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Full text of "Rama Vijaya"

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Kamavijaya.                       83

is now useless to live in this world.    I should have killed
myself but I  can not do so.   III kill myself, I  shall
be guilty of suicide and murder, because the infant child
in my womb will also be killed with mev"    So saying to
herself she  abandoned the idea  of killing herself.    In
the meantime,  the Rishi,  Yalrnika,   having heard the
yells of Sita, came up to her and said, M Who are you T
What has brought you here ?"' ** I am a daughter of Janak   '
and  wife of  Rama," replied  Sita.    Lakshuman left me
alone in this dreary forest without any faults on my part..
I am quite a stranger here;    So I implore- you to be .my
father.*' " My name is Yalmika," replied Yalmika." Rama
knows me well.    Your father,  Janak, is1 my friend ; and
therefore, I look injpon you as my daughter.    Two sons will
be born to you.    They will be- more- powerful than their
father, and will revenge- themselves upon those- who have
left you alone in- this forest  without any  faults on your
part/'    Yalmika then led Sita to his abode, when all the
Rishis  gathered  around  Mm and asked him,. " Who i$
this  woman ?" " This is Sita," replied Yalmika.    " Why
have you brought her here ?' Surely  you wiil get into diffi-
culties  on  account  of her," continued the Rishis.    On©
of the Rishis said, "If she is  Sita, tell her to bring that
river here.''    Sita prayed to the river, and it ffowed where
she was standing.    The Rishis were alarmed, and prayed
to' her for protection.    She again prayed to the river and
sent her back.    Yalmika  brought  Sita to his abode and
took every  care  of her.    Mter the  expiration of nine
months,  she was  delivered of twin  sons  afc  midday as
bright as the sun, when the wives of the Rishis  came and
helped her in her confinement.  The first born son was the
younger and the second born was the eldest.  The disciples
of Yalmika went and informed the Rishi of the birth of
the two  sons.    Whereupon  Yalmika immediately  came
to his abode and performed the necessary ceremony.    He,