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Full text of "Sri Sai Baba`S:Charters And Sayings"

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That is a very quaint little bit of verse; c^f course
that is not written by Alcyone. I believe it was
found, most of if, in some Christian tract. The
first line or two we ourselves had to add. The
thing was in a mangled condition ; only part of it was
discovered, but it is not our work, save for the,first

•two lines, and I presume it was intended in the tract
to refer to the Master Jesus, but at any rate it comes
in very well indeed with reference to our Master.

You see, we speak of 6i Watching the Hidden
Light5). Those of you who are Masons know very
well what was the Hidden Light in the Mysteries of
Ancient Egypt, and what was the Hidden Work
which in Egypt we were always trying to do, because
that was the very work which we are even now trying
to carry out, and you know very well therefore that
is still one of the Master's most important branches
of work—a very necessary part of the work to be
done for Them. The Hidden Work which produces
the Hidden Light; so, yol^see, we are to be watching
and working and trying to catch our Master's signal

—t His Slightest thought "->

Now there are three things which prevent our
doing that; there is the struggle for existence in the
world; there is the great crowd of people about us in
the world; and then there are what are called the
pleasures of the world. Those three things more or
less bedoud and confuse many people, so that they
cannot at once catch the thought of the Master.