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1914]                                              FLUID  MOTIONS                                                245
face of the disk in the other form of experiment, will start a rotation which, in a viscous fluid, such as air or water actually is, propagates itself to a finite distance inwards. But although a general explanation is easy, many of the details remain obscure.
It is apparent that in dealing with a large and interesting class of fluid motions we cannot go far without including fluid friction, or viscosity as it is generally called, in order to distinguish it from the very different sort of friction encountered by solids, unless well lubricated. In order to define it, we may consider the simplest case where fluid is included between two parallel walls, at unit distance apart, which move steadily, each in its own plane, with velocities which differ by unity. On the supposition that the fluid also moves in plane strata, the viscosity is measured by the tangential force per unit of area exercised by each stratum upon its neighbours. When we are concerned with internal motions only, we have to do rather with the so-called " kinematic viscosity," found by dividing the quantity above defined by the density of the fluid. On this system the viscosity of water is much less than that of air.
" Viscosity varies with temperature; and it is well to remember that the viscosity of air increases while that of water decreases as the temperature rises. Also that the viscosity of water may be greatly increased by admixture with alcohol. I used these methods in 1879 during investigations respecting the influence of viscosity upon the behaviour of such fluid jets as are sensitive to sound and vibration.
Experimentally the simplest case of motion in which viscosity is paramount is the flow of fluid through capillary tubes. The laws of such motion are simple, and were well investigated by Poiseuille. This is the method employed in practice to determine viscosities. The apparatus before you is arranged to show the diminution of viscosity with rising temperature. In the cold the flow of water through the capillary tube is slow, and it requires sixty seconds to fill a small measuring vessel. When, however, the tube is heated by passing steam through the jacket surrounding it, the flow under the same head is much increased, and the measure is filled in twenty-six seconds. Another case of great practical importance, where viscosity is the leading consideration, relates to lubrication. In admirably conducted experiments Tower showed that the solid surfaces moving over one another should be separated by a complete film of oil, and that when this is attended to there is no wear. On this basis a fairly complete theory of lubrication has been developed, mainly by 0. Reynolds. But the capillary nature of the fluid also enters to some extent, and it is not yet certain that the whole character of a lubricant can be expressed even in terms of both surface tension and viscosity.
It appears that in the extreme cases, when viscosity can be neglected and again when it is paramount) we are- able to give a pretty good account of