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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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Occasionally the stammerer is counselled to cir-
cumvent "troublesome initial consonants" by de-

taching them from the body of the word. He is ad-
vised to make a distinct pause between the consonant
and the succeeding vowel, and later to             the

pause till it becomes " imperceptible ** (or is actually
eliminated). Reading-practice is of course pre-


1 1— ooked t— o th— -c w— eather »— Me, and th— - e s— -tim-
mer h-*ad d— eparted. Th— e s«—ea W"-a» r— ocking, ami
sh— aken w— "ith g--athering wr— ath. Upon its s— urface
s— at m— 'ighty m— ists, wh— ich gr- -wiped th -emaelvoi
into arches and 1— ong c —athtilral aisles. D—own one of
th— cse, w— ith t— he f^-iery p • *ace of a qu "-artel f r —om
a cr— oss-b— ow, r-— an a fr-"igate r"-ight athwart our
c— ourse* u Are th— ey m-*ad ? " s— -ome v— oice ex-
claimed fr— om our d—eck. **D-o th—ey W--CKI th-*eir
r— uin?" B-— ut in a m— oment, m sli-^* w-—as d— one up-
on us, S-— ome impulse of a h«— eacly r— urrent or
v— ortex g—avc a wh • -Deling b-*iiis t -o h— t*r c
and off sh—e f-- orged w*"4thout a ah '-ock. As i*h— c r— an
p— ast us, h— igh aloft amongst th-~e »hr—oud» »t— IKK!
th-— e 1— -ady of tli**^ p— -innace» Th— tj d-'ttqis o|>ened
ahead in m— alice t— o r— cceive h-"tsrf t- Cowering spurge*
of f— oam r— -iin after h— er, th— e b— illows w~-ere f— ierce
t — o c — atch h-— er,


B-ut f-ar away sh-e w-a» b-ornt? into d-esert ip«acw of
th-e s-ea: wh»ilst st»ill b-y slight 1 f«ollowed h*erf as