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Full text of "Rama Vijaya"

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garudas killed all the' serpents and resusitated
Lakshuman and their army. The fighting was again
renewed by the monkeys, when Fravasta, the minister of
Havana, bravely fought with them and killed many of
them. Whereupon IJTala threw at the minister" one laic
of mountains which the lattet broke in no time and
continued the fighting. But after a hot battle Pravasta
was killed by $"ala with a tree c&lled tada, a hundred yojans
in length. At this defeat, Havana was greatly enraged
and prepared himself to fight with the enemies> when
his wife, Mandodari, said to him, " My dearest, you
should now give up the idea of your fighting with Kama
any longer. Why do you want another's wife ? My
love, just restore her to her husband, so that every thing
may end in peace and tranquillity.*' ** My darling^"
Havana laughingly replied, " I am ready to do any thing
for you but please do not tell me to restore Sita to Rama.
I am prepared to fight with him and kill him with all
Ms army.8* Ravana having refused to listen to her, she
returned to her palace. Immediately after, the demon-
king kept the field with his sons, grand-sons, great grand-
sons and a large number of warriors and soldiers and
commenced operations, when Sugriva threw a large mouri*
tain at him, which the latter broke with his arrows*
Whereupon all the monkeys rushed upon him with moun-
tains, large trees, rocks and other weapons but he alga
broke them with his arrows. Maruti then threw a very
large rock at the demon-king which the latter broke
with his arrows and gave blows to the former. Marati
fainted for some time and, having soon come to himself^
returned the blows to him arid knocked dawn his naughts
and the chatras held over his ten heads. Rayana wat
not in the least alarmed andt continued, th'e
WhsreupQn £Tala produced by a mantra,
Nalas like himself and employed them