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•FOURTH TALK               57

taken on probation, my first question was: " Well!
what can I do ? " And the Master said in reply:

{s That is for you to discover." Then He explained :

<tf I know quite well that, if I tell you to dp anything,
of course you will do it at once, but in that case you
will have only the karma of prompt and instant
obedience, while I shall have the karma of the deed^
Now, I want you to have the karma of the deed too.
I want you, for yourself, to do good things, and to
make good karma. It must be you who originate the
idea, not I." And so, as I say, They very rarely give
direct commands; but very often, from something
that a Master says, or even from the glance of His
eye, one forms the opinion as to whether He approves
or disapproves of a certain thing; and those who
stand around Him, more especially in the case of the
Master Kuthumi—or Koot Hoomi, as the Tibetans
write it—learn very readily to note these things. They
are always on the lookout for any sort of hint. The
Master Morya, as I have told you, was a King in this
incarnation and He speaks with the command of a
King. Still, He more often gives direct orders, and, if
He disapproves of something, He generally says so
clearly. Our Master Koot Hoomi has very rarely
expressed disapproval. A look from Him is more
than a rebuke from most of the Others, and His
pupils have learnt to interpret His look, for He very
rarely says a word of blame. So it comes that we
watch very carefully for anything whatsoever in the