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Full text of "Proceedings of the Second Imperial Klonvocation of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, held in Kansas City, MO in September 1924."

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Sept. Z3> 24, 15 and 2.6, 1924 






I ginning of First Day's Session, September 13, 1914 9 

< kx ning Prayer and Devotional Address 9 

By Klansman Sam H. Campbell. 

jiddress of Welcome on behalf of Kansas City * 6 

Actress of Welcome on Behalf of the Klansmen of Missouri 18 

By Klansman George C McCarron, Grand Dragon. 

\ in. neanism Applied • ■ • ■ ■ 10 

An Inspirational Address by Klansman Clifford Walter, Governor of Georgia. 

\ mcrica at the Cross-Roads 3° 

An Inspirational Address by a Distinguished Klansman. 

Program of the Klonvokation - ■ ■ ■ 4 1 

nning of the Second Day's Session, September 24, 1914 44 

persi >nnel of the Various Committees. 5° 

1 hi Kkin of Yesterday and of Today. . . . . ■ 34 

An Address by the Imperial Wizard, Dr. H. W. Evans. 

1 • I ■ ni mental Report. ■ 5 

By the Imperial Wizard, Dr. II. W. Evans. 

U 1 1 .01 ( of the Legal Department 93 

By the Imperial Klomel, Paul 5*. Etkmdgt. 

,,rt of the Committee on the Imperial Klonsel's Report 98 

1 ,| 1 of the imperial Kligrapp ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ TO ° 

liy Klansman H. K. Ramsey. 

Uporc oJ Che < lommittee on the Imperial Kligrapp's Report 105 

^itinninffoi ch< Third Day' 8 Session, September 15, 1914.. • toy 


Report of the Women of the Ku Klux Klan • ■ - lJO 

By Klansman]. A. Comer. 

Report of the Committee on the Women of the Ku Klux'Klan... . 114 
American Women 

An Inspirational Address by Miss Robbie Gill, Imperial Commander of the 
Women of the Ku Klux Klan. 

Report of the Insurance Department ■ • r 3° 

By Klansman Z. E. Marvin. 

Report of the Committee on the Insurance Department 135 

Let the Fiery Cross Be'Burning *3 6 

Adopted as the Khnvokation Song, Composed by Judge Henry A. Grady, of 
North Carolina. 

I The Klan of Tomorrow - • ! ■ ■ i 4° 

An Inspirational Address by Dr. H. W. Evans, Imperial Wizard. 

The Klan Spiritual. ■ ■ ■ ■ J 55 

An Inspirational Address by Dr. H. W. Evans, Imperial Wizard. 


Report of the Finance*Committee r 73 

By Klansman Ralph H. Cameron, Chairman. 

Beginning'of Fourth Day' session 'September 16, 1924 195 

Report of th/lmperial Klabee ■ z 99 

By Klansman Sam H. V enable. 

Reporrof the'Committee'on thejtmperial Klabee's Address 200 

Report, of the" Accounting Department. . . . , - 101 

By Klansman N. N. Furney, Cashier. 

Report of the'CommitteeWthe Cashier's Address 203 

1 Report of the Imperial Klazik 10 4 

By Klansman Brown Harivsod. 

Report of thc'Committcc on*th< Emperial [Clazik's Addrcs; ... ^07 


|i port of the National Lecture Bureau 208 J 

By Klansman Albert E. Hill, Director. j 

Lpi irt of the Committee on the National Lecture Bureau 2.10 

1 1 j )i >rt of the Industrial Plants X11 

Bj &ansman T. J. McKinnon, Manager. 

1 1 j ii >ri of the Junior Ku Klux Klan 2 - I 3 

By Klansman Paul A. Foock, National Director. 

V. , 1 11 irt of the Committee on the Junior Ku Klux Klan 2.17 

1 pi .11 of the Extension Department. ilS 

By Klansman N. N. Furney. 

K M h .1 1 of the Committee on the Extension Department 2.21 

\ Holy Crusade. * x ^ 

An Inspirational Address by Dr. H. XV. Evans, Imperial Wizard. 

riii Reformation a Reality ^37 

An Inspirational Address by a Distinguished Klansman. 



/T was announced at Kansas City that tin entire proceedings 
of the Klonvokation would be sent to the Klansmen of 
the nation within a few days. That announcement was un- 
fortunate, for the reason that no publication of dimensions 
can be properly executed within so brief a period. Moreover, 
the new office now being opened in Kansas City has, since the 
Klonvokation, absorbed much of your Kligrapfs time. 

The Kknvokation, from beginning to end, was enthusiastic, 
livery pointed utterance was received with hearty applause. 
However, applause in print — especially in pointed argumenta- 
tive or impassioned address— has a tendency to diminish, 
rather than to enhance, the reader s interest, Hence the applause 
noted by the stenographers, in reporting the principal messages, 
has been eliminated, 


Imperial Kligrapp. 




SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1924 

Klansman Gail S< Carter. "We will all stand and sing America. 
After the singing of America, the Imperial Wizard and his Kloncilium 
will tome down the center aisle. You will all stand, with the sign 
n cting, as he enters with his Kloncilium— in silence, please." 

I The Imperial Wizard and his Kloncilium enter the hall?) 

klausman Gail S. Carter. "Please stand, and we will sing On- 
( . hristian So Idiers 

I On ward Christian Soldiers.*) 

I lansman Carter. "We will remain standing while Klansman Sam 

I impbell leads us in prayer." 

I lansman Sam Campbell. "Oh, God, our Heavenly Father, we 

i . i ma- that we can call Thee Father, and we realize that the very name 

|.|< nds for us as we come to the Mercy Seat, because it is the joy and 

|.|. imurc and privilege of a father to provide for his children. We 

I Thee, our Heavenly Father, that Jesus Christ taught us this 

r< lationship we have with Thee. We recall how our earthly 

hthcrs cared for us in childhood; how they prayed for our welfare; 

in the stillness of the night, when we were awakened by a 

| .< luful dream and would cry out in terror and father's hand would 

I nd upon us and calm us and bring us peace and sleep again. We 

I .11 how our earthly fathers planned a home for us, a place where 

Id abide and enjoy that sweet relationship. Oh God, our 

we realize our needs as we come to Thee today. We pray for 
I i. ■ l)i\ inc Spirit to brood over us and give unto us a conscienceness 
I 1 1 1 v Divine presence as we meet here in this Klonvokation. We 
. i, m.i rhec, our 1 [eavenly Father, for the blessings of the past. We 
I I In c for the victory Thou hast given to us, thus far. We be- 
lli al Thou hast been leading us throughout the nation, and we 
i, , ■ . U j veri to Thee the praise and the glory. 

(t We thank Thee, our Heavenly Father, for our Imperial Wizard; 
we love him for his work's sake; a ad we have followed him through 
the months with our prayers. We have asked God to guide him that 
he might walk with Jesus Christ, as the two walked with Him on 
the way to Emmaus, when their hearts burned within them; and, our 
Father, we have prayed that the Klansmen of the nation might follow 
him as he walks with Jesus. Oh God, we pray for every blessing upon 
him. We ask that Thou wilt enable him to feel Thy Divine presence, 
and that each of us may realize that as we follow him in his leader- 
ship God is directing us in all our ways. We pray for Thy blessings 
upon his official family, that each member may be consecrated to God 
and to His service. We pray that the one passion in every soul may be 
that God shall be honored in this great movement, and that Jesus 
Christ may be crowned King of kings and Lord of lords in every 
heart and in every life. Oh, God, we pray, in the opening of this 
Klonvokation, that Thou wilt brood over us and make us to be silent 
in Thy presence, and that each man here may strip himself of every 
selfish ambition, every desire except the one desire to do the will of 
God throughout this Klonvokation. Oh, God, lead us, we pray Thee. 

"And now, as we wait in Thy presence, we turn the listening ear 
and soul toward Heaven and humbly ask God to speak to us. Lord, 
speak to us as Thou didst speak to the Disciples in the upper chamber 
at Jerusalem. Give us the message Thou wouldst have us deliver to 
the nation, and through the nation to the world. Oh, God, save 
America, and through America save the world. Our Father, we pray 
now that Thou wilt make each of us to realize Thy presence and Thy 
blessings; and in every committee to be appointed and in all the work 
to be attempted, wilt Thou guide and direct and give us the victory 
in this Klonvokation and throughout life. We ask it all in Jesus' 
name, and for His sake, Amen." 

Klansman Campbell continued: 

"I have been requested to conduct the devotional exercises, and one 
request made of me is that I read the twelfth chapter of Romans. I 
am going to read from a new version, because I believe it gives to us a 
clearer meaning and new light upon this great chapter that will bring 
us closer to God. I am going to read from Weymouth's translation: 

i. I plead with you therefore, brethren, by the compassion of God, to present all 
your faculties to Him as a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to Him. This with you 
will be an act of reasonable worship. 

x. And do not follow the customs of the present age, but be transformed by the entire 
renewal of your minds, so that you may learn by experience what Clod's will tl that 
will wliitli \i ijoml ;tn<! In ;m! Hul .nnl (»r h i I . 

[| - 

|. For through the authority graciously given to me I warn every individual among 
Ly not to value himself unduly, but to cultivate sobriety of judgment in accordance 
b the amount of faith which God has allowed to each one. 

4. For just as there are in the one human body many parts, and these parts have not 
till the same function, 

So collectively we form one body in Christ, while individually wc are linked to 
mother as its members. 
i, But since we have special gifts which differ in accordance with the diversified work 

omly entrusted to us, if it is prophecy, let the prophet speak in exact proportion to 


7 If it is the gift of administration let the administrator exercise a sound judgment 
li duties. 
H The teacher must do the same in his teaching; and he who exhorts others, in his 

I J [ation. He who gives should be liberal; he who is in authority should be energetic 

I ,!, rt ; and he who succors the afflicted should do it cheerfully. 
9 Let your love be perfectly sincere. Regard with horror what is evil; cling to what 

| .irdil. 

19, As for brotherly love, be affectionate to one another; in matters of worldly 
1 „ . yield to one another. * Do not be indolent when zeal is required. 

1 1 . Be thoroughly warm-hearted, 

The Lord's own servants, full of joyful hope, patient under persecution, earnest 
ind persistent in prayer. 

, .,. Relieve the necessities of God's people; always practice hospitality. 

I 4, Invoke blessings on your persecutors— blessings, not curses. 

i V Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep. 

rf Have full sympathy with one another. Do not give your mind to high things, 
1 , humble ways content you. Do not be wise in your own conceits. 

1 I have read only a part of this matchless chapter for the reason 

. I, ,1 I have been asked to conduct a brief devotional service. I desire to 

for only a few minutes upon the Cross in Klankr aft— what it 

ns to me, or the significance of the Fiery Cross. There is one thing, 

only one thing in all Klandom, that symbolizes sacrifice; it is 

, | |( ] (< , y Cross— the Cross which in ancient times was the instrument 

uf torture and the symbol of ignominy and shame, which when touched 

I chi fingers of the Klansman 's Criterion of Character was transformed 

, a symbol of light and life and salvation. My brethren, I never 

m I n a Klavern and stand before a prepared altar where the Fiery 

I ... • looks clown upon me, its Holy Light blazing forth all the sacred 

I uljtions of the past, nor behold the blazing symbol mounting the 

lummil oi a hill or a mountain peak, nor behold it as it gives light 

1, feci of K lansmen in parades through the streets of a great city, 

1 do not wish that I myself and every Klansman in the nation 

Id cry with the Apostle Paul: 'I am crucified with Christ; never- 

.1,, 1, 1 i,,. ; V ri 001 I bui Christ livcth in me; and the life which I 

1 1 

now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved 
me, and gave himself for me.' To my mind this is the greatest utter- 
ance that ever fell from mortal lips. It emanated from the mind of the 
greatest scholar, the greatest intellectual giant that ever called phil- 
osophers and theologians to delve into the hidden mind to reveal 
truth that they might understand God's program for mankind. It 
came warm from the heart and hot from the lips of the most marvelous 
character, save the Master, that ever stamped his personality upon a 
guilty world. It came welling up from the soul of the mightiest 
preacher of righteousness that ever called the guilty people to their 
knees in penitence before God or ever published the unsearchable 
riches of Jesus Christ until men everywhere have heard of Him, whom 
to know is life eternal. It came warm from the heart of a man who 
lingered long upon Calvary, bathing in the shadow of the Cross — 
breathing in its mystery, 

"I would that every Klansman in the nation could behold that 
Cross as Paul beheld it, and cry with him: 'God forbid that I should 
glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world 
is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.' If every Klansman in 
the nation could say that with Paul, America would be safe for Amer- 
icans from this day to the end of time. 

' 'That uplifted Fiery Cross calls me to a life of consecration to Christ 
and country and Klan, because of what Christ is to me. Jesus Chtist, 
our Criterion of character, means little or nothing to vast mul- 
titudes of men. The glory of His life and the deity of His person are 
not seen by all the multiplied millions of men; but those of us who have 
felt the sting and the stain and the blot and the bite and the bitterness 
of sin have come to Him for cleansing, and have found it. Yea, those 
of us who have been snatched from the hand of eternal burning by 
the hand that gives life, and gives it more abundantly, feel that we 
should exclaim with Paul: 'God forbid that I should glory save in 
the cross of Christ!' 

"Brethren, I see in Jesus my individual sacrifice for sin, when He 
stretched Himself upon that cruel Cross and the nails were driven in 
His hands and feet, and He cried: 'Father, forgive them; for they 
know not what they do.' I was in His mind and heart that day, 
as much as if there were no other souls in all the world. And when He 
expired saying, Tt is finished/ He had me in His mind and heart, 
for He was my personal sacrifice for sin. 

"Some years ago, a minister of the gospel, traveling through West- 
ern Missouri, stopped at a farm house. After the meal, he was invited 
bv the head of the house to come into a room for the i vening devoi ion. 

i i. observed that the chairs were arranged in a semi-circle, and that 
,i hi i le girl of perhaps eleven years sat beside her father — holding his 
I, mi. I. The door opened and a beautiful girl of seventeen or eighteen 

i.n crs entered. She, too, sat down by the father, who immediately 

| id a chapter of Holy Writ and then led the little company in fervent 
1 .1 iycr. Some weeks later the minister passed that way again and came 
itpuit the little country church, the grove of which was hlled with 
horses and buggies. He entered and beheld the minister speaking 
1S a black casket to the grief-stricken audience. When per- 
mission was given for the people to look for the last time upon the 
In. .,( their departed fellow-citizen, the beautiful young girl arose 

I went softly and reverently to the casket. She endeavored to pick 

up i he hand that was stiff and cold in death, but could not. She then 
Mtltly removed the glove and kissed that scarred hand again and 
I tin and wailed out her soul. ( Oh, this hand, this hand,* she cried, 
i.- I love it, how I love it, the hand that was mangled to save 
iin how I love itV 

"K kinsmen, with eyes of faith, may we, this afternoon, behold an- 
i hand — the hand that was mangled on Calvary's Cross for you 

I for me. And may we each exclaim in our hearts: 'How I love 

n how I love it!' Jesus paid our debt, and now we are free— He 
LI i hat we might live. 

'Jesus is not only our great sacrifice, but He is the individual 

n iv in Heaven for every one who accepts Him as Savior. Each 

stands before the Court of High Heaven, before God and the 

tnjl Is, and we are guilty, every man of us, of high treason against 

thi I ing of kings and Lord of lords— and the penalty of our crime 

|| death. My brothers, there is only one lawyer admitted to the bar 

i I >t vine Justice, only one who understands Divine Love. If you 

not committed your case into His hands, woe unto you! If 

■ u have retained Him, He stands before the Court, pleads His own 

n i id. r as full satisfaction of the Law's demands and prays that you 

I freed. He has paid it all. 

"I feci that I should consecrate my life to Him, to the Klan, to 

\in« i u .i and to all mankind— because He sacrificed Himself for me. 

ii us nie to be a witness for Him, a witness to His saving grace 

►wcr. He wants me to be a co-worker with Him for the redemp- 

>l the world . 

i MiMiuii, ttiy time has nearly expired. However, in conclusion, 

K CO -iv that (lie uplifted Fiery Cross comforts the souls of all 

I,., ri V< N nil\ look upon it; and it enables them the better to do 

ill. it purl hi redeeming America and making it the Light House oi 

the world — it makes them more loyal and zealous in serving and 
sacrificing for the right. Keeping step with the Master and daily 
striving to emulate His example — this is the sacrifice, if sacrifice it 
may be called, which Klansmen offer that America and the world 
may be saved. Are you ready to lay all your consecrated power of 
manhood on the altar this afternoon as a token of love and gratitude 
to Him, and to say; 4 By the help of Almighty God, I determine 
that from this hour on I will so live that I can hand down to future 
generations the standard of what a real American ought to be; that 
I will seek to make America the first of all the nations to fulfill the 
will of God and to crown Jesus Lord of all?' 

"Von Winkelried made an opening in the Austrian lines by rush- 
ing forward and embracing all the spears he could encirle with his 
arms and turning them into his own breast, until they bore him to 
the ground — thus opening the way for his comrades to rush forward 
to victory. Are you, my fellow Klansmen, willing to say that, if 
necessary, aT the darts of the enemies of America may pierce your 
hearts? I can say that, if necessary, the spears of our country's foes 
shall bury their sharp points in the heart of one son of America, that 
America mav be saved and that through America the world may be 

Cf I imagine some one is saying: 'Preacher, there is so little that I 
can do — so little influence that I can exert.' Listen, Klansmen, we 
are going to accomplish this task in America when every man of us 
does his part— then, and not until then. 

'An illustration, just here, to enforce the truth I am trying to 
rivet in your minds and hearts. Some years ago, at a summer resort, 
in a large hotel, which had an immense room used for dancing and 
at times for the orchestra to entertain the people as they sat about, 
a little girl sat down at the piano and began playing a tune, the only 
one she knew — 'Go Tell Aunt Bettie the Old Gray Goose Is Dead/ 
She played it with just two fingers, and kept on playing it until it 
got on the nerves of the people. They endeavored in every possible 
way to induce her to cease playing, but she continued thumping: 4 Go 
Tell Aunt Bettie the Old Gray Goose Is Dead,' A great musician 
strolled in, and said to the child: Tittle Miss, suppose you and I 
play a duet. You play down there, and I will play up here.' As his 
skilled fingers swept the keys, he let out of his heart a mighty compo- 
sition; the music rolled through the hotel and out to the veranda, 
and the people listened — sucfc richness of sound they had never be- 
fore heard. They entered the room, and listened with breathless 
silence until the music ceased. Turning i<> the audience, the musician 

'Ladies and gentlemen, permit me to introduce the little Miss 
has furnished the entertainment.' 

Klansmen, you and I may play imperfectly upon the harp of 

What we send forth may be nothing but discords— like those 

mI nounding brass and tinkling cymbals. However, if we play our 

to the glory of God, the Great Musician will fill in the music 

• innot produce; the music from our harps will sweep through the 

-H i idors of Heaven, and it will entertain and uplift America and the 

mil And, by and by, we will stand before the arch-angels, intro- 

i I .is the Klansmen who furnished the music that attracted the 

i. in ion of America and made America safe for Americans and the 

i of civilization. 

"I wonder how many men hete this afternoon are willing to put 

-I your hearts every selfish thought, every unholy ambition, 

1 1 1. 1 10 empty yourselves that God may come in and speak to you. 

« ill who desire this blessing stand for a few moments in silent 

i , then I will briefly close the prayer. Do you want to do this 

Do you want to be remembered before the Throne of Grace? 

■ vou want to say: 'Let God have His way in this Klonvokation, 

>i.l I. i ( rod be praised?' 

I bi audience stood for prayer.^) 

< )ur Father, Thou knowst that we desire to honor Thee. We 

i Inn this may be the greatest convention that has ever been held 

.1. \m. rica, different from anything that the people of the nation 

. vi r heard of or witnessed. May every man seek to have God 

I Ins eyes in whatever is said and done throughout the sessions 

[his klonvokation. Speak to us now, our Father. Bless us in 

n hearts and in our own lives and glorify Thyself in and through 

tsk it in Jesus' name and for His sake, Amen." 

Wansman Carter. "The next selection will be from the Wichita 

. i. which wall be followed by the Junction City Quartet 

(In Hudson Quartet, after which the band and the audience 
I ked to join in the song which you will know by that time. It 
I h< little card which is passed out." 


How do you do— Hello, Hiram — How do you do 
How do you do— Hello Hiram— How are you? 
Slap your hand right into mine 
i h c! hut ain't you looking fine 
wV'iv lii'jn behind you right in line 
I low .Id \ mi ilo 

How <!<> \ mii do Hello, Hiram— How do you do? 


Klansman Carter, 

; 'The next will be an address of welcome by 
— , of Kansas City, Missouri." 

Klansman . "Mr. Chairman, Imperial Wizard, Officers 

of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and Gentlemen of this Kfonvo- 
kation: I have been asked to address you \ extending a welcome on behalf 
of Kansas City. I suspect that you think it a rather inconsistent 
attitude for me to take if you have been reading our daily press; 
but , gentlemen, I do not edit the newspapers of Kansas City. Were 
I to do so j I am sure that they would be in sympathy with Klan- 
kraft. ■ But since it seems to be the will of those who have charge of 
this Klonvokation that I must thus persecute you, I shall proceed to 
do it. 

"Now, that is my business here today; but I want you to feel that 
I consider this one of the greatest pleasures I have experienced in my 
life. It is because I love Klankraft, and in my short address to you 
I want to talk to you not only as a man who welcomes you to the fair 
city on the Kaw, but as a man who is waging common warfare in 
behalf of the very things for which you stand. As we look back over 
the last six, seven, eight or nine months, we are constrained to feel 
that you as the representatives of this great body of men have much 
for which to be thankful. In the first place, men, the things that 
you have done in the last few months have made safe for Earl B. 
Mayfield the Senate of the United States. Also, you have made possible 
the fact that Hiram Wesley Evans, the Executive of this great body 
that is running into millions, is the most powerful man before the bar 
of public opinion in America today. And the best part of it is, men, 
this great Executive of Klanktaft is a God-fearing, honest, American 
citizen. And, speaking for him, he is proud to say that you men, the 
representatives of this great body, are God-fearing, honest citizens in 
the great political life of America today. 

"I am pleased to welcome you men to Kansas City, representatives 
of this great body of men running into millions, whose ideals are 
known at the high dome of Heaven and whose lives are consecrated 
to live and die for the re-baptism of the Protestant faith that you 
might thereby make safe our national life. For this, men, you have] 
no apologies to make, and for this you will permit no man to apolo- 
gize for you. What a change the last few months have been in the old 
order of things! I can remember just a few months distant when we 
were read out, figuratively and actually speaking, of the national 
life of America. Why, it was only yesterday that an attempt was 
made to read us out of the Democratic party; and alter that attemm 
was made, the people thai represented thai greai political body in our 

1 1 

, ( j I life were crucifying the Klan on the altar of hope— but since 

Maine election, what a dreadful silence comes from the 
The politicians controlled, or they appeared to control, 
underfill political body of men who have made history for 

| , ., . It reminds me of the little boy who had hold of the electric 

I. ..... \ . and he could not drop it. It also reminds me of the story I 

icll you— and those of you who have heard me tell it before will 

i. . ■ pardon my repeating it. Little Georgie McCarron— some of you 

him. We call him 'Handsome George.' George loves to 

iJ so do I. We have experienced that wonderful delight in 

i . jgether. One time, while out in the Rockies hunting, look- 
up on the mountain side (we had been unable for several 

| to obtain cream for coffee), George said: , I can not 

drln I i ui Fee any longer unless I get some cream, and what am I going 

About that time, to our surprise, there was a little rustle on 

1 1., mountain side, and here stepped forward a Bossey cow. George 

" I have got it now.' He got a little tin pail, sat down on a stone 

a tmenced milking. About that time, the cow hit him with 

lil and he said: 'Dog gone you.' She hit him again with her 

mil he said: 'Confound you.' In a little while, she nit him 

u ! he said: 1 will fix you this time.' He took Bossey. 

I tail and tied it around his neck, and said: 'Now, I bet I will 

mi. ' At that time, an old bear came shambling along, the cow 

i imnp down the mountain side, and George after her! When 

i had descended the mountain side, George untied the tail and 

...I 'Why haven't I thought of this before?' That reminds me of 

(hi politicians who have tried to crucify the Klan, and in their 

mpi they say: 'Now, why haven't we thought of it before?' 

in, Kansas City is glad to welcome you. The latch strings of 

| |t< cs and doors in our city are hanging outside— ready that you 

h m our hospitality. 

W. hope that, as a result of your visit to our fair city, you will 

i iin to love the things for which Kansas City really and properly 

ilso that you will get an inspiration which will cause what- 

... you ilo here to be in behalf of a righteous cause. I hope, and I 

1 1,,, i in this Second Klonvokation of the Knights of the 

M I In n K Ian, the history you write will be epoch-making and that it 

■ ■ll.-nnK ih. generations to come. Again I welcome you." (Applause.) 

i Mn Carter. "The next speaker will be George C. McCarron, 
, i - ity, who will deliver a welcome on behalf of the Klansmen 

I i, .11 1 

Klansman McCarron. "Mr. Chairman, Your Lordship and Fellow 
Klansmen: It Is with some embarrassment that I undertake to dis- 
charge the duty devolving upon me as a representative of the Klans- 
men of this great State, the State of Missouri. Nevertheless, I would 
not shirk the responsibility. I know that no words nor eloquence 
could express the delight and pleasure, not only of myself, but also 
of thousands of my fellow Klansmen, in welcoming and greeting so 
splendid a body of men— gathered here from all sections of our great 
nation. We know you have come with noble purposes and high aims, 
bent upon a real service in giving due consideration to the grave 
and important affairs appertaining to the best interest of our home- 
land and our Order. The preservation and maintenance of the splen- 
did heritage that is ours is worthy of our best thought and effort. 
It is ours by the unselfish services and sacrifices of those splendid and 
courageous men and women of the past, who thought and acted, not in 
terms of 'self,' but 'others,' making possible a nation of Free- 
men—a nation dedicated to the service of humanity, and thereby 
making possible the greatest civilization of all countries and all time. 
To maintain it, to preserve it, is the supreme duty of every loyal 
Citizen, true American and true Klansman; and God forbid that we 
should forget the price that was paid— in hardship, service and 
sacrifice— that we might be the beneficiaries of so rich a blessing. 
Your purpose justifies this gathering, and your presence indicates your 
interest in the great cause represented by our noble Order— the Knights 
bf the Ku Klux Klan. 

; "You are meeting on historic ground, at what was once the gate- 
way to the West— then big with prophecy, but now even greater, for 
the present is only the childhood of progress and achievement. 

"Historically/ the importance of Kansas City cannot be over- 
estimated or overstated. Within the life of men still living, this 
point was the place to which all roads from the New England, Middle 
Atlantic and Southern States led. And from this point radiated to 
the great Northwest, West and Southwest those trails over which 
the sturdy and indomitable pioneers of our own generation wended 
their fearless way, facing the dangers and enduring the hardships that 
they might conquer the wilderness and plains country, that they 
might establish and build that civilization common to our nation— m 
behalf of humanity. This story has been immortalized in prose, verse 
and song; but from the gigantic services and sacrifices comes a splen ; 
did fruition, back to this point to be distributed to all sections of 
our country— those things essential to the maintaining and pre- 
serving of a great population undreamed of by those heroic frontiers- 
men. "This gtv:n unsettled and unexplored region, a few short years 

.... has become the happy homes of millions upon millions of Amen- 

st manhood and womanhood; and It has made its contribution 

(1 only to the physical necessities of our teeming population, but 

., the mental and spiritual side of our national life, so that no 

■n affecting, in any way, the building of our glorious civiliza- 

,, be understood and grasped apart from this historic center. 

in- almost the central position between the Atlantic and 

, i the Gulf and Canada, it becomes the very center of all that 

i . I would ask you what more appropriate place could have 

hoscn -in all our broad land for the Second Imperial Klonvoka- 

I the Ku Klux Klan, dedicated and consecrated, as the Klan is, 

preservation of our Government and American civilization, 

With iLs splendid ideals, principles and institutions? To uphold 

the noblest work of a patriotic citizenship. Well has Tolstoy 

■Only those nations can have a future, only those nations are 

i} nf the name Historic, which feel the importance and value 

ii institutions, and prize them.' 

. ith confidence in your character, and faith in your integrity 
Mil purpose, on behalf of hundreds of thousands of Klansmen, not 

,| Missouri, but of the Middle West, we extend you our hand 

i gl we bid you make yourselves at home, carry on in your 

work and do those things that shall be for the good of our 

country, our Klan and posterity— to the end that our chil- 

mil our children's children may enjoy the blessings of liberty 

been ours. We entertain no doubts, and anticipate no 

We cannot fail, we must succeed. With God as our witness 

,1 thi living Christ as our Criterion of Character, and service as our 

,1, we extend to you our most hearty greetings, and wel- 

, .mi m Kansas City." (Applause.) 

urn Carter, "The next will be a song, Stars and Strips, to 
pluycil by the Klonvokation band from McPherson, during which 
n hi w 1 1 1 be permitted to stand and rest for just a moment or two . ' ' 
played by hand?) 

■,» Carter. "It has been reported that there are several 

i i hi gallery who are making notes regarding the speeches, 

ikers- putting down the names of the men who are 

, I ,vu v Klansman in this room is charged with the response 

| ,,11 ccping 1 hese proceedings secret, and to protect the names of 
ik< rs, Official notes are being taken, and you are therefore 
I ui rcfi ain. 

II, ' p is Governor Walker, of Georgia, who will deliver 

• rcS pons< to the gentleman who delivered the address of 
ilfol Kansas City, Klansman ---/'(Applause.) 


By Governor Clifford Walker of Georgia 

"Mr Chairman, and Klansrnen: We accept the evidences of the 
hospitality of this wonderful city and this great State in the same spirit 
in which it is tendered to us. Its importance Is magnified by reason of 
the cause which brings us here. My contribution to this evening s 
exercises will be a reminder that in the years of the recent past a new I 
aristocracy has been born-the aristocracy of service, service of our 
fellow men. In the days of our boyhood, we were told of an aristocracy 
of class, an aristocracy of wealth, an aristocracy of society. In these 
later years, this new aristocracy has been born . It has found expression 
in a series of new luncheon clubs, the Rotary, the Kiwams, the Civitan 
and others, whose motto, in different language, yet the same in sub- 
stance, is 'We serve, we build/ 

"I suggest that the old orders, secret societies— the Masons, the 
Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, and others— must take into account, 
if they would prosper and be perpetuated, this new aristocracy that 
was written in the very mud sills of the foundation of the Uni- 
verse itself; the aristocracy that was articulated by that Master Ser- 
vant, that Prince of Peace, when He said: 'If any man would be 
first among you, let him be the last of all, and the servant of all. 

'It is the spirit, expressed in the words of the poet 

An old man traveling a lone highway, 

Came at evening, cold and gray, 

To a chasm deep and wide ; 

The old man crossed in the twilight dim, 

The sullen stream held no fear for him, 

But he turned when he reached the other side, 

And builded a bridge to span the tide. 

Old Man,' cried a fellow pilgrim near, 
'You are wasting your strength with your building here. 
You never again will pass this way, 
Your journey will end with the ending day. 
You have crossed the chasm deep and wide, 
Why build this bridge ar eventide?' 
But the builder raised his old gray head, 
'Good friend, in the path I have come/ he said, 
'There folio weth after me today, 
A youth whose feet must pass this way. 
This chasm which has been but naught to me 
To that fair-beaded youth may a pitfall be; 
Ik, too, must cross in the twilighi dim, 
Good friend, I am buiJ ling chii bridgi foi him ' 

bfdid must be that soul, and narrow the vision, of the Klansman 

, , , « his hour cannot hear the footfalls of the millions of American 

tnd girls who are following after us. So, for my contribution 

hour, I would suggest that, if our Order is to be perpetuated, 

ith the others, we must begin today to build the bridges across 

i jms that lie in the pathway of the American youth of tomorrow. 

1 have time to suggest but two or three of these chasms. An abys- 

m ,| . |, ism is the chasm of ignorance, with its handmaidens— super- 

| prejudice and passion. I remind you that it is the tendency 

ns of a democracy to forget the blessings of government. As 

. llt measured, four hundred years is but an instant; yet four 

, d years ago this was a wilderness, it was the habitat of the 

| ,,, I remind you also that human nature is the same today as 

four hundred years ago, or indeed four thousand years ago. 

hundred years ago, your fathers and mine were human as today 

luiman. They were citizens of England, of Scotland, of Ireland, 

,j i„ |.. ml u, and of the other Northern and Western States of Europe. 

h id their homes, their families, their loved ones, their friends, 

„,. .cries, their lodges, their churches. Every sentiment that 

I about their homes and firesides was as near and as dear to 

, . i he sentiments and traditions that hover about our homes and 

. , ,, irc near and dear to us today. Yet those forefathers, yours 

i ■ kft their homes and their firesides, their friends, their 

, their cities, their churches, they turned their backs upon 

, . i that was dear to them, and sailed across an unknown ocean 

I ,„ unl. nown land— a land of privation and suffering and sacrifice. 

I km been bold enough to come half way across this continent 

ou Klansrnen and Americans, today, why? 

did your forefathers leave their homes and loved ones, every- 

„ was dear to them, to cross the Atlantic and establish this 

V ls it to found a country wherein every inhabitant should 

|ti , n and not a subject, free from tyranny and oppression? Yes. 

Oid they come across the sea to build a nation wherein no citizen 

, hM | >( ,,, knee to king or czar or emperor? Where every man could 

i |p< ! according to the dictates of his own conscience? Yes. 

I | tblish a democratic form of government? Yes. All of that. 
,11 j that, ray friends, you have heard since the days 

hildhood. ! come to suggest that the vision of those 

v , infinitely broader than all that. They saw 

■ t | l( „ , , ss the seas a nation of real democracy; a democracy 

H |, and noi oJ form, a democracy of the individual and not 

„, , d racy wh< every embryi citizen, without 



respect to class or creed or condition, should have a fair chance in 
life; a land where every boy, every girl on the farm, in the shop, in ] 
the' store, however circumscribed in condition, however 
handicapped in position, however limited In opportunities, should 
have a fair chance— not only a legal right, but a fair chance—to 
step out into the limelight of real opportunity, to grow, to develop, 
to mature, physically, mentally, and morally, into full blown man- 
hood and womanhood. 

"Now having suggested that, I come frankly and openly to ask 
you have we builded here such a nation as was in the minds and the 
souls of our forefathers? Have we builded. a State that even approxi- 
mates the vision of those forefathers? 

"I am not here to sound a pessimistic note, I have no dark, no 
dismal, no depressing sentiments to express. We have builded here 
a great nation. Our schools and our colleges ate crowded, such as 
they are; we have improved wonderfully the highways of our nation,; 
we have established at least the foundation of modern health depart- 
ments in our State— wonderful progress, in a measure. Yet I cite to 
you the fact that in all the States with which I am acquainted, all 
uplifting and inspiring agencies are crying out for the very breath of ! 
life, and suffering growing pains, so much so that if they measure upj 
to pressing opportunities and advantages to the youth of the land>j 
they will have to double and then quadruple the proceeds for the main- 
tenance of every such institution. 

"If the colleges of your State are sending forth hundreds ofgradl 
nates annually, I come to ask what of the ten thousands up in the 
mountains, and across the plains, who are crying out for such an 
opportunity? While at this hour we are here enjoying the enlighten- 
ment and elevating fellowship of this wonderful gathering, I am ask- 
ing you what of the masses on the outside? Your State, like mine, is 
graduating annually a few thousand from the accredited high schools' 
One-half of those graduates of the high schools will find M 
doors of our colleges locked to their entrance if they apply, becauj 
of a lack of room— dormitory space, equipment of laboratory and 
other appliances necessary for their entertainment and their education^ 

"Ah, that is somewhat of a sad picture. But what of the oth 
half of the boys and girls of America who never have seen a colleg 
or a high school; those boys and those girls out on the farm, an 
in the store, and in the shops, whose only approach to manhood an 
to womanhood, whose only solution of the problems and of the bless* 
Ings and the comforts of life are through those one-teachcredcunpaintd 
ichooi houses, without pictures, withoui aughi to inspiri to the 

1 ! 

| | lie tic, to the divine— those antiquated and antedated school 

and schools averaging from three to four and five months in 


I want to say in frankness that it will not do to conclude that 

or girl of today has the chance that his or her forefathers 

i he seas had in their minds and hearts for them in this democracy 

Hi. individual. It is true that occasionally you will find isolated 

■. where boys or girls go away from home and wait on the 

I i ep books at night, and do a thousand other things, and by 

iwii effort finally succeed in educating themselves. I have not 

I of censure; I have the other extreme, the very extreme, and 

. in. ■ , admiration for them. It is true that Abraham Lincoln never 

I high school or a college. But I call your attention to the fact 

where, and somehow, Abraham Lincoln and his fellows of 
;s had the spark of inspiration and of ambition kindled in 

ill Is. 

point is this: we have not measured up to even the shadow 

obligation, under the vision of our forefathers, until we have 

,1. to the other half of the boys and girls who themselves have not 

1 . 1 1 !.. of inspiration kindled in their souls, who have not waked 

Who have not found themselves, that opportunity. for acquiring 

I I is true that there are thousands of boys and girls who, if they 
I.m'.Ii schools and colleges at their front doors would not take 

I ; , of that opportunity. But that still does not answer our 

i non to the tens of thousands of boys and girls on the moun- 
lidi s, and on the sandy slopes and in the plains of this nation, 

I crying out for a chance— for a chance. If Daniel Webster 

/ Cla y and Abraham Lincoln and John C. Calhoun illuminated 

of American history and illustrated American manhood, 

in hci j use somehow and somewhere the spark of ambition was 

i i heir souls, and their hands and their hearts were attuned 

i ion of progress and of development in their lives. 

I I ask, of the tens of thousands of potential Websters and 

1 1 id Calhouns and Lincolns all over this land, who also are 

...ii for ." chance to develop their souls and their hearts for 

, - in America I 

If lulison and Bell and the Wrights and Ford and the other 

. oi America have today gone out to develop the nat- 

iil , . oi our (oin i try, it was because some school, or some 

or I I niioi i uiiud (heir hands and their hearts to develop 

, ,, i in i.i I o lources With natural resources of America unscratcliea 

and untouched, with wealth untold, sufficient not only to educate 
every boy and girl in America, but with a surplus sufficient to bring 
comfort to every citizen of this nation, I ask what of the tens of 
thousands of Edisons and Bells and Fords, who are crying out for a 
chance to develop their minds and their hearts and their hands— to 
go out and see that the natural resources of America are developed" 

"Now you ask me, as a practical man: What is the answer to tins 
appeal? The answer is to educate the boys and girls of America. 
Consolidate your country schools, give them— every boy and every 
girl— entrance into a high class, nine months, high grade high school. 
In God's name, let us not penalize a boy or a girl simply because he 
or she happened to be born in the country. Give them the same 
chances that you give to the boy or the girl who happens to be born 
in the town or the city, 

"The answer to all problems of America is education. Train the 
citizen to think straight, and all of our problems, civic and political, 
will be solved. Train men and women to think straight, and bol- 
shevism, radicalism and every other noxious ism will vanish away. 
Train the man to think straight, and he will treat his neighbor fairly. 
Moreover, he will never rest until his neighbor treats his neighbor 
fairly. When that system is carried out to its last analysis then the 
spirit of brotherly love, peace and good-will will prevail; it will 
overflow the boundaries of America; and we will go on and on until 
every nation on the globe permits the same spirit to dominate and to 
control; and then war will cease, and we will have the world for 
which we pray to God. 

"In God's name, brethren, let us at this hour dedicate our lives 
to at least laying the foundation— of building the bridge acrosj 
the chasm of ignorance and superstitution and hatred and passion f 
this Klonvokation assembled. 

"The next chasm, and one closely associated and aligned with 
it, is the chasm of isolation. We need to build better highways] 
better roads, in America. Build a modern highway, and every foot 
of land in miles of it will double in value. Your agricultural interest: 1 
will prosper, business will be strengthened, your social fabric anc 
social life will be revolutionized. The light of civilization, of refine- 
ment, of education, will follow. By every appeal, every appeal td 
man, let me urge that all our people be given the supreme advantages 
of modern highway construction. Those highways are absolutely 
necessary before we can realize the ambition to give the modern con- 
solidated school and educate our people. 


II., third bridge which I suggest to you, and it needs only a 

i far my time is limited, is the bridge across the chasm of 

Do you know, my brethren, that one-third of the citizens 

| Itu I lni led States of America are suffering with one form or another 

Two-thirds of that one-third is preventable. A man can 

mki proper contribution to his own happiness, to the happiness 

hi [ imily, and certainly not to the development and progress of 

., ,„ , if he is bound and shackled by bonds of physical weakness 

l iiflcri ng. Of the malaria, dengue, hook worm, typhoid, tuber- 

Lj i wo-thirds of it is preventable. I do not know, my brethren, 

| iImi we could perhaps render greater service to our nation if we 

,nU hike the lead and demand it, that two-thirds of the sickness 

, i 1 1 g of America be obliterated by the establishment and proper 

mm.. ,, ,, uc of modern health departments in the different States of 

11,11 mil. 

CJiv. us better schools, better colleges, better highways, and 
IhmIi.Ii; and then better homes and better churches will follow, 
ill have the reign of peace and happiness in America. 

| ( ntally, of course, there are other problems which must be 

. ,1 To supply these consolidated high schools over this land, we 
| I, , , larger and better equipped normal schools to train and 
p ,1m «, achers for those schools. You must have technological 
mi , ,m the minds and hands of the boys to develop the nat- 
ives of America, that we may have the means to develop 
nil,,, necessary fundamentals of our national life. I shall not 


I s one other, and final, bridge that must be built. It is 

iliai will protect us in our national life. What good will 

i,| win to train and develop the minds and hearts and bodies 

..., [> U ys and our girls, what good will it do if we build a bridge 

chasm and at the end of the highway of youth— at the 

, >| the boy and the girl— there is a darkened and a poisoned 
i , .].. uleni nation for them to live in? 

. i ,, si that wc look to the stream of poison that is being 

l ;, our national life through the admission of that lower 

i ..,,., i h a t have been admitted into this land in the years 
ii<>m h 
Mm. .. ii. ithci a narrow nor a restricted suggestion that I am 
,, KOU [ n n., liisi place, I want to say that this does not 

CI s would it, that we are making a fight upon 

m( tlt i 10 ii ( church, or the Roman Catholic creed or the Roman 
Uj i on Asa good Baptist, and as I crustagood American, 


I would shed every drop of blood in my body in fighting any man 
who would place even a feather's weight in the way of a Roman 
Catholic girl who on the Sabbath morning walked out of a Roman 
Catholic home to go to a Roman Catholic church to worship in the' 
Roman Catholic Sunday School — following the Roman Catholic 
creed which she learned as the right creed from a Roman Catholic 

"But it is a far different thing, an infinitely different thing, when 
a Roman Catholic secretary of an over-indulgent president so manipu- 
lates the chicanery of politics that he will place in the center of every 
national war camp a Roman Catholic church, and drive outside of the 
border of that camp, on the back streets, in the back yard, on the 
alley-ways, every Presbyterian, every Methodist $n& every Baptist, 
and every other Protestant church, 

"It is a far different thing when a gang of Roman Catholic priests 
takes charge of a national convention of a great political party, and 
orders that party to nominate a Roman Catholic for president — the^ 
equivalent of saying: 'You shall not nominate a Protestant for presi- 
dent of the United States.' 

"It is a far different thing, fellow Klansmen, for the Roman Catho- 
lic Church to organise a secret, oath-bound society whose member- 
ship is limited to Roman Catholics, a society whose members vote 
like one man at the behest of a foreign leader, and then say that it 
will drive out of America any number of Protestants who see fit toi 
establish for themselves a secret and oath-bound organization that^ 
may, if they will vote like one man, preserve the integrity of Amer- 
ican democratic institutions. 

"We have no light to make upon the Roman Catholic, no light 
upon the Roman Catholic Church, no fight upon the Roman Catholic 
creed, no fight upon the Roman Catholic religion. We are here to 
protect, as the fundamental of our American government, and the 
basis of our American Constitution, the right of religious freedom 
in America. 

"Let me say with equal frankness and earnestness that this Organ- 
ization, as I see and understand it, has no fight to make upon the 
foreigner as a foreigner. Carrying you back again to the beginning 
of this nation, I remind you that our forefathers, every one of them, 
were foreigners. If you can, make proper provision for the labor con- 
ditions of this Union, and I admit it entirely proper and fair and wise 
that provision be made for labor and capital (they are togcthct- 
interested, and equally interested in the solution of that problem}] 
but if that problem permits, I have no objection i<> ;i reasonable nunv 

■ des, of Norwegians or of any other type of those Northern 

m States of Europe coming into this country— if in coming 

rhcy intend to make one hundred per cent Americans. 

I would build a wall of steel, a wall as high as Heaven, against 

uission of a single one of those Southern Europeans who never 

hi ihe thoughts or spoke the language of a democracy in their 

I uMiild go further. I would place not only every one of those 

ihall come here in the future, but every one of those of recent 

about whom there is any doubt as to their loyalty, on probation. 

feu hi lei them, for a term of one year— or three years or five years— 

liool in the academy of democracy, and in the meantime 1 

M,i (hern report monthly or quarterly to some postmaster or 

. ... Ik i federal officer of this land; and I would let those officers 

, upon the immigrant the yard stick of one hundred per cent Amer- 

n in, .ind if at the end of that reasonable time he did not speak our 

■ , and did not qualify as a one hundred per cent American, then 

Quid, H necessary, send him back across the ocean. 

I here is no land like my land beneath the shining sun. 
iv is no flag like my Flag in all the world, not one. 
i iik land, one tongue, one people, and one Flag, loyal and true; 
Ami no red shall wave o'er ray fair land, 
V, i [limit the white and blue. 

I In re is grandeur in my land's mountains, 
re is contentment in her vales, 

I line's wealth in her broad prairies, 
\nd there's freedom in her gales. 

In my hind all men are equal, 
; her Flag proclaims it, too. 
1 no red shall wave o'er that fair land, 
-ut the white and blue. 

I • majesty in Old Glory; 
rhcri is hope in each stripe and star, 

I I heralds freedom and liberty, 

I o ii. n ions near and far. 

! unsullied, triumphant, glorified, 

I I floats anew, and by the Eternal God, 
No red shall wave o'er my fair land, 
Without the white and blue. 

•, i,< u men, at perhaps too great length I have endeavored 
.... i to you what I believe was the full and broad conception 

. | lism and of democracy that inspired the souls of our fore- 

i tin establishment of this government. Yet I do not be- 
,Imi i h.i i as< ■ tided the pinna* le, the supreme high point of that 

conception. In my judgment, those forefathers saw here an asylum 
of democracy, of liberty, and of freedom — the seed corn of democracy 
and freedom for all the nations of the earth. Let me say in only terms 
of suggestion that if the democracy which I have feebly described to 
you — freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, 
freedom of worship, right to assemble, all the fundamentals of the 
American institutions of democracy — if such democracy is best for 
the boy and the girl of America, then as an American and as a Klans- 
man, I want to say to you that that form of democracy is also best for 
the boy and the girl in France, in Germany, in Japan and in China, 
and it is the hope of the world. It rests with the democracy of America 
to lead those nations into peace. 

"My final suggestion, brethren, is that, although we have had a 
nation here for some hundred and fifty years, the democracy of 
America is still in the experimental stage. The eyes of the world are 
upon us, and upon our form of government. If democracy, true de- 
mocracy of the individual, is to reign in the other nations, thenwej 
must crown this government of ours with final success; and if it does 
succeed permanently, it will succeed upon the basis, the foundation 
stones, which I have indicated to you today. If there is to be peace on 
earth, if war is to be ended, and there shall be the reign of the Golden- 
Rule, then the leadership is in your hands and in mine as American 

"I come with my final word to ask; What are you going to do 
about it? What did you come here for? On a frolic? To have a good 
time? Or did you come to get inspiration to serve your fellow men, 
for the making of better citizens, in this new empire of America? Down 
in a Southern State one of the great public utilities has a motto, a very 
popular and a very inspiring one: 'It is great to be a Georgian.' 
It is great to be a Georgian, and I know some of you will agree with 
me that it is great to be a Nebraskan, and it is great to be a Kansan,; 
and it is great to be a Texan. But, boys, I want to say to you in this 
hour of our nation's crisis, in this call for leadership that comes outM 
from all the nations of the earth, a man is indeed not a Georgian, he 
is not a Nebraskan, he is not a Texan, if he does not dedicate every 
thought and every service of his soul to the uplift of his people, and 
to the progress of his State. 

"I want to make this personal application, exceedingly personal-* 
and I believe you will forgive me. I want each of you to conceivd 
at this moment in your own soul the highest point in the world's 
estimation that you ever aspired to, whether it be the foremost roudj 
in the realm of your profession, the great empire leader in the industrii 

greatest man in the financial circles of America, or to carve 

If in your imagination the very highest niche in the hall of 

Dili || you will. Let me say that assuming that at the end of your life 

fc bitvi reached that pinnacle, if at that moment you bequeath to 

. Iiililrcii, and to your children's children, a dying and decadent 

P L hat is less fit for those children to live in, then your life will 

. .in utter, miserable failure. 

rcat edifice was under construction. A stranger walked 

I i workman and said: 'My friend, what are you doing here?' 

aid : T am piddling on stone.' He walked up to a second 

and said to him: 'My friend, what are you doing here?' 

H plied: 'I am working for six dollars a day/ He walked to a 

I in m and said to him: 'My friend, what are you doing here?' 

I his eyes toward the East, with a vision that characterizes 

M constructive movement, pointed his fingers to the spires 

underfill edifice as they lifted themselves into the very 

n tiul said: 'I'm building a cathedral.' 

WhIi my last word I come to you and ask: What are you doing 

W I i.i i are you going to do with the balance of your life? Are 

;i ling to' piddle on stone?' Are you going to piddle on the 

.i t v> on the froth and the foam of worldly living— just 

I kj piddle on stone? Arc you? You marvelous personnel, you 
,i li.Milrlered, magnificent, stalwart, red-blooded, one hundred 

Americans out there— are you going to work for six dollars 

\u you going to shrivel yourself into the sordid shell of 

si II your very soul for sordid dollars that will be a curse to 

id worse than a curse to your children after you are gone— in 

p| l-i I of "me and my wife, and my son John and his wife; we 

mo more'? In God's name, men, are you going to work 

dollars a day'? Or, with your feet planted on the solid rock 

mil with your hands openly and boldly, and without apology, 

■ I in i he hands of the Master, your eyes turned to the East, with 

lhat looks out into the future— aye, that looks through 

itself, with your life dedicated to the worship of God and to 
ice at vour fellow man— will you build of your life a cathedral?" 


an Carter. "Right after our next speaker finishes, a pic- 
,il I., taken of the hall, with you men seated as you are. The 

! | ,,,, jsKlansman , of the Realm of Michigan, who 

lelivci an address of response to Klansman George C. McCarron, 
I H ,j» I Missouri, who delivered an address of welcome on 

i i in. nit n of Missouri. ' 


By A Distinguished Klansman 

"Mr, Chairman, Your Excellency, Klansmen, Americans: There 
is given to me the very great pleasure this afternoon of responding 
to the address of welcome which has been delivered to us by the 
Grand Dragon of Missouri in behalf of the Klansmen of Missouri and 
the Central West, I wish to say, at the very outset, that I do not 
hope to attain to the high levels of thought and eloquence of the man 
who has delivered us this remarkable and splendid address of welcome. 
I, however, do hope that I shall match him in the sincerity of my 
purpose, and in the earnestness of my heart, as I shall try to make 
vocal and articulate the feelings of the Klansmen who have come 
here from the various parts of the nation, as we try in this brief 
address to express the appreciation that we feel for the remarkable 
welcome that has been delivered. 

"The Grand Dragon of the Realm of Missouri has called our at- 
tention to the fact that the city of Kansas City is known as the heart I 
of America. I am wondering if there is not a double significance in 
that slogan today. Is it not a fact that, in a very true sense of the 
word, this Klonvokation assembled here in this city is the heart of 

"Are not the Klansmen, here gathered from our far flung battle 
lines, men who exemplify in life and character the great principles 
underlying our national civilization? And may it not be a fact, also, 
that out from this Klonvokation through all the arteries of our great; 
national life there will flow the life blood that will make our nation 
better, more nearly what God and its founders intended it should be? 
"The Grand Dragon of the Realm of Missouri has said in his wel- 
coming words to us that we are at the gateway of the great West, 
a beautiful symbol. We are glad that we are here enjoying this great 
Central West. We are inspired by the broad stretches and by the 
beautiful scenery, and by the limitless opportunities; but I ask again, 
may not that slogan have a double and a deeper significance? Shall 
not this Klonvokation be a gateway to a larger service for humanity, 
to a larger service for America? Shall we not go out from this place] 
with enlarged hearts and deepened consecration to be better citizens 
of our great country, and to spread abroad these great principles ofl 
justice and liberty for which we stand? 

"I wish to come here as a representative of these men who are 
here from all parts of our great nation r<> say m (he EClansmcn of the 

nil West that we, with you, at this Klonvokation desire to affirm 
. Our unwavering faith in the great principles underlying the 
of the Ku Klux Klan. 

ish also to state that we, with you, will here again declare 

■ rving devotion to the propagation of these great principles 

n 1 1 i hi \ shall have reached the uttermost limits of our great nation. 

consecrate ourselves. Why? Because we know these 

i. 1 1 J- *. are right; we know they are right because they are taken 

hand of the Lowly Nazarene and fastened firmly to our hearts, 

thence to the heart of Almighty God. We know that the prim 

. underlying this great American movement are right because 

I ■ ply embedded in that Gibraltar Rock, the Constitution 

r United States of America. They are right, and right will 


no desire to inject into this assembly any word of un~ 

ess; neither would I seem a bit pessimistic, but I shall de- 

mii friends who have welcomed us that we come from the 

stretches of our great national life, we come to you with 

< i j difficult problems and some very heavy burdens. We have 

I hen to sit together, hoping and trusting that this may be a 

Hi | .. i chamber of inspiration and of power, in order that we may 

tgain to our tasks better able to meet these difficult situa- 

I il< clare to you, my friends, that our great nation today, as 

iaid by a previous speaker, faces a crisis. Perhaps we are 

mI\ at the brink of moral bankruptcy than at any time in 

i >>i j of our great nation. Perhaps the crisis that confronts us 

I lansmen, Americans, is a greater crisis than has ever com 

I fellow citizens at any time in our national life. I look 

i our great nation, and what do I see? Ah, my friends, my 

when I think of Old Glory and all that it stands for, and 

by which it was dedicated and baptized, and have to con- 

| Old Glory waves over aland that is disgraced by a crime 

q ualed in all the nations of the earth. I am ashamed as 

■ chat i his great nation, with its billions of dollars of income, 

i | n mil every year more than 15% of those vast billions of 

In handling the crime situation, under the glorious Stars 

n crying CO tell you that there is something fundamentally 

lomcthing that must be corrected, if we are to pass on to 

1 1 11. grcal heritage that we have received from our fore- 

1 mi hi 1- in all seriousness to tell von that there must be a 


re-dedication of our lives to the great purposes of this Organization 
if we are to save our country in this hour of its darkness. 

"What do I find in regard to the churches of this country— tl 
faith of our fathers, that glorious faith? They gave it to us. Ho 
is it in America today, the faith of our fathers? Is it alive, virile, 
driving? Ah, my friends, I must confess to you that the faith of ouij 
fathers is today assaulted by a modern materialistic civilization that 
finds no place for God in His Universe. 

"The faith of our fathers is, assaulted by a pseudo-ecclesiasticisd 
that would deny man the privilege of going direct to his Creator 
with his needs, and his prayers for help. We must come back again 
to the faith of our fathers'. The result of this carelessness on the 
part of the people of our nation in regard to the deeper things of life 
has closed the doors of thousands of Protestant churches; others, today, 
if not boarded up, are attended only by a handful of people, ministered 
to by discouraged shepherds. Men, in the old Book, for which we 
stand and whose teachings we revere, there is a statement that has 
never been contradicted, and which cannot be gainsaid. That state*] 
ment says that the nation that forgets God shall be turned into hell 
If you look up the derivation of that word 'hell' you will see that it 
means confusion, trouble and disorder. What is the condition o: 
America today, when last year more than io,ooo people were killec 
in this country by the hand of the murderer? What is the condition 
of America, when by actual statistics we have seventeen times as much 
crime in this country as they have in England? Men, I cannot but hi 
serious today as I tell you that in all history there has never beei} 
recorded a nation that succeeded and continued that forgot religion 
And there never will be such a nation. 

"This Klonvokation must be a call to our knees, a call to prayed 
and a call to communion with God. We join with you Klansmen o 
the great Central West, and ask you to unite with us, that we shal 
go down from here with the faith of our fathers in our own hearuj 
and lives. 

"What condition do we discover out in the broad stretches as Wl 
look at our schools. Schools! Klansmen believe in schools— -the) 
believe in one school, in a free public school. Klansmen believe tha 
if ail the children of this nation, of whatever creed, were educate! 
in one free public school there would be less rancor and discorj 
and misunderstanding between the various races and creeds withif 
our borders. We stand for one great public school system for all o( 
our people. 


111 my friends, some of the criticisms that are passed upon our 

,< hool in these days are justified. If we are to preach one 

, ublii school system for all people, then our school system must 

. i\ best system — measured by every standard that is good. 

I I., wl find in our school system today? I am afraid that many 

ducators have forgotten the real purpose of education. Our 

.h,I. have become a training ground of intellect and not a train- 

ud of patriotism and character. They have become utilitarian 

. M purpose, and parents are sending their children to school in 

thai they may learn to make a living, or make money, with 

ih i hat we have in this land today many hundreds of thou- 

. ..I trained intellects that are not buttressed by character, by 

noi ism. 

I . . i me tell you the fundamental purpose of education. The 

lirsl purpose underlying the free public school educational 

• 111 is that the citizens shall be trained — the future citizens shall 

\\ 1 there first in moral character, and second in citizenship 

mi. pji i riotism. If we lose sight of that, I cannot blame certain 
n! certain denominations if they shall say we shall have 
Ithdi.iw our children from the public school in order that they 
i. ligious and moral training. 

. .ill upon you Klansmen, and I ask of you men who have web 

& in in cordially here today, to join with us in the re-establish- 

mcrica of the right ideals of education. Let us make educa- 

iii education of character, and of heart, and then we shall 

- disgraced as a nation by having young men that have passed 

I high schools and even our universities commit crimes 

| .1 uMc, and almost unknown in history. 

i ii. i rain both the intellect and the heart. Lincoln, in that 
(icccli on the field of Gettysburg, when it was being dedicated 

i. r .il cemetery, out of the agony of his heart, looking with vision and his clear conception of conditions as they pre- 

I in America, said: 'Government of the people, by the people, 

people shall not perish from the earth.' That great man 

i i hi i grcal statesman, whose name we revere, was not speak- 

Itlli words. He knew there was danger that- free government, 
cil in America, might perish from America, and that if it 

| I from America it would perish from the earth. 

in. ndi, l declare unto you that a crisis similar to the one 

in. I, grcai martyred president called attention has come 

, ih, people oi America todaj [f"vy< look out into the political 


realms we discover in many places that they have no government b 
the people. There is a government by political machines that are 
corrupt, by shyster politicians, by cliques, and by crowds; but govern- 
ment by the people pre-supposes an educated, informed, activd 
electorate— and that we have not in America today. Many of our, 
people do not even exercise their right of suffrage, with the result 
that a few tricky, scheming politicians often control whole sections 
of our nation. What is the great duty, then, of Klansmen in the political 
arena? What is the duty of every one of us? It is to arouse our fellovd 
citizens to a sense of their civic duty and responsibility, in orde| 
that government of the people, for the people and by the people shall 
not perish from the earth. 

"We must not only by example, but by precept, declare that 1 
this country the theory upon which our government is founded i| 
that every man is a sovereign, that he is a king. Upon us today is the 
great responsibility of pressing home again upon the people of out 
nation that if we continue as a people, free government must be an 
established fact. Let me call your attention to this great mi 
that free government is still in its experimental stages. 

"Therefore, upon us devolves the great responsibility of bringing 
home to the people their imperative duty before God— then, second an 
an informed and active electorate. 

"What do we find as we look out over the homes of the nation? 
Ah, my friends, we know that the home is the chief cornerstone oi 
our' national life. The home has ever been the pride of America 
The influence of the father and of the mother upon their childred 
has been a guiding and molding influence as these children have 
gone out from the homes and into the active life of the country 
But what have we today in the homes of America? With shamed face 
I have to admit that there is the most flagrant disregard for the moj 
sacred obligations of life. There is disregard for loyalty betweei 
husband and wife, there is a growing carelessness on the part o 
parents in demanding obedience from their children. There is dia 
regard for parental authority on the part of children, until the grcal 
and glorious home that has made America what it is today seems tj 
he degenerating and disappearing, and in its place there is a rendezvous 
or a place to come when the day's activities and pleasures are ovci 
Can we bring America forward again to see clearly that upon the 
great fundamentals depends our perpetuity as a nation? 

"We must re-establish the church, the Protestant church, t 
school, the public school, government, government of the peopl 
the home, the sacred Christian home, ifwc arc to continue as a natil 


Lsli to affirm, and to reaffirm, at this time that the Knights 

| Ku Klux Klan, as I understand the Organization, and as I see 

r the country, is not in any sense an anti-organization. 

I thing more I wish to say. I believe that these problems, 

yyhitli I have called attention, are gradually and surely being 

■ I l\ this great movement. 

would not have you think because I have called attention to 

| things that I have come from any border of the land that is 

i -, rapid progress and advancement. I believe in all of our 

| battle lines; there is advancement, and there is progress, 

. i \ year marks a new milestone of victory and of advancement. 

Mn only saying these things to stir your hearts by way of remem- our task is only begun and not fulfilled, that we have 

i before us; because our enemies are abroad, every effort is 

made to discredit us and our work. But we stand today as a 

y, standing for the great principles of justice, and freedom, 

i in our American national life, with no rancor, with no 
riih no prejudice against any creed or sect or religion. We 
ICii i .» I ling all of our brothers who with us call this Flag their 
[i :erity and in truth. We are not saying to the man who was 
I foreign land: 'We will have none of you/ If that man is 
..i I hi ,1 into our body, if he knows no allegiance to any other 
■ -.kill call him brother, we shall recognize him as an Ameri- 
lha.ll ask him to share with us our responsibility of making 
I. i what God and our fathers intended it should be. And also 
|« w, that we are accused of being hateful towards — we have 
IK li hatred in our hearts toward the Jew. If he owes no alie- 
ns any other flag, if America is first in his heart, and he holds 
id. d allegiance, we shall not discriminate against him because 
I M. hicw. 

.one thing is true in regard to Roman Catholics. I believe 

i • I iringing to many American Roman Catholics the thought 

n. ver have had before, that the great principles underlying 

in .it ion are after all the principles that have made our 

Wftt. I believe we shall see, as Martin Luther saw, when he 

M - .1 n Hiteousness by faith and not by priests and witnessed large 

Oi people leaving that ancient faith—protesting against the 

..I .i religion that was autocratic. If the Knights of the Ku 

i I mi stand firm for truth, without rancor, without hate, neither 

hmm nor anti-foreigner, but pro-Protestant and pro-Ameri- 

ihfllJ lec many within the ranks of those who have been 

■ ) i ill. i [|i.mi\ of religion, as we believe, coming into the 

joy and the freedom and the glory thai we ourselves experience in] 
our daily lives. 

14 We have no fight with our Roman Catholic friends. We will noj 
say to them that in their religion they are not as much in their right as 
we are; for our Constitution declares for them the right, as it declares 
for us, the right to worship God according to the dictates of con- 
science. We call our Roman friends brothers and say to them: *So 
long as you are about your prayers, and so long as you are aboufj 
your religion and your civic duties, we shall not quarrel with you— 
you shall be our brothers and our co-workers. But we wish to warn 
you that if you have a divided allegiance, if you owe allegiance toj 
any power foreign to America, then the united hosts of Klansmenl 
millions strong, will rise up and say to you, and it is our perfect! 
legitimate right to say this, that the seat of our government for Amer-j 
ica is on the Potomac, and not on the Tiber.' 

"On those things we stand firm. And we shall also say with] 
equal frankness and determination that America has but one language,] 
that America has andmust have only one school, and that so long as the| 
keep their hands off those things that are American and do not in an] 
way try to make them un-American, just so long will we co-operate 
with them and call them our fellow-workers. 

"I believe, my friends, that we are at the threshhold of a new day. 
I believe the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is the instrument in t§ 
hands of Almighty God in bringing about the" purposes that He del 
sires to accomplish. He has counted us faithful, putting us into this 
ministry, and I declare to you that, if we keep our heads, if we keep o\ 
hearts clean, if we keep our zeal at white heat, if we go on perfecting 
our plans and accomplishing our purposes, within one decaJ 
of today every fair-minded man and woman in America will than] 
the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan that they saved America in one 
her most awful crises, 

"But I say to you with equal earnestness that if the Knights 
the Ku Klux Klan are recreant to duty, if we lose the vision that Go< 
Almighty has given us, if we allow ourselves to be sidetracked 
switched off into any by-paths, if we allow division or rancor to gel 
within our ranks, if we lose the high and noble purpose that haj 
called us together, then God Almighty will take the work He 1 ' 
given to us from our hands and give it to another. God's purpl 
will not fail, and cannot fail; but we will not be His servants in a< 
complishing this great purpose i£ we fail in our duty. Tf we stan« 
true and firm, He will bless us in our efforts. We shal] sec our natil 

irward again to a new evaluation of those principles that 
ight out in our Constitution so long ago. We shall see our 

tning forward again to a proper appreciation of God and of 

ch, and of religion as a part of life, and a part of the daily 

H mm of every man. We shall see this nation coming forward to 

I valuation of a school system that will educate children not 

money making machines, but will educate them in the funda- 

I Christian character and integrity, and in truth. And best, 

■rcurcst of all, we shall see all of our people alive to the dignity 

i. privilege of taking part in the government of this great nation, 

hall exemplify to all the world that a people can govern 

li in h ! 

I Is, I have painted for a moment a dark picture, and now I 

, I to put light upon it. I have called your attention to the 

1 1. 1 1 this nation has some very serious conditions, which if they are 

i . . .m . . ted must end in our defeat as a nation. But, dark as it may 

|i faith and confidence is in God, and in our fellow men, if 

iscs are true and determined, then we can say with the poet: 

Out of the night that covers me, 
Black as the night, from Pole to Pole, 
[ thank whatever Gods there be, 
For my unconquerable soul. 

In the fell clutch of circumstance:, 
I have not winced nor cried aloud. 
Under the bludgeon of chance, 
My head is bloody, but unbowed. 

Beyond this place of wrath and tears, 
Looms but the horror of the Shade, 
And yetj the menace of the years. 
Finds and shall find me unafraid. 

It matters not how straight the gate, 
How charged with punishment the scroll, 
I am the master of my fate, 
I am the captain of my soul. 

men arc the masters of the fate of America. They are the 
i the sou! of America. 

Then conquer we must, 
When our cause it is just; 
And this is our motto, 
'hi i rod Is our trust.' " 

(Applause. ) 

Klansman Carter, "The next order of business is the introduction 
of the Imperial Klaliff, who is the presiding officer of the Imperial 
Klonvokation, as designated in the Constitution and Laws of the 
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. It is my pleasure and privilege to 
introduce Klansman Walter F. Bossert, Imperial Klaliff of our Order." 

Klansman Bossert. "Mr. Chairman, Your Excellency and my fellow 
Klansmen: I do not intend to make you a speech at this time. As I shall 
have the privilege of laboring with you for a few clays, I wish to say at 
this time that during the deliberations you possibly will hear me a great 
deal. I only want to say to you on this occasion that if we will all get the 
vision, the same as these speakers who have preceded me here today 
have, I shall have no worry about the future of the Knights of the 
Ku Klux Klan. (Applause.) 

"Now at this time it is my duty, under our Constitution, to ap- 
point a Committee on Rules. I am taking the liberty of appoint-. 

ing Klansman — , of Texas, as chairman. Is Klansman 

here? Will you come forward, Klansman - 

* (Klansman 

came forward amidst applause.) 

"I also wish to appoint on this Committee with you Judge Henry 
Grady of North Carolina. Klansman Grady will you come forward? 

"I will also appoint Klansman John G. Locke of Colorado. Is 
the Doctor here? 

' 'I wish also to appoint Klansman H. C. McCall of Washington, D. C. 

"And last, but not least, I wish to appoint Klansman Charles 
H. McBrayer of the State of Kansas. 

"Now, gentlemen, if you will retire at this time, while I am heal- 
ing some other reports, I shall appreciate it very much. 

"While these gentlemen are working on their report, I would 
like to have the report of the Credentials Committee. Klansman 
Bush of New York, Klansman Ramsey, Klansman Hogston of Indiana,; 
and Klansman Reed of Kansas, I think are on this Committee. 
Klansman Bush, are you ready to make your report? (Applause.) 

Klansman Bush. "Mr. President and members of the KlonvokJ 
tion : Before I present the official report of the Credentials Committee, 
your Committee desires to take this opportunity to express its sincere: 
appreciation to the visitors and to the delegates to this Klonvokation 
for the cheerful, courteous and kindly manner in which you havd 
each co-operated with the Committee in helping it carry out its work. 
The work of a Credentials Committee, as many of you know, is some- 
times tedious, sometimes turbulent, and perhaps sometimes thanklesl 

Mi. work oi your Committee has been changed from a labor into 

pleasure by virtue of your co-operation. 

I hi Committee desires to thank each of you personally for fol- 

the simple, but necessary, rules laid down, governing the 

ol credentials, and desires to comment, on the fact that not a 

i dited delegate to this Klonvokation hesitated or refused 

, I .i j he second, or metallic, part of his credentials! (Laughter.) 

, „|] delegate registered, he was given a registration card 

: the new fifty-cent pieces just issued in commemoration of 

ucnot-Walloon Tercentenary, as a souvenir.) 

1 1 President, and Klonvokation: Your Credentials Committee 

to present the following report. It has examined and certified 

}{]« directness of the credentials of the following Klansmen in 

tiding, all of whom are entitled to seat, voice and vote in 

1 invokation. 

| if iv, Mr, President, follow the list. of some five hundred odd 

and delegates. If the Klonvokation desires to hear these 

d names read, I shall be glad to read them. (Cries of 'No,') 

li noi , I would suggest that the reading of the list of the Imperial 

(institute the reading of the whole/' 

}Hstttan Bossert. "With your consent, Klansmen, the chair- 

• .11 proceed with his reading. Is that your consent? (Cries of 

an Bush. "Dr. H. \V\ Evans, Imperial Wizard; Walter 

I i Imperial Klaliff; Brown Harwood, Imperial. Klazik; Charles 

, r, Imperial Klokard; Dr. Edwin De Barr, Imperial Kludd; 

K.niisey, Imperial Kligrapp; S. H. Venable, Imperial Klabee; 

Wlni.icre, Imperial Klarogo; T. J. Shirley, Imperial Klexter; 

r.ihendge, Imperial Klonsel; Judge J. A. Comer, Imperial 

Hawk; Gen. N. B. Forrest, Imperial Klokann Chief; Ben H. 

Imperial Klokan; Judge Henry A. Grady, Imperial Klokan; 

1 all, Imperial Klokan. 

omc five hundred odd delegates are accredited. The Cre- 
l I ommittee presents that as its report to this Klonvokation 
i he adoption of same." 

ion was seconded, put and earned— none but accredited 

i ..i ing. i 

WM fosstrt. 'The motion is carried: While this other 

mmJltci i. Klansman Carter, may I ask you to have the band 


Klansman Carter. "Will the hand from Colorado favor us wit] 
a piece of music, please?" 
{Selections by the band.") 

Klansman Bossert. "At this time. Klansman Carter wishes td 
make some announcements. Klansman Carter. 

Klansman Carter " I have been asked to make some announcement! 
that will be of interest to those who are here from out of town, and 
to those who are here from our own jurisdiction in regard to the 
program and other matters incident to the Klonvokation. 

"In the first place, tonight at 8 p. m ' the Wichita Team wil 

exemplify, for your pleasure and entertainment and education, oud 

Rtaal K-Uno. On tomorrow night at 8 o'clock, a Klavern of Sorroj 

will be conducted, which promises to be one of the hnest exemphrJ 

cations of ritualism that has ever been attempted AH G rand D .gon| 

Great Titans and Imperial Officers are included in the Staff that j 

necessary to stage this particular work. There will be approximate^ 

one hundred and fifty in the cast, and all Klansmen, whether they ad 

delegates or visitors, are requested to be here on that night especnilly 

On Thursday night, an entertainment has been provided for th 

official delegates and as many of the visiting Klansmen as it will bd 

possible to take care of. A theatre has been rented for that evening, 

and there will be distributed on Thursday morning to the delegates 

as they are seated at that time the tickets necessary to gain adnussiri 

to the theatre. It will all be handled in an alphabetical way, in orde 

that there will be no partiality shown in the distribution of the seats, 

It is the Orpheum Theatre. 

"I am going to take this opportunity to thank each and every onj 
of you men for the splendid co-operation which you have given o^ 
office in arranging for your hotel accomodations, When we wen 
asked to secure the rooms for the Klonvokation we went to the bM 
hotels in town and made a contract with them for the rooms, and j 
same applies to the Convention Hall. We tried to secure the best hotel, 
and the best hall for you men to be in. In regard to the page bay 
who are here in front, this is. to advise you that they are here for vou 
service, If you want any errand run and you do not desire to leal 
your seat, they are instructed to do what you ask them to do al 
it saves vou leaving the floor. These boys are Klansmen and all j 
them are members of the DeMolay. Klansman McCarron, Gran 
Dragon of Missouri, advises me that he has instructed our police fori 
which move our way (applause) that they are to be specially dilig j 
in arresting Klansmen who violate the i8th Amendment. (Gr| 
ApplauscV You have all been supplied with a Don 1 card. 1 

,, ,i few views, and 'don't' forget that you have it. We are on 
because the national press is covering this in every detail, 
M ..I vnu are honor bound to represent it as it should be repre- 
Mir pictures taken from time to time are being made by 
I M urphy. They will have them on sale in the lobby. There 
omc Klansmen in the gallery making notes. This must be 
,: have a way to scop it if you continue your practices, 
lose of the exemplification of K-Uno, a Klansman from 
ill deliver an address/ 1 (Applause.) 

an Bossert, "Klansman , the Chairman of the 

nun nr ofi Rules, is now ready to make his report."' 

m _- . "Mr. President: The Committee on Rules 

i, recommends that the rules of parliamentary procedure 

i [„use of Representatives of the Congress of the United States 

I „ adopted as the rules of this Klonvokation. We further 

! i hat all resolutions which are submitted to the Klonvo- 

l, ,11 be offered in writing and shall be referred to the Com- 

IU solutions for its action and recommendation before they 

and action taken by the Klonvokation. We further 

I Hie adoption of the following program and order of 

Beginning at 8 o'clock this evening, the exemplification 

i hen the address by Klansman- -of Texas." 


I m I devotional Exercises Prominent Minister of the Gospel 

, m Vocal Selection Kansas ■ fla 'art et 

I , ,. \ ppointment of Committees. Imperial KlaliJ] 

... Address of the Imperial Wizard Dr. H. W. Evans 


I in Departmental Address Imperial Wizard 

I ... Report of Legal Department ..Imperial Klonse 

Report of Committee on address of the Imperial Klonse] . 

Report of Imperial Kligrapp. 

Report of Committee on Imperial Kligrapp s Department. 

Report of the Imperial Klabee. 

Report of Committee on the Imperial Klabee's address. 

Report of the Cashier. 

Report of Committee on the Cashier's address. 

:■ i port of the Finance Committee. 

Ri pori of the Imperial Kiazik. 

Rcpori of Committee on the Imperial Klazik s address. 

Ri port oJ (he Director of the National Lecture Bureau. 

Ri port of ( iommittee on the Lecture Bureau. 

K, p.... ..I the Unreaii of Education and Publicity. 

!•, p on ,,f ( ommittec on Education and Publicity. 


Report of the Superintendent of Industrial Plains. 
Report of Committee on Industrial Plants. 
Report on the Insurance Department. 
Report of Committee on the Insurance Department- 
Report on the Women of the Ku Klux Klan 
Report of Committee on the Women of the KuKlux Klan 
Report of the National Director of thejumor Ku Klux K1I 
Report of Committee on the Junior Ku Klux Klan. 
Report of the Extension Department. 
Report of Committee on the Extension Department. 

(Note:— The Klonvokation will recess at the hour of 4:00 p.m., taking up £ 
above program the morning of September zj, where left off.) 
8:30 p. m.— Klavern of Sorrow. . . .Prominent Klan Minister of Kansa\ 

SEPTEMBER 2.5, 1914 

10 -oo a m.— Devotional Exercises . Prominent Klan Minister of AlabaM 

ioko a. m.-Vocal Selection . ■ ■ . . - .Kansas Quartet 

lo-io a m.— Resumption of business where left off September M- 
ii!oo n'oon-RECESS FOR LUNCH 
1:30 p. m — Resumption of business. 

4:00 p. m— Adjournment. t 

8:30 p. m.— Entertainment Place to be announced m tm muriM 

SEPTEMBER 2.6, 1914 

10 00 a m —Devotional Exercises, Prominent Klan Minister of Obu 

Jo£o a'. S'AVocd Selection. - • ■ - ^ansas Quart* 

i<no a. m.-Address-"The Future of the Klan . . . .Imperial W f<f 
11:30 a. m.— Five minute talks by prominent Klansmen. 
1 :oo p. m --Closing ceremonies and adjournment. 

(Motion made that the report be adopted. Motion seconded m 
carried— none but accredited delegates voting.) 

Klansman Bossert. ' 'At this time we will all stand and be adjouxl 
by Klansman James." 

' Klansman James. "Our Father, we thank Thee for Thy present 
with us. We thank Thee for the messages that have fallen upon oM 
ears and we trust now indeed that these messages shall have takej 
root in our hearts. As we go away from this place, may we pond* 
on these things, and indeed may Klankraft mean more to us than fl 
ever has meant before. Help us in the deliberations of these session! 
and Oh God, may our hearts be inspired to live the life that Jes J 
would have us live to be Klansmen, to be patriots, to be better inj 
in every respect. Protect us and look over us and grant unco us TJ 
blessings in parting, and bring us together again in the name oi 
Lord, Amen." 

Klansman Carter, "In regard to the Klavern of Sorrow, chi 
to advise that Women of the Ku Klux Klan will be admitted CO l 

| (ll It is not an official session, and therefore women can at- 


m McCarron. "Now, Klansmen, I want to make an 
.1.1 m before the event of the evening is put on. Iwaat 
fters who will participate in the Klavern of Sorrow, imme- 
1 the closing of this meeting tonight, to report on the floor. 
111 at-Arms will clear the house; he will have the boys 
go to bed and get a nice night's sleep. We have some 
, in .In here, boys." 
( .m horn Wichita Klan No. 6, Kansas, exemplified K-Uno. 
u by the band.} 

McCarron. "Klansmen: At this point, I shall turn the 
, , to the President of the Klonvokation— Klansman Walter 

I Applause.) 
.... incut Klansman then addressed the Klonvokation. 

Carter. "There are still people in the gallery taking 

W\ are checking you very thoroughly— one gentleman from 

Hid one from Indiana. If that is not stopped, you will not 

I 10 any of the sessions tomorrow or the days to follow." 

. Bossert. 

'Remain standing while we are dismissed by 

„,,„ . "Almighty God, our Father, we pray Thy 

Upon these who have spoken to us. May the thoughts 

II. cply into our souls. May we be imbued with new ideas, 

..mI. into the struggle with renewed energy. 'So teach us to 

...,, days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom/ Bless 

,,,.1. for we feel that with Thee as our help, with Thy Son as 

Bicllor and our Guide, we can win every victory and achieve 

We pray Thee to go with us to our homes tonight. 

, 1 in the security of Thy presence and come back into the 

Hh.n tomorrow, renewed in determination to get a great 

d and to go to our several places of labor and impart these 

, we come in contact with, and thus start in motion a 

H thai will sweep America, and ultimately sweep the earth. 

. [ m p, 1 ul Wizard and his official family, and bless all those 

i iboring here, we ask in the name of Jesus the Christ, our 

. ,.i qui Lord, \ Mi' 11 

SEPTEMBER 24th, 1924 

Klansman Bossert, "Your devotional exercises this morning v\ 
be conducted by Klansman — — , of Indianapolis." 

Klansman ■ — — — . "Brethren: We shall worship God in the red 
ing of a few verses from His Book, our Book, preceding the chapt* 
that was read yesterday, I want to start with the 32-nd verse of the 1: 
chapter of Paul's Letter to the Romans, then to read in conclusion tj 
first verse of the twelfth chapter: 

For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon alj 

the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how i 
searchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! 

For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counselj 
Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? 
For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glo 

1 Bestcch you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present yo 
bodies a Imtig sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable servia 

"In the few minutes that I shall use this morning in this devotion! 
service, I want to talk to you about spiritualizing the Klan. We wlj 
are Klansmen believe in our hearts that the Klan was spiritual in its in 
ception. We believe that it was raised up of God to meet a grea 
need in America, in a crisis hour. We believe that the Klan in us 
have, first of all, the spiritual vision. Born of God it is spiritua 
and, above every other work that it has to do, its work must j 

"The Klan is either Christian or it is not Christian- It is an oj 
ganization that is either building a temple unto the Most High Go 
a temple of service that shall last throughout the countless ages I 
eternity, or it is tearing down the work of Calvary. 

"This must be our vision. Without vision the people peris! 
and without the spiritual vision the Klan shall perish from the earfl 
Its work must be spiritual. We are hearing much today about th 
Americanizing of America; but, brethren, I declare to you that Americ 
is not America unless it is Christian and the un- Americans can nevj 
become Americans unless they be Christianized. We have a task, a| 
that task is the Christianizing of that great element who are nn-Chri 
ian in America. Fifty-four millions in this country — this great Ro 
public oi ours — are without the enlightening influence, arc withou 
the inspiration of the knowledge of the Spirit of God, as manifested 

and Savior, Jesus Christ. Fifty-four millions within our 
1. without the Christ. This is a challenge to the Church; 
1 1 hallenge to the Klan. 

taken the Cross as our emblem — the Cross that was 

lined, the Cross that bore the Redeemer of the world, the 

.1 [a an emblem of hope throughout all the world, the Cross 

begotten of the Father. We have inscribed it upon the 

1I1. 1 1 we carry. But, brethren, unless the Cross has burned 

1 iir, into our very souls and written its message upon the 

hi 1- hearts, we have no right to adopt it as an emblem of 

(h>d forbid that we touch the sacred Cross— the Cross 

l • 1 in. d the life of Him who was without sin — if we have not 

I ( hrist. 

Pilate's hall, Jesus staggered down the steps to the 

.M.I chat led to Calvary, and there under the burden of that 

H«i Mis ph ysical strength fai led . He fainted beneath its load— 

I 1 lotting in His hair, the perspiration drying upon His face. 

mi of that faint only to proceed to Golgotha, and there 

pierced through His hands and feet. The Cross was 

1 In ipped with a thud into the earth, and upon it Jesus Christ 

as a ransom for many. He paid the price and justified us 

■ i the Law, which had been violated, by satisfying the 

1. ( ross stands as the emblem of His victory over sin, over 

. darkness and over all the enemies of the human soul. 

1 .1. 1 he Cross of Jesus Christ has become our emblem. 

irry it with hands trembling, may we carry it with hearts 

1 always look upon it to be reminded of the victory 

us when He died in its arms. The purpose of our Or- 

n 1. bright, noble, Heaven-born and Heaven-approved. 

our emblem, to mobilize the forces of righteousness 

ill ill* powers of ignorance and all the powers of night. 

Lken the Flag of Truth as our banner. We believe 
...11 hearts, and God. help us today that we may search our 

the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is fundamentally right, 

hi ji something is right it cannot be wrong, 

p I ol the Klan is the truth. Truth is power, truth brings 
., md the banner of truth has become our Flag. An immortal 

lid 'Be Miie you are right; then go the limit.' We be- 
ir< righl under the light of the Cross, carrying the 
| i.. ni. vvi an passing on to certain victory- 

'The tenets of the Christian faith have become the foundatij 
of this great God-born, God-inspired, God-directed, God-protecff 
Organization. Therefore, honest, fearless, intelligent, sincere servl 
must be the key note-the key note of every Klansman s life. H^ 
I taken a text this morning, I think it would have been the first ye* 
of the twelfth chapter of Romans. Paul is speaking about a livin 
sacrifice. If the world has ever needed men who are ready to la 
down their bodies, unreservedly and without question, for the cad 
of righteousness, that hour has approached. A living sacrifice- 
living sacrifice of selfish ambition. Oh that we might get away fror 
self— the thought of selfish gain or selfish position! A living saa 
fice in the name of Jesus Christ, for the building of His Kingdom I 
earth among men-this is what Paul is emphasizing. Such is hoi 
sacrifice, acceptable unto God. 

-No other service save that which is unselfish is acceptable! 
the sight of God. It must be an unselfish service, it must be, wi| 
out question, undying loyalty to Christ^to His cause, our cans. 
This alone will guarantee victory for our great Organization Rend( 
unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar, and unto God the thirj 
that belong to God. But, brethren, it is utterly impossible for ! 
man to render to society the things that belong to society until I 
has surrendered his all to God. No man can claim merit within hid 
self. No man's hand is strong enough to conquer the enemy-sit 
No man can afford to stand alone. The only reason you and I h« 
for living— our only excuse for rubbing elbows with men-is tn 
we may render unto men, unto society, all that we, in the name 
Christ, owe them; and we owe society the righteousness Jesus Chi 
came to establish throughout the earth. 

* 'The Kian is of God, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail again 
it All the powers of night shall not hide its light, all the forces 
the enemy shall not penetrate its line; for 'if God be for us, wl 
can be against us?' 

"I would have you know, this morning, that Jesus Christ 
the conquering Savior. He is the Captain who has never lost a batt 
You remember the story of Julian, the Apostate. He said that 
would annihilate every Christian-that from earth the sound of i 
name of Jesus would no longer ring in the ears of man. Upon t 
battle field, leading his army against the forces of righteousness, tl 
Godless, Christless soldier sought to stamp from earth the name 
Jesus and the influence of His life. The story goes that in the settfl 
of the day, when the sun was about to bow his head and night to co* 


i, Julian, wounded unto death, there in those few moments 
i ii( | vet to live, looked upon and caught up a few drops of his 
,.,| chat fell from his wounded heart, tossed them toward 
1 1 id cried: 'Thou hast conquered , O Galilean!' 
h. name of Jesus Christ, in the spirit of the Galilean, we shall 
just as surely as God sits on the Eternal Throne. When 
bd in the hall of Pilate, Pilate asked: 'Art Thou the King?* 
I ped: 'Thou sayest it.' But His is not the kingdom men then 
mid. Jesus has neither army nor navy, nor is His head crowned 
He holds in His handno metal sceptre, nor does He wear regal 
ibes. His is the kingdom of truth and love. Pilate could 
tand. He asked: 'What is love, and what is truth?' Pilate, 
Bftte, is dead. Caesar, great Caesar is dead. The Rome of 
has crumbled to dust. All that was great of Rome has 
i into history— into dust and defeat, Rome was Godless, 
1 1 pi rished. 

hi i lm 11, I would remind you this morning that the Christ who 

I Pilate's hall, declaring the unsearchable riches of the love 

1 1. is become the conquering Redeemer of the world. Rome 

I. d, and all her power has gone to dust; but He rides as the 

iini', Savior. Our hearts this morning should ring out, not 

i , but rather in a shout of praise: 

All hail the power of Jesus' name, 
Let angles prostrate fall; 
Bring forth the royal diadem, 
And crown Him Lord of all ! 
i ;ing, I would say to you that when we knelt at the sacred 
l he sacred Book, and took for our creed the very heart 
n pel; when we there took that vow, that with our life's 
would give our all for the sake, for the purpose, for the 
■ I this Organization under the leadership of that Captain 
ltd never lost a battle, we there presented our bodies, our 
,11, as a living sacrifice, which is our reasonable service, 
stand and sing together, as Klansmen James leads us, be- 
ike the blessing of Heaven, 'All Hail the Power of Jesus' 

'Before Klansman James leads us in prayer, 

rw our heads, incline our ears unto God, and open our hearts 

In i his, the beginning of the day, while you hold within 

ndl the destiny of a nation, while you have taken the Cross 

. nihil in. and Jesui Christ as your Criterion, let us intelligently, 

! ' 

earnestly, and faithfully approach the throne of the living God. Let 
as pray.'* 

Klansman James. "Our Father, we call upon Thee in Jesus' nam! 
through this great Christ of God, of whom we have heard, He, thi 
conquering King of kings, and Lord of lords. This morning we, as) 
Kfansmen, present our bodies as a living sacrifice, as we have 
been called upon, and we know indeed this will be a holy, acceptable] 
service in Thy sight; and as we present ourselves, with our lives and 
our all, we know that Thou wilt indeed accept us because Thou hast 
said: 'He that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out.' 

"At the beginning of this day, with all that it shall hold, am 
all that it shall mean to us and to this nation, we commit this meet-, 
ing unto Thee. We present it to Thee in Jesus' name, and pray that 
Thou wilt rule, and that indeed every word and thought that 1 
suggested from this platform shall be in accord with the holy will 
of God. 

"We thank Thee for the message to which we have just listened, 
and we pray that it shall burn its way into our hearts, that as we 
think of the Fiery Cross we shall think of all it cost Heaven, that 
we shall think of the work of Jesus Himself, and that we may realise] 
that when He said, 'It is finished/ the great work of salvation wM 
finished, and that through Him we, this morning, have eternal life! 

"Now while we turn to the items of business, we pray that Thouj 
wilt bless those that shall speak. Bless our Imperial Klaliff as he 
presides here this morning. Bless our Imperial Wizard as he brings] 
the message of this morning. Grant, Oh' God, that he shall be in! 
spired of Thee to givQ us the things we should have to carry on, audi 
to carry back to our men in the various fields. 

"This morning there are hearts here perhaps that are heavy,! 
some men that have come away from homes wherein sickness is. 
God bless those homes, and bless those that wait upon them. Blessj 
every family that is represented here, with all of our interests which' 
we commit to Thee. And we pray that indeed Jesus Chrftt shall be 
our leader, our guide, our Criterion, and that, holding fast to the 
truth as presented in Christ Jesus, we shall live unto Him and be jj 
glory to Him. 

"Bless our nation, bless our President, and bless his executivc 
family; and, dear Lord, may this country of ours flourish and become 
the Christian nation that our forefathers intended it should be. Lord; 
we commit again ourselves and our all into Thy hands, muI pray I hat 
Thou wilt have Thy way, for Jesus' sake. Amen." 

Klansman Bos serf. "The Hudson Quartet will sing the 'Wayside 

< i 

Song by Quart a.) 

lansman Bossert. "At this time, 1 want to introduce to you 
man H. K. Ramsey, your Imperial Kligrapp, who will read the 
i ■ | iii of yesterday's session, for your approval." (Applause.) 

/ lansman Bjtmsey. "Klansmen: 1 want to say m opening that 

I are official reporters right in front of this platform, who are 

i ling everything that goes on verbatim. I mentioned to you 

Jay something about taking notes. These proceedings will 

. | hI lished and distributed to the Klansmen of the nation with the 

i. . of several Klansmen deleted , and any figures as to our membership 

(fined. That is the reason it is not necessary, at all, for you to take 

The speeches will be reported in full, and, if there are any 

n please you, you will have them at home. The reports of all the 

if | ui linen t heads and the address* of your Imperial Wizard which will 

I livered this morning are already in print, and you will get them 

you leave the hall." (Applause.) 

I Klansman from the balcony. "Mr. Chairman: Have I the floor?" 

nsman Bossert. "No, not unless you are down here, (indi- 
Minutes of the previous day's proceedings were read by the 
i i.i I Kligrapp.) 

.liusman Ramsey. "I overlooked the fact that die Rules Com- 
report was adopted unanimously — only accredited delegates 
I move the adoption of the minutes." 

I hi (notion was duly seconded.) 

man Bossert. "Is there any correction to the minutes as 
ou? (No response.) If not, the same will stand approved as 

i i Ins time, Klansmen of the Klonvokation, I shall read to you 

I i .Miiiiel of the various committees. Listen carefully, for those 

lin are on committees will have to meet with your chairmen. 

II name is read, jot down the committee you are on— then see 

N i ii nun. We must spur up the program." 

I hi names ol Committee chairmen and members were read, and 
.Ilium. in ol each Committee allowed to make announcements 
n< '"I- i ■ '■■ ' < ( 1 tag place and time.) 

i ■ 

Committee on Resolutions: 

— _ — __„_ — Q f Missouri, Chairman. 

. __ — ._ — f Georgia, 

— — of New Jersey. 

R. C. Flournoy of California. 
C. J. Orb is on of Indiana. 

__ __ f Ohio. 

C. A. Reed of Kansas, 
Swords Lee of Louisiana. 

■ — of Florida. 

Alva Bryan of Tex a s . 

Committee on Legal Department: 

H, A. Grady of North Carolina, Chairman 
C. H. McBrayer of Kansas, 
Sam D. Rich of Pennsylvania. 

Committee on Imperial KItgrapp's Report: 

James Esdale of Alabama, Chairman. 
O. H. Carpenter of Washington. 
J. G. Locke of Colorado. 
J. G. Murphy of Alabama. 

Committee on Imperial Klabee's Report: 

of Illinois, Chairman. 

Judge Wm, H. Sawyers of West Virginia. 
Swords Lee of Louisiana. 

Committee on Cashier's Report: 

Fred L. Gifford of Oregon, Chairman, 

_. Q f Indiana. 

, f Kansas. 

Committee on Imperial Klafyk's Report: 

— — — of Texas, Chairman. 

._ f Ohio. 

Chas. G. Palmer of Illinois. 

Committee on National Lecturers' Bureau: 

J ud ge J . A . Comer oi A r k a ns as . C h a i r ma n . 
N. C. Jewett of Oklahoma. 
Judge Wm. H. Sawyers of West Virginia. 
df Kentucky. 

mmittce on Department of Education and Publicity: 

C. J. Orbison of Indiana, Chairman. 
C. H. McBrayer of Kansas. 
C, H. Ketchum of Florida. 

ttee on Industrial Plants: 

C, G. Palmer of Illinois, Chairman. 
McCord Harrison of Arizona. 
F. H. Beall of Maryland. 

ttee on Insurance Department: 

P. S. Etheridge, Chairman. 

Alva Bryan of Texas. 

C. H. McBrayer of Kansas. 

.man Etheridge announced that he desired Klansmen C. J. 
nid Zeke Marvin to also meet with that Committee.) 

tee on the Women of the Ku Klux Klan: 

H, C. McCall of Washington, D. C, Chairman. 
W.F. Bossert of Indiana. 
H. K. Ramsey of Louisiana. 

ttee on Junior Ku Klux Klan: 

F. L. Gifford of Oregon, Chairman. 
Sam D. Rich of Pennsylvania. 
„ f w est Virginia. 

i on Extension Department: 

Alfred Hogston of Indiana, Chairman. 

of Texas. 

A. E. Hill of South Carolina. 

Bossert, "Mr. Kligrapp, have I overlooked any com- 

Kamsey. "I think not, Your Excellency." 
man Bossert. "Kknsman Carter wishes to make some 
ii us at this time." 

■ Carter. "The first announcement to be made is in 

!<■ i In- Klavern of Sorrow this evening. Most of you were 

ning, and saw the exemplification of our ritual. I can 

OH truthfully thai WC will surpass what was done last night 


by the same team and the same staff. The Imperial Officers, thi 
Grand Dragons and Great Titans, King Kleagles and Imperial Ref 
resentatives will also participate. The Klavern of Sorrow will begi 
at eight o'clock this evening. Members of the Women of the | 
Klux Klan are invited to attend. 

"There was found this morning a Union Pacific return tick< 
8356, which calls for a return passage from Kansas City, Missour 
to Denver, Colorado. If you will apply to our Information Desk | 
can have it. 


we have a wire 


vou w 


sent in care of the Ku Klux Klan Headquarters, at Convention Hal 
(Laughter and applause.) 

'Judge Sawyers, please call Charleston, immediately. Thev ha 1 
called me twice for you, and I am passing it on to you now. 

"Last night as one of the Exalted Cyclops from California Id 
the hall his pocket was picked, or he lost bis pocket book. In an 
event, if you find it, he would appreciate your returning it ro th 
Information Bureau. 

"All Grand Dragons and Great Titans, Imperial Representative 
and King Kleagles arc asked to report at 7:30 this evening at thi 
North entrance, not on the floor but just outside. All Imperial Officer 
are asked to report at 7:30 in regalia at the same place, the North doq 
"I want to again talk to you this morning about the theatre pai 
which will be held tomorrow night at the Orpheum Theatre. Tl 
tickets will be distributed alphabetically as was designated yesterd j 
If your wife is with you, ask for two tickets and take her with yo 
"Those of you who are expecting telegrams or mail addressed 
care of the Ku Klux Klan Headquarters at Convention Hall wP 
please leave your name at the Information Bureau. We are receivn 
a lot of mail, and do not know what to do with it, 

"All Missouri delegates are requested to remain on the floor 
the close of the night session. 

"That is all, your Excellency." 

Klansman BosserL "Fellow Klansmen: I know that you ha 
waited patiently for this hour. I do not know whether or not you t 
as well acquainted as I am with the man who is going to deliver t 
address at this time; but if you are not you will have the opp 
trinity, no doubt, during the remaining two years of his admimstrati 
to get personally acquainted with him. And I assure you th;ir 
al) of vou will learn to love him, and to study the character of 

..I11.1l as I have, you will realize that this man is one of America's 
■ 1.. ices for right, and for good, and for the restoration of 
I . m America's people. (Applause.) 

I h tve traveled with him, I have seen him in his daily life; I 

his family; and I want to say to you, fellow Klansmen of the 

I 1 In- reason he succeeds is because he is a Christian gentleman. 

> not believe in building an institution or a government 

inv one individual; but I have always been convinced that 

i I mighty uses men as instruments for good. And I want to 

my fellow Klansmen, that this man, believing in the good, 

iii< (rood of his country, and for the good of humanity, de- 

iln support, the honest cooperation, of each of you who are 

I 1 his Klonvokation. (Applause.) 

■ it know o^ any convention that I would rather preside over, 
, 1 no greater honor that could be bestowed upon my shoulders 

. trecr. If I should retire tomorrow and should pass out, I 

Hiii I have been an instrument used to aid in a meagre way. 

lout the assistance, as all of you know, and the guiding hand 

■ of Hiram W. Evans, I, as a great many others of you, 

been a failure in this magniiicient work. (Applause.) 

1 say to you, my fellow Klansmen,that I know of no privilege 
, I appreciate more than this— having the honor to intro- 
mit! my good friend, my fellow Klansman, our Imperial Wizard, 
1 mi W. Evans. (Dr. Evans was greeted with wild applause, 
hIi die- Klansman's greeting sign.)" 

1 1 >cas delegation favored the Klonvokation with a song,) 


By the Imperial Wizard 

"I greet you, the Imperial Klonvokation, representing the millions 
native-born , white, Gentile, Protestant citizens who have united undj 
the banner of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan for the protection d 
our nation and race. You have assembled here at a time of great crisel 
Events of overwhelming importance are waiting in the womb of hi 
tory. The future of America, and of the white race, hangs in th| 

"Upon the results of your deliberations rest events of immeasurabt 
moment. 'America's invincible optimism is speeding her gaily aloni; 
the road toward destruction. I am not a pessimist, nor are you 
The fact that we are banded together to accomplish a holy purpos 
proves that we are optimistic. Ours is the optimism that dares an< 
resists and constructs. Klansmen are men who see and deplore th 
ills of the present, and who likewise have a vision of redemption 
They clearly see approaching the greatest tragedy of history—the del 
miction of rhe best blood, the best thought, and the best ieadershi 
of the world. And they see the way to avert that tragedy. GurOi 
ganization exists to serve and to save. Hence we are here to ta]j 
inventory, to make more efficient the movement, to extend our ba 
ders— to review the Klan of yesterday, to analyze the Klan of todaj 
to build for the Klan of tomorrow. 

"Sober judgment is required for the accomplishment of this task 
This is no time to befog our minds with undue self-flattery. InsteaJ 
we must look all facts and situations squarely in the face. We mvfl 
recognize our weakness as well as our strength, our failures as well 1 
our successes. We must absorb every lesson experience offers, so thl 
we may go forward increased in wisdom. There will be time enouj 
for exultation when the battle shall have been won. Today we a 
marshalling our forces, and laying plans to insure victory. 

"This will be a report of the leader, by your own choice, of the arm 
on which depends the world's supreme hope; also a report of the sM 
officers who surround him, and without whose devoted co-opera tB 
and support success would be impossible. As a whole, the repod 
will be encouraging. It will show tremendous progress along eertail 
lines, an amazing increas* In membership and gratifying dcvrlnpimnf 

- 1 

...I complete and efficient Klan action. Many of these develop- 
|| have followed one another with such precision that they might 
i i i.) have resulted from great foresight and carefully laid plans. 

i might wish to claim that our successes have been the result of 

wisdom and ability— but such a claim would be daring pre- 

rvlore than to myself, our progress has been due to the 

i mil ability of the other officers of the Klan — many of whom 

■ -in midst. It would be impossible to say too much in praise 

i \ ice they have rendered. However, it must be devoutly ac- 

I I -yd that our achievements are due to Divine Guidance rather 

i he Klan's Officiary. I told you last year that Almighty God 

1 s, i u Wizard over you to lead you. I tell you today, from the 

\ I mk nun of my soul, that God has done a greater thing for the 

|] i - ii, that of giving it human leadership. He has given it His 

I i idership. The Lord has guided us, and shaped the events in 

rejoice. He has held us under His own protection. The 

i Im i we have this Divine Guidance and protection should, and 

ase our faith in the Klan— in its growth in grace and power, . 

ion, in its final complete victory. Such guidance and pro- 

■ .. I. i ii and of every Klansman undivided interest, full strength, 

. (Mirage, and complete consecration to the cause so blessed. 

i i Hums of Americans are in arduous quest of leadership toward 
rnment, adequate law-enforcement, the elevation of society 

I perfect national patriotism. The Klan, alone, supplies 

i hlu ship. 

Klansmen, we are living in the fundamental period. We are 

i In foundations of the greatest structure in the history of human 

I Ik refore, we cannot afford to make gigantic blunders. 

i Ln leadership must insure to this country conditions which 

in.l 11 possible for our descendants through succeeding cen- 

li quatcly perform the high duties of citizenship, and the still 

i. | Im u , of leadership- not only of America, but of civilization 

II representative government is to endure and possess the 

im! n must), there must be not only a high level in average im 

i level which history proves, and current events are proving, 

I I reached except by Nordic and Anglo-Saxon peoples), 

■■■ ... i at ion must produce enough men and women of unusual 
m in had their fellow citizens in every sphere oi: national 
mil women who arc 'the salt of the earth,' who ever lead 
1. 1 lu"lh i i flingi 


'The blood which produces human leadership must be protected 
from inferior blood, and from the competition which saps the. vitality 
of leadership because it makes the struggle for existence such a bur- 
den that people stagger under it. You are of this superior blood. You an\ 
more— you are leaders in the only movement in the world, at present, whkhm 
exists solely to establish a civilisation that will insure these things. KlanM 
men and Klanstvomen are verily 'the salt of the earth,' upon wham depends, 
the future of civilisation. 

"The responsibility is overwhelming —when one looks squarely al 
it, he is filled with awe, and his heart-beats quicken. I covet for you 
and for myself the vision, the consecration, the ability and the power] 
needed in the crisis that is on. Only by the help of God can the de-j 
mands be met. I claim no credit for past achievement nor for tin 
foundation of future achievement— save that I have tried and that | 
have been able to remain on the fighting front. 

"When elevated to the position of Imperial Wizard, 1 keenly felt 
■ my unworthiness to assume the important role you had assigned me; 
now I feel still more unworthy, because I realize more fully the trd 
mendousness of the responsibility resting upon my shoulders. I amj 
therefore, driven more and more to lean upon your counsel, co-operatiod 
md prayers, and to look unto the Source of all wisdom for guidance 
in final decision. Upon the Wizard, as head of the Klan, devolves 
the staggering responsibility of appointing and overseeing the leaded 
ship of millions, and of making sure that none of our patriotic enthuj 
siasm and righteous striving shall be wasted. Above all, the Wizari 
must keep constant vigil lest something might occur to heap lastind 
discredit upon the Klan movement. The conclusion is inevitable thai 
should the Klan become discredited to the point of failure the powdj 
of evil would rejoice in the possession of their vantage ground, andj 
that it would then be a thousand times more difficult than now for 
patriotism and general righteousness to win, 

"Could you fully realize the many-sided, complex, doubled an J 
twisted job with which your Wizard wrestles, you would the morl 
readily understand why he does not always do everything he would 
like to do, and why he makes frequent mistakes which, doubtless,! 
irritate you at times. I shall, therefore, here give you a glimpi 
into the Wizard's life. 

"The men who work with me tell me that, since you elected m< 
Wizard, 1 have delivered some four hundred addresses before 

mgs, and that m the performance of my duties I have traveled 

n> 75,000 miles. They likewise inform me that I have held 

..iiuls of conferences -with Klan workers— and I know that a large 

h 1 of those conferences lasted for hours, many of them into the 

■ la' hours of the morning. Ail of this, to say nothing of 

strain occasioned by the misunderstandings and persecutions 

mm- li which we have passed. However, these are details, The 

assigned the Wizard is that of leadership. And should 1 

Mic upon the Wizard, I would accuse him of attempting too 

dp rsonal work and not taking time for quiet, serious medita- 

liieh is undoubtedly requisite to statesman-like leadership. 

Progress Continuous 

». , 1 lite these handicaps, our progress as an organization has been 

iniihuis. Our enemies, both within and without the Klan, have 

,.|h is step by step. There has never been one minute of peace 

ity. Yet the Klan has grown from an organization of 

1 few hundred thousand men into one of millions. The 

bun has filled from nothing to funds that are beginning to be 

h|, for our great work— this in spite of the heavy demands thrust 

1 . by law suits and necessary adjustments. I have seen the Klan 

) internal strife, and I have seen it emerge from the flames into 

militant unity, which is destined to wage long battle and beat 

Wnihl and the devil for the cause of righteousness. I have seen 

I l.i n 1 hange from an organization discredited and on the defensive 

|f States to one that has made tremendous and successful fights 

fti.ihv States. I have seen it become a power that has driven its 

1 1 1 the wall, and 1 have seen it take to itself the leadership of 

■ Id on behalf of the ideal of nationhood. (We should ever 

1 in mind the fact that Klan principles are verities, eternal as the 

,ii. I that ultimately they will apply the world around.) 

h 1 . upon just such leadership— such leadership as the Klan alone 
an give— that Anglo-Saxon Americans must depend, if they 
1 to achieve ideal nationhood. Disinterested specialists, both 
■flea and. Europe, who have studied world conditions in the 
Inch followed the World War, have reached the conclusion 
! only possible salvation of nationhood is in organization. 
I m added that organization that saves is not merely material— it 
1 in I thought and purpose. These must be welded into one over- 
., er which is to produce a national patriotic mind, rich in tradi- 
ng! in st /net capable of guarding the national heritage from 
md bringing it to perfection. 



* ' Such is the Ku Klux Klan . It is th t sole remain ing hope . It h as bcgi 
consciously to take up its great task of defending mankind against 
those who, under a camouflaged plea for a universal brotherhyc 
and the absolute equality of all people regardless of race, instinct oj 
ability, are seeking the destruction of true democracy. Our taskj 
which perhaps we are just beginning to realize, is that of leadin 
civilization into the life and death struggle that must take place bf 
fore real Democracy comes universally into its own. It is to be I 
prolonged and successful resistance of self-seeking men and national 
parasitic peoples trying to drag civilization down to their own icvelsT 
ruthlessness, greed and cruelty, laziness, incompetence and dishonest! 
in private and public life. 

"During the two years I have been Imperial Wizard, theKluiihuj 
passed from the period of formation, simple problems and confusec 
purposes, into the stage of conscious unity for the greatest task ' 
all history. We are looking into the history of the past two year 
in order that we may be the better prepared to carry on, to furnish 
high leadership demanded by our day and generation and to mec 
with confident courage our multiplying enormous responsibilities. 

"I shall request the Heads of Departments and Bureaus of the Klan 
the men who have successfully led the troops in the field — to eal 
relate to you his own story. As General Commander, I shall submit 
to you my own report in broad outlines— leaving details to be nllel 
in by the field Commanders. I shall lay before you the great achievJ 
ments of the Klan and likewise some of its mistakes, and I shall cp 
deavor to point out lessons that can be drawn from both. My repffl 
will show that the Klan has developed along definite lines towatf 
greater purposes than any of us at first comprehended, and it wi 
afford a birdseye view of the Klan as it is today— its strength and pu 
pose and the tremendous work ahead. For I solemnly assure you, in 
fellow Klansmen, that we have just entered into the great battle o\x 
God has commissioned us to wage against the hosts of unrighteousnei 

"That we may intelligently analyze the progress made, there is na-< 
for a brief review of Klan conditions on Thanksgiving Day, 1911: 

(1) The Klan was under bitter attack by powerful forces throu j 

out the United States, 
(2.) There was no unified purpose, no clear program, 

(3) There was serious disorganization, 

(4) The numerical strength was limited to the point of M 

CO The Klan was poverty-stricken. 

"With these tacts in mind, I wish you to look at a brief outline 

|| major events during the past two years. However, before taking 

m| ui\ phase of the work in detail, the story as a whole can be the 

L.iui understood if we provide a general background against which 

i particular developments will stand out in bold relief. 

I lu- Klonvokation made certain changes in leadership. And these 

res were made, as you will recall, without friction, A close 

was effected, and the way was paved for a new start. The new 

I .nation entered upon its work with definite purposes which, 

1 1 elementary, were fundamental. Some of these purposes were: 

I To have all Klan funds deposited in the Klan treasury, 

To improve the condition which had justified outside attack, 
by improving the leadership, 
To revise the work and methods of extension, 
i To coordinate the various departments of the administration, 
To provide for the education of the membership in Klankraft, 
To absolutely suppress lawlessness wherever present. 

I I was felt that if these things were done the future of the Klan 
■ -n 1 . 1 be secure. 

I In first move on the part of the new regime was directed toward 

■ill ^ finance and extension on a firmer foundation. It was dis- 

jred that the program initiated by E. Y. Clarke stood squarely 

I .i.. way of this necessary reform. TheKlan's contract with Mr. 

inl n .is revoked in February, 1 92.3 . 

ijich and April, 19Z3, a new Extension Department was in- 

and started functioning. 

it tempt was made by Colonel Simmons to launch a women's 

I nown as 'Kamelia,' and to connect it with the Klan— he 

absolute control, and placing it in men's hands for private 

\\ lien instructed by the Imperial Wizard to cease such opera- 

' olonel Simmons filed a series of suits designed to give him 

i..l ol the Klan or to wreck it entirely. In this effort, he was 

\ joined by Mr. Clarke who, in contradiction of oft-repeated 

that he desired to retire, bitterly resented the cancella- 

lii.s propagation contract. 

)n ful v . \^)i\, there was discord between the Headquarters in 
ind the head of the Extension Department in Columbus, 
Which, l l ( " to other internal difficulties, required a contract 
., 1 >..|>uMtinti in certain Northern States for a time. 



"About this time, it was discovered that the robes had been costinl 
much more than was necessary, and the Administration built and put 
into operation its own robe plant. The cost of printing being ex- 
cessive, the printing plant was installed also. 

"The Imperial Night-Hawk was established to get contact between! 
local Klans and the Imperial Palace. 

"In September, 19:13, the conspiracy to take control of the Klan oaj 
the part of a subordinate employee in Columbus, Ohio, resulted in 
further inside, dissension - 

; Tn January, 1914, the internal fights had all been won, and all wad 

"Since January, 19^4, designing politicians have kept us busy wardl 
ing off attacks and keeping the Klan out of politics. Nevertheless^ 
each month the Klan has made substantial progress in membership] 
resources and unity of purpose. 

"Our greatest tragedy resulted from the worst of human impulses 
and motives, which became unchained within the Klan itself Two men 
whom the Klan had honored, trusted and enriched, prompted by th^ 
age-old agencies of destruction^greed, personal ambition and luslj 
for power— and unrestrained by any sense of gratitude, patriotism ofm 
decency, mercilessly attacked the Organization. They ruthlessly! 
and by the most vicious and violent methods, tried to win control ■ 
the Klan, Failing in their effort, they sought its utter ruin. As ever! 
in human history, they made use of treason, cupidity and falsehood^ 
However, the inherent strength of the Klan, the able Legal DepajJ 
ment, the intense loyalty of the Klansmen and, above all, the guidinH 
hand of the Almighty enabled us to win every suit, and, finally, tfl 
successfully conclude without loss to the Klan the separation of thcsl 
men and their dupes from our ranks. 

"The movement headed by Colonel Simmons, his effort to found 4 
women's order controlled by himself, and later to found a, second 
order naturally caused the heads of the Klan to devote their wholJ 
attention to the task of stamping out the first rebellion. 

"We were unable to give the necessary, close, personal touch ad 
inspection to the work of the Northern Extension Headquarters ill 
Columbus, Ohio. Hence, there was a deliberate attempt to divcH 

mi-1 betray' the entire purpose of the Klan. It was carefully and cleverly 

mi 1 mized by men who had measured the tremendous power the Klan 

Mould wield and the good it would accomplish for Americanism and 

.tantism, and who hoped to divert this power into their own 

11 I . and pervert its purpose to their own selfish anti- American and 

p. 1 Miotic uses. However, as has every conspiracy against the 

11 in 1 of America, their conspiracy failed. Those men did not reckon 

nli the power of the racial and patriotic instincts in the men they 

1 to betray, nor did they know how these instincts would guide 

I hi hi en through the fog their conspiracy created. Above all, they 

fa to sense the discernment, courage and loyalty of Klan leaders^ 

I Klansmen in general throughout the North—honest, thinking 

Mi who rejected the alluring bait set for them and demonstrated a 

,iliy to constituted authority never surpassed. 

I hese facts should be known and understood by every Klansman. 

-ver, every Klansman should know that behind much of the 

I in criticism leveled at the Imperial Officers are the brains and 

illhM 1 1. 1 nds of those conspirators. They still hope, by discrediting 

1 'hi leadership, to destroy the Klan utterly and to leave Ameri- 

11 reorganized and undefended. 

III. sc revolts teach a valuable lesson. The Klan cannot be des- 

nd by the treason and treachery of self-seeking men — neither 

iiin nor from without. The principles which guide it, the 

1 11: 1 loyalty of its officers and members, the strength of its high 

.mil the national scope and momentum it has already at- 

». d 1 hese can not be imitated any more than they can be disrupted 

1 ' imal greed or ambition, 

I hi Klan in the past two years has passed through the fire, and 
Ben refined. It stands today a united whole — safe from such 
. .iiul any other attempts of the kind will recoil, as have those 
1 d in, upon the heads of their authors. 

m, Klan has not been alone in suffering under betrayal. American 
Bd '" e had its Benedict Arnold, and even Jesus Christ had His 

isit-nt effort to wrest control of the Klan from the Klans- 

■ 1 1 for private gain has been a thorn in the side of your 

..1I1 l/ficiary, until recently. Yet the work of rejuvenating the 

.1 I 1. [ummnt has gone steadily on. It was well under way 

, mm 11. 1 ..I h,.' ;, and a period of great expans ion ensued, 



Territorial Expansion 

"The rapid growth of our membership in the Northern and mid- 
Western states brought about profound changes in the Klan appeal 
and outlook. This development, made without any conscious plan 
except to enroll new Klansmen in the fertile field, has actually changed 
the Klan from a sectional to a national organization. 

"The rapid extension in these sections developed some of the probj 
lems which had attended the organization of Klans through the South 
and West— problems beginning to be met and eradicated in the older 
Realms, These difficulties were resultant upon the acceptance of un- 
worthy men into the new Klans— it was because of stupidity and mis- 
taken zeal upon the part of Kleagles and minor officers and the betrayJ 
of the Klan by selfish, designing officials who sought personal power 
and profit. These problems, apparently the result of too rapid ex- 
tension, had been met by the fall of 192.3. 

"The extension into the North has proved a blessing to the Klan] 
It has brought in new blood and broader counsel; it has made stronger! 
in our leadership the elements of pure Americanism; it has led us all 
into a more complete vision of the nation as a whole and of trucj 
nationalism. Hence, the Klan stands today, as it has never beforj 
stood, the organized representative of Protestantism, Americanism 
and Anglo-Saxon principles. 

"The reforms made in the personnel of the Kleagleship and in thd 
type of education put out, together with the other reforms, freed thJ 
Klan of the stigmas that have attached to it and opened the door td 
millions of men who had been sympathetic toward the movement 
but had objected to the distasteful methods. The cancellation of. 
the Clarke contract had much to do with this. And when the robej 
factory was established the last possible suspicion of private exploit:, 
tion in the Klan vanished. 

"This period of rapid extension was far beyond the expectation o| 
the most sanguine Klan leaders. It opened our eyes— it surely opened j 
mine— to the strength and the power of the movement we were leacffl 
ing. It brought to us a new, and a more solemn, sense of responsibility 
than we had ever had before. And it has had a tremendous effect 1 
the development of the Klan program and the Klan mind. 

"The fall of 19x3 witnessed the definite formulation of the Klan inn 
migration policy, first announced at the great gathering in Dallas .mil 
since carried to triumphant victory. Men all over the nation seemed 1 

. instinctively reaching to the Klan for leadership— literally millions 
f < opies of that immigration" speech have been requested. The Klan 
jiy, without presumption, claim the better part of credit for the 
feat achievement at Washington which guarantees future protection 
I our citizenship and homes. 

' Thus, our great country began to see in the Klan a possible answer to the 
hi I' /ex/ ties which have been accumulating in the national mind j or a genera- 
It would seem that the enemies of civilization realized that at 

1 ii competent defender of America had arisen. Every step in the 
Ingress of the Klan has stiffened their resistance — which is more 
UM'I and dangerous today than ever before. 

I lere are some of the things we have had to face: — 

Attempts in many States to abolish the Klan by law; riots appar- 
|ii I v concerted, and simultaneously staged throughout the country, 
)H ip. by outsiders to test the constitutionality and legality of the Klan; 
nil. hy the Simmons-Clarke faction to win control of the KJan; the 
|v< Inpment bv Colonel Simmons of his Order of Kamelia; vicious 

tion of Klan organizers and Klan members by minor legal 

1 1 rs everywhere; the persecution of the Klan in Oklahoma by Gov- 

frio 1 Walton, and the successful fight to restore Constitutional govern- 

lit ni mi that afflicted State; the springing up of anti-Klan organizations, 

.1 ..I lly-by-night imitations of the Klan throughout the land; the icy of anti-Klan legislation at Washington; the necessity of 

■ il.hshing control over the unofficial Klan press, which was running 

1 , the need of bringing about Klan unity, and giving vision to 

Li 1 1 rakers; the re-organization of the Wizard's official family; the 

1 1 v of preparation to meet the attack on the Klan under the guise 

• 1 ontest of Mayfield's election to the United States Senate. 

1 hese, and many other perplexing problems, large and small, left 

• little time for the consideration of fundamental things, and for 

further re-organization and development of business methods. 

I rnosi lamentable of all, they left but little time for the inculcation 

I I ni principles and the education of the millions being enrolled 

|j rrn mbership. Yet, by steady purpose and incredible labor, and f 

II it, through the guidance of Divine Providence, we came 

i' ill these perplexing situations and conflicting emotions to 

luliduy Season more than conquerors. We did not lose a single 

. > ( ffci tive anti-Klan law was passed; not one serious charge 

ih< Klan was proved; the Kiac was nor shown to have been 

responsible for a single not; not one imitating organization had b* 
successful; and there was not a serious defection inside the Klan. 

The New Years Hope 

il We came to the New Year still facing serious problems. Howevfi 
we met them with an organization growing in unity, with betj 
leadership, with purpose more clearly defined, with increasing paj 
otism and devotion, with money in a treasury that had been empj 
and with a membership increased from a few hundred thousand to mill'm 

tL The New Year began with the council which planned the w( 
for the ensuing period and put it upon a broader basis. The most 
portant detail was the creation of a Bureau in which speakers 
Kleagles have been carefully trained in the true faith of the Klan. All 
a Bureau was established for the guidance of Klan publications and 
preparation of educational matter for Klansmen. 

1 Putting theKlan press under control was a difficult task. Neverj 
less, ic was achieved and the achievement was of great value. Sol 
of the unwarranted statements in the uncontrolled press had be 
used against the Klan, and with serious effect. 

L1 The beginning of the year saw the beginning of unity of pur] 
within the Klan, and also unity of attitude toward the outside woi 

li Tt was found at this time that the extension in the Northern Sts 
had given to the Department of Realms a most difficult task. Nothj 
had been done toward consolidation and organization, the rlnaij 
were in disorder, and it was impossible for the Imperial officers 
find out either how many men had joined the Klan or how many va 
in good standing. 

<L lt was felt that at last theKlan was strong enough financially! 
in numbers, as well as in prestige, to enter the East— the strongh( 
of alienism, hyphenism and un- Americanism. The same was thauj" 
to be true regarding the Northwest and the alien industrial cities: 
the Middle West. 

"The extension of the Spring and Summer has been on a basis 4; 
ferent from that of last year. It has been less spectacular, and in 
solid. Careful attention has been paid to seeing that no man is brouj 
into the Klan who does not support its aims, and also that each q 
member shall be absorbed into the Klan spirit and instructed in 9 
kntlL The present work is raising che average of the intelligence ■ 

■ion of the membership. It is drawing into the Klan the best 
llinl of the nation. And it is being carried on with less criticism 
>)hm .it i ended last year's work. 

ith the Dallas address on immigration came general recognition 

||i. | imposes of theKlan, and the attacks redoubled. Then followed 

bell conceived schemes to get the Klan into politics and discredit 

ugh defeat at the polls. We are at the moment in one phase of 

1 1. 1 in of attack. It aims to increase the anti-Klan vote in many 

I and to heap discredit upon the movement by inducing leading 

1 1. 1 ites and leading citizens to assail the Klan in public addresses, 

g i laiming that the Klan is losing ground. This attack is now 

l» height — but it, too, will fail. 

bur enemies discovered, before many of us did, that theKlan can- 

. i pp. ur at its best when brought into the open in a political fight 

L)mh it is, itself, the main issue. They hoped through action in 

N. field, and other cases, to spread calumnies and false evidence 

• m I i , ilms turn public opinion against us. 

" I fns situation made it necessary for the Wizard to spend much of 

. i n. in Washington, in order to be in close and first-hand touch 

t*h!, , wiits. The move was made without premeditation. I had 

mm 1 1. .1 a comfortable home in Atlanta, and had looked forward to 

.. I mi;', much time there. However, the need of watching Klan in- 

.used me to undertake personally the expense of a second 

.nul to take with me a sufficient staff to carry on the work: 

mm ihis time it was found advisable to move to Washington also 

, h.M. aus of Information, Education and Publication, and the De- 

..i of Extension— since all these must work in close touch with 

i .1 developments. This is all that the talk of moving Head- 

r. to Washington amounts to. The Headquarters remains in 

and will remain there until the Klan orders it removed. 

I n i.i y say, just here, that all the moves of myself or other Imperial 

■ i have been forced by the exigencies of situations— there has 

i been a pre-arranged plan to take the Klan into politics. We are 

i iiuiously driven into action by the onslaughts of, our qppo- 

t he developments of pre-convention campaigns— sometimes 

wise actions of such men as D. C. Stephenson, who, through 

.( ibility and judgment, brought upon us an open fight in Indiana. 

uund ourselves challenged by our enemies, as you Klansmen 
I now, ill every State and city and town, and in the nation as a 
lih challenge ran horn coast to coast, and from Canada to 


the Gulf. The conflict was not of our choosing. Nevertheless, wd 
met it with a fighting spirit and the loyal courage of a unified, mill J 
cant, patriotic organization. We fought a good fight, and we kept thd 
faith 1 

"The fight in the Democratic National Convention demonstrate! 
to the entire country that the charges made by the Klan against thl 
Roman Catholic Hierarchy— charges most used to prove us guilty ol 
religious prejudice and un- Americanism — are absolutely true. The 
Hierarchy erred when it permitted (rather forced) itself to become J 
political issue. And it erred still further in a way most pronounced 
when it allowed its priests , in flocks, to hang around the New Yorld 
lobbies, and in the Convention Hall itself—openly conversing with! 
delegates. The fact that the Roman Hierarchy is in politics, both 
national and international, is a matter of current history and diplo-j 
matic record — this no enlightened Romanist would deny. Also, thd 
gloved hand of the Hierarchy has been seen in American politics foJ 
decades past. Now, that hand appears without a glove — thousands oi 
men and women who saw it at work in New York could be success! 
fully interrogated on the witness stand. All America knows that the 
Roman Church (the Hierarchy is the Roman Catholic Church) tried,! 
desperately, to control the Democratic Convention, and that thill 
could have meant nothing else than an effort to get control of the next 
National Administration. 

"The attacks upon the Klan, the violence of the campaign againsl 
it, the fact that our enemies themselves made the Klan a national! 
issue — all this proves the alarm of the opposition at the power thd 
Klan is manifesting. It is proof, positive, that Romanism, alienism] 
and anti-Americanism of every type recognize the Klan as their moi 
powerful antagonist. It proves that they know— they knew it almost j 
before we discovered it— that the principles and purposes of the Kim 
constitute the chief defense of Americanism against all un-AmerioB 
and anti-American attacks. It proves that if we, ourselves, had n(fl 
recognized our mission to be the defense of the American nation and] 
the upbuilding of the American national mind and purpose, in all tfl 
things that nationalism implies, our enemies would have forced I 
upon us. There can be no question of the Klan's leadership in Ame™ 
canism — its enemies swear to it 7 by their tactics! 

Developments in Detail 

"I wish now to take up and discuss in detail some of the specia 
problems and developments of the past two years. Lessons can bl 
learned from each — and we need all the knowledge and wisdom w$ 
can get, if the Klan is to carry on and accomplish its gregl usk, 


Throughout its history, the Klan has suffered persecution, prosecu- 
ii. unfairness, and all manner of attacks. And it will continue to 
I attacks — the forms of which will change, as our enemies learn 
ii futility of their efforts. Moreover, the attacks will become more 
I QIC and bitter on to the end — until our victory is complete. That 
in. will come, but not without bitter struggle. 

' ' We have so long permitted the decadent peoples of Europe to settle 

it.-ir- us and to exercise the rights of citizenship, without regard to 

in qualifications or the possibility of their assimilation, and have 

I lung tolerated the un-American and anti-American thought they 

fith them and listened to their specious arguments for universal 

■ 1 1 if v regardless of ability, fitness or acceptance of American prin- 

i hat the nation today stands before the world divided in senti- 

m\ uid purpose. The Klan and the men and women of American 

iMMi'.ln and racial instinct whom it represents and for whom it speaks 

piMiitl that this shall be a nation unified, on the basis of Americanism 

llilcd. Against us are the forces of alienism, Romanism, and every- 

1 .(■ that is un-American. 

['This Klonvokation, held here in the great Middle West, is assem- 

On "l«c battlefield of the immediate future. Some of the Eastern 

I »rc today lost to true Americanism, and must be re-won; but 

American population of the Middle West, of the South and 

I ih. '..nuh West are left to do valiant battle. 

Dm ! brethren of the East have lost their heritage. They have been 

-• M hoiii control of the democracies their fore-fathers bequeathed 

Mmv appear not to have recognized the insidious character 

in ision they have permitted. Their minds, as were ours, too, 

ill- Klan vision overtook us, seem dulled by the superficial doc- 

nl ilic Melting Pot and the fallacious arguments that any man 

dill i . ,ii) be educated into Americanism. 

| ii.i vc discovered that there are nations and races that can never, 

ess of education or assimilation, become Americanized, 

. ii cans will discover this same fact, by and by. There is 

Dl - hanging a snake into a man, or a sheep into a bull-dog. 

hi ir places, and likewise have aliens; but we have deter- 

|Ut i In- time shall come when there will be no place in America 

ho cannot think in terms of Americanism— people whose 

ti nre here would ultimately destroy America. 

undesirable hordes from other lands are driving to our side the 
i... for one reason or another, have been hesitating. Every 

attack upcn the Klan makes more clear-cut the issue of Americanism 
against alienism. Americans arc sometimes slow, but they are plod- 
ding and discerning — and they are honest, Hence, they will eventually 
discover the Klan — and recognize it as the last refuge of American 
patriotism worthy of the name. 

"Having learned these things, we are ready to fight. Unified at 
last, with a purpose that is definite and holy, with a militant organiza- 
tion, with the zeal and courage and loyalty which made the Nordic 
and Anglo-Saxon peoples the greatest on earth, we are ready to stand, 
as the French stood at Verdun, and shout to the alien hordes: Thou 
shalt not pass!' 

"Properly seen, this entire series of persecutions is a continuation oi 
the great mental conflicts that were aroused, but not settled, by thej 
World War. That was a struggle between freedom and a great power! 
seeking the destruction of freedom. 

"When petty persecutions failed, our enemies resorted to direcl 
terrorism. They started a series of riots which has shed blood and 
disgraced our country throughout the Spring and Summer, and it is 
still in evidence — perhaps to remain for some time to come. Most 
of these attacks were planned and directed by the same forces which 
were behind the earlier forms of persecution. Some, it must be ac- 
knowledged, have been the product of racial instincts — hostile to 
America and everything American. 

"I have pointed out the opposition to the forward march of the 
Klan, and I have told you that it will continue. I wish, also, to war! 
you against the danger of under-estimating the strength of this oppo-| 
siticn. Attempts to wrest world domination from the Anglo-Saxorij 
nations have lasted for centuries. 

"Quite frequently, a current term is a misnomer. It is a fact— t J 
become universally recognized— that the things people have been 
calling 'prejudice' and 'hatred' and 'intolerance' constitute the 
Holy Doctrine, inarticulate — the real safeguards of the race in times of 
confusion and stress. They are instincts— racial instincts; the same m 
those that drive the birds South at the beginning of Winter; the saiiu 
as that which causes the child to turn to its mother, without knowing 
why; the same as that which sent our brave lads 'over there' durifll 
the World War. Our mistake has beeti our inability, because we hall 
not known how, to tell the faith that was in us. 

1 f Now, we know — our lesson has been learned gradually, but it has 

learned once for all. We know, and the outside world will even- 

|U»ilh Lnow, that Klansmen do not hate Roman Catholics, Jews, Ne- 

i >r aliens. The Klan's fight is not with people, but with systems 

ml instincts and principles which run counter to Anglo-Saxon in- 

|| iiii i , Americanism and Protestant Christianity. The Klan does not 

10 command people in their religious beliefs. Our watch-cry is: 
'Niii I. to the Constitution!' 

I he Constitution of the United States tolerates all creeds, ha it 

1 1 none. Hence, the only demand the Klan makes of the Roman 

I i! Imlic Church is that she cease meddling in American politics and 

he come down from her self-erected pedestal of special privilege 

ike her place alongside Methodist, Baptist and other churches. 

I I Ian believes in the upbuilding of the American nation — founded, 

| In i ory emphatically declares, on the supremacy of the white face, 

|i in us of the Nordic and Anglo-Saxon peoples, and the free private 

. rprctation of God's Word. It believes in an American nation in 

id 1 1 our children and their children can live in security, prosperity 

find i h« pursuit of happiness in their own way and in accordance with 

(It. |« i nliar genius which God Himself has planted in our race. 

1 1 is only by building Americanism first that we can hope for a 
muIi\ internationalism. This was clearly recognized by that great 

n .in, Theodore Roosevelt. Not long before his death, he wrote: 


I his is our stand^we are against any man or institution that op- 
01 seeks to destroy, American nationalism. This is race in- 
made articulate. Our task is exactly that laid down by Roose- 
\ Bound and intense development of the broadest spirit of 
in nationalism.' 

hi the whole, the leadership of the Klan has been good— rem-ark- 

• !. considering the newness of the Organization and its many 

■ i|. I doubt: if any other new movement ever had leadership 
high "i adi The trouble has been that the rank and file have 

not known exactly where they wished their leaders to lead them. This 
has been partly the fault of the Imperial officers, including the Wizard, 
and it has been due somewhat to the rapidity with which the Klan 
has grown. The major fault has been in the imperfect Klan education 
of the Klansmen at large. 

"The answer to this is in sight. It comes from the intelligent ex- 
tension work which has been recently developed, and from the sys- 
tematic instruction in Klankraft which is now going on. When this 
shall have been completed, when the rank and file shall have learned 
what the war is about and how to fight, when each officer in every 
Klan shall have learned his duties, and when the high aim shall have 
been clearly seen and the strategy laid down and universally compre- 
hended—then will come forth informed, capable leadership. 

"There has been criticism of your Wizard, and of the other Imperial 
officers. It must be acknowledged that we have made many mistakes. 
We have had to learn our jobs as we went along — we have had to 
learn them running, for we have had to run to keep up with the Klan! 
The most serious criticism is the one that I have permitted unworthy 
men to hold Klan offices. I do not deny the charge — it is all too true. 
However, the explanation is easy. All should know that in a new or- 
ganization it is difficult to select the right man for the job, that it is 
still more difficult to find and remove the misfits, and that it requires 
time to establish a great, adequate working and fighting force. 


"I desire to say a word for myself. I am just H. W. Evans, when it 
comes to working. Electing a man Wizard does not make him a 
magician. I am still a common, ordinary human — working away at 
the job you assigned me. 

"God, Himself, does not prevent disloyalty, stupidity and blunder- 
ing among men. Neither can your Wizard. Even the best men he 
Can select make mistakes — it is because they are just frail men. Again, 
the Lord, Himself, does not use perfect men for His servants—if you 
doubt this, read the Bible and be convinced. Nor can your Wizard 
find perfect men — the best and most loyal blunder at times. More- 
over, the Wizard cannot throw out loyal, capable workers just for a 
mistake or two — such procedure would soon reduce the force to in- 
adequacy and failure. 

"We want the best men, in every capacity of our leadership. I am 
doing what I can, but you Klansmen can do mou Y.>n . ao be sure, 

In ihc first place, that you elect good men to office, and, in the second 
luce, that you submit to me prompt information, properly supported 
\ - vidence, when you find men in office who do not live up to Klan 

I iples and the standards of Klan work. 

"The mistakes and troubles^they were not so very important. They 

«... unit pretty big when they occurred, and they frightened us some, 

|hi i now that we can look back and see where, and how, they fitted 

In, wc can see that they did not amount to so much after all. They 

not hurt the Klan. They have helped it by the lessons they have 

H|ti;',ht us, 

"The Ku Klux Klan is too big, too loyal, too consecrated, to be 
Vn v badly hurt by the treason, blunders or weaknesses of a few 
It .id. i s — much less by attacks from its alien foes. The Klan may suffer, 
It may lose a skirmish here and there, and it may falter in its stride 

({ limes; but, as sure as our cause is just and our hearts are loyal, it 
Mil march on to final victory. 
"We have come through troubles which would have daunted the 
li unrest and bravest of us, had we seen them all beforehand, we 
in, .u/hieved things that would have thrilled our souls, had we seen 
In in in advance. We have a right to rejoice, as we glance back upon 
i ,u hievements and the trials through which we have come. ' T, 
Ifi n lure, wish to lay before you a record of the two years' achieve- 

ii . : i 

"To understand the full value of this record, let your minds go back 

last Klonvokation and behold the situation as it was then. 

1 1 i.i ( time the Klan was poor, weak, unorganized, disunited, despised 

IH> I a infused in purpose. From that point of view, measure the road 

lit mi ;'. which we have come. 

W'chave entered, and are constructively at work infour new fields— 

■ [tally important. Two of these relate directly to the Klan itself, 

i ing an addition to our ritualistic life, the other representing a 

,il and essential service to Klansmen. I refer to the new de 

K -Duo— and to the Klan insurance project. There have been 

iMr.ficd also, with our blessing and assistance, a boys* department 

|Hil i he Women of the Ku Klux Klan. 


In the early propagation work of the Klan, before the time of the 
.in administration, the inducement was frequently offered that 
ond order, K-Duo, was soon to be promulgated and that ir 
imlil U given free to eligible Klansmen. 

I he Klonvokation, in November, 19x1, took action looking toward 
ili vclopmcot of .1 ritual for the second order, but its actual pro- 



mulgation was delayed owing to the complex circumstances of tin 
strife within the Klan leading ultimately to the retirement of Colons 
Simmons as Emperor. 

"On February i, 19x4, however, the Ritual orKloran of theOrdej 
of Knights Kamellia (K-Duo) was submitted to the Kloncilium an 
unanimously adopted, and, on February 11, I issued a proclamation 
establishing K-Duo and its method of promulgation. A degree tearnj 
was organized and the work of putting on this degree was actively 
taken up. It has already been conferred in a number of States, and the 
work is going forward, as detailed reports to you will show. 

"I will say, in all candor, that the granting of the second degred 
without expense to candidates has been carried out, because promisel 
were made that it would be done. Since this administration took over 
the extension work, we have issued instructions that the promisel 
of a free giving of the second degree should no longer be made. Hun- 
dreds of thousands of members have come in without that promise. 
However, no discrimination could be made, the constitution beini 
mandatory, and as a matter of honor and fair dealing we have put oj 
the degree free to the certified candidates. 

"It has been done at a very considerable expense to the Klan treasurj 
Up to July 31, 1914, the work of the K-Duo initiations cost $74,485 .M 

"Our only course has been to go on to this point, and now I shall 
leave the question for the Klonvokation to decide. 

The Empire Mutual Life Insurance Company 

4 The realization of a better, safer civilization is our great goal. It il 
a part of that task to advance every legitimate and essential interest^ 
Klansmen. The protection of Klan families is one of our basic duticH 
Heretofore, Klan money for that purpose went to forces that were oufl 
of sympathy with our principles and insurance profits helped to builM 
up antagonistic power. Now we have our own insurance compaqH 
of, by and for Klansmen. 

"At the Kloncilium meeting in Washington, on January 3, i$lM 
Klansman Zeke Marvin, of Texas, outlined a plan for a Klan mutS 
insurance company. This dream took form in Klansmaa MarvM 
mind when he attended the Knights of Columbus Annual 
Convention at Montreal in July, 1913, and heard a report read showitB 
that over 300,000 Knights of Columbus were carrying K. of C. In 
surance to the amount of $750,000,000. 
i "If the Knights of Columbus could do that, and their insurance cotM 
pany, after a few years' operation, show $i8,ooO| nc( assets as tl^ 

k hoi 1 stated, Klansman Marvin conceived that the Klan could better 
ill n record. 

' The beginning was the chartering, within a month (in August, 

of the Empire Mutual Insurance Company, under the laws of 

This Company was officially endorsed by the Texas State 

, 1 ntion of the Klan, and when Klansman Marvin presented the 

1 to the Kloncilium in January, 1914, the Company already had 

1 $1,000,000 of insurance written, 

"klansman Marvin proposed to the Kloncilium that the Company 
n 11.11 ionally endorsed, that an investment loan of $100,000 be made 
u nuvt the legal requirements for operating in other States, and that 
Mini ol of the Company, pending the repayment of the loan, be vested 
I |li< Klan. His plan for this was that a majority of the board of 
I tors of the Company be members of the Kloncilium elected to 
m us trustees for the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. 

■On February i, 19x4, at the Kloncilium meeting held at Raleigh, 

I < ., the Committee, which had been appointed, presented a pro- 

Hoi amended charter for the 'Empire Mutual Insurance Company of 

I I Id i ted States . ' It was approved and accepted by the Kloncilium. 

I he Empire Mutual Insurance Company, therefore, was chartered 

iii.Im the laws of Missouri, in May, 2914. It has capital stock 

*i in ing to $100,000, owned entirely by the Knights of the Ku Klux 

I iic. Its reserve is $15,000, loaned by the Klan on May 24, 192.4- 

I'.v the terms of the charter, the capital stock is limited to a divi- 

►Un.1 in urn of 5%. That capital has all been invested in 6% securities 

I chose securities deposited with the Insurance Department of Mis- 

imiii 1 AH profits go to the policy holders, which include a profit of 

the outstanding stock, 

rhc directors and officers are all Klansmen of national reputation 

ing without salary, except Mr. Laidlaw and Mr. Schaeffer, 

0h<>, .is General Manager and Office Manager, devote their entire time 

( .ompany. Mr. Samuel H. Venable, Imperial Klabee of the 

us of the Ku Klux Klan, is President. Klansman Venable is the 

1 ol Stone Mountain, a massive tower of infinite strength and 

, in L ur, which Henry Grady called 'God's Greatest Thought in 

ne Mountain typifies the Empire Mutual Insurance Company. 

1 . founded as to be equally solid and enduring. Through its opera- 

ihi Klan can make Klan money perform, safely and economically, 

,1 in I ,i. : , an :rvice (or Klansmen, with the profits and benefits 

mil to <• 1 mil • I'm CO OUl own kind. 

The Junior Ku Klux Klan 

' 'The boys of our movement are being organized and trained to util- 
ize their manhood for the realization of Klan ideals. The Junior Klar 
has been launched successfully, under the sponsorship and directioi 
of the Senior Order. 

'This Junior movement was first considered by the Kloncilium on 1 
August 2-o, 192.3. At the meeting of January 1, 192.4, lt ^ a< ^ progressed 
to the point of a tentative constitution and by-laws. By February j,j 
a ritual had been adopted. 

"On March 2.9 of this year the Junior Ku Klux Klan was created a 
department, with office at Atlanta, under the general supervision of 
the Imperial Kligrapp. 

"The resolution creating the Junior Klan reads: 

Whereas, the particular objects of said Bureau or Depart- 
ment shall be to function under the direction of the officers of 
the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in conformity with such 
rules and regulations as shall be promulgated by the Klon- 
cilium, and to aid and assist in promoting and fostering the 
precepts and principles of the said Knights of the Ku Klux 
Klan, in accordance with the methods and policies of said 
corporation, and further to promote the welfare, physical, 
mental and moral development of boys between the ages of 
twelve and eighteen years, inclusive. 

4 'This boys' order is progressing. There was an initial loan of $10,000 ! 
from the Imperial Treasury; but since the first of April, they have been 
able to meet their own expenses, reduce indebtedness, and add 40% 
to the membership — a most satisfactory and promising condition, 

"The object was, and is, to develop our youth into Klansmanship, 
a process equally beneficial to them and to us. Juniors today will be 
Seniors tomorrow. Throughout, we have guarded against any possi- 
bility of private gain or exploitation. 

The Women of the Ku Klux Klan 

"A year ago last June, when the National Program Committee, 1 
authorized by the first Klonvokation, made its report to the Klon- 
cilium, one of the five foundation stones which it recommended for a 
Klan program concerned the question of a Women's Organization. The 
report recommended that native-born, white, Protestant American 
women should organize themselves into a body with the same aims 
and tenets as the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; and that the Klafl 
should recognize such an organization as a companion order. 


The report contained the following recommendations: 

The committee suggests in this connection that the character 
of such an organization be one created by, for and of women 
snd that the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan have no part in its 
organization or in its operation, except to co-operate and assist 
by way of helpmates only, and that no funds derived from such 
.111 organization shall pass to or become a part of the Knights 
Of the Ku Klux Klan, and. that the Klan become in no way 
responsible for its acts. The committee further suggests that 
1 he Knights of the Ku Klux Klan go on record as saying that 
it is not advantageous or advisable for the Klan to recognize, 
luster or aid any women's organization created by men, or 
operated by men for men, nor any women's organization in 
which men are the moving spirits or own any part of the 
organization or obtain any profits from same, but upon the 
< ontrary, that it discourage all Klansmen of the nation in lend- 
ing their support to any women's organization such as is indi- 
« jited above. 

The recommendation of the Committee as to the Women's Order 

idopted by the Kloncilium, 11 to 4. The opposing votes were 

11 Dot in opposition to the idea of a women's order, but on the 

hat in the latter portion of the passage above quoted from the 

■ mm 1 lee's report, there was embodied a condemnation of Colonel 

ms, who, a few months before, in March, 1913, had privately 

in. I,. I a women's organization, called 'Kamelia,"and had signed 

1 proclamation instituting it as 'Founder and Emperor of the 

Llus of the KuKlux Klan/ 

"When the Kloncilium adopted the report, the controversy over 

M ions' action had been already settled by the agreement had 

1I1. injunction suit against the Klan officers. By this agreement it had 

led that 'Kamelia' was not recognized, and that Col. Simmons 

Maimed acting in his official capacity in organizing it, while, on 

. other hand, his right to so act in his personal capacity was rec- 

' I h. essence of the report of the committee and the action of the 

turn in adopting it lay in this: a determination to prevent any 

11 from using the prestige of the Klan to secure private profit 

1 1 ..mi] aggrandizement from any Klan-recognized organization of 

This provided a just basis— -and the only basis possible— for 

Btth mi or of the long-considered question of the relation of the 
• omen's organizat ions. 

"On June 3, 19x3, at the same meeting at which the IClonctlium 
cided the matter, a petition was presented by women represent! 
various Protestant American women's orders. They desired offiei 
recognition for a combined order to be known as 'Women of the 1M 
Klux Klan,' having the same tenets and using the same oaths, rituB 
regalia, constitution, etc., as the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. 

"The petition was granted and the Women of the Ku Klux KlaJ 
established by women, for women, and of women, is now operating 
with Headquarters at Little Rock, Ark., as the official and only auxil] 
iary of our Order. 

"Thus we have in this crusade for Christian civilization the activj 
organized help of our wives, sisters and sweethearts, with the fulles^ 
measute of our good-will and co-operation, and none of the possibilij 
ties of exploitation that marked the earlier attempt at a women j 

Summing It Up 

"Without lengthy detail, I wish now to enumerate other progress! 
features of our work — some of which have already figured briefly 
this report. 

"We have abolished the Gobi ins and the system of which theywci 
the center, thus clearing the way for a solid, sane and effective systeflj 
of extension which is in successful operation and of which the Kl M 
may feel justly proud. 

"The revocation of the Clarke contract, which had diverted Klal 
income to private gain, ended the exploitation of Klan ideals for pi 
sonal advantage and guaranteed to Klansmen that their money woil 
go into the Klan treasury for legitimate purposes. 

"We have paid off bills and vast indebtedness, and consolidated thd 
finances of the Klan. A system under which every cent of income 
accurately accounted for has been installed, and the Finance CommitB 
gives close attention to every financial interest of the Klan. The fm.ui« 
cial affairs of the Klan are now on as solid a foundation as are those ■ 
any corporation in the country. The Financial Department will ffl 
port in full tomorrow on this splendid achievement. 

"We have made sure, both by education and by the action 
officials, that the Klan absolutely supports the laws of the land anl 
that all Klansmen obey law as one of their first sworn duties. 

"The changes made in the Kloncilium have brought in men from &1 
sections, made it more truly representative of the whole Klan, bm.ul 
ened its outlook, added to its vision and equipped it better to direci i In 
program of the Klan. 


V( I 

'The Klan is no longer a conglomerate, mis-conceived partnership, 

. now on the same basis as that of a well-organized great and grow- 

I - 'irporation. 

"We have completely re-organized the administrative departments 

in Mider to take full advantage of the opportunities afforded by the 

• visa! Constitution, and have brought them all to higher efficiency 

thin ever before. They are not yet perfect— nothing is perfect. How- 

Vi 1 , J be progress has been substantial and gratifying. 

I I he successful conclusion of the fight started by the Simmons- 
In Lc crowd was a great victory for the cause we have espoused. Also, 
ir have won suits innumerable all over the United States — it would 

. 1 ne all day to describe even the most important of them. 

■Through the Department of Realms we have re-organized and re- 
mit i local Klans, given aid in multitudinous troubles and perplexities, 
■III placed every State Realm on a sound financial basis. The Imperial 
■ Hi > 1 1 s have taken action in many cases, removing undesirable officers 
fit. I Klcagles en well-founded complaints— thus raising the calibre 
lie I standard of leadership throughout the whole Klan. 

"We have resisted, and practically stopped, the attempts of Klans- 

nui (i> exploit their affiliation with the Klan for personal gain, and 

NVi "nne far toward establishing the principle that membership in 

1I1. 1. 1. 111 must be based, only on support of Klan principles, faith in 

■ I Ian cause, and loyalty to Klan purposes — and on nothing else. 

I lignincant that not a single effort to use the Klan as a medium of 

|tphnt.ition for stock companies, moving picture concerns or any other 

■ i cial enterprise has been a success. 

" I In- idea that the Klan is asocial organization has been eliminated. 

In i< have been hundreds of so-called Klans organized for social pur- 

daneing, cards and what-not; but they have either vanished 

1 11 reconstructed into real Klans. It is now well-established in 
. I I hi mind the country over that the Klan is a militant, purpose- 
I patriotic organization — this, and nothing else. 

"The establishment of our own robe factory has materially reduced 

I < osl of robes to Klansmen, and at the same time it is turning into 

T, In treasury a considerable profit which has hitherto gone into 

\U pockets. Also, a large saving has been effected by the estab- 

iiin nr of our printing plant, in which we print not only all educa- 

1 .1 matter, but all Klan supplies and stationery. 

Wi haw begun, on a large scale, the work of educating Klansmen 
l pics and purposes of the BClan, Through the Department 


of Realms, a constant stream of educational matter on the rights anj 
duties of citizenship goes to all organized Realms. Through the vM 
lication Bureau news of interest and subject matter, keeping Klansml 
alert to the activities and plans of the Klans, is sent out. 

"This is the result of taking in hand the Klan press, and establishini 
Klan papers in practically every State. These papers are issued undl 
the name 'The Klan Kourier, formerly "The Fiery Cross'. I mi^hf 
explain that the change was made because of Constitutional requijH 
ments, and likewise because the name 'The Fiery Cross* is copyrigh tcl 
by the Scottish Clans of America. 

"These are the foundations on which the real successes of the Klad 
have been builded . Our success has been beyond our expectation, The 
results have been better than our plans. We did not foresee that thegl 
changes would produce the great results they have; we made them be] 
cause it seemed that they were necessary. Working all together the J 
have made the Klan what it is today. Also, in the eyes of the world 
they have mightily increased the reputation and dignity of the Klan. U 
was all necessary in order to make us ready to carry on the great work 
of saving and developing American nationalism, which has been laid 
on our shoulders. 

"It is easy to see the success of the Klan. In literally thousands J 
counties, cities and towns, the government is better because of Klaffl 
pressure and influence. We have upheld officers in enforcement of law! 
and have brought about law enforcement in thousands of places wheri 
it had been neglected. 

"It is a fact that the decline in the number of lynchings canbedi-f 
recti y traced to Klan influence. It is likewise a fact that vice, graft 
and political debauchery are beginning to flee before the Klan's influ.f 
eace— just as darkness flees before the rising sun. 

"Finally, the tremendous growth of the Klan, to which referend 
has already been made, should linger in the mind of every KkrJ 
man— growth from a few hundred thousand to millions, and withiJ 
the space of two years. 

"These achievements and this phenomenal growth are not accil 
dents. Nor are they chaff to be driven away by the wind. They arJ 
solid, and they will endure, They are the results of hard work and 
of the devotion and loyalty of the country-wide Klan. They havd 
resulted upon the firm foundation of the Klan— a foundation In thfl 
best instincts and best thought and best principles of the white, Profll 
estant manhood of America. They are more than mere achievements 


ill* v .ire the stamp of Divine approval on the Organization, and the 
hfnoi that it is America's greatest present need. 

"White Protestant Americans everywhere are turning to the Klan 

lidance in the present world-shaking crisis. And they will turn 

Bit in ever increasing numbers as the crisis becomes more acute, and 

A* 1 hi' Klan leadership becomes stronger and more effective in the cause 

Wf righteousness. 

"There has come to us during the past two years a thing that is 

hrili more than all the other achievements put together — a better 

Mil j standing of the instincts and motives and principles upon which 

lid Klan is so securely founded. We have been groping, but we are 

n able to understand conditions better. Hence, it is possible to 

fVrlop a greater and better program for the near future—a program 

fehit h will enable us to more rapidly increase our membership and 

fcrcr, and to use that power with, more precision and effect. 

I] ct me impress you again, and deeply, that the achievements of 
if are due to Divine Guidance — not to human wisdom. I am 
1 11I that I have been one of the instruments used — grateful to the 
■Evidence that has used me. 

" A 1 ready we have accomplished wonders. We have brought better 

l»v. nunent to millions, and greater patriotism and higher spiritual 

11 10 more millions. We have forced cleaner standards in politics, 

-I di iven the enemies of Americanism until they stand with their 

pti U 10 the wall. However, with vision clear and the Klan trained, 

fr 1 .in do vastly more than we have done. Today we are a mighty 

• •">, , millions strong and growing daily, united in purpose, wiser 

ii'in . Kpcrience, stronger through discipline and uplifted by vie- 

hii it ready to carry on to the death heroic battle for the supremacy 

if 1 In Jiiitive, white, Protestant American nationalism until every foe 

1 (I, 

fWc will make America a perfect nation, thus fulfilling the ideals 
ri at Statesman and Father who laid the foundation upon which 
|ild .1 civilization better than the world has ever known, wherein 
mi 11 may live and rear their children in liberty, security and Jus- 
tin 1 a inted by the blood of alien races and unhampered by mental 
I |'ti 1 aial tyranny." (Tremendous applause.) 


Klansman Bossert. "Everybody be seated for just a few moment 
and then we will dismiss you. We have a couple of short announce 
ments, and then we will be dismissed by Klansman — 

(Announcement was made calling meeting of committee.) 

"Klansman Carter, you had an announcement you wanted tomakc. J 

Klansman Carter, "The distribution of the speech just deiiverel 
by the Imperial Wizard will be at the close of the afternooi 
session, instead of at the close of this session. 

"Those delegations who desire pictures made of themselves will 
please take the matter up with Tyner and Murphy, who are mai« 
taining an office in the lobby." 

Klansman Bossert. "There is one announcement that Klansttial 
McCarron wants to*make. Klansman McCarron." 

Klansman McCarron. "Klansmen: I want to know ii there jl 
anybody in here who knows, or who has any knowledge of a man bl 

the name of . He claims to be from Hot Springs, al. 

though he lives here at 1507 ~^^~ Street. I am going to say M 
you that he came here under the influence of liquor, badly und J 
the influence of liquor, about two hours ago, and we had him put ■ 
jail." (Applause.) 

Klansman Bossert. 
by Klansman 

'Everybody rise now, while we are dismisscJ 


. "Almighty God, our Heavenly FathcJ 

we are thankful to Thee that we are privileged, at this time to cotm 
upon the mountain tops, and have our souls filled and inspired with 
this glorious message. But as we meditate before Thee, as we list J 
in wonder to the wonderful truths that come to us, God grant unfl 
each of us that courage to go back and live in the valley these greH 
principles which we in this Klonvokation have learned. 

"Oh, Father, we thank Thee for the character, the purpose aij 
the nobility of the men who are leading this movement. Fath cf] 
may every Klansman in his private devotion, upon his knees, all 
God's guidance upon them, and may this Organization, this grail 
movement of ours, become the power that shall spiritualize the grcJ 
mass of American manhood and womanhood. 

"In the name of 

[esus, our Criterion of Character we pray, 


SEPTEMBER 24th, 1924 
AFTERNOON SESSION r -.. ■: ■„>•. 

Klansman Bossert. "The Chairman of the Resolutions Committee 
ionie announcements that he wishes to make at this time- Klans- 

ft, ill " 

\ Lmsman . "Gentlemen of the Klonvokation: Your 

nin in it tee on Resolutions has just concluded a formal meeting. The 
Jmiiinittee desires to report that your body has determined by unan- 
, vote that the rules governing the House of Representa- 
. in the United States shall be the rules governing the conduct of 
>. Klonvokation. It is the Committee's notion that no gag rule 

II be permitted. We are going to insist that, so far as the consider- 
|| 11 mi of any business — any subject before this Committee — is con- 

nrd, this body is a democratic body. We are going to insist that 
v delegate know exactly what is going on. Therefore, please be 
d that, under your rules, the Committee can consider no resolu- 
>n 1 bat is not first read, or presented, upon the floor of this Kloiv 
-l it ion — read before the Klonvokation, then referred to this Corn- 
ice. We insist upon this for several reasons. First, it follows the 
l« 1 1 hat you have adopted for your course of conduct; second, the 
miittee desires the proponent or opponent of any resolution to 
present and present any argument on behalf of the resolution which 
w isbes us to consider favorably. When the resolution is read 
Dii j he floor, perhaps by your presiding officer, every delegate will 
■ .ni vised of the nature of the resolution which the Committee is 
lli-il upon to consider; and. in that way if there are any opponents 
imy proposed resolution, we want you to appear before the Com- 
like. Therefore, as to those resolutions that have been handed, 
formally, to the Committee, they cannot be considered unless you 

I I I - luce them under the rules. Further than that, without knowing 
h 1 ibis Committee will do, it is my judgment that if any of you 

■ hi resolutions and do not follow them up before the Committee, 

ay have a mighty hard time in getting them across. Inasmuch 

■■■ have no resolutions now that have been legally presented, the 

• mini 1 tee has adjourned — to meet again at four o'clock. Remember 

"< delegates, if you are fortunate enough to get the attention of 

1 hair again, have your resolutions presented at any time that 

CI ins attention, and if any resolution is presented now— between 

.11 id four o'clock, when we adjourn — it will go to the Committee 

. 1 vvi will be ready to consider it at four," 

I Unsman Bossert. "The Chair recognizes Klansman Ramsey." 

man Ramsey. "With your permission, I will read a resolu- 


tion — by request. The proponent of this resolution is absent at the 
present time. 

" Resolution: 'To the Second Imperial Klonvokation in regulat 
session in the City of Kansas City, Missouri, this Z4£h day of Sep- 
tember, 192.4: 

** 'Whereas, there exists in the Constitution and Laws of thci 
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan as heretofore adopted on the 19th day 
of November, 1912., by the First Imperial Klonvokation held in At-| 
lanta, Georgia, certain errors of diction, punctuation, spelling and 
expression, and 

" 'Whereas, it is deemed proper to correct same; 

* 'Therefore, be it resolved that a committee be appointed by thc> 
Chair from the membership of this Klonvokation with full power 
and authority to correct said errors in diction, punctuation, spelling) 
and expression. Respectfully Submitted, Jas. A. Comer/ 

"I move that this resolution be referred to the Committee on 

(Motion duly seconded and carried — none but accredited delegates 

Klansman Bossert. "Referred to the Resolutions Committee." 

Klansman Carpenter. "Klansmen: I have a resolution which 1 
wish to offer at this time: 

'Whereas, the 2.5th Triennial Conclave of the Knights Templal 
will be held in Seattle, Washington, commencing on the xyth day dm 
July, 19x5; and, 

" 'Whereas, the City of Seattle can easily accommodate any con- 
vention, and is blessed with a climate which is delightful at all timed 
of the year, and especially in the month of July; and, 

'Whereas, many of the Imperial Officers, Grand Dragons ami 
Great Titans expect to be in attendance at the above named Conclave] 

' 'Whereas, the next annual meeting of the Grand Dragons and 
Great Titans will be held commencing July z8> 192.5; 

'Therefore, be it resolved that the Imperial Officers name Seattle! 
Washington, as the next annual meeting place of theGrand Dragons audi 
of the Great Titans. Respectfully submitted by the Washington del< 
gates and its officers.' 

"I offer this resolution." (Applause.) 

Klansman Bossert. "I had overlooked the (aei thai you adopted 

rules of the House. This resolution goes automatically to the 
dilutions Committee, without a vote." 

Klansman B&rnett. "Mr. Chairman, Klansmen: I offer a res olu- 

i here which is pertinent only to the Realm of Louisiana, In 

w of certain legislation that has been passed in Louisiana, we have 

night it advisable to have the Klonvokation pass a resolution 

11 h will put us, in truth and in fact, in a position whereby we may 

\ ,n!c, or rather defeat, the purposes of certain unfriendly legislation, 

"The resolution reads: 

'Be it resolved by the Klonvokation, in due and legal session 

lit Kansas City, Missouri, that it does by this resolution abolish 

K I. nitons or Klan jurisdiction of all local Klans which may hereafter 

k organized or formed in the Realm of Louisiana, United States 

itl America. 

' 'Be it further resolved that local Klans in the Realm of 
Louisiana shall exercise no territorial jurisdiction whatsoever in any 

'Be it further resolved that this law shall remain in force and 
11 . ilcct so long as the Imperial Wizard, in his discretion, may see 
It to continue same in effect, and that power be and is hereby vested 
[111 the Imperial Wizard to create and confer jurisdiction to the local 
K I in 1 , in the Realm of Louisiana at such time and in such manner as 
tfi 1 ; Imperial discretion such will be necessary and expedient. He 
ilnt I also have power to define the territorial jurisdiction of said 
1 I'*!, when said territorial jurisdiction shall, in the future, in his 
klpi rial discretion, be conferred/ 

I move that this be referred to the Resolutions Committee." 
Klansman Bossert. "It automatically goes to the Resolutions 
nittee. If there are no more resolutions at this time, the Imperial 
1 trd being present, we will now listen to his address." 
Klansman ■ of North Carolina. "I have a resolution, I wish 

• offer, which affects the Klansmen throughout the nation in a way: 

'Ik it resolved that from and after this date, the Imperial Klabee 

fit 'II prepare, or have prepared, during the months of January 

I July of each and every year, a financial statement of the 

I 1 ions six months of same, showing the assets and liabilities of 

• Invisible Empire, together with a statement of the receipts and 
I iiirsements covered by this balance sheet ? provided that statement 

the receipts gross only, but itemized as to departments and 
• I mi semen ts shown in gross, but in detail as to departments. 

' 'Krsolvol further that a printed copy of this report be furnished 

each Grand Dragon and each Great Titan of each and every Realm 
and to each Exalted Cyclops of each Klan in each and every Realm.' 

"I move that this be referred to the Resolutions Committee." 

Klansman Bossert. "We will now, at this time, fellow Klansmen, 
hear the address by the Imperial Wizard on the Departments. I 
now have the pleasure of introducing to you again your Imperial 
Wizard, Dr. Hiram W. Evans." 

(All Klansmen standing with sign of courtesy.) 



By H. W. Evans, Imperial Wizard 

"Klansman; This is a departmental report. It is written for the 
1 Lirpose of providing in a small booklet, immediately after the close 
1)1 1I1 is Klonvokation, a report of the Wizard and of all the depart- 
: -to be sent at once to the Klans. 

The address I delivered this morning, 'The Klan of Yesterday and 

I today,' 'The Klan of Tomorrow' and The Klan Spiritual' yet 

\ he delivered, and all the other addresses and procedings of this 

lonvokation will be sent to Klansmen throughout the country 

1 hin a short time. This report, however, will be submitted to 

ast membership in a distinctive way — in separate pamphlet form. 

"Having made this brief explanatory statement, I shall now 

ed with the report scheduled for this hour. 
"Two years ago, at the first Klonvokation held in Atlanta, you 
(Htitli- me Imperial Wizard. For that exalted responsibility, I felt 
H-thy and unprepared; but it was a summons to service that no 

I Hie American could ignore. I accepted, and have filled the 

|)||m t every hour of all the eventful days and nights since December 

I , 1 ■ «,.' .■ holding it against enemies within and without. The Imperial 
t Kin its have aided me — assisted me continuously — in my effort to fill 
1 1 hce to which you elected me. They will, this afternoon, report 

mi in detail concerning the stewardship of our administration. 

Hie net results of the past two years are as reassuring as their 
■ uiplishment has been difficult. 

The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan has experienced persecutions, 

lih|»icssions and misrepresentations comparable to those which were against the early development of Christianity. Like the 

lolic Church, the Klan has been strengthened and sanctified by 

imnv and attack. 

IIktc is now a Klan mind, with a purpose, on the two outstanding 
rut i ills of American citizenship— immigration and education. 

II. ihic concerns the intrinsic character of our people; the other 
aining for the fulfillment of their own well-founded happiness, 

\ 1 1 1 ,« 1 of others. Upon these fundamentals we now stand together, 

.1! light together, to attain the heights of Christian civilization. 

Where, two years ago, we were charged with the taint of in- 

lilt-Mute and hate, now our enemies, who are the enemies of the 

ihh< , have emerged into light -bearing upon their shoulders 

. 1 topi >l\ <>f 1 tlOSl ( I1.11 -H K'iini ics. 

"Likewise, the smoke screen of prejudice has been lifted to sho^vw 
instrumentalities of the Roman Hierarchy occupying the position in 
politics in which they have sought vainly to place the Kian for itf| 
own destruction. For the first time in the life of the nation, a revela- 
tion has come of the influence that menaces religious liberty. The] 
overshadowing issue of Church and State stands out clearly, with! 
its proponents unmasked and the objective of a Vatican-controlled 
internationalism fully set forth. 

"Our oivn house has been harmonized and set in order. Internal! 
strife no longer exists. The Klan is now so fortified that neither! 
personal ambition nor greed can ever again pervert its principles orj 
distort its ideals. 

"Summed up, we are today immeasurably stronger than ever bei 
fore in money, in man power, in organization, in functioning and, 
above all else, in a determined, unalterable faith that our Cause is] 
the most worthy ever to engage the thought and activities of human- 

"I have been in command of your Imperial Organization. It is] 
fair and just that for the mistakes you blame me. Vital problems' 
imperatively demanded immediate solution. Serious situations arose 
which called for drastic action. It has been my policy never to dodge 
responsibility, nor to evade the consequences of any course that! 
seemed essential to the welfare of the Klan and the nation. It has 
seemed to me that the great mistake would be inaction, due to the 
fear of making mistakes. Particularly did our internal problems com- 
pel us to act quickly, courageously and with determination. 

"The reorganized leadership of the Klan is in competent, conse- 
crated hands. For the successes of this biennial period, I freely give 
major credit to those about me. 

"My first great task, which these Imperial Officers made possible 
by their co-operation, was to departmentalize the work of the Klan. 
Greater efficiency was one objective; a more business-like economy, 
another; and a fuller functioning, a better accomplishment of our 
purposes, the third. 

"Through the heads of these departments, it is now my duty, as 
it is theirs, to report to you in detail the conditions and decisions 
with reference to what lies before us in the remaining years of the 
present administration. 

Financial Affairs of the Klan 

"Financially, our affairs are in most excellent condition — there 
has been a phenomenal improvement. In twenty months, from th< 


m Klonvokation to July 31, 19*4, the surplus, according to the 
felted figures, increased iz6i per cent. This is the net worth of the 
1 h over and above liabilities or obligations of every kind. More- 
,,i, it relates only to Imperial finances, and does not include the t 
1 1 status of the twenty-two organized Realms nor the thousands 
local Klans. 

\t the beginning of this administration, on November 30, '-19^5, 

h on hand was j^iy^^r.- The debts' of that date amounted 

$190,007.80. Had those obligations been paid, the actual cash 

Junce would have been $4^73 1.11. You know that we did not 

i in those words then. The audit was all there, and it showed 

trig! am telling you; but I am going to tell you that you read 

»tcr assets to be four hundred odd thousand dollars, and you read 

I to be this difference here. I will show you what I mean, after 

down to it. 

hi July 31, 192.4, the date of the last complete audit, after twenty 

Wis of the present administration, the cash on hand was $664,090.- 

Now, I am talking about the amount we had subject to check, 

(..1 ■ u-iying on the affairs of the Klan— not your investment in your 

It in .mce company and in your properties. This is just the cash figure 

1 1 happen to have, bearing out this phase of it. There were 

ally no liabilities. It is the policy and practice of this admmis- 

11 - 1 to take cash discounts on every purchase, and all bills arc 
soon as they have been properly vouchered and audited. It 
i almost literally be said, therefore, that no debts exist. 

"The amount of the present cash balance, therefore, is doubly 
kilicunt; because it has been our policy not to build up an increasing- 
ly 1 1 reserve, but to put the surplus at work for the Klan. Accord- 
there have been practical and profitable investments in the robe 
-I (Muting plants, in publication, in financing the Mutual Insurance 
iHHpniy, and in other services— all of, by and for Klansmen. 

I In book value of permanent assets in lands, buildings, machinery 
equipment, automobiles, etc., deducting depreciation, has nearly 
1 i This is without allowance for the greatly increased value 
I h< land owned by the Klan. 

i I ing the first full year of the present administration, ending 

■, 1 , 1 92.4, the gross income was 438 per cent greater than that of 

1,1 full year ot the preceding administration, with a net income 

. |, 1 cent greater, despite investments and constructive activities 

1. u.jiiircd increased expenditures. 

HiCIC results have been accomplished hand in hand with a re* 
... -fir price of robes, a turning over of a larger share of the 



robe money to local Klans and Realm organizations, and an increase 
in the rebate made to Realms oat of the Imperial income. By that i 
mean j for instance, a year ago we found that we were fairly prosperous 
and on our feet, and we reduced the amount of Klectokon sent frofl 
every chartered Klan to Atlanta — cut it exactly half in two and leftj 
$7. 50 in the local Klan. At the same time we did that, we enlarged tin- 
national money which the National Organization sent back to each 
Realm organization to aid in its support; and, lastly, we reduced thi 
price, at the same time, of the robe, $1.50. We set apart part of thafl 
money to go into the treasury of the Klan and part into the treasury 
of the Realm organization; and, in Atlanta, we took $3.50 for 
our robes, when we had been paying, up to the time our plant started 
$3.68 to get them. (Applause.) The policy has been to reduce thl 
cost to the individual Klansman and to strengthen the local andStatl 

Membership Growth 

"In members we are greatly increased, with the present rank ami 
file vastly better informed and more unified and determined. 

"At the time of the first Klonvokation, ten States had passci 
through the provisional stage of propagation and had been organijH 
as chattered Realms. Now we have twenty-two organized Realrrm 
and others are soon to be organized. All Realms will ultimately 
be organized. Then the Extension Department, having complete! 
its mission, will be discontinued. 

"Notwithstanding this steady contraction of the propagation 
area through the organizing of Realms, the Extension DepartmeB 
is bringing many thousands into Provisional Klans every week. 

"Of all the new additions from the beginning of 1913 to June fl 
of this year, 62.-6 per cent came through the Department of ExtensiJ 
and 37.4 per cent through the work of the already chartered KlaJ 
in adding to their membership. 

"As to the effectiveness of the Extension Department under Kind 
control, as distinguished from private control, it is sufficient to sM 
that in sixteen months of the operation of the Klan's Extension DM 
partment it added more than twice as many as were reported by Nfl 
E. Y. Clarke's Propagation Department in the thirty-three monthlB 
its existence. Twice as many petitioners were reported in less Hun 
one-half as many months, and the monthly rate was quadrupled, 

"The territorial spread of the Klan, North, West and East, fl 
eradicated every vestige of the old charge of Southern secnonnli?wl 
Two years ago, Ofl Jmw JO, the Southwest and [Jn Souih had S; pe 

1 of the chartered Klan membership. On June 30, of this year, 
. North, the West, and the East had practically 60 per cent, and the 
mi h west and South, though they had increased very largely in 
111. mbership, furnished but 40 per cent of the total chartered strength. 
"The Klan today is not sectional, but national — a tremendous 
t h 1 Its appeal is national, and it is realizing more than are other 
prtf.mizations in American history the hope and vision of George 
1 ngton that the diverse sectional elements of our country should 
I brought to a common mind, and to a common, harmonious function- 
ing in the national interest. 

The Extension Department 

'The creation of the Extension Department, on March 1, 192.3, 
days after I cancelled the old contract of E. Y. Clarke for the 
jtopagation work, has brought hundreds of thousands of dollars 
■ nigs to the Klan treasury. 
Mad Clarke's contract of $8.00 commission per member been 

med, it would have meant that he, in his private capacity, would 

-ontrolled the handling of millions of dollars of the Klan money 
lining these nineteen months — with a vast personal profit above ex- 
The millions of dollars involved in that contract, involving, 

I tl did, the question as to whether Klan monies should be Klan 

rolled or privately controlled was the crux of the Simmons-Clarke 

■ hi to dominate or disrupt the Order. I cancelled the Clarke contract 

II I, bruary 2.7, 192.3, and a month later Colonel Simmons attempted 

1 :c the Imperial Palace. Then followed the suit to restore con- 

1 ..I ol the Klan to the old private spoils basis, and the whole broad- 

||di 1 gainst the character and honesty of this administration. He got 

i ,sion of the Imperial Palace for a little over a day, while I was 

w York. I arrived in Atlanta at 5 o'clock in the evening, and 

1 lock that same night the Wizard you had elected occupied his 

I'h.iu .11 the Imperial Palace. (Applause.) 

I olonel Simmons owned the robe rights. The name 'Klan', the 

lual, and everything pertaining to the Klan had been copy- 

■ I in the name of William Joseph Simmons. Hence, we have 
- pay out money from time to time— getting your title to your 
1 1 \ . He agreed to surrender the title to all Klan property for 

per month, but failed to do so. We could hav^ sued him 

hit breach of < ontract; but that would have meant prolonged litigation 
llul m mendoug expenditure of money. We weighed the matter care- 
i..ii. .nid concluded thai il would be cheaper to buy th< property 

rights. Hence, all the gossip — in the daily press particularly — about] 
large expenditures of money. To put it in brief, we acquired the] 
property, and it is ours for all time! We faced that crucial issue, an J 
triumphed. The Klan is now the Klan. Neither private ownership] 
nor petsonal profit exists to breed injustice and disruption. (Applause.) 1 

Our Industrial Plants 

"The wisdom of the Klonvokation two years ago in authorizing! 
the establishment of plants — for the manufacturing of regalia and foil 
printing — has been amply proved. In operation only a little over al 
year, the robe and printing plants have already yielded profits and] 
savings sufficient to repay practically the whole investment. 

"I have already referred to the reduction in the price of robes. 1 
Cash received from sales of robes in the one year amounted to nearly 
seven and one-half times as much as the year before, though the price 
was cut from $6,50 to $5.00— and the share of the Imperial treasury! 
reduced to $3.50. At this figure, the plant has made a profit on oper-J 
ations amounting to 43 per cent of total sales, besides improving] 
greatly the quality of robe material. Even with the reduction, wcj 
have received seven and one-half times as much as we had received] 
the year before. The scale of business is indicated by the fact thaj 
from six to eight tons of robes are shipped by express every day. The j 
express companies say more express originates in our plant than origin J 
ates in any American city of 15,000 or 2.0,000 population. 

"Our printing this last year, at commercial prices, would have] 
cost $184,861.00. It was done in our own plant at a saving of ap-l 
proximately $70,000.00. 

"These plants are models of their kind, and there is a splendid! 
spirit of co-operation throughout the personnel of the employees. 1 
Loyal, efficient service is given by all of them. Without exception, I 
the one hundred and twenty people who work in the plants are mem- I 
bers of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, or the Women of the Kill 
KIux Klan. 

The Cashier and the Finance Committee 

"Like a great corporation in th^c commercial world, the Klan I 
requires a rigid business system. It has such a system in full opera*! 
tion. It covers every department that receives or spends money, and 
accounts for every dollar of income and expenditure, 

"The value of our accounting work to the Klan is incalculable 
It absolutely insures the integrity of all financial transactions. Klans-1 
men can feel the completest confidence that every dollar they send CO 
Atlanta, every cent of interest on official funds deposited in bankl 

|li. I all profits from our operations go into the treasury; that nothing 
In paid out except on properly authorized vouchers; and that all ac- 
i Mui its are kept in a way that they can be audited at any time. 

"All persons authorized to handle money are adequately bonded. 

Iim-i and Ernst, a nationally known firm, not Klansmen, are our 

pudnors. Also there is a careful review and checking of the audit, 

Mini of the reasonableness of the expenditures, by the National Finance 

{inmittee — a body of five responsible accountants, who are proim- 
n Klansmen. 
"Larger matters of policy involving finance are laid before the 
Diicilium, and the plan has been adopted of having a member of 
It National Finance Committee sit with the Executive Committee 
tfie Kloncilium to consider matters that involve any important 
1 its of money. 

Services to the Klan 

t" The first Klonvokation wrought a representative government out 
what had been practically a monarchy, and enabled the Klan to 
B control of itself. The result has been that Klan monies have 
B into constructive service, which, under private control, was 
1 1 1 1 v performed or altogether neglected. We have put the push of 
■unized force behind the efforts of the Extension Department and 
|f (lie Department of Realms to recruit and train our members in a 
|uih understanding and practice of Klan principles. By and large, 
1 hive tried to further the great Klan program. Under the present 
ftiir.i nutional control by the body of the Order itself, any leadership 
[tfllnii 1 . to give this kind of service will have merited repudiation and 
missal. Under your control of this Order, any leadership failing 
the kind of service I am telling about would have merited 
lion by you. (Applause.) 

National Lecture Bureau and Its Work 

IIk: head of the National Lecture Bureau will report to you on 

ice of his two squadrons of lecturers and the system of invita- 

• tl meetings. The lecturers are all ministers; they all present the 

1 sscntial ideas, with strict instructions never to countenance 

.1 .1 111 of hate, but to make their appeal wholly on the constructive 

'im of the Organization. This kind of work counts in lifting the 

I <»f 1 he membership, both old and new. 

Realm Organisation 

I Ik I tepartment of Realms is pre-eminently one of Klan service. 
I not only promote the work of the Grand Dragons and the 

local Klans in training and educating the old members and in keepiB 
them alert for the Cause, but it must also keep the Klans in good staofl 
ing. And it has a large work in helping the Klan extend the meiB 

"In this connection, the large additions to chartered Klans througi 
naturalizations should be noted with great satisfaction. Yet mol 
can be done, and if the Grand Dragons and the officers of the locfl 
Klans will study the available statistics of the classes of populatM 
in their territory, they will sec that wc have as yet scarcely scratchB 
the surface of our task, and duty— that of reaching all who M 
eligible to membership in the Order. 

"The Imperial Klazik will tell you of -all this work. That it I 
not directly measurable by any statistics heightens, rather thai 
lessens, its importance; and it has a real part in the results record* 
in the membership rolls and financial statements of other department 

"It is a pleasure now to make way for my Imperial colleaguJ 
who will report to you. I have discussed our affairs in general ttriM 
they will be more specific. As Imperial Wizard, I know that the cam 
paign has been successful; that splendid progress has been mafl 
Imperial Officers and department heads can reveal what has occurs 
in the various departments of the Klan. I know that our Cause I 
right and that Divine approval has advanced it remarkably in tfl 
righteous warfare no give ascendency ro what is highest and bel 
The officials who will now report have been upon the firing liffl 
and out of their experience are equipped to tell in detail the story« 
this administration. 

"May God bless and strengthen them, and you, and me, for Aj 
that lies in the future of Klankraft and Americanism." (Applaus^B 

Klansman Bossert. "My fellow Klansmen: At this time I want ttj 
introduce to you your Imperial Klonsel, Mr. Paul Etheridge. Mm 
of you may know him as the Chief of Staff. He is an outstanduJ 
attorney of Atlanta, and, as the Chief of Staff, passes upon a grcfl 
many of the things that come into Klan consideration or practicaH 
all the matters that come over the desk at Atlanta; and I assure yM 
that, regardless of what you have heard about him, he is a fine, higfl 
class citizen!" 

Klansman Etheridge "I do not know whether this amplifier I 
working or not" 

Voices: "No!" 

Klansman Etheridge. 
to make you hear inc. 

Well . I can not fix it; bo 1 1 w i 1 1 d o m v U~il 


■ the Second Imperial Klonvokation, Knights of the Km Klux Klan: 

"I herewith submit report of the Legal Department of the Knights 
il ih Ku Klux Klan. 

"At no time since the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Incorporated, 
M.Huc large enough, to attract the attention of the general public 
■Organization been free from attacks of a legal or quasi legal 
■line. I doubt if any organization of any nature or kind has ever 
piviofore existed in this country which has had to defend itself 
[gum ;i so many, so varied and so vicious attacks as have been launched 
■timst the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. These attacks have for 

|l most part come from individuals and agencies outside the Organ- 
Li i<m. These hostile agencies have to some extent been composed 
i( individuals who merely misunderstood, us; but in the main they 

|Vi been composed of those individuals and groups of individuals 
0ii I .ifjencies whose aims have been hostile to American Civilization, 
b|n i -,r purposes have been to break down American institutions and 
bliMM practices have been in violation of the Constitution and Laws. 
I ih. United States. 

[When the Klonvokation met in Atlanta, Georgia, in November, 

.1 brief verbal report was submitted from this department to 

fjli i lu.dy, and this report will not go back of that time, except to 

\ thiii at the time of the Klonvokation in 192.2. there were pending 

Din m more suits seeking to destroy the Organization and wind up 

ill.iirs through receivership; the principal suit being the one of 

|(,in\ B. Terrell, et al., pending in Fulton county, Georgia. 

II litigation pending at the time of the 192.2. Klonvokation has 
urminated favorably to the Organization. 

I hiring the two-year period just past, various and sundry kinds of 

inn have arisen in many different parts of the country. It will 

possible in this report to enumerate them. A brief classlfica- 

1 1 1 1 cm will be given . In practically all of the litigation in which 

1 ionization has been involved, it, the Organization, has appeared 

defensive. In a very few instances it has been necessary for 

it, mization to go into court to assert its rights against certain 

hulls and subordinate organizations who have sought to in- 


fringe upon the name, franchises or property of the Knights of the 
of the Ku Klux Klan. In almost every instance of disaffection or i] 
■cipient rebellion litigation has been averted, disagreements harmoal 
ized and misguided Klansmen satisfied by prompt action and intellil 
gent handling of such conditions. Experience has shown that in| 
the vast majority of cases of threatened trouble the exercise of gool 
Klannish judgment and common sense has been more effective thai 
court action. Nevertheless, in some instances it has been necessarl 
to institute court action to restrain infringement upon our charter 
rights and to prevent the loss of property and money. In this class 
of litigation (while there are several cases still pending) not a singj 
-case has thus far been adjudicated against us, and we have taken! 
numerous decrees and judgmenrs establishing our rights and restrain 
ing infringement thereon, and recovering possession of property and 
judgments for money had and received. 

"Another class of litigation which at one time threatened to be J 
-come serious was so promptly and effectually met by the Organization 
that for nearly two years we have experienced no trouble in this line! 
I refer to the attempt on the part of a certain large city in the middle 
West to disqualify members of our organization to hold positions ul 
public employment. 

' 'From time to time, outbreaks of lawlessness have occurred through J 
out the country which have resulted in prosecutions against Klansl 
men. This department has earnestly sought to give such direction 
and attention to each instance brought to its notice as the circunjj 
stances required. In practically every instance where rioting oj 
■other outbreaks have occurred, careful investigation has proven thfl 
the Klansmen were the aggrieved and not the aggressors, that thej 
were the victims and not the instigators of trouble, and in many! 
instances, the courage, calmness, self-possession and forbearance fl 
Klansmen have averted what might easily have been serious and 
appalling results, where, due to the viciousness and offensiveness oM 
unprovoked attacks, force and resistance would have been justified 
under the law. Notably among these cases are those to be found in 
Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. This department hal 
sought to 'help, aid and assist all worthy Klansmen' who have becM 
innocent victims of lawlessness at the hands of our enemies. At thai 
same time, however, this department has just as vigorously assisted 
the law enforcement agencies of the land in the detection and prosecu ' 
tion of any and every Klansman who has been guilty of violating of 
conspiring to violate any of the laws of the hind, anywhere, at any 

' By far the most important branch of litigation handled by this 

drp.ii iment has been defense against the efforts of former officials to 

, the Organization. Very soon after the Klonvokation in 1-92.2., 

win 11 .t new administration was set up, an attack was made upon the 

fcij'.iuization by the former Imperial Wizard and Emperor, who, at 

| I iim- when all the officials connected with the Palace were out of 

l h> mi v, perpetrated a seizure of the Palace, together with its property 

mid i cords, by a court order obtained and executed by a process of 

■resentation to the Court; and sought by injunction to prevent 

id. hnictioning of the Organization under the Constitution and Laws 

Mnpied by the Klonvokation and under the administration of officials 

||i-( i> d by the same. Naturally, a bitter fight ensued. After days of 

•imii action and weeks of earnest effort to adjust matters outside of 

Iflii i onrts, when the very fact of the existence of litigation of such a 

it. and character (regardless of the merit or lack of merit of the 

|ii inn} threatened the very existence of the Organization, an agree- 
but was reached and signed, and a court decree composing all dif- 

|n s and settling all issues was entered of record. Whereupon, 

||i. .»!•, icemen t was promptly violated and the court decree disregarded 
1 the attempt on the part of the former Imperial Wizard and Emperor, 
Kill 1. 1 in Joseph Simmons, to organize, develop and confer a so-called 
in mi. I order known as the Knights Kamelia, or K-Duo degree of the 
■ . i s of the Ku Klux Klan, the avowed purpose of said action being 
e over the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan from the administra- 
te »ii and government controlling the same. 

"Simultaneously with this action, probably the most bitter attack 

mi Tiled against the Organization in the courts of the land 

n . hied in Fulton county, Georgia, in the matter of David Ritten- 

et al., against Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, et al., the origin 

which case was easily traced to the same source, and the purpose 

same was identical with the two previous troubles herein above 

mi < rated. 

. i (he same time, a rebellion broke out in No. i Klan at Atlanta, 

tylm h was known as the mother Klan of the Organization, and which 

that time dominated by the Simmons influence, and serious 

ti" ttion arose on the part of this Klan against the National Organ- 
| -II, all emanating from and dominated by what may be termed 
*l, minions influence, 

'Without giving in detail the history of these various harassing 

In mm; and the conditions that arose out of them, suffice it to say 

• i us fast as court action could be taken and hearings could be had, 

I. I.i 1 1 was victorious, and each of the law suits mentioned adjudi- 

I in favoi of i he Klan. 

"The Simmons faction, however, did not cease its activities until : 
early in the year 19214, when, by reason of his repeated and continued 
efforts to disrupt and destroy the Organization, there came a demand 
from all over the nation and from all the Grand Dragons of thl 
nation, to banish him from the order, and an order of banishmeJ 
was issued against him with the privilege of appeal to the Imperii 
Kioncilium. Whereupon, through an agent or broker employed In 
William Joseph Simmons and representing him, a proposition wai 
made by him (Simmons) to the Organization, whereby he agreed, in 
consideration of the payment in cash to him of the actual value ol 
the annuity which had previously been established by the order iJ 
his favor, to withdraw from membership in the Organization ami 
from any and all connections directly or indirectly with the samj 
agreeing to release any and all rights, title and interest that he the J 
had or had previously had in the annuity above mentioned, togethd 
with any and all rights or benefits of any nature or kind whatsoevi 1 
accruing to him from the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Agreeinl 
further, to do and perform no act directly or indirectly bv himscH 
or through any agent or agents that would in any manner prejudi cfl 
hinder or injure the Organization, the Knights of the Ku Klux KlaM 
This proposal presented by his agent was accompanied by a power M 
attorney from him to his agent to close the deal and to receive fro J 
the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan the cash consideration, and thJ 
proposal was accepted by the Imperial Kioncilium and said casl 
consideration in the sum of One Hundred Forty-Six Thousand, FivJ 
Hundred Dollars ($146,500.00) was paid 111 cash to the aforesaid agejH 
This deal was consummated in February, 19x4, since which tiflfl 
(although Col. Simmons immediately upon making the settlemeM 
above set forth, became the head of an organization known as tin- 
Knights of the Flaming Sword, whose agents and employees have 111 
some localities sought to disrupt the Organization by attempting t J 
entice disgruntled Klansmen into their membership, he has made] 
very little headway and caused but little trouble) the Organizati ofl 
has been practically free from molestation or harassment on tin 
part of William Joseph Simmons, 

c, An organization known as the American Unity League, compose! 
of Jews and Roman Catholics and headed by Pat H. O'Donnell, a Roman 
Catholic lawyer of Chicago, has long waged a bitter and vicious fight 
against the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and has instigated litigation m 
several different places. There are pending at the present time 
quite important suits; one, a bill for receivership and action foi 
damages in the Federal Court, District of Indiana, at Indianapoliij 
The other, a suit for a half million dollars damages, pending in the 


Court at Chicago . Both of these suits were brought by a Roman 

Bgtlmlic lawyer by the name of Joe Roach assisted by Pat O'Donnell 

(I * In. ago. Each suit is an attempt to dissolve. the Klan by proving 

1 fin 1 1 1 v of illegal, corrupt and unconstitutional practices. The wildest 

Mi. I most absurd allegations are made. Needless to say, they are 

L and should the cases ever come to trial on the merits, our enemies 

Vim 1 Id necessarily fail to substantiate their charges, notwithstanding 

. are stooping to every low and disreputable means conceivable 

I tin 1 he same. They are being aided and assisted by banished Klans- 
|»i 11 nl the Frank 1ST. Littlejohn type. Their boast. is that they have 
Id 11 .1 gents among our trusted and confidential employees. Suffice 
j| in .av that these matters are being carefully handled, and when 

nine comes for trial these cases will go the way of all similar 
ti on the part of our outside enemies to damage or discredit the 
i I <.i 

II ic Legal Department has given considerable time and attention 

it ih consideration of bills affecting the Klan introduced into and 

|im d by various State Legislatures. Many legislatures have sought 

kact laws intended to suppress the growth and activity of the 

Pliut, but we are glad to report that in almost every instance there 

hei' . . been a sufficient number of really patriotic citizens in the mem- 

1 ilnp of the respective legislatures to bring about a more or less 

[rtti iIim ussion of the real merits, purposes and principles of the Klan, 

Kid wherever such consideration has been given the result has been 

lli.n die Klan was found to be a truly American organization, its 

hi tin 1 jvles thoroughly constitutional and its practices consistent with 

ttnd iitjiducive to law and order, good government and exemplary 

I iip. Hence, in such instances, hostile legislation has failed. 

R those States where laws affecting the Klan have been enacted, the 

U.11 has immediately set about to conform thereto and to govern 

I I hi I! accordingly. 

Beginning with the year 192.4 a ruling was made whereby no 

bfttion involving the National Organization could be instituted 

il< 1 1 tided by any agent, employee or department head of the Or- 

11 inn without the matter having first been taken up with and 

1 i/.ed by the Legal Department. This ruling and practice have 

1 • . d to coordinate the legal work _over the nation, and have pre- 

I much unnecessary litigation, and has greatly reduced the ex- 

-.1 1 he department. 

"Respectfully Submitted, 


"Imperial Klaus-el." 

"While this is not in the report, I want to say, by way of parent!! 
sis, that an incident occurred in the City of Chicago, where they sougl 
to disqualify members of the fire department from holding city posi 
tions because they were Klansmen, and that the success of that right,' 
that was so completely accomplished, is due, practically all of it, tJ 
the Grand Dragon of Illinois, Chas. G. Palmer, who is here with youH 

Klansman Bos sen. "Is the Committee on the address of till 
Imperial Klonsel ready to make a report at this time? I wish to staJ 
that this report was submitted last evening by Klansman McBrayer. ■ 

Klansman McBrayer "I was a bit surprised to hear your ImperiJ 
Klonsel say that he was unable to fix this amplifier. He seems tl 
have been able to fix everything else that we wanted him to fix. (A J 
plause.) I might say it has become a custom, and the Wizard startM 
it here, of saying a few words outside of reports. I wish to refer tl 
Klansman Etheridge, knowing the work that he has been doin m 
It is impossible, in making our report on his paper today, to tell you] 
of all the things that Paul Etheridge has done to save the Ku Klul 
Klan from our enemies. Also, just a few moments ago, a resolution 
offered in regard to our finances might indicate that we are not putting 
the matter of finance squarely before you. In 1913, the Finance Conw 
mittee met three times and looked over the finances of theOrganizJ 
tion; in 1924, we met four times and went into every detail of thlj 
financial situation. If some fellow wants to give the enemy just I 
lot of ammunition, let him persist in intimating that something ia 
wrong." (Applause.) 


"Your Lordship, Imperial KloncHwm, Klansmen: 

"Having been selected to review the report of the Imperial Klonsi I 
we, your Committee, after a thorough analysis of the contents of the 
report of the Imperial Klonsel beg leave to make the following reportB 

"1. While the Imperial Klonsel has enumerated many of tin 
actions that have been defended by his Department, and his several 
suits instituted for our rights, the great bulk of his labors cannot h|j 
reported in every detail — it would be too voluminous. 

"z. The nature of the work required o£ the Imperial Klonsel fid 
been to defend the rights of the Organization and of the individual 
members, and your Committee is pleased to report that all matter! 
placed in his hands have been handled promptly, efficiently and c| 


m 1 ly in the interest of the Organization and of its individual 
tin inbcrs. 

\. It is a further pleasure to report that during the period oi 
nun covered by this report, your Imperial Klonsel has won every 
mm 1 hat was instituted against the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, or 
fli.H was brought to retain our rights. 

"4. Too much praise cannot be given our Imperial Klonsel, Paul 
I J. 1 heridge, for his untiring efforts in our behalf. 

"'•, . We recommend the adoption of the report of the Imperial 
■ liinsd. 

"Respectfully Submitted, 
"In the Sacred Unfailing Bond, 

"Henry A. Grady, North Carolina. 
"Sam D. Rich, Pennsylvania. 
"Chas. H. McBrayer, Kansas." 

1 Motion was made by Klansman McBrayer that the report of the 
liinnnittee be adopted. Motion was seconded, and carried^none 
|ini .u credited delegates voting.) 

Klansman Bosserf. "At this time, I am going to ask the Delaware, 
!'. mi .vlvania and New jersey delegations for their demonstration of 
" (Applause.) 

I delegations sang. Loud applause.) 

I lawman Bosserf. "I want to say to the boys of Delaware, 
y \ vania and New jersey that they surely have some 'pep, * At this 
l fin , we will listen to the report of the Imperial Kligrapp, Klansman 
I, K. Ramsey/' (Applause.) 



' 'To the Second Imperial Klonvokation of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan: 

f< It has been twenty-two months since your body received a report] 
from the Imperial Kligrapp's Department. Many changes have oc- 
curred in our Organization in those twenty-two months. Its growth 1 
has been nothing short of miraculous, and this department has en 
deavored to the best of its ability to keep up with that growth, 

'The Imperial Kligrapp Department's work is composed principally 
of a vast amount of details, such as: 

Issuing all Charters, 

Keeping up with correct addresses of officials of Realms, Provinces 
and local Klans, 

The proper mailing and distribution of all literature, Official 
Documents and circular letters, 

The maintaining and keeping up-to-date of a mailing list for edu- 
cational purposes, 

The handling of all Supply orders, 

The handling of all Robe orders, 

The handling of all quarterly reports of chartered Klans, 

The certifying of men entitled to take K-Duo, 

The issuance of certificates to men who have taken K-Duo, 

The keeping of a correct list of men who have received K-Duo, 1 

The issuance of all Commissions for Realm and Province Officers j 
and Giant's Commissions. 

"There have been issued up to and including September 8, 1914, j 
twenty-nine hundred and eighty- two (2.981) charters for local Klans, 
which have practically all been delivered. This is an increase iaj 
chartered Klans since the last report of this Department of 104%. The J 
membership in these chartered organizations has increased since thi! 
last report, 409%. 

"When this department made its last report to you, 31.5% of (In 
membership in chartered Klans was in the Realm of Texas, and 18.2.% 
in the Realm of Oklahoma, making in these two Southwestern Stati • 
alone 43.7% of the whole membership, taking at that time the South* 
western States as a whole — that is Louisiana, Texas, New T Mexico,] 
Arizona, Arkansas and Oklahoma comprise 61% of the membership. 

"The Southern States — Mississippi to Virginia. 
Kentucky and West Virginia comprise 2.1.1%. 

and including 

"The North Central States — Illinois, Indiana and Ohio (Wisconsin 
ifttid Michigan not having any) — comprise 6.4%. 

'The West — Colorado, W T yoming, Utah, Washington and Oregon 
l.l.i ho, Nevada and California having no membership in chartered 
I 1 us) — comprise 5.1%. 

The Middle West— Minnesota, North Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, 
i-.snuri and Kansas (South Dakota having none)--com prise 5%. 

'The only North Atlantic States having any chartered Kl an mem- 
1 .hip w^ere Dehvware and Maryland, comprising .3 of 1%. 

'In New England there were no members in chartered Klans. 

1 if West Virginia were counted with Delaware and Maryland, as a 
hi 1 hern State, these three States together would have had but 1.8% 
.1 the membership. 

"There were no members in the populous States of Pennsylvania, 
L'w Jersey and New York, and none in the six New England States. 

"It may be noted that two-thirds of the membership in the West 
■ mi the one State of Oregon; and one-half of the membership in 
ir Middle W f est was in the one State of Missouri, It is our desire 
»w to show you a picture of the distribution of the membership 

this time. 

The North Central States comprise 40.2.%. 
The Southwestern States comprise 15.6%. 
The Southern States (including West Virginia) com- 
prise 16.1%, 
The Middle West States comprise 8.3%. 

The Western States comprise 6.1%. 

The North Atlantic States comprise 3.7%. 

1 1 is the desire to impress upon you again that these figures are 
! dealing with chartered Klan membership. If we were to take 

liderfltion the membership in the Provisional Klans, the trend 

1 from the South would be still more marked. 


Realm Organisations 

Wlien the last report was made to you, there were ten States whicH 
had been organized into Realms, in the order named : 















North Carolina 

South Carolina 

"We now have twenty-two Realm Organizations, the following 
having been established since the First Imperial Klonvokation i9 
the order named: 












West Virginia 













"The Imperial Klazik's report will give you any other informati<J 
relative to these Realm Organizations that you care to have. 


"This department handles an average of about five thousand supplj 
orders annually. When you realize that the Grand Dragons carry ill 
each Realm a consignment account of supplies and fill the orders Inl 
their particular Klans from the Grand Dragon's stock, you will h.ivi 
some conception of the enormous amount of supplies that are furnished 
the individual Klans. Ail of these supplies have been reduced very 
materially in price since your last Klonvokation, owing to the fad 
that most of them are manufactured in our own plant. Some red in 
tionshavebeciiasgreatas4oo%,whilcthcavcraff- has b. < n .ihoni i v o* ' 

Robes and Helmets 

( )ur department is receivings checking and correcting, and for- 
prding to the factory, an average of five thousand robe orders per 
kck , for which we receive $3.50 net per robe, which is 18 cents less 
mon we were paying for robes when the last report was made, How- 
Ifcr, at $3.50, they are netting a nice profit which goes into your 
ifl 1 1 una! Treasury, the aggregate of which you will get from the re- 
ktn 1 of the Finance Committee. 


1 )n February 11, our Imperial Wizard issued a proclamation that 
Ni.ihlished the K-Duo and its method of promulgation. This has 
Ijtud a very large amount of detail work on this department. We 
Lvi up to the present time issued identification cards upon certificates 
■Dtn local organizations to the number of 154,035. The Degree Team 
k» 1 (inferred the degree on approximately 75,000 candidates. You will 
ktar from this that there is a vast difference between the number of 
fcniilication cards Issued and the number that received the degree. 
|'| caused in a small way by the Degree Team not having reached 

Km is that were certified, but the vast majority of the difference is 
|k 11 ,i 1 1 by the failure of the candidates to present themselves. Klans- 
Rid 1 1 I id win DeBarr has written a report on the activities of this 
I* Dun Degree Team, which will be read to you. 

Junior Km Klux Klan 

1 1! the early part of the year 19x4, the Imperial Kioncilium recog- 
m i the Junior Ku Klux Klan, which was chartered in the States of 
hi una and Ohio. Nothing was done toward assisting this Organ- 
) at that time, however, except to advance it about $10,000,- 

1 1 , office was moved to Washington, but no proclamation was 

■ 1 I .1 ud no assistance until about April i, when the 

Mm ilium met in Kansas City on March 19, ordering an official 

in la mation to issue setting it up as a Department of the Knights 

<h. Ku Klux Klan and moving its office to Atlanta, where it 

placed under the direct supervision of this department. Its 
were surrendered in Ohio and Indiana and from that time on 

Clias been operating on practically a self-sustaining' basis. Klans- 
u Paul A . Poock, the National Director, will make you a report in 

Mailing Department 

ihi deparxmem is equipped with all of the. latest electrically 

. n in.,, him iv for handling their business. Under the direction of 


our imperial Wizard, this department has been preparing, and is stil 
preparing, mailing lists for the purpose of education. .. At the time the 
Immigration Bill was before the National -Congress, this list aggre- 
gated approximately a quarter of a million names and was used "very 
effectively in creating, public sentiment in favor of that bill, At 
present, this list aggregates practically one million names and before 
it is completed, it will run to a million and a half. These- names arc! 
made on stencils which can be put in the rapid addressograph machine- 
and envelopes addressed very quickly for the purpose of mailing our 
literature. These names are kept in steel cabinets in the vault, Thil 
is a permanent list and can be used from time to time for dissemin arm- 
our principles. We want you to understand, however, that this lis! 
is not a list of (Clansmen; but of bankers, doctors, preachers, Star--, 
city and county officials and outstanding citizens of this country. 


"It is impossible to close this report without taking the opportun.M 
for the Head of the Department to express his appreciation for tfl 
active and close co-operation of all of the Department Heads, tfl 
Grand Dragons and Imperial Representatives throughout the natioj 
This has been everything that could be desired, and without it'vM 
would have been unable to accomplish anything. The employees oj 
this department have rendered most faithful and efficient service ;il 
all times and deserve the commendation and praise of your body. 



! Tn concluding, permit your Imperial Kiigrapp to express his gt m 
appreciation to the Organization as a whole, and to the Imperial 
Wizard in particular, for the great honor that has been bestowed upon 
him and the confidence that has been reposed in him, and to assure yJ 
and the Imperial Wizard that it has been his ardent desire to rend, i 
faithful and efficient service to the best of his ability. 

"Trusting that these humble efforts may meet with some smJ 
portion of approbation at the hands of this Imperial Bodv- and from 
His Lordship, I beg to remain 

"Faithfully Yours In the Sacred Unfailing Bond 


"Imperial Kiigrapp/' 

Klansman Bossert. "Is your Committee appointed to report on 
In Imperial Kligrapp's report ready to report at this time? Fellow 
i I in:. men, I have the pleasure of introducing to you Klansman Es 

Klansman James Esdale. "Mr. Chairman, and Fellow Klansmen: 

Mi. < .ommittee on your Kligrapp's report has tried to make its re- 

win as brief as possible. We well know how tiresome it is listening 

■ ports, although they contain valuable information which you 

ill to possess. We should give our attention to them, because they 

a ill .mswer a great many questions in our minds. T will now read 

H report on the report of the Imperial Kiigrapp. 


I (he Second Imperial Klonvokation, Knights oj the Ku Klux Klan: 

pWe have been appointed as your Committee to render to you a 
i*l«>ii upon the Imperial Kligrapp's Department — its executive man- 
flriurut and the personnel of the Department, together with its 
lii> i In ids of operation. 

"h is indeed our pleasure to have been honored with the oppor- 
tune of rendering a report on one of our most important Imperial 
^Pjuinnents, and we have carefully studied the various systems and 
flrflmds which, have been so ably worked out and put into actual 
I- i. Hum by our Imperial Kiigrapp. He has presented us with a 
lliime of his Department, which we have thoroughly investigated 
|in! It Mind to have been operated in a most proficient manner, 
pleased to present to you the brief outline of this important 
which will give you a general vision of certain existing condi 
throughout the Invisible Empire from a national standpoint, 
port briefly touches on the various departments that have conic 
ind. i his jurisdiction, in which instance he has been called upon to 

1 late a method of procedure for the handling of these various 


W*C wish not only to comment upon our Imperial Kiigrapp, 

tiaUy, but we wish to go further. Commendations in the high 

ins are in order for the able assistants with which he has sur 

ulci! himself in his department; and we cannot pass on withoul 

ing our high appreciation and regard for his capable and efli 

i rccary, Klansman Earl L. Willoughby, whom we have h> I 

• ' hi i most loyal and devoted Klansman .is well as one possessing 
I I* udi I intellci i and i \* ellcni abiliti 

"hi closing, we wish to say a few words of appreciation reiativl 
to our Imperial Kligrapp. We wish to commend him in the highest 
terms, and say to the Klansmen of the nation that they should bej 
proud to know that they have had in charge of the secretaria 
affairs of their National Organization a man who has demonstrated 
himself at all times in the most efficient manner as well as to e xl 
emplify his loyalty and devotion to our noble cause. We might 
travel throughout the bounds of the Invisible Empire and find 
one who could fill his position; but we feel that we could nod 
find any one who could handle this office in a more capable and efficien 
manner than it has been handled by our beloved Kyle Ramsey. 

"James Esdale, Alabama, Chairman, 

"O. H. Carpenter, Washington. 

"Dr. J, G. Locke, Colorado. 

Cf J. G. Murphy, Alabama. 
"Dated September za, 1914, at Kansas City Missouri." 

(Motion was made by Klansman Esdale that the report be adopted 
Said motion was duly seconded and carried—none but accredited dele] 
gates voting.) 

Klansman Bossert. "At this time, I wish to say that since you 
have had a very heavy day, we are going to close early this afterno J 
as you will have to be back here by 7:30 this evening. I also wish 
to state that Klansman — — , of the Realm of Virginia, will 
meet with the Committee on Industrial Plants and will confer wil 
the Chairman of the Committee. Klansman McCarron has an an 
nouncement. After that, we will stand and be adjourned bv KlanJ 
man of Indiana." 

(Evening program was announced relative to Klavern of Sorrow ) 
Klansman Bossert, "We will all stand and be dismissed/' 
Klansman — — . "Our Father, we thank Thee for the new 
inspiration we gathered from the reports and the addresses, and fori 
new acquaintances at this national Klonvokation of the Knights of tfl 
Ku Klux Klan. We thank Thee for the great, passionate desin oj 
the leaders of this great Organization to promote its principles to 1 hi 
uttermost bounds of the United States of America, We thank Tliecl 
Our Father, for the high and noble desires of these representatives ..1 
this Organization to promote the cause of Christian leadership and 
to be instrumental in the promotion of American institutions ami 
ideals. We thank Thee for our high and noble leadership, ;ini | h,i 

Objectives of this Organization, and for the spiritual eniighten- 
U which has come to us all. We pray especially Thy blessings 
p our Imperial Wizard, upon whose shoulders rest such great 
fcnsibilities. And, our Father, we pray, too, for his associates and 
fctgues. Bless the men who are in the field— those that are also 
1 lu firing line, for the cause of Americanism at this crucial moment, 
i Father, take us more fully to the Cross of Jesus Christ, help us 
t \iend His Kingdom, and to exalt the principles of Americanism, 
iv Thy blessings rest upon us and attend us in all that is done and 

I is we continue in this great Klonvokation. Our Father, we ask 
I that we may do more on the home base than we have ever done 
m and may we carry the inspiration of this Klonvokation back 
nn- and bring to our organizations greater enthusiasm and a greater 
living program than we have ever seen instituted before. We ask 

uur Father, for the perpetuity of these American ideals and insti- 

li. .us; we ask it for the good of all concerned, and for the good of 

1 Whole world. Bless the Grand Dragons of the States we represent, 

I I Jess all of their associates as well. Take us now into Thy care 

.1 Iceeping. Guide us as Christian citizens to do Thy will and Thy 

We ask it for Christ's sake, and in His name. Amen." 

■:. p. m., September 24, 1914, Klavern of Sorrow conducted. Not 

phically reported.) 

SEPTEMBER 25th 1924. 

jUmsman Bossert. "Before we enter upon the devotional exer- 
., we will have the report of the minutes of yesterday's meeting. 

m Ramsey." 

f imsman Ramsey. "We are a little bit out of order this morn- 

Wc haven't had our devotional exercises, and I believe the 

Miional exercises would benefit us more at this time than the 

1 »f the minutes. However, the minutes will be read while the 

.nvnkation is assembling." 

I unites of previous day's proceedings were read.) 
Unsman Ramsey. "I move that the minutes be approved." 
I h.- motion was duly seconded and adopted— none but accredit- 
1. 1 1 gates voting.) 

KUnsman Bossert. "While waiting for a few moments, we will 
1 demonstration to be put on by Kansas— and Kansas has 

,,. I M We will have that demonstration now." 

1 >i n stration by Kansas delegation.) 


Klansman Bossert, "Klansman James will lead us in singing' 
America, and then lead us in prayer." 


Klansman James . ' 'Our Father ; Again we call upon Thee, in Jesusl 
name, to present ourselves and our cause to Thee and to present thjfl 
morning-session to Thee, with all that it shall contain. We pf.n 
that Thou wilt bless those that shall give the reports. Lord, cojj 
tinue to bless us as Thou hast in these past days. We thank Thee iM 
Thy presence with us. Indeed, Thou hast blessed us. We thank] 
Thee for the Spirit manifested here, and may it continue. And nofl 
while we are in Thy Divine presence this morning, may Jesus ChrisH 
be exalted, may He be lifted high, and may He draw us close untj 
Himself. Bless every department of this great Organization; blcM 
our Imperial Wizard and his Imperial family; bless all in authoriti 
over us. While gathered here, in Jesus' name, may our thoughts bl 
on Thee, and on Thy work, and on Thy cause in this land of oufll 
Because of having met in this Klonvokation, may we go back to ofl 
respective fields with greater enthusiasm— carrying these messaged 
to our associates in the great work to which Thou hast called utl 
May these messages that we have heard find their way into our heartl] 
and lives, and become a part of the fabric and fibre of our daily lilfl 
Have Thy way with us, we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen." 

Imperial Wizard, "Mr. President, and members of the Klon«j 
vokation: 1 understand that quite a large number of those who aJ 
in attendance upon this meeting, expecting this to be a three-dM 
session, have their reservations, and are going to leave the city todaM 
Believing that it is absolutely necessary for you to get one or two of j 
the fundamental lines of thought, I am going to ask you to let ufl 
expedite matters today so that those of you who have to leave mfl 
carry with you a vision of the Klonvokation as a whole, ThcJ 
reports are all printed, they are now here— all the reports that wc m 
to have been read. It is embarrassing to me, on behalf of all my fellovB 
workers, to ask you to read the reports; but it would be more cm 
barrassing still to have you leave without being in possession ol 
some of the things that are vital for you to have. 

"There is in the city the head of the Women's Order. I think thiH 
you men ought to know that the Women's Order, started a year a^i 

out of dire necessity, has grown to where it has more than 

women— assembled in less than twelve months. 


. h we will ever strive, we will, and must, march with our Christ- 
, patriotic women. Therefore, it is my great pleasure to request 
i you invite to your platform at this time the head of the Women's 
! i in the United States," 

There was a chorus of seconds.) 

Klansman Bossert. "If it is taken by consent, I will appoint: a 
unittee to invite the head of the Women's Organization (ascent 

shouted by the entire Klonvokation) and on that committee I 
I appoint our Imperial Wizard, Klansman Venable, and Klansman 
waver. With your consent, in order that we may have a clear 
In-standing of the work our women are doing, I shall ask the 
mi man of the Committee on the Women's Organization to read 

report to you. I shall ask Klansman Comer to place these facts 
I 1 1 j^ures before you. Is that your consent?" 
(Chorus of "Yes "J 


"To the Second Imperial Klonvokation of the Knights of the Ku Klux K/am 

' 'The initial Klonvokation of the Knights of the Ku Klux KJfl 
held in Atlanta, Georgia, on the 2.7th, z8th, 19th and 30th ■ 
November, 1911, discussed the question as to whether or not tfl 
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan should recognize any one of the nuinerM 
women's organizations already in existence; or whether a new womctH 
organization should be brought into being, fostered by the KnigM 
of the Ku Klux Klan, 

"This discussion finally resulted in the Klonvokation going J 
record to the effect that the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan shj 
not recognize, and that no member of the Knights of the Ku Kj 
Klan should recognize or aid and assist, any of the women's organ iM 
tions then m existence. A committee was appointed to ascertain whetW 
the women of the several organizations already in existence prefeM 
to operate in separate organizations, or whether it would be agifl 
able to them to dissolve their organizations and become members ofl 
new organization, fostered by the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, aM 
supporting similar principles; and to ascertain whether or not iIkm 
seemed to be a desire on the part of the Protestant women genera I III 
to organize for the same purposes that Protestant men have organisdH 
and to make a report of their observation and information to tfl 
Imperial Wizard and the Imperial Kloncilium. 

"Said Committee went forward in the line of its duty, and (null)! 
made a report to the Imperial Kloncilium on or about Febmn\ 1 
1913.. advising that there were in the several States approximate 
twenty-five or more separate and distinct women's organizations wittfl 
tenets not altogether dissimilar to those of the Knights of the ■ 
Klux Klan, and which were without any national head and withfl 
any set plan for a nation-wide campaign in furtherance of the prij 
ciples to which they had subscribed. The Committee further report 
ed that it was of the opinion that the leaders in the several women 1 ! 
organizations, and also the membership thereof, would be glad n 
abandon their respective organizations and join an organizai inii 
which would be endorsed and fostered by the Knights of the Ku K hi* • 
Klan. Thereupon, the Imperial Wizard and the Imperial Klondliiiij 
recommended that the Committee take such action as In its judgim-m 
would seem proper, 

"Colonel William Joseph Simmons, then Emperor of the Knighd 
of the Ku Klux Klan, in violation of the specific diuriion of tin 

vokation not to recognize any one of the several women s or- 
,, lions then in existence, attempted to recognize the W. A. P. 
v Club, one of the organizations already in existence—as being 
. official Women's Organization, and requested the Klans of the 
Etiun to aid and assist the building up of that organization. (The 
\ P, Study Club was organized by two Klansmen and their wives.) 
,m-l Simmons, thereupon, through some secret arrangements 
ben himself and the organizers of the W. A. P. Study Club, 
,1,- d the name of the said organization to the name 'Kamelia 
began a vigorous campaign to induce the wives of Klansmen to 
,, that organization, representing that it was a companion Klan 
llui of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; and Colonel Simmons 
v. led about over the country speaking in its behalf, and used what 
Imnce he may have had toward the building of the organization 
as 'Kamelia.' 
I he Committee, aforesaid, called a conference of the heads ot 
Cveral women's organizations, together with a number of other 
bnmincnt women of the nation, to assemble at the New Willard 
Ed in Washington, D. C, on the second day of June, 192.3, for the 
those of bringing into being an organization of women, for women 
tl |iv women, with principles similar to those of the Knights of 

II Is 1 p Klux Klan. 

\ representative number of these aforesaid women assembled as 

u-d, and. on the same day, the second day of June, 192.3, entered 

,„, agreement to organize a national women's order with tenets 

,1 with those of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and to ask 

■ ion of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan to use such part of 

. porate name and such parts of its Constitution and ritual as 

ght desire. After the agreement had been reached by said wo- 

, petition was presented to the Kloncilium of the Knights of 

r Ku Klux Klan, which was at the time in session in the City of 

I Inngton, D. C, in the New Willard Hotel, asking for permission 

its name, Constitution and ritual, or so much thereof as they 

hi wish. £ , 

I he Kloncilium received the petition, as aforesaid, and after due 
[deration very graciously granted the petition, and promised its 
1 operation and support. 

, women, thus organized, on the eighth day of June, 1923, 

. I their petition to the Circuit Court of Pulaski county, Arkan- 
Pa ying that a charter be issued them, creating them into a body 
, „. This petition was granted by the court, and a charter 

I mulcr the name of the 'Women of the Ku Klux Klan/ The 

nttiti OJ the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, with certain mod- 

■ 1 1 

lhcations, was adopted, it also adopted the ritual of the Knigj 
of the Ku Klux Klan, except for a few unimportant changes; ami (jl 
work of organization began. 

'This new organization found itself without funds with whidi || 
begin operation. This fact was made known to the Imperial WizM 
and to the Kloncilium of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which frqfl 
time to time gave the Women of the Ku Klux Klan such sums t 
money as seemed necessary for the furtherance of the work of propyl 
tion. It placed women in the field, organizing in all the State! ■ 
f the nation. It then "began a process of absorbing the membership 
the several organizations previously formed, and also the tedious waB 
of absorbing the organization recognized and fostered by Col(S 
William Joseph Simmons— which brought about a great deal uJ MtJ 
satisfaction due to the fact that the organization known as 'Kamefl 
was fostered by Colonel Simmons. It required a great deal of mofl 
and time to present the cause to the membership of these organiw 
tions so that they would understand that they were not an auxilim 
to the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, or fostered by it, or in any manfl 
recognized by it; and then to impress upon their minds the fact tin 
the Women of the Ku Klux Klan was to be an organization organized l<t 
women, for women and of women, and one in which men had nofl 
terest other than to see that a large organization of women should befl 
fected which would uphold the principles and standards of the Knig|B 
of the Ku Klux Klan, which would be a power for good in the naticH 

'These wonderful women disseminated the doctrine of KlankrM 

through the several States, mobilizing AmerijH 

born, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant women. This includes women wfl 
were accepted as members of other women's organizations, whfl 
had been instituted prior to the on-coming of the Women of the I ■> 
Klux Klan. 

"This Organization has on hand at the present time in savin, 
accounts in the banks of Little Rock, $136,767.00. It has investij 
$9,168.00 in furniture and fixtures, $3,014.00 in rolling stock; and [m 
addition thereto it has purchased four and one-half lots of ground 
situated on the corner of Eighteenth and Broadway streets, one 4 
the choicest residential sections in the City of Little Rock, Arkansal 
at a cost of $48,2.51.00. On this land is situated a large brick builq 
ing, pretentious in construction and design, in which are the Imp( riflj 
Headquarters and administrative offices. The donation paid by chj 
membership is $5.00 each, $4.00 of which has been paid to orgunl 
izers — leaving only one dollar for the use of the Imperial Offio 1 > 
maintenance of the National Headquarters. 



\, this time the Women of the Ku Klux Kkn has m each State 

propagation force, which is rapidly bringing into the old 

numbers of the highest type of American women tn the land 
,.,,,■ the present program of propagation the Women d h 
Klan feel justified in saying that within the next twd« 
,„!,. rhey will add ro their already splendid number one million 
, , which will mean a great potential force added to the already 

number of American men who have pledged their live 

! Sfe of their homes, to their native land and to Almighty 

' |',„ Women of the Ku Klux Klan are mindful of the splendid 

.,,,, , lion given them by the Knights of the Ku Klux : Klan. They 

„. lul in every way for the individual help of the individual 

, :n, and they fully appreciate the National Administration s 

,,.,1 recognition of the Women's Klan as a companion Klan to 

he Lights of the Ku Klux Klan. They owe to the Emperor 

lrap£ ria b l Wizard of the Invisible Empire a debt of grati ud 

vision and steadying hand when counsel, wisdom and courage 

Ctr much needed, and they promise at this t me »^j«2 

, i,,yal to the Imperial Wizard and to the National Administration 

|ll„ Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. 

fche Women of the Ku Klux Klan, like the Knights of the Kn 
L« Klan has weathered great storms; and again, like the Knights 
,|,l,, Ku Klux Klan, this Organization has piloted its ship into short 
»,. 1,,-ut the loss of an integral part of its craft. 

he Women of the Ku Klux Klan owe to the Imperial Wizard 
Ll , he National Administration a debt of gratitude for the splendid 

, .,.,.« furnished by the Imperial Wizard and his staff. They con 

Ed the Impetial Wizard and the National Administration foi sue 
. he Juirior Ku Klux Klan, which will build - «g™ 
■ i II be the bone and sinew of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 

.rrow. They pledge themselves to support the Junior _!Oan 

encing their sons to become loyal members of_ Ae Jun *t 

,, ,nd they promise in every way to succor this division of the 
I, is of the Ku Klux Klan. 

The Women's Klan and the entire membership thereof assure you 
.,, „,„, loyalty in every way, and promise to move with Y™*7™> 
,rd march to make America Protestant, to evangelize and Chris 
America, and to place an American on guard in every unpoi 
mix post in the nation. 

"Respectfully Submitted, 

"J. A, CoMKR." 


Klansman Bosun. "You have heard this report, and I J 
my on behalf oi klansmen McCall, Ramsey and myself, tha ,1 

Will give vour rnns,«nt T ™-;il «~* — j _ . . 

f SlV 7° Ur 'T^' l Wili " 0t rcad our Norseman, hut „j|| J 
that we have endorsed i t. 

' 'I see the Committee, appointed just before Judge Comer rea, Mm, J 
port is ready to report. Will that Committee nowplease comeW ..',| 

rinn H n ^ iT"' * ccom P anied ^ the Committee, entered Conl 
tion Hall the Klonvokation arose and remained standing until „, 
party ascended the platform.) 

"7V the Second Imperial Klonvokation, Knights of the K» Klux Klan- 

We, your Committee appointed to pass upon the report of J 
Women of the Ku Klux Kian, beg leave to submit the foil own,,. 
We heartily endorse this Organization and all it stands for W, 
endorse the management of same, from it inception to date; and 4 
are highly gratified with the pleasing report of its financial and numcr 
<cal strength. 

"We commend the co-operation that has been extended to J 
Women of the Ku Klux Klan, and received therefrom. We recommeJ 
your hearty and active co-operation with this movement in the future- 
"H. C. McCalh 
H. K. Ramsey. 
"Walter F. Bossert." 

Imperial Wizard. "My friemjTlTiave presumed upon your kind 

2n : TTt ir gradousl > r asked me to -«>« ■>*«> *1 

meeting thc h d of ^ Women>s ^^ ^ ^ 

pulled a stunt of my own! I want to introduce to you the rea power 
and support of the Invisible Empire. P 

-Something over twenty years ago, Almighty God blessed me as 
never man was blessed before, blessed me with a good wife, who 
has been unto me a source of inspiration and strength and comfort 
and ,07 every hour since our marriage. When you elected me Wizard 
yon assigned me to service, and you have paid me a price in loyalty and i 
money for the service rendered. When I finish, if I shall have rendere 

requital for what you have given me. But it lies not within my power 

o give to this woman a requital for what she has been to me in nr 

1 , \ waaa f y° a t0 know the ^urce of the inspiration which has 

enabled me, through my life up to now, to try to bea reasonably goo" 

citizen, a reasonably good man, . reasonably good husband; and I 


troduce to you the source, next under Christ and God Almighty, 

, |,ir;.li,m my dearly beloved wife." (Klonvokation arose 

1 1 - 1 > 1 MhU'd.) 

Evans, "Klansmen: I am glad of this opportunity to say to 
, a ccful I am for the expressions of loyalty and the courtesies 
shown my husband during his service as head of this Order, 
\] q for the many acts of kindness and the courtesies you have 
, n mc as I have traveled with him upon his journeys of duty." 

hptrtal Wizard. "Boys: I am going to just tell you something. It 

I ,„v trouble at all to be true and faithful and loving to the 

Ling woman in all the world! (Applause.) 

"I wish now to introduce to you the Imperial Kligrapp of the Order of America's Imperial Womanhood— Mrs. Witt, the 

kin] Kligrapp of the Women of the Ku Klux Klan/' (Klonvokation 

1 1 ul applauded.) 
Aln. Witt. "Klansmen: I want to thank you for this very kind 
extended me, with the other ladies, to come here at this time. 
Bink [Clansman Comer has brought you some of the facts of which 
I are very proud, so I am going to leave the rest of our time to our 
falHH ■ ial Commander to tell you something of the things that are close 
hearts of the Women of the Ku Klux Klan." (Applause.) 
Imperial Wizard. "Fellow members of the Klonvokation: It nowbe- 
|litn< s my pleasure to introduce to you the most powerful woman in 
jjinrrica, because she is the most loved and most trusted woman in 
America! Not only because of her imperial position has she this dis- 
llm turn, but because she has, throughout her life, exemplified those 
|u r l. ideals of American womanhood which to men and women alike all, and are all inclusive in respect and fellowship and regard. 
"J cannot say too much for a woman who serves Almighty God, 
her fellow women and her country with singleness of mind, with 
Ci.i.tinuity of purpose, and with real effectiveness. Who ever heard 
Order in America securing more than — — — - m env 
in less than twelve months? When our Order was a year old, 
lid not have enough membership to wad a gim barrel! Yet, 
wonderful women have, within a year, builded an organiza- 
tion which is, in point of members and influence, far ahead of any 
I „ her women's organization in America. I might say that it is almost 
1 to all the other women's organizations heretofore organized 

but together. 

"It is my pleasure to introduce to you Miss Robbie Gill, imperial 
j ommander of the Women of the Ku Klux Klan," (Klonvokation 
nose and applauded.) 


By Miss Robbie Gill, Imperial Commander of the Women of the Ku KluxKldt 

"Your Lordship, Imperial Klancilium, Klansmsn and Klans women: 

* 'It is indeed a distinct honor you have granted me, in givi* 
me an opporunity to address you at this important gathering. Lild 
wise, it is a serious responsibility that is mine, as I speak to you I 
the Imperial Commander of our great Order— the Women of the Ku KlJ 
Klar/ I am not unmoved by the fact that I am voicing the sentiiD« 

of the great majority of our — Klanswomen. It will be prop* 

feel, to tell you that it is with hesitancy that I come to you, ;in| 
that it is with some misgiving in my own mind that I make bold I 
talk about woman's power to a group of representative men. 

"Accepting my first impressions of you as correct, I feel confidJ 
that you have long since bowed before woman's power, and that yoi 
have marveled at your inability to get along without her— regardl«| 
of her whims and annoying ways. 

"After the great procession of animals had passed before Fatfal 
Adam, back in Eden's Garden, and Adam had given fit names to evfl 
one of them, thus showing wonderful capacity as a judge of aninutl 
life and nature, God gave him woman to be his comrade and coimselol 
He also gave Adam the task of naming her; and, gentlemen, that n : unj 
he gave his wife on the morning of their nuptials is worth all I 
lectures on woman ever written since. Adam, her lord and husbanfl 
called her Eve, which in our language is Life. In its radical concj 
tion, the word comprehends all living creatures; and in special n h I 
ence'to man it indicates society, company, activity, valor, com - 
and even an army. Eve was intended to be not only the mere life 
humanity, in its literal import, but the life and spirit of all tru 
genuine civilization. 

"It goes without my saying that Eve— the first woman, the 111 
spirit and soul of the first man— represents God's idea for her; | 
today her rightful place in the program of humanity will make 
the life of society, the inspiration of man, the very mother, as it w< ■ 
of all great purposes and achievements. 

"I make bold to assert that it has never been the purpose oi I - 
that woman should be the slave of man. And without fear of sin > . 

ful contradiction, I further state that where the Bible has gone v\ Ill 

rightful place baa been recognized in a I";: 1 di 

Protestantism Exalts Women 

It is further interesting to note that wherever Protestantism is 

the ascendency, there woman is held in the highest honor and 

'",.' :,; S In what'eountrv, nnder what form of gov«nment un da 

Chat profession of Christianity is woman most honored? I unhes 

„v answer: Women are better educated more reFmed and more 

A in Pmrestant countries than anywhere else— in I rotestant 

,wn great America, the home of the brave, the land of the hee 

, t 1 ,11 fations of the earth in its recognition of woman, and her 
LTven ghts and powers. No nation under the sun grants the 
II;.: 'aCtheVts, the opportunities and the protection of woman- 
I i v v i r rues as does our United States. _ . 

■The red of our national banner speaks in no uncertain way of 
m | blood that has been and that will be shed for woman s pro- \ 
n The white of our Flag's folds cries out for unstained purity 
L^in manhood and womanhood, and bears silent testimony 
the men of the nation would rise as one to protect and keep spot- 
he honor and chastity of our home-builders-our women The 
I,; iggests loyalty and royalty; loyalty to high purpose, log 
, , iriS ship, loyalty to home, loyalty to country and to a 1 ,u t 
, of liberty and royalty-well, I ,ust can not refrain from saying 
', ,' every American woman is a queen. Perhaps some are queens 
' ,; eTJaifd»U with their hands to earn bread and clothes necessa y 

• their existence. Perhaps some are queens of diamonds, and have 
V sm k e and glitter of wealthy social attainment. It may 
J at m are queens of clubs-made so necessarily because of 
l „„,:.:;.:: t brands "or insolent children. However the vast majority 
„| American women could qualify as queens of hearts 

-And herein lies the greatest strength of woman ,, V™^*^ 

x , mM her and are for the most part absolutely, or nearly so, 

K ess Son her. Men do not question her motives. Men do 

' Lie abuse of her. Men receive their greatest inspirations 

I: J ^ The Jerform their most noble deeds, or they make their 

, crushing failures, according to her power over -to 

'•Perhaps you are in your own mind denying this, and perhaps 

„ LfXing weary of this address before I scarce start upon i . 

, : ; r o C u ^ld g mWerstand me and my motives, I-*^ 

! "7 th ssftrs vouXf aid c h on fi ~ °vr.p 

LhfultO) r pledge of dev,,tionu, and pnnccuo.K 

akel y u have recognized our ability in near!) 


field of service. We have been permitted to vie with vou in aft J 
tional institutions, in factories, in offices, in great business end 
prises and in politics, as well as in the fields of art and science. 
The Balance of Political Power 
"You ghc us full suffrage in the matter of the ballot, and cvj 
tell us how to vote on election day! With the ratification of ilJ 
suffrage amendment, you men of the nation gave to us the same rial 
that the Constitution has always granted vou-the right to go to i J 
polls and cast our ballots for men who represent principles we bcli< 3 
in, and wanr to see enforced. You have given to us approximate! 
sixty per cent of the voting power that now exists. And, rememM 
now, youiavc placed that balance of power in the hands of women! 
Women's p'ower! 

"I have already, and openly, told you that woman controls men j 
hearts, that she unqualifiedly demands and receives man's confident 
that she shapes in almost a miraculous way man's destiny, and now I 
tell you that she has the power to defeat any candidate for any offi J 
who might be able to poll an absolutely unanimous vote of the J 
citizens. Should she cast a united vote, her choices for office would! 
be the only ones who could have the faintest chance of election ll 
voting strength, woman controls the balance of power-should slJ 
ever see fit to use it. 

"We women arc aware of the fact that you men have a perfcti 
right to expect us to use our new found privilege with a great de<nr< 
of care and good judgment. I once heard of a fluent opponent to 
suffrage, who in one of his speeches against it said: 'You champion 
of women's rights remind me of a dog running after a touring cal 
1 always ask myself this question: What will the dog do with tlj 
machine if he catches it? What will the women do with the baJIotl 
Most of them will stay at home. A considerable number will iW » 
their husbands and brothers how to vote, and be governed by their 
judgment, while a few of them will go to the ballot box dererminaj I 
to vote just opposite to their huaband's vote. I repeat; woman'* 
place is m the home, and equal rights is all a piece of silly foolishnctt 
and fancy. 

"I have thought more than once about that speaker's argumen, 
and I do not believe that woman's advent into politics is withmu 
a more grave and serious aspect than this. Women by nature train, 
mg and environment are more pronounced in their convictions as ■ 
rule than are men. The average woman, although she may seem in. 
significant to the casual observer, possesses a deep-seated sense of 
justice and right. She knows who will suffer most if her husband or 
son or brother or sweetheart becomes a drunkard or a drug addict. She J 


whose evenings will be Gethsemane gardens if gambling grips 
life of her loved ones. She knows who will drink the cup of bitter- 

(i in d humiliation to the dregs if some silly, iresponsible ' affinity ' 
» il - up her home, 
['She knows, better than do most meDj that wide open towns and 
fcticcd lawlessness cast almost unsurmountabie difficulties in the 
I of rearing boys and girls to good citizenship- She knows that 

n i without honor, judges without spine, lawyers without fear 

! or the devil will not check crime. She knows that, for the 
■ of :ill concerned, graft in high places should not be tolerated. 
are now at the business of voting, and we know very little 

In politics; but, gentlemen, let me tell you one thing- — we women 
wig the nation over! We are studying the Constitution of the 
ltd States. We are reading political economy and history. We 
i I f asses in many of our best organized fields where problems of* 
»! i tics, history and the Constitution are 'Studied, and standard 
.: used and posted men are heard in lectures. Some of us are much better informed in the matter of politics than most of 
feu would think. We do not want to take part in these great move- 
If nc. of the day without your co-operation and your encouragement. 
ii need us, and we need you. 

"I i is difficult to think of a successful and happy household that 

divided over matters politic, religious, moral or economic. We 

understand your program and your purposes. We want our 

[p to count for real Americanism and we want the ideals of 

u at Teacher to control our lives and your lives, and the lives of 

tng people. We believe with gripping conviction that a re- 

"viry of Jesus Christ, and of His teachings on social, ethical, 

hi, spiritual and universal lines, will be the only thing that will 

• our nation in these days of unrest and disturbance. 

Questions Many 

"The women of the Klan are asking questions that I wish you 

i help me to answer. The papers are full of criticisms that are 

mm I to tell upon minds that do not fully understand- Those inside 

I hrdcr, as well as those outside, are asking many questions. They 

'What is our objective?' 'Where are we going?' 'What thing 

I permanent and constructive nature are we trying to do?' 'Can 

In good Americans and not in a definite way offer lasting con- 

U1 inns to America?' 'What are the fruits of our efforts to date?' 

■ most of our time and of our resources used in settling disputes 

ranks?' 'Are we building a monument for future generations 

I Mi Ii will stand the test of years?* 'Are we Christlike in our pro- 
H ii. .iiul in our utterances?' 'Just what big, Christlike, unselfish 


American program is being carried out by our National OrganizatioJ 

"Thesequestions are put to me, and of course one can not lightly > \ 
them aside. But, gentlemen, this address would do you no gooffl 
t stirred only the emotions. If somehow I can burn into your mil J 
the things that are seared into my own, your time and mine will nl 
have been wasted. 

"We women believe that we have been accomplishing wotfl 
while things in America's life. We believe we are going somewhere M 
that you men will assist us in the development of larger progranJ 
and purposes than we have yet attained unto. We knov/that withoj 
the support of the Klan and the leadership of Klankraft, we woull 
not have had the recent immigration law which will in no sn\M 
sense be America's life preserver. The Klan can be thanked for thai 
*"£he Klan, because of its invisible power, has strengthened flu 
morals of the nation, and has beyond doubt made violators of laM 
and manipulators of crooked politics fear and tremble. This servH 
has been of incalculable value to the entire country. The Klan hi 
soldified the activities of Protestant Christians, and has made poj 
sible the accomplishing of results that otherwise would have hcM 
impossible. The Klan has led scores and scores of men to unite wifl 
various churches and to give their strength and support to the W(9 
of local church organizations and general church work. 

^ "We women believe that the Klan is to America what a loyal] 
wife, and mother, is to the home. Her work is in a sense invisiblcM 
the eyes of the world. Yet she is ever on the lookout and reach ffl 
meet this need and to care for that one. She is the spirit of protectiaM 
of love, of idealism, of discipline and of life itself in the home. 

"And so with the Ku Klux Klan. We are not destined to do uuf 1 
greatest work in erecting magnificent buildings, or monument: ;ij 
marble and stone. The Klan is the spirit of America. It silently] 
but unitedly, guards, protects, disciplines, shapes and directs the ideal 1 
of our government. This, after all, is our task. This is our purpose J 
So I have answered some of the questions that I have raised in tjH 
address. If the Klan were to silently pass out of existence tomorrow 
its place in history would live and stand the test of years. 

"Putting ice packs upon a fevered brow may ease the patient fo| 
a little; but if he has a bad appendix, the comfort given will not e!fn t 
a cure. An operation will be necessary. We should not try to de< i - 
ourselves into believing that everything is moving along everywhere 1 
with great ease and efficiency. It is not enough that we pour iuK| 
water on our heads, or that we idly say all is well. Why cull swrri 
bitter and bittersweet? Why call night day ;md d;iv ini;br? Win 

cry sign of the times? Why not think clearly and effectively, 
:c k to remedy conditions that are unquestionably here and that 

uiuestionably bad? 

vly women want to know why such splendid Klan States as 
lS as Texas and Oklahoma cannot poll sufficient votes to win in 
i s of leadership. I have raised the question that has so frequently 
,u t to me: 'Why did the Klan States lose the election in several 
I believe I have the answer to this, but want you to cor- 
We do- not have majorities in the States or in 
W) and hope to win only through being 
o be the balance of power behind good men and women. In 
Arkansas and Oklahoma, heavier votes than were ever polled 
polled this year. And without exception the Klan candidates 
ed practically the full Klan strength. 

s is most remarkable and encouraging. We are not strong 

, of ourselves to elect the nation's leaders. We are strong 

i to direct and work and throw our power behind jood candi 

instances to win great victories 


e if 1 am wrong 
Ltion. We are a power 

his is 

We have no 

We learn as we become more experienced. 

and in many 

"or disheartenment, 

ve made some unwise moves, but at least we have been moving 




In the first place, we need objective— pro gram. 
Napoleon's vision penetrated beyond the Alps, and to his engi- 
| who brought him the word that the passes could not be crossed, 
plied: 'Where Napoleon is concerned, there are no Alps.' 
Burham the great American architect, in addressing a large 
D of architects said: 'Gentlemen, make no little plans. They 
no magic to stir men's blood, and probably they will not be 
feed Make big plans. Aim high, and, in hope and work re- 
ibcr that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die. 
■A G. Gardiner said that the Canadian Pacific Railroad was a 
ge through nothing to nothing; it was a stupendous guess at the 

Christopher Columbus was threatened with death by a crew 
, b Lacked the vision that their Admiral had. Joaquin Millers 
B| 'Columbus/ breathes much of the spirit of the great explorer: 

"What shall I say, brave Admiral? Say 

If we sight naught but seas at break of dawn?" 

"Why, you shall say at break of day, 
Sail on, Sail on, Sail on and on. " 

forefathers sailed to the ocw world, they had purpose 

ThC) were willing to brave any peril Of any lacrifio 

'When oui 

. i | 

chat God might be worshiped and freedom had. It was this spifH 
that saw them through. They were united. 

"When the Declaration of Independence was signed, the signefj 
were looking beyond the horizon to a certain distant goal. They kncji 
the signing of those papers meant war. They saw a free and 
pendent nation. They saw beyond the sacrifice and bloodshed of tl 
Revolution. They had an objective — a program. 

"This has been decidedly true of any great and lasting movertM 
Christ, in the establishment of His church, gave the command 
preach the Gospel unto the uttermost parts of the earth. He ha 
world vision, a vision of unselfish love and service to all humanitj 
He did not live for what He could get out of life, nor did His followed 
They lived for what they could put into life. They had real objectivB 
and all things else were secondary. 

^Gentlemen, you who are the leaders of KJankraft throughuul 
the Invisible Empire, I am not presuming to suggest that you am 
without a definite objective: without a driving purpose in your plflfl 
and work. I am suggesting that you will do well to send forth a tM 
statement of your purposes and program throughout your EmpiM 
Should each of you be asked just now what the final objective, tl 
ultimate purposes, of your Order might be, could you give a clean-^ 
and carefully thought-out reply? Are we, as an order, to build ncm 
hospitals and endow Protestant hospitals already built? Or, arc S 
to be content with making sharp comment against Roman Cathofl 
hospitals? Are we going to assist in matters of education in a solul 
and financial way? Are we going to plan constructive education 
programs, and fight them through in our respective communitJM 
Or, are we going to be content with condemning the Parochin 
schools? Are we going to be Christlike in our relationships wiih 
all men, showing to the world just why Protestant ChristianJH 
is better for it than are any other religions? Or, are we going to rev CU 
the spirit of bitter intolerance in condemning the intolerance of o tin i 
If we do this, are we better in spirit, after all, than are they? Is ouri 
a negative profession or a positive possession? Are we against ev« i v 
thing and every one? Or does our objective find a place for evcryj 
good thing and every good cause? Are we going to follow the 
of the Christ which is self-renunciation, crucifixion? Or, are wc go 
to follow the way of His enemies, which is the way of condemn;! i ion 
and destruction? Will the challenge of the ixth Chapter of Roiii in 
find answer in our lives and in our hearts? 

"I have raised the question of definite service; and I believe thai m 
rhe future, if we continue to live and grow as wc have in iln |>i si . << 

i ; , h r" W°,ill taiH <»= ctai«ul life of 4= «»» 

i mrf will offer constructive corrections and pro- 

bXpShSr^ A unified educational system the 
,, over directed by our national government, would woik 
i r DoutL yc/gend— are working *^*£e"£ 
will be necessary to make these things possible. We art 
"i " fo he future We believe that the only iustification for our 
bet sti« Tour nation. So, with you, we take heart at the 
;:.rnts of tL past, the victories of the present, and the outlook 
I future. j 

•We women believe that there is much needed work to be .done. 
1 | eveTnt our strength unired with yours can accomp lish vic- 
: ; C we believe further that interesting Klan meetings alone can 
, Up our forces interested. We must be going forward, ot we.are 

ii. I loslip. . ,. 

„ mv humble judgment, gentlemen, most of your internal dis- 
kless o interest which are reported in some commumues, 
t of our mulr troubles, are traceable to the fact that we have 

I None can question Klan principles. They are right^ «oa 
| , on the ctying need for a great host to believe J"^ 

Lm Our women are loyal through and through and we pos 
;;, t ho power that we want felt for America. We are appeah 
fto X - rhe program, to state with renewed vigor and 
n,iv our objectives. 

aec d to find our bearings, and to make out the straighten 

t i L We cannot grow and continue to hold our 

£?££-*£ wTptent big obiectives, noble aims, 

. lfi,h programs and Christlike ideals to them. 

„ WM well enough for the American doughboy to sing cbring 

. „■! don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way , but h 

KUn of America date not permit even thesuggesuonof such 

„„,,.„,,,. ^ i„ program. Ours is a rmhtan, won [, 

is ours to clearly define the issues of the day, and, defining them 
go solidly toward their accomplishment. 

"Again, let me say that I am appealing for help for a great Inn 
who possess God-given power— Woman s Power. We want f 
build, and not destroy. We want to unite, and not divide, forces I. 
righteousness. We want to live as those who believe in the tenets | 
the Christian religion should live. 

"The great Ship of State called the 'Union is built to weatl 
many storms. That we may assist in bringing her safely into the lui 
bor is a worthy ambition. We must see the dangers, and drive h j 
to avoid them. 

Ever Forward 

"Our National Capitol at Washington faces the West. It lool 
not backward to old countries and old civilizations and old govj 
ments. Our forefathers were possessed of the spirit of the builder. Tin 
saw untilled fields and unconquered savages. They were thrillej 
the thought of blazing new trails. Big visions, big purposes, b| 
ambitions made them stand together— shoulder to shoulder, m 
heart to heart. 

"This new world of ours is to be ultimately moved by a sense I 
brotherhood and fair play. Wc must revive interest in citizensj 
We must teach with clarity, with purpose, with correctness andl 
selfishness. Our Order must not exclude the ministry of teach inj 

Loyalty Pledged 

"We women of America love you men of America. We belieM 
the things that are high and good and holy. Our homes will be k J 
as sanctuaries for you. Our lives will never be marred by lack! 
virtue. We will mother your children, share your sorrows, multM 
your joys and assist you to prosper in the way of this world's goCM 
In return, we expect you to recognize our power for good over y(M 
lives, and in the nation. We expect you to be men of no 
motive, of no double-dealing, of no base conduct. We expect ywii n 
love your God, your country and your home with a passionate \oi 
and devotion that can know no wavering. We will expect you I 
see further into the big statesmanlike problems of the day. Wc w.uil 
you to inspire our full confidence in everything, that we may fnlluj) 
with no misgiving. 

"We feel like ours is a mighty task and a big responsibility, m 
deed. We pledge our loyal comradeship in the solving of the iui mn ■ 
problems, the churches' problems, the homes' problems— and wcM 
beside your votes and aspirations our own. We dedicate that sticiigM 
which no man dares question, that power which is dignified, lm| 
nevertheless to be reckoned with -Woman's Strength' .\ / 

We pledge our power of motherhood to America. We can ra- 
the spirit of our forefathers into the lives of our boys and girls. 
knees can be altars of patriotism to them, and our homes shrines 
I, alism where liberty can be fostered. The old saying that 'the 
I that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world 1 is true, 
can prove a power in the preservation of America for Americans 
ur home-life and in the development of the ballot now, and we 
v ote with you for right men and right programs and right govern- 

It has been a real pleasure to bring my message to you, as best i 

,,!,!. We are with you men of the Klan in your hopes and aims. We 

i >ending upon you to lead us into big ventures and big victories. 

"The united strength and power of theKlansmen and Klanswomen 

Lf America will enable us to build a mighty, living monument for 

iliui-ica. The power of the Klanswomen of America is at your com- 

in mi I.'* (Prolonged Applause.) 

Imperial Wizard "Klansmen : With your kind permission, the Corn- 
Lit tec which escorted these wonderful American women into your 
,...1 ,i will, with your grateful thanks to them for having honored us 
till, their presence and inspiring messages, escort them from your 

| hit '.ruce.'* 

Klansman Bossert. "The chair at this time will recognize Klans- 

. -the chairman* of your Resolutions Committee." 

,. laasman . "I would like to ask the Resolutions Com- 

Rtiih e to meet me immediately back of the curtain. Now I want a 
,.n, because we have something that we must pass on instantly. 
Will you meet me immediately?" 

lansman Bossert. "At this time, Klansman Ramsey wishes to 
,,, , K a short announcement. Klansman Ramsey." 

/ lansman Ramsey. "Klansmen: I don't think there is anybody 

! the sound of my voice that has not gotten acquainted, at least by 

,l„ with Klansman GailCarter. However, I wish to say a word before 
nukes an announcement to you. The matter of arranging hotel 
nidations and lots of other things, but that particularly, and for 
nicrtaimnent tonight, was entirely in his hands^placed there by 
I mperial Kloncilium— and his actions in the matter have the Klon- 
u's entire approval. He will say a few words to you about these 
and I want you to know where he obtained his authority." 

nv Klansmen: When 



/ lansman Catttf* 

Mr. Chairman, 


W< k as 

ked ti 

ange for hotel no on 

dation for this K lonvoka 


tion, we were confronted with the problem of securing rooms at plafll 
that would be worthy for Klansmen to stop at. We were obliged tu 
enter into a contract with the Hotels Baltimore and Muehiebach atJ 
others, which caused them to turn over to us more than half of the! 
total accommodations. You men in the lumber business can well realil 
that should you spend six or seven years working up a regular trafl 
and should I come along and want more than half of your product! M 
for about thirty days, you would have to charge me a little bit moil 
than the regular price for that lumber. You men who have been ■ 
Shrine conventions or at political meetings well realize that the buhl 
rate during a convention is the 'convention capacity rate,' meaniiij 
that three, two or one can occupy a room as cheaply as one. Tli.n 
was the thought I tried to explain to you when you made your reservj 
dons. Now there might be some adjustment or some discussion J 
gardmg your hotel bill, when you go to check out. I want to say J 
that I will be on duty at the Muehiebach Hotel, or Klansman HarrJ 
Spratt will be there in my stead. If there is anything about your hoM 
bill that you want to talk about, we shall be glad to discuss the nial 
ter; and,^ if it is within our power, we will adjust the situation to yoJ 
satisfaction. That doesn't mean that those rooms you were occupy in J 
were only a dollar a day. Some of them are considerably more, hull 
we want to give you men the benefit of any adjustment that it is'poJ 
sible for us to get. At the Baltimore Hotel, H. D. Tripplett will I, 
on duty for any discussion or any service of that kind. 

"The next order of business that they want me to bring befotJ 
you is the question of entertainment for this evening. We have purl 
chased tickets at the Orpheum Theater for our entire party, and thoil 
of you who deisre to attend will please raise your hands. 

"Mr. Chairman, may I have about five minutes to distribute thcaei 
cards? I would like to say this about the theater this evening. Wi 
have every seat in the house except about thirty-six, and you men da 
this thing: if an agency of the opposition should attempt to in any 
way harm our party, be sure to let us know about it, and we willfl 
there to take care of anything that comes up." 

Klansman McCarron. "Klansmen: I take this opportunity to cx-j 

press to Klansman — , originator and superintendent of r J 

degree put on last night, our appreciation of the splendid and beneH 
field service he rendered us. Also, the speakers, musiciani 
electricians, decorators, the seargents~at-arms, and the boys mil 
in front who did not witness the meeting but guarded its interests .. 1 1 
of them, without exception, have the profound gratitude of mil 
hearts. Again, our gratitude goes out to the Imperial Kioncilium, 


I L ( J rand Dragons and Titans, and the Imperial Representatives who 
In ||i,-d us make the evening's exercises so successful and inspiring." 

Klansman Carter. "All you men who are sergeants-at-arms, and 
!*)•< boys who have these tickets, if you have any left, please return 

brm to Klansman — — in the front of the hall; and those of you 

fylio desire to get extra tickets for men who are not here this morning, 

■ for your wives, please do so, as we have plenty of tickets for you 
pjtnk you very much for your attention.'* (Applause.) 

I Klansman Bosstrt. * 'The chair at this time recognizes the chairman 

.1 your Resolutions Committee, Klansman - — . 

Klansman . "Gentlemen of the Klonvokation: TheCom 

Liik r on Resolutions now desires to report on one resolution which 
B) our unanimous endorsement: 

" "Be it resolved by the Klonvokation in convention assembled, 
llt.ii other than the report of the Finance Committee, the reading of 
||l . >i her reports be dispensed with, and that the reports be considered 

■ rcid. 

" 'De it further resolved, that the reports of all departments be 
■Corporated in the official records of the proceedings of this meeting, 
lii.l i hat at 4:00 o'clock p. m. this day, or as soon as the afternoon 
1 adjourns, there be a joint meeting of all committees held on 
Kr North side of the first floor of this hail, and that at this meeting 
■tin c be a composite report of all the committees. . 

" ' lie it further resolved, that the Klonvokation invite Dr. Evans to 
Ifhvrr at some appropriate hour this afternoon, his address on "The 
|,i 1 of Tomorrow' ' ; this change in the program in the opinion of the 
nittee is made necessary because of the large number of delegates 
Hi. I visiting Klansmen who are leaving the city tonight; the change in 
it,, 1 -Ingram will thus enable all to hear the address of the Imperial 

• I he Committee unanimously recommends the foregoing resolu- 
tion . 10 the favorable consideration of the Klonvokation. And now, 
• I h.tirman, I move you the adoption of this resolution." 

1 I 'he motion was seconded, and carried— none but accredited dele 

/ . lansman Bosstrt. "The motion is carried/' 

tmpfial Wizard. "Gentlemen : We have right here with us for disl ri 
.... at the time this meeting closes, the reports of every one oi chew 


Departments, They are printed, and we are going to hand them to I 
aow Tt would take us two more days to go through all tH 
reports and the reports of the committees thereon. I could M 
in conscience, face my Klansmen throughout the nation wi| 
program that may mean much to this Organization and <i( 
nation, should you have to go away without having learned all aj| 
it I want you to know the doctrine which your Wizard is gM 
to put out, before he puts it out. And if you don't like it and 4 
come to me and say, 'Hiram, go along further/ I will go along furt| 
"Even the Finance Committee's report is included m that, but ill 
Finance Committee is not one that I had anything to do wl 
It is your Committee and it must report to you. I love those fello* 
they are good friends of mine; but they are your servants—they J 
not mine. They don't work under me, they work me!" (Laughuj 
Klansman Bossert. "It is now twelve o'clock. ' ' 
Imperial Wizard. 'Twill say to you another thing. Wehaveprinj 
and will distribute to you this afternoon, these addresses on ■ 
principles, which I am delivering, so that you can read them as yj 
home. Our enemies will have read them, and will have hunted for ■ 
little thing upon which they can pick a fight or find a flaw. Now I 
ask you to read them and study them as a text book, so that, il 
decide them to be your program, we can intellectually, and with r< 
son, dispel the false ideas which our enemies have circulated about 
in America— and instill the true doctrine, be it for weal or woe.fl 
far as we are concerned, we want them to know the things for win 
we stand, and I want you Klansmen to study these principles audi 
out and preach them. I have had to study this doctrine. Now y 
study it and go out and carry the message to all America, so thai tl 
questions propounded by the Imperial Counselor of the Worn... 
Organization will be answered to all our nation, both inside ami ... 
side the Klan." (Applause.) 

Klansman Bossert. "Klansmen: According to your program. I ft] 
with your consent, going to adjourn now and ask that you be k( 
here at i : 3 o. And I want to say to you, be here at i : 3 o. I ma) b 

little late, but, with your consent, Klansman - will stui 

meeting promptly at 1:30. Now just after we distribute these report 

we will be dismissed by Klansman ■ of the State of WasliiBj 

ton . ' ' 

Klansman Ramsey. "One of the pamphlets contains the [mpcrlj 
Wizard's speech-that speech will be right in front, and foil* 
wili be all the reports that were ready io time to be 1 


t , nman M . "Klansmen and JXLl^^V" 
p llgain , be back here at r: 3 o, ^caus^m n J ^ 

,.,,„ M.s me he is going to stare at 1:30, and not ,.31. 
pot than your presiding officer has been. 

11 • ,r this time and be dismissed by Klansman 
"Will you all rise at this time aim 


■ •Oh God of our fathers , we thank Thee for 

klansman • . ,,„,„.,„, led by conse- 

,, I Christian men. We thank l nee oh God, that, 

r :: * ttfiztt'Zz l u. *-. -.. 

,)i for Thy glory and honor- 

j Tttte , help us to put our souls into rhis ^ £ 
,,,,-d, knowing our program and living up to its purposes 

|,|, ,ls. 

I I 

rica that God intended it to be, and intends that it shall be. 
lit. Amen." 

(Recess for lunch.) 

SEPTEMBER 25th, 1924 

__ -The first order of business is the report of the 
, ,„:,!•; To*'** Insurance Department. I present Klansman Z. E. 
in, of Texas." 


By Klansman Z. E. Marvin 

"Mr. Chairman and Klansmen: 

"J have limited my report to a simple recital of the plain facts iJ 
history of the Insurance Department, not written with any attetni 
at oratory or to play upon your emotions; but to convey to youl 
simple statement of the facts, which I think will deserve your earn 
attention and consideration. 

"In the first annual report of the Empire Mutual Lih Insurant 
Company (the Insurance Department of the Ku Kiux Klan), I thjj 
the membership should be advised of the history and growth oi tU 
department during the first few months of its operation. Subtle acth < 
ties antagonistic to the principles of the Ku Kiux Klan, through il„- 
power of concentrated money, in the hands of those with other tJi J 
"During the summer of 19x3, 1 happened to be in Montreal, Canadd 
while the International Convention of the Knights of Columbus v. - 
in session there. The reports submitted by the Insurance Departm* m 
of that organization showed a total of 2.17,93 6 members insured by thl 
company, carrying a total insurance running into the hundredM 
millions and with net reserve assets of $17,133, 9.1 5. 00- -exclusive of all 
special funds. According to the report of the Knights of Columbui 
their Insurance Department is officially rated by independent Insunini I 
Examiners as 110% solvent. This fact and these figures strongly m 
pressed me regarding the influence of the power of money in AmerjM 
"I set forth to investigate the insurance companies of America 
their ownership and control, and was astounded at the report that thrd 
of the largest life insurance companies in America own and control 
five of the largest trust companies in New York City; where the powol 
of money through the billions of legal reserve radiates, and dotnl 
nates banks, railroads, newspapers and periodicals, and ramifies mm 
financial control and influence undreamed of by the unthoughtful. ] 
"At the suggestion of a friend,' I obtained a copy of the Inttf 
national Jew' from the Dearborn Publishing Company, wherein l( 
found in detail the facts of the concerted movement on foot by thj 
Jewish financial control of this country of segregating, through tin 
legal reserve, funds of tht large (Jewish controlled) life insurance mm 
panies— for the financial control of America. 

"This domination radiates through the control of agriculture, by 
the raising of taxes and the lowering of prices of farm products, win 1 1 


the producer in America will be held practically in servitude 10 

ish money power. It is inferred that the American white man, 

ig Life insurance with these Jewish controlled companies, plays 

I the hands of this Jewish money power control, through thesi 

, txdous legal reserves; in other words, the white, Protestant, C hit 

, American, by his own acts puts the rope around his own neck 10 

hiiiiy, with. 

'The grain industry, cotton industry and textile industry in this 
him 1 \- are reported as now already being so controlled; the clothing, 
and ready-to-wear business of this country are also reported 
Jjcally in Jewish handstand this reported business control 
tgh the Jewish control of the life insurance companies' stocks in 
Lir so-called 'free America!' 
My figures, compiled, prove to me that two million Klansmen 
,,, , an average policy of only $1,000.00 each, would quickly put in 
. lour billions of dollars of insurance— the annual premiums on 
it h would speedily build millions of reserve capable of combatting 
subtle power in this country, which, in my judgment, could not 
I rcome through earnest teachings or oratory. 
"The plan in the abstract was explained to the Texas State Klorero, 
I h body, in session, endorsed the project. Charter was obtained 
1 he State of Texas, during August, 1913. Four months thereafter, 
! 1 L ary 1, 191+, the Insurance Company already had over one mil- 
I dollars of insurance in force. We determined to make the Com- 
I ., national activity of broader and more useful scope; but to reach 
Ind the confines of the State of Texas, we found it was necessary 
> h ive a capitalization of $ioo'ooo.oo, or net surplus assets of that 
it, deposited with the State, as required by the State of Texas 
mi loreign companies operating therein. 

"With Mr. W. J. Laidiaw, a practical insurance man of years of 
I 1 lence, I proceeded to Atlanta and submitted a proposition to the 
, rial Kloncilium— that for the loan or advancement to the Com- 
I of $100,000.00, to be deposited as unimpaired surplus, which 
1 not be expended except for excessive death rate, the Klan could, 
iqh its Imperial Officers, appoint its own Loan Board, with 
ute financial control of the Company, whereby the Klan would 
; 1 by the concentrated power of money through the legal reserve. 
"The Imperial Officers, after discussion and a thorough examina- 

, unanimously decided that, instead of accepting the proposition, 

add be advantageous to the Ku Kiux Klan to take the Company 

.... A committee of five from the Imperial Kloncilium was appointed 

either investigate and determine. After a thorough research and 

I3 1 

investigation through the Committee appointed, the Imperial Klnm 
cilium proposed that the Company be taken over in its entirety bl 
the Ku KIux Klan. Immediately this request was complied with ol 
the part of Mr. Laidlaw and myself, and the Texas Company, no J 
builded toward the two million mark, was delivered to the Ku KlvJ 
Klan with all its insurance in force — gratis, and for which no rename M 
tion whatsoever was asked or paid. 

"Because of the fact that the insurance laws of Missouri allow I In- 
incorporating of insurance companies under what is termed the corn 
bined 'stock' and 'mutual' plan (a decided advantage to the poljl 
holder), and because of the central location, geographically, Kans^ 
City was selected as headquarters for the Home Office of the Insunu 

"During the early Spring of 192.4, charter was granted, under 1 1 
laws of the State of Missouri, with a capital stock of $100,000.00 
a surplus of $2.5,000.00; the stock owned entirely by the Knights 1 
the Ku Klux Klan. On May 14, 197.4, permit was granted and tfl 
company on that day started operating as a national company, a dfl 
partment of the Ku Klux Klan, owned in its entirety and operaw 
under its direction. 

"The charter provides that this stock shall forever be limited to 
a 5%. dividend. This capital stock provides this added security M 
the benefit of the insured. Other than this benefit, the Company I 
operated strictly as a mutual company, with all benefits, earnings ;im| 
dividends accruing to the insured. This plan gives to the insured ftfl 
the favorable benefits of a mutual company, with the added advantajB 
of the security of a stock company. 

"The Empire Mutual is a mutual legal reserve, old line, non-asscw 
able life insurance company, insuring only white, Protestant, Genlilfl 
American citizens, operating on a full legal reserve basis under (hf 
supervision of the States in which it is operating, and maintainim 
the legal reserve according to the American Experience Table of Mop* 
tality. This is the plan used by all of the big successful old line ami 
panies in our country and adopted as the standard by the Insunmci 
Department of all of the States, and by our Federal Governmnii 
insuring permanency, stability and solvency. 

"Your Company, only actually operating in two States, Texas n..l 
Missouri, is now approaching three millions of dollars of insunmci 
in force, operating in Texas for the four months, in Missouri fm il.- 
last six weeks only. The insurance written last week exceeded $io i, 
000,00, being equal to $5,2.00,000.00 in one year, from only tv\ o Stati 
and those States only partially organized. During the Lis! k-vv wi < I 

ompanv has obtained permits in. three additional States and is 
' rjSon to write insurance in Kansas, Missouri^ Arkansa ^ 

horna and Texas, and expects to obtain permits in the other 
^ 1( ; J oTthe Union as fast as shall be found practical, safe and sane, 

■ ithin the provided capital and surplus. 

TcomJy is yours. It is just now starting to function and 

UnLtmpanj j Company is the mdi- 

CZ£&£5*££Z- The Company wiU be just 
• -ral support of the office, ^-^^^2 

;: ,:; 1 ^ ; eco d t h at has never been «<«dd m the history 

fe nsurance Companies in theUmted States. The policy contracts 

I ';:i STe Company carry every provision that can be ^amedm 

. standard policy issued by any company. The capitaL ot tne in 

.Company I deposited with the Insurance Department of the 

SU, andW^ -erves ^ <* » ^^ eT- 

, ,,,,1 Each department of the Company is managed by a man es 

tl fitted by experience for the particular line of which he has 

, e Men of the highest standing in the insurance ^orldhavcb^ 

Zto handle the various departments of the Company The officers 

,„., directors of the Company are Klansmen of nationa -P^; 

n both because of their active interest m the f*>«** ^mgh 

| le Ku Klux Klan, and because of their standing n the business 

'tonal world. These busy men of affairs are all serving with- 

;.:„■ laTi giving of their time and business experience to the 

"' ^Z ^ir^of" on, it is owned and controlled 
L „ie numbers carrying policies in it and all profits £ ^hatevel 

re are paid back to the policy holders each year, in propomon 

c premium paid. This is known as the mutual legal reserve old 

2 Of th P e twenty largest Life Insurance Companies operating 

, United States, seventeen of them are mutual companies and 

in, on this basis, and the history of the most of them will d - 

chat their beginnings were financially more humble than our . 

' t Company is operated for the benefit of Klansmer , agam £nd- 

L nurselves together in a substantial way to our mutual interests. 

?£ KlanLn should carry life insurance. Ou, : dependents « 

, responsibility. Insurance is necessarily one of the first principles 

, company will better benefit us individually and b cr serve 
, ,,,„ Lsc-the acquired money reserve re-acting directly to Cm 
ffiS Klux Klan, locally and nationally and combatunj 
,1 powers in America, stupendous beyond our realization. 


"The Company is properly financed and is organized on sound in 
surance principles. The Company has been fortunate in securing thfl 
services of Mr. Frank J. Haight as Consulting Actuary. Mr. Haighfl 
is one of the outstanding actuaries in America and needs no introduM 
tion to the insurance world. The Company is likewise fortunate in 
securing the services of Mr. Miles S. SchaefTer, whose insurance ex- 
perience includes many years as an actuarial accountant and Home 
Gflice executive. Mr. SchaefFer was for four years Insurance Coiw 
missioner for the State of Indiana and has also had wide experiencH 
in the investment world. 

"The officers of the Company are: 

President S. H. Venable 

Vice-President James A. Comer 

Secretary H. C. McCall 

Treasurer Chas. H. McBrayer 

Medical Director .Dr. Edward Hashinger " 

Consulting Actuary Frank J. Haight 

"The directors of the Company are: 

S. H. Venable Atlanta, Georgia 

H. C. McCall Washington, D. G 

\V. F. Bossert Indianapolis, Indiana 

C. H. McBrayer Kiowa, Kansas 

E. H. King Kansas City, Missouri 

W. F. Zumbrunn , . .Kansas City, Missouri 

W. M. Campbell St. Joseph, Missouri 

Alva Bryan Waco, Texas 

James A. Comer .Little Rock, Arkansas 

Edwin DeBarr .Norman, Oklahoma 

W. A. Hanger Fort Worth, Texas 

Felix D. Robertson Dallas, Texas 

"The Empire Mutual Life Insurance Company is not organized (m 
the purpose of building up fortunes for personal gain. Its needs and 
advantages can be easily seen and realized' by Klansmen, for the benol 
fits to the individual members and our loved organizations, and also 
for combatting some of the evils and influences against Americanism an J 
American freedom, for which our forefathers truly fought, bled and died 
"I submit this report in all confidence that the Empire Minn. I 
Life Insurance Company provides for Klansmen and those dependent 
upon them an absolutely safe and dependable protection, and in tin 
firm belief that they will faithfully and loyally support it. 

"Respectfully Submitted, 

"/. E, M AUVIN." 



L the Second Imperial Klonvekatton, Knights of the Ku K!,x Klan: 

■'We, your Committee appointed to examine the report of the 
ii. +* r^nrt that we have carefully ex- 
Lurance Department, beg leave to report that we 

ed the report of said department, and full) concur 

ait in said report. 
• 'We are of the opinion that the organization of the Empire Mutual 

L m0 ney of Klansmen unvested or ~ e s h o ^ 

|ose companies whose funds will be utilized ru 
bnservation of real Americanism. 

-The Emmre Mutual Life Insurance Co., properly managed, will 
Iw veT develop such financial strength as Will prove a vast 
I a few years, aeveiu t A ■ money for their econo- 

cfit to American Citizens seeking American mone> 


••We heartily approve the report and urge the Klansmen of America 
[ insure in the Empire Mutual Life Insurance Company. 

"Respectfully Submitted, 

"PaulS. Etheridge. 
"Chas. J. Orbison. 
"Chas. McBrayer. 

'Ralph Cameron/ 

■ imman "The question is on the approval of the report 

' Klansman Marvin of the Insurance Department. 

TitlSustyapproved-none but accredited delegates voting.) 

| ,« the Klonvokation sang "Let The Fiery Cross Be Burning." 
, n C po Tcd by Judge Henry A. Grady, of North Carolina.) 


(Tune: "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning") 

On the hill tops, on the mountain, 
Brightly gleans our mystic sign, 

Calling Klansmen to the fountain — 
Filled with drops of love divine. 

Chorus: Let the Fiery Cross be burning, 

Spread its beams o'er land and sea; 
Satan's wiles forever spurning, 
Bringing Christ to you and me. 

Serried ranks in stainless armor, 
Kneel before the flaming tree, 

Pledging life and wealth and honor, 
All for Christ and Calvary. 

Chorus: Let the Fiery Cross be burning, etc. 

Side by side, always Non Silba, 
Songs of praise and promise sing, 

Hand in hand, always Sed Anthar, 
Ail for Christ, the Klansman 's King. 

Chorus: Let the Fiery Cross be burning, etc. 

Clasp the Cross, Oh, Klansman peerless, 
Pledge to God chy strength anew, 

Stand ye forth erect and fearless, 
Strike for home and kindred true. 

Chorus: Let the Fiery Cross be burning, etc. 

Rally 'round the sacred Altar. 

Purged of sin and baseless fear. 
Ne'er shall Knight in armor falter, 

Nor shall craven enter here. 

ill i 


Chorus: Let the Fiery Cross be burning, etc. 
. "Does the Oklahoma delegation desire to com! 

to the platform? Let it come forward." 

(Oklahoma delegation came upon the platform, amid great M 
plause and cries, "Where is Jack Walton?") 

Klansman . "I desire to present to you Klansman \V 

Rogers of Tulsa, Oklahoma, who desires to make a statement whii h 
will be of profit to you, 

Klansman Rogers. "Fellow Klansmen: I feel that I should apoll 
gilt for trespassing upon your time at this moment; but there has c ■ unr 
into circulation, through the current press [fl this city, a staicmcill 


does a grave injustice to one of the most magnificent S a in 
B Soa. U has been reported that the Commonwea M«™^ 
M1 fem a Klan standpoint, has become rebellious, anticipates 
io and is disloyal to the Imperial Palace and to the Kmgh of 

,:;;: kL k^ j the ww* ^-^m i might b^ 

I „ , se of by just saying, that is a lie. (Applause.) 

There is some confusion in the Realm of Oklahoma; there is 
, iffcence of opinion on minor matters; there may be some dis- 
ttZ probably is-as is true in your Klan-super induce by one 
„, .mental concept that a real Klansman reserves freedom of 
£ht and freedom of speech, and he has had the courage in OkU- 
,tna to say it. 

• Neither are we a wet rope crowd down there more intensely 
Uous than profane; but the idea of Oklahoma beingre e Hiou o 
Kemplating secession or disloyalty or antagonism to the Imperial 
and o the profound principles of the Klan is so utterly re- 
;:.,.,; that it creLes indignation in our minds, even worse than the 
01m- of Jack Walton. (Laughter.) 

■■ *nd permit me to say briefly that one of the causes of any super- 
L, ' SiEces in our Realm has been caused by .hat self-same ^enemy 

l„- Ku Klux Klan. It was he who put under the yoke of a bastard 
aUaw the neck of the faitest city that caresses this magnificent 

„ -Tulsa. It was he that degraded the Constitution and per- 

'::;,: Z ^^ « » * poi^i ends. * --^°- -- 

, nolitically he did receive less than one-third of the Democratic 

t ' otilSS, but sufficient by reason of the number of candidates 

,. -I c him the domination. However, he was not ~"f Jj 

o^iry of the Democratic party. ?*?«%%£££{ 

I .1, feat him in the general election. ^^ ! LLSa^ of the 

that parties are necessary, that they are the heritage ot tnc 

o- Saxon race for more than 6oo ycars-in Europe : and , m 4» 

, , m ' ltry There are two well defined parties, and of necessity there 

J "be, to maintain the equilibrium of government -and^h 

,f Oklahoma; but I want to tell you what he Democrats m 

. M ■. Thp Democrats in Oklahoma, to defeat 
I ,l lahoma are going to do. The Democ tats i 

ton or any other enemy of the Ku Klux Klan, wi 

prediction isn «. wu*, »^~ — ™ cf ir m the 

,,, rebellious only against that thing that is £***£?£ 
n ,, ( ,f the Ku Klux Klan; but we are undyingly loyal to * 
, ,.,, p^ce and to the principles of the K u^KUn, because 
trut h and in fact it is th< 

■inCipit=> KJX t-U.*- — _ 

hand-maiden of the Christian religion 


and Americanism, to both of which our lives are dedicated, (Applause! 
"And a second proposition, to prove that we arc true and loyal aJ 
not rebellious, if you will pardon me just thirty seconds, sir, I am goinl 
to ask you to make a visit to Oklahoma. I am going to take advant;i | 
of this moment, if I may, your Excellency, to extend an invitattS 
to your Imperial body, that your next Klonvokation shall be held il 
Oklahoma— that magnificent domain, the Garden Spot, the Heart I 
the Golden West, running from the foothills of the Onirics to till 
foothills of the Rockies, from the Red Boiling Waters of the Red R« 
to the sunflowers on the North; a land of climate and resources, | 
land of heat and cold, a land ranking now eleventh in the United Statfl 
m agricultural products and the value of its implements; a laud fillJ 
with red-blooded, honest-to-God, upright, flat-footed, square-hcelcA 
clear-eyed, native-born Anglo-Saxons—looking squarely into the (sM 
of God Almighty, and not afraid of the enemies of righteousness. In 
deference to my Grand Dragon of that magnificent Realm, I shoufl 
ask you to come to Oklahoma City; but in deference to my hoJ| 
town, I will not do that. Situated on the hills, surrounded by^B 
graceful curves of the classic Arkansas, stands the proud, ImpeM 
city of Tulsa, It has more elegance, refinement, culture and wealH 
to the square inch than any other city on earth. It has more millioM 
aires in it than the State of Iowa has registered bulls; and it has i,.t| 
buildings with deep foundations. I might say the buildings arc fl 
tall that when you come to see us we will put you on the roof gad J 
and you can reach up and easily scratch the feet of the Democrat™ 
angels in heaven; and their basements are so deep that you can rcacfl 
down and pat the bald heads of the Republicans? Once, from an tin 
moral standpoint, we were given a bad reputation throughout tfl 
United States; but there crept into that city, silently and quietly J 
through some men who now grace this occasion, one of those grip) -in, 
powerful, dynamic, psychological conditions— a movement callul ilti 
Ku Klux Klan. And when it began to function, bootleggers and join! 
runners, drunkards, wife-beaters, deserters, and the lawless clemcrtjj 
generally began to fade away. Today, that magnificent, glormu 
Imperial City stands as a light on a hill, the greatest educational < « n 
ter in the United States. At the head of its public schools is a man font} J 
erly used by the Government of this nation for ten years, Dr. I* I' 

"To this great city, this proud city, we invite the Imperial Pal n 
all of the Imperial Officers, all of you Klansmen, and all that you ■ m 
bring with you to make your visit two years from now; ami, if vv. .up 
rebellious, if we are secessionists, we won'i he tlu-n: bin i am h 1 1 mi, 

In i> 

now, barring all accidents and acts of Providence, we will be 
." (Applause.) 

lansman - -. "The Grand Dragon of the Realm of Ohio re- 

s all Ohio Klansmen to meet in his room, 901 Baltimore Hotel, 
sdiately following the afternoon session. If anyone is now smok- 
lie will please stop— it makes the air difficult in which to speak. 

In line with the change of program this morning adopted, I 
present our Imperial Wizard, who will speak on the 'Klan of 
orrow.' " 
mperial Wizard. "Say, boys: Tulsa is some town! 

'I do not wish to go to the top of that tallest building in Tulsa. 
/er me from going up in the air that high! If that building 
ild happen to topple over, and I should topple off, the only living 
ird in the world would be spilled upon the pavement of that fair 
I So, while I want to go to Tulsa, I want to keep both my feet 
e ground while there. I want to meet those citizens who have 
d-up that great city and made it a model, as they say, to all the 
d. I do not blame the Tulsa citizens for thinking theirs the clean- 
ed best city in the country. They may be a little over zealous. 
vcr, there is one thing of which I am positive— Tulsa is a cleaner, 
1 , city than she was before the Ku Klux Klan established itself 
Inn her walls." (Applause.) 



By Dr. H. W. Evans, Imperial Wizard 

"Klansmen of the Imperial Klonvokation, I Greet You: 

"In my report on the achievements of the Kian I promised thJ 
would take up in detail oar growth in spiritual vision and unit* 
thought,which has been the most important event of the past two year 
"We must look first at the crisis in our civilization, now neal - 
height Americans find today that the aliens, whom we had belicv< 
would join with us to preserve the liberties which they share with u 
have, instead of joining, challenged and attacked us. They 
to destroy Americanism in the name of philanthropy, by substituun 
for patriotism universalis^ under which freedom and represents h 
democracy alike would die. 

"All Americans, who are Americans by instinct as well as by bit! 
have been grappling with this problem. They have been search* 
for something to save our nation and our institutions from perversM 
"There is danger that our heritage will be tornfrom us hymen who! 
racial instincts, temperament and education unfit them for Ameru,.i 


(< Many of our intellectual leaders seem to accept the destructll 
of Americanism as an accomplished fact. Befuddled with the pliiM 
osophv of a Communistic universalism, they shrug their should 
and prepare to accept defeat. There are people, however, who rcfu 
to accept for a moment the idea that America is dead or will die. 
are of the American stock— native, white, Protestant. 

"The Klan in its early days did not grasp the situation nor lay d.nvr 
a program, to correct it. Perhaps we do not yet see the vision full] 
but we are now beginning to see it. There has developed in tM 
minds of the Klan a conviction that it must move in a certain dircctl 
Their idea is that the Klan must stand, above all other things, for A mefj 
can nationalism. There is nothing new in this idea. It is pure 

"The Klan, instinctively at first, but now consciously and fully, 
had faith in a nationalism under which our racial qualities and) 
national genius should grow to perfect fullness. If its Inst mm, ■■ * 
vague, its instincts were true; if its early days were full of misi .1 

it was moving in the right direction. It had the vision, Hie ins 

the deep patriotism, which welded it into a fighting force w 

mind, one sunt and one pui pose. 

The Klan has been wiser than it knew Itsact = ^Uhc 
lic ts with which God ; ^ S iThaove h/hL 
,mt ° "t n wiSchild? Who cantll the feelings which make 
ZZ^t:^ nation, of on, own race-which ate at 

all America. , i t nn [{ y t h c forces 

.. 0urs is not the ^SJ^SSS A-c-s hive organ- 
A mencanism. Several times in o j co mpre- 

, They failed **gS^£^*L^ -Id 
I live, courageous, spin tnal MSion 1 f govern ment made 

„ ; Ukewise because their ^T^Z^k leadership of nn- 

KTS^SSSSr Political purposes) to disrupt 

L with those which confront Amenca ^ ^ 

,. k , it lacks will-power, k » temporarily £u *™' average Ameri- 

; , L - plcxing conditions'^ «^J^J aM - 

n sees no way to work toward a ciean> 
L along the lines of his racial instincts. 
Our Great Heritage 

L ha ve the greatest heritage ever ^^J^S^S 

rich in resources, a home where ° U ™X a ditions with- 
in (Mlest development, asystem of laws, customs and u. 

hich it is impossible to buiW a nat^rn ^ 

■ Wc have inherited, together with a re U ^^ 

u :sC** «»" °" - bich is ,ht "" " 

Americanism. , :j 'i c n f nationhood. Among 

ncmie, there is instinctive, «•«" m fec posa l 

lid there is instinctive, as w^ « «-. . 

, , , 0ut ^ r ^^^Z2 any iSoaal 
'■ Cosmopolitans, They ^f_„ m J^ w)p]c (whl< ,, ,„., 

- .11 

1 H 

all of them are) and seek only the good of mankind (which notj 
of them do), they weaken and divide our nation. 

"There is an attempt to confuse the public mind as to whatconiB 
tutes Americanism. Every kind of immigrant puts out new dermitinfj 
of Americanism. One even had the supreme impudence to say 
'the first thing to do is to Americanize Americans.' They profcJ 
love for America, and say they desire to make America perfect. Wlfl 
they are trying to do is to change the Americanism, which is suit J 
to our racial character. 

"Many people of American blood, some of them intellectual lead* i 
accept these outpourings of moonshine patriotism. Thus men u 
whom we should be able to look for guidance are actually leading M 
astray. Not so the Klansmen — we trust to our sound American patriB 
ism, to our inborn instincts and common sense rather than to m\\\M 
befuddled by alien propaganda. None but Americans know wM 
makes Americanism. 

"As a matter of fact, Americanism is not a thing to be guessed at nf 
debated. It is a fact as real and as unmistakable as a fact can be. 

"There is a clear history of the peoples who were blended into wlfl 
is called the Anglo-Saxon race, who were blended again in AmcrM 
with the blood of the Northern races of Europe. They lived in tfl 
Northern forests. Their bracing climate made them hardy, industrial 
persevering, level-headed and independent. They were lovers of hntflfl 
and had a profound respect for their women folk. They were coufl 
geous and resisted with their might every type of tyranny. They in til 
tiplied, and spread over Europe. It was men of this stock who win n 
conquered by ancient Rome, in turn, conquered Rome. Successful 
invasions of these tribes four times conquered England, where ifn v 
settled and were welded into one race. 

"From that time the men and women of this little island, by the mil 
ture of Angles, Saxons, Danes and Norsemen, stood in the fotcfroni u 
thebattle against the encroachment of tyranny — either mental, pol ft n i| 
or spiritual — and against the idea of Cosmopolitanism. 

"It was the English who stood firmly for individual liberty and i 1 
crippled the power of their king, destroyed the doctrine of Mr in 
right' and laid the foundations of our free civilization. 

"During the Middle Ages when the Roman Church sought poJ i in | 1 

control of the world, it was the English who stood heroically :ig. 


"A few centuries later when Protestants rebelled against the Kmn m 
Church, it was the English who took the lead . Protestantism was lu 
in Germany, but never became wholly (rcc there, ft remained .1 
ture of the State. Tt was in the British Isles that Profcst.inrtsin I I 

t In France, in Spain, in Southern Germany, the Roman Church 
,d Protestantism. Except for a comparatively few millions in 
",crn Europe, Protestantism is today synonymous with Anglo- 

AlTprotestants are our blood cousins. The spirit of Americanism 

lie soirit of Protestantism are one and the same. _ 

, Lever, England was not ftee enough for the Protestantism that 

„ America! £nM«**»~^^' m ^£S£ 
|„ „ , lC e-drove them to make sacrifices. They went to Holland that 
might worship God as th e y chose. They left Holland because they 
I ,,, not maintain there those racial qualities which weredear e than 
They came to America to face starvation, cold and constant war- 
n they might preserve their religious faith and racial integrity. 
The hisLyof America is the story of how those pioneers, impelled 
I , same heroic qualities which had brought them to America 
| , „l across the continent. They were joined as time went on, by 
I hk-e-minded of other races-closely allied in blood and spn tw h 
nglo-Saxons. A new race, the American, was born as it marched 
. the continent-building schools and steepled churches. 
' , 6 c nXions that Mgio-Saxon civilization and An~sm 
I, i;iv en to the world are known. They gave the first po meal 
,., , , ; They built the first great representative democracy^ only 
„ ,„ of government which gives liberty within the aw. They gave 

t , us'fteedom-separating Church and State allowing each man 

E woman to worship God according to his or her own con cience. 

■They developed the first great system of free and universa educa 

L. thus preparing each child for citizenship and insuring to each 

'J^S Western march built America so it must :sav« = America 
I ,, ...stern States are almost submerged by the alien tide. Thecenter 
k| America's civilization, of our group mind, of our racial powei, 
I .lie hope for the future of our race, lies in the great West. 

I ncas fighting fotce. Upon you rests the future of the nation. 
B must decide what the America of the future shall be. 
"Yon see the goal for which our race has been striving, .t is the 
of happiness and good fortune for the greatest number. The 
I v of oday, the peril of the future, is that we are receding f on 
Sghts our Nation once achieved. It was in the first one W 
I of the Republic that we were nearest out goal Tha was the 
, , w iter mark. The gains made then are being lost under the tide 
„ a blood and thought which has inundated our American emlL 

"We have maintained the legal equality of all men; but have ai ihf 
same time faced the fact that men are not equally endowed, ■ 
equally competent for leadership. Our institutions are based on tt 
principles of delegating to the men best fitted the powers of gov J 
ment. We keep ultimate power in the hands of the people to prevel 
abuse, but we depend upon the selection of men of ability to inl 
good government. 

"It is a fact that our system of government by the people can pro^H 
a strong and healthy nation. It is also a fact that, unless we (ill 
clearly and without illusion the moral problems of today, thenatM 
will suffer. 

"Our leadership must be strengthened. Upon it our [A 

"The millions of the Ku Klux Klan are now called upon to mil 
this demand with whole-hearted and loyal devotion to the cause 1 
racial integrity and American nationhood. 

Things Vital to Nationalism 

"Let us look now for a moment at those iff 
America's nationalism. 

"First, the fighting instinct. The men of our race have been fight ill 

"A second racial characteristic has been unity, one-mindednj 

love of our kind. The American, wherever born, has always bu i - 

of this group. There is proof of this in the words we use in high j >i .\\^ 
of any person, 'He is a white man.' 

"We have known, instinctively, what science has just learned ill! 
each race to be worth while must be kept pure. 

"Another quality of our race has been our independence. Ou i I'ofl 
fathers fought, suffered, and many died, that it might be present I li)j 
their children. Another great racial quality has been the spiril j 
adventure which in the mental field becomes invention. Wi l> ■■■ 
sought truth, pried into the laws of nature, experimented in s L i. nri 
and thus led in the great developments of knowledge and inveniiiHJ 
We have encouraged freedom of thought, freedom of inquiry and h. . 
dom of development— and it is through this freedom that out a< hii 
ments have been made possible. 

"Our race above all others has had that quality known as pub] 
spirit — the sense of responsibility for service, and the foresight wlitf 

adapts all work, all purposes and all institutions to the needs of In 


"Anothergreatquality has been common sense. Oursisnoraa Lodi I 
with finespun theories, no race do allow our purposes to be rlnvaricil 


, FiMUy , our race has been <^^j££%$£ 
given thing which we call cawcic*£ Th s ^soe 



1 1'olicism. . . purposes, its own in- 

to different types of peoples asking -^y the Amen- 
, mind. They are definitely weakening our Americanism. 

' First, the Jews. They are laacu s £ 

L also lack the kind of P^^* ad sacrificing 
||v, A through the centuries only by bem f suba« > .^ 

independence. ^^^X^icr^ in 

fen, ever center on material things, they n 

lrl „ is of dollars. Their race "/"" nUt an ism Yet there is this 

„„„, they necessarily ^\^^^JL is a vague 

»» * in S ^ t'heldTadlelm for centuries. They cannot 

,|„ „„, the Jewish race has held tha. oreamit ifc much „ 

•« *f* ^^ Ai S^^^^ **•* ** 

I i he welfare of America, ine jew* w Nationalism, 

[m,cs first to the Roman Church. = ,t„» Mediterranean peoples. 

with i races from the many races which over ran 
,„. „„s or were brought in through slavery. They ^com< 1 
, „ ^competence and laziness can su -^^ p g d 
loped low standards. They are also ^ 

'' i ::s:r*X°""r" oP i«»^«om ,»■-,. » 



class. They come here from the Slavic countries and from South, ,« 
Germany They are a stolid, docile, tenacious people-end,,,,,, 
heavy labor, but contributing nothing to leadership, initiative ml 
independence. They, too, have been for centuries controlled and J,,,,, J 
dated by the Roman Church. 

"Thus we have peoples who have been so steeped in alfeei - 

different from that of. the American group that thev cannot beau J 
loyal members of onr national body. They cannot understand our 
independence, our freedom, our faith-rhey cannot even realize |J 
cause they cannot analyze, what are the springs and qualities of <l„ 
American mind. 

"The group minds of other races and othernations have developed 
differently from ours, Each nation has its own God-given qualiiie. 
each has its own mission; but each can do its own work onlv if ,l„ 
racial and group qualities, which depend upon the blood of the r.«i 
itself, are preserved relatively pure. If any nation is mongrelized, tlu«| 
nation wdl lose its distinctive quality and its power to contribute K|| 

"Let us look now to some of the principal things which wemusi ,l„ 
to maintain our nationalism. 

"The Klan law, requiring that its members be white men and worn,,, 
only, is an expression of this deep racial quality. It is clear that our I 
most important work is to preserve the white American race as , 
unified, integral and undiluted body. 

_ "The peculiar Anglo-Saxon qualities, which have rejected all alien 
mixture, are vital for our protection and our development. 

We should, we will, preserve our race purity. We should, wewill 
preserve our group mind. We must do the work to which we are 
divinely called. 

"Another thing needed is for Americans to increase their birth rate 
as rapmly as do the alien races. 

"We have permitted the crowding in of foreigners, thus forcing upon 
America s own sons and daughters economic conditions under win, I, 
they cannot support large families. The economic pressure produced by 
the alien standard of living makes it impossible for them to give to 1 fie 1 
children of a large family the opportunities in life which every nuc 
American demands for his sons and daughters. The best economist, 
declare that we have permitted aliens to enjoy the prosperity whirl. I 
should have gone to our children. Scientists tell us that we have ,|. 
lowed these alien elements to usurp the places of men and women 
who would have been born of the pure American stock. According ,., 
Mr. L. Quessell, who recently investigated the effect of race 
on Americanism, 'all available data combined to prove thai th, 


Lxon population has not merely attained its maximum, but 
» ,i I ready begun to decline — due to a deliberate restriction of birth 
■ i economic conditions.' Dr. William MacDougall, professor 
, - hology in Harvard, says: 'In this all important matter of 
iih control, the position of this country is markedly disastrous.' 
boints our further that at the present birth rate in Boston the dc- 
n-l.ints of one thousand Anglo-Saxon Americans two hundred years 
iow will be less than fifty, whereas the descendants of one thou- 
fltl Slavs now living in Boston will be a hundred thousand. It is 
Mi (hat, if this state of affairs continues, the American race is doomed 
11 Ei iinate death. 

ome observers claim that every alien landing upon the American 
prevents the birth of a native white American. They tell us 
ad there been no immigration whatever in the last century and 
flu.irter our population would have been as large as at present; but 
I instead of being a conglomerate, disunited, conflicting mass, it 
ptiK! have been a unit composed entirely of Americans — a true nation. 
'The experts diagnose the case — they clearly describe the disease ; 
r hey do not prescribe the remedy. The Klan prescribes America 

'To those who declare that the Kizn ■policy, America for Americans, 
id fish and that it is imposing hardships upon the over-crowded 
inn ries of Europe, I would say that our past unrestricted immigra- 
ii has been of no appreciable value to those countries. There, the 
ire of population is so great that the place of any person who 
itiiii. s to America is immediately filled. Moreover, the complete 
■lit ruction of all barriers would not make it possible for the United 
■ttfirs to take from those countries enough immigrants to relieve con- 
ditions there. 

fit is true that those who have come to America have been benefited. 

■hey have shared our heritage, they have taken part of our prosperity. 

ifrii no philosopher of Cosmopolitanism, no pleader for Communistic 

proiherhood, can justly claim that such benefit as we have given to 

I h> ■. few millions begins to atone for the injury that has been done to 

btir nation and to the world. I decline to believe that moving the 

of Europe to America has advanced civilization. 

'This may be a hard creed, They tell us that the greatest good for 

h greatest number requires that we should share our prosperity with 

Mi who need it. This might be true if the end of the world should 

"in, in twenty years; but it is not true when we Consider the welfare 

•i unborn generations. 

1 1 is sheer idiocy for any man who pretends to look ahead to dec lare 
km we would be philanthropic, or achieve the greatest good for the 

greatest number, if we destroyed the future of civilization for the sj 
of a few million immigrants. 

"Let us suppose that a hundred and twenty years ago this nuiuifl 
had been overwhelmed by aliens— turned into a mongrel people, mcl 
a disorganized mass of groups, blocs, cliques, factions and specil 
interests. Let us suppose that at one blow we could wipe out all I h J 
America has done m the last hundred and twenty years— -we know i Imi 
no mongrel people could do the things we have done. The race sti.. J » 
from which this mongrel blood would have come have to their crcM 
no such achievements. Who can say that if the ideal of what is c.ill.-il 
'universalism,' of which our 'reformers' prate, had been realij 
a hundred years ago the contribution to civilization in the last luiif] 
generations would have been made, and that the world today wofl 
not fall infinitely short of the mark it has attained? 

"We have been discussing nationalism. What is it? NatioJ 
ism—true nationalism— consists in the right of each nation to devcll 
the genius and instincts with which God has endowed its people. 

"It is founded on science as well as on philanthropy. In try in-, n. 
raise the standard of civilization, it recognizes the difference betwflB 
races and insists that all must be developed to make a complcj 

"It knows that the true vision of the greatest good for the gre.ih i| 
number considers the future as well as the present, and that nahmul 
development calls for competition, without which there would M 
staleness and deterioration. 

"Such nationalism is true patriotism. It is also true internal inn .1 
ism. It is the only possible basis for a self respecting friendship h(J 
tween nations. 

"Through the group mind, the people, as a nation, will undersi nu| 
think and act with uniformity. True nationhood is essentially onciieflj 
of mind, and it recognizes certain beliefs that are held in comrmni h 
its citizens. Without these, nationhood is impossible. No |ui 
who lacks them can be in harmony with the nation. 

"The first requirement is obvious; the nation must occupy a defmHi 
geographic area. The second is equally true— its citizens inn.i I 
homogeneous. Otherwise mutual understanding is impossible. 

"Third there must be a common language. It is impossible (oj 
people who do not speak the same tongue to reason together m n 
develop national unity. 

"Fourth, there must be a unity of religion -not of creed, 1 i 
fundamental religious thought. Men may differ as to creeds, [mi 1 1 
brought up under systems of religions that are as opposite as i Ik poll 
are unable to unite in thought ov action. 


' l A fifth essential is that the citizenry shall have given loyalty to its 
., mment for a considerable time. There is little value in freshly 
li tilled patriotism. Patriotism must be aged, it must go through 
.ill 1 he processes required to free it from foreign matter. For example, 
Li man brought up under the Russian despotism can understand the 
h. ■ .lorn we grant. Liberty becomes license to him— a right to en- 
jro.icb upon the rights of others. To him, free speech is permission 
tack our government. When we allow him wide liberties in 
i, unn., he believes that our system of social control is weak and he the freedom which we provide. 

The final need of true nationhood is the possession of a common 

|l ulition upon which the group mind can be built. We know the 

■Feet upon us of the memories of the great men who built the nation— 

tin- 1 aspiration of the sacrifices and sufferings of our forefathers, and of the 

v k 11 >ries they won. No man can be an American who does not know, 

Lin k-rstand and honor men like Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and 

l.iin oln. They are to us more than merely great men. They are part of 

jl in erica. Because of their sacrifice and leadership, they are part of 

I mil selves. Until he shares the priceless heritage of our national mem- 

I m v . no alien can begin to share our national thought. 

True Americanism 

"The question is often asked; 'How long does it take to make an 

\mcrican of a foreigner? 1 A certificate of naturalization does not 

I m.ike an American, It is not until a foreigner has learned to share 

imi mental inheritance, has a correct conception of our government, 

h 1 ■ accepted our basis of religion, nas learned to speak our tongue and 

I I In nk our thoughts that he can possibly fulfill his duties as a citizen 

li mr nation. 

"The only requirement of Americanism is to become an American. 
1 i ng short of this can make an American of a foreigner. LaFayette, 
iusko, Steuben, and other men from Europe contributed much 
1 rd freeing us from Britain; but that did not make them Americans. 
"We are told by the melting-pot dreamers, for example, that be- 
a man fought for the Stars and Stripes in the World War he is 
ssarily an American. We honor every man who fought for this 

ntry. We appreciate his heroism and his sacrifice; we acknowledge 

, Ldebtedness to him. However, we cannot admit that this noble 

I 1 1 if sacrificial service made of any man, alien in thought, an American 
1 ii ional. 

' ' A tnericanism is more than this. It uses a definite form of govern- 

U to achieve the particular kind of nationalism suited to our race 

1 he. form of government is a representative democracy, by which the 

1 p 

people choose those best fitted to direct its government — not elevarin 
them above other citizens, but entrusting to them high duties an 

"It is not merely having a government based on universal suffragj 
It means allowing Americans to determine what, as a nation, thcjj 
wish to do } and then to do it. 

"Since this is so, the destruction of our national character by alien 
mixtures and of our national mind by alien thought tends to destroy 
democracy. Representative democracy is not a melting pot; still lev 
is it a dumping ground. It is a constructive, forward-looking vehicle 
for the achievement of racial and national destiny. This is the onlv 
possible American ideal. It is to this ideal thai the Knights of the Km 
Klux Klan are irrevocably dedicated, 

"The explanation of Americanism and democracy shows clearH 
how great are the delusions that are embodied in the ideals of stri< i 
Cosmopolitanism. These ideals, based on the long exploded theory 
of absolute equality, aim at an impossible universal system in whicW 
it is urged that national and racial differences shall be destroyed and 
that in one blended race men shall live in peace and blessedness. 

"The vision of what full-orbed Cosmopolitanism means — thenationsl 
decay it would surely bring if practiced — has its lessons for America 

"The Ku Klux Klan is the personification of true American national! 
ism. It is founded upon, and represents, those deep instincts ant] 
qualities of our race which have led us to high achievement. 

"Upon the Klan rests the hope that a nation of Americans can, and 
will, be preserved. Upon us rests responsibility no less than that win. Ii 
rested upon Washington when he fought to make the nation, or upon 
Lincoln when he struggled to save it. Upon us falls the duty of Ux\\ 
ing it American. We cannot fail! We will not fail,' 

"The Klan is Protestantism personified. In it are drawn togcthef 
Protestants of all creeds— united in one body, for the defense ,mj 
spread of those great principles which underlie the religious freedom 
guaranteed by the American Constitution. Protestantism is |n 
than any creed. 

"This unity between Protestantism and Americanism is no accident. 
The two spring from the same racial qualities, and each is a pai i ol 
our group mind, Together they worked to build America, ami 10 
gether they will work to preserve it. Americanism provides politically 
the freedom and independence Protestantism requires in the rclipioiii 

"The principle under which we must find our duty ns cil V/x ns .■ 
Americans^is very simple. It is that we must love om u, iHiL 
as ourselves. We know our neighbor is any man; but our duty U luiin 

Dearest us— it is first to our family, then to those near, then to i 
I i immunity and so on to our nation and our race before it reaches 
the rest of the world. Christ's commission to His Disciples reads: 'Ye 
.1 .ill be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in 
Bamaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.' His own plan 
m ipulated that Jerusalem and Judea— the home land— should come first. 

"In no other way can we as Americans give to the world the help 
ii is our mission to give. We serve God best by serving mankind, and 
our greatest service is rendered through the building of a unified 
American nationalism. 

"Our critics use a lot of Bible texts. They say that we are our 
brother's keeper. We do not deny the truth of the statement, nor do 
fee seek to evade this responsibility. We must help our brother, 
Lrticulady the needy and the weak; but we must retain our power 
tad ability to help him again tomorrow. 

{ Tt is charged that because the Klan is patriotic it is opposed to 
u.i ^nationalism, and therefore to the movements to prevent wars and 
m increase friendship between nations. A sound patriotism is 'the 
n,,k possible basis for a true internationalism, as Theodore Roosevelt 

taught us. 

-'Some say American nationalism is narrow. This is true enough. 

1 1 is narrow in the same sense that a man is narrow when he loves his 

more than any other woman and cares for his family before' he 

s money away, in the same sense that a community is narrow when 

ilds itself in advance of other communities, in the same sense that a 

i hurch is narrow when it ministers to its own people first. The liberal- 

demanded by the advocates of universal equality was defined by 

I h, odore Roosevelt as a kind of liberalism *in which every man loves 

y other man's wife as well as he loves his own.' That kind of 

LI, ralism the Klan does not have and does not want. 

We are accused of hostility to the Negro, and that is not true. The 
I I n is the Negro's best friend, because it proposes to help solve the 
pi ■ -I ilcm which his presence in America brings. 

1 This problem is one which the white men of America are in honor 

I | to see solved with ail fairness to the Negro, The Negro is £101 

hi re by his own wish; we brought him. We cannot assimilate him, 

■ cannot permit a race so different to mix with ours. The NfcgrO 

.( a menace to Americanism in the sense that the Jew or Roman 

ioHc is a menace. He is not actually hostile to it. He is simply 

I ,. i illy incapable of understanding, sharing in or contributing tO 

\ incricanisra.. Booker T. Washington, the greatest of Negro leaden, 

horted his brethren to cast aside their political and social ambition!, 

I J 

i i mi standi where he stood upon this phase oJ the question. 

"A true democracy cultivates independence and initiative in it! 
people, but it can allow these only within the limits of the national 
mind and instincts. Unless each citizen is willing to accept the jiulgJ 
ment. of the national miad, there is no democracy. 

"A people might have every other elemenr of nationhood, but ij 
they have not the power to act as a group controlled by their group 
mind they cannot achieve nationhood. 

"The Klan demands of every man those sacrifices necessary to instirn 
che rights of his fellow citizens, the welfare of the community andS 
the nation. 

"We must speak of the most dangerous : step in the campaign to | 
pervert our group mind—an assault upon the public schools. TheJ 
have attempted to put alien men and women in control of our public 
schools throughout the nation. They have already won control in 
many places, and have made beginnings everywhere. They have vcf8 
largely driven the Bible from the schools. Our histories have been pJ 
verted to keep our children from knowing facts discreditable to alia 
groups, and to prevent the teaching of truth about our race cousin! 
ih Northern Europe from whom our civilization sprang. 

"Statistics show that the proportion of Roman Catholic teach(B 
is far beyond J:heir percentage according to population. As a ma in i 
of fact, if our schools .are to teach Americanism, there should not III 
in them a single teacher whose first allegiance is to a foreign tempi n il 
sovereign. The words of Roman leaders show that they consider i In 
public schools a menace to the political system of which they at. .1 
part and for which they ever stand. 

"We must, to be sure, admit some responsibility of our own inhaviiiflJ 
allowed these conditions to obtain. Our main fault is that we h.ivf 
been too kind, too tolerant and too trusting. We have not only lr| 
them de- Americanize our schools, but we have permitted them hi 
establish a press in their own languages so that each group can lioK| 
itself intact and aloof from Americanism. 

"I wish at this point to reply specifically to the major cri 1 1 
against the Klan. It is that the Klan is unconstitutional an ' mi 
American, because it does not admit complete equality in all 111 .ml 
does not believe that equal political power should be given to all ma 
Our enemies point out that the Declaration of Independence s;<\ . ilirfl 
all men are created equal, and are entitled to life, liberty ,uu| 
the pursuit of happiness. The Klan grants to every man. these nidii 
but the Klan realizes that the Declaration of Independence is vn\ 1 .m 
ful in its statements about these rights. It says men are entiihd in 
liberty. It does not say that any man is entitled to political 
It says 'pursuit of happiness,' hm h dors noi sa\ we muu ( .1 , , v 1 | fc 

happiness. All men are entitled to pursue happiness, but they must 
win it for themselves. We must give them opportunities, nothing more, 
"Now let us see what the men who wrote the Declaration meant 
vli..n they said all are created equal. We know how difficult 
11 is to put a thought into words and how many words are required to 
I absolutely accurate in stating an idea fully. The Declaration of 
Independence is a patriotic document. It does not try to work out 
li, 1 n-spiitting philosophies. It was intended to atouse the fighting 
pirit of the Colonists. It was directed to Americans. When it said all 
nun were created equal, it spoke of white men. If any proof 
.1 1 his be needed, it is shown by the fact that a number of the men who 
lligned the Declaration owned slaves and intended to keep on owning 
1 Ih m. They denied to the Indian all political rights. And the natural- 
■ation laws they framed were far more severe than any we have seen 

'It is clear that the Klan must work along several different lines. 

bur first task is to prevent further encroachment, to regain the ground 

lost, and to safeguard Americanism. This is a negative task, a defen- 

battle — and this is chiefly what we have been doing. But no 

in -ii ever won a fight, remaining on the defensive. 

"We must not discriminate against any man in equal rights before the 
law, or in full liberty within the law, because of race or religion; 
hni must make sure that our nation is truly American in thought and 

11 It will take generations to develop a spirit of true American nation- 
n —to cultivate a real American group mind. We must put our 
1 tnh into works, and become missionaries to all the land. 

' l A second task is that of converting the aliens now with us into 
\ mericans. 

1 'Third , w r e must bring the ideal of Americanism to the highest possi- 
ble level. We must make it stand for all that is fine and good, both 
nil ionaily and internationally. 

' Finally, the positive program of the Knights of the KuKlux Klan is: 

"To honor the one Flag. 
"To promote the Public School, 
"To serve the Protestant Church. 
"To fight for the sanctity of the home. 
"To promote respect for law," 

(The klonvokation stood amid a demonstration of fifty mij 
during which the various State delegations marched around the Cod 
tion Hall, carrying their respective States' banners, and the Impefl 
Wi2ard was borne upon the shoulders of Klansmen and i.imIi 
around the Convention hall— amid music of the bands and com i| 

Imperial Wizard. "My brethren: Be seated. I have given you ' "I 
Klan of Tomorrow, 1 Americanism defined. Now, I wish to give v< ill \ \\ 
*Klan Spiritual.' For this magnificent ovation to the cause wh« 
have the honor to lead, for your personal love and devotion to! 
which is absolutely one hundred per cent, my heart must neccsstl 
go out in its entirety. Just all I have and am goes out to the boys mm I 
Klan. I am uplifted now, and desire to give you the vision of the K In 
as I see it, spiritually, without which our Klan would long ■ 
have perished. I come to you with a message of transceaJ 



By Dr. H. W. Evans, Imperial Wizard 

lr hearts and lives of all who migni 

r» dusio^r^len, belief that j-jjd history is 
• in e very detail to the contrary notwithstand ng. 

ifestation of a re-incarnanon-one of the ^^er P f 

Ls re-incarnations of a movement, a force, wWca 

I,,,,;, life in men and tribes and nations down thtongh the ages. 

The Reformat ion 

■•Wickedness abounds everywhere^ society in M~, ^n 
Uics (national and intension al)and _even n ggj^ 

er how charitable our eyes, they cannot escape ia 

^corner of the earth, and, to a greater o r lesser « n^ry 
, U fe. Nevertheless it is -P-^^^f^e Bible is exphcit 

,iid living will be ascended again. 
, „, t hc Ecld Shall clap their bands. 


While n-T T, ' r f rmations -' as *ough rhc, 

While it s many-sided, and has gradations and ph : ,s,s, ,|„ „, 

ton of the world is an age-long, continuous, intensive- „„., 

To put it another way, t&e Reformation-started at the first ,1, „ ,|, 
declared for righteousness (right living)-has been, is and will 1 
be one cumulative urge toward Paradise Regained 

"Power directed by Intelligence, and for a given purpos, 

runs wild-it has a vehicle, something to conserve it and car,', „ 
center The power we call 'life' has bodies, and we see these l„„|| 

fetched 7~ WC Ca " them u' treeS '' ' animaV W IS k < tW "'* ■ '< 
fetched to assume that the greatest and most important power 

world must incarnate itself to accomplish its purpose? 

"The Reformation functions through multiplied, extern 
multiplied bodies This is resultant upon changing conditio,,, 
the complexity of human society, plus narrow thinking upoj 
part of reformers the world around. (AH who strive to live 

Si£ r ■ ? C u fdl0Wmeu t0 ™ rd the right are, in some 
dcntified with the Reformation of the ages and are, therefor 

I Vi I 

in I, 

Embodiment of the Reformation 


The Reformation could, undoubtedly, function more rapidl 
and better, through one vast, perfectly organized, accurately dire, ,. . 
body. However, the ideal day of its activities seems far in the fm„„ 
rhem ^^ appr0aches " must <tad with situations as it (uJ 

"The church is the logical body of the Reformation; but, owij 
to human frailty, mental and motal, the church of today as it I.J 
been for centuries, is hindered in its work by materialism and divisio] 

bodv U i "/ W r ^ £ '- iS f nytWng but sacrifici ^ "d instead of ,„,. 
body- the body of Christ,' about which we read in the New Test , 
ment-we see in the church over two hundred bodies! Can the ,kci> 
"Cism, so prevalent, be wondered at? Ultimately, the church w'll 
be triumphant because it will, in purpose, be wholly righteous-aj 

Lull Tt ThC ) FOUOder 0f ^ *urch prophesied tha tl 
should never be destroyed, nor will His prophecy come to naught > 

The Reformation, awaiting its time of greater opportunity! 
operates through (resides in and works out from) the various 
nominations and hkewise a multiplicity of agencies called 'secular^ 
social, moral, intellectual/ etc. It is ever in quest of embod 
ment, and enters whatever will, even in a small way, serve H„ 
cause of human uplift. y 

r 5 6 

\\ In m possible, as history and current events prove beyond, doubt.. 

formation combines, either consolidates or in some manner 

dinatcs several, sometimes many, organizations or movements 

mlics), and operates through the one great agency upon an extensive. 

,,,i- scale. Also, the Reformation appears to be continuous!) 

I in hi tig for an organization or movement (body) which comprises 

Hi I, idealism and the possibilities of extended and diversified applies 

,i body through which it can touch and rectify a wide area of 

b| nhirities and complications. 

The Body 'Recently Acquired 

"The angels that have anxiously watched the Reformation from 
I . beginning must have hovered about Stone Mountain, Thanksgiving 
, 1915, and shouted Hosannas to the highest heaven. For there 
...'. 1 hat rock, the largest solid granite formation in the world, a body. 
, I .,, I y for immediate and tremendous service, came forth—a body whose 
M.mprehensive possibilities were probably not fully realized by the 

who then composed it and are probably not fulty realized by 

any one of the millions who now compose it. 

"The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, founded on the Living Word, 
Ld especially on the twelfth chapter of Romans (which is, as a matter 
C fact, a compendium of the Bible), has in it the possibility of uni- 
versal and rock-bottom reform. Its watch phrase, 'Non Silba Sed 
Vnthar; is the heart throb of the Reformation. And the principles 
ict forth in its literature, especially by the 'Non Silba Sed Anthar 
fcard, would, if universally applied, revolutionize the civilized world 
within the life of a generation. (Apparently, the Klan is for Ameri- 
ca— a few of its principles are perhaps, for the present, applicable in 
the United States only. Nevertheless, the majority of its principles 
could be, and will be, applied throughout the world. Moreover, 
unless we of this country have a viewpoint that is absolutely wrong, 
the Great Light will eventually obtain in and shine around the globe 
from America. Americans think, and doubtless the far-seeing of 
other nations think, the song, 'As Goes America, So Goes the World,' 
a prophecy that will be literally fulfilled.) 

Gigantic Klan Possibilities 

"We shall not here enter into detailed discussion of Klankraft 
influence upon individual lives and homes— this may be taken for 
granted, because everyone knows that righteous principles benefit 
all whom they touch. However, reference to some of the major possi- 
bilities ('probabilities' might be the more expressive term, for the 
Klan has already begun the accomplishment of fundamental tasks y 



may be of aid in our effort to grasp the meaning of the great, rapidlj 
growing body of which, as individuals, we are part. 

"Partyism in politics has long hindered our national progrcj 
The Klan's educational program is already modifying this deplond)^ 
condition, and the signs are that before many years pass the rcjj 
citizen of our great country, no matter where he resides, will regarj 
himself as an American first and a Democrat, Republican or sonifJ 
thing else second. 

"During the World War, we abolished the hyphen— so far as n 
related to national descent. We took tht position for all time thj 
'German-American/ for example, is a misnomer. Likewise, we aM 
rapidly approaching the day when it will not be popular for peoplj 
to call themselves 'Methodist-Americans/ 'Baptist-Americans,' 'Caih 
olic-Americans,' etc. Why be content until Americanism in speccl 
and sentiment obtains all along the line? There should be no 9 
publican-Americans, Democratic-Americans, Socialist-American! 
Some things can be fixed by turning them around— for example] 
'American Democrats,' 'American Republicans.' When Americi 
comes first, partyism will vanish. And when partyism disappear* J 
the Constitution will come into its own. Klankraft applied will! 
produce full-orbed Americanism. 

"Klankraft proclaimed and lived by a million people would .[< 
stroy sectarianism and unite the Protestant Christians in AmerM 
within a couple of decades. The millions enrolled and enrolling in j 
the Kian— if they get the vision, and they will—are as certain' n. 
abolish sectarian bitterness in this country as it is certain that liHil 
dispels darkness. 

"The average fraternal organization is, to a considerable extent,] 
shorn of its power for good by its inactivity. The Klan is so ,„„ 
structed that inactivity would mean its decease, in any community, I 
It must keep going, and in its routine of living it takes the principli 
of the better class of lodges out of the abstract and puts them into rhi 
concrete— it is operative, not speculative. The Klan's activitv will 
become contagious, and it is not presumption to forecast incr sinfl 
service all along the fraternal line within the near future. 

"The foregoing brief analysis predicts that the Reformation, 
having taken unto itself this great, diversified, expanding body, . 
about to enter upon an era of far-reaching achievement— nor do I 
think the prediction in any way unsound. The Klan— in principli 
plan of organization and scope of activity— is, beyond the peradv. n 
ture of doubt, the most comprehensive, adaptable imd powerful 
body with which the Reformation hag ehus far* lothed itsi If, 


Duration of the Klan 
X have referred to the Klan in terms which indicate that it is 
,rganization with which the future-the distant future-must 
on Therefore, a logical question: How long will the Klan live? 
Reformation will not, cannot, die-but how long will it reside 
the body it started to build at Stone Mountain, and is still building? 
-Enemies of the Reformation-people who desire a continuance 
,i ctarian strife, political corruption, violation of law and general 
, in morals-aver that the Klan will pass as quickly as it came.. 
Id this opinion is shared by hosts of good men and women who 
the Reformation to succeed in every particular, but whose con- 
m of the widely discussed and greatly misrepresented Organiza- 
,.,., which was re-born on Stone Mountain is sadly in need of revision 
I , this prediction, I am completely out of accord Nor am I 
Led by membership in the Klan. I am reasoning, cold-bloodedly, 
„, , ,f the philosophy of history and from the exigencies of the present 
In -a day in the world's history, and especially in America s his- 
I which demands an immediate progressive stride. My opti- 
I i -not the result of emotionalism nor enthusiasm nor mere hope, 
L e result of long and careful study which has painstakingly com- 
|l ! and weighed world movements-forbids even the suggestion 
If Klan failure. 

"The Klan has, from its birth, suffered tremendous external oppo- 
sition and colossal internal strife-wither of which would have de- 
, , ■ : d an ordinary organization of men. Its survival of these quick- 
Ui ssion and multiplied attacks signifies its robust vita ity-and 
It signifies a mission the finite mind cannot readily grasp. 
And when to all this is added the phenomenal growth of the Klan, 
forced to exclaim, 'Mysterious!' 
"(Notwithstanding the optimism just expressed, it must be ad- 
Ltted that the Kian in its personnel is far from perfect and that its 
,11 , ahead will be many to combat. How the Klan is to be saved and 
the greatest service organization of all history will be suggested 
her on.) 

The Soul of thi Klan 

■As every one knows, death (dissolution) ensues when the body 
.mcs so wrecked by accident or disease that the soul can no longer 

N tide in it. 

"Has the Klan a soul? Yes, if the preceding observations be 

fr U C and they must be proven false before I shall consent to their 

discard. Then, what is the soul of the Klan? The ansvvct n- iin. 
question necessarily depends upon the answer to another. 

"We have already concluded that the Reformation has ukfl 
residence in the Klan. Has the Reformation a soul? It has nryf 
perished. Hence, unless the thinkers of all time have had a wrJ 
conception of vitality, it has ever been and is kept going by soiJ 
thing which, for the lack of another name, we call the 'soul.* 

; 'Soul' is generally defined as 'Life/ It is so used in the hfl 
Testament, revised versions: 'What shall a man give in exclmtJ 
for his life?' 

Thou art, O God, the life and light 

Of all this wondrous world we see. 

"The poet had the correct viewpoit. Tn the beginning (hh|| 
God is the source of all life. Tn Him we live and move and li,ivf 
our being.' 

God moves in a mysterious way, 

His wonders to perform . 

"All down through the ages, God has wrought upon men M 
communities and nations- seeking to lift the world out of the Ifl 
lands of self-deception and disappointment and into the height 
real prosperity and unmixed happiness. God is the soul— the lift 
the Reformation. 

"God's problem, if it may be said that He has problems, has Uom 
that of having man so visualize life as to be fascinated by it and to A 
sire it. To put it another way, His problem has been that of m 
vealing Himself to man. Holy Writ informs us that in the . m\\ 
centuries God addressed the people through old men, here and thcH 
heads of families who yielded themselves to Him sufficiently id In 
used in pushing forward the Reformation. That period is refer rnl U 
as the 'Patriarchal Age.' Then came the reign of law, called tjfl 
'Mosaic Dispensation.' And last, the 'Christian Era' obtained, 
old writer put it thus: 'First, the Star-light Age; second, the Mi urn 
light Age; third, the Sun-light Age.' 

"In our age ; we have the day-light and can see God more cli ,ir|j 
than could the peoples of the preceding ages. Why? 'God 
manifest in the flesh.' Jesus said: 'He that hath seen me hath s«m 
the Father.' 'God is in Christ, reconciling the world unto Him- II 
Jesus, therefore, became the soul of the Reformation, and lie will 
be its soul until it shall have accomplished its age-long task 
of restoring pristine relations between man and God and U i 

man and man, reproducing normalcy. (When the Seer of l\u • 

beheld 'The holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God nut 

j 60 

eavco,' he looked clown through the centuries upon the COB 

nnationof the Great Reform— Paradise Regained.) 
•Hence the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, an embodiment oi Ch< 
I-. formation, has for its soul the Living Presence-Jesus the Christ. 
( .1 I lim, Paul, our special Apostle, wrote : 'Christ is out hie. 

The Great Exemplar 

-The popular conception of Jesus is not in harmony with His 
raphy The usual picture of the Christ is effeminate, when , 
,1, word-pictures of Him in the New Testament reveal a vinllt) 
I hich challenges the admiration of all who place themselves in posi 
| 0fl to comprehend it. Jesus was a robust, toil-marked young mad 
Lho had conserved both His physical and mental strength. In out 
,m way of putting it, "He was fit." In other words, He w.l 
,.,. pared for life-able to think straight, to hold His propensities IS 
I, ,'h, to endure the strain of arduous service, to bear the burden oi 


■'A man among men, Jesus adapted Himself to all legitimate 00 , 

, s He was a conversationalist of charm, a source of good-cheel 

V the banquet-hall, an oratot of renown before the audience, the Greal 
fhysician at the sick-couch, the Comforter where there was sorrow. 

-As teacher, Jesus instructed His hearers. His teaching was pr, 1 
I, ,„nd, yet within the grasp of all. 'The common people heard Hun 

■ 'Jesus was the Afc*«-full orbed. The halo was not about I lis 

td-it was in His thinking, His deportment, His words, His deeds. 
I Having examined Jesus, Pilate said: 'I find no fault in this man. 
Pilate's verdict has been the verdict of the centuries. The historicity 
„l lesus is universally admitted-no scholar would risk his reputanop 

I argument against it. All admit Jesus of Nazareth as a fact, and 
,11 are compelled to respect Him. Atheists, infidels and agnostics 
I, ,ve raved at the Christian faith, they have attacked Moses and 01 bl I 
Bible characters and they have held the divided church up to scorSj 
U their lectures and writings have been clear of reflections upon the 
, haracter of the young Nazarene-like Pilate, having examined I In... 

I I icy find no fault in Him. 
Our Criterion of Character 

"The Atonement is Scriptural. 'Christ died for us.' However, 
the system of teaching which leads people to conclude that 11 IS S 
, ay to be forgiven as it is to sin does not meet a response 111 the New 
iVstament. 'Let this mind be in you which was also in CUM 


Jesus.' Herein is the secret of character-development— progrfll 
salvation, the promotion of real manhood and womanhood. 

"The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is an organization n\ n 
which exists to dethrone Wrong and enthrone Right, and its iifl 
task is that of developing and making bright and attractive iis < 

"Plato defined man as a 'two-legged animal without featld 
Whereupon, Diogenes plucked the feathers from a cock, tool, n 
the Academy and said: 'This is Plato's man.' Plato was no ir 
mistaken than are millions today in their definitions of 'mafl 
we are to accept as definitions the false standards of life thai 
everywhere conspicuous. The average boy thinks manhood Hi 
tainment of adult age. At this, the gray heads smile. Yet maJ 
middle life, and even in old age, are as far from the true com i 1 
of manhood, as are the boys. Men frequently appear to thin] 
manhood is the ability to take undue advantage in business, to J 
in politics, to tell smutty stories, to drink intoxicating iiquoi 
boast of licentious acts, to be known as 'a bully/ to carouse, 
frauding in business and politics requires a little cleverness- W 
requires" neither stupendous intellect nor moral courage. As a in. 
of fact, the real financier and the statesman— each a man of 1 
power— are honest in all their dealings. So far as profanity, Jn 
enness and licentiousness are concerned— who will say that they 
kinship with intellect or culture? To be specific, the man of Li 
culture can excel in profanity, ribald, language and licentiousno 

"How undeveloped and foolish the man whose ideals are as si 
mering moon-beams! The time comes in every abnormal life 
the real man— so long kept shut in and starved and dwarfed 
forth and emits the wail of disappointment and censure. i\v 
follows the wrong trail eventually finds himself in the slough u( 
pair — remorse, 'the hell within him.' 

"Diogenes lighted a candle in the daytime, and went abotfl 
irjg: T am looking for a man.' Had he looked through u & 
and in upon Nazareth, he would have seen the Man. t 
looked far into the Christian Era, he would have seen teeming 
lions of men— faithful followers of the Nazarcne. Exiled on l\.i 
the Apostle John looked into the future and saw 'a great multj 
which no man could number.' Pie beheld all the Christian sdl 
from his day to the end, marching through the centuri 
with the evil in their own inclinations and in the world aboul i 
And they were 'clothed with white robes.' 




White robes' i Who is worthy to wear the White Rob^cm- 
, > , ^ tl " s^tless purity Jesus came to establish throughou 

I in the blood of the Lamb . 

The Klan Saved for its Mission 

••Mv forecast of the Klan's future and ^^^^f%^^_ 
^ported by something other than mere conjecture. How, there 
will the Klan be saved for its mission? 
' ■■ "quesL might be answered thus: By guarding against *J 
r ■ i * And in this answer there is wisdom. Un Lniara 

Tltl^^ the p lckct4lM should ever he 

1 " «■ % syst rrt sri; is %%* l ***** 

Inse mioses as well as for constructive work, the Klan must be 
defense pu pose ^ ^.^ . q organl2atlon . 

r--Edt rf ^W„rd, acts of the Kloncilium resolu- 
t Gtand Dt gons in conference, inspirational K lonvokauons 
- fom State and district officers and decisions of local commanders 
i, « n«al-nor can their importance be ignored or minimised 

; t "eXship. However, these alone will not perpetuate the 

'''■■'•rch°remam S to be done-aside from propagation , organiza- 
Much remains "> ^ hindranCM hcret ofore 

:;:;;;;:ltf « Tit: foTpower and pe« y **»*. ** *»«- 

f SleSle "3 SS t will, doubtless, be 
■ o ^ than any of us think-great things are not done qutck- 
Vhat matters it? God is engineering the task, and one day is 
„,, hclTd thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 

to him temporary defeat or lack of encouraging progiess spells 
■dTl optimist regards battles lost, complications and slow 
«!'., teachers in the school of experience-preparative agents. 
r S ceXXd, therefore, revels in future trinmphs-thongh 

" ■■ KSSSSt the Klan be needed, and this is taken for grant- 

K reformation! shed _ from with in or from without? 

,1 |,„w must it be accompiisi „„,ij,.tinM m Derma- 


Ill I! I 

In I 


nently remove eczema — this is the method of 'quacks.' Nm I 
he use soap and water and pumice to clean the coated tongue 
knows that the healing and cleansing must be wrought from v\ \tM 
The Klan will have reached its perfect state of health and be rcadj I 
its greatest service when, and only when, Jesus Christ shall I 
gotten full possession of all its members. In other words, th< m 
of the Klan must ultimately illumine the life of every member, 
"The Klan cannot be made permanent by mere extension am 
solidification of either its political or social nature — or both 
must be saved and prepared by the development of Its spiritual 
ture, saved and prepared for its great work — political, socia] 
Otherwise. And its spiritual nature can develop only as its mcflj 
grow up toward its idealism. 

Necessity for Vision 

"The idealism of the Klan is contained, in its entirety, in i 
teaching of Jesus. Of this idealism, it may be said that 'CI 
all and in all.' And the twelfth chapter of Romans, written 1 
inspired, and whose pen was therefore accurate, is an epit< 
Christ's Gospel. 

"The first thing necessary is to know the twelfth chapter of « 
mans, and the second is to live it. Knowing that matchless cluptfl 
means more, vastly more, than the commitment to memory ul ti 
text—it means thinking seriously through each of the injunction-, i 
corded, and arriving at rock-ribbed conclusions regarding their ;i|iplfc 
cation to every day life. Living the twelfth chapter of Koiiunl 
means, of course, the daily application of its teaching — in thought, 
word and deed. 

"It goes without saying that living this sublime program is iJip 
task difficult. Profession and practice are not always easily wctMriJ, 

When morale breaks down, the battle is lost. A man who had 1 1 

failed in business said: T am too discouraged to begin over i\i\, mm 
The path of the centuries is strewn along with human wreck iu\i , .til 
because people have lacked the courage to dare and persevere. Man 
will drop out of the Klan, and it will be the result of failing COUHM 
The Klan is destined to become so exacting in demand for riglu li 
upon the part of its members that all who fail to keep step with 
progress will fall away. 

"Vision! 'Where there is no vision, the people perish.' The 
in the well has a patch of sky exceeding small. The man on dti 
mountian has sky immeasurable. The Klansman in the well, v h 
vision of Klan principles and prospects is so limited that ii c.hi I 
shut out by selfish ambition, momentary plensurc that is h>rbi<lil< n 


I , penny, is not likely to exemplify in his life the twelfth chapter 
I Kenans The Klansman on Stone Mountain stands far above the 
1„ | leness which destroys manhood, and lives his profession-he lives 
|l kcause he has the Klan Vision. 

"The Old Rugged Cress" 
•■On bended knee, neath the uplifted Fiery Cross, every Klans- 

is consecrated and admonished to consecrate himself. All his 

,ern training is in the light of the Cross. And if he acquires the 
,„ Vision, his daily walk will be in the light of the Cross. 
. During the delivery of this address the great audience of men satin silence 
though entranced. At its conclusion, the Klonvotetion arose ametly and 
„d in reverential spirit. Someone started "Onward Christian Soldiers, 
,1 the song was joined in by the deeply impressed men.~) 


Imperial Wizard. "My brethren: I esteem it a rare privii 
to speak to you as a member of this Klonvokation, and to propj 
concrete program of humanitarian service. The Klan may prci 
proud doctrines, it may proclaim things that are fine, inspirit 
ennobling and uplifting; but unless, beneath, around, on top ... 
through the Organization, the wonderful principles, the inspiration 
teachings, are exemplified m practical performance it will perish. 

"The hour has come in the history of the Klan when we must 
prepared to render practical service to humanity, as well as to pr< 
pose abstract principles and apply general programs. Sporadic wol 
accomplishes no great purposes. It is not the Lord's way; it is m 
man's way. Intelligent, consecrated men do not do things spor& 
cally. I believe that the hour has come when the Knights of the 
Klux Klan, as a living organization, with a soul, must have a dclini 
program of humanitarian service. Therefore, I move you that Inn 
after it shall be the program of the Knights of the Ku Klux K]*j 
(a program in line with the divine plan) that ten per cent of a\ 
the monies that come to your National Organization shall 
set aside and applied to humanitarian service. I further movd 
Mr. President, that this Klonvokation recommend to the K let 
reros of the Realms throughout the nation that they, too, get abouf 
their humanitarian business of humanitarian service, and that cm It 
Realm in this nation shall hereafter set apart ten per cent of its incoim 
for humanitarian service within that State, And, Mr. President, I 
move that we recommend to each Klan organization— an aggrcgnJ 
tion of Christ-serving, country-loving, American citizens— thai i| 
shall set apart ten per cent of its income for humanitarian service. M i 
President, I desire to move that this be the humanitarian program oj 
the Klan. 

"I suggest that we do this for a period of two years. The widowj 
and orphans of those who lose their lives for the Klan cause musi In 
cared for—the loved ones of our brethren who fall in battle for tin 
fight shall not be neglected. Therefore, with the exception of ap 
propriations necessary to relieve such distress in our midst, I mova 
that the tithe of our united Klan income be set aside for two yearsJ 
until the next Klonvokation. Then, having talked with God aboil! 
it, we can confer with one another regarding a nation-wide humani 
tarian program— a program that will make happier the lives of r lie 
unfortunate, a program that will conform to the will of God ami |v 
in line with the Eternal Throne. ' ' (Prolonged Applaused .) 

Klansman Dunning. "As a member of the Georgia Delegation, I 
second that motion." 


Motion carried—none but accredited delegates voting.) 

Klansman Bossert. "Fellow Klansmen: The vote is unanimous, 

■ I I am sure it is the expression of every heart here. It has been sug- 

I that we get the sentiment of the gallery. Klansmen who are in 

I d 1 ery , let's have your sentiment by a rising vote . ' ' (The Klansmen 

te galleries rose.) 

sman — . "This great address, 'The Klan Spiritual'- 

B splendid sermon by our Imperial Wizard, I would say— has lifted 

II up into the transfigured heights. It has caused us, like the three 

ii i pies of old, to see 'Jesus only.' Every Klansman and Klanswoman 

America should— must — have the inspiration which we have just 

ed. They, too, must ascend the transfigured heights and see 

■us only' as we, today, have seen Him. This sermon, if widely dis- 

libuted, will send the Klansmen of the entire country down into the 

v.illcv of service— ready to accomplish the will of God in a greater 

I, therefore, move that this great message, The Klan Spiritual', 

printed in special pamphlet form and sent to all the Klansmen and 

l.mswomen throughout the nation." 

Klansman Bossert. "It has been moved and seconded that the last 

jge of your Imperial Wizard be printed and placed in the hands of 

i In Klansmen and Klanswomen of the nation. Are you ready for the 

I fcuestion?" 

A Klansman from the audience. "I wish to offer an amendment that 
.ill (he messages of the Imperial Wizard, as given to us at this Klon- 
vokation, be included in that pamphlet." 

Clansman Bossert. "I might say that all the rest of the messages 
in printed." 

The Klansman . "I will withdraw my motion, then . ' ' 
(Motion carried— none but accredited delegates voting.) 

Klansman Bossert. "The Chair at this time recognizes Klansman 
Mi Rrayer, of Kansas." 

Klansman McBrayer. "Klansmen: In convention assembled in this' 
fit) today, there is the Eighty-ninth Division, A. E. F., that went 

i seas and were used badly by this same enemy that is using us badly. 

|l is my desire that this Klonvokation convey the following greetings 

to 1 fiat body of men: To the Eighty-ninth Division, U. S. War Vet- 

. i ins, A. E. F., the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, assembled in this 

in national Klonvokation, extend hereby their most cordial 

i tings to you who offered your lives for the upholding of our Flag.. 

l6 7 

and common patriots, we greet you. 
"I move its adoption." 
(Motion duly^cconded and camed-none but accredited d, I, j 

rotmS ' n , -The Chair will now appoint Klansman 1 

Klansman Bossert. The Chair wn ^ 

Si^r/rr^S'^rr ^ 

A ' E i Chair now Klansman of Indiana, who 

a resolution." . , 

.solution, thar it has been to ac = « *£^ ^ ( J 
some to the representees at th ^™ 4t M hav£ ,,„, „., 
is, the representative, from the other Realms ^app | 

m his pocket, i Know m* / / *u,*, rri n see in the newspaper 

will settle them f^.f ^ ^ onr sworn allegianu .„„ 

principles of the Klan, and along ^ 1 « ° ^ ^ 

fidelity to this Orgam.atron and » . mpena ^^ ^ 

Family. I wish to convey the message tu > 

tor Evans, and all the rest 01 , 

lieve what you see in ^.newspapers all ti e , m e. Y 

som e fellows - in ^tS»the K :c; t »l. .1 
Siren^Xrindlrgt Aether and concluded tha, ... 

wo ^rrth:;;^ivesof ****** ™% -j 

< flm«r alKlonvokation of the Knights of the Ku klu, I 
S K,,d It Kan as City, Missouri, on September *., x 9M . h« 

;rr y ~hi 'e * jj^as i-x :;:;:; 

official staff, to our entire satisfaction, and 


S-ion, and *^4jTK££32d sLf and 
lflab le Klansman that ourlmpc^ ^ ^ fmlc . 

, department of the Impenal OS>ce li-e b ^ ^ 

,„, Xith the greatest *^'*'S£ e 
, ' ban and its entire membership, rherefo 

, , ,,o now and hereby affirm and declare ^ ^ ^ w 

i 0n of the great and uns elfish w J inbe half of the Klan, 

ns> our l^rial Wizard, andh ^*££*dgt t0 H m and them 

, ivcs and all Klans.nen and hae and no p ^ ^ sup _ 

f from the State of Indiana^ WO uldliketo 

•Wow.^Ch^a.^^^^^^ to have this 
-Id be to have the consent ^^ ss lt the mselves 

. now , and to have .^%~ sh o W these other men around 
rr^3S?« -dred per cent behind Dr. Evans 
„„!, he whole Imperial Kloncilium. 

[otion duly seconded.) 

„ „ rt "To you boys of Indiana, then, I ask that yo 
I. talisman Bossert- lo you v j 

a rising vote. 
| The entire Indiana delegation arose.) 

matures to be above resolution ate as follow: 


2.9 . 
3 1 - 





I move you, Sir, that that be the senti 

the entire Klonvokation." 

(Motion seconded and carried — none but accredited ddrg,if« 

Klansman Dunning. "I move that we have that resolution piini. »| 
in the Imperial Night Hawk, so that all the Klansmen in tin 11 
may know the attitude of the Indiana delegation — with t 

Klansman - — . "With the Chair's permission, I wmiM 

like to say that, like the State of Oklahoma, the State of AM 
from which I come, has been foully slandered in the last few wccki 
not by Klansmen, but by a man who has been fighting tin 
known to the nation as Oscar W. Underwood. He took en asu 
say in Maine, a few days ago, while there campaigning ;ig;iinsi th| 

, , , , lilt when people heard a knock at the door m Alabama hey 

,al for fear that it was the Klan coming to rob them of the r 

I ,s That was a foul slander against my State. It is probable 

I ( (scar W Underwood is the only man in Alabama who shudders 

L|, „ some one knocks at his door!" (Laughter. 

',/h- smart 

, "Amen! May I interrupt the gentleman? 
, ,; Congress from the State of Texas, I had the honor of having 
„ designated to make the opening speech to make tbe City _d » 
,.,, dry Oscar W. Underwood joined the liquor bunch and or- 
,d Negro adherents. He is uneasy." (Applause.) 

I Unsma „ — . "The fact that he is uneasy shows the 

..,,' o the old saying that 'the guilty flee when no man pur- 
t.' I want to say'to you, as they have said from Oklahoma about 
I Walton, that when ^ comes, we are going to retire Oscai W. 
|„d ( , wood from public life in Alabama." (Applause) 

■ I want to read to you now the resolution I desire to offer to this 

'Whereas, in certain sections of our country, a large percentage 
Lthc petsons convicted of crime are aliens; and _ 

•' 'Whereas, Respect for law and order is one of the cardinal prin- 
,,l, , of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, therefore 

•' -Be it resolved, by this Klonvokation, that we favor the enact- 
, „, by the Congress of the United States legislation providing for 
Station » the country of their origin of al aliens convic«d o 

s involving moral turpitude, or convicted of a vio anon of the 

E nalprohibition act-the said deportation to take place upon the 
tSoTrf the term of imprisonment imposed by the court upon 
[id alien, as a punishment for the said offense. 
( llesolution referred to Resolutions Committee.) 

lUnsman Bosser, "At this time, ™™*^1™%Z£ 

Lke an announcement, then we shall hear the report of the Finance 

,„ ttee After that, we will adjourn and meet here tomorrow mom- 

" dose up our business affairs. All men from New Jersey Dela- 

and Eastern Pennsylvania are requested to assemble m front o 

„e at the close of this afternoon's session or the purpose of 

g S a picture taken in a group-thanks to Klansman Freeman. 

"NOW, fellow Klansmen, be seated and we will proceed. I wish 

„ mcffib ers of the Finance Committee to come forward. I w n Ae 

lsmen ro see what a fine looking Committee we hav^ Klan sm 
I I „,„„y, Ketchum, Cameron, Christie, McBrayer and Campbells ill 
1 gentlemen come forward? 



"Fellow Klansmen of this Klonvokation, I now introduce i 
your Finance Committee. Klansman Christie isn't here. H 
handsomest man of the bunch! At this time I shall present K 
man Cameron, chairman of the Committee, who will read his rig 
I know- you are tired, and it is warm; but kindly hear Klansman 1 
eron, and do not straggle out. Remain with him, so that you can I 
home this report and tell the boys what becomes of your moj 

Klansman Cameron. "Klansmen: You will find this repon i, 
lengthy but your Committee has been very diligent in attcutL 
to prepare a report which would contain the facts regarding the j 
cial condition of the Organization. I think that, since the Or^ 
tion has grown more than 2.00% the last two years, it will be d 
to submit a report of the finances of the organization of the Klan I 
1916, up to the present time. I will read the report/' 

( 1 1 

[ 1 11 1. 


/ 1 the Imperial Klonvokation, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan: 

1 'We, the National Finance Committee, beg to submit the following 

k port of the financial condition of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, 

• , including the various financial transactions which we believe 

kill be of more or less interest to every Klansman. For conven- 

1. 11 e, we have divided the report into eight sections, viz: 


Report of July 31, 19x1, 
Klonvokation Instructions, 
Report of July 31, 19x3, 
Report of July 31, 19x4, 
Comparison of Reports, 
Recommendations . 

\ 1 1 l hority : 

' 'At the Provisional Klonvokation which met in Atlanta, Georgia,, 
ilming the May Celebration, 192.2., the Imperial Wizard, pro tern, ap- 
pointed the various committees for the approval of the Provisional 
lllonvokation. He submitted to the Klonvokation the names of the 
Jmance Committee which were duly approved. The Committee pro- 
fnded with its work and rendered a full and comprehensive report 
h die first regular Imperial Klonvokation which was held in Atlanta, 
I ■■ orgia, in November, 192.2., after which by motion and vote of the 
Imperial Klonvokation, the Committee was re-elected to continue 
tit ■ r i 1 the next Klonvokation. Acting under the authority of the 
I lonvokation, your Committee has proceeded with its labors, audit- 
fit j; and investigating the financial conditions of the Knights of the 
Ku Klux Klan, and tendering reports from time to time. 

! iiihcrship: 

"The first Finance Committee which was appointed in May, 192.1, 

composed of seven members, only three of whom, Brown Harwood 

1 irt Worth, Texas, Bert G. Christie of Chicago, Illinois, and Ralph 

Cameron of San Antonio, Texas, became active. Prior to the 

,, ,, ,1 Klonvokatiofl o( November, 192.x, the following new mem- 

bers were appointed to take the places of those who had not 5, I 
Minor Merriwether, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 
C. H. Ketchum, Key West, Florida, 
Dr. L. D. Johnson, Casper, Wyoming, 
R. C. Flournoy, Los Angeles, California. 

"Early in 1913, Brown Harwood resigned from the Commfl 
when he became Imperial Klazik, and Sam H. Venable, of Atl| 
Georgia, was selected to succeed him. During the latter part oi 
Mr Venable resigned when he became Imperial Klabee, and »■■ 
pointment has been made of his successor. About the sam, 
Minor Merriwether automatically ceased to be a member of the ■ 
mittee upon his ceasing to be a member of the Order, and C. 
Braver, of Kiowa, Kansas, was selected to fill the vacancy. I J 
the past month Dr. L. D. Johnson ceased to be a member oi th. 
mittee for the same reason. The Committee at this time consl 
five members, as follows: 

C. H. McBraycr, of Kiowa, Kansas, 
Bert G. Christie, of Chicago, Illinois, 
R. C. Flournov, of Los Angeles, California, 
C. H. Ketchum, of Key West, Florida, Secretary, 
Ralph H. Cameron, of San Antonio, Texas, CbairQ 
(A quorum of the Committee is four member-.. 

Meetings : 

"The Committee has no set time or periods for its meetings 
holds itself subject to the call of the Imperial Kloncilium the [ml 
Wizard or the Chairman of the Committee. By resolution d 
Imperial Kloncilium, at least one member of the National I 
Committee has been requested to be present at all of the me 
the Kloncilium and its Executive Committee. At this time on 
ber of the National Finance Committee is also a membet 01 the 
cilium and its ExecutiveCommittee, and , therefore, is necessaril , | 
at each meeting. 

■ 'Prior to the meeting of the Imperial Klonvokation in N 

imi, it held five meetings. During the year 1913, it held thro I 
ings, and during the year 1314, four meetings. . It will pmbablj 

interest to Klansmen to know that, although the Co ntta 

labored hard and long on various questions and problems, .,1 no 
has a final decision been reached regarding a financial matt, r tMj 
vote was not unanimous. 

"The work of the Finance Committee ^tweeri J ejW.omil 

,,,,,-okation and the ^J^^^ g£ the orga ntza- 

. C l ie amount of monies recen ed «*«£» ■ TMs 

,f the Klan in x*6 up to ^.^^fw/j'inions, and 

dred the Committee to »^ ^ J^g possession concerning 

officials, such ^^^Sn^during that period. 

I, income and expenses of the Urgai 

, . , Committee soon *^^^SlS*«oic«»d. 

. , ur years after organization, Colonel bunmo j 

Js kcpt by the Organization the latter pair of this period 

Af ter getting this matter «^^7^^^ 
l V£ an audit made by some «putable tod ■ ^ 

[own, and selected the firm of Ernst and Em*. At* 

n completed, r^^^Ztt:^ Clansmen, 

Id ims, auditors ot 1 ort w ortn, j-w > rnmmittee com- 

1 L re d both teports, and with the assj stane - obtain 

|« r, 192.1. 

, ,11 financial transactions of the Organiza- 
"Since January i, i^u, f J JJ^ administration 

, ,„ have been ^^^ll Son has been improved and en- 

| c accounting system of the ^ n , of the Organization required, 

d from time to time as the f ™™.™!^ the reCO rds and 

. our Committee has had no difficult y m ch « km th ■ ^ 

.uing all of the information desired, s.nce the ne^> 

I Hined office. 

.. In conformitywith f^°^^^^, 
,.x, which authorized ^^^S^T^^ t L^ the 
ommittee employed the firm of Ernst and Etn.t » V 1 
m at the end of the fiscal year as o Ju J^W^JJ , 



the several years, form a basis for this report, and are always Si 
to the inspection of any Klansman in good standing. 

Report of July 31 ~> ip22. 

Statement : 

"The report of Ernst and Ernst, after being checked with t 
Pitner and Adams 7 and re-checked by the Committee against i. 
able records, was accepted as the final report of the finances oM 
Organization from its incorporation in 1916, up to and including J J 
31, 192.1. During the first four or five years of this period, pr;n 1 
no records were kept and in most instances it was necessary to ai • 
bank statements and check stubs as records. 


Cash <c -re ,/,i 

Notes Receivable. 6,1 

Accounts Receivable 76, 1 j 

Kkn Supplies , M ] . 

Gold Bonds Held for Safe-Keeping [,-. 

Permanent Assets. . . 1U t ( H 

Deferred Charges , (t »«(J { 

Total , $404,1/1,1 


Notes Payable , $ 1 . ■ , 

Accounts Payable. 7 : 

Accrued Accounts ■ . 

Gold Bonds Held for Safe-Keeping. \,\ 

Indebtedness Certificates 2.8, iM 

Total $2.4 

Excess of Assets over Liabilities $iv>.w|i 

Klonvokation Instructions 

"The Finance Committee, in rendering its report to tin- Klun 
tion in November, 192.1, made a large number of recommend. uiuni 

most of which were adopted by the FCIonvokation. The pur| 

this section is to detail these instructions wirli ,1 si.m m m .r. i<> hu 

It ion has been taken by the Imperial Kloncilinm on the instructions 

t | the Klonvokation. 


Notes and Accounts Receivabli 

The audit of 1.911 disclosed the fact that there were on the books 

id i lie Organization a large number of notes and accounts receivable. 

Iinir Committee recommended that immediate steps be taken to col- 

I,,, ill past due accounts and to immediately notify those holding de- 

ni.ii id notes and those whose loans were unsecured, that the National 

i Ionization would expect payment of same within thirty days, and 

monies as were found uncollectable were to be charged off the 

s. The Klonvokation adopted this recommendation, and your 

mittee is pleased to advise that as far as possible this rccommenda- 

11 mi has been carried out. 

No. 2 — Indebtedness Certificates 

The audit of 1911 further disclosed the fact that during the years 

11I organization, from T916 to 1911, a small amount of loan certificates 

■old bonds were issued. The loan certificates bore no interest and 

Ld no due date. The gold bonds bore interest at 6%. Inasmuch as 

1 In Organization was in a financial position to liquidate all of these 

inal indebtedness certificates, the Committee recommended as 

follows: That all loan, certificates be redeemed at the earliest possible 

! ; that the gold bonds be liquidated at the next interest-paying 

od, and chat all holders of promotion fund certificates be repaid 

1I1 .i mount of the certificates, together with interest at 6% per annum, 

! it those holding bonus fund certificates who would be amply re- 

, I upon the redemption of their securities by virtue of their nature, 

I., itise of the fact that these certificates sold at a discount. In addi- 

1 1 he Committee advised the Klonvokation that under the heading 

iccounts payable were carried many accounts of Klansmen who 

fvnn based loan certificates, gold bonds and promotion fund certificates, 

Che partial payment plan, none of whom had completed the pur- 

of their bonds or certificates. Your Committee recommended 

all men who had made partial payments on the securities aboV< 

n ntioned be repaid the amount invested, without interest. Thi 

vokation adopted both of these recommendations, and youi 

I nmraittee is pleased to advise that, as far as possible, these recom 

id 11 ion ■ !>.: 1 been cai 1 Led out. 


No. $ Departmental Expenses 

"The audit of 19x2, further disclosed the fact that the JSI.i 11 
Organization was sending out a large number of news letters, bull, 
and other such publications from the various departments, thai | 
doing very little good, as only about 15% of them were being 
The Committee also observed that the Department of the Im] 
Klokard was issuing a series of bulletins and sending out a large 
ber of lecturers which the Committee did not feel justified the cxpi 1 
more particularly because the work of sending out necessary lectd 
could be handled by some other department whose functioning v 
essential. Your Committee, therefore, recommended that the M 
ing out of news letters, bulletins and other publications be dr.. . 
tinued and that the office of the Imperial Klokard and similar d< i 
ments, which were unnecessary, be abolished. The KJonvoLn 
adopted these recommendations, and your Committee is pleased 
advise that the sending out of the publications mentioned has I 
discontinued, except such as were necessary for the good of the Ofl 
and that the recommendation with reference to departments haul 
carried out. 

No, 4 — Home of Colonel W , j. Simmons 

"Your Committee advised the Klonvokation that the Klansinoj 
the nation had donated the sum of $5,607.13, as a free-will oil 1 
toward the purchase of a home as a gift to Colonel William J , 
mons. Because of the fact that a national fight was made on ehfl 
ganization soon after this fund was started, the Trustees of the fl 
were unable to continue their campaign for funds. The Tru 
applied to the Imperial Kloncilium for monies to make paymi ul 
the home until the total of $17,118-79 had been advanced. The Natl 
al Organization then took title to the property and was pcrmictl 
Colonel William J. Simmons to live in same without rent, the tlflj 
having been publicly donated to him by the Trustees, although 
title had never been transferred to him. The Committee fui 
vised that the Trustees had withdrawn the money advanced by d 
and expected to add to this money from time to time until they « ] 

pay back the total amount borrowed from the National Orgy 

Your Committee recommended to the Klonvokation that inasfl 
as the money advanced by the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan tC 
William J. Simmons home fund was simply a loan, and that the l» 
had been presented to Colonel Simmons by the Trustees of the fund 
not by the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the Trustees of the d» 

: d fund be immediately requested to repay the money advanced 

[the National Organization, The Imperial Klonvokation acted 
I C rsely on this recommendation and voted to request the Trustees 
I , | 1C home fund to turn over to the Organization such funds ; as they 
1( J in their possession and that the home be deeded to Col. William 
I Simmons as a gift from the Klansmen of the nation, through the 
Imional Organization. The instructions of the Klonvokation m 
to this matter have been carried out, and soon after the Klon- 
v./l ,uon a deed was delivered to Colonel Simmons to his home. 

No- S—Keal Estate 
Tour Committee advised the Imperial Klonvokation that the Or- 
Liization had title to the following pieces of property: 

The University Park property, consisting of 148 acres more or 
Ih, located about three miles from the Imperial Palace, which had 
.. purchased at a cost of $115,000.00, of which only $x 5 ,oco.oo had 
I |n > ti paid. 

"A block of ground on which the Imperial Palace was located, 

.. I, ,h cost $50,700.00, and on which there was still due $x4,i 5 °.oo, 

■ „„., dso on a portion of this land the then Imperial Wizard, pro tern, 

I I V. Clarke, had built a zo-room, a-story apartment house, at a cost 

. .1 .5,898.15, on which there was still due $1^,940.03 . 

"Your Committee further advised that the National Organization 
Ld an interest amounting to $6,405.16. ^ a lot which was purchased 
athan Bedford Forrest Klan No. 1, of Atlanta, Georgia, for 
00.00, on which this Klan had made a first payment fitting 
„, and to which the National Organization held title; 
rhat since the completion of the audit referred to, Nathan Bd- 
I Forrest Klan No. , had transferred all of its interest in the lot 

the National Organization and that the National Organization 

1 that time held an interest amounting to $9,405.16, leaving an in- 
debtedness on the property of about $6,000.00 Your Committee 

mmended to the Klonvokation that inasmuch as the Knights or 

,|,c Ku Klux Klan, as stated in the Charter and Constitution was 

purely a militant, fraternal, benevolent institution, it should not 

r in any way into commercial activities, and recommended that 

University Park property, the apartment house property, and the 

,cently transferred to it from Nathan Bedford Forrest Klan 

, , of Atlanta, Georgia, be sold at the earliest opportune moment, 

and that the equities in these properties be used in buiUlmr uff I 
reserve. Your Committee further recommended that the Imp. 1 
Palace property be held intact until the Organization national!) Ii 
become stabilized, and the permanent needs of the institution ituI||| 
at which time additional buildings could be built upon the adjoittfl 
lots, or else the property be sold at a profit and the Head qua ruTM 
the National Organization be placed elsewhere in the city, 
Kionvokation adopted this recommendation. 

"Soon after the Kionvokation, real estate development in i In . 
tion of Fulton county adjoining the University Park property . I 
to be more active and, therefore, the property was enhancing 
rapidly in value, and your Committee requested, on behalf of the Klitfl 
men of the nation, that this property not be sold until its full Y 
could be realized. An additional recommendation of this pro] 
is contained in the Committee's report for 192.3. Also, aboul ■ 
time various officials of the Organization began to rent ap;iititt(l 
house property adjoining the Imperial Palace, and your Conmini 
requested that this not be sold for the present, and a further n 
mend a tion in this regard is contained in the report for 19x4. Yni 
Committee is pleased to advise that all of the indebtedness ag*d 
the lot taken over from the Nathan Bedford Forrest Klan No ■ 
Atlanta, Georgia, has been paid, and we are assured by your Imp. 1 
Officials that same will be sold as soon as a purchaser is found. 

No. 6 — Propagation Department 

"Your National Finance Committee advised the Imperial k!miv(| 
kation that the several auditors employed in making the repori I 

1911 had made every endeavor to secure reports that would a< 

ly reflect the true financial condition of the Order, and wbilt till 
records of aH departments had been checked as carefully as was human 
ly possible, that the National Organization had no method of s< 1 mm 
exact figures from the Propagation Department, which was .11 1I111 
time under the control of Mr. E. Y. Clarke, for the reason th;i 1 c.n 
ness in checking, filing or forwarding of reports from his offic* irtlfl 
easily occur. Your Committee had definite proof of all monies v. In. I 
had been received from the Propagation Department, but 11M 
method of ascertaining whether or not the monies received from 
department were the true amount due the National Organ i iC9 
under our contract with Mr. Clarke. The reports from his offici 
the National Organization came without names or Klan releivm 1 . tin! 
showed only the amount received for the previous week As 1 tion 

Mr. Clarke's department might easily occur lor the reasons at 

, ioned, your Committee recommended that Mr. Clarke be request 
t0 have a complete audit of his records made by Ernst and Ernst, 
order that these records might be checked against the receipts by 
National Organization, and that the Accounting Department ol 
National Organization be requested to check their reports against 
audit When prepared, and to open up separate accounts for the 
ious Provisional Klans organized by the Propagation Department, 
that when the Propagation Department submitted its weekly 
ts to the National Organization, the names and Klan reference 
■ iven together with the monies received in order that proper 
Lmnting might be made. These recommendations were adopted 
, the Kionvokation. Your Finance Committee is pleased to advise 
lQ audit was made of the Propagation Department by Ernst and 
Wt and that because of the fact that the records in the Propagation 
I rtment had not been properly kept, it was not possible to secure 
„, .ccurate adjustment, and that an agreement was reached which 
L.ld give the National Organization sufficient data-a basis on 
hich to work, and that the Accounting Department earned out the 
ructions of the Kionvokation as directed. 

fsj„ -j — Propagation Contract 

Your Finance Committee advised the Intperkl Kionvokation that 
-,,1 years previously, the Knights of the Ku Klux K an had en W 
, a contract with Mr. E. Y. Clarke, by , h,cb the said E. \ . Clarke 
ced to propagate the Klan on a national. basis. He was to receive 
.00 for each member taken in under his contract, and was to deliver 
the Klan Sa.oo for each member so received. In addition, for a 
,„d of srx months after the chartering of a Klan he was to receive 

o for each new member taken in by that Klan. The contract 
tied a stipulation that it was subject to cancellation at any time 

cither party thereto, without previous notice. Because of the 
■ that the Finance Committee believed that the National Organiza- 
,„ could make a large saving by operating this department itsdf 
. I also because of the fact that the organizers employed b> the Piopa 

ion Department were not, in many cases, of the proper caliber and 

re fore did not reflect credit on the Organization, and because of 

further fact that the National Organization had considerable 

„ lb le in securing proper reports from the Propagation Department 

therefore could^t harmonize the same with the Accounting 

.urtmenfs records of the National Organization, your Committ« 

!, 'lended to the Kionvokation that Mr. Clarke be instructed CO 


complete the propagation work throughout the nation at the i I 
possible time, but not later than November i, 192.3. Thisrecommfll 
tion was adopted by the Klonvokation, and your Committee is plei 
to advise that this recommendation has been carried out by the I mpti 
officials of the Order, and chat in February 1923, the contract bctWi 
che Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and Mr. Clarke was cmcfl 
and that a complete and final settlement was made with Mr. I 1 1 
amounting to $56,085.45, which your Committee believes was a 
satisfactory settlement for the Klan. Despite the oft-repeatd 1 
ment made by Mr. Clarke to the Committee, that he would Qi 
collect the $2.00 per member taken in by chartered Klaus, Mr. < 1 1 
demanded that he be paid the amount due under the terms of Ml (| 
tract, and the amount above stated includes this item. 

Report of July $1, 1923 

"Inasmuch as 1923 was not a Klonvokation year, the report! 
recommendations to be made hereafter will deal with the lin.ui 
transactions since the meeting of the last Klonvokation, or im | 
riod of. two years, and therefore we are submitting herewith a{| 
of the assets and liabilities as shown by the report of Ernst and I. 
as of July 31, 1923, which has been carefully checked againil 
record s of th e Organization and has been approved by your Co 1 1 


Cash $ 63 

Notes Receivable. I0 » 1 || 

Accounts Receivable I2 -3*57" 

Permanent Assets 3< |i ) ' I 

Klan Supplies j 1 1 

Prepaid Insurance 

Gold Bonds Held for Safe-Keeping ._ J 

Total Assets $1,087,: 


Notes Payable. 

Accounts Payable | 

Accrued Accounts ' - 

Indebtedness Certificates M» 

Gold Bonds Held for Safe-Keeping __ 

Total Liabilities $ ' . 

Surplus $1 ,oS . .'• 

< ' ■ I 


Comparison of Reports 


Your Committee feels that a comparison of the Assets and Ltt- 
,L for the three accounting periods ending July 31,19*4. «J 
vaS to aU Klansmen in the nation, and we are submtmng sam« 
with together with a comparison of the department exp 
hown by the records. 

1 want to state, right here, that there are ■^^^jg 
,rt which will be handed to you, which you can take with you ngat 
,- the meeting. 

Comparative Assets and Liabilities 

19X4 193-3 W* 

\^ets y 7^ ■* .. ,- 

' $ 664,090.85-* 637,854. M > 79^5-ofi 

1 :•*:, ' 55,140.56 , '0,196. 19 6,807.7^ 

uLCS Receivable ,07,897.30 3 4>353-38 7«.^«-93 

ccounts Receivable • [47,171.34 ° ther nv0 years— nothing 

[ventories ■ * EI3 ' 5 oo".oo Other two years— nothing 

k s and Bonds. 173I710.Q4 Other two years— nothing 

I ase Accounts ■ • • ■ * Qther mo years — nothing 

fccstments in Publications J&.n WW-* W*™ 

fcmanent ^ ^ 0ther tw0 years— nothing 

J Copyright Annuity J.VJ- ^ ^ ^^ 

1 I .Supplies . i 4,600.00 

I I ; ( »ld Bonds for Safe-Keeping - ____ .. .. Ij95 6.8i 

Kefcrrod Charge,.., ^oi^T^^~$ WW* 

\ rural Assets.... ,y J 

_ Sf ** '* **** * 4 « ^ * 7i,513 ' s4 

I Amounts Payable., 137,091. o 3 

I Notes Payable * ' . ! 3,807.61 

A i-crued Accounts • J 4,600.00 

I Uild Bond for Safe-Keeping ^ ^fc.cb ' 18,1.15 ■<*> 

I Unredeemed Certificates. ■ • • • l_i_ - -~7^ r ~~TZl±i < 4 

17644,78 1,705.00 147,117 ->y 

T ° tal "$ x }9 35 S ,663.75 $1,085,568.4* ? 'S^J* 

I Sin plus. ...... 

-I wa nt to make thii observation: The Klan in i^waS put 

L I To% as large as ic is now. You want to think of that when you 

feompare these expenditures. 

Departmental Expenditures 

% £76,176-45 * i^55°- 6 3 * ^>-' » 

cuuve 117,971.2.3 87,997-39 3M9 

id * •• 49,648.06 33»7S7-^5 8,174- 94 

Accounting,... ■■ ■ — 4I/L0I . S i 43>739>M ^ \ I 

' rd PP ' 55,595.33 33,97^9 49.o8 

Publicity..... - J9 13j75 ,.. xi 9,7.. 

l„tclli S enoc and Investigation ■ ^ * ^ . M v ,. ,, 4 I | 



" V o u w ill note i n t b. e a bo v e compa r is on t h a 1 1 h c K 1 a z i k ' s De pal 
ment is shown with a smaller expenditure for 192.4 than for otl 
years, when as a matter o£ fact under previous years the charges 
all lecturers and instructors arc included in the amounts given, w] 
during the year just ended the expense for lecturers and instruct* 
has been charged directly to the States in which the work has b< 
done, and the item above given for the year is for the general 
head and operation of said department in Atlanta. We considee 1h.1l 
the expenditures made by the various departments, as above given, 
have not been excessive, considering the increased membership. 

Impenai Wizard. "Boys, I know this lengthy report is tiresuim 
to you. However, it is necessary for you to hear it read. Especial h 
do I wish you to consider well the paragraph just read. 1 know vug 
trust the Imperial Officiary; but here and there the country out J 
arc men who claim that there is dishonesty at Headquarters. A her 
listening to this ample, yet exact, report, which has been scrutinH 
and endorsed by experts in figures, you will be able to inform vuu| 
fellow Klansmen at home that you know the men who handle tin 
funds of their Organization arc honest. I do not handle vour mom \ , 
but the men who do handle it are entitled to the clear statemeni ti| 
their stewardship which you will be in position to make when vmi 
return home. Our enemies seek to discourage the Klansmen ol 1 In 
nation by circulating the report that your officers -all self-sacrificing J 

conscientious men- are misapplying the funds of the Organi/ai 

I wan: it stopped, once and for all — and you can stop it. Should 1 In 
character assassins start in on you, and should you call, 'Hiram, emu. 
and help us,' I would be at your side so quickly that you would thud 
I had come in an airplane! And, now that you have the facts ,uu| 
figures, I am trusting you to clear the good names of vour 

(Thunderous applause and shouts of "Hiram, vc 

m can dep< m 


Report of July 31, 1924 and Recommendation 1 


"The statement of Assets and Liabilities for 192.4, togetha 1 u 
Statement of Departmental Expenditures, has been given abovi 
a comparison of Assets and Liabilities and Departmental Expi n In 
for the three accounting periods end i ng on Jti 1 y 31,1 92.4 In addij 
to checking the different ledgers against the audits, wi hi 
checked the various items as the) appear on the books md u in 

ur labor, are pleased to report that in our opinion each item of 

e ha" been properly accounted for and each disbursement has 

Zl -ii Tood f Jtb in the interest of the Order. During the past 

, the Imperial Kloncilium has created new departments and en- 

- into new work winch required the expenditure of a great deal of 
nev We refer particularly to the robe and printing plant, Bureau 

■ublication and Education, establishment of an Insurance Com- 
„ ld the exemplification of the Kamellia, ofK-Duo degree. In 

uon to these items which will be commented on in the statements 
„',"h follow, there has been rather a large legal expense, particularly 
the states of Ohio and Indiana, due to the attempt to organize a 
( ; irate a S distinct National Klan, and the purchase from Colonel 

|. Simmons of his rights in the Order. 

;,] Estate Holdings: 

'The following is a statement of the real estate holdings of the 
L ;ht s of the Ku Klux Klan, Inc., which are listed as a portion of the 
, Lent assets. Your Committee has had appraisals made of the 
,,, / of a number of pieces of the property by two wcll-in formed real 

Mi™ in Atlanta Georgia. The list that follows gives 
ce men residing in Atlanta, vjcuigi* 
L :he book value and the appraised value. Those items of real 
, ,te with a dash affixed have not been appraised: 

Uial Palace Property $ ^'f ~ $I44;5 oD.oe 

L. tm «U House Property ->^ S » • | ^ ^^.^ 

.., rsity Property f , 75,000.00 

|c and Printing Plant *' • & 41jl87 .fo- 

Lnu Klan Property ' 1,569.0c-- 

Lrici Tennessee, Property _ ^^ 

,.. . Mountain Building.* 

> JJ4.677-95 s 491.° 66 S7 

The above statement shows an enhancement in value during the 
, two years of $ I5 8; 3 88.fe on property holdings, which proves 
isdom of the Committee's action in recommending to the Imperial 
r I, mcilium that its real estate holdings, with exception of the proper* 
.,, over from Nathan Bedford Forrest Klan No. a, be held fo, el- 
ement in value. All real estate is clear of debt. 

I he University Park property is located in the center of a sec 1 

, undergoing considerable development, and at tins 50 acres 

.,,,,1, of this property has been cleared and pavemem placed 
are reliably informed that twelve new expensive homes an 
liinli for sail 


"After the audit was made we were advised that approxitffl 
three acres of the University property, on which is located an 
fashioned brick house, Jias been sold for $15,000.00 cash, which lc 
the Organization approximately 145 acres shown at a book vali., 
$104,658.18. This property, as indicated by above appraiser! 
is worth twice this amount. 

"The Imperial Palace property, which is well located in then 
of a fine home section, is also proving itself to be a splendid in 
menr as indicated by the appraised value shown above. We con si, 
the Palace property, aside from its monetary value, a distinct 1 
to the Organization, because of its fine old architectural chari 
in keeping with the character of the institution, and we believe 1 1 
should the time ever come when another location is found more 
sirable, the Palace property can be sold at a handsome profit. 

"The apartment house property adjoining the Palace propui I 
the East, is a two-story brick-veneer building, consisting of t 
apartments, which, when fully rented, nets the Organization 8% 
the book value. Because of the local development, this propui 
also continually increasing in value, and aside from an eight per 
income which the Organization is receiving, there is an addict* 
value of this property to the Organization, in that it is providu. 
place for the various officials of the Organization to live close J 
Palace, whereby they are subject to call twenty-four hours a 
Because of this latter condition, we believe that the property Ii. 
value paramount to its monetary worth, 

"The Nathan Bedford Forrest Klan No. 1 property shows ,1 
value of $41,187.62.. The report to the Klonvokation in 19x1 
that the purchase price of this property was $15,000.00. Been, 
agreements made by the officials of Nathan Bedford Forrest Klafl 
i, the National Organization had to purchase an additional pice, 
property adjoining the first site, and have also charged to this accd 
the indebtedness due by this Klan to the National Organizat] 
While there is certain development going on in the immedial 1 
where it is located, it will not be subject to any great enham 1 1 
in value, nor do we believe that it will pay to hold the property [01 
than necessary to secure a purchaser therefor. 

Factory and Printing Plant 

"When the Klonvokation last mct t the various organiza 1 ion 
forwarding $6.50 to the Imperial Palace and the officials wen 
chasing robes at a net price of $3.68. Soon after the Klonvoi i 
this rule was changed and $1.00 of the $6.50 was retained b) 
organisations, fifty cents CO the Realm organisation thi In 



V. 1 lace receiving $5.00, which placed the net profit to their account 
of $1.31 per robe. Less than a year ago, the Klan purchased some prop- 
irty at Buckhead, on which it erected a 3-story brick building and in 
which are manufactured all the robes and regalia used by the various 
organizations. The building and grounds cost $74,183.63, and the 
machinery and fixtures cost $71,454.70— making a total permanent 
investment of $146,638.33." 

KJansman Bos serf. "Klansman McBrayer of the Finance Committee 
desires to explain something." 

Klansman McBrayeri 'lam afraid you did not get the exact figures 
on one statement, and I want to call you back to that part of the 
report, which was in reference to the Industrial Plant. The Organiza- 
tion during the past year has expended in manufacturing robes a total 
ium of $407,641.59, and has received for same $715,755.95, making 
.1 net gain of $308,115.36, 

Klansman Cameron: "The Organization during the past year has 
Expended in manufacturing robes a total sum of $407,641.59, We 
.no informed that because of the manner in which the robe fac- 
tory is handled, robes are now being manufactured at approximately 
$1.50 each, using a much better grade of material than was formerly 
used when purchased locally, and at the same time manu- 
facturing a robe at less cost because of the large capacity of the fac- 
[ory. All materials for this plant are- purchased in large quantities 
I at competitive prices, and there is no doubt that this plant is a material 
t to the Organization. 

"I notice that we have not included a statement to the effect that 
1 Ik: profit in the operation of the robe factory this past year was 
,000.00. It is better for the money that we are making to come 
jnto our pockets than into the pockets of individuals. 

' c The printing plant which adjoins the robe factory, and is a part 
til the cost of grounds and machinery given above, is now turning out . 
.ill printed matter used by the Organization, including the official 
publication, the Imperial Night-Hawk, charters, pamphlets and all 
Itationery. The Committee visited this plant and found the same 
ell equipped and well managed, and is advised that the operation 
Df this plant has saved the Organization approximately $68,000.00 
during the past year. The Committee desires to commend the Imperial 
< HIicials for their judgment in purchasing the above property and 
1 lie manner in which it is being handled. 

Nureau of Publication and Education: 

' ' Because of the fact that there were numerous so-called Klan papers 

n .verv section of (In country, publishing unau t hori/ed inform. 1 1 ion 


which at times might be used by the enemies of the Organ i 
to injure the Klan, as has been demonstrated in a number of th< '• 
through the Middle West, and also because of the fact thai tl 
agencies and newspapers of the country would not publish m • l,it|| 
concerning the purposes and work of the Organization, your N.mi»ti|| 
Officials felt it necessary to form a Bureau of Publication and I .In. .< 
tion to carry on this work. We are informed that twenty oik III I 
papers have been purchased at a cost of $86,368.41; that all ind 
ness against them has been met and the papers have been pm mi || 
operating basis. The initial cost of operation has been rath< 1 In 
and since the purpose of the purchase of the papers has been lai 
accomplished, the publication of certain of these papers will hi I 
continued at an early date. Also, the operating expense of sam< I 
be curtailed since the first cost has been met and a new subs* ii| 11 
year will be commenced and new advertising contracts can be ai mm 
for. We are further advised that the future policy of rhe Dep.u 1 in. u 
of Publication and Education is now being studied by the ImpM 
Kloncilium, to secure the greatest service at the least expens< 

Empire Mutual Life Insurance Company: 

"During the past year Klansnien of Texas had chartered uilIi 1 ill 

laws of Texas an Insurance Company known as the Empire M || 

Life Insurance Company. This Texas Company had written ins m 

in excess of a million dollars. The owners of the Texas r,<nii|.,<u\ 
offered, through the Imperial Kloncilium, for the benefit of the Km m hi 
of the Ku Klux Klan their entire holdings without cost to our < )i 
ization. After due consideration of the matter by vour N.niuii 
Officials, and realizing die fact that a number of very powerful 01 dm 

have been able to maintain an enormous reserve because of the m 

available through their insurance companies, and the furtlxi im 
that many circle insurance companies had been organized h\ I ■. I m 
and Klansnien which were not founded on good insurance prim ipd 

your National Organization assumed all rights ro the aforesaid < 

pany and re-organized it under the laws of Missouri, as the RmjB 
Mutual Life Insurance Company of the United States, with a ujmi.iI 
stock of $100,000.00 paid in cash by the Knights of the K u Klux I l,M 
Inc., which gives our Organization entire ownership. The re m 
ized company agrees to sell insurance to all native-born, whin I'm | 
estant, Gentile men and women at actual cost. All profits Au 1 
to the company except 5%, which is to be paid on the capiial son I 
will accrue to the policy holders. This $100,000.00 has ken 1. Mi 
vested in National Farm Loan Bonds, bringing in muivsi ol (.' , , 
which gives the Klan \ ( f more than ii is authorized m om m fi 


L insurance company. The headquarters of this company has 
h. ■ 1. established in Kansas City, Missouri, with a Board of Directors 

„ , posed of nationally known Klansnien who are serving without 
■y at the present time. Your Finance Committee desires to com 
in nil the action of the Imperial Kloncilium in this matter, and recom 
funds to all Klansmen needing insurance to secure same from our 

(mm pany. 

u nghts Kamellia: 

"In accordance with a promise previously officially made to Klans- 
icn of the nation, by the former administration and immediately 
ton the agreement of Colonel W. J. Simmons to cease his activities 
£ organizing his order of Kamellia, the second, or K-Duo Degree, 
Known as Knights Kamellia, was authorized by thelmperial Kloncilium 
,., provided for in the Constitution, and a set of rules and regulations 
L ,e established. A splendid ritual was written and a degree team 
ded by Klansman Edwin DeBarr of Oklahoma, was brought to- 
gether and after the purchasing of costumes, scenery and regalia nee- 
is try was put upon the road to visit the different States of the nation 
in confer the degree in full form upon eligible Klansmen. This was 
lone at an expense of approximately $80,000.00 for the purpose of 
Producing the degree to Klansmen. This Degree Team was dis- 
solved on September 1, .914, and it will be one of the duties of this 
Klonvokation to consider this degree and formulate such rules and 

I ^lations as are necessary for its future exemplification and govern- 
ment Your Committee is of the opinion that Klansmen would appre- 
ciate this degree more if it were to be paid for, and at the same time 

I I a fee were' charged it would provide an additional income for the 
loeal State and national organizations. We therefore, recommend 

I kit after January 1, 19x5, a fee of $5,00 be charged for this degree, 

II ,50 of which shall be sent to the Imperial Palace and- of the balance, 
L.50 shall be retained by the local organization and $1.00 shall be 

1 it to the Realm organization. In cases of unorganized Realms $1.50 
(hall accrue to local organizations; except where States are m charge of 
Imperial Representatives, in which cases the divisions shall be made 
1 < >r organized Realms . 

1 olonel W. J. Simmons: 

"During the year just ended, the Organization was put to consider 
able embarrassment due to the legal steps taken by Col. W. J. Si. 11 
tnons to wrest the Organization from the hands it was placed 10 by 
, Klonvokation, as well as the notoriety given through the press 

iS 9 

to the personal, improper conduct of the said Col. Simmons, &i 
his attempt to establish a separate women's organization and a || . 
degree of his own. 

**Thc Committee has been advised that an agreement wafl I 
between the Organization and Col. Simmons whereby the $i t { 
per month which Col. Simmons and his wife were to receive from 
Organization as long as either he or she should live, has been cam 1 1 

and that this settlement was made to Col, Simmons on an ;u 

basis of life expectancy, computed by an expert insurance 
the amount paid bv this settlement was $146,500.00. 

Imperial Wizard: "Pardon this interruption. I desire to s;ij 1 I 
words regarding the purchase of that annuity. I could have boujrt 
for less than its actual worth; but had I bargained for it, there \ 
hav e been embarassing criticisms of the transaction . Besides, wc ;irc(l 

of integrity — and who among us wants to discount his obliga 

wanted to liquidate that obligation, and inasmuch as it was :i c] 
obligation, a contract of binding character, I wanted to seal. 11 4 
exactly its face value. This is the reason that contract was 
in £ gu res th at m ay have appeared pecu 11 ar to s me of you . Th cm 
paid was the actuarial worth or the claim against our Organ 1 1 
I hiive never discounted a note signed by H. W. Evans, aiul I \\4\ 
never discount a note of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Th r. m n 
ter has been in current gossip, and. I wanted you to thoroughly uuj 
stand it." (Applause.) 

Klansman Cameron: "Some persons not knowing the value nl il«. 
work done by Col. Simmons in the early days of the Organ n 1 
and some who arc not willing to place a value on the rituals pi\ - v .i , , I I 
him ., might argue that he was entitled to no settlement. li- 
the Finance Committee desires to commend very heartily tin 

and equity of the Kloncilium in making the large settlemein wliitlj 
it did, which the Committee believes was done on a very btisini 

like basis and entirely in the interests of the Order. At the same 

changing an indefinite yearly liability into a fixed asset then |» 
proves the yearly statement of the Organization. We note ilui Hill 
settlement is handled on the books as a Copyright Annuity, (lui 
portion of this anount has been already charged off, and rh.11 
balance will be charged off during the next three years on 1 In 
basis. The Committee desires to commend the entire action nl 1I1 
Kloncilium in this matter." 

Cashier's Department: 

''TheFinanceCommittee is again pleased to commend to tin hn|i 
KlofiTokation the splendid services being rendered tin ■()iv,mi 

Klansman N. N. Furney, as Cashier, Purchasing Agent and Chief 
the Department of Extension. As in the past, we find his books 

i v ably and accurately kept, and that he is in close touch with every 

1 ration of his department. Furthermore, through his purchasing 
ility he has saved the Organization thousands of dollars. His in- 
est is entirely in the work, and as in the past, he has been perform- 

\r his work in an unselfish manner, giving of his time and health 

1 the benefit of the Organization. 

Recommendations : 

Your Committee has investigated very thoroughly the work done 

.. the expenditures of the several departments, and has made a large 

limber of recommendations to the Imperial Kloncilium concerning 

items. Also, it has commented upon the efficiency or deficiency 

I the various employees, and in certain cases has recommended in- 

,1. ases in salary because of meritorious service. The Imperial Klon- 

llium has acted favorably on all suggestions made by this Committee. 

I In 1 ally: 

"Your Committee, in performing its duties, feels that the report 
ui.mitted herewith reflects great credit upon the business judgment 
..I x our Imperial Officials and the Imperial Kloncilium. Every member 
. I 1 he Committee stands ready to give all information in his possession 
in any Klansman regarding this report, or any of the detailed matter 
Lntained in the audits and records of the Organization, which can 
[ found in the Finance Committee's room until the close -of this 

•.. • sion. 

"Respectfully Submi t ted , 

"RALPH H. CAMERON, Chairman 
"CHAS. H. KETCHUM, Secretary 

(The report was adopted in sections— as set forth at the begin- 

of the report—none but accredited delegates voting. At the 

.... .elusion of the reading of the report, Klansman Cameron, Chair- 

1 of the Committee, moved the adoption of the report as a whole. 
I Ik- motion was seconded and carried— none but accredited delegates 


Imperial Wizard. "Klansmen: Eight: or Leu uf the hirg 
of the Invisible Empire have expressed themselves as opj 
changes, at this time, in the Constitution. I would not rcn 
changes against the will of a majority of the Klansmen of tli- \\m 
nor have I risen to make recommendations of any kind. 

"However, I shall now make known to you so met Jim 
I think will be of advantage to all of the Realms. When »<S 
is good for the whole it is also good for the parts. Heno 
shall now announce will operate, inpsirationally and othel 
the interest of all Klansmen of every Realm. Hereafter, chi L 
ment of a Grand Dragon will be followed by a solemn ecu 1 
consecration, which will set the Grand Dragon apart for In 
tant work in the Realm, In other words, the Grand Dragon will 
stalled at a State Klorero, which before his installation shul 
ratified his appointment. 

"That is democracy at your end and autocracy at minef 1 
that the National Administration's representaive is in vour 
and that naturally the Administration has authority over him 
means that the Klansmen of a Realm have in their hands pow 
vent the appointment of an unsatisfactory Grand Dragon.) (Ap| I 

"Now, I have not recommended changes in the Const iti 
Nevertheless, the Lord has not made me an autocrat. And, ililm 
you elected me Wizard (which some say is but another mi mi 
autocrat), I have not 'autocrated' any? (Laughter.) 

"In the appointment of Grand Dragons, I am guided by thi 
ment I find in the Realms. For example, in North Carolina, I l,i| 
for hours convincing the Klansmen of that Realm that they 
not vote a man into the office of Grand Dragon. When th< \ 
convinced, I said: 'Now, brethren, I am a stanger in your Sun 
want you to aid me. Will you, please, put on the slips of pap 
be passed around the names of men of whom you think w\ I 
Grand Dragon?' That was not voting on a Grand Dragon 
helped me in the selection of their Grand Dragon. As a rc« 
man representing the sentiment of the Realm and regarded In 
Administration as qualified was appointed Grand Dragon. 
still Grand Dragon of North Carolina, and he is one of tin I 
Grand Dragons in the nation. He represents them— -is the him, 
their choice; and he represents the Administration's the lUftj 

its choice. Thus, you see, the militancy of the Administrati 

preserved, and, at the same time, the will of the men who compi 
the Realm was respected and made operative. (Applause, ) 

"No announcment of these things is made to the publit II, 


, .1 1 

r, you should know the spirit of your National Administration 
s'not autocratic— it moves with firmness, yet in the spirit of mti 
I understanding and all-around co-operation. 

"We are all patriotic. We all love and fear God. Hence, there 
. be no such thing as division of purpose or mind or heart in the 
an. We are organized, a country-wide army, to dethrone Wrong 
d enthrone Right— and we will ever keep the step of true soldiers." 

A Klansman. "If I am in order, I would like to make a motion 
at we extend the Finance Committee a rising vote of thanks fonts 
II, complete and satisfactory report." 

(A rising vote of thanks was taken,) 

Imperial Wizard. "What are you going to do about this Finance 
nnmittee? You will have to elect a Finance Committee, for the term 

this Committee expires with this Klonvokation, I know your 
■esent Committee pretty well. I think it is a good Finance Committee, 
,'liat do you think about it?" 

A Klansman. "I move you that we re-elect the same Finance 
ommittee by acclamation." 

(The present Finance Committee was re-elected unanimously— 
but accredited delegates voting.) 

1 < 1 1 e 

Imperial Wizard. "Now about your K-Duo. Between now and 
he first of January, members who are eligible are entitled to have 
this degree without charge. Every one of you will want it. In the 
meantime, any one of you can get it from your State Organization— you 
L an get your rituals and confer this degree upon those who are eligible 
up to the first of January. You can give it without fees, if you want to: 
After the first of January, however, it will produce adequate income 
for your Organization. This degree will supply funds when we close 
our propagation. I guess you have been asking the question: 'How 
will the work go on?' Boys, it is as easy as can be. Have no fear, 
the work will go on, and the great objectives of our Organization 
will be accomplished." (Applause.) 

Klansman Ramsey. "Klansmen: I know I voice the sentiment 
Of every Klansman in this house when I say we have had a great 
Klonvokation. We all know that. Now, the thing just did not 
happen; it required a lot of hard, earnest work. That work was per- 
formed in its entirety by Klansman George C. McCarron, the Grand 
Dragon of Missouri, Klansman Gail S. Carter of Nebraska, and the 


, . II 

( rt,«r Realms I move you that we extend to tl 

Klansmen of their Realms, i / , 

heartfelt appreciation and thanks by a rising 

fA rising vote was taken.) 

C A rising Organic 

'SHM f , K KluxKlan it becomes m, 

known as the Knights of the Ku K -^ ^ ,„ , , 

duty, and my extreme and £WM-£ ^ sentad U s t0 this Kl 
gratitude of every official and ot all me rei meats |,„ 

Lion for the thoroughness with ^^ ^ atld „,.,„ | 

comfort, enter— and -tnt ct n J^ rf 

Never in my life have 1 ° bsen ^ addition then i 

such attention to -d Perfection of detail ^ * ^ , 

wonderful ritualism ^splayed -^ 1 ^ 

shall carry with us to the end of life J UM- til . 

«• f^ful Klansmen wbo^^^ 1 ^ ^ t reas 

service, an expression °\.f^^.\ n ^ Klansmen ..I >» 
your hearts throughout life. It is this ^ J 

nation will be forever indebted to you or ^ 

-. To y0U (addressing Klansman Gai S^O alter) ^ , ^ 

time-piece (handing him a watch) that >o y^ ^^ ^ 
and thus have ever with you a memenwot ^ 

fidence-an expression from the hearts > 
throughout America. (Great applause.) n) ,,.,„ 

.. George , Caressing KUnsmanGeorgeCMC^y 

been faitnkl in every crisis thro, ,gh which the ^ 

When the first great gun was turned upon u , , 

s^^^K&sr- K 


depended upon. ^ s ,, v|; 

Ut then infamous men circulated .canards .^^J^ 
I want you to know that it ^ burned my heait^ ^ ^ ^ 

whoever he may be who seeks to ru 
the circulation of infamous lies. (Weal 1 1 


, j u vu„ have ever had absolute 100% loyalty 
-The Wizard and the Klan have ever ^^ 

rhe Wizard and the Klan ^™»~ a friend _for I know 

" y ° U - S V 0ng have ut" wm-t our great cause." (The Wizard 
»„„ have served as have hut lew in 

1VC served as have but lew men «•-■£- ^ at lause .) 
wi th presented ^.^SSLTl shall 
(C/«««i Bossirt. After maKinga 

IClansman to dismiss us. 

. Announcement.) ^ our Fath we 

Klanman ■ Mercl ™ k; that those acts that we 

„,c to Thee at the close of this day, ."»«?«" is chr i stil n 

i accomplished here may to-^ffg spiritual King- 
L n into closer and more Divine -nch ^th J ?^ ^ ^ 

£ Help that each one of us as *£»££* own souk those 
« here together today may have ^*.W »» ° ^ ^ 
I eachings of Chnst-£«r totenon of C ^ ^^ d 
te, Oh God, who go for -c^ find n& ^ y> 
Ko go forth to guide and diiect us^ i ^ / m because we 
he firing line, to obey ^"ot commands will be for Thy 

h :;rsi P t 3s£ : - *« - - - - of christ ' 

SEPTEMBER 26th, 1924 

* , "Klansmen: we will now be favored with a 
Klanman Ramsey. JUansmcu ^ 
I lf ic f don by the Hutchison Quartet. 

)flg and encore **^> ^ quaftet? This is a quartet 
Klansman Bossevt: Is mere bui 
It, mi Junction City, Kansas." 

rSong by Klavalhers.) 

n , "We will all stand at this time, while Klans- 
Klansman Bossert. We win ai 

, .„ - leads us in prayer. 

•Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we 
Klansman ; • Aimigmv cffons tQ 

.,. „ere on the King's ^T.Zl^^ c£ Americanism. 



to be taken tomorrow, there are mighty forces to be marshalled agal 
us tomorrow; and, our Father, we pray that as we go out from il 
Klonvokation we may go with courageous hearts, with hope, * 
faith, with that wonderful charity and love which casteth oul I 

"Lead, kindly light, amidst the encircling gloom, lead Thou I 
on, and as we go under Thy leadership, we have the knowledg! 
victory—if we but follow Thee. God grant that each of us m*| 
be a follower of jesus Christ, a follower of the Flag, a follow 
the ensign of the Empire to which we have given our allegi J 
"Grant that we may be followers, standing shoulder to shouU 
behind our Imperial Wizard— a real, true type of Christian «(■ 
ship, Christian soldier, and Christian leader. Help us, oh God, tU 
we shall not stone the prophets, nor desert the leaders. Help Utl 
understand how to lead and how to follow. If we have been cnwfll 
ly or disobedient or disloyal in the past, Oh God, in the men 
Thy love, forgive us, and lay Thy loving hands upon our hi • 
Dedicate us anew to the cause, and call us Thy beloved sons, 
we not be unworthy sons. 

"So long Thy power hath blessed us; surely it still will lead 
on— 'o'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, until the night is god 
And we know, our Father that the crags and the torrents are r. ..hll 
ahead of us. But we hope in our hearts that we will nu" 
on— believing that some time, some blessed day, we who haw 
forth sowing in tears shall come rejoicing, bearing the sheavd 
bountiful harvest with us. 

"Oh, God, hover over us like an angel of light and of inspii itl 
Guide us always by Thy presence— that presence which if not 
can, at least, be felt. Send us out to the different States of this n >< < 
to be living exponents of the blazing Cross, and of the Flag QJ 
country. We commit ourselves to Thee, Oh God, knowing 
one with God is a majority, and we shall not be afraid, wc slull I 
falter, we shall not fail if we shall thus go. 

' 'Oh, Jesus of Nazareth, go with these boys to the uts < < i - 
of our land, bless their homes and their families, bless all of t! 
terests that they carry in their hands, and when we shall gathei 
in Klonvokation, may it be with victories greater than wc havi 
known before, that we shall bear and lay down at the feci I 
Christ. And give to the Kloncilium the living expressions foi Q 
their hearts are longing, and which their eyes in faith behold 

"Oh, God, stand about us as .1 living wall. IV 'II 01 

of cloud b) day and our pillar oJ fire b) night M.iv tli< M< n^d | 

,l,c pot bu.Ume of Ch '"™ "on. lhc Holy Moum. 

JZ&tZ£. '^ ~ - - • - » « - 

■'Togetho, brethren. Our "«""' d „ h „ ;, ;, 

, Th, erne. Thy Ki» 5 dom com,, Thy wJ ta W <> 

tt ' riup n, this dav our daily biead, ana iurgiv*- 

In Heaven- Give us this aa> / temptation, but 

the minutes of yesterdays meeting by Klansman rl 
your Imperial Kligrapp." _ 

(-Reading of minutes of previous day's business.; 

(Reading o r ^ fce proved . 

C The motion was seconded and carned-none but accredited 

gates voting.) Klansman Esdale, 

Klansman Bossert. lne cnair uuw & 

'' fr 1 "!; "l,W, "Mr. Ctahn,,,, .»d Mow KU„m„: I 

before I read it, I desire iu &^ / 1S 

iessage . I think it is tne h£ chartcr has a l w ays 

ire . It W as C f- r ^n has P W V-ctioned from that day until 
„ intact, and the Klan has am y ^ ^ 

,1,1s. Another incident attached to that *j an 

.ho was elected at the farst meeting is still the Kl grapp 

,„ t he Kligrapp since September i 9 i6 J h ^ ,„„ ,,.,,.,,,, 

Birmingham, Alabama, September i S , and it reads. .). 


Kansas City, Missouri. General Robert E. Lee Klan No. r, Kn 
of Alabama j with twelve hundred Klansmen inKlonklavc assemMi ■ .1 
pledge continued and loyal support to the officers and member! \ 
the Imperial Klonvokation. Signed: J, Hamilton, Kligrapp 

"Mr. Chairman, I move you that this telegram be incorporeal in 
the minutes of this Klonvokation." 

(The motion was seconded and carried — none but accredited 
gates voting.) 

Klansman Esdak. "Mr. Chairman and fellow Klansmen: I h 
another motion to make, relative to getting before the KlonvoLititl 
and putting in legal form, or legal status I will say, the reading n 
certain reports. Therefore, I move you that the following n ;■ 
which I will enumerate, be adopted by this Klonvokation; th.ii i li# 
same be put in the minutes of this Klonvokation, and that the 
also be printed for distribution as may be required, and likewise 
approval of the committee on these reports. The reports are an fu| 

Report of the Imperial Klabee; 

Report of the Committee on Imperial Klabee 's Address; 

Report of the Accounting Department; 

Report of the Committee on Cashier's Address; 

Report of the Imperial Klazik; 

Report of the Committee on Imperial Klazik's Address; 

Report of the Lecture Bureau; 

Report of the Committee on Lecture Bureau; 

Report oi the Industrial Plants; 

Report of the Committee on Industrial Plants; 

Report of Committee on Insurance Department; 

Report of the Junior Ku Klux Klan; 

Report of the Committee on Junior Ku Klux Klan; 

Report of the Extension Department; 

Report of the Committee on Extension Department. 

"Mr. Chairman, I now move you the adoption of that resolutuni 

(The motion was seconded.) 

Klansman Bossert, "All those in favor of the motion signify j 
by the usual voting sign." 

Klansman Esdale, "The Committee on the Women of the Ku Klu| 
Klan, also, should be added." 

Klansman Bossert. "With this amendment to that motion, ■ 
you ready for the question?" 

(The modon was carried — none but accredited delegates votinj 



"All funds coming into the Imperial Palace from every source arc 
properly distributed to the various accounts, turned over to me after 
being certified and same are deposited to the account of the Kn.ghts 
of the Ku Klux Klan, Inc. A definite and correct check -is made against 

cry item of receipts daily, after which such funds are deposited. 

• 'The disbursements are made through the Cashier; checks are drawn 
; meppyable to himfordisbursing purposes through a memorandum re- 
auest receipts for such checks are signed for by the Cashier, attached 
I > the request and filed. An itemized statement is furnished me weekly 
„ such disbursements, showing that the funds were properly and 
correctly disbursed. A copy of said statement is furnished the Execu- 
te Committee who carefully checks and approves said disbursements. 
There is also a double check on all disbursements through the vouchers 
„ which they are issued and on the receipt signed by the individual 
to whom checks are drawn and also the Cancelled checks themselves 
after being returned from the bank properly paid and cancelled. The 
bank accounts of the organization are properly reconciled monthly 
and filed for the check of the auditors when making their annual 

• -Be- to advise that we have deposits on reserve which draw interest 
in various Realms. Such deposits are made by orders of the Executive 
. Committee or the Imperial Kloncilium. Records of these deposits 
are kept by me. 

"A receipt for every deposit made is given to the Imperial Kligrapp 
by myself as the funds come in through his office and a receipt is .ssued 
for same daily. 

"All assets of the organization are sound. All properties of the or- 
ganization are in first class condition and are kept in first class condi- 
tion The organization has no liabilities except current invoices and 
have had none for a considerable length of time. 

"Respectfully Submitted, 


"Imperial Klabee." 




"To the Second Imperial Klonvokation, Knights of the Ku Klux Kl 

"The Committee appointed to pass on the report of the Imp 
Klabee, has carefully studied the report and, conscious of the | 
responsibility and the tireless efforts required of one in a positll 
such importance to the well-being and progress of this great Ohm. 
tioti, desires to commend the Imperial Klabee for the extraordil 
efficient and faithful service he has rendered in his department 
it should be a source of much gratification to this Organizatiofi 
an honor to Klankraft of the nation, to know that its finances *| 
zealously being looked after, and that we have such a capable m, 
Klansman Sam H. Venable for our Imperial Klabee. 

"This committee moves the adoption of its report, 

"Submitted in the Sacred Unfailing Bond, 

"O. W. Friederich, Illinois, Chairman, 

"S, R. Lee, Louisiana, 

"Wm. H. Sawyers, West Virginia." 


"There are two separate and distinct sets of records kept in the Ac- 
lunting Department, one of which covers the Extension Department 
id one which covers the Klan itself. This means that all matters 
rtaining to chartered Klans in the entire nation are kept separately 
om receipts and disbursements made through the Extension Department 

the organization. The following is an outline of the system used 
i i he organized Klan Department. 

1 'Every Klan in the nation has a separate and distinct account. All 
ii ids remitted to this office by every Klan in the nation is given credit 

I i he particular Klan from whence it came, showing in detail what such 
i nds covered. 

! 'The revenues received are for the following: Klectokons, Imperial 
j x, Robes and Helmets, Klan supplies of every nature and bond pre- 
liums. The Klectokons and dues are reported to these headquarters 
n the regular quarterly report for that purpose. This, in cases of 
rganized Realms, is made through the office of the Grand Dragon in 

I I plicate. He retains a copy for his files and the report together with 
i remittance is mailed to the Imperial Kligrapp, who in turn scrut- 
11 izes same and turns the reports with remittances over to the Aecount- 

■ Department where they are carefully audited and posted to the 
Ccount of the individual Klans. Orders for Robes and Helmets, Klan 
npplies, etc., are also mailed to the Imperial Kligrapp who makes up 
he order to the factory and the funds together with a record of the 
Uan making such order are turned over to the Accounting Depart- 
nmt and are placed to the credit of the individual Klans. The bond 
premiums are handled in a like manner. All such above funds received 
re deposited daily by the Imperial Klabee in the account of the Knights 
>f the Ku Klux Klan. 

41 A roster record of membership is kept in the Accounting Depart- 
ncnt for the purpose of keeping and ascertaining the standing of the 
1 1 dividual memberships. Lists of suspended members, etc., are carried 
D detail, thereby enabling this department to be in a position to prop- 
yl y audit quarterly reports from Klans. 

"A card system is used for the reports of every individual Klan in 
irder that prompt and easy access can be obtained at any time necessary 
o find the standing of any Klan in question. 

"The disbursements of the organization are made through the Ac- 

■ anting Department under a Cashier account. All items expended are 

». k. d by the head of any department and approved by the Chief-of -Staff, 

<nd checked by the Executive Committee. Separate and distinct accounts 

ire kept on all Items of expenditures by Realms and by special accounts 



as are used by all commercial organizations. An itemized statcflfl 
of disbursements is made weekly and turned over to the ExeciijT 
Committee who checks these items and approves same for the Casti 
and to show that proper accounting has been made for the funds turn 
over to him by the Imperial Klabee for disbursement purposes. VatiM 
ers covering every item of disbursement are kept on file in the Account 
ing Department showing the proper approval for payment thereon 

"The same method is employed in the disbursements on theExfl 
sion Department. 

"The revenues received through the Department of Extension arc! 
Klectokons of the new members and are reported to these headqu:ii i»?H 
by the various King Kleagles and Grand Dragons of the Realms I 
each and every new member taken in is reported by name and addfl 
this office by the Kleagles in the field and such reports are used foi »l 
purpose of checking back against the report of the King Kleagll I 
Grand Dragon. This revenue is credited to the state or Realm fniil 
which it comes, and is deposited in the bank to the account of {■ 
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan by the Imperial Klabee. 

"An audit is made by a national audit firm annually, said &\M 
together with the books of the organization are checked by the NatM 
al Finance Committee and a report made to all Kiansmen. 

"Would like to state that a balance is taken from the books cvd 
thirty days and submitted w the Executive Committee. All b|H 
accounts are properly checked and reconciled, this report als 
to the Executive Committee. 

"Thepresent system of accounting is compact in every detail, t hrrj 
eliminating any surplus or frivolous work used by various corpoi ;it« 
in carrying on this work. This system being founded on an exp.n 
basis in order that k could properly take care of the growth ol ill 
organization from year to year without a material increase n 
expense of operation. 

"The purchasing of all materials and supplies of every tu I 

likewise handled by the Accounting Department and is given ilie |t#| 
sonal attention of the Cashier. The same system is employed .n i 
requisitions for supplies as is used by the larger railroad compiifll 
Competitive bids are asked for and received on all material and iup* 
chandise purchased, likewise the maximum discount is asked foi ■ 
received due to the fact that we buy everything on a strict! j ■ 
basis, and a saving in purchasing in the past twelve months .111 
to nearly one hundred thousand dollars, 

"Respectfully Submitted, 

"N. N. b'UlvNb'. 




"To the Second Imperial Klonvokation, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan: 

"We your Committee, appointed to study the report of N. N. Fur- 
ney Cashier, covering the matter of accounting and the method ol 
carrying on the work of the Cashier's Office for the Imperial Palace, 
beg leave to submit the following report: 

"We have carefully gone over the methods used for records of all 
nature, including the membership roster, regalia and disbursements 
for all purposes for all departments. 

"Your Committee has had some little experience in going over 

r , ,orts of similar nature of large corporations, and feels that the 

Conduct of the office of our cashier, N. N. Forney, has been conducted 

i (long lines that tend to give a more clear record of expenditures 

I than is done by many of our large corporations. 

"The system used for records in the various departments covering 

111 Klans of the nation, is, in itself, a task that ordinarily requires 

■ ' work of a specialist in this line. In addition to this, Klansman 

P, rney has instituted and kept a financial statement of each depart- 

,,, nt in such a manner that there can be no hesitancy on the part 

„i this Committee in recommending that his report be accepted at 

I ibis time with an especial vote of thanks from the Imperial Klonvo- 

I Iction for his untiring effort in making the auditing department 

ol the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan the efficient organization which 

1 1 iow is. 

"We, your Committee, recommend the adoption of the report as 
I submitted, 

4 'Respectfully Submitted, 

"The Committee on Report of N. N. Furney, Cashier. 

"Fred L. GifFofd." 



Imperial Klaliff and Members of the Imperial Klonvokation: 

"It is with pleasure that I submit to you this, the seconq 
the activities of the Department of Realms, which was inauj 
January i, 192.2., and over which I have presided as ImperiJ 
since December 1, 1912.. Permit me to state that as the exccul 
of this department, I have kept in the Constitutional determl 
of the department and of my office. I have sought to co-oj 
every possible way with the other departments of our offfl 
in order to stimulate co-ordination and promote efficient v 
operations of the whole movement. The Constitution dcfn 
functions of the Imperial Klazik in the following statemci 
shall be the executive head of the Department of Realms;' in I 
scribes his further duties in the following terms: 'And (hfcj! 
perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Imp 
Wizard.* This report will deal with these functions ami 4t| 
mindful of the fact that it is a difficult task to cover all of tin H 
details handled by my office during the period covered by thii 

"You are aware of the fact that as the Department of Extcns 

eludes the task of mobilization and preliminary training wit hill 
various states, the responsibility is then passed to the Depart! 
of Realms, for the setting up, development, and functioning -.1> as organized Realms, to efficiently carry on the wort 
kraft. In other words, the work of this department and the act I v| 
of this department are confined to the formation and setting in md 
of the machinery necessary to proper Klan functioning in 1 In || 
which have been organized into Realms, In the performam. QJ 
task, numerous inescapable organization problems have had n 
solved. Intensive preliminary and final surveys had to be imuli 
was necessary to exercise great care in the recommendation of Kj 
men for the office of Grand Dragon in the various Realms, ami ■ ■. 
approval of other Klansmen to serve in the capacity of PrOI 
officers. All of these Realm officers had to be instructed, systi till 
to be installed, and methods of operation had to be set in mot: ioo 
close attention and supervision had to be given to these in wl) ■■« 
ized Realms during the first days of their existence, W< li 1 
had the responsibility of revisiting some of the Realms an 
necessary changes in official personnel. Twenty two Rcalmi I 
been set up and are functioning actively within the Nation Btf 


Twelve of these Realms have been created since my installation Ifl 
iffice but your Imperial Klazik has had the pleasure of being present 
„ the installation of all of these Realms, beginning with lcx.,s ... 
I ,),ruary, i 9 zx, through to the establishment of the Realm of Ohio 
ui> September 14, 1914- 

' 'The Department of Realms has been established and is being dev< I 
D ped to serve in promoting the intelligent functioning of the Klan* 
, '.rough the mechanism of organized Realms along all Constitutional 
lines The facts will show that this department has rendered effective 
. •vice both to the Klansmen and to the National Organization, in the 
.1, v dopmcM of Klankraft within the organized Realms, through tlu 
machinery directed by the Grand Dragons of these respective Realms. 
For example, a marked increase of membership, is shown by the re 
am and the number of Klans in good standing, which is an indica 
, ion of the efficiency of the operations of both the Realm and Klaflton 
machinery in serving the Klansmen within these Realms. We have 
increased from 36%, August i,^},* 93%. September 19, 1914. I 
would be untrue to these Klansmen who are rendering such ^vahaht 
service if I did not most heartily commend their consecrated efiora, 
and tireless activities in serving so faithfully and efficiently the Klans- 
men, and in promoting the cause of Klankraft, within their respective 

"The assured co-operation of your Imperial Headquarters with the 
local Klan bodies through the functioning machinery of the organized 
Realms justifies the earnest expectation that in another year the records 
will show the development of more perfect co-operation and co-ord. 
nation toward the creation of a real Klan mind, so necessary to the 
realization of our ideals. The promulgation of our principles and the 
triumphant achievement of our mission. The Department of Realms 
under the leadership of your Imperial Klazik, holds itself in readiness 
to execute and set in motion, through the machinery of the organized 
Realms, such activities as may be committed to us. This department 
is vitally interested in its present stage of development m the creation 
of plans and methods for the perfection of effective co-ordination and 
assimilation of the art of Klankraft, in order to render to the mdivulm. 
Klansmen of our movement, a complete comprehension and thorough 
understanding of our functions within constitutionally defined Unel 

"Your Imperial Klazik in placing the affairs of the Klans in the ... 
ganized Realms in the hands of their own officers, is not unmindful 01 
our further responsibility and of the necessity for efficiency and CO* 
„nucd economy in the operation of the machinery of Klankrafl 00 


che part of our officers. The following states have received ( 
Realm organization in the indicated order. 







North Carolina 



South Carolina 










West Virginia 



























1 9x2. 














i 9 z 4 

In addition to my work in the other states, I have been sp< ruilU 
engaged for the past nine months, under the direction of the lm, 
Wizard, in solving problems, co-ordinating activities, and otli. 1 
preparing the way for the proper setting up of Realm machinery v 
the state of Ohio. The work of my department in the state of 1 
nas just been brought to a conclusion in time to introduce rhi-. U| 
organized Realm, into the Imperial Klonvokation. 

"In concluding this report, permit me to submit that it h.,s k, » f 
my endeavor to make this report as short and concise as is 4 
I nave received and wish to acknowledge with profound gratitude 1 li* 
warm support and co-operation of every department head of tin- I 

rial Headquarters, every Imperial officer, Grand Dragon, Grc;,i 

tCIan officer and Klansmam I wish to acknowledged indebn In, 
to each and every employee in my department for their lie;jriy <■ 
operation and support. 

"It is my earnest trust that this is but the precursor of grcairi 1 
age to be garnered through the further development and unfold, 
of Klankraft by the effort of this department. 

"Respectfully Submitted, 

"Imperial KL 
} 1 .< , 



To the Second Imperial Klonvokation, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan: 

"We, the Committee on the report of the Imperial Klazik, have 
iven careful attention to the contents thereof. 

"We appreciate the honor conferred upon us in being named as a 
k unit tee to pass upon the report of his Excellency. 

"This report, like his Excellency, is extremely modest. No at- 
:-inpt has been made to emphasize the manifold activities and accom 
hshments of his Excellency or his department. 

"The members of this Committee have personal knowledge of 
he obstacles and difficulties which have beset the Department 
if Realms. We, as well, have personal knowledge of the obstacles sur- 
mounted and the victories won by this courageous Klansman Chief 
Vc deem it our duty to supplement his report by calling these facts 
D your attention. 

"We especially commend him and his department for the accom - 
.lishments in Ohio. Nine months ago, that State was torn by confu- 
ion and dissension. The Stephenson controversy caused serious 
tcfection there. Yet, thanks to the skillful handling of that precarious 
nuation by his Excellency, the Realm of Ohio, representing a very 
urge and loyal membership, sits in this Klonvokation. 

"We can wish nothing better for the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 
ban that the purposes and achievements of the Imperial Klazik, 
frown Harwbod, may in the future measure up to the past. It is 
vith pleasure that we move the adoption of his report. 

" -, Texas. 

"Chas. G. Palmer, Illinois. 
l 'Clvde W. Osborne, Ohio." 



MARCH zo, 19x4, TO AUGUST 2.3, 1924 

"To His Lordship Hiram Wesley Evans, Imperial Wizard: 

'T begto submit herwith report covering the activities of the N, 
al Lecture Bureau from the date of its organization as a DepartJ 
March io, 1924, to August 23, 1914, a period of five months. 

"The Bureau was organized with fourteen lecturers and i!n 
vance men, and at'the present time has fifteen lecturers and ( 
vance men. The work of this Bureau is divided into three pli; 
follows : 

Invitational Meeting Drives 

Educational Work 

Special Assignments. 

Invitational Meeting Drives 

"Detailed statements are attached hereto and made a pan <>f || 
report, showing the results in the Realms and States visited. 
has been an average of eleven lecturers and two advance nun m. ihl 
phase of the work, and we have covered eight organized and 1, 1 
organized Realms, conducting 761 meetings. The learn, 1 1. 
spoken to 55,501 alien prospects, with the result that 2.<>,,- 
signed applications, and 14,631 have paid the full Klectokoti i| - 
time of the meetings. It is reasonable to suppose that a hi •;■.. , 
tion of those who signed the applications at the meetings, h,i ,J 
not pay the Klectokons, eventually came into the organism* m ■ n 
figuring on the basis of those who actually paid at the tun- of ] 
lectures, the invitational meeting work of this Bureau sho 
revenue over direct field expense, during the five months, of $ j .| , H 

"AH of the results accomplished by this work of the lectin- 

be reduced to figures and shown on a statement, yet shoul 
forth. While the lecturers have their own individual forms « 
their addresses are all built entirely on the construed \ e ideals of tin 
ganization, stressing the principles and purposes of th. I 
the Ku Klux Klan, and setting forth the fact that our: 

organization, not a negative one. As a result, there has b 11 I 

about a standardization of the plane upon which flu pun, jj I 
the organization are being presented to the country, and a 
form understanding of its plans and purpose! 

"Using one Realm as an illustration of the results accomplished, w< 
found that before the invitational meetings, the membership of that 
Realm showed only a 4% propagation, based upon the 1910 census ol 
white, male, native-born, over twenty years of age, whereas the num 
ber signed and paid in full during these meetings brought the mem 
bership to 5% propagation, based on the same census figures. We also 
conducted meetings in six towns in this Realm, where the Klans were 
inactive, and as a result, these organizations were placed on a working 
basis, bringing 563 old members back into activity and good standing 

'This Bureau feels that the results accomplished have been so sue 
cessful because of the splendid co-operation of the Grand Dragons ami 
Imperial Representatives of the various Realms. 

Educational and Special Assignments 
"The lecturers on special assignments have addressed the following 
number of persons : 

Public Addresses • • ■ i6o>3 8 4 

Inside Klan Addresses 37>3 8 ° 

W. O. K. K. K. Addresses 13,455 

Mixed Men and Women Addresses, 9,800 

"The" results accomplished by the educational work and special 
assignments cannot be shown in figures, but some of the things that 
have been done by this work may be pointed out. . ^ 

1 'The lecturers come from various states, and have lectured in differ, 
ent sections of the country, thereby gaining first hand knowledge of the 
people and conditions. With this knowledge, they are able to carry 
a common message from the people of the North to the people of tht' 
South, and from the people of the East to the people of the West, etc^ 
thereby doing a great deal to eliminate sectional lines and sectional 


"Practically all of our lecturers are ministers of the Gospel from 
various Protestant denominations. In their work, they come in con 
tact with leaders and members of their own and of other denominations 
and in this way they are developing a common spirit and understand 
ing, which is proving to be of great value In the work of bringing tin 
Protestant denominations of the nation into closer unity and co 

"We feel that the work of the lecturers has materially aided in 1 h. 
proper dissemination of Klankraft throughout the Nation. 

"Respectfully Submitted, 


' ' Director National I .ecturt Burtau 

I. Kj 



: "To the Second Imperial Kionvokatim, Knights of the Ku Kln.\ 

"Your Committee, appointed for the purpose of examining 1 1 
port of the National Lecture Bureau, states that it has made ft 
careful examinarion of the National Lecture Bureau Report, and 
that the Bureau was set up on March 2.0, 1914, that it makes ilt 
port from that time to date, covering five months in point oi 
that the National Office has received in revenues, as a result 
.Bureau's activities, forty-two per cent in excess of the cos! oJ 
caining same in cash. 

"The Lecture Bureau sends lecturers into a given field ant, 
invitational meetings and calls for applications for membership 
then and there receives petitions and the donations on tin uiti 
These donations are sometimes in cash and sometimes in cln 1 I 
due bills. The figures quoted above represent the sums rm:ivn| n 
cash; and the cash donation would not exceed more than one 1m If 
die gross cash and credit. These checks and due bills arc in.M 
being paid as they become due, and experience shows thai s. v. nl| 
five per cent of such deferred payments will be realized and wlip| 
: realized it will increase over disbursements to this extent. 

"In addition to the above, the Committee is of the opinion il M 
che work of the Bureau is a very powerful morale builder. Tin |< 
turers are trained Ministers of the Gospel, and they dissemin.n 
doctrine of the Christian Religion and emphasize Americanism 
the benefits to our Order growing out of these campaigns arc m< 

"Your Committee commends the Lecture Bureau, for the spJ 
results obtained by it, and it heartily recommends the conrinimm 
• the Bureau and recommends further that this Bureau be crc;u<d ,.,., 
of the National Departments. 

"Your Committee especially commends the Director of tin I 
Bureau for his untiring energy and his ability to furnish to th 
turers encouragement and inspiration to do their best for (In 
and we commend him further for being able to secure the < h.n 
and type of lecturers he has obtained. 

"Respectfully Submitted, 

" . Ky. 

(< N. C. Jewctt, Old;.. 
"Jas. A. Comer, Ark." 



* 'The First National Klonvokation held in Atlanta, in the fal I oi ir- 1 
.mthorized the establishment of industrial plants for the manufacturi 
of regalia and for rhe printing of the Organization. In May, 1913, thi 
National Executive Committee named a Committee of Department 
I leads at Atlanta to go into the matter of industrial plants. 

1 'After careful investigation and consideration, report was submi tted 
to the Executive Committee, and the recommendations were approv< d 
and negotiations started, resulting in establishment of the plants al 
Buckhead, about three-fourths of a mile from the Imperial Palace. 
At the beginning, both the robe and printing plants were housed in a 
one-story metal building, 50 by 15c feet, and actual operations com 
menced August 16, 192.3. It was soon found that the original building 
was entirely too small for the needs of the industrial plants and prepara- 
tions were begun for enlargement. At the present time, the industrial 
plants consist of a modern three-story brick building, 50 by 150 feet 
in size, housing the robe plant, shipping department and stock rooms, 
and the printing plant now occupies the entire building which formerly 
housed all industrial activities. The following figures will give some 
idea of the growth of the industrial plants and the amount of business 
being done. 

"The first week of operation of the robe plant, 1144 robes were 
shipped. The fifth week, 2.942. robes were shipped, the twelfth week, 
4573 robes were shipped, and from the twentieth week up to the 
(-resent time, the average shipping has been six thousand robes per 

"For the first year's operation, the robe plant shipped 2.11,410 robes. 
We have in stock, 2.0,000 complete Klansmen's robes in 2.4 different 
sizes ready for immediate shipment, and all orders for plain robes are 
shipped the same date orders are received at the plant. This, of course, 
does not apply to special robes requiring special cutting and hand 

"We also have in our plant local offices of both Southeastern ;ind 
American Railway Express Companies, employing four men regularly, 
which handles no business other than that of our industrial plantl. 
In passing, we might state that the General Agents oi thc« 


express companies have made the remark that the offices in oui bfl 
ing pay better dividends than any office they have in towns of i\, 
or less. Our express averages from 6 to 8 tons of express per daj 

' 'The Printing Department is doing all of the printing for the Nil I 
al Organization, such as stationery, forms, etc., as well as the / ., 
Night-Hawk, and this plant for the first year, has resulted in .1 m I 
of thousands of dollars to Klaus of the Nation in printing bill! 
well as a large saving to the National Organization in printing 
pense. During the first year's operation, the printing don< ifl 
Atlanta printing plants at commercial prices would have 
Organization $184,861.00, but was done in our plant at a savid 
approximately $70,000.00. 

"The Industrial Plants employ approximately 12.0 people reg u Urk 
all of whom are either members of the Knights of the Ku Klux K I.iim|| 
the Women of the Ku Klux Klan. 

' 'All work in the robe plant is on piece basis and the lady op< 1 itij 
average from fifteen to forty dollars per week in wages. 

' 'Our manufacturing capacity in robes is approximately 1 ,800 mfej 
per day. 

"Respectfully Submitted, 


li Manager of Plant\ 


(Report of the Committee on Industrial Plants was not fill \ 

To the Imperial Klonvokathn, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan: 

"Recognizing the fact that the Jnnior Klan and its operation is .. 
new subject to most of you, I have divided this report into three 
.ections, namely: Section i, which will give you a brief outline ol 
,ur activities previous to the Official Proclamation of Match a 9 , r 9 M. 
.vhich established us as an Official Department of the Knights of the 
ttu Klux Klan; Section z, which will outline our activities from that 
late to August a8, 1514, which is the basis on which this report was 
prepared; Section ,, which will outline our hopes for the future. 

Section I 

■ -At the First Annual Meeting of the Grand Dragons in Ashville 
North Carolina, in the month of July, 19x3- the Grand Dragon of 
Con r ad a piper in which he outlined his idea of a Junior Auxiliary 
or Bern' Department of the Klan. This paper was well received and 
£ contents endorsed by that body but no definite f$™Z££ 
taken toward the establishment of such a department. When z _ce tarn 
King Kleagle, operating in the Northern states learned of his en- 
dorsement on the part of the Grand Dragons, he immediately took 
te p To Incorporate a Junior Klan in the states of Ohio and Indiana, 
ncorporation papets were prepared and organisation activities were 
."once begun in those two states. At ^^JZr&g* 
this King Kleagle as a Kleagle in a certain district in Ohio He sum 
ZTL to Detroit, Michigan, and there informed me of his action 
i md also told me that it was his wish that I immediately return to 
Sianapolis, Indiana, and open up a National P ^ Office f 
che junior Klan. Having faith in this man at that time, I assumed 
tfhis action was official and proceeded to follow ^ -truc-n. 
As stated before, we immediately began organizing the Junior Klan 
I the states of Ohio and Indiana and latet added West Virginia, New 
creey and Michigan to the list. Ohio and Indiana were in the mid. 
f an intensive propagation campaign for the Senior Oration 
that time and we experienced no difficulty in propaga Xtng he Junto 
Klan there. The other three states dtd not grow so rapidly in then 
junior membership. 

Directoi I was given no tools with which to work. The ]u„i,„ | 
no ritual, no regalia, no Constitution or By-Laws J 
Plan of operation. Assuming that this Dcparlen " w ,' 
I prepared a Short Form Ritual, using the Se | lior ™ < 

but later found this to be unsatisfactory because of the fan „ 
phraseology was too complicated for the average boy's mi I , 
that we were subject to criticism on the part of KlanLen wl . 
claimed that our ritual being so near like that of th : 
naturally detract from ^interest ^^f^C 
eligible or graduated into the Senior Organization. I also , 
contract with a Columbus, Ohio, manufacturer for the man f r 

Semoi Klan except for a distinctive breast insignia. Shortly ,f, , 
these arrangements had been completed, this particular kT / ' 
came disloyal and has since been Vanished from tl Tk b ', i, 

was removed from office, it left me without any point of cout ' 

*ew \ ork, I made a trip there to see him. He informed me tl, n 
organization was unofficial and that our activities were ent J I 

z t ST f the Seaiot ° rsai ™ -o f ->™i , 'i 

Sor JS T ^ P°" JOa 0f the &«** KJoran or cop, 

fS thltTf tl w 't u V heir c T eQU ' told him *» -y - 

and hat of the other Junior Directors had been made in pocxI fu.l 
and that the sons of Klansmen who had joined the Junior^! „ 2 
done so believmg that the organization „ M official L d furt 

the K o ^ W " " Ta f0f SUCh a **»«*«*■ Shortly af ,- ' 

he Kloncilium met and decided to recognize this department v i 

italtr^H ' ' ****** KLul b * "^ * <*is , 

ntual and a distinctive regalia, and, further, that the activin, 

tny office be placed under the direct supervision of the Kion ,,, 

I moved my office to Washington, D. C, and deposited J 

my possession in a Trust Fund and arrangements were ma ) 

no withdrawals could be made ^oJ^^Z^^tl 

H C McCall a member of the Imperial Kloncilium. I„ adl 

men;/ of Te r T V n ^ ^ ^^ ^ « C "P" ^ 
ments ot the Junior Department. 

Section 2 

of th° Wrialliof-f' ^ ImP ? U WmirJ ' ^ "-'-■ »«"'■« ' 
ot the imperial Kloncilium, issued an official letter c,;, ,,, 

junior lUan as a Department of the Knights of the K„ M, , 


urging all Klansmen to lend it their loyal support. It was later found 
,t dvisable to move my office to Atlanta so that I could be under thl 
direct supervision of the Imperial Kligrapp, Since the Official ProcU 
mation was issued, our Organization has expanded to the point where 
we are now operating or are prepared to begin operations in twenty 
• rates. Using the membership figures of March 18, as a basis on which 
10 show the development since that date, I respectfully report the 
following percentages of increase in our growth in the first five states 
in which we began operations, 

Indiana 18. 08 percent gain 

Michigan z6i . 96 percent gain 

New Jersey. 2j_o. 96 percent gain 

Ohio, ... 16.57 percent gain 

West Virginia 1x9. 79 percent gain 

"In addition to these five states, we have active organizations now 
operating in the following states: 

Alabama Oklahoma 

California Arkansas 

Illinois Pennsylvania 

Kansas Texas 

Missouri Maryland 

"The Klectokon of the Junior Klan, being so small, it has been ex- 
tremely difficult for us to show any large increase in our financial 
status. At the time the Official Proclamation was issued, we were 
approximately $11,000.00 in debt. Since that time, with the assist-' 
ance given us by the Imperial Kloncilium, we have liquidated our' 
debts, shown a rapid expansion in our membership, furnished all 
organizations with the necessary supplies with which to operate and 1 
have accumulated approximately $2-, 500.00 in our Treasury. Previous 
so January 1, 1914, my office was operated on a commission basis 
out of which I furnished all supplies, speakers, etc., but on that date, 
that portion of the Klectokon which had been coming to me direct 
was placed in the National Treasury and I was placed on a salary basis, ' 
The funds of our Organization are deposited in its name and with- 
drawals therefrom are made on vouchers signed by the Imperial Kli- 
grapp and countersigned by me as National Director. The Imperial 
Kligrapp and Chief-of-Staff are furnished weekly Financial Statu 
ments showing our receipts and disbursements. It is doubtful whether 
(he Junior Klan will ever accumulate a large Treasury but since March 
19, it has been self-sustaining in spite of the small Klectokon. 



Section $ 

"Our future depends entirely upon the amount of co-operacifl 
receive from the individual Klaus throughout the Nation. ( )ui 
gest problem has been to convince these Klans of the value to 1 
of the Junior Kkn. We have spent considerable money in spi | 
whose object it has been to convince Klansmen of the Nation I 
if the Klan is to continue, they must educate their sons in the pi 
ciples of Klankraft so that they will be looking forward to the 1 
when they shall become Klansmen. We do not begin operation 
any state until the Grand Dragon or the Imperial Represent a tiv| 
ready for us to do so. We ask him to recommend a clean-cut. I 
standing Christian man for the appointment as State Director, 
this appointment has been made, we must depend entirely upofl 
co-operation of the E. C. and Kligrapps of the various Klans in rd 
mending to that State Director some member of their Klan uh. 
willing to accept the responsibility of building a Junior Klan in 
particular locality, 

' It means much to the future of the Klan to have a source oj \)A 
from which can be drawn recruits into the ranks of Klan I, i ifi 
take the place of those who have passed to the Great Beyoml, 
more than this, it means much to America to have her youth pmtt 
trained in the great principles of Americanism in order ih.ii ili M 
might have a better understanding of their duties and their ivs| 
bilities. The opportunities to develop the youth of America an | 
limited and our opportunity to serve you in training your ruiyl 
pends upon the amount of co-operation we receive from you 
stand ready and willing at all times to accept your construed vi 
tcism of our method of operation and urgently request you Jo 
this message back home with you to your various Klans:— 

'The boys of Today are the men of Tomorrow/ 

"It is our duty as Klansmen to help these boys to devi h 
better and bigger men, 

"Respectfully Submitted, 


lt National Director oj 
Junior Ku Klux Klan ' 


To the Second Imperial Klonvokation, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan: 
"Wc, your Committee, appointed to examine report of the National 
Director of the Junior Ku Klux Klan, beg to report as follows: 

' 'We have carefully gone over the report of the Director of the Junior 
movement, Klansman Paul A, Poock, and have viewed with plea- 
sure the work done by this branch of the Organization since its In- 
ception, March 2.9, 192.4. 

"We find that this was a work that was extremely necessary in 
carrying out the educational program of the Knights of the Ku Klux 
Klan, and one of no small degree of labor. 

"In our investigations of the work and scope of the Junior move- 
ment, we find several things that, to our minds, should be handled by 
1 he Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; but these are executive matters and 
will be taken up direct with the Imperial Wizard, as recommendations 
1 >nly. 

"We wish to commend at this time, to the Imperial Klonvokation, 
i he true spirit and steadfastness of purpose of the National Director, 
Klansman Paul A. Poock, and more especially do we wish to empha- 
size the work done by our Imperial Kligrapp, Klansman H. K. Ram- 
sey in this connection, as we realize, in studying over the situation, 
that through the untiring efforts of this member of the Imperial Klon- 
cilium has come the success of the Junior Organization. 

"We, your Committee, recommend the adoption of the report as sub- 

"Respectfully Submitted, 

"The Committee on Report of National Director, 
Junior Ku Klux Klan: 

"FrcdL. Gifford. 




"The most vital duty of the Klan is to extend and organize it] 
strength. It can have no great power, nor accomplish any good 
pose, without a large membership. The performance of that dm 
fundamental to its success in every direction. 

"When the present administration took control, there was a | 
agation Department in private hands. Mr. E. Y. Clarke had .1 
tract which gave him authority over all that work, upon a comral 
basis, which yielded large personal profits. 

'*This was a false foundation 
suits, for these reasons: 

It could not bring satisfactOl 

"1. Under private management the interest in propagation w.i I 
largely personal. The work would be pushed only in sections wl; 
the least need of Klan development existed. Members, each y'u I.I. 
a commission, would naturally be sought in territory when 
movement already had an impetus that would make them come M 
and at small expense. 

"z. Under private control, the motive in building Klan sti I 
might well be entirely selfish, rather than directed toward th 
lishment of an -effective and enduring Klan structure. 

"3. Under the contract system, the Klan was powerless, ;im 
to govern its own growth, but also with respect to the use of itlfl 
funds from that source for Klan purposes. 

"Since the cancellation of the Clarke contract, during ilic |ki 
of seventeen months from March 1, 19x3, to July 31, 1924, h 
the Klan, through its own Extension Department, has handli I 
work, there were added two and one-fourth times as man) 1 
as were produced by Mr. Clarke in the preceding two years ;iiu1 I 
month. The monthly rate of increase has quadrupled. 

"This has been accomplished despite obstacles againsi wli 
old system did not have to contend. For cxampL . 

"Where the propagation for-commissions was I j 1 ■ ■ . \\ . ■ 
sections in which ground had been broken and return 


pondingly easy, our work of building membership has extended into 
new and antagonistic territory. Laboring, not for profits, but for the 
good of the Klan, regardless of difficulties, we have set up the Fiery 
(toss in every state of the Union. 

"Also it should be noted that there has been a steady contraction 
of propagation territory through the chartering of Realms. At 
present twenty-one states are chartered Realms, and, of course, no 
longer fields for our extension activities. The Department of Realms 
has jurisdiction and responsibility over them. 

"Measured in terms of money, the significance of the changed sys- 
tem is tremendous. Had his contract continued, Mr. Clarke would 
have handled millions of Klan dollars. Allowing liberally for ex- 
penses, his personal profits would certainly have exceeded a million. 
Profits under Klan control have gone for two chief constructive pur- 

" 1 . A larger amount than formerly has been returned to the Realms 
and local Klans to strengthen their work; and 

"z. More of it has been used to establish various vital Klan ser- 
vices, all functioning for the advancement of the Klan program, 

' 'The profits from this department represent the savings after meet 
ing the extension expense, which itself includes a vast amount of 
Klan service to men in the field not given under the old private sys- 
tem- — a service that produces members more truly Klan-minded from 
the start. 

"The larger beneficial results of Klan control of its own growth and 
1 1 s own money are not measurable in terms of net income. 

"The whole plane of propagation has been elevated, better organ- 
ised and more closely related to the spread of Klan truth. With the 
increase of membership under the new system has come a better in 
formed and more consecrated membership. New Kleagles have been 
li lected with the Klan objectives in mind. Our aim and theirs is, 
Hot to gain recruits at so much a head, but to enlist real men on ch< 
1 1 (during basis of loyalty and understanding. The propagation pro( 

. is no longer 'salesmanship;' it is now a sound, construt 
building of Klan pj Lm ipli s and ideals. 

"There are more than a thousand Kleagles and King Klei^l 
the different states. It is our policy and practice to facilitate ;il! fl 
work, to aid them with speakers, service men and attorneys. 

' 'Above all else, the Klan-con trolled Extension Department lus in ». 
us a national institution. The great objective of this administi ifl 
from the beginning was to establish the Klan throughout the n 
That has been accomplished. In every part of the United Stati 
cept Alaska, we are at work. Every single state, and Panama, i 
today producing members. 

"This has significance far beyond the sum total of added tin ml 
ship. It means the wide spread of Klan doctrine. It means * 
have already taken the most difficult step in conquering new t< rritd 
The coming year, I believe, will show vastly increased return! m 
sections where the ground has but recently been broken. 

"You can readily see, therefore, that under this new extern ii 
gram the Klan saves an immense amount of money; that it cltfM 

us to give four or five times as much service to local and stati 

Nations; to place a higher class of men in the field; and in .ill w 
better to advance the cause of the Klan, which is the cause ol \\tm 

can ism, 


-To the Second Imperial Klmvokation, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan: 

-We your Committee appointed to consider the report of the E* 

tension Department, after due consideration of said report and making 

careful study and investigation of the matters and facts set out therein, 

and connected therewith, find and beg leave to submit the following 

"(i) That the contents and assertions contained in said report arc 

'Respectfully Submitted, 



"(a.) That we commend and congratulate Dr. Evans, our Imperial 
Wizard, and his official family for their wisdom in canceling the con 
tract of E. Y. Clarke and placing the Extension work of the Klan in 
the hand and under the control of the Klan itself; because in so dotng 
we find that the change has not only saved vast sums of money for the 
Klan, but has been the means of securing a better class of Kleagles, 
a higher grade of members, and has furnished incomparably more 
service to the local Klans and Realms in the process of formation, all 
of which has brought harmony to our Organization, instilled confi- 
dence in our membership and greatly increased the efficiency of ami 
furthered the successful promulgation of our Organization and its 

"Albert E. Hill. 


Klansman Bossert. "The chair, at this time, recognizes l. 

-, chairman of your Resolutions and Rules Commit m- 

Klansman — . "Gentlemen of the Klonvokat ion: 1 

that if unanimous consent be obtained from the delegates i 
ance, a resolution can be passed without reference to the ( I 
on Resolutions. I have a couple of resolutions that I desire B| 
and I ask immediate and unanimous consent of the Klonvol \\ 
their passage. The reason is this : If it be the sense of th< 
tion to adopt these resolutions, we will get them to the pn 

"I read one of them: 

' 'Whereas, The management of Convention Hall has been uni_ 
considerate in the arrangements provided for our entertain m«j 
in allowing the use of the Hall; therefore 

' 'Be it resolved, That this Klonvokation extend a vote i if (h,m| | 
the Convention Hall management and that a copy of this n '.<»! 
be given the managment.' 

"Mr. Chairman, I move the unanimous adoption of this n I 

(The motion was seconded and carried unanimously— now hu| | 
credited delegates voting.) 

Klansman- . "Gentlemen: I have another resolution tU 

I. want to present, along similar lines. But I would like to pi < l ... . | 
resolution by suggesting to you men that Kansas City h;i.s In 
hot-bed of Roman Catholicism. I don't believe there has b< i n . \\ I 
m the United States where the poison has been more vicious In 
there has been more virus in the anatomy of those espousing 1 In- . aw*. 
of Roman Catholicism than in Kansas City, It has been so viui 
times that we found it necessary to adopt measures to saujiuui 
officers representing the Imperial Palace—I mean the local nflu < - 

"That being true, it was with some diffidence thai: Kin 
JVIcCarron, the Imperial Representative, and his wonderful assi 
Klansman Gail Carter, undertook the preparation for hoMun 
Klonvokation in this city. Your holding the Klonvokation in ihl 
city has signally softened a situation. We feci that Kansas 
been most hospitable, and that the press, which has hereto/, 
vdtriolically inclined to thwart us, has been more than fail I Iim. 
tore, I want to propose for your unanimous consideration ihi 

" 'Whereas, The City of Kansas City and its newspapers have at 
* orded our Klonvokation and delegates unusual hospitality and fan 
u ess, and 

"'Whereas, our delegates have been profoundly touched by thil 
demonstration of hospitality and fairness; 

" Therefore, be it resolved that we unanimously record our appri 
nation and thanks to Kansas City and its newspapers for the hospi 
tality and fairness displayed. 

" 'Be it further resolved, That we release a copy of this resolution 
to the public and deliver a copy to The K tnsas City Star and the Kansas 
( 'ity Journal and Post/ 

"I move immediate and unanimous adoption of this resolution." 

(The motion was seconded and carried— none but accredited dele- 
gates voting.) 

Klansman . "Gentlemen of the Klonvokation: This 

brings me down to a selfish consideration of a matter, and I say, 'selfish,' 
because what I am now about to say to you springs from my heart 
and from a motive that to me is acutely personal. As I said before, 
you people who do not live in Kansas City can have no appreciation 
of what heretofore has been encountered when anything like 
Klankraft was attempted. And when the management of this 
Klonvokation approached a consideration as to where the Klonklave 
would be held, their minds immediately turned to Convention Hall. 
(But it was recognized that there were certain influences that might 

ke it very difficult to secure this wonderful convention place. 

"Attached to the local Kansas City organization, we have a man 
Chat has been past Potentate of the Shrine of Kansas City, He is a 
Democrat by manner born, but because the Democratic Party is offi- 
cered, owned, controlled and bossed by two men, known as Tom and 
Joe, both Western representatives of Roman Catholicism, this man that 
I am now about to introduce to you voted the Republican ticket in 
'he Spring campaign— because it was Klan. 

"Klansman— — , will you come up on the floor of the platform? 

I want to introduce to you men, Klansman , to whom you must 

give sole thanks for securing this hall; and I move that we extend B 
tnanimous vote of thanks and appreciation for his efforts in out 

(A standing vote of thanks was given.) 

"Another little piece of selfishness, men. We had for many ycari 
i Kansas City a marshal who was incorruptible, fearless. He is dht 


mail that cleaned out the Dale-Lewis Gang, and he did it pr... n, 
single-handed, when it was heralded far and near that they « 
,ang that had to be left alone. This man likewise is a U B 
of the manner born, and was put into office by the Democratic W 
at a time when Tom and Joe did not have their hands so deep, 
control of the local situation. When Roman Catholicism kci 
rampant, and, controlled by Tom and Joe, this marshal who I 
Shriner and a Klansman, found it necessary to leave and he .hi I 
is the man that marshaled and controlled the hordes of ind< pen* 
Democrats that- voted the Republican ticket this Spring to put 
Klan mayor. 

"He is Sergeant-at-Arms for this Klonvokation, and to nil 
attributable the great success of maintaining harmony and ord, 
the due dispatch of business that has been considered by tn 

vokation. Klansman , please come forward. 

"I want to inttoduce to you my most delightful friend, 
as good a Klansman as ever breathed; and I move that 
him a unanimous vote of thanks for his efforts in our behalf 
(A rising vote of thanks was extended.) 

Klansman Bossnt. "We have a few more resolutions thai 

read, so that we can refer them to the Resolutions Comma,,. 

this time the chair recognizes Klansman ot the 

New York." 

Klansman -. "Fellow Klansmem I have the 

represent the populous State of New York. 

"I said 'populous'-not 'popular.' Particularly, 1 represent 
metropolis of the western world, because I live there, and it n pi 

because of the fact that its population is dintinguishcd by ■ 

rather than by quality that it lacks in popularity. 

"A great many people live in New York, but I have heard ol 
a few people who ever had homes there. It is a city of farniih. 
unfurnished two-room and kitchenette apartments. They eat I 
delicatessen stores and drink out of flasks-and that « a had o ....I ■ 
tion. It is a city of Irish policemen, Scotch whiskey, and I 
restaurants-that is a worse combination. If anybody conic. M 
York with the idea of getting a change and a rest, he will find ihll 
bell boys get the change and the hotel keepers get the rest. ( I ,augl 

'•But you can not come to New York without first lei 

thing about the traffic rules, which require a firs, gradu,,, , 
mathematics, and after you have learned them and try to a , 

you very likely find you will get hit by the fim aii I"' 

try to dispute the right of way with. 

, ,11 „v- that he would not live in New York il 
■■A gentleman one ^ ** ^d him I would try to see Mayor 
, hey gave him the whole village. 1 to ^ 

Hvlan and Comptroller Craig about it, ana u .,f. hter \ 

Shave the village- -but they never agree on anythmg! (Laugh*. ) 
i-r »i*i Nfra York and the rest ot CHC 
-There arc Soo,coo Indians ^^^ w s and Negroes. 1 
population ,s made up of ^Ca^ 1 £ y don - t eount, because they 
ought to mention a lew Americans, dui tncy 
u-e there only on probation. (Laughter.) . 

i r h. rime that Mayor Hylan instructed Lorn- 

■ " Y ° U oT^olic Fmi to dnv, the Kluxers out of town and 

unssioner of Police bnrignt Kinsman Wilson D. 

xsria"- •»«■ t ^*--*rK 

driving us out of New York, (Applause.) 

U "You know a convention is not complete nowadays without Will 

nice time at our Klonvokation. (Applause.) 

•■There was a gentleman here from Seattle, and I envied him be 
hecaleTe Teeme/proud « *" ^ he ^ ^^^^ ^^i: 
hive the next Klonvokation in Seattle. Nov. i am not goi g 
^ng like that on you, as far as New York is concerned. The day 

that you decide to have a Klonvokation in New York I am goi 
decide that I have lived about long enough in New York — and 
going across the river to my native State of New Jersey, Ever sine 
late unpleasantness in New York over the Democratic Conven 
I have been denouncing the State of New Jersey and the del- 
who voted consistently for Al Smith at that Convention. I h,i 
been denouncing them by name. (Applause.) 

"But, gentlemen, while I have been sitting here 1 have thou •!.< 
that the great English poet, Rudyard Kipling, if he had known 
this Klonvokation would ever have been held in Kansas City, ■ 
not have written those immortal lines of his, something about 'hii 
is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.' Foi I ill 
here from the East and many of you are from the West, and wc Inivf 
met in Kansas City, in this gate of God's golden West, and we ;in imf 
twain — -we are one. One throbbing heart of America, one great nun- i 
brotherhood, one suffering humanity, with one God and Savior « - 
all . And that is what the Klan means to me in a few words . (A ppl.m 

"I must ask you to pardon me for taking up so much of your tun* 
I will now read the resolution: 

'Whereas, the Knights of the Ku Kiux Klan, being pled !;< i i 
Imperial Proclamation and by its Constitution to safeguard the ■ 
rights, privileges and institutions of our civil government, and ta I 
and assist in the execution of all constitutional laws, cannot hm \ 
with grave concern the increasing disrespect for all authority caul I 
the widespread disregard of the laws of the Federal Government »m<| 
several States prohibiting the manufacture, transportation and m(§ 
of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes; now, therefor* 

'Be it resolved, that this Klonvokation hereby reiterate ii 
qualified allegiance to the Constitution and laws of the United 
and of the several States thereof, and calls upon all faithful K F.ui 
to dutifully obey the law and uphold the regularly consti tutcJ 
ities in the enforcement thereof, to the end that we may be d till 
disgrace of lawlessness and anarchy, that our institutions ma] 
transmitted unimpaired to future generations, and ihai tin Ii 
happiness and welfare of our people may be forever prescrv< d 

"Gentlemen, I move the passage of this resolution." 

(The motion was seconded.) 

Klansman Bossert. "With the permission of the movi i . 

pass the resolution to the Resolutions Committee, in .u< ool. 

our ruling on that matter. All those in favor of the : motion 
by the usual voting sign." 


(The motion was carried — none but accredited delegates voting.) 

Klansman Bosstrt. "The chair now recognizes Klansman Osborne, 
Grand Dragon of Ohio." 

Klansman Osborne. "Gentlemen of Ohio, and gentlemen of the 
Klonvokation : The Realm of Ohio offers, for the consideration of this 
Klonvokation and the Resolutions Committee, the following resolu- 

' 'Whereas, one t of the chief aims and purposes of the Order of the 
Knights of the Ku Kiux Klan is to keep eternally ablaze the sacred 
fire of a fervent devotion to a pure Americanism by keeping Americans 
1 00% American through the use of purely American principles and 
language; and, 

' 'Whereas, in innocent violation of our own profession, certain 
printed matter has been placed on some of our paraphernalia, regalia, 
etc., in a language other than the American language; therefore, 

' ' 'Be it resolved, that on and after the adjournment of this, the Sec- 
ond Imperial Klonvokation of the Invisible Empire, Knights of the 
Ku Kiux Klan, no language shall be printed or used on any design, 
ensign, flag, standard, banner, emblem, insignia, seal, paraphernalia, 
regalia, uniforms, costumes, etc., and all clerical forms or matters 
to be printed for use by and for the Invisible Empire or any member 
thereof, except the only one language, The American English Language.* 

"Without taking further time, I ask your permission that this reso- 
lution be submitted to the consideration of the Resolutions Com- 

Klansman Bos sert. "With your consent, we will refer the resolution 
to the Resolutions Committee. Have I your consent? (Cries of "Yes. ' ') 

"The chair now recognizes Klansman McCarron, Grand Dragon 
of Missouri." 

Klansman McCarron. "Klansmen: The following resolution is 
submitted by reason of the fact that there is a stigma attached to the 
word 'Kleagle' which causes the bearer thereof to labor under a handi- 
cap and which lowers his prestige to the extent that he can not com- 
mand the same recognition and standing that he otherwise would have. 
This condition lessens the effectiveness of our field workers to some 
extent. And it has been brought about by the conditions set forth in 
the resolution, which I will now read: 

" 'Whereas, a large percentage of the first men placed in the field as 
Kleagles have proven dishonest, untrustworthy and ■>! such type and 



character as to cause a great number of people to look upon am 
bearing this term with suspicion; and 

" 'Whereas, in a great many instances, these former Kleagles Q 

run personal bills in the communities in which they were statu I 

and have failed to properly take care of them, which has caused ihl 
alien world to look with suspicion on the term 'Kleagle'; and 

1 'Whereas, the membership of the Knights of the Ku Klux 
is to a large extent aware that a number of Kleagles have defraud* il 
the Organization and have left their territories in such condition llhij 
it is extremely difficult to again establish confidence in the commuint) 
and which has caused the lay members of the Knights of the Ku I 
Klan to hold the term 'Kleagle' in disrepute; and 

' 'Whereas, the press has derided this term until it has been n 
ridiculous; therefore, 

' 'Be it resolved, That we do away with the term 'Kleagle,' and i lm| 
it be stricken from the Constitution and Laws of our Organ i za in m. 
and the term 'Field Representative' be substituted therefor, and Hit 
handicap under which our field workers are laboring be thus rcimn . .1 1 

" 'Be it further resolved, that this substitution be also applied U 
the term 'King Kleagle,' and that this latter term be changed to 'K. 1 1 til 
Field. Representative/ 

"This is concurred in by the members of the Realm of Mi 
who are present, and I now submit this to the Resolutions Column i 
and not for action here," 

"Klansman Ramsey called attention to the fact I had left i In iri ffl 
'Imperial Kleagle' out. I have made no provision for that in ihii 
resolution, but I would change that, too. 

'Be it further resolved, that we absolutely do away wild ill 
words 'Imperial Kleagle.' 

"There is no place for that." 

Klansman Bossert. "With your consent then, this rcsol U 

with the amendment, will be turned over to the Resolution 
mittee. Have I the consent of the convention?" (fries uf 

Klansman McCarron. Klansmen: I have been before you ,i 
deal and hesitate to appear again. I tried to find a man who ' 
explain a matter, but apparently nobody wanted the job SO 3 
forced to handle it myself. There are a great many men licit* in I III-] 
Klonvokation who have asked what the phrase on ih< lni| 
Banner stands for wlnii i in translation oi th< words Nii 

given to me, and if I am wrong I want somebody, some one of you 
scholars, to correct me. The first part, 'Quod Semper,' That which 
is always/ 

"How would you say that, Doctor?" 

Klansman — . "You are making this speech!" 

Klansman McCarron, "I know, but I always desire to do my duty— 
especially when 1 want assistance." 
Klansman Ward. "Mr. Chairman." 

Klansman Bossert. "The chair recognizes Colonel Ward, of Miss- 

Klansman Ward. "Apropos that inscription, it has frequently 
occurred to me, sir, that that has no place, and should have no place, 
in the council room or in the policies of this great white brother- 
hood. That is a Papal inscription— it is the exact language embraced 
in one of the papal decretals. 'Quod Semper' means 'That which is 
eternal.' 'Quod Ubique,' 'That which is universal, ' and 'Quod Ab 
Omnibus,' That which is from all things.' 

"I never have understood why they wanted to inscribe that on a 
KJan banner. I do not know the origin of it as far as its connection 
with the Klan is concerned, but I know the origin of it in history, 
k comes down here to our hands polluted with association of the 
Papal power." 

Klansman McCarron. "Mr. Chairman, I am through." 

Imperial Wizard. "1 did not originate that motto, nor shall 1 
attempt to explain it from the standpoint of history. However, 
I happen to know that the company it is now- running with will not 
make it black nor cause it to represent a black power. We are proceed- 
ing in the light shed upon us by our Criterion of Character, and that 
light purifies and makes sacred and serviceable whatever remains 
in its radiance. Nothing that is bad—beyond redemption—can re- 
main in the light of Christ's countenance. (Applause.) 

' "The Papacy has ever striven to control man and everything that has 
power among men. Nevertheless, the Organization which, as I told 
you yesterday, stands forth as a re-incarnation of the Reformation 
of the ages— now vast and solid and powerful—is combatting universal 
evil, and it uses in its work whatever is legitimate that can be usejl 
to the glory of its great Director, Christ Jesus. Therefore, let us 
,tudy this matter carefully before we arrive at a decision wc camioi 
afford to make n ici ious mistake here. 


'"Let me add that you will find the Cross on every Roman CathoU 
church and in every Roman Catholic cemetery— the Cross, whic| 
the Klan has taken for its symbol of sacrifice, the Cross which rcpr* 
sents not only religion pure and undefiled but religious freedom, 
long for the day when to the Cross shall be added, universally, the faith 
which makes men free. (Applause.) 

"I know nothing about that Dragon, and shall not attempt 
scholarly discussion of the Latin words inscribed on those bannci 
But, Klansman Ward, suppose you and I put our heads together M 
work this matter out." 

Klansman Ward. "I heartily and loyally subscribe to that. Al 
all times, I am at your command, sir, to remove anything from tlill 
great white brotherhood that is emblematic of the Papal power," 

Imperial Wizard. "Thank you/' 

Klansman B&ssert. "With the consent of this Klonvokatinn 
the Imperial Wizard and Colonel Ward of Mississippi will work out 
this situation so that it will be agreeable to ail of us. Now, fellow 
Klansmen, at this time, the Imperial Wizard has a matter he want! 
to take up with you." 

Imperial Wizard. "Fellow Klansmen: Ever and anon your Wizard 
overdoes his work. He makes mistakes. Yesterday I stood behind 
Klansman Rogers, when he was speaking, and prodded him with I 
pole, saying: 'Now, say, you sit down and let me get to them/ So 
Bill did not read a resolution which he had. He neglected to read it • 
because I was pushing him for the time. He told you that Oklahomi 
was a unit behind the Administration in Oklahoma, behind the Ail 
ministration at the Palace— behind the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. 
But he did not finish up his job. He wants to reaffirm it all here thll 
morning, and to read to you a resolution— one that all who run may 
read and understand. He is entitled to that privilege this morning, 
and to proceed without interruption. I am for Bill Rogers, Taylor, 
the Klan, and all of them." (Applause.) 

Klansman Rogers. "After such a statement of facts as this hutn.m 
dynamo has been giving us, it would appear that any further explain 
tion from me would be superfluous. However, the atmosphere: da | 
need clarifying a little 

"I want to apologize to the Klansmen of the Oklahoma delcgn 
tion, and to .ill of their officers pn ■ at for having negl< i r< -1 to reel 

this resolution. It may be that you are not so much interested in 
it but it should have been read. Yesterday, under the stress of the 
moment, I lost my head; but I want to tell you one thing-you gd 
the Wizard behind you, prodding with a sharp stick, and it you do 
not lose your head, I will be very much surprised! 

1 'The resolution reads : 

" 'We the delegates from the Realm of Oklahoma, to the Second 
Imperial Klonvokation now assembled, pass the following resolution 
co be read in Klonvokation session: 

" 'Whereas our attention has been called to an article published 
by the press of this State to the effect that there is a rebellion in the 
Klans in Oklahoma, to which we wish to make the following reply, 
that no state of rebellion or any dissension that could m any way be 
termed such exists in our Realm; that the charges are coming from 
disgruntled politicians. We wish to state that the Klans of Oklahoma 
are in a prosperous, harmonious condition, and at all times are going 
forward in the best interests of Klankraft; therefore, 

-Be it resolved that we, the delegates assembled, express .our 
confidence in Realm and Imperial Officers, as by the Klonverses held 
in each the first, second and third Provinces, as was also expressed 
Uy a resolution adopted in the Klorero of Oklahoma,, all. of which 
were called in strict accordance with our Constitution and Laws. 

" "Respectfully submitted by the undersigned delegates to the 
Second Imperial Klonvokation: Charles H. Tompkins and about 
twenty-five or thirty other signatures/ 

-This resolution is for the entire representation from the Realm of 
Oklahoma. We all have kicks and grievances at times, but they are 
of a minor nature. The Oklahoma Klans are behind the Realm 
Administration; they are behind the Imperial Administration, and 
thev are behind the profound precepts and doctrines .of the ; Imperial 
Palace, and of the Invisible Empire of the Knights of the Ku KluxKlan.. 

'To other words, the Klans of Oklahoma are right., % do no! 
want to be misunderstood as being wrong. They are all m line with 
the State Administration, supporting the State Administration, back- 
ing a concerted purpose in view to defend the principles of the Klan 
by the annihilation of its arch and bitter enemy, the candidate foi 
the United States Senate, on the Democratic ticket Jack Walton, 

Imperial Wizard. "Klansmen : I want to add another word. A moid 
us (Klansman Harwood, Klansman Rogers, Klansman Jewett andi 

Wizard) we represent some brains and some punch! Hi I 

four with all the Klansmen in Oklahoma, aim to do whai i ■ ■ 
for the Klan and for Oklahoma, and we want for all time to 111 
rest this idea that Klansmen are not Klamush. Wherever you I 
them thev arc Klannish, and Oklahoma is the 'Klannishesi 
there is' Last year the Klansmen of Oklahoma found out thai bj - 
Klannish paid substantial dividends. They are Klannish in Oklah<| 

"That newspaper statement about dissatisfaction in th< 
homa Realm and about a Grand Dragon having been suspends 
pure and simple propaganda. Our enemies in Oklahoma as i 

where else, are continuously seeking to discredit the Klan bei 

public and to disrupt it from within. However, nothing they thn I 
or publish or do will bring disorder to our cause. Ex-Governoi \ 
ton seeks entrance to the United States Senate on the rums OJ 
Klan in Oklahoma; but, shrewd as he may be in political ,,,i 
he will not wreck the Klan/' (Applause.) 

Klansman Bosscrt. "I have one further resolution here ili*l 
think was given to me by the Grand Dragon of Washington, 01 < 
gon; but afterwards somebody stated that it was included m 
previous resolution. Is that correct?" 

A Klansman. "There is not a resolution from Oregon." 

Klansman Bossert. "It may have been from Washington 
Have I overlooked any resolutions?" 

Imperial Wizard. "The Resolutions Committee is out ik.v 
Klansman BosserP. "Yes, sir." 

Imperial Wizard. 

"Let me talk to the Klonvokation .1 mini 

Klansman Bossert. "Before the Wizard makes anothei slat. Ill 
to you I would like to have the chairmen of all the commute 
examined the different reports to be sure to hand in their n ,.-■,, I 
Klansman Ramsey that we may have them in shape to be pi mted 
they havenot been handed in, see that they are handed in to Klafl - 




By Dr. H. W* Evans, Imperial Wizard 

Ex fend the Vision 

.• This U ^ hrst thing 1 want to say: Gof^ *£>£»%£ 
-h a determination m your *£>£$*£, >t is easy t0 buiW 

Hard work is necessary -to he sure. 

« digMc will .0. «™uj i°» '" , ; c ri,'„ d „.« a. rat *c< 

S^.^i'Xfr^^i^ ? .« t 

Efficient Degree Work 

ing u pon the ^S^^SS^ Hal, Lyour 

--"»9^ n Q t 0t ^ s ^~c equipment used upon chat occasion; 
team may not possess all me 4 F d can have 

but m'-^-Sr^^ Ss poss'ib* for every Klan 
Z&£ 2£U* impressive -« -> Hft al, memhers, 
old ^ new, into the summits of Klankraft. 

•■The K Duo ^tL^^S^^SKSi 
there will be four degrees in the Klan. id mo _K-Uno 

-^ °that til. create the spiritual = £ - ~«£ 
Klankraft-the atmosphere that is m " aft ^ 
he felt if Klankraft is given its right of waj . 

to aid you in the work of putting on this degree in the v r i ti 

We will lend you paraphernalia (when not in use) and we will, i. 
necessary, send a man to your State to assist you in inr. ilii 
degree work. The K-Duo Degree, if conferred upon KbnsniiMi - 
they develop and are qualified to receive it, will keep your u 
full. However, money is only incidental — not the paramonni il 
The idealism of Klankraft must ever be kept to the fore, and 
K-Duo Degree will be a means to this great end. 

"For Others' 

"There is always danger of becoming self-centered. No 
can live unto itself and prosper, Moreover, each Klan exists ion 
the larger service. Our interests are mutual, and everything I. n 
has a claim upon us. It Is our imperative duty, and likewise - >u! I 
privilege, to support the work of preserving America— all j I "in- 
line of patriotic endeavor. 

Women's Order 

The order, known as the Women of the Ku Klux Klan, i 
cendently important. Its goal is ours. Our women are aidinf 
and we cannot do other than aid them in their great work, I h. . 
fore, let your hearts beat in the Women's Order also. Give it \ 
full sanction, lend it your constant support— push it all yon < ,n 
help make it a success. 

Junior Order 

"The Junior Order is developing, along right lines, our ho 
It is laying the foundation of the future Klan — it is training our hi - 
in Americanism. If you are interested in your boy, if you are inn i 
in your neighbor's boy, if you are interested in the future Klan | 
you are interested in the future of your country, help the Junii >r ()n| 
to establish and maintain itself in every State, and in every commn 
Assist this movement whenever you can, and in every possibl 

Insurance Company 

"The Empire Mutual Life Insurance Company is your iustimiiuij 
It belongs to the Klansmen of the nation. It has been created foi that] 
benefit — to be used by them for the protection of their loved 

and to help them in their business enterprises. This Insurant < 

pany is as solid as Gibraltar, and it has advantages for you thai ii 
other insurance company can offer. Insure your life in your own > 
surance Company and talk your own Insurance Company to yom 
fellow Klansmen, Boost it! 

Kindred Orders 

"Also, I wish you to become intensely interested in twi • 

organizations — the Royal Riders of the Red Robe urn! the \m i 

I ;rusaders. (I am informed that these two orders are conducting ne- 
gotiations which predict a combination of their forces — this, it seems 
io me, is a move in the right direction.) Klansmen are native- 
torn and cannot, therefore, belong to these organizations. The Riders 
ofthe Red Robe and the American Crusaders are organizations that have 
i-.ome into existence for the naturalized Nordic and Anglo-Saxon Protes- 
tants who have imbibed the real American spirit—who think in Ameri- 
can terms and are consumed with a holy desire to aid in the great task of 
making Americanism full-orbed. These orders, or this order when 
the two combine, will enroll hundreds of thousands of men who arc 
in sympathy with Klan ideals but cannot join the Klan. This is not 
a competitive movement — it is an ally in the great, common cause. 
Let every Klan and every Klansman lend it moral support and thus 
helpittobecomea mighty force for righteousness throughout the nation. 
"Let All Roads Lead to Christ" 

"I understand that the Pope has authorized a 'holy year.' Roman 
Catholics are expected to observe the 'holy year' by giving special 
attention to their church-obligations. Also, as many of them as can 
arc expected to visit the Vatican and participate in the 'holy cere- 
monies.' I am trying to impress you with the fact that in Roman 
Catholicism, all roads lead to Rome— during this 'holy year. ' And Ro- 
man Catholics will travel th ose roads — they take their religion seriously . 

"Likewise must we take our great cause seriously. I want the 
Klan to put on a holy crusade during the next twelve months. Let 
all roads lead to Christ. Without saying anything to the public 
about it, put your Klan behind the Union Protestant Revival when 
it comes along; and if it does not come along of its own accord, bring 
it along! Decide in Klaverns to have a community revival, then 
go out, as individuals, and talk the necessity for a revival meeting 
into the heads and hearts of the preachers and church leaders. Then 
when the meeting is held, attend it and boost it — see to it that the 
seats are filled and that the revival atmosphere is created. You 
representatives of the nation-wide Klan can, if you will, go back to 
your various fields and start a revival that will be simultaneous the 
country over — the greatest revival of modern times. 

' 'Klansmen, do we believe in our cause? Has it burned itself into 
iur souls? We profess it— let us go back to our homes and live it. 
And let us impart this larger vision we have here received to our 
. brethren that they, too, may enlarge their sphere of usefulness. May 
the Klansman's Criterion of Character guide every Klansman in the 
nation, and may the year upon which we are about to enter be fraught 
with stupendous results — the greatest year America shall have yet 
(Tremendous Applause.) 

cen .' 




Klansman Bos serf. "Doctor, do you wish to say anything 

Imperial Wizard: "In recen t ye ars , the mo un tain o u s reg i o n . 1 1 

Kerrville, Texas, has been considered by health authorities ;is jmi 
ing one of the finest climates in the world for tuberculosis. The i 
crnment established a great sanitarium there; but, unfortumiirh 
control of that institution opposes the Klan. Klansman Lcwll] 
Kerrville has established a sanitarium, which he calls the I'mr 
Sanitarium, and he has Klan doctors, Klan nurses and Klan hi In 
has offered to give part of it to the Klan. If any Klansman need 
service of a tuberculosis sanitarium, there is one at Kerrville, l> 
that is purely Klan. It is a private institution, but it is purely I I m 

Klansman Bossert. "Fellow Klansmen: At this tune, Mum j 
honor of introducing to you a man who for fifteen years has been pi. 

dent of the ■ — — — — — . Dunn 

time he had the honor of being fought more bitterly by th< \\ 

Hierarchy than has any other man of recent times. He is .1 .1. ill 

guished author, and his last book entitled, ' - ," km 

published, is of particular interest to Klansmen. He is a 33rd d. | 
Mason, and is honored by Masons all over the world for his In i 
fight for their cause in Italy." 

"With the consent of you delegates, 1 shall invite tbos< 111 ijj 
gallery to occupy these vacant seats on the main floor, sn ih.ii 
will not be so hard for the Doctor to talk." 

(Visitors in gallery were admitted to the floor.) 

"I. now have the pleasure of introducing to you tfu s|n il 
Klansman ■ — ." 


By Klansman — 

"Mr. Chairman and fellow Klansmen: First of all, I want to thank 
you for permitting me to come here in the last moment and to occupy 
a few minutes of this most valuable time. Klansman Bossert tokl 
me that I might speak for thirty minutes. I will say to you that I can- 
not tell you in thirty minutes what is in my heart to say to you. But 
I. will keep to that thirty minutes, or he can shoot me! 

"In the supreme hour of crisis for Great Britain, Chatham de- 
clared : 'I know that I can save the country, and that no one else can . ' 
Chatham saw clearly the peril of the hour; he was conscious of the 
righteousness of the cause, and he was absolutely confident in the rc^ 
sources at his disposal for victory. No man can be a 100% Klansman, 
which is equivalent to being a 100%, American, unless he perceives 
clearly the peril to our free America from political Romanism, unless 
he is absolutely convinced of the righteousness of the cause in which he 
is engaged, and of the obsolute certainty that he has at his disposal 
die powers sufficient to carry the program through to complete victory. 
"I was intensely interested to hear our great leader, Dr. Evans 
emphasize the supremacy of Christ. I am not here this morning to 
say what the Klan shall do, or shall not do. The leaders mark out 

the program, and we wi 

11 follow. But I wish to call your attention 

to two great achievements which Martin Luther wrought in his Re- 
formation. First,, Martin Luther succeeded in substituting Jesus 
Christ, the living Christ, for the Pope, or, as you may choose to call 
it, for 'the Roman Catholic Church. Martin Luther insisted that we 
are saved not by the church but by Jesus Christ; that our supreme ob- 
jective is not the perpetuation of the power of the Roman Catholic 
Church, but the exaltation and crowning as King of our Lord and 
Savior, Jesus Christ. 

"He maintained that Roman Catholicism had forfeited its right to 
support by its betrayal of Jesus Christ as the head of the Christian, 
or so-called Christian, organization; and he pointed out that the great 
agency in this betrayal was the creation and official setting up of the 
Roman Confessional in the year 1115. In that year Roman Catholi- 
-cism substituted for the leadership of the church, that is for Jesus 
Christ, the priesthood of the Confessional— which represented the 
organization of Romanism. Martin Luther blew up that doctrine, 
and re-crowned Jesus Christ as the great central object of our devotion 
and for our leadership in Christianity. 

' ' 

"Martin Luther did another thing, and it is brought to my mi 
by what Dr. Evans said this morning. Martin Luther insisted thai 
the main object in life is not to save oneself. He declared that Jcili 
Christ was not everlastingly thinking about Himself, but that He wm 
ever concerned for others. He went to Calvary for others, and ii w,i« 
said of Him: 'He saved others; Himself He could not save,' In the 
saving of others, it transpired that He saved Himself. 

Results of Selfishness 

"Roman Catholicism lost out in North Africa before the #rofl 
sweep of Mohammedanism, because it refused to go out and hi I ill 
on the open fields with the forces of Mohammedanism. It chow hi 
shut itself up in its monasteries and convents in order to "save iiw Ii 
and thereby it perished. And you have today no great missitn 
drive in the Latin countries. Why? We find no spiritual iinpiil 
moving out for the saving of others, from the Latin nations. W'Uyi 
Because the whole teaching of the centuries at the hands of KnmitN 
Catholicism has been the saving of itself, and the shutting up nl || 
self in monasteries and convents. 

' 'On the other hand, you have in Germany, in the Protestam i uii|j 
tries of Scandinavia, in England and in America the great spiiiuu 
drive for the saving of the peoples around the world. That is tin 
suit of the doctrine of Martin Luther. We are here to worl 
our own salvation by uplifting and serving others. 

"I am not here to say what the Klan shall do or shall not do; I 

I am absolutely certain of this, that the Klan will live and :u I 

its supreme destiny if it will do two things at least. It mull » 
solutely crown Jesus Christ as the King of men and nations 
must give itself, in whole-hearted consecration — not for tin 
of its own life, but for the uplift and the saving of America, .nul | 

"Therefore, I was tremendously interested this morning to hi ill | 
the constructive plans that you have created and have already i 1 1 1 1 j <i I < 

for this year's program. One thing Martin Luther failed to do; M 

Luther failed to secure premanent union in his own ranks, .uul 
divisions that came into the Reformation forces folio \ ing his I. n! 

ship were far more responsible for the retarding of the llel 

than was the rise of the Jesuit ranks. Roman Catholicism U.v i 
its advances in the subsequent years or centuries not by virtw 
own strength, but largely through the divisions that have conn \. 1 1 hi 

our own ranks. Now, it is absolutely banking on its de: u 

this great Protestant Organization that at lasi has arisen, muln ill 
glory of God, for supreme service in America in«! tlin>iigli<iin 

world. It is absolutely banking on disrupting us, as t has d.rupu 
other Protestant forces in the past years. And if we can fight on bat 
ties on the inside, and settle our questions and the go , ou mth 
.bsolute front under one Flag, the gates of hell and the Vatican shall 

not prevail against us. 

"Now I can not hit on all the things I want to this morning. I 
would like to comment just a little upon some of the things that ate, 
being said in the present moment. They are talking about ehgious 
tolerance. Bless your heart, will you show me an age or a people, 
where Roman Catholicism, through the centuries, has been ^ domi- 
nant, that it has not driven religious tolerance outs^ : its emtory 
I challenge any man in any age, among any people, to give me one 
nstance where Romanism, dominant, has not absolutely crushed ie- 
lijous tolerance and freedom. I am against Romanism today for one 
reason, in order to save religious tolerance to America. 

•'Hilaire Belloc, an outstanding Roman Catholi c . Engl. sh leader 
from the Knights of Columbus, recently out in th« : State leOunng, 
declared this, in the April Number of the Century Ma & a,,n, Whe^e 
ever Roman Catholicism becomes the most powerful, the mostta 
nant power it must be supreme, and it must act as the absolute 
"thorit; Roman Catholic culture must either be dominant in any 
society, or it must be persecuted.' 

"What docs that mean? It simply means that it can not ph : with 
our Americanism. Either it must destroy our Americanism or it must 
he destroyed by our Americanism. 

"And, please God, the latter shall take place. 

Foreign Blocs Must Be Eliminated 
"They calk about eliminating the Klan from politics. When you 
have eliminated the Polish bloc ftom politics in America, and the 
SJ ib?;, and the Negro bloc, and the Jewish bloc, «£*^ 
rhe Roman Catholic bloc, then with reason you can begin to talk 
about the elimination of other blocs. 

•'Remember rhat the French Huguenots *f^ iheir ^at ™t.ta 
when they decided to move out of the political ^«^^ 
selves absolutely to spiritual activities. In that hour the wer 
disintegrated and destroyed. France today would have a 
million great, strong-hearted, French Huguenots as the basis of he 
eivilizatfon and her strength, had the Huguenots ™-£**£ 
eliminate themselves from political activities Roman Catholicism 
is political, and you can destroy it only by political action. 

1 19 

"Speaking of current events, I was interested in another tl 
I was very much interested m what Mr. Davis said. I am not sp, 
mg now either for or against Mr. Davis, hut I was interested in til || 
portion of Scripture which he quoted in his first address: 

' '.Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocricv I 1 1| 

there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid 

shall not be known. Therefore, whatsoever ye have spoken in th 
darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spol 
in the ear in the closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops 

"I am for that text. We will have a great day when we hi in- 
to the light all that Mr. Tumulty said to Mr. Davis before Ik- m,ti]| 
that declaration. 

"All that the Roman Hierarchy said to certain leaders in ri, 
Democratic convention at New York; all that they have been pu 
across in Washington, and also in our State legislatures- -it will l> 
a great day when it all comes into the light! 

T am for printing that text and nailing it above the Congn j 

Washington, and on the doors of every State House in the I 

and upon the doors of every Roman Catholic cathedral and par, 
school throughout the land. 

Issue Cannot Be Side stepped 
"The issue has been joined in America. It is perfectly idle m i ,11 
about sidestepping the Roman Catholic question in America. 
question is before us, and has been before us for many a lout; v<?*| 
One of the great services of the Kian, mark you, has been the "hfim 
up before all America of the serious threat of political Roman. m 
the States. 

"While I am saying that, let me also say that the Klan has km I 
one other service; it has demonstrated that it is not too late m i 
America from Romanism. 

"I shall tell you a story, that was given to me the othei I. 
about a drummer who went into a country town and over to i hi 
the general store, to talk to the boss about selling some goodl 
he walked in, the boss wasn't there; but there was a young i li I 
duty. The drummer said to the young fellow, 'Can yoii tell' m. 
the boss is?' The boy put his thumbs in his vest, walked oui fimii i 
hind the counter and said: 'Weil, sir, I'm the whole i he s. Iich 
The drummer said to him: 'My boy, will you tell t h< boss ilui h | 
short on cheese?' The Klan has demonstrated (Ins, tfui ft. 
Catholicism in America is still ghori on cheese. 

"Now^ let me say a word about Rome. This is something or f 
personal experience. In 191 4, there were coming in so many applicfl 
tions for our Protestant school on the old Jardin Hill that we d( 
cided we would have to have a larger building, several buildings, and 
plenty of ground, so that we could take care of 1500 or 2.000 young 
men, rather than sixty or eighty boys. That is all the room we 
in the past — our resources were very limited. 

Romanism As Practiced In Rome 
"I was looking for some ground. I went over to the Embassy it- 
see the ambassador, and he sent me out on the Via Noraentana. Thai 
is the road along which Nero walked in his last hours, and where h( 
finally committed suicide. He said, 'There's a fine piece of ground, 
left by the American Academy. ' I went and hunted around, and al 1$ I 
located k down in the valley, half-filled with water. And then I had .1 
thought; I remembered that that ambassador's name was O'Brien 
I went back to him and said: 'Mr. O'Brien, that wont do; WC 
want something bigger and finer than that.' 

"One day, a friend took me up on a hill called Monte Mario. I 
wash I had you up there this morning; I'm sure if I had the Imperial 
Wizard and Klansman Bossert and you other men up there, you would 
want to build a college right away over there. 

"I suppose it commands one of the greatest views in the world 
It is somewhat higher than the Vatican Hill. I simply say wc didn'i 
make the hill; God made the hill, and evidently he wanted us up then 

"But I say this to them seriously: 'Certainly Protestantism, with 
its gospel of enlightenment, with its spirit of democracy, and with 
its idealism of the Apostolic age of Christianity, has character, hai 
righteousness, has purity of heart, has brotherhood, and that CCI 
tainly that kind of Protestantism is at least two or three hundred fed 
higher than the darkness and the superstition and the rottenness and 
the tyranny of Roman Catholicism.' 

"The moment the people of the Vatican found we had that hill, 
and I am simply telling you this to demonstrate what the Vatican 
does when it is supreme, then they wanted it. It had been in the mai 
ket for years. They put up a fight against us. Nationalism was I un 
ning high in Italy at that time. They said: 'These people aren'l n 
ligious people, these Americans; they arc just propagandists; they tfl 
financed by the great concerns of America; they have sei up th( il 
citadels in Constantinople and Asia Minor and North i\fricii and 
Spain and France and Switzerland a\u\ the Balkans a\u\ Russia. 
Now they are coming to Koine as a last strategic move to 1 apturc 



rope' Well, I said thai wouldn't |,, ., |,,„| „|, , 

"I said it would save us a whole lot of trouble, yen,,,,. , |„ | 
before they came over. 

"But it made a battle for us. And the question came ,„ , 

issue one night, with the City Council of Rome. A Mason,, .1 

telephoned me that afternoon that the meeting was on and thev would 
probably take the property. 'Oh/ I said, "not so bad as thai, is M l 
well, he said, tt is pretty serious. ' 

-They battled nnt.l after midnight, that August nichl ol , , 
and finally they did the only thing they could do. Thev .L-. I,,., I 

those American Protestants were in legal possession of thai I 

and that they could stay there and carry on their work. 

"Now men, I don-t know how you feel about it. Of corns, „vi 

here, you have things pretty much your own way; but over , 

we have ,t,st a bate handful of Protestants up against the cone,,,, .. 
political and financial and social power of Romanism. Ove, ,1, , 
we felt that the victory, that August night of ,.,„, was the ,„ ,„ , 

LutheT mi a " d rdlgi0US lillerty thlS SR,e the da - vs " f ' M »«i 

Drive Against Americans 

"We went on with our work, having a success that had no. hi , 
paralleled ,n all the past years, until last fail tour friends the Kuiul, 

of Columbus came over. They had advertised that m Calilor .. 

were raising a mi || ion J o]I . lrs M Jnvc (hc AmcnC;(l1 y M ( . 

and those American Protestants off from Monte Mario. Tin, 

ove,- there with their money, and thev declared: 'At las, u, J 
drive every last Mason of Italy into the sea, and we will dnv, „. 
American a . M. C. A. out of Rome, and the American Protcs,.,,,, , , 
iron, Monte Mano y Thcy haye fflade a batd£ for us 

"Men. those few Protestants are out there on that fr |„„ 

fighting your fight-only a handful of them, bur thev Imv, 

the spirit of the French at Verdun, and as the Italians said on ,h, ,,„,| 

ofthePiavc: Here, the Pope shall not pass.' 

"Now think what it means, Roman Ca,hol„;,„, has ,,r, 

captured, or recaptured, Europe todav-politicalh ,„ ,1 

own. Poland, .and Austria, and Hungary; she is donum,,,,",, 
Balkans, she is dominant in the new Baltic States. I,.,,,,, ,, „ ,„ , 

Ambassador at the Vatican andEngland has her I VI,,, |„ \ ,' 

bpajn has. made anew treaty with the V „„.,,, I, |. ,'„ 1SI .,,,.. „, ,.. 


Roman Catholicism has captured Europe again, politically. And the 
only thing that stands between her and complete domination is 
America— -and, will you let me say it, the Knights of the Km Kins 

America Shall Remain American 

"I had a friend up for supper, on Monte Mario. He was an Italian 

Protestant — dreadfully depressed. He said: 'Doctor — , Rome 

has won again.' 'Oh,' I said, 'I don't know. It does look rather bad 
here in Europe; but she hasn't won in America. ' 'Oh yes/ he said, 'she 
has got America, It is too late for you to save America.' 'Well,' I 
replied, 'I didn't know about that.' I asked: 'How do you know?' 
He answered: 'I have been over in America.' 'You have?' 'Yes, I 
have been over there.' 'Where have you been?' 'Well,' he said, 'I 
was in New York.' I said: 'We don't always include New York in 
America. Sometime, when we shall have cleaned it up and Ameri- 
canized it, perhaps we'll take it back. Where else have you been?. 
'Oh,' he said, 'I was up in Boston. You can't do a thing in Boston 
without the O. K. of Cardinal O'Connell.' 'Well,' I said, 'he does 
cut a pretty wide swath there, but, still, there are other places. Did 
you go anywhere else?' 'Oh,' he said, 'I've been out in Chicago, and 
Brennan had everything there. And bless you,' he continued, Tve 
been m Baltimore, and you haven't got a chance for your life in Balti- 
more unless you are a Roman Catholic.' I said: That does look 
pretty bad. Have you been anywhere else?' 'No,' he replied. 

' 'I said to my friend: 'You've missed some places. Next time you 
go to America, I want to make out your itinerary for you. I would 
like to send you down into North and South Carolina, and Atlanta, 
Georgia, and Alabama, and Texas, and Oklahoma, and out in Arkan- 
sas, where Judge Comer is, and up to Ohio, and Indiana, and Illinois, 
and a few other places. You'll find something that will change your 
mind as to Romanism having conquered America; and, what's more, 
it never will conquer America.' 

"But I do not want to stop with that. I want to leave the em- 
phasis where the Imperial Wizard put it before I came to the plat- 

"The French Revolution failed because, while men had come to 
a knowledge of their rights, they were without an adequate concep- 
tion or understanding of their responsibilities. Men, we know our 
rights, we can fight for our rights: but the great thing for us in this 
hour is to understand before God our supreme responsibilities, ;iml 
put them across." (Great Applause.) 


Uamman Bosscrt. "I want to say to you men, ; md especially vm 
Grand Dragons and Imperial Representatives, that Dr. - will 

remain in America until the first of the year. 

"I just tip you off to a little inside secret, If he hasn't been \ 
your State, were 1 you, I would see the man that is at the head of - 1, 
Lecture Bureau of the Klan and request him to find a way to have I \\ 

- speak in my Realm. And I would say to the rest' of you thai I 

would get in on the ground floor before leaving here, and arrang, ,.. 
have him in my State. I am just tipping you off. If you fellows J. , n 
want him, I will keep him in Indiana! 

"Klansmen, I want to make this little statement on behalf of yum 
presiding officer at this time. I wish I had had time, and I wish theflj 
had been space on the program for each of you to have said soma him 
in behalf of the Klan. I wish I could have known personally « s , i 
minister who attended this Klonvokation so that I could have calli 
upon him at some time during this four days' session, to help us in I hi 
great work, I wish, as I say, that I could have called upon each Grand 
Dragon, each Titan, and each individual to help in this great program 

"I know that you all have had something in your hearts y W \ 
would like to have said. We have all been enthusiastic as we Imvi 
gone along, and each day our vision has been enlarged. If you fetl 

as does the presiding officer, you are going home with a new vis 

and with a different conception of responsibility. I feel that we (.un- 
accomplished things here that we wanted to put across. I wan. 
to leave with a kindly feeling towards your presiding officer, and in, 
other men who have labored and tried to put this" meeting acru 
We did the best we could. I know there are others who could hav* 
done better. But, understand, we do not know it all, and even »n 

makes mistakes. If there were any mistakes made, ky them o 

shoulders; because my shoulders are broad, and I can take the punish 

"1 realize my responsibility, and I hope all of you do— I know yog 
do. I want you to go away from here with a vision, and come bai J 
to the Klonvokation two years from now with added punch and 

righting force that will be irresistible. And I want each one of yo 

report that you have put across the program in your Stat. 

"It has been requested that all the Ministers who arc here this nu >rn 

ing stand up. We would like to see the fine looking bunch oi 

that we have in the ministry. " 

(The Ministers stood in the audience.) 


"I do not know how the rest of you feel, but I feel that with such 
backing as that there can be no failure on the part of the Klan. 

"Is Klansman , the Chairman of the Resolutions Com- 
mittee, ready to report?" 

Klansman — ~^~. "I am. Mr. Chairman, and gentlemen of 
the Klonvokation: I don't want to take the time, because it is near 
the adjourning hour, to read our report in detail, but I think you ought 
to know our action upon certain resolutions, that is, the action that 
we recommend. Therefore, without reading the report in detail, I 
shall read the resolutions presented, and our action, and then move 
your consideration. 

"The first resolution presented before the Committee reads as 
follows : 

" 'Be it resolved by the Klonvokation, in due and legal session, 
at Kansas City, Missouri, that it does by this resolution abolish 
Klantons or Klan jurisdiction of all local Klans which may hereafter 
be organized or formed in the Realm of Louisiana, United States of 

" 'Be it further resolved, that local Klans in the Realm of Louisiana 
shall exercise no territorial jurisdiction whatsoever m any respect. 

* ' 'Be it further resolved, that this law shall remain in force and effect 
so long as the Imperial Wizard, in his discretion, may see fit to con- 
tinue same in effect, and that power be and is hereby vested in the 
Imperial Wizard to create and confer territorial jurisdiction to the 
local Klans in the Realm of Louisiana, at such time and in such manner 
as in his Imperial discretion such will be necessary or expedient. He 
also shall have power to define the territorial jurisdiction of said 
Klans when said territorial jurisdiction shall in the future, in his 
Imperial discretion, be conferred.' 

"The Committee unanimously recommends the adoption of that 
resolution." (The motion was seconded and carried — none but ac- 
credited delegates voting.) 

Klansman . "Resolution No. 4. There are some resolu- 
tions that were introduced intervening, but they have been withdrawn. 
This is the reason for the skip in the number. 

"I read: 

" 'Whereas, the Twenty-fifth triennial Conclave of the Knights 
Templar will be held in Seattle, Washington, commencing on the 
17th day of July, 1924; and, 


" 'Whereas, the City of Seattle can easily accommodate any cm 
tion, and is blessed with a climate which is delightful at all nm 
the year, and especially in the month of July; and 

' 'Whereas, many of the Imperial Officers, Grand Dragons ami < • 
Titans expect to be in attendance at the above-named ConcIav< i 

"Whereas, the next meeting f Grand Dragons and Great T|(L 
will be held, commencing July 2.8, 1915; 

' 'Therefore, be it resolved: That the City of Seattle extend lui 
heartily an invitation to the Imperial Officers to name Seattle, \\ , 1. 
ington, as the next annual meeting place of the Grand Dragon, nut 
Great Titans. 

1 'Respectfully submitted hy the Wash in 1 1 
Delegation and its officers therein.' 

"Whereas, the Imperial Klauik has on two previous occasion 
named the meeting place of the Grand Dragons and Great Til 
and inasmuch, as this Committee does not feel that it has authoi in 
fix a meeti ng place , i t respectfull y re c ommen ds t h a t t he niee ting p I ,n 
be left to the discretion of the Klazik and Grand Dragons and < .1 
Titans who compose said meeting and convention. There fori U\ 
this reason we disapprove this resolution No. 4. 

"That is the Committee's recommendation on the resoh 11 pf{ 

sented by the Klansmen from Seattle. We feci that under the Coiim In 
tion and laws, this committee really had no jurisdiction. We j 
ciate the attitude of the Klansmen that wanted to have us acccpl I 
invitation; but under your Constitution it-is provided that the M.i 
shall name the first meeting place, and all meetings since then I 
advised have followed out that plan. Therefore, we move the rejocf 
of that resolution and request that the Seattle Klansmen take it u| 
the Klafcik. 

(The motion was seconded and adopted— none but accredit 
gates voting.) 



'Resolution No. 5 : 

' 'Whereas, one of the chief aims and purposes o\ rhcOrdei • 
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is to keep eternally ablaze ifr 
fire of a fervent devotion to a pure Americanism by keeping, Am 
100% American through the use of purely American pun, ipf, 
language; and, 


:reas, in innocent violation oi our own proJessiou, 1 
primed matter has been placed on s : oj om paraphernalia 

■ \* 

-alia, etc., in a language other than the American language; then 

"'Be it resolved, that on and after the adjournment of this, tin 
Second Imperial Klonvokation of the Invisible Empire, Knight- oi 
the Ku Klux Klan, no language shall be printed or used on an] di 
sign, ensign, flag, standard, banner, emblem, insignia, scab para 
phernalia,- regalia, uniforms, costumes, etc., and all clerical forms 01 
matters to be" printed, for use by and for the Invisible Empire or an) 
member thereof, except the only one language— The American Language: 
"Your Committee moves that this resolution be tabled, ' 
(The motion was seconded and carried— none but accredited dele 
gates voting.) 

Klansman — — - "Resolution No. 6 provides: 

" 'That the fourth or last sentence of Section 18, Article 18, page 62 . 
of the Constitution and bylaws of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 
which reads as follows: "Upon payment of his arrears he shall be 
automatically re-instated and shall be so reported by the Khgrapp 
in his next quarterly report; 1 be stricken out and the following sen 
tences be submitted in its place: "Application for reinstatement be 
cause of non-payment of dues or other charges shall be handled m the 
same manner as provided in this Constitution for the handling of new 
petitions. It shall be optional with the local Klan whether such appli- 
cant shall pay in full his dues ov other charges in arrears or shall be 
required to pay a \^w or additional Klectokon in lieu thereof.' 

"This resolution provides for an amendment to the Constitution, 
The Constitution provides the method which must be followed Ifl 
order to have an amendment to the Constitution, and this method ha I 
not been followed, and therefore the Committee holds it has no jure, 
diction, and therefore moves the rejection of the resolution." 

(The motion was seconded and carried -mone but accredited dek 
gaies voting.) 1 

Klansman*— -. "Resolution No. 7: 

" 'Be it resolved, that all designs, ensigns, flags, standards, emblcmai 
insignia, seals, costumes, jewelry, or any article or thing, regardless 
oi form or of what material it is made that has a tendency to reye-ft] 
the identity of a Klansman ay an alien, shall be absolutely prohibited 
from being advertised or in the possession of a Klansman, either ai 
owner or for sale, except as provided by our Constitution and Lawi 
\nd it shall be the duty of all Imperial, Grand, Great and Klantotl 
officer cp cake up ancj forward the Imperial Palace all such thing! 

1 \7 

found in the possession of any Klansman, together with writtei 
strnctions to the Klansman, calling his attention to the violation d 
this resolution, copy of which written instructions shall accompany 
such articles or things to the Imperial Palace. A second violation ill 
this resolution shall mean banishment without fear or favor. 

" 'All the above is intended to be in accordance with the 
man's oath, the Constitution, Laws and official proclamations of rhi 
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan/ 

"This has for its purpose the amendment of the Constitution! 
the method prescribed by the Constitution for amendments has mil 
been followed, and we move that the resolution be rejected." 

(The motion was seconded and carried- — none but accredited d< li 
gates voting.) 

K I an s man — , "Resolution No. S: 

4 'Whereas, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, being pledgi 
Imperial Proclamation and by its Constitution to safeguard the sai n il 
rights, privileges and institutions of our Civil Government and I 
aid and assist in the execution of all Constitutional laws, cam km hill 
view with grave concern the increasing disrespect for all authoril 
caused by the widespread disregard of the laws of the Federal Go 
ernment and the several States prohibiting the manufacture, transput 
tation and sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes, noi 

* *Be it resolved, that this Klonvokation hereby reitcratn 
unqualified allegiance to the Constitution and laws of the IJmti ' 
States and of the several States thereof, and calls upon all faithful 
Klansmen dutifully to obey the law and uphold the regularly nn\ 
stituted authorities in the enforcement thereof, to the end thai 

may be spared the disgrace of lawlessness and anarchy, that ( 

stitutions may be transmitted unimpaired to future generations, .im. I 
that the honor, happiness and welfare of our people may be fori 

"We move the adoption of that resolution." 

(The motion was seconded and carried — none bin accredited drli 
gates voting.) 

Klansman — ■ . "Resolution No. 9: 

" 'Whereas, a child moving from the country to the city, 01 fnm. 
one city to another is confused with the many different text bool 
selected bv the different boards of education all over 0111 nation, itlj 


" 'Whereas, the child so moved is retarded in its stud.:, fol 
period of one year or more; and 

" 'Whereas, a child being so retarded loses all interest in its itudii 


" 'Whereas, education is necessary to make our country ol I 
morrow; and 

" 'Whereas, the party so moved must purchase a completi et 
text hooks at a great expense; and 

" 'Whereas, the text books so purchased are practically of no .. 
after a period of two or three years; therefore 

" 'Be it resolved, that we advocate to our legislative bodies the 
extreme need of a uniform text book throughout the nation »nd 
that this uniform text book be selected by the well educated toll, g, 
professors from various parts of the United States making , 
hen possible for a child to move many nuk, and be retarded only h 
time lost in travel-also making it possible for one child to hand h 

book down to its younger brother or sister. This uniform text I 

must have all lessons numbered. Each teacher must instruct I 
No. 10 on the day so specified.' 

"Should this go through as a law the Parochial schools win. h 
are the base of supply for the Roman Catholic Church, won d hav. » i 
time ,o teach Roman Catholicism because of number of lessons « 
quired by law to instruct during that school day. Unless they had 
a longer school day, this would meet with the non-approval ol tbl 
school child. Let them try it. 

"This resolution has for its purpose certain amendments to Ml 
bv-laws and Constitution. The prescribed form touching an amend 

ment has not been followed, and we move the rejection of Re. 

tion No, 9." 

(The motion was seconded and adopted-none but accredit* d di I 
gates voting.) 

Klansman • "Resolution No. 10, will he unun\ I I 

Klansman Comer: 

'"Whereas, there exists in the Constitution and Laws oi th 
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan as heretofore adopted on the 19th Jaj 
«f KW..W. ion. bv the first Imperial Klonvokation, held in - 

of November, 192.x, by the first Imp 

lanta, Georgia, certain errors of diction, punctuation 

expression; and 

M 'Whereas, it is deemed proper to correct the same, 


spc Hi fl j 

th< ■• fori 

" 'Be it resolved, that a committee be appointed by the Chair 
from the membership of this Klonvokation with full power and 
authority to correct said errors in diction, punctuation, spelling and 

"The Committee does not want to recommend that resolution quire 
as it provides, but we do recommend to you that the resolution bi 
referred to our Imperial Wizard, with authority to take whatevi I 
action, if any, in his judgment he thinks wise." 

(The motion was seconded and carried— none but accredited dele 
gates voting.) 

Ktansman— "Resolution No. n, introduced by Klaus 

.man McCarron: 

" 'Whereas, a large percentage of the Erst men placed in the field 
as Kleagles have proven dishonest, untrustworthy and of such typj 
of character as to cause a great number of people to look upon anyonl 
bearing this term with suspicion; and 

" 'Whereas, in a great many instances, these former Kleagles hi 
run bills in the communities in which they were stationed, and lu 
failed to properly take care of them, which has caused the all*! 
world to look with suspicion on the term "Kleagle; ,, and 

" ' Whereas, the membership of the Knights of the Ku Klux Kl, 
is to a large extent aware that a number of Kleagles have defrauded 
the Organization and have left their territories in such condition thfl 
it is extremely difficult to again establish confidence in the community 
and which has caused the lay members of the Knights of the Ku Khtf 
Klan to hold the term "Kleagle" in disrepute; and 

" 'Whereas, the press has derided this term until it has been tnftl 
ridiculous; therefore, 

" 'Be it resolved, that we do away with the term "Kleagle," Uli 
that it be stricken from the Constitution and Laws of our Organi - 
tion and the term "Field Representative" be substituted therefor, and 
the handicap under which our field workers are laboring be thus I 

" 'Be it further resolved, that this substitution be also appln did 
the term "King Kleagle," and that this latter term be chanj d 
"Realm Field Representative;" and 

" 'Be it further resolved, that we absolutely do away with S 
words "Imperial Kleagle." 

"That provides U>v amendments to our Constitution, ai 


method has not been followed in that respect, and we move the n 
jection of resolution No. n." 

(The motion was seconded and carried-none but accredited dele- 
gates voting.) 

(Resolution No. ix, being out of line with Klan work was, by the 
Klonvokation, ordered stricken from the minutes.) 

Klansman • Resolution No. 13 = 

■■ 'Whereas, in certain section of our country a large percentage 
of the persons convicted of crime are aliens; and 

- 'Whereas, respect for law and order is one of the cardinal prin- 
ciples of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; therefore, 

■' 'Be it resolved, by this Klonvokation that we favor the enact- 
nient bv Confess of the United States of legislation ptoviding for 
£ edeportatio 8 n to the country of their origin of all aliens convicte 
of crimes involving moral turpitude, or convicted of a violation of the 
Na3 Prohibition Act, th P e said deportation to take place upon 
the expiration of the term of imprisonment imposed by the cou.t 
upon said alien as a punishment for the said offense. 
"We move the adoption of resolution No. 13." 
(The motion was seconded and carried-none but accredited dele- 
gates voting.) 

Klansman • "Resolution No. 14: 

- 'Be it resolved, that from and after this date the Imperial Klabee 
shall prepare or have prepared during the months of January and July 
of e ch ana every year a financial statement of the previous six month S 
the san'e showing the assets and liabilities of the Invisible Empire 
tether with a statement of the receipts and disbursements for penod 
covered by this balance. 

" 'Provided that the statement shall show the receipts in grow 
only, but itemized as to departments and the disbursements shown 
in gross but in detail as to departments. 

- 'Resolved further, that a printed copy of this report he furnished 
each Grand Dragon and each Great Titan of each and every Realffl 

and to eS ExaUed Cyclops of each Klan in each and every Re 

"This provides for a change in our Constitution and By-Laws and 
as the procedure has not been followed, we move its rejection. 

(The motion was seconded and carried-none but accredited del 
gates voting.) 



"Now, I have a resolution to present 

which I hope trnf Klonvokation will adopt unanimously. 

" 'Be it resolved by this Klonvokation assembled that we re-affiffl 
our allegiance and unfailing devotion and support to the Constitution 
and By-Laws of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and to our Imperii! I 
Wizard; that we re-affirm our allegiance to our Imperial Wizard ;ui«l 
his official family, and at the same time that we pay a tribute to OH! 
Imperial Wizard for that dauntless courage that he has displayed 
during the past months of darkness, aided at times alone by God 
grace when many of the rest of us were failing, and that it be the s 
of this Klonvokation that we stand 100% back of our Constitute 
and our Wizard, his purposes, his aims and ambitions.' 

"Do I getV second?" 

(Chorus of seconds.) 

Klansman Dessert. ' 'All those who favor that, signify it by rising 

(The motion was carried by a unanimous rising vote— none bul 
accredited delegates voting.) 

Klansman Bossert. "Gentlemen of the Klonvokation: I h* 
sent for another local Klansman, that I want you to meet, and I »!■ 
sire to introduce him to you. I am told that this local Klansman 

whom I do not know, Klansman — , is responsible for the de< orn 

tions in the hall. I am told that this Klansman has worked uri 
ceasingly at night and day, that the interior arrangements of this hull 
might be the last thought, as expressive of the things for which chi 
Klan stands— devotion and patriotic duty to our country. I movi 
you, gentlemen of the Klonvokation, that we extend to this 
Klansman a vote of thanks. Come up here, so that we may sec you I 

Klansman McCarron. "He worked night and day, Klansmen, uA 
he right now is up there on that loud speaker." 

Klansman Bossert. ' 'Klansman — : Come to the pi atfor m I Th i 

is the gentleman. Give him a rising vote of thanks, boys/' 

(Applause and cries of "speech," all rising.) 

Klansman — — . "Well, all we have done, fellows, in th< l<- 
three weeks is to help George C. McCarron, which we are i 

happy to do. Excuse me, I am a little out of breath, I had to n 

here to get that loud speaker fixed so you could hear. If you lik< I 
we are well pleased; if you do not like it, we arc sorry. Wc did "I 
best we could. ' ' (Applause,) 

lv In' lc K 

■kk <- Cnrtrv W —- want to make statements. So U 

S°S- then we will have the reading of * 
S* of todays meeting, that the program may go through u 
regular form. Klansman Carter has some announcements to m,l, 
at the present time." 

m r*»+** "The onlv announcement to be made is thai 

. JT/ou C Z 'hav^ea railroad tickets from the Railroad 
ommittee will please take them up. These boys have personally 
: U a"d that you will pay for the tickets, and now that you hav< 
„"d them, please be good enough to these Klansmen to keep the,,, 
Sm having \l pay for tickets that you are not going to use. Thank 


___ f Wisconsin has a bricl 

Klansman Bossert. "Klansman 
statement he wishes to make to you.' 

\ansmt tn boss\ ■ t . 

wc have .) few mor< stati mc 

, ''Klansmen of the Klonvokation: Tuesday even- 
i„ / XS d to a very beautiful talk given us by one of our famous 
"ft'esmen <Do not permit anyone to take the blue and the white out of 
he FW It just happens that I represent a State whence comes 
United States enator who is attempting to do that very thing, an 
want to ask you men when you go back home to help the Wisconsin 
Kinsmen in their fight to keep the blue and the white in the Flag, 
[thank you." (Applause.) 

tkmmm'B*^. "Klansman tells me that the United States 

Senator to whom he refers wants to be President. You boys ma, 
know who he is, without naming him. 

'•Klansman Poock, of the Junior Order, desires tO make a brief 
statement to you at this time." 

Klanwan Poock. "Klansmen;! want to express tc .you perso^ly 
m appreciation for the hearty co-operation you have given us n 
Stltes in which we have started operations. In the States in which 
we have nit yet started, I want to leave this thought with you, which 
was brought to my mind by four lines from Kipling. 

It ain't the guns nor armament, 
Nor the funks that they can pay, 
But the close co-operation, 
That makes them win the day. 

It ain't the individual, 
Nor the army as a whale, 
But the everlasting teamwork, 
Of every bloorain' soul. 


"By team work when we come to your Realm to establish ih< 
Juniors, we can help you in your great fight, because we arc building 
Klansmen of tomorrow. I thank you." (Applause.) 

Klansman Bossert. "We will now have the reading of id 
minutes of this day's session.'* 

Klansman Ramsey. "Kiansmen : I will make it as snappy as 1 Cfl n ' 

(Minutes of the day's session were read by Klansman Rami! j 
who moved that they be approved.) 

(The motion was seconded and carried — none but accredited dell 
gates voting.) 

Klansman Bassert. "Now, informally, and not in the minutes, I 
want just for a minute for you to bear with me. Klansman Mc( larrOfl 
has one brief statement he desires to make." 

Klansman McCarron, ' 'I had no chance to thank the Imperial W i . 1 1 I 
and the members of the Imperial Kloncilium for the wonderful crib 
ute which I received at the hands of the Klonvokation yestcrda) 
I just want to say -this briefly, that as long as I live I am going Ci 
treasure that as the most wonderful present I have ever received, and 
I only hope that I will always be worthy to wear it." (Applausi 

Klansman Gifford. "I move the Klonvokation assembled in 

Kansas City, Missouri, extend to Klansman George C. McCal 

and his associates from Kansas City, Nebraska, and Missouri, a risini 
vote of thanks." 

Klansman Etheridge. "I would like to amend that motion to 

include Gail S. Carter, his able assistant, in this matter, upon win 

large share of this work has fallen." 

A Klansman. "If I may further amend that motion, I wish ■ < 
include our worthy chairman in that motion." 

(A spontaneous rising vote was had.) 

Klansman Bossert. "Klansman Carter wishes to make a siati 

Klansman Carter, "Mr. Chairman and fellow Kiansmen: I did 
not have a chance yesterday to say thank you for this coniplini 
and this honor, bestowed me by the Imperial Wizard and thi 
Klonvokation. I am very much of a young man, and the thing I 


hope, and the thing I pray is that, in a weak moment, I will ni VI I 
allow this compliment to cause me to feel that I am good. I Learni d 
a long time ago to realize that the Lord was all, and I am jus. doing 
some of His work for Him. I hope I will always be worthy to w« Al 
this watch, and that I will always be worthy to be called a Klansman, 
and that you, my elders, will ever assist me in my life in the Man 
I thank you, ' ' (Applause.) 

Clansman . "Fellow Kiansmen: I would like to bring a 

greeting to this Klonvokation at this time. I am from Columbia, 
South Carolina. I am the Exalted Cyclops of the biggest Klan in 
the State, numbering about seventeen hundred. We have twenty 
two preachers, members of our Klan. 

"Now the greeting that I want to bring to you Kiansmen today 
is this: One week ago I left my home, and bade my wife good-bye. 
My mother-in-law, eighty-one years of age, came and put her arms 
around my neck and said: 'When you get out to that Klonvokation 
and have an opportunity, I want you to give to them my love, my 
confidence, my prayers, and my best wishes." (Applause.) 

Klansman Davis. "Mr. Chairman." 

Klansman Bossert. "Klansman J. H. Davis, better known as 
'Cyclone Davis.' Klansman Davis is an ex-Congressman from the 
State of Texas." 

Klansman Davis. "I was seventy years old the day before last 
Christmas. I have led a strenuous, political and platform life for the 
last forty years. My wife insists that I am going to be killed, because 
I make Klan lectures, and begs me to quit. The last time I lectured, 
I addressed about eight thousand people. At another lecture to about 
five thousand, I had the misfortune to be assigned to the same room in 
which an anti-Catholic lecturer had been killed. My wife took that as 
an omen of the fact that I was going to be killed, and she is begging me 
to leave the field and quit politics and quit everything else, and re- 
main at home with her. She did not even want me to come her,. 
She was afraid I might get killed on the way. I said to her: 'If 1 
get killed, I will die with my face to the enemy.' 

"I will never stop. What powers God has given me shall not b< 
surrendered as long as I see the imminent perils that confront thii 
republic— from an alien autocratic throne in Rome. I am willing 
for the Pope of Rome to have America. 


When water fails to flow down hill, 

And you find the ocean is dry ; 
When the moon is dead, and there is no sun 

To shine in yonder sky; 
When Judas becomes a patron saint, 

And Christ a base betrayer; 
When Cain becomes an innocent man, 

And Abel becomes his slayer; 
When hell becomes a health resort, 

And Heaven a hall of sin, 
And God vacates His Heavenly home 
, And the devil enters in." 

Klansman Bossert, "Fellow Klansmen " 

r Dank Is an 


ds di< 

in i 

(Cries from the audience for "Skipwith.") 

Klansman Ramsey. "I claim the privilege, Klansmen, as a Lou 
ianian, of introducing to you the hero of Mer Rouge, Captain J. I. 
Skipwith." (Greeted by the sign.) 

Klansman Skipwith. "Mr. Chairman and other Klansmen: I'u 
say that I appreciate the honor of addressing this 100% audiem I 
expressing it very mildly. I am not going to detain you with a length 
discourse on the Mer Rouge affair. However, I wish to make ;i 1 
statements. The instigators of that tremendous farce and stup< udi in 
piece of deception, the Governor of the State of Louisiana, John M 
Parker, and his Attorney General, have been retired toprivati lifi 
Also the judge that sat on the bench, we are hopeful of ret inn 
private life on the 14th day of October. 

"Now I am going to say to you what I have said in many plaCi 
It was an absolute fact that when those bodies went down in thai h I - 
on the 14th day of August, 192.1, if they were the bodies o( D;iiiM 1 
and Richards, they were thoroughly soaked with blind tiger whis I 
And when those bodies came up, four months after they had been put 
down in that lake, they floated around like cork— not show in;- ifl 

abrasion on the skin anywhere, not showing as much as a nibble 1 1 

the myriads of fishes and alligators and turtles that infest the wad I 
of Lake LaFouche. 

"I have asked all the audiences that I have addressed, and I ,1111 
going to ask you Klansmen, that if any of you think those two boilii 
were the bodies of Daniels and Richards, I want you to be fail Mid 
generous and give to the myriads of fishes, alligators and turtles th*1 
infest the waters of Lake LaFouche credit for showing more n . pci I 


for the Volstead Law than CVC 

"If I were going through the details of what brought on thai 
terrible piece of deception and fraud, it would take me two our 
bat I am not going to take up that much of your time. \\ c .1 d h. IV 
some right laughable things to occur. The Governor, when h 
.oT his score or more of detectives and brought them down 
there had one special fellow from your Missouri. He was down then 
on the St. Louis Post-Dis t atcb. That gentleman was sent to tab car 
of me. He came to my home, sixteen miles in the country wh, r, I 
was enjoying a quiet life. He came about sundown, or a little befon 

Tne ev ningfand'told me that he had been sent there by the Gov, 

.specially fo interview me. I said: 'My friend, you havecom - 

false mission-I am not going to give you an interview. Then hi 

pulled out an interview from the sheriff, and said he had one from 1 

That kind of softened me down a bit. I said: 1 will not be contra y, 
and if you will go with me down to Bastrop, I will give you an in 
terview.' It was then nearly sundown, and he said he would go. 

■■We got about a mile from home, and he asked if I had an) ob 
jections to his taking my picture. I said: 'No, yon can tak, . 
many as you wish.' He said: 'You get out and stand over her. and 
look at that little red cloud in the west.' He got plenty of light, pat 
the camera on a stump and snapped it. He sa.d he had a splendid 
picture of me. 

-Klansmen, that man is down here in St. Louis, on the St.Loui 
Post-Dispatch. I accused him right under his nose of bringing ho., 
bodies down there and putting them in that lake, and he neve ha 
replied to it. That fellow published a picture of me. If any ol ■ 
saw it, yon will recall that it was a great long six-footer, with a Evil 
moustache curled all up, big sombrero hat on, breeches in his boo ■ 
legs, a revolver in his hand, and a pair of pisto s around his mm 
And underneath was printed: 'A picture of Old Skip, Cyclops ol th, 
Morehouse Klan No. 34, a murderer. 

"I told all of my members that that St. Louis man threw awl 
x fortune. All in God's world that fellow would have had CO ■ 

(and I think he was making a hundred or two dollars a m 

would have been to take that picture that he claimed 
mine and carry it around to the little country banks, and simp 
set it up before the cashier's window, and say to him: Count 
every dog-gone dollar you have in the till, without any rurth 


ii irei 

-This fellow followed mc around, and he began to open u D J 

tjt^zt Gove r to me - He tow - *« * G°:q 

[ h,H in ^ S Ti° lnfom ^ th " f ° Ur 0f the mos t trusted , 

I had m my Klan had turned State's evidence, that he knew ,,.,, 
where those bodtes were, and who put them there. Well I s II ', 

you thank the Governor is telling you the truth?' 'Oh,' he said 3 
Gov Id ll£ . . He sa . d: , He tQjd me w tdi . ; 

else I asked: What ■„ lt? ' 'Well,' he said, 'he told me to tell y „„ 
that you had too much power for any one man, and he was going 

end his Attorney General and his troops out here to decapitate yo 
and put your Klan out of business.' I said: 'I thought you tX 

he Governor would not lie.' He said: 'I did.' I said: 'He is hi,,, 
as hard as he can, right now.' } ' 

"I brought him four letters that he promised to copy-letter, 
he antt-fellows over in Mer Rouge had written, telling mil w " , 

letters, he satd. These are the worst things I ever saw a white m m 
wnteorawhttemange,' He shook his head. He said: 'Do s 
Governor know anything about these letters?' I said: 'I do not know 
bu he mtght have dictated them, fot all I know.' He copied 


After copytng the letters, he said : "Captain, have you any messa 
you want to send to the Governor?' I said: 'Yes. You ha/eL 
profuse m your revelations to me from the Governor, that I do In 

TorParf 111 ? ** G ? Wn * * f* ^^ *» «n say to Go 
anot Parker for me that every Klansman in theState of Louisiana and 1 
very State of th, broad Union, is thoroughly familiar with th bra 
mg of an ass. He said: 'You would not call your Governor an 
would you?' I said: 'I have not called him one, that L merdvl 
inference. If you think yourself that the Governor brays like a^j 
Urn not gotng to lose any time trying to disabuse your mind of th 

''Now gentlemen, the fact of the business is, those bodies wej 
handled and taken out of that lake by Roman Catholics; they woui 
not let anybody but Roman Catholics handle them. They m I th 
coroner of the parish, who went down there with his jury to hold an 

r^7i CY T k u h0SC b ° dleS lnt ° MerRo ^ e > wd had a Catholic under- 
taker handle them. All the men that handled them were Rorl 

z 5 8 


Catholics. They put those bodies in the basement of the Masonic 
Lodge one evening about seven or eight o'clock, and the next day 
Coco came up there with his pathologists, two men from New Orleans, 
scientific men. They can tell when a man dies, and what position he 
was in. I know Coco asked one of them in the open hearing if he 
thought Mr. Daniels died with his arms outstretched (indicating), 
and he said: 'No, gentlemen, he died with his arms right up this 
way (indicating).' 

"Anyhow, when they uncovered the bodies to those two patholo- 
gists in that place, they looked at him and said: 'General, those two 
bodies have not been in the water over forty-eight hours. We do not 
think they have been there more than ten or twelve.' 

"They went on with the investigation on the bodies — holding 
an autopsy. There was nobody in the place except Coco, who was a 
Roman Catholic, Walmsley, assistant Attorney General, a Roman 
Catholic, and a fellow named Farland, head of the secret service forces, 
also a Roman Catholic. They were the only three parties in that 
room. This information was communicated to the high Governor 
of the State of Louisiana, and it was ordered suppressed. Arrange- 
ments were then made to carry on the open hearing. 

"Now, Klansmen, there were the high Governor of the State of 
Louisiana and his Attorney General in the combination that prac- 
ticed this fraud. With my own ears I heard the trial judge say, after 
the pathologists came out with the expose of what they said at the 
autopsy, in their testimony, that he knew before the open hearing 
started that those bodies had not been in the water over forty-eight 
hours, and possibly not more than ten or twelve. He told them Mr. 
Walmsley had told him so. Yet, in the face of all of that, they carried 
on about six weeks of open investigation, and we had four lawyers 
there, and they were nothing but wall flowers — could not ask a ques- 
tion, could not object to anything. They just sat there and looked on . 
For five or six long weeks they carried on this investigation. They 
were practicing this brazen deception against the people of the United 
States, and they were getting these witnesses there to swear away 
our lives. 

"It went so far that General Coco was quoted in the adjoining 
parish paper, published in the city of Monroe. Great headlines said : 
'Old Skip Being Indicted for Murder Tomorrow, So Says Coco.' 
Two Hearst reporters came to my room every night to try and pump 
something out of me. I was a little out of sorts, and I sent them around 
to see the Attorney General about that statement of his. Today. 


John M. Parker and Mr. Coco arc both retired citizens and v 

trying to retire the judge. 

"Now, Klansmen, I want to say to you all that I feel that you w 
following the same determination that I am going to follow, thai w, 
will return to our homes with a full determination to back up with 
all our manhood, our energy and our loyalty, the great Christina 
churches of our country, aided and assisted by the Ku KIux Kin, 
headed by our great chieftain, to drive to defeat the insidious foes in 
our midst. I feel that this is a God-given, Heaven inspired Organiza- 
tion. I feel that our chieftian realizes from this magnificent meeting 
that he has the backing of the entire Klan all over this broad Union I 
7 ^toore believe that he that there is a mysterious 
hand that shapes and guides the destinies of man that is hoverin 
over him and his millions of valiant, trustworthy followers to ke p 
them from encountering any great danger, and that mysterious hand 
will hover over and around him in the execution of his duties at dJ 
times. I would like to impress upon us all the fact that we should 
realize that we are simply pawns upon the chess board of our 
great Creator, to be moved about from time to time as His holy will 
may dictate-for the purification, preservation and protection of oui 
worldly domain that has been dedicated to us by our Heavenly Father 
It is our home, and it is the luting home of the Christian religion' 
where the great and beneficent face of the bright Star of Bethlehem 
must and shall shme on, world without end. 

"When the Heavenly light penetrates all the dens of iniquity in 
this country, it will drive out sin and corruption, because it is a well 
known fact that vice and corruption vanish before the beneficent ray* 
of the bright Star of Bethlehem, 

' 'As we go home, may we realize that we are leaving our business in 
a good man s hands-a man that has proved efficient. In that prudent 
courageous, upright, brave and loyal head of our Order, we have the 
second Washington in our midst, who will certainly lead the Klan 
on to glorious victory in the future. ' ' (Applause.) 

Klansman Bossert. "At this time, fellow Klansmen, I would 
like to invite to the platform each one of the ministers that stood up 
a little while ago-we want them in this closing devotion. J want 
each one of them up here on the platform. I also want your name to 
be entered in the record here. Will each one of you come forward?" 
ine following ministers came to the platform: 

~ — , Missouri 

— , Kansas 

" — > Florida 


, Georgia 

y West Virginia 

, Missouri 

, Missouri 

— , Tennessee 

- -, Washington, D. C, 
— — , Indiana 

, Nebraska 

-, Ohio 

, Georgia 

-, Ohio 

-, West Virginia 

— } Delaware 
- — , Texas 
■ — , Wisconsin 
— — , Wisconsin 
- — , Oklahoma 

■ — , Montana 

— — -, Texas 

___ _ — ^ Missouri 

'—■ — j Texas 

- ~ — — — } Texas 

Klansman Bossert . 4 T want to say one thing before we close. During 

all of this Klonvokation some four hundred men have guarded you 

S every moment that you have been in this building. I want you to 

appreciate the details. This possibly has been overlooked, and it 

only goes to show another detail of this Klonvokation. 

'Klansman — - , will you lead us in prayer? I want each of 

you ministers to be in silent prayer while Klansman 
leads us. All rise.' 

Klansman — ■ — — 

— — ■ "Let us devote a few moments to special 
consecration, special consecration to the greatest task that God has 
ever called a group of men to perform— in many centuries, at least. 
"Oh God, our Father, we thank Thee for this great Klonvoka- 
tion. We thank Thee for these wonderful meetings, we thank Thee 
for the spirit of Christ that has predominated at all times. We thank 
Thee for the reports that have come to us to cheer us and to give us 
faith and confidence and courage. We thank Thee, our Father ,"for the 
Klans, and for the programs of work that have been laid by our great , 
consecrated leader. 

"We thank Thee, our Heavenly Father, for Jesus Christ, whose 


presence has been manifest in the lives, the hearts, the messages, till 
thoughts and the very souls of Thy people here assembled. Oh GoA 
we pray that we may face the future with renewed courage, and witt) 
a greater zeal than ever before. 

"Infinite Father, we pray that Thou wilt help us that we shall rial 
ask what shall be the cost or what may be the danger, but may wj 
place our hands in Thine, and go forward to this task with a pur] n ■ | 
to serve. 

"Grant, oh God, that we shall not live for ourselves, but that w| 
shall live for others. Bless this great Organization, out over the hind . 
Bless those men of the ranks who have fought so faithfully and w, II 

Grant, dear Lord, that a new inspiration may grip their heart! 
from this Klonvokation. Grant, Oh God, that we may be in earaei! 
as we undertake this holy program, a program that is sacred, a pro 
gram that is fraught with so much of interest and so much of impor 
tance to the Kingdom of God, to our country, and to the happiness and 
welfare of this generation and the next. We pray, our Father m 
Heaven, that each one of us may consecrate ourselves personally to fl 
deeper and a more earnest work for the Kingdom of God. We pray, 
our Father in Heaven, that Thou wait lead us on, We know not whai 
the future may hold. We know that there have been persecutions and 
trials in the past, and as Paul expressed to his followers: The Spiril 
speaks expressly of still other things to be endured.' 

"We pray, our Father in Heaven, that we shall not fear, thai: w, 
shall not hesitate; but that we shall go forward in this great work 
And, Oh God, wilt Thou bless and continue to guide our great leadd 
and his staff. Infinite God, we pray Thee, as, knowing we shall fail 
if we fail to follow Thee, that we shall follow Thee every step of tin 

"May we carry the battle up the rugged slopes of time. May wc 
sweep the enemy from our fair land. Grant, Oh God, that law!, sa 
ness, ignorance, Yice and sin may be put on the defensive, that thi 
hosts of Jesus Christ may be victorious. And when, at last, we shall 
have crested the hilltops of time, may we look across the d kvuM. 
mountains and see the lights of home. God keep us, God lead u 
God guide us and protect us in the work. We ask for Jesus' sal 

Klansman Bossert. ' Clansman Carter desires to tel I you sonic thinfl 
Klansman Carter. "I was talking to the president of the hotel 
company this morning, and he advises us that this is the besi conv* n 


tion that they have ever housed, that there was not found in any 
room occupied by any of you men any trace of liquor or moral 

"Also, the Convention Hall people advised us that this is the best 
convention that they had ever had, and that there was not to be found 
anywhere in the hall any trace of moral degeneracy or liquor of any 
kind, and that in itself leads us all to believe that you have been a 
good convention." 

(The Chairman announced that with the singing of "God Be With 
You Till We Meet Again," the Klonvokation would be adjourned.": 

(The Klonvokation adjourned at 1:4-5 p. m.) 
