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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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YWal               In             (or        properly,

jwrhaps, 11 knowledge of the vocal prtnvKHew) may tend
lit         degree In counteract physical

AH for tltr                    exercise* themHdvett, It in

evident           any           of practice

of the                              til the

of a fiartiriikr form of

It  IH que*4ioualiU%                              a                 in

of        this particular form t»f               would

IH»  of  any                         to  the  MUintnerer.   The

UHiUH'tuted   with   thew   vtn:ul

tif courae, UNU! t<i a IrrnjKiniry in-

nf tlir lUMHiHtit*   imagen*'^ Practice of

the direct         indirec.t at lark                              tht*

inuges <if cleiti^te                                     linci

In tiiln               jir«w tHrnelktal.   The                of the

prove              In

the            cif #t

of the                 On thv other             the prac*

litre of the                                                        inttmsify

in                              Tin* vari-

fur                  flu? **rlii:k of the glottiH*'

the  motor                          couki of

bt*                                          In particular

"• ITic                                                of            probably

the  acouMic.                                       ;

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