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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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So many contingencies are involved. Want of personal knowl-
edge of a case, the temperament, the surroundings, the char-
acter, and of the many circumstances attendant thereon, offer
insurmountable difficulties."

"Correspondence classes . . . have recently been formed.
Results guaranteed."

"Many persons have written to me to inquire if I could give
them printed or written instructions that would serve the same
purpose as their presence at my school, to which question I
have invariably answered, No."

"It was formerly a prevalent idea that the Cure of Stammer-
ing, without personal instruction, was an impossible undertak-
ing. Theoretical writers gave it as their opinion, and practical
instructors as the result of their experience. . . .

"It is now unnecessary to prove that the cure without per-
sonal instruction is theoretically possible, since the result is

annually attained by The-----System in numerous instances

without difficulty, and any method that will not stand this
test must be incomplete or erroneous."

"The method of cure cannot be imparted through corre-
spondence ; cannot be written down so as to be of any advan-
tage to an uninstructed person."

"I cordially invite sufferers from this distressing condition
to allow me to prescribe for them individual courses of my
treatment, which can be successfully carried out at home,
occupying but a few minutes of the day, and interfering with
no business, domestic or social engagement."

It is scarcely necessary for us to discuss the merits
(or demerits) of correspondence schools. These
schools impart nothing that is not accessible in works