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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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STAMMERING-SCHOOLS"                259

2. A Representative American System

Inhale through the nose, breathing diaphragmatically.

Start from the closed position.

Give light articulation to closed consonants.

Open the mouth widely for continuous consonants.

Lower the pitch for vowels*

Beat time with the hand, and utter one syllable to a beat,

Speak slowly.

Eschew tea, coffee, and tobacco,

Be positive: "YouVe got to be It."


Ling's Swedish gymnastic exercises.
Respiratory exercises, with and without duiatkbell dril|
Vocal exercises, with and without dumb-be|l 4nli
Rhythmic speaking while marching, pdrfoiSK

exercises, etc.                                          7

Asking and answering questions; telling storift??

platform; etc. — always with rhythmic speech. ^
"Stranger-practice,"                                 ,/        /j


j. A Representative Canadian System-^   *m

Inhale before speaking.

Drop the jaw; keep the muscles of the throat aiut^i

Prefix the vowel ah to tie initial word in otdeif&j open

glottis.                      ,                                  ^i

IMnk sound.

Produce sound promptly.                                  *^*

Speak in a low pitch.
Maintain continuity of sound.
Articulate lightly; omit the more difficult consonants.

1A period of silence is observed at the beginning of treatment.