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For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 

Publication No. 206 



U 1 1 \ 


A GompamiDoini \m 

Dr V„ AbdniTT Rahim 



Islamic Fouidatlojoi Trust 

f I 138, Perambur High Road, Chennai - 600 012 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced 
or translated or transmitted in any form or by any means, 
electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any 
information storage or retrieval system, without permission in 

writing from the publisher. 



First Edition 





July 2008 

978 81 232 0202 0 

Rs. 120.00 

Dr V. Abdur Rahim 


138, Perambur High Road 

Chennai - 600 012, India 

Ph : +91 44 2662 4402 Fax : 2662 0682 

E-mail : iftchennail2@gmai].com 

Printed at Chennai Micro Prints, Chennai 
For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 

Publisher's Note 

We have great pleasure in presenting to our readers 
Selections from the Glorious Qur'an by Dr. V. Abdur 
Rahim. This is his latest book in the field of teaching 
Arabic as a foreign language. This book is an 
application of the author's theory that living texts of 
Arabic should be used to teach its grammar and other 
linguistic elements. 

We hope that readers who have already learnt Arabic 
using his programme will greatly benefit from this book 
to learn the finer points of Arabic grammar that are 
essential to fully comprehend the language of the 
Glorious Qur'an. 

May Allah subhanuhu wa la'ala help us serve the 
language of his Glorious Book better. 

H. Abdur Raqeeb 
Chennai-12 General Secretary 

1 1 .07.2008 Islamic Foundation Trust 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 


Foreword ^ 

Introduction vii 

Lesson 1 3 — ^JUJtl 1 

Lesson 2 

Lesson 3 {J ^ aJL^lf V 27 

Lesson 4 tau^ J-^j I jL«azs>\ j 45 

Lesson 5 IaC^j L^j <&\ ^ — Lj 61 

Lesson 6 J^ji\ j pi jllJl al^Jl <Jj 85 

Lesson 7 ©j «~~« J — £ — «jj o j ^ j 109 

Lesson 8 2 — J — 5 — — Si jj ^ — x — 1\ ^ j 119 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 


The need for a book containing selections from the Glorious 
Qur'an with explanations in English and within the framework 
of my book Durus al-Lughah al- c Ai~abiyyah li-Ghayr al-Natiqln 
Biha has long been felt. I hope this book will meet this need. 

It contains eight selections taken from different parts of the 
Qur'an, and have been selected mostly on linguistic bases. 

i earnestly hope that this book will help the students of 
Arabic to learn some of the linguistic elements of Arabic needed 
to fully comprehend the style and the language of the Glorious 
Qur'an, and prepare them for their future study of the entire 
Book of Allah. 

An electronic recording of the recitation of these passages by 
two famous qarls is planned to be provided with the book in sa 3 

'Our Lord! Accept (this) from us, for You are the Hearer, the 
Knower.' (Q2:127) 

al-Madinah al-Munawwarah. V. Abdur Rahim 

22 lumada al-Akhirah, 1429 AH 
26 June, 2008 CE 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 


The plan followed in the book is set out in the following 

Each lesson is divided into the following four sections: 

1) First, the complete text of the selected a/at is given. It 
is taken from the electronic format of the Mushaf al- 
Madlnah al-Nabawiyyah published by King Fahd 
Qur'an Printing Complex, Madinah Munawwarah. I 
have provided more space between the words of the 
text to help the reader go through the text more 

2) In the second section, 'Lexical and Grammatical 
Notes', each ayah is given with the translation of its 
meanings. The translation is based on some of the 
existing translations, especially M. M. Pickthall's, but 
slightly modified in the light of my own judgment. All 
translations of Qur'anic texts are in boldface. 

3) The text and its translation are followed by lexical and 
grammatical notes. I occasionally refer the reader to 
my book Durus al-Lughah for a fuller treatment of the 
grammatical point in question. This I do by saying, 
See D3:7 which stands for Durus al-Lughah, Part 3, 

Lesson 7. 

4) The aim of the third section, 'Additional Notes' is to 
provide the reader with a fuller discussion of a lexical 
or grammatical point, or more Qur'anic material on a 
particular subject. The sign [AN#] placed at the end 
of a lexical or grammatical note in Section Two points 
to the existence of an Additional Note in this Section. 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



5) The last section, Exercise, is meant to test the student 
in comprehension, grammar and some language 

<vL» ^i* *1j 
"v* *J» t~* 


Verbs are mentioned in the madi (with the third person 
masculine singular ending) and, for convenience, explained 

with the infinitive, e.g. L — to write, though to be accurate, it 

means he wrote. The abwab of the thulathi mujarrad verbs are 
shown in the following manner: 

x ;i o s ^ s 







The abwah of the thulathi mazid verbs are shown in the 
following manner: 

^ 0 ✓ 0 






Viii] Jiif 





^ 0 





For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 


The masdar of each verb is mentioned immediately after the 
verb, and is given in the mansub case thus making it the maFul 
mutlaq as it is done in Arabic dictionaries. 

*A* »4* *3> «A» 
"T* "Y* *I* *** "I* 



s is used for cA 

h is used for ta marbutah (*). 


Q, the Qur'an. It is used in referring to an ayah, e.g. Q2:255. 

sjj, ism al-jins al-jam c l 

pi plural. 

fern, feminine. 

AN, Additional Notes. 

D, Durus al-Lughah al- c Aiabiyyah li-Ghayr al-Natiqln Biha 

»i* "vV* "i* 

°T?* *f» <f* 


If the book is taught in a class, the following guidelines may 
be followed: 

1) The class listens to the recitation of the Qur'anic passage 
from the cassette/CD twice. 

2) The students then try to understand the first ayah with 
the help of the Lexical and Grammatical Notes. They are 
advised not to look into the translation until they have 
understood the ayah completely on their own. 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



3) After the time fixed for the study of the ayah is over, the 
instructor asks the students to translate the meaning of 
the ayah. He then asks the class various types of questions 
covering comprehension, grammar, and meanings of 

4) The class listens to the recitation of this ayah from the 
cassette/CD. Then the students start reciting it. 

5) The class then moves on to the next ayah. 

6) After the students have studied all the ayaat in the 
passage in this manner, they listens to the recitation of 
the entire passage once again. 

7) The class then answers the questions mentioned at the 
end of the lesson first orally in the class, then in writing 
at home. 

8) The instructor may ask additional questions as he deems 

^* •!» *}* *f» *|» 


I wish to express my sincere thanks to Br Asif Meherali of 
the Institute of the Language of the Qur'an, Toronto, Canada 
whose constant encouragement to the author made this project 
a reality. 

My thanks are also due to Br Salih al-Nawwar of Madinah, 
Saudi Arabia, who did most of the typesetting for the book, and 
to Br Abubakar Muhammad Sani of Nigeria, who did the 
proofreading. May Allah reward them for their efforts. 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 


For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 




(1) In the name of .Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. 

1) In *— u the aJifhas been omitted in writing also. In some ayat 
it is retained, as for example, in the following ayah, 

So glorify the name of your Lord, the Great. (56:74) 

2) The jairand its majrur are related to a verb like iJiJf, 'I 

commence', or lyl, '1 read'. 

3) In the word * — lii, the initial letters Si do not constitute the 

definite article, but they are part of the name. The hamzah is 
hamzah al-wasl, and it is omitted in pronunciation when the 

word is preceded by another word, e.g. <&i j — a, but it is not 
omitted in ^ b which is pronounced ya "allah. 

4) Ci-^j cd-jj cLJ- j U*)U 4&I ji^-j (i-a), to have mercy. 
The 75/7? al-fa c H\s and the 75777 al-mubalaghah is j*->- j. 
j^-^Jl is another 75777 al-mubalaghah. 

The pattern signifies an inherent quality as in C^j^L* t^ST 
<J4*"» whereas the pattern — ^> signifies a momentary quality 
as in oLi — Up u)I jSw t jlJ^p. So (»-->■ j — Si points to the inherent 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



of mercy in Allah jl_JJ} and *J°^-j — H to the 

manifestation of His quality of mercy in time and space. 

(2) Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. 

1) \x*j>- .w- (i-a), to praise. 

.wJl : The definite article in this word is the generic al which 
signifies all types of praise are meant. [AN 1 ] 

2) lord, master, pi LlTj. [AN 2] 

Here v j is the ^<3cfe/ of aSjI. 

3) jJUJl, world, /?/ o jIJIp. 

There are two types of nouns which have the sound masculine 
plural form (^JllJl ^li-). They are: 

a) proper names, e.g. Ojllklii, 'o j^jMy^l. 1 

b) derived nouns and adjectives referring to male human 
beings, e.g. J jl*, Oj-^.a^> ? jj^Jw?,, 

Both these rules have exceptions which you may learn later in 
sa 1 Allah. 

Derived nouns mean derivatives like ism al-fa% ism al-maful 
and al-sifah al-musabbahah. 

So words likes J*- j, v^T, ^Jj do not have the sound masculine 
plural form. Likewise J — A>- meaning 'pregnant' does not have 

1 If a proper name is made plural, it takes the definite article al- because after it becomes 
plural, it is no longer a proper name. 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



this plural form, because though it is a ism al-fa% it is 

But there are some nouns which do not belong to either of the 
two categories mentioned above, yet have the sound masculine 
plural form. Following are the most important nouns of this 

j jlSlp pi of jJIp. 
Ojkf pi of Jif. [AN3] 

j j ^jl pi of *Jpj\. Note that in the plural the second letter Q 

has fathah, 

dy^ pi of ^ (year). Note the the ^riza/z of the first letter has 
changed to kasrah in the plural. 

jji /?/of ji. It has no /7t7/7 at end because it is always mudaf. 

i % * 

jl pi of ji. It has no i7i7/7 at end because it is always mudaf. 
Likewise Oj^f through Ojilo. 
Note that JJIp has a broken plural also. It is ^Jj^-. 

(3) the Compassionate, the Merciful. 

(4) Owner of the Day of Judgment. 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



1) diU (a-i) to own. 

The ism al-m c il\% d)f>, pi S&i. 

2) Lo U!sii Ota (a-i), to requite, repay, recompense. 

jL>J — Si (one who repays abundantly) is an attribute of Allah 
subhanahu wa ta c ala. 

Its ism al-maful is jj^. It occurs in the following ayah, 

.[or oiiiidi] 5£u3 0 t\l liL Ijj 

When we die and become dust and bones, shall we really be 
brought to book? (37:53) 

j — Si ^ (the Day of Recompense) is one of the names of ^ 

j iii -sift 

(5) You alone we worship, and Your aid alone we seek, 

1) blip oS(a-u), to worship. 

2) <jy% helper, plb\'y>\. 

5 — ;lp| OLpI iv, to help. (The iszw al-fa c ii is j — s — *<•). 
a — fUiw-l ^Sj 5 >U d)U^<l x, to seek help. 

The is/!? al-mafulh olX^ as in D&L — J! «dJl, Allah is the One 
Whose help is sought. 

3) J — g*u The object has been placed before the verb for the 
sake of emphasis, so the meaning is 'We worship none but You.' 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



(6) Guide us to the straight path, 

1) "4\d* UMi <&l (a-i), to lead, guide. 
There are two more ways of using this verb. They are: 

a) using <Ji with the second object as in the following ayah, 

Say, 'My Lord has indeed guided me to a straight path, a right 
religion, the faith of Ibrahim, the man of true faith. He was no 
polytheist.' (6:161). 

b) using J with the second object as in the following a/ah, 

lul bijob 6\ ^ ^ 1£ I^j^ o?jJl 4J4 ju34 lp\5j 

.[tr ^t>Vi] 

They said, 'Praise be to Allah Who has guided us to this. We 
could not have been guided had .Allah not guided us/ (7: 43). 

In J? I ^aJl UjXftl, the pronoun ^ is the first maful bihl, and J»lj*aii 

is the second. 

2) is>l j-^Jl, way, path, road, ^ c,^ ^1, 

3) **U£»I p-jiLJ ^U£^l x, to be straight. [AN4] 

' Al-Durr al-Masun. 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



(7) the path of those whom You have favoured, not (the path) 
of those who earn (Your) anger, nor of those who go astray. 

1) ^cSjyP is badal of J? I jUil in the previous ayah. 

2) l*UJ! ^ILp <&! pjul iv, to bestow favours. 

3) The sentence (Hh^ - <-^*^ is J ^J^S\ aL^, and the pronoun 
in ^jlip is the Jb'lp. 

4) jIp is badaloi jjJUI. 

* s > 

5) L^ub- j^i ^ L~^p (i-a), to be angry. 

The is/?? al-maful of 4^ is 5 — V j^***, and its plural is 

j^^Iip ^j^a^. The feminine singular is jisJJ. and the /?/, 

In the same way the ism al-maf^ul of 5^ cti-^ is 5^ ^ jXJu^^ and its 
plural is L$J li j5CxJ>, 

6) ^^Cs (a-i), to lose one's way, go astray, err. 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 




1) The definite article J! is of three kinds. They are: 

a) Referential, 

b) Generic, 

c) Extra. 

The Referential J I 

This J I points to an object known both to the speaker and to 

the listener. The source of this common knowledge may be one 
the following : 

a) The presence of the object in their vicinity. Referring to man 
who is in their vicinity, one may say, J — U-"J\ ^ (Call the man). 

This is known as 

b) The fact that the object has already been mentioned by one 
or both of them, e.g. !uo y. JV^Jl 015" . (J ~&* j J^- j J>^, 'A 
stranger came to me in my office. The man was a Buddhist.' 
This is known as Is 

c) The context, e.g. when the grammar teacher says ^UaJi \J&, 

the students know that they have to submit the grammar 

This is known as ^iJl j4*JI. 


The Generic J I 

This type of J I refers to the generic nature of the object, and 

has no reference to the speaker's or the listener's knowledge of 
it, e.g. 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



^-UxJl i Js-\ i_isJl, 'Grapes are more expensive than apples,' 
The generic J 5 may refer to every member of the genus as in: 

And man was created weak. (4; 28) 

Here Od^l means 'every man'. This is called JI v-^ 1 J ! 

cr JUdi (the generic <s/~ referring to every member of the genus). 

It may also refer to a quality present in the genus, but not in 

every member of the genus, e.g. j'j — IN j — /? t£$ 'Man is 

stronger than woman', but this cannot be said of every man and 


The Extra J I 

The third kind of J I is neither referential nor generic, but it 

depends upon the usage, e.g. the al- in S^aUJI tc£j*Jl iO^M. The 
use of al- in such words is mandatory. 

There is another kind of the extra al- which may be used with a 
proper name to suggest that the person bearing the name has 
the quality contained in the meaning of the word, e.g. the 

proper name literally means one with a frowning face. If a 

man with this name is referred to as [/ — it is suggested that 

he is in fact a man who never smiles. But this also follows Arab 
usage, and one may not add al- to any proper name they like. 

2) The feminine of is u, pl^.j. Note that o-3 C> means 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



3) Here are some ayat in which L>b!j' nas Deen use d: 

O (my) two fellow prisoners! Are diverse lords better or Allah 
the One, the Almighty? 

Ob 4AM Oj^ <>5 VVJ* u--s^ -^-d ^ J ^s—^ ^a^j iJ If j 

[ni JiJ s^j^j^o^vo Lib ijjCI^i i y I33 j3 

O People of the Book! Gome to common terms between you 
and us: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall 
ascribe no partners to Him, and that none of us shall take 
others for lords beside Allah. And if they turn away, thee say, 
'Bear witness that we are Muslims.' (3: 64) 

They have taken as lords beside Allah their rabbis and their 
monks, and the Messiah, son of Maryam ... (9: 64) 

l 0 f 

4) Here is an ayah with J : 

Q bjUlj Uyl Ljiki ^JXS ot <41 JjuZ 

.[11 ^] 

Those of the bedouin Arabs who stayed behind will tell you, 
'Our wealth and our families preoccupied us. So ask forgiveness 
for us.' (48: 11) 

x o c 

Here is an Syaft with ujIaI : 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



^jUsU^ ^ull UajSj \jb y^A^j \y quJi LXtS 

u 0j.u^j u ^ui oj^a v As^u i t xL& 

O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a 
fire which has men and stones as its fuel over which are set 
angels stern and severe, who do not disobey Allah in what He 
commands them to do, but carry out what they are 
commanded. (66: 1 1) 

4) Here is an Arabic proverb, — pi :> j^I j JJiJi Ja}, 'Can 

the shadow be straight when the stick is curved?', i.e. the 
shadow of a curved stick cannot be straight. A similar English 
proverb is, 'Like father, like son.' 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 

12 LESSON 1 


1) What does al~ signify in each of the following examples? 

[To jj3Ij... 

l^jp JvU I Jlis o^ii 3jlw ^ JfcAjj LaIS^-I (o 

2) What does the word — M mean in each of the following 

[1 -o objliilj oij o^UaJ U^(v 

(In Jjraft No 5, is in fact 6 o], i.e. o] + zna al-mawsulah). 

3) Use the verb <£^~S in three sentences of your own using in 

each of them one of the three ways of using this verb. 

4) Quote an ayah for each of the three ways of using the verb 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



5) Identify instances of ism al-fa c il occurring in the surah, and 
mention the verb from which each one of them is derived, 

6) Complete each of the following sentences with the ism al- 
maful of the verb given in brackets: 

.(4^ liXJ^) ..... ..... jL^-^l sla 

.... .... Jl^j! pVj* 

7) Which of the following nouns have sound masculine plural 

$ 4 ' * ' * f . ... 

8) In which of the following sentences can the word J — take 
the sound masculine plural form? 

.^U- Styjl cJlS' O 
?c5ji>- j2? tsUl^- ji-Jb lii °y> O 

9) Give the <-^y>! of the following: 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 


j6 Cjji\^j C3 ijSi4 .ii^ 


.[ToY-Yil 3 yM 1 ] 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 




(249) And when Talut (Saul) set out with the army, he said, 
'Allah will test you with a river. Whoever drinks of it does not 
belong to me, and whoever does not taste it will belong to me, 
excejpt one who scoops a handful' But they all drank from it 
except a few. 

When (Talut) had crossed it (the river) - he and the believers 
with him - they said, We have no power today against Jalut 
(Goliath) and his forces.' But those who knew for certain that 
they are going to meet their Lord said, 'Many a small army has 
defeated a large army with Allah's permission! Allah is with 
those who are steadfast,' 

1) V jlj J^i (a-i), to set out, (See Q12:94). 

2) o jJUs is the name of the king. His name in the Bible is Saul. 

3) J^Ji (sjj), army, pi aL-^-t uy*-. (singular — soldier). 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



4) s.% j£Jl ill (a-u), to try, test. Also ^ ? ^ 


5) 3l (al-nahar) is another form of j — jSl (al-nahr). The 

Qur'an uses only the former. 

6) Uxk l*is (i-a), to eat, to taste. 

* S SOS 

7) ! — oJ — 1 *Ul Liyb- (a-i), to scoop up water with the curved 

. o * 

palm. And the amount of water so scooped up is j>. [AN3] 
— 3 — p| Uj — x — p! viii means the same as J/. 

8) Sjjt^ &c ^Ul jjli- iii, to pass by, walk past, cross. 

9) I jiT ^jiil j y> ojj^ 5 * ^ : If a noun is to be joined to a j^? — & 

with a conjunction, the corresponding J^2 — ^ — 
should first be mentioned as in this ayah. So it is it is wrong to 
say, ^ ^l^-j izJ^yf-. The correct construction is to join the noun 

to the corresponding J?^ 5 jt?^, e.g. Ul cu^ 

Here is another example from the Glorious Qur'an (2:35), 

And We said, 'O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the Garden", 
There is another way of joining a noun to the attached pronoun 

which does not require the use of the J*a_il* jm» — >>. But in this 

construction the noun should be mansub, e.g. 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



This j is not — io*Jl j!j„ It is 3 s*^' j'j (the of 

accompaniment). Here is an example from the Glorious Qur'an 

r f- 1 ""'faf -4 \f f 

O mountains! Glorify (Allah) along with him (Dawud), and you 
birds too. 

10) ^SCb 5 ability, strength, power. 

11) here means to be sure. 

12) *Ui U>\i ^a! (i-a), to meet. Also SIS!>U iii. Its ism al- 
Ia c iJ is J^, /?/ j y^. 

13) <&! Ijs^U : The alif'm \J>%» is peculiar to the mushaf. In the 
present-day orthography there is no a/if 'after the wfw of the 
^JlJ! ^pJuJl a^!-, e.g. 

IjIS" j^ILJi, Muslims of Canada, 

^Jl &Dl jX», Arabic language teachers. 

14) 2 — j_J ? group, band, party, [AN4] 

15) LIp u-Ip (a-i), to defeat, to vanquish. 

16) jjLiS ^ ^iT : This is LJ^! (See D3:15). So the 
meaning is 'many a small group' or 'how many small groups!' 
Here jU" is mubtada\ Jsi ^ is its tamylz, and the sentence 

is its khabar, 

17) Ua] *<^Jl (J 4J Oil, to allow, permit. 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



r^L_^ g^i yus Uj 

(250) When they advanced to meet Jalut (Goliath) and his 
forces, they said, 'Our Lord! Pour out on us patience, and 
strengthen us to hold out, and help us against the disbelieving 

J 1 } S S s 

1) 'jjJ- JJ (a-u), to emerge, come into view, appear. [AN5] 

2) Iply J^Jl ^ ^> (a-u), to finish, e.g. j—iy^\ fcf °^ 

C^lkJl 4pCJI 5 'I finished writing the report at 5.' 

Ip! ji] fr Ul <^y! iv, to pour out. 'JLa — Si j*^ — » «i>1 ^yl 5 to grant 
someone patience. 

3) c~J (a-u), to stand firm, to hold out. 

& o ✓ A , s 

l_: — s — ; t 7 o — . — i ii, to enable someone to hold out 
(//£ to fix someone's feet to the ground). 

4) people, p/ f I jit. 

if o 

As the word {j» is plural in meaning, it is treated as plural as in 

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(25!) With Allah's permission they routed them, and Dawud 
(David) killed Goliath, and Allah gave him (Dawud) kingdom 
and wisdom, and taught Mm of what He willed. If Allah were 
not to check some people by means of others, the world would 
be filled with mischief, but Allah is full of bounty for the 

1) ^.jij tl«ji ^jCsxli fj* (a-i), to defeat. 

2) f.\ L_jI jfji J~\ iv, to give, It takes two objects, e.g. ^l_J! 

3) sl5UJl 5 wisdom, pi <S<>-» 

4) but for ... , e.g. LJ/^JI c-^f ^ ^ 'But 
for this book I would not have learnt Arabic.' See D3:22. 

In the ayah £»S is mubtada 3 , and its khabar is understood which 

may be construed as Sjp^. And the sentence 
the jawab of VjJ. 

5) UiS £»3 (a-a), to push, repel. [AN6] 

6) 4jI £iS : here ^$1 is the mafid bihi oi the masdar^, 
and is the badaloi j&K 

& s ? 

7) bCi Ju«j (a-i), to become bad, rotten, corrupted. 

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(252) These are Allah's revelations which We recite to you in 
troth. And you. certainly are one of the messengers. 

1) ips jk yti (a-u), to recite. [AN?] 

2) The sentence £1— L__a jl£ is Aa/, and the saAiA al-MJh the 
Jfa e iIo£ the verb (We point to). Note that asma 3 al-jsarah like 
ill! tdlB ioJu» cUa actually mean j^i or ^ (I/we point to). 

3) VCj! Jl.jf iv, to send. The /sot al-maful \s J^-y (one who is 
sent) which has the same meaning as Jj— j. 

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1) The appointment of Talut as the king is mentioned in ayah 

^L-Jl 4 «=L_L^ *o^13j pJb=Clp 4i^k^l 41)1 Jb Jull 

Their prophet said to them, 'Allah has sent Talut to be king for 
yon.' They said, 'How can he be king over us -when we are more 
deserving of the kingdom than he is, since he has not been 
given enough wealth.' He said, 'Allah has chosen him above 
you, and has increased him abundantly in wealth and stature. 
Allah bestows His kingdom on whom He wills. Allah is all- 
Embracing, All-Knowing.' 

J f 0 s ° & of ° 

2) Note J j^UJl ^ji~Jl for the unknown soldier. 

3) 2 — means the amount of water scooped up. So it has the 

meaning of the hm al-maful It is on the pattern of *i** 5 and is 
formed from some other verbs also like: 

o aj'j — >i 9 amount of liquid consumed in one draught, 

o 3^_SJ 9 'morsel' from ^ (i-a), to eat, swallow. 

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^ J 

o 4*ii 5 the amount pushed out at any one time, group of 

students who pass out in the same year from £iS (a-a), 
to push. 

o 3 yb- 9 'a hole that has been dug up' from j — a>- (a-i), to 

O V-j, the pick, the best from LkJ L-kJ (a-u) 1 , to choose, 
pick, select. 


4) The word <^ is used now in the sense of denomination, e.g. 

/ / o 

^? 34 a? j^J- 5 Do you dollars in 1 00 denomination? 

5) Note: ojjb oL^oU-i, outstanding personalities. 

6) g un > cannon (an instrument of pushing), pl'^)"^. 
j Ji^f, machine gun. 

7) "fjk j& (a-u), to follow, to come after another. L5 — the 
next, the following. 

Note this: l£>I }L" j ^Jl j : 'He writes to me 

sending one letter after another.' 

Cf. kUJijl s-^jj' viii, to select. 

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1) Identify the following grammatical elements in the text: 

a * : -pJt UJ 0 

0 > s 

Jjdl (O 

^g^^l (V 
4j ^>JI ^5 (A 

2) Correct the following sentences: 

•J^ «j£ Jh^Ui lt^j e> — 3^ ( Y 

3) Rewrite the following sentence using the passive voice. Write 

your answer with full vowel marks: $2sj. 

4) Read the following and answer the questions that follow it: 


a) What do the pronouns in and refer to? 

b) Who is meant by the pronoun in ^1 

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c) Why do u r4^ and aJ U> take the jS 
5) Read the following and answer the questions that follow it: 

E O a y * 

a) What does the pronoun in i— L-« refer to? 

b) Who are meant by the pronoun in — * — 

c) Identify the 4? tj^ in this sentence, 

d) Is the nash in wajih or ja 'lz? 

6) What does as^p mean in each of the following sentences? 

.Is j& ^J-wo^Jl iJl* (j>> C-i ^xpI O 

° x * » • ° • ' f 
.^jijjj^j "as jS- =Ajj) O 

7) You have learnt the word -5 — ij- for the amount of water 
scooped up, Derive the noun on the pattern of from (to 
dig), and j-J-J ll*>- (to sip), ma (to chew) , jja^j Ua^ (to 
step), \y>H ( to ^ e U P> bundle). 

8) Complete each of the following sentences using the phrase 
UsJJ as shown in the examples: 

.L^sij ^-vajsj (j»UJl I — « — * U 

.».■». jj-UJ! ^iCs ( ^ 
..... ^i> f () 

1 ) It is used in two babs: a-a and <s-z/. 

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..... *ulc*Vi dH; (r 

..... ^L^i J-f-'w^o jl (t 

9) Write the bab of each of the following verbs: 

Cj\ " tO— 5 \p c^Li C£jb Cj^J &^JJ i j^aJ 4<_JLp t^JJ& 

ic^ t^'l cjjW 

10) Use each of the following words in a sentence of your 

CcJ^pl tCJ cVjJ 

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(255) Allah, there is god lout He, the Living One, the Sustained 
Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him, To Him belongs 
whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Who is he 
that can intercede with Him except with His leave. He knows 
what is in front of them and what is behind them, while they do 
not encompass anything of His knowledge except what He 
wills. Elis Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and 
it does not weary Him to preserve them both. He is the 
Sublime, the Great. 

1) l~~Jl god, deity, pi A- % f f. Note that 4— Jl is written without 
the allf after the law as its norma! spelling should be 

2) y> *Jj V &\ i Here <&! is the mubtada\ and the sentence V 
"V| S)) is its khabar. 

ji V] 5JJ V : Here iJ) is jj-UJJ 3jliil V and its khabar h 
omitted which may be construed as e^l^i J^~~j (deserves 
worship). And y> is badaloi the damir mustatir in 

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LESSON 3 2 9 

3) SlS- C^i (i-a), to live, be alive. [AN1] 

Note: o * *— s~ U iJU&a* t5 UI ji ? 'I will not forget your favour 

as long as live.' 

" L5 _ ^~ with idgham instead of is also used as in Q8:42: 

So that those who were to perish might perish after seeing a 
clear proof, and those who were to live might live after seeing a 
clear proof. . . 

S *■ o c 

The ism al-fa c il is living, pU^. 

4) y»^l> ^15, to undertake, cany out, execute. 

£ jSlI is on the pattern of J from ftf, so it is originally f jjX 

The meaning is He who manages the affairs of the whole 
universe. [AN2] 

5) *L. is the masdar of ^ jj (i-a), to be drowsy. 

Note that the wawoi the mithal warn in certain verbs belonging 
to i-a and u-u groups are not omitted in the mudari c as J — *-j 

■ / 0 * 

J*- jj, to be afraid. [AN3] 

The mithal wawi verbs have two types of masdar. one with the 
praw, and the other without it. Here are some examples: 

„4jW2>J 4UiVJ (_-Av2J 

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cL ^J J^Ji Jl?3 

[AN4] cL^j ^4 
6) ^PbLi yiVl j ( a -a), to intercede, use one's good offices. 
The ism al-la Vis JiCi and 

Here are some ayat With some derivatives of this verb: 
No plea of intercessors will avail them then. (74: 48). 

It is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth, and what is 
between them in six days, and He established Himself on the 
Throne. You do not have beside Him a protector nor an 
intercessor. So will you not then take heed? (32:4). 

7) oxs- ^oJl b V; : Here ^—^ is mubtada 3 , and the 75/77 a/- 
• - 1 " * 

/sa/afc b is its khabar. c^aJl is /75 V of b, and the sentence 

8) {literally, between his hands), in front of him. 
ff.jJ ^ jU» : Here £ is j ^ J an d the sibh 
jumlah J-fcjJI is 0? ^ V Jj^lJ! XJU. 

9) U-l ^ l5 jJU J?U-I iv, to surround, encircle. 

/ / " 
< >* ✓ 

yVli J»U-I, to comprehend, know thoroughly, understand fully. 

In the word the ism al-isarah is & only, and U is A jj'iH <Liji 

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The ism al-fa c ili§ -k^J>. 

10) l£i ^ (i-a), to want, wish. 

i " s, 

2 — wish, desire. <&l 3%^, God willing. 

1 1) $.Li Lj is for «s.ti lL where the damir is the JUIp. 

1^) 4s — ^ ^ — j j (i-a), to hold, accommodate, contain, 
comprehend, encompass. It takes an object, e.g. 3jLUl sii £Lj 

so > , 

V» j 'This car can accommodate six.' 

13) bjl yO/l U^U jl(a-u), to burden, weigh down, weary. 

^ 4% 

(256) There is no compulsion In religion. The right path has 
henceforth become distinct from error. He who rejects false 
deities and believes in Allah has grasped the firmest handhold 
which will never break. Allah is .All-Hearing, All-Knowing, 

1) Ul/l yyi Jj> li!5U iy\ iv, to compel, force. [AN5] 

I) \ ; — t — , — - j s — . — " v , to become clear, to be clearly 


4. j 

3) U — A j J^ij ( a -u), to follow the right course, be well guided. 

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4) sll^pj cite- (a-i), to err, go astray. 

The masdar ^ e is originally c£ j— but the Hsfw has been 

assimilated to the ya. 

5) o y>\ jail, false deities. It is used both as singular and as 

plural. Here is an example of its use as singular: 

They want to turn to false deities for arbitration though they 
have been ordered to reject them. (4:60). 

Note the singular pronoun in An example of its use as plural 
comes in the next ayah. 

6) iStU. dll^ (a-i), to grasp, hold, take hold. 

1 x, to hold fast, hold on, grasp. 

7) ^3^1, loop, buttonhole, handle (of a jug, etc.), pi ^s}-. 

8) tflf} jf^ jfj (u-u), to be firm. [AN7] 

The ism al-fa c il\s J > >j meaning 'firm', and the ism al-tafdil 
is j — "ji, and its feminine is ^ — 3 — "j. 

If the ism al-tafdil has the definite article a/-, it agrees with the 
noun it qualifies in number and gender, e.g. 


jj^I, the eldest son. 
ijy^o}\ cJLJl, the youngest daughter, 
d&l oOjjJl, higher studies, [AN8] 

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9) UL^ — kj\ — all v, to crack, split, break without getting 
separated from the other part. 

10) fjfoj — Si ojyJL ^JLm^I Jus ... o ji-'jWJU ^iS^j ^li> ; This is sart 

and its jawab. And the has ia 3 as it commences with Jt 5. 

The jawab is f -°^ j. 

1 1) If! ^Caili V : This is Ml, and the sahib al-hal is jjjy^, 

(257) Allah is the ally of those who believe. He takes them out 
of darkness into light, As for the disbelievers, their allies are the 
false deities who take them from light into darkness. These are 
the companions of the Fire. They will remain therein for ever. 

1) "Jb> friend, protector, patron, guardian, pi ^ — I— Jjl. 

2) I j — ^1 (jjiJ! (^{j <&! : This is mubtada' and its khabar, — H is 
>*" J^ 8 <•) 5^1 ^Wa^, and the sentence 1 j — ; — ^>T is V J j^^Ul ^U? 

l^4ar _ / _^=j is a second khabar of It may also be regarded as a 
Aa/of ^J. 

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o jpl jail ^jQjl ^jj^ J>^J : Here ^.^—^ i s mubtada 3 , and its 

Mmbar is the nominal sentence Oji-IM ^aJUj). 
The sentence tjy^ is <->lj*V ^ Jk/> V Jj^ jUi 3i^> 0 
l^ji-^J is another khabar of JjjiJl. It may also be regarded as 
a As/ of *Qji 

3) Note that o y>\ — kll is used here as a plural because it is the 
khabaroi the plural noun The word OjMjaJl has a plural 
form which is c~pI>. 

4) b jot- jUbi (a-u), to remain for ever. 

(258) Did you consider (O Prophet) the man who had an 
argument with Ibrahim about his Lord, because Allah had 
given him kingdom. Ibrahim said, 'My Lord is He Who gives 
life and death.' He said, 'I also give life and death,' Ibrahim 
said, 'Allah brings the sun from the east. So bring it from the 
west.' The man who disbelieved was dumbfounded. Allah does 
not guide wrongdoing folk. 

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1) r**Q C 1 ^ ^ Ji > r 5 ' : ™s is 4^ c^lj and it takes _Jj 
because its meaning is a combination <jfj and ^_iu, and this 

special construction means 'consider' or 'ponder'. It occurs in 
the Glorious Qur'an in 31 ayahs. It is addressed to either the 
Prophet & J^) or to man in general. 

2) 4^L^» ^ J-l^ iii, to argue, dispute. [AN 9] 

~* * * * > 

argument, proof, evidence, pi . 


3 ) *U Ji<> about his Lord, concerning his Lord. 

diUI a»I «UI j! : Here the preposition -J has been omitted. So 01 

is for the original 0V. The meaning is that the king was so 

intoxicated with his power that he rejected Allah who had given him 
the power to rule. 

4) is a zai/ zaman and refers to an action in the past. It is 

followed by a verbal or a nominal sentence as its mudaf ' ilayhi, 

a^ULl U> cJT SI ^"j^L, or wU-b CJ> U! 31 ^TopC 

s ' ~s 

'You helped me when I was a student at the university.' 

In the following ayah (9:40), ij is followed by a verbal sentence 

twice and by a nominal sentence once: 

If you do not help Mm (it does mot matter), for Allah did 
Indeed help him when the disbelievers drove him out, the 

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second of the two, when they were in the cave, when he said to 
his companion, 'Do not grieve, for surely, Allah is with us.' 

As a zarf'iX is <3- 

J IS ij : The king started the argument when Ibrahim ( 0- 
said to him that Allah gives life and death. The sentence 

(U*Q J 15 is "J* <J $i 

5) s-lJ-i z-J>4 iv, to bring to life, give life, revive. 
The ism al-fa c i!\s J^>, and with al< ( -_- a -J*Jl. 

6) oUI iv, to cause to die. 

7) c^Jj (J^j c^JJl ^T, : Here is mubtada 3 and — 51 is its 
khabar, and the sentence is J j-^15» aU>. The ^*Ip is the 
damir nmstatir in ^ which refers to c^jJl. 

8) ^-li^JU %\ : This is the >w«/? of a latent sk/T which 

x s s 

may be construed as: 

2»l d\ .c5>f ^V»J ^ ^ l M 


'If you claim to be able to give life and death, then here is 
another argument. Allah brings the sun 

9) oLJ : Note that the hamzati al-wasl has been omitted, for it 

should have been ptli as we write L — s^lj 'S but to avoid 

writing two a///s side by side, the hamzah al-wasl is omitted. For 
a full discussion of the formation of the am/ from J\, see D3: 9. 

10) bjj (a-a), to confound. See Q21:40, 

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Nay, it (the Hour) will come to them all of a sudden, and 
confound them, so they will be unable to repel it, nor will they 
get respite. (21:40) 

I — ^ dy\ — s o — (passive), to be confounded, bewildered, 

>5 ^lil Ci^J : Here c^^Ji is J— ci ^ and the 

sentence >T is ^>!>Vt ^ ^ V J j^Ul and the 1*£ is 
the clamfr mustatir in yj5" 0 

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1) Here is another ayah with the mudari c : 

Then he will neither die therein (in the Fire) nor live. (87:13), 

2) p L-J on the pattern of J — ^ also means a manager. The 

great author of the famous book ^U^J\ alj, Muhammad ibn Abi 
Bakr al-Zura c I is known as j^pJl ^ d^ 1 ( the son of the Mana g er 
of al-Jawziyyah School). It is sometimes shortened to ^1 'J) (the 
son of the Manager). 

3) Here are some examples of J* j : 

(True) believers are only those whose hearts feel fear when 
Allah is mentioned, and when the revelations of Allah are 
recited to them, they increase their faith, and who trust only in 
their Lord. (8:2) 

[or-o^ >Ji] ^_Jp ^liio UJ_ J^y V )yU 

And inform them of Ibrahim's guests when they came to hini, 
and said, 'Peace! 1 He said, We are afraid of you.' They said, 'Do 

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not be afraid. We bring you good news of a boy endowed with 
knowledge.' (15:51-53) 


4) Here is an ayah wherein the word ali occurs: 

He (Mllsa) said, 'He (Allah) says, "She is a cow unyoked, she 
does not plough the soil, nor does she water the tilth, sound 
and without a mark." They said, 'Now you have brought the 
truth,' So they slaughtered it though they were about to refrain 
from doing so. (2:71) 

Here L^<^ V means that it did not have a mark of a different 

5) Here are some more ay at in which the word o^Sl occurs: 

^Ui *jSo o»UI U~£- ^1^=3 t ^/yl c| o 4 * <4>j J^jb 

^ ■ 9. ? > A** 

.And had your Lord willed, all the people on earth would have 
believed. So will you then (O Prophet) compel people to 
become believers? (10:99). 

Cjihj^- 4Mj ot ^ l^V* l^J^ U JuJ by Ui; bl 

We have believed in our Lord that He may forgive us our sins, 
and the sorcery that you (O Pharaoh) forced us to practice. 
Allah is better and more lasting (with regard to the reward).' 

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6) This verb is also used in i-a group, i.e. U — $> j jS^j JJ>j, and 

the ism al-fa c il 'from this bab is Xr—^j. Following are some ayat 
containing some derivatives of this verb: 

(Remember) when the young men sought refuge In the cave, 
and said, 'Our Lord! Grant us mercy from You, and find us a 
right way from our ordeal. 1 (18: 10) 

is ism al-masdar meaning rectitude, e.g. 

Pharaoh said, 'I do not suggest to you except what I think is 
right, and I do not show you except the path of rectitude.' 

7) Note that 2 — S — ij cl5 yj J — Z— 1 * — > j — ?j (a-i) means to trust, 
place one's confidence. The ism al-fa c iHrom this bab is J — 

8) The verb I j — o Uj> (a-u) means to be near, to come or go 

near. Note, ^— ^ o^, Come near! The /wz? al-/a c ilis Ob, and the 

/5/77 al-tafefflis Its feminine is I — I-Ja. The expression SC^Jt 

Lo j — 11 means 'the nearest life' as against Sj — which will come 

later. (See Q2:85, 86). So the word tJJ — Si meaning 'the world' 
really means 'the nearest life'. 

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LESSON 3 41 

9) Note that U-U^-l viii means to protest. 

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1) Give the of the following: 

i>jLfi? r£2r ( b 

^tiiic^S (d 

2) Translate : <^~1 bl. Who said this, and to whom. 
And in what context? 

3) What is faith in Allah subhanahu wa ta c ala likened to? Quote 
the ayah dealing with this subject. 

4) In U^Jii^r Slj whom or what do the pronouns a and 
ili refer to? 

4) Fill in the blank in each of the following items with the 
feminine form of the ism aJ-tafdl/ used in it: 

a) L jIp afl ^pladJl, the higher council. 
..... al^JJi, the higher committee. 

b) -k^j^l c3^Jl, the middle east. 
..... S^UaJl, the middle prayer. 

c) j^jVI c_J^l, the right side. 

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..... -yi, the right hand, 

d) (U-VI, the best name. 

.... s.U*Y, the best names. 

5) Translate the following hadith and explain it: 

<£.i5i ^ui .iuv^i v iif j ^ikii i^>f) . JZji jlSi ^ *£. d&i fdij 

6) Give the plural of each of the following nouns: 

* ? ' j - - * t - *.{ * ,r ; * s r I/,/ 

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[w >-\ >r JT] 

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46 LESSON 4 


(103) .And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah 
and do not be divided. And remember Allah's favours to you, 
for you were enemies, and He joined your hearts in love so that 
you became brothers by His Grace, and you were on the brink 
of an abyss of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes 
clear His revelations to you, that you may be guided. 

1) ^ss- ( a -i), to protect as in the following ayah: 

And Allah will protect you from the people. (5:67) [AN1] 
iaiC ^ccs-\ viii, to seek protection in something/someone. 

2) J — U 9 rope, chord, pi jLJf . By 'rope' is meant 'a binding 
force' which is Allah's covenant. 

3) I — altogether. This is hal, and its sahib al-hal is the fa c il 
of Ij-i-yaspi (i.e. the waw^. 

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4) L_J Ju ijj — ej v, to be or become scattered, split, disunited, 

Note that 1 jJ j — & ^ is originally I ji y — : — > V with two tas. This 

omission is for the sake of euphony, and takes place in forms v 
and vi when the harf al-mudara c ah happens to be ta. Here is an 
example of this omission in form vi from the Glorious Qur'an 

And We hade made you nations and tribes that you may know 
each other. 

Here IjijUJ * s f° r 1 

5) ! ^$"3 ^5"S (a-u), to remembero 

6) I — »bwl 4_™1p (> ^Ji iv, to bestow favours, to confer. Its ism al~ 
masdar is k**J. 


7) For i| see Lesson 3/ ayah 258/Note 4. 

8) — pi pj^5" 3} ^iClLo <&( CJu I j^f 31 : Here Si is maful Ghi in 
relation to which has the force of **»!, i.e. 

$.u — s>\ ^J>J.p j^jm), 'Allah bestowed His favours on you 

when you were enemies'. 

8) j~\ — p enemy. It is also used in the plural sense (enemies). In 
the following ayah it is singular: 

Therefore We said, 'O Adam! This is indeed an enemy to you 
and to your wife. ..' (20:117). 

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And it is plural in the following ayah: 

They are indeed enemies to me except the Lord of the worlds. 

It has also a plural form, ft U — pI as in this a^a/i which we are 
studying, and in the following ayah (4:45), 

Allah is better aware of your enemies. 

9) UJb" ^UJI j-j «jJl ii, to unite, join, combine, put together. 

> }f Sis 

<^.p> j-i CjJl, He joined your hearts in love. 

10) £j — vfl iv, to become in the morning. Here it is a naqis verb, 

and so, it is a sister of 01 — <T and takes ism and khabar. It means 

'to become in the morning 1 , and may also mean just 'to become' 
without reference to time as in this ayah. 

11) £l brother, dual pfpM, pi and o\"J^l The pIo'j-JU\ is 

mostly used to mean blood relationship, and d\ j — U[ to denote 
metaphorical fraternity. 1 See Q4:ll, 176 and 12:5, 7, 58, 100. 
But in 9:24 d\y-\ is used for blood brothers, and in 49:10 oj^-l is 
used for brothers in faith. 

12) brink. Its dual is jl>\ and plural, *li-M. [AN2] 

13) lyb- >~ (a-i) to dig. [AN 3] 

e^>* hole, pit, pi The pattern has the meaning of ism 
al-maful in some words. See Lesson 2/«3/«^ 249/Note7/AN2. 

1 Al-Sihah: 

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14) liUJl JLaJf iv, to save, deliver, rescue. 

15) *JsJl jb (a-i), to be or become clear, plain, evident. The 

ism al-fa c il\$ q—*—> like j— » from J j — dl—k, and j -J 

> » ' " 
from j — * — OV. 

a i — I — ; — 51, clear proof, p/ot — (See 105). 

Ul . ° Tj t L_; - * \ " j — j-4 ii, to explain, expound, make 


16) (jo^l viii, to be guided. 

(104) Let there arise from you a group of people inviting to all 
that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is 
wrong. Such are they who are successful 


1) ^£L_J} : This is law al-amr. Note that it has sukun because of 
the preceding waw. (See D3:13). 

2) ij> means that which is known, well-known, universally 

accepted, and as an Islamic term, it means that which is 
recognized as good by the sarfah. 

3) IjL-jCll 'jJ^ZS iv, to disown, disclaim, refuse to recognize. The 

ism al-maful is j — So literally it means that which is 

disowned, disclaimed, not recognized, and as an Islamic term, 
it means that which is not recognized by the sarfah as good. 

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A £ 

(105) And do not be Like those who split Into factions and 
disputed after clear proofs had come to them. For them is a 
terrible punishment ... 

1) oU! u ^ : This is 4jj*wJ| so the meaning is: 

# SOS 

OulJi z^kjz Jjo 0 
/ " / 

2) pJ&P vIop (4J iliijtj : The khabar of di~J J is the nominal 
sentence ^^-p vUp j^. 

^ i ojy-i ^ £j 

(106) on the day when some faces will brighten and some 
darken. .As for those whose faces darken, (it will be said to 
them), 'Did you reject faith after professing It? So taste the 
torment for your rejection of faith.' ' 

1) f ji is maful fihi and points to the time of 6 yX4 (they will be 

punished) which is understood from the word l^\Xs< occurring at 
the end of the previous ayah. 

2) UbL^ol ix, to become white. 

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# „ 

3) blSjl*1 SjLi ix, to become black. 

4) The verbal sentence « ji-j JaiZ* is niuclaf ilayhi, and so it is 

5) a jps-'j is indefinite, and so means 'some faces'. 

6) ... ^4* J* J ^j^t "ji^ ^ '■ The jawab of Ul has been 
omitted which may be construed as \ — $ Ji — Li, and this is the 
khabar of the mubtada' \y,^ . 

7) j^-j oSjLl : This verbal sentence is Jj^^lil U^, and the 
-AjIp is the pronoun p-fc m j^-j,, 

a) j clili^j tlS! jij clSji ^^-^ 3^ (a-u), to taste. 

<\) j jjixl *juS" llj : the word — > means 'on account of.' 

s . ) j j^iSC; ,^^5" : This is kj&* — ^ and so the meaning is 

>o ) s 

(107) As for those whose faces will brighten, they shall be in 
Allah's mercy, therein they shall dwell for ever, 

1) <&) ^ is the khabar of ji^* 

2) j jJJl^ t$-i is hal and its saM> al-halh the fa'iloi the verb 

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In a sentence like e^Pl ^ di^J!, the sibh jumlah cJ3l ^ is said to 
be the khabar, but the actual khabar is said to be a verb which 
may be construed as meaning to settle down, to establish 

oneself, to take up one's position. 

This applies to the zarf also, e.g. \\\ JlIp ^-jJuJl. Here also 

the actual khabar is jlSA 

0£*Mt& ij at '4^t ii£ £fd# 

(108) These are the revelations of Allah. V^e recite them to you 
(O Prophet) in truth. Allah wills no injustice to (His) creatures. 

1) ... is Af/„ and its sahib al-halis oU„ 

2) u^-J^j Uii? 1l : y„ 4)1 l^j : The /s/z? in ^rwJQJ is called SjjixJl ^N/ 

(the JSffl of strengthening). This is prefixed to the maful bihiif 
the action of the verb becomes weak. The action of the verb is 
said to be weak in the following two cases: 

a) if the maful bihl precedes the verb as in the following ayah: 

O courtiers, tell me the meaning of my dream if you can 
interpret dreams. (12:43) 

Here the maful bihl (L_Jjy!) precedes the verb, and so it has 
taken the lam al-taqwiyafi. It does not need the lam if it follows 
the verb (b j y> J jj-*J jj). 

b) If it is the maful bihl of a masdar or of a derivative like the 
ism al-fa c il or the /km al-mubalaghah, e.g. 

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Here Oi^^S is the maful bihi of the masdar\ — Jl». It does not 
need the /am if it is the maful bihi 'of the verb directly as in, 

Send him with us tomorrow that he may enjoy himself and play. 
And we shall take care of Mm. (12:12), 

Here the maful bihi (a) has taken the /a/?? because its J-?Ip is an 
/km al~fa c il{b If it is the maful bihioi the verb, it has no 
need of the lam ill). 

Indeed your Lord does whatever He wills. (11:107). 

Here the maful bihi has the /am because its J — is an ism 

al-mubalaghah (Ju»). If the verb is used, there is no need of the 
The j&n al-taqwiyah is optional in some cases. [AN4] 

(109) To Allah belongs whatever Is in the heavens, and 
whatever in the earth. And to Allah are all matters returned. 

1) The verb j has two meanings. They are: 

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} } / s / 

a ) u^JJ j**J cLc j^-j j (a-i), to come back, return as in: 

jy> c^-j ^ 9 'When did you return from Makkah?' 
Here is an example from the Glorious Qufan, 

MUsa went back to his people angry and sad. (20:86) 
This is the intransitive use of 

b) U^j (a-i), to return, give back as in: 

,6 VI c5 — I] ^] <uc* y jjj ^ Jji ^lis" oiil, 'You took my book a 

month ago, and have not yet returned it to me.' 
Here is an example from the Glorious Qur'an, 

And We returned you to your mother so that she might rejoice 
and might not grieve. (20:40) 

This is the transitive use of this verb. And it is in this sense that 
this verb has passive voice. 

<^y^3 ^3j^\ 6_V>b c^rjA $a\ j*. 

You are the best community that has been raised up 
mankind. You enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and 
believe in Allah. If the People of the Book had believed (in 
Muhammad }X-^' 3 &\ jj), it would have been better for them. 
Among them are believers, but most of them are transgressors. 

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1) ^ piiS : This is the type of Oo which does not signify a 

past action, but is used to emphasize the relationship between 
its ism and khabar as in the following ayat 

Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. (4:69) 
nd do not go anywhere near adultery: it is an abomination 

and an evil way« (17:32) 

Then she pointed to him. They said, 'How can we talk to one 
who is a child in the cradle?" (19:29). 

2) ^ulJ c-* jss-l : This sentence is a na c tol 

3) i_i>jyJ.lj OjylJ is As/ and its sahib al-hal'm & "^>-. 

4) °(H^ 1 ^ : The iira of 01 — S" is the clamlr mustatir which 
refers to OLC^. The sentence may be construed as, 

.j^Jl> 0101 OlSJ ^t&il J*f ^ T A 

Foresee D3:12. 

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1) The capital city is called because it protects the 

2) The word U — j.. occurs in the Glorious Qur'an twice. Here is 
the other ayah: 

^/ y^>~ t| ^ jLfMs jD Qi» ,4^r^> ,C2. 

9' T-f V/ 

Is he who founded his building upon piety to Allah and His 
pleasure better, or he who founded his building on the brink of 
a crumbling bank of a valley so that it toppled with him into the 
fire of Hell? Allah does not guide wrongdoing folk. (9: 109) 


3) Note that j\>- means hoof {literally, that which digs). 

4) As in the following ayahs: 

An account of the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zakariyya. 

Here the word oXs- is the mafTil bihi of the mas da r yet 
it has not taken the lam al-taqwiyah. 

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So do not think that Allah will fail to keep His promise to His 
messengers... (14:47) 

Here *L>j is the maful bihloi the masdar oj — p-j, yet it has not 
taken the Jam al-taqwiyah. 

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1) Identify all the mujarrad verbs occurring in the text, and 
give the bab of each of them. 

2) Identify all the mazld verbs occurring in the text, and give 
the bab of each of them. 

3) What is meant by each of the following? 

4) Identifty the type of Jam in each of the following: 

5) What is the vO^i °f tne pronoun j^i in each of the following: 

<<3^4^]t jji ibljlj (a 

6) The word £— i-j occurs twice in the following sentence. What 
does it mean in each context? 

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!2 j> s 

7) The word — * is used both as singular and plural. Quote an 
ayah for each of these usages. 

8) Give the plural of each of the following nouns: 

* ■ * * ■» 

.A^>l ta yi>- (,LiLJ> cA-o-rJ cj-p- 

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> ,-'.>*'f <r>tf k50>i ^ \*-<y \s ' it 
Xi> L-^J bj^ob cyUji g***>j 1^° W 

0*J Oj*Ji ^ Jr^ o* n ^JJ^b 


^p>\ 5^5 ie-J *l $ cjt fj? 

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(36) And it was revealed to Nuh, 'None of your people will 
believe except those who have already believed. So do not be 
distressed at what they have been doing 1 . 

1) fUjJ d^i J\ J~j\ iv, to inform by revelation. Note that 
s-Uj] is changed from the original U&-j\. 

divine revelation. It is the masdarof ^4 (a-i) which 
lexically means to communicate with sign, sound or writing. 

2) The pronoun in i-Jf is the jll_Jl 'j?—^ which refers to the 

sentence following it. This pronoun is used in English also as in 
It is wrong to go there. Here it refers to the phrase to go there. 
This sentence can also be constructed as follows, To go there is 

Here is another example of oLxJl 'j^p : 

. ^ j\y>r i^j°is ^3 ^cj 6i i^pj 1 v 

'Maryam cannot travel because she does not have a passport.' 

3 ) d^i J ^- This is Ajj^Uail of, and the masdar mu 3 awwal is the 
z?^% al-fa c iloi ^ji. So it is ji^ J^ 1 ^ 

4) o-^ Vi : Here is the ^ r ;7 of ^-J as the /k/ta/za is 
mufarragh. And ai is the silah al-mawsul. 

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5) For the word £- J and its being OjJU*, see 103:34. 

6) L-Kl ^t?1 viii, to be distressed, be sad and worried. It is J^Sl 
from (jij . See Q12: 69. 

7) j jljUj Ijio Cu : Here £ is either masdariyyah ormawsulah. In 
the first case, the meaning is 'at their doing', and in the second 
'what they have been doing'. In this case the .J — JIp has to be 

supplied (4jj-Uij). 

(37) Build the ship under Our Eyes and according to Owe 
revelation, and do not speak to me on behalf of the 
wrongdoers. They shall surely be drowned. 

1) Ults (a-a), to make, manufacture. 

2) iJLjil, ship. It is feminine, but can also be masculine as in 

And We saved him and those with him in the laden ship. 

Its plural has the same form as the singular, and of course it is 


Here are some examples from the Qur'an of its being used as a 

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It is He Who enables you to travel on land and sea until, when 
you are in the ships and they sail with them with a fair breeze, 
and they rejoice at it, a stormy wind overtakes them, and waves 
engulf them (those in the ship) from every side.,. (Q 10:22). 

Note the word which is third person feminine plural. 

P £ :J~* ] ^ ^J0j 

And yon see the ships ploughing it (i.e. ike s<ea).„.(Q16:14). 
Note the word jf-fy which is the plural of 'S^-U, ism al-fa c il 
from I jy^> j I j>^> (a-u), to sail ploughing the sea. 

3) In the Our 'an the plural of in the sense of 'eye' is £^f, 
and in the sense of 'fountain', 'spring' is 0 See for example 
Q15:45; 26:57; 7:179; 5:83. Non-Qur'anic Arabic does not 
make this distinction. 

4) 15 J > (i-a), to be drowned. The ism al-fa c il is Jj j>, and its 
plural is 'j> a J> like J^y 

(3 Jv> is the ism al-mafuloi form iv, 151 jpJ W iv, to make 
someone drown. 

Jl9 *C-o \Jj->^m ^j£> & ^ U\£rz*J ^*J\A\ £^>j 

H »< fS* ><" »< f >^ »< 

(38) and he builds the ship. And whenever the chieftains of his 
people passed by him, they laughed at him. He said, 'If you 
laugh at us, we too shall laugh at you just as you laugh at us'. 

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1) — ij : The mudari' has been used for a picturesque 

presentation of the act of building. Cf. p — & <S g^j in ayah 

2) CUT, whenever. It is made up of JS* which is here a zar£ and 

£ which is here masdariyyah This ^ along with its sly? is lJ>w^ 

^ J^J> J 5IS}. And the C-^tf of is the verb in the sS j — (in 

this example I — The sentence can be constructed as 


Here is another example of ills' from the Qur'an: 

Whenever they kindle a fire of war, Allah puts it out. (5:64) 
For some more examples, see Q3:37; 4:56; 7:38; 17:97; 22:22; 

Here is another example: 

'Whenever I visited him, I found him either reading or writing.' 

l * 

3) ^ — LI, chieftains, notables, elders. (Though the word is 

* »i 

singular, it has a plural meaning. Its plural is [AN1] 

4) 0^ "j? (i-a), to mock at, to make fun of. 

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(39) and you shall soon know to whom a humiliating 
punishment will come, and upon whom a lasting torment will 

1) 3j^ 5 a particle denoting futurity like ^. From this is derived 
Ujj^j Li ju* ii 5 to put off, procrastinate. 

Z) kj? iSy^i l£ (i-a), to be contemptible. *lj — *\ U°>U </£-f 
iv, to disgrace, humiliate, put to shame. 
The sentence <iy*± is a /2a C L 

3) Vjl*- (a-i), to descend, befall. 

4) "^\s\ iv, (1) to raise, to make someone stand up. (2) to 
stay, remain, dwell, reside. 

diss x ift Jf t i£1 & % & 

2£ Uj) qaj JJ6\ £k> y[ cSMj gruSl 

(40) (This was so) till, when our coniniand come, and the earth 
burst open (with water), We said, 'carry into it a pair of every 
species, and your family - except those against whom the 
Decree has already been passed - and those who have believed, 
though none but a few had believed with him. 

1) y>Vl (1) matter, affair, pl*jy\ (2) command, pl'j*\'J 

2) Uljy j i\j e y jj% 'jii ( a -u), to gush out, boil over. [AN2J 

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3) jjlli, oven, pJjj&. [AN 3] 

The gushing out of the water from the surface of the earth has 
been likened to the boiling out of hot water from a pot. 

4) Jl*. (a-i), to carry, 

J*l£- efp»l 5 a pregnant woman (not: ai^U-). Arabic is logical: as 
this attribute is not shared by men, why waste a ta marbutah? 

5) pl^-jj, a pair. 

jWjj is the 4j Jj*i-« of J^>-l. 

6) : This is a na c t of pl^-jj. The words ^lj and DlSl are 
used for emphasis, e.g. o^-ij oujI jIj^-i ^ 

7) JiS VI ^ ^ : Here JiS is the Jfli of ^1, and the *uia-l 

IS p_ ji- 0 . 

(41) He said, 'Embark therein, In the name of .Allah it shall sail 
and anchor. Indeed, my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful'. 

1) b ^ 3liU( J L^f j (i-a), to board a ship, 
^yjl L-fj;, to mount a horse. 

2) UIj^-j cl/ps- g.llil c5y^ (a-i), to flow. 

* * 

fcJilJl o jSs-, to sail. 

is the 75/73 al-makan and 75/77 al-zaman, and means place 
and time of sailing. It may also be masdar mimi meaning 

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Note that the word \ — i->,}^ in this ayah is pronounced majreha. 

Pronouncing a as e is called imalah It is a phonetic 

phenomenon, and many words are pronounced with imalah in 
the reading of Warsh prevalent in North West Africa like 
Morocco, and the neighbouring countries. Note the sign of 
imalah placed under the letter ra. 

5) j Oj^j j^jt Lj (a-u) (1) to be firmly fixed. (2) to dock 
(of a ship). [AN4] 

*L_I-jj iv (1) to fix something firmly. (2) to anchor (a 


L3 — s*ja 1S rn al-makan and ism al-zaman, and means place and 
time of anchoring. It may also be masdar mimi meaning 

4) lif^ is the mubtada\ and its khabarh <&i JL*. 

The meaning is, 'Its sailing and anchoring is in the name of 

(42) and it sails with them amidst waves like mountains, and 
Nuh called out to his son- and he was standing alone -, 'Come 
board with us my dear son, and do not be with the disbelievers'. 

1) ^y, waves, It is ism al-jins al-jam% and the singular is 

SeeQ24:40. (See D3:3). 

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2) S/j—p L-bli Jj—p (a-i) (1) to remove, separate, isolate. (2) to 
depose, dismiss. 

fi\ \X» If J III, 'I have nothing to do with this matter.' 

3) is the diminutive of #1. One of the meanings of tasghlris 
endearment. So ^ £ means 'O my dear son!' 

Note that in fjj Ij the pronoun of the first person singular has^ 
been omitted" The word originally is LS —t — i — i £ (bunayyi). ^ lj 
is like L> as explained in D3:26. 

Note that l2£ L^j> is pronounced irkamma c ana with the 
assimilation of M to /z?i/i?. 

0 <<«S^3f k £S ^ 5Cj J^j ^ % $ 

(43) He said, 'I shall take refuge on a mountain that will save 
me from the water. He (Nuh) said, 'Today there is no 
jprotection from Allah's decree except for him on whom He has 
had mercy 1 , and the waves came in between them, and he was 
among the drowned. 

1) 13 jl s^Jl J\ i£j\ (a-i), to take refuge. 

x y " * 

Note that <S is for the ifj\C as J^i is for J^ll (II — >T)„ 
cSjuJl, a shelter, place of refuge. 

2) lll^p (a-i), to protect. 

The verbal noun is Ca-f. A prophet is said to be ("j-*— i.e. 
protected from sins. 

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^) f?"J ir* ^1 ^ f" 0? <^f^- y : This is ^ki^ &t%^4, because 
the ^"-^ and the 4? ls^^ 3 a D re not of the same kind. The 
is the saved, and the 5 — L. JzL — i is the savior (None can save 
today from the decree of Allah except those who are shown 
mercy by Allah). So it is like: lW^^__Ji V| ^J] jHh^ g-**^ *e*j ? 
'All the pilgrims have returned to Mecca, but the policemen 
have not yet returned.' 

So the meaning of j °y V] ^1 y>\ ^ >°JS\ l^Lo ^ i§ 5 There is 
no savior today from Allah's decree, but those on whom Allah 
has mercy will be saved.' The khabar of ^----U V is *-*a4 
which is muqaddar. 

And f j3l is mafulfihi, and its /^s/Z? is the verb ^a^y ( j^ylp V 

4) In ji^-j the JjLp has been omitted. With the tys- it is ^ 
4l^-j. The sentence is Jj^^ll 

5) jil^- dl^j ^4? &^JS Jl>- (a-u), to intervene, e.g. J**" 

yiLJi ^ j c yl^, 'Sickness prevented me from travelling.' In the 
Qur'an (8:24): 

Know that Allah conies In between a man and his heart. (8:24) 

The meaning is that Allah can prevent a man from carrying out 
his plans. 

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(44) It was said, 'Earth! Swallow up your water, and sky! Hold 
back', and water was made to subside, and the command was 
fulfilled, and it (the ship) rested on (Mount) al-JudL And it was 
proclaimed, 'Away with the wrongdoing folk!' 

1) UL ^ (i-a) also ^ £J£ (a-a) to swallow. 

2) £^!xJt Js- iv, to abstain, refrain, e.g. ug^' ^ c-^iSI, 
'I gave up smoking'. [AN5] 

3) UsIp ^ O^U ^*Ip (a-i), to reduce, decrease, 

1* o 

g-CJi ^/a-vP, the water was reduced, made to subside. 

4) l&£ (a-i), to settle, close, complete, accomplish, fulfill. 

5) \\j£*\ z°J^\ Jf* k£jp~»\ viii, to rest on. 

6) Is? name of the mountain. 

7) UiJ J^j (u-u), to be far off, be far away. 

IaL is here 4** j^CaUl, and the meaning is 'May they 

be removed far away!' 

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LESSON 5 73 


(45) and Nuh called out to his Lord and said, My Lord! My son 
is of my household, and your promise is true, and you are the 
most just of judges.' 

1) L/, is for J j £ See D3:26. 

2) j^Jt ^apj ji : Here J^JI is the khabar of J|. 

3) USC>- jii^- (a-u), to judge, decide, pass judgment. 
(jwTUJ! pJxs4, the most just of judges. 

''it **, ^ V >'i Vni ' "4 <*-, * > ' li- 

(46) Pie said, 'Nuh! He is certainly not of your household. It 
(what he did) is indeed an unrighteous deed. So do not ask me 
that which you have no knowledge of. I admonish you lest you 
should be among the ignorant.' 

1) The pronoun in pjl — ^ J — 1p J — 1p 4 — i\ refers to the son's 

disobedience. It may refer to the son himself, and in that case it 
means, 'He is an embodiment of unrighteousness. 

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S* .. .. v f ■ . ^ 

2) JC (a-a), to ask for. It takes two objects, e.g. ,y| 1$^ 

a — btJI dDL— A Here is an example from the Glorious Our'an 

Say (O Prophet), 'I ask of you no fee for this except tJae 
affection due to kinsfolk'. 

In the ayah we are studying the first object is the pronoun of the 
first person (ya which has been omitted) (see below #3), and the 

second object is U . 

3) ^LJ is for — f !>U. The omission of the 7^ of the first 
person is common in the Our'anic Arabic. See 089:15, 16. 

4) Dapj .%> Jipj (a-i), to admonish, exhort, warn. 

O S f Q g 

5) OiU' — Oj^J oi : The masdar mu'awwal is mudaf ilaihi, 
and the mudafh omitted which may be a word like — ^ or 
l*\J* t and this word is ^ J j*u£. 

6) sJl^ j t^l^r Jgi- (i-a) (1) to be ignorant (2) to be irrational, or 


The first is the opposite of ^ — If, and the second is the opposite 

of jt-U-. It has the first meaning in this ,3/2/2. Here is an example 
of the second meaning: 

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%j d*j$ /> 

The servants of Rahman aire those who walk on earth humbly, 
and who, when the foolish confront them, they say, 'Salami.' 

4 % 4 j4 £ 3 ^\ \& 4i 4^ ^ 

(47) He said, 'My Lord, I seek refuge in You from asking You 
what I have no knowledge of. If Yon do not forgive me, and 
have mercy on me, I stall be among the losers.' 

1) j 4 blip Dlja^Ji & <^L> ilp (a-i), to take refuge. 

2) diiL-S jl di-> : Here the preposition j — * has been omitted 

from the original construction dUCl jl a Prepositions 

may be omitted before the masdar mu 3 awwal, e.g. 

oX^Ij <&! lf/>l — > ^Ju^J DU aSsI I'yi or fgCaj jl 13^1 

3) J\ii? VI : Here V) is for V 0|. 

J^l J*j is ^ ^ j/ and j5 I is Ja^UI v'j^. 

4) Ul ci ^-j <.* jU*^ (i-a), to incur a loss. 

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±X^ j& <Mo oS>J & si 

(48) It was said (to him), ' Nuh! Disembark with peace from Us 
and blessings upon you, and upon some of the communities 
(that will spring) from those who are with you. There will be 
other communities whom We will provide enjoyment (for a 
while), and then a painful punishment from Us will overtake 

1) Us»jl* Jala (a-i), to descend, come down. 

Note — Si -bhfr*, 'place where the revelation came down from 
the heaven', an epithet of Makkah and Madinah. 

2) nation, community, pl^A, 

3) U-w UMi ii, to provide enjoyment. 

4) LJ> c _ r ^o ^ (i_ a , ol-w>), to touch, to hit, befall. 

5) jjl, pain, suffering, plfl\. 

* if 

6) j^-f^x^w^ ^Jj : Here ^ is mubtada "because it is ^ y^y* ej-P' as 
it stands for tsJfi-S 

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3J — ^ °jL*, 'other communities (springing) from some of those 
who are with you'. 

(49) These are of the tidings of the Unseen that We reveal to 
you (O Muhammad). Neither you nor your people knew this 
before this. So be patient. The future belongs to the pious. 

t * sot 

1) ft news, tidings, pU^. 

2) 2 — JUJl, end, result, outcome, pi <- — iljP. The future can be 
happy or unhappy. What is meant here is happy future. 

3) d&y V j cJl LfJ^u cJS" £ : If a noun is to be joined to a 

*ij with a conjunction, the corresponding — «^» — ^ 

should first be mentioned as in this ayah. See Lesson 2/ajra# 
249/Note 9. 

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i 0 

1) The word — Jl also means assembly or gathering as in the 
following hadith: 

!> * ~ 4 ~ ~ ' ' s 

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah who said, the Prophet h JU 

(J-j ^ said. Allah the Exalted says: 'I am what My servant thinks 

of Me, and I am with him when he remembers Me. If he 
remembers Me by himself, I remember him by Myself, but if he 
remembers Me in an assembly, I remember him in an assembly 
better than his. If he approaches Me a span, I approach him a 
cubit, and if he approaches Me a cubit, I approach him a 
fathom. If he comes to Me walking, I go to him running." 

(Reported by al-Bukharl in Kitab al-Tawhid, 15). 

2) Note: ejji j, f He returned immediately'. 

(Jj*-K 'I we nt out soon after my entry'. (See D3:24). 

The word has acquired the meaning of 'immediacy' from the 

idea of 'boiling' as if the second action takes place before the 
first cools down. 

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From jli is derived the Urdu ojl^i for a fountain. 
But in Arabic a fountain is Sjjallll. 

Note that in modern Arabic Jy> ^} is effervescent tablet. 

3) The word jj^ has been corrupted to jjJ — ; — " in Urdu. 

4) The ism al~fa c il of I — "Jj is meaning 'something firmly 

fixed'. It is also used for a mountain, and its pi ^jj occurs in 
nine ayats of the Qur'an, one of them is the following: 

He created the heavens without supports that you can see, and 
He cast into the earth firm mountains lest it should shake with 
you, and He has scattered therein, all kinds of animals. And We 
sent down water from the sky 5 and We caused every kind of 
goodly plant to grow therein. (31:10) 

5) In modern Arabic £iSI means to take off (aviation), e.g. cJtli! 
v'UJl, 'The plane took off at 8.' 

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80 LESSON 5 

JU, 'At what time is the take off?' 

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1) Is diUJi masculine or feminine in this text? How do you know 

2) What is the type of £ in the following examples? 

oj/*^ Uo ^>t*«j Lib (a 

», <ft T" i_ 

til J4) L« gEii $ (C 

3) What is the na'ib al-fa c iloi [g- J? 

4) Identify all the mujarrad verbs occurring in the text, and sort 
them out according to the following categories: 

a) saim 

b) mucla cc af 

c) mi thai 

d) ma h muz 

e) ajwaf 

f) naqis 

g) lafif 

5) Identify all the mujarrad verbs occurring in the text, and sort 
them out according to their babs. 

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82 LESSON 5 

6) Identify all the mazid verbs occurring in the text and 
mention the bab of each of them. 

7) Read the ayah, and answer the following questions: 

a) What does the particle denote? 

b) What is the v>0*i of the noun °y> and the sentence a-jIj 

° -P i* , • < - 

c) What type of is jl-ii, and what does it mean? 

8) Read the following, and answer the questions: 

a) Who said this and to whom? And in what context? 

b) What is the Sns<6 of the sentence ^ ^Iva^? 

9) Fill in the blank in each of the following sentences with a 
suitable *J* tj'J>-: 

. , ' , , ^ o i 

„rt-J-^«-JI V^L^l ...... ^>S~wvO ^ 

. ^"jL^ ..... Cj J) <JJP> J^i b-5 C-ol j UJ^P 

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LESSON 5 83 

\ •) What does Ju* mean in each of the following sentences? 
h) Translate the following ayah (3:37): 

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£-3^ _j>^i ,dJ ^Ji 43^' li-V- \2Jf Oj^- 3 

ft v - \v 

The word al-Rum Q jj— II) means the Byzantines. The first few 

ajraf of this siz/afi (2-6) refer to defeat of the Byzantines at the 
hands of the Persians in 614-15 CE, and the prophecy that the 
Byzantines would be victorious within nine years. 

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(17) So glory foe to Allah when you enter the night and when 
you enter the morning. 

1) is * J. , f ii, to glorify Allah, i.e. to declare Him free 

from any defect or blemish, or from any attribute that is 
unbecoming of Him. 

*^ . o ft jj s 

Obx* — ^, al-masdar from ^ — It is nmnsub as it is marSl 

s * o ft 

mutlaq. It is a masdar functioning as its verb, so *Ji1 — v here 
means *»l (Praise .Allah). 

2) Oif-, period of time, pi OV-i, and its /?/is ui—jW. 

uy>- is here mafulfihi. Here is another example, 

jUJ- — Jl j — » o — 9?jt> Cv-?- &iG> 'I saw you when you left the 

j j.^<kJ : here ui?~ is mudaf, and the verba! sentence o 
is mudaf "Hayhi 'and is, therefore, fi mahalfjarr. 

3) s-ll- — "Jl, late evening (extends from the approach of sunset to 
the time of c isa D prayer). 

{ J»*\ iv, to spend the evening, enter into the evening. 

* p* f . 

4) iv, to spend the morning, enter into morning. 

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5) Here both and U£>\ are tamm verbs. A tamm verb is 

one which takes a iai/like ^ tJ^S, It is the opposite of 

a naqis verb which takes an isiz? and khahar like jl — U c OlS" etc. 
The following examples will make the point clear: 

TVsgis: Uy^ L5 ^ , ' 5 'Bilal was sick in the evening'. 

Ji 1* ■£ s s 

Tamm: £»j - U '^j* uJ 5 When it was evening, Bilal 

went for a walk' {literally, 'when B. entered the evening, he ...'). 

TVa^/s: Ua~^ eJ^^ 9 'I was active in the morning'. 

Tamm: '/* ' t3 —S~ Obpl lift tyl c^li^- 9 'I sat reading this 

book till it was morning {literally, "... till I entered the 

(18) To Him belongs praise in the heavens and the earth, and 
at the sun's decline and in the noonday. 

1) The sentence J*°ji\ j o! j^L-Jl Jt £SJ\ aJj is a parenthetical 

clause, and the word is ma c tuf of the word Oi— >■ in the 

previous ayah. So the construction of the sentence is like this: 

> o , I lis . j> ?. i % . - ". ' £ ' \ * o £ \[ i ** I 

JU^>Jl 4J j .0 Jj$&> (jp""J JS-x^OJ C/^~J Uj^vwaJ (Jif- A*>! Ij^-j-vvJ 

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0 > i9 > 

2) l-U^ wLo^>- (i-a), to praise. ^^- 3 praiseworthy. 

0 s & s t ill $ s 2 

iJ-^sxj A^>- ii, to praise excessively. Its ik/22 al-rnaful is *U>w». 

I o ^ ° ***>» 

3) J — 1>J1 iij : the khabar has been placed before the mubtada 3 
for the sake of emphasis. 

4) cj^j^ 1 J jlUl : the i?M jumlah is a hal of *W*JI. 

6) (c*^, evening (from noon to sunset), 
t^ is here .rfWOt 


. a 

7) I jLp»l Si-^ iv, to spend the noon o — JJaJl), enter the noontide. 

(This verb is not used as a naqis verb). 

8) These two <3/<2^s refer to the five daily prayers. 

j refers to maghrib and %a Sprayers. 

jj^JUi refers to /3/r prayer . 


Lt^p refers to %r prayer . 

/ o 

djj^Jai refers to zuhr prayer. 

(19) He brings forth the living from the dead, and He brings 
forth the dead from the living, and He revives the earth after 
its death, .And even so will yon be brought forth. 

1) y»*J iv, to bring out. 

1 Tafslr a/- Tabarl 

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2) LkJ ^p- (i-a), to live, be alive. ^ — >■ with idghani is also 
used instead of ^^p-. See Q8:42. 

gj>-, live, living, /?/ pV-I. 

s-l — J~! ^JUj" Lj-t iv, to give life, quicken, revive. Its ismu l-fa c il is 

and with -^W ^-^V 
? - 

( _5 — has two /.as as both its second and third radicals are yas, 

but in this ayah, this word is written in the mushaf with only 
one ya as the second ya is lost in pronunciation due to iltiqa 3 al- 

^J>h yuhyl 1-arda — > yuhyi 1-arda. 

In ayah No 24, the second ya remains, but it is written 
separately as a miniature letter. This is how letters omitted in 
the c Uthmanic Codex are indicated. 

3) ^ C?j\(r^ : This refers to natural phenomena like the 

growth of a tree from a seed, the formation of an embryo from 
the sperm etc which appear 'dead' to the common man. But 
more significantly it refers to the emergence of a staunch 
believer from a former disbeliever and vice versa. 

4) earth, pi J*\j\ (with ah 

5) \ — ~°y cj ou= (a-u), to die. The madl isnaded to mutharrik 
pronouns is etc with danimah. [AN1] 

1 A very common name in the Indian subcontinent is uA- 31 1?^ 1 meaning 'the reviver of the 

2 Mushaf means the written or printed copy of the Qur'an. While discussing orthographical 
matters, we use this word instead of the word Qur'an, e.g. 'This word occurs in the Qur'an 
and it is written like this in the mushaf. 

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6) 0 j>r JfJ dUiS* j i Here ilHfT is maf ul mutlaq as it represents 
the masdar^ because the meaning is ^Jlii U-i JU) j or 

g-lj — ;~^ ! ! dU> Ji* o j*-'J^>. The idea is that you will be brought to 

life after your death just as the earth is brought back to life by 
the rain after its death during the time of drought. 

(20) And of His signs is that He created you from dust, and 
surprisingly you are human foeings scattered all around. 

1) 4>V, a sign, pi otjl cc^T. 

2) Uli- (a-u), to create. The word is a masdar meaning 

'creation', but is also used (just as in English) in the sense of ism 
ai-maful, i.e., 'that which has been created'. 

3) The masdar mu'awwal \ — SCili- jl (= 1 — is the mubtada' 

mu'akhkhar, and the prepositional phrase ^» is the khabar 


4) v' y"? dust, /?/ ^ 

5) is a conjunction {harf'atf) denoting delayed succession as 

seen in the following example, o — ^- ^ c^jjJj 3 '1 had lunch, 

then went out (after sometime)' in contrast to c— ^- j^s 'I 
had lunch, then went out (immediately)'. 

The conjunction ^ — " has been used here instead of * as the 

process of creation undergoes a number of stages till dust is 
converted into a moving human being. 

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6) this is aJU^S 

7) human beings. It is also used to denote a single human 
being as in: 

>Jl4 131 Li J3 
Say, 'I am only a human being like you'.,. (017:110). 

8) I j\Ju—J\ 'Jz — "i\ viii, to be scattered, spread out. The sentence 

jj^AxL" is a na c t qualifying j£>. 

(21) And of His signs is that He created for you spouses from 
yourselves that you might find rest in them, and He ordained 
between you love and mercy. Therein indeed are portents for 
people who reflect. 

1) \jJu, self, pi Lf Jb\. Note that [X- — ill qa means that both the 
spouses are from the same species. 

2) Jj, s P ouse - ^ m ^ed both for husband and wife, pi ^jjt 

3) U jS^ — w- ^Ss — 1 (a-u), to be or become still, tranquil, to calm 
down, rest, repose. 

4) \J£L — 3, this is /am al-taTd, and the mudari c following it is 

mansub because of si) I which is usually omitted, but may be 
mentioned as in Q39:12, 

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I have been commanded (to do this) so that I may be the first of 
those who surrender to Him.' 1 

Note that jl cannot be omitted if it is followed by la al-nafiyah 

as in * ^ jr :JuJl grj*i ^J^K 'Hurry up lest the director 

should leave his office,' And here is an example from the Qur'an 

is > , sr., ' >-\"Z ' £ ' \\' f \' \ 9 -" 

and wherever you may be tore your faces towards it (the 
Ka'bah) so that people may have no arguments against you 

5) Q] I J>Uy, the preposition ^- J} has been used with the verb 

'J* ^ to suggest that it has been given the additional meaning 

of 'to incline' which takes the preposition J}. 

6) : 'between you', i.e., between you and your spouses. 

7) 3Sj^ is the masdar mimioi £jj &j ^jj (i-a) to love, to like, 
e.g., ^jjjl o\ oSij, '1 wanted to visit you'. 

<o^ 5 'love' is the masdar miml [AN2] 

8) Jw* (a-a), to make, create. J — ^ in this sense takes only one 
object. Here is another example from the Qur 3 an (6:1), 

Praise belongs to Allah Who created the heavens and the earth, 
and made darkness and light. 

1 The maful bihi of is omitted. The sentence may be construed as 'JJ '0j& "^4 

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For the other meanings of Jii- see D3:25. 

9) pbN dUi j j] : This is the al-lam al-muzahlaqah. This Za/H is 

attached to the khabar of Oi, e.g. 

Indeed the weakest of houses is the spider's house. (29:41) 
But if the khabar is a sibh jumlah, and precedes the ism, then 
the lam is attached to the ism as in the ayah we are studying. 
Here is another example, 

1 \ It * "l 

(>i 4 

Therein indeed is a lesson for him who fears. (79:26) 

10) f}2 5 people. It is a j — UJl and its p/is f*j— *>. This word 

originally means a group of men (excluding women). It is used 
in this sense in Q49:H, 

O you who believe! Men should not deride others. It might be 
that they are better than they. Nor should women deride 
others. It might be that they are better than they. 

The pre-Islamic poet Zuhayr Qj*j) says, 

1»0 _f 

'Are the people of the fortress men or women?' 

* s9 »■ a «■> 

11) 1 ^xij ^siJ viii, to contemplate, reflect. 
The sentence &jj—> > « I is a /7a 7 qualifying 

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y^y\j ^===clJ\ ijd^-U afjtfl? cJ£jl\\ <£L ^ 

3? 6vJ^4 ins j 5 

(22) And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the 
earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. Herein 
indeed are signs for people who have knowledge. 

1) odi^l viii, to differ, be different. Here is an example: 

°\jyf jr ] <J tiVeiji jfaiPi ~4j*0\ 
'American English differs from British English in many points'. 

2) oLJ, tongue (in both senses), jd/aUI and J^Jt. 

In the following a/ar it is used in the sense of tongue (the 

Did We not assign to him two eyes, a tongue and two lips? 

And in the following ayah, it is used in the sense of language, 

And We never sent a messenger except (speaking) the language 
of his folk that he might explain to them. (14:4). 


In the present-day Arabic the normal word for 'language' is J&Ui 

though oLvlii is also used in certain contexts as in W 2I*j1lo 

'languages institute'. 

3) OjJ, colour, pld\jfl. 

H 0 

4) LJp (i-a), to know. 

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5) OiJl^iJ : this is in g-irJM of Hafs (^y**^). In other qira 3 at\t is 
O&M^l i.e. 'for the whole world'. 

(23) And of His sings is your sleep by night and by day, and 
your seeking of His bounty, Herein are signs for those who take 

1) \Jy Jl£ ft (i-a), to sleep. 

f£> is the masdar miml. Note that fUlii £ <_slj means 'he saw in 

a dream', but literally it means, 'he saw in sleep', 'he saw while 
sleeping'. [AN3] 

2) A night, pi jd (with al- 

3) lJJ ^ (a-i), to seek. ^4) J£) viii, also means to seek. 

The expression 'seeking of His bounty' means to work in order 
to earn. Obviously, this should also be understood to be by day 
and by night. 

4) J^aiil, grace, favour. 

5) Iplll* j Ull» ^1*. (i-a), to hear, listen. 

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(24) Audi of His signs is that He shows you the lightning to 
induce fear and hope, and sends down water from the sky, and 
thereby quickens the earth after its death. Herein are signs for 
a folk who understand. 

1) <j£3l, lightning, pl*i3jj. 

2) ^ ji iS j — i iSjK to show. It is form iv of <s\ j. The anir is ji, p7 

feminine singular is iSj\ and its pi 

It takes two objects, e.g. J — d^bS* <i j! 5 'Show me your new 
book'. Here is an example from the Glorious Qur'an (6:75), 


And thus do We show Ibrahim the kingdoms of the heavens 
and the earth. 

3) 'c3^ — Si p-H^ $J crfj '• Here Lx>j — j is for — j 01 which is 

° i 

masdar mu'awwal, but the harf masdan (01) has been omitted, 

and with its omission the verb has become marfu c . Note this 
construction in the well-known Arabic proverb, 

f * s ° f o -iSc o/^ .!> o ;J 

o! 0' ^p- L^^^oJu ^-«wv*J 

'It is better to hear about al-Mu'aydl 1 than to see him', wherein 

* ' ' £ , r * " * f 

i stands tor £-<m*j ji. 

4) lij^ <_3U^ (i-a), to be afraid of, to fear. 

5) Ulis> j £^L? (i-a), to covet, desire, aspire, expect, hope. 

* ' * o 

6) Ulis» cti are inaful li-ajlihi. 

AJ-Mu c aydi was a wise man, but he was very ugly and short. So it was said, 'It was better to 
hear about him than to see him.' 

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7) £ ii, to bring down. 

8) s-UUl here means the clouds. 

9) >Up JmLp (a-i), to understand, comprehend. 

Oft/* 2 - bl 

(25) And of His signs is that the heavens and the earth stand 
fast by His command, and afterwards, when He calls you from 
the earth, surprisingly you will come out. 

1) UL5 p yu ^li (a-u), to stand, be standing, exist. 

The meaning of f j — * ^ is that they function 

according to the laws governing them. 

2) Lso (a-u), to call. o'Jzo is masdar al-rnarrah. And in 
the sentence it is maful mutlaq. 

3) 15"Ipo lii : Here lil is an ac/afc aJ-sart, and the jawab al-sart is 


j j_Jr^kl j^Sf. It is a jumlah ismiyyah, and so should take ia. But 
the is has been replaced by aJUciJl lil. (D3:26) 

4) (j^jVI q — /> : this sibh jumlah is a Aa/ of the pronoun j»— 3 in 

e/> -r. >t ^"-i- •'Iff" - * 

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(26) To Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and in the 
earth. All are obedient to Him. 

1) u^J^h j *J j : The meaning is that all those that 

are in heavens and earth are his slaves. 

# a / 

1) b"j;i ci (a-u), to be obedient, humble. 

2) JS" : The word J — 5" is always mudfiC and so it is a ma c rifah. 

Even when it stands alone as in this a/a//, it is a mudaf with its 
mudaf ilayhi omitted. It may be treated as a singular in view of 
its form, and as a plural in view of its meaning as in this ayah. 
Here is an example of its being treated as a singular: 

And He has subdued the sun and moon (to do their work), each 
ranning to an appointed term... (31:29). 

(27) It is He Who produces creation, then reproduces it, and it 
is easier for Him. His is the sublime similitude in the heavens 
and the earth. He is the Mighty, the Wise. 

1) c^jJi y>j : Here is mubtada 3 and c^j — K is its khabar, and 
the sentence j&Jl LU is ^/M al-mawsul (J ji^Ul iU>). And the 
sentence e~Uu ^ 1S connected to the first sentence with the harf 
c atf p — 1 

2) fcJj (a-a), to begin. 

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t » s , s f 

3) <btpl J-^j ilp\ iv, to repeat, do once again. 

4) Uy> jj4> 01* (a-u), to be easy. Its ism al-fa c il\& JjJ * for the 

original o (Cf. for a j — and its ykm altafdll is Oy>K 

5) IjJLp jilJ °>Ip (a-u), to be high, exalted, rise high. The ism al- 
Ia c His (with al- J) — ill), and the al-tafdil is ^— lpf (/e/ra 

6) Jj>, likeness, similitude. 

7) Ijf (a-i), to be strong, powerful, respected. The ismu J-fa c il 
is jj like: 

^ a j » ^ 

O JJi from Ji (a-i), to be humble, despised . 

O J^S from ^ (a-i), to be fine, subtle. 
The /?/of jij^ is Sjfl and s-ljfl. 

8) I — J^- * — (u-u), to be wise. The ismu l-fa c il is — /?/ 

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1) The verb ou is also used in bab i.e. oi — *j ol * 

like tJl> and ^ — u ^ — ;, The madl isnaded to mutharrik 

pronouns is o-f etc with kasrah. 

In the Qur'an both these forms occur. 

(with dam m ah) occurs twice (3:157, 168). 


0 i< 

^x* (with kasrah) occurs once (23:35). 

(with kasrah) occurs thrice (19:23, 66; 21:34). 

L_^> (with kasrah) occurs five times (23:82; 37:16, 53; 50:3; 

But the mudari c is always with the waw. 

Its ismu l-fa c il\s c-— for the original Cf. 

o .Xw^ for a from ^ j jU, to be or become a leader. 

o j — s — a for Ojli from Oj^j 01a, to be easy. 

+ & £ A** 

o — ^ has a 'lighter' form. It is o — **. A poet has used both the 
forms in one and the same line: 

I 0 \ll '\ ll l' >l * ^ " I "° i' ' l" 0 ' " a ! 

'A dead man is not one who has died and found his rest; a really 
dead man is the dead among the living'. 1 

The ploi ti~Z> is Jfy 9 and that of ti^ is cj\J$, Both the forms 
have been used in the Qur'an. 

i.e. a man whose life is of no use to the society. 

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And death comes to him from every side, and yet he is not 
going to die. (14:17) 

And remember when Ibrahim said, 'My Lord! Show me how 
You give life to the dead?' (2:260). 

Would any one of you love to eat the .flesh of his brother while 
he is dead? You abhor it. (49:12). 

Never think of those, who are slain in the way of Allh, as dead. 
Nay, they are living. With their Lord they have provision. 

2) In Syrian and Lebanese dialects ! I want' is iS-M (bidd-i) which 

is a corruption of iS^'y. (bi-wudd-i), i.e., 'in my desire', e.g. iS^. 

J — Si" which literally means, 'It is in my desire that i eat.' In the 

classical Arabic ^ j-> is used in the sense of 'I wish', e.g., 0» c^- 5 jtf 

✓ «< 

JljUl lii 4jfc»f f '1 wish I could ask him this question.' 

Note that „.jJ means to wish. Plere is an example from the 
Glorious Qur'an (2:96), 

Each one of them wishes that he could be granted a life of a 
thousand years. 

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* J- 5 j, loving. Here is an ayah with this word (85: 14), 

Pie is the Oft-forgiving, the Loving. 
Here is a hadlth wherein this word occurs: 

•r*^ 1 r 5 ^ ^ty' h^iJ 

'Marry the loving, the child-bearing (wife) that I might find you 

outnumber (other) nations.' 

(Reported by Abu Dawud in Kitab al-Nikah, 4). 


3) Here is an ayah with the word fl — ZJ\ in the sense of dream 

o* 4»> *U> OJ, <3~W^ U t >Jl cXlS Jb ^Jl£j> 

When he (Israeli) was old enough to work with him, (Ibrahim 
f!CJi 4_4^) said, s O ray dear son! I saw in a dream that I am 
sacrificing you. So what do you think?' He said, 'O my father! 
Do what you have been commanded, You will, find me 
steadfast in sM\AJMh! 

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1) There is an indication in the text that the word J^J^ is 

feminine. What is it? 

2) In the ayah o j I* jstJ . . . . SjAs j^5"lso bl the word bl occurs 

twice, What does it denote in each context? 

3) Identify seven verbs of form iv occurring in the text. 

4) Identify the following types of the maful: (a) maful bihl, (b) 
maful fthi, (c) maful mutlaq, and (d) maful li-ajlihl 

5) Identify two examples of masdar maul, and one of masdar 

6) Identify two sentences which are ft mahall 'jarr. One of them 
is to be muciaf ilayhi, and the other a na c t qualifying a majrur 


7) Identify a sentence which is fi mahall faf. 

8) Identify four examples of masdar mu'awwal. 

9) Give the plural of the following nouns: 

10) What is the plural of cu^ and c~^„ 

11) Give the two plurals of *J and jLJ„ 

12) The word OUJ has two meanings. What are they? Quote two 
ayahs each containing one of the two meanings. 

13) Use the word ul~_J in two sentence of your own, each 

containing one of its two meanings, 

14) Write the bab of each of the following verbs: 

.iJu tCJ cUo t^-j^ tj^-p c 4 2r s ~" 

15) Give the of each of the following: 

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LESSON 6 105 

i j * 0 A 

16) Identify nine masdai^ of thulathi mujarrad, and two of 
form viii occurring in the text. 

17) Fill in the blanks in the following: 

# is" 

J4 9 

Jjj&l ..... 

...... s-^ 5 


18) The word dj — w is ism al-tafdiL From which verb is it 
derived? Give the ism al-fa c /7of this verb? 

19) Identify the tamm and /zag^ £4 — in the following 

a) l^jli fl ilji (Q28:10) 

- i' < s s * 

b) jj — v-U 4il ^ (part of a hadith which speaks of a 
non-Muslim who came to the Prophet at night as a 
guest) 1 . 

20) Use the verb ^ — »l in two sentences of your own each 
containing one of the two uses of the verb. 

2 1 ) Fill in the blank in each of the following sentences with the 
suitable derivative of the verb <s ji (vi): 

0 e t * 

.oJjJbLl ... b\ Jbjl 

if «»• 

1 i 1-Muwatta 1 : Sifah al-Nabjy: 10. 

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22) What grammar rule that you have learnt in this lesson is 
operative in the following ayah (39:64)? 

Do you command me to worship other than Allah, O you fools? 

23) Rewrite the following sentences using the al-lam al- 

24) Which of the following is masdar al-marrahl iSj — <o iSj^ — * 

^ 0 ✓ 

25) Derive the 75/73 a/-faV from each of the following verbs: 

tj — !xij <,l — pS <,pJx>- <,SLpI tol« y>-l ctjili^l ^^r^ tji^ 

26) What type of derivative are £^ and oL-U occurring in the 
following ayaffi. 

s^\^j^*j^j iCS <j>y^ h\ j» 

27) In <j : — * X~ — & (the women died) the 7777777 may take two 

different vowels. What are they? To which bab does the verb 
belong in each case? 

Plural of ^Jj, slip, lapse. 

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28) Read the following hadith reported by Imam Ahmad on the 
authority of Abu Sa c id al-Khudri, and translate the last 

untranslated part, and vocalize the word coa j correctly: 

a ; I a ^Tj — U\ j — * — V » : ^U- «&! ( JL^? <&1 J jLj J 13 

l * *f "ti /' «f ^ < »f »fr ' < ✓ . is °. f i, 

■ "S*** J*' J' 3 J •« "^-^ J' toJ^-^ Jl 46 1 j b] Jj >- (J Jj-fiJ 01 jJ^Wl 

( f J /• J > o ✓ o f o T #f 

,(o:r .« 4*^1 *J jji o^^j » 

The Messenger of Allah (X— j «Ip 2bi ju said, 'Let not fear of the 

people ever prevent any one of you from saying the truth when 
he sees it or witnesses it or hears it.' Abu Sa c Id said, 

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(24) Let man consider Ms food. 

1) >di : This is fi\ (See D3:13). 

2) fUis, food, pi Su*W 

iiv* aji bi 

(25) (Let him consider how) We pour down water in torrents. 

1) s-UJl bip» Ul : This is jal^aUl jl, and so tul — „<* Ul is a masdar 
mu'awwal meaning l~ (our pouring) and this masdar 

mu'awwal is JtlpVI of 4 — . The meaning, therefore, is, 

'Let man ponder over his food: over our pouring down the 
water, our splitting the earth, our growing the grains.. .' 

2) Lvf s-ws (a-u), to pour. 

3) O This is J-SuU J j*iy>. 
The reference is to heavy downpour. 

(26) Then We split open the earth In clefts. 
1) LLi (a-u), to split, cleave. 

The reference is to the splitting of the soil in order to enable 
the tender sprout to come out. 

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™ fff -[V St*" jf*^ /' r rff^Sx, As s ','f'*s 

(27=31) And We cause the grain to grow therein, and grapes 
and potherbs, and olive trees and date palms, and gardens with 
thick foliage, and fruits and fodder. 

°' * " S> s$. 

1) bJ (a-u), to grow (of plants). ol3l is 75/77 al-masdar. 

* so si 

UrUj cuJl iv, to cause (a plant) to grow. It is also used to refer to 

human growth. Speaking of the birth of Maryam f*>LJl 1$11p the 
Qur 3 an (3:37) says, 

Her Lord accepted her with full acceptance, and made her 
grow a goodly growth, 

2) I — ! ij-i : The pronoun L—i refers to mentioned in the 
previous ayah. 

3) v>- (5/)), grains, j^. (see D3:3). 

4) L-if (5//), grapes, plljCsA. 

si! 0 « 1 

5) u^, potherbs, greens. 

6) 0 _^oj (5/y), olive, olive tree. 

oJj^i, olive oil, and by extension, any oil. 

V 1>S 

7) JrfJ (5/)), date palm, singular a&J 

1 Ibn c Atiyyah, al-Muharrar al-Wajiz, and al-Qurtubx. 

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8) aJLJ^-, garden, pl^p)^, 

9) (i _a )» to be thick-necked. 

The ism a/~la c i/ is ^sA, ^Qs-,plot both like ^^-1, ieiz? 
s^j^*-, and /?/of both 

This is an attribute of human beings, and has been transferred 
to trees to describe their thick trunks, So — ^ <j# J — =** means 
gardens with huge trees. 

10) a^fU, fruit, pity j*. 

1 1) v'i grass. This word occurs in the Qur'an only once. 
(32) as a provision for you and your cattle. 

1) ft*? grazing livestock (camels, cattle, sheep and goats), /a/fUSJ. 

2) jsj — provision, object of enjoyment, necessities of life, pi 

"*scA. Originally is a ism al-masdar of U^"^ ii, to provide 

someone with the objects of enjoyment, or necessities of life. 

3) U>l£ is «* — £*■ j J j — rjw. The meaning is that Allah made these 

things to grow as a means of enjoyment for you and your 

(33) When the deafening Hast will coine... 

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1) tk^s jiVl o^UJl ^ (a-u), (of a noise) to deafen. ^-Ca-Jl, the 

deafening shriek. It is one of the names of the Day of 

2) 4^Us — II pit! — pt- liU ; This is the sart, and its jawab has been 
omitted, which may be construed as: Jl£il ^-Cail li>U> 


<u*ubj, 'When the Deafening Shriek comes, every one will be busy 
with himself 


(34-36) on the Day when a man will flee from his brother, his 
mother and his father, his wife and his sons. 

1) 1 y Jt / ( a_ i)> to flee from the enemy, escape. 

{ism al-makari), refuge, a place of escape. 

2) 4 — J>*-U (i-a), to accompany. <L~>- I — companion. The 

fern — ^ is also used to mean a wife, />/ j — Here is 
another example from the Glorious Qur'an (6:101): 

f£? us* yj ^ <j^j 

The Originator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have 
a child when He has no consort? And He created all things, and 
is aware of all things? (6:101) 

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3) Jjjl has two plurals: and 0 J>. The sound /?/ is mostly used 
in the tribe names like yj, j^fjA y>, etc. 

^ju oU f ^ JW, 

(37) Every man that Day will have enough concern of his own. 

1) jyi, man. With al- s.yJI. It is has no plural, fern 31 y\. For the 

* ■» 
plural Jl^-j and are used. 

There is a strange feature in the word jj — it takes the case- 
endings in two places, in the last letter as all other words, and 
also in the letter preceding the last letter. Note the following 

j'y>\ iM 'A man said,' {gala mru'u-n).. 

\tfjA cJC, 'I asked a man.' {sa'altu mra 3 a-ri). 

IS Ja 'The house of a man,' (baytu mril-n). 
Here are some examples from the Glorious Qur'an: 

JUj ,4 ^.m S&m b (r *\ o\ 
If a man dies and has no children... (4:1'76) 1 

sd\ cj£\Zj t Jl lp\ 4y} 

O sister of Haran! Your father was not a wicked man nor your 
mother a harlot. (19:28) 

1 In the QurVanic spelling there is an alif after the waw bearing the hamzafi, but is not to 
be pronounced. 

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^ aj^- t >-v, o ] p-r-^ cJ^i J^=» £J^> 

every man among them hope to enter the Garden of 
Delight? (70:38). 

2) OLi, matter, affair, business, concern,, pi 

& O 0 S 

3) s-Up] iv, to suffice. 1 

0j^& l^ac- oj^JJ \jjf sy^H^ 4 ^Ov^Uf ^5^/ -U«j>> o_$>j 

(38-41) Some faces on that clay will be bright, laughing, 
rejoicing, and some other faces on that day will be covered with 
dust, veiled in clarkness. 

1) 4-^." j, face, pie J>rj. 

2) 1 jUl-l 'jL>\ iv, to shine, glow. 

3) ijLi^l x, to rejoice, be delighted. 


4) jW^, e j**, dust. 

5) Sj^w. j^jj ej^j : The mubtada J must be definite. It may be 

indefinite in certain cases. One of them is when there are two 
rnubtach's speaking about opposite ideas as in the following 

'One day is favourable to us, another unfavourable.' 

* '* . * « 

1 ^c.i 3 'it was of no use to him.' This expression occurs frequently in the Qur'an. 

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ll& LESSON 7 

'One car is going in, another is going out,' 
In the same way we have here: 

I j — 1p l^Iip « ji-jj <XjjL^fi i^jj o J>t-j, 'Some faces on that day 

will be bright, and some faces on that day will be covered with 

This is called ^ (diversification). 
Uaj j*j (i-a), to cover, overtake. [AN2] 
, dust. 

(42) Tliose are the disbelievers, the wicked. 

1) : This is J^Uiit , and so — p^I j — * <*J J^> V. (See 

2) o^i5" is one of the plurals of jil^, and it is on the patterns of 


Here are some examples: 

1» .. . 

yrli> — > 0 j?k3. 

>C, sorcerer -> (See Q7:l 13,120; 10:80; 20:70; 26:38, 

40; 29:41,46). 

U\i -> iaL. 

If the second radical is a weak letter (j or lS), it is changed to 

j^b, seller — > (for 

•X^, master — > «^ (tor o^j^). 

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1) Some verbs of bab J— *a have an ism al-masdar on the pattern of 

** ^ * 

J U». Here are some examples: 

,UIS1 j cLotf Oil 

2) Here is an ayah with the word yiDl: 
On that day man will say, 'Where to flee? 9 

3) There are two important derivatives of this root in everyday use in 
modern Arabic. These are: 

a) Jm — ■*> j\ (masdar of iv) meaning overwork. The doctor will tell 

you that you broke down because of & — It occurs in the 
Glorious Qur'an in a meaning very close to this (18:73, 80). 

b) ^ — iftly (masdar of iii) meaning adolescence. 'Adolescent' is 

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1) Identify the following in the text of the surah: 

a) three muda "a/verbs. 

b) an ism al-fa c il derived from a muda cc ai verb. 

c) an ism al-fa c il derived from a mujarrad salim verb. 

d) two examples of the ism al~fa c il derived from mazid 

e) two nouns belonging to the al-asma 3 al-khamsah. 

f) four nouns belonging to the ism al-jins al-jam % 

g) a noun which has lost its nun because of idafah. 

h) A damir al-fasl 

i) a verbal sentence functioning as a na c t. 

j) a noun which does not accept tanwin for one reason. 

2) Give the plural of each of the following nouns: 

„«L^>-lv2 (.^jj tJLJi tjj^l 'fV ^<w~^P t<w~>- tfJ^J c& 

3) Give the singular of each of the following nouns: 

4) What is the singular of s — ^? What does it originally mean? 

And what does it mean in this surah? Give the verb from which 
this noun is derived along with its bab 

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jM ^ ^ 
(1) Nay, not §©» I swear by this City (Makkaifa). 

^ O O / 

1) UL.JI j^Jil iv, to swear. 

The statement that follows the qasam (oath) is called jawab al- 

** 0 

qasam v'j*). If the jawab al-qasam commences with an 

affirmative verb in the madi, it should be preceded by the 
emphatic particle e.g. i5 J«4 ^ <&\j t 'By Allah I saw him 

Here the jawab al~qasam is xS i| 6^ | ^ • 

2) The negative particle V in — 51 V is not related to the verb 

if. It is used to refute the arguments of the opponent. So the 

meaning is, 'The matter is not as you say. I swear ...' 

This H is used by the Arabs even today. If you were to ask an 

Arab friend of yours what he thinks of your new suit, he would 

say, 5 — LJ>r Mj cV. This V is used to remove the fear lurking in 

your mind that you might have been tricked into buying 
something of an inferior quality. 

3) Al3l 3 city (and here by «aJl)I is meant Makkah), pi 

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(2) And you are free in this City. 

1) %>- J>- (a-i), to be permissible, to be unrestricted. 
J°>^- is what is permitted. So also is J>s 

This ayah contains a prophecy that Makkah will be conquered 
by the Muslims, and that the Prophet &\ Jl_^ will be 

permitted to enter the City as a conqueror. So JJJi Ij^j Jf- c-iij 

means that you will be free to do what is needed during the 

(3) And by a father and his offspring, 

1) Some commentators are of the opinion that by 'a father' is 
meant Ibrahim f*!Ji &■ whose son Isma c ll faCLji settled down in 
Makkah, and the Arabs are his progeny. 1 The Glorious Qur'an 
has recorded Ibrahim's (f*~_Ji prayer regarding Makkah in 

the following ayah (14:35): 

Remember when Ibrahim said, 'My Lord! Make this City safe, 
and preserve me and my sons from worshipping idols. [AN1] 

2) The word I — * is mostly used to refer to things and animals. 

But less frequently it is used to refer to human beings also as in 
following ayah (4:22), 

Al-Tahnr wa 1-Tanwir. 

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122 LESSON 8 

And do not marry women whom your fathers married, except 
what has already happened in the past. 

3) In oJj 1^3 the OJIp has been omitted, i.e. oJJj 

# • ""5 wy ft 

(4) We have, indeed, created man in toil. 
1) xSJI 5 toil, suffering, 

yy s *' \ 4 > s ft 
Ja*l jAflJ ^ 0' V 4 -^' 

(5) Does he think that no one has power over him? 

1) UL^~ (i_a), to think, consider, regard. 

It takes two objects which are originally mub tads' and khabar, 

e.g. i jIj ^*Jl, 'The weather is cold; ~» b jU" ^Jl c4~^, 'I thought 

j ■> 

the weather was cold.' The Pre-Islamic Poet c£ A^ says, 

'I regard piety and generosity to be the best trade with regard 
to profit when man gets heavy (with age and sickness).' 
Here are some examples form the Glorious Qur'an: 

<l>pM lis it «jg 

Do not think that Allah is unmindful of what the unjust are 
doing. (14:42) 

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And you would have deemed them awake though were 
sleeping. (18:18) 

You think they are united, but their hearts are divided. (59: 14) 

Its two objects may be replaced by 0} and its ism and khabar, 

^ ^ 

Here are some examples from the Glorious Qur'an: 

X *' "2 ^ 

And they deem that they are rightly guided. (7: 30) 

... yet they think that they are doing good work. (18: 104) 

The particle 01 has another 'lightened' form without the saddah 
(01) known in Arabic as 2 — iikJl 01 Its ism which in this case is 
always the OU. — il j# — v» is omitted, and its khabar is usually a 
sentence, e.g. ifl V 01 Ji#f (i.e. V] 4-4 V o#f). So in 

jj a£ jjju, J the particle 0? stands for ^1 

2) SjJtS &t yxJl Jlp 3^ (a~i), to be able to do, have power over, to 
be in a position. 

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124 LESSON 8 

He says (boastfully), "Wealth In abundance have I 

1) IT^U £JUi (a-i), to perish, die. [AN 2] 
lS"!>Gb} dlu? iv, to destroy. 

2) «aJJ, abundant. 

Does he think that no one has observed him? 

.(8,9) Did We not assign to him two eyes, a tongue and two lips? 

1) Ji* here is in the sense of to make, create which takes only one 
object. See D3: 25. 

2) ^ 5 /?/ oU-i. The mansuh of 3i— * is — £ or <J y — > S (oral, 
labial), e.g. c^ji-SJ' jl^-Vl, oral examination, ^ y-^ — Si <J* JLr»*^» 
labial letters (like p cj iu). [AN3] 

(10) And show him the two mountain paths? 

1) i-JlOA j™_> JaJl aSi! (a-i), to show the way, guide. For the 

different uses of is'S*, see Lesson 1 I ayah 6/Note 1. 

2) &Jjl, highland, plateau; mountain path,/?/ SuJf, S JJ. [AN4] 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



(11) But he has not stormed the summit, 

#0 0 

1) \ j^s—il viii, to storm, to attack, to rush into. (See 


2) tiuil (vkxSi ^ : The mat// is negated with V in the following 
two cases: 

a) if the verb is used to express a wish, e.g. I — <ftl iiljl V, 
'May Alllah not show you anything unpleasant.' (D3:2) 

b) if two verbs in the madlare negated together, e.g. cJSl V 

cJj-i, 'I neither ate nor drank.' Here is an example from the 
Qur'an (75:31): 

IBte mdttner believed nor prayed, (D3:25) 
In aIa^JI ^ the deep construction is, 

LJ&I p.L.JI n/j 'JA V, 'He neither believed nor stormed the 

The requirement of C)l — • — _i is mentioned in ayah 17. 
2) *3&Ji, the highest point in the highland , pi s^Uf . 

(12) And what will explain to you what the summit is. 

1 Tqfsfr al-Tahrir wa l-Tanwir by ibn 'Asur. 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



1) allji & c5 X)t>j & L5 -iJi ij jS (a-i), to know. 

s-m^^J to inform, let someone know. 

/ y " / " 

2) The sentence M*Jl U is the second object of <jj*\, and so it is 

0 jf iSs , 

(13) (It is) to free a slave. 

* * ' 

1) J?j ^ : Here the mubtada 3 Q}) has been omitted. With its 
restoration, the sentence may be construed as: ^Sj dii 

2) l£i iU (a-u), to separate, disjoin, untie. [AN5] 

3) &j>\, neck, /?/ > 

r jj ^ 1-1 

3^ j dii is a metaphor (5^f) for the emancipation of a slave. In 

this expression a slave is likened to an animal with a rope 
round its neck. Another expression used in the Glorious Qur'an 

for emancipation is y,J>J lit freeing the neck (see Q4:92; 

5:89; 58:3). The plural — »J\ is also used in this sense (see 
Q2:177; 9:60). 

(14- 16) or to feed at a time of famine an orphan near of kin, or 
some poor wretch covered with dust, 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



1) LL* (i-a), to be hungry. 

and 0L*~- 5 hungry. 
" is masdar rniml 

2) Cj£^K poor, miserable, plo^CS. 

3) Ujj v j? (i-a), to be covered with dust. 
sT£ is masdar mimi 

B L5Cw> : This points to his utter poverty. He is so poor 

that he has no clothes to cover himself with, and no bed to 
sleep on. He sleeps on the floor, and his body is covered with 
dust. [AN6] 

t a o f , f 

4) 4j kinship. SjI^aJI and J>jal\ also mean the same. 

5) is the <j Jj*i/> of the masdar 

The masdar acts like its verb whether it is munawwan, mudaf or 
has J I prefixed to it. Here is an example of its being mudaf. 

(This Is) an account of the merey of your Lord to His servant 

Here J — £ is the « — j J j — of the masdar a — l^-^j and so it is 

■> > OS 

'if > ' » 1 f 

1' w^l 

1 The word is written with ta maftuhaPi in the mushafm this a/^- 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



(17-18) in addition to being of those who believe (in Allah and 
His Prophet) and urge one another to patience and urge one 
another to compassion. These are the Companions of the Right 

1) p is a harf c atf and signifies delayed succession, e.g. 

p 'Bilal came followed by Hamid.' 

yjs. p tt^Jl Jttyl J^o, 'The boy entered the room, and went out 
after a while.' 

It is also used to convey succession of information, not of 
events, e.g. 

p p> J^ 9 'Bilal is a learned man, and also a public 

speaker'. Here Bilal's quality of being a public speaker does not 
come after his being a learned man, Only my information about 
his being a public speaker comes after my information about 
his being a learned man. In such a context, it may be translated 
as in addition to, furthermore, moreover 

2) !j— £T ^JLJI cr~ + d& p : This expression not only refers to 

someone's being a believer, but also to his belonging to the 
Muslim ummah, and the following part of the ayah emphasizes 
the idea of communal life, and one's duty to the community. 

3) \ ps SIT p : The sibh jumlah ^ & is the khabaroi 

* * % fit* 

<I)IS", and the verbal sentence I j^T is Jjv jUl ^L^. 

L^ly ^Ul vi, to exhort one another, urge one another. 

4) (j^iK right hand. 

J> 0 

right side. 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



Another expression used in the Glorious Qur'an for 'the 
Companions of the Right Hand' is ^1^1 (56: 27). 

(19-20) But those who disbelieve Our revelations are the 
Companions of the Left Hand. Fire will he closing in on them. 

1) flrfft left. 
o&Dl, left side. 

Another expression used in the Glorious Qur'an for 'the 
Companions of the Left Hand' is JllJtJl L>U^I (56: 41). 

2) The nominal sentence . . . 1a is the khabar of 

and the sentence Ij^iS" is J jUl 

3) 1^1, threshold. (See Q18:18). bl^j L>Ul j^jl i v , to close 
the gate. The ism al-maFul is -Cs j/>. 

with a hamzah instead the wawhas the same meaning as 
The verb is ^LJl IC*! (for J — ^H), and its ism al-maful is 


4) — vf jL_J is 'transferred epithet' for it is not the fire which is 

closed, but the place holding the fire which is p — aL_4^-. 

It may also be interpreted as the Fire closing in on the wrongdoers 
form all sides. 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 




1) Here are two more ayahs containing Ibrahim's (f^U-J 
supplication (14:36-37) 

K s < '< fat t y ,^--n"1 tf >?t - 

0 A£\ ^Tja dJJU2Jl i^aJ b; 

My Lord! They (the idols) have lead many people astray. 
Whoever follows me is surely of me, but whoever disobeys me, 
still You are Forgiving, Merciful. Our Lord! I have settled some 
of my offspring in an uncultivable valley close to Your Sacred 
House, our Lord, that they establish regular prayer. So make 
people's heart tuna towards them. And provide them with 
produce so that they may give thanks. 

2) In modern Arabic dU^i— ^ x means to consume, 
diii^ is consumer and *\y means consumer goods. 

3) Uli^} tX^ill^ U°5la 4iU iii 3 to speak (mouth to mouth). 
s^iljJ. ^% cu*L', I communicated to Bilal by word of mouth. 

4) The highland in the Arabian peninsula is called (Nejcl). 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



5) In modern Arabic ili is used to mean to change money into 
smaller denominations, and the change is called 2 £i. 

diljt means screwdriver. 

< .1 

Note that dUii is jaw, jo/ii 

6) There are many ayat in the Glorious Our'an exhorting 
Muslims to provide food to the poor and the needy. Here are 
some of these ayat 

ev line, i 

righteous) feed the poor, the orphan and the captive 
for love of Him (saying), r We feed you only for .Allah's sake. We 
want from you neither recompense nor thanks.' (76: 8-9), 
In the following ayat those not feeding the poor are censured: 

He did not believe In .Allah the .Almighty, nor did he urge on 
the feeding of the poor. Therefore, he has today no real friend 
here, (69: 33-35) 

i| jk^uu U\^/ o^*^ c2^ svy) uvl 1 ^^^i Sn 

0 iuJt 63 £ 0 # ^ i|3 §0 S^Ct £ 

Except the Companions of the Right Hand. In Gardens they 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 



ask one another about the guilty, What has brought you to 
Scorching Fire?' They will say, "We were not of those who 
prayed, nor did we feed the poor. And we indulged in vain talk 
with those given to vain talk, and we used to deny the Day of 
Judgment till the inevitable overtook us...' 

Do you see the person who denies the Judgment? It is he who 
rebuffs the orphan, and does not urge others to feed the poor. 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 




1) Identify the following in this surah: 

a) a nominal sentence functioning as the second ma fill hihl 

b) a nominal sentence functioning as the khabar of a 
mubtada \ 

c) a khabar whose mubtada 'has been omitted. 

d) the maful bihl 'of a masdar. 

e) two nouns belonging to the al-asma 3 al-khamsah, one of 
them being majrur and the other, mansub. 

f) a muthanna noun. 

g) a jawab al-qasam. 

h) a masdar miml 

2) Correct the following sentences: 

' s OS so ■ * * } 0 ,» £ 


3) What does N in jU-il V signify? 

4) Rewrite the following sentence using L-I~_klf with the 
'lightened' jl : aS-i ^. 

5) What is the literal meaning of fij dli? And what is meant by 
this expression? 

6) What are the two meanings of jCJ? Use this word in two 

sentences of your own composition, each with one of the two 

7) What does mean in each of the following sentences? 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 

134 LESSON 8 

;? \ -* * f ' i<- »ti 6 ' * * If* " ' 
8) Give the plural of the following nouns: 

CjIj tOj c JC» (,0LJ t^^J tSili 

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and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim 

Research and experience in the field of language teaching point 
to the importance of using living texts of a language to teach its 
grammar and other linguistic elements. This book is an attempt 
to make use of Quranic texts for this purpose. It contains eight 
carefully selected passages each of which is followed by lexical 
and grammatical notes and copious exercises in the fields of 
comprehension and language skills. 

Dr V. Abdur Rahim has been associated with the work of 
teaching Arabic as a foreign language for about forty years. His 
pioneering work, Durus-al-lughat al-'Arabiyyah is now being 
used in many parts of the world. 

Currently, he is Director, Translation Centre, King Fahd Quran 
Printing Complex, Madinah, Saudi Arabia. 


organisation devoted to make Islam a living reality in our age. 
For this purpose, it aims at improving human communication 
and developing a better understanding of Islam among all 
people of the world, Muslim and Non-Muslim, so as to 
galvanise man to the message and ideal of One God and the 
unity of mankind, as brought by all the Prophets of God 
throughout the ages, last of whom was the Prophet Muhammad 
(blessing of Allah and peace be upon him). An important aspect 
of the Foundation's multifarious activities is publication of 
literature on Islam. 

fj Islamic Foundation Trust 
1 chennai - 12. India 

ISBN 978-81-232-0202-0 

9 788123 202020 

For Personal use Only. Courtesy of Institute of the Language of the Qur'an ( 

and by kind permission of Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim