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Full text of "Rama Vijaya"

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B6                      Ramavijaya.

erected a mandap * on the bank of the river, Sharayn,
one yojan in length, and inrited all kings to that cere-
mony including Yibhishan, Sugriva, Naia, Kila, Maruti,
Sharab, G-oraksha, and all other monkeys. Rama, having
performed toe necessary ceremony, brought the best
horse called shamakarna f from his stable and made
it stand in the mandap. Vashista tied up to its fore-
head a golden Patrilca J and wrote on it the following
words;—'* Rama, the king of Ayodya, son of Dasharatha,
lias let the shamakarna loose. It is guarded by six
billions of warriors under the command of Shatrughna, and
any king, who is powerful and mighty, is required to
capture the horse and fight with its owner, but if he is
unable to do so, he must submit to Rama and pay tribute
to him." Rama worshipped the shamakarna and appointed
Shatnighna as eomrnandei-in-chief of the. six billions of
the warriors who followed the horse. Rama performed
the necessary yadnya § for many days in the mandap
strongly guarded by Sugriva, Yibhishan, and Maruti.
Lakghuman? Bharat, and Snmant supplied him with all
the necessary things for the purpose.

Shatrughna conquered fifty six kings of very large
countries, who submitted to him and, having paid tribute
to Rama, followed the prince. The sharnakarna of Rama
began to gallop on the road on which the abode of Valmika

a monarch would let a horse loose with a patrika or letter on
its fore-head stating that any monarch whose dominion the
animal entered, should either catch it and fight with its master
or submit to him and give him tribute. Wherever this animal
entered, it was accompanied by the monarch with large armies.
Monarchs read the patrika and fought with the invading mon-
arch, if they were powerful to do So ; and if not, thviy gave him
tribute. After all the monarchs were jsubdued, the .horse was
cither killed or let go alive, and hence it is called ashwarnedha
or horse-sacrifice

'*. A horse,   f An open shade or hall,   J A letter.   § A sacrifice.