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Eamavijaya,   .                     19

her when. Vikalpa also prejudiced her against Rama. Man-
tra, seeing a sudden change in her mistress, was might-
ily pleased with her and kissed her, Kayakayi said, "My
dearest, just tell rne what I should do to get rid of Rama."
'* Any how," replied Mantra, " we must send him away
and have our Bharat placed on the throne of Ayodya. I,
therefore, tell you with pleasure that if the king come k>
gee you, ask him to fulfil the promise given b'y him to you
during the battle he had fought with the demons in heaven.
Do you remernher the promise given by him to you ? He
promised you that he would give you whatever you would
ask from him as a reward/for helping him in the battle.
You should, therefore, ask the king to send Rama to the'
forest of the demons for fourteen years and place Bharat
on the throne of Ayodya. And another thing is that if
the prince goes to the forest, the king will so on die of grief
for his son j and it will be then a very good thing for you
and your sons to pass your days in happiness.'7' Kayakayi
liked the advice of Mantra ; and before the king^came in-
to her room at night, she had taken off her ornaments and
thrown herself on the ground with her hair in disorder.
In the meantime, the king entered her room and asked
her what the matter was, when she replied!, " Thou, wick-
ed king. Be gone. 1 know your heart. You are going
to banish my sons to a forest and give the kingdom to
Rama/' Dasharatha replied, " What you say is untrue,
because I love Bharat and Shatrtighana as much as I love
Rama and Lakshuman." Kayakayi replied, a Be gone. I
do not want you in my room." The king felt it bad,
when Kayakayi spoke those words; and in order to pacify
her he asked her what she wanted from him, when Kayakayi
replied, " The promise given to me by you during the bat-
tle with the demons, must be now fulfilled. What I want
' from you is that you should banish Rama to the forest af
the demons for fourteen years and install my son Bharat