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TWENTY-SIXTH TALK           5l9

have been, except tlyit one must learn something
first before one can be of use to others.

It says heire: (t It is not so much desire as will."
I remember the* Master K.H. saying a very im-
portant thing about that once to Alcyone. Remember
it is the Master M. who stands on the First Ray, the
strong point of which is Will and Power. The
Master K. H. belongs to the Second Ray, that of
Wisdom and of Love ; but nevertheless He spoke as
a man on the First Ray might have spoken. When
Alcyone said something about desiring to attain a
certain quality, his Master said to him: u Do not
desire" a thing, desire is a feeble thing ; will, because
you are God. You are God. If you want to acquire
a quality, will^to do so and do it." That is very well
worth remembering. Do not desire a thing, desire is
feeble. You desire something which you are not
quite sure of getting. In this case you may be
absolutely sure, because you are God. If you desire
a thing, go and do it. Do not waste your time desiring ;

just set your will. And &at, as coming from One
who is not on the special line of Will, struck us all
the more.

You see how emphatically that is the point of view
of the Hierarchy. It is very important indeed for
every one of us to understand the Master's point of
view, because it is precisely that—His point of view,
His attitude and His way of looking at things—
which brought Him where He is now. And then He