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Full text of "Sri Sai Baba`S:Charters And Sayings"

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SEVENTEENTH TALK           335

he thinks : <( What shall I be able to make out of this
situation?" Of course our attitude must be exactly
the reverse: u Here is a new opportunity for me.
What can I give ? " If I am introduced to a new man,
I look him over and throw in something or other
in the shape of a good thought. It will stick there
and penetrate, when its time comes. I have told you
that the pupils of the Master do that when they are
walking about the streets, as they are riding on the
trams or ferries. They watch cases where they see a
good thought is needed and they give it, a hundred
different kinds perhaps in the course of a single
morning's or afternoon's journey. When you come
into direct touch with anyone, then there is an
opportunity fo^ you. Do something with it, do not
just let it slip by and take no notice of it.

So you see, He says, whatever you are doing fix
your mind upon it. We all do a good many things
to rest our minds. We read novels, we read maga-
zines expressly to rest our minds. But doctors tell you
that the best kind of rest is generally some other form
of exercise, I mean for the mind or anything of that
sort; and so I would suggest that, even when you are
reading something for the sake of amusement, or for
the sake of rest, you should yet not forget that, even
in doing that, your mind is your servant, and that you
are not to be its slave. If you are reading a story,
fix your mind on that story and try to understand it,
try to see what the author meant by it. Often people