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Pocketbook Series 

Toatetb_ riots ^Englamj , 19&1 ■ During a 
lull in the actign a leftist ailitant 
clirats on to a box and addresses the 
crowd On the Subject ot th& iioming 
sooialist Utopia, Ber promise that 
there will be jobs- for all is uijet with 
derisory laughter from a group of 
young riot&ra. A.S the spGsker dstails 
other reforms, the group begins a 
knocking chant, '^Eiggsr cages f longer 
Chains 1 Bigger cages p longer chains 1" 


The cloth cap and tEte working elaaa, 

As xEoag^g are dated. 

For we are Labour^ 5 avant-garde. 

And we were educated. 

By tax adjusfcmenta we have plannedj 

To institute the promised land* 

And just to show we^re still sincere^ 

We 5in^ 'The Red Flag;' once a year* 

Leon Rosselsf^n 

It 1% Cdlka ''Mr HW ekt^4L Mr £oft \ 
Jt K&rks like tUi£. Ma ^ArdL »mn Uta 

tit, ftt^eli«t er kJcic* u^li. * ^-^^lU K* 
i^dlt out fftr & cup tf tta^ Af ufftff . 

If Uflii^ V*ll j^^^w^ «id«rurkii^^ y**. kiWKj^ 

n\»\ aF n^ Kftr^ And H/ Soft art plfrHrd 
Mrti<^ ef tVife left. ^* k**orte tit* rijkt 

polities ^i ft 'i£ m tU petifc c«lt. 
WktA tkl-i^t gtt but af kftp»dL a*di fm^k* 

CAfitfrrtSM bj pr«ttf^olmii b bo teeiiliH. 


{\ I wDuld Nk& k] pn [Tw LsbOLj Pjffp 



Dd you remerabei:* Laboi^r gcvernnicnts? 
Mow <jon"t mtsunder&tand us; vote Labour 

if you want» we can't stop you but * 

Do you reaember Labour governnientsT 

Do you reTTierribEr Notting Hill? 

Do you remecaber LeuishaniT 

Do you rerDeml]^r SouthaLl and the mur^^er 

of Bl^ir Peach? 

Go ahead ^ vote Labour if you have to but.. 

DP you remember Grunwicks? 

Do you remember who 3et up the Special 

Patrol Group? 

Do ycu think that ^r :<innock wa3 in power 

during the mirLers strike he would have 

treated them any different frorn the Torie^t 

Do you think that trunchacma and pUstic | 

bullets will ta&to nicer under a Labour I 


Do you really believe thaL the capit^-l-St ■ 

elite will allow themselves to be 

peacefully voted Out of existence by some 

poxy Usbdur Party^ just like that, without 

s fi^t? 

ThEmcs Valley Anarchists 

In yestiewJaj'8: Giiardlaji Mr 
Nei] HQjHiock w^ report^ « 

£<n£th Aikca ^ a means {^ 

nun v^tJecit p&vftliitJ^ni.'" Thjg 
ItimJd luive re^d '' noiL vlol-ent 
n.'SEBtilaoii "- Thi^ Bxrur in 
traosoEiisKfciil is refr^ttcd. 

" th£ «iiui>T€tif ahntCUoiL of 
the market mech-aTi i$rn ]%. n^t 
fensib)^ iTt th^ jci>cietv the 
LalHtur P^rty vciuld w^sh ii? 

A LABOUR CQ*i(icillof his 
&^LLS«i [be CcHi^fvaciv^^ of 
d^icnnuD^tiDg against the 

Lc^jsurc spokesman. Mr 
Grih^m RiLsti, soid the Toiys 
'i^'£rc CDCcmrag^Dg licb people 
CO get the "■best" spot& in a 
Rc-^dlfig cemetery lyy diarging 
dIffercQC raies for dlfferem 












There were mOfe tasualties during, the 
cnaking of the ^storriing of the Winter 
Palace* scene in EiEensteina fantoiLia 
film, than in the actual event. 


"There will be no drinking^ no bad 
laneuage, no slacking ^ no unofficial 
tea breaks H no wanderins in and out 
at any old hcojr. We^ll carry on 
workin£^ just as if the bosaas were 
atill here*'' 

Jlinmy Reid 

Coaarunist Shop Steward 

UC3 occupation 

"Wc iiad a COrrj^iti.lisr on t^^ FOWJieTJ many 
y^ara ^d. fJe aJ W^ys WOVfr * tia, " said Mayor 


''When In 1922 the South African 
Communist Party found thst the white 
miners were up in arms against a 
propoail for African advancefflent in 
the pits J they devised for them the 
Drwellian slogan: ^Warker-^ of the 
worldj unite for a white South 
Africa' /' 

'Against the World ^ 
DQUglaa BrOVJn 


^voukl like further details of the Communist 
Party-S Den^CfCr^tic Policing Strat^f^, 

w liki: cinuiarry hkv s>?ii^, wiih a 
p[gi<ia[d|lon ii!f Ibn ^coDlf. ii is 

i\'i'(:iiH>i! 1ih L'dUi;>?4.- ihn: i^[!ii;i-^' 



M^yhe yf^u'r^ COrivLtRtd in your otvti rrund that what ycoi^^ jp- 
see^x ijwhat you d^ll [t Eo be. But namrc canhe vciy confusing 
'SflmespecbesaresosimiJElrch^lliicyaicbarcJydLsdnguis^ ^ 

<ane f^oivi rinoi tier, UnLe-Sy von knoiv cxacilv whac ta Icok fc-j: I 

DiiE-Ing xWi iSSl riota 
the- yot'kfir'a Hm-pl^tl^rar/ 


[hjrlns \hz Cllmr^ -S-trlkc 

uncffi^la.1 ' E^L£3.ds' 
^htch =r*a* li^Uiins 

^nd police ^rx] scab btiaea. 

The H«vCi *liEjl m m y Wnkon Pitoty 

ateC ^^^ ^*^^i^V^n^'^ClDLlytelfe<l-Aa 

Pj D Trocskyne sf^inraf grc<jp. 
t}i9^ ihiik tf^t fb^in^ saucBr^ 5f« BmiE- 
^ar^ fnsdi ancther, Bi>cial&t ^acic^<. 



!'I was 
a mole 
for the 

ch* Niafv cenicnajy a 

(I [i^iiLtLIc worker has in- 
I scfibrd (he lesc of th? 
:; ctiajHctws — on a piece 
J of l^■0^>■thcsUcofflInat- 
j chhox. 


^^■1 'i^. 

■^ **j 

"Radical chte harmonizes perfectly with 
a aodiety that can sell Watney's Sed 
Barrel beer under the iglogan ^The Red 
fievDlution is cOEfling^^'^ 

Raoiil Vaneigem 

12 Bottle Cases Delivered To Your Door 
Marxism Today Wine- Crisp dry Loire 

white, ACMontloids 


The life and woirk or Karl M^nCi wUq died in London 
isK March 1833. huEJ inspired the prgducfion cfthis liand- 
some, gold-rimmEd Enj^JisJa china centensrv plati!. Packed 
iuid St^i to you far only £17.50 in UK, i33C5- p^ 3nd p. 

Please mcralian Mi<AiS'n T-trfay ivhcn r^rspOi^flu^^ cp *n. aavfirn^am^iH, 


P«kJD|:j Mare tHflU T.flMma- 
UHTH^ins a day have l?c*ii queu- 
ing tn. £el into PektifiB^s flj^t 
s-iLper^fmarbeL tuice its- oi^ening 
ofit wiiefc 5£Q<„ doEtDincTa saji^ 
tlius^ came out of turiosity and 
fOit (Kmvenieoce- 

'7t j& 4118 of the 1ii>3t ^li^ts tll4 
C^vemnient is tnriiig to tm- 
prave the ftaaly lives of intel- 
J^'ctuaJs/' saJd ofifr HTustOTner 
-wilts ^Klctrd not to be JdenLifl &-:!. 
" Instead of vfflitm^ in lo dtf- 
fcrcnt Lines fi>r difEcrent 
IhjnESi I now ^vait iin One 
theeK-frUt ]]n&." 

ciiEtomerB it>& rftquir^d to 
cJii^^k thcar b^s a^'^frrr^ cBler- 

D The iirendi^E, united, wi]] 
titver he d^feat'^'d, Next 
month '^icirxisp Tioday is 
JtoEdinfj a symposaum, 50 yeaii 
aft^r h^H death, on the 
ItaLSan Mir>;ist tSitflker 
Grajn&ZL. atii its (Triaffectjug^ 
^UbsSdiflry, Centi-a] CorinnLtlct 
trntSttersj is oSerlng r^^adEr^ 
the appropriate T-shirt, 
whtch sports an early 
Sfflii cenLury Italian liflmmer 
Und ;^^^l£[e. I>asiiB?^er FiocJalJats 
oan ^hu boy a Harxtam 
Tuday dnv^t ftivcr {Jitntted 

throoEh tho ma^^lto'a 
0M5£i*ntr ChoLcE! SeCtEOii in 
search of a ftJtfln or ft E^Sde 
to Tiiscainy_ Tbe.absDtLite 
dernier c^ on tbo styiiah 
left, thijugb, is a pair of 
Soviet anr.eiS forcus b-OKor 
shorts DP jQ^in^ iP<fUSers, 
d€GciTated ^Lth hQUDn^er and 
Eicklo and available at 
CoJHc^rs in QlarJi>g Cj-4S$ 
^'Qad, London, : 

"Wo qu^abicn jHow pWha^ tiad happened to 
fche facea of the pig^* The creatures 
outside looked fro-ni pig to tBan, and 
frotD jTian fco pi^^ at^d from pig to man 
^gaini^ but; already it was itopossible 
to say which was whicJn."'^ 

George Ori^gll 
^Anijnal Farm^ 


Thp bfilkil' b<U( i¥ C? pDwcrful v/<^y ^a shpw aur anger and FnjshrqMi:^ at 
GovBmmenr policfei ond n&gl^ct* cf studenls ond young people. 

■'X like the Walrus best", said Alice: 
"because you eee Tie wa^ a little sorry 
for the poor oysters/' 

"He ate more than the Carpenter , though," 
S^Ld Tweedledee. ""YoQ see he helc^ his 
handkerchief in fronts sa the Caraenter 
ODuldn^t see how many he took,'^ 
"That was Eieanl" Alice gaid indignantljr, 
"Then I like the Carpenter best - if he 
didn't eat so rr^ny as the Walrus.''' 
"But he ate aa cnaoy as he could get," 
said Tweedledum*'" 

Lewis Carroll 
'Alice in Wopderland' 


"Fifty percent of the people in this 
country don^fc vote* They simply ciOn''t 
want to be implicated in organized 
sodt^tVp With^tn cnost cases^a ktttd of 
animal instinct p they know that they 
cannot really do anything about it^ 
that the patrticipation offered them 

13 a hoax they know that if they 

donH participate they aren^t 
implicated p at least not voluntarily-^f 



i^^ititutCfcrt^ nfE^tlftfij far bk« ^UM* 


ti^en^AU^e ftf (i^ktirt* far r*a( u<iaI 
&k&»i.4«* Wwk4r£ «av^t/6l «f th< 

idtal to mMt trad A Vn'OM Jf«dl«/-£, 
t'Kfu MbultiL 0L<Jtkjiise tUitr fh^jubdrs a^ftEnit 

r^'ical tk*VL tktt pi-*pflS*ct b^ t-kt 

W»rlt*r> 4t th« 
NthnsihHf turbin* fac- 

tvrr reC?ntFy rece^vtd t 
towpl «« Th«Jr sliare of t 

in« 1h* culmFn^llHi if 
Nv« vtan of dEECuiilani 
HI bcw IB dtvid* ItM 



The Miners friend 


"■ wfi haveti^t had fascLSffn in this 

country because the trade union 

movE^ment has done i^hat in Italy and 
Germany had to be done by th& police 

i'eregrxne Worsfcngrne 

Assistant Editor 

"■^Sunday Telegraph" 

"Trade Unionism is a deadweight habit 
from the p.-^.^t whose only aim is to 
maintain an image of oppoait-Ion in order 
to prevent real opposition. At 'hesti 
the Union defends (nare often merely 
pretgndi.^ to defend J the inter^^ts of 
the wage siav^g aa wage slaves. 

M,B-^the Misery of Unlon^t^ 

"Her* IJ* gs, h*rt fc'* pip h*rc wt ^1' 

ftr« mat e^U 4>tfp«ct«d ba kaU bkc ^trt< 

Q1- TbegrwtttLdangeirfacing the jtfortd b 

milntrtrHliM □ 
nudearwar □ 

communism fl 
fapftalism Q 

1 . .^-: :■""-:':— "-v:rrv"r" ■ 

i^VtcU {:1kr«d.V««i^ bk^ S^4«bfr«i0, %t 

\k oi«4U ^Uk t[^<« iswt c»r pr«kl*iM. U 
i*fftrfcb#d ffBw eiK tkft atUf protU*H, 
h*br« iniK p«T«v(^t^dL ev<. ah lU^ift tkir« i&^ 

^bM* ^«bpl« ftp* AchV* Oii two ftf 

^**tU ftflio.ifdL tUtf "«« e*rtt elv4*j< 

Whilst everyone draws themseli/es up, 
allying themselves with this detail or- 
that, the totality slipa by, unheeded: 

Raoul Vanfelgein 
iDCiA.) »feLfir W«A ft«\ «itp1e.Hfttt»i^ 

r-i", ^ & -^_^'<% 











b#it rtWfc tU**i bflVivk . Tk«!^ ^r*p6«A*A*., 

U*t«rtui^it*lH tk'* ii^t^ "^^* *i^tk 
Tkii atbh^ ^^^^ '^ blvfiA ttr4a*^ii.c4, 



tk<!r &fp*^l far r*K<f at tkfr feet ftf 
H.t vera iiiiKuA fcrfkttL AMr*4&«l tk*-** 

"Complain all you want - but do as ycnj 
are toitt!" rrederick the Great 

of Prussia 

paVih'a^<t<4 bk4u btlrtit^UeL^^ tk€ n^b 

""We are the true patriots, '^ 

Joan fiut^dof^k-CND. 


fHY/Jf^g methods of warf^ire w^:ch 

The ^P^ae* Movement •* ia growing, everyorte 
aeems ta agree * DDturiEntaries and movies 
i^uth an anti-war message are being 
churn*d out by the score. People ar^ 
marching far peaces waarlng buttons for 
peace f holding rallies and 'die-lnf?' for 
peaoe. Unfortunately f for all the good it 
will dQ them, they m^y a£ well ^tiok 
their foot up their arse Tor peace, 

^Treaaon' jAuatralia 

T^ V 




At hundreds of places all over 
Britain, people will be making 
money>r peace 



TliF httit ii(h4 in Peak bocAiE, u^armgDioi on Fuw 
mup:. arft bulin mil kni- (OXt. 













]-li?rh$>' r-QS^r^n^hilrtic^s mII in^lpdc-: 

•?n«Lving t^ crcdl ibnitx zte- nciC ci^cfoded, etc. 






"i*,.the ne'ri oppreaaion in the rejection ' 
of the old. For fchaugh it denoanG^a the 
[morbid nature of repression it is only to 
encourage vhe gorv pf rEleaae which proves 
twice as' profitable. It relieves the 
t-ensLon &nd Fita you baek in ^ at a profit. 

Raoul Vanelgem 


ip^t^ Cbnup^LAHil far 
IftC litre ^iSufV. Otit^ 

"But i'f* ^fiM pTTicesrini? 
offtwFwt WDfZi^fflr tLieap-aiLt f-m- 
ijfiftrs, JiwEe?! — arad not o>iCc 


WE OEM AND a bm an naW TiLiCl«ar P4W«r ol^fltE 
W€ DEHAH1> t*i»el[M[n5; sf tKJit Ins plant* 
WE DtEHAND Il1« ImmcJaPt* dnV«l»flment 

One pKit^Mr, Jan^ -CDker 
satdi "'Iticy are talsbn^ 
advantage of ^e fa-ct thiit we 
are nim-vLoLenL to bi^nl us up 
in BCieUil pcii* ^i*^ ^1*:^ *Tir 
fthotQsrapha lEainst our wLU 
thCy are Mnngaft^: ^^^ ^^^^'^ 
libcrlies bEcause they iimw 

told to 
stay away 

~Hc said mat CMD was ^i-I- 
IremrEj sorry ll»a^ ''i! a re- 

I siilt cf ^n d«!iii^Tit ^ 
mtimra^n "^^li injured and 
w« £^3ll be scodiDA A m^E- 

I s^gt Oi ayjnpftthj ." AMtbei^ 
get *tlL mc&sSg*: -came tixrai 

. Mis &lenys KiniKitt, wbo 

I was amin^E Ihf d-^rrtonBtralors 
3L Cnp^nbam fln Suoday. and 
ti^r bv^band Mr Nfa1 
K=nE]Qdu t*L* Laboiur Party 
Lci^dtT- The policrmprtp IQ- 
speaw MLcliae] Pab'^h *a^ 
said ta he cocniorlabL^ ]ii 

aummer '9Sij_ .^,^. the CJJD rally in Hytie 
Park the org^nis'sra. ^ave the police 
peninis^ion to secretly film the 
demonstrators from the stage- 


The pH>]i>cc fipokescaan taidr 
"We have eBceUcnt relattans 
witH the *]N1J leaJcjrs, who 
tiave been appaUed bv ITjcee 
frinsi; f^miBA hiiina be^jitd 

KeleasE all mm J^adtrs 
'Coi EliE}' Ir^d lu xg wtl\\ 

Tilis is a dksdpJLned o/deiiy la^v-^iidiii}; PlckeE 

All Jolnlnft Ctils PJcrk^l are obllftcdt 

Noc CO calk while sin-pnpi ^ioganS 5Uw3 spcixhEs arc 

in pfOCfitS ind i;& join vriih i full JieajE Lnin chc 

spiric oFLhePickc[_ 

DO NOT IcavHs the Picket wilhoul 
informing Scciuily- 

V-ou mu5t sign the Atit^ndancc RegiElcr- 

RessMnci ansrancEy co any r^qutsi 
madfi 10 yoin by a Swwaixl. 

Ciiv of LofuSun AnCa At:^ctLeid; Otoup have 

decided Id requcS ElnytHis noiot»ei'^iieiliii?e rules 


"YeSpXt was all a jolly gocti experience. 
Everyone has comcnitted themselves to 
paying a fine. And it was all achieved 
without the use of vialence." - Erucg , 
Kent on the artiest of 750 CWD members. 

Ansterdaa, !930_. During the riots against 
the Royal WEdding. a group ot pacifists 
protected riot cop^ who had been thrown 
from their horses from bEing. attacked b^ 
those they had juat beaten with their 
riot sticks. With such help the cops were 
able to re-noutit and ride off to beat up 
other people. ' 2& 

One can only ernpathiEe with 1 tidi vidua Is ^ 
motivated by a sincere desire l^r reform ^ 
who Join ecology grcup^, consumer 
organizations^ and aiternativ* political 
parties. In any o€ these groups theae 
individuals are directed by a firrRly 
entrencheo: leadership throu^ a dtaze of 
politieally motivated comproraisea to an 
end that 13 sadly predictable: the 
indefinite postponement of profound 
social tranaformatlon, the enrichment of 
the tsreera gf b, few bureaucrat?, and the 
permanent disillusionment of a number of 
int^llj.^ent individuals. 

Cron in /Seltzer 
■Call It Slee^l 

Joan Ruddock 

leaves CND 

to launch 

political career 


the problem for the 

opposition is what to offer as 

an alternative 

k^Ws — S>^^ i^A*^ l"^^ "''^ tiltc^^a^htfft 

Note to Advertisers: 
Reaching tiie "Aware Generation 

Tht largest "^gmertcd" market of the 19S0'S H clie 
18-36 age g,TOLLp. T>iesc arc the people, yOulK and yooirig 
fldulcs. wlio comprise c^e readership of tlie alternative 
press. Wc caJE chem ihe "Aware CcncratLon." 

tor advercLsers, the alremativc press is important 

1 _ It ]s dlfficuh tu c^iceh [:f aic advertisLng to the Aware 
Generation In the general mass media. "The alternatLve 
prc^ offers a substancinl opponunity for Increased ad- 
verdsLng tfficLcncy and effecdvcness in relatLun to thi& 

2. Tl-ie influence of the A^^r^ Operation on soda], 
polirita] and Hzonsumer trtn-ds has been great and seems 

CO be continuialg- o4 

5 ^ 

3. Tlaefe ii evidence t^til tht altnirrnttCLve press today 
ffiflches tind influences a huge aiidL*rnc*^^ iomc of which Ls 
Cxdusivc to fhe altHirrnalLvt pub-licatton. 

4. The majurlCy of ahernative^ pubhcations- offer an 
editorial style compatible ^vi.tli the UAlvertising obf pcrivcs 
of most major advertisers. 

5. The srrength of chc alcernativ'e press is evidenced by 
tremendous suppjorc from boutiques, cheaters, scores, 
fccord companies, clecrronic equipment manufacru rc^rs , 
and other merchandisers. 

Book publishers hav« abo utili:*d rh^^lrern^rii^'^ press 
as a medium for unique acce-ss Co Awiite OeneraCion 
readers, discovering a wide range of subject matter suit- 
able [o alternative press advertising. Books on ecology, 
radical policies, sexuai mores, science fiction, outdoor 
living, sociology, horticulture and feminism arc typical 

Wirh a rcfjular readership of upwards of ZO million in 
rhe t Jnlrfid Sraiea alone, the alternative press is one of the ■ 
bear ndvcnlsinR mediums available anywhere today- 

We ^^M **t" Hftk Itflfft ^0 elecru i"k« 

(liirtw ITu^L of- pMoJfim e4p<tft|i<V 
pffiJiifcth^fiH, ^ 6r Mftdl p^tp*.gawi& - ttj ^ 

For in&tance. Eookj^r McConnell, wtu^ 
h&ve inL'ere&ta in factory poulUy ffl^ms 
and sugar annj tobacco procEaaingn o^n 
the HoLir^t^i^ an^ Barrett health \ibop 
chain as weil as Fre^'etts, the whol<^ 
whaat nour milicx^ and snanufacturera 
of fa&t-foDd vegcturiElrL tEsSh^- And tha 
New Era ranga of vlLtimm p-iHSn di^^ry 
aupplam,ant& and h^rhal r^m&die^ 
av&tJabU in healtJi food dhoDa ev-erV' 
whai*, ife mad& by none other (han th? 
Impcritt] Groupi better know as th^ 
majiuraDtuxera i>r Embusisy dnd Jo-hn 
Player cigarettea. ^3 

&f ft few I'n^ivynAl* bihl<L amc ^■i^<M t)*< 




ftU&«k«je »Ad««L — virtu l-k-i fiHh bA^W 

\^ hk^^ Hi<M rt*il*f lltfl- hk* ibuirkth 





mh?ttK4*iV b hk4 ftuK bank tfliHi ha 



Mfi fbit i^t£ Ai.Te(ZK^T>V& «APiT^u£t 

72% ClearFrojit 
100% Clear Conscience. 

ftr jtw^ people, mvis^tg m ths 5ti?de 

SlLi fJim: was tb SirSglf Uftk fncC wFakfi 
OOiiflli)' tcr^L ihf 


Ai iJlf wrnf tmr. wr mi^ fi"^ t^lt CCf 


^"If God exiatSpit will be necessary to 

AlbCTlua J]:ig;iiui had 
saf&dent iaflaence to wsld AriatodL^'a 
s^1#!»ce iicid tJie medjeval Christian 
theoLcg^-, intQ i syratccLi whicll padficd 
tlidug]]! iCT oentiirtei 

and jpbHQf, 

The rich man in his castle p 
The poor rnan at his ^te^ 
He made them high or lowly , 
And ordr'ircd their E5;_-l'.^.te, 

poDular Chrigtisn hymn 

^^,,.93 a technique for liberation , it 
liber-atta one sbtive all front the need 
to attack the social organization."' 

Raoijl Vaneigefn 

Work and priy^ 
Live on hay f 
You P 11 get pie 
in the aky 
when you die. 

Joe Hill 

^1 Ulnars CiV£ciP^il'0^K£«& p bbth b*^ t'flicKtiiA 

ON HE rm? lo 

San Ssilv4J4itir [iiurd^rul 
hy tbe deaCli squadf. 

ImmrfJJCiCelv after 
thai he pcippcd Tn to 
sKiilct hudiLv vrJlh Rober- 
to D'ADbuiSSOTI. Ic^iJcr- 

OF ihe NaEioTia,! 

elfilff* Art Fue\ ft^ i^ii^p*^ * TW*re 


Fir vr^^ off*niAA «v^c.Qv^nLa«^4irf.t or 
bkar&pu^ r^liYfiA wVll roio* uv \^ b^ 

"^How can 1 rttcive ChristT" 1 was 
uslcHundi^d Co find ouL ho^ simple it is—cc^Dfess my sii^^ aruj 
my toCflL inatniUty Co do anyltiina right, aniJ ask Chrtst tc* 
ti^kc over my Lifc_ I dtd in 

I Tclt Lhat I had 
fdund (h^ Christjan Life I was scckinij when ] received 
Christ — a life filled and shaped by c^perienciihg Christ ir 
everything, a life where H>e iS- in charge and I am no longcE 
my Dwn. 

Now I eKp'^necic^ Chri^i m ^>' daily biEc ^nd also enjoy 
OChCfS' e?<pcriciiKs when we corac Cogeih^i- More and 
marc. He le becoming my Llfen as well a* my loni^-sOufihL 


iTiEeiriQr Ministry afTid^iS 
Xo\A Mr ^iot [Jiat the^ rroTisld- 
tP^i pap in^Sit part of a DLOt 
to d^f:tsl>ilise WEsl-cnt SEUOL'ty 
smd Vflincd him tfiat ttis 
TJeatki aod Mick Jan^cr ^crc 

Sp^thLC^fi *isi its ^^un&ut *ff&lUiDh, 

^The composer Stockhausen cornplalne<l 
that his perfor-Q^nce at the HoTLand 
Festival was 'cjisrupted^ by members 
of the audience and other composers 
who joined in with the pinging and 
then wanted to ccune up on to the 
gtage and discuss the cnusie.'^ 

,,,off*rLrt* r*l**.i* ^ fiftt U c^Bil 

^'there ian^t much difference between 
roek'n roll and teaching. It's the sane 
Job. YouVe erptertdininp deliriquf^fii:>^ 
fcr an hour/' ating (The Pol±^^) 

I-alt lime I heartl Rog^ I>altxe^ aing- 
mg it W3$ M rRE4^c4:i On jj tupi^ loop as I 
stood in front of tht pstfoDd counter at a 
ly<;yl hj^pormarket. I think l6 lA'aa called^ 
"Don't get fooled again". 

cr^tr to arauA tUvu^ *r ai'l MMnibi^^ aw 
^ u^ a^ t^Wlfiftfht ^£19^^ Z\^ \i ^ m&i4t 

tkfi h^dbru frf" pe^p^f fiAKh4 b urn laj^tk 
b^tW U^«& ^ bkah M« dd net Aibd it 

cdI^ t-k^m^^Wfil ^uct- H4*Jhi4£ 4.^ 'Tk4 
Cbt^vLtp.i^Ard.s ar 'Tk^ O^rrut; ^TaIuimhi ^ 
rfc Matter kti^ Vi^ical^ tk«V (Arial ^ 


• BiZAftRE p&p vl4r Pel* 
Burni la^t n^ght y0VF«d t4 

■cilt^r hii aftd hii ^if4 Lynn* wer« 

pelted and 43l-lackcd hf rioten m 

SULl itiaJj-fiii. F(>tf ifll-ci riW^ "It w»* 

i\^it\^ %-hirii xv« were £uirrci'LLiid?dl bf t 

"Thtv wnrc tTvLng lO lOLl tllE tar ovef. 

S^id P^"Lr. 'A-Jlu&e erc-Lip r^i^iid Ox AJw* 
siF ra^fiiiE up t^i^ Charts >ilh My Htart 

Cor?: t^anp 

Cars' TfiPmiLS— knov^'n an 

]Wil when hiH BTl^LtOdl 
ht-rrtfr A'as LlUs■n^-lJ '^ Lhi 

Ma- 'MLta^iTiei"'3 Sussex larm- 
hou:^ waF Even niore tlahUy 
^u^iT73^2d than nsu^i] y^'Skii^Lay^ 
(vith iLalf-^HdCG^fL meh an^l d\sg^ 

to earn £^ a miinil^^ JfOhi -roy- 
alties and yccoFd f=alt^, tir^&5 ti^ 
StTR a nanual 5i^> di:^r?pfife his 

Sift* p T-t^. jkflvjS ftiti fef Ufdett a'"* 


^^You aust mova with the timea - the 
cDotto of tho^e who make a profit If 
you do*" 

Raou 1 Vane i ^e rr: 

tiniforc] except me-' 


"If funny clothea atid hairstyles could 
make a revolution f your hippy par*snta 
wquld not destrve your disdain-^' 

Bob Black 




te kV^t tab b^ tVct cetr^tr. "Tkt^ftre 
frr*v4d^ to tk* t«tU,^o*i* w'.tk *«u^U 

ivm^H tiMit «\>4^^ V4k4w it £4^*1 t^ t^' 

bitlkt FiVfrA bitk^ tk* vbat* \4f#o»flS 

on-E of the irWhsi inir r^sLin r^ 

J^'sples, wtiei^ dij-affcrtrd Icr- 
^JTis'iS have l(?eai rev^iiHriK 
t^tp inner woiSEiri^,-^ of lEK-ir 
C'l-^as'ii^iUnni. ii Shr? Vr-ay in 
Vi"hich tJrS vonrBii aJti^n 
enipj itp 5t'fL'in;i in the 

fncnts Hs messenger's. «ir>ks, 
pr jdminislr-BHive si=;tLsL^rte^. 
T]n7 si^rudurc r>f ttie Red Eri- 
EHdGS and Prirtiji Linca 
< Prant Line} — tivo <i| the 
mnsC noTflrJ-nua lEirouL^ ^ 
si'mnds Trmarkal^lv simalar (o 
'^-s^ of the t&nrffEois EacLely 

lAb«f4%tl of tki 

fit hrKt^ rttitt^'^U 

cr^ijte f^Avt find bfLH*^ ftbeut ». ^it^frKdA 


filAb , wS^e r^^tJkl tktir lirttiApt fit 

Alii bft^t bfrid^l* fcW*^ elegit ij4fc U*^* 4.* 
eWi** to act 'ih tk* iVhte^t* *f tU 

dlcfttL flf fti(u'*vVKft ^ l-K* t^fl^rcprt^tut fan 

h*t^ pWbtfjL bj fojch^K ^ 0^4 jA4H l:k« 

"In some waya shiS was more acut* than 

Wtnfitc-n ^and far less susceptible to 

party propagsndP-.Once when he happened 

in somie cgnnection to naention the war... 

--Sh-e startled him by saying casually 

that in her GpiniDn the war was not 

happening. The rocket bombKi which fell 

daily on London were probably fired by 

the government itself, 'just to keep 

people frlgFitened' - This was an idea 

that had literally never OCClSrred to 

him..- jr 

Gecrse Orwell 


'ttrrotii'^ — imW«£U II cau*it*f'r«tiraluh'fiMiru 
fltKsKl rtWi^U a/iS* hp^ l&afLtWr 

Miifctt *HP*vbWt 0^ tW« riiltfl^ tlftts fir 

tkt\:lb'M. of OLAtm&l rrt^itj ftth'JiiK ci«a»i«£t 
Oiim*i<l1 tc^ldit^fS,*ifcd tl*< o^ntyA attack ( 

^(ffar^ tV^ tflik af- bt* wdl^-ant h In 

TV* yt^'illVft-^t flieinfi*ttrti^ei ^^ _^j^&»^p\-t_ 
riVib \s. ^tei'ibl* . Wot b^ tftft,l:'iKij *rt 
■«|ib« u^'ib w^Uk -bptftvbei dvv bfibto^l^ ef 


tW\A^^ rtia.(r ttt^ fee ctftfr*. bj «^«rH6ii«, 
iYtfi huttV^-f . B'i*<^ vi)\<i<f. &tl tin* 

it \i. nkt' e^**- Ati£«»af^ h KaU ttt4 

fc«r»fu^jlk4T-ft ^'if ^t4iL tfAti^ i'rt«jee«4t 

All itti-tti af^ t'*rftXtt. 
Wt fr^« all hfiitA^^ft 


htilTi frfr*K rkM.« ta tiMift , be focAcL i^itL 

AbCtct\ e&i^trDl. N* o-U (cVtAbi pr»pld 
far f/frse4it £4i.f^erirt4 tk^b t^«H4 Ka^ti^ 

for tk^ r^dL^CA^i eWti«iC£ Mki^k hi^uldl 
r«vH,&ve bk* (auFcft af tk«. pr«lfrUbM. 

CkinVj kftt fck* cAettb^e locUl rale of- 
rfh'«vii4^ ^4v*^tM vJk'i1< ^D^iAA bkf AL^tlU 
eAnu\-*A(* o(- bkt 4ivfl^» "It k*tp£ bU* 
p«Ar iv\ A p«riw»ii4At iM« ftf i«p-tMdirit«e 
a^^, ^ot bk« utcy af e.£0irt.'iiiA a Wbn' ^ ^'r^^^ 

bk«. rCtk bk4 f**l<'L4 tkbt tk^H kAV4 dl^rif 


What kind of child WDUfdyCU 
like to help? 

□ &^ a Girf DEittw 

What gvographfcBl arcia are 
you Intar99t4d In? 

G Check here lor gflnaral in'ornaCks'* 
atnijt Dur unique pro-ams TarA'Kfin^ 
irripoverished childran. 


saii . "Th-E c]iin]iiatLi>n of Ln- 
justjoc has nr?t i^v«r-be&ii hc-M 

to he a pupiMse which *iualillcs 
£^T the priv]5ege3 accoFfl^a td 


Ifr r^ctrtt ^t^ri ch^/^ti^ hats we^*i w**^ 

nKiIc pr«SChitU4 AbCftlutltu Act Hf^^t 
IMkatl^evftr ta ^^4. to fit A lift ltatLt£ 

p&6r «lbMt hb4€ tU4 kWpMAii ta biii^ 
Ca^itaiiiMA iti^^^ 3^'^^ ha qiV£ tkenA aidAii, 

bWt Cd^'italiit^ hhAuU ratker et^t^au 
turpluj ^^td tkftK mvt it Aw&k ta 

of tkt fftar . T^tti cap\ta^ip»** q#ti to 
Mil iti fr4vuv4\4 ui^SiLl«4ble auii-plui 

CafttaliSirt^ , tk* ieciCLl MiV**". wJkitL 


J^'iMlII>4 ckarit^ r#-tfk^^4art Apt as 

N^t chat Geldof \sji\ impmrtant in 
iintEersUincl ing h'C^w the meaning of Liv€: 
A]cl htis tX'tm COfiStmcted - Tar Jrom it_ 
In El pcriW whunj: l^t very ethoa of a 
planned. stcaaLisGd and welfariist society 
ia running down - bsirig tu ft down - and 
the individual-in-thc-markot i^ the jft- 
tended locus of alj sociu] or^^nisatiO'n, A 
liappy BtQi7 where bh cTi^D'tcfuctf cAh be 
^gn to put the world to righU> Js of 
trotnendous ide&locfical value. Value, 
thM is, tch an interest group whkh 
depBnda on fotterlng VictorUin charity 
and fre^Hmarket fantasies. 


0.ff^t^T t* 44»K« to t** ewltlifirtt. 

lafcjfiU r«tiA^«fAtfid. «s wJ^ 'lime 

t^^ ta/ilwt are leu ftboii-t rtc* a^^ 
tU«* erltlfjue* ea*r^ at ^kftlr Wft 
Ffbtbv tWfr£« W p«^9r -— ^aA. iMftdf tkc 

'*^u.iLl 6fpftfturt(ti*s'3 *^ M*ttt»* of 

Tne crrh^Lii* ftf «p#fi«/il»\ \s alio & 
erib^w.4 of kt«^McUieal fb^i^r. Xh 

U*ftti ^ riieft f^6«. b*iid^ a. 4&iife* of 
it* fv(e*^iit srtil fftta alike. "Xk kat 

to ii^'fltt" fttKoA f ah(i fr r^Futal t* 

t^* Strm*Jfi o^tlrt^t ef^ft^ti*■'ld.. For 

•lobil affile, w< itiH fiVw.lj lal^ tkt 
eheS rev&[wtio«.^ "'i ta iUrt vj**r ouirt. 

rM^i«^4i C^'rtt^u^ of i^o«l<ri^ locift'^ far 

bk^ estabiLskirtft*rtt df *** ki'*rftrcLj tf 

bbk H^« S^X. were t^k^i^ fv-o^ tk€ 

at«lj deap^te tkVii- ff^t'^itahfiKi to tkt 
C&Atraru^ jlobtefiL pr^hA tk^ tkfi^nf^ 

^ 59 

"iVetr belief IrUtt 'f'kei* \(it*.s ar* 

oilf^efertt* b*K^e*K k^twi'i**^ i#rtetl*i»*fl 
ts btf troL* , on A fcftliriA U tft i»e tru*, 

c^U^^ re^e|utiAMarle%, 

Hbrtftii '(d«i«ti'(i>% t^6tA fri Art* a^ bkc 

irtUfhe^au^ aff-i/iti* gfai*fi and 
mUIi/a b fe4.«^cttefil ^eti^erk ^ bat 

at cl hni* of u*^freet(^eHtt*ol ji^t^fttt 
ftUoit m^ftfdbl* ftp tftrttnlfttttifc** to 

tdi^it^^;i»\ * It iA of ItttI* e«rtiQlftHtK 

fckLt tK* rest if t'kt ktFt it Ia ai^ 

CT-^bii'fiitifA — but v^e d^o b«lt44£ t'bd^ Ol 

A rtvoluticjl ea3l[lO( take place ■^%ithQUIt rtvolutioELajy ttfeiK, and 
icvoliKJonarv" ideas cIq not emerge automan-zally frann reformiEC 
and "iefeyiSJve smi^^S, Jl&Wfcver incisive or bitlcrly Contested- 
The revoELittonary IdeaUaTtC^jp^tiOn thjlrevolutEoiiary ;;hajigc 
]s worth pujsuii^, ever^ wEi&n Cd'olutioniisdi'inay icemSQfai 
away^or what lies beyond it so haid TO imiEinc,. "ihaC Ci> bsEscve 
in il is pi^itls:ally ojt ^t of f^tFi. All the s^nie. It Is a cljctie ^at 
w]seii revftlutjons hafypen, chc profc^iona] re>T3)irtiaffaairieE are the 
mcit surpriKd ■ laiely do Oint itoUi^nS of revolution match Up to 
(he reality. The icvolutiona^ jd^a ^MS noc biiudf}Klp tiS CO^t 
from hew to the leyoluiitm we desire to e« ; fDoreover, ttie 
posscHion of iuch aji icJta is >vor£c than useles if wt d-n not 
CColsCaattly test it against otir O^Tl and Olhert' cxp^jietSci of 
Stinjgj^e — foi tfi^ it beonmes m&re j^^^i^afy, i btni^ TO uadfir- 
itaj^diitg afi'd effKtlve aceion. 

We tan Intervene xntQ every part of 
social productian (in the broatjesfc aenae 
of the term)- at urarkplaces^eollege and 
3cbQol cEmpase£,shoppiEis centres ^public 
meetings J ^leighbourh odds abuses ^rock 
ccnc&rts.laundroiTKits fWaitin^ rooms (at 
everything from welfare offices to 
hospitals! pUnempLoy^nent lines, etc. - 
in short , eve rywl^tre that social life 
exiats and has been coloniz^ed ty capital. 

Char lea L'-itwidge 

"like ft^Mt pAVhi^fFbtl pri^cigflfc^^ft li 
wiU ^ot b^tONTit o^ bunk*/ frr & 


All pleasure is creative if it avoids 
ex change. Loving what pleases me^ I have 
to build a space in life as little 
exposed as posaible to pciliution by 
businesSfOr X will not find the strength 
to bring the old world down, and the 
fungus amoj^ ua will rot my dreams, 

Raoul VaneisecD 

Out k cfkti^ufi 0^ Vk* ^^^to^lf OL^ iki 

art tf «frt«i ^ bU^H *J^*^'t 4^*^ kd,pp*w\ 

o- tk*ofi4 ef ko»j vJp a^* to «tft^t buplcLj^ta 

blfl-« ***N^* ^fifU flip ^f*rt 6ur Ufriiflli ot 


XA^iiJtfl^Al^ aAd 4rfitif£ Mill «VfittualU 
Cfi-cpCf^tifrvV ■" but Hl^^H i^t^i^t r««Lli'tf 

pufpai^ 13 f^&t ho &f>p«rtttA bUtMti 

Frtt**. tUilr Miit6.k*£ ai tkftii^ 

w'jii s** b^i^t w4 eibi^t s^A^vAi aid ^l'^« 

c*kiU tefi*^ ft b^t Ckw^K^ If- tUffre U 
^tUJxiA hi eat an* t^fi S«»^«y4e n 

*^ TQiLAdL&lr LOA — *t li bi^ t* lAi t* k»*f 


K'eKtwck'* fnetl 

A claA TKorpf 

We beILel•^e that no Etni^c 
Iiowever Enilitant c^ wn more than 
short tenna, sectional gains and tlldt CliQft 
w31 [Villain tLc c^e wh^k {i^pdtiliRtrti 
dQ]iiLji3te:s ifveii>' ^pccE of stidcl}-. That 
no diaji^ i>f ;^>^nijtL*jit Or Sy&lcjn of 
^vETiiEneat, no progTMnine &f refomw 
hi^n^vDT tadicd' can ^gni^&cantiy better 
diu situation. Only the QVcithruw of 
capitaQsm - tilt sysrtcoi of state aind 
exchange economy wbich exisCs in eveiy 
country in the world -^ wJll ^nd tti>^ ^cj^ 
duvlstO]! ifid ^IkaULtiDTi, Elie c^cploiEation 
and oppre^c^ji tjiat madce up aur lives. 
Oady Ihcji witi it Ik pQ$s|hIe to thieve a 
genuine comninnlty, wfthnut racial, 
Stxiu] Or clas divisinii or exph]itati[Hi. 
The TA^rkpIint^j clearly isn't fihc only pEute 
in which the revoliitioEUir>' struggle to 
OVcrthfuw c^iftalian] wilE take place. That 
invc^ve^ ovuttLnmmg ail uipicdisl sodal 


relations, for capitalisDi docnit just 

dumuiatD the i^DikplRcc bul al3 ot 
sodcly. Huw?ver as tbc he^rt ^i the 

cspit^E system - the place wtiere 
i;^p]ti1 It^lf is prn^duc^ed throu^ mur 
e^tplOLtafjon — it is where a CTipplinf 
blow can be di^dt by taking control of 
tbc mcaiLJ uf pruduc^EJon. Of ccnurst; we 
dufit sdrapt)- -JVant t^ ri*fi ttiem i>iiifse[ves 
but to- create frcjn the potential within 
tbem a aoeEcty fit to live in —but that c^an 
only he done on the bn^c af ^'otkciS 
^riztng ccmCrol uwAy frtmi capilAir 

Workers Playtime 

i>£ hM^r-U H ^ull A? idi«&bfl|i«i tut 
elaiht^ b^ A^ftr fr^tiAbu , but- \v\ ratLlbtij 

ck^Hi^i , The dLftMAiidl ^a^ ^lm frh^ol t^ 

to £tvM« p«opk , bi^t tWe rffCkt i^«AliVtt 


There's no future in believing 
something can't he done. The 
future is in making it happen. 

Today, the vjhol^ of our truth, our 
fT i e n-^^ iH h i pa pOur critiquas^our desires ^ 
our loves^are afc ^take* T^:^^3,:/j it i& 
either All or the Nothingness of 
accepting our fate, and the lying 
apologies that go with that acceptance, 

N.B.^Thf^ Mis&ry of Unions ^