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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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OF ENUNCIATION, ETC           155

'* As we have observed, reading in this way usually proceeds
without stuttering; yet, should any difficulty be found* the
syllable or word must be repeated until the whole sentence can
be spoken fluently and perfectly* The words which form the
sentence should be read syllabically, as 'An-ton-loves-his-
broth-er,' In doing this, the stutterer should take care not to
read, or subsequently talk, In a mechanical, musical measure,
as has been recommended by former speech-physicians. For,
besides being only a tem{x>rury advantage and afterward be-
coming wholly ufteleHH, it is a new defect of speech acquired
as it poor exhttnge for his stuttering, Reading should be
done deliberately and carefully, but not in a monotonous
manner. In thin rvfijxrct my method is to be preferred, for
in all of its part* it rests Ufmn natural lawn. Thin reading
should continue, m a rule, for half an hour, in which time
from jo to jo nentences are practised. On the next day the
sentences (should br longer, say from 5 to 6 words in length,
liiid ihi» number increased daily until sentences of 20 to jo
wtmlH are practised and sjH)k«*n syllable by syllable, during
one exhalation, with careful oliservance of the rales already

Another instructor presents syllabication of allit-
erative sentences. We give below, a few of the exer-
cises, together with the prefatory Instructions:

M Fill your lungs constantly.


** Monotone (the words tx?ing pronounced in syllables, with
a break between each)*

"MM. If tilt* stammerer will *drap the jaw1 at the first
syllable of word in exercbte 'A* he will find his difficulty