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Full text of "Sri Sai Baba`S:Charters And Sayings"

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with standing still. We ought to be steadily moving
forward ; and when these good impulses rise within
us, we ought to use them. To leave them unfruit-
ful is really to fall back. They become hindrances.
Then He says—and this is an important point too:

But it must be your own duty that you do—not another
mans, unless with his peimission and by way of helping
him Leave ever} man to do his own woilv in his own way;

be always ieady to offer help where it is needed, but never
intei feie  For many people the most difficult thing in the
world is to mind then own business, but that ^s exactly
what you must do.

Well, you see that is put fairly strongly, and
assuredly it is very much needed. There must be
no interference. You see the most active men are
precisely those who, because of that»activity, want
to have a finger in every pie.  They want to
have a share in everything, and they feel that they
could do every man's work {better than he does it.
Now it is just possible that they really could do so.
It does not follow by any manner of means ; but
supposing that they really could, even then it would
not be helping a man for them to interfere with his
work. They must give him his chance, and let him
do the thing in his own way. There is a remark in
the Bhagavad-Gzta to the effect that the duty of
another is full of danger.   One reason for that
is that each person's action is the logical outcome
of his thought-activity. It has the man behind
it, it has the force of his virtues, yes, and the