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"SMC" Second Quarter, 1963 
Volume XIII No. 4 

Published quarterly by Southern Missionary Col- 
lege, Coliegedale, Tennessee. Entered as second 
class matter February 12, 1951, at Coliegedale, 
Tennessee, under act of Congress August 24, 1912. 

SJMC and QJou 

Revised 1963 

Southern Missionary College 
Collegedale, Tenn. 

Southern College of SOA 
Collegedale, TN 37315 

'tllte $s Qjou/i Cofi&gc 

Southern Missionary College is your college. 
You are, or soon will be, enrolled as a member 
of our college family. This family is organized 
for cooperative, helpful living. Your interests as 
an adult have been taken fully into account in 
developing our pattern of life in this college 
and in the community in which the college is 

Those of us who were here before you came 
invite you to share our ideals and help build and 
maintain the highest possible standards of Chris- 
tian community life. The standards indicated in 
this booklet have been formulated through the 
cooperation of the faculty and the students of the 
college. These statements, it is hoped, will be 
helpful. As time passes and experience indicates, 
they may be further revised and improved. Any 
such alteration will take precedence over that 
printed herein if a conflict in instruction exists 

In the meantime you are invited to accept this 
pamphlet as your official guide in cooperative living 
on the campus of SMC. 





is a word picture of SMC, of 
its purposes, and its ideals. 
It shows how 


may take your place in this 

'tTabfie 0^ Confute 



Going to college is fun, but it is also hard 
work. If this seems to suggest a paradox, then 
you have a real surprise coming. "Work" and 
"fun" are inseparable at SMC. You will soon 
understand that the SMC student who is well- 
rounded and takes appropriate time for study, 
work, and play is the one who has fun. 

Going to college may be a new experience for 
you, and it will be enjoyed if you make proper 
preparation. You have probably asked the ques- 
tion, "What can I expect at SMC?" This booklet 
is an attempt to answer, at least partially, that 
question. It is presented with the hope that it 
will help you (both new and returning students) 
better to enjoy college life. 

"SMC and You" suggests a relationship between 
a college and an individual. You are that person. 
In order that your experience at SMC may be as 
nearly perfect as possible, you will choose to 
uphold high personal, social, and academic stand- 
ards. This booklet should acquaint you with the 
pattern of life at SMC. 

"One earnest, conscientious, faithful young man 
in a school is an inestimable treasure. "M YP. p. 
181. SMC invites you to be such a student, then 
college will be fun. 



Southern Missionary College is owned and oper- 
ated by the Southern Union Conference of Seventh- 
day Adventists, which maintains headquarters at 
Decatur, Georgia. The Southern Union Conference 
includes the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, North 
and South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, 
and Florida. Although the college primarily 
serves the young people of these states, it also 
accepts students from other states and overseas 

Southern Missionary College is a four-year, co- 
educational, arts and sciences college, authorized 
by the state of Tennessee to confer baccalaureate 
degrees. In addition, a number of two-year termi- 
nal curricula are available for students with spe- 
cialized vocational interests. 

Briefly stated, the objectives of the college are 
to provide standard instruction and broad educa- 
tional opportunities, under the most favorable 
circumstances, to such ambitious and purposeful 
Christian youth as can profit by them. 


Southern Missionary College is located near 
Chattanooga, Tennessee, and two and a half miles 
from Ooltewah, just off Lee Highway, U. S. 11 
and 64. Both the Southern and the Nashville, 
Chattanooga, and St. Louis railways serve this 
region, for which Chattanooga is the chief terminal. 
Bus service throughout the day provides local 
transportation facilities. The postal and express 
address is Collegedale, Tennessee. 

Should you arrive in Chattanooga, call the 
college for taxi service. From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
call 396-2111, the Business Office. At other times, 
call the dormitories — Talge Hall for men — 396- 
3131; Jones Hall for men— 396-2642; Women's 
Residence Hall for women — 396-2992. Leave your 
baggage checks with the college business office, 
and the college truck will deliver the luggage to 
your dormitory. 


Residence requirements: All single students 
whose parents or legal guardians do not reside in 
the immediate vicinity live in the residence halls. 
Only by special arrangements may students under 
sixteen years of age be accepted as students in the 
residence halls. Any exceptions to these require- 
ments may be made only by the President's Council. 

What to bring: You will want to make your 
room as comfortable and attractive as possible, for 
this will be your home while you are at college. 
If possible, before making important purchases, 
wait until you can arrive on campus to consult 
with your roommate, so there will not be duplica- 
tions and your room furnishings may blend well 

Your room will contain two single beds, a 
table, two chairs, two chests of drawers, and 
a closet. Rugs, pillows, and draperies are not 
furnished by the college. The essential furnishings 
you will need include sheets, pillow, pillow cases, 
a bedspread, adequate bedding, towels, wash 
cloths, slippers, a bathrobe, rain clothes, umbrella, 
suitable school and work clothes (uniforms are 
required in certain industries and may be secured 
at the college), a study lamp, flashlight, pictures, 
drinking glass, soap dish, shower clogs, an alarm 
clock, shoe racks or shoe bags, and sewing kit. 
Curtains for the rooms in the men's residence halls 
should be approximately two and a half yards 
long. The rooms are 13' x 13'. Curtain rods and 
towel racks are furnished by the student occu- 

In the girls' residence, curtain rods and towel 
racks are included in the furnishings of the 
room. The windows are 4' x 5 '4". 

Matching drapes and spreads are available at 
the Col 1 ege Mercantil e. 

Care of your room: Your room will be main- 
tained in such order as to pass inspection of the 
residence hall dean each day. When you vacate 
it, the room should be left clean, with walls, wood- 
work, and furniture undamaged. Nails should not 
be driven into walls or woodwork. 

Room courtesy: Of course you wish to have your 
rights respected as they concern the privacy of 
your own room. No other student should enter 
without permission when you are absent, and you, 
of course, will extend the same respect to others. 

Persons who do not reside in the residence halls 
are reminded that these living quarters are not 
open to the public. Should they wish to visit a 
student, the customary courtesy will be expected 
as if they were calling at any other private home. 

Study periods: College means study, at least part 
of the time. You will need opportunity to pre- 
pare lessons, therefore, study periods are observed 
each evening, Sunday through Thursday. The moni- 
tor is on duty through the evening. It is good 
practice to cooperate with him in maintaining the 
quietness of the evening study period. 

Loud talking in rooms and halls, the use of 
radios, and visiting from room to- room are not 
compatible with study. All activities such as 
committees, parties, and entertainments should be 
scheduled at times other than study period. 

When leaving the dormitory for library study, 
or other college-sponsored appointments, all stu- 
dents sign out in order that their whereabouts 
may be known throughout the evening. Long 
distance calls and other reasons make this courtesy 

Lights out: "Lights out" is synonymous with 
"quiet please." At 10:30 p.m. each night, except 
Friday nights at 10:00 and Saturday nights at 
11:00, room lights are turned out. Monitors will 
check each room and report to the dormitory dean. 

Radios: There is little need for radios, but 
you are allowed to bring them into the residence 
halls subject to certain regulations as to their use. 
Since the Women's Residence Hall is equipped 
with hi-fi music, hi-fis may not be brought into 
the hall. Young men may bring hi-fis, because 
their dormitory is not equipped with a hi-fi sys- 
tem. Radios or hi-fis are not to be played so 
loudly as to- be heard outside rooms, or following 
the evening worship period until 7:00 A.M. On 

the Sabbath only religious music is to be played. 
These regulations are designed to protect the study 
period, the Sabbath, and the rights of roommates 
and neighbors. The residence hall deans will ac- 
quaint you with these regulations at the beginning 
of the school term. TV is not permitted in your 


As a resident student, do not leave the campus 
without making proper arrangements with your 
academic dean, work supervisor, and residence 
hall dean. 

Southern Missionary College depends upon you 
as a student to help operate industries, and, in 
turn, you may be dependent upon the college for 
a job in order to secure an education. If you 
occupy a position, it will often be necessary for 
you to deny yourself regular vacations as well as 
regular leaves during the session. SMC must retain 
the right to require your "staying by" when yo'u 
are needed. 


Permission for leaves of absence may be granted 
on the average of once a month, excluding vaca- 
tions, if you do not have to miss classes or neces- 
sary work appointments. Written request for 
leave of absence must be filed with the residence 
hall dean by Thursday noon. It is understood 
that students will reach their destinations before 
sundown Friday night. 

Except in case of emergency, weekend leaves 
will not be granted during a week of spiritual 
emphasis during the period between Thanksgiving 
and Christmas and during the first month of 

Your weekend leave ends at 12:00 P.M. Sunday 
night. Vacation leaves also end at 12:00 p.m. If a 
person is traveling by public conveyance and finds 
himself unavoidably delayed, his individual case 
will be considered. 

Young women under 21 years of age must have 
written permission from their parents or guardians 
for weekend leaves. Young women must also have 

permission from home to invite friends or to visit 
friends to or at their respective homes. 

If a young man wishes to invite his girl friend 
home for the weekend, he must present to the 
dean of women an invitation from his mother to 
the young lady involved. Or the mother should 
write directly to the dean of women stating that 
such plans are agreeable with her. 

A young lady who wishes to invite a young 
man to her home must attach to her leave blank 
an invitation from her mother written directly 
to the dean of women stating that such an in- 
vitation has been extended. 

Students who plan to visit in a home other 
than the home of either of their parents, must pre- 
sent to the dean of women a written invitation 
from their hostess. 

Collegian men and women may travel together 
on weekend leaves provided there are more 
women than men and no overnight stops. The 
women must have written permission from their 
parents or guardians for such travel. There can be 
no more than six in the car. 

Two Upper Collegian men and two Upper 
Collegian women may travel together on weekend 
leaves without a chaperone if the trip is done 
with the written consent of the women's parents 
or guardians and if it does not include overnight . 

Collegian or Upper Collegian groups going to 
places other than the home or homes of students 
in the group shall make arrangements with the 
dormitory deans. Such trips would include visits 
to the campuses of other colleges, academies, 
sanitariums, etc. Invitations must be received from 
the host institution. 

Couples may travel by public conveyance with- 
out chaperonage on week-end leaves unless an 
overnight stop is involved. 

Overnight Leaves: All overnight leaves will 
count as regular weekend leaves. 

An overnight leave of absence to visit in 
private homes may be granted upon written in- 

vitation from host or hostess, and with specific 
authorization of parent or guardian for this oc- 
casion, regardless of the type of weekend per- 
mission on file. The above regulations concerning 
visiting in homes apply to Upper Collegians as 
well as Collegians. 

Shopping tours and concerts: The Southern 
Mercantile has a wide variety of offerings, but 
you may need to' visit Chattanooga occasionally 
for shopping purposes. Permission for such trips 
will be secured from the residence hall dean. 

Collegian men and women may not go 1 shopping 
together, but they may go to concerts or other 
occasions in nearby cities with an approved chap- 

Two Upper Collegian couples may go together 
to nearby cities for shopping or concerts, etc., pro- 
viding the two couples remain together for the 
planned activities. 

Sabbath trips: Sabbath activities may include 
your taking part in religious services at neighbor- 
ing churches as directed by the Division of Re- 
ligion; others are active in MV bands. Such off- 
campus activity is in harmony with proper Sabbath 
observances; unnecessary trips are not. Students are 
expected to adhere to the car and chaperonage 
policies as outlined elsewhere in this handbook. 


1. Students may elect to attend six approved 
off- camp us cultural and/or educational pro- 
grams or events per year during the evening 
study periods. Dating privileges are permitted 
under the approved chaperonage policy. 

2. Attendance at three additional programs will 
be permitted by arrangement through in- 
structional department chairmen and with 
the approval of the Academic Dean. A g.p.a. 
of 1.00 (C) must have been achieved for 

Freshmen are not eligible to attend the three 
additional programs until a satisfactory g.p.a. 
of "C" (1.00) has been earned at the end of 
the first nine-week period. 

3. Students wishing to attend off-campus pro- 
grams under the above policies must person- 
ally seek clearance with the residence hall 


deans by noon prior to the evening scheduled 

Departure time — 7:15 p.m.; or after the 
evening worship hour. 

Return to residence halls — not later than 
11:15 p.m. 


Late leaves, lasting until 11:15 p.m. on Satur- 
days, may be arranged for by Upper Collegians. 

Leaves, lasting until 10:30 p.m. on Saturdays, 
may be arranged for by Collegians. 


On open nights, you may wish to plan for 
some entertainment off campus. To do this, you 
must fill out a town trip blank or permission 
blank, giving the names of all students who are 
in your group, as well as the chaperone, if one 
is needed for the occasion. Only one person needs 
to fill out the town trip blank or the permission 
blank. Collegians may have a late leave until 
10:30 and Upper Collegians until 11:15. If the 
occasion is a group social activity, having both 
Collegians and Upper Collegians, then the time 
is 10:30 p.m. Collegians must have a chaperone. 
The request for an activity on open night must 
be filed with the dean of women by Friday noon. 


No student, whether in the Upper Collegian or 
Collegian group, is exempt from signing the reg- 
ister and securing permission from the residence 
hall dean before leaving the campus to engage 
in any of the privileges listed for his group. 


You should not invite visitors to the campus or 
to the residence halls without previous arrange- 
ment. When such visitors arrive, the residence hall 
dean should be notified. The presence of visitors 
does not authorize you to suspend any of the regu- 
lations for student conduct; arrangements for spe- 
cial privileges may be made with the residence hall 
dean beforehand. 



You will not bring any form or type of firearms 
or air rifles to the SMC campus. Possession or 
discharging of firearms or fireworks on the campus 
is an offense against state law and school regu- 
lations and may result in a fine or expulsion. 


You will recognize that acute fire danger is in- 
volved were you to use lamps, candles, alcohol 
stoves, or matches in student rooms. The residence 
halls are not wired in such a way as to permit the 
use of irons, hot plates, corn poppers, toasters, or 
electric heaters in student rooms; the use of such 
involves a real fire hazard. A penalty of $5.00 will 
be levied upon anyone violating this regulation 
concerning the use of appliances. 

In order to protect your life and property, a 
heavy fine, ranging from $25 to $50, is imposed 
for any unauthorized change of electric wiring 
facilities on the campus. 

You are further reminded that fire extinguishers 
must not be tampered with, obviously because they 
must be ready at all time for immediate emergency 
use. The college buildings are equipped with 
automatic sprinkler systems, extinguishers, and 
hoses. Anyone who tampers with the sprinkler 
system is liable to immediate dismissal. 


Occasionally, there is a student who does not 
respect the property of others. Carelessness in 
leaving personal property in public places is poor 
business. Proper care of personal property, as well 
as the scrupulous avoidance of interference with 
the property rights of others, is the rule for all 
students at SMC. 

The college does not take responsibility for 
personal property lost or left behind when a 
student leaves. 


During vacation periods you and SMC will be 
largely judged by your manners, dress, conduct, and 


general influence. As an SMC student, you will, 
therefore, maintain the standards and ideals of your 
college when, during vacation periods, you return 
to your home and to your local church and as you 
come into contact with relatives and friends. 


1. Immediately upon arrival you will: 

A. Report your car to the residence hall 


B. Be notified of your permanent parking 

stall. When your car is not in use, 
it will be parked in its stall. 

2. A driving permit is granted to an Upper 
Collegian whose car is properly insured 
(comprehensive, liability, and medical ) . 
Driving privileges will be explained to you 
personally by the respective residence hall 

3. No freshman dormitory student is to bring 
his or her car to the campus. Sophomores, 
unless they are upper collegians, will not 
drive their cars without special permission 
from the residence hall dean. 

4. All dormitory automobile owners will pay 
a fee for a parking stall. 

5. Failure to register a car may result in im- 
mediate expulsion from the college. 

6. Upper collegians may use their automobiles 
on Sabbath for church activities and should 
fill out a car blank prepared for that purpose; 
if the car is going to be used in other than 
church activities, explicit arrangements must 
be made with the respective residence hall 


The college expects that, should you reside in 
the community or wish to visit in community 
homes, you will follow the principles and adhere 
to the standards of conduct governing residence 
hall students. You who are parents and guardians, 
as well as others living in the community, are 


requested to consider yourselves responsible with 
the college faculty in the conducting of a Seventh- 
day Adventist college. The same degree of co- 
operation is expected from you who are married 
students or members of a married student's family. 

Collegian couples may be invited to homes in 
the community either by faculty, staff, or other 
approved hosts or hostesses. Collegians must have 
a chaperone to and from the home to which they 
are invited. A chaperone is required regardless 
of the number going. 

Upper Collegian couples may be invited to 
homes in the community either by faculty, staff, or 
other approved hosts and hostesses. No chaperone 
is needed if there is more than one couple going. 

The community host or hostess who has obtained 
approval for a mixed group function will be 
responsible for properly chaperoned transportation 
from and to the residence hall. The dormitory 
deans may use their own discretion as to when 
and how o c ten couples may visit community homes. 




As a church-related college in which personal 
religion is emphasized, SMC has made provision 
for this vital part of your life. The splendid 
location of the college among the beauties of nature 
and the spiritual atmosphere engendered by de- 
voted students and spiritually-minded staff mem- 
bers provide an incentive to each individual to 
find and maintain a personal connection with 
God through his own private devotions. 


Daily worship; Your spiritual growth is fostered 
through the medium of daily worship. In addition 
to the regular dormitory worships you will learn 
to appreciate the other scheduled religious appoint- 
ments. Among them are Friday evening vespers, 
Sabbath school, church services, and the sunset 
vespers on Sabbath evening. Faithfulness in attend- 
ance at these worship periods is carefully noted. 
From the above services and dormitory worships 
you may have four unexcused absences per month. 
Should you be ill, you must have your excuse blank 
signed by the nurse and present it to the dormitory 

Excused Absences: Absences that are excused 
must be excused ahead of time — not afterwards — 
except for emergencies. 

Absences due to illness will be excused only 
if the deans are notified of the illness before 
worship on the day the absence occurs. 

Special notice: You are not to be on the campus 
during the worship hour. 

Sabbath observance: In accordance with the sa- 
credness of the Sabbath, you as a member of the 
school family will engage in public worship, rest, 
and various Christian activities. Sabbath afternoon 
provides time for walks, reading religious books 
and periodicals, writing missionary letters, partici- 
pating in group singing, visiting the sick and aged, 
and engaging in missionary service as sponsored 
by the Missionary Volunteer Society. As you be- 


come part of the SMC family, you will appreciate 
these activities more and more. 

Quiet hours are announced for Sabbath after- 
noons in the dormitories, and all persons are 
requested to respect this time. 

Weeks of Prayer: The Weeks of Spiritual Em- 
phasis offer opportunity for special religious de- 
votion. You will be given opportunity through 
the ministry of outstanding religious leaders for 
individual examination of your personal life, 
which in all probability will result in spiritual 


Busy days require moments of restful meditation. 
Take time to pray. Furthermore, take time to 
participate in voluntary prayer bands. It will mean 
much to you. 


Chapel is conducted several times a week, and 
you will find that this meeting is an integral part 
of the school program for students and faculty. 
Except for Sabbath appointments, this is the only 
opportunity for you to meet at the same time with 
everyone else at SMC. This makes the chapel 
period very important from an organizational as 
well as from an informational and inspirational 

If the number of unexcused absences in any one 
semester exceeds the number of chapel periods in 
one week, the student may be issued a letter of 
advice or a letter of warning. 

Absences from chapel are allowed for illness, 
emergency, and authorized school trips. These are 
the only recognized reasons for excusable absence. 
Applications for permanent absence from chapel 
are presented to' the academic dean on a form 
obtainable at the dean's office. Such absence privi- 
lege is granted only on the basis of urgent financial 
necessity or because of the key position filled. 

A satisfactory chapel attendance record is re- 
quired for readmission to SMC. 




It is the purpose of the college to give you 
guidance in the development of a well-integrated 
personality. The college provides you with op- 
portunity to associate with others. In the resi- 
dence halls, classrooms, and cafeteria, you will find 
many occasions to make a large circle of acquaint- 
ances and to share in a pleasant and enjoyable 
campus life. 

The student and faculty committees on lyceum 
and social programs plan the Saturday night ac- 
tivities. These include music, lyceums, suitable 
motion pictures, and lectures. Mixed student 
groups may also plan social gatherings for them- 
selves on open Saturday nights, being certain 
to make all necessary arrangements with the dean 
of women, the dean of men, and their chaperones 
by Friday noon. These special occasions will 
ordinarily be limited to open Saturday nights. 


No condition or circumstance in life offers a 
better opportunity for developing satisfying friend- 
ships than do the associations at college. Since 
the friends you make during your college days 
almost certainly will be among the most lasting 
in your life, it will be to your permanent advantage 
to choose them well. At college the old adage, 
"a man is known by the company he keeps," is 
doubly true. By making many well-selected and 
lasting friendships you can establish a good repu- 
tation and gain the rich benefits of uplifting 
associations. Noble, high-minded fellow students 
are stimulating and inspiring in their influence 
upon your life. 

A Christian college campus is no place for 
love-sick sentimentalism and infatuation. There 
are other stimulating friendships available in ad- 
dition to that "special one." Dignified, uplifting 


association is encouraged, but discourteous action 
as evidenced in unseemly behavior between men 
and women or public display of affection which 
would be embarrassing to faculty, visitors, and 
cultured students is out of order. 


Only a student who adheres to Seventh-day 
Adventist standards and practices of Southern 
Missionary College and whose social conduct in- 
dicates that he is in harmony with these Adventist 
ideals for association between young men and 
young women is entitled to the social privileges 
afforded at the college. It is highly recommended 
that each student familiarize himself with the 
ideals and standards of social relations as set forth 
in the writings of Ellen G. White and other 
Adventist authors competent to counsel young 

You are regarded by observers as a representa- 
tive of SMC, and, since Christian social regula- 
tions are founded on solid principles of social 
conduct, they are not suspended during vacation 


"Young people complain of chaperonage as 
though it were something that the faculty had in- 
vented last summer in a fit of ill humor. As a mat- 
ter o c fact, chaperonage was invented several thou- 
sand years before the oldest member of your faculty 
was born. It is not a device to hamper and annoy 
young people, it is a device to protect them 
. . . , and render their final happiness more 
sure. It is the product of a certain phase of human 
experience. It exists, in one form or other, wher- 
ever civilization exists. From many sad events 
the race has discovered that it is not best to allow 
ourselves to be too sorely tempted; that it is better, 
so to speak, not to tempt temptation. It has been 
learned that it is better not to permit young people 
or older ones either, for that matter, since the 
principles of chaperonage apply to either group — 
to indulge in unsupervised association, which 


might later lead to familiarities and even sin that 
would be regretted, perhaps when all regrets 
would be too late. 

"Chaperonage is not a form of mistrust. It is 
not a kind of narrowmindedness — a hang-over from 
some less-enlightened age. It is simply a rule 
which rests on the same basis as the rule which 
prohibits smoking beside an oil tank, or lighting 
matches on the premises of a powder factory." — 
Gwynne Dalrymple, You and Your Problems, 
p. 72. 

If you plan for mixed groups to attend social 
functions, you should submit such plans in writing 
to the dean of women far enough in advance to 
make sure all arrangements are properly made. 
Arrangements for such events are not made 
on the Sabbath nor for the Sabbath hours. 
These plans will include the inviting of a chap- 
erone, and no changes are to be made after ap- 
proval is granted; the young men make the neces- 
sary arrangements for chaperonage. Chaperonage 
is not required for any event on the campus. The 
regulations requiring chaperonage apply also to 
community students. 

Courtesy requires a ready response to any sug- 
gestion of the chaperone regarding conduct, pro- 
cedure, hour of departure, and other matters. 
When a group is involved, the student making the 
request must provide the chaperone with a properly 
approved list of names. Good form requires that 
the chaperone be regarded as a guest. It is the 
duty of the chaperone to inform herself that ar- 
rangements are definite and explicit. The chaper- 
one is expected to handle emergencies, to deal 
with irregularities or accidents, and to return 
the group at the hour designated. 

It is the responsibility of the dean of women to 
approve or disapprove those suggested as chaper- 

Supervision for picnics and outings shall be 
ranged in the approximate proportion of 
supervisor for every 15 to 20 students. 




Escorting is a privilege granted to you if you 
maintain a high level of conduct. You as a 
young man will meet the young lady at her resi- 
dence, accompany her to the appointment, and see 
her directly home afterwards. 

Escorting to social occasions such as Saturday 
evening programs, picnics, approved parties, etc. 
is in order. Walking together to and from 
various appointments during the week days is 
approved. Escorting after worship during study 
evenings is not approved. Socializing such as 
informal meetings of couples during the evening 
study hours or on the Sabbath is not approved. 
Loitering by escorts at the women's residence is 
considered out of order at all times. Necessary 
visiting may be arranged for otherwise through 
the dean of women or in the Student Lounge. 

Escorting for an evening campus function may 
not ordinarily begin earlier than 30 minutes before 
the hour of the function of the evening. The 
Women's Residence Hall will be closed 15 minutes 
after the end of the regular Saturday night program 
or other social function. When the Student Asso- 
ciation provides a social hour, it will terminate 
so that each student may be in the dormitory by 
10:30 p.m. (If the program ends after 10:00 
p.m., there will be no social hour.) The social 
hour is for college students only. All students are 
expected to report at their respective dormitories 
within 15 minutes after the Saturday night pro- 
grams unless they attend the social hour. 

Couples may walk together in groups to and 
from church services. However, escorting in the 
regular sense of the term is out of order during 
the Sabbath hours. 


The young man should make the arrangements 
with the dean of women for visiting in the 
Women's Residence Hall facilities. 

A young man should not call at the women's 
residence hall during the study period except 
by previous arrangement with the dean of women. 
A young woman should not make social calls 
at the men's residence hall. 



Couples are not to visit in the public buildings 
of the campus. 

Public display of affection is out of order any- 
where. It is embarrassing to others and not in 
keeping with good social standards. 

Excessive association of couples around the 
campus is out of order. 

Benches are provided around the campus where 
students may sit occasionally, during daylight 
hours. The Student Lounge is also a recognized 
meeting place for social activities. 


Couples are not to sit in parked cars or to drive 
aimlessly around in automobiles in the surround- 
ing community. 


All students will be seated on the plan of two 
men and two women to each table as directed by 
the dining room hostesses. 

The dining room is a place to become acquainted 
with a wide circle of friends by dining with a new 
group each meal. 

When special friends dine together at supper, 
they are not granted escorting privileges. They 
should meet at the cafeteria for dining together. 
When such couples finish the evening meal they 
may go to the Student Lounge or the recreation 
field and gym, but there is to be no escorting 
past the Administration Building entrance where 
the young man will go into worship and the 
young woman will proceed to her worship. 


The Student Park is for planned and approved 
activities. This regulation includes week days as 
well as Sabbath. 

Groups planning to use the student park should 
ask their respective residence hall dean for such 



The period from 5:00 p.m. until 6:25 p.m., 
with the exception of Friday and Sabbath, is 
considered a social time on the campus. All so- 
cial activities, including students and couples 
visiting on the campus or loitering on the campus, 
cease at 6:25 p.m. and during the evening study 

Between 5:00 and 6:25 students may use the 
facilities of the gym, recreational field, benches on 
the campus, or the student lounge. There should 
be no loitering around the residence halls during 
this time or at any other time. 


Collegians and Upper Collegian couples shall 
refrain from sitting together at religious services 
of the Sabbath hours, but the college recognizes 
mixed groups in Sabbath school classes on both 


There are two groups of students on the cam- 
pus: Collegians and Upper Collegians. The Upper 
Collegians are those students who are juniors or 
seniors, or twenty years of age, or who have been 
in attendance at SMC for two years. One must 
maintain a 1.00 g.p.a. or better to remain in this 
group. Their privileges are indicated in the fol- 
lowing paragraphs. 

Students are in the Collegian group if they are 
freshmen, or are not twenty years old, or have 
not been in attendance at SMC for two years, or 
have a g.p.a. of less than 1.00. Their privileges 
are also designated in the following paragraphs. 

New and transfer students, regardless of age, 
grade, or class will be in the Collegian group for 
their first nine weeks on the campus. 

Students go on and off the lists at the end of 
each nine-week period. 


When the young man or young lady of a couple 
is a Collegian and the other person is an Upper 
Collegian, then the couple assumes the status of 


the lower group. This provision includes staff 
members dating students. It also includes students 
who date academy students, the two young persons 
coming under the rules of the academy. 

The rules in this booklet, including these on 
social conduct, also apply to dormitory students 
who may be dating students or non-students in 
the community. 


Letters of advice are written to alert the stu- 
dent to his violation of school rules and regula- 
tions and put him on guard about his conduct on 
the campus. 

These letters may be written for such violations 
as repeated late entrances to the dormitory, vio- 
lations of rules concerning socializing on the 
campus or during study period, etc. 

An Upper Collegian, who receives a letter of 
advice after a faculty member cautions him about 
his conduct, will lose his upper collegian status 
for the remainder of the nine-weeks period. 

A Collegian who receives a letter of advice, 
usually after a faculty member has spoken to 
him about his conduct, goes on social probation 
for the remainder of that nine-weeks period. 


Letters of warning are written to students for 
more serious violations of school rules and reg- 
ulations. Letters of warning are a second step 
before suspension or expulsion. 

An Upper Collegian who receives a letter of 
warning loses his upper collegian status for the 
remainder of the semester. 

A Collegian who receives a letter of warning 
goes on social probation for the remainder of that 

Letters of advice and warning are placed in 
the permanent file and a copy is sent to the 
parents or guardians. 




In order to maintain the highest Christian stand- 
ards, SMC does not knowingly admit or indefinitely 
retain a student who is guilty of stealing; willfully 
and deliberately employing deception regarding 
violations of college regulations, including dis- 
honesty in examinations or classwork; gambling, 
betting, possessing, or using playing cards or other 
gambling devices; dancing or attending theaters, 
pool halls, or bowling alleys; using or possessing 
alcoholic beverages, narcotics or tobacco, or furnish- 
ing them to others; using profane or vulgar lan- 
guage; indulging in lewd conduct or suggestions; 
displaying or possessing obscene literature or pic- 
tures;, meeting persons of the opposite sex in any 
secretive or clandestine manner; or disseminating 
atheistic ideas or undermining the religious ideals 
of the college. 


"No education can be complete that does not 
teach right principles in regard to dress. Without 
such teaching the work of education is too often 
retarded and perverted." — Ellen G. White 
(Ed. 246). 

"A person's character is judged by his style of 
dress. A refined taste, a cultivated mind will be 
revealed in the choice of simple and appropriate 
attire. Chaste simplicity in dress, when united 
with modesty of demeanor, will go far toward 
surrounding a young woman with that atmosphere 
of sacred reserve which will be to her a shield from 
a thousand perils."— Ellen G. White (Ed. 246). 
The key words of these statements are modesty, 
simplicity, and appropriateness. 

While dress is ultimately an individual matter, 
good sense and good taste require that certain 
general standards be taken into consideration as 
you plan your wardrobe. Modesty in dress for both 
men and women is not only considered good taste, 
but it is highly desirable from the standpoint of 
economy and the impression it gives to others. 



Good form requires that young men wear neck- 
ties to all religious services. Coats may be dis- 
carded when weather is extremely hot. Those who 
work around the college buildings will wear shirts. 
Neat and appropriate attire is expected for at- 
tendance at the dining hall. 

Men students are not to wear excessively tight 
clothing. Shirts of a transparent material may be 
worn only with an undergarment. Shirts must 
be worn at all times in the gymnasium, tennis 
courts, ball field, etc. ID bracelets and rings are 
not to be worn. 

A young man should wear slacks, not blue- 
jeans, to classes, and he should not wear sleeveless 
shirts or T-shirts on the campus unless he is en- 
gaged in recreation at the recreation field or the 
gymnasium. Good taste requires that young men 
wear a T-shirt or undershirt under an open-neck 
shirt or other shirt. 


1. Standards of good taste demand that the 
shoulder and upper part of the arm be 
covered. This means that all dresses and 
blouses should have sleeves. Cap sleeves 
are not sleeves. 

2. The neckline should be modest — not cut 
low in front, back, or off the shoulders. 

3. On a few occasions during the year many 
women choose to dress formally ; however, 
you need not feel that your college ward- 
robe must contain a formal. A list of stand- 
ards governing formal attire is given below. 

4. Sheer or transparent blouses may not be 

5 . Tight sweaters or shirts or form-fitting clothes 
of any kind are not to be worn. 

6. All dresses and skirts must be long enough 
to cover the knees at all times in any stand- 
ing or sitting position. 

7. Party dresses are inappropriate for church 
wear. (Dresses that dip in the back are 
considered party dresses.) 


8. Shorts, slacks, toreadors, slim-jims, jeans, 
or pedal-pushers of any kind are not to be 
worn on the campus at any time or in any 
public place. The regulation recreation and 
gym attire (black White Stag clam-diggers) 
may be worn on specified occasions (see 
recreation rules). 

9. Artificial appearances resulting from the use 
of cosmetics, hair-dyes, etc., are out of place 
and are not permitted at SMC. 

10. Jewelry, such as rings, necklaces, necklace 
watches, lockets, earrings, pendants, brace- 
lets, and anklets, is not to be worn while at- 
tending SMC. 


1. All formals must have sleeves. A cap sleeve 
or a ribbon or net drape is not sl sleeve. 

2. All formals must be long enough to cover 
the knees in any standing or sitting position, 
regardless of the number of crenolins worn. 

3. If a stole is worn, it must be attached to the 
dress so as to make it a part of the garment. 
A net or lace stole must be lined. 

4. A dress that dips in the back must come 
up to within 6" of the neckline. A round 
neck dress that exposes too much, of the back 
must be worn with a stole or a jacket. 

NOTE: All formals will be checked before the 
first formal occasion. 



It is a satisfying feeling to believe that someone 
understands you. Advisers are friendly people who 
enjoy helping you understand yourself or aiding 
you in meeting your problems. The services of a 
technically trained and well-qualified professional 
counselor are available to those of you who may 
desire vocational or other guidance. Your coun- 
selor will also be able to interpret test results 
concerning your vocational or scholastic aptitudes. 

As a freshman, you will participate in the 
general testing program, which includes measures 
of scholastic aptitude, reading proficiency, social 
adjustment, and vocational proficiency. The current 
college bulletin carries information on this testing 
and counseling service. 


Of recent years much importance has been 
attached to the book collection as the heart and 
center of learning on a college campus. SMC has 
the beautiful A. G. Daniells Memorial Library. 
The building is modern, is comfortably furnished, 
and is well equipped. You are encouraged to take 
advantage of these splendid library privileges. Here 
are the finest opportunities for personal develop- 
ment in preparing class assignments and research 
work and for recreational reading. The library is 
a real "service" department, and the library staff 
serves the entire student body and staff personally 
and impartially. 

In order that you may be protected in your study 
rights, lounging or visiting is out of order here. 
Special friends will not sit together or use the 
library for a meeting place. The library is a place 
of business, not a social center. 


The policy regarding class attendance is that no 
absences shall occur except for illness, emergency, 
or authorized school trips. Such absences are 
recognized for the purpose of making up work; 


however, requests to do so must be presented to 
the academic dean on the form provided within 
48 hours after the absence occurs and must be made 
up within a week. 

Teachers report to the dean's office when a stu- 
dent's absences in any one class number the same 
as the class appointments for one week. When the 
absences equal the appointments for two weeks, 
the teacher will consult with the academic dean as 
to the student's continuance in the particular class. 
Cases of such students may be reviewed by the 
Academic policies Committee. 

The usual regulation about double absences im- 
mediately preceding or following vacation periods 
and picnic days is also part of the absence policy 
at SMC. Leaving class without permission counts 
as an absence. Repeated tardinesses may also be 
considered as absences. 


Textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, and other 
auxiliary learning materials are available at the 
College Book Store. 


A regular routine of study produces maximum 
results. The residence dean has daily program 
cards available on which you can outline your 
daily schedule, marking your appointments and in- 
dicating times for study. "Plan your work and 
work your plan" will aid you greatly in your drive 
for success in academic matters. 

Here are some suggestions on how to study: 

1. Plan your work. 

2. Have a goal for each study appointment. 

3. Keep in good health by regularity in eating, 
sleeping, and exercising. 

4. Have a definite place and time for study on 
each subject. 

5. Start studying immediately when you sit down 
at your desk; avoid daydreaming! 

6. Learn to read properly by looking for main 
thoughts and by increasing your vocabulary. 


7. Learn to remember by basing your memory 
on understanding. 

8. Take notes — legible, complete, and organized 
— on each subject. 

9. Prepare for examinations by daily study with 
short frequent reviews. 




Southern Missionary College cordially welcomes 
you to its industrial program. This work program 
has been provided to help defray your school ex- 
penses and to give you practical training, which 
in many respects is of as much benefit as the 
academic program. 

The work program actually enables students to 
"earn as they learn." A certain amount of work 
is necessary for the operation of the college. In- 
stead of hiring a large number of non-student, full- 
time workers, much of the work has been reserved 
for students. In addition to the general work 
program at the college, many industries have been 
established to provide work for students. 

The optimum work-study program is about 20 
hours of work and 16 hours of classes per week. 
You are urged to spend a minimum of six hours 
per week in physical labor. Many students work 
more than the minimum in accordance with the 
financial plan under which they are registered. 
If you reside in the community, you will be 
furnished such work as the college may be able 
to provide. 


As a student, you should recognize that work 
assignments are as important as class assignments 
and that they constitute an essential part of the 
financial plan under which you are enrolled. In 
case of sickness or unavoidable absence you should 
contact your work superintendent and help make 
proper arrangements for a substitute worker and /or 
for makeup work later. Work absences must be 
held to an absolute minimum and allowed only 
when definite arrangements have been agreed upon 
in advance with the supervisor. In case of illness, 
you should report to the health service at once for 
treatment so that proper records can be made of 
the illness. 


Every effort will be made to assign you to an 
industry or a service department where you will be 
satisfied and able to produce a service worthy of 
your remuneration, but the college cannot assign 
you where work is not available, nor can it always 
shift you from one assignment to another upon 
request. Ordinarily you will be assigned to a 
particular department, and you will be expected to 
remain there for the school year. 

Two weeks' notice is required if you wish to 
terminate your regular, scheduled work program 
or to transfer to another department. 




Christian education is the harmonious develop- 
ment of the physical, mental, and moral powers. 
A sound physical constitution and vigorous health 
are impossible without relaxation and bodily exer- 
cise. Upon becoming a student at SMC, you should 
arrange your personal program so that you will get 
fresh air and exercise which are conducive to a 
strong active mind and a noble character. 

SMC, through its allied industries, provides an 
abundance of opportunities for student exercise. 
You will find physical labor a means of refreshment 
for mind and body. To you who work, useful 
physical labor provides a source of income and in- 
vigorating exercise, develops a spirit of self- 
reliance, and encourages habits of industry. 


In addition to having abundant opportunities 
for physical labor, the campus is situated to provide 
adequate recreational facilities. Hiking oppor- 
tunities are unexcelled, with rugged terrain and 
mountain trails of scenic beauty on every hand. 
The auditorium provides an area under roof for 
skating and marching. There are courts for basket- 
ball, volleyball, and tennis. The outdoor athletic 
field is properly equipped and lighted for night 
soft ball and other open field games. Intramural 
sports are planned for the appropriate season. 

All organized play is under the general super- 
vision of the director of physical education, assisted 
by the student and faculty committees on Health 
and Recreation. 

(a) Staff members and students of Southern 
Missionary College and Collegedale Acad- 
emy are eligible to use the recreational 
facilities of the field and gymnasium. 

(b) Facilities may be used daily until 6:20 
p.m. All activities will cease from two 
hours before sunset on Friday until Sunday 
morning with the exception of school- 
planned Saturday evening functions. 


(c) Students enrolled in physical education 
classes, as posted, have prior use of fa- 

(d) Student groups desiring use of facilities 
must secure permission from the director 
of physical education at least 24 hours in 
advance of expected use. 

(e) Only authorized and planned activities will 
be scheduled during the study period hours. 

(f) Soft rubber-soled shoes are to be used ex- 
clusively on surfaced courts to prevent ac- 
cidents and to protect playing surfaces. 

(g) Individuals checking out play equipment 
remain personally responsible for its care 
and return. 

(h) Sidewalks to and from courts and gym- 
nasium are to be used to avoid tracking 
of dirt onto surfaced play areas. 

(i) Traffic across shufneboard court is pro- 
hibited to protect painted surface. 

( j ) Women may wear either regular street wear 
apparel or approved gym wear consisting of 
loose fitting pedal pushers ( White Stag 
black clam diggers ) with appropriate 
blouse. A wrap-around skirt is to be worn 
to and from the courts or gymnasium. 

(k) Men may wear regular slacks or the college 
approved gym wear consisting of "duck 
deckers" with appropriate shirt. 

(1) See your respective dormitory dean or the 
director of physical education for full par- 
ticulars. College approved gym wear is 
available at the Southern Mercantile. 

(m) All participants are expected to conduct 
themselves in harmony with college stand- 
ards. Rules of propriety and sportsmanship 
are to be observed at all times. 

(n) Unless co-recreational activities are in prog- 
ress as planned school functions, there 
shall be no spectators loitering in the rec- 
reational areas. 

(o>) Willful misuse of equipment and facilities 
will result in appropriate discipline. Dam- 
age sustained will call for complete com- 
pensation for replacement or repair, which- 
ever is necessary. 



On the SMC campus wholesome and inspiring 
music may be a source and influence of great 
benefit; cheap and sensual music has the power to 
debase and to induce harm. At SMC every effort 
is exerted to encourage a taste for the finest and 
highest forms of music. The musical programs 
contribute to the development of an appreciation 
for the best secular and sacred compositions of the 
past and present. 

Students who insist on playing cheap music 
will be disciplined. 


As a student at SMC, you will have access to a 
large variety of books embracing the finest literary 
productions of all time. Here you will have op- 
portunity to store your mind with gems of truth 
and beauty. In college you can build reading habits 
that will determine your choice of literature in 
later life. As an educated person, you will want to 
acquaint yourself with the best as tested by literary 
standards; as a Christian, you will reject reading 
matter which may be detrimental to your personal 
spiritual development. 


The senior class alone is allowed an all-day 
picnic in the spring. 

The annual college class picnics are all conducted 
on the same day. 

The Ushers' Club is permitted a half-day picnic 
in the spring on a Sunday. 

All persons attending picnics are required to be 
back and checked in on the campus by 9:00 p.m. 

Mixed swimming is not permitted on school- 
sponsored outings and picnics. 

A small group that may want to have a picnic 
on a week day or on a Sabbath must have a faculty 
chaperone or an approved adult chaperone, even 
though the group may be Upper Collegians. 

All cars used for transportation on school 
picnics, etc., must be covered with public liability, 
property damage, and medical payment insurance. 




The opportunities for student participation in 
extra-class activities are unusually rich and varied 
at Southern Missionary College. The college fosters 
activity which stimulates student participation as 
a means of developing leadership and experience in 
group cooperation and achievement. On the prin- 
ciple that students should learn by doing, these 
activities prepare the student to render a definite 
and effective service to God and society. This 
extra-class activity program is an integral, in- 
dispensable phase of student life and offers a means 
of self-development of personal initiative, perse- 
verance, and group leadership. 


In addition to the activities organized by the 
Missionary Volunteer Society of the Collegedale 
church, the Student Association is the over-all or- 
ganization by which every student may participate 
in the extra-class activities of the college. The 
officers of the Student Association and the members 
of the Student Senate, which serves as the govern- 
ing body of the Association, are elected annually 
by popular vote of the members of the Association, 
or of one of its constituencies. 

Much of the work done in the over-all student 
organization is done by the standing student com- 
mittees appointed by the Student Senate. These 
formulate recommendations, either to faculty com- 
mittees, to the Student Association, and/or to the 
Student Senate. The administrative officers of the 
Student Senate meet functionally with the 
president, the dean, the dean of student affairs, 
and the business manager of the college. 

The Student Senate sessions are generally open 
to any student; the visiting student may take part 
in the discussions. In all-college forums in the 
chapel, by referendum among all students, and by 
discussions in committees, forums, and classes, 


student opinion is informed and may formulate 
recommendations. To a large degree, specific areas 
of student life and activity are under the full 
administration of the Student Senate or its com- 

Among the functions and activities of the Student 
Association and its committees are formulation of 
policies governing student office holding, chartering 
of clubs; planning for and administering the an- 
nual College Days; publication of the four student 
periodicals: the annual Southern Memories, the 
periodical Southern Accent, the semi-weekly Cam- 
pus Accent; the yearly Joker; participation in the 
formulation of policies in joint meetings with a 
number of faculty committees; planning and giving 
student broadcasts; promotion of special projects 
in regard to better English, weekly news com- 
mentaries, ushering service at all public functions, 
fund-raising campaigns for improvements, and 
sanitary inspection. 

A detailed handbook of student campus activi- 
ties entitled, The Student Association of Southern 
Missionary College, sets forth the duties and pro- 
cedures of the Student Association and its com- 
ponent elements, the clubs, forums, councils, and 
committees under its jurisdiction. 


The campus organizations are so varied that the 
special interest of every student is almost certain 
to be served. These include the following: 

The Musical Organizations: The Southern Mis- 
sionary College Choir, the Collegiate Chorale, the 
Men's Chorus, the College Band, quartets, trios, 
and other instrumental and vocal ensembles. 

The Professional Clubs: The Future Business 
Leaders of America, the Future Nurses Club, the 
Communications Arts Club, the Home Economics 
Club, the International Relations Club, the Secre- 
tarial Club, Biology Club, Chemistry Club, Physics 
Club, Teachers of Tomorrow Club, Industrial Arts 

The Special Interest Clubs: The Stamp Club, the 
Radio Club, the Ushers' Club, the Nature Club, 
the Parliamentarian Club, etc. 


The Forums: The Women's Forum, the Men's 
Forum, the Married Couples' Forum. 

The Church-Related Groups: Christ's Foreign Le- 
gion, the Ministerial Seminar, the Future Ministers 
Club, and the American Temperance Society's 
local chapter. 

The Missionary Volunteer Society of the local 
church is the largest student organization, operating 
a number of bands and other units serving special 
religious interests. 

Every student is encouraged to participate in 
these organizations to the extent that his work 
and study program will allow. As a means of 
protection against an excessive load, the student's 
office holding is regulated by the academic dean 
and the Student Association. 



In order that a large number may have an oppor- 
tunity to develop leadership, a division of extra- 
curricular activities is encouraged by the use of 
the following point system: 

Student Association 

President 18 

Vice President 15 

Secretary :. 18 

Treasurer 15 

Standing Committee Chairman 12 

Parliamentarian 3 

Membership m SA Standing Committee 3 

Southern Accent 

Editor-in-Chief 15 

Associate Editor 12 

Business Manager 12 

Make-up Editor 9 

News Editor 9 

Circulation Manager -— 6 

Executive Secretary 6 

Feature Editor — .. 6 

Reporter 3 

Typist 3 

Proofreader 3 

Copyreader 3 


Southern Memories 

Editor-in-Chief 1 5 

Associate Editor 12 

Business, Advertising & Circulation Manager 15 

Photographer 9 

Make-up Editor 3 

Lay-out Editor 3 

Snapshot Editor 3 

Literary Editor 3 

Typist 3 

Radio Station WSMC-FM 

General Manager .,.„ 15 

Programs Director 15 

Other Officers 3 

Class Officers 

Senior Class President 12 

Junior Class President 12 

Sophomore Class President 12 

Freshman Class President 12 

Any Class Secretary-Treasurer 6 

Other Class Officers 3 


President 6 

Vice President 3 

Secretary 3 


President 12 

Vice President 3 

Secretary .... 3 

Treasurer 3 


Elder 6 

Deacon 3 

Deaconess 3 

Assistant Treasurer 3 

Temperance Society President 12 

Temperance Vice President 6 

Other ATS Officers 1 3 

Sabbath School 

Division Superintendent 12 

Secretary 9 

Assistant Secretary 3 


Associate Superintendent 6 

Music Director 3 

Teacher - 3 

Missionary Volunteer Society 

Leader 1 8 

Associate Leader 15 

Secretary 1 2 

Treasurer 9 

Music Director 3 

Standing Committee Chairman 9 

Band Leader 3 

Assistant in Evangelism 3 


Director of Seminar Bands 12 

Ministerial Seminar Leader 9 

Seminar Band Associate Leader 3 

Christ's Foreign Legion President 6 

Christ's Foreign Legion — Other Officers 3 

Ushers' Club President 9 

Head Usher - - - 9 

Ushers' Club— Other Officers 3 

A student is limited to 21 points a semester for 
extracurricular activities. A senior may not increase 
his load beyond 18 points for the second semester. 
However, a senior carrying 21 points would not be 
required to resign an office in the second semester. 

Article 2, section (b) of the By-Laws of the 
Student Association states: 

A. Twenty-one points will be the maximum 
any student can hold. 

B. A student whose grade point average is 
below 1.2 may hold up to and including 6 
points. A student whose grade point average 
is 1.2 overall, or 1.4 for the previous se- 
mester, can hold up to and including 12 

C. A student whose grade point average is 1.4 
overall, or 1.6 for the previous semester, can 
hold up to 21 points. 

D. The Student Senate, in co-operation with 
the President's Council, shall determine the 
number of points to be carried by each office. 




Collegedale has a post office which serves the 
college and community. Besides the usual han- 
dling of mail, it is authorized to issue money orders 
and postal notes. Mail is picked up from and 
delivered to each of the residence halls twice 

Your mail should be addressed to Talge Hall 
or Jones Hall for men, and Women's Residence 
Hall for women. 

Trunks and packages which cannot be handled 
by parcel post are delivered by railway express. 


The Student Bank for safe keeping of students' 
funds is in Lynn Wood Hall. 


The lost and found department is in the service 
department in Lynn Wood Hall. 


The cafeteria is one of the most congenial places 
on the campus. There students meet and exchange 
ideas, news, and pleasantries. 

Proper nourishment is vital to physical and 
mental health. Balanced vegetarian meals are 
served in the college cafeteria, and it is usually 
a good practice for you to eat three meals a day. 

May we remind you that the dining hall is 
more than just a filling station. Each person at the 
table should contribute to the conversation at meals. 
It is a demonstration of good breeding to dress 
appropriately in the dining hall and to help 
maintain a cultural atmosphere. 


Laundry is collected once a week at each resi- 
dence hall or may be taken to the laundry per- 
sonally and picked up at a designated time. 


To safeguard your property there are two re- 
quirements: (1) Each article should be marked 
with a name tape which may be purchased at the 
laundry. The laundry assumes no responsibility 
for clothing which is not marked with name tapes. 
If the student prefers to furnish the tags, the 
laundry will sew them on at the student's expense. 
(2) A laundry slip should accompany each bundle. 
The laundry also handles dry cleaning and press- 
ing. Minor mending and patching is done free; 
a small charge is made for other repair work. 


The College Plaza is a convenient shopping 
center for general merchandise, school supplies, 
books, etc. It also houses the fountain where you 
may obtain a snack in case you miss a meal. Other 
facilities, such as a barber shop, and beauty shop, 
are available, 


Telephone booths are installed in both residence 
halls and in the College Plaza. These phones are 
available to students. Other office, business, and 
residence phones are private installations. Long 
distance calls may be made by paying cash or by 
reversing the charges. Social calls are not to be 
made during study period, and no calls should be 
made after 10:00 p.m. 

CONCLUSION: This is the end of the pamphlet, 
but it may be the beginning of an inspiring rela- 
tionship between "SMC and You." 

You are invited to approach SMC with the 
attitude expressed by Thurstone, the entertainer. 
Before every performance it is said of him that he 
stood in the wings off the platform and said to 
himself, "I love this audience. I am going to 
give them my very best, and they are going to 
respond beautifully." It made for success with 
Thurstone; it will do likey/ise for you. 



Automobile Parties 22 

Books 29 

Cafeteria - 4l 

Calling at Dormitory Residences - — 21 

Campus Conduct 22 

Campus Organizations 37 

Care of Your Room 7 

Chapel Services 17 

Chaperonage 19, 20 

Class Attendance 28 

College Plaza 42 

Collegians - - 23 

Community Students \A 

Concerts - - 1 1 

Dining Room Association 22 

Dress ...._ _ 25, 26, 27 

Escorting 2 1 

Firearms - 13 

Fire Hazards 13 

Fireworks 13 

Group Status 23 

Guests 12 

Hi-Fis _ _ _ __ 8 

Laundry - — 41 

Leaves, Late - - —. 12 

Leaves, Overnight 10 

Leaves, Weekend - - 9 

Letters of Advice - 24 

Letters of Warning ._ 24 

Library 28 

Lights Out 8 

Literature 35 

Lost and Found 41 

Motor Vehicles 14 

Music 35 

Occupational Opportunities 31 

Open Night 12, 18 

Personal Habits 25 

Physical Exercise 33 



Picnics 20 

Picnic Policies 35 

Point System 38 

Post Office 41 

Programs off Campus 11 

Property Rights 13 

Radios 8 

Recreational Facilities 33, 34 

Religious Services, Association at 23 

Residence Requirements 7 

Room Courtesy 8 

Sabbath Observance 16 

Sabbath Trips 11 

Shopping Tours 11 

Social Standards 19 

Social Times 23 

Student Association 36 

Student Bank 41 

Student Park 22 

Study Habits 29 

Study Period 8 

Telephones 42 

TV 9 

Upper Collegians 23 

Vacation Conduct 13 

Week of Prayer 17 

What to Bring 7 

Work Responsibility 31 

Worships 16 

Worship Absences 16 


For Reference 

Not to be taken 
from this library 


An application for entrance or re-entry into 
outhern Missionary College is a personal pledge 
a your part to comply willingly with the regu- 
tions governing student conduct and to adhere 
''hfully to the standards outlined in this booklet. 

May we suggest that you also acquaint yourself 
with the information listed under "Governing 
Standards, Gtizenship, Attendance at School Ap- 
pointments" in the college bulletin.