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Full text of "Sri Sai Baba`S:Charters And Sayings"

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TWELFTH TALK            237

that the work is the one thing for you. The very
fact that the Masters do take it for granted is the
best way of bringing you into that frame of
mind, if you have still some lingering fragments of
the older ideas still hanging about you. The fact
that it is so evident that the Master expects this, that
it is so clearly in His mind that there is no thought of
anything but service, no touch of the personal left—
all this is the greatest of incentives for us to make
ourselves like that, to put ourselves in the same posi-
tion. Then He touches upon another point which
many people desire:

Have no desire for psychic powers.

I have sometimes thought that that expression
<( psychic pbwers " is in some ways rather an unfortu-
nate one. It has come to be used in a certain sense
in our literature, so that we can hardly hope to
change it now. (< Psychic powers " means powers of
the soul. Psyche, in Greek, is " soul" you know ;

but all our powers are powers of the soul. The
President once denned that: she said, t& Such a word
should include all manifestations of consciousness
through organised matter, whether that matter be
physical, or astral, or mental." She gave as an
example^" Why, all the powers of our intellect are
psychic powers"; certainly they are. People some-
times speak against psychic powers, and say that in
many ways they are dangerous. To be logical they