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THIRTY-FIRST TALK           645

working of our kamaa. They maybe able* to bring
down more, so that the man may be rid of it and may
get it out <rf the. way. It may cause them to alter
the incidence ai»d bring it down in some other way.
But whatever is done is done for the best—for every
one and not for a few only; and so, as I said in that
lecture, we surely should not try to alter God's "will.
We should thankfully accept whatever comes to us,
always making the best of it, not the worst, always
taking it as a lesson, taking our difficulties as some-
thing to be dominated. We should not just lie down
and endure; we should take them and try to transmute
them, so as to make good qualities and good karma
for the future. You must trust the law utterly. All
is going as well as (taking everything into account)
it can go. At any moment, you may, by throwing
into it a new impulse of your will, or power, or good
and noble feeling, make it possible to go a great deal
better. We are not the slaves of destiny; but we
may be sure that all that comes to us is absolutely the
best that can com%.