Hay IS Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 368, as to ad- 
missible classes of Chinese, and Paragraph 530 as to the numbering and 
recording of fees, amended ; new Tariff of Fees prescribed. 

5111 : Hay 13 Regulations governing the employment of unskilled labor- 
ers outside of Washington, D. C, Regulation VIII on reinstatement 
amended. 1929 CSR 79. 

5112 : May 14 Juliette V. Harring made eligible for appointment in the 
Commerce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5113: May 14 Marie Crossette made eligible for appointment in the 
Commerce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5113-A:May 14 Alien Property Custodian delegated certain further 
powers under the Trading with the Enemy Act. 

5114: May 15 Horace Paul Bestor designated Farm Loan Commissioner 
of the Farm Loan Board. 

5115: May 15 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 

5116: May 15 Certain described lands in Arkansas withdrawn pending 

5117: May 10 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 
legislation authorizing their sale to the city of Los Angeles for protection 
of its watershed. 

5118: May 16 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for use as a 
lookout station by said State. 

5119: May 17 • B. 0. 3885 of July 27, 1923, reserving certain lands at 
Keaau Ridge and Eaena Point, Oahu, T. H., for military purposes, 
amended as to the description of said lands. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

5120: May 17 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing archaeological investigation by the Smithsonian Institution. 

5121 : May 18 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

5122: May 18 Fort Eeogh Bird Refuge, Mont., created. 

5128: May 21 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision IX, on Agriculture Dept. posi- 
tions [Paragraph] 1 amended to add a sub-paragraph (b) covering cer- 



tain agents employed to take and transmit meteorological observations 
in connection with airways. 1929 CSR 77. 

5124: May 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision I [on the entire classified serv- 
ice], Paragraph 6 amended as to the maximum salary limits of part-time 
employees covered. 1929 CSR 77. 

5125: Hay 28 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for railroad 

5126: Hay 24 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter VI, 
pertaining to "leave of absence,' ' amended. 

5127: May 24 Consular Regulations of 1896, Article XXIV, pertaining 
to miscellaneous services, amended as to leave of absence. 

5128: May 27 Joseph B. White made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5129: May 28 Certain described lands in Zamboanga, Province of Min~ 
danao, and in the municipality of Jolo, P. I., reserved for military pur- 

5130 : May 29 Port limits of New Orleans, La., headquarters of Customs 
Collection District No. 20, extended to include a portion of Plaquemines 

5181 : May 81 George Henry Malone, Navy yeoman, made eligible for 
appointment as supervising clerk at the Cavite Naval Station, P. I., with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5132: June 6 Kahauiki (Port Shafter) Military Reservation, Oahu, 
T. H., diminished and the excluded lands restored to the Government of 
the Territory of Hawaii for road purposes. 

5133: June 7 B. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county or municipal 
government, waived to permit Percy W. Phillips, member of the Board of 
Tax Appeals, to teach in the summer school of the University of North 

5134: June 12 Mary V. Eehoe made eligible for appointment in the 
General Accounting Office without examination. 

5135: June 12 Walter E. Liscombe made eligible for appointment as 
associate construction engineer in the Office of the Supervising Architect 
of the Treasury without regard to length of separation from the service: 



5136: June 12 Alaska Railroad Townsite Regulations amended to 
authorize the Interior Sec'y to reappraise and sell the unimproVed lots in 
Nenana Townsite and to readjust assessments levied against them for 
certain improvements. 

5137: June 17 Carbury, N. Dak., created a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 34 (Dakota). 

5138: June 17 Certain decribed lands in Wisconsin withdrawn for 
classification and possible inclusion in a national forest. 

5139: June 19 Certain described lands on Luzon, Romblon, and Cuyo 
Islands, P. I., established as naval reservations. 

5140: June 20 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

5141 : June 20 Certain described lands in Nevada withdrawn for classifi- 
cation as to their suitability for game refuge purposes. 

5142: June 20 Ralph Ely Stedman made eligible for reinstatement in 
the classified service without regard to length of separation from the 

5143 : June 21 Entry of passengers from any port in China, Hong Kong, 
and the Philippines into the United States or any of its possessions or 
dependencies, temporarily prohibited due to the danger of introducing 
epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. 

5144: June 25 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

5145: June 29 Ida A. Coffey made eligible for appointment to a position 
in the Commerce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5146: June 29 Edna May made eligible for appointment as operative in 
the Engraving and Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

5147: July 1 Huachuca District of the Coronado National Forest [Ariz.] 

5148: July 1 Trust period on allotments of the Indians of the Omaha 
Reservation, Neb., expiring during 1929, extended 10 years. 

5149: July 5 Frances D. Haldeman made eligible for reinstatement as 
operative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept., with- 
out regard to length of separation from the service. 



5160 : July 5 Mae A. Krigbaum made eligible for reinstatement as opera- 
tive in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept., without re- 
gard to length of separation from the service. 

5151: July 30 E. 0. 1713 of Feb. 24, 1913, reserving certain islands in 
Washington for public purposes, revoked as to Sheep and Double Islands. 

5152: July 8 Lulu M. Davis made eligible for reinstatement as operative 
in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept., without regard to 
length of separation from the service. 

5153: July 9 Civil Service Rule IX, pertaining to reinstatement, Section 
1, Clause (a) as to length of separation from the service, amended. 
1929 CSR 76. 

5154: July 9 Birdie E. Gordon made eligible for reinstatement as opera- 
tive in the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, Treasury Dept., without 
regard to length of separation from the service. 

5155: July 11 Port de Russy Military Reservation, Honolulu, T. H., 
diminished, and the excluded lands restored to the Government of the 
Territory of Hawaii for the widening of Ena Road. 

5156: July 13 Harvey M. Hutchinson, associate justice of the Puerto 
Rico Supreme Court, designated acting judge of the district court for 
Puerto Rico during the absence of Judge Ira K. Wells. 

5157: July 16 Punchbowl Hill Military Reservation, Honolulu, T. H., 
diminished, and the excluded lands restored to the Government of the 
Territory of Hawaii with restrictions requiring the use of the restored 
land "solely for park purposes" removed. 

5158: July 16 Cedar Keys Bird Refuge, Fla., established. 

5159 : July 18 Reidsville created a port of entry in Customs Collection 
District No. 15 (North Carolina). 

5160: July 19 Certain described lands in Oregon and California with- 
drawn for use by the Commerce Dept. in the maintenance of air naviga- 
tion facilities. 

5161 : July 23 Louis Bulicek made eligible for appointment in the Com- 
merce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5162: July 24 E. 0. 3815 of Apr. 9, 1923, reserving certain lands in 
Wyoming as an airfield for the Post Office Dept., revoked. 

5163 : July 25 Howard Fyf e given classified status as assistant despatch 
agent in the Despatch Agency of New York, N. Y. 



5164: July 25 James Lawrence Bent, chief electrician's mate in the 
Navy, made eligible for appointment as police lieutenant in the Indus- 
trial Dept. of the Cavite Naval Station, P. I., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

5165: July 26 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

5166: July 26 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

5167: July 29 Robert F. Kerkam, chief yeoman in the Naval Reserve, 
made eligible for appointment as stenographer at the Cavite Naval Sta- 
tion, P. I., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5168: July 29 Myrtle B. Shely made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service without examination. 

5169: Aug. 7 Souris, N. Dak., abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 34 (Dakota). 

5170: Aug. 8 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, amended by addition of Subdivision X, # on 
Navy Dept. positions, Paragraph 1 including certain positions under the 
Naval Establishment in the Philippines. 1928 CSR 78. 

* Erroneously numbered. Later designated Subdivision XI. 

5171 : Aug. 8 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision II, on State Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 1 amended to revoke the exception of certain draftsmen; 10 
incumbents classified ; Schedule B, pertaining to positions subject to non- 
competitive examination, amended by addition of Subdivision X to in- 
clude certain specialists positions in the State Dept. 1929 CSR 77. 

5172: Aug. 9 Certain described lands in Montana withdrawn pending 

5173: Aug. 9 Trust period on allotments of Indians on the Yankton 
Sioux Reservation, S. Dak., expiring during 1929, extended for 10 years. 

5174: Aug. 21 E. 0. 4679 of June 29, 1927, amended to correct descrip- 
tion of the Pupukea Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H. 

5175: Aug. 21 Marjorie M. Noone made eligible for appointment in the 
Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5176: Aug. 28 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [to allow acquisition by the Board of 
Directors of School District No. 82, Jackson County, Oreg.]. 



5177: Aug. 23 E. 0. 4506 of Sept. 11, 1926, withdrawing certain lands 
in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only 
to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of 
resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

5178: Aug. 28 E. 0. 4763 of Nov. 21, 1927, withdrawing certain lands in 
New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat 
of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

5179: Aug. 28 E. 0. 4766 of Nov. 25, 1927, withdrawing certain lands in 
New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat 
of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

5180: Aug. 29 Jeanette C. Vaughan made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5181: Aug. 29 E. 0. 4222 of May 11, 1925, withdrawing certain lands in 
Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men of World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of 
resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

5182 : Aug. 29 Certain described lands in California and Nevada with- 
drawn for classification. 

5183: Aug. 30 E. 0. 4608 of Mar. 10, 1927, withdrawing certain lands in 
Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked as to certain described lands, and 
the excluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead or desert 
land laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from 
the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropria- 
tion by the general public under any applicable land law. 

5184: Sept. 6 E. 0. 4460 of June 18, 1926, withdrawing certain lands in 
Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked as to certain described lands, and 
the excluded land opened only to entry under the homestead or desert 
land laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from 
the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropria- 
tion by the general public under any applicable land law. 

5185: Sept. 6 Colon Naval Radio Station, C. Z., reestablished. M 423; 
XXIII PCRec 134. 



5186: Sept. 7 Ida Elizabeth Henning made eligible for appointment in 
the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5187: Sept. 9 * E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county or municipal 
Government, waived to permit the appointment of certain State and 
county officials as census supervisors. 1930 CSR 52. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

5188: Sept. 10 E. 0. 9 of Jan 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county or municipal 
Government, waived for certain part-time Indian Service employees. 
Mar. 1932 CSA 91-Sept. 1934 CSA 180; 1930 CSR 53. 

5189: Sept. 11 • Regulations for administering the Foreign Service on 
an interchangeable basis prescribed. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

5190: Sept. 11 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [to allow purchase by the city of McMinn- 
ville for water-supply protection] . 

5191: Sept. 13 E. 0. 4262 of July 3, 1925, withdrawing certain lands in 
Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida pending classification and legislation, 
revoked as to certain described lands in Florida to permit the homestead 
entry of Charley McMillan to remain intact. 

5192 : Sept. 14 Lewiston, N. Y., abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collections District No. 9 (Buffalo). 

5193: Sept. 14 Limits of the ports of entry of Astoria, Portland, and 
Marshfield, Oreg., and of Longview, Wash., in Customs Collection Dis- 
trict No. 29 (Oregon) extended. 

5194: Sept. 16 Certain described lands in Arkansas withdrawn for classifi- 
cation in connection with certain areas acquired or to be acquired for 
national forests. 

5195: Sept. 16 E. 0. 3883 of July 27, 1923, withdrawing certain lands in 
Colorado pending resurvey, revoked as to certain described lands, and 
the excluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead or desert 
land laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

5196: Sept. 21 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for use by 
the Forest Service as forest fire patrol headquarters. 

5197: Sept. 21 Power Site Reserve No. 421, Calif, and Nev., diminished. 



5197-A: Sept. SO* Frequencies assigned to government radio stations. 
* Text of this Order is regarded bj the Government as confidential 

5198: Sept. 30 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision IX [on Agriculture Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to add Paragraph 6 excepting two assistants to the Agri- 
culture Sec'y. 1930 CSR 51. 

5199: Oct. 1 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land law. 

5200: Oct. 1 Division of Cooperative Marketing of the Agricultural 
Economics Bureau, Agriculture Dept., transferred to the Federal Farm 
Board. Code Supp 60. 

5201: Oct. 3 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and possible addition to the Hovenweep National Monument. 

5202: Oct. 7 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

5203: Oct. 8 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn for classifica- 
tion and pending legislation [to permit the Interior Sec'y to sell certain 
portions to the Portland Girl Scouts for a summer camp], 

5204: Oct. 9 Estelle Roberts made eligible for appointment as matron in 
the Immigration Service, Labor Dept., without regard to Civil Service 

5205: Oct. 9 Erwin O. May made eligible for appointment as asst. cus- 
toms agent, for assignment in Berlin, Germany, without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

5206: Oct. 11 Customs station of Oroville established a port of entry in 
Customs Collection District No. 30 (Washington). 

5207: Oct. 12 E. O. of Mar. 30, 1901, # reserving certain lands in Alaska 
for reindeer stations, and E. O. 2508 of Jan. 3, 1917, reserving lands on 
Norton Bay, Alaska, for the use of the Bureau of Education and for 
natives of indigenous Alaskan race, revoked in part and the excluded 
lands opened only to entry under applicable homestead laws requiring 
residence by ex-service men of the World War for 91 days beginning 
with the 63d day from the date of this Order, and thereafter to appro- 
priation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

5208: Oct. 12 Certain described lailds in Nevada withdrawn pending 



6209: Oct. 12 Guilia P. Burke made eligible for appointment to a classi- 
fied position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6210: Oct. 17 Josephine Jackley made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6211 : Oct. 19 Airspace over certain specified military areas in Maryland 
set apart for national defense purposes. 

6212: Oct. 26 E. O. 4726 of Sept. 27, 1927, withdrawing certain lands in 
Washington pending resurvey, revoked in part, and the excluded lands 
opened to entry only under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified 
ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing 
of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general 
public under any applicable land law. 

6213: Oct. 28 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VllI [on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 5 amended as to certain Indian Service positions ; Para- 
graphs 6-8, 15-19, and 26 revoked. 1930 CSR 51. 

6214: Oct. 30 Certain described lands in Alaska and the waters at 
Dolgoi Island, Port Graham, Yakutal Bay, and Wide Bay reserved for use 
of the Navy Dept. 

6216: Nov. 1 E. O. 4460 of June 18, 1926, withdrawing certain lands in 
Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked in part, and the excluded lands 
opened to entry only under the homestead or desert land laws by quali- 
fied ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the 
filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. 

6216: Nov. 2 E. O. 3748 of Oct. 23, 1922, withdrawing certain lands in 
South Dakota for classification, revoked in part, and the excluded lands 
opened to entry only under the homestead and desert land laws by 
qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the 63d day 
from the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. 

6217: Nov. 4 Public Water Reserves Nos. 53, 63, and 86, N. Mex., dimin- 

6218: Nov. 4 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

6219: Nov. 6 Certain described lands in Alaska, lying within the old 
Port Davis Military Reservation, reserved for use of the Reindeer Service. 

6220: Nov. 8 Regulations for securing uniformity of style and form, and 
for the better safeguarding of the texts of Executive Orders and Proc- 
lamations, prescribed. 



5221: Nov. 1% Government employees on leave forbidden to work for 
any foreign government, corporation, partnership, or individual, that is 
in competition with American industry. Dec. 1930 CSA 62-June 1939 
CSA 152; 1930 CSR 53; M 424. 

Nov. 12 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation authorizing their sale to the city of 
Napa for watershed protection. 

5223: Nov. 12 E. 0. 4796 of Jan. 19, 1928, withdrawing certain lands in 
Idaho for use by the Commerce Dept. for air navigation purposes, re- 
voked in part, and the excluded lands opened only to entry under the 
homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex-service men of the World 
War for 91 days from the 62d day after the date of this Order, and there- 
after to appropriation by the general public under any applicable land 

5224: Nov. 15 Alice Tasker, former Veterans' Bureau employee, made 
eligible for reinstatement in the classified service. 

5225: Nov. 15 Eliza C. O'Reilly made eligible for appointment to a 
classified position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 

5226: Nov. 18 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter XII-6, 
and Consular Regulations of 1896, Article XXII, Paragraph 366, amended 
as to the granting of diplomatic visas. 

5227: Nov. 18 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

5228: Nov. 21 Benton Lake Bird Refuge, Mont., established. 

5229: Nov. 25 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 
legislation authorizing their sale to the city of Los Angeles for protection 
of its water supply system. 

5230: Nov. 25 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, amended to add Subdivision XXI, on Federal 
Farm Board positions, Paragraph 1 excepting one private secretary or 
confidential clerk to each member of said Board. 1930 CSR 51. 

5231 : Nov. 25 Germaine M. Finley made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5232: Nov. 25 Maude Williams, temporary employee in the Treasury 
Dept., made eligible for appointment in the classified service without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 



5288: Dec. 4 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation authorizing their sale to the city of 
Napa for watershed protection. 

5234: Dec. 4 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

5285: Dec. 6 Marguerite Barrett made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation from the service. 

5236: Dec. 9 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision HI [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 12 amended to apply to national and asst. national 
bank examiners, receivers and asst. receivers under the office of the Comp- 
troller of the Currency. 1930 CSR 52. 

5237: Dec. 10 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for 

5238: Dec. 12 Executive departments and independent establishments 
in the District of Columbia, including the Government Printing Office and 
the Navy Yard and stations, ordered closed on Dec. 24, 1929. 1930 CSR 

5239: Dec. 12 Travel expenses allowed the substitute register, and 
James G. Pindlay appointed special disbursing officer, in connection with 
the case of U. 8. v. Standard Oil Co. of California, involving title to cer- 
tain lands within Naval Oil Reserve No. 1, Calif. 

5240: Dec. 14 # E. O. 4679 of June 29, 1927, amended as to the descrip- 
tion of the Pupukea Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., and E. 0. 5174 of 
Aug. 21, 1929, amending said Order, revoked. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

5241 : Dec. 16 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

5242: Dec. 16 Clarence M. Young, Asst. Commerce Sec'y under the Act 
of 1926, designated to act as Commerce Sec'y during the absence of the 
Sec'y and the Asst. Sec'y under the Act of 1903. 

5243: Dec. 19 E. O. 1733 of Mar. 3, 1913, reserving all the Aleutian 
Islands, Alaska, for game and bird preserves and fisheries, revoked as to 
a described portion of Amaknak Island and said portion opened to entry 
under the homestead laws applicable to Alaska by qualified ex-service 
men of the World War for 91 days from the 63d day from the date of this 
Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any 
applicable land law. 

[ 437 ] 


5244: Dec. 23 Certain described lands in Washington reserved for use 
as a ranger station in the administration of Columbia National Forest. 

5245: Dec. 23 Public Water Reserve No. 36, Wyo., modified to authorize 
the Interior Sec'y to approve an application by the Vinta Pipe Line Co. 
for a gas pipe-line crossing. 

5246: Dec. 23 Power Site Reserve No. 377, Utah, modified to authorize 
the Interior Sec'y to approve an application by the Vinta Pipe Line Co. 
for a gas pipe-line crossing. 

5247: Dec. 23 Edwin V. Morgan retained as Ambassador Extraordinary 
and Plenipotentiary to Brazil, for a period not exceeding five years from 
Feb. 22, 1930. 

5248: Dec. 28 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
made subject to noncompetitive examinations], amended to add Subdivi- 
sion XII, on the Federal Farm Board, Paragraphs 1 and 2, covering 
attorneys and special experts. 1930 CSR 52. 

5249: Dec. 31 Certain described lands in Michigan withdrawn for 
classification and possible inclusion in a national forest. 

5250: Dec. 31 E. 0. [3968] of Mar. 5, 1924, amended to provide for the 
establishment of a pardon board for the Canal Zone. M 424; XXIII 
PCRec 349. 

5251 : Dec. 31 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved as a target 
range for the National Guard. 

5252: Dec. 31 Petroleum Restoration No. 58, Colorado No. 2; E. 0. of 
Oct. 25, 1918,* creating Petroleum Reserve No. 61, Colorado No. 2, re- 
voked, insofar as it affects certain described lands. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

5253 : Dec. 31 Trust period on allotments made to Indians of the Omaha 
Reservation, Neb., expiring in 1930, extended for 10 years. 

5254: Dec. 31 E. 0. 4393 of Mar. 15, 1926, reserving certain lands in 
New Mexico as a target range for the National Guard, revoked, and said 
lands opened to entry only under the homestead or desert land laws by 
qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days after the 63d day 
from date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation under any ap- 
plicable land law. 

5255 : Dec. 31 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved as a 
target range for the National Guard. 



5266: Jan. 3 Regulations governing commutation of rations and quar- 
ters to enlisted men of the various services prescribed. 

6257: Jan. 9 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved as a target 
range for the National Guard. 

5258: Jan. 9 Certain described lands in North Dakota withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation [in conjunction with the reforesta- 
tion program] . 

5259: Jan. 10 Mary Bernadine Partridge made eligible for appointment 
as a clerk in the Prohibition Bureau, Treasury Dept., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

5260: Jan. 10 Commission for the efficient administration of depart- 
mental business in Alaska, composed of the ex-officio commissioners for 
Alaska for the Interior, Agriculture and Commerce Departments, created. 

5261 : Jan. 20 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

6262: Jan. 20 E. 0.s 4798 of Jan. 23, 1928, and 4828 of Mar. 12, 1928, 
reserving certain Arizona lands pending resurvey, revoked, and said 
lands opened to entry under the homestead or desert land laws only by 
ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing 
of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general 
public under any applicable land law. 

5263: Jan. 22 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private 
sale certain specified stock of the U. S. Metals Refining Co., formerly 
the property of the Nationalbank fur Deutschland (Darmstadter und 
Nationalbank) of Berlin, Germany. 

5264: Jan. 24 # Importation of parrots into the United States or its 
possessions temporarily prohibited to prevent spread of a disease com- 
municated by infected parrots. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

5266: Jan. 24 Punchbowl Hill Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., dimin- 
ished, and excluded lands restored to the Government of the Territory 
of Hawaii. 

5266: Jan. 24 Fort Ruger Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., diminished, 
and the excluded lands restored to the Government of the Territory of 

5267: Jan. 25 Salary of Judge James Waldron Remick as war claims 
arbiter fixed at $10,000 per annum. 



5268: Jan. 25 E. O. 3206 of Dec. 30, 1919, creating the Board of Surveys 
and Maps, amended to include the Lighthouse Bureau, Commerce Dept., 
for representation on said Board. 

5269: Feb. 1 Jose T. Casanovas, employee in the Quartermaster Corps 
of the Army in Puerto Rico, made eligible for classified status without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5270 : Peb. 4 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved for use as a 
public water reserve. 

6271 : Peb. 7 Power Site Restoration No. 435, Colorado : Executive 
orders of Dec. 4, 1909,* and July 2, 1910, # creating Temporary Power Site 
Withdrawal No. 81, and Power Site Reserve No. 81, revoked in respect of 
certain described lands. 

* Not Numbered Orders. 

5272: Peb. 7 Public Water Restoration No. 62, New Mexico No. 7: Pub- 
lic Water Reserve No. 50, New Mexico No. 3, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands made subject to disposition under any applicable land law 
on a date to be announced. 

5273: Peb. 7 Public Water Reserve No. 129, New Mexico No. 13, created 
for stock watering and grazing purposes. 

6274: Peb. 7 Public Water Reserve No. 127, Utah No. 19, created for 
stock watering and grazing purposes. 

5275: Peb. 7 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn for classifica- 
tion and possible addition to Zion National Park. 

5276: Peb. 7 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn for 
classification and possible inclusion in a national monument. 

5277: Peb. 7 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for the use of 
the Agriculture Dept. for agriculture experiment purposes. 

5278: Peb. 7 Certain described lands in Florida withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and possible inclusion in a national forest. 

5279: Peb. 8 E. 0.s 4207 of Apr. 18, 1925, 4273 of July 23, 1925, and 
4433 of Apr. 24, 1926, reserving certain lands in Utah pending legislation 

5280: Peb. 17 Deep Creek Administrative Site, Mont., created as an 
addition to the Deep Creek Ranger Station for use in the administration 
of the Helena National Forest. 

5281 : Peb. 17 Air space over certain naval harbors declared closed ports 
by E. O. 1613 of Sept. 23, 1912, reserved for governmental purposes and 
prohibited to civil aircraft. 



5282: Feb. 19 Certain described lands in Louisiana reserved for possible 
inclusion in a national monument. t 

6283: Feb. 21 Mabel V. Birch made eligible for appointment to a classi- 
fied position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5284: Feb. 21 Fort Pierce, Fla., created as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 18. 

5285: Feb. 25 Eustaquio Vallecer made eligible for classification as mas- 
ter in the Harbor Boat Service of the War Dept. in the Philippines with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5286: Feb. 25 H. Percival Dodge made eligible for reinstatement as a 
Foreign Service officer. Class I, without examination. 

5287: Feb. 25 Certain described lands in Nevada withdrawn pending 

5288: Feb. 26 E. O. 5256 of Jan. 3, 1930, governing commutation of 
rations and quarters of enlisted men of the various services, revoked and 
E. 0.s 4728 and 5022 of Sept. 29, 1927, and Jan. 5, 1929, respectively, 
restored to force. 

5289: Mar. 4 Certain described lands in 40 designated native villages in 
Alaska reserved pending survey for the use of the Office of Education as 
school sites. 

5290: Mar. 5 Consular Regulations of 1896, Article XXVII, extensively 
amended as to accounts and returns of consular officers. 

5291 : Mar. 5 New Bern and Manteo, N. C, abolished as ports of entry 
in Customs Collection District No. 15. 

5292: Mar. 5 Public Water Reserve No. 130, Nevada No. 21, established. 

5293: Mar. 5 Public Water Restoration No. 63, Montana No. 11: Public 
Water Reserve No. 51 diminished and the excluded lands restored to the 
public domain and made subject to disposition under any applicable land 

5294: Mar. 5 E. O. 5208 of Oct. 12, 1929, reserving certain lands in 
Nevada for resurvey, revoked with respect to certain described lands 
within the Dixie National Forest, and said lands restored to use for forest 

5295: Mar. 6 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter XX, 
pertaining to accounts and returns of diplomatic officers, cancelled and 
new regulations substituted therefor. 



5296: Mar. 8 E. 0.s 2905 of July 8, 1918, and 3394 of Jan. 28, 1921, 
reserving certain lands in Wyoming pending legislation to enlarge the 
Yellowstone National Park, revoked with respect to certain described 
lands within the Targhee National Forest. 

5297: Mar. 10 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved pending 

5298: Mar. 10 Canal Zone Regulations governing the licensing of motor 
vehicles amended. M 424 ; XIII PCRec 508. 

5299 : Mar. 10 Trust period on allotments to the Prairie Band of Potta- 
watomi Indians in Kansas, expiring in 1930, extended 10 years; 19 ex- 
ceptions specified. 

5300: Mar. 11 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

5301 : Mar. 12 Trust period on allotments to the Indians of the Crow 
Reservation, Montana, expiring in 1930, extended 10 years ; three excep- 
tions specified. 

5302: Mar. 12 Trust period on allotments to the Rosebud Indians in 
South Dakota, expiring in 1930, extended 10 years ; 10 exceptions speci- 

5303: Mar. 12 Trust period on allotments to the Indians on the Devil's 
Lake Reservation, N. Dak., expiring in 1930, extended 10 years; one ex- 
ception specified. 

5304: Mar. 14 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved pending 

5305: Mar. 18 Trust period on allotments to the Indians of the Nez 
Perce Reservation, Idaho, expiring in 1930, extended 10 years; four ex- 
ceptions specified. 

5306: Mar. 18 Trust period on allotments to the Indians of the Seneca 
Tribe in Oklahoma, expiring in 1930, extended 10 years; 57 exceptions 

5307: Mar. 20 Fishlake National Forest, Utah, enlarged. 

5308: Mar. 20 Certain described lands at Malabang, Lanao Province, 
P. I., reserved for military purposes. 

5309: Mar. 24 Certain described lands in Minnesota reserved pending 



6310: Mar. 25 H. Charles Spruks made eligible for appointment to a 
classified position in the State Dept. without regard to Civil Service 

6311 : Mar. 25 Mabel P. Hollister made eligible for appointment as ste- 
nographer and typist in the Plans Division, Smithsonian Institution, with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5312: Mar. 26 Power-Site Restoration No. 436: Power Site Reserves Nos. 
21, 91, 132, 168, 241, 259, 283, 295, 338, 358, 410, 475, 513, and 654, dimin- 
ished, and excluded lands restored to the public domain. 

5313: Mar. 26 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved pending legis- 
lation [to enlarge the Fremont National Forest]. 

6314: Mar. 26 Salt Plains Wildlife Refuge, Okla., established. 

5315: Mar. 26 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

5316: Apr. 3 Wolf Island Wildlife Refuge, Ga., established. 

6317: Apr. 3 E. 0. [5291] of Mar. 5, 1930, abolishing New Bern and 
Manteo, N. C, as customs ports of entry, suspended. 

5318: Apr. 7 Aleutian Islands Game and Bird Preserve Reservation, 
Alaska, enlarged. 

6319: Apr. 7 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 
legislation authorizing their sale to the city of Los Angeles for water- 
supply protection. 

5320: Apr. 7 Limits of the port of entry of Niagara Falls, N. Y., in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 9 (Buffalo) extended to include Lewiston. 

5321 : Apr. 8 Certain tax returns opened to inspection by the Commerce 
Dept. for statistical purposes. 

5322: Apr. 9 San Luis, Ariz., designated a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 26. 

5323: Apr. 10 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved pending 

5324: Apr. 10 Leopoldville, Belgian Congo, designated as an unhealth- 
f ul Foreign Service post for retirement purposes. 

5325: Apr. 12 Liza B. Moncure made eligible for appointment to a classi- 
fied position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



6326: Apr. 14 All unreserved islands, rocks, and pinnacles in the Pacific 
Ocean off the California coast reserved for classification and pending 
legislation [for their proper disposal] . 

6827: Apr. 16 All public lands containing oil shale deposits reserved for 
investigation, examination, and classification. 

6328: Apr. 16 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved pending 

6329: Apr. 16 Laura Mae Decker made eligible for appointment in the 
Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6330: Apr. 16 Helen Laddbush made eligible for appointment in the 
Interstate Commerce Commission without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6331 : Apr. 17 Certain described lands in California reserved for town- 
site purposes. 

6332: Apr. 22 Assistant War Sec'y, under the Act of 1926, designated 
to act as War Sec'y during the absence of the latter. 

6333: Apr. 22 Mary Edwina Coons, temporary employee, made eligible 
for employment for one year in the classified service under the Federal 
Trade Commission without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6334: Apr. 22 Selma F. Dinger made eligible for appointment in the 
War Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6336: Apr. 22 Thelma D. Roy, temporary employee, made eligible for 
employment for one year in the classified service of the Treasury Dept. 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6336: Apr. 23 Coal Land Restoration, Utah No. 48 :E. O. of July 7, 
1910,* establishing coal land withdrawal Utah No. 1, for classification 
purposes, revoked with respect to certain described lands classified by 
the Geological Survey Director. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

6337: Apr. 23 Regulations governing the kind and quantities of the 
component articles of the Army ration amended. 

6338: Apr. 23 Ewile E. Jett, Andrew D. Ring, and Eugene Cogley made 
eligible for retention under the Federal Radio Commission without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 

6339: Apr. 26 Certain described lands in Arizona and Nevada reserved 
for classification and possible inclusion in a national monument. 



6340: Apr. 26 Ida K. Marsh, former temporary employee, made eligible 
for employment for one year* in the Census Bureau, Commerce Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6341: Hay 2 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved pending re- 

6342: Hay 6 Certain described lands in Arkansas reserved pending re- 

6343: Hay 6 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved pending re- 

6344: Hay 8 Public Water Reserve No. 131, Mont., Nev., Oreg., and 
Utah, established. 

6346: Hay 8 Consular Regulations of 1896 amended to conform to 
simplified administrative methods and to secure uniformity of style; 
Tariff of Fees amended as to the consular certificates prescribed in Forms 
Nos. 13 and 14. 

6346: Hay 9 Certain described lands in Minnesota reserved pending 

6347: Hay 12 Florence R. Hopkins made eligible for appointment for 
one year in theTreasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6348: Hay 12 Helen Hall York made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the classified service of the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

6349: Hay 12 Bird Island Wildlife Refuge, Utah, established. 

6360: Hay 22 San Diego and Imperial Counties, Calif., separated from 
Customs Collection District No. 27 (Los Angeles), and established as 
Customs Collection District No. 25 (San Diego), to include Andrade, 
Calexico, San Ysidro, and Tecate, as ports of entry. 

6361: Hay 23 Phosphate Restoration No. 52 diminished; E. 0. of Feb. 
3, 1913, # creating Phosphate Reserve No. 16, Florida No. 5, revoked with 
respect to certain described lands and said lands restored to the public 
domain and made subject to disposition under any applicable land law. 
* Not a Numbered Order. 

6362: Hay 23 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the use of 
the Bureau of Biological Survey, Agriculture Dept., in connection with a 
reindeer experiment station. 

6363: Hay 27 Closing of Government offices in the District of Columbia 
on Saturday, May 31, 1930, ordered and E. O. 4644 of May 9, 1927, relat- 
ing to Saturday hours of work during the summer months, made applica- 
ble from the second Saturday in June. 1931 CSR 53. 



5364: May 27 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved pending 

6366: Hay 28 Rental and subsistence allowences for officers of the vari- 
ous services made effective for the fiscal year 1931. 

6356: May 28 Trust period on allotments to the Prairie Band of Potta- 
watomi Indians in Kansas, expiring in 1930, extended 10 years; 11 ex- 
ceptions specified. 

5357: May 29 Trust period on allotments to the Uncompahgre, Uintah, 
and White Bands of Ute Indians in Utah, expiring in 1930, extended 10 

6368: June 3 Funds available to the Interior Dept. for the study* of and 
report on the public domain, ordered disbursed by the chief disbursing 
officer of said Dept., on certificate of the executive sec'y of the Com- 
mittee on the Administration and Conservation of the Public Domain. 

6369: June 3 Certain described coal lands in Alaska reserved for the 
use of the Office of Education. 

6360: June 3 Power-Site Restoration 438: Power Site Reserves Nos. 661 
and 664, Oreg., 86 and 302, Calif., and 305, Idaho, diminished, and ex- 
cluded lands restored to the public domain. 

5361 : June 4 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the use of 
the Alaskan Road Commission. 

5362: June 4 Certain described lands in California reserved to protect 
the mineral spring therein, and to permit the leasing thereof. 

6363: June 4 Power-Site Restoration No. 440: Power-Site Reserve No. 
397, Mont., revoked with respect to certain described lands. 

5364: June 5 Certain described lands on Unalaska Island, Alaska, re- 
served for the use of the Navy Dept. 

6365: June 10 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for use in 
vocational training of natives and for other purposes. 

5366: June 13 E. O. 4430 of Apr. 23, 1926, reserving certain shore lands 
in Michigan for classification and legislation, revoked with respect to cer- 
tain described lands excluded to permit homestead entry by Joseph S. 

5367: June 14 Power-Site Restoration 441: Power-Site Reserves Nos. 
132 and 513, Idaho, diminished, and excluded lands restored to public 



6368: June 16 E. O. 4921 of June 29, 1928, reserving certain lands in 
Michigan pending resurvey, revoked with respect to certain described 
lands within the Huron National Forest, and said lands restored to use 
for f orest purposes. 

6369: June 16 Cerro Tigre Ordnance Depot Military Reservation, C. Z., 
established subject to the civil control of the Panama Canal Governor. 
M 426, XXIII PCRec 697. 

6370: June 17 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for 

5371: June 19 £. O. 5332 of Apr. 22, 1930, temporarily changing the 
order of precedence of Asst. War Sec'ys, revoked. 

6372: June 20 Power-Site Restoration No. 439: 32 specified Power-Site 
Reserves in Oregon diminished, and excluded lands restored to the pub- 
lic domain. 

6373: June 20 Sum of $421,000, and any additional sum available from 
the Naval appropriation for the fiscal year 1931, allotted to the Governor 
of the Virgin Islands for necessary expenses incident to the occupation 
and government of said Islands and other purposes. 

6374: June 20 Mary R. Martin made eligible for appointment as clerk 
for one year in the General Accounting Office. 

6376: June 23 Minidoka Bird Reservation, Idaho, enlarged. 

6376: June 23 Salary of members of the American section of the Inter- 
national Joint Commission on Canadian boundary adjustments, fixed at 
$10,000 per annum; E. O. 1440 of Dec. 4, 1911, pertaining thereto, re- 

6377: June 23 Patia Smith made eligible for appointment in the Com- 
merce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6378: June 23 Power-Site Restoration No. 442: Power-Site Reserve No. 
460, Alaska, diminished. 

6379: June 24 Public Water Restoration No. 64: Public Water Reserves 
No. 24, Arizona No. 3 ; 34, Arizona No. 5 ; 114, California No. 26 ; and 62, 
Colorado, diminished, and excluded lands restored to the public domain. 

6380: June 24 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 
legislation for protection of the water supply system of the city of Los 

6381: June 24 Transfer of the operation of the Hotel Tivoli from the 
Panama Canal to the Panama Railroad Co. approved. M 426; XXIII 
PCRec 739. 



8882: June 24 Paymaster of the Panama Canal authorized to advance 
up to $200 cash to bonded employees for petty cash disbursements. 
XXTTT PCRec 739. 

6383: June 26 Trust period on allotments to three specified members 
of the Bed Lake Chippewa Tribe of Indians in Minnesota extended 10 
years from date of expiration. 

6384: June 27 Certain described lands at Fort Yukon, Alaska, reserved 
for the use of the Alaska Game Commission. 

6386: June 27 St. Michael, Alaska, abolished as a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 31* 

6386: June 30 E. O. 4430 of Apr. 23, 1926, reserving certain lands in 
Michigan [for classification and pending legislation], modified to except 
excluded lands which have been or may be selected by the State of 
Michigan under the Act of July 31, 1912. 

6387: July 2 Mildred E. Vincent made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Immigration Service, Labor Dept., without regard to Civil Service 

6386: July 2 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VlU [on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 5, relating to the Indian Service at large, Clause (a) 
amended to except guidance and placement officers, and Clause (1) added 
to include certain agricultural and home demonstration field agents. 
1929 CSR 52, 1931 CSR 54. 

6389: July 7 Public lands containing medicinal springs, exclusive of 
Alaska, reserved for leasing under the Act of March 3, 1925. 

6390: July 7 A. Louise Gilbert made eligible for appointment to a 
position in grade 3, CAP service, or any other suitable position in the 
Agricultural Economics Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6391 : July 8 Certain described lands at Chitina, Point Hope and Eanak- 
anak, Alaska, reserved for the use of the Office of Education as school 

6392: July 9 Limits of Customs Collection District No. 21 (Sabine), 
with headquarters at Port Arthur, Tex., extended to include the counties 
of Cameron and Calcasieu, La., and the custom station of Lake Charles, 
La., formerly in Customs District No. 20 (New Orleans). 

6393: July 10 Power-Site Restoration No. 444 : E. O. Power-Site Reserve 
No. 406, Idaho, revoked with respect to certain lands. 



6394: July 14* Pedro de Aldrey, associate justice of the Puerto Rico 
Supreme Court, designated acting judge of the District Court for Puerto 
Rico during the absence of Judge Ira E. Wells. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6395: July 16 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

5396: July 17 Special leaves of absence for medical treatment for dis- 
abled veterans who are Civil Service employees, authorized. Dec. 1930 
CSA 87 June 1939 CSA 200; 1930 CSR 54, 1931 CSR 56. 

5397: July 18 Certain described lands in Washington reserved for use 
as a lookout station by said State. 

5398: July 21 Veterans' Administration created by the consolidation of 
the Veterans' Bureau, the Bureau of Pensions and the National Home for 
Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Dec. 1930 CSA 93-Sept. 1934 CSA 183; 
1931 CSR 56; VA 3. 

6399: July 22 Bell Scarburg Joynes made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5400: July 22 Regulations governing representation allowances to diplo- 
matic missions and consular offices abroad prescribed. 

5401 : July 23 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 
legislation for protection of the water-supply of the city of Los Angeles. 

5402: July 24 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the 
excluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

5403: July 25 Power-Site Restoration No. 443: Power-Site Reserve No. 
316, Calif., revoked with respect to certain described lands. 

5404: July 25 Crook National Forest, Ariz., diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

5405: July 25 Certain described lands at Puolo Point, Island of Kauai, 
T. H., previously reserved for military purposes by E. O. No. 4760 of 
Nov. 15, 1927, restored to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii for 
aeronautical purposes. 

5406: July 25 Upolu Airplane Landing Field, Island of Hawaii, T. H., 
diminished, and the excluded lands restored to the Government of the 
Territory of Hawaii for aeronautical purposes. 

5407: July 25 Public Water Reserve No. 132, Oreg. and Wyo., estab- 



5408 : July 25 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for 
classification and possible inclusion in a national monument. 

5409: July 28 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the 
excluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

5410: July 29 E. 0. 3892 of Aug. 13, 1923, reserving certain lands in 
Utah pending resurvey, revoked with respect to certain described lands, 
and the excluded lands opened to entry under the homestead or desert 
land laws only by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the date of 
the filing the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

5411 : July 29 E. O. 4460 of June 18, 1926, reserving certain lands in 
Wyoming, pending resurvey, revoked with respect to certain described 
lands, and the excluded lands opened to entry under the homestead or 
desert land laws only by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter, to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

5412: July 29 E. O. 4556 of Dec. 18, 1926, reserving certain lands in 
New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, as to certain described lands 
and the excluded lands opened to entry under the homestead and 
desert land laws only by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropria- 
tion by the general public under any applicable land law. 

5413: July 29 E. O. 4725 of Sept. 27, 1927, reserving certain lands in 
Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry 
under the homestead and desert land laws only by qualified ex-service 
men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 

5414: July 31 Boundaries of the Waianae-Kai Military Reservation, 
Oahu, T. H., redefined. 

5415 : Aug. 4 Trust period on allotments to the Kickapoo Band of In- 
dians in Kansas, expiring in 1930, extended 10 years ; one exception spe- 

5416 : Aug. 4 Trust period on allotments to the Indian of the Klamath 
River Reservation in California, expiring in 1930, extended 10 years; 
seven exceptions specified. 

5417: Aug. 4 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraphs 140 and 167 
amended as to naturalization and citizenship of married women; and 
passport fees: Tariff of Fees amended as to passport and visa services; 
and bills of health. 

[ 450 ] 


6418: Aug. 4 E. 0. 4482 of July 19, 1926, reserving certain lands in 
Colorado pending resurvey, revoked with respect to certain described 
lands, and the excluded lands opened to entry under the homestead and 
desert land laws only by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropria- 
tion by the general public under any applicable land law. 

5419: Aug. 5* Certain described lands in Alaska at Mountain Point, 
Bevillagigedo Channel, previously reserved for lighthouse purposes by 
E. 0. 3406 of Feb. 13, 1921, transferred to the War Dept. for use as the 
Ketchikan Radio Station in connection with the operation of the Wash- 
ington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

5420: Aug. 5 E. 0. 4322 of Oct. 15, 1925, reserving certain lands in 
Colorado pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry 
under the homestead or desert land laws only by qualified ex-service men, 
for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and there- 
after to appropriation by the general public under any applicable land 

6421: Aug. 8 E. 0. 5029 of Jan. 18, 1929, reserving certain lands in 
New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry 
under the homestead or desert land laws only by qualified ex-service 
men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 

5422: Aug. 5 O'Connor Ranger Station, Routt National Forest, Colo., 
abolished, and the lands opened to entry under the homestead or desert 
land laws only by qualified ex-service men, for 91 days from the 62d day 
after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

5423 : Aug. 8 E. 0. 4100 of Nov. 7, 1924, reserving certain lands in New 
Mexico pending resurvey, revoked with respect to certain described lands, 
and the excluded lands opened to entry under the homestead or desert 
land laws only by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the date of 
the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

5424: Aug. 15 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn for class- 
ification and pending legislation [to maintain the scenic values of the 
Mesa Verde National Park]. 

5425: Aug. 20 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the 
excluded lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

5426: Aug. 20 Regulations governing documents required of aliens en- 
tering the United States, prescribed. M 426. 



5427: Aug. 20 State Sec'y authorized to conclude agreements with other 
countries for reciprocal waiver or reduction of application and visa fees 
for nonimmigrants and to reduce or abolish such fees in the absence of 
such agreement for alien citizens of countries granting similar privileges 
to the United States; E. 0. 4224y 2 of May 15, 1925, superseded. 

6428 : Aug. 20 Certain described lands in Montana withdrawn for class- 
ification and pending legislation [to establish the Crooked Creek and 
Gilbert Creek Grazing Districts in Garfield County]. 

5429: Aug. 25 Regulations for the government of the Army and Navy 
General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., amended with respect to charges 
for medicine and subsistence. 

5430: Aug. 26 Power-Site Restoration No. 445: Power-Site Reserve No. 
36, revoked with respect to certain described lands. 

5431 : Aug. 27 Mrs. Robert D. Freeman made eligible for appointment 
as clerk in the classified service in the Prohibition Bureau, Justice Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5432: Aug. 28 Public Water Restoration No. 65: Public Water Reserve 
No. 14, Calif., revoked with respect to certain described lands, and the 
excluded lands restored to the public domain and opened to disposition 
under any applicable land law on date to be announced. 

5433: Aug. 28 E. 0.s 2599 and 3053 of Apr. 16, 1917, and Feb. 28, 1919, 
respectively, reserving certain lands in Montana pending legislation, 
revoked as to certain described lands and the excluded lands opened to 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men for 91 days from the 63d day from the date of this Order, and there- 
after to appropriation by the general public under any applicable land 

5434: Aug. 28 E. O. 4111 of Apr. 1, 1926, reserving certain lands in 
Montana pending legislation, revoked as to certain described lands, and 
the excluded lands opened to entry Tinder the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men, for 91 days from the 63d day from the 
date of this Order and thereafter to appropriation by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

5435: Sept. 2 State Sec'y authorized to grant diplomatic visas to diplo- 
matic and consular officers of foreign governments for security into the 
United States : E. O. 4210 of Apr. 23, 1925, superseded. 

5436: Sept. 2 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for classi- 
fication and pending legislation [to add said lands to the Federal Elk 



5487: Sept. 4 Frances Kearney made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Prohibition Bureau, Justice Dept., without regard to Civil Service 

5438: Sept. 5 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [to extend the boundaries of the Petrified 
Forest National Monument]. 

5439: Sept. 5 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, modified, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to entry under the homestead laws by qualified 
ex-service men for 91 days from the 63d day from the date of this Order 
and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any ap- 
plicable land law. 

5440: Sept 5 £. 0. 4695 of July 25, 1927, reserving with certain lands 
in Utah pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry under 
the homestead or desert land laws only by qualified ex-service men for 
91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and there- 
after to appropriation by the general public tinder any applicable land 

5441 : Sept. 8 Certain described lands at Nenana, Alaska, reserved for 
the use of the Alaska Railroad. 

5442: Sept. 11 Mrs. James R. Bennett made eligible for appointment 
as clerk, at the Detroit, Mich., post office without regard to Civil Service 

5443: Sept. 12 Power Site Restoration No. 446: Power Site Reserve 
No. 364, Calif., diminished. 

5444: Sept. 16 Lawrence, Mass. designated a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 4. 

5445: Sept. 18 Limits of the port of entry of Marshfield, Oreg., in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 29, extended to include, in addition to North 
Bend, all points on Coos Bay. 

5446: Sept. 18 £. 0. 3918 of Oct. 29, 1923, reserving certain lands in 
California pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only to 
entry under the homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men for 91 days from the 63d day from the date of this Order, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 

5447: Sept. 22 Certain described lands at Seward, Alaska, reserved for 
the use of the Agriculture Dept. 

5446: 8ept. 23 Power Site Restoration No. 447: Power Site Reserve No. 
514, Ark., diminished. 



5449: Sept. 25 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands restored to entry under any applicable land law, except- 
ing certain lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

5450 : Sept. 25 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for use as a 
radio station for the Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph 

5451 : Sept. 25 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved as a lookout 
station in connection with cooperative forest protection. 

5452: Sept. 25 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

5453: Sept. 25 Wichita, Eans., designated a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 45 (St. Louis). 

5454: Sept. 30 Power-Site Restoration No. 450: Power Site Reserves 
Nos. 1, 174, and 235, Utah, diminished. 

5455: Oct. 1 Limits of Customs Collection District No. 8 (Rochester), 
extended to include Alleghany and Tioga counties, N. Y. 

5456: Oct. 1 Power Site Restoration No. 449: Power Site Reserve No. 
393, Blacksmith Pork, Utah, diminished. 

5457: Oct. 1 E. 0. 5243 of Dec. 19, 1929, restoring certain lands on 
Amaknak Island, Alaska, to public domain, amended to revoke E. O. of 
April 2, 1901, # reserving certain lands for public purposes, and to ex- 
clude from the restoration certain lands reserved for lighthouse pur- 
poses by E. 0. of Jan. 13, 1899,* and the lands reserved for the use of the 
Navy Dept. as a wireless station by E. 0. 1456 of Jan. 6, 1912. 

* Not Numbered Orders. 

6468: Oct. 1 E. 0. 4410 of Apr. 1, 1926, reserving certain lands in Alaska 
for lighthouse purposes, amended to redefine the boundaries of said lands. 

6459 : Oct. 4 Position of shipping commissioner at the several ports of 
the United States placed in the competitive classified service ; E. 0. 3807 
of Mar. 15, 1923, superseded. 1930 CSR 57. 

6460 : Oct 8 Petroleum Restoration No. 59 : Petroleum Reserve No. 61, 
Colorado No. 2, diminished, and the excluded lands restored to public 
domain for disposition under any applicable land laws. 

6461 : Oct. 14 Power Site Restoration No. 451 : Power Site Reserve No. 
491, Solomon Creek and Uno Creek, Alaska, diminished. 

6462 : Oct. 14 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for customs 
and immigration inspection purposes at the international boundary line. 



5463: Oct. 15 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter 
XVIII-1, governing form of correspondence with the Dept., amended. 

5464: Oct. 17 Resources of the Agriculture Dept. ordered made avail- 
able for the use of the Commissioner of Patents for facilitating the con- 
sideration of applications for plant patents. 

5465: Oct. 20 Benicia Arsenal Military Reservation, Calif., enlarged. 

5466: Oct. 22 Trust period on allotments to the Cass Lake, Leech Lake, 
White Oak Point, and Winnibigoshish Bands of Chippewa Indians in 
Minnesota, expiring in 1930, extended 10 years; one exception specified. 

5467: Oct. 22 Reservoir Site Restoration No. 10: Reservoir Site Reserve 
No. 17, Calif., diminished. 

5468: Oct. 22 instructions to Diplomatic Officers, Chapter XVII-2, 
amended with respect to inventory of Government property. 

5469: Oct. 22 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraphs 57, 59, 60, 65, 
431-433*4 amended with respect, to inventory of Government property. 

5470: Oct. 22 Nunivak Island Game and Bird Preserve, Alaska, en- 

5471 : Oct. 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VII on Post Office Department 
positions, amended to add Paragraph 6 excepting part-time clerks, car- 
riers, and laborers for the holiday season 1930-1931. 1931 CSR 55. 

5472: Oct. 27 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 
legislation for protection of the water-supply of the city of Los Angeles. 

5473: Oct. 30 Procedure relative to protests of department heads in 
connection with changes in allocation of positions by the Personnel Class- 
ification Board, established. 1931 CSR 57. 

5474: Oct. 31 Trust period on homesteads of nine specified Indians of 
the Niobrara or Santee Reservation, Neb., expiring in 1930, extended 10 

5475: Not. 3 Customs station of Lake Charles, La., designated a port 
of entry in Customs Collection District No. 21 (Sabine). 

5476: Nov. 4 * War Dept. duties pertaining to the payment of veterans' 
annuities authorized by the acts of May 23, 1908, and Feb. 28, 1929, and 
those pertaining to artificial limbs and trusses, transferred to the Vet- 
erans' Administration, together with the personnel records, and property 
pertaining thereto. Dec. 1930 CSA 93-Sept. 1934 CSA 183 ; 1931 CSR 58 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



6477: Nov. 4 E. 0. of July 1, 1913,* creating Power Site Reserve No. 
377, modified to authorize Interior Sec'y to approve the application of 
the Uinta Pipe Line Co. for a right-of-way for a telephone and telegraph 
line crossing certain lands in said reserve. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

6478: Nov. 8 Public Water Reserve No. 113, Calif., Mont., N. Mex., and 
Oreg., established. 

6479: Nov. 11 Civil Service Rule X, pertaining to transfer, Section 6 
amended with respect to transfers in the nonapportioned service. 1931 
CSR 53. 

6480: Nov. 13 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for classi- 
fication and pending legislation [in connection with the adjoining elk 
refuge and to preserve the scenic features of a highway entering the 

6481 : Nov. 14 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for the use of 
the Agriculture Dept. for agricultural experiment purposes. 

6482: Nov. 14 Certain lands in Idaho reserved pending legislation [au- 
thorizing the exchange of said lands for certain lands within the craters 
of the Moon National Monument owned by the Kilpatrick Brothers of 
Beatrice, Neb.]. 

6483: Nov. 14 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

6434: Nov. 14 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

6486: Nov. 14 E. 0. 4683 of Apr. 26, 1927, reserving certain lands in 
New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. 

6486: Nov. 14 Power Site Restoration No. 452: Power Site Reserves 
Nos. 285, 661 and 664, Water-Power Designation No. 14, and Power 
Site Classification No. 164, Oregon No. 17, Oreg., diminished. 

6487: Nov. 14* Boundaries of the Port Armstrong Military Reserva- 
tion, Honolulu, Island of Oahu, T. H., redefined. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6488: Nov. 16 £. 0. 3866 of June 14, 1926, reserving certain lands in 
Colorado pending resurvey, revoked with respect to certain lands, and 
the excluded lands opened to entry under the homestead or desert-land 
laws only by qualified ex-service men, for 91 days from the date of the 
filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 



5489: Nov. 15 Public Water Reserve No. 134, Calif., established. 

5490: Nov. 15 Power Site Restoration No. 453: Temporary Power Site 
Withdrawal No. 47, and Power Site Reserve No. 47, Mont., diminished. 

5491: Nov. 18 Civil Service Commission authorized to apply the prin- 
ciples of the Civil Service Act and Rules to the Municipal Service of the 
District of Columbia and to fill vacancies in said service from the eligible 
registers established for the Federal Service. Dec. 1930 CSA 90-Sept. 
1934 CSA 198. 

5492: Nov. 18 Public Water Restoration No. 66: Public Water Reserve 
No. 62, Colo., diminished. 

5493: Nov. 18 Certain described portion of the Augur Barracks Mili- 
tary Reservation, Island of Jolo, P. I., restored to the Government of the 

5494: Nov. 18 E. 0. 4726 of Sept. 27, 1927, reserving certain lands in 
Washington pending resurvey, revoked with respect to certain described 
lands, and the excluded lands opened to entry under the homestead or 
desert lknd laws only, by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

5495: Nov. 22 Public Water Reserve No. 136, Wyo., established. 

5496: Nov. 22 Public Water Restoration No. 67: Public Water Reserve 
No. 29, Nevada No. 1, diminished, and the excluded lands restored to the 
public domain and made subject to disposition under any applicable 
land law on date to be announced. 

5497: Nov. 24 Power Site Restoration No. 454: Power Site Reserve 
No. 457, N. Mex., diminished. 

5498: Nov. 25 Salton Sea Wildlife Refuge, Imperial County, Calif., es- 

5499: Nov. 28 Coal Land Restoration, Utah No. 49: Coal Land with- 
drawals, Utah No. 1 and Utah No. 12, respectively, diminished. 

5500: Deo. 2 Certain described lands on the Richardson Highway, north 
of Chitina, Alaska, reserved for the use of the Alaska Road Commission. 

5501: Deo. 2 Eva MacFate, n6e Eva C. Small, former printers' assistant, 
made eligible for reinstatement to an appropriate position in the En- 
graving and Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept., without regard to limita- 
tions on reinstatement. 



6502 : Deo. 2 * Regulations governing the dispensation of narcotic drugs 
in the Virgin Islands prescribed. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

5603: Dec. 4 Pearl Mcintosh made eligible for appointment in the Gen- 
eral Accounting Office without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5504: Deo. 4 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for use as a 
target range for the National Guard. 

5505: Dec. 8 Certain described lands in Mississippi, previously reserved 
for military purposes by E. O. of Aug. 30, 1847,* transferred to the In- 
terior Sec'y for disposal. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

5606: Dec. 8 E. O. 4624 of Apr. 1, 1927, reserving certain Colorado lands 
pending resurvey, revoked with respect to certain lands, and the ex- 
cluded lands opened to entry under the homestead or desert land laws 
only, by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the date of the filing 
of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter, to appropriation by the general 
public under any applicable land law. 

5507: Dec. 8 Paducah, Ky., abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 42. 

5603: Dec. 10 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for classifica- 
tion, flood control, and watershed protection. 

5609: Dec. 10 E. O. 5031 of Jan. 18, 1929, reserving certain lands in 
New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry 
under the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex-service 
men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 

5510: Dec. 10 Power Site Restoration No. 456: Temporary Power Site 
Withdrawal No. 5, and Power Site Reserve No. 5, Wyo., diminished. 

5511: Dec. 11 Certain described lands in Louisiana reserved pending 
classification and possible inclusion in a national forest. 

5512: Dec. 11 Certain described lands in California reserved pending 
legislation for protection of the water-supply for the city of Los Angeles. 

5513: Dec. 13 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examinations, Subdivision X on State Dept. 
positions amended to add Paragraph 2, to include certain Foreign Serv- 
ice executive or administrative positions. 1931 CSR 56. 


5514: Dec. 15 Executive Depts. and independent establishments in the 
District of Columbia ordered closed on Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1930. 1931 
CSR 58. 

5515: Dec. 15 Bird Island Wildlife Refuge, Utah, abolished. 

5516: Dec. 17 Trust period on allotments to the confederated bands of 
Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla Indians on the Umatilla Reservation, 
Oreg., expiring in 1931, extended 10 years. 

5517: Dec. 17 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands, previously occupied as a homesite, restored to entry 
under any applicable land law. 

5518: Dec. 19 E. 0. 4100 of Nov. 7, 1924, reserving certain lands in 
New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked with respect to certain lands, 
and the excluded lands opened to entry under the homestead or desert 
land laws only, by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the date of 
the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

5519: Dec. 23 Robert Peet Skinner, envoy extraordinary and minister 
plenipotentiary to Greece, retained on active duty for not more than 
five years from Feb. 24, 1931. 

5520: Dec. 23 Lulie Hunt Turnipseed made eligible for appointment to 
a position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5521 : Dec. 26 Fort Shaf ter and Hawaii Arsenal Military Reservations, 
Kahauiki, Island of Oahu, T. H., diminished, and the excluded lands re- 
stored to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii for street extension 

5522: Dec. 31 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [to establish a game refuge]. 

5523: Deo. 31 John W. Martyn, executive assistant in the office of the 
War Sec'y, made eligible for classification as administrative assistant 
and chief clerk in the War Dept. 


5524: Jan. 5 E. O. 4478 of July 15, 1926, reserving certain lands in 
Colorado pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry 
under the homestead and desert-land laws only, by qualified ex-service 
men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 



5525: Jan. 5 Certain described lands in Utah [adjacent to the Bryce 
Canyon National Park], reserved for classification and pending legisla- 
tion [to protect its scenic values]. 

5526: Jan. 7 Consular Regulations of 1896 amended as to protests of 
masters of merchant vessels, shipment of seamen, final accounts and 
drafts and sight drafts; Tariff of Consular Fees amended as to fee for 
sealing cars coming from Mexico or Canada. 

5527: Jan. 7 Mildred Barnes Mclnturff made eligible for appointment 
to a position in the Commerce Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5528: Jan. 7 Certain described portion of Upolu Airplane Landing 
Field, Island of Hawaii, T. H., restored to its previous status for use by 
the Government of the Territory of Hawaii. 

5529: Jan. 6 Leafie E. Dietz designated to sign the President's name to 
land patents. 

5530: Jan. 9 Two Harbors, Minn., abolished as port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 36 (Duluth and Superior). 

5531 : Jan. 13 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

5532: Jan. 15 Reservoir Site Reserve No. 1, Wenatchee Lake Reservoir, 
Wash., modified to authorize the Federal Power Commission to a license 
to George Silverly for Project No. 1129 on certain described lands. 

5533 : Jan. 16 Reservoir Site Reserve No. 16, Oreg., amended to author- 
ize the Federal Power Commission to issue a license to the OdeU Lake 
Co., Inc., of Crescent Lake, Oreg., for a minor power project on the 
Deschutes River. 

5534: Jan. 21 Public Water Reserve No. 137, Mont, and Nev., estab- 

5535: Jan. 21 Power Site Restoration No. 455: Power Site Reserve No. 
510, Mont., diminished. 

5536: Jan. 21 Power Site Restoration No. 457: Power Site Reserve No. 
397, Mont., diminished. 

5537: Jan. 21 Potash Restoration No. 9: Potash Reserve No. 2, Cali- 
fornia No. 1, diminished. 

5538: Jan. 23 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 



5639: Jan. 23 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Ponca Res- 
ervation, Okla., expiring in 1931, extended 10 years. 

6640: Jan. 26 Charles Sheldon Wild Life Refuge, Nev., established as 
a refuge and breeding ground for wild animals and birds. 

6641: Jan. 27 Power Site Restoration No. 458: Temporary Power Site 
Withdrawals and Power Site Nos. 24, 60, 61, 64 and 65, Reserves Nos. 
24, 60, 61, 64, and 65, Oreg., diminished. 

6542: Jan. 27 Certain described lands in California lands withdrawn 
pending resurvey. 

6543: Jan. 30 Power Site Restoration No. 459: Power-Site Reserve No. 
283, Idaho, diminished. 

5544: Jan. 30 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to add Paragraph 17 excepting research associates hold- 
ing fellowships in the National Health Institute, under the Public Health 
Service. 1932 CSR 55. 

5645: Jan. 30 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision I [on Interior Dept. 
positions], Paragraph 7 amended to exclude advisers (disciplinarians) 
in the Indian Service; incumbents of said positions, if rated efficient, 
given classified status. 1932 CSR 56. 

5546: Jan. 31 Trust period on allotments of Indians on the Cheyenne 
River Reservation, S. Dak., expiring in 1931, extended 10 years. 

5547: Jan. 31 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

5648: Jan. 31 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

5549: Feb. 5 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter X, 
pertaining to citizenship, amended to provide that embassies, legations 
and other missions follow the instructions as to citizenship set forth in 
Article X of the Consular Regulations. 

6560: Feb. 5 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for class- 
ification and in aid of the administration of the Government-owned oil 
and gas deposits in the Eettlemen Hills fields. 

6561: Feb. 7 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 



5562 : Feb. 9 Certain described lands in Utah eliminated from the op- 
eration of E. 0. 5327 of Apr. 15, 1930, reserving oil shale lands, to permit 
the issuance of trust patents to two specified Uncompahgre Ute Indians. 

5553: Feb. 9 Mrs. Nixon S. Plummer made eligible for appointment to 
a position in the Federal Trade Commission without regard to CSvfl 
Service Rules. 

5554: Feb. 9 Helen R. Witt made eligible for appointment to a position 
in the Interstate Commerce Commission without regard to Civil Service 

5555: Feb. 11 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

5556: Feb. 11 Trust period on allotments to members of the Prairie 
Band of Potawatomi Indians of Kansas, expiring in 1931, extended 10 

5557: Feb. 13 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Pine Ridge 
Reservation, S. Dak., expiring in 1931, extended 10 years. 

5558 : Feb. 16 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

5559 : Feb. 16 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 
legislation to grant said lands to the Colorado School of Mines. 

5560: Feb. 16 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, amended to add Subdivision XXII, on Fed- 
eral Power Commission positions, Paragraph 1 excepting one private 
sec'y or confidential clerk to each member of said Commission. 1932 
CSR 55. 

5561 : Feb. 18 * Portion of the agricultural experiment station at 
Kewalo-uka on Punchbowl Hill, Honolulu, T. H., restored to the Govern- 
ment of the Territory of Hawaii for home sites. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

5562 : Feb. 20 Lighthouse reserve on the eastern end of Horn Island, 
off the coast of Mississippi, enlarged. 

5563: Feb. 28 Margaret Kane made eligible for appointment as an op- 
erative in the Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

5564: Feb. 25 Power Site Restoration No. 460: Power Site Reserve No. 
556, Oreg., diminished. 

5565 : Feb. 25 Regulations governing appointments and promotion in 
the Foreign Service, amended as to type of examination and age limita- 



5566: Feb. 27 Administration of the Virgin Islands placed under the 
Interior Dept. 

5567: Feb. 28 Power Site Restoration No. 461: Power Site Reserve No. 
512, Mont., diminished. 

5568: Mar. 3 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry tinder applicable land laws. 

5569: Mar. 3 E. 0. 5737 of Sept. 23, 1922, withdrawing certain lands 
in Florida erroneously omitted from survey in 1847, revoked as to cer- 
tain described lands, and the excluded lands opened to entry under the 
homestead laws only, by qualified ex-service men, for 91 days from the 
63d day from the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

5570 : Mar. 3 Civil Service Rule IX, pertaining to reinstatement, Sec- 
tion 1 amended to add Clause (e) covering reinstatement of an employee 
involuntarily separated during or at end of probation. 1932 CSR 53. 

5571 : Mar. 5 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 

5572: Mar. 7 E. 0. 4339 of Nov. 9, 1925, reserving certain lands in 
Idaho for classification, amended to authorize the Interior Sec'y to ap- 
prove a right-of-way across said lands for an irrigation project. 

5573: Mar. 7 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn for classifica- 
tion and possible inclusion within a national monument. 

5574: Mar. 11 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands, heretofore used for fish cannery purposes, restored to 
entry under applicable land laws. 

5575: Mar. 12 Trust period on allotments to members of the Fond du 
Lac Band of Chippewa Indians of Minnesota, expiring during 1931, ex- 
tended 10 years. 

5576: Mar. 13 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
the operation of E. 0. 4997 of Nov. 19, 1928, withdrawing lands pending 
resurvey, and opened to entry under the homestead and desert land laws 
only, by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the date 
of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

5577: Mar. 13 E. 0. 5011 of Dec. 15, 1928, designating Oakland, Calif., 
a port of entry in Customs Collection District No. 28 (San Francisco), 
revoked and the places therein included within the port limits of San 



5578: Mar. 13 Designation of the port of entry of San Francisco, Calif., 
changed to Port of San Francisco-Oakland, and its limits extended to 
include all points on San Francisco Bay. 

5579: Mar. 16 Crescent Lake Wild Life Refuge, Garden County, Neb., 
established a refuge and breeding ground for birds and wild animals. 

5580 : Mar. 16 Trust period on allotments to the Agua Caliente Band 
of Mission Indians in California, expiring during 1931, extended 10 years. 

5581 : Mar. 17 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation [to grant said lands to the Metro- 
politan Water District of Southern California for water supply purposes] . 

5582: Mar. 18 Certain described coal lands in Alaska withdrawn for 
classification and investigation. 

5583: Mar. 30 Rental and subsistence allowances for officers of the 
various services made effective for the fiscal year 1932. 

5584: Mar. 30 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Section VIII, on Interior Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 5(d) amended to except part-time dentists in the Indian Serv- 
ice. 1932CSR55. 

5585: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

5586: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in North Dakota withdrawn for 
classification and pending determination of their suitability for wild 
life refuge purposes. 

5587: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in Colorado eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 4964 of Sept. 17, 1928, withdrawing lands pending 
resurvey, and opened to entry under the homestead and desert-land laws 
only, by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the date of 
the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

5588: Mar. 31 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision I [on positions in the entire 
classified service], amended to except one private sec'y or confidential 
clerk to the head and asst. head of each Independent Establishment, and 
to each member of commissions or boards, when such heads or members 
are appointed by the President; and to exclude such positions under 
Paragraph 1, Subdivisions XIV, Bureau of Efficiency; XVI, Alien Prop- 
erty Custodian; XVII, Railroad Labor Board; XX, Employees' Com- 
pensation Commission; XXI, Federal Farm Board; and XXII, Federal 
Power Commission. 1932 CSR 55. 



5689: Apr. 1 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for townsite 

5690: Apr. 1 Petroleum Restoration No. 60: Petroleum Reserve No. 40, 
Montana No. 1, diminished. 

5691: Apr. 1 Grace McMahan Tyndall made eligible for appointment 
in the War Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5692: Apr. 3 * Certain described lands in Wyoming, previously reserved 
for the protection of the water supply of Port D. A. Russell (Port Francis 
E. Warren), transferred from the Interior Dept. to the control of the 
War Dept. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6593: Apr. 4 Public Water Reserve No. 139, Colo., established. 

5694: Apr. 6 Public Water Reserve No. 138, Nev. and Wyo., established. 

6695: Apr. 9 Half-mast flag display on the White House and other pub- 
lic buildings in the District of Columbia and the State of Ohio on Apr. 
9, and 11, 1931, as a mark of respect to the memory of Nicholas Long- 
worth, late Speaker of the House of Representatives, ordered. 

5596: Apr. 9 Certain described lands in Nevada withdrawn pending 

5597: Apr. 9 Public Water Restoration No. 68: Public Water Reserve 
No. 86, N. Mex., diminished. 

5698: Apr. 10 Coal Lands Restoration, New Mexico No. 48: Coal Land 
Withdrawal, New Mexico No. 6 diminished in aid of an authorized ex- 
change of lands of like character. 

6599: Apr. 13 Washington C. McCoy, master of the U.S.M.Y. Kilkenny, 
Bureau of Navigation, given classified status. 

6600: Apr. 16 Certain described lands within the Umatilla Federal Ir- 
rigation Project, Oreg., reserved for use as an agricultural field station. 

5601 : Apr. 16 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn for classi- 
fication and pending legislation [to permit sale to the city of McMinnville 
for the protection of its water supply]. 

6602: Apr. 20* Certain described Government property in the Virgin 
Islands transferred to the control of the Interior Dept. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



5603 : Apr. 20 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

6604: Apr. 20 Mrs. Cecil Alexander made eligible for appointment to 
a position in the Post Office Dept. or the field service thereof without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6605: Apr. 21 E. O. 5014 of Dec. 19, 1928, prescribing regulations gov- 
erning the payment of actual expenses and per diem allowances for 
civilian officers and employees while traveling, revoked, and said regula- 
tions now prescribed in the amended edition of the Standardized Gov- 
ernment Travel Regulations of Apr. 21, 1931. 

6606: Apr. 22 Fallon Wild Life Refuge, Churchill County, Nev., estab- 
lished as a refuge and breeding ground for birds and wild animals. 

6607: Apr. 22* Boundaries of those portions of the Kahauiki Military 
Reservation (Fort Shafter) and Hawaii Arsenal Military Reservation, 
Oahu, restored to the Territory of the Government of Hawaii by E. O. 
5132 of June 6, 1929, redefined. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6608: Apr. 22 Customs station of Sasabe, Ariz., designated a port of 
entry in Customs Collection District No. 26. 

6609: Apr. 23* Employees of the Bureau of National Homes of the 
Veterans' Administration given classified status, with certain exceptions. 
Mar. 1932 CSA 106-Sept. 1934 CSA 184; 1931 CSR 59. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6610: Apr. 24 Civil Service Rule VI [pertaining to ratings and eligibil- 
ity] , Paragraphs 1 and 2 amended as to preference to veterans with serv- 
ice-connected disability and their wives and widows; and Rule VII 
[pertaining to certification], Paragraph 1 amended as to records of vet- 
eran eligibles passed over by appointing officer ; Civil Service Commission 
to hold quarterly examinations for men and women entitled to such pref- 
erence. Mar. 1932 CSA 18-June 1937 CSA 21; 1931 CSR 53. 

6611: Apr. 24 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for use in 
connection with the San Carlos Indian Irrigation Project. 

6612: Apr. 26 Council of Personnel Administration established under 
the chairmanship of the President of the Civil Service Commission, and 
duties prescribed. Mar. 1932 CSA 106-Sept. 1934 CSA 184; 1931 CSR 59. 

6613: Apr. 28 Bishop Point Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., enlarged. 

6614: Hay 1 Procedure for the reporting of expenditures for use in 
the Budget prescribed. 



5615: Hay 1 Certain described lands transferred from the St. Joe Na- 
tional Forest, Idaho, to the Clearwater National Forest. 

5616: Hay 2 Boundaries of the Pend Oreille and Kootenai National 
Forests, Idaho and Mont., modified. 

5617: Hay 4 Elsie E. Demshoch made eligible for appointment to a 
position in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5618: May 11 Crook National Forest, Ariz., diminished, and excluded 
lands reserved for townsite purposes. 

5619: Hay 11 Deerlodge National Forest, Mont., diminished, and the 
excluded lands opened to entry only under the homestead and desert- 
land laws by qualified ex-servicemen for 91 days beginning with the 
63d day from the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

5620: Hay 13 Dorothy I. Sinnott made eligible for appointment to a 
position in the Labor Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5621: Hay 13 Consular Regulations of 1896, Article X, pertaining to 
citizenship and passports, Paragraph 140 amended as to naturalization 
and citizenship of married women. 

5622 : Hay 15 Federal employees in the Philippine Islands with at least 
seven years' service given classified status under certain conditions. 
Mar. 1932 CSA 13-June 1939 CSA 17; 1931 CSR 60. 

5623: Hay 15 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

5624: Hay 15 Regulations governing the occupation and maintenance 
of diplomatic and consular residential and office quarters prescribed. 

5625: Hay 18 Four-hour workday on Saturdays ordered for clerks and 
other employees of the field service of the Interior Dept. and all conflict- 
ing Executive Orders revoked. Mar. 1932 CSA 97-June 1939 CSA 203. 

5626: Hay 18 Trust period on allotments of the Eickapoo Indians of 
Kansas, expiring during 1931, extended 10 years. 

5627: Hay 20 Federal civil service employees permanently residing in 
Arlington County, Va., permitted to hold local office and to participate in 
elections for such offices. Mar. 1932 CSA 12-June 1939 CSA 15; 1930 
CSR 60. 

5628: Hay 20 Amy Cowing made eligible for appointment as clerk- 
typist in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



6029: May 21 Public Water Reserve No. 141, Mont., established. 

6880: May 26* Portion of the decommissioned radio compass station 
and site at Cattle Point, Wash., previously reserved for the Navy Dept 
by B. 0. 4104 of Nov. 20, 1924, transferred to the control of the Com- 
merce Dept. for lighthouse purposes and the remaining portion returned 
to the Interior Dept. for disposal. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6681: May 26 Certain described lands in California reserved for mu- 
nicipal water-supply purposes. 

6632: May 27 Certain described lands in North Dakota eliminated from 
the operation of E. O. 5258 of Jan. 9, 1930, withdrawing lands for classi- 
fication, and opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the 63d day 
from the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. 

6633 : May 28 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

6684: June 1 Certain, described transferred from the Mount Baker Na- 
tional Forest, Wash., to the Snoqualmie National Forest. 

6636: June 2 Arthur B. Landt, temporary field agent, made eligible for 
retention in the Farmers' Seed Loan Office, Agriculture Dept., without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6636: June 3 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination], Subdivision IX, on Veterans' 
Administration positions, amended to delete Paragraph 1 covering at- 
torneys of all grades; said positions and incumbents included in the 
classified service. 1931 CSR 56. 

6637: June 4 Eeaahala Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., diminished, 
and the excluded lands restored to the Government of the Territory of 

6638: June 8* Radio frequencies assigned to Government stations and 
E. 0. 5197-A of Sept. 30, 1929, superseded. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

6639: June 8 Coal Land Withdrawal Wyoming No. 1 modified to per- 
mit the use of certain described lands as an aviation field. 

6640: June 8 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 



6641 : June 8 Certain described lands eliminated from the Alaska salmon 
hatchery reservation established by [E. 0. 405-B] of Feb. 1, 1906, and 
restored to the public domain. 

5642: June 8 Regulations governing the administration of the Foreign 
Service prescribed. 

6643: June 8 Regulations governing Foreign Service representation and 
post allowances prescribed; E. 0. [5400] of July 22, 1930, pertaining 
thereto, canceled. 

6644: June 8 Certain places designated as unhealthful Foreign Service 
posts for retirement purposes and E. 0.s [4187, 4744, 4772, and 5324] of 
Apr. 1, 1925, Oct. 20, 1927, Nov. 28, 1927, and Apr. 10, 1930, respectively, 

6646: June 8 Certain powers under the Trading with the Enemy Act of 
1917 vested in the Alien Property Custodian. 

6646: June 9 Certain described lands transferred from the Selway Na- 
tional Forest, Idaho, to the Bitterroot National Forest. 

6647: June 9 Income tax returns opened to inspection by State officers 
for State income-tax purposes and by beneficiaries under a will. 

6648: June 11 Consular Regulations of 1896, Pargraphs 579-584, and 
the Diplomatic Instructions of 1927 amended as to control over account- 
ing and disbursing work of Foreign Service posts. 

6649: June 12 Helen Terrill Mays made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 

6660: June 18 Public Water Reserve No. 142, Oreg., established. 

6661: June 18 Certain described lands in Minnesota eliminated from 
operation of E. O. 4889 of May 26, 1928, reserving land for classification, 
and opened only to entry under the homestead laws by qualified ex- 
service men for 91 days beginning with the 63d day from the date of this 
Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any 
applicable land law. 

6662: June 18 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

5663: June 20 Power-Site Restoration No. 462: Temporary Power-Site 
Withdrawal and Power-Site Reserve No. 81, Colo., diminished. 

5664: June 20 Duck Creek Administrative Site, Helena National Forest, 
Mont., enlarged. 



6665: June 22 Public Water Restoration No. 69: Public Water Reserve 
No. 72, Ariz., diminished. 

5656: June 22 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

5657: June 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision II, on State Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 2 amended to cover only assistants to the legal adviser. 1931 
CSR 55. 

5758: June 24 Regulations governing form, style, and safeguarding: of 
Executive Orders and Proclamations prescribed; B. 0. 5220 of Nov. 8, 
1929, pertaining thereto, revoked. 

5759: June 25 Florence R. Hopkins made eligible for appointment to a 
position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5660: June 26 Certain described lands in Nevada, formerly withdrawn 
aa a naval reserve, placed under the control of the Interior Sec'y for 

5661: July 1 Consular Regulation of 1896, Article I, amended to add 
Section 29, on ' responsibility for office during absence of the principal 
officer, and to amend Section 442, on rank by seniority in the same grade, 
and Section 21. 

5662 : July . Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IX, on Agriculture Dept. posi- 
tions, Paragraph 1 amended to add Clause (i) excepting temporary em- 
ployees enforcing the Plant Quarantine Act of 1928. 1931 CSR 62. 

5663: July 1 Horace Paul Bestor designated Farm Loan Commissioner 
of the Federal Farm Loan Board. 

5664: July 2 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for the Navy 
Dept. for use as an ammunition depot. 

5666: July 2 A. D. Forsythe made eligible for appointment in the Sub- 
professional Service in the Construction and Repair Bureau, Navy Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5666: July 3 E. 0. 9 of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
Government, amended to permit persons holding such positions to receive 
certain appointments under the Commerce Dept. Mar. 1932 CSA 91-Sept. 
1934 CSA 180; 1932 CSR 65. 

5667: July 6 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending re- 

[ 470 ] 


5668: July 6 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for use as a 
target range by the National Guard. 

5669: July 14 Public Water Restoration No. 70: Public Water Reserve 
No. 49, Montana No. 4, and Public Water Reserve No. 1, Utah No. 1, 

5670: July 22 Siuslaw National Forest, Oreg., enlarged by the inclusion 
of certain lands formerly reserved for use of the War Dept. in connection 
with the improvement of the Umpqua River. 

5671: July 29 Certain described lands in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North 
Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon withdrawn 
to protect the interests of the Government, the public, and the Northern 
Pacific Railway Co., and in aid of contemplated legislation. 

5672: Aug. 3 Public Water Reserve No. 143, Colo, and Wyo., established. 

5673: Aug. 4 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

5674: Aug. 7 B. 0. 4657 of June 6, 1927, withdrawing certain lands in 
California pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry 
under the homestead and desert land laws only, by qualified ex-service 
men for 91 days beginning with the date of the filing of the plat of 
resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

5675: Aug. 7 E. O. 4225 of Apr. 19, 1926, withdrawing certain lands in 
Utah pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry under 
the homestead and desert land laws only, by qualified ex-service men for 
91 days beginning with the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, 
and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applica- 
ble land law. 

5676: Aug. 7 Reservoir Site Reserve No. 1, Wenatchee Lake Reservoir, 
Wash., modified to authorize the Federal Power Commission . to issue 
license for Project No. 1150. 

5677: Aug. 10 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
operation of B. O. 4997 of Nov. 19, 1928, withdrawing lands pending re- 
survey, and opened to entry under the homestead and desert land laws 
only by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the date of 
the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

5678: Aug. 10 E. O. 4745 of Oct. 21, 1927, reserving certain lands in 
Utah pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry under 
the stock-raising homestead laws only by qualified ex-service men for 91 



days beginning with the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under said laws. 

6670: Aug. 10 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 4882 of May 16, 1928, withdrawing lands pending re- 
survey, and opened to entry under the homestead and desert land laws 
only by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the date of 
the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by 
the general public under any applicable land law. 

6680: Aug. 10 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VIII [on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraphs 1 and 20 amended to exclude the superintendent of 
the Hot Springs Reservation and superintendents or officers in charge of 
national parks or reservations; positions and incumbents thus classified. 
1931 CSR 62. 

6681 : Aug. 12 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

6682 : Aug. 12 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

6683: Aug. 12 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for use as a 
fire lookout station by the State of Oregon. 

6684: Aug. 12 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn for classifica- 

6636: Aug. 12 E. O. 5234 of Dec. 4, 1929, reserving certain lands in New 
Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry under 
the homestead and desert land laws only by qualified ex-service men for 
91 days beginning with the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 

6686: Aug. 12 Reservoir Site Reserve No. 17, Calif., modified to author- 
ize the Federal Power Commission to issue a license to the Southern 
California Edison Co. for Project No. 966. 

6687: Aug. 18 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

6638: Aug. 18 E. O. 4957 of Sept 3, 1928, reserving certain lands in 
Colorado pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry 
under the homestead and desert land laws only, by qualified ex-service 
men for 91 days beginning with the date of the filing of the plat of re- 
survey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any 
applicable land law. 



6689: Aug. 18 Proclamation 758 of May 27, 1907, reserving certain lands 
in Arizona along the international boundary, modified to authorize the 
Acting Interior Sec'y to approve an application of the Western Gas Co. 
for a right-of-way for a natural gas pipe line. 

5690: Aug. 20 Certain described lands in Zambales Province, Luzon, 
P. I., reserved for the chromite deposits thereon, and certain other lands, 
described in E. O. 4310 of Sept. 24, 1925, restored to the control of the 
Government of the Philippines. 

5691 : Aug. 21 Civil Service Rule, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision XVIII, on Veterans' Administra- 
tion positions, extensively amended. 1932 CSR 62. 

5692: Aug. 24 • Boundaries of Aiea Military Reservation, Ewa District, 
T. H., redefined. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

5693: Aug. 24* Boundaries of Punchbowl Hill Military Reservation, 
Honolulu, T. H., redefined. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

5694: Aug. 25 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
legislation [to grant said lands to the city of McMinnville for the preser- 
vation and protection of its water supply]. 

5695: Aug. 27 Marie V. Abernethy made eligible for appointment as a 
clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 

5696: Aug. 27 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. 
positions, amended to add Paragraph 3 excepting one headquarters mes- 
senger at the headquarters of the Philippine Dept. under certain condi- 
tions. 1932 CSR 64. 

5697: Aug. 28 Caroline J. Skilton made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 

5698: Aug. 81 Certain described lands in Colorado eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 4482 of July 19, 1926, withdrawing lands pending 
resurvey, and opened to entry under the stock-raising homestead laws 
only, by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the date of 
the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under said laws. 

5699: Aug. 31 B. O. 5115 of May 15, 1929, withdrawing certain lands in 
Oregon pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry under 



the homestead and desert land laws only, by qualified ex-service men for 
91 days beginning with the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 

5700: Aug. 31 E. 0. 9 of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
Government, amended to permit officers of the Public Health Service to 
hold such offices in local health organizations, and to permit State, Ter- 
ritorial, or local health officials or employees to hold office in the Public 
Health Service. Mar. 1932 CSA 91-Sept. 1934 CSA 180; 1932 CSE 65. 

5701 : Aug. 31 John W. Harrison made eligible for appointment as asso- 
ciate marine engineer in the Professional Service of the Navy Yard at 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

5702: Sept. 1 Bocks constituting Port Orford, Blanco, and Rogue River 
Reefs in the Pacific Ocean off the Oregon coast, reserved as a refuge for 
the protection of sea lions. 

5703: Sept. 1 Power-Site Restoration No. 463: Temporary Power-Site 
Withdrawal and Power-Site Reserve No. 137, Wyo., diminished. 

5704: Sept. 2 E. 0. 1898 of Mar. 12, 1914, delimiting Canal Zone judicial 
districts, amended. M 431; XXV PCRec 138. 

5705: Sept. 3 Adolf G. Wolf, associate justice of the Puerto Rico Su- 
preme Court, designated to perform the duties of the judge of the Dis- 
trict Court for Puerto Rico during the absence of Judge Ira K. Wells. 

5706: Sept. 4 Mary J. A. Hangliter, Margaret B. Hillyard, Catherine 
Lehmkuhl, and Frances N. Kane made eligible for appointment in the 
Engraving and Printing Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rides. 

5707: Sept. 4 E. O. 5624 of May 15, 1931, governing the maintenance 
and occupation of Foreign Service quarters, amended as to quarters used 
for residence purposes. 

5708: Sept. 8 E. O. 5327 of Apr. 15, 1930, withdrawing certain lands in 
Utah for classification, modified to permit approval of an application for 
a right-of-way by the Uintah Railway Co. 

5709 : Sept. 11 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

5710: Sept. 14 Naval air-space reservation and defensive sea area estab- 
lished within a five-mile radius of the southern end of Tangier Sound in 
Chesapeake Bay, from Oct. 5 to Oct. 20, 1931, inclusive. 



5711: Sept. 14 Certain described lands in Montana withdrawn for 
classification and pending legislation [to establish a grazing reserve] . 

5712: Sept. 14 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 
legislation [to grant the lands to said State for educational purposes]. 

5713: Sept. 14 * Coal Land Withdrawal Wyoming No. 1 modified to per- 
mit the withdrawal of certain described lands for use in the maintenance 
of air-navigation facilities. 

•Not in Numbered Series. 

5714: Sept. 15 Soldier Mountain and Sugar Loaf Administrative Sites, 
Calif., reserved for use as lookout sites in the administration of the 
Shasta National Forest. 

5715: Sept. 16 Barracks Lot Military Reservation, Honolulu, T. H., 
diminished, and the excluded lands restored to the Government of the 
Territory of Hawaii. 

5716: Sept. 16 • Records, files, and papers of the National Commission 
on Law Observance and Enforcement transferred to the Justice Dept. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

5717: 8ept. 17 Public Water Reserve No. 116, Calif., modified to author- 
ize the Federal Power Commission to issue a license for Project No. 1123 
[for construction of a transmission line by the Southern Sierras Power 
Company of Riverside, Calif.]. 

5718: Sept. 17 E. 0.s 4331 and 5237 of Oct. 28, 1925, and Dec. 10, 1929, 
respectively, reserving certain lands in California for classification, re- 
voked as to certain described lands. 

5719: Sept. 17 Naubinway Island in Lake Michigan reserved for use by 
the Commerce Dept. for lighthouse purposes. 

5720: Sept. 18 Gladys W. Eldridge made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service 

5721: Sept. 19 Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge en- 
larged by the addition of certain described Lands in Wisconsin, Illinois, 
Iowa, and Minnesota. 

5722: Sept. 22 • Title to certain lands on Government Island, Alameda, 
Calif., accepted in exchange for rights and interests in said island under 
lease of July 5, 1918, and the administration of said lands placed under 
the Agriculture Dept. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



5723: Sept. 22 E. O. 5327 of Apr. 15, 1930, withdrawing certain lands in 
Utah for classification, modified to permit approval of an application for 
a right-of-way by the Uintah Railway Co. 

5724: Sept. 22 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision XV III [on Veterans' Adminis- 
tration positions], amended to add Paragraph 12 excepting certain posi- 
tions in national veterans' homes when filled by members of such homes. 
1932 CSR 63. 

5725: Sept. 24 Boundaries of Toiyabe National Forest, Nev., redefined. 

5726: Sept. 26 Willow Administrative Site, Ariz., reserved for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Prescott National Forest. 

5727: Sept. 29 Locomotive Springs Migratory Bird Refuge, Box Elder 
County, Utah, established as a refuge and breeding ground for birds and 
wild animals. 

5728: Sept. 29 Trust period on allotments made to Indians of the Otoe 
and Missouria tribes, Oklahoma, expiring during 1931, extended for 10 

5729: Oct. 2 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

5730 : Oct. 8 Trust period on allotments made to Indians of the Walker 
River Reservation, Nev., expiring during 1931, extended 10 years. 

5731 : Oct. 13 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VII, on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to add Paragraph 6 excepting certain temporary part- 
time personnel in the Postal Service, employed for the Christmas season, 
until Feb. 1, 1932. 1932 CSR 63. 

5732: Oct. 14 Certain described lands in California reserved as a look- 
out station in connection with cooperative forest-protection work. 

5733: Oct. 16 Coal Land Withdrawal Wyoming No. 1 modified to permit 
withdrawal of certain land for use as an air-navigation site. 

5734: Oct. 17 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Warm 
Springs Reservation, Oreg., expiring during 1931, extended 10 years. 

5735: Oct. 20 E. O. 4942 of July 30, 1920, withdrawing certain lands in 
New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry 
under the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex-service 
men for 91 days beginning with the date of the filing of the plat of re- 
survey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any 
applicable land law. 



5786: Oct. 20 Certain described lands in Manila Harbor, P. I., reserved 
for military purposes. 

5737: Oct. 22 Consular Regulations of 1896 amended in Section 524 as 
to the accounting period for tonnage fees and to cancel Section 55, per- 
taining to instruction periods. 

5738: Oct. 29 Louise A. Gallivan made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Regional Office of the Veterans' Administration at Boston, Mass., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5739: Oct. 30 Power Site Restoration No. 464: Temporary Power Site 
Withdrawal and Power Site Reserve No. 117, Idaho, diminished. 

5740: Oct. 31 St. Marks Migratory Bird Refuge, Wakulla County, Pla., 
established as a preserve and breeding ground for birds and wild animals. 

5741 : Nov. 2 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 4608 of Mar. 10, 1927, withdrawing certain lands pend- 
ing resurvey, and opened to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws only, by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

5742 : Nov. 3 William C. White made eligible for appointment as naval 
architect, Professional Service, to act as chiefdraftsman in the office of 
the Superintending Constructor, Navy Dept., Qroton, Conn., on construc- 
tion of the submarine Cuttlefish, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5743: Nov. 7 Certain described lands in Arkansas eliminated from 
operation of B. O. 5194 of Sept. 16, 1929, withdrawing certain lands for 
classification, and opened only to entry under the homestead laws by 
qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the 63d from the 
date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

5744: Nov. 7 Power Site Restoration No. 465: Temporary Power Site 
Withdrawal and Power Site Reserve No. 2, Colo., diminished. 

5745: Nov. 7 Power Site Restoration No. 466: Temporary Power Site 
Withdrawals and Power Site Reserves Nos. 5 and 30, Wyo., diminished. 

5746: Nov. 10 Trust period on all allotments made to Indians of the 
Yakima Reservation, Wash., expiring during 1931 and 1932, extended for 
10 years. 

5747: Nov. 11 Big Lake Reservation Bird Refuge, Ark., modified. 

5748: Nov. 12 Savannah River Wild Life Refuge, Ga. and S. C, estab- 
lished as a refuge and breeding ground for birds and wild animals ; E. O. 



4626 of Apr. 6, 1927, creating the Savannah River Bird Refuge, S. C, 

5749 : Nov. 20 Certain described lands in Colorado eliminated from the 
operation of B. 0. 3866 of June 14, 1923, withdrawing certain lands pend- 
ing resurvey. 

5750 : Nov. 23 Certain described lands in California eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. of Jan. 26, 1867, # and E. 0. [375-A] of Nov. 27, 1905, 
'withdrawing lands for lighthouse purposes. 
* Not a Numbered Order. 

5751 : Dec. 3 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn for classifi- 

5752: Dec. 3 Datil National Forest, N. Mex., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands transferred to the Mausano National Forest, and the name 
of the latter Forest changed to the Cibola National Forest. 

5753 : Dec. 7 Civil Service Rule VII, pertaining to certification, Section 
2 amended as to positions not chargeable to the apportionment. 1932 
CSR 61. 

5754: Dec. 7 Public Water Reserve No. 144, Alaska, established. 

5755: Dec. 10 Certain described lands in Mississippi withdrawn for 
classification and possible inclusion within a national forest. 

5756: Dec. 16 Lewis and Clark National Forest, Mont., diminished, and 
the excluded lands transferred to the Helena National Forest. 

5757: Dec. 16 Madison and Deerlodge National Forests, Mont., dimin- 
ished, and the excluded lands transferred to the Beaverhead National 

5758: Dec. 16 Lolo National Forest., Mont., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands transferred to the Cabinet National Forest. 

5759 : Dec. 16 Deerlodge National Forest, Mont., modified by the elimi- 
nation of certain lands and the addition of certain other lands from the 
Madison, Missoula, and Helena National Forests. 

5760: Dec. 16 Madison National Forest, Mont., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands transferred to the Gallatin National Forest. 

5761 : Dec. 16 Bitterroot and Missoula National Forests, Mont., dimin- 
ished, and the excluded lands transferred to the Lolo National Forest. 

5762: Dec. 18 Florence F. Burton made eligible for appointment as 
sec'y to the Prohibition Director, Justice Dept., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 



5763: Dec. 22 Executive Departments and independent Establishments 
in the District of Columbia ordered closed on Dec. 26, 1931. 1932 CSR 

5764: Dec. 22 Civil Service Rule Y [pertaining to qualifications of appli- 
cants], Section 4 amended. Add Clause (g) prohibiting the examination 
or certification of an applicant with two or more members of his family 
in the classified service. Mar. 1932 CSA 8-June 1937 CSA 9 ; 1932 CSR 61. 

5765: Dec. 24 Datil National Forest, N. Mex., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands transferred to the Gila National Forest. 

5766: Dec. 30 Yetta B. Floyd made eligible for appointment as clerk- 
typist in the Prohibition Bureau, Justice Dept., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

5767: Dec. 30 Hallie D. Stotler made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Prohibition Bureau, Justice Dept., without regard to Civil Service 

5768: Dec. 30 Trust period on allotments to Indians of eight specified 
reservations, expiring during 1932, extended for 10 years. 

5769 : Dec. 30 Phosphate Restoration No. 53 : Phosphate Reserves No. 2, 
Idaho No. 1, and No. 9, Idaho No. 2, diminished. 

5770: Dec. 30 Port Everglades, Fla., designated a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 18. 


5771: Jan. 4* Strip of land through the Schofield Barracks Military 
Reservation, T. H., reserved for the use of the Territory of Hawaii as a 
road right-of-way. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

5772: Jan. 11 E. O. 5327 of Apr. 15, 1930, withdrawing certain lands in 
Utah and other States for their possible oil-shale value, modified to 
authorize the Interior Sec'y to approve an application of the Uintah Rail- 
road Company for a railroad right-of-way on certain of said lands. 

5773: Jan. 11 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraphs 117 and 118 on 
correspondence with the State Dept., Paragraph 149 on the duties of 
consular officers toward American citizens, and Paragraph 448 on dispo- 
sition of unclaimed letters, amended ; Paragraph 449 on letters intended 
for whaling vessels, canceled, and Tariff Fees amended as to fees for 
services contemplated by Items 31, 38, 39, 40, and 41, when rendered else- 
where than at a consular office, and to establish Item 50, permitting the 



administering of oaths, etc., without fee in connection with kinsmen's 
petitions for the wages and effects of deceased seamen of the American 
merchant marine. 

5774: Jan. 13 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision XVIII on Veterans' Administra- 
tion positions, Paragraph 12 amended as to positions in national soldiers' 
homes when filled by the members of such homes. 1932 CSR 63. 

5775 : Jan. 15 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision I [on Interior Dept. 
positions], Paragraph 1 revoked to exclude miners on rescue or experi- 
mental work, Mines Bureau; positions and incumbents classified. 1932 
CSR 64. 

5776: Jan. 18 Civil Service Rule VI [pertaining to ratings and eligibil- 
ity], Paragraph 1 amended as to veterans' preference for men over 55 
years old. 1932 CSR 61. 

5777: Jan. 19 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. 
positions, Paragraph 3 amended to except three additional messengers at 
the headquarters of the Philippine Dept. under certain conditions. 1932 
CSR 64. 

5778: Jan. 19 Stipulations for the payment of prevailing wages in pub- 
lic building contracts prescribed. 

5779 : Jan. 21 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

5780: Jan. 25 Public Water Restoration No. 71 : Public Water Reserves 
No. 34, Arizona No. 5, and No. 1, Utah No. 1, diminished. 

5781 : Jan. 25 Florence C. Brock made eligible for appointment as junior 
clerk in the Public Roads Bureau, Agriculture Dept., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

5782 : Jan. 28 Hutton Lake Migratory Bird Refuge, Albany County, 
Wyo., enlarged. 

5783: Jan. 29 Bamforth Lake Migratory Bird Refuge, Albany County, 
Wyo., enlarged. 

5784: Jan. 29 Certain described portion of the Fort William H. Seward 
Military Reservation (Chilkoot Barracks), Alaska, reserved for the use 
of the Alaska Road Commission. 

5785: Jan. 29 E. 0. 5091 of Apr. 9, 1929, reserving certain lands in New 
Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. 



5786: Jan. 30 Certain waters off the North Carolina coast, southeast of 
Kittyhawk Coast Guard Station, declared a defensive sea area, and navi- 
gation within said area prohibited except by authority of the Navy Sec'y- 

5787: Feb. 2 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VI, on Justice Dept. positions, 
amended to reduce the number of excepted positions. 1932 CSR 63. 

5788: Feb. 2 Canal Zone Regulations governing the size, weight, and 
speed limits of motor vehicles using public highways, prescribed. M 433 ; 
XXV PCRec 430. 

5789: Feb. 2 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

5790: Feb. 2 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

5791 : Feb. 2 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

5792: Feb. 2 Certain described lands in Nevada withdrawn pending 

5793: Feb. 3 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 4882 of May 16, 1928, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and said lands opened to entry under the homestead or desert 
land laws only, by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the date of 
the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

5794: Feb. 5 Certain described lands in California reserved for use as a 
lookout station in connection with cooperative forest-protection work. 

5795: Feb. 9 Power Site Restoration No. 468: Power Site Reserve No. 
190, Wyo., diminished. 

5796: Feb. 10 Certain described lands in Illinois and Wisconsin with- 
drawn for classification and pending legislation [for improvement of the 
Pox River]. 

5797: Feb. 11 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 4608 of Mar. 10, 1927, withdrawing lands pending re- 
survey, and opened to entry under the homestead or desert land laws 
only, by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the date of 
filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

5798: Feb. 11 Power Site Restoration No. 467: Power Site Reserve No. 
660, Oreg., diminished. 



6799: Feb. 13 McClellan Peak Administrative Site, Nev., reserved for 
the use as a lookout site in the administration of the Tahoe National 

6800: Feb. 17 Certain described lands transferred from the Gallatin 
and Beartooth National Forests, Mont., to the Absaroka National Forest. 

6801 : Feb. 17 Certain described lands transferred from the Absaroka 
and Beartooth National Forests to the Custer National Forest, Mont, and 
S. Dak. 

6802: Feb. 17 Sinclair A. Wilson made eligible for appointment as 
senior forest economist in the Forest Service, Agriculture Dept., without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6803: Feb. 19 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for the use of 
the Fisheries Bureau of the Commerce Dept. 

6804: Feb. 23 Ann Halloran made eligible for appointment as stenog- 
rapher in the Veterans' Administration without regard to Civil Service 

6806: Feb. 23 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

6806: Feb. 26 E. O. 3672 of May 8, 1922, reserving certain lands in 
Alaska for townsite purposes, revoked insofar as it applies to certain 
described lands. 

6807: Feb. 26 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6808: Feb. 26 Long Lake Migratory Bird Refuge, Burleigh and Kidder 
Counties, N. Dak., enlarged. 

6809 : Feb. 27 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
the operation of E. O. 4843 of Mar. 23, 1928, withdrawing lands pending 
resurvey, and included in the Santa Fe National Forest. 

6810: Feb. 27 E. O. 4426 of Apr. 19, 1926, withdrawing certain lands in 
Utah pending resurvey, revoked. 

6811 : Feb. 27 Wanda Coolidge Carver made eligible for appointment 
as under clerk in the Washington Navy Yard without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

6812: Feb. 29 Consular Regulations of 1896, Section 544 pertaining to 
postage charges, and Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter 
XX-11, amended. 



6813: Feb. 29 Certain described coal lands in Alaska reserved for in- 
vestigation, examination, and classification. 

6814: Mar. 1 Ocala National Forest and Ocala National Game Refuge, 
Fla., enlarged. 

5815: Mar. 9 Certain described coal lands in Alaska reserved for in- 
vestigation, examination, and classification. 

5816: Mar. 9 Power Site Restoration No. 469: Power Site Reserve No. 
155, Mont., diminished. 

5817: Mar. 10 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision III, on Commerce 
Dept. positions, Paragraph 2 amended to exclude certain positions in the 
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 1932 CSR 65. 

5818: Mar. 10 Certain described lands in Washington withdrawn for 
classification as to their suitability for migratory bird refuge purposes. 

5819: Mar. 12 E. O. 4900 of June 2, 1928, reserving certain lands in 
Colorado pending resurvey, revoked, and a certain part of said lands 
opened to entry under the homestead or desert land laws only, and cer- 
tain other parts opened to entry under the stock-raising homestead laws 
only, by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with date of the 
filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. 

6820: Mar. 16 E. O. 5116 of May 15, 1929, reserving certain lands in 
Arkansas pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands included in the 
Ouachita National Forest. 

5821 : Mar. 17 Joseph H. Hopkins made eligible for appointment as act- 
ing postmaster at the Woodward, Okla., post office, and to take the open 
competitive examination for postmaster without regard to the age limita- 
tions. 1932 CSR 66. 

5822 : Mar. 19 Fred Scott made eligible for appointment as penitentiary 
guard in the Justice Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5823: Mar. 21 Certain described lands in Colorado eliminated from 
operation of E. O. 4827 of Mar. 12, 1928, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and opened to entry under the homestead or desert land laws 
only, by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the date of 
the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

5824: Mar. 22 Inspection of tax returns by State officers for intangible 
property tax purposes authorized. 



5825: Mar. 26 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter VI, 
Section 8 (d), the Consular Regulations of 1896, Section 467, both per- 
taining to leave without compensation, amended. 

5826: Mar. 28 Colorado National Forest, Colo., renamed Roosevelt Na- 
tional Forest. 

5827: Mar. 28 Certain described lands in California reserved for mili- 
tary purposes. 

5828: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for the Navy 
Dept. as an ammunition depot. 

5820: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

5830: Apr. 4 Interior Sec'y authorized to employ necessary personnel 
in connection with the administration of the War Minerals Relief Act of 
1919, without regard to Civil Service Rules. July 1933 CSA 74-June 1937 

5831 : Apr. 4 Ruth Bascot Dartt made eligible for appointment as junior 
clerk in the Marine Corps Headquarters at Washington, D. C, without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5832 : Apr. 7 Certain described lands and buildings in the former Fort 
St. Michael Military Reservation, Alaska, reserved for the use of the 
Justice Dept. 

5833: Apr. 8 Certain described lands in Minnesota withdrawn for 
classification and possible inclusion in a national forest. 

5834: Apr. 8 Jefferson National Forest, Mont., merged with the Lewis 
and Clark National Forest, with latter name retained. 

5835: Apr. 13 Limits of the ports of entry of Ambrose and St. John, 
N. Dak., and Noyes, Minn., in Customs Collection District No. 34 (Dakota) 
and of Blaine in Customs Collection District No. 30 (Washington) ex- 

5836: Apr. 13 Certain described lands in California and Nevada re- 
served pending location of a right-of-way for a power transmission line 
from the Boulder Canyon Project to Los Angeles. 

5837: Apr. 13 Tariff of Consular Fees amended to establish Item 47, 
relative to certifying the correctness of copies of certificates of origin. 

5838: Apr. 18 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
legislation [for protection of the water-supply of the city of McMinn- 



5839: Apr. 19 Ralph A. Vestal made eligible for appointment as junior 
clerk in the State Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6840: Apr. 21 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 4843 of Mar. 23, 1928, reserving lands pending resurvey 
and made part of the Santa Fe National Forest. 

6841 : Apr. 23 Siuslaw National Forest, Oreg., diminished. 

6842: Apr. 28 Emilio del Toro, Chief Justice of Puerto Rico Supreme 
Court, designated judge of the District Court for Puerto Rico during the 
absence of Judge Ira K. Wells. 

6843: Apr. 28 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 
classification and legislation [to set said lands aside for range manage- 
ment and forage conservation purposes]. 

6844: Apr. 28 Certain described lands in Michigan eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 4921 of June, 1928, reserving lands pending resurvey 
and made part of the Huron National Forest. 

6846: Apr. 28 Certain described lands in Minnesota eliminated from 
operation of E. O. 5309 of Mar. 24, 1930, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and made part of the Superior National Forest. 

6846: May 2 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved for classifi- 
cation and possible addition to the Rocky Mountain National Park. 

6647: May 7 Warren Benjamin made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6848: May 16 Tariff of Consular Fees Items 8, 24, 25, 26, and 47 

6849: May 19 Certain described lands in the Canal Zone opposite Bal- 
boa reserved as a naval reservation. M 435 ; XXV PCRec 634. 

6860: May 26 • Control of the municipal aviation field at Tucson, Ariz., 
assumed for military purposes. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6861 : May 28 Nesta Stephens Long made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Customs Service in Arizona without regard to Civil Service 

6862: June 1 Gladys L. Knight made eligible for appointment as junior 
typist in the Marine Corps Headquarters at Washington, D. C, without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 



6863: June 3 George H. Rolfe permitted to enter the open competitive 
examination for postmaster at Concord, N. H., without regard to age 
limitations. 1932 CSR 66. 

6864: June 3 Maintenance of a patrol in United States territorial 
waters, including the Bering Sea, ordered for the enforcement of the 
Northern Pacific Halibut Fishery Act. 

6866 : June 6 • Frequencies allocated to Government radio stations ; 
E. 0. 5638 of June 8, 1931, superseded. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6866: June 11 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

6867: June 16 Consular Regulations of 1896 amended as to invoices on 
importations, and to bring up to date certain references to tariff acts and 
customs regulations. 

6868: June 17 Semidi Islands Wild Life Refuge, Alaska, established. 

6869 : June 21 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 10 revoked to exclude mounted inspectors in the cus- 
toms Service on the Mexican border; incumbents of said positions given 
classified status. 1932 CSR 64. 

6860: June 22 Rules governing the granting and issuing of passports 

6861 : June 23 Eugene R. Capozio made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Veterans' Administration without regard to Civil Service 

6862: June 23 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6863 : June 23 Toiyabe National Forest, Nev., diminished, and excluded 
lands transferred to the Nevada National Forest. 

6864: June 23 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for use as a 
lookout station in connection with cooperative forest-protection work. 

6866: June 27 E. O. 4610 of Mar. 10, 1927, prescribing regulations per- 
taining to increased pay for Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, 
and National Guard personnel participating in aerial flights, revoked and 
new regulations prescribed. 



6866: June 28 E. O. 3705- A of July 1, 1922, governing increased pay to 
enlisted men of the Marine Corps for proficiency in the use of arms, 

5867: June 28 Shenandoah National Forest, Va. and W. Va., renamed 
the George Washington National Forest. 

5868: June 28 Reservoir Site Restoration No. 11: Reservoir Site Re- 
serve No. 17, Calif., diminished. 

5869: June 30 Regulations governing documents required of aliens en- 
tering the United States, prescribed. M 436. 

5870: June 30 Standardized Government Travel Regulations tempo- 
rarily continued in force, subject to certain specified modifications. 1932 
CSR 66. 

6871 : June 30 Regulations governing sick leave for executive depart- 
ments and independent establishments continued in force. July 1933 
CSA 151-June 1935 CSA 152; 1932 CSR 66. 

5872: June 30 Compulsory retirement provisions waived for 49 desig- 
nated Government employees. M 438. 

5873 : June 30 Compulsory retirement provisions temporarily waived 
for 39 designated Government employees. 

5874: June 30 Compulsory retirement provisions temporarily waived 
for 1810 designated Government employees. 

5875: June 30 William B. Hamilton, Treasury Dept., and William E. 
Rollins, Senate Office Bldg., exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Aug. 1, 1932. 

5876: June 30 Coal Land Restoration, Montana No. 87 : Coal Land With- 
drawals, Montana No. 1, 7 and 11, diminished. 

5877: July 6 E. O. 4958 of Sept. 7, 1928, reserving certain lands in Colo- 
rado pending resurvey, revoked and said lands opened to entry under 
the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex-service men for 
91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter 
to appropriation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

5878 : July 6 Subsistence and rental allowances for officers of the various 
services entitled thereto, prescribed for the fiscal year 1933, 

5879: July 7 Mrs. A. Blondell Howe made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the International Revenue Bureau, Treasury Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



6880: July 9 E. O. 1898 of Mar. 12, 1914, pertaining to the Canal Zone 
judiciary, amended to enlarge the area of the Balboa Division of the 
Canal Zone District Court. M 439 ; XXVI PCRec 9. 

6881 : July 9 William L. Hill, John Lewis May, and Leonard Magruder, 
exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Aug. 1, 1932. 

6882: July 9 Crater National Forest, Oreg., renamed Rogue River Na- 
tional Forest. 

6883: July 11 Certain described lands in Colorado eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 5109 of May 13, 1929, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and said lands opened to entry under the homestead or desert 
land laws only, by qualified ex-service men, for 91 days from the date of 
the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

6884: July 11 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 4608 of Mar. 10, 1927, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and said lands opened to entry under the homestead or desert 
land laws only, by qualified ex-service men, for 91 days from the date of 
the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

6886: July 12 California National Forest, Calif., renamed Mendocino 
National Forest. 

6886: July 12 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

6887: July 14 Regulations governing administrative furloughs for Gov- 
ernment employees prescribed in the interests of economy. 1933 CSR 27. 

6838: July 16 Canal Zone regulations governing liquor transportation 
prescribed. M 440 ; XXVI PCRec 10. 

6889 : July 16 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for use 
in connection with the San Carlos Indian Irrigation Project, Ariz. 

6890: July 16 E. O. 4652 of May 18, 1927, reserving certain lands in 
California and Nevada for use by the Commerce Dept. as air-mail beacon 
sites and landing fields, revoked insofar as it affects certain described 

6891 : July 16 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending determination of their suitability for migratory bird 
refuge purposes. 



6892: July 20 * Radio Division of the Commerce Dept. abolished, and the 
functions, powers, records, and personnel of said Division transferred to 
the Federal Radio Commission. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

5893: July 26 Lamar Costello made eligible for appointment as super- 
visor of detentions in the Immigration Service, Ellis Island, N. Y., with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6894: July 26 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6896: July 26 E. O. 5030 of Jan. 18, 1929, reserving certain lands in 
Florida pending resurvey, revoked. 

6896: July 29 Compulsory retirement provisions temporarily waived for 
22 designated Government employees. 

6897: July 30 William Bertrand Acker, Chief Clerk, Interior Dept., ex- 
empted from compulsory retirement provisions until Nov. 1, 1932. 

5898: Aug. 2 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 
legislation to enable the State to secure said lands for the use of the Uni- 
versity of Arizona. 

6899: Aug. 2 Public Water Restoration No. 73: Public Water Reserve 
No. 2, Wyoming No. 1, diminished and the excluded lands restored to the 
public domain. 

5900 : Aug. 10 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation [to enable purchase of said lands by School 
District No. 28, Deschutes County, Oreg.]. 

5901 : Aug. 18 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IX, on Agriculture Dept. posi- 
tions, Paragraph 6 amended to except from examination one assistant to 
the Agricultural Sec'y instead of two. 1933 CSR 24. 

5902: Aug. 19 Public Water Reserve No. 145, Calif., established. 

6903: Aug. 18 Certain described lands in Nevada withdrawn for classifi- 
cation as to their suitability for migratory-bird refuge purposes. 

5904: Aug. 18 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for the use 
of the Navy Dept. in connection with Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3. 

5905: Aug. 18 Sarah L. Curtiss made eligible for appointment to a clerk- 
ship in the Veterans' Administration without regard to Civil Service 



6906: Aug. 18 Reservoir Site Reserve No. 17, Calif., modified to author- 
ize the Federal Power Commission to issue a license [to the Southern 
California Edison Co.] for Project No. 1209 on a certain portion of said 

5907: Aug. 18 Public Water Reserve No. 146, Mont., N. Mex., Oreg., 
and Wyo., established. 

5908: Aug. 22 Public Water Restoration No. 72: California Municipal 
Water Supply Withdrawal made by E. 0. of May 17, 1927,* revoked 
insofar as it affects certain lands. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

5909: Aug. 22 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn for 
classification as to their suitability for wild-life refuge purposes. 

5910: Aug. 23 Tariff of Consular Fees, Items 1, 9, and 10, amended. 

5911 : Aug. 24 John W. Ginder, superintendent of the Architectural En- 
gineering Division, Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory retire- 
ment provisions. 

5912 : Aug. 24 John P. McDowell, member of the Appeals Board in the 
office of the Solicitor of the Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory 
retirement provisions. 

5913 : Aug. 25 Certain described lands of the Hot Springs Reservation, 
Ark., reserved for the use of the Hot Springs National Park. 

5914: Aug. 26 Long Lake Migratory Bird Refuge, N. Dak., enlarged. 

5915: Aug. 31 Power Site Restoration No. 470: Power Site Reserve No. 
471, Calif., diminished. 

5916: Sept. 2 Power Site Restoration No. 471: Temporary Power Site 
Withdrawal No. 130, Power Site Reserve No. 130, and Power Site Reserve 
No. 387, Calif., diminished. 

5917: Sept. 2 Albert D. Davis, cabinet maker under the Shipping Board, 
exempted from compulsory retirement provisions. 

5918: Sept. 7 Civil Service Commission authorized to test the qualifica- 
tions of Military or Naval Academy nominees. July 1933 CSA 19-June 
1939 CSA 24. 

5919: Sept. 8 Power Site Restoration No. 472: Power Site Reserve No. 
661, Oreg., diminished. Sept. 1934 CSA 187, June 1935 CSA 18; 1933 
CSR 26. 



5820: Sept. 15 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

6921: Sept. 15 Edward M. Hall, Treasury Dept., Walter L. Turner, 
Commerce Dept., and Edward J. Weaver, Government Printing Office, 
exempted from compulsory retirement provisions. 

5922: Sept. 17 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examinations, amended to add Subdivision 
XIII, on Post Office Dept. positions, Paragraph 1 to include one postal 
rate expert. 

5923: Sept. 20 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 

5924: Sept. 30 Civil Service Commission authorized to grant priority 
in filling vacancies to employees dropped or furloughed in force reduc- 
tions, and E. 0.s 3011 of Nov. 29, 1918, 3083 of Apr. 30, 1919, 4577 of Jan. 
28, 1927, and 4589 of Feb. 18, 1927, superseded. July 1933 CSA 26, 163- 
June 1939 CSA 224. 

5925: Sept. 21 Certain described lands in Idaho transferred from the 
Boise and Challis National Forests to the Sawtooth National Forest, and 
certain other lands transferred from latter to the Boise National Forest. 

5926: Sept. 23 Power Site Restoration No. 474: Power Site Reserves 
Nos. 102, 295, and 668, and Temporary Power Site Withdrawal No. 102, 
Idaho, diminished. 

5927: Sept. 28 Power Site Restoration No. 475: Power Site Reserve No. 
706, Calif., diminished. 

5928: Sept. 29 La Pine Administrative Site, Oreg., reserved for use as a 
ranger station in the administration of the Deschutes National Forest. 

5929: Oct. 1 Certain described lands in Wisconsin withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and possible inclusion in a national forest. 

I: Oct. 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VII, on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions, Paragraph 6 amended to except temporary clerks, carriers, and 
laborers required for part-time or intermittent holiday or season work to 
Feb. 1, 1933. 1933 CSR 24. 

6931 : Oct. 8 * Certain strip of land on the Island of Oahu, T. H., reserved 
by E. O. of Nov. 24, 1908, as a right-of-way in connection with the defen- 
sive works of said island, restored to the Government of the Territory of 
Hawaii, and a certain other strip of land on said island reserved for said 

• Has form of a proclamation. 



5932: Oct. 10 E. O. 5484 of Nov. 14, 1930, reserving certain lands in New 
Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry under 
the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex-service men, for 
91 days beginning with the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 

6933: Oct. 10 E. O. 5085 of Mar. 28, 1929, reserving certain lands in 
Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to entry 
under the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex-service 
men, for 91 days beginning with the date of the filing of the plat of 
resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

6934: Oct. 12 Certain described lands in Colorado eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 3666 of June 14, 1923, reserving lands pending resur- 
vey, and opened to entry under the homestead or desert land laws only, 
by qualified ex-service men, for 91 days beginning with the date of the 
filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

6936: Oct. 14 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 5098 of Apr. 23, 1929, reserving lands pending resur- 
vey, and opened to entry under the homestead or desert land laws only, 
by qualified ex-service men, for 91 days beginning with the date of the 
filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

6936: Oct. 18 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for 
classification as to suitability for national forest purposes. 

6937: Oct. 18 Power Site Restoration No. 476: Power Site Reserves 
Nos. 8 and 223, and Temporary Power Site Withdrawal No. 8, Idaho, 

6938: Oct. 24 Harney National Forest, S. Dak., enlarged. 

6939: Oct. 26 E. O. 5452 of Sept. 25, 1930, reserving certain described 
land in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. 

6940: Oct. 26 William Bertrand Acker, chief clerk of the Interior Dept., 
exempted from compulsory retirement provisions. 

6941 : Oct. 26 Public Water Restoration No. 74 : Public Water Reserve 
No. 65, N. Mex., diminished, and the excluded lands restored to public 
domain and made subject to disposition under applicable land laws on a 
date to be announced. 

5942: Oct. 29 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 



5943: Oct, 29 Certain described lands in Colorado eliminated from 
operation of E. O. 4624 of Apr. 1, 1927, reserving lands pending resurvey, 
and opened to entry tinder the homestead or desert land laws only, by 
qualified ex-service men, for 91 days beginning with the date of the filing 
of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general 
public under any applicable land law. 

5944: Nov. 1 E. 0. 4468 of June 30, 1926, reserving certain described 
lands in Nevada pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex- 
service men, for 91 days beginning with the date of the filing of the plat 
of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

5945: Nov. 3 Tule Lake Wildlife Refuge, Calif., established. 

5946: Nov. 16 Thomas W. Maxwell, Post Office Dept., Cornelius T. Fine- 
hout, Treasury Dept., and Charles E. Molster, Commerce Dept., exempted 
from compulsory retirement provisions. 

5947: Nov. 16 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, modified, and excluded 
lands restored to entry under the applicable land laws. 

5948: Nov. 16 E. O. 4693 of July 18, 1927, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Michigan [pending legislation to grant said lands to the Michi- 
gan Dept. of Conservation for erection of a forest-fire lookout tower], 
modified to permit the State to select said lands under the Act of July 31, 

5949 : Nov. 16 Certain described lands in Montana and Wyoming re- 
served for an approach road to the Yellowstone National Park. 

5950: Nov. 19 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

5951 : Nov. 22 George R. Wales exempted from compulsory retirement 

I: Nov. 23 Regulations governing the kinds and quantities of the 
component articles of the Army ration prescribed. 

5953: Nov. 23 Trust period on allotments to Indians on eight desig- 
nated reservations, expiring in 1933, extended for 10 years. 

5954: Nov. 26 John L. Bateman, office of the Architect of the Capitol, 
and Otilla A. Reagan, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retire- 
ment provisions. 

5955: Nov. 30 Trust period expiring in 1932 on the allotment to Ger- 
trude Lamb, deceased Wichita Indian of Oklahoma, extended for 10 



5966: Dec. 1 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter VII, 
Section 6, amended as to unsanctioned asylum. 

5957: Dec. 7 Power Site Restoration No. 473: Power Site Reserve No. 
547, N. Mex., diminished. 

5958: Dec. 8 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 

5959: Dec. 9* Certain General Accounting Office powers and activities, 
and the Efficiency Bureau, transferred to the Bureau of the Budget. 

* Never effected. Order disapproved by H. Res. 334 of Jan. 19, 1933, 76 Record 
2126. Has form of a proclamation. 

6960: Dec. 9* Weather Bureau of the Agriculture Dept. transferred 
to the Commerce Dept.; the Federal Oil Conservation Board abolished, 
and its powers and duties transferred to the Bureau of Mines; the Na- 
tional Screw Thread Commission and the National Advisory Committee 
for Aeronautics ordered to serve in an advisory capacity to the Commerce 
Sec'y, and the administrative duties, powers, and functions thereof trans- 
ferred to the Bureau of Standards. 

* Never effected. Order disapproved by H. Res. 334 of Jan. 19, 1933, 76 Record 
2126. Has form of a proclamation. 

5961: Dec. 9* Powers of the Employee's Compensation Commission re- 
lating to the administration of the longshoremen's and harbor workers' 
compensation acts of 1927 and 1928, transferred to the Labor Dept. 

* Never effected. Order disapproved by H. Res. 334 of Jan. 19, 1933, 76 Record 
2126. Has form of a proclamation. 

5962 : Dec. 9 * Education, health, and recreational activities of the Gov- 
ernment consolidated and grouped in the Interior Dept. 

* Never effected. Order disapproved by H. Res. 334 of Jan. 19, 1933, 76 Record 
2126. Has form of a proclamation. 

5963 : Dec. 9 * Land utilization agencies and functions of the Gov- 
ernment consolidated and grouped in the Agriculture Dept. 

* Never effected. Order disapproved by H. Res. 334 of Jan. 19, 1933, 76 Record 
2126. Has form of a proclamation. 

5964: Dec. 9* Public Work activities of the Government consolidated 
and grouped in the Interior Dept. 

* Never effected. Order disapproved by H. Res. 334 of Jan. 19, 1933, 76 Record 
2126. Has form of a proclamation. 

5965 : Dec. 9 * Merchant marine activities of the Government consoli- 
dated and grouped in the Commerce Dept. 

* Never effected. Order disapproved by H. Res. 334 of Jan. 19, 1933, 76 Record 
2126. Has form of a proclamation. 



5966: Dec. 9* Immigration Border Patrol of the Bureau of Immigra- 
tion, Labor Dept., and the Customs Patrol of the Bureau of Customs, 
Treasury Dept., transferred to the Coast Guard Service, Treasury Dept., 
and the Coast Guard commandant directed to establish a unified border 

* Never effected. Order disapproved by H. Bee. 334 of Jan. 19, 1933, 76 Record 
2126. Has form of a proclamation. 

5967: Dec. 9* Certain functions of the Veterans' Administration re- 
lating to defense in court of cases involving litigation under Section 19 
of the World War Veterans' Act of 1924, transferred to the Justice Dept. 

* Never effected. Order disapproved by H. Res. 334 of Jan. 19, 1933, 76 Record 
2126. Has form of a proclamation. 

5968: Dec. 9* Alien Property Custodian's powers, duties, and activi- 
ties, transferred to the Justice Dept., together with all personnel, books, 
records, papers, public property, and unexpended funds. 

* Never effected. Order disapproved by H. Res. 334 of Jan. 19, 1933, 76 Record 
2126. Has form of a proclamation. 

5969: Deo. 9 * Powers and duties of the Employees' Compensation Com- 
mission relating to the administration of the act of 1916 providing for 
compensation on account of injuries sustained by civilian employees of 
the Government, transferred to the Civil Service Commission. 

* Never effected. Order disapproved by H. Res. 334 of Jan. 19, 1933, 76 Record 
2126. Has form of a proclamation. 

5970: Dec. IS Certain income tax returns opened to inspection. 

5971: Deo. 14 E. 0. 3346 of Oct. 26, 1920, withdrawing certain lands in 
Utah pending adjustment of claims, revoked. 

5972: Deo. 15 Geraldine Rollins made eligible for appointment as junior 
typist in the Internal Revenue Bureau without regard to Civil Service 

5973: Deo. 15 Consular Regulations of 1896, Section 144 B, 158-160, 
and 167, amended as to citizenship and passports. 

5974: Dec. 16 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination Subdivision HI on Treasury Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 13 amended to add employees in psittacosis investigation sta- 
tions. 1932 CSR 25. 

5975: Deo. 16 Certain described lands in Alva, Okla., previously re- 
served for post office use by B. 0. of May 29, 1902, # transferred to the 
Treasury Dept. for use as a Federal building site. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 



5976: Deo. 16 The Greenleaf Mountain Lookout Site established for 
use in the administration of nearby national forests. 

5977: Deo. 19 Executive depts| and independent establishments in the 
District of Columbia ordered closed on Dec. 24, and 31, 1932. 1932 CSR 

5978: Dec. 19 E. 0. 5542 of Jan. 27, 1931, reserving certain lands in 
California pending resurvey, revoked and said lands opened to entry 
under the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex-service 
men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat resurvey, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 

5979: Dec. 19 E. 0. 5300 of Mar. 11, 1930, withdrawing certain lands 
in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. 

Deo. 22 E. 0. of July 31, 1916, withdrawing certain lands in 
Oregon and California, formerly embraced in railroad grants, modified to 
authorize the Interior Sec'y to withdraw certain of said lands in Oregon 
for use by the Commerce Dept. in the maintenance of air navigation 

5981: Dec. 22 John T. Crowley, vocational advisor in the Veterans' Ad- 
ministration, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until May 
31, 1933. 

5982 : Deo. 22 Charles J. Harlow, plate printer in the Coast and Geo- 
detic Survey, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Mar. 
31, 1933. 

5983: Deo. 23 E. 0. 5326 of Apr. 14, 1930, withdrawing all unreserved 
islands, rocks, and pinacles in the Pacific Ocean off the California coast, 
for classification and pending legislation for their proper disposition, 
revoked in so far as it affects certain islands, rocks, and pinnacles with 
the mouth of the Carmel River and off Point Lobos. 

5984: Dec. 23 Civil Service Rules, Rule VII [pertaining to certifica- 
tion], amended in Section 1, Paragraph (a) providing that certification 
be made without regard to sex unless the nature of the position demands 
otherwise. 1933 CSR 24. 


5985: Jan. 3 Coal Land Restoration No. 88: Coal Land Withdrawal 
Montana No. 1 diminished. 

5986: Jan. 3 James W. Higgins, Jr., deputy collector of Internal Rev- 
enue, made eligible for appointment as special agent in Internal Revenue 
Bureau, Treasury Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



5987: Jan. 4 Certain described lands in California eliminated from the 
air mail beacon and landing field reserve created for the Commerce Dept. 
B. 0. 4652 of May 18, 1927. 

5988: Jan. 5 Prank Van Vlack, War Dept., and Frederick W. Ashley, 
Library of Congress, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions. 

5989: Jan. 5 Dr. Charles Orrin Townsend, chief of the Sugar Division 
of the Tariff Commission, exempted from compulsory age retirement 
provisions until Jan. 31, 1934. 

5990: Jan. 9 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved as an admin- 
istrative site for use in administration of Cochetopa National Forest. 

5991 : Jan. 12 Boundaries of the Deschutes and Fremont National For- 
ests, Oreg., modified by inter-transfer of lands. 

5992 : Jan. 12 Charles Carran made eligible for appointment as rural 
letter carrier in the classified service without regard to Civil Service 

5993: Jan. 13 Customs station of Baton Rouge, La., designated a port 
of entry in Customs Collection District No. 20 (New Orleans). 

5994: Jan. 13 Certain described lands in Minnesota withdrawn pending 
legislation authorizing their patenting to said State for military purposes. 

5995: Jan. 13 B. 0. 4960 of Sept. 12, 1928, reserving certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked and said lands opened 
to entry under the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex- 
service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, 
and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any ap- 
plicable land law. 

5996: Jan. 13 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from op- 
eration of B. 0. 5140 of June 20, 1929, reserving lands pending resurvey, 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex- 
service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, 
and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any appli- 
cable land law. 

5997 : Jan. 17 Dirrelle Chaney, excepted employee in the Post Office 
Dept., made eligible for appointment in the classified service without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

5998: Jan. 17 Charles Gallagher, excepted employee in the Post Office 
Dept., made eligible for appointment in the classified service without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 



5999: Jan. 17 Martha Owczarzak made eligible for appointment as char- 
woman in the Custodian Service at the Bay City, Mich., post office, with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6000: Jan. 18 Josephine Horigan made eligible for appointment in the 
Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6001: Jan. 18 Land Offices at Little Rock, Ark., Alliance, Neb., Cass 
Lake, Minn., and Gainesville, Fla., abolished and the business and archives 
of said offices transferred to the General Land Office, Washington, D. C. 

6002: Jan. 18 Certain described lands in Arizona, together with any 
buildings or structures thereon, reserved for the Geological Survey in 
aid of existing power site reservations and in connection with the opera- 
tion of gaging stations in the Colorado and Paria Rivers. 

6003: Jan. 18 Paula Gillsepie, senior clerk-stenographer in the office of 
the Asst. Navy Sec'y> classified. 

6004: Jan. 19 Oliver M. Maxam, chief of the Division of Operations of 
the Coast Guard, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions. 

6005: Jan. 21 Kathleen M. Glancey made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Justice Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6006: Jan. 23 Public Water Reserve No. 147, Alaska, established for the 
water supply of Unalaska. 

6007: Jan. 26 Carl R. Shepard made eligible for appointment as junior 
construction engineer in the office of the Supervising Architect, Treasury 
Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6008: Jan. 30 E. O. 5304 of Mar. 14, 1930, reserving certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex- 
service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, 
and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any ap- 
plicable land law. 

6009: Jan. 31 San Nicholas Island, Calif., placed under control of the 
Navy Sec'y for naval purposes, except for sites selected by the Commerce 
Sec'y for aids to navigation. 

6010: Jan. 31* B. O. 3257 of Apr. 9, 1920, establishing the Fort Ran- 
dolph and France Field Military Reservations, C. Z. amended to diminish 
the former and enlarge the latter. M 442; XXVI PCRec 427. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

6011 : Feb. 1 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 



6012: Feb. 1 Certain described lands in Utah reserved as an agricul- 
tural range experiment station. 

6013: Feb. 3 Edwin H. Pearson and Jacob L. Nuber, Treasury Dept. 
employees exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Feb. 
28, 1934. 

6014: Feb. 6 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 

6015: Feb. 6 Coal Land Restoration, Montana No. 89: Coal Land With- 
drawal, Montana No. 1, revoked. 

6016: Feb. 6 E. 0. 5327 of Apr. 15, 1930, withdrawing certain oil-shale 
lands, modified to permit the Interior Sec'y to issue oil and gas permits 
and leases for any of said lands. 

6017: Feb. 7 Consular Regulations of 1896, Sections 64, 66, 477, and 
606-608 amended ; Section 488y 2 canceled. 

6018: Feb. 7 Certain powers under the Trading with the Enemy Act 
of 1917 vested in the Alien Property Custodian. 

6019: Feb. 7 Public Water Reserve No. 148, Oreg. and Utah, established 
[for stock watering and grazing purposes]. 

6020: Feb. 9 Richard H. Knight made eligible for reinstatement as 
substitute clerk at New York, N. Y., post office without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

6021 : Feb. 9 Sick leave regulations for Government civilian employees 
prescribed. July 1933 CSA 151-June 1935 CSA 152. 

6022 : Feb. 10 Ernest F. Moessner, scale repairer at the Denver, Colo., 
mint, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Feb. 28, 

6022-A:Feb. 10 Harry A. McBride, assistant to the State Sec'y, class- 

6023 : Feb. 11 Aircraft navigation over the District of Columbia pro- 
hibited from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mar. 4, 1933, for public safety purposes. 

6024: Feb. 11 Edward N. Dingley, Jr., made eligible for reinstatement 
as associate engineer in the Professional Service, Naval Research Lab- 
oratory, Bellevue, D. C, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

>:Feb. 14 Public Water Reserve No. 149, Mont, and Wyo., estab- 
lished [for stock watering and grazing purposes]. 



6026: Feb. 14 Sterling L. Morelock made eligible for probationary ap- 
pointment as guard in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to his stand- 
ing on the eligible register. 

6027: Feb. 14 John Storey, gardener in the office of Public Buildings 
and Public Parks of the National Capital, exempted from compulsory re- 
tirement provisions until Feb. 28, 1935. 

6028: Feb. 16 Fourteen specified persons made eligible for appointment 
as special investigators in the Immigration Service, Labor Dept. without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6029: Feb. 16 Mary Stewart, assistant director of education in the 
Indian Office, Interior Dept., placed in the classified service. 

6030: Feb. 17 Charles J. James, chief appraiser in the office of the Reg- 
ister of Wills, Probate Court, District of Columbia Supreme Court, ex- 
empted from compulsory retirement provisions until Feb. 28, 1935. 

6031 : Feb. 18 Alice W. Goodwin, excepted employee in the Post Office 
Dept., made eligible for appointment in the classified service without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6032: Feb. 18 Isaac Gregg, excepted employee in the Post Office Dept., 
made eligible for appointment in the classified service without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

6033 : Feb. 18 Ann F. Eammerer, excepted employee in the Post Office 
Dept., made eligible for appointment in the classified service without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6034: Feb. 18 Joseph A. Einnahan, excepted employee in the Post Office 
Dept., made eligible for appointment in the classified service without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6035: Feb. 18 Kenneth C. Macpherson, excepted employee in the Com- 
merce and Post Office Depts., made eligible for appointment in the classi- 
fied service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6036: Feb. 18 Edmond M. Martin, excepted employee in the Post Office 
Dept., made eligible for appointment in the classified service without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6037: Feb. 18 Alice Mummenhoff, excepted employee, in the Post Office 
Dept., made eligible for appointment in the classified service without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6038: Feb. 20 Laurence Gouverneur Hoes made eligible for appointment 
in the Veterans' Administration without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



6039: Peb. 20 B. 0. of Mar. 28, 1898, # and B. 0. [3678] of May 20, 1922, 
reserving lands on Eodiak Island, Alaska, as an agricultural experiment 
station, revoked; a portion of said lands transferred to the War Dept., 
a portion to the Alaska Game Commission, and the balance placed under 
control of the Interior Sec'y- 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

6040: Feb. 20 Public Water Reserve No. 150, Oreg., established [for 
stock- watering and grazing purposes]. 

6041 : Feb. 21 Adelle B. Freeman made eligible for appointment as 
junior bacteriologist in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

6042: Feb. 21 Grace F. Smythe, excepted employee in the Post Office 
Dept., made eligible for appointment in the classified service without re- 
gard to Civil Service Rules. 

6043: Feb. 23 Civil Service Rule IX [pertaining to reinstatement], Sec- 
tion 1, Clause (b), amended to allow reinstatement of former classified 
employees entitled to military preference without regard to time limita- 
tions. 1933 CSR 24. 

6044: Feb. 23 Portion of Amaknak Island, Alaska, reserved for protec- 
tion of natives' fishing rights. 

6046: Feb. 24 Boundaries of the Sitka Dock Site, Tongass National 
Forest, Alaska, redefined. 

6046: Feb. 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV, [on War Dept. positions] 
amended to add Paragraph 10(b) excepting additional personnel of the 
Military Academy. 1933 CSR 25. 

6047: Feb. 25 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision III [on Commerce Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 1 amended to revoke the exception of one confidential 
clerk to the collector of customs at New York, N. Y. ; said position and in- 
cumbent included in the classified service. 1932 CSR 25. 

6048: Feb. 25 Harry B. Timmis, excepted employee in the Commerce 
Dept., made eligible for appointment in the classified service without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6049 : Feb. 27 Milton Harold Powell made eligible for appointment as 
apprentice boy (electrician), the office of the Director of Public Build- 
ings and Public Parks of the National Capital without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 



6050: Feb. 27 * Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the 
excluded parcels of land reserved for use of the War Dept. as an Army 
radio receiving station. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6051 : Peb. 27 Federal employees in the Virgin Islands permitted to 
hold unremunerated positions in local colonial councils. July 1933 CSA 
105-Sept. 1934 CSA 180. 

6052: Feb. 27 Marie K. Kaley made eligible for appointment as inspect- 
ress of customs in the office of the Customs Collector at New York, N. Y., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6053: Feb. 28 Reservoir Site Reserve No. 17, Pacific slope basins, 
Calif., modified to permit the approval of an application made by the 
city of Pasadena and the issuance of a patent to the applicant for certain 
described lands. 

6054: Feb. 28 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6055: Feb. 28 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6056: Feb. 28 G. Harold Keatley, excepted employee in the State Dept., 
made eligible for appointment in the classified service without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

6057: Mar. 1 Clara L. Hess, excepted employee, Post Office Dept., made 
eligible for appointment in the classified service without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

6058 : Mar. 1 Jessie N. Barber made eligible for reinstatement in the 
classified service and appointment as clerk in the General Accounting 
Office without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6059 : Mar. 2 Irvin S. Goldbarth made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Custodian Service at the Federal Building, Richmond, Va., with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6060: Mar. 2* Records, files, and papers of the President's Emergency 
Committee and the President's Organization for Unemployment Relief 
transferred to the Commerce Dept. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6061 : Mar. 2 Joseph Gambaro and Solomon Israel made eligible for 
appointment as special investigators in the Immigration Service, Labor 
Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



6062: Mar. 2 Ruby Mae Webb made eligible for appointment as rural 
letter carrier in the classified service, Saginaw, Tex., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

6063: Mar. 2 Ellen T. Purcell and J. Elizabeth Williams, temporary 
employees, made eligible for appointment to classified positions in the 
Labor Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6064: Mar. 3* E. 0. 5143 of June 21, 1929, restricting transportation 
of passengers from certain Oriental ports because of epidemic disease, 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6066: Mar. 3 Boulder Canyon Wildlife Refuge, Nev. and Ariz., estab- 
lished as a breeding ground and refuge for wild birds and animals. 

6066: Mar. 3 Edwin Sheddan Cunningham, Foreign Service officer, 
Class 1, retained on active duty for such time as may be necessary but 
not exceeding five years from July 6, 1933. 

6067: Mar. 3 Thomas H. Allen made eligible for appointment as special 
investigator in the Immigration Service, Labor Dept. without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

6068: Mar. 3 Daphne Mary Byrne made eligible for appointment as 
clerk- typist in the Veterans' Administration. 

6069: Mar. 3 John M. Hooe, temporary employee, made eligible for per- 
manent appointment as marine gasoline engineer under the collector of 
customs at Buffalo, N. Y., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6070: Mar. 3 Mary A. McClung, excepted employee in the Agriculture 
Dept., made eligible for a classified appointment in said Dept. without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6071 : Mar. 8 August A. Gennerich made eligible for appointment as 
operative in the Secret Service Division, Treasury Dept. without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 

6072: Mar. 8 Certain buildings at Cristobal, C. Z., previously transferred 
from the Panama Canal to the War Dept. by E. O. 3917 of Oct. 16, 1923, 
transferred to the Navy Dept. M 444. 

6073 : Mar. 10 Regulations concerning the operation of banks prescribed. 

6074: Mar. 13 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VII [on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 2 amended to except one executive assistant and one 
special assistant to the Postmaster General. 1933 CSR 25. 



6075: Mar. 15 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6076: Mar. 15 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

6077: Mar. 15 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

6078: Mar. 18 Leafie E. Dietz designated to sign the President's 1 name 
to land patents. 

6079: Mar. 18 Helen V. McLeod designated to sign the President's name 
to land patents during the absence of the regular clerk. 

6080: Mar. 18 Appointment of conservators for state banks which are 
members of the Federal Reserve System and have not been licensed to 
resume business, authorized. 

6081 : Mar. 24 Certain described lands in California reserved for public 
camp ground purposes. 

6082: Mar. 25 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

6083: Mar. 25 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], amended to add Subdivision XXIII, on 
Federal Radio Commission positions, Paragraph 1 excepting one sec'y 
of the said Commission. 1933 CSR 25. 

6084: Mar. 27 * Reorganization of Agricultural Credit Agencies or- 
dered. Code 418 ; Code Supp. 61 ; July 1933 CSA 134-June 1937 CSA 121. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6085: Mar. 28 * Index figures for the cost of living for the six-months 
periods ending June 30, 1928, and Dec. 31, 1932, announced. July 1933 
CSA 147. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6086: Mar. 28 Rio Grande Wildlife Refuge, N. Mex., established and 
E. O. 1032 of Feb. 25, 1909, establishing the Rio Grande Reservation as 
a bird preserve, revoked. 

6087: Mar. 28 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6088: Mar. 29 Harry O. Bailey, superintendent of meters in the office 
of the Architect of the Capitol, exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Mar. 31, 1935. 



6089: Mar. 31* Veterans' Regulation No. 1, concerning rights to pen- 
sion, prescribed. Code 1691 ; VAR 5. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

6090: Mar. 31 * Veterans' Regulation No. 2, on effective dates of awards 
of disability and death pensions, and provisions for filing claims and the 
review of claims on appeal, prescribed. Code 1695 ; VAR 11. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6091: Mar. 31* Veterans' Regulation No. 3, concerning schedule for 
rating disabilities, prescribed. Code 1689; VAR 15. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6092: Mar. 31* Veterans' Regulation No. 4, concerning protected 
awards, prescribed. Code 1698; VA 207; VAR 15. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6093: Mar. 31 * Veterans' Regulation No. 5, concerning rights to emer- 
gency officers' retired pay, prescribed. Code 1699; VA 156; VAR 16. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6094: Mar. 31* Veterans' Regulation No. 6, concerning eligibility for 
domiciliary or hospital care, including medical treatment, prescribed. 
Code 1699; VAR 17. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6095: Mar. 31* Veterans' Regulation No. 7, concerning eligibility for 
medical care for veterans of any war, prescribed. Code 1701 ; VAR 19. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6096: Mar. 31* Veterans' Regulation No. 8, concerning yearly renew- 
able term insurance prescribed. Code 1701 ; VAR 20. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6007: Mar. 31* Veterans' Regulation No. 9, concerning payment of 
burial expenses prescribed. Code 1702; VAR 21. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6098: Mar. 31* Veterans' Regulation No. 10, covering miscellaneous 
provisions concerning veterans' claims, prescribed. Code 1702; VA 214, 
VAR 22, 33. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6099: Mar. 31* Veterans' Regulation No. 11, concerning disclosure of 
information and furnishing copies of records of pension claims pre- 
scribed. Code 1704; VA 224; VAR 27. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



6100: Mar. 31 * Veterans' Regulation No. 12, concerning presumption 
of right to pensions for Spanish War veterans and certain widows, chil- 
dren, and dependent parents of deceased World War veterans, prescribed. 
Code 1705; VA 225; VAR 29. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

6101 : Apr. 5 Robert Trechner appointed Director of Emergency Con- 
servation Work and other provisions made for carrying out the act of 
1933 for the relief of unemployment through the performance of useful 
public work and other purposes. Code 673 ; Sept. 1934 CSA 78-June 1937 
CSA 87. 

6102: Apr. 5 Continued national emergency in banking declared; 
hoarding. of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the con- 
tinental United States by individuals, partnerships, associations, and cor- 
porations, prohibited, and regulations for deliverance of gold coin, bul- 
lion, or certificates to Federal Reserve Banks prescribed. 

6103: Apr. 5 Civil Service Rules waived for appointments in the office 
of the Comptroller of the Currency in view of banking emergency and 
temporary nature of such appointments. July 1933 CSA 74-June 1937 
CSA 83. 

6104: Apr. 6 Willamette National Forest, Oreg., created by consolida- 
tion of the Cascade National Forest with the Santiam National Forest. 

6105: Apr. 6 Jessie B. Saunders made eligible for appointment in the 
Budget Bureau without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6106: Apr. 10 Hugh A. Morrison and David E. Roberts, Library of Con- 
gress employees exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Apr. 30, 1935. 

6106-A : Apr. 10 Chief of Finance of the Army directed to receive, ex- 
pend and account for funds pertaining to and expended for the relief of 
unemployment through useful public work under the direction of the 
Director of Civilian Conservation Work. Code 74. 

6107: Apr. 11 Reuben Perry, superintendent of the Albuquerque Indian 
School, N. Mex., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
June 30, 1933. 

6108: Apr. 12 E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding any State, Territorial, county or municipal office, waived to 
permit Raymond Moley, Asst. State Sec'y, to hold unremunerative posi- 
tion as member of the New York State Commission to investigate the 
Administration of Justice. 1933 CSR 29. 

6109 : Apr. 12 Cash allowance for members of the Civilian Conservation 
Corps fixed. Code 674. 



6110: Apr. 15 Public Water Reserve No. 52, Nev. modified to permit 
approval of two Valentine scrip applications. 

6111 ; Apr. 20 Continued national emergency in banking declared ; ex- 
port of gold coin, bullion, or certificates prohibited and regulations relat- 
ing to foreign exchange transactions prescribed. 

6112: Apr. 22 E. 0. 5836 of Apr. 13, 1932, reserving certain lands pend- 
ing location of a transmission line right-of-way from Boulder Canyon to 
Los Angeles, Calif., revoked as to certain described lands in California 
and Nevada. 

6113: Apr. 22 Certain additional described lands in California reserved 
for a right-of-way for a power transmission line from the Boulder Can- 
yon Project to Los Angeles. 

6114: Apr. 22 May Cairns Aimone made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6115: Apr. 25 State Sec'y, the Labor Sec'y, and the Attorney General 
designated a committee to review, recommend revision, and codify the 
nationality laws. 

6116: Apr. 29 Public Water Reserve No. 151, Calif., established. 

6117: May 2 Harney National Forest, S. Dak., enlarged. 

6118: Kay 2 Certain described lands in Alaska previously reserved by 
B. 0. 5391 of July 8, 1930, for the use of the Office of Education, trans- 
ferred to the War Sec'y for use of the Washington- Alaska Military Cable 
and Telegraph System. 

6119: May 2 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

6120: May 2 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

6121 : May 2 Certain described lands in California eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 5408 of July 25, 1930, reserving lands for classifica- 
tion and opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the 63d 
day from the date of this Order and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

6122: May 2 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6123 : May 2 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 



6124: May 2 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6125: May 2 Public Water Restoration No. 75: Public Water Reserves 
No. 12, Wyo., No. 49, Mont., and No. 86, N. Mex., diminished, and the 
excluded lands restored to the Public domain. 

6126: May 8 Certain administrative powers on the emergency conserva- 
tion work program delegated to the Emergency Conservation Work Di- 
rector. Sept. 1934 CSA 78-June 1937 CSA 87. 

6127: May 8 Regulations for reimbursement of Government agencies for 
supplies furnished for emergency conservation work prescribed. 

6128: May 10 Regulations governing the navigation of the Panama 
Canal and adjacent waters amended as to speed limits for vessels in 
transit through said Canal. M 444. 

6129: May 11 Enrollment of 25,000 World War Veterans in emergency 
conservation work authorized and regulations relating thereto prescribed. 
1933 CSR 29. 

6130 : May 11 Certain described lands in Ketchikan, Alaska, transferred 
to the Treasury Dept. for a Federal building site. 

6131: May 12 Fund of $5,875,200 from the appropriation of July 21, 
1932, established for work relief on tribal or other lands within Indian 

6131-A: May 13 * One hundred and sixty-nine specified naval surgeons 
assigned to the War Dept. for duty with the Civilian Conservation Corps. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6132: May 15 Certain described lands at Point Barrow, Alaska, re- 
served for the War Dept. as a radio station site. 

6133: May 15 Elizabeth Horter made eligible for appointment in a class- 
ified position in the State Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6134: May 18 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision XXI, on Federal Farm Board 
positions amended to except certain additional personnel and to substi- 
tute the designation "Farm Credit Administration " for "Federal Farm 
Board"; Schedule B [pertaining to positions exempted from subject to 
noncompetitive examination], Subdivision XII, on Federal Farm Board 
positions, amended to substitute "Farm Credit Administration" for 
"Federal Farm Board". Sept. 1934 CSA 154- June 1937 CSA 122; 1933 
CSR 26. 



6135: May 20* Sum of $20,000,000 allocated for purchase of forest 
lands within 42 national forest purchase areas in connection with the 
emergency conservation work program. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

6136: Kay 20 Assignment of emergency conservation workers for work 
in county parks and metropolitan sections of municipal parks, in connec- 
tion with flood and forest fire control, authorized. 

6137: May 22 E. O. 5571 of Mar. 5, 1931, reserving certain described 
lands in Arizona pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex- 
service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, 
and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any ap- 
plicable land law. 

6138: May 22 E. O. 5166 of July 26, 1929, withdrawing certain described 
lands in California pending resurvey, revoked. 

6139: May 22 Certain described lands in Colorado eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 4482 of July 19, 1926, reserving lands pending re- 
survey and opened only to entry under any applicable land law by quali- 
fied ex-service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of 
resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any such law. 

6140: May 22 E. 0.s 2586 and 2848 of Apr. 6, 1917 and Apr, 24, 1918, 
respectively, reserving certain described lands in Montana for use as 
ranger stations revoked, and said lands opened only to entry under the 
homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days 
beginning with the 63d day from this date of this Order and thereafter 
to appropriation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

6141 : May 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination], Subdivision III [on Commerce 
Dept. positions], Paragraph 3 covering special agents employed in col- 
lecting cotton statistics, revoked; positions classified, and in cumbarts 
permitted to compete in open examinations for retention. 1932 CSR 26. 

6142: May 23 Exemption of Pickens Neagle from compulsory retire- 
ment provisions, made by E. O. 5872 of June 30, 1932, terminated as of 
May 31, 1933. 

6143: May 23 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn to 
aid said State in making exchange selections under the act of June 15, 

6144: May 24 E. O. 6129 of May 11, 1933, authorizing the enrollment 
of 25,000 World War veterans under the Emergency Conservation Work 
Program amended to extend the operation of said order to veterans of 
all wars. 1932 CSR 29. 



6145: May 25* Board of Indian Commissioners abolished, and records, 
property, and personnel transferred to the Interior Sec'y. Sept. 1934 
CSA 155. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6146: May 26 Walter L. G. Perry, chief of the Division of Photolithog- 
raphy of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Manila, P. I., exempted from 
compulsory retirement provisions until May 31, 1935. 

6147: May 26 Fund of $5,875,200 established for emergency conserva- 
tion work on lands within Indian reservations; E. 0. 6131 of May 12, 
1933, revoked. 

6148: May 31* Fifty-one designated naval medical and dental officers 
attached to the War Dept. for duty with the Civilian Conservation Corps. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6149: May 31 E. 0. 5547 of Jan. 31, 1931, reserving certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened 
to enti^r under the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex- 
service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of re- 
survey and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any 
applicable land law. 

6160: May 31 E. 0. 5551 of Feb. 7, 1931, reserving certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened 
to entry under the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex- 
service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, 
and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any appli- 
cable land laws. 

6151: June 1 E. 0. 5261 of Jan. 20, 1930, withdrawing certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. 

6152: June 1 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn for classifi- 
cation as to their suitability for migratory bird refuge purposes. 

6153 : June 3 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6154: June 5 E. 0.s 3832 and 3896 of May 4 and Aug. 31, 1923, re- 
spectively, reserving certain described lands in Montana for use as ranger 
stations revoked, and said land opened only to entry under the homestead 
or desert land laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning 
with the 63d day from the date of this Order and thereafter to appropri- 
ation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

6155: June 5 E. 0. 5558 of Feb. 16, 1931, reserving certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened 



to entry under the homestead or desert land laws only by qualified ex- 
service men for 91 days from the date of filing of the plat of resurvey, 
and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any appli- 
cable land law. 

6166: June 6* Veterans' Regulation No. 1, pertaining to pensions, can- 
celed, and Veterans' Regulation No. 1-A substituted. Code 1692; VA 
58; VAR8. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6157: June 6* Veterans' Regulation No. 3, pertaining to the schedule 
for rating disabilities, canceled, and Veterans' Regulation No. 3- A substi- 
tuted. Code 1698; VA 205; VAR 24. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

6168: June 6* Veterans' Regulation No. 9, pertaining to payment of 
burial expenses of deceased veterans, canceled, and Veterans' Regulation 
No. 9-A substituted. Code 1702 ; VA 210; VAR 32. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

6169: June 6* Veterans' Regulation No. 10-A: Veterans' Regulation 
No. 10, prescribing miscellaneous provisions, amended. Code 1704; VA 
219; VAR 37. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

6160: June 7 Regulations governing the personnel of the Civilian Con- 
servation Corps and veterans enrolled under the Emergency Conservation 
Work Program prescribed ; sum of $5,875,200 for emergency conservation 
work on land within Indian reservations, and sum of $20,000,000 for 
purchase of forest lands allocated ; E. Ojs 6129, 6135, 6147 of May 11, 20, 
and 26, 1933, respectively, consolidated and amended. 

6161: June 8 Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority di- 
rected to make such surveys, plans, experiments, and demonstrations as 
may be suitable to aid the proper use, conservation, and development of 
the natural resources of the Tennessee River drainage basin. 

6162: June 8 Arthur E. Morgan designated to supervise the construc- 
tion of the Cove Creek Dam on the Clinch River, said work to be done 
by and through the Tennesee Valley Authority. 1933 CSR 29. 

6163: June 8 E. O. 5395 of July 16, 1930, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked and said lands opened to 
entry under the homestead or desert land laws only, by qualified ex- 
service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, 
and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any ap- 
plicable land law. 



6164: June 8 * Certain described portion of the Charleston Quartermaster 
Intermediate Depot, S. C, transferred from, the Shipping Board to the 
War Dept. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6165: June 10 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

6166: June 10* Consolidation, reorganization, transfer, and abolition 
of certain Government executive agencies ordered. Code 47; July 1933 
CSA 137, Sept. 1934 CSA 156; M 445. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6167: June 9 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter XX, 
Section 8, and Consular Regulations of 1896, Section 540, requiring ac- 
counts of diplomatic and consular officers to be stated in U. S. currency, 

6168: June 13 William A. Taylor, chief of the Plant Industry Bureau, 
Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Dec. 31, 1933. 

6169: June 15* Certain Coast Guard warrant officers attached to the 
War Dept. for duty in connection with the Civilian Conservation Corps. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6170: June 15 Oscar L. Chapman, Asst. Interior Sec'y, designated to 
act as Interior Sec'y during the absence of Sec'y and First Asst. Sec'y. 

6171 June 15 E. 0. 5121 of May 18, 1929, withdrawing certain described 
lands in California lands pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands 
opened to entry under the homestead or desert land laws only, by quali- 
fied ex-service men, for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of 
resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

6172 : June 15 Cache National Forest, Utah, enlarged. 

6173 : June 16 Hugh Johnson appointed Administrator for Industrial 
Recovery ; and Special Industrial Recovery Board appointed. July 1933 
CSA 148; I NRA Codes 711; NRA Hand 165. 

6174: June 16 Col. Donald H. Sawyer appointed temporary Federal 
Emergency Administrator of Public Works and authorized to allot sums 
for highway building and for construction of naval vessels ; Special Board 
for Public Works appointed. July 1933 CSA 148 ; PWA 63. 

6175: June 16 E. O. 4240 of June 4, 1925, Paragraph 2, providing for 
demotion and separation ratings of Government employees, amended. 
July 1933 CSA 143-June 1937 CSA 154. 



6176: June 16 Rates of allowance for equipment maintenance for rural 
mail carriers fixed. 

6177: June 16 E. 0. 5342 of May 6, 1930, reserving certain described 
lands in Arkansas pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened to 
entry under the homestead laws only, by qualified ex-servicemen for 91 
days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter 
to appropriation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

6178: June 16 Carson National Forest, N. Mex., diminished. 

6179: June 16 Certain described lands in Utah withdrawn pending re- 

6179-A: June 16 E. 0.s [4528, 5058, 5069, 5204, 5620, 5893, 6028, 6061, 
6063, and 6067] of Oct. 23, 1926, Feb. 6, 1929, Mar. 2, 1929, Oct. 21, 1929, 
May 13, 1931, Aug. 1, 1932, Feb. 16, 1933, Mar. 2, 1933, Mar. 2, 1933, and 
Mar. 3, 1933, respectively, making certain persons eligible for appoint- 
ment in the Labor Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules, revoked. 

6179-B: June 16 The National Committee on Wood Utilization abol- 
ished, and all property, records, and files transferred to the Commerce 

6179-0: June 16 South Trimble, Jr., Solicitor of the Commerce Dept., 
authorized to act as Commerce Sec'y in their absence of the Sec'y and 
the Asst. Sec'y. 

6180: June 21 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved as a target 
range for the National Guard. 

6181: June 24 E. O. 6160 of June 7, 1933, amended to make funds for 
purchase of forest lands available for use in any National Forest Purchase 

6182: June 26 Certain powers and functions in the handling of food- 
stuff under Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 dele- 
gated to the Agricultural Sec'y. I NRA Codes 712 ; NRA Hand 171. 

6183: June 26 E. O. 5548 of Jan. 31, 1931, reserving certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened 
only to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex- 
service men, for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of re- 
survey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any 
applicable land law. 

6184: June 26 Helium Reserve No. 2, Utah, established for the produc- 
tion of helium for the Government. 



6185: June 26 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 5098 of Apr. 23, 1929, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the date of the filing' 
of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general 
public under any applicable land law. 

6186: June 26 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 5323 of Apr. 10, 1930, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and opened to entry under applicable land laws by qualified 
ex-service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of 
resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

6187: June 26 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 5687 of Aug. 18, 1931, reserving lands pending re- 
survey, and opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of 
the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general pub- 
lic under any applicable land laws. 

6188 : July 3 Comparative index of the living for the six-month periods 
ending June 30, 1928, and June 30, 1933, announced. 

6189 : July 3 Certain described lands at Petersburg, Alaska, reserved 
for use as a dock site in connection with the administration of Tongass 
National Forest and for other Government purposes. 

6190 : July 3 Certain described lands in California eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 5836 of Apr. 13, 1932, reserving lands for a transmis- 
sion line right-of-way, and opened only to entry under the homestead 
and desert land laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning 
with the 63d day from the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropri- 
ation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

6191 : July 3 Air mail beacon site and landing field in California, estab- 
lished by E. O. 4652 of May 18, 1927, diminished. 

6192: July 3 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

6193: July 3 E. O. 5555 of Feb. 11, 1931, withdrawing certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. 

6194: July 3 E. 0. 5667 of July 6, 1931, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Oregon pending resurvey, revoked. 

6195: July 3 E. 0. 5656 of June 22, 1931, reserving certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened 

[ 514 ] 


only to entry under applicable land laws by qualified ex-service men for 
91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter 
to appropriation by the general public under any such law. 

6196: July 6* Joseph B. Eastman relieved of duties as Interstate Com- 
merce Commissioner during his service as Federal Coordinator of Trans- 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6197: July 6 E. 0. 2713 of Sept. 27, 1917, reserving certain described 
lands in Montana for use in the administration of Beaverhead and Deer- 
lodge National Forests, revoked, and said lands opened to entry under 
the homestead or desert land laws only by qualified ex-service men for 
91 days beginning with the 63d day from and after the date of this Order, 
and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applica- 
ble land law. 

6198: July 8 Harold L. Ickes appointed Federal Emergency Adminis- 
trator of Public Works. PWA63. 

6199: July 11 Transportation in interstate and foreign commerce of 
petroleum and the products thereof, unlawfully produced or withdrawn 
from storage, prohibited. I NRA Codes 713 ; NRA Hand 385. 

6200: July 11 Director of the Emergency Conservation Work given full 
administrative powers and ordered to procure educational, athletic, and 
recreational services for the welfare of enrolled men. 

6201 : July 11 Puerto Rico attached to the Internal Revenue Collection 
District of Maryland. 

6201-A : July 11 Louise Polk Wilson, land patent clerk, authorized to 
sign the President's name to land patents. 

6202: July 11 Phosphate Restoration No. 54: Phosphate Reserve No. 4, 
Wyoming No. 1, diminished. 

6202- A: July 11 Temporary Executive Council appointed to coordinate 
organizations and work of new government agencies and duties pre- 
scribed; Frank C. Walker appointed executive sec'y- Sept 1934 CSA 83- 
June 1937 CSA 90; NRA Hand 166. 

-B : July 11 Order in which officials of the Treasury Dept. may act 
as Treasury Sec'y established. 

6203: July 12 Regulations governing the appointment of 1st, 2d and 3d 
class postmasters prescribed. July 1933 CSA 171-June 1935 CSA 171. 

6204: July 14 Interior Sec'y authorized to exercise powers vested in 
President under Section 9c of the National Recovery Act of 1933, relative 

' [515] 


to the ban on transportation in interstate and foreign commerce of 
petroleum and its products, unlawfully produced or withdrawn from 
storage. I NRA Codes 714 ; NRA Hand 385. 

6204-A: July 14 Code of Pair Competition for the Rayon Weaving In- 
dustry approved in part. I NRA Codes 19. 

6204-B: July 14 Code of Fair Competition for the Throwing Industry 
approved in part. I NRA Codes 20. 

6205: July 14 Reservoir Site Reserve No. 19, East Fork, Deschutes 
River, Oreg., established. 

6205-A : July 15 Administrator for Industrial Recovery authorized to 
appoint necessary personnel and exercise certain functions vested in the 
President by Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933. 
V NRA Codes 763 ; NRA Hand 170. 

6205-B: July 15 Regulation relative to approval of Codes of Fair Com- 
petition prescribed. I NRA Codes 715. 

6205-0 : July 15 Certain divisions of the Silk Association of America 
bound by the provisions of the Cotton Textile Industry Code, pending 
adoption of a code of fair competition for said Association. I NRA Codes 

6206: July 16 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 
legislation for protection of the water supply of the city of Los Angeles. 

6206- A: July 16 Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Textile In- 
dustry approved as amended. I NRA Codes 21. 

6206-B: July 16 Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Thread Indus- 
try approved in part, I NRA Codes 21. 

6206-0: July 19 Bertha Wetherton made eligible for appointment as 
special assistant to the Internal Revenue Commissioner, Treasury Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6207: July 21 Powers under title of the National Industry Recovery 
Act of 1933 delegated to the Agriculture Sec'y by E. O. [6182] of June 
16, 1933, continued. VI NRA Codes 645. 

6208: July 21 Sum of $20,000,000 allocated for purchase of forest lands 
for emergency conservation work, and Paragraph 5 of E. O. 6160 of June 
7, 1933, as amended by E. O. 6181 of June 24, 1933, revoked. 

6200: July 21 Interior Sec'y delegated powers relative to subsistence 
homesteads loans. June 1935 CSA 88, June 1936 CSA 102. 



6209- A: July 21 Textile Finishing Industry placed under the Cotton 
Textile Industry Code, pending adoption of a code of fair competition for 
said Finishing Industry. I NRA Codes 716. 

6209-B: July 21 Underwear and Allied Products Industry placed under 
the Cotton Textile Code, pending adoption of a code of fair competition 
for said Underwear Industry. I NRA Codes 717. 

6210: July 22 Natural Bridge National Forest, Va. and W. Va., con- 
solidated with George Washington National Forest, with latter name 

6210- A: July 22 Code of Fair Competition for the Silk and Rayon Dye- 
ing and Printing Industry approved in part. I NRA Codes 718. 

6211 : July 24 Col. Henry M. Waite appointed to the Special Board for 
Public Works as successor to Col. George R. Spalding. PWA 64. 

6212: July 25 Certain described lands in California reserved for classifi- 
cation and possible inclusion in a national monument. 

6213 : July 25 Rental and subsistence allowances for officers of the 
various services, effective for the fiscal year 1934, prescribed. 

6214: July 25 Curtis F. Marbut, principal soil scientist in the Agricul- 
ture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provision until June 
30,1934. 1934CSR33. 

6214-A: July 25 Civil Service Rule, Schedule B, pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination, Subdivision III [on Commerce 
Dept. positions], Paragraph 2, amended as to positions pertaining to the 
investigation of trade conditions here and abroad. 

6214-B: July 25 Colvin W. Brown designated temporary asst. sec'y of 
the Executive Council. 

6215: July 26 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VI [on Justice Dept. positions], 
Paragraph 6 amended to except all positions in the Division of Investiga- 
tion except fingerprint classifiers. Sept. 1934 CSA 160 ; 1934 CSR 32. 

6216: July 26 Code of Fair Competition for the Shipbuilding and Ship- 
repairing Industry approved. I NRA Codes 25. 

6217: July 26 James J. Maloney, John E. Murphy, Roy G. Perry, and 
Albert R. Vaughan, temporary employees, made eligible for permanent 
appointment as operatives in the Secret Service Division, Treasury Dept., 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



6218: July 26 David A. Gaes, formerly in the Internal Revenue Bureau, 
made eligible for appointment as internal revenue agent in said Bureau 
for one year without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6219 : July 26 Canal Zone Regulations governing the issuing of licenses 
for practice of the healing arts prescribed. M 448. 

6220: July 26 Louis R. Ola vis, serving in the excepted position of direc- 
tor of investigations in the Interior Dept., made eligible for restatement 
in the classified service without regard to any changes previously pre- 
ferred against him. # 

* In the Ballinger-Pinchot controversy. 

6221: July. 26 Effective dates for the abolition of the Federal Employ- 
ment Stabilization Board deferred until 60 days after the convening of 
the 2d session of the 73d Congress. 

6221-A: July 26 Code of Pair Competition for Wool Textile Industry 
approved. I NRA Codes 33. 

6221-B : July 26 Certain provisions of the Code of Fair Competition for 
the Hosiery Industry approved. I NRA Codes 719. 

6221-0 : July 26 International Association of Garment Manufacturers 
and subdivisional industries thereof placed under the Cotton Textile 
Code. I NRA Codes 722. 

6221-D : July 26 National Council of Pajama Manufacturers placed un- 
der the Cotton Textile Code. I NRA Codes 723. 

6222: July 27 Transfer of the legal work of the Veterans' Administra- 
tion to the Justice Dept. postponed until Sept. 10, 1933. 

6223: July 27 Sum of $171,638.75 allocated from the National Industrial 
Recovery Appropriation to the Agriculture Dept. for completing acquisi- 
tion of land for the National Arboretum. 

6224: July 27 * Effective dates of certain sections of E. 0. 6166 of June 
10, pertaining to reorganization of Executive agencies, deferred. Sept. 
1934 CSA 161 ;M 454. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6225: July 27 Central Statistical Board established to formulate stand- 
ards and effect coordination of statistical services incidental to the pur- 
poses of the National Industrial Recovery Act. I NRA Codes 724. 

6226: July 27 Regulations for furnishing to the Budget Director reports 
on current encumbrances of Government funds prescribed. 



6227: July 27 Effective date of so much of Section 19 of E. 0. 6166 of 
June 10, 1933, as relates to the separation of employees under Sections 2 
and 15 of said Order, deferred. Sept. 1935 CSR 163. 

6227-A : July 27 Cordage and Twine Industry placed under the Cotton 
Textile Code. I NRA Codes 725. 

6228: July 28 * Provisions of E. O. 6166 of June 10, 1933, relative to the 
transfer of national cemeteries and parks from the War Dept. to the 
Interior Dept., interpreted. Sept. 1934 CSA 163. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

6229: July 28* Veterans Regulation No. 1 (b), pertaining to entitle- 
ment to pension, prescribed. Code 1694 ; VA 75 ; VAR 15. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6230: July 28* Veterans Regulation No. 2 (a), pertaining to the effec- 
tive date of awards of pensions, provisions for filing claims, and review 
of presumptive claim by review boards, prescribed. Code 1696 ; V A 195 ; 
VAR 16. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6231: July 28* Veterans Regulation 3 (b), pertaining to schedule for 
rating disabilities, prescribed. Code 1698 ; VA 206 ; VAR 24. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6232: July 28* Veterans Regulation 6 (a), pertaining to eligibility for 
domicilliary or hospital care, including medical treatment, prescribed. 
Code 1999; VA 167; VAR 27. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6233: July 28* Veterans Regulation 7 (a), pertaining to eligibility for 
medical care, prescribed. Code 1701 ; VAR 29. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6234: July 28* Veterans Regulation 10 (b), Miscellaneous Provisions, 
prescribed. Code 1704 ; VA 220 ; VAR 38. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6235: July 28 Power Site Restoration No. 477: Power Site Withdrawal 
and Power Site No. 108 diminished. 

6236: July 28 Henry Roe Cloud made eligible for appointment as super- 
intendent of the Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 



6237: July 28 • Sum of $1,550,000 allocated from 1933 National Indus- 
trial Recovery appropriation, for land purchase for completion of the 
Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

6237-A : July 30 Certain powers under the Trading With the Enemy 
Act vested in the Alien Property Custodian. 

6238: July 31 Science Advisory Board established under the National 
Research Council, and members designated. 

6239: Aug. 2 Effective date for the abolition of the Federal Coordinat- 
ing Service deferred to Oct. 10, 1933. Sept. 1934 CSA 170. 

6240: Aug. 3 Winfield W. Riefler designated member of the Central 
Statistical Board and assigned as economic adviser to the Executive 

6241 : Aug. 3 Tax returns opened to inspection by the Senate Special 
Committee to Investigate Foreign and Domestic Ocean and Air Mail 

6242 : Aug. 4 Alice M. Grove, General Land Office employee, designated 
to sign the President's name to patents during the absence of the regular 

6242-A:Aug. 4* Code of Fair Competition for the Coat and Suit In- 
dustry approved. I NRA Codes 51. 

* All Orders approving Codes of Fair Competition, approving Amendments thereto, 
and denying or approving application for exceptions thereto, from and including this 
Order, have partly the form of a proclamation, except as noted. 

6242-B: Aug. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Electrical Manufactur- 
ing Industry approved. I NRA Codes 43. 

6242-0 : Aug. 4 Application of the Alabama Mills Co. for exemptions 
from the Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Textile Industry, 
denied. I NRA Codes 728. 

6242-D : Aug. 4 Application of the Crystal Springs Bleachery for ex- 
emptions from the Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Textile In- 
dustry denied. I NRA Codes 726. 

6242-E : Aug. 4 Application of the Dwight Manufacturing Co. for cer- 
tain exemptions from Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Textile 
Industry denied. I NRA Codes 727. 

6243 : Aug. 5 Effective date of the transfer of the District Court for the 
Canal Zone to the Justice Dept., as directed by E. O. 6166 of June 10, 
1933, postponed to Oct. 4, 1933. Sept. 1934 CSA 169; M 454. 



0244: Aug. 8 Effective date of the provisions of E. 0. 6166 of June 10, 
1933, insofar as they relate to any function of the office of the General 
Counsel for the Internal Revenue Bureau, deferred until Oct. 10, 1933. 
Sept. 1934 CSA 169. 

6246: Aug. 9 Effective date of Section 19 of E. 0. 6166 of June 10, 1933, 
insofar as it relates to the separation of employees under Section 12 of 
said Order, deferred until Sept. 30, 1933. Sept. 1934 CSA 170. 

6246: Aug. 10 Regulations requiring compliance by contractors for Gov- 
ernment supplies with the codes of fair competition for their respective 
industries prescribed. M 455 ; I NRA Codes 729 ; NRA Hand 117. 

6247: Aug. 10 Regulations governing the preparation and style of Ex- 
ecutive Orders and Proclamations prescribed. Sept. 1934 CSA 14, June 
1935 CSA 14; 1934 CSR 38. 

6248: Aug. 14 Code of Fair Competition for the Corset and Brassiere 
Industry approved. I NRA Codes 69. 

6249: Aug. 14 • Code of Fair Competition for the Lace Manufacturing 
Industry approved. I NRA Codes 59. 

* Does not have form of a proclamation. 

6260: Aug. 16 Code of Fair Competition for the Legitimate Full Length 
Dramatic and Musical Theatrical Industry approved. I NRA Codes 81. 

6251 : Aug. 19 Federal Power Commission designated an agency to aid 
the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works in the prepara- 
tion of a program for the development of water power and the transmis- 
sion of electrical energy. Sept. 1934 CSA 79-June 1937 CSA 93. 

6252: Aug. 19 Certain functions and powers delegated to the Federal 
Emergency Administrator of Public Works, and certain regulations gov- 
erning operations prescribed. June 1937 CSA 140; PWA 64. 

6253: Aug. 19 Code of Fair Competition for the Fishing Tackle In- 
dustry approved. I NRA Codes 217. 

6264: Aug. 19 Code of Fair Competition for the Iron and Steel Industry 
approved. I NRA Codes 171. 

6255: Aug. 19 Code of Fair Competition for the Lumber and Timber 
Products Industries approved. I NRA Codes 95. 

6256: Aug. 19 Code of Fair Competition for the Petroleum Industry ap- 
proved. I NRA Codes 147. 

6257: Aug. 19 Code of Fair Competition for the Photographic Manufac- 
turing Industry approved. I NRA Codes 209. 



6268: Aug. 22 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

6258-A:Aug. 26 Code of Fair Competition for the Automobile Manu- 
facturing Industry approved. I NRA Codes 251 ; I NRA Hand Supp 3. 

6268-B: Aug. 26 Code of Fair Competition for the Rayon and Synthetic 
Yarn Producing Industry approved. I NRA Codes 223. 

6268-0: Aug. 26 Code of Fair Competition for the Hosiery Industry ap- 
proved. I NRA Codes 239. 

6258-D: Aug. 26 Code of Fair Competition for the Men's Clothing In- 
dustry approved. I NRA Codes 229. 

: Aug. 27 E. 0. 9 of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
Government, amended to make said order applicable to all mechanics and 
laborers in armories, arsenals, Navy Yards, etc. Sept. 1934 CSA 181- 
June 1939 CSA 153. 

6260: Aug. 28 Regulations governing hoarding, export, and earmarking 
of gold coin, bullion, or currency, and transactions in foreign exchange, 
prescribed. Code 363 ; M 455. 

6260-A:Aug. 20 Sec'y of the Interior delegated powers pertaining to 
administration of the petroleum industry, and the Interior Dept. desig- 
nated as the Federal agency in connection with such administration as 
provided in the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 and the Code 
of Fair Competition for said industry. I NRA Codes 730. 

6261: Aug. 29 Treasury Sec'y delegated powers relative to sale and ex- 
port of gold recovered from natural deposits. 

6262: Aug. 29 Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 565%, and In- 
structions to Diplomatic officers of 1927, Chapter XX, Section 20, amended 
as to remission of fees. 

6263 : Aug. 80 * Joe Smith, Senate Office Building mechanician, ex- 
empted from compulsory retirement provisions until Aug. 31, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6264: Aug. 31 George P. Metzger, deputy collector of internal revenue, 
exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Dec. 31, 1933. 

6265: Sept. 5 E. O. 6208 of July 21, 1933, amended to authorize the 
Agriculture Sec'y to allot funds up to $35,000 to the Chemistry and Soils 
Bureau for soil surveys and examinations. 



6266: Sept. 6 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6267: Sept. 6 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

6268 : Sept. 6 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

6269: Sept. 6 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the Wash- 
ington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System. 

6270: Sept. 7 Code of Fair Competition for the Motion Picture Labora- 
tory Industry approved. I NRA Codes 299. 

6271 : Sept. 7 Code of Fair Competition for the Wall Paper Manufactur- 
ing Industry approved. I NRA Codes 267. 

6272: Sept. 7 Code of Fair Competition for the Salt Producing Industry 
approved. I NRA Codes 277. 

6273: Sept. 7 Code of Fair Competition for the Leather Industry ap- 
proved. I NRA Codes 287. 

6274: Sept. 7 Application of the Connecticut Garment Manufacturers 
Association for certain exemptions from the Code of Fair Competition 
for the Coat and Suit Industry denied. I NRA Codes 731. 

6275: Sept. 7 Code of Fair Competition for the Cast Iron Soil Pipe In- 
dustry approved. I NRA Codes 259. 

6276: Sept. 8 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved to aid 
said State in making exchange selections. 

6277: Sept. 8 Public Water Reserve No. 152, Colo., Oreg., and Utah, 
established [for stock- watering and grazing purposes]. 

6278: Sept. 12 Certain described lands in California eliminated from 
the operation of E. 0. 5836 of Apr. 13, 1932, reserving lands pending 
location of a power line right-of-way, and opened only to entry under the 
homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days 
from the 63d day after the date of this Order, and thereafter to appro- 
priation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

6279: Sept. 12 Sturgeon Bay, Wis., abolished as a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 37. 

: Sept. 13 E. O. 5483 of Nov. 14, 1930, reserving certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened 



only to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex- 
service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plats of re- 
survey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any 
applicable land law. 

6281 : Sept. 13 Knoxville, Tenn., abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 43. 

6282: Sept. 13 Lincoln, Neb., abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 46 (Omaha). 

6283: Sept. 13 New Bern and Manteo, N. C, abolished as ports of entry 
in Customs Collection District No. 15. 

6284: Sept. 13 Robbinston, Maine, abolished as a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 1 (Maine and New Hampshire), and port 
limits of Calais, Maine, in said District, extended to include Calais, Rob- 
binston, and Baring townships. 

6284- A: Sept. 13 Modifications of the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Petroleum Industry approved. I NRA Hand Supp 26. 

6285: Sept. 14 Certain described lands in California reserved for classi- 
fication and possible inclusion in a national monument. 

6286 : Sept. 14 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

6287: Sept. 14 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

6288 : Sept. 14 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved pending 

6289 : Sept. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Flower and Feather 
Industry approved. I NRA Codes 381. 

6289- A: Sept. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Bituminous Coal In- 
dustry approved. I NRA Codes 323 ; I NRA Hand Supp 75. 

6290: Sept. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Gasoline Pump Manu- 
facturing Industry approved. I NRA Codes 349. 

6291 : Sept. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Linoleum and Felt 
Base Manufacturing Industry approved. I NRA Codes 389. 

6292 : Sept. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Oil Burner Industry 
approved. I NRA Codes 339. 



6203: Sept. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Textile Bag Industry 
approved. I NRA Codes 361. 

8204: Sept. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Transit Industry ap- 
proved. I NRA Codes 371. 

6205: Sept. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Underwear and Allied 
Products Manufacturing Industry approved. I NRA Codes 309. 

6206: Sept. 18 Application of the Gem-Dandy Garter Co. for certain 
exemptions from the Code of Fair Competition for the Corset and Bras- 
siere Industry denied. I NRA Codes 732. 

6296- A: Sept. 22* Sum of $100,000 allocated from the 4th Deficiency 
Act of 1933 to make necessary payments to contractors having Govern- 
ment contracts negotiated prior to June 16, 1933, to enable completion of 
said contracts and compliance with the proper code of fair competition 
or employment agreement. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6297: Sept. 25 Reservoir Site Reserve No. 17, Pacific Slope basins, Calif., 
amended to permit the relocation of two sections of a transmission line 
on said Reserve. 

6298: Sept. 29 Hugh S. Johnson appointed temporary member of each 
code authority for the Bituminous Coal Industry. I NRA Codes 733; I 
NRA Hand Supp 131. 

6299: Sept. 29 Revised Code of Fair Competition for the Bituminous 
Coal Industry approved. I NRA Codes 702. 

6300: Sept. SO Chincoteague, Va., abolished as port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 14. 

6301: Sept. SO Effective date of the transfer of the District Court for 
the Panama Canal Zone to the Justice Dept. deferred to Nov. 4, 1933. 
Sept. 1934 CSA 169; M 458. 

6302 : Sept. SO • Clayborn L. Qatewood, junior mechanic in the House 
wing of the Capitol, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Sept. 30, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6303: Sept. 30 Pend Oreille National Forest, Idaho and Wash., merged 
with the Eaniksu National Forest, with latter name retained; certain 
lands transferred from the Pend Oreille National Forest to the Coeur 
d'Alene National Forest. 



8304: Oct. 3 • President's Reemployment Agreement modified. I NRA 
Codes 734; I NBA Hand Supp 122. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

8306: Oct. 3 Bankers Code of Fair Competition approved. I NRA Codes 

6306: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Lime Industry approved. 
I NRA Codes 397. 

6307: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Farm Equipment In- 
dustry approved. I NRA Codes 489. 

6308: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Boiler Manufacturing 
Industry approved. I NRA Codes 481. 

6309: Oct 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Electric Storage and Wet 
Primary Battery Industry approved. I NRA Codes 499. 

6310: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Textile Machinery Manu- 
facturing Industry approved. I NRA Codes 449. 

6311 : Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for Knitting, Braiding and Wire 
Covering Machine Industries approved. I NRA Codes 411. 

6312: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Builders Supplies Trade 
approved. I NRA Codes 469. 

6313: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Boot and Shoe Manufac- 
turing Industry approved. I NRA Codes 541. 

6314: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Laundry and Dry Clean- 
ing Machinery Manufacturing Industry approved. I NRA Codes 437. 

6315: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Saddlery Manufacturing 
Industry approved. I NRA Codes 551. 

6316: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Ice Industry approved. 
I NRA Codes 529. 

6317: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Retail Lumber, Lumber 
Products, Building Materials and Building Specialties Trade approved. 
I NRA Codes 417. 

6318: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Luggage and Fancy 
Leather Goods Industry approved. I NRA Codes 519. 

6319: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Women's Belt Industry 
approved. I NRA Codes 511. 



6320: Oct. 3 # Code of Fair Competition for the Oil Burner Industry 
amended. I NRA Codes 703. 

* Does not have form of a proclamation. 

6321: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Motor Vehicle Retailing 
Trade approved. I NRA Codes 563. 

6322: Oct. 3 Code of Fair Competition for the Qlass Container Industry 
approved. I NRA 457. 

6323: Oct. 9 Amendment to the Code of Fair Competition for the Lum- 
ber and Timber Products Industries approved. I NRA Codes 705. 

6324: Oct. 5 David H. Morton made eligible for appointment as personal 
sec'y and law clerk in the Customs Court, New York, N. Y., without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6325: Oct. 9 Code of Fair Competition for the Optical Manufacturing 
Industry approved. I NRA Codes 599. 

6326: Oct. 9 Code of Fair Competition for the Umbrella Manufacturing 
Industry approved. I NRA Codes 613. 

6327: Oct. 9 Code of Fair Competition for the Handkerchief Industry 
approved. I NRA Codes 629. 

6328: Oct. 9 Code of Fair Competition for Mutual Savings Banks ap- 
proved. I NRA Codes 623. 

6328- A: Oct. 9 Code of Fair Competition for the Automatic Sprinkler 
Industry approved. I NRA Codes 605. 

6329: Oct. 10 • Code of Fair Competition for the Ship Building and 
Ship Repairing Industry amended. I NRA Codes 701. 

•This Order also exists in mimeographed form dated Sept. 22, 1933. 

6330: Oct. 10 Code of Fair Competition for the Silk Textile Industry 
approved. I NRA Codes 587. 

6331 : Oct. 11 Certain described lands in California reserved as a State 
conservation camp in connection with Civilian Conservation Corps work. 

6331- A: Oct. 11 Application of the Associated Cloak and Suit Manufac- 
turers of Portland, Oreg., for certain exemptions from the Code of Fair 
Competition for the Coat and Suit Industry denied. I NRA Codes 735. 

6331-B:Oct. 11 Code of Fair Competition for the Compressed Air In- 
dustry approved. I NRA Codes 653. 



6331-0: Oct. 11 Code of Fair Competition for the Heat Exchange In- 
dustry approved. I NBA Codes 663. 

6331-D : Oct. 11 Code of Fair Competition for the Pump Manufacturing 
Industry approved. I NRA Codes 673. 

6331-E : Oct 11 Code of Fair Competition for the Throwing Industry 
approved. I NRA Codes 643. 

6332: Oct. 12 Rates of allowances to rural mail carriers for equipment 
maintenance fixed for certain specified periods. 

6333: Oct. 13 Rainier National Forest, Wash., diminished, and excluded 
lands transferred to the Columbia National Forest. 

6334: Oct. 13 Rainier National Forest, Wash., diminished, and excluded 
lands transferred to the Snoqualmie National Forest. 

6335: Oct. 13 Rainier National Forest, Wash., diminished, and excluded 
lands transferred to Wenatchee National Forest. 

6336: Oct. 13 Snoqualmie National Forest, Wash., diminished, and ex- 
cluded lands transferred to the Mount Baker National Forest. 

6337: Oct. 14 Certain regulations for carrying out the purposes of Title 
1 of the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 prescribed. I NRA 
Codes 646; NRA Hand 197. 

6338: Oct. 14 • James S. Goldsmith, superintendent of buildings and 
labor in the National Museum, and George G. Hedgecock, senior patholo- 
gist in the Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6330: Oct. 14 Michigan City, Ind., abolished as port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 39 (Chicago). 

6340: Oct. 16 • Formation of Commodity Credit Corporation authorized. 
June 1935 CSA 71-June 1937 CSA 88. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6341 : Oct. 17 Trust period on allotments of the Morongo Band of Mis- 
sion Indians in California, expiring in 1933, extended 10 years. 

6342: Oct. 18 Inspection of tax returns by Special Senate Committee to 
Investigate Receivership and Bankruptcy Proceedings and Appointment 
of Receivers and Trustees, authorized. 



6343: Oct. 18 Interior Sec'y authorized to acquire any real or personal 
property in connection with the construction of any project under alloca- 
tions made to the Interior Dept. 

6344: Oct. 20 Sum of $386,000 allocated from relief funds of the 4th 
Deficiency Act of 1933 to the Agriculture Dept. for acquisition of lands 
for f orest research in connection with the National Arboretum including 
costs of land purchase; E. 0. 6223 of July 27, 1933, revoked. 

6345: Oct. 20 E. O. 6182 of June 26, 1933, delegating certain powers 
under Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act to the Agriculture 
Sec'y, as supplemented by E. O. 6207 of July 21, 1933, amended. VI 
NRA Codes 647. 

6346: Oct. 20 Application of Greensboro Lumber Co. and H. A. Taylor 
for certain exemptions from the Code of Fair Competition for the Lumber 
and Timber Products Industries denied. II NRA Codes 696. 

6347: Oct. 20 Additional stay of certain provisions of the Code of Fair 
Competition for the Underwear and Allied Products Manufacturing In- 
dustry granted. II NRA Codes 697. 

6348 : Oct. 20 Agreement with the Code Committee of the Cordage and 
Twine Industry modified. II NRA Codes 695. 

6340: Oct. 20 Code of Fair Competition for the Marking Device Indus- 
try approved. II NRA Codes 13. 

6360: Oct. 20 Code of Fair Competition for the Cap and Closure In- 
dustry approved. II NRA Codes 1. 

6361: Oct. 21 Code of Fair Competition for the Retail Trade approved, 
n NRA Codes 27. 

6362: Oct. 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision VII, on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions, amended to make Paragraph 6 applicable to certain temporary 
Postal Service personnel employed in connection with the holiday busi- 
ness for 1933-1934. 1934CSR22. 

6363 : Oct. 21 Administrator for Industrial Recovery delegated certain 
investigative powers on tariff complaints, and procedure in connection 
with such complaints outlined. II NRA Codes 700 ; NRA Hand 210. 

6364: Oct. 23 Regulations to modify any inconsistent provisions of any 
orders, approvals, rules, or regulations issued under Title I of the Na- 
tional Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, and to provide for the equitable 
enforcement of codes and agreements approved under said Act, pre- 
scribed. II NRA Codes 699. 



6855: Oct. 23 Effect of the provisions of codes of fair competition on 
cooperative organizations defined and patronage dividends permitted. II 
NRA Codes 698; I NRA Hand Supp 158. 

6356: Oct. 23 Code of Fair Competition for the Industrial Supplies and 
Machinery Distributors' Trade approved. II NBA Codes 47. 

6357: Oct. 23 Code of Fair Competition for the Plumbago Crucible In- 
dustry approved. II NRA Codes 67. 

6358: Oct. 23 Code of Fair Competition for the Steel Tubular and Fire- 
box Boiler Industry approved. II NRA Codes 57. 

6359: Oct. 25 B. 0. 6261 of Aug. 29, 1933, relative to sale and export of 
gold recovered from natural deposits, revoked; U. S. mints and assay 
offices permitted to receive and the Reconstruction Finance Corp. author- 
ized to acquire and to dispose of such gold ; export of articles fabricated 
from gold permitted. Code 380. 

6360: Oct. 25 Wade Crawford made eligible for appointment as Super- 
intendent of the Klamath Indian Agency, Oreg., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

6361 : Oct. 25 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for classi- 
fication and possible inclusion within a national monument. 

6362 : Oct. 25 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 6143 of May 23, 1933, withdrawing lands to aid said 
State in making exchange selections, and opened only to entry under the 
homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days 
from the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. 

6363: Oct. 25 Coal Land Withdrawals, New Mexico Nos. 1, 5, and 6, 

6364: Oct. 26 Jean Springstead Whittemore made eligible for appoint- 
ment as customs collector for Puerto Rico without regard to Civil Service 

6365: Oct. 26 Greenwich, Middletown, Norwalk, South Manchester, and 
Stamford, Conn., abolished as ports of entry in Customs Collection Dis- 
trict No. 6. 

6366: Oct. 27 Labor provisions for the Beet Sugar Industry approved. 
II NRA Codes 687. 

6367: Oct. 31 Public Water Restoration No. 76 * : Public Water Reserve 
No. 12, Wyo., diminished. 
* Not in Numbered Series. 



6368: Oct. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Advertising Specialty 
Industry approved. II NBA Codes 97. 

6369: Oct. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Dress Manufacturing In- 
dustry approved. II NBA Codes 77 ; I NBA Hand Supp 171. 

6370: Oct. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Fertilizer Industry ap- 
proved. II NBA Codes 119. 

6371 : Oct. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Gas Cock Industry ap- 
proved. II NBA Codes 157. 

6372: Oct. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Millinery and Dress 
Trimming, Braid and Textile Industry approved. II NBA Codes 149. 

6373: Oct. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Motor Bus Industry ap- 
proved. II NBA Codes 107. 

6374: Oct. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Packaging Machinery 
Industry and Trade approved. II NBA Codes 189. 

6375: Oct. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Boad Machinery Manu- 
facturing Industry approved. II NBA Codes 139. 

6376: Oct. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Hair and Jute Felt In- 
dustry approved. II NBA Codes 199. 

6377: Oct. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Terra Cotta Industry 
approved. II NBA Codes 209. 

6378: Oct. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Canning and Packing 
Machinery Industry approved. II NBA Codes 219. 

6379: Oct. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Paint, Varnish, and 
Lacquer Manufacturing Industry approved, n NBA Codes 169. 

6380: Nov. 1 Code of Fair Competition for the Nottingham Lace Cur- 
tain Industry approved. II NBA Codes 253. 

6381: Nov. 1 Code of Fair Competition for the Asbestos Industry ap- 
proved. II NBA Codes 273. 

6382: Nov. 1 Code of Fair Competition for the Bock Crusher Manufac- 
turing Industry approved, n NBA Codes 231. 

6383: Nov. 1 Code of Fair Competition for the Novelty Curtain, Drap- 
eries, Bedspreads and Novelty Pillow Industry approved. II NBA Codes 



6384: Nov. 1 Code of Fair Competition for the Crown Manufacturing 
Industry approved, II NRA Codes 243. 

6385: Nov. 2 Code of Fair Competition for the American Petroleum 
Equipment Industry and Trade approved. II NBA Codes 339. 

6386: Nov. 2 Code of Fair Competition for the Steel Casting Industry 
approved. II NBA Codes 299. 

6387: Nov. 2 Code of Fair Competition for the Copper and Brass Mill 
Products Industry approved. II NBA Codes 289. 

6388: Nov. 2 Code of Fair Competition for the Fabricated Metal Prod- 
ucts Manufacturing and Metal Finishing and Metal Coating Industry 
approved. II NBA Codes 327. 

6389: Nov. 2 Code of Fair Competition for the Soap and Glycerine 
Manufacturing Industry approved. II NBA Codes 317. 

6390: Nov. 3 Panama Canal Zone marshal designated officer to disburse 
funds for maintenance of District Court for the Canal Zone ; War Dept. 
ordered to continue to furnish office quarters, equipment, library, travel, 
and other facilities without cost. Code 50 ; Sept. 1934 CSA 169 ; M 459. 

6391: Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Men's Garter, Suspender 
and Belt Manufacturing Industry approved. II NBA Codes 471. 

6392: Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for Stock Exchange Firms ap- 
proved. II NBA Codes 481. 

6393: Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Toy and Playthings 
Industry approved. II NBA Codes 353. 

6394: Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Funeral Supply Industry 
approved. II NBA Codes 421. 

6395: Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Business Furniture, 
Storage Equipment, and Filing Supply Industry approved. II NBA 
Codes 383. 

6396: Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Office Equipment Manu- 
facturers Industry approved. II NBA Codes 413. 

6397: Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Buffing and Polishing 
Composition Industry approved. II NBA Codes 501. 

6398 : Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Buff and Polishing Wheel 
Industry approved. II NBA Codes 491. 

[ 532 ] 


6300: Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Piano Manufacturing 
Industry approved. II NBA Codes 435. 

6400: Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Floor and Wall Clay 
Tile Manufacturing Industry approved. II NBA Codes 443. 

6401 : Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Washing and Ironing 
Machine Manufacturing Industry approved. II NBA Codes 461. 

6402: Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Leather and Woolen 
Knit Glove Industry approved. II NBA Codes 367. 

6403: Nov. 4 Application of Kaplan Bros, for exemptions from the Code 
of Fair Competition for Artificial Flower and Feather Industry denied. 
II NBA Codes 701. 

6403-A:Nov. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Fire Extinguishing 
Appliance Manufacturing Industry approved. II NBA Codes 511. 

6404: Nov. 4 Oil Shale Bestoration No. 2: Oil Shale Beserve No. 1, 
Nev., diminished. 

6405: Nov. 4 Power Site Bestoration No. 478: Power Site Beserve No. 
191, Utah, diminished. 

6406: Nov. 6 Code of Fair Competition for the Asphalt Shingle and Boof- 
ing Manufacturing Industry approved. II NBA Codes 523. 

6407: Nov. 6 Stay of the provisions of the Cotton Textile Industry Code 
limiting machine hours in manufacture of tire yarns or fabrics termi- 
nated, and application for exemption from said provisions denied. II 
NBA Codes 702 ; IV NBA Codes 685. 

6408: Nov. 7 # Boundaries of Fort Buger Military Reservation, Oahu, 
T. H., redefined. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6400: Nov. 7 Boundaries of Wasatch and Ashley National Forests, Utah 
and Wyo., modified by inter-transfer of lands. 

6410: Nov. 8 Code of Fair Competition for the Printers' Boilers Indus- 
try approved. II NBA Codes 611. 

6411: Nov. 8 Code of Fair Competition for the Motor Fire Apparatus 
Manufacturing Industry approved. II NBA Codes 629. 

6412: Nov. 8 Code of Fair Competition for the Ladder Manufacturing 
Industry approved. II NBA Codes 619. 



6413: Nov. 8 Code of Fair Competition for the Shovel, Dragline, and 
Crane Industry approved. II NRA Codes 563. 

6414: Nov. 8 Code of Fair Competition for the Paperboard Industry 
approved. II NBA Codes 539. 

6415: Nov. 8 Code of Fair Competition for the Liquefied Gas Industry 
approved. II NRA Codes 587. 

6416: Nov. 8 Code of Fair Competition for the Machine Tool and Forg- 
ing Machinery Industry approved. II NRA Codes 577. 

6416-A:Nov. 8 Code of Fair Competition for the Cleaning and Dyeing 
Trade approved. II NRA Codes 547. 

6417: Nov. 8 Supplement to the Code of Fair Competition for the Auto- 
mobile Manufacturing Industry, covering fair trade practices for the 
funeral vehicle and ambulance subdivision approved. II NRA Codes 

6418: Nov. 8 Code of Fair Competition for the Automotive Parts and 
Equipment Manufacturing Industry approved. II NRA Codes 599. 

6419: Nov. # James A. Wetmore, acting supervising architect in the 
Public Works Branch, Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory re- 
tirement provisions until Nov. 30, 1934. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6420: Nov. 9 Mary M. Flanagan made eligible for appointment as char- 
woman in the custodial service at the Boston, Mass., post office without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6420- A: Nov. 9 Modification of the Code of Pair Competition for Cotton 
Textile Industry approved. II NRA Codes 677. 

6420-B:Nov. 9 Federal Civil Works Administration established and 
Federal Emergency Relief Administrator appointed as head thereof. 
Sept. 1934 CSA 79-June 1937 CSA 86. 

6421 : Nov. 10 Coal Land Restoration, New Mexico No. 50 : Coal Land 
Withdrawal, New Mexico No. 1 diminished. 

6422: Nov. 10 Code of Fair Competition for the Hardwood Distillation 
Industry approved. II NRA Codes 661. 

6423: Nov. 10 Code of Fair Competition for the Crushed Stone, Sand 
and Gravel and Slag Industries approved. II NRA Codes 641. 



6423- A: Nov. 11 Code of Fair Competition for the Imported Date Pack- 
ing Industry approved. 

6424: Nov. 13 Stay of the provisions of the Cotton Textile Code limiting 
machine hours in manufacture of tire yarns or fabrics extended to Nov. 
20, 1933. Ill NBA Codes 655. 

6425: Nov. 14 Code of Fair Competition for the Scientific Apparatus 
Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 31. 

6426: Nov. 14 Code of Fair Competition for the Air Transport Industry 
approved. Ill NRA Codes 1. 

6427: Nov. 14 Code of Fair Competition for the Gear Manufacturing 
Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 67. 

6428: Nov. 14 Code of Fair Competition for the Wood Plug Industry 
approved. Ill NRA Codes 47. 

6429: Nov. 14 Code of Fair Competition for the Limestone Industry 
approved. Ill NRA Codes 21. 

6430: Nov. 14 Code of Fair Competition for the All-Metal Insect Screen 
Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 9. 

6431: Nov. 14 Code of Fair Competition for the Mop Stick Industry 
approved. Ill NRA Codes 57. 

6431-A:Nov. 15 Labor provisions for the Retail Food and Grocery 
Trade approved. Ill NRA Codes 

6431-B:Nov. 15 Labor provisions for the Wholesale Food and Grocery 
Trade approved, m NRA Codes 645. 

6432: Nov. 16 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved pending 

6433 : Nov. 17 Josephine B. Wales made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6433- A: Nov. 17 • National Emergency Council created to coordinate 
the activities of Government field agencies established to carry out the 
purposes of legislation in connection with the economic emergency; all 
volunteer field agencies abolished. Sept. 1934 CSA 79-June 1937 CSA 91 ; 
I NRA Hand Supp 167. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6434: Nov. 17 Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Garment In- 
dustry approved. Ill NRA Codes 77 ; I NRA Hand Supp 195. 



6435: Nov. 17 Code of Fair Competition for the Newsprint Industry 
approved. Ill NRA Codes 103. 

6436: Nov. 17 Code of Fair Competition for the Special Tool, Die, and 
Machine Shop Industry approved. Ill NBA Codes 187. 

6437: Nov. 17 Code of Fair Competition for the Paper and Pulp In- 
dustry approved. Ill NRA Codes 115 ; I NRA Hand Supp 215. 

6438: Nov. 17 Code of Fair Competition for the Hotel Industry ap- 
proved. Ill NRA Codes 175. 

6438-A:Nov. 17 Twenty-four specified persons made eligible for ap- 
pointment in the Internal Revenue Bureau, Treasury Dept. without re- 
gard to Civil Service Rules. 

6439: Nov. 18 Adoption of a seal for the National Recovery Administra- 
tion authorized ; copies of documents authenticated under said seal to be 
admissible as evidence equally with the originals thereof; Administrator 
of Industrial Recovery delegated certain powers in connection there- 
with. Ill NRA Code 656. 

6440: Nov. 18 Rates of compensation for employees in Emergency 
Agencies not subject to the Classification Act, prescribed. 

6441 : Nov. 21 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn for clas- 
sification and pending legislation [to add said lands to the Black Hills 
National Forest] . 

6441-A:Nov. 21 Code of Fair Competition for the Southern Rice Mill- 
ing Industry approved. 

6442: Nov. 22 Federal Emergency Relief Administrator authorized to 
take over the control of relief in any State, where in his judgment, more 
affective cooperation between State and Federal authorities will be 
secured; regulations governing appointment and duties of State emer- 
gency relief administrations prescribed. 

6443 : Nov. 22 • Administrator for Industrial Recovery authorized to 
modify agreements entered into or approved by the President under 
Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act of June 16, 1933, other 
than codes of fair competition. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6444: Nov. 25* Thirty-eight specified drill sites restored to Naval Pe- 
troleum Reserve No. 2, Calif. ; B. Ojs 3862 and 4225 of June 11, 1923, and 
May 16, 1925, revoked. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



6444-A:Nov. 26 Code of Fair Competition for the Distilled Spirits In- 
dustry approved. 

6446: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Vitrified Clay Sewer 
Pipe Manufacturing Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 445. 

6446: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Anti-Friction Bearing 
Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 473. 

6447: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Pipe Nipple Manufac- 
turing Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 379. 

6448: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Machine Tool and 
Equipment Distributing Trade approved. Ill NRA Codes 485. 

6449: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Retail Jewelry Trade 
approved. HI NRA Codes 517. 

6460: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Precious Jewelry Pro- 
ducing Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 365. 

6451: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Concrete Masonry In- 
dustry approved. Ill NRA Codes 407. 

6462: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Cigar Container Manu- 
facturers Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 433. 

6463: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Cement Industry ap- 
proved. HI NRA Codes 325. 

6464: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Warm Air Furnace 
Manufacturing Industry approved, m NRA Codes 461. 

6466: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Reinforcing Materials 
Fabricating Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 285. 

6466: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for Investment Bankers ap- 
proved. Ill NRA Codes 509. 

6467: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the China ware and Porce- 
lain Manufacturing Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 273. 

6468: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Motion Picture Indus- 
try approved. Ill NRA Codes 215. 

6469: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Upholstery and Drapery 
Textile Industry approved, in NRA Codes 259, IV NRA Codes 686. 

6460: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Wool Felt Manufactur- 
ing Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 535. 



6461 : Not. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Malleable Iron Industry 
approved. Ill NRA Codes 393. 

6462: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Gas Appliances and 
Apparatus Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 421. 

6463: Nov. 27 Stay of the provision of the Cotton Textile Code limiting 
machine hours in the production of tire yarns or fabrics for rubber tires, 
extended until completion of the hearing in connection therewith. Ill 
NRA Codes 658. 

6464: Nov. 27 Commercial bribery provisions in codes of fair competi- 
tion interpreted. Ill NRA Codes 659; I NRA Hand Supp 229. 

6465: Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Structural Clay Prod- 
ucts Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 197. 

6466: Nov. 27 Oode of Fair Competition for the Waterproofing, Damp- 
proofing, Calking Compounds, and Concrete Floor Treatments Manufac- 
turing Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 497. 

6467: Nov. 27 Effective date of Article IX, Section 4, of Code of Pair 
Competition for the Retail Trade extended to July 1, 1934. Ill NRA 
Codes 660. 

6467-A:Nov. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Radio Broadcasting 
Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 353. 

6468: Nov. 29 Portion of Fort Ruger Military Reservation, T. H., re- 
stored to the control of the Government of the Territory of Hawaii as a 
reservoir site. 

6469: Nov. 29 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 5603 of Apr. 20, 1931, reserving lands pending resurvey, 
and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by 
qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the 
plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

6470: Nov. 29 Public Works Emergency Housing Corporation estab- 

6471 : Nov. 29 Maude McOaugh made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6471-A:Dee. 2 Code of Fair Competition for the Alcoholic Beverages 
Importing Industry approved. 

6472 : Dee. 2 Frequencies assigned to Government radio stations, and 
E. O. 5855 of June 6, 1932, superseded. 



6473: Dec. 4 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved pending re- 

6473-A:Dec. 4 Code of Pair Competition for the Brewing Industry 

6474: Dee. 4 Federal Alcohol Control Administration established; per- 
sonnel named, and functions prescribed. Sept. 1934 CSA 81-June 1936 
CSA 86. 

6475: Dec. 4 Anne Stevens made eligible for appointment as clerk in 
the U. S. Attorney's Office at Boston, Mass., without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

6476: Dec. 4 Application for exemption from the provisions of the Cot- 
ton Textile Industry Code limiting machine hours in production of rubber 
tire yarns or fabrics, denied, and stay of said provisions terminated, 
effective Dec. 11, 1933. Ill NRA Codes 661. 

6477: Dee. 6 Certain described lands in South Dakota reserved for 
classification and possible inclusion in a national monument, 

6478: Dec. 7 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
the operation B. 0. 5276 of Feb. 7, 1930, withdrawing lands for classifica- 
tion, and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land laws 
by qualified ex-service men, for 91 days from the 63d day from the date 
of this Order hereof, and thereafter to appropriation by the general pub- 
lic under any applicable land law. 

6479: Dec. 7 Provisions providing for the submission of statistical in- 
formation by persons subject to codes of fair competition, prescribed. 
Ill NRA Codes 662. 

6480: Dec. 7 Code of Fair Competition for the Paper Making Machine 
Builders Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 543. 

6481 : Dec. 7 Code of Fair Competition for the Furniture Manufactur- 
ing Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 551. 

6482: Dec. 7 Code of Fair Competition for the Excelsior and Excelsior 
Products Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 565. 

6483: Dec. 7 Code of Fair Competition for the Motor Vehicle Storage 
and Parking Trade approved. Ill NRA Codes 577. 

6484: Dec. 7 Code of Fair Competition for the Pyrotechnic Manufac- 
turing Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 591. 

6486: Dec. 7 Code of Fair Competition for the Machined Waste Manu- 
facturing Industry approved. Ill NRA Codes 607. 



6486: Dec. 7 Code of Fair Competition for the Asphalt and Mastic Tile 
Industry approved. HI NBA Codes 617. 

6487: Dec. 7 Amendments 3 and 4 to the Code of Fair Competition for 
the Lumber and Timber Products Industries approved. IV NRA Codes 

6487-A:Dec. 9 Code of Fair Competition for the Alcoholic Beverage 
Wholesale Industry approved. 

6487-B: Dec. 9 Code of Fair Competition for the Distilled Spirits Recti- 
fying Industry approved. 

6488: Dec. 11 Civil Service Rules, Sched ule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VJJ1 [on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to add Paragraph 2 excepting the positions of director 
of information and administrative assistant in the office of the Sec'y- 
1934 CSR 32. 

6489: Dec. 11 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision XIII [on Labor Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to add Paragraph 3 excepting six district commissioners 
of immigration and naturalization. 

6490: Dec. 12 E. 0. 5315 of Mar. 26, 1930, reserving certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. 

6491: Dec. 12 Certain described lands in Montana reserved in connec- 
tion with the Fort Peck Dam and Reservoir Project. 

6492: Dec. 12 Coal Land Restoration, New Mexico No. 51: Coal Land 
Withdrawals, New Mexico Nos. 1 and 6 diminished. 

6493: Dec. 12 * Certain described portion of the Naval radio station site 
at Wailupe, Honolulu, T. H., restored to the Government of the Territory 
of Hawaii for road purposes. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6494: Dec. 14* Charles J. Chamberlain, head carpenter in the Senate 
Office Building, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Dec. 31, 1935. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6495: Dec. 14 Regulations governing administrative furloughs for Gov- 
ernment employees prescribed. Sept. 1934 CSA 187. 

6496: Dec. 14 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

[ 540 ] 


6407: Dec. 15 Regulations governing the preparation and style of Ex- 
ecutive Orders and Proclamations amended to except Executive Orders 
approving code of fair competition from the force of said regulation. 

6408: Dec. 15 Trust period on Indian lands, expiring, in 1934, extended 
for 10 years, except where Congress has reserved to itself authority to 

6409: Dec. 15 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

6500: Dec. 15 Certain described lands in Arizona eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 5462 of Oct. 14, 1930, reserving certain lands for cus- 
toms and immigration inspection purposes. 

6501 : Dec. 15 Code of Fair Competition for the Millinery Industry ap- 
proved. IV NBA Codes 1. 

6502: Dec. 15 Code of Fair Competition for the Can Manufacturers 
Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 15. 

6503: Dec. 15 Code of Fair Competition for the Valve and Fittings Man- 
ufacturing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 29. 

6504: Dec. 15 Code of Fair Competition for the Metal Tank Industry 
approved. IV NRA Codes 47. 

6505: Dec. 15 Code of Fair Competition for the Oxy- Acetylene Industry 
approved. IV NRA Codes 61. 

6506: Dec. 15 Code of Fair Competition for the Rubber Manufacturing 
Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 69. 

6507: Dec. 15 Code of Fair Competition for the Hair Cloth Manufactur- 
ing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 119. 

6508: Dec. 15 Code of Fair Competition for the Stone Finishing Ma- 
chinery and Equipment Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 129. 

6500: Dec. 15 Code of Fair Competition for the Dry and Polishing Mop 
Manufacturing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 141. 

6510: Dec. 15 Code of Fair Competition for the Men's Clothing Indus- 
try modified. IV NRA Codes 637. 

6510-A:Dec. 15 Code of Fair Competition for the Fur Trapping Con- 
tractors Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 151. 

6511 : Dec. 16 National Labor Board continued ; powers and functions 
prescribed. NRA Codes 648 ; NRA Hand 2 289 ; NRA Hand Supp 242. 



6612: Dec. 16* Effective date for abolition of volunteer field agencies, 
as directed in E. 0. 6433-A of Nov. 17, 1933, deferred to Jan. 16, 1934. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6512- A: Dec. 16 Charles Brenton Barnes appointed as Presidential mem- 
ber of the Bituminous Coal Labor Board for Division I, South, with head- 
quarters at Cincinnati, Ohio. 

6513: Dec. 18* Members of the Special Industrial Recovery Board in- 
cluded as members of the National Emergency Council, and the duties 
and functions of said Board transferred to said Council. NRA Hand 
169 ; I NRA Hand Supp 240. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6513-A:Dec. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Set Up Paper Box 
Industry approved. 

6513-B : Dec. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Knitted Outerwear 
Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 199. 

6513-0 : Dec. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Waxed Paper Indus- 
try approved. IV NRA Codes 233. 

6513-D:Dec. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Domestic Freight 
Forwarding Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 175. 

6513-E:Dec. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Wholesale Automo- 
tive Trade approved. IV NRA Codes 185. 

6513-F: Dec. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Non-Ferrous Foundry 
Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 211. 

6513-0: Dec. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Refractories Indus- 
try approved. IV NRA Codes 255. 

6513-H:Dec. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Fur Dressing and 
Fur Dyeing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 161. 

6513-1: Dec. 18 Amendment to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Cast Iron Soil Pipe Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 645. 

6513-J : Dec. 18 Amendments to the Codes of Fair Competition for the 
Men's Clothing and Cotton Garment Industries approved. IV NRA Codes 

6513-K:Dec. 18 Amendment to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Automobile Manufacturing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 641. 



6514: Dec. 19* Formation of the Electric Home and Farm Authority, 
Inc., under Delaware laws authorized, and Board of Directors named 
and instructed as to functions. June 1935 CSA 89-June 1937 CSA 89. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6515: Dec. 19 President's Reemployment Agreement extended to Apr. 
30, 1934. XV NRA Codes 623 ; NRA Hand 338 ; I NRA Hand Supp 257. 

6515-A: Dec. 19 Charles £. Wyzanski, Jr., Solicitor of the Labor Dept., 
designated to act as Labor Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y and 
the Assistant Sec'y* 

6516: Dec. 20 Federal employees in the District of Columbia excused 
from duty on Dec. 23 and 30, 1933. 

6517: Dec. 21 * E. 0. 6516 of Dec. 20, 1933, excusing Federal employees 
in the District of Columbia from duty on Dec. 23 and 30, 1933, amended 
to include field service employees. 

• Hat form of a proclamation. 

6518: Dec. 21* E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873 [prohibiting Federal em- 
ployees from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or mu- 
nicipal government], waived to permit Martin Conboy, U. S. attorney for 
the Southern District of New York, to serve as special assistant general 
of the State of New York. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6519: Dec. 21 Code of Fair Competition for the Savings, Building and 
Loan Associations approved. IV NRA Codes 279. 

6520: Dec. 21 Code of Fair Competition for the Grinding Wheel Indus- 
try approved. IV NRA Codes 287. 

6521: Dec. 21 Code of Fair Competition for the Rolling Steel Door 
Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 297. 

6522: Dec. 21 Code of Fair Competition for the Rayon and Silk Dyeing 
and Printing Industry approved in lieu of the Code of Labor Provisions 
for said industry approved July 22, 1933. IV NRA Codes 311. 

6528: Dec. 21 Code of Fair Competition for the industry engaged in 
smelting and refining of secondary metals into brass and bronze alloys 
in ingot form approved. IV NRA Codes 325. 

6524: Dec. 21 Code of Fair Competition for the Rubber Tire Manufac- 
turing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 335. 

6525: Dec. 21 Modification of the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Gasoline Pump Manufacturing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 661. 



6526: Dec. 21 Application of the Southern Plow Manufacturers Associ- 
ation and the Blount Plow Works for exemptions from the Code of Fair 
Competition for the Farm Equipment Industry, denied. IV NRA Codes 

6527: Dec. 21 Official bulletin board established in the Commerce Dept. 
Building, Washington, D. C, to provide for notice of the proceedings of 
the National Recovery Administration. IV NRA Codes 687; II NRA 
Hand Supp 217. 

6527-A:Dec. 21 Additions and amendments to the Code of Fair Com- 
petition for the Petroleum Industry approved. 

6528: Dec. 21 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 5603 of Apr. 20, 1931, withdrawing certain lands for 
resurvey, and opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the date of the filing 
of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general 
public under any applicable land law. 

6629: Dec. 23 Modifications of Code of Fair Competition for the Textile 
Bag Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 671. 

6530 : Dec. 23 Code of Fair Competition for the Medium and Low Priced 
Jewelry Manufacturing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 355. 

6531 : Dec. 23 Code of Fair Competition for the Silverware Manufactur- 
ing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 389. 

6532: Dec. 23 Code of Fair Competition for the Photo-Engraving In- 
dustry approved. IV NRA Codes 429. 

6533: Dec. 23 Code of Fair Competition for the Electrotyping and 
Stereotyping Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 415. 

6534: Dec. 23 Code of Fair Competition for the Paper Distributing 
Trade approved. IV NRA Codes 375. 

6535: Dec. 23 Code of Fair Competition for the Commercial Refriger- 
ator Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 441. 

6536: Dec. 23 Code of Fair Competition for the Watch Case Manufac- 
turing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 403. 

6537: Dec. 23 Temporary Code Authority for the Motor Vehicle Stor- 
age and Parking Trade appointed. 

6538: Dec. 23 R. B. Paddock, Deputy Administrator of the National 
Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, appointed to represent the Administra- 
tion as a member without vote of the Code Authority for the Toy and 
Playthings Industry. 



6539: Deo. 23 Code of Fair Competition for the Lace Manufacturing 
Industry amended. IV NRA Codes 665. 

6539-A:Dec. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Wine Industry ap- 

6639-B:Dec. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Commercial and 
Breeder Hatchery Industry approved. 

6039-0 : Dec. 27 Anderson Dana Hodgden, Clayson Wheeler Aldridge, 
and Walton Canby Ferris, former Foreign Service officers, made eligible 
for reinstatement upon confirmation by the Senate. 

6640: Dec. 28 E. 0. 6166 of June 10, 1933, on reorganization of Govern- 
ment agencies, amended to defer the effective date of the provisions re- 
lating to disbursement and internal revenue. Sept. 1934 CSA 167. 

6641 : Dec. 28 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for flood and 
erosion control purposes in connection with cooperative Civilian Con- 
servation Corps work. 

6642: Dec. 28 * Sum of $2,325,000 allocated from the 4th Deficiency Act 
of 1933 for acquisition of privately owned lands within the areas of the 
Great Smoky Mountain, Shenandoah, and Monmouth Cave National Park 
Projects, Va., N. C, Ky., and Tenn., in connection with the Emergency 
Conservation Work Program. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6643: Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the Retail Food and Grocery 
Trade approved in lieu of Code of the labor provisions approved Nov. 
15,1933. IV NRA Codes 457. 

6543-A:Dec. 30 Power to approve codes of fair competition of all but 
major industries, and of modifications and amendments delegated to the 
Administrator for Industrial Recovery. IV NRA Codes 689 ; NRA Hand 
171 ; II NRA Hand Supp 3. 

6543-B: Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the Household Ice Refrig- 
erator Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 473. 

6643-0 : Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the Shoe and Leather 
Finish, Polish, and Cement Manufacturing Industry, approved. IV 
NRA Codes 485. 

6543-D : Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the Concrete Pipe Manu- 
facturing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 497. 

6543-E:Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the End Strip Wood 
Block Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 511. 



6543-F:Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Cloth Glove 
Manufacturing Industry approved. IV NBA Codes 525. 

6643-0: Deo. 30 Code of Pair Competition for the Velvet Industry ap- 
proved. IV NRA Codes 539. 

6543-H:Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the Coated Abrasives 
Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 549. 

6543-1: Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the Paper Stationery and 
Tablet Manufacturing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 559. 

6543-J:Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the Cinders, Ashes, and 
Scavenger Trade approved. IV NRA Codes 569. 

6543-K:Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the Cast Iron Pressure 
Pipe Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 579. 

6643-L:Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the Folding Paper Box 
Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 591. 

6643-M:Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the Blouse and Skirt 
Manufacturing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 605. 

6643-N: Dec. 30 Code of Fair Competition for the American Match In- 
dustry approved. IV NRA Codes 621. 

6643-0: Dec. 30 Amendment to Code of Fair Competition for the Wall 
Paper Manufacturing Industry approved. IV NRA Codes 677. 

6644: Dec. 30 Certain described lands in California reserved for the 
Agriculture Dept. as fire lookout and explosive storage sites in connection 
with the administration of the Shasta and Trinity National Forests. 


6646: Jan. 2 Port of entry of Nyando, N. Y., in Customs Collection Dis- 
trict No. 7 (St. Lawrence), renamed Roosevelt own. 

6546: Jan. 2 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for cemetery 

6647: Jan. 2 Veterans' Regulation No. 2 (b) : Veterans' Regulation No. 
2 (a) amended as to the Veterans' Appeals Board provided for therein. 
Code 1698; VA 203. 

6548: Jan. 3 Further obligation of emergency funds prior to approval 
of estimates of expenditures by the Director of the Budget Bureau tem- 
porarily prohibited, with certain exceptions. 



6540: Jan. 3 Auditing of the accounts of Government agencies and cor- 
porations created after Mar. 3, 1933, by the General Accounting Office, 
ordered unless otherwise prescribed by law. 

6549- A: Jan. 4 Code of Fair Competition for the Wholesale Food and 
Grocery Trade approved in lieu of the Code of Labor Provisions approved 
Nov. 15, 1933. V NRA Codes 1. 

6660: Jan. 6 E. 0. 6548 of Jan. 3, 1934, prohibiting the further obliga- 
tion of emergency funds prior to approval of estimates of expenditures 
by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, revoked and regulations 
relative to further allocation and obligation of emergency funds pre- 

6661: Jan. 8 Functions and powers under the National Industrial Re- 
covery Act of 1933 heretofore delegated to the Agriculture Sec'y trans- 
ferred to the Administrator of the National Recovery Administration 
with certain exceptions. VI NRA Codes 649; NRA Hand 2 172; II NRA 
Hand Supp 1. 

6662: Jan. 8 Public Water Reserve No. 116, Calif., modified to author- 
ize the Federal Power Commission to issue an amendment to the license 
for Project No. 923 of the Southern California Edison Company. 

6563: Jan. 9 Index figures for the cost of living for the six months 
periods ending June 30, 1928 and Dec. 31, 1933, announced. 

6664: Jan. 10 E. O. 6440 of Nov. 18, 1933, prescribing rates of compen- 
sation of Government employees in certain emergency agencies, amended 
to include all existing emergency agencies and those hereafter created. 

6556: Jan. 12 Robert E. McQueen made eligible for appointment as 
lockmaster in the Engineer Dept. at Large, War Dept., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

6566: Jan. 12 E. 0. 6260 of Aug. 28, 1933, relating to hoarding, export- 
ing, and earmarking of gold coin, bullion, or currency, and to transactions 
in foreign exchange, amended. 

6557: Jan. 12 Marie E. Summers made eligible for reinstatement in the 
Government Printing Office without regard to length of separation from 
the service. 

6557- A: Jan. 12 Code of Fair Competition for the Wholesaling or Dis- 
tributing Trade approved. V NRA Codes 69. 

6557-B: Jan. 12 Code of Fair Competition for the Carpet and Rug Man- 
ufacturing Industry conditionally approved. V NRA Codes 83. 

6557-0 : Jan. 12 Code of Fair Competition for the Raw Peanut Milling 
Industry approved. V NRA Codes 99. 



6568: Jan. 15 U. S. mints and assay offices authorized to receive on 
consignment gold that has not been designated as having been held in 
non-compliance with Executive Orders issued under Sections 2 and 3 of 
the act of Mar. 9, 1933. 

6559: Jan. 15 E. 0. 6073 of Mar. 10, 1933, and Proc. 2070 of Dec. 30, 
1933, concerning the operation of banks, amended. 

6560: Jan. 15 Continued national emergency in banking declared and 
regulations governing foreign exchange, credit transfers, and export of 
coil and currency prescribed. Code 364. 

6560-A: Jan. 15 F. E. Berquist appointed member of the National Bi- 
tuminous Coal Industrial Board. 

6560-B: Jan. 15 John L. Lewis appointed member of the National Bi- 
tuminous Coal Industrial Board. 

6561: Jan. 16* Abolition date of the volunteer field agencies work- 
ing in connection with the National Emergency Council deferred. Sept. 
1934 CSA 80-June 1936 CSA 84; II NBA Hand Supp 44. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6562: Jan. 18 Rates of additional pay for Army enlisted men for pro- 
ficiency in the use of arms, prescribed. 

6563: Jan. 18 E. O. 5805 of Feb. 23, 1932, reserving certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened 
only to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified, ex- 
service men of the World War for 91 days from the date of the filing of 
the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general pub- 
lic under any applicable land law. 

6564: Jan. 18 E. 0. 5098 of Apr. 23, 1929, withdrawing certain lands in 
Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked as to certain described lands and 
the excluded lands opened only to entry under the homestead or desert 
land laws by qualified ex-service men of the World War for 91 days from 
date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. 

6564- A: Jan. 18* Alfred T. Burri, Foreign Service officer, Class V, re- 
tired on annuity. 

• Has form of a proclamation, 

6565: Jan. 19 Veterans' Regulation No. 1(c): Veterans' Regulations 
Nos. 1 (a) and 1 (b) amended as to entitlement to pensions. Code 1694, 
1700; VA 66. 



6666: Jan. 19 Veterans' Regulation No. 6 (b) : Veterans' Regulation No. 
6 (a) amended as to eligibility for domiciliary, hospital, and medical care. 
VA 162. 

6667: Jan. 19 Veterans' Regulation No. 9 (b) : Veterans' Regulation No. 
9 (a) amended as to payment of burial expenses of deceased veterans. 
Code 1702 ; V A 212. 

6668: Jan. 19 Veterans' Regulation No. 10(c): Veterans' Regulation 
Nos. 10 and 10 (b) amended as to pension provisions and renouncement 
of monetary benefits. Code 1704 ; VA 221. 

6669: Jan. 20 Certain powers delegated to Federal Trade Commission 
concerning complaints charging monopolistic practices. II NRA Hand 
Supp 35. 

6670: Jan. 20* Schofield Barracks Military Reservation, Oahu, T. H., 
diminished and the excluded lands restored to the Government of the 
Territory of Hawaii for road purposes. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6671: Jan. 28 * Certain naval medical and dental officers relieved from , 
duty with the Civilian Conservation Corps. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6672: Jan. 24 E. O. 5829 of Mar. 30, 1932, reserving certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked and said lands opened 
only to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex- 
service men for 91 days from date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, 
and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any appli- 
cable land law. 

6678: Jan. 24 Certain described lands in California and Nevada elimi- 
nated from the operation of E. O. 5836 of Apr. 13, 1932, withdrawing cer- 
tain lands for power transmission lines and opened only to entry under 
the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days 
from the 63d day from the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropri- 
ation by the general public under any applicable land law. 

6674: Jan. 24 Certain described lands in Oregon and Washington re- 
served in connection with construction of a dam in the Columbia River 
near Bonneville, Oreg. 

6676: Jan. 24 E. O. 6237 of July 28, 1933, allocating funds for the pur- 
chase of lands for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, revoked. 

6575- A: Jan. 24 State Sec'y authorized to acquire and dispose of cer- 
tain real or personal property in connection with projects under State 
Dept. allocations, particularly the Rio Grande rectification project. 



6676: Jan. 24 E. 0. 6474 of Dec. 4, 1933, establishing the Federal Al- 
cohol Control Administration, amended as to the composition of said 
Administration and to provide that the Director have an additional vote 
in case of tie. 

6577: Jan. 26* Carleton W. Sturtevant, principal engineer in the En- 
gineer Dept. at Large, War Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until July 31, 1934. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6677- A: Jan. 31 Miss Will Harriss made eligible for appointment in the 
classified service without regard to the Civil Service Rules. 

6678 : Jan. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry 
approved. V NRA Codes 649. 

6678-A: Jan. 31 James H. Pierce appointed member of the National 
Bituminous Coal Industrial Board. 

6670 : Feb. 1 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

6680: Feb. 1 Certain powers and duties relative to employee elections 
and collective bargaining rights conferred on the National Labor Board. 
VI NRA Codes 652; II NRA Hand Supp 61. 

6681: Feb. 2* Formation of the Export-Import Bank of Washington 
authorized. Sept. 1934 CSA 81-June 1937 CSA 93. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6682: Feb. 3 Killcohook Migratory Bird Refuge, N. J., and Del., estab- 

6683 : Feb. 3 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved to aid 
said State in making exchange selections. 

6684: Feb. 6 Certain described lands on Sand and Quarantine Islands, 
Oahu, T. H., exchanged between the War and Treasury Depts. and the 
War and Commerce Depts. to facilitate Honolulu channel and harbor 

6886: Feb. 6 Effective date of Section 18 of E. 0. 6166 of June 10, 1933, 
[pertaining to abolition in part of certain educational and experimental 
functions], deferred until Apr. 10, 1934. Sept. 1934 CSA 171. 

6686: Feb. 6 Section 18 of E. 0. 6166 of June 10, 1933, pertaining to 
abolition in part of certain educational and experimental functions, re- 
voked. Sept. 1934 CSA 171. 



6687: Feb. 8 Public Grazing Withdrawal No. 4, Utah, established. 

6688: Feb. 8 Certain described lands in California reserved for use of 
the War Dept. as a bombing and gunnery range. 

6689: Feb. 8 Canal Zone Regulations governing the licensing of ve- 
hicles amended. M 460. 

6690: Feb. 8 Coal Land Restoration, New Mexico No. 52: Coal-Land 
Withdrawal, New Mexico No. 1, diminished. 

6590-A:Feb. 8 Administrator for Industrial Recovery authorized to 
prescribe regulations governing amendments to modification of, excep- 
tions to, and stays of codes of fair competition. VI NRA 654. 

6690-B:Feb. 8 Industrial Recovery Administrator authorized to pre- 
scribe regulations requiring persons subject to Codes of Fair Competi- 
tion to post or display terms and provisions of said Code. VI NRA 655 ; 
II NRA Hand Supp 59. 

6691: Feb. 9* Postmaster General and War and Commerce Sec'y's 
directed to co-operate in providing necessary air-mail service in view of 
emergency created by annulment of domestic air mail contracts, and 
War Sec'y directed to place Army airplanes at the Postmaster General's 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6692: Feb. 9 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending 
legislation authorizing their purchase by the city of Forest Grove as 
part of its water shed. 

6693: Feb. 9 Beet Sugar Committee authorized to accept voluntary and 
uncompensated services of Professor W. Lewis Abbott., 

6694: Feb. 9 Certain described portion of the naval reservation on Ediz 
Hook, Port Angeles, Wash., transferred to the Treasury Dept. for Coast 
Guard purposes. 

6696: Feb. 9 Director of the Employment Service authorized to accept 
voluntary and uncompensated services of 15 persons in connection with 
a project for occupational specifications and classifications. 

6696: Feb. 9 Willis R. Gregg, chief of the Weather Bureau, Agriculture 
Dept., designated to act as Agriculture Sec'y during absence of the Sec'y 
and the Assistant Sec'y. 

6697: Feb. 10 Code of Pair Competition for the Chemical Manufactur- 
ing Industry approved. VI NRA Codes 393. 



6608: Peb. 10 Code of Pair Competition for the Pleating, Stitching and 
Bonnaz and Hand Embroidery Industry conditionally approved. VI 
NEA Codes 403. 

6599: Peb. 10 Code of Pair Competition for the Gray Iron Foundry In- 
dustry approved. VI NRA Codes 419. 

6600: Peb. 10 Code of Pair Competition for the Trucking Industry con- 
ditionally approved. VI NRA Codes 431. 

6601: Peb. 14 Code of Pair Competition for the Retail Solid Fuel In- 
dustry conditionally approved. VI NRA Codes 469. 

6601- A: Peb. 14* Membership of the Board of Trustees of the Export- 
Import Bank of Washington increased. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6602: Peb. 15* Sum of $450,000,000 allocated from the Relief Act of 
1934 to the Federal Civil Works Administration. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6603: Peb. 15 Sum of $500,000,000 from the Relief Act of 1934 allocated 
to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration grants to States and 
for administrative expenses. 

6603-A:Feb. 16 Tax returns of all companies manufacturing or selling 
airplanes, or parts thereof, and doing business with the Navy Dept. since 
1921, opened to inspection to the House Committee on naval affairs. 

6604: Peb. 16 Certain described lands in South Dakota and Nebraska 
withdrawn for soil classification. 

6604- A: Feb. 16 Code of Pair Competition for the Laundry Trade con- 
ditionally approved. VI NRA Codes 487. 

6604-B: Peb. 16 Code of Pair Competition for the Restaurant Industry 
conditionally approved. VI NRA Codes 507. 

6605: Peb. 17 Regulations governing commutation of rations and quar- 
ters for enlisted men of the various services, amended as to embassy at 

6606: Peb. 17 Veterans' Regulation No. 2 (c) : Veterans' Regulation No. 
2 (a) amended as to applications for review. Code 1698; VA 204. 

6606-A:Feb. 17* E. O. 6355 of Oct. 23, 1933, defining the effects of 
code of fair competition upon cooperative organization, supplemented. 
VII NRA Codes 705. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 



6606-B: Feb. 17 Code of Fair Competition for the Graphic Arts Indus- 
tries conditionally approved. VII NRA Codes 1. 

6606-0: Feb. 17 Code of Pair Competition for the Advertising Distrib- 
uting Trade conditionally approved. VII NRA Codes 187. 

6606-D:Feb. 17 Chapter II of the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Construction Industry, applicable to the General Contractors Division, 
approved. VII NRA Codes 667. 

6606-E:Feb. 17 Amended Code of Fair Competition for the Electro- 
typing and Stereotyping Industry conditionally approved. VII NRA 
Codes 623. 

6606-F:Feb. 17 Regulations for the interpretation and application of 
certain labor provisions of codes of fair competition affecting physically 
handicapped workers, prescribed. VTI NRA Codes 706. 

6606-G: Feb. 17 Code of fair competition for the Daily Newspaper Pub- 
lishing Business conditionally approved. VTI NRA Codes 69. 

6607: Feb. 20 Certain described lands in California reserved for use as 
a fire lookout site in connection with the administration of the Trinity 
National Forest. 

6608: Feb. 20 Canal Zone Regulations governing interest on deposit 
money orders amended. M 460 ; XXVII PCRec 132. 

6609: Feb. 21* John Bach, chief of the Drafting Division, Coast and 
Geodetic Survey, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Feb. 28, 1935. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6610: Feb. 21* C. Frank Wittenauer, picture engraver in the Bureau 
of Engraving and Printing, exempted from compulsory retirement provi- 
sions until Aug. 31, 1934. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6611 : Feb. 22 * Bureau of Mines and functions thereof transferred from 
the Commerce Dept. to the Interior Dept. Sept. 1934 CSA 171; Code 

• Hat form of a proclamation. 

6612: Feb. 22 E. O. 3870 of June 19, 1923, establishing certain proce- 
dures for classification of Army officers, revoked. 

6612- A: Feb. 23 E. O. 6580 of Feb. 1, 1934, delegating additional pow- 
ers to the National Labor Board relative to collective bargaining rights, 
amended as to employers' conduct. VII NRA Codes 708; II NRA Hand 
Supp 107. 



6613: Feb. 24 E. 0. 5652 of June 18, 1931, reserving certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened 
only to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex- 
service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, 
and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any appli- 
cable land law. 

6613-A:Feb. 24 Executive Orders approving codes of fair competition 
approval for the Graphic Arts Industries and the Daily Newspaper Pub- 
lishing Business amended. VII NRA Codes 639. 

6614: Feb. 26 * Functions of the War Dept. pertaining to national cem- 
eteries and memorials abroad transferred to the American Battle Monu- 
ments Commission. Code 49. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6616: Feb. 26 * Jacob L. Nuber, chief of the Printing and Binding Sec- 
tion, Internal Revenue Bureau, exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Feb. 28, 1935. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6616 : Feb. 26 Cordova Aviation Landing Field, Alaska, enlarged. 

6617: Feb. 26 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for use in 
connection with the Walker River Indian Irrigation Project. 

6618: Feb. 26 Public Water Reserve No. 154, Oreg., established. 

6610: Feb. 26 Public Water Reserve No. 153, Ariz., Utah and Wyo., 

6620: Feb. 26 Public Water Restoration No. 77: Public Water Reserve 
No. 149, Wyo., diminished. 

6620-A: Feb. 26 Code of Fair Competition for the Fishery Industry ap- 
proved. VII NRA Codes 327. 

6620-B: Feb. 26 E. 0. 6438 of Nov. 17, 1933, conditionally approving the 
Code of Fair Competition for the Hotel Industry, amended to delete two 
specified conditions. VII NRA Codes 641. 

6621 : Feb. 28 * Certain naval lands, buildings, and improvements at 
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, transferred to the Interior Dept. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6622: Mar. 1 E. 0. 6440 of Nov. 18, 1933, pertaining to rates of com- 
pensation of Government employees in emergency agencies, amended to 
exempt from the provisions thereof all employees of the Federal Civil 
Works Administration, except clerical and administrative personnel of 
the District of Columbia central office. 



6623: Mar. 1* Federal Employment Stabilization Board abolished and 
the Federal Employment Stabilization Office established in the Commerce 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6624: Mar. 1 Abolition date of the Federal Employment Stabilization 
Board deferred. 

6625: Mar. 5 Rear Admiral Christian Joy Peoples, Director of Procure- 
ment, appointed member of the Special Board for Public Works as suc- 
cessor to Assistant Treasury Sec'y, L. W. Robert, Jr. PWA 66. 

6626: Mar. 5 Certain described lands at Anchorage, Alaska, reserved 
for the War Dept. 

6627: Mar. 5 E. 0. 5343 of May 6, 1930, reserving certain described 
lands in Nevada pending resurvey, modified to permit the issuance of an 
airport lease to Eureka County, Nev. 

6628: Mar. 5 Short Island, American Lake, Wash., reserved for the War 

6629: Mar. 5 Certain described lands in Louisiana and Mississippi with- 
drawn for classification and possible inclusion in national forests. 

6630: Mar. 6 Aiea Military Reservation, T. H., diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii for 
road purposes, subject to a lease granted to the Honolulu Plantation Co. 
and to certain U. S. rights-of-way. 

6631 : Mar. 6 Robert H. Hartenberger and James B. Morgan, Jr., made 
eligible for appointment as airplane painter and watchman, respectively 
in the Air Corps at Large, War Dept., San Antonio, Tex., without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 

6631-A:Mar. 6 Code of Fair Competition for the Anti-Hog Cholera 
Serum and Hog Cholera Virus Industry approved. 

6632: Mar. 7 National Recovery Review Board created and members 
appointed. Sept. 1934 CSA 81, June 1935 CSA 76 ; VII NRA Codes 709. 

6633: Mar. 7 F. Harry Lewis, excepted employee in the Customs Serv- 
ice, made eligible for appointment as merchandise examiner in tbe Cus- 
toms Service, New York, N. Y., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6634: Mar. 7 Lawrenceburg, Ind., designated as a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection Dist. No. 40, and Town of Greendale included therein. 



6635: Mar. 7 Wichita, Kans., abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection Dist. No. 45 (St. Louis). 

6636: Mar. 8 Marion Doody made eligible for appointment as char- 
woman in the Custodian Service at the Boston, Mass., post office without 
regard to Regulations for the Appointment of Unclassified Laborers. 

6637: Mar. 9 Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works di- 
rected to allot $50,000 to the National Recovery Review Board from 
moneys heretofore earmarked for the National Recovery Administration. 
VII NRA Codes 710. 

6638: Mar. 9* Formation of the Second Export-Import Bank of Wash- 
ington, D. C, authorized. Sept. 1934 CSA 81-June 1936 CSA 87. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6639: Mar. 10* Consolidation of executive agencies engaged in the 
enforcement of the Internal Revenue laws ordered, and all authority, 
powers, and functions vested in the Internal Revenue Commissioner. 
Sept. 1934 CSA 172; Code 49. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6640: Mar. 12 Chapter in of the Code of Fair Competition for the Con- 
struction Industry, applicable to the Painting, Paperhanging, and Dec- 
orating Division, approved. VIII NRA Codes 739. 

6641: Mar. 12 Code of Fair Competition for the Scrap Iron, Nonferrous 
Scrap Metals, and Waste Materials Trade conditionally approved. VIII 
NRA Codes 1. 

6642: Mar. 14 E. O. 5202 of Oct. 7, 1929, reserving certain described 
lands in California pending resurvey, revoked and said lands opened only 
to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 

6643 : Mar. 14 Certain described lands in California eliminated from 
operation of E. O. 5836 of Apr. 13, 1932, withdrawing certain California 
and Nevada lands pending location of a right-of-way for a power trans- 
mission line, and opened only to entry under the homestead and desert 
land laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the 63d 
day from the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the 
general public under any applicable land law. 

6644: Mar. 14 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6645: Mar. 14 Harney National Forest, S. Dak., diminished, and the 
excluded lands reserved to provide material for road purposes. 



6646: Mar. 14 Regulations requiring compliance with codes of fair 
competition by persons or firms granted Government contracts prescribed. 
Vin NRA Codes 859; II NBA Hand Supp 113. 

6647: Mar. 17* W. H. Moran, chief of the Secret Service Division, 
Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Mar. 31, 1936. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6647- A: Mar. 17 Code of Fair Competition for the Bowling and Billiard 
Operating Trade approved. Vm NRA Codes 221. 

6647-B : Mar. 17 Code of Fair Competition for the Machinery and Allied 
Products Industry conditionally approved. VIII NRA Codes 231. 

6648: Mar. 20 Code of Fair Competition for the Grain Exchanges and 
members thereof approved. 

6649: Mar. 23 Elizabeth Bass, temporary employee, made eligible for 
permanent appointment as district supervisor in the Narcotics Bureau, 
Treasury Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6650 : Mar. 23 Rules governing the granting and issuing of passports 

6661 : Mar. 23 * Office of Special Adviser to the President on Fo reign 
Trade established. Sept. 1934 CSA 81; June 1935 CSA 76; VIII NRA 
Codes 861. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6652: Mar. 23 Amendments to the Code of Fair Competition for Invest- 
ment Bankers conditionally approved. VIII NRA Codes 657. 

6653: Mar. 23 Code of Fair Competition for t he P hotographic and 
Photo-Finishing Industry conditionally approved. VJLLL NRA Codes 449. 

6664: Mar. 23 Amendments to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Lumber and Timber Products Industries approved. V11I NRA Codes 693. 

6665: Mar. 27 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision Vll [on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions], amended to except one assistant private sec'y to the Postmaster 
General and one private sec'y to his executive assistant. 1934 CSR 33. 

6656: Mar. 27* Executive Committee on Commercial Policy continued. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6667: Mar. 27 Regulations governing payment of losses sustained by 
Government employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation, pre- 



6657-A:Mar. 27* Regulations governing payment of losses sustained 
by Government employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation 

* Contains certain changes of wording from E. O. 6657. 

6668: Mar. 27 Code of Pair Competition for the Shoe Rebuilding Trade 
conditionally approved. VIII NRA Codes 593. 

6669: Mar. 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Infants' and Children's 
Wear Industry conditionally approved. VIII NRA Codes 607. 

6660: Mar. 27 Heads of Emergency Agencies operating under funds 
allocated from the appropriation for industrial recovery, together with 
the heads of Executive Depts. and independent establishments in so far 
as they operate under such funds, authorized to make such expenditures 
of certain types from funds so allocated as they may deem necessary to 
accomplish the purpose of the allocation. VII NRA Codes 863 ; PWA 66. 

6661: Mar. 27 Veterans' Regulation No. 1(d): Veterans' Regulation 
No. 1 (a), pertaining to pensions, amended. Code 1695; VA 140. 

6662 :Mar. 27 Veterans' Regulation No. 12 (a): Veterans' Regulation 
No. 12, pertaining to pensions, amended. Code 1705 ; VA 226. 

6663: Mar. 31* Luther L. Browning, linotype machinist in charge in 
the Government Printing Office, exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Apr. 1, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6664: Mar. 31 Irene C. Claveloux made eligible for reinstatement in 
the General Accounting Office without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6666 : Mar. 31 John Bruce Arnold made eligible for appointment as act- 
ing assistant surgeon in the Public Health Service, Treasury Dept., with- 
out regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6666: Apr. 5 E. 0. 4980 of Oct. 20, 1928, reserving certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked, and said lands opened only 
to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service 
men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of resurvey, and 
thereafter to appropriation by the general public under any applicable 
land law. 

6667: Apr. 5 Certain described lands in Colorado lands withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

6668: Apr. 6 Veterans' Regulation No. 1 (e) : Veterans' Regulation No. 
1 (d), pertaining to entitlement to pension, canceled. Code 1695; VA 



6669: Apr. 6 Veterans' Regulation No. 12(b): Veterans' Regulation 
No. 12 (a), pertaining to entitlement to pensions of Spanish-American 
War veterans, and dependents of deceased World War veterans, can- 
celed. Code 1705; VA 228. 

6670: Apr. 7* Functions of the Veterans' Administration pertaining 
to retirement of Government civil employees transferred to the Civil 
Service Commission. Sept. 1934 CSA 173 ; M 461. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6671: Apr. 7 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 

6672: Apr. 7 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 

6673: Apr. 9 Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn for classifi- 
cation as to their suitability for migratory bird refuges. 

6674: Apr. 13 Beaufort, S. C, abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 16. 

6675: Apr. 13 Rates of allowance to rural mail, carriers for equipment 
maintenance fixed for the period Apr. 1 to June 30, 1934. 

6675- A: Apr. 13 Code of Fair Competition for the Live Poultry Indus- 
try in Metropolitan New York approved. XXIII NRA Codes 386. 

6676: Apr. 14 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination], Subdivision I [on Interior Dept. 
positions], Paragraph 1 amended to include all unclassified positions in 
the Indian Service where applicants are at least of one-fourth Indian 
blood. 1934CSR34. 

6677: Apr. 14 Certain described lands in California eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 5836 of Apr. 13, 1932, reserving certain California and 
Nevada lands pending location of a right-of-way for a power transmis- 
sion line, and opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days beginning with the 63d day 
from the date of this Order, and thereafter to appropriation by the gen- 
eral public under any applicable land law. 

6678: Apr. 14 Provisions to meet the expenses incurred in the adminis- 
tration of any code of fair competition by the various code authorities, 
prescribed. IX NRA Codes 879; II NRA Hand Supp 146. 

6678-A: Apr. 14 Period for entering into a continuing the President's 
Reemployment Agreement extended. IX NRA Codes 881 ; II NRA Hand 
Supp 173. 



6679: Apr. 16 E. 0. 4810 of Feb. 14, 1928, withdrawing certain lands 
in Wyoming pending legislation, revoked to permit their withdrawal for 
use by the Commerce Dept. as a landing field. 

6680: Apr. 17* Geographic Board abolished and functions transferred 
to the Interior Dept. Sept. 1934 CSA 174. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6681 : Apr. 17 Certain described lands in Oklahoma withdrawn for class- 
ification and pending legislation authorizing their disposal for the relief 
of bona fide claimants. 

6682: Apr. 17 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 5140 of June 20, 1929, withdrawing certain lands for 
resurvey, and opened only to entry under the homestead and desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the date of the filing 
of the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general 
public under any applicable land law. 

6683: Apr. 19 Additional members appointed to the Federal Alcohol 
Control Administration. 

6684: Apr. 19 * Sum of $1,000,000 allocated from the 4th Deficiency Act 
of 1933 for purchase or rental of land for emergency conservation work. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6684- A: Apr. 19 Compact (sic) of Fair Competition for the Prison In- 
dustries of the United States approved, and powers vested in the Presi- 
dent by said Compact delegated to the Administrator for Industrial Re- 
covery. IX NRA Codes 731 ; II NRA Hand Supp 167. 

6684-B : Apr. 19 Agreement among certain manufacturers and distrib- 
utors of rubber tires, relating to sale thereof, approved. IX NRA Codes 


6684-0 : Apr. 19 Code of Fair Competition for the Electrical Contract- 
ing Division of the Construction Industry approved. IX NRA Codes 849. 

6684-D : Apr. 19 Code of Fair Competition for the Household Goods 
Storage and Moving Trade conditionally approved. IX NRA Codes 349. 

6684-E:Apr. 19 Code of Fair Competition for the Mason Contractors 
Division of the Construction Industry approved. IX NRA Codes 863. 

6684-F: Apr. 19 Code of Fair Competition for the Barber Shop Trade 
conditionally approved. IX NRA Codes 331. 

6685: Apr. 20 Amendment to the Code of Fair Competition for the Dis- 
tilled Spirits Rectifying Industry approved. 



6686: Apr. 20 Code of Fair Competition for the Linseed Oil Manufac- 
turing Industry approved. 

6686-A:Apr. 21 Helen Woodrow Bones made eligible for appointment 
in the State Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6687: Apr. 23* Charles H. Deetz, Coast and Geodetic Survey drafts- 
man, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until May 1, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6688: Apr. 23* John L. Crone, supervising inspector in the Bureau of 
Navigation and Steamboat Inspection, Commerce Dept., exempted from 
compulsory retirement provisions until Nov. 1, 1934. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6689: Apr. 24 Sum of $75,000,000 transferred to the Federal Emergency 
Relief Administration from the funds of the Federal Civil Works Ad- 

6690: Apr. 25 Effective date of E. O. 6614 of Feb. 26, 1934, transferring 
functions pertaining to national cemeteries and memorials abroad to the 
American Battle Monuments Commission, deferred until May 21, 1934. 
Sept. 1934 CSA 167. 

6691: Apr. 25 Postmaster General authorized to submit the name of 
Robert Shultice for nomination as postmaster at Norfolk, Va., without 
regard to provision of E. O. 6203 of July 12, 1933. 

6692: Apr. 27 Official seal of the Justice Dept. approved. 

6693: Apr. 28* National Land Problems Committee created, composed 
of one representative each of the Interior and Agriculture Depts. and the 
Federal Emergency Belief Administration, to serve without additional 
compensation in developing a national land program. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6694: Hay 1 * Office of the Alien Property Custodian abolished and all 
personnel, functions, and property transferred to the Justice Dept. Sept. 
1934 CSA 175. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6694-A:May 1 Code of Fair Competition for the Retail Rubber Tire 
and Battery Trade approved. IX NRA Codes 519. 

6895: May 2 Veterans' Regulation No. 9 (c) : Veterans' Regulation No. 
9 (b), pertaining to burial expenses for deceased veterans, amended. 
Code 1702; VA 213. 



6696: May 2 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

6697: May 2 Railroad Valley Migratory Bird Refuge, Nye County, Nev., 

6698: May 2 Certain described lands in California reserved as a look- 
out station for forest protection work. 

I : May 3 Henderson, Knox, Peoria, and Warren Counties trans- 
ferred from the 1st to the 8th Internal Revenue Collection District of 

6700: May 4 E. 0. 6225 of July 27, 1933, establishing the Central Statis- 
tical Board, amended. Sept. 1934 CSA 79-June 1937 CSA 86; X NRA 
Codes 947. 

6701 : May 7 Elizabeth W. Herde made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Federal Trade Commission without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6702: May 7* Herman M. Underwood, associate engineer in the En- 
gineer Dept. at Large, War Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Oct. 1, 1934. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6703: May 7* Theodore A. Hostetler, Solicitor of the Patent Office, 
Commerce Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
June 1, 1935. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6704: May 8 Certain described lands in Washington reserved for use 
by the Agriculture Dept. as a fire lookout site in the administration of 
the Colville National Forest. 

6705: May 8 Code of Fair Competition for the Country Grain Elevator 
Industry approved. 

6706: May '9 Certain described lands in California reserved as a lookout 
station in connection with cooperative forest protection work. 

6707: May 9 Certain described lands in Montana reserved in connection 
with the Fort Peck Dam and Reservoir Project. 

6708: May 11 John Dickinson, Asst. Sec'y of Commerce, designated to 
act as director of the Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau during 
the absence of the director. 

6709 : May 14 Additional sum of $100,000,000 made available from fun* 
allocated for fiscal year 1935 to the Federal Emergency Relief Adminis- 
tration in 1934. 



6710: Hay 15 Employers engaged only locally in retail trade or local 
service trade, and other small businesses, exempted from the provisions 
of the President's Reemployment Agreement and codes of fair competi- 
tion relating to hours of work, rate of pay, minimum prices, and collec- 
tion of assessments. I NRA Codes 952 ; II NRA Hand Supp 195. 

6711 : Hay 15 Employers subject to Codes of Fair Competition forbid- 
den to dismiss or demote any employee for reporting alleged violation of 
such codes. X NRA Codes 949 ; II NRA Hand Supp 195. 

6711-A: Hay 15 Regulations for the interpretation of certain labor pro- 
visions of the Codes of Pair Competition affecting home-workers, pre- 
scribed. X NRA Codes 951. 

6711-B : May 15 Code of Pair Competition for the Plumbing Contract- 
ing Division of the Construction Industry approved. X NRA Codes 895. 

6712: Hay 21 Tax returns opened to inspection by the House Judiciary 
Committee investigating equity and bankruptcy receiverships in Federal 

6713: May 21 * Boundaries of the Corundu Military Reservation, C. Z., 
redefined. M 462 ; XXVII PCRec 180. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6713-A:May 22 Code of Labor Provisions for the Alcoholic Beverage 
Wholesale Industry approved. X NRA Codes 601. 

6714: Hay 28 Certain described lands in California reserved as a look- 
out station in connection with cooperative forest-protection work. 

6715: Hay 23 Each Government executive department, independent es- 
tablishment, and emergency agency directed to file a functional organiza- 
tion chart with the Director of Budget Bureau. Sept. 1934 CSA 188; 
1934 CSR 38. 

6716: Hay 23 Code of Fair Competition for the Feed Manufacturing 
Industry approved. 

6717: Hay 25* Charles T. Dixon, engineer in the Engineer Dept. at 
Large, War Dept. exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
June 1, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6718: Hay 25 Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works di- 
rected to make available $93,000 to the Central Statistical Board for 
expenditures to June 30, 1935. X NRA Codes 953. 



8719: Hay 25 £. 0. 5082 of Mar. 22, 1929, withdrawing certain lands in 
Oregon for classification and pending legislation, modified to permit ap- 
proval by the Interior Sec'y of the application of the Great Northern 
Railway Co. for station grounds. 

6720: Hay 25 Certain described lands in California and Nevada elimi- 
nated from the operation of E. 0.s 5789 and 5792 of Feb. 2, 1932, with- 
drawing certain lands in California and Nevada pending resurvey, and 
opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land laws by quali- 
fied ex-service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of the plat of 
resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public under 
any applicable land law. 

8721 : Hay 25 Certain described lands in California reserved as a look- 
out station in connection with cooperative forest protection work. 

6722 : Hay 26 Regulations governing the entry of alien seamen into 
the United States amended. M 467. 

6723 : Hay 26 Provisions of codes of fair competition, except the provi- 
sions governing child labor, maximum hours of labor, minimum rates of 
pay, and the mandatory provisions of Section 7 (a) and 10 (b) of the 
National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, suspended for such service 
trades or industries as may be designated by the Administrator for 
Industrial Recovery. X NRA Codes 954; II NRA Hand Supp 197. 

6724: Hay 28 Agriculture Sec'y authorized to expend up to $1,000,000 
for purchase or rental of land for emergency land and wild life conserva- 
tion work. 

6725: Hay 28 Roger Adams, Simon Flexner, Lewis R. Jones, Frank R. 
Lillie, Milton J. Rosenau, and Thomas Parran appointed as additional 
members of the Science Advisory Board until July 31, 1935. 

6725-A:May28 Code of Fair Competition for the Baking Industry 
approved. XI NRA Code 1. 

6726: Hay 29* Division of Territories and Island Possessions estab- 
lished in the Interior Dept., and all personnel, functions, supplies, and 
property of the Bureau of Insular Affairs of the War Dept. pertaining to 
the administration of the Governor of Puerto Rico, transferred to said 
Division. Sept. 1934 CSA 176. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6727: Hay 29* Effective date of Section 4 of E. O. 6166 of June 10, 
1933, transferring certain disbursement functions to the Treasury Dept., 
further deferred until Dec. 31, 1934. Sept. 1934 CSA 168; M 468. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



6728: Hay 29 Section 4 of £. 0. 6166 of June 10, 1933, transferring cer- 
tain disbursement functions to the Treasury Dept., revoked in so far as 
it applies to functions of the War and Navy Depts. and the Panama 
Canal. M 468. 

6729: Hay 29 Code of Fair Competition for the Canning Industry ap- 
proved. XI NRA Codes 25. 

6730: Hay 30 Revised Code of Fair Competition for the Iron and Steel 
Industry approved. XI NRA Codes 327. 

6731: June 5 * Effective date of E. 0. 6670 of Apr. 7, 1934, transferring 
functions of the Veterans' Administration pertaining to retirement of 
Government civil employees to the Civil Service Commission, deferred 
until Oct. 1, 1934. Sept. 1934 CSA 174; M 469. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6731-A: June 6* Sullivan W. Jones appointed Chairman of the Na- 
tional Construction Planning and Adjustment Board. XI NRA Codes 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6732 : June 7 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision XXII [on Federal Power Com- 
mission positions], amended to add Paragraph 2 excepting one assistant 
sec'y for the said Commission. 1934 CSR 33. 

6733: June 7 Certain described lands in Mississippi withdrawn for class- 
ification and possible inclusion in a national forest. 

6733- A: June 7 Code of Pair Competition for the Bottled Soft Drinks 
Industry approved. XI NRA Codes 225. 

6734: June 8 E. 0. 4778 of Dec. 5, 1927, reserving certain lands in 
Eklutna and Cordova, Alaska, for the Bureau of Education, modified. 

6734- A: June 9 Code of Pair Competition for the Wheat Flour Milling 
Industry approved. 

6735: June 11 Sum of $50,000,000 made available from the Relief Act 
of 1934 to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. June 1935 
CSA 81, June 1936 CSA 92. 

6736: June 11 Code of Fair Competition for the Candy Manufacturing 
Industry approved. XI NRA Codes 301. 

6737: June 14 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter I, 
portion headed "Organization of the Department of State" canceled. 



6738: June 14* Curtis P. Marbut exempted from the compulsory re- 
tirement provisions until July 1, 1935. 

* Has form of jel proclamation. 

6739: June 14 Power Site Restoration No. 479: Temporary Power Site 
Withdrawal and Power Site Reserve No. 112, Idaho, diminished. 

6740: June 15 Public Water Reserve No. 155, Utah and Wyo., estab- 

6741 : June 15 Certain described lands in California reserved as a look- 
out station in connection with cooperative forest protection work. 

6742: June 15 Tax returns opened to inspection by the Senate Special 
Committee Investigating the Munitions Industry. 

6743 : June 15 Code of Pair Competition for the Baking Industry modi- 
fied. XII NRA Codes 247. 

6744: June 19 Harry E. Collins, Winchester E. Reynolds, William R. 
Sayles, Eli Frank, Jr., Thomas A. Manning, and William H. Agee made 
eligible for appointment to specified positions in the Treasury Dept. 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6744- A: June 19 Code of Pair Competition for the Retail Tobacco Trade 
approved. XII NRA Codes 35. 

6744-B : June 19 Code of Pair Competition for the Cigar Manufactur- 
ing Industry approved. XII NRA Codes 61. 

6745: June 21* Impounded vacancy savings for the fiscal years 1934 
and 1935 ordered withheld from the appropriation and/or fund accounts 
involved and credited in a special account on the books of the Treasury 
Dept. and General Accounting Office ; such funds to be released only on 
waiver by the President. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6746: June 21 Heads of existing emergency agencies ordered to grade 
the positions of their employees in accordance with specified salary sched- 
ules. II NRA Hand Supp 258. 

6747: June 23 Funds allocated for emergency use in stricken agricul- 
tural areas. 

6748: June 26 National Longshoremen's Labor Board created. Sept. 
1934 CSA 82-June 1936 CSA 88. 

6749: June 27 Sum of $1,500,000 allocated from the Emergency Ap- 
propriation Act of 1934 to the Interior Sec'y for administrating the 
National Industrial Recovery Act and the Code of Fair Competition for 
the Petroleum Industry. 



6750 : June 27 Procedure prescribed with respect to public notices and 
presentation of views in connection with the negotiation of foreign trade 

6750- A: June 27 Administrator for Industrial Recovery authorized to 
enter into certain agreements with persons engaged in trade in Puerto 
Rico, Hawaii, or Alaska. XII NRA Codes 612 ; II NRA Hand Supp 261. 

6750-B : June 27 Code of Fair Competition for the Plastering and Lath- 
ing Contracting Division of the Construction Industry approved. XII 
NRA Codes 487. 

6750-0 : June 27 Regulations for the interpretation of certain labor pro- 
visions of codes of fair competition in relation to apprentice training 
programs, prescribed. XII NRA Codes 613; II NRA Hand Supp 261. 

6751: June 28 National Steel Labor Relations Board created. Sept. 
1934 CSA 82-June 1937 CSA 85. 

6752 : June 28 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision XVIII [on Veterans' Adminis- 
tration positions], amended to add Paragraph 13 excepting positions in 
the National Soldiers' Home at Johnson City, Tenn. 1934 CSR 33. 

6753: June 28* Maud Brackett Pattin, clerk in the Quartermaster 
Corps, War Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Feb. 1, 1935. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6754: June 28 Limits of the port of entry of Belfast in Customs Col- 
lection District No. 1 (Maine and New Hampshire), extended to include 
the town of Searsport. 

6755: June 28 Gastonia, N. C, designated as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 15. 

6756: June 28 Appointments to certain emergency and temporary posi- 
tions in the Treasury Dept. authorized without regard to Civil Service 
Rules. Sept. 1934 CSA 77-June 1937 CSA 83. 

6766- A: June 28 Provisions for local codes of fair competition for un- 
codified service trades prescribed. XH NRA Codes 615; II NRA Hand 
Supp 234. 

6756-B : June 28 Code of Fair Competition for the Needlework Indus- 
try in Puerto Rico approved. XII NRA Codes 175. 

6756-0: June 29 Code of Pair Competition for the Wholesale Fresh 
Fruit and Vegetable Distributive Industry approved. 



6766-D: June 29 Amendments to Code of Fair Competition for the Dis- 
tilled Spirits Industry approved. 

6766-E : June 29 Amendments to Code of Fair Competition for the Dis- 
tilled Spirits Rectifying Industry approved, 

6756-F : June 29 Amendments to Cojle of Fair Competition for the 
Brewing Industry approved. 

8756-0: June 29 Amendments to Code of Fair Competition for the Al- 
coholic Beverage Wholesale Industry approved. 

6757: June 29 Committee on Economic Security and the Advisory Coun- 
cil on Economic Security established, to report not later than Dec. 1, 
1934. Sept. 1934 CSA 84-June 1936 CSA 90. 

6758: June 29* Positions in the Farm Credit Administration included 
in the classified service. Sept. 1934 CSA 154-June 1937 CSA 122. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6759: June 29* George E. Ladd, associate economic geologist in the 
Public Road Bureau, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory re- 
tirement provisions until Aug. 1, 1935. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6760: June 29 E. 0. 2665 of July 17, 1917, reserving certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending determination of title thereto, revoked. 

6761 : June 29 Certain described lands in Arkansas withdrawn for class- 
ification and determination of suitability for wildlife refuge purposes. 

6762: June 29 Certain described lands in California reserved as a look- 
out station in connection with cooperative forest protection work. 

6763: June 29 National Labor Relations Board created. Sept. 1934 
CSA 83-June 1937 CSA 93 ; XII NRA Codes 617 ; H NRA Hand Supp 231 

6764: June 29 Further functions and powers delegated to the Agricul- 
ture Sec'y and the Administrator for Industrial Recovery as to approval 
and amendment of codes for industries not employing in excess of 50,000 
employees and with which both are concerned. 

6765: June 29 Sum of $325,000 allocated to the Interior Sec'y for ex- 
penditure by the National Park Service for additions to the Executive 
Office Building. 

6766: June 29* Sum of $2,500,000 allocated from the 4th Deficiency 
Act of 1933 to the Agriculture Sec'y for emergency conservation work 
in the development of wild life refuges. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

[ 568 ] 


6767: June 29 Persons submitting bids on Government contracts for 
goods or services, to be held as having complied adequately with the code 
of fair competition for their respective industries, if the price submitted 
be not more than 15 percent below the price for such services or goods 
filed in compliance with said codes of fair competition, Administrator 
for Industrial Recovery authorized to reduce said tolerance of 15 percent 
if necessary to prevent destructive price cutting. XII NBA Codes 616; 
II NRA Hand Supp 225. 

0768: June 29* Construction of aircraft and aircraft engines in Gov- 
ernment plants suspended. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6769: June 30 Subsistence and rental allowance of $19 per month for 
one room, made effective for officers of the various services, for the fiscal 
year ending June 30, 1935. 

6770: June SO Donald R. Richberg appointed Executive Sec'y of the 
Executive Council and Executive Director of the National Emergency 
Council during the absence of Frank C. Walker; Industrial Emergency 
Committee created and said Donald R. Richberg appointed Director. 
June 1935 CSA 73-June 1937 CSA 90; XII NRA Codes 621. 

6771 : June SO * National Recovery Review Board abolished. Sept. 
1934 CSA 177; XII NRA Codes 622. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6772: June 30 Position of sec'y to the Aviation Commission created by 
the Act of June 12, 1934, placed in the unclassified service. June 1935 
CSA 77, June 1936 CSA 88. 

6773: June 30* Carleton W. Sturtevant, principal engineer in the En- 
gineer Dept. at Large, War Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Nov. 1, 1935. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

6774: June 30 Certain described lands in Washington withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

6775: June 30 Veterans' Regulation No. 6(c): Veterans' Regulation 
No. 6 (a), pertaining to domiciliary and hospital care and medical treat- 
ment, amended. Code 1700; VA 173. 

6776: June 30 Veterans' Regulation No. 8(a): Veterans' Regulation 
No. 8, pertaining to veterans' yearly renewable term insurance, canceled. 
Code 1701; Sept. 1934 CSA 84. 

6777: June 30 National Resources Board established; personnel ap- 
pointed duties prescribed funds provided. June 1935 CSA 80, June 1936 
CSA 91. 



6778: June 30 Chairman and Director of the Federal Alcohol Contend 
Administration authorized to designate from among the members of said 
Administration a temporary chairman and director to act during their 

6779: June 30 E. 0. 3513 of July 9, 1921, amended to authorize the Fed- 
eral Communications Commission to receive and to pass on applications 
for submarine cable licenses instead of the State Dept. 

6780: June 30 Regulations governing payment of losses by Government 
employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation amended. 

6781: June 30 Certain described lands in Arizona withdrawn pending 

6782: June 30 Public Water Restoration No. 78: Public Water Reserve 
No. 49, Mont., diminished. 

6783: June 30* Quetico-Superior Committee created as a consultative 
and advisory body in connection with the establishment of a wilderness 
sanctuary in the Rainy Lake and Pigeon River watersheds on the inter- 
national boundary line between Canada and the United States. 
* Has f onn of a proclamation. 

6784: June 30 Positions under the District of Columbia- Virginia Boun- 
dary Commission placed outside the classified service. Sept. 1934 CSA 
82-June 1936 CSA 88. 

6785: June 30 Interior Sec'y designated to exercise powers relative to 
operations of oil pipe lines, etc., vested in the President by Subdivisions 
(a) and (b) of Section 9 of the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933. 
XII NRA Codes 623. 

6786: June 30 Certain described lands transferred from the Klamath 
National Forest, Calif., to the Shasta National Forest. 

6786- A: June 30 Interior Sec'y delegated certain powers under the Na- 
tional Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 pertaining to the operation of oil 
pipe lines and pipe-line transportation rates for petroleum. XII NRA 
Codes 623. 

6787: June 30 E. O. 6208 of July 21, 1933, allocating funds for the pur- 
chase of forest lands for emergency conservation work, amended. 

6788: June 30 Composition of the Federal Alcohol Control Administra- 
tion revised. 

6789: June 30 Alaska Railroad authorized to charter vessels to engage 
in coastwise and ocean transportation to and from the Territory of 
Alaska, during transportation emergency. 



6700 : June 30 Code of Fair Competition for the Auction and Loose-Leaf 
Tobacco Warehouse Industry approved. 

8701: July 6 Index figures for the cost of living for the six-months' 
periods ending June 30, 1928, and June 30, 1934, announced. Sept. 1934 
CSA 187; M469. 

6702: July 11* Postmaster General directed to investigate foreign air 
mail and ocean mail contracts made prior to June 16, 1933. 
* Has form of a proclamation. 

6703: July 11 Sum of $15,000,000 allocated to the Agriculture Sec'y for 
the planting of forest protective strips in the Plains region as a means of 
ameliorating drought conditions. 

6704: July 11 Amendments to the Code of Pair Competition for the 
Alcoholic Beverage Importing Industry approved. 

6705: July 26 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved pending 

6706: July 27 Certain described lands in Utah reserved for the Agricul- 
ture Dept. for flood control work. 

6797: July 27 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved to con- 
trol the supply and distribution of potash, and pending legislation. 

6798: July 27 Certain described lands in California reserved as lookout 
station in connection with cooperative forest-protection work. 

6799: July 27 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved for classifi- 
cation and pending legislation for conservation development and protec- 
tion of natural resources. 

6800: July 27 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

6801: July 27 Felix Cordova Davila, associate justice of the Supreme 
Court of Puerto Rico, designated to act as judge of the District Court 
for Puerto Rico in the absence of the regular judge. 

6801- A: July 27 Uinta National Forest, Utah, enlarged. 

6801-B: July 27 Wasatch National Forest, Utah, enlarged. 

: Aug. 4 Executive order of Jan. 31, 1899,* as modified by E. O. 
3384 of Jan. 12, 1921, reserving certain lands in Alaska as an agricultural 
experiment station, revoked, and said lands reserved for joint use of the 
Agriculture Dept. and the Alaska Game Commission as a game law ad- 
ministrative site. 

•Not a Numbered Order. 



I: Aug. 4 Certain described lands in Alaska eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 5341 of May 2, 1930, reserving certain lands pending 
resurvey, and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of 
the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

6804: Aug. 4 Certain described lands at Girdwood, Alaska, reserved for 
use of the Public Roads Bureau as a warehouse and construction shop site 
for forest highway projects. 

6805: Aug. 4 Certain described lands in California reserved for use by 
the Agriculture Dept. in the administration of the Cleveland National 

6806: Aug. 4 Tusayan National Forest, Ariz., diminished and a certain 
described portion of the excluded lands included in the Kaibab National 

6807: Aug. 4 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved pending 

6808: Aug. 4 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under any applicable land law. 

6809: Aug. 4 Black Hills National Forest, S. Dak., enlarged. 

6810: Aug. 4 Regulations governing payment of losses sustained by Fed- 
eral employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation amended. 

6810-A:Aug. 4 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers, and the Consular 
Regulations of 1896, amended. 

6811 : Aug. 4 Amendment to the Code of Fair Competition for the Dis- 
tilled Spirits Industry approved. 

6812: Aug. 4 Amendment to Code of Fair Competition for the Dis- 
tilled Spirits Rectifying Industry approved. 

6813: Aug. 9* Agreement between certain employer members of the 
Mason Contractors Division of the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Construction Industry and certain employees, in New York, N. Y., ap- 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6814: Aug. 9 All silver in the continental United States, with certain 
exceptions, ordered delivered to the U. S. Mints, and regulations govern- 
ing such deliveries prescribed. 



6815: Aug. 10 Public Water Reserve No. 156, Idaho, N. Mex. and Wyo., 

6816: Aug. 10 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for the use of 
the Agriculture Dept. as an administrative site in the administration of 
the Coeur d'Alene National Forest. 

6817: Aug. 10 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for the use of 
the Agriculture Dept. as an administrative site for storing explosives in 
the administration of the Challis National Forest. 

6818: Aug. 11 E. 0. 1222 of July 1, 1910, reserving certain lands in 
Arizona as an agricultural experiment station, revoked as to certain de- 
scribed lands. 

6819: Aug. 11 Certain described lands in Wyoming withdrawn pending 
legislation to permit the city of Rawlins to obtain title to said lands for 
waterworks projects. 

6820: Aug. 11 Sum of $65,000 allocated from the Emergency Appropria- 
tion Act of 1934 to the Agriculture Sec'y for Japanese beetle control at 
St. Louis, Mo/ June 1935 CSA 81, June 1936 CSA 92. 

6821 : Aug. 11 • Ingild Povelsen, watch and chronometer repairer at the 
Washington Navy Yard exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Sept. 1, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6822: Aug. 13 Certain described lands in California reserved for the use 
of the Agriculture Dept. in the administration of the Mono National 

6823: Aug. 16 Sum of $1,000,000 allocated from the Emergency Appro- 
priation Act of 1934 to the Labor Sec'y for expenditure by the Employ- 
ment Service for the National Reemployment Service, or such other 
similar purposes to meet the needs of the Public Works Program. 

6824: Aug. 16 E. O. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county or municipal 
Government waived to permit Robert H. Jackson, asst. counsel of the 
Internal Revenue Bureau, to serve as a member of the Commission to 
investigate the Administration of Justice in the State of New York. 

6826: Aug. 20* C. Prank Wittenauer, picture engraver in the Bureau 
of Engraving and Printing, exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Sept. 1, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



6826: Aug. 21 Half-mast flag display ordered on Aug. 23, 1934, on the 
White House and the public buildings in the District of Columbia and in 
Illinois as a mark of respect to the memory of Henry T. Rainey, late 
Speaker of the House of Representatives. 

6827: Aug. 21 E. 0. 6626 of Mar. 6, 1934, reserving certain lands at 
Anchorage, Alaska, for the use of the War Dept., revoked with respect 
to certain described lands, and certain other described lands reserved for 
the use of the Army Signal Corps. 

6828: Aug. 21 Amendments to the Code of Pair Competition for the 
Cotton Garment Industry approved. 

6820 : Aug. 21 Federal Alcohol Control Administration delegated cer- 
tain further powers under the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, 
with respect to industries engaged principally in the production or dis- 
tribution of alcoholic beverages. XV NRA Codes 624. 

6830: Aug. 23 Fred W. Beltz made eligible for appointment as asst. 
deputy commissioner in the Alcohol Tax Unit, Internal Revenue Bureau, 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6831 : Aug. 23 Mahukona, T. H., designated a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 32. 

6832: Aug. 23 Sum of $200,000 made available from the Fourth De- 
ficiency Act of 1933 to the National Mediation Board for the expenses of 
National Railroad Adjustment Board during the fiscal year 1935. 

6833: Aug. 28 E. 0. 1512 of Apr. 1, 1912, reserving Near Island, Alaska, 
for the Agriculture Dept., revoked, and said island reserved for the joint 
use of the Agriculture Dept. and the Alaska Game Commission as a game 
law administrative site. 

6834: Aug. 20 • Post Wheeler, envoy extraordinary and minister pleni- 
potentiary to Albania, exempted from compulsory age retirement pro- 
visions until Oct. 6, 1934. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6835: Aug. 29 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VIII [on Interior Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 11 amended to change the designation "General Land 
Office" to "Division of Investigation, Office of the Secretary/' 1935 
CSR 28. 

6836: Aug. 31 E. O. 6770 of June 30, 1934, creating the Industrial Emer- 
gency Committee, amended to extend the leave of absence of Donald R. 
Richberg as general counsel of the National Recovery Administration 
until Oct. 1, 1934. XVI NRA Codes 519. 



6837: Aug. 31 Amendment to Code of Fair Competition for the Auto- 
mobile Manufacturing Industry approved. 

6838: Sept. 1 Civil Service Commission authorized to establish a special 
reemployment list for temporary Census Bureau jobs in connection with 
the pending Agricultural Census. 

6839: Sept. 3 Agriculture Dept. and the Agricultural Adjustment Ad- 
ministration directed to furnish the Federal Trade Commission documents 
and data, etc., pertaining to the dairy industry, for use in the milk in- 
quiry under House Concurrent Resolution 32, 73d Congress, 2d session. 

6840: Sept. 5 Board of Inquiry for the Cotton Textile Industry created. 
June 1935 CSA 82, June 1936 CSA 93. 

6841 : Sept. 11 Certain described lands in Montana reserved for War 
Dept. in connection with the Fort Peck Dam Project. 

6842: Sept. 11 Certain described lands in California reserved for a look- 
out station in connection with cooperative forest-protection work. 

6843 : Sept. 11 Certain described lands in California withdrawn pending 

6844: Sept. 11 Certain described lands in California reserved for use by 
Agriculture Dept. as a fire lookout site in connection with the adminis- 
tration of Lassen and Plumas National Forests; and certain other de- 
scribed lands withdrawn for classification and pending legislation [for 
inclusion in the Lassen National Forest]. 

6845: Sept. 11 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending 

6846: Sept. 11 E. 0. 5109 of May 13, 1929, reserving certain lands in 
Colorado pending resurvey, revoked with respect to certain described 

6847: Sept. 11 • John L. Summers, senior administrative officer in the 
Disbursement Division, Treasury Dept., exempted from the compulsory 
retirement provisions until Oct. 1, 1935. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

6847- A: Sept. 14 • Stay of the provisions of Section 1, of Article IX of 
the Code of Pair Competition for the Wheat Flour Milling Industry, 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

6848: Sept. 15 E. 0. 3205 of Dec. 22, 1919, creating the Fort William D. 
Davis Military Rese rvation , amended to redefine the boundaries of said 
reservation. M 471 ; XXVIII PCRec 44. 



6849: Sept. 15 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands made subject to disposal under any applicable land law. 

6850: Sept. 18 Regulations governing the payment of losses sustained 
by Government employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation 

6851 : Sept. 22 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved for the use of 
the War Dept. for target range purposes, subject to a reclamation with- 
drawal for the Minidoka Project. 

6852: Sept. 22 Certain described lands in Colorado eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 5862 of June 23, 1932, reserving certain lands pending 
resurvey, and opened only to entry under the homestead or desert land 
laws by qualified ex-service men for 91 days from the date of the filing of 
the plat of resurvey, and thereafter to appropriation by the general public 
under any applicable land law. 

6853: Sept. 22 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for the Duck 
Valley Indian Irrigation Project. 

6854: Sept. 22 Civil Service Commission authorized to waive the age 
limits for persons separated between June 10 and Dec. 31, 1933, from the 
Prohibition Bureau or the Alcoholic Beverage Unit, Justice Dept., with 
respect to examinations for certain positions in the Treasury Dept. 

6855: Sept. 25 Amendment to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Petroleum Industry approved. 

6856: Sept. 25 Power Site Restoration No. 480: Power Site Reserves 
Nos. 242 and 759, Ariz., diminished. 

6857: Sept. 25 • Herman M. Underwood, associate engineer in the Engi- 
neer Dept. at Large, War Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Feb. 1, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6858: Sept. 26 Textile Labor Relations Board created and powers and 
duties defined; the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Federal Labor 
Commission assigned certain duties in connection with the textile indus- 
tries, and the Board of Inquiry for the Cotton Textile Industry and the 
Cotton Textile National Industrial Relations Board abolished. June 1935 
CSA 82-June 1937 CSA 85; XVIII NRA Codes 459. 

6859: Sept. 27 National Industrial Recovery Board created. June 1935 
CSA 87, June 1936 CSA 99; XVII NRA Codes 463; II NRA Hand Supp 



6860: Sept. 27 Members of the Industrial Emergency Committee desig- 
nated and their duties outlined ; leave 6f absence of Donald R. Richberg 
as gener al counsel of NRA extended. June 1935 CSA 73-June 1937 CSA 
90 ; XVII NRA Codes 462 ; II NRA Hand Supp 289. 

6860- A: Sept. 27 • Agreement between members of the Painting, Paper- 
hanging, and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and cer- 
tain employees in certain Pennsylvania counties, approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6861: Sept. 28 Effective date of amendments to Articles III and IV of 
the Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Garment Industry stayed 
until Oct. 15, 1934, and the National Industrial Recovery Board ordered 
to appoint a committee of three to hear protests against said amendments. 
XVII NRA Codes 523. 

6862: Sept. 80 • George G. Hedgecock, senior pathologist in the Plant 
Industry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., further exempted from compulsory 
retirement provisions until Nov. 1, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6863: Oct. 3 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pend- 
ing resurvey. 

6864: Oct. 3* Herman H. B. Meyer, director of the Legislative Refer- 
ence Service, Library of Congress, exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Nov. 1, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6865: Oct. 4* William McNeir, chief of the Accounts Bureau, State 
Dept., exempted from the compulsory retirement provisions until Nov. 1, 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6866: Oct. 5 Civil Service Rule VTI f pertaining to certification], Section 
1, Clause (a) amended to provide that certification should be made with- 
out regard to sex, unless sex be specified in the request. 1935 CSR 28. 

6867: Oct. 5 Public Water Reserve No. 157, Calif, and Idaho, estab- 

6868: Oct. 9 District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Authority created to 
carry out the provisions of the District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act ; 
members and duties designated. June 1935 CSA 87-June 1937 CSA 89. 

6869: Oct. 10 Every executive dept. and independent establishment di- 
rected to furnish the Treasury Sec'y a monthly statement of all bonds, 



stocks, debentures, notes and such other evidence of indebtedness to and 
liabilities of the United States, and every corporation in which the United 
States has a proprietory interest to furnish a monthly balance statement 
to said Sec'y- 

6870 : Oct. 10 Era I. Sexton made eligible for appointment as customs 
inspectress at San Antonio, Tex., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6870-A : Oct. 11 Amendments to the Code of Pair Competition for the 
Needle Industry in Puerto Rico approved. 

6871 : Oct. 12 • Report of the committee appointed by the National In- 
dustrial Recovery Board in connection with protests against Articles III 
and IV of the Code of Pair Competition for the Cotton Garment Industry 
approved, and said committee directed to investigate protests of the 
Sheep Lined and Leather Garment Subdivision of said Industry. XVIII 
NRA Codes 621. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6872 : Oct. 12 George S. Ridner made eligible for appointment as in- 
vestigator in the Alcohol Tax Unit, Internal Revenue Bureau, without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6873 : Oct. 16 • James S. Goldsmith, National Museum building and 
labor superintendent, further exempted from the compulsory retirement 
provisions until Nov. 1, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6874: Oct. 16 Civil Service Rides, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VII [on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 6 amended to be applied to temporary personnel em- 
ployed for the Christmas holiday season, 1934-1935. 1935 CSR 28. 

6875: Oct. 16 Amendment to the Code of Pair Competition for the Silk 
Textile Industry approved. XVIII NRA Codes 207. 

6876: Oct. 16 Amendment to Code of Pair Competition for the Cotton 
Textile Industry approved. XVIII NRA Codes 189. 

6877: Oct. 16 • Regulations for the administration of Paragraph 2 of 
Section 3 of the Code of Pair Competition for the Wool Textile Industry, 
prescribed ; Wool Textile Work Assignment Board provided for, and prin- 
ciples to guide it outlined. XVIII NRA Codes 633. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6878: Oct. 16 Rules and regulations for the Cotton, Silk, and Wool 
Textile Work Assignment Boards prescribed. XVIII NRA Codes 635. 

[ 578 ] 


6879: Oct. 17 • Agreement between certain members of the Plumbing 
Contracting Division of the Construction Industry and certain employees 
in Denver, Colo., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6880: Oct. 22 Regulations governing payment of losses sustained by 
Federal employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation amended. 

6881: Oct. 22 Boundaries of Chochetopa and Gunnison National Forests, 
Colo., modified by inter-transfer of certain described lands. 

6882: Oct. 22 Certain described lands transferred from the Tusayan Na- 
tional Forest, Ariz., to the Prescott National Forest, and from the Prescott 
National Forest to the Tonto National Forest. 

6883: Oct. 22* Certain described lands in Florida withdrawn pending 
classification and possible inclusion in the proposed Everglades National 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6883- A: Oct. 22 • Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging, and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees at Wilmington, Del., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6883-B : Oct. 22 • Agreement between certain members of the Electrical 
Contracting Division of the Construction Industry and certain employees 
in Cook County, 111., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6884: Oct. 23 Certain described lands in North Dakota withdrawn for 
classification and determination of suitability for migratory bird refuge 

6885: Oct. 23 Rules governing the operation of the Army and Navy 
General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., amended. 

6886- A: Oct. 25 Amendments to Code of Fair Competition for the Build- 
ers Supplies Trade approved. XVIII NRA Codes 313. 

6886: Oct. 27 Certain described lands transferred from the Nicolet Na- 
tional Forest, Wis., to the Chaquamegon National Forest. 

6887: Oct. 29 Certain Naval property in the Virgin Islands transferred 
to control of the Interior Sec'y for use in the administration of said 

6888: Oct. 20 Certain described lands in South Dakota withdrawn for 
classification and possible inclusion in the Harney National Forest. 

[ 579 ] 


6889: Oct. 29 Selway National Forest, Idaho, abolished, and the lands 
transferred to the Lolo, Bitterroot, Clearwater, and Nezperce National 

6889-A : Oct. 29 Executive Council and the National Emergency Coun- 
cil consolidated and their functions coordinated with the Industrial 
Emergency Committee. June 1935 CSA 74-June 1937 CSA 91; XVIII 
NRA Codes 605. 

6890: Oct. 30 Certain described lands on Eodiak Island, Alaska, re- 
served for the Smithsonian Institution for archaeological investigation. 

6891: Oct. 30 Boulder Canyon Wildlife Refuge, Ariz., diminished. 

6892: Oct. 30 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], amended to add Subdivision XXIV, on 
National Adjustment Board positions, Paragraph 1 excepting one private 
sec'y or confidential clerk to each member of said board. 1935 CSR 28. 

6892- A: Oct. 30 • Agreement between certain members of the Electrical 
Contracting Division of the Construction Industry and certain employees 
at Detroit, Mich., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

I : Oct. 31 • James P. Fenton, marine engineer in the Immigration 
and Naturalization Service, Labor Dept., at San Francisco, Calif., ex- 
empted from compulsory retirement provisions until Nov. 1, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6894: Nov. 1 Helen E. Stebbins made eligible for appointment as senior 
stenographer in the navy yard at New York, N. Y., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

6895: Nov. 2 Amendment to Code of Fair Competition for the Automo- 
bile Manufacturing Industry approved. XVIII NRA Codes 495. 

6895-A:Nov. 2 E. O. 6814 of Aug. 9, 1934, requiring the delivery of 
silver to U. S. mints, amended by addition of Section 2A on silver ex- 
empted from delivery. 

6896: Nov. 7 San Miguel and Prince Islands, Calif., formerly reserved 
for lighthouse purposes, transferred to the control and jurisdiction of 
the Navy Sec'y- 

6897: Nov. 7 San Clemente Island, Calif., formerly reserved for light- 
house purposes, transferred to control of the Navy Sec'y. 



6898 : Nov. 8 * Appointment of additional temporary personnel in the 
Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules authorized in 
connection with the restoration, improvement and development of wild- 
life refuges. June 1935 CSA 81-June 1936 CSA 93. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6899: Nov. 8* Thomas M. Thurston, deputy collector in the office of 
the Customs Collector, Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory re- 
tirement provisions until Dec. 1, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6900: Nov. 8 Amendments to Code of Fair Competition for the Wine 
Industry approved. 

6901: Nov. 13 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the joint 
use of the Agriculture Dept. and the Alaska Game Commission as a game 
law administrative site. 

6902: Nov. 13 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved as a source of 
material for the construction and maintenance of public highways. 

6903: Nov. 14 Amendment to the Code of Pair Competition for the 
Alcoholic Beverages Importing Industry approved. 

6904: Nov. 15* Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging, and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry 
and certain employees at Omaha, Neb., and Council Bluffs, Iowa, ap- 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6905: Nov. 15 Francis I. Biddle appointed chairman of the National 
Labor Relations Board ; authority of said Board and the authority of the 
Labor Sec'y in respect thereto, defined. 

6906: Nov. 19 Col. Prank P. Douglas appointed special commissioner 
and member of the Textile Labor Relations Board vice James A. Mullen- 
bach, resigned. 

6907: Nov. 19 Sum of $140,000 made available from the 4th Deficiency 
Act of 1933 to complete certain studies of retirement and unemployment in 
services, and wages. 

6908: Nov. 21 Certain described lands in Alaska withdrawn pending 
legislation [authorizing their sale or lease to the Woman's Home Mis- 
sionary Society]. 

6909: Nov. 21 Certain described lands in South Dakota reserved for 
classification and for use as a grazing project. 



6910: Nov. 26 * All unreserved public lands in Arizona, California, Col- 
orado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, 
South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming withdrawn for classification in con- 
nection with the act of June 28, 1934, providing for the conservation and 
development of natural resources. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6910-A:Dec. 1 Sum of $10,000,000 from funds appropriated by the 
Emergency Appropriation Act of 1934 for the Emergency Conservation 
Fund, transferred to the War Dept. ; other funds from same source to 
be used by the Agriculture Sec'y for the purchase of certain forest lands. 

6910-B:Dec. 1 Sum of $5,000,000 allocated from the Emergency Ap- 
propriation Act of 1934 to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration 
for purchase of submarginal lands in stricken agricultural areas, and 
$10,000,000 to the Emergency Conservation Fund for the establishment 
of Civilian Conservation Corps camps ; E. O. 6793 of July 11, 1934, re- 

6911: Dec. 3 Director of the Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat In- 
spection authorized to appoint one private sec'y without regard to CirH 
Service Rules. June 1935 CSA 85-June 1937 CSA 84; 1935 CSR 32. 

6912 : Dec. 3 Certain described lands in Arkansas withdrawn pending 
classification as to their suitability for wild life refuge purposes. 

6913 : Dec. 4 * Regulations governing the dispensation of narcotics in 
the Virgin Islands amended. 

* Has form of a proclamation. m 

6914: Dec. 14* Carl F. Jeansen, principal ordnance engineer in the 
Navy Dept. exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Mar. 
31, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6915: Dec. 6 O. E. Cushing and Capt. Edward MacCauley appointed 
chairman and member, respectively, of the National Longshoremen's 
Labor Board ; salaries specified. 

6916: Dec. 7 Regulations governing the appointment of unclassified la- 
borers, Regulation VIII, Clause (a) as to reinstatement, amended. 1935 
CSR 32. 

6917: Dec. 11 Federal Prison Industries, Inc., created; board ot &w 
directors named and duties prescribed. June 1935 CSA 70. 

6918: Dec. 12 Tennessee Valley Authority included in the membership 
of the Board of Surveys and Maps. 



8919 : Dec. 12 * T. Warren Allen, principal highway engineer in the 
Public Roads Bureau, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory re- 
tirement provisions until Jan. 1, 1936. 

* Has f onn of a proclamation. 

6920 : Dec. 13 Executive Depts. and other Government agencies ordered 
closed on Dec. 24 and 31, 1934. 

6920- A: Dec. 14 Complaint of Davies and Ten Eyck, of Burbank, Calif., 
under Section 3 (e) of the National Industrial Recovery Act, with re- 
spect to menthol imports, dismissed. 

6920-B: Dec. 14 Complaint of the Code Authority of the Tanning Ex- 
tract Industry, with respect to quebracho tanning extract imports, 

6920-0: Dec. 14* Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry, and 
certain employees in Greenwich, Conn., approved. 

* Has f onn of a proclamation. 

6921 : Dec. 15 Amendment to Code of Pair Competition for the Brewing 
Industry approved. 

6922: Dec. 15 Amendment to Code of Fair Competition for the Alco- 
holic Beverage Wholesale Industry approved. 

6923 : Dec. 18 Narney National Forest, S. Dak., diminished. 

6924: Dec. 18 Lake Mattamuskeet Wild Life Refuge, Hyde County, 
N. C, established. 

6925 : Dec. 18 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the 
excluded lands restored to entry under the applicable land laws. 

6925-A:Dec. 19* E. 0. [6543-J] of Dec. 30, 1933, approving the Code 
of Fair Competition for the Cinders, Ashes and Scavenger Trade, can- 
celled. XIX NBA Codes 459. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6926: Dec. 20 Trust period applying to allotted lands of any Indian 
Reservation in Oklahoma, expiring in 1935, extended for 10 years. 

6927: Dec. 21* Effective date of Section 4 of E. O. 6166 of June 10, 
1933, transferring certain disbursement functions to the Treasury Dept., 
further deferred until June 30, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



6927-A:Dec. 21 Code of Fair Competition for the Retail Meat Trade 
conditionally approved. XX NBA Codes 15. 

6928: Dec. 24 Regulations governing the payment of losses sustained 
by Federal employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciate! 

6929: Dec. 26 Certain further functions and powers delegated to ft* 
Federal Administrator of Public Works. PWA 67. 

6929-A:Dec. 26* Agreement between certain members of the Painting 
Paperhanging, and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in Dade County, Fla., approved. PWA 83. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6930: Dec. 27 Cotton, Silk, and Wool Work Textile Assignment Boards 
granted time beyond Jan. 1, 1935, to submit reports in connection with 
the stretch-out system in said industries, as directed by E. O. 6878 of 
Oct. 16, 1934. XX NRA Codes 418. 

6931 : Dec. 27 * Thomas J. Brady, deputy collector of customs, Treasnry 
Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provision until Jan. 1 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6932: Deo. 28 Henry C. Stuart, assistant collector of customs, Treasury 
Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Mar. 1, 

6933: Dec. 28 * Maud Brackett Pattin, clerk in the Quartermaster Corps, 
War Dept., further exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Aug. 1, 1935. 

•Has form of a proclamation. 

6934: Dec. 29 Sioux City, Iowa, abolished as a port of entry in Custom* 
Collection Dist. No. 44. 

6935: Deo. 29 Wake Island, Kingman Beef, and Johnston and Sand 
Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, placed under the control of the Navy Sec'y, 
subject to use of Johnston and Sand Islands by the Agriculture Dept. for 
a bird refuge. 

6935-A : Dec. 29 * Agreement between certain members of the Painting* 
Paperhanging, and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees at St. Paul, Minn., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



6936: Jan. 4 Index figures for the cost of living for the six-month 
periods ending June 30, 1928, and Dec. 31, 1934, announced. M 474. 

6937: Jan. 4 Anna E. McGurty made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the New York, N. Y., post office, without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6938: Jan. 4 Interior Sec'y authorized to withdraw certain described 
lands in Idaho for use by the Commerce Dept. in the maintenance of air 
navigation facilities. 

6939 : Jan. 7 Trust period on allotments made to Indians of the Spokane 
Reservation, Wash., expiring during 1935, extended 10 years. 

6940: Jan. 7 Trust period on lands held for the use and benefit of the 
Pala Band of Mission Indians in California, expiring during 1935, ex- 
tended 10 years. 

6941 : Jan. 8 Hanna Curtis made eligible for appointment as under clerk 
in the Supplies and Accounts Bureau, Nqvy Dept., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

6942: Jan. 8 Consular Regulations of 1896, Articl e XI , pertaining to 
regulations relating to merchant vessels; Article XVI, pertaining to 
relief and transportation of destitute seamen ; Section 440, pertaining to 
relative rank; and the Tariff of Consular Fees amended; E. O. 5640, of 
June 8, 1931, promulgating a list of unhealthful posts, amended to add 
M6rida, Mexico, to said list. 

6843: Jan. 9 E. O. 5172 of Aug. 9, 1929, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Montana for resurvey, revoked. 

6944: Jan. 9 Uinta National Forest, Utah, diminished, and the excluded 
lands transferred to the Wasatch National Forest. 

6946: Jan. 10 Amendment to Code of Fair Competition for the Distilled 
Spirits Rectifying Industry approved. 

6945-A: Jan. 10 Agreement between certain members of the Plastering 
and Lathing Contracting Division of the Code of Fair Competition for 
the Construction Industry and certain employees in Dallas County, Tex., 

6946: Jan. 11 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the joint 
use of the Agriculture Dept., the Bureau of Biological Survey, and the 
Alaska Game Commission as a headquarters site in connection with the 
administration of the game laws. 

6946- A: Jan. 11 Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in Passaic and Bergen Counties, N. J., approved. 



6947: Jan. 12 Carmen B. Knox made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Post Office Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

6947- A: Jan. 16 * Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees at Concord, N. H., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6948: Jan. 17* Right-of-way between the Round Top and Sugar Loaf 
Military Reservations, Oahu, T. H., established by E. 0. 978 of Nov. 24, 
1908, restored to use of the Government of the Territory of Hawaii, and 
certain other lands reserved for said purposes. 

* Haa form of a proclamation. 

6948- A: Jan. 18 Code of Fair Competition for the Motor Vehicle Main- 
tenance Trade approved. XX NRA Codes 73. 

6948-B : Jan. 19 * Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in specified counties in Utah, approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6949 : Jan. 22 Understanding that constitutional rights be not waived 
by either party by assent to, or cooperation under, codes of fair competi- 
tion, ordered to operate as condition of approval of all future codes. 
XX NRA Codes 399. 

6949- A: Jan. 22* Agreement between certain members of the Mason 
Contractors Division of the Code of Pair Competition for the Construc- 
tion Industry and certain bricklayers and stone masons in specified 
counties in Oklahoma approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6950: Jan. 23 Period of eligibility of Foreign Service candidates whose 
names were on the eligible list on Mar. 20, 1934, extended one and one- 
half years. 

6951 : Jan. 24 Myrtle K. Brockway made eligible for appointment to a 
clerical position in the General Accounting Office without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

6952: Jan. 24 Sum of $30,000,000 transferred to the Federal Emergency 
Relief Administration from the $450,000,000 previously allocated to the 
Federal Civil Works Administration. 

6952- A: Jan. 24 Code of Fair Competition for the Auto Rebuilding and 
Refinishing Trade approved. XXI NRA Codes 1. 



6063 : Jan. 25 Certain part time employees, paid from emergency funds 
administered by the Interior Sec'y and Public Works Administrator, ex- 
empted from the salary classification established of E. 0. 6746 of June 21, 

6953- A: Jan. 28 * Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in Wheeling, W. Va., approved. 

* Haa form of a proclamation. 

6953-B: Jan. 29 * Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in Natrona County, Wyo., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6954: Jan. 31 Amendment to the Code of Fair Competition for the Dis- 
tilled Spirits Rectifying Industry approved. 

6955: Jan. 31 Code of Fair Competition for the Automobile Manufac- 
turing Industry amended. XXI NRA Codes 203. 

6955- A: Feb. 1 Wool Textile Work Assignment Board charged with 
administering Paragraph 2 of Section III of the Wool Textile Code until 
30 days after the report of said Board to the President. XXI NRA 
Codes 577. 

6956: Feb. 4 E. 0. 6917 of Dec. 11, 1934, creating the Federal Prison 
Industries, Inc., amended to correct the spelling of the names of two 
members of the Board of Directors. 

6957: Feb. 4 Certain described lands in Alaska withdrawn for classifi- 
cation and in aid of such legislation as may hereafter be proposed. 

6958: Feb. 4 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for the use of 
the Navy Dept. in connection with the Hawthorne Ammunition Depot. 

6959: Feb. 4 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

6960: Feb. 4 Killcohook Migratory Bird Refuge, N. J., enlarged by the 
addition of certain lands, subject to use of the Commerce Dept. in con- 
nection with the Finns Point Rear Light Station. 

6961: Feb. 4 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Klamath 
Reservation, Oreg. expiring during 1935, extended for 10 years. 

6962: Feb. 4 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Colville Res- 
ervation, Wash, expiring during 1935, extended for 10 years. 



6963: Feb. 5 Veterans' Regulation No. 10 (d) : Veterans' Regulation No. 
10, to miscellaneous provisions, amended to cancel Paragraph XI, per- 
taining to persons entitled to pensions and residing outside of the United 
States. VA 223. 

6964: Feb. 5* All public lands in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kansas, 
Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wash- 
ington, and Wisconsin withdrawn for classification and pending deter- 
mination of possible use in connection with the land program of the 
Federal Emergency Relief Administration. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6964- A: Feb. 5* Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in Knox County, Ind., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6964-B: Feb. 5 * Amendment to Code of Fair Competition for the Paper 
and Pulp Industry approved. XXI NRA Codes 271. 

* Does not have form of a proclamation. 

6965: Feb. 7 Amendment to Code of Fair Competition for the Brewing 
Industry approved. 

6966: Feb. 8 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

6967: Feb. 8 Veterans' Regulation No. 1 (f ) : Veterans' Regulation No. 
1 (a), pertaining to entitlement to pensions, amended to add a new Part 
V prescribing regulations for pension payments to persons with service 
in Guam, Cuba, or Puerto Rico between Aug. 13, 1898 and July 4, 1902. 

VA 78. 

6967- A: Feb. 8 Agreement between certain members of the File Con- 
tracting Division of the Construction Industry and certain employers in 
specified counties in Pennsylvania and New Jersey approved. 

6968: Feb. 9 Trust period on allotments to the Crow Creek Band of 
Sioux Indians under the jurisdiction of the Crow Creek Agency in South 
Dakota expiring during 1935, extended for 10 years. 

6969 :Feb. 9 Code of Fair Competition for the Cigarette, Snuff, Chew- 
ing and Smoking Tobacco Manufacturing Industry approved, and the 
Division of Research and Planning of the National Recovery Adminis- 
tration directed to study labor conditions in said industry. XXI NRA 
Codes 95. 

6970: Feb. 15 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision III [on Treasury Dept. posi- 



tions], Paragraph 7 amended to except personnel engaged in plague- 
suppressive measures under the Public Health Service. 1935 CSR 29. 

6071: Feb. 19 E. O. 2295 of Jan. 1, 1916, reserving certain lands in 
Arizona as a rifle range, modified to permit construction of a public high- 
way across certain described lands. 

6972 : Feb. 19 Certain described lands eliminated from the Alaska town- 
site reserve established by E. 0. 2539 of Feb. 26, 1917. 

6973: Feb. 19 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the joint 
use of the Agriculture Dept. and the Alaska Game Commission as a game 
law administrative site. 

697S-A: Feb. 20 Complaint of American Jeweled Watch Manufacturers' 
Association, with respect to the importation of watches and watch parts, 

6973-B : Feb. 20 * Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in the city of Rochester, Minn., and vicinity, approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6974: Feb. 21 * Jacob L. Nuber, chief of the Printing and Binding Sec- 
tion of the Internal Revenue Bureau, Treasury Dept., exempted from 
compulsory retirement provisions until Mar. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6974- A: Feb. 21 * Agreement between certain members of the Electrical 
Contracting Division of the Construction Industry and certain employees 
in specified counties in Oregon and Washington approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6975: Feb. 26* Charles J. James, chief appraiser in the office of the 
Register of Wills and Probate, Supreme Court of the District of Colum- 
bia, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Mar. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6076: Feb. 26* Joseph W. Austin, foreman carpenter in the Capitol 
Building, office of the Architect of the Capitol, exempted from com- 
pulsory retirement provisions until Mar. 1, 1937. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6977: Feb. 28 E. 0. 5441 of Dec. 16, 1929, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Colorado for resurvey, revoked. 

6978: Feb. 28 Archibald Olden, formerly in the classified service of the 
Commerce Dept., made eligible for retransfer to the position of special 
assistant to the Navy Sec'y without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



6079: Feb. 28 Interior Sec'y vested with certain powers conferred upcc 
the President by the act of Feb. 22, 1935, relative to the regulation ef 
the commerce in petroleum. 

6980: Mar. 1 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated fros 
the operation of E. O. 5790 of Feb. 2, 1932, withdrawing lands pending 

6980-A:Mar. 1* Agreement between certain members of the Painting. 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in New York, N. Y., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6980-B: Mar. 1 * [Interior Sec'y's regulations governing interstate and 
foreign commerce in petroleum and its products] approved. 

* Hat form of a proclamation. 

6980-0: Mar. 1* [Interior Sec'y's regulations governing the clearance 
of petroleum from certain Texas oil lands, designated as the East Texas 
Field], approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6981 : Mar. 2 Removal of the restrictions imposed by Public Resolution 
53 of June 27, 1934, as to payments, transfers, and deliveries of property 
under the Trading with the Enemy Act and the War Claims Settlement 
Act of 1928, ordered in certain cases. 

6982: Mar. 5 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

6983: Mar. 6 Federal Emergency Relief Administrator authorized to 
acquire by purchase or by power of eminent domain any real or personal 
property in connection with the construction or carrying on of any 
project financed by funds of said Administration, and to administer such 

6984: Mar. 7 * Luther L. Browning, linotype machinist in charge in the 
Government Printing Office, exempted from the compulsory retirement 
provisions until Apr. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6984-A: Mar. 7* Agreement between certain members of the Electrical 
Contracting Division of the Construction Industry and certain employees 
in Allegheny County and part of Westmoreland County, Pa., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



6085 : Mar. 8 * Lyster H. Dewey, senior botanist in the Bureau of Plant 
Industry, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory age retirement 
provisions until Oct. 1, 1935. 

* Haa form of a proclamation. 

6985- A: Mar. 8 Agreement between certain members of the Mason Con- 
tractors Division of the Construction Industry and certain employees in 
St. Louis, Mo. and vicinity, approved. 

6986 : Mar. 9 Regulations governing documents required of aliens en- 
tering the United States, prescribed. M 474. 

6987: Mar. 9 Regulations governing documents required of aliens en- 
tering the Philippines, prescribed. M 476. 

6988: Mar. 11 Complaint of certain domestic producers of pearl essence, 
with respect to pearl essence imports, dismissed. XXII NRA Codes 523. 

6988-A:Mar. 16 Subchapter to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Construction Industry, applicable to the Highway Contractors Subdivi- 
sion of the General Contractors Division, approved. 

6989: Mar. 19 Veterans' Regulation No. 1(g): Veterans' Regulation 
No. 1 (a), pertaining to entitlement to pensions, Part I, pertaining to 
pensions to veterans and their dependents for disability or death result- 
ing from war-time service, and Part II, pertaining to pensions for disabil- 
ity or death resulting from peace time service, amended as to pension 
rates for relative of such veterans ; a new Part VI added to allow pay- 
ment of pensions to dependents when incompetent veterans disappear. 
VA 67. 

6990: Mar. 19 Veterans' Regulation No. 2 (d) : Veterans Regulation No. 
2 (a), pertaining to effective dates of pension awards, claims, and appeals, 
amended. VA 205. 

6991: Mar. 19 Veterans' Regulation No. 6(d): Veterans' Regulation 
No. 6(a), pertaining to eligibility . for hospital and domiciliary care, 

6992: Mar. 19 Veterans' Regulation No. 10(a): Veterans' Regulation 
No. 10, prescribing miscellaneous provisions, amended in Paragraph IV 
as to persons included in the term "veteran of any war." VA 223. 

6992-A:Mar. 20* Agreement between certain members of the Paint- 
ing, Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry 
and certain employees in specified counties in New York State approved. 

•Haa form of a proclamation. 



2-B:Mar. 20 Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in Cascade County, Mont., approved. 

6993: Mar. 21 National Industry Recovery Board reconstituted ; Donald 
Richberg acting chairman vice Clay Williams, resigned. XXII NRA 
Codes 551. 

6994: Mar. 21 John A. Oamon, Foreign Service officer, Class II, ordered 
retired on an annuity June 30, 1935. 

>:Mar. 21 Coal Land Restoration, Montana No. 90: Coal Land 
Withdrawals Nos. 1 and 7, Mont., diminished. 

J: Mar. 21 Coal Land Restoration, Wyoming No. 50: Coal Land 
Withdrawals Nos. 1 and 12, Wyo., diminished. 

6996- A: Mar. 22 * Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in Hill County, Mont., approved. 

* Hafl form of a proclamation. 

6997: Mar. 25 Canal Zone regulations governing the sale, manufacture, 
and importation of alcoholic beverages prescribed. M 477. 

6998: Mar. 25* Harry 0. Bailey, superintendent of meters in the office 
of the Architect of the Capitol, exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Apr. 1, 1937. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

6999: Mar. 30 Certain functions and powers of the Agriculture Sec'y 
relative to codes of fair competition, delegated to the National Industrial 
Recovery Board. XXII NRA Codes 552. 

7000 : Apr. 5 Amendments to the Code of Pair Competition for the Dis- 
tilled Spirits Industry approved. 

7001 : Apr. 5 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Crow Res- 
ervation, Mont., expiring in 1935, extended for 10 years. 

7002 : Apr. 5 Mattie Lowe Sartor made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Oklahoma City, Okla., post office without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

7003: Apr. 8* E. O. 6700 of May 4, 1934, prescribing regulations gov- 
erning the Central Statistical Board, amended. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



7004 : Apr. 10 Land Office for the Linkton Land District Oreg. trans- 
ferred from Lakeview to Klamath Falls. 

7005: Apr. 10 E. 0. 6832 of Aug. 23, 1934, making funds available for 
expenses of the National Railroad Adjustment Board, revoked. 

7006: Apr. 10 * David E. Roberts, assistant chief of the Fine Arts Divi- 
sion, Library of Congress, further exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until May 1, 1937. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7007: Apr. 10* Hugh A. Morrison, reading room custodian in the Li- 
brary of Congress, further exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until May 1, 1937. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7008: Apr. 10* Milton L. Leffler, special expert in the Federal Trade 
Commission, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until May 
1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7009: Apr. 10 Trust period on lands held for the use and benefit of 
Torres-Martinez Band of Mission Indians in California, expiring in 1935, 
extended for 10 years. 

7010: Apr. 10 * Boundaries of Waianae-Kai Military Reservation, Oahu 
Island, T. H., redefined. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7010- A: Apr. 10* Agreement between certain members of the Paint- 
ing, Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry 
and certain employees in California, approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7010-B:Apr. 10* Agreement between certain members of the Plaster- 
ing and Lathing Contracting Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in California, approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7010-O: Apr. 10 * Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging, and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in Rhode Island, approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7010-D: Apr. 10 * Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in Otsego County, N. Y., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



7010-E : Apr. 10 * Agreement between certain members of the Paintiis I 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry tad J 
certain employees in Omaha, Neb., and Council Bluffs, Iowa, and vicmky ' 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7010-F : Apr. 10 * Agreement between certain members of the Bee- ! 
trical Contracting Division of the Construction Industry and electrietl 
employees in Miami and part of Dade County, Pla., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7010-G: Apr. 10* Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in specified regions in Colorado, approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7010-H:Apr. 11 Complaint of certain pig iron producers with respect 
to pig iron imports dismissed. 

7010-1: Apr. 12* Agreement between certain members of the Painting. 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
employees in the vicinity of Rochester, N. Y., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7011 : Apr. 15 Anna Jewell Murray made eligible for appointment as 
clerk in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7012: Apr. 15 Consular Regulations of 1896, Section 328 amended as to 
drafts drawn on the Sec'y of State and as to reward of rescuing crews; 
Diplomatic Instructions of 1927, Chapter XX, Section 25 amended as to 
drafts drawn on Sec'y of State. 

7013: Apr. 16 Consular Regulations of 1896, Sections 63 and 440 
amended as to office hours and relative rank of consular officers; Diplo- 
matic Instructions of 1927 [Chapter VI, Section 5], amended as to office 

7014: Apr. 19 Amendments to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Alcoholic Beverage Wholesale Industry approved. 

7015: Apr. 19 Amendment to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Alcoholic Beverage Wholesale Industry approved. 

7016: Apr. 19 Amendment to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Alcoholic Beverages Importing Industry approved. 

7017: Apr. 19 Amendments to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Distilled Spirits Rectifying Industry approved. 



7018 : Apr. 19 Amendments to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Distilled Spirits Industry approved. 

7010 : Apr. 19 Amendments to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Brewing Industry approved. 

7020 : Apr. 19 Amendments to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
'Wine Industry approved. 

7021 : Apr. 19 * Governor of the Panama Canal authorized to contract 
with the Panama Railroad Co. for the operation of certain piers with 
company funds. M 478 ; XXVIII PCRec 169. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7022 : Apr. 20 Amendments to the Code of Fair Competition for the 
Distilled Spirits Rectifying Industry approved. 

7023 : Apr. 22 Red Hook Lakes Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Beaver- 
head County, Mont., established. 

7024: Apr. 22* Certain described lands at Kewalo, Honolulu, Oahu, 
T. H., formerly reserved for a marine hospital, restored to the Govern- 
ment of the Territory of Hawaii for road purposes. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7024- A: Apr. 24 Frank C. Walker appointed Executive Director of the 
National Emergency Council. 

7024-B: Apr. 25 [Interior Sec'y's order establishing Federal Petroleum 
Agency No. 1, and prescribing certain regulations relative to the duties 
thereof] approved. 

7025: Apr. 29 Charles Edison appointed to succeed A. D. Whiteside, 
resigned, as member of the National Industrial Recovery Board, and 
given leave of absence as Director for the National Emergency Council 
for New Jersey. XXIH NRA Codes 269. 

7025- A: Apr. 29 Subchapter n-B of the Code of Fair Competition for 
the Construction Industry, applicable to the Heavy Construction and 
Railroad Contractors Subdivision of the General Contractors Division, 
approved. XXTII NRA Codes 237. 

7026: Apr. SO Certain described lands in California reserved as a look- 
out station for cooperative forest protection work. 

7027: Apr. 30 Resettlement Administration established and Rexford O. 
Tugwell appointed Administrator ; duties and functions prescribed. June 
1935 CSA 88 June 1937 CSA 83. 



7028: Apr. 30 Certain property, functions, funds, etc., transferred from 
the Federal Emergency Relief Administration to the Resettlement Ad- 
ministration. June 1935 CSA 88-June 1936 CSA 102. 

7029: Apr. 30* Sum of $400,000 allocated from the Emergency Relief 
Appropriation Act of 1935 to the Emergency Conservation Work Di- 
rector for conservation work. June 1935 CSA 84, June 1936 CSA 95. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7030: Apr. 30* Charles H. Deetz, Coast and Geodetic Survey drafts- 
man, further exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until May 
1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7031 : May 1 * All positions in United States Railroad Administration 
included in the classified service and incumbents without classified status 
made eligible for classification upon passing noncompetitive examinations 
prior to Dec. 31, 1935. June 1935 CSA 140. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7032 : May 1 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for lighthouse 

7033: May 1 Cibola National Forest, N. Mex. diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands transferred to the Interior Sec'y for disposal under the Act 
of Mar. 1, 1907. 

7033-A : May 1 Agreement between certain members of the Tile Con- 
tracting Division of the Construction Industry and certain employees in 
certain counties in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia, approved. 

7034: May 6 Division of Applications and Information of the National 
Emergency Council, The Advisory Committee on Allotments, and the 
Works Progress Administration, established. June 1935 CSA 84-June 
1937 CSA 97. 

7035: May 6 Goat Island Migratory Bird Refuge, Oreg., reestablished. 

7035-A:May 7* Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in the regions of Montclair and Bloomfield, N. J., ap- 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7035-B : May 7 * Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in certain counties in Texas approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



7036-0 : Hay 7 * Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in certain counties in Pennsylvania approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7036-D : Hay 7 * Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in the city and county of Denver, Colo., and vicinity, 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7036: May 8 Trust period on allotments to Indians of the Yakima Res- 
ervation, Wash., expiring in 1935, extended for 10 years. 

7036-A:May 9* Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in certain counties in Kentucky, approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7036-B:May 9* Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in certain parts of Allegheny County, Pa., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7036-0: May 9* Agreement between certain members of the Painting, 
Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and 
certain employees in Travis County, Tex., approved. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7036-D : May 10 * Agreement between certain members of the Plumbing 
Contracting Division of the Construction Industry and certain employees 
in certain Indiana counties, approved. 

•Has form of a proclamation. 

7037: May 11 Rural Electrification Administration established; func- 
tions and duties prescribed. June 1935 CSA 85-June 1937-CSA 96. 

7038: May 13 E. O. 5327 of Apr. 15, 1930, reserving oil-shale lands, 
modified to authorize issuance by the Interior Sec'y of sodium permits 
and leases for any such lands. 

7039: May 14 Capital stock, income, and excess profit tax returns 
opened to inspection by the Senate Special Committee Investigating the 
Munitions Industry. 

7040: May 15 Perry R. Taylor appointed executive officer of the Rural 
Electrification Administration, pending appointment of the Administra- 



7041 : May 15 Certain property, functions, funds, etc., relating to sub- 
sistence homesteads, transferred from the Interior Sec'y to the Re- 
settlement Administration. June 1935 CSA 88, June 1936 CSA 102. 

7042: May 15* Benjamin A. Omohundro, cabinet maker in the Na- 
tional Institute of Health, Public Health Service, Treasury Dept., ex- 
empted from compulsory retirement provisions until June 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7043 : May 15 Fern A. Black, nee Fitch, made eligible for reinstatement 
as clerk in the Los Angeles, Calif., post office, without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 

7044: May 15 E. O. 7004 of Apr. 10 ? 1935, transferring the land office 
for the Linkton Land District, Oreg., from Lakeview to Klamath, revoked. 

7045 : May 15 Certain described lands in California reserved as a fire 
lookout site for use in the administration of the Trinity National Forest. 

7046 : May 20 Regulations relating to wages, hours of work, and condi- 
tions of employment under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 
1935, prescribed. PWA 68. 

7047: May 20 E. O. 6957 of Feb. 4, 1935, withdrawing certain lands in 
Alaska pending classification and in aid of legislation, modified to permit 
settlement upon said lands. 

7048: May 20 * E. O. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing for conserva- 
tion and development of natural resources all unreserved public lands 
in certain states, amended to make the Order applicable also upon can- 
celation of prior entries, selections, claims, or withdrawals, etc. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7049 : May 21 Post cemeteries in the former Forts Davis, Egbert, Gib- 
bon, and St. Michael Military Reservations, Alaska, placed under control 
of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. 

7050 : May 21 * Charles Y. Dixon, engineer in the Engineer Dept. at 
Large, War Dept., further exempted from compulsory retirement provi- 
sions until June 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7051 : May 21 Guy C. Hanna made eligible for appointment without 
classified status as non-attorney member of the Committee on Enrollment 
and Disbarment, Treasury Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7052 : May 21 May A. Dunn made eligible for reinstatement to a suit- 
able position in the General Accounting Office without regard to Civil 
Service Rules. 



7053: Hay 23 Certain described lands in the Alaska Railroad Terminal 
Reserve reserved for townsite purposes. 

7054: May 23* Finis D. Morris, administrative assistant in the Patent 
Office, Commerce Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Sept. 1, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7055: May 28 Fred S. Gilbert made eligible for appointment as elevator 
operator in the Post Office Building, Jacksonville, Fla., without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 

7056: May 28 Deputy Administrator of the Federal Emergency Ad- 
ministration of Public Works included in the membership of the Advisory 
Committee on Allotments. 

7057: May 28 Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration established; 
functions and duties prescribed, and Ernest H. Gruening appointed Ad- 
ministrator. June 1935 CSA 86. 

7058: May 29* Adoption of an official seal for the Federal Housing 
Administration authorized. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7059: May 31 E. O. [405-B] of Feb. 1, 1906, reserving certain lands in 
Alaska as a salmon hatchery site, revoked, and said lands included in the 
Tongass National Forest. 

7059-A: June 4 Luquillo National Forest, P. R., renamed Caribbean Na- 
tional Forest. 

7060: June 5 Regulations governing employment by the Works Progress 
Administration prescribed. PWA 72. 

7061: June 5* Edwin Sheddan Cunningham, Foreign Service officer, 
Class I, ordered retired as of Dec. 31, 1935. 

•Has form of a proclamation. 

7062: June 5 Seven additional places designated as unheal thful For- 
eign Service posts. 

7063: June 5 Certain temporary employees of the General Accounting 
Office continued in service until June 30, 1937. 

7064: June 7 Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works au- 
thorized to continue performing functions under Title II of the National 
Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 and the Emergency Relief Appropria- 
tion Act of 1935. June 1937 CSA 140; PWA 73. 



7066: June 7 National Resources Committee established and functions 
prescribed. June 1935 CSA 80-June 1937 CSA 94. 

7066: June 7 E. 0. 5942 of Oct. 29, 1932, withdrawing certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. 

7067: June 7 Orange, Tex., abolished as a port of entry in Customs Col- 
lection District No. 21 (Sabine). 

7068: June 8 Robert E. Wood, Edward O'Neal, George L. Berry, and 
Julien H. Hill appointed members of the Advisory Committee on Allot- 

7069: June 11 Power Site Restoration No. 481: Power Site Reserve No. 
325, Calif., diminished. 

7070: June 12 Regulations governing appointment of employees paid 
from emergency funds prescribed. June 1935 CSA 140, June 1936 CSA 

7071: June 12* Ozni P. Hood, chief of the Technologic Branch in the 
Mines Bureau, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until July 1, 1936. 

* Has f onn of a proclamation. 

7072: June 12* John V. Shea, senior clerk in the Supply Division, 
Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
July 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7073: June 13* National Emergency Council reestablished. June 1935 
CSA 74-June 1937 CSA 92. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7074: June 15 National Labor Relations Board continued until July 1, 
1935. June 1935 CSA 79, June 1936 CSA 90. 

7075: June 15 National Industrial Recovery Board terminated; Office 
of the Administrator of the National Recovery Administration, the Divi- 
sion of Review, the Division of Business Cooperation, and the Advisory 
Council established and functions prescribed. June 1935 CSA 142 ; XXIII 
NRA Codes 405. 

7076: June 15* All Executive orders issued under Title I of the Na- 
tional Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 and all agencies created under 
said Title of said Act continued until Apr. 1, 1936. June 1935 CSA 87- 
June 1936 CSA 99; XXIII NRA Codes 407. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

[600 1 


7077: June 15* Effective date of Section 4 of E. 0. 6166 of June 10, 
1933, transferring certain disbursement functions to the Treasury Dept., 
further deferred until Dec. 31, 1935. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7078: June 17 E. 0. 3102 of June 27, 1919, reserving certain described 
lands in Colorado as a ranger station for the White River National For- 
est, revoked. 

7079: June 17 Certain described lands at Pilot Point (Ugashik), Alaska, 
reserved for the Interior Dept. as a site for school purposes. 

7080: June 19* Curtis F. Marbut, principal soil scientist in the Soil 
Survey Division, Chemistry and Soils Bureau, Agriculture Dept., furthei 
exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until July 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7081: June 20 E. O. 6497 of Dec. 15, 1933, suspending the regulations 
relating to the preparation, form, style, and safeguarding of Executive 
Orders and Proclamations in Orders pertaining to codes of fair competi- 
tion, revoked. 

7082 : June 22 Blackf eet National Forest, Mont., abolished and the lands 
transferred to the Kootenai and Flathead National Forests. 

7083: June 24 Rules prescribed for the prosecution of projects under 
the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935. PWA 74. 

7084: June 24 Textile Labor Relations Board further continued until 
July 1, 1935. June 1935 CSA 83-June 1937 CSA 86. 

7085 : June 24 National Steel Labor Relations Board further continued 
until July 1, 1935. June 1935 CSA 78, June 1937 CSA 85. 

7085- A: June 25 Certain described lands in California and Nevada elim- 
inated from the operation of E. 0.s 5836 and 6113 of Apr. 13, 1932, and 
Apr. 22, 1933, respectively, withdrawing certain lands pending location 
of a right-of-way for a power transmission line from the Boulder Canyon 
Project to Los Angeles, Calif. 

7086: June 26 National Youth Administration established within the 
Works Progress Administration. June 1935 CSA 86-June 1937 CSA 98. 

7087: June 27 Certain described lands transferred from the Clearwater 
National Forest, Idaho, to the Lolo National Forest, 

7088: June 27 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, enlarged. 

[ 601 ] 


7089: June 29 Textile Labor Relations Board continued until further 
order. June 1935 CSA 83. 

7090: June 29 National Labor Relations Board continued until Aug. 1, 
1935. June 1935 CSA 78-June 1936 CSA 89. 

7091: June 29 National Steel Labor Relations Board continued until 
further order. June 1936 CSA 89. 

7092: July 3 Heads of agencies established under the Emergency Relief 
Appropriation Act of 1935, directed to classify positions of employees 
and fix rates of compensation in accordance with E. O. 6746 of June 21 

7093: July 8* Benjamin P. Taylor, chief of the Application Division, 
Copyright Office, Library of Congress, exempted from compulsory retire- 
ment provisions until Aug. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7094: July 8 * Jessie McL. Watson, reviser in the Catalogue Division, 
Library of Congress, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Aug. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7095: July 8 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision I [on the entire classified serv- 
ice], Paragraph 7 amended to except positions of a confidential nature 
in the Philippines, when filled by U. S. citizens. 1936 CSR 22. 

7096: July 9 Arthur J. Altmeyer, John Studebaker, M. L. Wilson, Lee 
Pressman, and Chester Hayden McCall appointed members of the Exec- 
utive Committee of the National Youth Administration. 

7097: July 9 Income, excess profit, and capital stock tax returns opened 
to inspection by the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry In- 
vestigating Decline in Cotton Prices. 

7098: July 12* Certain described lands in Nevada eliminated from op- 
eration of £. O. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, reserving lands pending classifica- 
tion to permit selection by and patenting to said State. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7099: July 12 * Charles Lee Cooke, head administrative officer, Division 
of Protocols and Conferences, State Dept., exempted from compulsory 
retirement provisions until Aug. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7100 : July 15 Science Advisory Board continued until Dec. 1, 1935. 




7100- A: July 15 Ina E. Swartz made eligible for appointment as clerk 
in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7101 : July 16 Charles W. Taussig appointed Chairman of the National 
Advisory Committee of the National Youth Administration. 

7102: July 18 Certain positions, the incumbents being part-time em- 
ployees paid from public works or other emergency funds administered 
by the Interior Sec'y and the Public Works Administrator, exempted 
from the salary classification provisions of E. 0. 6746 of June 21, 1934. 

7103: July 18 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision I [on positions in the entire 
classified service], Paragraph 6 amended as to part-time employees 
whose salary aggregates not more than $540 per annum. 1936 CSR 23. 

7104: July 18 Executive Departments and other Government establish- 
ments directed to cooperate with the Foreign-Trade Zones Board. 

7105: July 18 E. O. 6843 of Sept. 11, 1934, withdrawing certain de- 
scribed lands in California pending resurvey, modified to permit ex- 
change of a portion of said lands for other forest lands owned by the 
Michigan-California Lumber Co. of Camino, Calif. 

7106: July 19 Malheur Migratory Bird Refuge, Harney County, Oreg., 
established as a refuge and breeding ground for migratory birds and other 
wild life. 

7107: July 19 Certain positions, the incumbents being part-time em- 
ployees paid from funds administered by the Rural Electrification Ad- 
ministrator, exempted from the salary classification provisions of E. O. 
6746 of June 21, 1934, until June 30, 1937. 

7108: July 19 Certain described lands in California eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934 withdrawing lands in various 
States for classification, and reserved for a lookout station in connection 
with Federal and State cooperative forest protection. 

7109: July 19 William H. Klunk and William H. Bierhalter, temporary 
employees, made eligible to compete in the civil-service examinations for 
chief engineman and watchman, respectively, in the Custodial Service, 
at Columbus, Ohio, without regard to the maximum age limitations. 

7110: July 22 Public Water Restoration No. 79: Public Water Reserve 
No. 137, Mont., diminished. 

7111: July 22 E. O. 6981 of Mar. 2, 1935, removing certain restrictions 
as to payments, transfers, and deliveries of property under the Trading 
with the Enemy Act of 1917 and the Settlement of War Claims Act of 
1928, amended. 



7112: July 24 Public Water Reserve No. 158, Mont., established [for 
stock- watering and grazing purposes]. 

7113: July 25* George E. Ladd, associate economic geologist, in the 
Public Roads Bureau, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory 
retirement provisions until Aug. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7114: July 25 Certain described lands in Montana reserved for the 
Commerce Dept. for use in maintenance of air navigation facilities. 

7115: July 25 Income, excess-profit, and capital-stock tax returns opened 
to inspection by the Senate Special Committee to Investigate Lobbying 

7116: July 26 Wichita National Game Preserve, Okla., enlarged. 

7117: July 29 E. 0. 7046 of May 20, 1935, prescribing labor regulations 
for persons employed under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 
1935, amended. 

7118 : July 29 • Description of lands transferred from the Blackfeet 
National Forest, Mont., to the Flathead National Forest by E. 0. 7082 of 
June 22, 1935, corrected. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7119: July 30 E. 0. 7046 of May 20, 1935, prescribing labor regulations 
for persons employed under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 
1935, amended. 

7120: July 30 Consumers 1 agencies within the National Emergency 
Council and the National Recovery Administration reorganized ; Office of 
Adviser on Consumers' Problems reestablished; and Consumers' Division 
in NRA established. XXIII NRA Codes 408. 

7120- A: July 30 * William H. Nelson, park ranger in the Yosemite Na- 
tional Park, National Park Service, Interior Dept., exempted from com- 
pulsory retirement provisions until Aug. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7121 : July 31 National Labor Relations Board continued until Sept. 1, 

7122: July 31* Prances N. Westcott, attendant in the Senate Office 
Building, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions, until Jan. 1, 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



123: Aug. 1 Thirty-three specified persons appointed members of the 
rational Advisory Committee of the National Youth Administration, to 
erve -without compensation. 

'124: Aug. 5 E. 0. 7070 of June 12, 1935, prescribing regulations gov- 
erning appointment of employees paid from emergency funds, modified 
is to transfer of such said employees in Massachusetts, Ohio, Louisiana, 
Georgia, and North Dakota. 

7126 : Aug. 5 E. 0. 7060 of June 5, 1935, establishing employment regu- 
lations for the Works Progress Administration, amended. 

7126 : Aug. 5 Certain specified Federal agencies directed to submit esti- 
mates of administrative expenses to the Bureau of the Budget. 

7 126- A: Aug. 5 E. O. 7047 of May 20, 1935, opening to settlement cer- 
tain Alaska lands previously reserved pending classification and legisla- 
tion, revoked as to certain described lands. 

7127: Aug. 6 Lands and improvements in 20 specified military reserva- 
tions in Alaska transferred to the control of the Interior Sec'y> and said 
Sec'y directed to reserve portions thereof for use of the Alaska Road 
Commission and to dispose of the remaining lands in accordance with law. 

7128: Aug. 6 Certain described lands in Alaska withdrawn to conserve 
the public interests and pending future legislation. 

7129: Aug. 6 # Sum of $750,000 allocated from the 4th Deficiency Act 
of 1933 for acquisition in fee simple of certain lands on Isle Boyaie, Lake 
Superior, Mich. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7129-A:Aug. 6 Regulations governing reports of loadings and dis- 
charges of petroleum and petroleum products moved in interstate com- 
merce from any Texas or Louisiana port prescribed. 

7130: Aug. 7 Regulations governing the administration of approved 
projects administered by the Rural Electrification Administration, pre- 

7131: Aug. 7 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 4914 of June 23, 1928, withdrawing certain lands pend- 
ing resurvey. 

7132: Aug. 7 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 5098 of Apr. 23, 1929, withdrawing certain lands pend- 
ing resurvey. 

7133: Aug. 7 E. O. 5729 of Oct. 2, 1931, withdrawing certain described 
lands in California pending resurvey, revoked. 

f 605] 


7134: Aug. 8 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

7135 : Aug. 9 Certain described lands on the Sastineau Channel north 
of Juneau, Alaska, reserved for use of the War Dept. as a radio station 

7136 : Aug. 12 Coal Land Restoration, New Mexico No. 53 : Coal Land 
Withdrawal, New Mexico No. 1, diminished. 

7137: Aug. 12 Civil Service Rule II [pertaining to classification], 
amended in Section 3 as to rights of persons appointed without examina- 
tion. 1935 CSR 22. 

7138 : Aug. 12 Airspace over 24 specified areas reserved for Government 
purposes, and operation of civil aircraft within said areas forbidden with- 
out special permission. 

7139: Aug. 12 Electric Home and Farm Authority, a District of Colum- 
bia corporation, designated agency to continue the functions and business 
of the Electric Home and Farm Authority, Inc., a Delaware corporation, 
and direction for voting the outstanding stock prescribed. 

7140: Aug. 13 Ruth Hampton made eligible for appointment without 
classified status as assistant director of the Division of Territories and 
Island Possessions, Interior Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7141 : Aug. 13 Harvey M. Hutchinson, associate justice of the Puerto 
Rico Supreme Court, designated acting judge of the District Court for 
Puerto Rico during the absence of the judge thereof. 

7142: Aug. 14 Valentine Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Cherry County, 
Neb., established. 

7143: Aug. 19 Regulations governing loans by the Resettlement Admin- 
istration prescribed. 

7144: Aug. 19 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

7145: Aug. 19 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

7148: Aug. 19 E. 0.s 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, and 7048 of May 20, 1935, 
reserving certain lands for classification, revoked with respect to certain 
California, Montana, and Nevada lands and the excluded lands reserved 
for the use of the Commerce Dept. for air-navigation facilities. 

7147: Aug. 19 E. 0. 5165 of July 26, 1929, reserving certain lands in 
California pending resurvey, revoked with respect to a certain described 
portion of said lands. 



T148 : Aug. 19 Medicine Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Sheridan 
md Roosevelt Counties, Mont., established. 

T149 : Aug. 19 • Executive departments and other Government agencies 
requested to give the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce access to 
data related to the Committee's investigation of interstate railroads. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7160 : Aug. 19 E. 0. 7126 of Aug. 5, 1935, requiring certain Government 
agencies to submit estimates of expenditures for administrative expenses 
to the Budget Bureau, extended to include certain additional agencies. 

7151: Aug. 21 Sum of $3,000,000 allocated to the Treasury Dept. from 
the Emergency Relief Appropriation of 1935, as a special fund for the 
purchase of material, supplies, and equipment for work relief through the 
Procurement Division of the Treasury Dept. 

7152: Aug. 21 Duties and functions of the Temporary Government of 
the Virgin Islands for the administration of work relief prescribed, and 
assets and records of the Resettlement Administration acquired from the 
Virgin Islands Subsistence Homestead Authority under E. O. 7041 of May 
15, 1935, transferred to said Government. June 1936 CSA 95, June 1937 
CSA 97. 

7158: Aug. 21 E. O. 5681 of Aug. 12, 1931, reserving certain described 
lands in California pending resurvey, revoked. 

7154: Aug. 22 Camden Board of Arbitration created to mediate the 
labor dispute at the Camden, N. J., yard of the New York Shipbuilding 

7154-A:Aug. 22 Des Lacs Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Burke and 
Ward Counties, N. Dak., established. 

7155: Aug. 25 • Wilbur John Carr, Asst. State Sec'y, exempted from 
compulsory retirement provisions and continued in service for up to five 
years from Oct. 31, 1940. 

•Has form of a proclamation. 

7156: Aug. 23 Squaw Creek Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Holt County, 
Mo., established. 

7157: Aug. 23 Regulations governing wages of unattached workers 
under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 prescribed. June 
1936 CSA 183. 

7158: Aug. 23 Income, excess profit, and capital-stock tax returns opened 
to inspection by the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce for in- 
vestigation of interstate railroads. 



7158-A : Aug. 23 Heads of Executive departments and other Goyot- 
ment agencies having supervision of public works ordered to report viol* 
tions of the eight-hour law on projects under their control. June 1937 
CSA 190-June 1939 CSA 207. 

7159 : Aug. 24 Laurence J. Martin appointed Acting Administrator of 
the National Recovery Administration vice James L. O'Neill, resigned 

7160: Aug. 26 Lacreek Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Bennett Countj, 
S. Dak., established. 

7161 : Aug. 27 Upper Souris Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Benville and 
Ward Counties, N. Dak., established. 

7162: Aug. 27 • Daniel L. Hazard, mathematician in the Coast and Geo- 
detic Survey, Commerce Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Mar. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7163: Aug. 29 Attorney General authorized to revoke the allowance of 
certain claims filed under Section 9 of the Trading With the Enemy Act 
of 1917, and directed to institute suits for the recovery of any deliveries 
made to claimants thereunder. 

7164: Aug. 29 Regulations governing student aid projects and employ- 
ment of youth on other projects under the Emergency Relief Appropria- 
tion Act of 1935, prescribed. 

7165: Aug. 29 Preparation of written decisions for public inspection, 
pertaining to rebates for overassessments of income, excess profit, estate, 
and gift taxes in excess of $20,000, authorized. 

7166: Aug. 29 • Annie N. Travis, senior clerk in the Treasury Dept, 
exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Mar. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7167: Aug. 29 • Joseph L. Smith, Senate Office Building mechanician 
under the office of the Architect of the Capitol, exempted from compul- 
sory retirement provisions until Aug. 31, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7168: Sept. 4 Arrow-Wood Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Poster and 
Stutsman Counties, N. Dak., established. 

7169: Sept. 4 Sand Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Brown County, 
S. Dak., established. 

7170: Sept. 4 Lower Souris Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Bottineau 
and McHenry Counties, N. Dak., established. 



7171 : Sept. 4 Lostwood Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Burke and Moun- 
trail Counties, N. Dak., established. 

7172: Sept. 4 Red Rock Lakes Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Mont., en- 

7173: Sept. 4 White River Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Desha, Mon- 
roe, and Phillips Counties, Ark., established. 

7174: Sept. 4 E. 0. 7126 of Aug. 5, 1935, requiring certain Government 
agencies to submit estimates of expenditures for administrative expenses 
to the Budget Bureau, extended to include certain additional agencies. 

7175: Sept. 6 E. 0. 4624 of Apr. 1, 1927, reserving certain lands in 
Colorado pending resurvey, revoked with respect to certain described 
portion of said lands. 

7176: Sept 6 • Certain described lands on east slope of Punchbowl Hill 
at Honolulu, T. H., restored to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii 
for road purposes. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

7177: Sept. 6 Reservoir Site Restoration No. 12: Reservoir Site No. 17, 
Calif., diminished. 

7178: Sept. 6 Hart Mountain Game Refuge, Nev. and Oreg., established. 

7179: Sept. 6 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished by exclusion 
of certain described lands occupied as an Indian settlement. 

7180: Sept. 6 Rules governing the making of loans by the Puerto Rico 
Reconstruction Administration under the Emergency Relief Appropria- 
tion Act of 1935, prescribed. 

7181: Sept. 6 Competitive provisions of the Civil Service Rules waived 
to permit initial appointments to certain executive positions in the Bureau 
of Motor Carriers, Interstate Commerce Commission. 

7182: Sept. 7 E. 0. 7098 of July 12, 1935, permitting the patenting of 
certain lands to the State of Nevada, amended. 

7183: Sept. 12 Crescent Lake Wildlife Refuge, Neb., enlarged. 

7183-A:8ept. 12 War Sec'y directed to proceed with the construction 
of the Bluestone Reservoir Project on New River, W. Va., and $1,000,000 
allocated from the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 for said 



7184: Sept. 13 * James E. Ives, senior physicist in the Public Health 
Service, Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Oct. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7185: Sept. 20 Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Pish Refuge, 
Wis., enlarged. 

7186: Sept. 21 • Limitation on loans or grants, or both, for projects of 
States, Territories, municipalities, etc., contained in Section 1, Clause (g) 
of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, increased from 
$900,000,000 to $1,700,000,000. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7187: Sept. 24* Albert S. Hitchcock, principal botanist, Plant Industry 
Bureau, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Oct. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7188: Sept. 24 • Mary M. O'Reilly, assistant mint director in the Treas- 
ury Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Nov. 1, 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7189: Sept. 25 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the 
excluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

7190: Sept. 25 E. O. 7129 of Aug. 6, 1935, authorizing the acquisition of 
lands on Isle Roy ale, Mich., for emergency conservation work, amended 
as to appropriation from which the funds may be drawn. 

7191 : Sept. 25 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

7192: Sept. 26 Authority delegated to the Federal Trade Commission 
to approve certain trade practice provisions under the Joint Resolution of 
June 24, 1935, provided they conform to Section 7 (a) of the National 
Industrial Recovery Act. 

7193: Sept. 26 Oeorge L. Berry designated Coordinator for Industrial 
Cooperation and his functions and duties outlined. 

7194: Sept. 26 Prison Industries Reorganization Administration estab- 
lished. June 1936 CSA 81, June 1937 CSA 95. 

7195: Sept. 26 Positions of junior assistant to technician in the Civilian 
Conservation Corps included in the competitive classified civil service, 
provided that the initial examination held for each camp be limited to 
enrollees of said Corps. 



7196: Sept. 28 • Wendell W. Mischler, sec'y to the Chief Justice of the 
Supreme Court, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Dec. 1, 1937. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7197: Sept. 26 E. 0. 7070 of June 12, 1935, prescribing regulations gov- 
erning appointments of employees paid from emergency funds, modified. 

7198: Sept. 26 Charles West, Under Interior Sec'y, authorized to per- 
form the duties of the Interior Sec'y during the latter 's absence or illness. 

7199: Sept. 26 John Monroe Johnson, Asst. Commerce Sec'y appointed 
under the act of May 20, 1926, designated to perform the duties of the 
Commerce Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y and the Asst. Sec'y 
appointed under the act of Feb. 14, 1903. 

7200: Sept. 26 B. 0. 7027 of Apr. 30, 1935, establishing the Resettlement 
Administration, amended. 

7201 : Sept. 26 Ten designated temporary employees of the Federal Com- 
munications Commission made eligible for appointment to positions with 
said commission without regard to their standings on the Civil Service 
registers for professional positions. 

7202: Sept. 28 Louis N. Robinson, Linton N. Collins, Gustav Peck, and 
James P. Davis appointed members, and Joseph N. Ulman appointed 
chairman, of the Prison Industries Reorganization Board created by E. 0. 
[7194] of Sept. 26, 1935; Board members allowed traveling expenses; 
Louis N. Robinson's per diem compensation for his services in attendance 
of said Board's meetings fixed. 

7203: Oct. 1 E. 0. 7046 of May 20, 1935, prescribing regulations pertain- 
ing to wages, hours of work, and conditions of employment under the 
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, amended. 

7204: Oct. 1 E. 0. 7046 of May 20, 1935, prescribing regulations pertain- 
ing to wages, hours of work, and conditions of employment under the 
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, amended. 

7205: Oct. 14 • William McNeir, chief of the Bureau of Accounts of the 
State Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Nov. 
1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7206: Oct. 14 Trust period on Indian allotted or tribal lands in Okla- 
homa, expiring in 1936, extended for 10 years. 

7207: Oct. 14 E. O. 6783 of June 30, 1934, creating the Quetico-Superior 
Committee, amended. 



7208: Oct. 19 • George Q. Hedgecock, senior pathologist in the Plant 
Industry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., further exempted from compulsory 
retirement provisions until Nov. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7209: Oct. 19 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VII [on Post Office positions], 
Paragraph 6 amended to except until Feb. 1, 1936, certain temporary 
clerks, carriers, and laborers employed for the holiday season. 1936 CSR 

7210: Oct. 24 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to pos itions 
excepted from examination], amended to add a new Subdivision XXV 
on positions under the United States High Commissioner to the Philip- 
pines, Paragraph 1 excepting junior messengers and under clerks with a 
salary range of $180 to $250 per annum. 1936 CSR 23. 

7211: Oct. 24 Certain described lands in Idaho and Utah eliminated 
from the operation of E. O. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, to permit their with- 
drawal for use by the Commerce Dept. for air navigation facilities. 

7212: Oct. 24 Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge, Minn 
and Wis., enlarged. 

7213: Oct. 24 Such Coast Guard vessels as may be designated by the 
Commandant of the Coast Guard, assigned to patrol territorial waters for 
enforcement of the Northern Pacific Halibut Act of 1932 and the Halibut 
Fisheries Convention. 

7214: Oct. 24 Mxdeshoe Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Bailey County, 
Tex., established. 

7215: Oct. 26 North Island in San Diego Harbor, Calif., Ford Island in 
Pearl Harbor, T. H., and Boiling Field, at Anacostia, D. C, transferred 
from the War Dept. to the Navy Dept, and the Naval Air Station at 
Sunnyvale, Calif., transferred to the War Dept. 

7216: Oct. 28 Ella W. Budge made eligible for appointment in the Pub- 
lic Roads Bureau, Agriculture Dept., without regard to Civil Service 

7217: Oct. 30 • Carleton W. Sturevant, principal engineer in the Engi- 
neer Dept. at Large, War Dept., further exempted from compulsory 
retirement provisions until May 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7218: Oct. 30 E. O. 5862 of June 23, 1932, withdrawing certain lands in 
Colorado pending resurvey, revoked. 

[612 1 


7210: Oct. 80 E. 0. 1919y 2 of Apr. 21, 1914, establishing Alaska Town- 
site Withdrawal No. 1, modified to permit construction of an airport by 
the Alaska Road Commission on certain described lands. 

7220: Oct. 80 Certain described lands in California reserved as a powder 
storage site in connection with the administration of the Stanislaus Na- 
tional Forest. 

7221 : Oct. 31 Rice Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Aitkin County, 
Minn., established. 

7221- A: Oct. 31 * Caledonia McCall, clerk in the office of the Register of 
the Treasury, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Nov. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7222: Nov. 1 St. Marks Migratory Bird Refuge, Wakulla County, Pla., 

7228: Nov. 9 E. 0. 7195 of Sept. 26, 1935, placing the position of junior 
assistant to technician in the Civilian Conservation Corps in the classified 
service, amended to enable incumbents of positions of similar nature to 
acquire classified status by passing noncompetitive examinations. June ' 
1936 CSA 171. 

7224: Nov. 13 Regulations governing commutation of rations and quar- 
ters to enlisted men of the various services amended. 

7224-A:Nov. 14 Regulations governing documents required of aliens 
entering the Philippines prescribed. 

7225: Nov. 15 Director of Procurement of the Treasury Dept. author- 
ized to certify and approve certain vouchers and schedules of disburse- 
ments chargeable to any allocation under the Emergency Relief Appro- 
priation Act of 1935 with certain specified provisos. 

7226: Nov. 15 Regulations governing employment under the Emergency 
Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 amended. 

7227: Nov. 18 E. 0. 5640 of June 8, 1931, withdrawing certain described 
lands in California pending resurvey, revoked. 

7228: Nov. 18 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertainin g to p ositions 
excepted from examination] amended to add Subdivision XXV, on Na- 
tional Training School for Boys positions, Paragraphs 1 and 2 excepting 
the superintendent of the school and one physician-psychiatrist ; Schedule 
B [of positions subject to non-competitive examination], amended to add 
Section XIV covering cottage officers and cottage rations of said school ; 



unskilled laborers at said school placed under the Labor Regulations; 
incumbents allowed to acquire classified status through non-competitive 
examination. June 1936 CSA 171 ; 1935 CSR 25. 

7229: Not. 19 Delta Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Plaquemines Parish, 
La., established. 

7230: Not. 20 • Davis B. Levis, vice consul and clerk in the consulate at 
Paris, France, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Dec. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7231: Nov. 20 William J. Shaw made eligible for appointment as in- 
spector in the Customs Service at San Francisco, Calif., without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 

7232: Nov. 23 • Frederick D. Henry, chief clerk at the Freedmen's Hos- 
pital, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Dec. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7233: Nov. 23 Regulations prescribed for investigations under Section 
22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933. 

7234: Nov. 25 Canal Zone Regulations governing deposit money orders 
and interest on same prescribed. 

7235: Nov. 26 £. 0. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, reserving all public lands in 
certain States for classification amended to permit sale or leasing of any 
such lands by the Interior Secy 

7236: Nov. 27 Charlotte, N. C, in Customs Collection District No. 15; 
Little Rock, Ark., in Customs Collection District No. 43 (Tennessee) ; and 
Dubuque, Iowa, in Customs Collection District No. 44, abolished as ports 
of entry. 

7237: Nov. 27 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VIII [on Agriculture Dept. 
positions] amended to add Paragraph 28 excepting certain temporary 
employees of the National Park Service outside of the District of Co- 
lumbia during the forest fire season. 1935 CSR 23. 

7238: Nov. 28 • Thomas M. Thurston, deputy collector in charge of the 
Liquidating Division of the Office of the Customs Collector, Treasnrr 
Dept., further exempted from the compulsory retirement provisions until 
Dec. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



7230: Dec. 3 Records, papers, and property of the Railroad Retirement 
Board, established under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1934, trans- 
ferred to the Railroad Retirement Board established under the Railroad 
Retirement Act of 1935. 

7240: Deo. 4 E. 0. 5958 of Dec. 8, 1932, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Arizona pending resurvey, revoked. 

7241: Dec. 4 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision III [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 14 amended to eliminate informers and posse men and 
to place special restrictions on the exception of special field men in the 
Narcotics Bureau in the Internal Revenue Service. 1936 CSR 24. 

7242: Dec. 6 Canal Zone Regulations governing highways, vehicles, and 
vehicular traffic prescribed. 

7243: Dec. 6 Herbert J. Wollner made eligible for appointment as con- 
sulting chemist in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 

7244: Dec. 10 E. Om 6268 and 6496 of Sept. 6, 1933, and Dec. 14, 1933, 
respectively, withdrawing certain described lands in New Mexico pend- 
ing resurvey, revoked. 

7246: Dec. 10 Waubay Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Day County, 
S. Dak., established. 

7246: Dec. 10 Seney Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Schoolcraft County, 
Mich., established. 

7247: Dec. 10 • Nelson H. Darton, senior scientist in the Geological Sur- 
vey, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Jan. 1, 1937. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7248: Dec. 10 • Andre Fourchy, associate civil engineer in the Coast 
Guard, Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Jan. 1, 1937. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7249: Dec. 12 Federal offices ordered closed at 1 p. m. on Dec. 24 and 
31, 1935. 

7260: Dec. 16* T. Warren Allen, principal highway engineer in the 
Public Roads Bureau, Agriculture Dept., further exempted from com- 
pulsory retirement provisions until Jan. 1, 1937. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 


7251: Deo. 10 Frequencies assigned to government radio stations. 

7252: Deo. 21 National Recovery Administration and office of the Ad- 
ministrator terminated; the Division of Review, the Division of Business 
Cooperation, and the Advisory Council transferred to the Commera 
Dept.; Consumers' Division transferred to the Labor Dept. June 1936 
CSA 100. 

7253: Deo. 21 • Sum of $6,750,000 allocated from the Emergency Belief 
Appropriation Act of 1935 to the Interior Sec'y for the Jefferson Nations 
Expansion Memorial in Missouri ; expenditure made contingent upon th* 
city of St. Louis making available an additional sum of $2,250,000. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7254: Dee. 21 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished, and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. 

7255: Dec. 21 * Elton A. Gongwer, investigator in the General Account- 
ing Office, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Jan. 1, 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7256: Dec. 21 Certain described lands in Oregon eliminated from thf 
operation of E. 0. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for classifica- 
tion to the extent of authorizing their withdrawal by Interior Sec'y for 
reclamation purposes. 

7257: Dec. 26 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination] , Subdivision I [on the entire classified serv- 
ice], Paragraph 9 amended to permit reinstatement of former excepted 
employees employed in Alaska. 1936 CSB 24. 

7258: Dec. 28 • Irvin P. Disney, examiner of interferences in the Patent 
Office, Commerce Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Apr. 1, 1936. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7259: Dec. 28 Frank P. Fallowfield made eligible for appointment as 
engineer without classified status in the office of the Chief of Engineers, 
War Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7260: Dec. 31 • Executive Committee on Commercial Policy, established 
by letter of the President of Nov. 11, 1933, continued and composition 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



7261: Dec. 31* Effective date of Section 4 of B. 0. 6166 of June 10, 
1933, transferring certain disbursement functions to the Treasury Dept., 
further deferred until June 30, 1936. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

7261-A:Dec. 31 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers, Chapter XVI, Sec- 
tion 21, as to hostesses in missions, amended. 


7262: Jan. 4 E. 0. 3206 of Dec. 30, 1919, establishing the Board of Sur- 
veys and Maps, amended and repromulgated. 

7263: Jan. 4 Treasury Sec'y authorized to act under the Bankruptcy 
Act of Aug. 27, 1935, in respect to interest or claims of the United States 
or any agency thereof, or any corporation, other than the Reconstruction 
Finance Corporation, the majority of the stock of which is owned by 
the United States. 

7264: Jan. 4 E. 0. 5807 of Feb. 25, 1932, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked. 

7265: Jan. 4 Power Site Reserve No. 322, Calif ., modified to permit the 
use of a described portion of said lands in connection with cooperative 
forest protection work. 

7266: Jan. 4 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from oper- 
ation of E. 0. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for classification 
to permit their withdrawal by the Interior Sec'y for a stock driveway. 

7267: Jan. 6 Certain described lands in Montana, Nevada, and Wyoming 
eliminated from operation of E. 0. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing 
lands for classification, to permit their withdrawal by the Interior Sec'y 
for use by the Commerce Dept. in the maintenance of air navigation 

7268: Jan. 6 Treasury Sec'y directed to cause a suitable number of 
Coast Guard vessels to cruise along the coast in severe winter weather to 
aid distressed vessels. 

7269: Jan. 7 E. 0. 6287 of Sept. 14, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. 

7270: Jan. 7 Certain described lands in Oregon eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for classifica- 
tion, and reserved as a lookout station in the administration of the Siski- 
you National Forest. 



7271: Jan. 9 B. 0. 5354 of May 27, 1930, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked. 

7272: Jan. 10 E. 0. 5297 of Mar. 10, 1930, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked. 

7273: Jan. 10* Benjamin W. Kumler, examiner for the Civil Service 
Commission, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Feb. 
1, 1937. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

7274: Jan. 14 Lands within grazing districts established pursuant to the 
act of June 28, 1934, eliminated from the operation of E. 0. 6910 of Nov. 
26, 1934, withdrawing all lands in certain States for classification. 

7275: Jan. 15 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 5603 of Apr. 20, 1931, withdrawing certain lands pend- 
ing resurvey. 

7276 : Jan. 17 Lewis R. Barrett made eligible for appointment as recrea- 
tion coordinator without classified status in the National Park Service, 
Interior Dept., without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7277: Jan. 17 Under Sec'y, First Assistant Sec'y, and Assistant Sec'y of 
the Interior designated to perform, in the order named, the duties of the 
Interior Sec'y during latter 's absence or sickness. 

7278: Jan. 23 * William H. Ramsey, senior attorney in the Justice Dept., 
exempted from compulsory retirement provision until Feb. 1, 1937. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7279 : Jan. 25 Certain described lands in Arizona eliminated from opera- 
tion of E. 0. 5341 of May 2, 1930, withdrawing certain lands pending 

7280 : Jan. 28 • Establishment of the Federal Housing Administration 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7280- A: Feb. 1 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 4608 of Mar. 10, 1927, withdrawing certain lands pend- 
ing resurvey. 

7280-B : Feb. 1 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 5687 of Aug. 18, 1931, withdrawing certain lands pend- 
ing resurvey. 

7281 : Feb. 3 Marriner S. Eccles appointed chairman of the Board of 
Governors of the Federal Reserve System for four years. 



7282: Feb. 3 E. 0. 5920 of Sept. 15, 1932, withdrawing certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. 

7283: Feb. 3 E. 0. 5682 of Aug. 12, 1931, withdrawing certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. 

7284: Feb. 3 E. 0. 6076 of Mar. 15, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. 

7284- A: Feb. 6 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 5886 of July 12, 1932, withdrawing certain lands pend- 
ing resurvey. 

7284-B:Feb. 6 E. 0. 5709 of Sept. 11, 1931, withdrawing certain de- 
scribed lands in California pending resurvey, revoked. 

7286: Feb. 7 Design and dimensions of the official flag of the Vice Presi- 
dent prescribed. 

7286: Feb. 8 • Charles Holzman, clerk in the Soldiers' Home, exempted 
from compulsory retirement provisions until Mar. 1, 1937. 

* Has f onn of a proclamation. 

7287: Feb. 10 Rules for selecting members of the Central Statistical 
Board prescribed. 

7288: Feb. 11 Certain described portion of Mayagiiez Barracks Military 
Reservation, Mayagiiez, P. R., transferred from War Dept. to Treasury 

7289: Feb. 14 Certain described lands in California eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for classifica- 
tion, to permit their withdrawal by the Interior Sec'y for reclamation 

7290: Feb. 14 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
operation of E. 0. 5790 of Feb. 2, 1932, withdrawing certain lands pend- 
ing resurvey. 

7291 : Feb. 14 • Charles J. Evans, merchandise appraiser in the Customs 
Bureau, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Mar. 1, 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7292: Feb. 14 Lake Andes Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Charles Mix 
County, S. Dak., established. 

7293: Feb. 14 Regulations governing allowances for quarters and sub- 
sistence for enlisted men of the various services, prescribed. 



7294: Feb. 14 Nell J. Kline, nee Briggs, made eligible for reinstatement 
as clerk in the Postal Service without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7295: Feb. 14 Lake Bowdoin Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Mont., es- 

7296: Feb. 15 E. 0. 7046 of May 20, 1935, prescribing regulations relat- 
ing to wages, hours, and conditions of employment under the Emergency 
Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, amended. 

7297: Feb. 16* State Sec'yi as Chairman of the National Munitions 
Control Board, delegated power to grant licenses for exportation of tin 
plate scrap. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7298: Feb. 18 Regulations governing preparation, presentation, filing, 
and distribution of Executive Orders and Proclamations prescribed. June 
1937 CSA 16, June 1939 CSA 17. 

7299 : Feb. 20 Kure Island, T. H., reserved for naval purposes. 

7300: Feb. 21* Henry C. Stuart, assistant customs collector at New 
York, N. Y., further exempted from compulsory retirement provisions, 
until Mar. 1, 1937. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7301 : Feb. 21 Niobrara Reservation Bird Refuge, Neb., enlarged. 

7302 : Feb. 21 * Certain described lands in the Virgin Islands placed 
under control of the Navy Sec'y for aviation facilities. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7303: Feb. 25 Certain described lands in Oregon eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for classifi- 
cation, and reserved as lookout station for use in the administration of 
the Siskiyou National Forest. 

7304: Feb. 27 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision I [on the entire classified serv- 
ice], Paragraph 6 amended to allow the appointment of collectors of 
cotton statistics in the Bureau of the Census at an aggregate compensa- 
tion of up to $540 per annum without examination. June 1937 CSA 80 ; 

1935 CSR 25. 

7305: Feb. 28 Sum of $7,000,000 allocated from the Emergency Relief 
Appropriation Act of 1935 to the Farm Credit Administration for loans 
to farmers, and rules governing emergency crop loans prescribed. June 

1936 CSA 131. 



7306: Feb. 28 Hilda McTeer made eligible for a classified appointment 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7307: Feb. 28 * Luther L. Browning, linotype machinist-in-charge in the 
Government Printing Office, further exempted from the compulsory re- 
tirement provisions until Nov. 1, 1936. 

* Has f orm of a proclamation. 

7308: Feb. 28* Carl F. Jeansen, principal engineer in the Ordnance 
Bureau, Navy Dept., further exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions, until Apr. 1, 1937. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7309: Feb. 28 Certain described lands in the vicinity of the Fairbanks 
Air Field, Alaska, withdrawn [pending decision by the War Department 
and legislation to establish an army base]. 

7310: Feb. 28 W. H. Moran, chief of the Secret Service Division, Treas- 
ury Dept., further exempted from compulsory retirement provisions, 
until Jan. 1, 1937. 

7311 : Feb. 20 Certain described lands in Arkansas valuable for recrea- 
tional use, eliminated from the operation of E. O. 6964 of Feb. 5, 1935, 
withdrawing certain lands for classification. 

7312:BXar. 9 Regulations governing payment of losses sustained by 
Federal employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation amended. 

7313: Mar. 10 Tongass National Forest, Alaska diminished and the ex- 
cluded lands restored to entry; B. O. 343-C of July 26, 1905, reserving 
certain Alaska lands for a lighthouse depot, revoked. 

7314: Mar. 11 Mary G. Willmarth, chief scientific aid in the Geological 
Survey, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until May 1, 1937. 

7315: Mar. 11 William Gerig, head engineer in the Engineer Dept. at 
Large, War Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Apr. 1, 1937. 

7316: Mar. 13 Cape Bomain Migratory Bird Refuge, S. C, enlarged. 
I Fed. Reg. 1. 

7317: Mar. 14 Milton L. Leffler, special expert in the Federal Trade 
Commission, further exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until May 1, 1937. 

7318: Mar. 18 Louis Hunter Gwinn made eligible for appointment as 
customs agent in the Treasury Dept. without regard to Civil Service 



7310: Mar. 18 Regulations governing employment of youth on student- 
aid and other projects amended: student-aid projects defined, and 
amounts of aid prescribed. I Fed. Reg. 40. 

7320: Mar. 10 B. 0.s 2275 and 2385 of Nov. 30, 1915, and May 22, 1916. 
respectively, reserving certain described lands in North Dakota for mili- 
tary purposes, revoked, and said lands reserved as the Kellys Slough 
Migratory Waterfowl Refuge. I Fed. Reg. 44. 

7321: Mar. 21 Heads of Government departments authorized to issue 
temporary annual and sick leave regulations, pending promulgation of 
uniform regulations. 

7322: Mar. 21 Income tax returns opened to inspection by the House 
Committee appointed to conduct impeachment proceedings against Hal- 
sted L. Ritter, district judge for the Southern District of Florida. 

7323: Mar. 21 Committee on Industrial Analysis established to complete 
summary of results and accomplishments of the National Recovery Ad- 
ministration. June 1936 CSA 100, 1937 CSA 88 ; I Fed. Reg. 69. 

7324: Mar. 30 George L. Berry designated Coordinator for Industrial 
Cooperation, and his functions and duties prescribed. June 1936 CSA 
103, June 1937 CSA 89; I Fed. Reg. 81. 

7325: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in Alaska eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 1967- A of June 23, 1914, establishing the Alaska Town- 
site and Railroad Withdrawal No. 2, and reserved for townsite entry. 1 
Fed. Reg. 82. 

7326: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in Colorado eliminated from op- 
eration of E. O. 5862 of June 23, 1932, withdrawing certain lands pending 
resurvey. I Fed. Reg. 82. 

7327: Mar. 30 E. O. 6077 of Mar. 15, 1933, withdrawing certain de- 
scribed lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. I Fed. Reg. 82. 

7328: Mar. 30 E. O. 6267 of Sept. 6, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. I Fed. Reg. 82. 

7329: Mar. 30* Sum of $30,000 allocated to the Emergency Conserva- 
tion Work Director from the emergency relief appropriation of 1935 for 
acquisition of certain lands near Petersburg, Va., for emergency con- 
servation work in connection with the Petersburg National Military 
Park. I Fed. Reg. 82. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7330: Mar. 30 Certain described lands in California eliminated from 
operation of E. O. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for classifi- 
cation, to permit their withdrawal by the Interior Sec'y for reclamation 
purposes. I Fed. Reg. 83. 



7331 : Apr. 3 Certain described lands in Montana reserved for use of 
the War Dept. in connection with the Fort Peck Dam and Reservoir, 
Project No. 30 of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public 
Works. I Fed. Reg. 121. 

7332: Apr. 3 E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
government, waived to permit employees of the National Park Service 
to accept uncompensated appointments as deputy sheriffs. I Fed. Reg. 

7333 : Apr. 3 Regulations governing appointment of employees paid 
from emergency funds amended. I Fed. Reg. 121. 

7334: Apr. 3 Limitation on expenditures for the Civilian Conservation 
Corps increased from $600,000,000 to $700,000,000. I Fed. Reg. 121. 

7335: Apr. 3 E. O. 5287 of Feb. 25, 1930, reserving certain described 
lands in Nevada pending resurvey, revoked. I Fed. Reg. 121. 

7336: Apr. Frank Hahn, senior administrative assistant in the Geo- 
logical Survey, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until May 1, 1937. 

7337: Apr. 9 Certain described lands in Oregon eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for classifi- 
cation, to permit their withdrawal by the Interior Sec'y for reclamation 
purposes. I Fed. Reg. 154. 

7338: Apr. 10 Martin Travie^o, associate justice of the Puerto Rico 
Supreme Court, authorized to perform the duties of judge of the District 
Court for Puerto Rico in the absence of the judge thereof. I Fed. Reg. 

7339: Apr. 10 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the Rein- 
deer Service. I Fed. Reg. 154. 

7340: Apr. 10 Adoption of a seal for the Works Progress Administra- 
tion authorized. I Fed. Reg. 154. 

7341: Apr. 10 Tule Lake Wildlife Refuge, Calif., enlarged. I Fed. Reg. 

7342: Apr. 10 Initial appointments to certain Railroad Retirement 
Board positions without compliance with the Civil Service Act and Rules 

7343: Apr. 10 E. O. of July 26, 1911/ establishing Power Site Reserve 
No. 191, Utah, revoked in part. 
•Not a Numbered Order. 



7844: Apr. 11 E. 0. 5791 of Feb. 2, 1932, reserving 1 certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked. I Fed. Reg. 160. 

7845: Apr. 15 Agriculture Sec'y authorized to acquire land for wild- 
life conservation purposes. I Fed. Reg. 206. 

7846: Apr. 15 William J. Butler made eligible for appointment as part 
ranger in the National Park Service, Interior Dept., without regard to 
Civil Service Rules. 

7347: Apr. 15 Regulations governing the operation of projects under 
the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 amended. I Fed. Reg. 

7348: Apr. 15 Harvey A. Harding, adviser to the comptroller of the 
Tennessee Valley Authority, exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until May 1, 1937. 

7348: Apr. 18 Federal Power Commission authorized to amend license 
for Project No. 966 on Reservoir Site Reserve No. 17, Calif. 

7350: Apr. 20 Income, profit, and capital stock tax returns ordered 
opened to inspection to the Senate Special Committee Investigating Old 
Age Pension Organizations. 

7351 : Apr. 21 Lucille Coy Dailey made eligible for a classified appoint- 
ment without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7352: Apr. 23 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the 
excluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. I Fed. Reg. 

7353: Apr. 23 Chugach National Forest, Alaska, diminished and the 
excluded lands restored to entry under applicable land laws. I Fed 
Reg. 265. 

7354: Apr. 30 Certain described lands in Alaska eliminated from oper- 
ation of E. O. 3825 of Apr. 14, 1923, reserving lands for townsite pur- 
poses, to permit use for airport purposes by the Alaska Road Commission. 
Fed. Reg. 314. 

7355: Apr. 30 E. 0. 6054 of Feb. 28, 1933, reserving certain Colorado 
lands pending resurvey, revoked. I Fed. Reg. 314. 

7356: Hay 4 * Portion of Camp Eagle Pass Military Reservation, Maver- 
ick County, Tex., transferred to the Treasury Dept. for use of the Public 
Health Service. I Fed. Reg. 342. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

[ 624 ] 


7367: May 4 E. 0. of Sept. 23, 1912,* establishing Mineral Land With- 
drawal No. 1, Arizona No. 1, revoked in part. I Fed. Reg. 342. 
* Not a Numbered Order. 

7368: May 6 Earl L. Packer and Vinton Chapin reinstated as Foreign 
Service officers, effective upon confirmation by the Senate. 

7360: May 6 Nicolet National Forest, Wis., enlarged by addition of 
certain described lands eliminated from the operation of E. 0. 6964 of 
Feb. 5, 1935, withdrawing said lands for classification. I Fed. Reg. 342. 

7360: May 6 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
the operation of E. 0. 6076 of Mar. 15, 1933, reserving certain lands 
pending resurvey. I Fed. Reg. 342. 

7361: May 6 E. 0. 4929 of July 7, 1928, reserving certain lands within 
the Carson National Forest, N. Mex., for protection of the watershed of 
the Taos Pueblo Indians, amended to redefine the boundaries of said 
tract. I Fed. Reg. 343. 

7362 : May 6 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from op- 
eration of E. 0.s 5323 of Apr. 10, 1930, and 6473 of Dec. 4, 1933, with- 
drawing certain lands pending resurvey. I Fed. Reg. 343. 

7363: May 6 E. 0. 6964 of Feb. 5, 1935, withdrawing all public lands 
in certain states for classification, amended to permit the exchange, sale, 
or leasing of any such lands as the Interior Sec'y shall determine to be 
subject to such disposition and to be not needed for any public purpose. 
I Fed. Reg. 349. 

7364: May 6 Charles Sheldon Wildlife Refuge, Nev., enlarged. I Fed. 
Reg. 349. 

7366: May 7 Second Export-Import Bank of Washington, D. C, ordered 
dissolved. I Fed. Reg. 372. 

7366: May 7 Initial appointments to certain Social Security Board po- 
sitions without compliance with the competitive provisions of the Civil 
Service Act and Rules authorized. 

7367: May 9 Eva Sweeney made eligible for a classified appointment 
in the Agriculture Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7368: May 13 Administration of Jarvis, Baker, and Howland Islands, 
in the Pacific Ocean, placed under the Interior Sec'y. I Fed. Reg. 405. 

7369: May 13 E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
government waived to permit certain Indian Service employees to hold 
local positions. I Fed. Reg. 405. 



7870: May 13 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV on War Dept. positions 
amended as to positions at the U. S. Military Academy. 1936 CSR 24. 

7371 : May 18 Regulations governing administration of Emergency Con- 
servation Work amended as to pay and allowances for members of the 
Civilian Conservation Corps. I Fed. Reg. 423. 

7372: May 18 E. 0. 7228 of Nov. 18, 1935, amending the Civil Service 
Rules as to positions in the National Training School for Boys, amended 
to change the number of the subdivision added to Schedule A from XXV 
to XXVI. 

7373 : May 20 Certain described lands in Nevada eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for classifica- 
tion, and established as the Desert Game Range; certain regulations in 
connection therewith prescribed. I Fed. Reg. 427. 

7374: May 20 E. O. 6499 of Dec. 15, 1933, reserving certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. I Fed. Reg. 428. 

7375: May 20 E. O. 4289 of Aug. 22, 1925, reserving certain described 
lands in Arizona for use of the War Dept., revoked. I Fed. Reg. 428. 

7376: May 20 E. 0. 6286 of Sept. 14, 1933, reserving certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. I Fed. Reg. 428. 

7377: May 20 Portion of the former Army base at Squantum, Mass., 
transferred to control of the Navy Sec'y. I Fed. Reg. 428. 

7378: May 22 Cache National Forest, Utah, enlarged. I Fed. Reg. 446. 

7379: May 26 Tariff of Consular Fees amended as to fees for visa serv- 
ices to aliens. I Fed. Reg. 492. 

7380: May 27 Vincent Pierro, laborer in the National Park Service, 
Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
June 1, 1937. 

7381 : June 3 Part of the Quartermaster Intermediate Depot, Charles- 
ton, S. C., transferred from the Shipping Board to the War Dept. I Fed. 
Reg. 544. 

7382: June 4 Mineral Land Withdrawal No. 1, Arizona No. 1, dimin- 
ished to permit title to certain lands to be vested in the State of Arizona. 
I Fed. Reg. 559. 

7383: June 5 Delta Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, La., enlarged. I Fed. 
Reg. 559. 



7384: June 8 Thomas Neblett and Rose Turlin designated members of 
the National Advisory Committee of the National Youth Administration. 
I Fed. Reg. 571. 

7385: June 8 John V. Shea, senior clerk in the Supply Division, Treas- 
ury Dept., further exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
July 1, 1937. 

7386 : June 8 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved as an admin- 
istrative site for use in the administration of the Arapaho National For- 

7387: June 15 Balboa Naval Station, C. Z., established. I Fed. Reg. 601. 

7388: June 15 Certain described lands in New Mexico eliminated from 
the operation of E. 0. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for class- 
ifications to permit their withdrawal by the Interior Sec 'y for reclamation 
purposes. I Fed. Reg. 601. 

7389: June 15 Civil Service Rule IX, pertaining to reinstatement, 
amended. 1936 CSR 22; I Fed. Reg. 602. 

7390: June 15 Effective date of Section 4 of E. O. 6166 of June 10, 
1933, transferring certain disbursement functions to the Treasury Dept., 
further deferred until Dec. 31, 1936. 

7391: June 17 Savannah River Wildlife Refuge, Ga. and S. C, enlarged. 
I Fed. Reg. 610. 

7392: June 19 E. 0. 6014 of Feb. 6, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Oregon pending resurvey, revoked. I Fed. Reg. 646. 

7393 : June 19 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision XIII, on Labor Dept. positions, 
amended to except one special assistant to the Labor Sec'y. 1935 CSR 25. 

7394: June 19 Benjamin F. Taylor, chief of the Application Division 
of the Copyright Office, Library of Congress, further exempted from 
compulsory retirement provisions until Aug. 1, 1937. 

7395: June 19 Jessis McL. Watson, reviser in the Catalogue Division, 
of the Library of Congress, further exempted from compulsory retire- 
ment provisions until Aug. 1, 1937. 

7396: June 22 Executive orders, rules, and regulations * issued to carry 
out the provisions of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, 
made applicable to the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936. I 
Fed. Reg. 651; PWA 79. 

* Not listed or specified in this Order. 



7307: June 20 Federal Fire Council established as an advisory agency 
in matters relating to protection of Federal employees and property 
from fire. 

7398: June 23 Charles 0. Gregory, Solicitor of the Labor Dept., desig- 
nated to act as Labor Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y and Assistant 
Sec'y. I Fed. Reg. 652. 

7399: June 28 Naval Radio Station, Summit, C. Z. established. I Fed. 
Reg. 652. 

7400: June 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision IX [on Agriculture Dept. posi- 
tions], amended by the addition of Paragraph 7, providing for the excep- 
tion of local veterinarians employed on a part-time or fee basis. 1936 
CSR25. I Fed. Reg. 653. 

7401 : June 23 Henry Blackwood, assistant customs collector in the 
Treasury Dept. exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
July 1, 1937. 

7402: June 26 Certain described lands in California eliminated from 
the operation of E. O. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for classi- 
fication, to permit their withdrawal by the Interior Sec'y for reclamation 
purposes. I Fed. Reg. 681. 

7403: June 26 Regulations governing payment of losses sustained by 
Federal employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation amended. 

7404: July 1 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examinations], Subdivision XI, on Navy Dept. 
positions, amended to include any position outside the continental U. S., 
except in the Canal Zone or Alaska, at the discretion of the Navy Sec'y* 
I Fed. Reg. 714. 1936 CSR 30. 

7405: July 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination], Subdivision IV, on War Dept. 
positions, amended to include all positions outside the continental U. S., 
except in the Canal Zone or Alaska, at the discretion of the Navy Sec'y. 
1936 CSR 30; I Fed. Reg. 735. 

7406: July 6 E. O.s of July 2, 1910 # and Feb. 17, 1912, # establishing 
Power Site Reserves No. 116 and No. 244, Colo., respectively modified 
to permit approval of applications for a right-of-way over certain lands 
by the Denver and Salt Lake Western Railroad Co. I Fed. Reg. 735. 

* Not a Numbered Order. 

7407: July 6 Quarry Heights Military Reservation, C. Z., created. 
I Fed. Reg. 735. 



7408: July 6 Civil Service Role II [pertaining to classification of the 
service], Section 6, amended. 1937 CSR 28. 

7409: July 9 Regulations governing the granting of annual leave to 
civilian officers and employees of the Government prescribed. June 1936 
CSA187;IFed. Reg. 766. 

7410: July 9 Regulations governing the granting of sick leave to Gov- 
ernment employees prescribed. June 1936 CSA 187 ; I Fed. Reg. 767. 

7411: July 9 Income, profit and capital stock tax returns opened to 
inspection by the Senate Committee on Education and Labor. I Fed. 
Reg. 781. 

7412: July 10 Boundaries of Bienville National Forest, Miss., as de- 
scribed in Proc. 2175 of June 15, 1936, redefined. I Fed. Reg. 781. 

7413: July 10 Edward M. Weeks, letter engraver in the Bureau of 
Engraving and Printing, exempted from compulsory retirement provi- 
sions until Sept. 1, 1937. 

7414: July 10 Regulations governing grades and ratings of Army en- 
listed men prescribed. 

7415: July 17 Certain described lands in Nevada and Utah eliminated 
from the operation of E. O. 4652 of May 18, 1927, and E. 0& 4872 and 
4873 of May 3, 1928, withdrawing lands for use as air navigation sites. 
I Fed. Reg. 853. 

7416: July 17 Certain described lands in Alaska eliminated from the 
operation of E. O. 7047 of May 20, 1935, and E. O. 6957 of Feb. 4, 1935, 
and opened to entry under the homestead laws applicable to Alaska. 
I Fed. Reg. 853. 

7417: July 17 Minidoka Wildlife Refuge, Idaho, established. I Fed. Reg. 

7418: July 20 Sum of $188,000 allocated to the Interior Dept. for acqui- 
sition of certain lands within the Colonial National Historical Park, Va., 
for emergency conservation work purposes. I Fed. Reg. 865. 

7419: July 20 Charles Lee Cooke, head administrative officer of the 
Protocol and Conference Division, State Dept., further exempted from 
compulsory retirement provisions until Aug. 1, 1937. 

7420: July 20 William T. Marshall, office man in the Federal Emer- 
gency Administration of Public Works, exempted from compulsory re- 
tirement provisions TOitil Aug. 1, 1937. 

[ 629 ] 


7421 : July 20 Regulations governing the appointment of 1st, 2d and 
3d class postmasters, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Serv- 
ice Act, prescribed. June 1936 CSA 214, June 1937 CSA 215; I Fed. 
Reg. 874. 

7422: July 23 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to position 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VIII [on Agriculture Dept. 
positions], amended to except certain temporary positions in the Forest 
Service. 1936 CSR 28; I Fed. Reg. 885. 

7423: July 26 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination], Subdivision I [on Interior Dept. 
positions], amended as to positions in the Bureau of Indian Affairs. 1936 
CSR 30; I Fed. Reg. 885. 

7424: July 26 Certain described lands in Pope County, 111., transferred 
from the Resettlement Administration to the Agriculture Dept. for use 
as a soil conservation experimental station. I Fed. Reg. 886. 

7425: Aug. 1 Certain Wyoming lands eliminated from the operation of 
E. 0. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for classification, and 
established as the Pathfinder Wildlife Refuge; E. 0. 4860 of Apr. 19, 
1928, revoked. I Fed. Reg. 936. 

7426: Aug. 6 Ronald Ransom appointed vice chairman of the Board of 
Govenors of the Federal Reserve System for a term of four years. Fed. 
Reg. 1019. 

7427: Aug. 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination [Subdivision V], on Navy Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 26 amended to restore certain Naval Academy positions to 
the competitive service. 1936 CSR 28 ; I Fed. Reg. 1019. 

7428: Aug. 11 William E. Cotton, principal veterinarian in the Bureau 
of Animal Industry, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory re- 
tirement provisions until Oct. 1, 1937. 

7429: Aug. 17 Uinta National Forest, Utah, enlarged. I Fed. Reg. 1125. 

7430 : Aug. 17 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved as a lookout 
site in the administration of the Siskiyou National Forest. I Fed. Reg. 

7431 : Aug. 17 George C. Havenner, liaison officer in the Government 
Printing Office, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Oct. 1, 1937. 

7432: Aug. 18 Gertrude Pullman Evans made eligible for a classified 
appointment in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

[ 630 ] 


7433: Aug. 18 Regulations governing employment on student-aid proj- 
ects amended. I Fed. Reg. 1164. 

7434: Aug. 18 E. 0. 6123 of May 2, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked. I Fed. Reg. 1164. 

7436: Aug. 19 Certain described lands in Nevada eliminated from op- 
eration of E. 0. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for classifica- 
tion and reserved as the Winnemucca Migratory Bird Refuge. I Fed. 
Reg. 1164. 

7436: Aug. 21 E. 0. 7305 of Feb. 28, 1936, allocating funds to the Farm 
Credit Administration, amended as to the maximum limits of certain 
crop loans. I Fed. Reg. 1204. 

7437: Aug. 21 Trampealeau Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Wis., estab- 
lished. I Fed. Reg. 1205. 

7438: Aug. 21 Qeorge S. Rice, chief mining engineer in the Bureau of 
Mines, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Oct. 1, 1937. 

7439: Aug. 24 Consular Regulations of 1896 amended as to consular 

7440: Aug. 25 Charles B. Sornborger, assistant chief clerk of the Justice 
Dept. exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Oct. 1, 1937. 

7441 : Aug. 29 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved as lookout 
stations for use in the administration of Siskiyou National Forest. I Fed. 
Reg. 1257. 

7442: Aug. 31 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved as addi- 
tion to a National Guard target range. I Fed. Reg. 1312. 

7443: Aug. 31 Boundaries of Talladega National Forest, Ala., redefined. 
I Fed. Reg. 1312. 

7444: Sept. 7 Harry D. Myers, vice consul and clerk at the Consulate 
General in Panama, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Nov. 1, 1937. 

7445: Sept. 8 Mary M. O'Reilly, assistant mint director in the Treasury 
Dept., further exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Nov. 1, 1937. 

7446: Sept. 11 Regulations governing appointment of employees paid 
from emergency funds amended. June 1937 CSA 173 ; I Fed. Reg. 1351. 



7447: Sept. 11 Duties and the functions delegated to the High Commis- 
sioner to the Philippines in connection with proceedings involving the 
extradition of fugitives from justice. I Fed. Reg. 1351. 

7448: Sept. 12 Certain described lands at Anchorage, Alaska, reserved 
for the War Dept. for use as a receiving station for the Alaska Commu- 
nication System. I Fed. Reg. 1361. 

7449: Sept. 16 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, and Consular 
Regulations of 1896, amended. 

7450: Sept. 17 Government employees in the District of Columbia ex- 
cused from duty until 1 p.m. on Sept. 23, 1936, in connection with the 
parade of the Grand Army of the Republic. I Fed. Reg. 1410. 

7451: Sept. 17 Portion of San Diego Barracks, Calif., transferred from 
control of the War Sec'y to the Navy Sec'y. I Fed. Reg. 1410. 

7452: Sept. 19 Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge, Minn, 
and Wis., enlarged. I Fed. Reg. 1410. 

7453 : Sept. 23 Certain California lands reserved as a lookout station 
for use in Federal and State cooperative forest protection work. I Fed. 
Reg. 1468. 

7454: Sept. 23 E. 0.s 6671 and 6781 of Apr. 7 and June 30, 1934, re- 
spectively, withdrawing certain described lands in Arizona pending re- 
survey, revoked. I Fed. Reg. 1468. 

7455 : Sept. 25 Henry W. Langheim, senior physician in the Indian Serv- 
ice, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Oct. 1, 1937. 

7456 : Sept. 25 Lemuel W. Bean, customs agent in the Treasury Dept., 
exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Oct. 1, 1937. 

7457: Sept. 25 Bernard H. Lane, editor in the Geological Survey, In- 
terior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Oct. 
1, 1937. 

7458 : Sept. 26 Rural Electrification Administration reorganized. I Fed. 
Reg. 1477. 

7459: Sept. 26 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision III [on Treasury Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 7 amended to except certain positions in the Public 
Health Service. 1937 CSR 29; I Fed. Reg. 1478. 

7460: Sept. 26 Henry A. Wiley designated chairman of the Maritime 
Commission. I Fed. Reg. 1491. 



7461 : Sept. 26 Certain described lands at the entrance of Mobile Bay, 
Ala., formerly reserved for military purposes transferred to the Interior 
Sec'y for disposition. I Fed. Reg. 1491. 

7462: Sept. 26 Flag Island, St. George's Sound, Fla., formerly reserved 
for military purposes, transferred to the Interior Sec'y for disposition. 
I Fed. Reg. 1491. 

7463: Sept. 29 Fort Pierce, Fla., abolished as port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 18. I Fed. Reg. 1502. 

7464: Sept. 30 Trust period on Indian allotments expiring Dec. 31, 
1936, or during 1937, extended 25 years. I Fed. Reg. 1507. 

7466: Oct. 6 Under and Assistant Sec'y's of Agriculture and Chief of 
the Weather Bureau designated, in the order named, to act as Agricul- 
ture Sec'y during the latter 's absence; E. 0. 6596 of Feb. 9, 1934, super- 
seded. I Fed. Reg. 1542. 

7466: Oct. 7 Sum of $60,000 allocated to the Agriculture Dept. from 
emergency relief appropriation of 1935, for the acquisition of certain 
lands in the Jefferson National Forest near Bedford, Va., for emergency 
conservation work. I Fed. Reg. 1557. 

7467: Oct. 7 Benton Field Military Reservation, Alameda, Calif., trans- 
ferred to the Navy Sec'y. I Fed. Reg. 1557. 

7468: Oct. 8 James W. Sims, senior naval architect in the Construction 
and Repair Bureau, Navy Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Mar. 31, 1937. 

7469: Oct. 13 Funds available for public projects under the Emergency 
Relief Appropriation Act of 1936 redistributed; allotments for assist- 
ance to educational, professional and clerical persons and for women's 
projects, increased. I Fed. Reg. 1581. 

7470: Oct 15 Consular Regulations, Sees. 428 and 429, of 1896 and 
Diplomatic Instructions, Ch. XIII, Sees. 18 and 19, of 1927 amended as 
to the authentication of documents of record in a public office of a foreign 
country and as to the execution and return of commissions in criminal 
cases. I Fed. Reg. 1625. 

7471: Oct. 16 Certain described lands in California reserved for use of 
Interior Dept. as a gauging station site. I Fed. Reg. 1627. 

7472: Oct. 15 Ruth Hampton, assistant director of the Division of Ter- 
ritories and Island Possessions, Interior Dept., made eligible for classified 
status without regard to Civil Service Rules. 



7473: Oct. 15 Harry Planert, load line supervisor in the Marine Inspec- 
tion and Navigation Bureau, Commerce Dept., exempted from compulsory 
retirement provisions until Nov. 1, 1937. 

7474: Oct. 17 Port limits of Brownsville, Tex., in Customs Collections 
District No. 23 (San Antonio), extended. I Fed. Reg. 1642. 

7475 : Oct. 19 George G. Hedgcock, senior pathologist in the Plant In- 
dustry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., further exempted from compulsory 
retirement provisions until July 1, 1937. 

7476: Oct. 23 Long Tail Point Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Green Bay, 
Wis., established. I Fed. Reg. 1662. 

7477: Oct. 24 William McNeir, chief of the Accounts Bureau, State 
Dept., further exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
May 1, 1937. 

7478: Oct. 24 Adrian J. Pieters, principal agronomist in the Plant In- 
dustry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Dec. 1, 1937. 

7479: Oct. 27 W. C. Mendenhall, Director of the Biological Survey, 
designated to act as Interior Sec'y during the absence of Interior Sec ? y 
and other principal officers of the Interior Dept. I Fed. Reg. 1690. 

7480: Oct. 27 Adolph Kress, chief lithographer in the Geological Sur- 
vey, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until July 1, 1937. 

7481 : Oct. 27 Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and 
Welfare Activities established and duties prescribed. 

7482: Oct. 30 Morehead City, N. C. designated a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 15. I Fed. Reg. 1703. 

7483 : Nov. 2 Income, profits, and capital stock tax returns opened to 
inspection to the Senate Special Committee to Investigate Production, 
Transportation, and Marketing of Wool. I Fed. Reg. 1757. 

7484: Nov. 6 Cedar Keys Bird Refuge, Fla., enlarged. I Fed. Reg. 1758. 

7485: Nov. 6 E. 0. 2124 of Jan. 20, 1915, establishing the Ediz Hook 
Reservation Game and Bird Refuge, Wash., revoked. I Fed. Reg. 1758. 

7486: Nov. 6 Certain described lands in Utah eliminated from operation 
of E. O. 4539 of Nov. 6, 1926, withdrawing lands pending resurvey. 
I Fed. Reg. 1758. 



7487: Nov. 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VII [on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 6 amended to include certain temporary seasonal 
positions. 1936 CSR 29 ; I Fed. Reg. 1758. 

7487-A:Nov. 6 R. Walton Moore, Assistant State Sec'y* designated to 
act as State Sec'y during the latter 's absence. I Fed. Reg. 2031. 

7488 : Nov. 12 Louis N. Robinson designated chairman of the Prison 
Industries Reorganization Board. 

7489: Nov. 14 Winter Elk Refuge, Wyo., enlarged. I Fed. Reg. 1866. 

7490: Nov. 14 E. 0. [4456-A] of June 8, 1926, establishing Reservoir 
Site Reserve No. 17, revoked in part. I Fed. Reg. 1866. 

7491 : Nov. 14 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for use 
of the War Dept. as a target range. I Fed. Reg. 1866. 

7492 : Nov. 14 Albert F. Woods, principal pathologist in the Plant In- 
dustry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Sept. 1, 1937. 

7493: Nov. 14 Administrative acts of the Administrator of the Puerto 
Rico Reconstruction Administration made subject to the control and 
supervision of the Interior Sec'y. I Fed. Reg. 1867. 

7494: Nov. 14 Davis B. Levis, vice consul and clerk in the Consulate 
General at Paris, France, further exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Dec. 1, 1937. 

7495: Nov. 14 Orange, Tex., designated a port of entry in Customs Col- 
lection District No. 21 (Sabine). I Fed. Reg. 1867, 2021. 

7496: Nov. 14 Recreational demonstration projects transferred from the 
Resettlement Administration to the Interior Sec'y- I Fed. Reg. 1946. 

7497: Nov. 17 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, ch. XVI, sec. 
21, and Consular Regulations of 1896, sec. 459, amended as to marriage 
of Foreign Service Officers to persons of alien nationality. I Fed. Reg. 

7498: Nov. 17 Alaska Railroad authorized to engage in ocean and 
coastwise transportation. I Fed. Reg. 1979. 

7499: Nov. 27 Federal employees excused from duty at 1 p.m. on Dec. 
24, 1936, and all day on Jan. 2, 1937. I Fed. Reg. 2140. 

7600; Dec. 3 E. O. 5952 of Nov. 23, 1932, relating to the Army ration, 
amended. I Fed. Reg. 2141. 



7501 : Dec. 3 Santa Barbara National Forest, Calif., renamed Los Padres 
National Forest. I Fed. Reg. 2141. 

7502: Dec. 3 Certain described lands in California reserved as an ad- 
ministrative site for Federal and State cooperative forest protection 
work. I Fed. Reg. 2141. 

7503 : Dec. 3 * Boundaries of Kuwaaohe Military Reservation, Oahu, 
T. H., redefined. I Fed. Reg. 2141. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7504: Dec. 11 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved for use of 
the Plant Industry Bureau of the Agriculture Dept. I Fed. Reg. 2148. 

7505: Dec. 11 Certain described lands in California withdrawn for classi- 
fication and pending legislation to enlarge Lassen National Forest. 
I Fed. Reg. 2149. 

7506: Dec. 11 E. O.S 6122 and 6266 of May 2 and Sept. 6, 1933, respec- 
tively, withdrawing certain described lands in Colorado for resurvey, 
revoked. I Fed. Reg. 2149. 

7507: Dec. 11 E. O. 6075 of Mar. 15, 1933, withdrawing certain de- 
scribed lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked. I Fed. Reg. 2149. 

7508: Dec. 11 Carrabelle, Fla., designated a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 18 (Florida). I Fed. Reg. 2149. 

7509 : Dec. 11 Certain described lands in Montana eliminated from op- 
eration of E. O. 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, withdrawing lands for classifica- 
tion, and reserved as the Fort Peck Game Range. I Fed. Reg. 2149. 

7510 : Dec. 11 Lenore Lake Migratory Bird Refuge, Wash., established. 
I Fed. Reg. 2150. 

7511 : Dec. 11 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from op- 
eration of E. O. 5603 of Apr. 20, 1931, withdrawing lands pending re- 
survey. I Fed. Reg. 2151. 

7512: Dec. 16 Allotment of funds for certain public projects under the 
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936 increased by $12,825,000. 
I Fed. Reg. 2159. 

7513: Dec. 16 Portions of the Roosevelt and Pike National Forests, 
Colo., transferred to the Arapaho National Forest. I Fed. Reg. 2159. 

7514: Dec. 16 Certain described lands in Anne Arundel and Prince 
Georges Counties, Md., reserved as a wildlife experiment and research 
refuge, to be known as the Patuxent Research Refuge. I Fed. Reg. 2159. 



7515: Dec, 16 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved as an addi- 
tion to a National Guard target range. I Fed. Reg. 2160. 

7516: Dec. 16 Elton A. Gongwer, investigator in the General Account- 
ing Office, further exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Jan. 1, 1938. 

7517: Dec. 16 Andre Fourchy, civil engineer in the Coast Guard, fur- 
ther exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Jan. 1, 1938. 

7518: Dec. 16 Frank E. Singleton, chief of the Accounting Service 
Bureau, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Jan. 1, 1938. 

7519 : Dec. 16 Herbert A. Smith, senior forester in the Forest Service, 
Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Jan. 1, 1938. 

7520 : Dec. 18 Certain described lands in Arizona reserved as an addi- 
tion to a National Guard target range. I Fed. Beg. 2172. 

7521: Dec. 21 War, Navy, and Commerce Sec'y's directed to furnish 
vessels to the Coast Guard, which is directed to assist in ice-breaking 
operations in channels and harbors. I Fed. Reg. 2184. 

7522 : Dec. 21 Charles Sheldon Antelope Range, Nev., established on 
certain described lands excluded from the Hart Mountain Antelope 
Refuge. I Fed. Reg. 2184. 

7523: Dec. 21 Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge, Oreg., redefined. I Fed. 
Reg. 2184. 

7524: Dec. 23 Chautauqua Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Mason County, 
111., established. I Fed. Reg. 2212. 

7525: Dec. 28 Robert W. Shumate, carpenter in the Public Health Serv- 
ice, Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Jan. 1, 1938. 

7526: Dec. 29 Effective date of Section 4 of E. 0. 6166 of June 10, 1933, 
transferring certain disbursement functions to the Treasury Dept., fur- 
ther deferred until June 30, 1937. 

7527: Dec. 29 Certain lands at Copper Center, Alaska, eliminated from 
the educational and agricultural reserve established by E. 0. 1030 of 
Feb. 24, 1909. II Fed. Reg. 4. 

7528: Dec. 29 E. 0. 5328 of Apr. 15, 1930, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 4. 



7529: Dec. 29 E. 0. 5343 of May 6, 1930, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Nevada pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 4. 

7630: Dec. 31 Resettlement Administration transferred to the Agricul- 
ture Sec'y. II Fed. Reg. 7. 

7631: Dec. 31 Charles Earle, gardener's helper in the National Park 
Service, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Jan. 1, 1938. 


7632: Jan. 8 Shinnecock Migratory Bird Refuge, Suffolk County, N. Y., 
established. II Fed. Reg. 53. 

7533 : Jan. 11 James E. Tibbitts, administrative assistant in the Navy 
Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Feb. 1, 
1938. • 

7534: Jan. 12 Sitgreaves National Forest, Ariz., diminished and the 
excluded lands reserved for townsite purposes. II Fed. Reg. 63. 

7536 : Jan. 12 Certain described lands in California eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 6119 of May 2, 1933, reserving certain described lands 
pending resurvey. II Fed. Reg. 65. 

7636 : Jan. 12 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 5687 of Aug. 18, 1931, reserving certain described 
lands pending resurvey. II Fed. Reg. 65. 

7637: Jan. 14 Interior Sec'y authorized to lease Alaska lands within 
lighthouse reservation but outside forest reservations for fur farming 
purposes ; E. 0. 5097 of Apr. 20, 1929, superseded. II Fed. Reg. 79. 

7538 : Jan. 19 Delta Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, La., enlarged by 
addition of certain lands in Plaquamines Parish. II Fed. Reg. 110. 

7539: Jan. 19 Certain described lands in Wyoming eliminated from the 
operation of E. 0. 9414 of June 23, 1928, reserving certain lands pending 
resurvey. II Fed. Reg. 111. 

7540: Jan. 22 E. 0. 6550 of Jan. 6, 1934, requiring reports of the alloca- 
tion and obligation of emergency funds, revoked. 

7541 : Jan. 22 Willapa Harbor Migratory Bird Refuge, Wash., estab- 
lished. II Fed. Reg. 133. 

7542: Jan. 22 Certain records of the Railroad Administration trans- 
ferred to the General Accounting Office, the Interstate Commerce Com- 
mission, and the Civil Service Commission. 



543 : Jan. 29 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927 and Consular 
Regulations of 1896 extensively amended. II Fed. Reg. 220. 

544 : Jan. 29 Espanola Administrative Site, N. Mex., created for use 
a the administration of the Santa Fe National Forest. II Fed. Reg. 224. 

545 ; Jan. 29 William H. Ramsey, attorney in the Criminal Division of 
he Justice Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
i\jb. 1, 1938. 

'646 : Feb. 1 Certain Indian subsistence homestead projects transferred 
rom the Agriculture Dept. to the Interior Dept. II Fed. Reg. 231. 

r 547: Jan. 29 Regulations governing payment of losses sustained by 
federal employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation amended. 

T648 : Feb. 5 State Dept., Commerce Dept., Treasury Dept., Agriculture 
Dept., and Federal Communications Commission directed to perform the 
-unctions prescribed for enforcement of the 1929 International Conven- 
;ion for Safety of Life at Sea. II Fed. Reg. 257. 

T549 : Feb. 6 Coast Guard vessels designated to patrol waters frequented 
3V seal herds and sea otter in enforcement of the act of Aug. 24, 1912. 
[I Fed. Reg. 271. 

7550: Feb. 10 * Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 9 excepting the position of tobacco examiner, Customs Serv- 
ice, at Chicago, 111., revoked. 1936 CSR 29 ; II Fed. Reg. 291. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7551 : Feb. 11 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VI [on Justice Dept. positions], 
amended as to Prisons Bureau and Parole Board personnel. 1937 CSR 
30; II Fed. Reg. 324. 

7552: Feb. 11 William H. Long, senior pathologist in the Plant Industry 
Bureau, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Aug. 1, 

7563: Feb. 17 Allotments of funds for certain public projects under the 
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936 increased. II Fed. Reg. 

7554: Feb. 17 Rules and regulations governing the making of loans by 
the Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration amended. II Fed. Reg. 



7555 : Feb. 17 Certain described lands in California reserved as an ad- 
ministrative site for use in the administration of the Lassen National 
Forest. II Fed. Reg. 338. 

7556: Feb. 18 Certain described lands in Alaska excluded from the 
Tongass National Forest and restored to entry. II Fed. Reg. 338. 

7557: Feb. 19 E. 0. 7530 of Dec. 31,^ 1936, transferring the Resettle- 
ment Administration to the Agriculture Sec'y* amended. II Fed. Reg. 

7558: Feb. 23 Certain described lands in Nevada reserved for use by 
the Agriculture Dept. for an erosion control demonstration project. 

7559: Feb. 23 E. 0. 5603 of Apr. 20, 1931, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked in part. II Fed. Reg. 363. 

7560: Feb. 23 E. 0. 6082 of Mar. 25, 1933, withdrawing certain de- 
scribed lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 363. 

7561: Feb. 23 E. 0. 6288 of Sept. 14, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked in part. II Fed. Reg. 363. 

7562: Feb. 27 Sacramento Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Glen and Col- 
usa Counties, Calif., established. II Fed. Reg. 462. 

7563: Feb. 27 Swan Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Chariton 
County, Mo., established. II Fed. Reg. 462. 

7564: Feb. 27 Port limits of St. Paul, Minn., in Customs Collection 
District No. 35, extended to include South St. Paul and West St. Paul. 
II Fed. Reg. 462, 515. 

7565: Feb. 27 Joseph W. Austin, foreman carpenter in the Office of the 
Capitol Building Architect, exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Mar. 1, 1938. 

7566: Feb. 27 William M. Braman, senior topographic engineer in the 
Geological Survey, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Mar. 1, 1938. 

7567: Feb. 27 Charles J. Evans, merchandise appraiser in the Customs 
Bureau, Treasury Dept. exempted from compulsory retirement provi- 
sions until Mar. 1, 1938. 

7568: Feb. 27 Clarence W. Perley, chief of the Classification Division, 
Library of Congress, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Sept. 1, 1937. 



7569 : Mar. 3 Carl F. Jeansen, principal engineer in the Ordnance Bu- 
reau, Navy Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Apr. 1, 1938. 

7570 : Mar. 4 Regulations governing appointment of employees paid 
from emergency funds amended as to appointments made by the Em- 
ployees ' Compensation Commission. II Fed. Reg. 506. 

7571: Mar f 6 John G. koney, sec'y to Customs Court judge, exempted 
from compulsory retirement provisions until July 1, 1938. 

7572: Mar. 9 E. 0. 7513 of Dec. 16, 1936, transferring certain described 
lands from the Roosevelt and Pike National Forests, Colo., to the Arapaho 
National Forest, amended as to certain lands in Clear Creek County. 
II Fed. Reg. 520. 

7573: Mar. 9 Adolph Q. Wolff, associate justice of the Supreme Court 
of Puerto Rico, designated acting judge of the District Court for Puerto 
Rico in the absence of the regular judge. II Fed. Reg. 520. 

7574: Mar. 9 Edward W. Kennard, chief of the Budget and Accounting 
Section of the Accounts Division, Justice Dept., exempted from com- 
pulsory retirement provisions until May 1, 1938. 

7575 : Mar. 13 * Importation of red cedar shingles from Canada limited 
to 1,048,262 squares for the first six months of 1937. II Fed. Reg. 539. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7576: Mar. 15 Schofield Barracks Military Reservation, T. H. modified 
by exclusion of certain described lands restored to the Government of 
the Territory of Hawaii for road purposes and by addition of certain 
other described lands. II Fed. Reg. 539. 

7577: Mar. 19 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927 [Chapter] 
XV, Section 4, and Consular Regulations of 1896, Section 451, on presents 
and testimonials amended. II Fed. Reg. 572. 

7578: Mar. 19 Certain described lands in Alaska excluded from the 
Tongass National Forest and restored to entry. II Fed. Reg. 572. 

7579: Mar. 19 E. O. 5165 of July 26, 1929, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 572. 

7580 : Mar. 19 Frank Hahn, senior administrative assistant in the Geo- 
logical Survey, Interior Dept., exempted from the compulsory retirement 
provisions until May 1, 1938. 

7581 : Mar. 19 Louis A. Simon, supervising architect in the Procurement 
Division, Public Buildings Branch, Treasury Dept., exempted from the 
compulsory retirement provisions until Mar. 19, 1937. 



7582: liar. 20 George W. Hutchison, chief engineer in the Coast and 
Geodetic Survey, exempted from the compulsory retirement provisions 
until June 1, 1938. 

7683 : Mar. 23 Mud Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Marshall County, 
Minn., established. II Fed. Reg. 584. 

7684: Mar. 24 Customs station of Ajo, Ariz., designated a port of entry 
in Customs Collection District No. 26, with headquarters at Nogales. H 
Fed. Reg. 584. 

7686: Mar. 24 E. 0. 6473 of Dec. 4, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked in part. II Fed. Reg. 584. 

7686: Mar. 24 William Gerig, head engineer in the Engineering Dept. 
at Large, War Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement positions 
until Apr. 1, 1938. 

7687: Mar. 27 Certain employees of the National Labor Relations Board 
permitted to acquire a competitive status. II Fed. Reg. 612. 

7688: Mar. 27 Portion of the Fort Shafter Military Reservation, Ka- 
hauiki, Oahu, T. H., restored to the Government of the Territory of 
Hawaii. II Fed. Reg. 612. 

7689: Mar. 27 E. 0. 4914 of June 23, 1928, withdrawing certain de- 
scribed lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked in part. II Fed. 
Reg. 613. 

7590: Mar. 29 E. 0. 6119 of May 2, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in California pending resurvey, revoked in part. II Fed. Reg. 613. 

7591 : Mar. 29 Reinhardt Thiessen, senior research chemist in the Mines 
Bureau, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until June 1, 1938. 

7692: Mar. 29 Etta May Gilley made eligible for appointment in the 
Post Office Dept. 

7693: Mar. 30 Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge, Charlton, Clinch, and Ware 
Counties, Ga., established. II Fed. Reg. 627. 

7694: Mar. 30 Jones Island Migratory Bird Refuge, San Juan Channel, 
Wash., established. II Fed. Reg. 628. 

7696: Mar. 30 Matia Island Bird Refuge, San Juan County, Wash., es- 
tablished. II Fed. Reg. 628. 

7696: Mar. 31 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for military 
purposes. II Fed. Reg. 628. 

[ 642 ] 


7697: Mar. 31 Harry 0. Bailey, meters superintendent in the Office of 
the Capitol Architect, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Apr. 1, 1942. 

7598: Mar. 31 Harry N. Reynolds, wireman in the Office of the Capitol 
Architect, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Apr. 1, 

7599: Apr. 1 E. 0.s 6910 of Nov. 26, 1934, and 6954 of Feb. 5, 1935, 
withdrawing all public lands in certain States for classification, amended 
to exclude from their operation certain school land grants. II Fed. Reg. 

7600: Apr. 7 Tariff of Consular Fees, amended. II Fed. Reg. 673. 

7601 : Apr. 7 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for the purpose 
of providing material for construction and maintenance of public roads 
and other public projects. II Fed. Reg. 674. 

7602: Apr. 9 E. O. 7261-A of Dec. 31, 1935, amending the Instructions to 
Diplomatic Officers of the United States, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 681. 

7603: Apr. 14 E. O. 6795 of July 26, 1934, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked in part. II Fed. Reg. 706. 

7604: Apr. 14 E. O. 6473 of Dec. 4, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked in part. II Fed. Reg. 707. 

7605: Apr. 15 E. 0.s 6807 of Aug. 4, 1934, and 6863 of Oct. 3, 1934, 
withdrawing certain described lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, 
revoked. II Fed. Reg. 709. 

7606: Apr. 16 Joseph P. Kennedy designated chairman of the United 
States Maritime Commission. II Fed. Reg. 709. 

7607: Apr. 19 Lands of the Moapa Division of the Dixie National Forest 
transferred to the Nevada National Forest. II Fed. Reg. 720. 

7608: Apr. 22 E. O. 5596 of Apr. 9, 1931, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Nevada pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 749. 

7609 : Apr. 23 Regulations governing appointment of employees paid 
from emergency funds amended. June 1937 CSA 168 ; II. Fed. Reg. 749. 

7610: Apr. 23 E. O. 6966 of Feb. 8, 1935, excluding certain described 
lands in Alaska from the Chugach National Forest and restoring them 
to entry, amended to redefine homesite No. 20. II Fed. Reg. 749. 

7611 : Apr. 26 Harry C. Armstrong, supervisory examiner in the Patent 
Office, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until May 1, 



7612: Apr. 26 Charles H. Pierce, chief of the Classification Office, Com- 
merce Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
June 1, 1938. 

7613 : Apr. 27 James Robertson, director of the Nautical Almanac Office, 
Naval Observatory, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until June 1, 1938. 

7614: May 11 Certain described lands in Alaska excluded from the Ton- 
gass National Forest and restored to entry. II Fed. Reg. 828. 

7615: May 13 E. 0. 6258 of Aug. 22, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 834. 

7616: May 13 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved for use by 
the Agriculture Dept. for soil erosion control and other land utilization 
projects connected with the Thunder Basin project. II Fed. Reg. 835. 

7617: May 13 Allotments of funds for certain public projects under the 
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936 increased. II Fed. Reg. 

7618: May 18 Vineyard Haven, Mass., abolished as a port of entry in 
Customs Collection District No. 4. II Fed. Reg. 855. 

7619 : May 20 J. V. Taylor made eligible for appointment as senior clerk 
conservationist in the Soil Conservation Service, Agriculture Dept. 

7620: May 24 Certain power site withdrawals in Montana, reserved by 
E. 0.s of June 8, 1909, and July 2, 1910, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 898. 

7621: May 24 Power Site Reserve No. 178, Utah, diminished. II Fed. 
Reg. 898. 

7622: May 29 E. O. 6006 of Jan. 23, 1933, reserving certain described 
lands in Alaska for local water purposes, revoked and said lands reserved 
for use by the Indian Service Hospital at Unalaska. II Fed. Reg. 938. 

7623: May 29 Certain described lands within the Umatilla Federal Irri- 
gation Project, Oreg., reserved for use of the Agriculture Dept. as an 
addition to a field station. II Fed. Reg. 938. 

7624: May 29 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, enlarged. II Fed. Reg. 

7625: May 29 E. O. 5144 of June 25, 1929, withdrawing certain described 
lands in New Mexico pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 939. 

7626 : June 3 Robert F. Kelly, former Foreign Service officer, made 
eligible for reinstatement. 

[644 1 


7627: June 8 E. 0. 6120 of May 2, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in California pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 998. 

7628: June 8 £. 0. 6964 of Feb. 5, 1935, withdrawing lands in certain 
States for classification and other purposes, revoked as to certain de- 
scribed lands in Arkansas, hereby temporarily withdrawn for classifica- 
tion. II Fed. Reg. 998. 

7629: June 8 William T. Marshall, officeman in the Public Works Ad- 
ministration, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Aug. 
1, 1938. 

7630: June 8 E. 0. 7063 of June 5, 1935, pertaining to the retention of 
certain temporary employees of the General Accounting Office, amended. 

7631: June 9 Power Site Reserve No. 451, Ariz., diminished. II Fed. 
Reg. 999. 

7632: June 15 Twenty-four new customs ports of entry in Collection 
Districts Nos. 2, 22, 24, 30, 33, 34, 36 and 38, designated ; two towns in 
District No. 2 (Vermont) detached from the port at St. Albans. II Fed. 
Reg. 1042. 

7633: June 15 William R. Benham made eligible for a classified appoint- 
ment in the Justice Dept. without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7634: June 16 John W. Bailey, Jr., and George Gregg Fuller, former 
Foreign Service officers, made eligible for reinstatement. 

7635: June 16 Edward M. Weeks, letter engraver in the Engraving and 
Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Sept. 1, 1938. 

7636: June 17 E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
Government, waived to permit certain State and local officials to serve in 
the Interior Department as grazing district advisers. II Fed. Reg. 1053. 

7637: June 19 John H. Thomas, assistant solicitor and Appeals Board 
member, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Oct. 1, 1938. 

7638: June 19 William F. Staley, regional law officer in the Solicitor's 
Office, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Aug. 1, 1938. 

7639: June 19 Effective date of certain provisions of E. 0. 6166 of June 
10, 1933, consolidating and reorganizing certain Executive Agencies, de- 



7640: June 21 Effective dates for the code provided for in the Bitumi- 
nous Coal Act of 1937, and for Section 3 of said Act, fixed as June 21, 
1937. II Fed. Reg. 1057. 

7641 : June 22 Functions relating to housing for war needs delegated to 
the Labor Sec'y by E. 0. 2889 of June 18, 1918, transferred to the 
Treasury Sec 'y. II Fed. Reg. 1083. 

7642 : June 22 Burton Smith, chief deputy marshal for the District of 
Maine, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Jan. 1, 

7643: June 22 Bombay Hook Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Kent County, 
Del., established. II Fed. Reg. 1092. 

7644: June 24 Certain employees of the Government operated Star 
Route Service Bureau transferred to the Postal Service. 

7645 : June 24 George G. Hedgecock, senior pathologist in the Plant 
Industry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retire- 
ment provisions until Jan. 1, 1938. 

7646: June 28 Hoffman Philip, ambassador extraordinary and minister 
plenipotentiary to Chile, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Oct. 31, 1937. 

7647: June 28 Certain described lands in Idaho reserved as a rifle range 
for the Nampa Rod and Gun Club, under supervision of the War Dept. 
II Fed. Reg. 1130. 

7648: June 28 Douglas Armstrong made eligible for appointment as 
marshal in the Virgin Islands without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7649: June 29 All Executive Orders, rules and regulations relating to 
employment and expenditures under the Emergency Relief Appropriation 
Acts of 1935 and 1936, made applicable to the Emergency Relief Appro- 
priation Act of 1937. II Fed. Reg. 1136; PWA 79. 

7650: July 1 Moosehorn Migratory Bird Refuge, Washington County, 
Maine, established. II Fed. Reg. 1150. 

7661: July 1 E. O. [4556-A] of June 8, 1926, establishing Reservoir Site 
Reserve No. 17, Pacific Slope Basins, Calif., modified to permit issuance 
and amendment of licenses for transmission lines on certain described 
tracts of land. II Fed. Reg. 1151. 

7652: July 2 E. O. 6361 of Oct. 25, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in California for classification, revoked in part. II Fed. Reg. 1151. 

7653: July 9 E. 0. 5603 of Apr. 20, 1931, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 1182. 



7654: July 9 Jacob Oblock made eligible for appointment as elevator 
operator in the Custodial Service of the Post Office Dept. without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. 

7655: July 12 Deer Flat Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Idaho, estab- 
lished. II Fed. Reg. 1213. 

7656: July IS Potash Reserve No. 7, New Mexico No. 2, modified. II 
Fed. Reg. 1220. 

7657: July 14 George C. de Hart, assistant purchasing officer in the 
Coast Guard store, Brooklyn, N. Y., exempted from compulsory retire- 
ment provisions until Aug. 1, 1938. 

7658: July 15 Fort De Russy Military Reservation, Honolulu, T. H., 
diminished, and the excluded lands restored to the Government of the 
Territory of Hawaii for highway purposes. II Fed. Reg. 1232. 

7659: July 15 Walter B. Luns, postmaster at Dallas, Tex., exempted 
from compulsory retirement provisions until Mar. 1, 1938. 

7660: July 17 Certain per diem and part-time positions paid from cer- 
tain emergency funds exempted from the salary classification ordered by 
E. 0. 6746 of June 21, 1934. II Fed. Reg. 1250. 

7661: July 17 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
subject to non-competitive examination], Subdivision XI, on Navy Dept. 
positions, amended to add Paragraph 3 covering unskilled laborers pro- 
moted to classified positions. 1937 CSR 63; II Fed. Reg. 1251. 

7662: July 17 Certain described lands in Arkansas reserved for use and 
development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with the Magazine 
Mountain project. II Fed. Reg. 1251. 

7663: July 17 Uinta National Forest, Utah, enlarged. II Fed. Reg. 1251. 

7664: July 17 Boundaries of the Seney Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, 
Mich., modified. II Fed. Reg. 1252. 

7665: July 17 Boundaries of Kawaihae Lighthouse Reservation, T. H., 
redefined. II Fed. Reg. 1252. 

7666: July 17 Albert F. Woods, principal pathologist in the Plant In- 
dustry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Sept. 1, 1938. 

7667: July 17 William H. Griflin, senior engineer in the Geological Sur- 
vey, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Aug. 1, 1938. 



7668 : July 19 George T. Summerlin, former Foreign Service officer, 
made eligible for reinstatement. 

7669: July 19 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved for use and 
development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with the Southern 
Otero project. II Fed. Reg. 1261. 

7670 : July 19 Certain described lands in Arkansas reserved for use and 
development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with the Boston 
Mountain project. II Fed. Reg. 1262. 

7671 : July 19 Certain described lands in South Dakota reserved for use 
and development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with the Ifort 
Sully project. II Fed. Reg. 1262. 

7672 : July 19 Certain described lands in Oregon reserved for use and 
development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with the Central 
Oregon Land project. II Fed. Reg. 1263. 

7673: July 19 Certain described lands in North Dakota reserved for use 
and development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with the Billings 
project. II Fed. Reg. 1264. 

7674: July 19 Certain described lands in North Dakota reserved for use 
and development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with the Little 
Missouri project. II Fed. Reg. 1264. 

7675: July 21 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for use 
and development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with the Mills 
project. II Fed. Reg. 1283. 

7676: July 26 Boundaries of the Canal Zone court districts redefined 
and regulations for the administration of the district courts prescribed. 
II Fed. Reg. 1323. 

7677: July 26 Certain described lands in Colorado reserved for use and 
development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with the Weld 
County project. II Fed. Reg. 1324. 

7677-A: July 26 Certain reserve officers of the Army, Navy, and Marine 
Corps, and warrant officers of the Coast Guard, assigned to the War Dept. 
for duty with the Civilian Conservation Corps, and the Sec'ys of War, 
Agriculture, Interior, and Labor requested to cooperate with the Director 
of the Civilian Conservation Corps in carrying out the purposes of the 
Civilian Conservation Corps Act of 1937; Director of the Corps author- 
ized to undertake projects on certain county, municipal, and private 
lands. II Fed. Reg. 1346. 

7678: July 27 Apache Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Apache County, 
Ariz., established. II Fed. Reg. 1325. 



7679: July 30 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision II [on State Dept. positions], 
amended to add Paragraph 4 excepting the chief and two assistant chiefs 
of the Foreign Service Buildings Office. 1937 CSR 60; II Fed. Reg. 1360. 

7630: July 30 E. O. 3741 of Sept. 29, 1922, establishing the Flat Creek 
Reservation, Wyo., revoked, and the lands added to the elk refuge in 
Teton County established by E. O. 2177 of Apr. 21, 1915. H Fed. Reg. 

7681: July 30 Turnbull Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Spokane County, 
Wash., established. II Fed. Reg. 1361. 

7682 : July 30 Milton F. Colburn, carpenter in the Interior Dept., ex- 
empted from compulsory retirement provisions until Aug. 1, 1938. 

7683: Aug. 5 E. 0. 6192 of July 3, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in California pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 1374. 

7684: Aug. 5 E. 0. 6288 of Sept. 14, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 1374. 

7685: Aug. 5 E. 0. 4699 of Aug. 1, 1927, withdrawing certain described 
lands in California pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 1374. 

7686: Aug. 5 E. 0. 7302 of Feb. 21, 1936, transferring certain lands in 
the Virgin Islands from control of the Interior Sec'y to the Navy Sec 'y, 
amended. H Fed. Reg. 1374. 

7687: Aug. 10 Provisions of the Civil Service Retirement Act of 1930 
extended to certain Federal employees on the Isthmus of Panama. II 
Fed. Reg. 1391. 

7688: Aug. 10 E. 0. 3206 of Dec. 30, 1919, establishing the Federal 
Board of Surveys and Maps, further amended to add the Division of 
Maps and Charts, National Archives, to list of organizations entitled to 
membership on said Board. II Fed. Reg. 1392. 

7689: Aug. 12 Interior Sec'y appointed Puerto Rico Reconstruction Ad- 
ministrator, vice Ernest Gruening, resigned. June 1937 CSA 95 ; II Fed. 
Reg. 1403. 

7690: Aug. 13 Stephen B. Soule, senior hydraulic engineer in the Geo- 
logical Survey, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Sept. 1, 1938. 

7691 : Aug. 17 Snake River Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Idaho, estab- 
lished. II Fed. Reg. 1422. 



7692: Aug. 17 Robert C. Merritt, senior civil engineer in the Engineer 
Dept. at Large, War Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Sept. 1, 1938. 

7693 : Aug. 19 Certain described lands in Washington reserved for use 
and development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with the North- 
east Washington project. II Fed. Reg. 1430. 

7694: Aug. 23 E. 0. 5687 of Aug. 18, 1931, withdrawing certain de- 
scribed lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 1442. 

7695 : Aug. 23 Certain described lands in Washington reserved for mili- 
tary purposes. II Fed. Reg. 1442. 

7696: Aug. 23 Regulations governing the grades and ratings of enlisted 
men of the Regular Army for the fiscal year 1938 prescribed. II Fed. 
Reg. 1442. 

7697: Aug. 23 Control over certain lands at Boiling Field, D. C, ad- 
justed between the Army and the Navy. II Fed. Reg. 1443. 

7698: Aug. 28 Carson National Forest, N. Mex., diminished. 

7699: Aug. 28 Nome, Alaska, abolished as a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 31. II Fed. Reg. 1792. 

7700: Aug. 31 Federal employees excused from duty on Sept. 17, 1937, 
150th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution. II Fed. Reg. 1799. 

7700- A : Aug. 31 Income, profits, and capital stock tax returns of in- 
terest to railroads opened to inspection by the Senate Committee on 
Interstate Commerce. II Fed. Reg. 1887. 

7701 : Sept. 3 Importation of red cedar shingles from Canada during last 
six months of 1937 limited to 892,373 squares. II Fed. Reg. 1806. 

7702: Sept. 6 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision IX [on Agriculture Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 6 amended as to assistants to the Secretary in the 
Agriculture Sect's office. 1937 CSR 60; II Fed. Reg. 1826. 

7703: Sept. 10 Jeanne Kavanagh, land patent clerk in the Interior 
Dept., authorized to sign the President's name to land patents. II Fed. 
Reg. 1832. 

7704: Sept. 10 George C. Havenner, liaison officer in the Government 
Printing Office, exempted from the compulsory retirement provisions 
until Oct. 1, 1938. 



7705: Sept. 11 Public Water Reserve No. 159, Calif., established. II 
Fed. Reg. 1848. 

7706: Sept. 11 Port limits of Chester, Pa., in Customs Collection District 
No. 11 (Philadelphia), extended to include certain designated boroughs 
and townships. II Fed. Reg. 1848. 

7707: Sept. 11 Certain described lands in California reserved for mili- 
tary purposes. II Fed. Reg. 1849. 

7708: Sept. 11 E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
Government, waived to permit Roger John Traynor, consulting tax coun- 
sel of the California State Equalization Board, to serve as consulting 
expert in the Treasury Dept. II Fed. Reg. 1849. 

7709: Sept. 16 Lee C. Corbett, principal horticulturist in the Plant In- 
dustry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Feb. 1, 1938. 

7709- A: Sept. 16 National Emergency Council abolished as of Dec. 31, 
1937, and all records and property transferred to the Budget Bureau. 
II Fed. Reg. 1870. 

7710 : Sept. 17 Dr. Winf red Overholser made eligible for appointment as 
superintendent of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Interior Dept., without regard 
to Civil Service Rules. II Fed. Reg. 1870. 

7711 : Sept. 22 John D. Biggers designated administrator of the unem- 
ployment census, and his functions and duties prescribed. II Fed. Reg. 

7712: Sept. 23 Tariff of Consular Fees amended as to fees for travel 
certificates for use in China. II Fed. Reg. 1947. 

7713: Sept. 23 Lake Thibedeau Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Hill 
County, Mont., established. II Fed. Reg. 1947. 

7714: Sept. 23 Charles R. Torbert exempted from compulsory retire- 
ment provisions. 

7715: Sept. 26 Certain provisions of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 
extended to the Virgin Islands. II Fed. Reg. 2008. 

7716: Sept. 29 Trust periods applying to any Indian lands expiring 
during 1938 extended 25 years. II Fed. Reg. 2075. 

7717: Sept. 29 Administrator of Veterans' Affairs directed to cooperate 
with the Director of the Civilian Conservation Corps in carrying out the 
purposes of the Civilian Conservation Corps Act of 1937. II Fed. Reg. 



7718: Oct. 2 Certain income tax returns ordered opened to inspection 
to the National Revenue Dept. of Ottawa, Canada, for the purpose of 
enabling the U. S. Treasury Dept. to administer the provisions of the tax 
convention with Canada. II Fed. Reg. 2088. 

7719: Oct. 8 Ouachita National Forest, Ark., enlarged. II Fed. Reg. 

7720: Oct. 8 Camas Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Jefferson County, 
Idaho, established. II Fed. Reg. 2110. 

7721: Oct. 8 Willapa Harbor Migratory Bird Refuge, Wash., enlarged, 
n Fed. Reg. 2110. 

7722 : Oct. 8 Certain described lands in Alabama reserved for use of the 
Tennessee Valley Authority. II Fed. Reg. 2111. 

7723 : Oct. 8 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn for 
classification to determine their suitability for wildlife refuge purposes. 
II Fed. Reg. 2111. 

7724: Oct. 8 Bitter Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Chaves County, 
N. Mex., established. II Fed. Reg. 2111. 

7725 : Oct. 12 Matthew J. Munster, chief marine engineer in the Immi- 
gration and Naturalization Service, Labor Dept., exempted from com- 
pulsory retirement provisions until Nov. 1, 1938. 

7726: Oct. 12 George T. Summerlin, Foreign Service officer, Class 1, 
exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Nov. 30, 1942. 

7727: Oct. 12 Harry D. Myers, vice consul and clerk at the American 
Consulate General in Panama, further exempted from compulsory retire- 
ment provisions. 

7728: Oct. 14 Mary M. O'Reilly, assistant director of mint in the Treas- 
ury Dept., exempted from compulsorv retirement provisions until Nov. 1, 

7729: Oct. 16 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of 1927, Chapter XV, 
Section 8, amended ; Consular Regulations of 1896, Articles XII and XIII, 
amended, and Sections 58, 196-198, 209-217, and 254, canceled. II Fed. 
Reg. 2237. 

7730: Oct. 19 Marvin M. McLean, associate attorney in the Solicitor's 
Office, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Dec. 1, 1938. 

7731 : Oct. 22 Martin Travieso designated acting judge of the District 
Court for Puerto Rico during the trial of the case of V. S. v. Julio Pinto 
Gandia, et al. II Fed. Reg. 2262. 



732: Oct. 27 Federal housing projects of the Federal Emergency Ad- 
linistration of Public Works transferred to the U. S. Housing Authority. 
Jode Supp 1016; II Fed. Reg. 2324; PWA 80. 

738 : Oct. 27 Robert Dickens, quarterman modelmaker at the Washing- 
on Navy Yard, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
*ov. 1, 1938. 

r734: Nov. 1 Certain described lands in New Mexico reserved for use 
and development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with Taos 
project. II Fed. Reg. 2414. 

7735: Nov. 5 Olive H. Jarrett, clerk in the American Consulate General 
in Mexico, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Jan. 1, 

7736: Nov. 6 B. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
Government, waived to permit municipal officers or employees of St. 
Thomas and St. John, V. I., to be appointed immigrant inspectors for 
said Islands. II Fed. Reg. 2425. 

7737: Nov. 6 Mary G. Bird made eligible for appointment in the Farm 
Credit Administration without regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7738: Nov. 11 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VII [on Post Office Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 6 amended to apply to temporary personnel hired for 
the Christmas season 1937-1938. 1938 CSR 61 ; II Fed. Reg. 2466. 

7739: Nov. 15 E. 6. 6752 of June 28, 1934, amending Schedule A, Sub- * 
division XVIII, Paragraph 13, of the Civil Service Rules, revoked. 1938 
CSR 61 ; n Fed. Reg. 2488. 

7740: Nov. 15 Certain described lands in California reserved for mili- 
tary purposes. II Fed. Reg. 2488. 

7741: Nov. 15 Reservoir Site Reserve No. 17, Calif., diminished. II Fed. 
Reg. 2488. 

7742: Nov. 19 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, enlarged. II Fed. Reg. 

7743: Nov. 19 Certain described lands in Dona Ana County, N. Mex., 
transferred from control of the Agriculture Dept. to the Interior Dept. 
for conservation purposes. II Fed. Reg. 2524. 

7744: Nov. 19 Solicitor of the Labor Dept. designated to act as Labor 
Sec'y during the absence of the Sec'y and Assistant Sec'y. II Fed. Reg. 



7746: Nov. 19 Arthur Snow, assistant director of the Nautical Almanac 
Office, Naval Observatory, exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Dec. 1, 1938. 

7746: Nov. 20 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision I [on the entire classified serv- 
ice], Paragraph 7 as to persons employed in non-contiguous countries and 
possessions amended. 1937 CSR 61; II Fed. Reg. 2533. 

7747: Nov. 20 Waters surrounding San Clements Island, Calif., desig- 
nated a defensive sea area. II Fed. Reg. 2534. 

7748 : Nov. 20 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for Navy 
Dept. purposes. II Fed. Reg. 2534. 

7749: Nov. 22 St. Marks Migratory Bird Refuge, Fla., enlarged! II Fed. 
Reg. 2534. 

7750 : Nov. 23 Adrian J. Pieters, principal agronomist in the Plant In- 
dustry Bureau, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Dec. 1, 1938. 

7751: Nov. 23 Wendell W. Mischler, sec'y to the Chief Justice of the 
Supreme Court, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions indefi- 

7752: Nov. 24 Certain described lands in Washington County, R. I., 
transferred from the Agriculture Dept. to the Commerce Dept. and re- 
served as the Arcadia Fish Hatchery. II Fed. Reg. 2540. 

7753: Nov. 26 Frank L. Boyd, district supervisor in the Alcohol Tax 
Unit, Internal Revenue Bureau, exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Dec. 1, 1938. 

7754: Nov. 26 Luther S. Cannon, chairman of the Review Board of the 
Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Feb. 1, 1939. 

7755: Nov. 26 Charles H. Hastings, chief of the Card Division of the 
Library of Congress, exempte'd from compulsory retirement provisions 
until July 1, 1938. 

7756 : Dec. 1 Certain powers and functions, vested in the President by 
the Act of Feb. 22, 1935, pertaining to petroleum and its products dele- 
gated to the Interior Sec'y; establishment of a petroleum conservation 
division in the Interior Dept. authorized. II Fed. Reg. 2664. 

7757: Dec. 1 Regulations prescribed for administration and enforce- 
ment of the provisions of the act of Feb. 22, 1935, as amended by the act 
of June 14, 1937, pertaining to shipment of petroleum and its products in 
interstate and foreign commerce. II Fed. Reg. 2664. 



7758: Dec. 1 Certain described area in Texas designated as East Texas 
[oil] Field within the meaning of Regulation II of E. 0. 7757 of Dec. 1, 
1937, and Federal Tender Board No. 1 established for the purpose of 
issuing clearance certificates for petroleum and its products transported 
to and from said area. II Fed. Reg. 2669. 

7759: Dec. 1 E. 0.s 7024-B and 7129-A of Apr. 25, 1935, and Aug. 6, 
1935, respectively, pertaining to the shipment of petroleum and its prod- 
ucts in interstate and foreign commerce, revoked and superseded by 
E. 0.s 7757 and 7758 of Dec. 1, 1937. II Fed. Reg. 2670. 

7760: Dec. 3 Certain described lands in Nebraska reserved for use and 
development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with the Pine Ridge 
project. II Fed. Reg. 2679. 

7761 : Dec. 3 Limits of the port of entry of Wilmington, N. C, in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 15, extended. II Fed. Reg. 2679. 

7762: Dec. 3 John W. Woerman, principal engineer in Engineer Dept. 
at Large, War Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions, 
until Feb. 1, 1939. 

7763: Dec. 6 All Federal employees excused from duty on Dec. 24, 1937. 
II Fed. Reg. 2685. 

7764: Dec. 6 Sabine Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, La., established. II 
Fed. Reg. 2750. 

7765: Dec. 6 Ceriain described lands in Washington restored to the con- 
trol of the Interior Sec'y for disposal, and E. 0. 4104 of Nov. 20, 1924, 
transferring said lands from the Interior to the Navy Dept., revoked. II 
Fed. Reg. 2750. 

7766 : Dec. 10 Regulations governing the payment of losses sustained by 
Federal employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation amended. 

7767: Dec. 11 Limits of the port of entry of Buffalo, N. Y., in Customs 
Collection District No. 9 (Buffalo), extended to include Lackawanna, 
Tonawanda, North Tonawanda, and the east bank of the Niagara River 
between Buffalo and Tonawanda. II Fed. Reg. 2773. 

7768: Dec. 11 E. O. 6124 of May 2, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked. II Fed. Reg. 2774. 

7769: Dec. 14 Walter H. Beal, principal chemist in the Experiment Sta- 
tions Office, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until July 1, 1938. 

7770: Dec. 14 Hazen Bay Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Alaska, estab- 
lished. II Fed. Reg. 2832. 



7771 : Dec. 14 Certain described lands in Alaska excluded from the Ton- 
gass National Forest, Alaska, and restored to entry. II Fed. Reg. 2832. 

7772: Dec. 14 E. 0. 5711 of Sept. 14, 1931, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Montana for classification and in aid of legislation, revoked. II 
Fed. Reg. 2832. 

7773: Dec. 21 E. 0. 6957 of Feb. 4, 1935, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Alaska for classification, modified as to certain lands for the 
issuance of a coal prospecting permit to Frank Colobuflfalo. II Fed. Reg. 

7774: Dec. 21 Effective date of certain provisions of E. 0. 6166 of June 
10, 1933, consolidating and reorganizing certain executive agencies, de- 

7775: Dec. 27 Certain described lands in North Carolina transferred 
from the Agriculture Dept. to the Commerce Dept., and reserved as Mc- 
Kinney Lake Fish Hatchery. II Fed. Reg. 2969. 

7776: Dec. 27 E. 0. 7709-A of Sept. 16, 1937, abolishing the National 
Emergency Council, modified to extend the date of such abolition to June 
30, 1938. II Fed. Reg. 2973. 

7777: Dec. 28 Charles Earle, gardener's helper in the National Park 
Service, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Jan. 1, 1939. 

7778 : Dec. 28 Bernard J. Kinnahan made eligible for a classified ap- 
pointment in the Post Office Dept. without examination. 

7779 : Dec. 28 Regulations governing representation and post allowances 
for the Foreign Service amended. 

7780: Dec. 30 Lacassine Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, La., established. 
Ill Fed. Reg. 1. 

7781: Dec. 30 E. 0. 5517 of Dec. 17, 1930, excluding certain described 
lands from the Chugach National Forest, Alaska, amended as to the de- 
scription of said lands. Ill Fed. Reg. 1. 

7782: Dec. 30 Harry C. Dorsey, filing clerk in the Municipal Court of 
the District of Columbia, exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Jan. 1, 1939. 

7783: Dec. 31 E. 0. 1919y 2 of Apr. 21, 1914, reserving certain Alaska 
lands for townsite purposes, modified to permit the Alaska Road Com- 
mission to use certain lands for airfield purposes. Ill Fed. Reg. 10. 

7784: Dec. 31 Aransas Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Tex., established. 
Ill Fed. Reg. 10. 



7784-A:Jan. 5 Architect of the Capitol designated a member of the 
Alley Dwelling Authority; E. 0. 6868 of Oct. 9, 1934, modified accord- 
ingly. Ill Fed. Reg. 51. 

7785: Jan. 8 Regulations governing payment of losses sustained by Fed- 
eral employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation amended. 

7786: Jan. 8 Regulations governing the award of the Distinguished Fly- 
ing Cross amended. Ill Fed. Reg. 39. 

7787: Jan. 10 Power Site Withdrawal No. 20, and Power Site Reserve 
No. 20, diminished. Ill Fed. Reg. 52. 

7788 : Jan. 11 Joseph J. McGuigan, district attorney for the Canal Zone, 
exempted from compulsory retirement provisions indefinitely. 

7789: Jan. 11 David H. Hahn, foreman in the Quartermaster Corps, War 
Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Feb. 1, 

7790: Jan. 12 E. O. 7302 of Feb. 21, 1936, transferring certain described 
lands in the Virgin Islands to the control of the Navy Sec'y, amended. 
Ill Fed. Reg. 82. 

7791 : Jan. 13 Edward B. Russ, chief of the Stenographic Section, State 
Dept., exempted from the compulsory retirement provisions until Mar. 1, 

7792 : Jan. 18 Jurisdiction over certain described lands in New Mexico 
transferred from the Agriculture Sec'y to the Interior Sec'y- HI Fed. 
Reg. 134. 

7793: Jan. 20 E. 0. 6644 of Mar. 14, 1934, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked in part. Ill Fed. Reg. 195. 

7794: Jan. 20 E. 0. 6050 of Feb. 27, 1933, reserving a portion of Tongass 
National Forest, Alaska, for the War Dept. for use as a radio receiving 
station, amended to correct the description of the reservation. Ill Fed. 
Reg. 195. 

7795: Jan. 21 Huron Migratory Bird Refuge, Mich., established. Ill 
Fed. Reg. 195. 

7796: Jan. 21 E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
Government, waived for certain positions in the Interior Dept. Ill Fed. 
Reg. 197. 

7797: Jan. 26 Regulations governing the entry of alien seamen into the 
United States prescribed. Ill Fed. Reg. 216. 



7798: Jan. 26 Portion of the Boise Barracks Military Reservation, Idaho, 
transferred to the Veterans' Administration. Ill Fed. Reg. 217. 

7799: Jan. 27 Lower Souris Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, N. Dak., en- 
larged. Ill Fed. Reg. 222. 

7800: Jan. 27 Certain described lands at Guantanamo, Cuba, transferred 
from the control of the War Sec'y to the Navy Sec'y. HI Fed. Reg. 223. 

7801 : Jan. 28 Black Coulee Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Mont., estab- 
lished. Ill Fed. Reg. 231. 

7802 : Jan. 29 Nathan C. Grover, chief hydraulic engineer in the Geo- 
logical Survey, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Feb. 1, 1939. 

7803: Feb. 2 Certain described lands in Washington reserved as a fire 
lookout station in connection with the administration of the Chelan Na- 
tional Forest. Ill Fed. Reg. 261. 

7804: Feb. 2 Certain described land in the Territory of Hawaii reserved 
for use of the Lighthouse Service. Ill Fed. Reg. 261. 

7805: Feb. 5 E. O. 6897 of Nov. 7, 1934, transferring San Clemente 
Island, Calif., from the control of the Lighthouse Bureau to the control 
of the Navy Sec'y, amended to correct the description of the reservation. 
Ill Fed. Reg. 278. 

7806: Feb. 5 Fort William D. Davis Military Reservation, C. Z., estab- 
lished. Ill Fed. Reg. 278. 

7807: Feb. 5 Power Site Reserve No. 621, Oreg., diminished. Ill Fed. 
Reg. 326. 

7808: Feb. 8 Power Site Reserve No. 661, Oreg., diminished. Ill Fed. 
Reg. 326. 

7809: Feb. 8 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
amended to end the exception of persons employed in the Public Health 
Service on Rocky Mountain spotted fever work. 1938 CSR 61 ; III Fed. 
Reg. 327. 

7810: Feb. 8 Baird Fish Hatchery, Calif., abolished. Ill Fed. Reg. 327. 

7811 : Feb. 9 Regulations governing the appointment of unclassified lab- 
orers, Regulation VIII amended as to reinstatement, in Fed. Reg. 339. 

7812: Feb. 14 E. O. 6179 of June 16, 1933, withdrawing certain de- 
scribed lands in Utah pending resurvey, revoked. Ill Fed. Reg. 383. 



7813 : Feb. 14 Regulations governing navigation of the Panama Canal 
and adjacent waters amended as to the requirements for vessels in ballast 
to receive reduced tolls. Ill Fed. Reg. 383. 

7814: Feb. 15 B. 0. 4430 of Apr. 23, 1926, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Michigan and Wisconsin pending classification, revoked in part. 
Ill Fed. Reg. 384. 

7815: Feb. 15 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision IV, on War Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 10a amended to include positions of chapel organist and choir- 
master at the U. S. Military Academy. 1938 CSR 62 ; III Fed. Reg. 384. 

7816 : Feb. 15 Portion of Amaknak Island, Alaska, transferred from the 
Agriculture Dept. to control of the Navy Sec'y- HI Fed. Reg. 385. 

7817: Feb. 16 Hon. Martin Travieso, associate justice of the Puerto Rico 
Supreme Court, designated acting judge of the U. S. District Court for 
Puerto Rico during the absence or disability of the regular judge. Ill 
Fed. Reg. 422. 

7818: Feb. 17 Port St. Joe, Fla., designated a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 18. Ill Fed. Reg. 435. 

7819 : Feb. 17 George W. Patterson, head chemist at the Naval Powder 
Factory, Indian Head, Md., exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Apr. 1, 1939. 

7820: Feb. 17 Dr. J. Davis Bradfield, medical inspector in the District 
of Columbia Health Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Mar. 1, 1939. 

7821 : Feb. 18 Emory S. Land designated chairman of the Maritime Com- 
mission. Ill Fed. Reg. 435. 

7822: Feb. 25 Importation of red cedar shingles from Canada during 
first six months of 1938 limited to 916,246 squares. Ill Fed. Reg. 474. 

7823 : Feb. 25 Joseph M. Watson permitted to hold a State and a Federal 
position concurrently. 

7824: Feb. 24 Louis A. Simon, supervising architect in the Procurement 
Division, Public Buildings Branch, Treasury Dept., exempted from com- 
pulsory retirement provisions until June 1, 1939. 

7825 : Feb. 26 Harry H. Little, assistant chief of section in the Interstate 
Commerce Commission, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Apr. 1, 1939. 

[ 659 ] 


7826: Feb. 28 Consular Regulations amended as to conditions under 
which American seamen may be discharged in a foreign port by consular 
officers. Ill Fed. Reg. 485. 

7827: Mar. 2 Thomas D. Quinn made eligible for appointment as admin- 
istrative assistant to the Attorney General. 1938 CSR 62. 

7828 : Mar. 3 Canton and Enderbury Islands in the Pacific Ocean placed 
under control of the Interior Sec'y. HI Fed. Reg. 525. 

7829: Mar. 7 E. 0. 5428 of Aug. 20, 1930, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Montana for classification and in aid of legislation, revoked. Ill 
Fed. Reg. 554. 

7830: Mar. 7 E. 0. 5341 of May 2, 1930, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Arizona pending resurvey, revoked in part. Ill Fed. Reg. 554. 

7831 : Mar. 7 Regulations governing commutation of quarters and sub- 
sistence for enlisted men of the various services, amended as to naval 
missions to Brazil and Peru. Ill Fed. Reg. 555. 

7832: Mar. 7 E. 0. 5923 of Sept. 20, 1932, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Oregon pending resurvey, revoked. Ill Fed. Reg. 555. 

7833: Mar. 7 Hewitt Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Phillips County, 
Mont., established. Ill Fed. Reg. 555. 

7834: Mar. 8 Charles W. Franks, chief statistician in the Office of the 
High Commissioner to the Philippines, exempted from compulsory retire- 
ment provisions until Sept. 1, 1940. 

7835: Mar. 11 E. 0. 2184 of Apr. 27, 1915, reserving certain described 
lands in Alaska for townsite purposes, revoked, and lands restored to 
entry. Ill Fed. Reg. 564. 

7836: Mar. 11 Public Water Reserves 12, 77, 82 and 85, N. Mex. and 
Wyo., diminished, and excluded lands restored to public domain. Ill 
Fed. Reg. 564. 

7837: Mar. 12 Regulations prescribed governing cash relief to certain 
employees of the Panama Canal. Ill Fed. Reg. 574. 

7838: Mar. 12 Procurement and supply fund for the Works Progress 
Administration established. Ill Fed. Reg. 575. 

7839: Mar. 12 Certain housing and slum clearance projects transferred 
from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works to the 
Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration. Ill Fed. Reg. 575; PWA 81. 



"840 : Mar. 15 Limits of the port of entry of Philadelphia, Pa., in Cus- 
oms Collection District No. 11 (Philadelphia), extended to include cer- 
;ain specified boroughs and townships in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. 
[II Fed. Reg. 591. 

7841 : Max. 15 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for use by the 
Alaska Railroad. Ill Fed: Reg. 591. 

7842 : Mar. 15 James Roberton, director of the Nautical Almanac Office, 
Naval Observatory, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until June 1, 1939. 

7843 : Mar. 16 William J. Maries, inspector in the Post Office Dept., 
exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Apr. 1, 1939. 

7844: Mar. 18 John G. Honey, sec'y in the Customs Court, exempted 
from compulsory retirement provisions until July 1, 1939. 

7845: Mar. 21 Regulations governing the granting of annual leave to 
Government employees prescribed. Ill Fed. Reg. 612. 

7846: Mar. 21 Regulations governing the granting of sick leave to Gov- 
ernment employees prescribed. Ill Fed. Reg. 614. 

7847: Mar. 21 Certain described lands on Amaknak and Expedition 
Islands, Alaska, reserved for use of the Navy Dept. HI Fed. Reg. 615. 

7848: Mar. 22 Treasury Sec'y designated as official to receive certain 
capital stock of the Reconstruction Finance and Commodity Credit Corpo- 
rations from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, the Sec'y of Agri- 
culture, and the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration, and 
directed to use stockholders' rights on behalf of the United States. Ill 
Fed. Reg. 632. 

7849: Mar. 26 Income, excess profits, capital stock, and certain estate 
and gift tax returns, and returns under Title IX of the Social Security 
Act, opened to inspection. HI Fed. Reg. 639. 

7850: Mar. 26 £. 0. 6087 of Mar. 28, 1933, withdrawing certain de- 
scribed lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked. HI Fed. Reg. 640. 

7851: Mar. 26 Charles V. McLaughlin designated member of the Inter- 
departmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities. 

7852: Mar. 29 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision XI [on Commerce Dept. posi- 
tions], Paragraph 5 amended as to certain employees of the Lighthouse 
Service. 1938 CSR 62; III Fed. Reg. 663. 



7863: Mar. 29 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
subject to non-competitive examination], Subdivision III, Paragraph 4 
amended as to certain employees of the Air Commerce Bureau. 1938 
CSR63;inFed. Reg. 664. 

7854: Mar. 30 E. 0. 6055 of Feb. 28, 1933, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked. Ill Fed. Reg. 681. 

7855: Mar. 30 E. 0. 5089 of Apr. 9, 1929, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Colorado for classification and in aid of legislation, revoked in 
part. Ill Fed. Reg. 681. 

7856: Mar. 31 Rules governing the granting and issuing of passports in 
the United States prescribed. Ill Fed. Reg. 681. 

7857: Mar. 31 • Certain described lands in Puerto Rico no longer needed 
for the purposes of the United States transferred to the Government of 
Puerto Rico. Ill Fed. Reg. 687. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7858: Mar. 31 Attorney General authorized to reject bids for two pieces 
of real estate offered for sale at Savannah, Ga., pursuant to the Trading 
With the Enemy Act of 1917. Ill Fed. Reg. 688. 

7859: Apr. 5 Edward M. Kennerd, chief of the Division of Accounts, 
Budget and Accounting Section, Justice Dept., exempted from compul- 
sory retirement provisions until May 1, 1939. 

7860: Apr. 6 Certain described lands in Minnesota reserved for river 
and harbor improvement purposes. Ill Fed. Reg. 728. 

7861: Apr. 6 Clarence E. Alderman, senior architectural engineer in the 
Quartermaster General's Office, War Dept., exempted from compulsory 
retirement provisions until June 1, 1939.. 

7862: Apr. 7 E. 0. 7387 of June 15, 1936, modified to designate the 
naval reservation established thereby as the Naval Radio Station, Balboa, 
C. Z. Ill Fed. Reg. 734. 

7863: Apr. 7 Frank B. Bourn, chief of the Supplies and Accounts Divi- 
sion, War Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
July 1, 1939. 

7864: Apr. 8 Pea Island Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, N. C, estab- 
lished. Ill Fed. Reg. 735. 

7865: Apr. 12 Regulations governing documents required of aliens en- 
tering the United States, prescribed. Ill Fed. Reg. 753. 



7866: Apr. 14 Certain described lands in Washington County, Ark., 
reserved for use and development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection 
with the Northwest Arkansas project. Ill Fed. Beg. 766. 

7867: Apr. 15 Certain described lands in Louisiana reserved for use and 
development by the Agriculture Dept. in connection with the Claiborne 
Parish project. Ill Fed. Reg. 767. 

7868: Apr. 15 Jurisdiction over certain described lands, mostly con- 
tiguous to or in the vicinity of Indian reservations in Florida, Idaho, 
Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, 
Oregon and Wisconsin, transferred from the Agriculture Sec'y to the 
Interior Sec'y in connection with various projects of the Federal Emer- 
gency Administration of Public Works. Ill Fed. Reg. 767. 

7869: Apr. 18 Income, profits, and capital stock tax returns opened to 
inspection by the Senate Special Committee to Investigate Lobbying 
Activities. Ill Fed. Reg. 783. 

7870: Apr. 19 E. 0. 3345 of Oct. 23, 1920, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Arizona for national monument classification, revoked. Ill Fed. 
Reg. 792. 

7871 : Apr. 19 Thomas G. Shearman, senior attorney in the Agriculture 
Sec'y' 8 Office, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
June 1, 1939. 

7872: Apr. 20 Civil Service Rules, Schedule B [pertaining to positions 
subject to non-competitive examination], Subdivision I, Paragraph 8 
amended as to management and maintenance positions on Federal hous- 
ing projects. 1938 CSR 63; III Fed. Reg. 795. 

7873: Apr. 21 Edwin C. E. Lord, associate petrographer in the Public 
Roads Bureau, Agriculture Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until June 1, 1939. 

7874: Apr. 22 Jessie Scott Arnold made eligible for reinstatement in 
the classified service without regard to length of separation from the 

7875: Apr. 25 Certain described lands in Hot Springs, N. Mex., trans- 
ferred from the control of the Interior Dept. to the Treasury Dept. as a 
site for a federal building, and E. 0. 5389 of July 7, 1930, pertaining 
thereto, modified. Ill Fed. Reg. 816. 

7876: Apr. 26 Charles J. Carlton, letterer and grainer in the Washing- 
ton Navy Yard, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
May 1, 1939. 

[ 663 ] 


7877: Apr. 28 E. 0.s 6814 and 6895-A of Aug. 9 and Nov. 7, 1934, re- 
spectively [governing delivery of silver to U. S. mints under the Silver 
Purchase Act of 1934], revoked. Ill Fed. Reg. 842. 

7878 : Apr. 29 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination, Subdivision III, on Treasury Dept. positions, 
Paragraph 7 amended to end the exception of attendants at maritime 
and border quarantine stations in the Public Health Service. 1938 CSR 
62; III Fed. Reg. 846. 

7879: May 9 Regulations governing annual leave of Government em- 
ployees amended. Ill Fed. Reg. 905. 

7880: May 9 Regulations governing sick leave of Government employees 
amended. Ill Fed. Reg. 905. 

7881: May 9 Power Site Reserve No. 533, Wash., diminished. Ill Fed. 
Reg. 912. 

7882: May 9 Tybee Migratory Bird Refuge, Ga., established. Ill Fed. 
Reg. 912. 

7883: May 9 Certain described lands in California reserved to provide 
material for the construction and maintenance of public roads and other 
public projects. Ill Fed. Reg. 913. 

7884: May 9 Toiyabe Division of the Nevada National Forest and the 
Santa Rosa Division of the Humboldt National Forest, Nev., excluded 
from said Forests and reestablished as the Toiyabe National Forest. HI 
Fed. Reg. 913. 

7885: May 11 Certain described lands at Anchorage, Alaska, placed 
under control of the Treasury Sec'y for use as a Federal building site. 
Ill Fed. Reg. 925. 

7886: May 16 E. 0. 4061 of Aug. 12, 1924, and E. O. 4844 of Mar. 23, 
1928, withdrawing certain described lands in New Mexico pending re- 
survey, revoked in full and in part, respectively. Ill Fed. Reg. 951. 

7887: May 16 Provisions of the Civil Service Retirement Act of 1930 
extended to employees, except those on a per-diem basis, appointed under 
authority of Civil Service Rule II, Section 10. June 1939 CSA 24; III 
Fed. Reg. 951. 

7888 : May 16 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for classifica- 
tion for possible national monument purposes. Ill Fed. Reg. 951. 

7889 :May 16 E. 0. 7520 of Dec. 18, 1936, reserving certain lands in 
Arizona for use as a target range for the National Guard, revoked. Ill 
Fed. Reg. 951. 



7890: May 18 Stanley Searles, editor in the American Ethnology Bu- 
reau, Smithsonian Institution, exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until July 1, 1939. 

7891 : May 18 • Certain described lands in Hawaii restored to the Gov- 
ernment of the Territory of Hawaii for highway purposes, ni Fed. Beg. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7892: May 18 Dr. George F. Bowerman, librarian in the District of Co- 
lumbia Free Public Library, exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Oct. 1, 1939. 

7893 : May 21 Upolo Point Military Reservation, T. H., restored to the 
Government of the Territory of Hawaii for aeronautical purposes, and a 
portion of the Upolo Poiiit Airport and adjacent lands reserved for 
military purposes. Ill Fed. Reg. 989. 

7894: May 23 All power and authority conferred upon the President by 
Section 12 of the Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended, 
delegated to the Attorney General. Ill Fed. Reg. 998. 

7895: May 23 Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge, Oreg., enlarged. Ill 
Fed. Reg. 998. 

7896: May 24 E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county or municipal 
Government waived to permit officers or employees of the Police or 
Prison Depts. of the Virgin Islands to be employed in the office of the 
U. S. Marshal for said Islands. IH Fed. Reg. 1005. 

7897: May 24 E. 0. 5894 of July 26, 1932, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Colorado pending resurvey, revoked in part. Ill Fed. Reg. 1005. 

7898: May 26 Yosemite National Park, Calif., enlarged. Ill Fed. Reg. 

7899 : May 26 Amy G. Maher appointed technical adviser to the Social 
Security Board. 

7900: May 26 John Monroe Johnson and Richard C. Patterson, Jr., 
designated to act as Commerce Sec'y during the absence of said Sec'y. 

7901 : May 31 * Attorney General authorized to sell certain property 
held under the Trading With The Enemy Act of 1917. Ill Fed. Reg. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 



7902 : May 31 Tamarac Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Minn., estab- 
lished. Ill Fed. Reg. 1055. 

7903 : May 31 * Jurisdiction over certain Rhode Island lands trans- 
ferred from the Agriculture Sec'y to the Interior Sec'y for use in con- 
nection with the Beach Pond (recreational demonstration) Project. Ill 
Fed. Reg. 1057. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7904: May 31 Charles H. Hastings, chief of the Card Division of the 
Library of Congress, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Dec. 1, 1938. 

7905: May 31 Lucile Ensmiger made eligible for appointment to a class- 
ified position in the Navy Dept. 

7906: June 6 E. O. 7709-A of Sept. 16, 1937, abolishing the National 
Emergency Council, amended to defer the effective date to June 30, 
1939. Ill Fed. Reg. 1358. # 

* On and after this date Federal Register citations refer to the daily edition, not 
the consolidated edition which was discontinued in June, 1938. 

7907: June 6 Back Bay Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Va., established. 
Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1358. 

7908: June 9 Control over certain types of lands vested in the Agricul- 
ture Sec'y for use, administration and disposition under Title III of the 
Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act of 1937. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1389 

7909 : June 15 * Powers, rights, and duties of the Special Mexican 
Claims Commission terminated. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1423. 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

7910: June 16 Airspace over a certain described portion of the District 
of Columbia set apart for national defense and other Government pur- 
poses, and civil aircraft forbidden to operate therein. HI D. Fed. Reg. 

7911: June 16* Title to certain described public lands of the United 
States in Hawaii transferred to the Government of the Territory of 
Hawaii. IH D. Fed. Reg. 1437. 

• Has form of a proclamation. 

7912: June 16 John H. Thomas, assistant solicitor and Appeals Board 
member, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provi- 
sions until Sept. 30, 1939. 



7913 : June 16 Appointments of certain employees of the General Ac- 
counting Office extended. 

T914 : June 16 David A. Brodie, farm superintendent of the St. Eliza- 
beth 's Hospital, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions for 1 year. 

T915 : June 24 Revision of Civil Service Rules promulgated. 1937 CSR 
48 ; III D. Fed. Reg. 1519. 

T916 : June 24 All positions in the Executive civil service not in the 
competitive classified service, covered into said competitive service with 
certain exceptions. 1938 CSR 58; m D. Fed. Reg. 1526. 

7017: June 25 £. 0. 6166 of June 10, 1933, consolidating and reorgan- 
izing certain executive agencies, amended. 

7018 : June 25 £. 0. 7181 of Sept. 6, 1935, pertaining to appointments 
to certain positions in the Motor Carriers Bureau, Interstate Commerce 
Commission, partially revoked. 

7010 : June 25 Eleanor J. Townsend made eligible for appointment to 
a classified position in the Securities and Exchange Commission without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

7020: June 29 Irene M. Mori made eligible for appointment to a classi- 
fied position. 

7921 : June 30 Quetico-Superior Committee, created by E. 0. 6783 of 
June 30, 1934, extended for four years. HI D. Fed. Reg. 1625. 

7922: June 30 Treasury Sec'y directed to convert the Coast Ouard Per- 
sonnel Board annually. 

7923: July 2 Ruby Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Nev., estab- 
lished. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1639. 

7924: July 5 E. 0. 6908 of Nov. 21, 1934, certain described lands in 
Alaska withdrawing revoked, and said lands opened to entry under 
the homestead laws applicable to Alaska only by qualified ex-service 
men, from Sept. 6 through Dec. 5, 1938, and thereafter to appropriation 
by the general public under any applicable land law. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 

7925: July 5 Salt Plains Wildlife Refuge, Okla., enlarged. Ill D. Fed. 
Reg. 1640. 

7926: July 7 Wheeler Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Ala., established. 
Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1669. 

[ 667 ] 


7927: July 14 Instructions to Diplomatic Officers and the Consular Reg- 
ulations ordered consolidated into one set of regulations to be. known 
as the Foreign Service Regulations of the United States. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 

7928: July 14 St. Petersburg, Fla., designated a port of entry in Cus- 
toms Collection District No. 18. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1749. 

7929 : July 14 Ernest P. Rands, technical advisor in the General Land 
Office, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until July 31, 1939. 

7930: July 14 William H. Griffin, senior engineer in the Geological 
Survey, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until July 31, 1939. 

7931 : July 14 Marion C. Hargrove, purchasing officer for the Govern- 
ment of the District of Columbia, exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Nov. 30, 1939. 

7932 : July 14 Ulysses S. Shewmaker, administrative assistant in the 
Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants Publication Section, Treasury 
Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Sept. 30, 

7933: July 14 Unexpended funds of the Air Commerce Bureau trans- 
ferred to the Civil Aeronautics Authority. 

7933-A : July 14 Income, profits, and capital stock tax returns opened 
to inspection by the House Special Committee on Un-American Activi- 
ties. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1943. 

7934: July 16 Certain employees of Federal Emergency Administra- 
tion of Public Works transferred to the Housing Authority. 

7935: July 16 J. Humbird Smith, market master in the District of 
Columbia Dept. of Weights, Measures, and Markets, exempted from 
compulsory retirement provisions until July 31, 1939. 

7936: July 30 Thomas A. Jaggar, Jr., principal scientist in the Na- 
tional Park Service, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retire- 
ment provisions until July 31, 1939. 

7937: Aug. 2 West Sister Island Migratory Bird Refuge, Ohio, estab- 
lished. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1943, 2047. 

7938: Aug. 2 E. O. 3406 of Feb. 13, 1921, Paragraph 72, withdrawing 
certain described lands for the Warm Springs Bay Lighthouse Reserve, 
Alaska, amended to correct the description of said lands. Ill D. Fed. 
Reg. 1944. 

[ 668 ] 


7939: Aug. 2 E. 0. 5886 of July 12, 1932, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked in part. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 

7940 : Aug. 2 Certain described lands within the Coronado National 
Forest, Ariz., transferred to the Treasury Dept. for use as a customs- 
immigration inspection station. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1944. 

7941: Aug. 2 Fort Tyler Migratory Bird Refuge, N. Y., established. 
Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1945. 

7942: Aug. 2 Employment of certain examiners and other experts in 
connection with the Temporary National Economic Committee author- 
ized without regard to Civil Service Rules. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1945. 

7943 : Aug. 2 Retention of certain employees of the National Bituminous 
Coal Commission authorized. 

7944: Aug. 4 E. 0. [9] of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees 
from holding office under any State, Territorial, county, or municipal 
Government, waived to permit employees of the Grazing Division, of the 
Interior Dept., to accept appointments as deputy fire wardens and dep- 
uty fish and game wardens under the laws of the states in which such 
employees may be on duty. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1945. 

7945: Aug. 4 Edward M. Weeks, letter engraver in the Engraving and 
Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement 
provisions until Aug. 31, 1939. 

7946: Aug. 9 Importation of red cedar shingles from Canada during 
last six months of 1938 limited to 864,881 squares. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1965. 

7947: Aug. 9 Del Bonita, Mont., designated a port of entry in Customs 
Collection District No. 33 (Montana and Idaho). Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1965. 

7948 1 Aug. 9 Charles L. Parker, deputy marshal of the Canal Zone, ex- 
empted from compulsory retirement provisions until Aug. 31, 1938. 

7949: Aug. 9 Stephen W. Hamilton, deputy customs collector in the 
Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until 
Aug. 31, 1939. 

7950: Aug. 9 William H. Egberts, chief anthropology preparator in the 
National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, exempted from compulsory 
retirement provisions until Sept. 30, 1938. 

7951: Aug. 12 Certain described lands in Arkansas reserved as forest 
fire lookout tower site. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1995. 



7952: Aug. 12 E. 0. 5341 of May 2, 1930, withdrawing certain lands in 
Arizona pending resurvey, revoked. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1995. 

7963: Aug. 12 Lake Isom Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Tenn., estab- 
lished. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 1995. 

7964: Aug. 12 Frank S. Smith, special agent in the Federal Investiga- 
tion Bureau, Justice Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provi- 
sions until Sept. 30, 1939. 

7955: Aug. 13 Regulations governing payment of losses sustained by 
Federal employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation amended. 
Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2015. 

7956: Aug. 19 Employment until Feb. 1, 1939, of personnel with funds 
allotted under the Public Works Administration Act of 1938, authorized 
without regard to Civil Service Rules. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2047. 

7957: Aug. 19 Cape Meares Migratory Bird Refuge, Oreg., established, 
m D. Fed. Reg. 2047. 

7968: Aug. 19 Samuel J. Gompers, chief clerk in the Labor Dept., ex- 
empted from compulsory retirement provisions until Sept. 30, 1939. 

7959: Aug. 22 Certain personnel, property, and funds transferred from 
the Commerce Dept. and Interstate Commerce Commission to the Civil 
Aeronautics Authority. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2071 ; Code Supp 1213. 

7960: Aug. 22 Reservoir Site Reserve No. 20, Tongue River, Mont., es- 
tablished. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2072. 

7961: Aug. 22 E. O. 1919y 2 of Apr. 21, 1914, withdrawing certain de- 
scribed lands in Alaska for townsite purposes, revoked in part. Ill D. 
Fed. Reg. 2072. 

7962: Aug. 22 E. 0. 4601 of Mar. 1, 1927, prescribing regulations for 
award of the Distinguished Flying Cross, further amnded for Lt. R. L. 

7963: Aug. 29 Initial appointment to certain executive positions in the 
Wages and Hours Division, Labor Dept., without compliance with the 
competitive requirements of the Civil Service Rules, authorized. Ill D. 
Fed. Reg. 2105. 

7964: Aug. 29 Regulations relating to instruction of citizens of the 
other American republics at educational institutions maintained and ad- 
ministered by the United States prescribed. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2105. 

[ 670 ] 


7965: Aug. 29 Regulations to effectuate Articles I and II of the conven- 
tion between the United States and Mexico, concluded Oct. 6, 1936, per- 
taining to stolen motor vehicles of all types, prescribed. Ill D. Fed. 
Reg. 2106. 

7966: Aug. SO Kentucky Woodlands Wildlife Refuge, Ky., established. 
Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2137. 

7967: Aug. 30 Moosehorn Migratory Bird Refuge, Maine, enlarged. Ill 
D. Fed. Reg. 2138. 

7968: Sept. 3 Foreign Service Regulations, Chapter V, extensively 
amended. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2185. 

7969: Sept. 10 Power Site Reserve No. 730, Oreg., diminished. Chapter 
XIII, Sections 9-17; Chapter XX, Part I; Articles XXV, XXVI, and 
XXVII, Part II; and Chapter XXIV, Section 461, Part II, canceled. Ill 
D. Fed. Reg. 2233. 

7970: Sept. 12 Regulations governing the grades and ratings of Army 
enlisted men for the fiscal year 1939 prescribed. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2235. 

7971 : Sept. 12 Montezuma Migratory Bird Refuge, N. Y., established. 
Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2235. 

7972: Sept. 15 Regulations governing payment of losses sustained by 
Federal employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation amended. 
Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2249. 

7973 : Sept. 15 Joseph H. Wheat, topographic engineer in the Geological 
Survey, Interior Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Sept. 30, 1939. 

7974: Sept. 16 Alfred R. Gould, geometric lathe operator in the Engrav- 
ing and Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory 
retirement provisions until Oct. 31, 1939. 

7975: Sept. 16 Jurisdiction over certain described lands in New Mexico 
transferred from the Agriculture Sec'y to the Interior Sec'y. Ill D. Fed. 
Reg. 2252. 

7975- A: Sept. 16 Thirteen specified Independent Establishments and 
Agencies directed to establish divisions of personnel supervision and man- 
agement. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2271. 

7976 : Sept. 19 Union Slough Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Iowa, es- 
tablished, m D. Fed. Reg. 2261. 

7977: Sept. 19 St. Marks Migratory Bird Refuge, Fla., enlarged. Ill 
D. Fed. Reg. 2262. 



7978: Sept. 10 George Middleton, senior commodity specialist for tfe 
Tariff Commission, exempted from compulsory retirement proviskw 
until Sept. 30, 1939. 

7070: Sept. 26 Cerro Pelado Ammunition Depot Military Reservation 
C. Z., established. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2322. 

7980: Sept. 29 Effective date of Section 4 of £. O. 6166 of June 10, 
1933, transferring certain disbursement functions now exercised by U. & 
marshals under the Justice Dept. to the Treasury Dept., deferred to 
Dec. 31, 1938. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2359. 

7981 : Sept. 20 Civil Service Rules, Schedule 8 [pertaining to positions 
subject to noncompetitive examination], Subdivision IV on positions, 
amended to add Paragraph 5 to include unclassified laborers promoted 
to classified positions in the Ordnance Dept. at Large. 1938 CSR 73; 
III D. Fed. Reg. 2359. 

7982: Sept. 30 Herman G. A. Brauer, senior commercial policy analyst 
for the Tariff Commission, exempted from compulsory retirement pro- 
visions until Sept. 30, 1939. 

7983: Oct. 4 Breton Bird Refuge, La., established. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 


7084: Oct. 7 Trust periods on Indian lands expiring during 1939 ex- 
tended for 25 years. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2435. 

7986: Oct. 8 Airspace reservation over certain areas in Maryland es- 
tablished; E. O. 5211 of Oct. 19, 1929, superseded. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2435. 

7086: Oct. 8 Certain described lands in Idaho transferred from the 
Lemhi and Targhee National Forests to the Salmon and Challis National 
Forests. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2436. 

7987: Oct. 11 Dr. Thomas Parren designated member of the Interde- 
partmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities. 

7988: Oct. 12 Ada Tanner, junior administrative assistant in the Office 
of the Treasurer, exempted from the compulsory retirement provisions 
until Oct. 31, 1939. 

7989 : Oct. 15 Francis T. Leahy, deputy collector of customs, exempted 
from the compulsory retirement provisions until Oct. 31, 1939. 

7900: Oct. 10 Aubrey Williams designated member of the Interdepart- 
mental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities. 



7991 : Oct. 21 P. Julian Latham, Coast Guard principal civil engineer, 
exempted from the compulsory retirement provisions until Nov. 30, 1939. 

7992: Oct. 25 E. 0. 3674 of May 17, 1922, reserving certain lands in 
Wyoming lands for the Du Bois Rifle Club, revoked. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 

7993: Oct. 27 Great White Heron Bird Refuge, Fla., established. Ill D. 
Fed. Reg. 2581. 

7994: Oct. 27 Okenfenokee Wildlife Refuge, Ga., diminished. Ill D. 
Fed. Reg. 2581. 

7995: Oct. 28 William S. Garland, civil engineer in the Aeronautics 
Bureau, Navy Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Jan. 31, 1940. 

7996: Oct. 28 Wallace Streater, senior attorney in the Internal Revenue 
Bureau, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions until Nov. 30, 

7997: Oct. 28 Andrew M. Smith, assistant chief of the Division of Book- 
keeping and Warrants, Treasury Dept., exempted from compulsory re- 
tirement provisions until Oct. 31, 1939. 

7998 : Oct. 29 Interdepartmental Committee on Printing and Processing 
established. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2603. 

7999: Oct. 31 Records and property of the Office of Administration of 
the Census of Partial Employment, Unemployment, and Occupations, 
established by E. O. 7711 of Sept. 22, 1937, transferred to the Commerce 
Sec'y; from specified employees made eligible for transfer to appropri- 
ate classified positions without regard to Civil Service Rules. Ill D. Fed. 
Reg. 2603. 

8000 : Nov. 1 * Boundaries of the Molokai Lighthouse Reservation, 
Island of Molokai, T. H., redefined. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2615. • 

* Has form of a proclamation. 

8001 : Nov. 2 Certain described lands in Florida transferred from the 
Agriculture Dept. to the Commerce Dept. and reserved as the Welaka 
Fish Hatchery. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2633. 

8002 : Nov. 7 Harry Pearl, architect in the War Dept., exempted from 
compulsory retirement provisions until July 31, 1939. 

8003: Nov. 10 Public Water Reserves 12, 24 and 114, Wyo., Ariz., and 
Calif., diminished. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2679. 



8004: Nov. 11 Certain described lands in California reserved for use of 
the Navy Dept. 

8005: Nov. 12 Income and Profits tax returns after June 16, 1933, and 
returns under Title IX of the Social Security Act of 1935, opened to in- 
spection. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2679. 

8006 : Nov. 14 Income and Profits tax returns opened to inspection to 
the Special Joint Committee Investigating the Tennessee Valley Author- 
ity, in D. Fed. Reg. 2680. 

8007: Nov. 18 Civil Service Rules, Schedule A [pertaining to positions 
excepted from examination], Subdivision VII on Post Office Dept., Para- 
graph 6 amended to be applicable to certain temporary employees of 
the Postal Service required for work during the holiday season from 
Nov. 15, 1938, to Jan. 15, 1939. 1939 CSR 73; III D. Fed. Reg. 2733. 

8008: Nov. 17 Name of Big Lake Reservation, Ark., changed to the 
Big Lake Migratory Bird Refuge and enlarged. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2747. 

8009: Nov. 18 Public Water Reserve No. 160, Calif., Idaho, Oreg. and 
Wyo. established. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2755. 

8010: Nov. 18 Reservoir Site Reserve No. 21, Cache Creek, Calif., es- 
tablished, in D. Fed. Reg. 2756. 

8011 : Nov. 19 Arthur H. Chase senior ordnance engineer in the Navy 
Dept., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions for one year. 

8012 : Nov. 25 Sarah William Reed made eligible for appointment to 
a classified position in the Navy Dept. without regard to Civil Service 

8013 : Nov. 25 Waubay Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, S. Dak., enlarged. 
Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2783. 

8014: Nov. 26 Certain described lands at the Circle, Hot Springs, Fort 
St. Michael and Iditarod Military Reservations, Alaska placed under the 
control of the Interior Sec'y for disposal. Ill Fed. Reg. 2800. 

8015: Nov. 30 Boundaries of the Union Slough Migratory Waterfowl 
Refuge, Iowa, redefined. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2821. 

8016 : Dec. 1 Foreign Service Regulations, Chapter XI, amended as to 
the negotiation of treaties; Chapter IX, Sections 1-7, Part I, cancelled. 
Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2847. 

8017: Dec. 2 E. O. 6672 of Apr. 7, 1934, withdrawing certain described 
lands in Wyoming pending resurvey, revoked. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 2861. 

[ 674 ] 



8018 : Dec. 2 Regulations governing payment of losses sustained by Fed- 
eral employees abroad due to foreign currency appreciation amended. 
Ill D. Fed. Beg. 2861. 

8019: Dec. 2 George M. Lewis, employee in the Office of the Collector 
of Taxes for the Government of the District of Columbia, exempted from 
compulsory retirement provisions for one year. 

8020: Dec. 2 Certain described lands in Alaska reserved for the War 
Dept., for flood control purposes in connection with the Tanana River and 
Chena Slough project. 

8021 : Dec. 5 Certain described lands in Wyoming reserved as a lookout 
station for the Medicine Bow National Forest, Mont. Ill Fed. Beg. 2883. 

8022 : Dec. 6 Federal employees excused from duty Dec. 24 and 31, 
1938. Ill D. Fed. Beg. 2883. 

8023: Dec. 6 E. O. 4683 of July 4, 1927, withdrawing certain lands in 
Alaska lands for townsite purposes, modified to permit entry on said 
lands under the act of Mar. 3, 1891. Ill D. Fed. Beg. 2883. 

8024: Dec. 9 Percy A. Baker, superintendent of buildings and grounds 
at Ellis Island, N. Y., exempted from compulsory retirement provisions 
until Dec. 31, 1939. 

8025: Dec. 19 Floyd A. Mclllvaine, executive sec'y of the Panama 
Canal, exempted from compulsory retirement provisions for one year. 

8026: Dec. 23 Effective date of Section 4 of E. O. 6166 of June 10, 1939, 
transferring certain disbursement functions to the Treasury Dept., de- 
ferred until June 10, 1939, with respect to disbursement by U. S. 

8027: Dec. 23 Appointments to certain executive and policy-forming po- 
sitions in the Wage and Hour Division, Labor Dept., authorized without 
regard to Civil Service Rules. 

8028: Dec. 24 Title of Executive Director of National Youth Adminis- 
tration changed to Administrator. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 3161. 

8029: Dec. 27 Regulations governing documents required of aliens en- 
tering the United States prescribed. Ill D. Fed. Reg. 3177. 

): Dec. 29 Cochetopa National Forest, Colo., diminished and ex- 
cluded lands transferred to the Rio Grande National Forest, N. Mex. 
Ill D. Fed. Reg. 3187. 


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