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" STAMMERING-SCHOOLS "                257

on elocution or stammering. The "correspondence
pupil" merely pays a higher price for his information
and gets it in instalments.

Nevertheless^ the proprietors of the institutions
are not always disinterested in their arguments against
correspondence treatment. The instructor that writes
of temperament, surroundings, character, and con-
tingencies, finds that stammering is attempting to
speak in an impossible way. He says there is only
one way to speak; and when you pay, he shows you.

Another "specialist" has overcome a good many
dilemmas. In his advertising literature he says:

"There are no fewer than twenty or more entirely different
and distinct types of stammering and stuttering, and there is
no set plan or code of rules or exercises that will apply to all

cases alike/*

"Each case," says the same specialist, "must receive indi-
vidual care and instruction." *

Since writing all this, the "specialist" has de-
vised a Home Course that costs forty dollars; and
on some points he has changed Ms opinion,

But all this discussion is rather idle. Corre-
spondence schools are few and sporadic. They prob-
ably do very little good and very little harm; and
they need not be taken seriously.

Residential and similar institutions have existed

1 His pupils, however, are taught m masse, and the one remedy
for their twenty types of stammering is beating time.