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Full text of "Sri Sai Baba`S:Charters And Sayings"

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TWENTY-FIRST TALK           43s7

spread over a hundred." That is a useful thought
People grumble about the amount of suffering that
comes upon* them.  The}' wonder why, and say
that they have *not deserved it. This is true,
according to any ordinary canons.  Their life
must have been a reasonably good life, for such
an opportunity does not come to a person \\ho
has not lived reasonably well ; but by the vcr\ offering
of themselves to a Master they have asked that this
karma may be hurried and the immediate result is
that, instead of getting the amount of suffering or
trouble that would naturally belong to one life, they
get the trouble of ten lives, or even morr than that,
concentrated into one. He says:

So now hrone or (wo live^ you wnik iluouuh \\ii it
otherwise mi^ht ha\e been spread ou's <i hinulu**}.

That is a very large compression as it were, and it
means that a great deal more than the ordinary
amount of trouble is quite likely to rome. I think it

has been the experience of most of us that it does
come, and that v7e do get abnormal kanna in many
ways. It is not for us to grumbk* at it ; it is the very
sign that our offer lias been accepted. We ought to

rejoice in it, if we only understood it. fci Bistt inunler
to make thr best of it, you muht i)cur it rhrcTfuliy»
gladly," because by so doing yw can makr goud
karma for the future, and you ma\ vrr\ ra^h in,ik<*

bad karma in the bearing of buttering it \ou <io not
take it in the right wa\* If \ou pumblr and nuke