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" STAMMERING-SCHOOLS "                265

percentage of cures that this particular "specialist"
effected. In reply he received a rambling letter and
a collection of circus-bills describing the activities
of the institution. As this was rather indefinite,
the writer made another attempt, asking the specific
questions :

"Does the proportion of complete and permanent cures
exceed ten per cent ?

aln cases where pupils have tried the methods of other insti-
tutions, does the proportion exceed five per cent ?

" Would you state specifically what percentage of cures you
achieve ? "

The reply was as follows :

"Dear Sir:

" I am in receipt of your letter of Dec. 2oth. Replying thereto
will say that any case of stammering or stuttering regardless
of the cause or severity of the case can be entirely and perma-
nently cured by my methods of instructions, that is, where the
individual who is under our instructions possesses the ordinary
amount of intelligence. It is necessary, of course, for the
pupil to do his part.

" Very truly yours,

The principal of this particular school guarantees
to cure stammering. His reply was therefore in-

The writer continued his investigations, and at the

1 The remedy employed in this school is rhythmic speech.