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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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the kinaesthetic images of labial movements, and thus
lead indirectly to greater dejoniteness of the motor
images of the lip-movements associated with the pro-
duction of vowels. If this should occur, the exercises
might prove beneficial if employed purposefully
and with discretion. The practice of reading with
closed jaws would be likely to inculcate a pernicious
habit; hence, should certainly be tabooed. — The
tongue-exercises might prove valuable in improving
one's consciousness of lingual movements and in inten-
sifying the kinaesthetic imagery. They should prove
valuable to the stammerer that is endeavoring to
supplement his auditory images of vowels by kinaes-
thetic images of the movements by which the vowels
are produced. As the lingual exercises are employed
at present — to facilitate the production of "refractory
consonants" — they are certainly useless.

We come now to the various exercises in articula-
tion— represented occasionally as furnishing drill
for the articulative organs, but usually as affording
"practice" in the formation of consonants.

We give below, a number of articulatory exercises,
all of which are in use in different stammering-schools:

Prefix each of the consonants of the alphabet (excepting
c and x) to each of the vowels, a, e} i, o, u.1 Thus:

1 For other vowel-series employed, see footnote on p. 42.