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!                                     MODES OF ENUNCIATION, ETC          171

h                  only five or ten words, has a quieting


Colombat's "otf&ophonic" system Is still practi-
cally intact in a number of American and European
institutions. The system is particularly rampant

in the United States of America, where it is virtually
the entire 4< method " of three of the largest stam-
mering schools. The '* metrical" speech of the "or-
thophonic " method is implied in the names of
several American and English "systems" or "speech
I                     institutions," Colombat?s "muthonome" has ticked

|                      Its way almost  the round of  a century.    In  an

^                     American institution it is now a "Word Regulator";

r                     in an English school it is again a metronome: but

*'.                     with its various aliases and guises it still rattles on.

*                         It may be of interest to note that rhythm, as a

|                      remedy for stammering, did not originate even with

\                      Cobmbal;   though the latter was undoubtedly the

'(                      first to put the complete system into print.   Colombat

was in many respects a type of the modern "speech
specialist/9 and he purloined most of his "inventions"
from other investigators- According to Chervin:2

"Colombat appropriated Rullicr'n theory of the cause of
stammering, He borrowed from Scrrc d'Alais his classification
of stammering and his isockr&ne, which he christened iwutho-

1 Quoted from aa English tranitaticm.

1" B%aiemeiit et                          foaedonneUes dc la purole,"

;'                         3d edn p. 190*