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Full text of "Sri Sai Baba`S:Charters And Sayings"

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TWENTIETH TALK            4ll

lines. In order to do that you must understand
all these things as she understands them. That
sounds rather hopeless to the average lecturer. It is
not nearly so hopefess as it seems. I have not studied
these religions to anything like the extent she has
done, but yet a very slight glance at a primer of the
religions enables you to present the facts in their
guise, because you know Theosophy. I have heard
Colonel Olcott do that again and again. He was
not a man who had studied very deeply, he was not
a metaphysician or anything of that sort, but he was
an exceedingly good practical lecturer. I have heard
him speak to an audience of Hindus; I have heard
him speak to Parsis; I have heard him speak to
Buddhists—heivas himself a Buddhist—and the priests
and learned men of all these faiths agreed in saying
that a new light had been given them on their own
teaching, and that, remember, by a man who had
not made a special study of their religions. That
shows you how Theosophy is the master-key. You
may know Theosophy as Colonel Olcott knew it, and
that knowledge will enable you to interpret much
that is dark and mysterious in all the varying pre-
sentations of the truth. So we need study only the
truth that lies behind them all, and then a few words
of the language of each of them, and at once we will
see what it all means.

4. Cheerfulness.—Then we come to another of
these qualifications.   We are still in the third