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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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One French institution alone boasts more than
three hundred of these articulatory and vocal
drills. The examples given will suffice, however,
to illustrate the general nature of the articula-
tion-practice usually prescribed. There are, of
course, such inventions as articulatory exercises
combined with dumb-bell drill and marching; but
any further exercises that might be described would,
on the whole, be little more than variants of those
already given.

And what is it all good for ?
More than half a century ago Klencke expressed
himself on the matter as follows:l

"Inasmuch as nearly every stutterer has certain consonants
which give him more trouble than others — for example, d,
t, n} &, p, m, —I, in the beginning of my practice, prepared
special exercises of the difficult consonantal combinations,
such as dat de, di, do, du, etc.; taught him how to use tongue
and lips, and kept him at this drill until he was able not only to
form the consonants physically correct, but also in their proper
relation and in the most varied combinations. Such a course
I deemed indispensable, because I saw how many a stutterer
did not fulfil the conditions necessary to the production of a
consonant in connection with a vowel. He would, for example,
run out the tongue when attempting to articulate d or n, or
squeeze the lips tightly together in p or I. However, I have
dispensed with this practice (which is given in detail in my

lUHeilung des Stotterns." Translation taken from The Voice,
Vol. I, p. 121.