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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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It need scarcely be said that little benefit would
accrue to the stammerer from deliberately according
to the consonants a forceful articulation. The
average subject articulates far too forcibly as it is,
and in most cases the practice would tend merely to
enhance physical stammering. In some instances the
procedure might lead to the conversion of "stutter-
ing" (repetitive stammering) into compressive stam-
mering ; but here we should have retrogression rather
than advancement. The gist of the matter is that
forcible articulation can in no way mitigate pure
stammering; while it can greatly aggravate physical
stammering. There is therefore no argument for it,
but a cogent argument against it.

A somewhat general maxim frequently commended
to the stammerer is, "Take care of the consonants,and
the vowels will take care of themselves." We quote
the two following passages introducing the precept:

" Very few people take the trouble to find out how the con-
sonants are made by the vocal apparatus. The whole cry is
vowels, vowels, vowels. If you will take care of the conso-
nants, the vowels will take care of themselves. You must speak
with vowels, but so many disregard the consonants and think
they are of no moment."

And thus the second passage:

" Read and speak SLOW; and take care of the consonants, cmd
the vowels will take care of themselves " (Kingsley),