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Full text of "Sri Sai Baba`S:Charters And Sayings"

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TH IR|b | ^^^pXT1^ | ig|j|     51

equally eager about th^Sfe.things            much
more real and permanent.^^^------^^

I think, really, that th^^^^^^^mrement is to
have it certain in one's mind that* these'things are
more real and permanent and important.  The
average Christian, as you know, certainly says that
the unseen things are more important, that that
which is seen is temporary, while that which is un-
seen is eternal, and so on, but he does not act at all
as though he believed it. Why ? Because he is not
sure of it; he is quite sure on the physical plane that
money would be a good thing and that the more he
can get of it the better it will be for him, but he is
not equally sure that the spiritual things are real.
It is all a little vague to him. It belongs to the
group of subjects which he labels " religion " and
there is not, somehow, the certainty and the practi-
cality and the matter-of-factness about these, for his
mind, that there is in the affairs of ordinary life.
Now, somehow or other, we who are Theosophists
must introduce precisely this matter-of-factness, this
absolute and definite certainty, into the realms of the
unseen ; we must get to believe these things to be
real. You remember Mr. Sinnett's expression in the
first book. he ever wrote, that (t These things must be
as real to you as Charing Cross ??; that is true ; they
must be to you as familiar as the things you see every
day, but they must be to you the one reality ; yet to
many of you they are not. Of course, I know it can