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VOL. 1. 


NO. 1. 

i :>l L'( >l.'l M. - ( iMMITTh... 

W. II I, \HII. I -. . 

I S. B INSQM, ; ' '•' "■ 

I P. II'H.MW. MimM. B, KI.i.WKK, 

11. NKIKtliK. C 

purpose, approach or pass beyond them power upon our in venerate hatred to- 
trial an army, that our allies shall not warj Cathage; but let as smother this 
receive any injury for what they have cinnjty in our bosoms for the present, >'il prodigies of valor, and would have 

army thai now hold in cheek the Carth- 
ngenian troop*, for they have perlorm- 


How oftrni we htat it, bnt li 



To oln 

— 'ii, 


I I- ir 


W.- ii; i ,, i. 


irj Of r'i.ll' . 

Ant forever cdmyl ii 

And tlirtnv 


:; h-rcr (!;nvi |., j,,|ni I.-, 



B : ■ ■ ■: grin ml of 


clone in the present war, and that war where it may lie, unseen, hut not ex- 

tlinll not bo declared against them, tine}, ready to burst forth, in some fu- 

without good cause, and first informing tare time, into :i lire, which, before 

us of the intention, so that we may it '••in be extinguished, shall consume 

have .-in opportunity of trying to settle < !.irthage amid iis destroying element?; 

th • difficulty. We agree to treat your Let us have a time of repose, in which 

allies in a like manner. (Passed tht to recruit our wearied army, and re- 

Qarthegian Seruite.)" Senators, yon 
he'trd the terms of peace which 
(he Uathagenians have offered to us. — 
What shall be done with them? 

1st Senator. — I have listened with 

great attention to the r if the 

proposal, We lone been engaged for 

j period in persecuting this war, 

i- than it e\ er took t he Romans 

before to humble their prdndesl 

- for peace, and nWi 

fiance to the power of Rome, Ti a 

years have already passed away shied 

this war firs! commenced, and ire are 

now no nearer its consumation than 

re at^the beginning. The Carth 

ah our nearly exhausted treasury, 

Tliojarmy, having andorgone so many 

hardships in an unknown and foreign 

and fought so many hard contest- 

i I battles amid the burning sand, have 

■eble and sickly, thinned and 

decimated, nol able louopawith troops 

IK OHStomed to tile climate, and fresh 

igorous. TI |uipping i 

pi rohaaing of pi ■ 

■ary t0 support ihetn, have 
nearly emptied the ire any. \V< 

'ii pf peace, and u a must have 

it pr Home tails. 

I'i:i ■■■. Scion . \ . : ': ,\ e openly 
ei pres i d your minds in reference to 

is now prepnred I ie proposal of oui I will 

, and e\en out, number ' V say tint raj ntS Ii:i\''1utii 

thai their chance ot •ttoceas is lar bei ■ . and think it not only the 

tor than ours. The toi but i he safest way, which is now 

I tthoill hannlil ui Ii said . | on it, w o w 

'ir, being more favornblethsn wo ootild upon the acceptance or refusal 
have exp -i-t i '■ 1, or would have drawn,) Rsa* — Before the vote is taken. I 

if we had made the proposal. And would as!; permission of your honoi- 

sinoe Carthage haa been the Bret to beg able body to say a few words. 

for peace, no one can say that Rome 
woidd be tainted with the slightest 
stain of diagrams, or the Roman name 
lose its magic power, it v. ■ 
agree to tliem. 

2nd Skn. — Although lean not agree 

with all that the Senator lias Bald, yet, 
if we milv consider, wo will sec that it 

(Ail. ill i; Si:.\r<>i;-0— Go on 1 — go 
on! — hear him ! — hear him! 

RsOt — Vou all perhaps remember 
When the war commenced, and a noble 
army embarked, under my charge, far 
the enemy's country. You remember 
with what Badness friend parted rrOBl 
fii'inl, how tears Sewed from 


IIkoiij-s.— t: rjnsoript Fathers. 1 
have sent for you beoanso ! have in- 
trusted to ruv hands a very imo 

message* 1 anj no longer a Roman 
«, hut a Carthageniao pri 

and, therefore, would oot enter your 
'■ity. \ on have condescended to meet 
me at your gates, to heaB IV un me the 
message ulii.-U I bring. Tlie Can ha 
genians, with whom you are g 
war, !iave sent me to propose UDtO YOU 
. which yon will find al 
;th, inthU paper. (/'• 
to.tht ,it.) 

■■<■—{/;■ i ■!.■>.) --Ii.iM.ii. Sen- 
ators. As we have now been en 
in war for al rmlea 

have met an 1 struggled with v • 

'id countries hive ).,.,.;; ,1,.. 
depopulated bvoiircnmi- 
<>'• we, i!, 'i , ; , Senate, have 

the first overtures 
of peace, ap I hope to find the K 
Senate m th • ■ ■ • ©f mind. The 

term, we i ffei areas follows: That the 
country i..,v, occupied by your 

continue is y »ur : n, bui 

.. the boundary sn- 

cr d, and not, at any time, or for any 

is our best plan to accept, and we ma] which had not learned to weep; how. 

deem ourselves blessed that we have 

the opportunity. Look around and sec 

the many nations, which, while we arc 

iged in war with Carthage, and ean 

aol turn our arms against theni, have 

'.ecu becoming bolder and bolder, and 
begin to encroach upon our rights as 

well as those of our allies. And, when 
We have remonstrated With them, they 
have laughed and threatened us with 

war, knowing that, by joining with 
Carthage, they could do us a great in- 
jury. Lei us come to terms of peace 
with Carthage for a short time, and, in 
the meanwhile, chastise these rebellions 
spirits, and prepare tor a final Struggle 
with our old enemy. Our allies wlil 
soon abandon us if wc allow them to be 
•larra-sed and attacked with impunity, 
and, Seeing that We can not defend 

hem, will break the bond of union 

which now binds us together, and de- 
sert our ranks for i' ur enemy. 

3rd Sun.— -Those who have watched 

the progress of the war know well that 
it has Ie, m uncommonly severe, audits 
ihlCOOSS nearly cpial, and must feel a 
qonhl iii their minds, whether we shall 
finally be victorious. It the war dues 
lid now, but is again renewed, 
the two powerful nations mutt 
fill, ami it may he Rome. And, if 
there is a doubt of our success, let us 
not risk our present glory, honor, and 

I'cen considered as heros in former 

days. The Senators say that the treas- 

urj is empty. Who cares for that, while 

tizens possess anything of value. 

H ho would not contribute it to further 
the glory ofRoine? Who wosld with- 
hold his last farthing in BUch a cause? 
It there be any. may they never, ii 
life, enjoy i lie ble&Mngg of liberty and 
glory, and, when they depart, may 

the)' be dooi 1 to dwell with those 

who inhabit the damp snbteranoan re- 

of Pinto, where the light fr< m 

the Klysian fields never enter, nor its 

joys ari nown. It is said that 

von can accept the proposed terms 

ivith honor; but is this really the i 
I would ask you to refer to the f>. 

treaties of Rome, and see wh 
'■:vi find one, which will give its ■ 

lion to this. ( h : ., ne\ er n 

a treat ■ qiial 

terms. When liny u i -:v < - . . r 1 1 1 . • : ' 

e in a w ar, tnej n iver thought <-f 
ending it, until they, had humbled the 

; spirits oftheir enemy, and n 
hi r sue for oci, • ipon bcudt d l> i 

i ■' .ii.-i/. : 

i espec ■ 

has saved US from many a war. which 
we could not have ayoi led if they had ( 
thought that they could escape the pen- 
ality whenever they offered terms of 
peace. And. if wc, now make i 
with Carthage upon other terras, will it 
not be confessing that we have under- 
taken a labor which we could not ac- 
complish? Win it not bring dishonor' 
upon the Roman name, and disc 
upon her a; n: -? Will the neighboring 
nations respect her amis longer, when 
.• that she is not omnipotent, 
and that she must: allow a rival? Will 

itant tuitions any longer fear her ' 
and be restrained at her command? — 
Will her allies love and be tuithfu], •' 
Alien tliev tindthat she cannot defend 
them? Will they deem it an honor to 
be associated with Rome, and hasten 
to throw themselves into her arms, 
knOWingtlftt she cannot nomish and 

h them? Will not Cai ; ' 
embolden to offer insult upon insult, 
and do every thing to injure us? And 

••\ill not the other powerful states be 
ready to engage in a war with Rome 
Upon the slightest pretences, thinking 

hat they may. like Carthage, be able 
n ofTct- terms that will he accepted by 
iisj 1 1 ■■ '. ir degenerated 

'hose noble ancestors that We are wil- 
ling to suffer a rival lo exist, can en- 
the nan II we own an 

equal? Sooner would that Ro m per- 

iun, berglory and power depart, her 

when the moment of parting came, 
niaifv a blessing ascended to Jnpdler. 
from many a maternal bosom, in be- 
half of a beloved son, whom they c.\ 
peeled never again to behold; lev 
finally set sivil with joyous spirits, 
fright hopes of success, mid landed al 
our place of destination with expedi- 
tion and safety; how we realized every 
expectation, fought bravely and defeat- 
ed the enemy in many bottle*, and 
Were advancingupon t'artl age 111 
how there the (ioddess of BVdOOSB for- 

sook our standard, and, through some 
liiilorseen accident, we met with 
rious defeat, many of our bravest 1 1 
being slain, and 1, your general, with 
many others being made prisoners. 1 
do not mention this in order to Least 
of my victories, tor they were due to 
my brave soldiers, nor lo excuse my 
own defeat) lor the disadvantages un- 
der which 1 labored are ovident to 

■ , will consider the war; mble name be forgotten. Nfcl I cttn- 
but I speak of them to remind you" iot bellere it. Lei every citizen flO 
what a Koman nrmv eaodo, when full ; - duty, each inmiv resolve that he 
oi strength and Hushed with victory;' *>ll 'l 1 '' mbchali ol his country il i 
to remind vou lhat there is no ned of ,,<? - before disgrace shall attach ono 

diapair, when so many brave yputh are stain W her name, nnd there need be 

to uphold the honor ot Rome, no fears that su >n will crown 

and only wait for the word to enlist an- dfor*". Again wilFRMuetefrveti 

Other army. 1 can not speak but in 
leans . if eulogy, when I think of the 
brave soldiers, which compose the 


I, feared, loved i n d: and 

rasing from, heT fallen state, she will 
tower preeminent above all others: 



otherwise, if tho worm happen*, she 
will sink down glorious in her ruins, 
honored in her fall, without a single 
blemish to mnr ihc character, mid caul 
suspicion upon the courage of her peo- 
ple. Some Hay that these terms are 
favorable. Wo could thank them if 
we were too teeble to resist any long- 
er, or they so powerful that they were 
able to crush us, No! if they had the 
power they would not hesitate u mo- 
ment to continue the struggle. They 
hurt! made their last effort, have raised 
the last army that they can enlist, and 

ir of final Buocess. They already 
see thai the war, it persisted in by 
them, will bring ruin and distraction 

i hem; and, while they enu |iut II 

lace upon the matter, thev are s i 
anxious to obtain peace that they pro- 
pose terms unfavorable and dishonor- 
able t.» themselves, thinking that they 
will We more readily granted. Th.-iY 
weekness manifests itsell'in the oonocs- 
Bions which they are willitiy, to make. 
Do you think n nation weald I 
ready to yield up t uonntry which she 
ha l governed from lime unmet ial, 

a there was Borne pressing i 

which ( ipelled her. The Carthage- 

nians would rather concede the country 
now in our possession than, after a few 
more battles, be forced to surrender 
their mm city. Why did they not 
s ■•nd a Carfltngcniau to bear the mes- 
They thought that 1 would favor 
the measure. Little did they imagine 

I had observed the anxiety thai 
rested U] -very faoe, the fear that 

expressed itself in every motion, and 
the despair that settled upon every 
brow. Conscript Fathers! If yon 
know what is for the best interest of 
the city; il your art' desirous of doing 
your duly; if you wish to behold Rome 
gradually Spreading her scepter over 
province after province, until the world 
owns her sway, and hows before her 
eagles, you will not hesitate to i eelare 
for the continuance of the war. If, in 

alter years, when she I as become so 
powerful, ymi desire i,, have posterity 
point, to you and say that she owe! her 
exalted position tO your thinness, in- 
tegrity and patriotism, then, in your 
vo e, vindicate the houoJ orJRome. / 
have done. ' 

I'i;i:s. — Ifthere is nothing more to 
be said upon the proposition, we will 
take the Dual vote. 

{Each member of the Senate votes.— 
The notes are counted, and thx diclaion 
renderedto the President.) 

PKES. — The vote is nearly unani- 
mous iii favor of the continuance of the 


Kite. — May the Gods of Olympus 
bless you, preserve you to behold the 
success of the struggle, and to enjoy 
the benefits of it many years. May 
BUOOeeding generations bless you for 
the noble Stand you have taken. I 
must bid yon and my beloved country 
a long and eternal farewell, for 1 must 
return to Carthage. [A great slir and 
whispering among the Senators. At 
length t/ie President rises and sags:) 

I FUKS.— Yotir words fill us with as- 
tonishment. Why should you speak of 
returning to a Carthageninn prison, to 
pass a few years ami. I darkness and 

gloom, away from all you hold dear up- 
00 earth, friends, relatives, and ooim 
try, and end your days in the worst tor- 
ture that treacherous, cruelty can de- 
vise. You are fine, m Roma \\ e 
will defend you from the power of the 

Carlhageiiiaus. Whom have we t i 
send besides you to lead the Roman 

'heir we men come forth to entreat you 
to be merciful, while the magistrates 
place in your hands the keys which will 
give y ii possession. Hear the ap- 
plause which will greet you from yout 
fellow-citizens, when you return. Can 
you resist the y.;iiings of your bosom, 
for your child and country?" Can noth- 
ing move you from your purpose ? Re- 
main with us. to guide ussafcly tin 
the difficulties which are 

around us. V -country calls for youi 

assistance, and canyon refuse to i 

KEG.— 1 promised, when I left Car- 
Ihnge, that if their terms were ni 
eeptcd 1 would return to Carthage a 
to prisi n. Nothing is left for me now 
hut to keep my Word. J prcfi r my 
country's glory tomy own life, awl "i 

WOUld he thankful if' my life was the 

sacrifice that would he mad,. 
Von speak ol my lending the K 

lUmy. < in.-. . when 1 was in the pride 
icy Strength, I would not have lies 

army? Whom can we trust 

so implic- 

itly, and depend upon BO confidingly f 

All Koine stands with open arms to 
welcome you, her I. rave general.— 

Though unfortunate, she is ready to 

trust you with the control of the war, 
willing to give you an opportunity to 
redeem your character in the eyes ol 
postciily, while She is more than sals- 
Bed with your conduct and proud of 
your victories. 0, Rcgulns] can you 
resist the voiceofglory? Look in the 
future, and see }oiir arms victorious, 
pursuing the retreating Cartuagenians 
even to the gates of their city. Kehold 

Itated loftdoep theofler, if [could hive 
d'"ic ItOlltly. lis, I was once 

■I Roman general, a' Cavoriteol victory. 
Wherever my army marched theeneni) 
retired defeated. Flow my blood bolt. 
in my veins to think of those timi 
almost feel young again, lint, alas ! nn 
strength has vanished in the dungeons 

ni the prison. My 1.1 1 coursee 

ly and languidly through mv veins. | 

am no longer lit to command a Roman 

army. glory! hnu I have worship 
ed thee. Thou hast not been absent 
from my niin. I sineetbylight first beam- 
ed upon me. Thou hast been my guar- 
dian spirit, and often hast thou ."•: 
aged me, when di.-pair had thrown his 
fed mantle ,,vcr the souls of others.— 
But adoring thee as 1 do. not even for 
thee could 1 forgef my word; could I 
endure dishonor and the sting of con- 
science. .My country ! how I have lov- 
ed thee. My every thought has beet 
thine. In my youth,] was taught that 
thou was above all to the Roman, and 
my alter life and deeds have shown how 
well I have profited by my instruction. 
Hut even thy power is weakness, when 

placed u| the side of dishonor and 

disgraoe. Although*!! I love arc her.-. 

yel I must not remain. I mu-t go. 
tfy s .11 ! Wliv will y 
me? Why v. ill y, ;! ',,„. 

in my old age? When you wereyoung 
I .an-. i (or yon bo tenderly: 1 taught 

your infant feet to walk, ami your lisp- 
ing tongue to utter its sounds. Even 

wish was provided for before it wu~ 
expressed. Every trouble was kept 
from yon, and no reasonable want de 
nie.l. When trouble had wrong grief 

Irom your young heart, you rushed to 
me a« your haven of pence, where ev- 
ery trouble tied, am! grief took wim.'s. 
My love and counsel have often pro- 

■ ted you from danger, preserved you 

in peril, and made vourmanhood noble. 
And is this the payment that I receive 
ill return V When the Strength ami 

"' v h have left mv Irame, fee 

ble and weak In old age. when BOITOWS 
and oares have stamped their impress, 
ami traced their furrowed line* upon 
my face, and my thread of life has near- 
ly all been spun, will you now leave me 
'.' battle alone, with no one near upon 
whom to lean in the hour of trial? I 
had hoped that you would he the prop 
olmy declining years; that, when all 
Others abandoned me, your atfc-lbms 
would cling around me, and cherish 
me; when death laid her i,- v hand upon 
me, and .hill. -d the lite currents which 
How through my frame, you would be 
near tocloSe my dying cf-s, ami mourn 

my departure. Alas! vain hope, never 
hi be realised. Vou now, forgetful ol 
those tender ties which should bind yog 

■'■ aged mother, unmindful of her 
joys and sorrows, hasten to.lepiv. 

"hi age of its only staff, ami have hei 

I" mOUril your premature death. 1 was 
always willing, my son, to give vou 
up when our country called yon, 
for Ih.-n 1 knew that you were follow- 
ing in the footsteps of honor and glory, 
and thought that , you might be permit- 
ted to return to glade n my heart; but 

and speedy dealh, I have not the hea.t 
to let yon go. (>'„/«(.) 

i.'i ■'..- My mother: do not jndge mi 
BO hardily. Nogi enter happim s, w, l||d 

I wish, than that 1 might stuy to shield 
you. Hut iio: I cannot do so with tiou- 
"''• Do y. ii not remember how i-at 
neslly you inculcated the love ol trull 
m "ir u hen a little boy standing nt youi 
knee; when you told n e il was in i 
right to .1. ..v. 
always speak 'he truth let the conse- 

.plciiccs be what tiny may; h..» 


proini* ■ leemeil 

inviolable, and that we n 

■ier well bi lo 
woid. This has hi 
lift, and .lo _\eu ask me ,., ( 
Do you upbrid me for n ; :l | .,, 

! ' l lion, U hen I am Olllj .,!■.■■ 

the manj noble pi. 

me? ( an you ask me to si 

which, hitherto, has n. \, ,- known ai 

impurity, with dishonor in its last mo 

menls? Wo.;, | jr „ |,,. | IBJW .,, |.. m . 
your so,, with you, thin:, . ,i mi . 

yon behold him, that be lim pei nmvd 

'■"•'/ill action , Co,,.*, I vou lee, 

proud when considered his career, 

his noble v 

i" les country; when the last urowning 

act ol his lil,. eoui. s looming up, I . -,, 
ne-' up,,,, it- |. H ... ||,, 

orablo character? Sooner would Mm 

desire to nee him dead ln-|,.|e you, slain 

in some momorable exploit, or dyinn 
calmly upon the bed of honor, than thai 
In.-- icu remaining days shonld 1.,- pro- 
longed at the pine ..I I,,, good naine. 
Ibd .,,,-, .bar mother, depart tonn hon- 
orable grave with Jove's bli 
on my bead. Send me loith us you 
used i.., v, h.-n I departed to l. ad tin 
armies of our country. Buckle on roj 

-word. . ■mi, i-aec me, "and counsel metti 
remember my country and the immor- 
tal (.oils. 

AN n-i; — <>. my husband! why do von 

hasten to have me now? Happy Wftf 
[ When I heard that you had eou'te, for 
I deemed you lest to me forever. ]),. 
hoi .loo,,, me t., || V ,. over Bgaii 
-ad and lonely days. Remain with me, 

um I bring back joy and happini 

*Hbe plensur. - thai are in' '■ ''"''' '"J"" '■•:"" c'ff,'rh,rehi 
i*. We car. journey down life's me- ''"■'! i. 'r yn « ! ''i»«dofmy fflrth, I tntiit 
pathhaudin hand, sharing each '"' eten,nl farewell. 1 must 

Others pleasures and each others" woes. 

We will be happy; we will be hi : 

Let me make the n mainder ol youi 

!»« happy. Yon have been away iron, 
me most of the time, devoting ynur en 

ergus t,. our country. Y,, u havi 

ed and Straggled manfully, and need 

'''-'■ 1 .io ht me make ronr lii. 

peaceful and quiet Long n thshavi 

I mourned your absence and I m ,, 

OUr return. Now, you have coin, 

back, and will you leave me ngs 

How can I l„- happy when you art ah- 
Bent, when you are deprived of the 
comforts of ble, .iii.l , -online,! in a Car 

thagenian prison? (.Vo- upproaclm 

'■>>»■) <», my husband ! if you mu-t 
go, lake me with yon, to shaie you 

r.,ti.,.,„ .... .1 1 t 

point at me the Hngei of rein 

- a a man who s,, 
honor lor his lite." [Drairs hi. 
u/> to his fiill height.) 1 w. aid si 

o ail the sue, is oi wedded life; 1 

would sooner IbregO ail ll >■ |, yg that 

. yea, life ittielj, than 

"' " St! ill . ; on |, y f.,j r ,. : „„. ,, r 

ace up,,,, my | orteiy, "■ 

i and the' Roman will 
pomt. t,, hi,,, U8 a , 

derlg) Donotgrieve. bo not mourn 
lor what ei onoi l e In Iped. d here is 
no alternative but d 

Would not tell me ll . 
deeply thai I miiKt leave our i hi! 


Unerj thai I n ,,..i |,. R vc him I 

I .an 

I, .-a i . : i, and 

noi to lii.-. Hut | 

ihul 1 leave him in ... ,„| i 

• n«l my iiiolln ; | 0r 

m ) sake, [ I , il( , ,. I( , ,„,, 

d, vote your life to i 

■ ,-t of 

>ve,andto«uo"ifincevi rytl in m re 
honor for her welfiue; tell Ii 
futher, how he lived and died fori;. . 
imreproiichable and loyal to (he ti 

-.■ his 

•' kl '. 'hut he may in a'.i r s, ais re- 
mind you of me, and be ■ ami 
-in I.,,, ,,, your heart. I ' 
both, when | 

me, and there is ,,, 

111 bleak the silence thai sun 

but 1 must go. ( 11/./, mbrocinghis 
<njc and mother, h, soys.-) To your 
charge, Conscripl Falhi rs, 1 .■. nfide 

my mother, wil, niin child. 

Prbb.- [ionic will hhow her i 
tude io her noble son, by providing 

lor their wants. 

Mother.— My son: may .1. -. 
Jl i | on yon, and' be with 
while life ■;.>!»; ami run. ml cr that I'ncre 
IS one, when you are far nwav. who 
will always think of you. and p«y that 
we may meel again" in the Eh 

Selds, the reward of the - • d and 

faithful. Farewell. 

Iikq.— ( Tears himself 'away firm 
»//. und mother, and hurri .-• /" „ hill 
which ■ .< the citg,vhtn hi ■ 

rf m.-llimd ol mv lailh, I must. 

now, when you depart to meet a sure 

privations, and chc.r vonr drooping 

beart. When sad thoughts till \,,m 
IDind, and |I0 one is near lo whom yoil 

can confide your emotions, ki m,-' b, 
ihero :h,n, and be your comfort and 
your joy. But, 01 d a -j... Do 

not leave all you hold ,1,-ar, your wife, 
v.... i child. (Molds it Ollt tO him.) Does 
not. its -we, t faoe plead in mv befall i 
Does not. your heart, yearn toward? 
him J Slay and be a 'father to QUI 
child. Who will give him counsel, an.; 

-'"'i' 1 him in the right path'- Who 

Will tua.-h him t., love honor, and how 

to command the armies of Rome?— 

Who wdl make him a patriotic I 
■ nd a generous leader, worthv of if, 
respect of bis soldiers, ii you go? '■ 
does not every emotion Of pity and loVl 

plead with you? t) ! d Q not be so cm 

el, but releut {She bursts out fobbing.) 

In... -\Al,r „■;,/, f fe l 

'"./•) WOUU lo .love 1 eon!. | r , 

» ith y.m, and yet possess my honor: I 
would be mi re than happy. But no. 
this cannot be. What w,...;',i I be with- 
out honor? 1 would be beneath the 
nave. Every man, as hepas-ed would 


leave thy much loved Malls, nevei to 

'"hold again. No. never will 
thy streets echo io my Irend, as I 

proudly walk along then No, D( 

will thou witness my departure t- 

honor and triumphs in distant I 

or welcome ,ne. when 1 return; but now 

I gO, sao and desponding, an . \t.< 

a eaplirc. I|,,w often have thy guild- 

ed palaces, thy noble mansions, thy 

magnificent public buildings 1... 

"p before me, as I returned from some 

successful , cpedition, and Bpol • ■ 

.lies to my s,.ul ol thy prosperit) and 

lllQ patriot, -in ol [by BUDS, Vis, el- 

ten a sn. ht like this has filled my hi art 
with joy and pride; joy for thy con- 
tinued success and c\alfed mi in.-;" pi i, le 
that I am rani,,, | Qniung lh_\ , ii 
Hut now h,,w different. No "joy thrills 
my bosom and kindles into being the 
fli< h.-ring dame f life, which 'ebbs 
slowly throngh my wont out frame; yet 
pride expands my breast, renews my 

-lately step, and mak. s the blood inn 

leaping through my veins with the rig- 
got ol youth, as I h.ok down it] on 

TllOtl hasl been my pride, mv joi 
Long have I labored to exalt thee, 'and 
make thee feared, and reverenced 

throughout the earth. And 1 ho| < d 

'.. pa-s my age with thee; but new 

I am foiled to have thee. The til 
friendship 1 can sever, the joys o! I 
and Of f\ ,,l ones I can loregO, bin 01 

to leave thee is impossible; to break 

[he cords which bind me to the.-, to 
forget that I am a lioman, to r. DOUnCQ 

my allegiance to thee, In « it tears my 
very soul with anguish almost unspeak- 

And, although I can no lot 
. lain 'In e as a parent, and call ti 
thy ion, yet will my memory dwell up- 
on thee, and my »oul be with tine, 
when my body is far away in the dun- 
geon of a Carlhageninn prison, Thy 
name, will ever be dear to me, and to 




breathe it will pass many a sad mo- 
metit away. When ray body led* all 
the tortures that 'In 1 hellish cruelty ol 
the tie ichorous Carthagcnians oan de- 
vise, amid this pain, my thoughts will 
revert lo thee, and my.soul denveoour- 

tnd fortitude from thy memory, to 
enilure, unflinchingly and without a 
groan bodily anguish and Buffering.— 
VVitb a smile, I will answer their in- 
sulting geers, and with a la igh, l • i • 1 de- 
fiance to their threats, and urge them 
(■I < their worst And when the 
senger of Pluto cornea hovering over 
m ', presses her seal upon my brow, 
and clips the thread which holds me t" 
earth, then, as my spirit halls before 
taking its final departure, my lips will 
murmur thy loved mime, and my eyes 
try i" eat -ii the first echo. OK nne '. 
thou wort my all! my all! and 1 must 
have thee. May tllOl) ever prosper. 
May the Gods ever look upon thee u u i i 
■ liy sons b ■ faithful and 
devoted Lo thee; aver ready to sacri- 

iverythiug for thy interest. May 
i COCO I when they u ill 

i their interesi paramouut to thine; 

w'leli they will strive lo obtain office 

ii it iii el : \ ate 'he, inn tn make them- 

■ d itinguished and their families 

oonipiutous, and when they will so far 

I pi i -t thee as tu make tliec an object 

of strife and bloodshed. Bui may thou, 
I hi.; after my body has mouldered in 
to dust, and my deeds and resting 

p| iee :i :r I'm':.; it: en, continue t . > OOn- 

quer wherover thy arms are turned, to 

Buooeed in whatever will increase thj 

f, and bring honor to thy name, — 

May thy conquest not. cease until all 
nations are brought into subjection and 
own thy sway; until from one side ol 

the globe lo the other the Roman name 

will he h are 1 with fear and reverence. 
With joy and lOVO. And may comfort 
and contentment, and happiness, and 
love and eternal peace he the portion 
of thy citizens, And with vows of 
unchangeable fidelity to thee, I bid 
thee an eternal farewell. 

Firmnfss is flxndue.-H in. bin 

n,il nig li linti-im to 

. by tlie 
in. Olistiuiov, on the nlher 

haiiil <• in lie cillci] iiureii»nri,ihlc or nil 
ju-tili tola liruiiiess. It, however, unlike 
Iii unless, lisienn t.i no argument, but i- 
so liveil mi its opinion tty prejtiilice, thai 
it will rmt lie jM'i-ai.i f •<! by argument or 
ot'ier iii >ans. Firmness thinks and rea- 
sons for iisoit, weighs widi correct scales 

ail tii si its and demeriis ul a oroposi 

tion placed belore it, and arfivtm it its 
conclusions by ■< correct method of rato 
cinnihin. Obstinacy neiiht-r thinks or rea 

sons, l)iil j imps In conclusions at random. 

and, whether right or * rung, curries ilium 
cut, whatever be the conseqimuces [i 

thinks not of iis own welfare, nor does ii 
appear lo care fi»r success, only so iur as 
lo eratily its s-'llisli desires by lloi<l|( llial 

i i- oppocd. I'll Olle,, jg ||| 

it if-. .is not oufv justly with others, bui 

also with Itself, It cheais no one, be- 

■ i: reasons « it h tljem and searches 

out the true position of iheir case, and 

tle-ii deals no oilier way lliau Hie 1)011 

which ii has led led to be right 

- • -.-. to ilo i ins, it i3 no lunger firm 
. bill has became obstinacy, Firm- 
inss dealt oni dust t ibutive lustice, 
as commuulialive. A magistrate wiihoui 
lirmness is often swa) ed by sophit 
i.ilse reasoning, a id caused la Decide nn 

jllSlly ; ,'iu I, il his heart lie lint loriiliei 

iiineas, he will be bought «y toars, 
or influenced by apparent sorrow.— 

i. it a msgljitr lie is obstinate, he « ill 
be prejudiced in favor ol onu party, and 
will not be governed by law or testimony, 
FirmQ' ss is ailmiruil, hut obstinacy con 
damned Washington was a firm man, 
and George III. a i obsiinuteone, Wash- 
ington was fixed In his opinion and plans, 
hut did mil iii--e.ii ii f -,, jon, George 111 
would not listen t< b it carried 

out his own s -.:, i plans Fe 
shoiil.l be cherished and improved 
at the tame tune shunning o 
Firmness news things in Lh ir true light, 
but obstinacy in a Fcll-inicrosted m i 

- arc lervant an i 
just yet tender The workings of obsti 
ii icy ar • » i bhrary ana tmcouth, i 
u rh others according to nd n 

n. Firmnnsi insures happin 

I icy em:! 
firm, and run nui into obstinacy. C. S. 


I ill— it jingles us on t» achool, 
Il jiogloa us Dome t'i iliiiiier; 

lea tin- fool. 
It -! .pit. it jingles tho ainnoF, 

i in Ti', whate'er we're nbiuil, 
I-, jmglea us in Ufa, ii jingles lis out." 

For tin- Seminary Bon 

There are spots upon the lace of the 
earth, the mention of whose name i- 
iept to excite, the interest of the 
student and antiquary. A city buried 
icneath the lava of sonic volcanic 
mountain, or filled WUh the ruins o 1 
some distinguished works of art, speak- 
to him of ancient times. Perhaps he 
las read of her glory and power which 
iave departed from her forever. NoWj 
igh forgotten by mankind at large. 
IQr name brings hack to his uiim! her 
i res tine condition. Not the presenl 

docs he sec, hut he icim. inboi s llic past. 

But, if we glance over the earth, we 

can find a few places which i. 

particular class, but touch a feelii 

■ ml in the bosom of all. Some fa 
:n ais deed, upon which depended the 
destinj of ooming generations, perhaps 

has been achieved there, or legends 

have oast about it, a dim and mysteri- 
ous cloak, throngh whoaa folds only 
the vague outlines can he seen, while 

the rest is veiled in clouds. \ le 

wishes to dispel the mist which hovers 
over it, for when that has cleared up, 

nothing remains to give it alt tact ion. 
If both of these oausea arc combined 
in one (pot, the attention ol the whole 
human race is drawn in that direction. 
and fastens upon the halo of glory 
which rests upon it, and which inn 
ing ages can dissipate. 

The Rhine, from her source to her 
month, has been the scene of some re 
nowned action m 

her hanks have been acted some trag- 
edies wh eh have influenced the fate of 
Europe and the world; But her scene- 
ry alone, would be suflicient. She takes 
her rise among the mountains of Swit- 
zerland, and at her commencement, 
waters the land of a free and industri 
ous people. Small at fir>t, she rapidly 
increases in size, and soon becomes the 
tic l.'hine. She sweeps on throngh 
i tile fields of Belguiin, and scenes 
of rare and unsarpasslng beauty. Ai 
times rough and bo'tSteroOS, she roars 
amid rocks, and dashes wildly on her 
mad course, then gently and smooth as 
the surface of a mirror. She seems to 

pause to take broatfa, and hesitate.- to 

lake another plunge. Now, the hank- 
arc low and gently sloping; too slight 
harriers to contain the waters within Iur 

bosom, when the Alps poms down its 
a- of ico and suow upon the val- 
lies below. Then some beetling preci- 
pice juts over the stream, against which 

the currents strike with mighty force, 
and heat the march ol time. When 
the low, marshy grounds ol 
Holland, nature no longer could con 
trol her; hut breaking over her natu 
ral boundaries, she would have hurst 
i flood, and inundated the surroun 
ding country, if art had not put forth 
an aiding hand. Widening and deep- 
ening as she ucars the ocean, she at 
length pours in through numerous 


For beauty and variety of sconery, 

the Rhine can not he surpassed by any 

n in the world. But when we 

consider how intimately she has been 

i with the history of Eui 

(he days of Koine's ascendency, 
we can not fail to perceive \\\o reason 
that she exerts such a power over the 
minds of men. The Roman army, in 
search of people t" conquer, and victo- 
ries lo gain, oft pitched their camp up- 
on h"r hanks. How nohly the natives 
longht I i retain possession of their'ul inheritance, and when com- 
lish it they slowly and 
-ullenly retired, giving innumerable 
battles to their invincible foe. 
Here Oajsar hd his conquering le 

,'ioiis, and gained that experience and 
military knowledge, which alicrward> 
made him the arbiter of Rome. Prom 
-fore to shore he built Mint bridge, 8<i 
(anions in ancient times, and a descrip- 
tion oi which astonishes and excite; 
the admiration ol the present genera- 
tion. In after years, when Koine was 
oii the decline, the barbarians of the 
north, moving southward to the warm 
regions of Italy, met her near her 
mouth, and followed up idoiig hci 

banks, to where she lost herself amid 

the Alps. Here liny loft Icr, and toil 
ing up the mountainous range, poureo 
i heii mighty hosts upon the peaceful 
villages of Italy. But although slu 

lireotcd the course ol some of the 
tribes who crushed life 1 out of Rome, 
is still remained the same as be- 

Attracted bythefertile soil and beau- 
tiful prospect, and wearied of their 
long journey, the barbarians settled 
along her hanks, ;l nd took possession 

of the neighboring country. In the 
lovely vallies of the Rhine, the- climate 

of the land of their adoption, soon 

made them forget the cold and bleak 
■'gion where nothing fiie I their love, 
Merc they flourished, while feudalism 
i roqde its w \y through Qcrm-tty, 
and over the Alps, into these pi ncet'ul 
province-;. Soon, from her source. 
along her whole course, there was erec- 
ted a line of castles wherever a conve- 
nient spot COIlld be found. Upon eve- 
ry overhanging hank, in every vaie, 
rose a lordly mansion. Amid every 
grove could be seen a tall tower, with 
its spire pointing to the sky, And, il 
Veil eould have stood upon Some lofty 
hill, and glanced around over the ex- 
tensive regions, tower, spire, and cas- 
tle, Would have met the eye, wherever 
it was turned. No landscape Ot* scene 
would have presented its. If without a 
IlllgO Castle constituting one of its chid 
and grand features. Here the old liar 
una devete, never issuing forth, except 
upon a hunting or war expedition.— 
Plie tenants, even, compelled, at the 

voice of their lord, to arm themselves, 
ami battle in his cause, so that he was 
king in his small domain. Oft have 
'hey met iii deadly combat, and fought 
will desperation, till the valley ran red 
with blood. If the Rhine possessed 
die power of speech, many a tale of 
bloodshed and horror could she tell. — 
Shf lias witnessed many a meeting of 
nii-ii in arins.o! which history does not 

speak and tradition has forgotten u> 

-ing. As her waters moved along, they 
have borne to the sea many a groan, 
:, caved from the breast of the wound- 
ed and dying soldier, and the lamenta- 
tion of friends around his inanimate 
body. She could tell many a revolting 
tale of cruelty and hard-heartedness 
enacted upon her borders, where there 
was no witness to report and in- 
lotiii, and which none knew, save God, 

thelniinite and Eternal. She has heard 
many a shout and cheer, as the foe rush- 
ed together, and in their grapple fell 
struggling together, to be swallowed up 
within her dark and placid bosom. — 
Often has I upon the shining 

lances of a troop, .is til y issued from 
their leaders castle, and took their 
march along her, in search ol' cpnqnest 
and plunder. And When they return- 
ed, laden With spoil, she beheld their 
-pears reflect the rays of the setting 
sun. Oft has she heard the slow toll- 
ing bell, as it called the monks and nuns 
to their devotions, pealing forth sud- 
denly, and breaking the silence which 
had settled around, or as it tolls the 
knell of the departed it falls mournful- 
ly and solcmly upon the ear of the dis- 
tant shepherd. Many a band, oblivious 
of private animosities and hereditary 
feuds, which nothing less could have 
reconciled but every net increased, 
gctl'ul of their duties and interests, wil- 
lingly abandoning their families and 
Iricnds, ami leaving their native coun- 
try, came marching through her glens, 
on their way to the land ol Palestine, 
to aid their Christian brethren in the 
recovery of the sepulchre of the Koun- 
Icr of their common religion. Ami 
when a few years after nsmall remnant 
of those noble bands returned, she wel- 
comed them back again to their homes 
and their families. Yes, often did their 
thoughts revert to her, while they were 
suffering in thai far off distant land, 
and many a dying soldier weepiing, 
spoke of his happy homo upon the 
Khine, which he was destined never to 
«ee again. 

The beauty of her land has not de- 
parted. Although those old heroes have 
gone to their rest, their shades seem 

io haunt i\,j (.lac- h-Jii <•■ l/n-v dwelt, 

and bring back the ghost-like appear- 
ance of the days of feudalism. Those 
1)1(1 castles yet stand, "like sentinels of 
tin enchanted land." Noble and impos- 
ing amiJ their ruins, they give an ad- 
ditional beauty to the lovely scenery. 
Many of them have been for a long 
lime deserted, and now serve as places 
if resort for bauds of robbers, to hold 
their secret conclaves and secret their 
spoils, or beings of another world to 
hold their midniglll revels. One needs 
but hear the wind whistle through the 
■racks, and the water dash with its 
hoarse, angry sound against the 
base of an old castle, to people it with 
every kind of imagining beings, and 
make him feel that he is surrounded by 
the spirits of the ancient proprietors. 
Legend upon legend has spuing up, 
a Ii itii throws a halo ol enchant incut. 
around them, and enshrouds them in 
mystery. No wonder that they arc ob- 
jeets of so much curiosity, to travelers 
from every. quarter of the globe, and 
give so much attraction to the region 
about the Khine, As long as man re- 
spects and honors courage and manly 
virtue; as long as he loves to behold 
the beautiful and sublime ill nature ; as 
long as he take delight in looking up- 
on scenes famous in the hi -lory of the 
world, so long will the Rhine be visit- 
ed by those wlio have the means and 
the leisure to take a tour through Kit- 

Wllon. F. I* U'a i. .if U --I. n-i r.-ci-ntly 
emancipated four slavi-s in the Si Imtiia 
Court, 't'b is was dun* up»u tbuir tulfitment 
oi an agreement to faithfully serve a sul 
'er iu tlio II. S. Ainu in K' "' B* ■ 
whom they wcni Inn.u Icr '» poriotl wfthn o 


: *MKK6 


With this month] we offer to tho pub- 
lic tlio first number of "The Seminary 
Bell." Although, according to nature's 
laws, every plant, which commences to 
atesolatein the season, will be fee- 
ble, ami sickly, and come to a suddeb 
death from the cold, yet wc feel con- 
II dent that this germ will grow, until it 
hea over an extensive tract of coun- 
try, cherished by its contributors, and 
warmed by its subscribers. The inter- 
est, felt in the bosom of every one for 
its success, will keepoffthe chilling 
ami deadening influences of apathy, sp 
that it will, not only Baryive the wint- 
er's C >ld, but., at the end, will comfi 
forth, more beautiful and flourishing 
than ever, ready, when Bpr'uig comes, 
; . herald its arm .'. 

As it has been taken in hand by the 
ity, and will be carried on by the 

members, it- will 1 mo a permanent 

thing 10 continue as long as this insti- 
tution endures. And, to make it last' 
ing, it is necessary to establish it upon 
a solid foundation, Wo think this has 
hern don* tO some extent, while it re- 
mains for the present committee to ev- 
ert themselves, in order to leave it in n 
flourishing condition. Some may real 
that it will end in a failure, an it will bo 
compelled to keep passing through dif- 
ferent hands, and be under the super- 
vision of different Committees; but we 
would say, that, although tho present 
members may leave gradually, there 
will bo others continually coming, who 
will be amply competent to continue its 
publication. Tt will be handed down, 
as it were, from generation to genera- 
tion, and, as each generation is consid- 
ered to be wiser than tho proceeding, 
having their experience to guide them 
it must undergo continual improve- 
ments. The inheritance, being thus be- 
queathed to them, would alone (if noth- 
ing else would inspire them,) induce 
them to emulate their predecessors, and 
sustain the reputation of tho society 
and the institution. Thus it can bo 
seen that every thing conspires toward 
making it sure and abiding. 

While those, who succeed us. may 
make improvement*, wo do not in i end 
to be remiss, and leave every thing of 
this kind to them. As this is our first 
issue, we wero not capable 6f judging 
how it Would look after being pub 

fished, and, consequently; may make 
some alterations in its four) and ar- 
rangement The matter itself will be 
somewhat different in each publication ; 
but each change will bo for the belter. 
We do not intend to lower its standard. 
but each inch it gains, shall be bravely 
held, until it can take another step for- 

It will be filled, mainly, with origin- 
al compositions, essays, a short t, 
casionally, ifco. In eaoli number, therfe 
will be a summary of the news of the 
mouth preceding its issue, where, in 
the shortest space possible, will he giv- 
en what generally fills most of two pa- 
ges in a weekly paper. There will al- 
so appear occasionally au article in ref- 
erence to the Seminary, and what wc 
are doing here, which will doubtless 
interest most of our readers. We in- 
tend to start and sustain a department 

for those who love to dive into the mys- 
teries of figures, Sea: In this, will be 
published problems, enigmas, puzzles, 
conundrums, which we desire to have 
solved, and the answer returned. The 
first answer that reaches us, will entitle 
its author to have his or her name prin- 
ted along with the solution. We hope 
that the votaries of mathematics will 
take advantage of the opportunity thus 
offered them, and come boldly forward, 
It will be entirely Unnecessary to men 
tion tho different departments, as they 
can be seen by retcring to the paper, 
but we will say, that others will be 
formed as wc. Bee the necessity. Wc 
believe in continual progression, Snd 
shall do every thing in our power to 
make our work prove our faith. 

We will, allow nothing to pass into 

our paper, which, in OUTeyeS has ,-, see 

tarian appearance, bill shall exclude it 
without hesitation. If we intended to 
make it a herald of the principles el n 
particular sect) and an advocate 
loot i im •, then b >■ would lill it entirely 
with such matter: but as this is no! 
our object, a person of any sect may 
look and examine, but fail to find any 

thing, at which he can take exception. 
\ el tho main features, those which are 
common to all orthodox beliefs, will, at 
any time, bo admitted, if the piece 
meets with our concurrence. For, if 
wc should keep these: entirely from our 

paper, We would shut out all morality. 

and whatever ennobles degenerate man. 
Siorality will always find a place, and 
an advocate in us: while immorality, 
and every thing thai, tends to demoral- 
ize the young, and bring disgrace and 

ruin upon their after life, will, not only 
be rejected, but discountenanced. 

No political party will have a chance 
to claim it as an orgat to advoci | 

assist the election of their can'd 
for we shall adjure all such subjects 
from the commencement; but shall al- 
ways be ready to lift up our voice for 
liberty, equality, education, free insti- 
tutions, and whatever has a tendency 
to improve the condition ot mankind, 
and increase their comfort and happi- 
ness. Our paper shall be that of the 
people, and their rights will be regard- 
ed. And, to subserve their interests in 
the best possible manner, we shall not 
agitate the much disputed questions, 
which, if left alone, would, of their own 
accord, eventually and even sooner, be 

With this number, we send g 
inge to those who are waiting to we! 
come its arrival, 

The prospect of the success of the 
Atlantic. Cable is quite encouraging. — 
It is thought that the old Cable can be 
taken Up, and that there will be 110 
great difficulty in laying the new. It 
is greatly to be hoped that success may 
attend their efforts. 

\-< excursion train of thirteen cars, 
bound from Pon dn Lao to Chi 

ran off" the track of the Chicago and 
Xoith-Western Railroad, at Johnson 
Creek. Bight persons are repotted 
killed, and a number badly wounded. 

Tin: King of Prussia has lately much 
improved in health, but will never be 
able to perform the duties ot' his sta- 


Tiikiei: is a new Swedish singer, Mad- 
emoiselle Koesk, who is said to he 
equal to Jenny Lind. 


in this month, there Has been a dny 
set aside by tin: Governor to b<i de- 
voted exclusively to thanksgiving and re- 
joicing for the manifold blessngs, which 
God has seen fit in His great mercy to 
bestow upon us; not that we should not 
bless Him at any other lime, but that a 
whole penplo might, upon the same day, 
unite in lilting up their voice 111 an ex- 
pression of their gratitude. Every day 
alike should And us in this frame of mi ml. 
although the duties of life and Its employ- 
I may forbid our giving utterance 

to it. 

This Impressive ceremony dales ill 
commencement ami origin tar back in 
lite sunais of out country, almost in the 
limo of its first settlement, and has de- 
scended to Us as one ol the institutions 
of afreenation. It has, perhaps, indeed. 
to many, lost its nYOBl imposing and grand 
features, and is consider* 'I solely »-» day 
upon which all business is to cease, and enjoyment constitutes its chief do 
lign Ihia is, alas, the Hea of ton many 
mil, although they do not express it, their 
ids ton plainly indicate it to bo miatmnn 
Wi il ever we should bo au lortunal • 
pend one among the hills of New Eng- 
land, the land ol in birth and of Its faith 
i"il votaries, ami at soma ol l form-house 
witness ill dawn ami would 
be indelibly fixed in our memory nev- 
10 be forgotten, Loogeftei would we re- 
call it with pleasure and dwell upon it 
wita gratitude. And to one, who has pas 
Jed his boyhood's dais among such 
scenes and observed in [he old-fashioned 
way the return of many such seasons, if, 
h« should leave his father's halls. 
he should tako up his abode among those 
who areunaccustomed to celebrate them, 
to him they become doubly dear, and his 
heart yearns with fend affection tor those 
earlier years. Even among Btrangers, he 
will, upon his own hearthstone, am! in 
the bosom of his family, hold them, for 
■they bring back the joyous recollections 
-ami sail memories Ol the home 
youth, where dwell 'hose whom he loves, 
and with whom his thoughts linger upon 
mis day. He sees in imagination the 
busy preparations going on a long time 
before lis arrival, when wi'.h fond exttlta 
tion tho matron guards her growing treas- 
ures Irom the prowling fox or cunning 
hawk. And when (he time approaches, 
she culls the choicest ones 1» prepare 
them to grace the coining celebration — 
The daughters, with their mother at their 
head, cluster around their sire to urge 
him lo lorego the labors ot one day, and 
go 10 town and purchase what they deem- 
ed necessary for ihe event. If he brings 
forward the lateness of the season and 
die backwardness of their work as an ar- 
gument why he cannot go, or one of the 
hoys be spared, they tell him that ihoy 

can drive down acd make the n 

purchases. And when there is no getting 
round il, he gives his consent that some 
one may hitch up and take them. On 
their return, how the younger ones lug 
and tug lo bring 111 the things, and when 
viewed in a heap together, one would 
judge that it ey were going to set up .1 
store; but before the close of another day 
they had all vanished, ami besides sun- 
dry other articles ha<l escaped the mem 
ory which would havo aided very mate- 
rially, but which have to be dispensed 
with. The next dny the preparations be 
gin in earnest. Early in ihe morning, 
long before the peep of dawn, arc the 
young folks astir, busily performing Ibe 
Co m mo 11 duties ol household lite, so that 
nothing may prevent them from devoting 
the whole day to the desired purpose. As 
daylight begins to brighten the eastern 
horizon, the table is spread beneath the 
porch around which soon cluster the joy • 
011s faces of the happy family, Not one 
sad and gloomy face is seen, but joy 
beams forth from etery one, both uld and 

young. As soon as Ihe meal is partaken 
of and tho table cleared, then all hands 
old enough to take part, begin to perform 
Ihe shara allotted to thetn. The mother 
is everywhere, in order to oversee all the 
prepi rations, tor lear some slight mistake 
might be made which would end in the 
rum of the forthcoming article, render- 
ed important by the constrquencn of her 
'dico and the prompt obedience given lo 
her every command. While those who 
are too young to lend a helping hand 
look on with sparkling eyes, wntching 
every motion that is made and tearful 
that something wnuld be said or done 
Which Ihey would not hear or see. Their 
youthful prattle is heard above the uin 
of spoons and glasses asking some 1 
tion about something which presents a 
very myftnnus appearance lo them. — 

But SOOn they are s-en in dfSCUSling 

important measure, concerning the per- 
■ormance lif which tln-v happen to 
in opinion, with as much gravity as though 
an empire depended ■ r decision. 

With what haste thoy leave thoir elevated 
position at the table 10 open Ihe nven 
door when the pastry Is ready to be de- 
posited therein, and they guard then 

wilh more can- llian the hundred ey~,| 

Lrgua did the Hesperian fruit. The din- 
ner is delayed hour after hour, while 'he 
borya think Mai th iy novor saw ■■• 
long forenoon belorn. Matty en anxious 

i-yo WO* cast at r how much 

nf Ins daily BOUrse he had run. or what. 

retarded him In his race, ' Men tho pa- 
rent pulled mi 1 his ancient time piece (one 

which had been brought over in the May 
Flower perchance) and noted tho time of 
day, while at the same time he scanned 
the broad disc of the heavens, muttering 
somethineahoul going without dinner all 
day. At last the much wished lor signal 
is heard, and every hand ceases simulta- 
neously. The first sight thai greets their 
vision, as they enter the house, is the 
Store of pics and cakes piled up in 
awltil array upon the side-board. How 
their mjapths water in anticipation of tha 

r dinner has been dispatched, the 
boys receive notice that the turkeys and 
chickens are now to be slaughtered. — 
One runs for ihe axe, while the other has- 
tuns to bring the long detained prisoners 
to tho place of excution. No mercy is 
shown, but one alter another falls a sac- 
rifice beneath tho death-dealing guillo- 
tine. Blood (lows like water, while on every 
side the aspiring victims, gasping in their 
last agony, flutter around, Mh to yield 
in the unequal struggle. It tak"s but a 
short time to arrange them, so tha! on the 
morrow they may be got ready upon a 
moments, notice. 

As the eve of the eventful day draws 
near, a carriage and then another is st-en 
wending its way toward the old larm- 
hous, where, upon its arrival, the 
pants are heartily welcomed by the fam- 
ily and conducted to lbs b«st room. — 
They came not unexpected, for they had 
been invited to help keep thanksgiving; 
a son, perhaps, who has left home to 
open o road to fortune by hi* own exer- 
loos, or a daughter, who, a lew yeara be- 
fore with a father's blessing, had gone to 
grace another's mansion. They spend 
the evening in happy communion, and 
retire early so as lo rise in good season. 

Thanksgiving dawns bright nnd beau- 
lifur. Nothing is heard to break the still- 
ness that has willed round In ill 

idly assemble in the parlor to ash 
God's blessing to rest upon them in the 
performance of the duties ot Ihe day.— 
The voice of the aged patriarch arises 
With solemn fervor, as hn loesses the Crea- 
tor of the universe for Dike many favors 
that He is constantly bestowing on him 
and his. In the forenoon, they attend di- 
vine worship at their church, where they 
listen attentively too sermon prepared 
lor the occasion and preached by their 





T II E S E M I N A H Y 15 E L L . 

Bftted pastor. He recounts to them the 
nieny ways in which God has blessed 
His people id ages that have gone by: 
how Ha guided the Pilgrim's bark over 
the stormy watcrs.and brought them safe 
ly to laud; how lie was with them in their 
firs) struggle in a wilderness, and shield- 
ed them from the manifold dangers which 
are incident to a new country. Then 
be comes down in the present day, and 
uofolda to his hearers iho many reasons 
we hare to both as a nation and as individ- 
ual's, for being thankful :hal Divine Provi- 
dence has been over usand favored us in 
the many efforts ami undertaking which 
were put forth to Increase our own for- 
tunes and to improve our fellow beings; 
that we are under obligations to be mind- 
ful that "every good and perfect gift 
-i from Him," and that we should act 
accordingly. Vlie sermon ie ended, and 
slowly and solemnly they issue forth 
front the the house of God and disporse 
to their homes, Here there awaits them 
in readiness their thanksgiving dinner.— 
With bowed heads Ihejf listen to the ben- 
ediction, atl ■ which the* eagege in die 

Ing its merits, Course after c 
follows, each reminding them vivftllj 
how grateful ihejouahl lobe tor its boon 
tlful bestowal. The afternoon wears away, 
while the j'liulhtul cornpnnj are i ! 
in the various gsmesand inuvccnl a,tw so- 
mania, and the old watch with lender in- 
teres! and apeak ot the time when they 

inn in re young. \S ilh nothing t u 

the goo.! feeling, the 
around then), and gently tells thorn 
that another day ha* departed to help 
make Up an eternity. Thus it pa. -us 
away , enjoyed by all, and Ion g to l.i- re- 
membored after other things are I 
ten. Its influence has been salutury 
upon both old and young, am', its relig 
inns impressions will not be effaced by 
the duties and mils ol the coming year. 

Thus it comes thronging back to the 
miin I .I 11 . ■ - he sits with his 

head bowed upon his hands and pouders 

days llii uelui e him 

parted dead. Homesick end sad.,hc turns 
away and enters into the busy .scenes 
Of lite, in hopes of removing any linger- 
ing ImjireBsi but all In rata. While 

the day lasis, such thoughts will come 
and no power can shut them out. and 
why should he try lor they are beneficial. 

And now, in view of our weakness, and 
our dependence upon God, Whose mercy 
is erer shown unto us in ways -which We 
know not of, lei us celebrate the coming 
anniversary in such a manner, 'hat in af- 
ter years we may love to recur to it, and 
no piercing thought give ua paki, 

Ti b English, in oudeavoring to emu- 
pi ! the Ohinese to Iii a np to die treal v 
made last year, not with a total defeat 
They acted with their uaoal braver}', 
bat were obliged to retreat, having a 
Urge number killed and wounded. 

Tn luI a id his companion, 

who made an ascent lrom Watertown 
N. V., Ii.v. o light They land- 

ed in the densi of Canada, one 

hundred and Bfty miles from oivllfca- 
and after enduring many hard- 
ships, have retnmed. 


Oub Paper. — This being the first 
number of "Tag Sshumbx Hi:i.i.," wo send II tea 
large aumber of those whose names are ool on our 
list, and hope thai all will feel themselves enough 
interested in the cause whioh it is intended to pro- 
mote, namely, education, to give it a cordial sup- 
port Terms 81,00 per year, in advance. 

Exhibition.— At the regular meet- 
lag of the Neosophl Social ■ a Fridaj en ning, 
November iih. it was resolved that the m 

non, and a committee was appointed to make the 
ii t arrangements. The exercises are to eon 
rial of inusif, 
4c V, ;u!l particulars in next i 

"Sn dent's Rb-coton."— This Si oi- 

<sty, whioh was organized April 15, 1859, holds its 
annaai meeting al the Baptist Church, in this plao 

■I dnj of next month l Decern! i. Pho 

i this Boclctj being to call together ..II whu 
ave over attended I 

>ked forward too with muob 
. aud wo anticipate u large 

iav« I n puplh in days pi I 

We wwo do| able la eani tl iter 

i" Ubm tor this issue, but 

Mr. CabSoli, Sk.minauy. — The fol- 
lowing is an extract from a letter written by N. St. 
Edwards, State Superintendent of Public Instruc- 
tion, after his return ftoni a visit to iliis soliool, in 
October, 185*V- 

Va Ap i. v.— We deem an apolo- 

"> du • p -i ■'■■ ii • for not issuing am p»pi i 

lime we promised, iinilliope thai thej will uol 
from UfU anavoidab •■ '■ I ol m (rill hi 


'th. matter was road} for the pnbHcel to some 

but we wcro under lite aeci 

■■■•■ for the bond whii Ii » 

i" strive. SVo axni ctod II in timo, 
md lu . . I, >ii win, -i 

'•■ disappoint aid m I [M inl 

without a Viad, \Vedonol hilend i" make this a 
«iii be punctual in publishing tho 
fiillowin as there will be m 

kind 1.. prevent oi di lay. 

i' i. to Publtshbbs— In behalf 
ofa reading room, which baa |nsl boon op 
■I,,- \|-, c.ui'.ll Seminary, %j Uie members of the 

..i.i r... 
■ aid .,i PubliMn 

nipph in- ir m 

lids of tl.n "v fl 

■■ their 
■ in the torn ivc mentioned ar- 

We • ., ofpj, 

.i and Mr M II m. 

T. Vf, Vuowxa, 

II. T. 

Id '.. 91 


Tub decision of the ense of Lane, 
the alleged Fulton Bank defaulter, hat 
been rendered by Fudge Osborne, who 
dismissed the complaint A complaint 
for false pretewjci was immediately 
preferred against hint, whioh is to be 
decided in a few dftj 9. 

. r.KAi. Waulbb has again started 
for Central America, with several hun- 
bred filibusters. They will probably 
be headed off. 


Advbbtibbubhts.— We would dlreel 

Ii n i" the fbllowli ■ ad 
rertispmenu, whioh bwj be Ii l iu ..... od\ ertis 

ing c >i i>\ . 

in Mil 
d to la- 
in" >'.!.■ '*..:..' 

.; (Ill "II. ... I 

Si u i ork • of the 

1 isuiuse capi- 

■ . i urance 
. .'. IUinoi« i 


w ill l - promptly paid. 
W* » • .J..-, i > 

COTI . . ■! I.', 

■ rail apoa Hi Oi is ui at onoi I 

... dolny ol one day i 


■ labor, 

i i'i isicai a, dcalai i D 

ii" idj Hade Clotl .i, flnm 

. . .1 and is coimtnntlj reeoh in 

. . 
ii. i i ■ ■ II ..i law 1 1 -iiiihi, 

i '..n..ii i.i. .. them ii cull. 

I. ti . , J, (ten in iu ,• Bonds, n..i-, 

. ie 
Store in Mii:.r- Bl 

Jonn it. i'h. rrujr, Wate iskei and J 
"Baird House. " 

II. BiTsaa, U thing ■ 

tbcmaelveaor friends will find ii 

advantage 1 1 call ..t his r > at he is 

taking them .u reduced pi loes, 'I I 

which be baa aequii 

ocuiary Ibut we further comment 

'I concur in the ..pinion expressed hv the Trus- 
tees of the Mi. I uitoII Seminary, thutthe locution 
of-tbia institution isonooftho most desirable in 
the West The Incution of the building is on an 

eminence o\ ■ and oi f the 

most beautiful prairies of tbe West, on the one side, 
.iii.l the liiieal scencn on the otlier. The arrange- 
ment of the rooms, furniture, and apparatus, will 
c- impure with anj otlier Institution In the Weat 
Their system Df instruction is such us will train the 
mind to process of thought and investigation. The 

a in.' well qualified to take chai 
iniii'.v of the highest grade, havii a Ibiish 

eil cducutiim in Hi . ' i ,,i Nen 

* oi k, h have been thoroughly educated 

and drilled in the art and practice of tea. 

...'.I foi 

i dcsencdlv high reputation. * * 

short risfl td tho Institu- 
tion, to -;,i,-.i\ in. that yoitt oiti en foi 

noil o' 
a In the country. I know of noplace I could 

ree ii. ill, i hly." 

Since the auove nattering, thoogh w.-li di 
letter wiiswriiieii, the ivie made improve 1 

• departniai ...1 with 

ili" "'Ii ' other like ii rtitutiona, apd it, 

ui present, as i ver. ranks with Uie best ll 
lulh under the control of the Principals, who are 

i 0} I, r.,i V . 

^ )l .: .i their advi H ■ mi at 

Ri ujikq Room.— Al the meeting of 

tbC "Hi . II. I. -:l,|. ; , e, on, lilt,,,., 

1 1 St ikirk, T W. b'lowor iujd \V. H. 

nluti pn 

m the next 

' the (.' ittee ..ii'.i.-.i i whiah 

ipfod : 

u iii , . w Cm 

Sociclv, s,.,. nnd lolli no 

prccial i,, Irrivi ,1 I, 

II II, bin thinking, in the saum li 


" i 1 '"" 1 i with Haiti in 

l"' 1 ', do, for the . tahlisliiiieiii of - ud ihioiii, etlupl 
llie folli and promise to be 

ive, lie- in in i."i- 

i i idernlion of tl t 

:,.-h aad 
ii. i rendinu room. 

irea members 



of this rmitii, siii.j.-, i to their owi . ut the 

same ti 

G be elected by bal- 
lot mil idiiptinnol 

ii "Hi in : a of the 

chosen ai tin term. 

flu - - uj< . i Ur. i ., . ,..;, }[,'. 

Ill" BIljlOl oil- |i 

r ■ I in ,i manner 

■ v ready 
for the receipt ol papers and periodicals, aud, on- 
th the leadin Iheday, 


II 'IH-III, M. I.'. 

: U li iters 

was .. i,.,.. ,in .i ,.i India. 

.. •»,,„ (ha Hellespont. 
Mj i. ■ . .. :. iaun a 


wai a i u ic- 

Mi ', . 

1 1, 13, no, was ii ('i iisadei . 

My I : . 1 1,. I !., .p. . , r 

■ ;. was ii I' 

ii-l, I'au-lot, 

M . n 
-il ili-1'eu.l. i el til I 

Mv then 

\ i- ti am ' ii LuI,.-. 

n\. r in A: 
■ a river in - 
Mi '... . ., htnithen Idol. 

Mi whole i- the name ■ 

i ,.,, 
M | ... I, . :\ :. in mm useful bi winter, 

MV II, |U, I, I-;, ,.,.1..|-. 

nd of meat, 

Mv IS, I 
M.i 1 1. I .'., [A, 

■•ii, by the KCiitlpmcn. 
Wy It one. 

Mv Whole Mas ,oi iii, p., 1 1. ml , ■ 

X 1 '. 
.,11.1 ( ■ 

— 1, to Hud 

../ 1-9 
the re! I y, 

i.-. how mi.. 

can feed 

ing In tl Iformh , 

now many on 


■or Uw S.micarj ndl. 

There is nothing perhaps that has 
been so abused and neglected as fe- 
male edneation. Is it not nt present 
neglected? We say omphlticalry that 
lti.-. tor while BHch -real a-1 vanta- 
ges are oik-red to man for obtaining a 
solid education which will be of some 
benefit to him in making his way 
through the world and give him . "Av- 
er and dependence upon himself, she 
has been confined to a few ornamental 

branches whiei | y nirikl . her mote 

dependent upon others. While he is 
permitted to roam at large through tho 
isive and almost boundless field of 
learning and phtek flowers wherever he 
°f n lli " 1 them, a narrow phth has been 
given herin whioh she must wall,, and 
itltbough ahe may behold bHossome on 
every side, she must not depart from 
the beaten road to oull them. Why 

uiu-t she see fruit, ripe, juev, and 

tempting her to reatJh lorth her hand 

i'i take, ami vet not be allowed to tl 
Why should she be doomed to bwoIIow 
t.n« ".iter rush and forego the sweet 
(eruei? There must bo gome ri . 

sun. l),,es she hot 
t!"' benefit, or is si l( 

wish to enjoy 

incapable? ' It' 

Al What til . the hours 1 an. I A "ill 

ur and mionic-hund 

LVll other. 

II in* point be taken in a cirolo. what »ill bathe 
mm ol the longtsl snd shortest Imes that can be 
draws within Ua- circle. 

tins in true why do we see so many of 

her sex continually stepping beyond 

their alloted limits ami irt>apaSsin»- upon 

fround? Why do thev disregard 

tl,e "i "" of the world, Rnd in spite 

"i them all go roaming smid the fi-a 
cranl plains? Would thev dn this an- 
less their desire was nottobe controll- 
ed, and tlner capability o{ enjoyment 
too powerful to be resist,.,! andsmoth 
ered? Then why is their education 
raited? Are they not as able to 
learn as man? Are their faculties not 
adapted for investigating the laws of 
nature. i.,r carrying on the process of 
reasoning necessary for the solution of 
an algebraic problem or the demonstra- 
tion ofa geometrical flgureifordlsoover- 
ing the prinoiples of language, for trans- 
posing, analyssing and translating il.e 
'•- Lei ii begrantedthat diaer- 
ent. faculties predominate in the male 
and female intellect. [« tliis any ex- 

'..,• not .i.vclo; • ; . ' J) 

they m.t. ui this reap diner in 

men? Do we not often ace an individ- 
ual who has the reason superior to the 
other faculties; another who has the 
udgmeill superior; while iu the third, 
the imagination is so strong that, the 
reason cannot steady it? .Hut this is 
not deem a sullieient cause for debar- 
Ing thos L . lrom cultivation who are de- 
ficient in some particular power or ca- 
pacity oi the mind when man is con- 
cerned, and why should it be in the 
Of the woman? There can be no 
plausible reason assigned, and there- 
fore We would urge parents to grve 

their daughters the same, advantages 
as their son. I>,> not consider that 
their education slu.uhl In- str'u-tlv con- 
fined to the fireside and in the kitchen, 
that their influence should esftend no 
farthi r than the home circle. Do you 
not wish your daughters to be orna- 
menta in the society in which they may 
he placed? Do you nut wish them to 
exert a good Influence on all around; 
that they maj labor for the advance 
meiit of education; that they maj be 

sinli thai others seeing their 

works my ho induced to educate the 

lint we have heard parents s«y the 
daughter's place is at home; that they 
should not in- allowed to write a poem 
or speak iu public. We humbly ask 
has woman no thoughts, no feelings be- 
yond the fireside; no earnest hopes to 
improve ami benefit the world? We 
say thai she has, and we can not see 
or understand why a woman may not 
be what (iiui and nature made her ca- 
pable of being. Many a woman spends 
live or six months in peacing a bed- 

quilt, in which (ihe join.-, togeather, in 
skillful arrangement, ten thousand hits 
ofoalioo in order that it might take the 
premium at the next annual fair. Par 
bettt r had she written a book in which 
high morality, pure Christianity and 
loving duty were portrayed upon' every 


T II i; S K M I N A 11 Y V> E L L . 

page, to oheer ami elevate the human 
heart for centuries to come, but per- 
haps she wan not granted the privilege 
of writing for the public Females 
should not consider, when they have 
taken a IV u- lessonsuponthepiano.paint 
ed n little,and hat e a Iaintidea6f French 
and Italian, that their education is com 
plated. These, alone, but feebly ex 
press the meaning of that momeutnus 
word, education. Like tlio apple that 
hangs upon the oak, lair, round and 
beautiful in its external appearance, but 
devoid of substance within, they serve 
as A ni"i'<; outward show, a cloak to 
hide the emptiness below. I, a. lies turn. 
we beseech yon, to the struggling bean 
that is burning to give out .the light 
and brilliancy within, but give Bonis 
of caution toyour sisters who aire wast 
ing away the energies of mind and 
body at the shrine of fashion. Turn 
your attention t" that nduejttion which 
leads Forth the undeveloped mind t 
unlimited height and surveys of the 
surrounding expanse of knowledge, 
while its pinions, as it wen., are still nn 
fledged, as the bird carefully instructs 
I,,.,- tender brood to put forth their en- 
9 to thobesl advantage, and plume 

their Wings for lofty and Still more In! 

iv exourstons. Thus cultivate the in- 
herent powers of thought, until it 
strength, by well regulated ex-rtion, 

to sustain it's flight with unwearied ami 
unfaltering wing, that it may roam far 
above the earth, and soar away through 
creation, making out new patlw through 
its interminable wilderness of inexhaus- 
tible wonders. 

Education draws forth latent ener- 
gies which, without its stimulating pow 
er, would forever be lormant. It arous- 
es the noblest purpose of the bou! to 
a high standard of elevntii n, and 
trains with vigilant care every branch 
of though! loi tpnnd in the proper >li 
reotion. E lunation is to the human 
soul what the sculptor is to the block ol 
marble. As the one brings forth to 

the view the statue iu all its synmietri 

oal proportions, which lay previous!} 
hidden in Ibo rule, imp ilislted block, 
so the other unfolds every 1 item per 
fbution "f Afc) mind, which would oth- 
erwise h.'.v remained f irever entomb- 
ed in n deep and undeveloperl obsouri- 
l.y. Yes, il is education which brings 
up the pearl from its hidden depths of 
the woild's chaotic ocean of untutored 
thought, and reveals its many beauties 
to the enraptured gaze of the admirer. 
It bursts "iien the rocky encasement. 
ami permit* the imprisoned brilliance 
ol' the mental 1'aeulties to aslouish the 
world. In short, it throws wide open 
the capaoioas storehouse of the intel- 
lect, and presents loview all its precious 

nnd priceless treasures. This is no 
overwrought picture of the effects and 
value of e location. The truth ol this 
assertion will stand out permanently 
in the (dear Hglll of oot.trast 

In oouulusion, we wonl I say to the 
I,, lies, pin le your standard on high 
grounds, and go on firm and unflincb 
inguptho nigged steeps of science. — 
lie encouraged to tod on in faithfulness 
and in hope, till, having finished yout 
course, an I being gathered t" the bora 

ol the righteous, you shall meet, multi 
tudeH instructed by your wise preoeptB, 
and profiled by your pure oxnmplo, who 

shall rise up ami call you blessed. 

(i . .. • aunoth Ihj Path i 

Sk ; 1 1.. •■. mt] ftowa to wrath ; 
v.i, the II 

tbj c iming 6ui i 

Onward I rl {hi onward; turn not-at 
\v i thouc s*ho tin [er, do not »bido | 
Tle'v irhn mould low thoe with ttii i 
Borneatb - 

"What onl i each ia thei ■ Ilia, 

v. *fu 

i ■ . - - I tors A I 

Wi: "i Hi a lair I 

tor ilw SaaiiuaiyJMl. 


All thai ".no a in i 

And in iniirii ig« Inollnn, 
Ii' in i Iinvii iliil Hernial) ' 

Sow rtou'i ihroiiKli ' i 

jgrWiien is a liivi«rtikea tailor ?- 

When In- presses his suit 

It was winter. Before a cheerful 
■ire sat an aged mail ill a lonely medi 
tatioD. Tin' curtains fell In heavy folds 
to the floor, casting ad air of comfort 
over the room, and eaoludiugthc piere 
ing cold. STet a treiaor passed over 
the frame of the old man, as the Rtol m 
without fell Upon his ear. "lam thank- 
ful I have shelter on well » night as 
this," .said he, drawing his easy ehnii 
near to ihe lire ; "Woe to the w retch 

that roams abroad in such a stoim." — 
Phen musing for some time, be i 
pacing the room, ami ever and anon 
pausing in deep thought,which at lengtl 
found expression: Death is a fearful 
thing to contemplate at any time, 
but m such a season as this, methink.- 
I would Btruggle bard I'm- life. To be 
placed deep in the frozen earth, — no! 
the herself seems to stripe to - prevent 
the act) ami winds her robe of snow 
over her breast to prevent admittance 
within. When 1 'lie may it be in tin 
bright and joy. .us springtime, when 
all nature is fresh and gay. "But, hark I 
-iiicly 1 did not hear a knock, for who 
would venture, out. on BUeh a nil 
Ami opening the door, be saw before 

i a young girl, who beggi d for shel 

ter in accents to en ite pit} in the hard 
est. heart. The appeal H as enough for 
the kind hearted old man ; and draw- 
ing her within the room he gave hi r l| 
seat near the lire, and tried to revive 
her drooping frame. After she had so 
far recovered as to answer his inquiries, 
she told him .she was a lonely creature, 
with no friend in the world ; she had 
lOamcd about from place to place living 
on charily; she bad never known (fath- 
er or .Molina- or relative. The old man 
.-till dwelling upon the subject which 
had for sometime occupied him, asked 

Iter il death Would Hot lieu welcome 
messenger to her, as she had nothing 
for which to live, and no one eared li r 
her, — would she not be willing to die 
ami be at rent! "O, ask me not to 

iive up life. It is sometimes bl'iglll 

and joyous, (it the lovely summer, the 
dowers are my I'rieil Ll'als speak 

i . in., hroi • s aiifl tie n I w an- 

der orth to ihe green u Is ami hie 

s oil Bweetm js. I Hi, no ; 'youth is uu 
nme to die. 1 " 

Months rolled on ; the spring appear- 
ed gradually bright, the birds reji 
on every boilgU, and all nature smiled 

to welcome the blithe goddess, Sprit g, 

I'.ut the old man had loUIld new li 
omd Still) to earth. The houseless w an- 
h.-rer was now as a daughter to llilll, 

his interest in lierwas loo strong n 
bond to be easily broken It w 
hard to leave the world now as iu the 
cold ami dreary winter-, age .-■ i moil 
but to Btreugtlien the lovo of life, nl- 
rh youth was withered, ami u 
:. yet "lite ! lift only was his di - 

- ii G . 

Spring passed, and sumr.u'r with its 

mild and balmy air, visited the i 

I'm- maiden smiled in gladn ■-- ol heart, 
and the old man rejoiced ill her 1 1 - ■ | | . i 

ness,for she threw joj and blu 

her happy laugh rung upon his ear in 

Wild lUld i r\ peal-, as -he watched 

the Bight of the gay butterfly, and her 
swael song arose upon thouir as she 
tended her birds, and watched thu open- 
ing of e.c)i bud to the light, 

'I hue flew s« iftly by ; yel tin 

man and maiden u ere as fondly al 

ed tO the earth as in il- i ,ie. — • 

Dtuth gained new hori 

on advanced ; t heir sum mer |iaths wen 

strewn with flowers. "It was no timi 
io die." Autumn with its parole grnpc, 
an I '!"« nj peat h, and | '.. nsnul nutting 
lime, look tin inei . and 

brought Willi it Ihe I - and joy- 

uusness of cool air and freedom of the 

oppressive heat ; tic little inaideli trip 
ped through the dry leaves, and cl 

the squirrel with nluinsA its own swif'- 

u.-ss ; then til" O will 

em-is, she bounded !'-• ek t" the side "i 

the old man, as he sal Under the v me- 
at his door, making glad his eves with 
herb: e, and his heart 

grew young again in her light 

nilS mirth; both little thought of Death, 
I I arth lia>l clothed llOl'fioll in a robl 
of brown and dry haves and hid till 
-elf from the eye of man, — she seemed 
not to wish for Iranian company in this 
her time of change. Winter again re- 
turned : again we Bee the "Id man sit- 
ting in his easy ehai ihe bl i.Lilit 
ind glow ing fire; but he is not the soli 
lary being he was helorc, for beside 
him i.- one in ihe Hrst blush of youth 
and grace. She is no lunger the gaj 
and noisy child ; she is no less lovely, 
iioLss happy, but a deeper ihonuht steals 
over her face, and ■■< heavenly radiance 

sits lipiin her . as she l.ciid- 

over tin- book from * hich, in accent* 
ot deep reverence, she n aids the word 

nf God to the old man. 

What thm!; they now of death f — 
The faces of both look more restrained, 
the Holy spirit sheds lis light upon tin- 
way which leadt'tll to tie- grave; il tie 
I' seems dark and lonely. The old 
rnnn received the guest into a heart 
which had -//></<,-- been the lesidencc 
of kindness and charily. The maidei. 
now drooped daily, bill sin- mi |i 

thought it hard to give up lite ; and 
when the cold blast swept over tin 
eal lb. and ihe robe of (HOW pn\ ' lopi d 

it, with robes unless white, she wai 

received into Is bosom. Then 1 

ed tic old man, "when is the time Io 

" \ ImiK . ■:,!: brow, 

'•And r>c ii - l\il n u bis brantn ; 
.\: a (tola 

A Minlf, a I Klk <lo iuQ ; 

'Mi U ni'!' " 


nr it.- Bvmlnaij Dell. 

Two classes ol motives present them 
■ io our inluds, iiml prompt us ;. 
righi motives, 

AcIimioiI I > y one class of motives, wi 
•Io right Incause it is ri^hl ; we ehiiom 

lie right tor Us ins a siil,'-. Aciini; Iron 
ti, e oiher class ni motives, we 'i<> ri^ti 

n.ii we may accomplish so hend 

A - I BUI is i;iiod in ilsi It, wlu-lher II 

iq proiupti il by proper ur ioiprnpei mn 

iviv ; bill Ihe BIIIOUIll Ol reul (food ttlllcl 

-. 1 1. .in ii. dc/peodn i'-it nines upm 
.in- iiiniivc. l-'m Insi hoc, u i- out uut) 

•. all per-inis III Ull I \ . Bllli vv e lli.i \ 
'in o l\ tin- like sak'.' of sceuiin- 

ihc'r ap;e ubstion. 

By i.. ing kind and courteous we | 
ihcin, ..a. i thereby remler to ihem v>nai 
itiey hs»u a i ighl 10 . ■ .;>. el ; bill II 
is ihe same amount "'. Iisppini iscunlerr 
.-il upon I In: id, nor is Ihe ulfeci upon nui 
«w in.) so ennubling as ii would be, ii 

.In- i i c wi iv pare. 

We i.u.;iii iii contribute to the comfort 
n| lie- .. ill, etc, i ,i n . I destitute, so fir its it 
i^ in our power. We may .ii 

duty l*y 1 1 1, it set, though good in u 

-.•ii, ».- may in- siruugtheulng tbu cord* 
iiat hind us lu , vain-glury Ing 

ind niiier selfish passions, In i 

CO ol III.. UlUlb .■•. Iliil i;..\ .a ll il-. 

h i- duly in improve ihe mind Ihst 

1 1. ..I his gjl in ii :, u nn all possible ililh 
, .. a,' u.- ni \ RXufl nillselves 1(1 
.lie IllinOSl mill \ Bl if BClUBII 

r 1 1 \ sullish moiivi a Ami. in a h 
point ot new, we may atiuln >" ail the 
\ ullenoii ".• desire, but "ill tin- bod I In 
eon. .1 ..- : dthfully .i~ it would be, II 

i i: ll lehe BS, ami the glory 

lor, were Ihe i tiling nioiiwo sfompl 
nij; ihe .ni | We know ii will ant The 
- .ni cm in. i progress in guodness, unles> 
a he guverned by the eternal prin 
•I i iglii. l.vei i Lima m I- aoi io. .a an iin- 
|iiii-c iiiu(i\ i|n»l i l.i.l ami oiii 

■ m n s...iis, an. i thereby desci n I siiii tur- 

... i lain a III.- i,| see-aalii y, Whioh, It 

lollun i to ■' death iu nil unit i- 

i'.n .- i good ; whlls every act ihst »i 

in ii.iai a ii ue 0. nine, elevates "-. 

• i.i- in. a- link ni thai goldi n chant 

i binds us io lbiln. • -. 

n ; an. I allies mn- nature in ih.u oi 

, h ho .I., perfectly ihe will o i 

' rod. When we oease io live flif svll, 

ni I act ti mil the In.: | III ot right, 

n. all IIIOIl;-. " .' -hall be^ol llle li ;, 

I'heii, uuJ nut 1:11 then, will we be 

orl . ii t us make Ihe 

.i ii. Let us oiitiiiu iii..- highest 

•i .is designed to give. I..' 

. i. .,.'. ..:: • a b itiuns by ihe motives. 

inr thus God » ■ igh< llii-ni. lb- 

. on tin. outward sp 
, but liud loekclh upon tin 
Ilea. J. C. 

h.. grnmikrj Belt 


Six thousand years Bg", th* chusn for 
aappinesa began. Six ihousnnd years 

. ii iins i, i.i ami crazy » urld endure 
so I. 'ii.:. ili-ii chase will no) be ended — 
An. i, m all ilo.-e roniiiiii's. the millions 
•aIio have roiled out their lives in search- 
ing, not one bus found ihe object of bis 
-e.iich. Most strange, tlii.i lure uiui 
here, and everywhere, the hods of mm- 
..hv tallow ihe phantom silll, liopii 

incur 1 1, a ti. ii in then a nns. hoping Will) all 

Irsiliies, to obtain what no; 
i.i ghiesi t.'-e nor lalrcsi luriune 
unnied "I ail ihe eariti rnnlains. is 

llapp'io'ss ah. in- worth limine, ami the 
milv ihillg n IDl hare But who, 

though ho believe it tun inr all ihe world 

. belies is ii lor himaeli ! Each 

mil HWaltf tli^ day-dawn of Ins dream — 

. nn svalur Irom Heaven. Strong 

sinews streleb. hrai espiriia strive lh rough 

.eiililiil iiml nun clioiieil yenis. In il.i-p 

b" limn ol Happini'SK, ami on her bosom 
i. ii. I ihelf recompenses, upon her lips 

In ir balm. 

A sirauji ,i« Id tlsion is this happiness, 
which mcib on nnn. as lt-gends say, dues 

on., inn. s "Luna's light." Prom child 

I-, years, it flashes nn Iheir sleep, and 

■ nihi'ir waking eyes, and clothing wiih 
es -in i n some Ion I Weal shape, they 
trow mi » M'i with iheli days' sad U 
ing, hui wedded more and mine unto 
iheir Idol. Boy'i Bge snil manhood » 
prime iirrive ami go, an I I .■ 1 1 j halt 

iieii.bliii" limits i nine on npiiee. The 

i» us brighl to grey senility, us 
Allen the bee drew Its young l«»oi 

h i li i Rowers, ana A Israel hys ins 
Irigld hand an lips that moved almost 
• n in ii i nn i .i oi that ei 


A lull, deep sadness dwells within the 
hnughl, ibar none, since Edon Moomed, 
however great their Nirugglea and capec- 
iiies, hnwevki pun ilieu- lives ami gene- 
rous iheir hearts, han- found what could 

iiiiike beiii}; aeautilid and birth B vision; 

rtlmt ilu'v I'mewi at all else io gain 
■ lily could In, il. .ii — thai eye escaping. 
-ell saaie lbi| pin 

"1'is sweet ami goed Io I rpe, the wmks 
■I wisi'.iiu) tell ; but when Hope poinlstO 
some niiiiii;e. or brings hot calenline, 

wherein ihe cicilm seeks to press bis 
'.uriiii.j: |. et upon the velvet turf, and is 
nngulpned beneath Ihe treacherous wave, 
h seems tu me not wise or welt, Hope, 
pointing to Happiness with radiant and 
iii'ii.o i ,) ti ii itir, i! ••• . ii • la, 

• 'i-ii mulling » In ii' ma, at il into 

dia I l.ibx i iu-.Ys .-nui mil. lit lakes, ami 

over lowering neks where desolation, 

.1 oi i n ils anil deaths are I i|e, I he co mil less 

ihrmigi are berne iu their ton warm pur- 
-mi oi inal most myatlu myth, first shap- 
ed by love bpiI lashioned by desire. 

Wen- ii noi I., ir r. iln ||, il man grew 
iillusethof skeptical of Happinpss ' 
■-, io- nilghi be ri sigm •'. ihe - 
io tin- ledinm toils ami trials ol this lite! 
- king, he would le. I Ipss olten dis- 
appiiiiunieiit's dart. Not to hope or think 
.a Happiness, miiBt be wiser than to hope 
for Ibei » hich nevei w. s, as 'tis - 
[ileasanl to never know a flower, than 
i hi uk io gather Woodbine -alien- only Ibis- 
lies are. 

\ -. insurrection took place at Harp- 
er's (Terry, through the agercy of a 
man named Brown, who had played a 

very prominent part in the HTnnsns ag- 
itation. He desired to aid the slaves 
ining their liberty, and in doing 

I a few white men, and ne- 

, with the intention of carrying 
his plan into operation by toroo, it 
he. Troops were rent, from 
Charleston and Shepardstown, who 
hue (he insurgents to the armory. — 
Here they defended themselves until the 
building was stormed by the mat 

Brown, the leader, was among the pi Li- 
onel's taken. He hadreoeived a si during biie affray. Upon him 

letters were fo-and from various indi- 
viduals at the North — Fred. Douglass, 

Serritt Smith and othovst lie was ta- 
ken to Charlestown, where he was 
tried for rebellion, fonn 1 gsilty, and 
sentenced to be baa-.: d « Friday, ilia 

2d of 1 h . ni b .-i- next. Many Bl 
who were . I in the insuino-tion, 

have | I. and some ai e still 

awaiting iheir trial. 







Not. many oeotnries ago (lie Indians 

were the ■ s ol thia continent, 

of which we are so proud. They were 

led with friends and 

. ! every other comfort that 

Win i for the enjoyment of 

They also had their hnnt- 

i r muds thai yielded them an ahun- 

harvest, whichnever failed. They 

li 1 1 '' (or their shell ei . a i 

which they w 

iter. They had the 

almost boundless prairie for 

retreat, where they whit- 

,:iy the many happy hours, in 

oontetnplal I ■ ■':.■■■ of the stir- 

ry. Thene then existed 

:i feeling of safety within tlieir boi 

hoy arc now deprived. They 

i : i ■ i i irty chase with 

ity and delight, little dreaming of 

h they were 

in ; i ■ i . is- whs ended, 

ih dr return with lighl 
anil rn-i i-v I. .nl --. .it game After (his they 
■ mil the camp-fired, when 
lh*y mill'.'' ir in lo» n anil li n urn- 

ny as one 

a S M |r bai ■ ..'H • md Imper 

t.--i. i i.i ■!• iii ■ ii.iiih' ni hi, Oreai 

! him alter their nv, " man 
; • ndoi "■! i" superstition 
• most Implied con 
ih,' i'. , ■ ■ : •", I- 1 ,-.! , B>nd, bv iii" p«r 


h ii ; ion ni i h dispute, 

whether the I ndi ins were as happy « race 
i v 'inbii tunaiel) 
t,i them hat .' 1 1 1 «- 1 1* successors -- 
a 'i I ni • nl thai principal arguni ini* 
iii up in ntij ■■■'.inn, in which many 
(■•in .1. 1 1 r ,ii titlRHni i" destroy their hap 
pines*, is, i'i i' I enl M ibea were 
I in war m nil una an 
niiiri . upon I'Hiii 
ling their a sr w on ■ 
i -.nil y combat ; thai Bve- 
i o, lull, valley ,i ml plain bad » ii 
,1 ihwir furious struggle, and were 
■ami by 1 1 1 - i i- hiMiu blood ; thai 
in.iiiv ,i victim expired without a groan 
ami I the p pains of i 1 "' 1 consum- 
ing i'ii". t»r loll l> 'i 'Mih ih" itplilied tom- 
ahawk. And olien bavo these been ad 
ih i ei' 1 1 by Hi" vindicators of the hrel sal 
tiers' lame, to Slimv ih" miserable condi- 
tion of i he Indiana, and prove tnal it wan 
■ in.- who! 
I iprtve iii'- ni nt their lands Bui 
his In (ii exploded, lor, whethur 
thi'v were happy nr not, would notjusii 
lv others in ibe p«rformonce "I an un-ie- 
wrong, and ih" transgression nl 
i-\ "i \ I, in: . iii" I. ni'. And. il the 
ins did pass much of their lime in 
ire, has ih" while mail mi blond ol 
his t'ellnwmcn upon his hands for which 
he mil have lo answer. Thefai * bat- 
tle li.'iil* thickly stlautud over the face i 
Europe, where many were murdered, 
,'• mora i hi n ever lell before Ibe In hatchet, sp ■ - > Is too plainly to he 
•■■ii They pi with a sad 
ami il cture ni misery, and tell 
us that thousands upon thousands ol im 
inu i.ii souls have been hurled without n 
a moment's notice, into the bottom loss 
pir, merely In ial sfy dm poalic ambition 

And having I i u ■ ,, si !,| we not 

iii. i.i iii,- Bame conclusion in rafereno 
in iho while man as lo ihe Inilian, thai 
Ihoy alsoaru an unhappy race. Hut has 
this been ihe opinion ol pasi ain-s, mi, I 
Ith our experience. 
B ii alas, where bow is the Indian, the 
happy Indian, who unco lived and loved 
in i hose plains ! il" has gone. Hi 
mill- happy fireside is now deaoli 

mats, that afforded him an ample 
■belter, have fallen before Ihe a*" ol lh< 
white in. in. Tin- groenand verdant pral 
ries have becom • blackened by tho plou 

and harrow The name, which oi 

• region, has p 

away with the native hunter. The u 

i ih"m boih. They have 
leit the merciless band ol Ihe destroyer. 
The Indian his way slowly and 

sj.'.iv toward tha dissi lippl, across which 
he nmv paasnd. and aheltera under 
the massy i high peaks of the 

rucky mountains, Here be will I 

abort litae, and thou again con n h hi 

ieno'y pilgrimage toward ine W 

ocean. His doom is sealed, his dealing 

fixed. No hand I's can avert the 

power which is hurrying him on. 

he »i!l reach Ihe terminus of hiscooti- 

n'-nt, beyond which he rani 

II. -r- a sure destruction a wails him. li 

maybe deterred, but it will surely come 

An avenger ison his track, which no mor 

ml has yet been able to escape. 

PttrUwBmtnij Hill. 

a true Iriend II cheering to the soul. Our 
very unto; lean! mated with 


, overcome by fatigue and the musi be. wreiehe iscluci 

UV6 hcai, 1 sunk down upon a has caused tbcm to be Iriendl 
grassy mound, and soon fell into a deep 
Bleep, And as I slept, I saw in my 
dream a high hill forming a dark out- 
line agaiust the horizon, on which was 
a great multide of people. On the top 
ol the hill was a beautiful temple celled 
the "Temple of Science," surrounded 


Oh, yes! I know you rememl,. 

old fire-place, una Ihe old log Urandpu 

put in it. And. (Ion ' t -r the 

cheerful blaze i i il lighted up the r i ! 

by a magnificent garden which was Tl 

filled will, every variety of shade trees ,,i '' ,ir ' unh l " ,r " 

and rare plants, cedars from Leb- J!!^',"*' ■"" 

on, ; ,,swe,' I sn',,m.,e..i:,,,,,,, 1 A,,y;-;:-;; l i !- ! ;; L 

*nd Ol art u,« nail By ih • Iii 

vnii ul nil Ih.- Worms n| nl. 

Ihink, and ulsu ju-i u hi: kind ol an 


How it rained . nil i,.- ilion 

would blow ihe nit! house ovi-r. Now le 

Is I hill;; lis h >a 

md I ha i he rn-i er H glii of shoes m 

ami grapes culled by the 

i'roni the choice Spain 

and Italy. All nations 

"'1 soineth :s garden, and its 

mane was the "Garden of Literature." 

Directly in front oi the temp 

crystal fountain called the "Fountain 

,,(•- |f, , ,,,,,, , . , »"« mat »e never uwughl nl anoea ul 

"' Knowledge, the waters ol which , kl „ KS . Allll . laugitan,: 

were pure and sweet, lo this foun- ibe sparkling ... could icli 

tain there was bnl one steep rugged that he loved in-inlk to you of old is, 

path called the "Path of Industry. — Don'i you remember little blauk 

fin. si- who set out to attain to it must s slrr ' ,! ■'• " ll11 "sed to climb up 

endure innumerable hardships, trials Grandpas kin-a, and hear him tell whai 

»Bd deprivatione, and often contend ^""h ."i'i.^ u " '! "" s "1 , '' '' T' ! 

vithpeiran and want. On each side up, when be would lell ..b 

'" \ ,w I 1 "* 1 ' "' Industry were other party, or a excursion 1 Tu-„. 

paths called tho paths ol "Ease and when his storv Was llni h 

Pleasure," which appeared smooth and slldedownl , umi bid him 

to travel, so thai many were !"","' "'Klit, " s il ' gol 
tempted to turn aside, tliuiking to find 

a shorter way. Those paths terminit- 
ed in a groal nttmbor of Bmaller 

b ii. 

tiid don'i you remember thai Grandps 

*as !■ .'in- mm iiiii^', umi 

'""'N Iboti] in he would hi- iv ell by eveniug ! 
amongwltohwaa Lnxurj and Idleness. Eve gcamo.-he was wi 

I linse 

iso who once entered them were in that nappy world where no one 

drawn Irrosistab'y forward tothevor- "I am sick or In pain." Q I pawn 

■isiiii-, from which there a as Huavi n 



edflfo and 

o escape, While those wlto kepi ihe """' lonuiaud follow it to iho grave, does 

teeti and rugged path were amply re- " , " n ; "'" " *" ""' '",>' """" "'" 

aidf for all their privations, when they CJ^ " u " '' ' ; - """" S^ff*" 

wlreaohedthe r tain of Knowf l6m ^^.^ F^ota fiat. 

miafred its sweet ws 
which are delightful to the tnste and 
imparl strength ami vigor tn the mind. 
"Knowledge is uower," ami 

Kur K,.||. 

"Ficnnotrs EEADINU." 
We hear a greai deal said, bi the pre« 

who drink from the inexhn'uauble fin* !«-! ' 1 , ;,y ' "!:"•" ■'"•ataiuos re-ding ; ; ' 

,„•„ .-,,,, , ii. . il' i-i- mi Hi,- mind (cc 1 In-n- ,n , iiinnv 

tain offue know edge "are strong to ,,„„„,, ,,,,,,„..,,,,., „, h1 ,,„.,„„„ 

do and In Miller, ami are also able l,, by no means, ih • 

iiiiuorilj . umi 

t an important influence overoth- not al 

■■is. ; 

yal road to learning," l " r; 3 i present time, mere an 

ii"iitly step by step, never once looking any great extent One loses ail taste i 

back or allow himself to be discour- 
aged. Hut with his eve (irmly lived 

on the distant goal, press eagerly for- 
ward, until at last he shall have reach- 
ed the door of the temple ami receiv- 
ed the 'Mural wreath" which is the true 
crown ofexcellence. "Ci.akk." 

I'", ttu Bmhttrj H.ii. 

There seems i" be innate In ihe b 
ni every man a longing for enmmunion 
with .1 kindred spirit, This leeling is aol 
iisiiiii-resii-il, bul reciprocal li requires 
ihai iis much should be given bi received 
The ilea winch eminate from one twiil, 
must enelrele the other, nr ihe emotion 

will in. i be lasting. There si be com 

Him) joys and ton owe, to unite ihem In 
firmer band* Beorets musl be imparted, 
in shmv Umi they phi.-- implicit confi 
i nii-ii. and iiik" pleasure in the welfare 
ni each other, li musl not be a mere 
Damiog regard fa hideaway as soon ;is 
di'-ir intercourse ceases, bul a deep inter. 
• si which will continually increase in 
strength, Bnd withstand the rude blnsisnl 
i raity li must exclude everything 
it a sensual nature, and be refined and 
luvated. It must gush forth unchecked 
'■ >• the conventionalities ol society, warm 
md spontaneous Such n friendship as 
ihis binds pi raons in an indissoluble 
union which nan nnl beaevered without 
loiug .i lasting injury. What anaulsh 
ills the soul, when those with whom we 

i:i(: ilium I 
" ii o veil an I 

mill, i reading — that which improves aori 
itrengthenK the mind ; their ideas oi 
ihinga being so overdrawn, so unreal, 
that ii seems very dry, to come down lo 
tacts us they actually axial ; and it is ool 
at all strange thai ii should seem so. 
They have hern au accuslo , "<ied lo look- 
life, ns it la pictured In the 
romances." whiuli they have 
read, that il Is natural tha: their 'over- 
wrought fannies" should lose all la 
liking for ihu truth. To come down tu 
ihe "stern realities of life," it Is not quite 
eeablc, alter "soaring aloll in the 
clouds," and reveling iu "untold dreams 
ni ibe futurw," of "a little paradise on 
earth," a romanii^ spot, hau bidden bj 
shrubbery and vines, where they pan 

dream away their lives, Ire.: I loin , ill cure 

nr trouble, &c. 
Nmv, ihis is all nonsense, sickly seti 

im-nt.iiisiii, and tudi m il Suets ol "nov 

oi reading." It gives us false ami mis- 
taken views "i me, whiah Bonietime, 
sooner or later, we will li ml mil lo our 
sorrow. Readiqg which tends tocuili' 
TBieand enrich the mind, is alike stale 
■nil rapid, in short, the tendenej 
"iiaiitious leudiog" is to degrade the 
whole human nature, it indulged in tn 
any extent E. S. 

A I.awyku's Oath. — The lollowtng oath 
admimaterod to » legal gentler 
admitted to Ihe li;.r, passed ibe M 

clins,|is Sen, ilc by ii vnlc nl |H to 3 : — 

Yon solemnly iweor Ihai ymi will do 

in. lalsehosd, nor consent lo inn doing ol 

Hav inuled, and to whom we have eon- 1 any in court ; yoa will not wittingly or 

li.led ih" secret motives ol ilm heart, 
lalse and Judas like, cause ns to 
'.ill ,i prey io iheirtreachervand unprin- 
cipled con luct. A more pernicious mo 
ive cannot be fostered In the 
l'Mit, iii. iii iliui termed deception. How 
i' pugnanl lo Ihe sight is one whom we 
know 'o be deeply tainted with deceit, 
"Nose exterior presents tho most sublime 
appearance ol genuine friendship. Bul 

willingly promote or suu any lalse, ground 
less or unlawful suit, nor give your aid 
or consent in ih" stme ; you «iil 
im man tor lucre nr malace ; and you 
will conduct yours nil within the oil 
an attorney within the courts, according 
lo the best of your knowledge and discre- 
tion, ami with a M good fidelity, us well tu 
aula as lo your clients.— So help 
you God. 


What is death? This is a qui 

.lien been asked, and ilm res- 

many has been, It is 

.1 slopping ol ilm breath, a cloning of ihe 


er .-in i ; i . . u ( ,. x . 

l.tni in me, Umi thing 

">■• •■ in tin word death li i- ihe break- 
ing ol loiul ties, o severing ol those links 
ich all Ihe relations ■ unit 

ml Who his ii ul iiiin '.ii'iui 

! Who ii is i, m f.d b. wed a lather, 
r, a broth 

I.ISl long | ■ i. . . ,.,|,|; ( . 

ill 111 one win. Bi-.. i..\ 
w iiii di and ihose n no ••<■■■ ul Imv 

I, which 
I id smund ihi |, has 

I y bis cfi; 

i is been among litem, end p r- 

i-ft l-ir.- 
1'lnit liii.lcsi l hlighlpd, mi I 

:i nl. . m • in mourn [i |> 
■ in lime io lime, wi .1 ii[i- 

•m io pay ihe leal tribute t>\ <■ spoel io 
hose to ii limn ue are endured bj 
iii a of naliiie. As we Bee ili-m con 
"d to ihe silent tomb, who Sin describe 
aguish which ImratM like a lor- 
'"ni over ihe soul .' li is ihen th 
euiled lip, In long rovlew, ihe many in< 
' Iho p isi, [i is I hen Ho. i ilmir 
virtues ihejr various act* "i kind- 

. | scnic. Ill" 

"imr, . breast, an i iho lam hind 

look, all pi-cs.'iii il, ■in-. -lies 

I hen ii is in.,! «, • shed ibe 

unavailing luar, and inter Ibe unheard 

Bul why all ihUl Why thus 

■ni" " .it ih.. providences' oi sn all. 

■ ml ! We should ever remember 
in .! these preclou • gi fn - h ive been laken 
• way by the samn hen t ihai gave ihem ; 

■ ml Ih ,1 we li.ivo tl, 

uing ihem again up m ih»ihea,vftn 
"gun • the way 
"i all ihu sarin." 

His i.ii.s ,Ti not: _ The fnllnwingamuiing 
•in oeeurred in Itoxbury. M n ■ : 

A Inl. ivlmni no ivill ,. :1 l| I'. I,. r . pbiyed 

■in .in irmii sohnnl, and wishing an eseuse 
im ii'-x t duy, altered nter an old note 
which had heon uswl on a Inrmuroei 
I'nrn similar purpose) by expuneing the 
.i.i dare and lubsniutiuc thn presoni Tho 
iiastur imim ilmtidv (I li irk and 

ii 'Im nl (he sell g 


rriuidi, lb. then told Peter he *on|<l 
him in th.' aisle lor half an hour, to ret|<<el 

Upon ibis, and be bis rue;; jmbn is in 'Im 

punishment due thuotTeiiee The hdf 
hour having elapsed, the whole school was 
called t" ti>o"thnd posiiion''— the nttiitude 
nf attention — and the teaohur said : 
"Now, mi- yon yourself .iiii the judge in 

Irs COG ' : « Il il is your ileeisinn ! ' 

Peter hesitated a lite'e, then, hanging 
down his bead, pronounced In a whining 
mne the following Impartial verdict : 

-Why. a- its ilm first time. I think you'd 
battel lei the poor fellow gol" 

Ri-.m wtii.w.t.r. WmiKs. — Klveab was 15 
miles huig, fl wide md 49 miles round, with 

11 wall ion feet high and thick enough For 
throe ehariots abreast. Babylon was 60 

miles witldll the Willis, which ivrr.i ".". feel 

thick, and 800 fee:]high withluulinizci) 
I ii'- i he temple oi Diana, ai Ephosus, 

i ii i-i to the support of the rool i it 
woi one hundred v. Mrs in building. The 
lai nest of thn pyramids Is 481 feet high, 

.; mi the m.Ics -, iis base covers elev- 
en in ins ; tlie stniii'i urn .iIh.iii 30 Icct in 
length, and the layers are 308; it employ - 
i 000 men in' building. Tim Laby- 
rinth In Egypt onntaim nun ahamberi end 

12 hulls. Thebes, in Egypt, presents rains 
■J7 miles round, sad LOO gates. Carthage 

■ miles round. Alliens was 20 miles 
mini I. ami onntsincd 880 000 ' 

i ilavna. The lemble of Delphos 

r!eh m donations that it was plun- 
lored nl tS.OOO ooii. ami Nero earried 
■way from ii 200 itatues The walls of 

Ruuiu were 13 miles round, 

An Iitisu I, oi i. 1 1 ■ ■: —Oeb, Paddy ! 
•Wato Paddy, it' I was %• .•'< i- daddy, I'd kill 
yo with kisses intirely ; il I woi \>-\v broth- 
er, an I likcivi-o yo'er imober. I'd see that 
ye wont In I. I'd airly To taste ol v>Vr 

incath, I'd starve to death, and lay off me 
hoops altogether ; to joosi have a tisto of 
mi on mo waste. I'd larfat the man- 
■ •st of weather. Dear Paddy bemifle, me 
own swiiin volontine — ye'll find me both 
gilltle and civil ; our lives wo will apind to 
■hi lleganl hid, and care mat go dance wid 
tho diril. — Biiiuoet. 





f — 


Tire House of Bishop; h.»« refusal 
to reinst'Uc Bishop Onderdonk, even 
on the condition of his resigning his 

THE favorite of tlie Sultan's harem 

Kor ilia tantnuj Bell. 


Who i» fliers in tlii* world that ex 
i-ris no influence? There i* no man, 
however bumble in lite, who does not, 
in :i greater or less degree, exercise 
some power over those in whose socie- 
ty ho mingles. If it be good, it will 

has eloped with an Italian, tha director .;_.;.; ,| 1( . m ;„ 1 1 n • ii- efforts toward hon- 
of the music ateourt, and carried off j or, nobility and fame; if evil, i t will 
:i ll the golA ■ &c, which the help to degrade andJunfit them forjhe 

companionship of the upright and just, 

sultan had given her. 

'I'm: cricket match betti een the En- 
glish and Amaricaiia, came oil', result- 
ing in favofofthc former. It might 
have been expected, for this is the na- 
tional frame ot* the English. 

Letters have been received from 

and sink them into the very do] >hs of 
vies and wretchedness, toalowte eve* 
again ascend those mistaken steps, And 
regain that position which fliej former- 
ly held. Hut had it not been for this 
pernicious influence* they might have 
been occupying some important sta- 
lil'e," and proved an ornament 

habit has placed its fangs upon them 
and finally becomes the destroyer nl 
all that is worthy ol admiration and re- 

turn n 
Utah, confirming the previous report and blessing to the country in whicl 
of the horrible massaoreol emigrant*, they lived. Instead of this happy re- 
by the IndUps. Robberies andoutra- suit", they have been led almost itncon- 

. i r . sciouslv farther ami larlher Iroiii tin 

ces continue to he frequent occurren- " '•: "' . .. ,;„,.•,,„ 

8 ' oath ot rectitude, until some \ iscious 

ces m the I erritory. 

Tut: prize fight between Australian 
Kelly and Ned Price, took place at 

Point Alino, on the Canadaaide oi *l>ect Viewed witboontempt and Idis 

Lake Erie. Tl,e vicorv WHS won by B«ft lhe ? 8 ™ 1 " :,,, "" 1 ™* «}^J \> 

- all then- former associates and mends 

Price, in eleven roomie. ^ _ W)iy this deplorable end? Ah! it was 

The remains of Sir John Franklin that" delusive and seducing influence 

have been discovered. On the north- which coiled around them and made 

west ooaetof King Williams Island, a them what we now behold. Reader, 

i c -i" , <•„„ .i „t i , i,o i did vou ever think ol your influence; 
record was! id, stating that »e had ^ ^ „,„,,,„;„ froIn eVe ry 

died, June i ith i- glance of the eye, from every word 

Ox the 5th, the funeral service was uttered bv the li| », every act of your 

performed oyer the remains of the late life, there goes forth an mesistalilc 

American Minister to France, Hon. Mr. POWer which has an , lied „„ those 

,, ,.,, . , . i. . , around vou? Olter when you are not 

Mason. lie- body was mine „„,„.„,;,, „ r ,, ]i: „ y0 „ ,|,,, „,l,ers are 

sent to this country. 

Mrs. 1Iai:i;ii-:i I!. SXOWB, who has 

receiving impressions winch may effeel 
their destiny both for time and eterni- 
ty, May yonr life bi e of usefulness, 

so that your influence may be such as 
to lead many rroin the paths pf \ ice to 
walk in virtues way* '■• 

" What is that dog barking at ? " 
asked a fop, whose boots were more 
poshed than I *■ "V> h\ ," re 

plied a bystander, "became he » 
puppy in yopr bo< j 

i Ri iKULICH «t i i;i i'i 

been in England for some lime past, 
Will spend the Winter in Swit/.erla id. 

Prof. Stowe intends to return homo in 

a ihOli time. 

Tiikki. has been another riot at I'M- 

e, on the day of election. It has 

i.ciirrenee, and 
i Fall, 
rs sun lection d .;. 

The Great Eastern has made her 

I.ial trip, and we may look for III t St 

Portland in a short time. She is s 

rapid sailer, and answers well the pnr- 

for which she was intended. She 

■will ply between England and the Fast 

Indies. There has been an explosion on 'i ,1! ' : * " ' ;i:,n '■ "J>"*'w» i»'K" »>: j iwii 

' Is;' 

hoard, which nearly ended in the des- 
ion oi the ship and the lives of the 

iftgersand erew. Ai it was, a few- 
were killed, and some have sine- died 
of the effects produaed by breathing 
the steam. Considerable injury was 
to the vessel, and it is doubtless 
owing to the presence of mind and 
if Captain FTitrrison, the Com 
ler, that the ship was not eoni- 
.y destroyed, and many of the 

ngers lost. She docs not ride 
0) ai tli" si a as ironothly as the first 

■ I the nip gave ri astfn to e: 
but the wavos have some effect apon 

■ hough not to so great an i 
ai upon vessels of smaller size. The 
the greatest when the ship i* 
being "put about," or when meeting 

.•urn-nls and heavy sea?. She 
sails the steadiest against the wind, 
and the nnStcadlOSt when the wind is 

to her course. There 
is a r< pot i circulating, that tha I lira 
tors have postponed her di partura for 

this coin.; lii . so that it is qu te 

doorbtful if she ever visits tic I uiu i 

Suits, at lent very soon. 

nl ; I 1 Nil; Wou . < »ii . i- ntotht u|>«ri<>i 
w v. an vise you, giria, wuun uasutuy ,i ..,. ritgnt gaiiery, third 

• fellows make I ta yon, nevi r|' 

to believe that thoy reallj love vou un- 







/. > | I 






ii... be 

la lite Wot. in afldtthm to ibtlrahwd; 

■' tm1,u, largetyjal 

n III:. I kill* 

llMlt. AI ll 111, > 

wu.l. HOT BE I NDBB60I.D 

l»V ,1IH PI ' 

i '1 bird -I""' \n i"-' .in tin It 

I bj WiI.pim .\ Oo 

FIIOM.II B& I ■KUU.iim I: 

J.i<\i>l,*r pi'i.<iiiinii. A. !>., l(Ht, III Mlljr, IMS, II ".- 

,rsl o| I I'm lllfl '■ i '1' i ■ « 1 > irf I'lM"''- i Mi" 1' A. w ndi 

(nim ||n t. LVi Bltfi ') ■ml Mia ObldmUft M 

t>.'iMU jtppobitrd Ci iin'iii a.. iiiid9r'wnoNaDUV< 

' U 

'I'll'- nisi 'I'imui ..j .>-ii--i i wlilt elavon ptt|itli inil i*!"**!! 

iviili l-.rlv. Si'i.-,- li'ii.. I ill ntli'inUlii-.-, 

»inl tire |'ii..|.itIiv iii 'Ii.- |. -".in, I . I ba*n t nUiiI1> 

incnmiliig, 'el ii hw ■! " ,,| » ,l ulj wivl 

-,-i-Miiil [<■ iin ifanUar nil'- in ill- 



FRANCES A woon s WKH, >„_.„_. M 

l'IM>AllKl.l. \ M ORKOORY, i l " ,, ' n "'- 
And Twliws of Moral mill Ijltelteotnnl Bcisnot Hid Nor- 
mal Cluti >. 


Hlghpr y»:hi-iiiiili.suiiil NStUltd I'liilinopllj. 

Picor. W. II. SIl.vmiNAII,, 
Anciiiut ami Mo.liMTi Lnugangfi. 

Faor. W. H. SII.VEUNAII,, 
lli-l re BogtWl I.itorntuit, »nd Elucu.icr. 

II lloi.M.AN. 
Voo»l »nd linlrumniUl Music. 

F. A. W. SIIIMiai, 

KK'iiM>i't*'» Clu-mbitrj. 

?. .1. 11 \SSOM, 

ASfeMsnt in BOglblb llinncliea. 

M. B 1 l.oWEIl, 
AaBManl I'lii-il. 


Thin rmhi-ruTB Ulr. . Atmli-mic mil Ihrw 

riidre collrw. mcoiijlng ~i-. jttn 
Ttrii mdva oiDlpl bwIU be avnTdwl.-^ro popiH 

cmnpltttl r '"' ''"''I-", uill l-i nun ,I.'il 'lie R 

mlo) Diploma, mdiliow oiirDplelJDg the anllit 

U im> |ir*-uribed course of i odi bM been Adhered to 

ilb wlinhavBD i wverel Term* In 

ulenSeni e.wtll l-* permitted "i i» ,e ^weii etndlei r^ Ihej 
■ . not beliufronl 

id der of i"-u!v roraied elaaMs, nnil Rnulaiite m »ooii 

i. , i...i 

I or ii.,- 1" Bl of »-uiis j"iillemenwho wl«h to prepare 

-,,,. ft „ ... ' >ll: „---. ii «p<*olid coone ^-- ill 

betzraoRed, in uliich wiU-1) bomnoheen 

hehmg in ilie Seolpr ji'df nfflta Clinleel "r Beremirlc 

:' I'. Hege, Miti, linrli p the I hi ■! Ihow 

.1 l'l,ilii,i.].liv. lie , reiiiiiieil 

Frorinon I" n «rl for put a not ] repered to enter upon 

a .■ n I" hIniI> i\l 

i.ilinil of i', in"* Biter nn I .in-.-. »>.l hi .i.l ii .' .- M noon el IheJ eu |.e» 

ng-in <|.'iiiliinl.vii'.li'i;l'-s.n~ii.ii,i-»ii pnnoi 
i. . Im*m mi Ihej *■<■ preperi ii It 


OB 'ir. miii us 0KPAR1 ' 

hi. Teei I The LnneAiui 

Mi, .in uid DrewliiK * 

i„u ii to Hi. Ti «clu "I'ep.e'e 


. i ,.f - 1 '/> i ■ 
in loeohliiF. imi'I Henri) ell with onrall v 

.,1,1 ii ii - 
,,„ i|uni« ii ., nllioi 1. 1 Oi.- r, 

' V\ * .1.. I...I Ii, "''■ lb" 



,. |um «■■ ; -ii. ISM «il 

There ere meoj ivho Wi nld t i».n, ke 

ll, would h* 
,,,- tun,-, inert iiul ihli ■ 

moli ■ I'm "" 

: 'ii" pari ' .-l 

i*. mi, i s.i, .,..!-. ii,.- Pi h • 

„ i,„ h In -, ■ . ,,i ., ,. will) 

i'..r it... |, I.- i.\» ,, ii , . '',- opened I 


T B 1 II B U -s ■ 

our *IM i^ tO ,'ini'l"' 

lepepuoenl. If on uny ocowdoii weero dl*eppoloied|n 

.tit in il,-.iitiiiiii:,:i,iii.,l or pnrtj lunuenoa le 

ellnwed i" be i- ..i.^ii- ;■- b er i" , ou Inu i the I icuinbeiit 
in tiio j,., iiioi,, bul mi Hifh » t'heiige leiwuleee 1 1 

^. «*,! 

are a»ai I kind i* in.M ■ 

.-in uni.i .!'.> ReelliiK towarde Me, mi the |mrt oflnu 
a puiiii.l, of luoh leooben i bul uur Hoi v : a 
\ to ottr charge, •ml loeir highM in 

i>>,i i' ,, iuauy 

lepel Imeut.of an iiuil. 


(I i\ l-.IINW 

Cure wiil b,i taken thai the dleelpUne !>• hind »"(l 
nll.-c loline-. bul 

,,i,,l ,,,i\ iiiiliir,.iiii<ii( held ow to prompt ihe puplia to 
iiractiee wlt-irnvei uitieiit. ai d 

oi irun fear or *elftnhne«. Ife pupil lafnntid ijrHCein, tlwre ie bol one eUeruatfte 

■ i. 1 : Eci'Ulainn. A |ui]iil eiLL kvx be reciilued in ilia 

tlHI, WllOte I- Mil II] > I" liiv, *|'|.| I'lii.'U* IK i* r .., r 

Otliera. 'Ii,,. f, oiuoi :. In-.ilili. i;ia.iu,-i-- ii i,l ii.ii ,1- ,-l nil 

ii ii-mltiiRikii loaliiutiiiii, wiUliu wacclud With | animal 
soUdtud ? 


Tlit- ti'ar i.s divided in'" three Ti 
i'ai.i. TERM. | September (ilb, intending 

Uiwmlinr 23d, IBM,— V aeaii-oi of 

WINTEH I'l'UM. - l'..lii:i!,-...-.;i_- ,l:o U'.-.i .'■]. IS ■'■■•. Ollililig 

ApHl, IbtNkv— VaeaUoa of on 

6I'1U?*U TERM,— Ciliniliencin^ April lid, 

Jul>-2tili, bl'»i.— V..i'.ni..n n, Septeniber Sih, I-.Uj. 



Tuition }nr QuarUt '. T.v/v. 


Reading, s : i lug, Writing, Pnnmrj Oeographr, and 


. tfit 

. i;,,n 



Ffrat Yrnr, jut qiinrionl eleven V) 

8 n.l '• '• " 

Third " " " 

ootxsa i*s oo 

Junior rjkee.perqaailor, - 

Middle - - - 

Senior " » " ... 

liuid.'iilalMiienaes, M - 


oBlbePfeuiiH P** qimrter, • 

Meled " S«*S 

(.ii.n.r. " - 

...... l."o 

Use of PU",>. ,\i-.. M .... 

Oil PalurJiig, iiiih dm i.ri'ni" l»i I 

M,.//.inu Crayon, " " 

\i.,ii,„,i,i, i, , , i Drawing, eaou, " - JWO 

mill I'i nil, " • <■■'" 

Hair I I ■ " - ''■ " 

nbal Need>wo ■ 1 « 



ll <. •• .... 

,,,l SermaB, eaeh, per qaarter, 

Hoard, per week, - S/H 

Fuel hi , . - * ",", 


Hoard. I 

,n llm > II _ 

be ii, 

, i. h madi the abore, irdi i 

im.ii, win .,- 

... I I I 

I. |, l.nigil K.l ' ■ " '' "'" "' ' " 

1 ' ' ' ' 
■|-„ || ; „ ', ,. . .ii li-mvinen, «lio an- • 

p A Y M i: N T 8 . 
ah i--.i-.t- nmat l- 1 paid advanefi or 



To make ilii> depnrlmenl to rank Ural In the 

inn of the Priiiri|i»l». To Ihla end no 

i, I... I. ii,.. been j>ir...l -n eaoorhiB aw liera, each Bhangs 

pertinent I . now in (marge of an 
.a.-i.-r who hai di eon. .1 n. I * rrerr. I 

. of linparrii 

aim ing roannera; and but, Ihougli 

moral I" n oi: i 
n-niiiT thin i.'.ilri si„iv-.ul in plaobig Hie danartment 


S.-ei nl. ll i ,. IOIII- M II llM-il, ll r.. IM.i-i . 
I'Hll'lli:' Ml 10 


Nut Vi.iU Cltf. 

PaUup OoftUi, : : : I .' lt.000,000 

Tli E I'l'.i > R I A INSUR ANCK ' !l IN 1'A N V . 

Coital, ;:::.::: *o(«».ooo 

... . OK 


■!. :■::::: 9990,000, 

Till-: r, > 
i.i win • ii isw 

fnitting snicido 
on your • 


I j, 1>. . <. ....-, ).■■ idj Muk * i" hum, H« -I.- ' 

i Br *nd, 
nl UUkn'i DJuek, Mt. ObUtoH. UlitioU. I 


■re nn.lw- Hv charca nf l.. I 
n nf I 

.le.-l'I . f 

Kltu'uil "■'' i. to-.;. loti VatU 


i. imi.nt OF MATHBMATIC8 

b-olf.l j .-i olflrih of ibUdi [wrtmcnl i* t-»' 
wroll ki mum t .i . ..ii iii.'iu \ oui k . 

u Uolli *?*■• 

ii .» a it 1) , \ G 
ii ii ti.v ■-!■■ i th$i n iup«4*r 

diui " i i-. i|in> 

— Ii ; ■ ■ . n ,l«i»'l>, 


Ti .> I'iiiii 'i|>ulr., Who \\t» I Ot MM I'-n-ilii,' 


It i|„. ( Uf-ilft. Kvm n | |-i.|m»i in 'Kill M ■: 

,. •,, nil. |)wj - .»; .i. . -., 

■■j., i |lU|l| "" 
I inc. 

Brftrftlli I'tiil.lit-c, :\ Mill I 'i" I 


■ pittiC 

'I'lm lurltUlMlIK '.•Miinn.l |. | 



i\t\ W Ii.mI.. dmnuid 

(tii iMnriJ enllfm»n 

nl tin Ktiiuliuu y TJio 

lit) \y ||. (h.'.r D*n 


Ii n i-iiUi'- Hlioul in ■ 

i | H1MI H •- UttBUORr. 


Mt, Oirroll, - - llllnola. 

Thk Stni.v.Miv IIki.i. wi '"'1 by tho 

,..liiiiinr ' *e Nrun,ililo 

,.i which wOl h.' devoted to aound mailer, and boeducd 
In n i ommiure, appninted by Iho Si I ] 

A i,iii.l.- »,ll 1„ nii.illi, noil onnlaln 

, ., ii.. i, eii ii r«i tendei oj, oi . In Ihe 

kUghti at degre*. may lojore the young. II - 

ll miii mill all oo'ilnMi-il ji, in: . . il ii.ll 

i.. ,|i.- orga i"i Itloal party, andamln 

i,. in ..t [lis 

1,, . 

Who Wtah t» lillilril*. nlloald lend i, 
IUUUI . •!..-. Ctl) 


frowlablj in «,iw.n-.-.i - U JJ 


II ,,-. | i QABDSi <FI 

I I,, , |"'r eliliom, ... - 




Ion, - 91.™ 

'ion. - JO 

l:i Ii inli " 


■n.ii ml ' ll«o, .... i.iiu 

.1.'.'. Carroll <'■ ':. Mwoi*. 

l< H l\ I.. < HIMSTIAN. Ware. 

.1 IN >l I, , „ 

inert i well for one yean elHip, nearly eppo m 

rib) n.i-J'« Hotel, Mc. Caarvll lliini.ii i Aaj 

I i 



i %