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TWENTY-THIRD TALK          453

you has. If new facts which are told us fit in with
that scheme at once, we are ready to accept these as
probable, without demanding exact proof for them.
We say, (< Yes, that seems very likely; that fits
in very well; probably that is so." If, on the
other hand, we are told something which does not
in any way gear in with all we knew before, we
probably, if we are average people, reject it altogether.
If, however, you have experience in the study of the
inner side of things, you very soon abandon the sort
of attitude which refuses to accept the thing because'
it does not gear in with what you already know. You
simply put such things aside, suspending your judg-
ment, neither accepting nor declining to accept tbem^
but merely sstying, " From what I have seen so far,
that does not seem to be likely, but I do not deny it.
I simply put it aside and wait for further light."
Into such an attitude as that I have come myself.
In fact, I find that, in this Theosophical study,
either one knows a thing or one suspends one's
opinion about it.  It is quite futile to say that,
because a thing is not in one's experience, therefore
it cannot be. That is the tendency at first, but it is
the tendency of ignorance. There are vast numbers
of things, laws of nature, huge facts staring us in the
face all the time, which we do not know as yet. It
is just as well to recognise that in the beginning and
to be prepared for it. We must take it for granted
that, as time goes on, we shall be confronted with a