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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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watchfully follow its rhythmic beats, he may secure
some degree of fluency. This success may also be
achieved if he will beat time with a baton or with his
hand, or will kick the wall at every syllable. Such
is the potency of the system. But when the stam-
merer ceases to apply these royal remedies, he will
almost certainly stammer as before.

Wyneken, who attended the old Katenkamp In-
stitute (a school in many respects superior to a num-
ber of modern American stammering-schools) writes
thus of his experiences:1

"Now comes the most difficult task for the stammerer —
resorting to rhythmical speech. He must pronounce every
sentence as a polysyllabic word. He must speak slowly, and
must accord all syllables a like duration. Where one would
punctuate, he must carefully inhale.

"When the pupil has observed metrical speech for several
weeks in the institute, and has become thoroughly accustomed
to it, he is permitted — if no difficulties have occurred — to
come gradually into contact with strangers. He is sent on
errands (this usually furnishes a difficult task for the stam-
merer), and is at various times addressed suddenly and un-
expectedly. If he successfully withstands these tests after
he has employed rhythmic speech for several months, he is
discharged as cured.

"This is the formal procedure if progress has been con-
tinual and uninterrupted; but unfortunately this seldom oc-
curs. Only a very few fortunate ones find themselves per-
manently rid of their stammering. The majority immediately

1 "Ueber das Stottern und dessen Heilung," pp. 24 ff.