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Full text of "Sri Sai Baba`S:Charters And Sayings"

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5oF» TU h^>\ <f u nu H i i ^i rm MAMTH"


in HoShoni. \uth Mi. U^ ^if*u hie of S. Mhan^ I
l^rnm tlir kind of thiu  v-hith i thou :ht and said
anil dono Sn tin \<n do (   1? tin u imhul i'iassis
du^n tli( ic iri Lnn^m*  1 f^uf iiit t t^i**^liohad
not tlir Di\ inr ^i»aiL ulu< li - h tu«»! tliat lir uah still
a *rmiL  If it i^ tiiic uf tli« ?. it i^ .1 tliou .nmi times
inon* trur t»f all the iprupir ^^11 i«rrt rirr) <$4V, Mho
an*, on flu1 ^Ii<»li\ quitr n^.iN^ loltir ,in4 ^u^ll inclining
pcuj^i*. (Uvf thrm. llltU'ft'lr. tile cn^lSt nf tlh* )N^£
mi^anini;-  If you 4ir \\r((nr, \<»tir ^lii'JttIv hi^Wr,
slightly iH^trr ttiuti^Iit ^tnmt tlum mill .irt uiKHithem
and actually do thrm gt»(Hl.  It i< tru^ tliat, if vou
think wdl» y<nt air urtu,Uh lirijtin^ ttirtn.   The
clairvoyant ca» ^t'f flu* tli^n^.lit ^ »»f «»iir {4*isuti ^oing
to another and lHi//iiti^ lEuiind him likt* 11, rinnd
of mosquitoes, Ttit*v <\innot itrt iij v,hilr IN* is
occniiit'd I)^> ;-4mu* utiii^" ni.itt^i, ^liilr lir i*» tiu'ttkiiig
strongly erf am tiling ; I>nt ^Itrn lii^ tlmi»|^it for the
moment slackens, wlirfi lu* i^ [H'rtKii?-* i.itlirr nit^Ii"
tativ<*» jHThai^ timl, i^rSiuj^ u littir ul^ritt-ttiindrd
for the moment, th^n tlii* thin^ romr. in.

This is one <»f thr gn'at i^il^ of thi. vrry gossip,
You know the Master i^lU you, n litllr lat^r on, that
if, as happens in most riis<% ^hut vou ttunk i^ not
true, then your thought may artiulh nmkr hifii ^hat
you think. I^or your thought ,sitg^<^t?. tlir I^M, and
if there be something in him \\hirh rrsjNmdh -and
after all there are the remnants of unnmt ill in all
of us, it may stir up a trifling rdic of cvil» m\ if it i.s