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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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the position occupied for ft.   The lips are often somewhat

00 as in mood: The back of the tongue is raised almost to                  ;

the soft palate.   The lips are rounded and protruded, the labial                 *

orifice being extremely small.                                                                ;;

00 as in hook: The back of the tongue is lowered slightly                 f

from the position for do.   The labial orifice is slightly larger.                    I

A as in an: The fore part of the tongue is in its lowest posi-                 |

tion; the back is high.   The mouth is well open, and there is                 |

no rounding of the lips.                                                                       |

E as in met: The fore part of the tongue is raised slightly                 |

from the position occupied for ft (the lower jaw rising with the                 I

tongue).   There is no rounding of the lips; on the contrary,                 I

the corners of the mouth are often slightly retracted.                               I

/ as in bit: The front of the tongue is raised from its position
for £, and is very near the hard palate; the lateral edges of the
tongue may be in contact with the upper bicuspids. The lower                 j

jaw, of course, rises with the tongue.   The corners of the mouth
are slightly retracted.                                                                           j

Ea.sin.feel: The fore part of the tongue is almost in contact
with the hard palate (the lateral edges of the tongue may
actually touch the palate). The corners of the mouth are

0 as in so: The back of the tongue is high, the fore part low.
The lips are somewhat rounded when vocalization begins.
As the vowel is enunciated, the labial orifice is reduced to the
position occupied for dd". — The vowel 8 is a diphthong,
with the first element a monophthong [intermediate between
# and aw and with the second element do. Like all diph-
thongs, the vowel is a glide from one monophthong to another,
rather than a sequence of two pure monophthongal elements.

/ as in might: This vowel is a diphthong composed of the
elements ah and &