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Senator Kerry Misfires 

ABOUT Global Warming and 

National Security 

by Christopher Monckton 

SPPI Original Paper 

August 12, 2009 

Scl9nc«& PvWc PoMcv Initilvl* 

■, -i mnc^rbramrl pdc ytrwe brnttm wairi' 

"The lesson to the world 

here is — when it comes 

to science, never blindly 

accept an explanation 

from a politician or 

scientists who have 

turned political 

for their own 

private gain." 

- Bob Ashworth 

Chemical Engineer 
16 U.S. Patents 

"Science is the belief in the 
ignorance of experts." 

- Richard Feynman 

Table of Contents 

Summary for Policy Makers 4 

The Scare 5 

The Truth 6 

"The extent of Antarctic sea ice will diminish" 6 

"No Arctic sea ice in summer by 2013" 7 

"Polar bears are at risk" 9 

"More droughts and famines" 12 

"Worse pandemics" 13 

"More natural disasters" 15 

"More resource scarcity" 18 

"Human displacement on a staggering scale" 19 

"A shrinking water supply in the Middle East" 20 

"Complete disappearance of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035" 21 

"A sea-level rise of 3 feet" 22 

"Threat of catastrophic climate change" 25 

"A grave and growing threat to stability and national security" 26 


On the latest scientific evidence, the scare is over 31 


Contrasting Ideas about Climate Change and War 40 

Senator Kerry Misfires about Global 
Warming and National Security 

by Christopher Monckton I August 12, 2009 

Summary for Policy Makers 

Senator John Kerry's statement in early August 2009 about "global warming" before the 
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which he chairs, was false in every particular, says 
SPPl, leading him to draw the incorrect conclusion that "global warming" was a threat to 
national security. The Senatorgot every fact wrong - 

Wilkins Ice Shelf: Senator Kerry said the recent cracking of the thin "ice-bridge" linking the 
Wilkins Ice Shelf to the Antarctic Ice Shelf was caused by "global warming". It was not: there 
has been no statistically-significant "global warming" for almost 15 years. 

Arctic ice-cap: Senator Kerry said the Arctic ice-cap would vanish in summer by 2013 because 
of "global warming". It will not, and, even if it does, "global warming" will not be the cause: 
there has been rapid global coo/ingfor very nearly eight years. 

Polar bears: Senator Kerry said polar bears were under threat from "global warming". They 
are not: their population has increased fivefold since the 1940s, and they survived the last 
interglacial period 125,000 years ago, when there was no summer ice in the Arctic. 

Famine and drought: Senator Kerry said "global warming" would bring more famine and 
drought. It will not: "global warming", if and when it resumes, would cause the space 
occupied by the atmosphere to hold more water vapor, reducing drought globally. 

Pandemics: Senator Kerry said "global warming" would cause worse pandemics. It will not: 
so-called "tropical" diseases can flourish even in Arctic temperatures. It is inadequate public- 
health measures, not rising global temperatures, that spread supposedly "tropical" 

Natural disasters: Senator Kerry said "global warming" would cause more natural disasters. 
It will not: hurricane activity is now at its lowest in half a century, despite warmer weather 
worldwide; and patterns of flood and drought are much as they always were. 

Climate refugees: Senator Kerry said "global warming would cause human displacement on 
"a staggering scale". It will not: the only significant cause of human displacement would be 
rapidly-rising sea level, but this is not happening and is not likely to happen. 

Middle East water supply: Senator Kerry said "global warming" would shrink the water 
supply in the Middle East. It will not: water has been scarce there for looo years, and 
warmer weather is already moistening the atmosphere and greening hundreds of thousands 
of square kilometers of the Sahara. 

Asian water supply: Senator Kerry said "global warming" would melt the Himalayan 
glaciers, drying up the water supply of a quarter of the planet's population. It will not: it is 
Eurasian winter snow cover, not the glaciers, that supplies Asia with its water, and that 
shows no trend in 50 years. 

Sea level rising 3 feet: Senator Kerry said "global warming" would raise sea level 3 feet. It 
will not: sea level rose 8 inches in the 20*'^ century, is currently not rising at all, and will rise 
by little more than 1 foot in the 21^ century. 

However, a series of recent scientific publications have established definitively that the UN 
has grievously overstated the effect of CO2 on global temperature. There has been no 
"global warming" in the upper or mixed layer of the oceans for six years. The model- 
predicted tropical upper-troposphere "hot spot" is absent in observed reality, because 
subsidence drying removes the additional water vapor that the models expect to find. And a 
devastating paper just published demonstrates that far less outgoing long-wave radiation is 
being trapped in the atmosphere than the models had predicted. The "global warming" 
scare is now known to be just that - a scare. 

The Scare 

IN EARLY AUGUST 2009, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, chaired by Al Gore's close 
associate Senator John Kerry (D-ma), was told that massive crop devastation, melting 
glaciers, water shortages, and millions of displaced people would drag the US military 
into conflict if "global warming" went unchecked. 

Senator Kerry recited Al Gore's well-worn litany of imagined consequences of "global 
warming" - the recent disintegration of a sea-ice bridge connecting the Wilkins Ice Shelf to 
the Antarctic continent; the prediction that in 2013 the Arctic will have its first ice-free 
summer in at least 1000 years; the notion that polar bears are under threat from "global 
warming"; more famine and drought; worse pandemics; more natural disasters; more 
resource scarcity; human displacement on what he called "a staggering scale"; a shrinking 
water supply in the Middle East; the predicted complete disappearance by 2035 of the water 
from the Himalayan glaciers "which supply water to almost a billion people from China to 
Afghanistan"; and the predicted immersion of the US naval base at Diego Garcia if sea level 
rises 3 feet. 

Retired Navy Vice-Admiral Lee F. Gunn, president of the "American Security Project", told 
the Committee: "Addressing the consequences of changes in the Earth's climate is not 
simply about saving polar bears or preserving the beauty of mountain glaciers. Climate 
change is a threat to our national security." 

Gunn and other military specialists said that "global 
warming" might expand the Pentagon's humanitarian 
missions, and might even change how it deploys its 
fighting forces. Gunn said that "global warming" 
would stress already unstable nations, creating 
"climate conflicts". He added: "International conflicts 
over resources, due to migrants, and/or as a means of 
distraction are not only likely, but likely to exacerbate 
the underlying climate change problem." 

Senator Kerry described "global warming" as "a 
grave and growing threat to global stability, human 
security, and America's national security ... The threat 
of catastrophic climate change is not an academic 
concern for the future. It is already upon us, and its 
effects are being felt worldwide, right now." 

The facts and data of the 

past and the present are 

more than sufficient to 

demonstrate that every 

word quoted from 
Senator Kerry and from 

the Senate Foreign 
Relations Committee is 

baseless and false. 

The Truth 

Senator Kerry said: "Of course, the future has a way of humbling those who try to predict it 
too precisely." As we shall see, the facts and data of the past and the present are more than 
sufficient to demonstrate that every word quoted above from Senator Kerry and from the 
Senate Foreign Relations Committee is baseless and false. 

Let us begin by examining ser/'atim Senator Kerry's lurid but long-discredited list of imagined 
inconveniences, misfortunes, disasters, catastrophes, cataclysms, Armageddons, and 

"The extent of Antarctic sea ice will diminish" 

For some decades it has been apparent that the Antarctic Peninsula and the adjacent 
northern end of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, where the Wilkins Ice Shelf is to be found, 

share an anomalous climate that is 
not typical of the rest of Antarctica: 
indeed, some authorities classify it 
as a distinct climatic region. In this 
region, amounting to little more 
than 2% of the Antarctic continent, 
seven ice shelves with a combined 
area equivalent to less than 2% of the 
land area of Texas have 
disintegrated over the past decade. 
However, studies of the sea-bed 
beneath one of the largest of these shelves, the Larsen B shelf, show that the shelf had not 
been present during the medieval warm period. Ice shelves come and go. 

Studies of the sea-bed beneath one of 

the largest of these shelves, the Larsen 

B shelf, show that the shelf had not 

been present during the medieval 

warm period. Ice shelves come and go. 

As for the not very substantial Wilkins ice bridge (above) mentioned by Senator Kerry, it re- 
froze almost as soon as it had disintegrated. Nor can its transitory disintegration be 
attributed to "global warming", because there has been no statistically-significant "global 
warming" for almost 15 years and rapid global cooling for eight years. Furthermore, there 
has been no statistically-significant regional warming in Antarctica for half a century, and the 
extent of Antarctic sea ice reached a largely-unreported 30-year record high in October 
2007, just one month after the extent of Arctic sea ice reached a universally-reported 30-year 
low. Besides, as even the UN's climate panel has been compelled to admit, ascribing 
individual extreme-weather events such as the disintegration of a handful of ice shelves in 
one tiny region to "global warming" is impossible. 

"No Arctic sea ice in summer by 2013" 

Nearly all of the alarm about "global warming" arises from predictions that have been self- 
evidently exaggerated by "global warming" profiteers hoping to gain financial or political 
advantage by crying "Wolf!" to a largely scientifically-illiterate population. Senator Kerry's 
prediction, echoing a similar prediction by Al Gore in late 2007, is that "global warming" will 
make the Arctic Ocean ice-free in summer in just four years' time. Faced with such 
extravagant predictions, a prudent citizen would ask two questions. First, what is the 
evidence that such a prediction might come true? Secondly, even if the prediction came true, 
what harm might arise? 

We answer the first question definitively by the simple method of looking at the data. The 
Japanese Meteorological Institute maintains a daily-updated plot of the past ten years' sea- 
ice extent in the Arctic, expressed in millions of square kilometers. The plot follows a 
seasonal sine-wave, with remarkably few deviations - 

Jan Feb Mar Apr M ay 



Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 

The red curve representing sea-ice extent in 2009 is broadly coincident with the bright green 
curve for 2005. It is likely, though not yet definite, that this year's summer sea-ice minimum 
(red) will follow a path between that of 2005 (light green) and 2008 (orange) - 





Even the sea-ice extent during the summer minima of 2007 and 2008 comfortably exceeded 
4 million km^. Also, studies by NASA have determined that the sudden decline in summer 
sea-ice extent in July-October 2007 was caused by a shift in winds and currents, bringing 
warmer air up from the tropics. This climatic shift owes little or nothing to "global warming" 
- if only because there has been none for almost a decade and a half. On the evidence, then, 
there is no realistic likelihood of an ice-free Arctic by 2013 and, even if there were, this 
regional phenomenon could not be attributed to "global warming" because there has not 
been any since 1995. 

So much for the "Is it true?" question. Now for 
"If it is true, so what?" It is possible that there 
was no summer sea ice in the Arctic during the 
medieval warm period, and also in the Roman 
and Bronze Age warm periods. It is probable 
that there was no summer sea ice in the Arctic 
during the last interglacial temperature 
optimum 125,000 years ago, when global 
temperatures were 10° F warmer than the 

During the last Interglacial 

temperature optinrium 125,000 

years ago, global 

temperatures were 10° F 

warmer than the present. 

Finally, it is certain that there was no summer sea ice in the Arctic 850,000 years ago, when 
the entire land mass of Greenland was free of the ice sheet that is now several thousands of 
feet thick. The absence of Arctic sea ice in the summer, if and when it comes about, will be 
good for Arctic wildlife: after all, fewer than 1% of all species live at the Poles, where it is cold, 
and the vast majority of species thrive in the tropics, where it is hot. 

Nor would the absence of summer sea ice accelerate "global warming" by significantly 
altering the Earth's albedo, as "global-warming" profiteers such as James Hansen have 
suggested. The Sun's rays strike the Arctic at such a low angle that changes in albedo at such 
high latitudes - and only for a third of the year - make little difference to global albedo. 
Therefore, even if the sea ice in the Arctic were to disappear altogether (almost certainly 
from natural rather than anthropogenic causes), the net effect on the planet's ecosystem 
would be beneficial. 

"Polar bears are at risk" 

Here is a fact that has not been reported by most 
major news media. There are five times as many 
polar bears on Earth today as there were at the 
end of the Second World War. That is scarcely the 
profile of a species imminently menaced with 
extinction. Yet no major speech by a "global- 
warming" profiteer is complete without a 
statutory reference to the supposed threat to 
polar bears from disappearing Arctic sea ice. 

There are five times as many 

polar bears on Earth today as 

there were at the end of the 

Second World War. 

As we have already established, Arctic sea ice is 
not disappearing. Indeed, in the winter its 
extent has scarcely changed for 30 years. Yet, 
even if the sea ice were to disappear altogether 
in the summer, polar bears would come to no 
harm. They, and the seals on whose blubber 
they feed, would merely do what they 
presumably did in the medieval warm period - 
they would move contentedly on to the land 

surrounding the Arctic - Alasl<a, nortliern Canada, and Siberia. It is not usually reported that 
all polar bears are born not on the ice-cap but in dens on the land. Polar bears' favorite 
delicacy is blueberries, which do not grow on the ice-cap. The land surrounding the Arctic 
ocean is as much a part of the natural habitat of polar 
bears as the ocean and the ice-cap themselves. 

Polar bears evolved from the land-based brown bear 
some 200,000 years ago. They have survived all 
manner of climatic extremes in that long period. They 
have certainly survived previous absences of the Arctic 
ice-cap. They would have no difficulty whatsoever in 
surviving any future absence, whether the melting 
was natural (as in the past) or anthropogenic. 

The constant refrain from the "global-warming" profiteers about the imagined threat to 
polar bears from warmer weather is an instance of the Aristotelian logical fallacy known as 
the argumentum ad misericordiam - the special instance of the non sequitur that is the 
argument from pity. Polar bears are cuddly, and we feel sorry for them up there in the lonely 
Arctic as the ice melts beneath them: therefore "global warming" is a real problem. The 
proposition only has to be stated and its absurdity becomes self-evident. 

Polar bears are 

cuddly, and we feel 

sorry for them up 

there in the lonely 

Arctic as the ice 

melts beneath 

them; therefore 

"global warming" is 

a real problem. The 

proposition only has 

to be stated and its 

absurdity becomes 


Al Gore, one of the richest of the new "global-warming" 
profiteers, devoted a substantial segment of his movie to 
the fictitious threat posed by "global warming" to polar 
bears. He showed a photograph of two rather grubby 
polar bears perching on a disintegrating iceberg - 

However, that photograph 
was taken just feet from the 
shore, and the bears were 
merely basking as the 
research ship from which 
the picture was taken 
passed them by. 

Gore also said that polar 

bears were dying in large 

numbers because "global 

warming" was melting so 

much sea ice that they were 

having to swim ever longer distances to reach the land. 

This was a flagrant misinterpretation of Monnett and 

Gleason (2006), a scientific paper that had reported the 

deaths of just four polar bears in the Beaufort Sea. The 

bears had in fact died in a storm, swamped by "high sea 

states associated with stormy weather" - 


■mrtr nrw •*--m 



" '^ y 

>, Four dead polar bears 




--^Alaska"*-"* X-:? 

"" " » 

Alaska ■" ^| 

From Momiett & Gleasoii (2006) 

ttm •rvi 

Furthermore, the Beaufort Sea has shown a very slight increase in the mean extent of sea ice 
over the past 30 years: therefore, there was not and is not any scientific basis for Gore's 
suggestion that the bears died because of an anthropogenic scarcity of sea ice in the region 
where they drowned - 

% V» coflcenlraUon 

I Mean draft [ovani) 

^ Mean draft {ice orly) 

f le$sH\an2$%da-;a 

m\ "'JV 19!'„' ■<\-iA 

vm X'OO ^001 'm> /::o:i 

In October 2007, two days before Gore received his share of the Nobel Peace Prize, Mr. 

Justice Burton in the London High 

Gourt ruled that nine "errors" in 
Gore's movie had to be corrected 
before innocent schoolchildren 
could be exposed to it, requiring 
the British Government to 
circulate 77 pages of "corrective 
guidance" to every school in 
England. On the polar-bear 
question, the judge said - 

N[r. Justice Burton in the London Higii 

Court ruied that nine "errors" in Gore's 

movie iiad to be corrected before innocent 

scliooichiidren couid be exposed to it. 


"The only scientific study that either side before me can find in the 
literature... indicates that four polar bears have recently been found drowned 
because of a storm. There may in the future be drowning-related deaths of 
polar bears if the trend of regression of pack-ice and/or longer open water 
continues, but it plainly does not support Mr. Gore's description." 

If Senator Kerry's staff had done their homework more diligently, they would have 

discovered that the threat to polar bears is 

minimal, but that there is an organized attempt on 

the part of certain Arctic researchers to pretend 

that the bears are under threat from "global 

warming". At a recent conference in Copenhagen 

on the subject, one of the world's leading 

researchers on polar bears was excluded from 

participating, on the ground, stated in writing by 

the organizer, that his professional opinion to the 

effect that "global warming" was harmless to 

polar bears was unacceptable to the group. Not 

only politicians but also scientists are profiteers by 

the "global warming" scare, and they did not want one of their number to stand up and 

point out the truths that we have published here. Polar bears are not at risk from 

anthropogenic "global warming". 

If Senator Kerry's staff had 

done their homework more 

diligently, they would have 

discovered that the threat 

to polar bears Is minimal. 

"More droughts and famines" 

Even the Old-Testament psalmists at their most excitable can scarcely have imagined so 
exotic a catalogue of miseries as that which your average "global-warming profiteer invents. 

No such catalogue would be complete 
without the statutory mention of the 
droughts and famines which we are 
invited to imagine as the inevitable 
consequences of "global warming". 
However, famines do not occur in any 
democratic country: they are always 
the consequence not of any natural 
adversity but of the inept despotism of 
corrupt tyrants. Droughts and floods 
occur at random, as they always have, 
ever since the Egyptians first kept 
climate records 10,000 years ago. No drought in recent years in the United States has been 
anything like as severe as the drought in the Great Plains in the 1930s, graphically described 
in John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath, The Sahara Desert has actually shrunk by 
300,000 square kilometers in the past 30 years, as vegetation takes hold. So rapid has been 
this greening of the Saharan margins that it is visible from space, and nomadic tribes have 
been able to settle in regions uninhabited in living memory. 

Even the Old-Testament psalmists at 
their most excitable can scarcely have 

Imagined so exotic a catalogue of 
miseries as that which your average 
"global-warming" profiteer Invents. 


"Worse pandemics" 

Inevitably, John Kerry mentioned the possibility of "worse pandemics" as a result of "global 

warming". He ought to have known better. One of the most comprehensively-discredited 

falsehoods about the imagined effects of "global warming" is that it will spread tropical 

diseases to subtropical and temperate 

regions. Yet the diseases that occur most 

commonly in the tropics do so not 

because the weather is warmer but 

because governments in tropical regions 

are less competent at providing efficient 

medical care and public health than 

governments elsewhere. 

One of the most comprehensively- 
discredited falsehoods about the 
imagined effects of "global 

warming" is that it will spread 
tropical diseases to subtropical 

and temperate regions. 

Malaria, for instance, is not a tropical 

disease. The worst outbreak in the past 

century occurred in the 1920s in Siberia, 

scarcely noted for its tropical climate. 

Some 13 million people were infected and 

600,000 died, 30,000 of them in the port of Arkhangelsk on the Arctic Circle. The anopheles 

mosquito that carries the malaria parasite can survive in temperatures up to -15° F, though it 

requires temperatures of 60° F or above during its short breeding season. It is not, therefore, 

tropical. Indeed, it was prevalent throughout most of the United States until it was 

eradicated by public health measures in 1949 - 

The gray areas on the map show the extent of malaria in the United States in 1882. 

West Nile Virus is another so-called "tropical" disease that is not in any way tropical. Al Gore 
mentions it as a disease of "global warming" in his inaccurate book on the climate, but his 
own map of how it spread throughout the United States demonstrates that its transmission 
has nothing to do with warmer weather - 


The map shows that the vector arrived, probably by ship, on the eastern seaboard of the US 
in 1999 and then spread westward year by year. If anything, it spread a little more quickly in 
the colder north than in the warmer south: certainly, there is no evidence that it was warmer 
weather that facilitated the transmission of the disease. 

Disease Cause 

Arena virus 


Avian influenza 


Dengue hemorrhagic fever 


Ebola virus 


Escherischia Coli oi57:H7 

Poor hygiene 

Hanta virus 


Human Immunodeficiency virus 

Sexual transmission 


Air conditioning 



Lyme disease 



Anopheles mosquitoes 

MDR tuberculosis 

Cold weather 

Nipah virus 



Cold weather 

Vibrio Cholerae 0210 

Poor hygiene 

West Nile Virus 


Yellow fever 

Anopheles mosquitoes 

The table above shows some of the commonest diseases that Al Gore's book described as 
"tropical". However, not one of them is properly described as tropical: therefore, there is no 
reason to suppose that warmer weather will facilitate their transmission. Indeed, some of 
the diseases - MDR tuberculosis and SARS for instance - would become less prevalent in 
generally warmer weather. Though the menace of plagues has a satisfyingly Biblical ring to 
it, there is no scientific basis for Senator Kerry's declaration that "global warming" will 
spread pandemics more rapidly or more frequently than a colder climate. 


"More natural disasters" 

Though the menace of plagues has a 

satisfyingly Biblical ring to it, there 

is no scientific basis for Senator 

Kerry's declaration that "global 

warming" will spread pandemics. 

Among more than looo alleged 
consequences of "global warming" that 
have been sensationally reported in the 
mainstream news media during the past 
eight years of rapid global cooling, few 
are more likely to win column inches 
than the notion that natural disasters 
will increase with warmer weather. 

Unfortunately for Senator Kerry, who 
recites this mantra without having 
verified whether there is any truth in it, there is no truth in it at all. 

Take hurricanes. At present, the accumulated cyclone energy index, which measures the 
combined frequency, duration, and intensity of all hurricanes, typhoons, and tropical 
cyclones worldwide, is almost at its least value in half a century, both globally and in the 
Northern Hemisphere - 

1+00 -- 

TC Accumulated Cyclone Energy 
24-rnonth running sums 

Updated rhreughjvly 31, 2009 

Ryan N. Maue 

Florida State University 


T 1 r~ 

79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 

What is more, the correlation between trends in hurricane activity and temperature trends is 
very poor. Lack of correlation necessarily implies lack of causation. Warmer weather is not 
causing more hurricanes. One of the most reliable long-run climate records is the annual 
frequency of land-falling Atlantic hurricanes, which has been recorded for 150 years. It shows 
absolutely no trend throughout the period, even though the world has warmed by around 1 
Fahrenheit degree. 

Or take floods. The floods in New Orleans were caused not by an exceptional hurricane, for 
Katrina was only Category 3 when it made landfall, but by failure to maintain the levees. 


Likewise, the floods in the Mississippi river basin were caused not by "global warming" 
(there has not been any for a long time) but by the decision of local authorities to build up 
the banks of the river, confining it to a narrow channel, preventing the natural flooding of 

upstream flood-plains that would have 

reduced the downstream rate of flow. 
However, far more damage in the US 
was done by floods earlier in the past 
century, when the weather was globally 
cooler than it is today. There is, 
therefore, very little empirical evidence 
that "global warming" has made floods 
either more frequent or more damaging 
in recent decades. 

There is very little empirical evidence 

that "global warmir^g" has made 

floods either more frequent or more 

damaging in recent decades. 

In the Johnstown Flood of 1889, 2500 people died - 

In Dayton, Ohio, a flood killed 527 people in 1913 - 


This is a view of Smitli's Bridge, North Carolina, in 1916 - 

Or take tornadoes. Though better weather monitoring systems are capable of identifying 
more tornadoes than formerly, the frequency of severe tornadoes has been steadily 
diminishing, as the data from the National Climatic Data Center's 2006 climate survey show - 




I 150 





I 50 



Number of Severe Tornados 
in U.S. Is Decreasing 








Likewise, deaths caused by tornadoes are falling - 






















There is a good reason why extreme-weather events tend to become rarer as the weather 
warms. One of the main drivers of climate is the difference between daytime and night-time 
temperatures: it is this difference, rather than the absolute value of the temperatures, that 
contributes to storminess. However, in a warmer world the differences between daytime 
and night-time temperatures tend to diminish, reducing one of the causes of storminess. 
Once again, on the evidence, there is no basis for Senator Kerry's apocalyptic notion that 
"global warming" will increase extreme-weather events. 

"More resource scarcity" 

Only a politician certain that the news media are sleepily uncritical in their acceptance of 
anything blamed on "global warming" would have dared to suggest that a change in the 
weather will alter the quantity of natural resources with which our planet is endowed. 

The only resource that is affected by bad weather is agriculture: however, worldwide 
agricultural yields have continued to increase, as they usually do in warmer weather. If the 
tundra of northern Siberia were to melt, billions of acres of cultivable land would be created, 
and the vast northern forests that once existed there would return. 

In some parts of the world, as now, shifting patterns of drought and flood would affect 
agricultural yields in one direction or another, but there is remarkably little evidence of any 
globally adverse effect on agriculture to date, and most analysts expect that a modest 
"global warming" - if and when it resumes - would be generally beneficial to agriculture. 


"Human displacement on a staggering scale" 

Throughout history, shifts in the climate have triggered shifts in population. However, the 
idea that warmer - as opposed to colder - weather would be likely to cause widespread 
human displacement is largely unfounded. 

The space occupied by the atmosphere can carry near-exponentially more water vapor as 
the atmosphere warms: accordingly, many of the world's drier regions, such as the Sahara, 
can expect moister air and hence a less desert climate than at present. 

This gradual restoration of territories dried out by previous climate changes is already 
leading to a beneficial displacement of population towards the newly-watered regions. The 
Sahara has shrunk by 300,000 square kilometers in recent decades - 




992 1994 

The Sahara has shrunk by ^00,000 km^ in recent decades, allowing" nomadic tribes to return to territories 
unpopulated m living memory. Source: Nicholson (1988, 2001). 

It is only possible to posit a "staggering scale" of human displacement if one imagines, as Al 
Gore fancifully did, that sea level will imminently rise by 20 feet as a result of "global 
warming"; or, as James Hansen still more absurdly did, that sea level will rise by 246 feet. 

There is no scientific reason 
to imagine that sea /eve/ wiii 

rise any faster in the 21^^ 
century than it did in the 20^^. 

There is no scientific reason to imagine that sea 
level will rise any faster in the 21^* century than it 
did in the 20*^ and very good scientific reason to 
conclude that it will not. Since sea level is not 
going to rise any more spectacularly in the 21^* 
century than it did in the 20**^, there is no case 
for saying that "global warming" is about to 
displace populations on what Senator Kerry calls 
"a staggering scale". 


"A shrinking water supply in the Middle East" 

The Middle East has been dry since the over-grazing of the vast northern-littoral of the 
African continent between the 6^'' and the 14^'' centuries destroyed the forests. The current 
water shortage in the region has nothing to do with "global warming" and everything to do 
with the failure of the nations concerned to replant their forests, and to ensure a balance 
between their rapidly growing populations and a fixed water supply. 

Archaeological excavation of the elaborate system of medieval qanats, very long 
underground tunnels painstakingly dug with vast labour using primitive tools over many 
generations to bring mountain water down into the arid plains of Araby, shows how long- 
standing is the problem of water shortage in the Middle East, and how foolish it is of 
Senator Kerry to blame the current water shortage in the region on "global warming". 

A qanat, showing one of the characteristic wellhead accesses that faciUtated construction, ventiiation, and water 
extraction. The English word "canal" is derived from the ciassical Arabic word "qanat". Picture source: John Baez. 

This is one of many instances where "global-warming" profiteers attribute to "climate 
change" phenomena that are obviously chiefly attributable to other causes. Nuclear- 
powered and solar-powered desalination would readily bring the current Middle Eastern 
water shortage to an end. 


Cyprus, for instance, was offered two free desalination plants that were surplus to 

requirements in Hong Kong some years ago, but failed to take advantage of the offer. 

However, Cyprus - unlike most other Middle Eastern 

countries - has devoted considerable effort to the replanting 

of its north-western forest region and, within the next 50 

years, can expect to reap some climatic benefit from the 

exemplary regeneration that has resulted. 

Remediation of 
water shortage is 

Jordan is looking at schemes to generate geothermal power 
for desalination, but lacks the means to install either the 
necessary technology or the national piped-water grid to take 
advantage of it. 

an engineering 

problem and has 

little to do with 

"global warming". 

Remediation of water shortage is an engineering problem 

and has little to do with "global warming". In most regions of 

the world where water shortage has become a problem, rapidly-growing population and 

increased agricultural and industrial demand are far more important reasons for scarcity 

than any shift in the climate. 

"Complete disappearance of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035" 

One of the most sensational of Senator Kerry's 
imagined "global-warming" disasters is his 
prediction of the complete disappearance by 2035 
of the water from the Himalayan glaciers, which, 
he fondly 
water to 
almost a 

Senator Kerry, like his 
political ally Al Gore, 

billion people from China to Afghanistan". 

The ranking expert on the Himalayan glaciers, 9575 
of which debouch into India from the high plateau 
(above), is Professor M. I. Bhat of the Indian 
Geological Survey, who has the advantage of access 
to 200 years of observational data compiled by the 
British Raj and maintained by the indigenous 
successor administration. Professor Bhat's view is 
that there is nothing remarkable in the current 
pattern of advance and recession of the glaciers. 
However, that is not the point. 

Senator Kerry, like his political ally Al Gore, seems 
unaware that it is not the mountain glaciers of the 

seems unaware that it is 
not the mountain glaciers 

of the Himalayas that 

provide almost a quarter 

of the world's population 

with their water supply, 

but the winter snow-cover 

in the Eurasian region of 

the northern hemisphere. 


Himalayas that provide almost a quarter of the world's population with their water supply, 
but the winter snow-cover in the Eurasian region of the northern hemisphere. 

The question, then, is this. By how much has the Eurasian winter snow cover diminished in 
the 30 years since satellites have been capable of monitoring it? The answer - which has not, 
of course, been published in any mainstream news medium - is that there has been no 
diminution at ail in the vital snow cover. It is exactly as it has been for 30 years. The Rutgers 
University Snow and Ice Laboratory compiles graphs showing the snow cover in each of the 
five winter months - 

There is no 


H threat 


M whatsoever 


to the water 


supplies of the 


many nations 


that depend 


upon it. 

-^V - ^ ' "^ 


The graphs, in millions of square kilometers, are entirely clear: there is no trend whatsoever 
in Eurasian snow cover. Therefore, there is no threat whatsoever to the water supplies of 
the many nations that depend upon it. 

"A sea-level rise of 3 feet" 

Let us give Senator Kerry some credit for having abandoned Al Gore's fantasy of an 
imminent 20ft sea-level rise (and, by implication, his financial beneficiary James Hansen's 
dream of a 246ft rise). Senator Kerry's Foreign Relations Committee has confined its 
speculation to little more than a 3ft rise, which, the 
Committee unwisely concludes, would flood the US naval 
base on the British territory of Diego Garcia. 

For tiiree full years, 

However, for many centuries humankind has had the 
capacity to build sea walls. If there were any danger of an 
imminent 3ft rise in sea level, it would be a comparatively 
inexpensive matter to build sea walls to keep the rising 
waves at bay. However, fortunately there is no need for 
any such intervention. 

since the beginning 
of 2005, sea level has 
not been rising at all. 


For three full years, since the beginning of 2005, sea level has not been rising at all. Neither 
the Greenland nor the Antarctic ice-sheets have been melting at an accelerating rate, as is 
often suggested: the Antarctic has not warmed for half a century, and, thought the extent of 
the Greenland ice sheet has diminished by 0.03% over the past 30 years, the ice gained 
thickness at a mean rate of 2 inches per year between 1993 and 2003. The DYE-2 DEW-line 
radar station had to be jacked up by 27 feet during the 22 years of its operation as snow and 
ice rapidly accumulated around it. 

Though there have been numerous suggestions that sea level is rising "faster than 

expected", the only reason why sea level 
appears to have been rising more rapidly 
since 1993 is that the method of 
measurement changed. Before 1993, tide- 
gages were used. After 1993, first the 
TOPEX and then the JASON satellite were 
used, and the small apparent increase in 
the rate of sea-level rise (from 8 inches in 
the 20*'^ century to a rate equivalent to 12 
inches/century since 1993) occurred 

precisely at the moment of the changeover, and is attributable solely to it. 

The only reason why sea level 
appears to have been rising more 

rapidly since 1993 is that the 
method of measurement changed. 

Professor Niklas Moerner, who has studied sea level for a third of a century and has written 
520 peer-reviewed papers on the subject, says that the scientists at the University of 
Colorado who processed the sea-level data from the TOPEX and JASON satellites had 
"reinterpreted" it so as artificially to increase the rate of sea-level rise. When Professor 
Moerner asked why they had done this, they replied: "If we had not adjusted the data, sea 
level would not have been shown to be rising." Even the "adjusted" sea-level data from the 
satellite show no increase in sea level at all for three full years since the beginning of 2005 - 




< -10 









o JBson 
^— 5D-aay smoothing 

=°.= 1 

n D^S 

a a ; 



nverse ba 

ometer no 

t applied 




























■0 ' 0° 

Univ of Cole 

irado 20( 

1 — 1 — ■ — 1 — 1 

9 rel3 

1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 


Rate = 3.2 ± 0.4 mm/yr 
feasonal signals remove 

i . . ■ J . . 1 . . ■ . 


1 ^- 

1934 1996 1998 2000 2002 20O4 

2006 2008 


Nor is there any reason why sea level should be increasing at present. For six years it has 
been possible to measure the temperature of the upper 400 fathoms of the global ocean 
with some accuracy, thanks to the 3300 automated bathythermograph buoys of the Argo 
project. In that time, global sea temperatures have actually fallen. Yet it is absolutely 
essential to the official theory of "global warming" that they should have risen. Carbon 
dioxide concentration has been rising near-monotonically throughout the past six years: yet 
the oceans, where at least 80% of the accumulated heat trapped by the extra "greenhouse 
gases" is supposed to be stored, are getting cooler. 

During the Holocene era - the interglacial period that commenced 11,400 years ago - sea 
level has risen by at least 400 feet, at a mean rate of 4 feet per century, as great ice sheets 
that covered North America and Northern Eurasia melted. By contrast, 20^'^-century sea-level 
rise was just 8 inches, one-sixth of the mean centennial rate that had obtained since the last 
Ice Age, because 90% of the world's remaining land-based ice, in Antarctica, and the 5% in 
Greenland, is at latitudes and altitudes so high that it would not melt significantly unless 
global mean surface temperatures remained at least 2 Celsius degrees (4 Fahrenheit 
degrees) warmer than the present for at least several millennia (IPCC, 2007). 

21^-century sea-level rise is predicted to be just 8 inches 
(Moerner, 2004); or 1 ft 5 in (IPCC, 2007, central estimate). 
The IPCC's current high-end estimate of <2 feet was 
reduced by one-third compared with the 3 feet given in 
the 2001 report, partly because of Professor Moerner's 
papers. Since 1993, sea level has been rising at a rate 
equivalent to 1 ft/century (Topex/Jason satellite altimetry. 

Sea-level data are measured by satellite altimetry across 
the whole ocean, and are compared to an idealized mean- 
sea-level spheroid known as the reference geoid. 
However, some important regional anomalies occur. The 
tectonic plates that form the Earth's crust are moving not 
only laterally but also vertically in relation to one another, 
so that an island at the mouth of the Hooghly River, India, 
that was formerly home to 10,000 people disappeared 
some years ago, not because of rising sea level but 
because regional tectonic subduction lowered the sea- 
bed at that point. 

Bangladesh, often 

forecast to suffer 

loss of land mass as 

sea levels rise, has in 

fact grown by 

70,000 km^ in recent 

years through silt 

deposits in the 

Ganges delta. 

Bangladesh, often forecast to suffer loss of land mass as sea levels rise, has in fact grown by 
70,000 km^ in recent years through silt deposits in the Ganges delta. 

No Pacific atoll has shown any appreciable sea-level rise in the past 30 years: in the Maldives, 
Professor Moerner has found no sea-level rise in 1250 years - 


J J.,.o 

Sea Jeve/ in the MaMives today is 
much as it was 1250 years ago. 
Source: Moerner (2004). 

Corals are well capable of growing towards the light at a rate ten times the mean Holocene 
sea-level rise of 4 ft/century. In eastern England, the coastline is sinking as the land mass 
tilts eastward because of isostatic rebound following the melting of the glaciers of the 
north-west during "global warming" 9000 years ago. 

In late 2008, Professor Moerner told a debate at St. Andrew's University that sea-level rise, 
the biggest of the "global warming" scares, was a "non-issue". The undergraduates duly 
voted down a motion that "'global warming' is a global crisis". 

"Threat of catastrophic climate change" 

The supposed "threat of catastrophic 
climate change", recited by Senator 
Kerry, is all but non-existent in the 
scientific literature. A survey by Schulte 
(2008) of 539 papers containing the 
search term "global climate change" 
and published from the beginning of 
2004 to early 2007 revealed not a single 
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^™^^^^^^^^^^^ paper that offered any evidence that 

anthropogenic "global warming" would prove catastrophic, and only one paper that even 

mentioned the possibility of catastrophe. 

The supposed "threat of catastrophic 

climate change", recited by Senator 

Kerry, is all but non-existent in the 

scientific literature. 

Principal results were as follows - 

Papers chosen by the search term 1993-2003 
"global climate change" (Oreskes) 


Papers published during the period 



Publication rate (papers per year) 



Explicitly supporting "consensus" | Not stated 

7% (38) 

Explicitly or implicitly supporting 


45% (244) 

Explicitly rejecting "consensus" 



Explicitly or implicitly rejecting 


6% (31) 

Presenting new data or observations Not stated 

24% (127) 

New research about the "consensus" Not stated 

2% (13) 

Quantitative evidence for "consensus" Not stated 


Any mention of "catastrophe" Not stated 


Any evidence for "catastrophe" Not stated 



This devastating result demonstrates iiow little support there is in the scientific literature for 
the notion that manmade "global warming" may prove catastrophic. In this respect, once 
again, the UN's climate assessments, with their generally apocalyptic Summaries for 
Policymakers, do not fairly reflect the consensus in the scientific literature. 

"A grave and growing threat to stability and national security" 

The mismatch between the apocalyptic language 

of Senator Kerry and the scientific evidence from 

the real world is truly startling. 

The mismatch between 
the apocalyptic language 
of Senator Kerry and the 
scientific evidence from 
the real world is truly 
startling. First and 
foremost, a "grave and 

growing threat to national security" would imply either that global temperature is rising at 
an ever-more-rapid rate or that atmospheric CO2 concentration is rising at an ever-more- 
rapid rate. However, neither proposition is true. 

Global temperature has been falling for almost eight years - 

www. scienceandp 

Global montlily temperature anomalies, January 2002 to May 2009 
IPCC predicts warmiog at +2.4, +3, +3.9. +4,7, +5.3 C/ceotury 
The observed cooling trend is equivalent to 2 C/century 

For almost eight years, giobai temperatures have been failing rapidly. The iPCCs predicted warmir}g path (pink 
region) bears no relation to the global cooling that has been observed in the 21^^ century to date. Source: SPPI 
global temperature index. 


The UN's climate panel has sought to abolish the medieval warm period, so as to make it 
falsely appear that today's mean global surface temperature is exceptional at least in the 
past 1000 years - 

0.5 - 



-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1— 


-1.0 - 




Data from thermom9tGrs (red) and from tr9e rings. 
corals. icG corGS and historical records (biuG). 








How the medieval warm period was "abollsiied": in 2001, the UN placed heavy emphasis or] a graph that 
incorrectly abolished the medieval warm period and also exaggerated the measured temperature change in the 
20^" century by so%. 

However, the UN's now-notorious graph has long been demonstrated to have been 
defective. It was incorrectly based on the use of temperature reconstructions based on the 
breadth of annual tree-growth rings taken from cross-sections of bristlecone pines which 
the UN itself had previously declared unsuitable on the ground that the pines grow more 
rapidly and produce broader rings not only when the weather is warmer but also when there 
is more CO2 in the atmosphere, and when it is wetter, giving misleading indications of 
temperature change. Removing the bristlecone-pine temperature reconstructions and 
relying on all other reconstructions immediately restores the medieval warm period. Also, 
the compilers of the UN's defective graph had suppressed the actual temperature proxy 
data for the medieval warm period itself, and had substituted estimates of their own, 
without saying that they had done so. The restoration of the data also restores the medieval 
warm period. 

Though the UN claims to represent the scientific "consensus", on the question of the 
medieval warm period the consensus is that it existed. More than 700 scientists from 400 
institutions in 40 countries over 20 years have contributed to peer-reviewed papers 
providing evidence that the medieval warm period was real, was global, and was warmer 
than the present - a result that is of course uncongenial to the UN. 


Worse, the red portion of the graph, that is said to represent the instrumentally-measured 
temperature change over the past 150 years, exaggerates the warming since 1900 by 50%, 
from 1.3 to 2 Fahrenheit degrees. 

More recently, the UN has also sought to maintain that over the past 150 years the rate of 
increase in mean global surface temperature has itself increased - 

1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 

Lies, damned lies, and statistics: Global mean surface absolute temperature (Celsius degrees, right scale) and 
temperature anoma//es (left scale), 1850-2005, The IPCCs looy report, cited with approval in a science lecture by 
Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, the railroad engineer who is chairman of the IPCCs science working group, and in the 
"Technical Support Document" in justification of the Environment Protection Agency's imminent finding that CO2 
and five other gases are jointly or severa//y "dangerous" in terms of the Clean Air Act, contains the above graph 
purporting to show that the rate at which the world is warming is inexorably increasing. 

The UN's new graph, published in its 2007 climate assessment, is an egregious instance of 
the endpoint fallacy, a dishonest and deliberate abuse of statistics by which false trends are 
demonstrated by careful selection of endpoints or (in the present instance) startpoints 
when evaluating data trends. 

Global temperature is a stochastic dataset - it moves unpredictably up and down rather than 
following any predetermined pattern. Accordingly, the choice of startpoints and endpoints 
critically determines the apparent data trend. By carefully choosing successive 25-year 
decrements, the UN is able to demonstrate, falsely, not only that there is a long-run 
warming trend (which, incidentally, long predates any possible anthropogenic influence) but 
also that the warming trend is inexorably increasing, the implication being that humankind's 
influence is pushing us towards the "catastrophic climate change" of which Senator Kerry 
has spoken. 


However, it is easy to demonstrate that the UN's technique is a serious abuse of statistical 
method. If we concentrate on the most recent part of the temperature record, and 
arbitrarily choose successive four-year decrements commencing in 1993, the following four 
graphs are generated from exactly the same data as those used in the UN's graph - 

■n-nti . KidKCIUlpH Mirpol ici . rB. 

vmitddciKcuilp a blicpallc^^tt 

1«M CHHi l<m :WHI !IM; 'MM imib iium., 

]H] HM :•» 

Any result you want: Beginning in 1993 (top left) and advancing the start-date successively by 4 years at a time, 
the IPCCs own data show the world heading ever more rapidly for an Ice Age. Using the same data as the IPCC, we 
reach a diametrically opposite (and equally unjustifiable) conclusion, proving the IPCCs abuse of statistical 

This result, apparently showing an ever-more-rapid fall in global temperatures, suggesting 
the imminent return of the Earth to an ice age, relies upon the same statistical 
prestidigitation as that of the UN's climate panel. The statistical abuse evident in the UN's 
graph is a very serious matter. The rate at which global temperature is actually changing is, 
on any view, central to the debate about the magnitude of anthropogenic "global 

The UN's graph is a deliberate attempt falsely to suggest that the non-problem of "global 
warming" is in fact a real and rapidly worsening crisis. Not one mainstream news medium 
has yet exposed this and numerous other calculated misrepresentations and deliberate 
errors in the UN's analysis. 

If Railroad Engineer Pachauri's railroad lines are removed from the UN's graph, it can easily 
be seen that there have been three periods of warming at identical rates over the past 150 
years: 1860-1880, 1910-1940, and 1975-1998 - 



-" \ • r 

r Global mean temperature 


^ - V J^ 


y Identical slopes 
• Annual mean 
Linear trend 
^ Omoothed A«tI«A 

d5% decad«l error bars 









No anthropogenic signal: The world warmed at the same rate from 1860-1880 and from 1910-1940 as it did from 
1S75-1SS8 (see the three parallel magenta trend-lines). The former two periods occurred before humankind can 
possibly have had any significant influence on temperature. Therefore there is no anthropogenic signal in the 
global temperature record, and no basis for the IPCCs assertion that the warming rate is accelerating. 

In short, there has been no acceleration in the rate of "global warming": the rapid warming 
rate between 1975 and 1998, a period during which humankind might in theory have had 
some small influence on global temperature, was identical to that which was measured in 
two similar previous periods during which we could have had no appreciable influence on 
temperature whatsoever. Accordingly, and contrary to Senator Kerry's implication, there is 
no evidence whatsoever for any anthropogenic signal in the temperature record. 

As for CO2, the UN perpetrates a different but also misleading statistical error. Although the 
UN predicts that CO2 concentration will rise exponentially towards 836 ppmv by 2100, and 
although CO2 emissions have been running at the high end of the UN's predictions, the UN 
has failed to take sufficient account of the fact, mentioned at length in its 2001 assessment 
report but largely suppressed in its 2007 report, that climate science is currently unable to 
add up the "carbon budget" in the atmosphere and biosphere to within 50% of the right 

There is a "missing sink" of carbon that is taking CO2 out of the atmosphere far more quickly 
than the UN's models predict. Indeed, despite the UN's prediction of an exponential 
increase in CO2 concentration towards 836 ppmv by 2100, for the past eight years CO2 
concentrations have been rising in no more than a straight line towards just 575 ppmv by 
2100 - 



y 1 

Global monthly C02 anomalies, January 2002 to May 2009 
IPCC predicts trend at +362, +652 ppmv/century 
The observed trend is equivalent to +203 ppmv/century 








X /^^ 













y^ ^^ 





y^ ^ 





y^ ^^"^ ^^ 

1 1 


^ -""^ 1 ^^^ 















^^ ^-'^ 




^ ^--^ ^— 1 















1 1 



, , 1 



. 1 1 1 



Observed CO2 growth Is I'mear, and is also well below the exponential-growth curves (bounding the pale blue 
region) predicted by the IPCC in its 20oy report. If CO2 continues on its present path, the fPCC's central 
temperature projection for the year 2100 must be halved. Data source: NOAA. 

This single result, on its own, strongly suggests that all of the UN's predictions for 

anthropogenic warming over the 21^ century should be halved. Unless CO2 concentration 

begins to rise at a more 

rapid rate than that which 

has been observed over 

the past eight years, the 

"crisis" imagined by the 

UN cannot possibly 

happen. Instead of a 6° F 

warming over the 21^ 

century, all we can expect is a harmless 3° F warming - and only then if the effect of CO2 on 

temperature as programmed into the UN's computer models is correct. 

This single result, on its own, strongly suggests 

that all of the UN's predictions for anthropogenic 

warming over the 2t^* century should be halved. 


On the latest scientific evidence, the scare is over. 

From the failure of the oceans to warm at all in the past six years, it is evident that despite 
the steadily-increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the heat that is 
supposed to be accumulating in the oceans is not accumulating there. Why is the heat not 
accumulating? Where is all that imagined extra heat going? 


All of the computer models on which the UN relies for its predictions of the future state of 
the climate predict that, as a result of the "global warming" caused by anthropogenic 
increases in the concentration of greenhouse gases, temperature at altitude in the tropics 
will rise at thrice the surface rate. This prediction arises from the fact that the Clausius- 
Clapeyron relation, one of the very few proven results in climatological physics, mandates 
that as the atmosphere warms the space it occupies is capable of carrying near- 
exponentially more water vapor - itself a powerful greenhouse gas which, because of its 
sheer quantity in the atmosphere, is of far greater significance than carbon dioxide. 

The model-predicted tropical upper-troposphere "hot spot" is a characteristic fingerprint of 
anthropogenic greenhouse warming, readily distinguishable from all other sources of 
warming - 

Nntunil solar forcing 

Natural volcanic forcing 

1^ Tq Wz ebs giis '""'^1 ^bu jiN Tn i^s eis m 
Anthropogenic GHG forcing Antiiropogenic ozone forcing 


SON ;OfJ Eq 30S SOS 

Anthropogenic aerosol forcing 

60N SON Eq 305 60S 

All forcings (a-e) combined 

9 € 

Modeled zonal mean atmospheric temperature change (X per century, 1S90-1999) in response to five distinct 
forcings (a-e), and to all five forcings combined (f). Altitude is in hPa (left scale) and km (right scale) vs. platitude 
(abscissa). Source: IPCC (2007). 


All of the computer models on which the UN relies predict the differential warming rate in 
the tropical upper troposphere without which it is not possible to claim that climate 
sensitivity to additional greenhouse-gas concentrations is high. They are pre-programmed to 
assume the existence of the "hot spot" - 



605 30S EQ 


60S 30S EQ 30N 60N 





60S 30S EG 30N 60N 

Latitude hPa 

60S 30S LQ 30N 60N 

Latitude X 

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 

I I I T ~r 


lor\a\ mean equi/fbrium temperoXure change (°C) at QO^ doub/ing ('2x QO^ - Qox\\.ro\), as a function of latitude and 
pressure (hPa) for 4 general-circulation models. All show the projected fingerprint of anthropogenic greenhouse- 
gas warming: the tropical mid-troposphere "hot-spot" is projected to warm at twice or even thrice the surface 
rate. Source: Lee et al. (2007). 


However, as Douglass et al. (2004) and Douglass et al. (2007) have demonstrated, the 
projected fingerprint of anthropogenic greenhouse-gas warming in the tropical mid- 
troposphere is not observed in 

The projected fingerprint of anthropogenic 

greenhouse-gas warming in the tropicai 

mid-troposphere is not observed in reality. 

The plot of real-world, observed 

tropospheric rates of temperature 

change from the Hadley Center for 

Forecasting shows that in the 

tropical upper troposphere, at 

approximately 300 hectoPascals pressure, the model-projected fingerprint of anthropogenic 

greenhouse warming is entirely absent. Indeed, it is absent from all observed records of 

tropospheric temperature changes in the satellite and radiosonde eras - 

i7n Eq T^s" 

3ds 4^S 7^ 

No "hot spot": Altitude-vs.-latitude plot of observed relative warming rates in the satellite era. The greater rate of 
warming In the tropicai mid-troposphere that is projected by ger\erai-circulation models is absent in this and all 
other observational datasets, whether satellite or radiosonde. Altitude units are hPa (left) and km (right). Source: 
Hadley Centre for Forecasting (HadAT, 2006). 

What, then, have the modelers gotten wrong? They have assumed - falsely, as it turns out - 
that the concentration of water vapor will increase at all altitudes in the atmosphere. Their 
error, as a recent paper by Paltridge et ol. (2009) demonstrates, is rooted in their obsession 
with radiative transports in the Earth/troposphere system almost to the exclusion of the 
significant non-radiative transports. Paltridge explains that one of these non-radiative heat 
transports - movements of packets of air from one part of the atmosphere to another - is 


known as "subsidence drying": moist air 
tends to fall from higher to lower altitudes 
in the troposphere, drying out the upper 

If Paltridge is right, the subsidence drying 
removes the main obstacle that might 
prevent outgoing long-wave radiation 
from escaping to space almost unimpeded. 

The subsidence drying removes 
the main obstade that might 
prevent outgoing iong-wave 

radiation from escaping to space 
almost unimpeded. 

Direct evidence that Paltridge is indeed 
right is now to hand. A recent paper by Professor Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology - perhaps the most important paper ever to have been published on 
the question whether the menace of catastrophic "global warming" might ever prove to be 
real - has established that the outgoing long-wave radiation from the Earth's surface is 
escaping into space, much as it always has. 

The tiny additional proportion of the atmosphere that is occupied by greenhouse gases as a 
result of all of humankind's enterprises and industries is now proven to be insufficient to 
retain substantial heat-energy within the Earth/troposphere system. The "greenhouse 
gases" are simply not trapping as much heat in the Earth's atmosphere as the UN's 

computer models predict. 

Tiie "greenliouse gases" are 

simply not trapping as much heat 

in the Earth's atmosphere as the 

UN's computer models predict. 

Professor Lindzen's landmark paper 
demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt 
that the "global warming" scare is over. 
Yet his conclusions have not been reported 
in any major news medium. 

The mismatch between observed reality 
(upper left scatter-plot in the graph below) 

and the computer models on which the UN places such heavy and undue reliance is 

astonishing, and revealing - 






-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.C 








-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.C 



MIROC3.2(medres) UKMO-HadGEMI 

61 ' I ' I ' I ' I 61 ' I ' I ' I '~ 



-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.C 

Observed reality vs. errorieous computer predictions: Scatter-plots of net flux of outgoing iong-wave radiation, as 
measured by the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment satellites over a i^-year period ("upper left panel) and as 
predicted by 11 of the computer models relied upon by the UN (all other panels), against change in global sea 
surface temperature over the period. The mismatch between reality and prediction is entirely clear. It is this graph 
that provides the final evidence that the UN has absurdly exaggerated the effect not only of COi but of all 
greenhouse gases on global mean surface temperature. Source: Lindzen & Choi (2009). 

Lindzen's examination of the glaring discrepancy between observed and predicted data 
concludes that the "global warming" to be expected from a doubling of atmospheric CO2 
concentration is just 1° F in the real world of observed climatic data, not the 6° F that the UN 
takes as its central prediction based on mere computer models. 

Let us summarize what we now know of the behavior of the climate. 

Carbon dioxide now occupies scarcely one-ten-thousandth more of the atmosphere than it 
did in 1750, before the Industrial Revolution. It is accumulating in the atmosphere, but at 
only half the rate predicted by the models on which the UN's climate panel relies. 
Notwithstanding that continuing accumulation, for a third of a century global surface 
temperature has risen at less than half the rate the UN predicts for the future; for almost 15 


years there has been no statistically-significant "global warming" at all; and for almost eight 
years there has been statistically-significant global cooling. Tellingly, the oceans have not 
warmed at all, and may even have cooled a little, over the six years during which accurate 
observations have been possible. This 
observation is fatal to the official theory of high 
climate sensitivity. 

We now know why CO2 is in fact exercising far 
less effect on temperature than the models 
predict: the model-predicted tropical upper- 
troposphere "hot spot" is absent in observed 
reality. We also know why the "hot spot" is 
absent: subsidence drying is preventing the 
accumulation of water vapor in the upper 
troposphere without which that layer cannot 
warm at thrice the surface rate. 

Moreover, we now know by direct 
measurement that outgoing long-wave 
radiation is not being trapped within the 
atmosphere by additional greenhouse gases to 
anything like the extent that the UN's 
computer models predict. Far more of that 
radiation is escaping to outer space than had 
been thought: therefore, it cannot warm the 
atmosphere to anything like the degree that 
the UN has predicted. 

Senator Kerry, of course, does 

not read the learned journals. 

Nor do his staffers do so. 

They are unaware of any of 

the numerous other major 

papers now being published 

in the peer-reviewed 

literature that demonstrate 

every central aspect of the 

"global warming" scare to be 

baseless and exaggerated 
beyond all science or reason. 

The bottom line is this. Since CO2 concentration is now known to be growing at half the 
predicted rate, and, since climate sensitivity to CO2 enrichment of the atmosphere is now 
known to be not more than one-sixth of the UN's central estimate, anthropogenic "global 
warming" over the coming century will be comfortably less than one-tenth of the UN's 
central estimate. Instead of 6° F by 2100, we are looking at around 0.5° F by 2100. That 
insignificant warming will be harmless and beneficial. 

Senator Kerry, of course, does not read the learned journals. Nor do his staffers do so. Nor 
do the other members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. They rely upon their 
friends in the Left-dominated news media for their "science". Therefore, they are unaware 
of the chain of evidence in the peer-reviewed, learned journals, culminating in Lindzen's 
definitive result. They are unaware of any of the numerous other major papers now being 
published in the peer-reviewed literature that demonstrate every central aspect of the 
"global warming" scare to be baseless and exaggerated beyond all science or reason. 

Unless the woeful scientific ignorance of our classe politique can be corrected in time, its 
consequences for the people they nominally serve will be dire. The Waxman/Markey climate 
Bill proclaims the intention of Congress to shut down five-sixths of the US economy over the 


next few decades, in the specious name of Saving The Planet from an imagined man-made 
catastrophe that science has definitively dismissed as being without foundation either in 
climatological theory or in observed reality. 

Even if there were a "climate crisis" on the 
scale hoped for by Senator Kerry, shutting 
down five-sixths of the US economy would 
not avert that crisis. India and China have 
now understood that the "crisis" has been 
manufactured and has no basis in the real 
world of hard science. They have 
announced, repeatedly and rightly, that 
they will continue to burn fossil fuels at an 
ever-increasing rate, for the sake of lifting 
their people out of poverty. For there is a 

direct correlation between the per-capita consumption of fossil fuels and the prosperity and 

consequently the life-expectancy of the nation - 

There is a direct correlation 

between the per-capita 

consumption of fossil fuels and 

the prosperity and consequently 

the life-expectancy of the nation. 

Chart Mapi 











Hong Kong - 81 

China- 71 

Indonesia - 67 

Japan - 81 

US- 77 

Russian Fed. -6S 

India -63 

Chad -44 

••» t . 


South Africa - 46 

Africa r" 







Life expectancy (years: left scaie) vs. tons of carbon dioxide emitted per capita (log scale), by population (size of 
circle). The more CO2 is emitted per capita, the greater the life-expectancy. 

Also, it is only when prosperity is available to all that population stabilizes. Requiring China 
and India to keep their people in poverty for the sake of reducing the world's "carbon 
footprint" would, paradoxically, achieve precisely the opposite effect. Continuing poverty 
would entail continuing population increase, with a consequent increase in carbon 


Worse, making Western nations poor via measures sucfi as tiie Waxman/Markey Biii would 
lead to a massive population explosion in the West, compounding the increase in the world's 
"carbon footprint" that will arise from 
imprisoning the populations of India, China, and 
other third-world nations in their current poverty. 

The Waxman/Markey Bill 

The Waxman/Markey Bill supported by Senator 
Kerry is accordingly a non-solution to a non- 
problem. Even if there were a problem, the 
present US administration's solution is calculated 
to make the problem many times worse. 

supported by Senator Kerry 

is accordingly a non-solution 

to a non-problem. 

However, as we have established, there is no climate problem. Senator Kerry should 
remember that the correct solution to a non-problem is to have the courage to do nothing. 
End of scare. 



Contrasting Ideas about Climate Change and War 

Back in February, the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment of the U.S. House of 
Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing emitted "The Climate 
Crisis: National Security, Economic, and Public Health Threats." World Climate Report's Pat 
Michaels testified that we should be careful when assessing future threats from climate 
change because our understanding of what climate change the future may bring is grossly 
uncertain. Dr. Michaels backed up his contention by a demonstration that climate models 
are having a tough time getting the present and recent past right — which casts a pall on 
their future forecasts. 

Also testifying at that hearing was General Gordon Sullivan (Ret.), President and Chief 
Operating Officer, Association of the United States Army who discussed potential national 
security threats from global warming — primarily from "unrest" in other parts of the world 
as food and water supplies grow scarce in some regions. 

tSfeti^SluSCflriiJ^dgi^i^pli^tJyQJini^gaair^ife^nrl^^aig^M^^ aeekritteP©tWirpi1oHri§ii^'ttwtifetails of 
future climate changes is quite uncertain, expressed this sentiment to the Subcommittee 
members on February 12, 2009: 

Two years ago, 1 appeared at the first meeting of the Select Committee on Energy 

Independence and Global Warming in my capacity as Chairman of the Military Advisory 

Board to the CNA report on "National Security and the Threat of Climate Change"... 

^*i sigl^^eljIf^jfe^i^lfiSg^^ Many areas of 

the world that will be the hardest hit by climate change Impacts are already being 

stressed by lack of water, lack of food, and political and social unrest. Adding 

climate change to this mix will only serve to exacerbate the existing Instabilities. 

• Third, projected climate change will add to tensions even in stable regions of the 

• And fourth, that climate change, national security and energy dependence are a 
related set of global challenges. 

in the two years since I appeared before the Committee, we've seen no evidence to 

contradict those findings. In fact, we've only seen them reinforced. 
Not so fast, according to Wendy Barnaby, editor of People & Science, the magazine 
published by the British Science Association. 

Ms. Barnaby set out to write a book detailing the history of "water wars" — wars fought 
over water scarcity — with special interest on how climate change may impact such conflicts 
in the future. Since all sorts of entities, including the United Nations, the World Bank, and 
General Sullivan, have made grave prognostications about conflicts developing from global 
warming's impact on water supply, Ms. Barnaby surely reckoned that a book detailing the 
history of the subject would be a popular read. 

But then she encountered a major roadblock — the more she looked for "water wars" the 
more it became obvious that there just weren't any. Instead, she found that nations with 
water deficits "solve their water shortages through trade and international agreements." 


Ms. Barnaby detailed her investigations which ultimately led to her not writing the book 
(since there was nothing to write about) in an essay titled "Do nations go to war over 

H^r^jS Wb^V^h^:fQJrtKSht(Mt the popular myth of water wars somehow be dispelled or^ce 
and for all. This will not only stop unsettling and incorrect predictions of international 
conflict over water. It will also discourage a certain public resignation that climate 
change will bring war, and focus attention instead on what politicians can do to avoid it: 
most importantly, improve the conditions of trade for developing countries to 
strengthen their economies. And it would help to convince water engineers and 
managers, who still tend to see water shortages in terms of local supply and demand 
that the solutions to water scarcity and security lay outside the water sector in the 
water/food/ trade/ economic development nexus. It would be great if we could unclog 
our stream of thought about the misleading notions of 'water wars'. 
Maybe the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment will invite Ms. Barnaby to their next 
hearing on climate change and national security for that they can get a more rounded 
briefing on the topic. But, probably they won't, after all Ms. Barnaby includes this pearl of 
wisdom, "There is something other than water for which shortages, or even the perceived 
threat of future shortages, does cause war — oil," which is decidedly not what those in 
control of the Subcommittee want to hear, after all, this is precisely the type of action 
(perceived threat of oil shortages) which they are promoting! 

Source: http://www.worldclimaterep 


Cover photo of The Great Seal courtesy of the National Security Agency. 

m 0^ .ft ^^M 

Robert Ferguson 

SPP! President 
Woslilngton, D.C. 


Science & Public Policy Institute 

5501 Mercliant View Square 

Box 209 

Hoymarlcei, VA 20169-5699 
